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religion_n church_n faith_n teach_v 4,044 5 6.3549 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17733 Tvvo very notable commentaries the one of the originall of the Turcks and Empire of the house of Ottomanno, written by Andrewe Cambine, and thother of the warres of the Turcke against George Scanderbeg, prince of Epiro, and of the great victories obteyned by the sayd George, aswell against the Emperour of Turkie, as other princes, and of his other rare force and vertues, worthye of memorye, translated oute of Italian into Englishe by Iohn Shute.; Della origine de Turchi et imperio delli Ottomani. English Cambini, Andrea, d. 1527.; Shute, John, fl. 1562-1573. 1562 (1562) STC 4470; ESTC S107293 198,882 250

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kingdome of Naples who passed the sea into Arta hauing with him certaine bands of Italianes men at armes and hauing often tymes to doe with the Turckes gaue them many defeictes and set his sonne in lawe free from the inuasiō and aunoiance of the Turkes enforcing them to retorne 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Romania to holde them with in the confynes therof but thys noble Captaine was not so sone departed oute of Acarnamia and gone home but within shorte space after the Dispotto was betraied by some of his owne people and deliuered on lyue in to the handes of Mahometh with his contre also when George the Dispotto of Seruia harde of the great preparatiō that the Turkes made for the warres being in doute of his state fled into Hungarie and left● his cities and Townes well garded and furmished with souldiours and all kinde of munition and when he was ther arriued to demaunde ayde the king was not there whereupon he went to him where he was in Vienna in Austrice where he founde also freer Iohn Caprestano of the order of Sainet frauncis whoe being a man of good life and an excellent preacher dyd at that time w t great fruite preach the gospel to the Hungarianes and being destrous to talke with the Dispotto sent to him desirīg him that if it were not a trouble vnto him that he wold vouchesafe to speake with him wherunto the Dispotto agreed and vpon a daye they mette and by there Turc● men had great discourse of the Christian faithe and Caprestand dyd approue by great reason the auctoritie of the Romishe churche and the opinion of y e same as touching the Christian faith in such sorte that he constrained the Dispotto not hauing reason to answere for him selfe in that behalfe to yelde and woulde haue had him to refuse y e errour in the which he and his people were and to haue embraced the religion and faith of the Romishe church vnto whome George laying all reason a part answerid I haue lyued these foure score ten yeres in this faithe which was taught me by my forefathers imprinted in mine vnderstanding frō michildhed And amonge my subiectes althoughe I haue ben an in fortunate man I haue ben holden for a reasonable man woldest thou haue me nowe such a one as they seing me chaunged mought thincke that myne age hathe decaied myne vnderstanding in such sorte that I mought goe soocke againe acording to the prouerbe wherfore I wyll loose my lyfe rather then leue the faithe wherin both I my predecessours haue ben norished brought vp with which wordes he departed from Caprestano And for that he coulde obtaine no aide at y e kings hande whoe was much offended with him for his vntrouth he toke his leue not satisfied acording to his expectacion and retorned into Seruia a manifest document to admonyshe men to take hed howe thei vse double dealinge when George was comme home he vnderstode that Michell Zilugo whose systre Vaiuoda had to wife sholde ●e gouernour of the Towne of Alba which at this day ●s called Belgrado and was alredye with his brother Laodislao gone into his wagen to passe on his iourney and as they passed on by the confynes of his centrey he ●ent towarde them certaine bandes of armed men with commissyon to bringe them eyther on lyue or ded as ●one as Michell sawe him selfe like to be assayled by the Seruianes he lefte his wagen and toke his horse which was at hande lepte vpon him and with his sworde in ●is hand dyd cut his waie throughe the middest of them and so with flighte saued his lyfe the Seruianes finding ●aodislao in the wagen slewe him Michel determining to reuenge y e iniurie that was done him and the death of his brother also appointed certaine to goe and to vnderstande in what strength the Dispotto vsed to ryde when he passed from place to place with in his contrey from whom he receaued aduertizement that George with in fewe dayes after wolde passe on vppon the syde of Danubio to visyte certaine fortes and Townes of of force that he had standing vpō the same ryuer wherupon Michell with certaine bandes of souldiours passed on and marched in the nighte and ambusshed them selues vpon the waye that George muste passe and as ●one as George came to the place where they laye in ●mbushe they shewed them selues and with great fu●ie assayled him and in the fighte he loste two of his fingeres and Michell toke him prisouer vnto whome he paied a great summe of money for his rausome and so retorned home to his house and when he came there he coulde by no meanes staunch the bledīg of his wounds which bled continually in such sorte that in short tyme●e died And this was the ende of George the Dispotto of Seruia a man exciding troublouse and full of trea●on in whose place Lazaro his yongest sonne succided him and depriued his elder brother whose eyes were plucked oute by the commaundemente of Amocathe as before is mencyoned wyth in fewe monethes after Lazaro died vpon whose death theyr arose greate contencyon whoe shoulde succid him in state Georg he desired aide of Mahometh the wife of Lazaro being wydow demaūded aide and obtained of the king of Hungarie certaine bandes of both horse men and fote men to maintaine her in her state by the which meanes she contynued in it at that tyme was Carafagio the Cardinall Sainct Angelo in Almayne sent bi Calix to the Bishop of Rome to require them to aide the Hungarianes in that they had begone in the behalfe of the Dowgier Carafagio at the request of the Hungarianes entred with his armie into Seruia and fynding the Turckes alredie possessyd of it by meanes of the Seruians which of their owne acorde had yel ded them vnto them wherupō he retorned backe againe and escaped hardly notwithstanding with great difficultie he came safe to Buda when all these thinges were done it semid to Mahometh that he had well established his affares of Gretia whereupon he prepared his armie and all kinde of munition thereunto belonging determining no lenger to defer the enterprise against y ● Hungarianes for somuch as this occasion was offerred him to be called in to Seruia by the Seruianes them selues wherupon he assembled his armie in the whiche he had acording to the opinion of some wryters a hundred and fyftie thousand able souldiours but their are other that write of whose opinion rather we are that they were a hundred thousande furnished souldiours and were fully perswaded to were the palme of that iorney wherevpon he conueid his armie ouer the mountaines of Tracia and so marched on tyll he came to the ryuer Sauo whervpon Iohn Carafagio Cardinall Sainct Angelo gatherid togyther all the power that he coulde promising to as manye as wolde folowe him in that iorney full remission of their synnes and by the Apostelique autoritie that