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A19564 Catechismus, that is to say, a shorte instruction into Christian religion for the synguler commoditie and profyte of childre[n] and yong people. Set forth by the mooste reuerende father in God Thomas Archbyshop of Canterbury, primate of all England and Metropolitane Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556.; Jonas, Justus, 1493-1555. 1548 (1548) STC 5993; ESTC S109272 142,949 534

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this fashion we ought to behaue our selues towardes our fathers and mothers and when so euer we be able to do them any pleasure we must honour them after the sayde maner and reuerently beseche thē that they wyll take well in worth suche small tokens of our deutye and loue towardes them For we can not rendre vnto oure fathers mothers any gyft or presente so weyghty y t shal be able to coūterpoyse the kyndnes which they haue deserued at our handes or can in any part recumpense the great goodnes benefites which thei haue heaped vpō vs without nūbre So good children note well I pray you what is ment by this worde honor whiche in this place comprehēdeth feare dreade reuerence obedience loue towardes our parentes and that it is oure dewtie to lade theim with all kindes of gentlenes and lyberalitie And when we haue donne all that we can do yet not to loke for thankes againe at their handes but rather to thanke them that they wolde vouchesafe so gently to accept our small benefytes For god hath appointed thē to be our maisters tutors and gouernors ouer vs wherefore of dewtye we owe vnto them this seruice and obedience And onlesse we ordre our selues to oure parentes after suche maner as is before rehersed God wil be greuously offēded with vs sore punishe vs. As it is plainly declared in Moses law in the .xxi. chapter of Deuteronomie where these wordes are writtē If a man haue a frowarde and stubburne childe whiche wil not heare his fathers mothers cōmaundemēt beyng corrected disdaines to obey them they shall take him bryng him before the iudges of the cytie and shall saye thus Thys oure sonne is stubburne disobedyent he wil not heare vs nor be ruled by vs he is a ryoter lyueth vngodly Then all the people shall stone him to death that this myscheuous wede may be weded out of y e congregation and al the people maye heare of his punishmēt and feare to committe lyke offēce Hereby you may learne good children how greatly thys synne dyspleaseth God seyng that in hys lawe he hath appoynted so payneful a punishement for dysobedient children Hitherto you haue herde what it is to honor your parētes now heare also the cause why God hathe so diligētly cōmaunded this thinge Our lorde God hath gyuen vs so many benefites by our fathers and mothers y t no tongue can worthely expresse theim For God vseth our parentes as his meanes by whome he gyueth vs lyfe breth fode and al thinges necessarie to the maintenaūce of this lyfe Therfore we oughte to wourshyp theym as the chosen instrumentes of God And forasmuche as God hymselfe is inuisible to vs here in earth whome we neyther se bodily nor heare hys voyce therfore he hathe appoynted oure fathers and mothers in hys stede to talke wyth vs and to teache vs what we ought to do and what to eschewe Euen as the scholemaster doth oftentymes commyt hys scholers to hys vscher that he in the scholemasters absence maye teache and gouerne them and hym they ought to reuerence and obey And as the scholemaster doth sharpely correcte chastiseth those schollers y t wyl not be ruled by his vscher so God wil greuously punyshe those children y t doeth not obey their fathers mothers For he hath appoynted them to be his deputies vschers in y e educatiō gouernāce of vs his children For God is the chefeste worker and maker of all thynges he is the hyghest scholemaker and our fathers mothers are the instrumentes and toyles wherby God doth worke vs make vs and fashyoneth vs. For God is the eternall and mooste maruelous creator and he daylye doeth create But when he entendeth to make mā he maketh him not now of a glod of earth as he did whē he first made Adam but he vseth our parētes to this straunge wondrefull worke maketh vs by theym And this is the firste and greatest benefite that God by oure parentes doth gyue vs bothe bodye and sowle And after that yonge chylderne be borne into this world we se how they lye certen yeres crying in their cradels not able to helpe themselues At what tyme excepte God did nouryshe vs by oure fathers and mothers ther wer no remedie but y t we muste neades peryshe And when god doth entend to feade vs in our cradels he doth not sende downe breade from heauen as he did Māna but he wonderfully fylleth our mothers dugges full of mylke wherwyth she may gyue sucke to vs and also he sendeth to oure fathers sufficiente riches wherby they maye brynge vp their children And this is the seconde benefite that God by our parentes doth nurse vs feade vs and bryng vs vp more tendrely then the henne doth her yong chekyns Furthermore God sendeth vs Christian parētes which cause vs to be baptised and grafted into Christ and to be made the children of God For yf our parentes were not christened we were lyke to be wrapped in cōtinuall blindnes and errours For you see no Iewes children come to be baptised and if we should haue heathen parentes dye without baptisme we should be dāned euerlastingly And in case we died not in our infancie yet we shoulde be vngodly brought vp in thouses of Heathē and vnchristened parentes and should be taughte euen from oure tendre age to hate and dispise the trew faith of Christ as we may see an example by Turkes Iewes children whiche vehemently hate the fayth of Christ among tenne thousād of them scase one desireth to be baptised And this is y e third great benefit y e God by our parētes doth brīg vs to baptisme to Christ his church doth plant in our hertes an ernest loue towards Christes religion that wyllynglye and gladly we become Christians Besides this when we be growē to suche age y t it is tyme for vs to go to schole then god teacheth vs by our parentes his most excellent doctrine that is to saye tharticles of our faythe the ten commaundementes the Lordes prayer Furthermore oure parentes do teache vs the nourture and ciuilitie of good maners that we maye proue gentle quiet and faire cōditioned and suche with whom honest men wyll be gladde to kepe companye From our parentes we haue oure countrey then whyche nothynge is more pleasant vnto vs and the fredome fraunchesies and lyberties of y e citie in the whiche we wer borne Our parentes also leaue vnto vs oftētimes great plentie of riches and landes for oure inherytāce They also teache vs dyuerse wayes of marchaundise mani handycraftes and all kyndes of sciences by the which we may honestly and in the waye of treuth get oure lyuyng here in this world And although they be compelled of necessitie oftentymes to vse the ayde and helpe of scholemasters and other connyng men in dyuerse kyndes of faculties yet because all these thinges be done at the commaundemente costes and charges
broughte in of later yeres whiche bryngeth vs not vnto the true knowledge of god but leadeth vs into errors and ignoraunce of God But if you wil lyfte vp your mindes to god good children to know his diuine maiestye hys infinite power wysedome goodnes and other his godlye perfections loke not vpon a deafe domme blynde lame and deade ymage made by a painter or caruers handes but loke vpon heauen and other creatures made by goddes awne handy worke loke vpon man who cā speake see smell heare feale and go and hath lyfe wyl and reason and whome no man but God himselfe made to be his lyuely image and similitude We haue also y e holy scriptures whiche declare vnto vs the wonderful workes of God by which thynges wee maye be ledde to the knowledge of God without painted or carued ymages Now paraduēture some wil say that Christ hathe a bodye and lykewyse haue saintes therfore of them we may haue ymages althoughe of God there can be made no ymage And further they wil say that the cause why ymages wer forbid was perryl of ydolatry and worshipping of theym So that where there is no suche peril we may haue ymages Yet as I will not vtterly deny but they may be had so I thincke it more cōuenient for christē religion that they shuld be taken out of Christen mens churches then that they shoulde be placed in the temple of God And of this my opinion I wil shewe you certaine good groundes to thintente that whan you be demaunded why we Englyshe men haue no ymages in our churches you maye be able to make therunto a reasonable aunswer and that also in time to come you may declare to your children what abuses haue crepte into the church by the occasion of ymages That if anye man shall hereafter god about craftily to brynge in ymages agayne for hys owne lucre sake they maye the soner perceyue hys Iuglynge and so the better auoide the perill and daunger Fyrst it is certaine that we neither haue commaundement counsell nor example of the scripture nor of the primatiue churche in thapostilles time nor many yeres after to set vp ymages in our churches As it maye appeare by the holy mā Epiphanius Bishop of Cypres a man of great estimation an .xi. hundreth yeres passed for his great lernyng and vertue and by whom not only in his lyfe tyme but also after his death god wrought many miracles He in an epistle which he wrote to the Bysshoppe of Hierusalem whiche epistle saint Hierome did translate out of Greke into Latine writeth that as he passed y e contrey about Hierusalem he founde in a church a cloth painted hauing the image of Christ or of a saynte And whā I saw saied he an ymage of a mā hang in the church of Christe contrarie to the authoritie of the scripture I cut it in peces counseled thē to buri some pore dead mā therin And after he wrote to the Bysshop of Hierusalem that he shuld commaunde al the priestes not to suffer suche images beynge contrary to our religion to hange in the church of christ Wherby it appeareth y t in those dayes ymages were not alowed to be sette vp in churches amonge christen menne yea al thoughe it were the ymage of Christe or any sayncte but that the vsage of ymages beganne after that tyme. And yf we wyl beleue aūcient Histories ymages wer brought into churches by the pollicye and force of the Byshoppes of Rome many good christian Emperors withstanding the same to their power But Idolatrie by the byshoppes of Rome preuailed and seduced many Christen Realmes Moreouer many images teache nothyng elles but erronious and supersticiouse doctrine For what reachethe the picture of sayncte Mychael waying soules and our lady putting her beades in the balaunce Forsoth nothing els but superstitiousnes of beades and cōfidence in oure owne merites and the merites of saincts nothynge in the merites of Christe For wheras oure good workes be not able to way against the deuel our lady muste laye her beades in balaūce that is to say wil workes diuised of oure awne braynes not commaūded of God and by them to saue vs. Which doctrine is very false and iniuriouse to Christe What did y e ymage of saint Sondaye teache But that Sondaye was an holye man accordynge to the which teaching beggers asked their almes for saynct Sondayes sake But I wyll leaue to speake of the euell doctrine whiche was taught by Images and I wyll declare vnto you y e ymages haue bene so abused that all the goodnes whiche myght come by theym was neuer cōparable to the great ignoraunce and blyndnes the superstition and idolatrie whiche haue been brought in and cōmitted by meanes of thē The whiche abuses good children your owne fathers yf you aske theym can well declare vnto you For they themselfes wer greatly seduced by certayne famouse and notoriouse ymages as by our lady of walsingham oure ladye of Ippeswiche Saynt Thomas of Canterbury Sainct Anne of Buckestone the roode of Grace and suche lyke whom many of your parentes vilitide yerely leauinge their owne houses and familyes To thē they made vowes pilgrimages thinkyng that God would heare their prayers in that place rather than in another place They kissed their feete deuoutrly and to theim they offred candles and ymages of waxe rynges beades gold and syluer aboundantly And because they that so taught them had ther by great cōmoditie they mainteined the same with fayned myracles and erroniouse doctrine teaching the people that God would heare their prayers made before this image rather than before another ymage or in another place wheras the Prophete Esay sayth that God doeth heare those that be truely penitent in euery place a lyke But peraduenture some wyl saye they dyd neuer teache vs to kneele to y e ymage but before the image But who I pray you gaue them commission to teache you to kneele before the ymage yf you make youre praiers to God why lyfte you not bothe your eyes and handes to heauen where God is why loke you rather vpon the walles vpon stockes and stones then thitherward where you knowe he is to whome you make your prayers What nedest thou which arte the ymage of God to kneele before the ymage of man Again they that be greued with takyng downe of ymages out of the churches will parchaunce say We worshipped not y e image but the sainct whome the ymage dyd signifye And who I praye you commaundeth you after this fashion to worship any sainct why shoulde wee geue that honoure to sainctes nowe after their deathe whiche they themselfes whan they were on lyue dyd vtterly refuse Yf a Christen man althoughe in dede he were a very holy man and a lyuing saint should set himself vpon an aulter in the church you would say to him come down syr that is no place for you to stande in And why shoulde than dōme ymages stande there whan they be
as ymages be neither necessary nor profitable in our churches and tēples nor were not vsed at the begynnynge in Christe nor thapostilles tyme nor many yeres after and that at length they were brought in by Byshoppes of Rome maugre Thēperours tethe seing also that they be veri slaunderous to Christes relygion for by them the name of God is blasphemed among the infideles Turkes and Iewes whiche because of oure ymages do call christen religion Idolatry and wourshipping of ymages And for asmuche also as they haue bene so wonderfully abused within this Ralme to the highe contumelye and dyshonor of God and haue been great cause of blyndnes and of muche contention amonge the kinges maiesties louing subiectes and were lyke so to be still yf they shoulde remayne and chiefly seyng goddes worde speaketh somuche against thē You may herby right well consydre what greate causes and groundes the kinges maiestie had to take them away within his Realme folowing herin the example of the godly kinge Ezechias who brake downe the brasen serpent whan he sawe it worshypped and was therefore greatly praysed of God not withstandynge at the firste the same was made and set vp by goddes commaundemente and was not only a remembraūce of goddes benefites before receaued but also a figure of Christ to come And not onely Ezechias but also Manasses and Iosophat and Iosias the best kynges that were of the Iewes did pull doune ymages in the tyme of their Reygne Consider than howe Godlye anacte is this to take away so manye ymages not made by goddes cōmaundementes wherunto contrary to goddes commaundementes and his honor wer so manye Idolatries cōmitted For vnto Christē Princes office and cure appertayneth y e defēce of goddes true word Christē relygion to take away all those thinges which hynder or let true godlynes and relygion or make trouble contention within their realmes So good children you haue herde the true meanyng of these wordes Thou shalt make to the no grauē ymage thou shalt not bowe downe worship y e same the which I pray you graue depely in your memories y t whē you be demaunded what is ment by the wordes heretofore rehersed you may answer This cōmaundemēt forbiddeth vs al kind of ydolatry aswel bodely as goostly inhibiteth vs to geue y e honor whiche is due vnto god to any creature or ymage of creature but to worshyp God alone And now note further good childrē y t to thintēt we shuld honore only God obey him He saieth y t he is y e Lorde our God in whom be al good thīges of whō wee haue all He saith also y t he is strong of such force y t he can ponishe vs at his pleasure if we dysobey him Moreouer he calleth him selfe Ialose because he can abyde no cōpaniō but as a man y e more pure chast he is y e more he is greued if he perceue his wife to set her loue vpō any other euen so is god who hath takē vs to his spouse if he se vs defiled w t filthy ydolatry Furthermore he saith y t he wyl reuēge his maiesty glori if any mā wil translate y t vnto any creature picture or ymage y t w t such vengeance y t it shal extēde vnto theyr childrē nephewes nephewes childrē Like as on y e other side he promiseth his mercye and goodnes to their posterite that kepe his law cōmaūdementes Employ therfore youre hole hartes myndes to his preceptes good childrē exchewīg al ydolatry or honoring of caruinges or paintīges geue to god only his due honor and glory now frō hensforth world w tout ende Amē The seconde sermon YE haue herd the declaraciō of y e first cōmaundemēt in y e whiche we be taught howe we oughte to behaue oure selues towardes god in our hertes now foloweth y e secōde cōmaūdemēt which is this ¶ Thou shalte not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine for he shal not be gyltles in the sight of the Lorde that taketh his name in vayne THis cōmaūdemēt good childrē teacheth vs how we oughte to behaue our selfes toward God in wourdes biddynge vs not to speake of the name of God in vaine or without great cause but to vse it only whē it tendeth to y e praise and glory of God to the profit of our neighboure that euerye man maye perceaue by oure wourdes and communication that we in our hartes do reuerentlye and humbly feare magnifie and worship God his holy name For by this oure good example other men are prouoked and encoraged to glorifye y e name of God And contrariwyse when in scoffynge iestyng we be lighte to abuse the name of God then other mē are offended therby also are made more vnreuerent toward God and lesse passe of god godly thinges and so by this meanes we burden oure selues with an other mans synne For Christe sayeth in the ghospel of Mathew the .xviii. chapter He that gyueth cause of offence to anye of the weake bretherne it were better for him that a mil stone wer hanged aboute his necke so drowned in the botome of the sea Wherefore I pray you diligently beware that you gyue no such kinde of offēce to your brethrē Wherfore you shal now lerne how the name of God is taken in vaine to thentēt you maye y e soner eschew this syn For y e name of god is takē in vaine diuerse wayes The first is when men gyue the title name of God to those thinges whiche are not God in dede As the heathen did call the Sonne the Moone and the starres goddes also they called certen men as kinges tyrannes goddes as y e Iewes did whiche made a calfe of gold and sayed This is the God whiche brought vs out of Egipt And this good children is so heinous a faulte that God in the olde testamente commaunded him to suffre death that shoulde committe this synne and yf anye citie had so offended he willed y e same cytie to be burned and vtterly destroyed and all that were founde therin to be kylled Therefore let vs dilygently eschew this offence or elles God wyll horriblye punyshe vs. The seconde waye of takynge the name of God in vayne is whē we forswere oure selues or sweare deceiptfully other in commen iudgement or in oure dayly affaires and communicacion entendynge thereby to deceiue our neighbour Wherefore you muste diligentlye take hede that you vse not to swer lyghtly thorough an euell custome but do as Christ teacheth vs. Let your communicacion be yea yea and nay nay But when necessite dryueth you to an othe or y e publyke officer commaundeth you to sweare then be not forsworne but speake the trueth and faithfullye perfourme and obserue that thing that you haue sworne And yf it shall chaunche any of you in tyme to come when you shall come to mans state to be called to