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A17357 Iesus præfigured, or, A poëme of the holy name of Iesus in five bookes. The first, and second booke Abbot, John, fl. 1623. 1623 (1623) STC 42; ESTC S1024 69,348 126

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vvith Virtue vvonderfull did place In Berenices hand-kercher his face Each follovving age vvill reuerence the same And he for superstition must haue blame Pictures he saith are good but they are nought VVho haue their goodnesse into question brought Shall not our English Queenes see HELEN make A holy journey for deuotion sake To Salem tovvne vvhere miracles forth-bring The scepter of our vvith-thornes Crovvned King As on King SALOMON the daughters stand Of Sion gazing this vvas in his hand This scepter long time hid in holy ground Is by deuotion of this Empresse found Part of it she vnto Byzantium brings So much that age did esteeme holy things Part vnto Rome vvhere pietie doth build Marmorean Temples and deuotion yeild Iust honours to those Reliques vvhich did beare IESVS as hee o're hell did Tropheies reare Doth not this Queene of those foure nayles make much VVho holied vveare by IESVS bodies touch In her Sons Diadem she placeth one VVhich giues more grace then any Iaspar stone And teacheth CONSTANTINE although he raine That hee 's his substitute vvhom Nayles did paine Tvvo shee doth in his bridle raines inclose To keepe him safe from menaces of foes As IVSTINE on his head these raines vvill vveare The Feindes of Hell him dare not once come neare Hell as yet mindfull of Caluaria fight Is daunted vvith these reliques only sight VVho hath not hard of angrie ADRIAS vvaues VVhere millions of ships haue found their graues But novv that passage shall no more be so For HELEN the fourth nayle vvill in it throe And hee vvho vvith his death made all things eu'n Firming a lasting peace t'vvixt earth and heau'n VVill giue the sanctifyed Nayle a force To make the billovves leaue their vvonted course Neptune appeaseth euery troubled vvaue So great a virtue holy Reliques haue On euery vvall vvhy should not Ladies see Such stories and by them instructed be VVhat vveare the actions of renovvned Dames In antient times vvhere-vvith they made their names In catologue of Saints to be enro'lde And by Fames trumpe in after-times extold VVhy should not euery vvall and corner Preach And vvhat religion HELEN vvas of teach Oh vvicked daies of ours vvhen Danaes rape And naked Goddesses immodest shape As for an Apple they contention had To be descided by the Phrygian lad VVhen vvorkes of Aretines lasciuious hand Shall curiously in chambers painted stand Casting lust darts through vvindovves of the eie And vvith luxurious thoughts make the soule die But Images of Christ his Mother Saints VVhom pietie and true deuotion paintes VVith sacrilegious hand shall be defa'st In peeces broake and out of Churches cast In darkest shades let Manes euer bide And his tvvo impious sons on either side VVho vvorship due to Reliques first did blame And pietie fond superstition name Let them make Hell resound vvith vvofull plaints For their impietie 'gainst God and Saints It is enough that Infidels and Ievves VVho Gods and his Saints Images abuse Doe euerlasting pennance for their fault But let our Christian vvorld be better taught Let none vvho in our common vvealth doe dvvell For such impietie goe dovvne to Hel. Let all vvho are vvasht in great IESVS name VVith bended knee humblie adore the same Let all vvho IESVS and his friends affect The Tabernacles of his Saincts respect Surely blest Nymph errours detested night Thy happie times shall turne to faire daie light Thy Hymenaean Torches are the Sun By vvhich this good to Britaine shall be done For Gods Eternall vvisdome by vvhose hand The vvorld is gouern'd as it first did stand By a proportion'd meanes vvill bring to passe VVhat but in vaine by force attempted vvas VVee joye to read as sacred stories count That Clodoue vvas to the holy Font By his Clotilda brought the Lombards King Doth Ledolinda to the true faith bring Thy Auncestors the Gothes are likevvise seene Reuok'd from Errors by their pious Queene VVho vvounded vveare by great Achilles speare By the same vveapon to be cured vveare Against a Scipio vvho vvas Caesars foe In Caesars armie doth a Scipio goe VVhen as Melania by her blinde guide taught Errors of Origen to great Rome brought VVhere-vvith opinion of an holy name Shee and Ruffinus did dilate the same As Debora did not Marcella rise And make the erring Romaines ope their eies Made shee not Barach to stretch out his hand And put to flight the nevv-sprung errors bands The Lyons vvhelpe of Iuda shall oppose His force against that Lyons force vvho goes About the vvorld seeking each vvhere to eate The soules of men are this fierce Lyons meate In Edens Garden the curs'd tree did grovv VVhose fruit vvas death leaues sicknesse branches vvoe In top of Golgotha must spring a tree VVhich from these miseries shall set vs free ●nne vvas the EVE vvhich gaue vs our deaths vvound MARIE the vvoman is shall make vs sound A lavvlesse Mariage ENGLAND did vndoe Thy vvish't for Mariage ENGLAND shall renue Against their King vvhen ABSALON vvas slaine Rebellious SEBA moues the Tribes againe But a vvise vvoman in Abela tovvne Doth SEBAS head from Cittie vvalles cast dovvne And by the death of a seditious Knaue From IOABS furie doth her people saue Shall vvee be troubled vvith eternall jarres VVill no ALCIDES giue end to the vvarrs And Hollands many headed HYDRA kill VVhich doth vvith tumults our North-climate fill This Monster hath a Cockatrices breath Threatning to Monarkes and all Kingdomes death No DIONS novv no BRVTI liue againe Detesting lavvlesse tyrannie should raigne But Athens thirtie tyrants and Romes ten VVill change a Monarchy for diuerse men Religion is too poore a Maske to hide Their Treason that it should not be espide The vvorld be taught that breach of Faith to Kings First Heresie then Atheisme then Hell brings VVho doe contremne the Church their Mothers lore VVill at the last acknovvledge CHRIST no more And vvee haue seene them count it a small losse For Turkish Moones to change the Christian CROSSE My vvorthy Countrie-men vvhy are you slaues To Brevvers Coblers Basket-making Knaues VVhy doe you voluntarie your selues thrust To patronize a cause as Hell vn-just You ansvvere that you part of Holland take For the Lords vvord and for his Gospell sake The Gospell saies let CAeSAR haue his due Hovv for the Gospell fight you then thinke you Thieues their Kings rob and you against all lavv That thieues may keep stolne goods your vveapons draw But if you nearer to their Gospell looke You le finde it is a Matchiuilian booke VVherein each leafe containeth damned things Conspiracies and treasons against Kings Sovving sedition amongst other men That they may sleepe safe in their Cacus den Let vvartes destroie France Germanie and Beme VVhat doe they care so vvarres be far from them VVhat Gospel can they haue vvhere Turks vvhere Ievvs Their Synagogues and prophane Mesquits vse Is not their Amsterdam the drugs the fex The sinke of all impuritie and sects Could Hannibal
nam'de A bodie of the selfe-same substance framde VVith my claie Carcase haue not I a share As-vvell as he in a Caelestiall ayre This soule vvhich in my house of durt doth dvvell Doth aequall his that it doth not so vvell Performe her functions I my selfe must blame VVho so vvith svveets effeminate the same Had hee as I in Tauerns spent his daies The vvorld had bene noe Eccho of his praise Had he as I bene daily drovvn'de in vvine His statues had no other bene then mine His statues vvhich are objects of my eies His statues vvhich are causes of these cries Let me be good and valiant as hee The vvorld vvill statues consecrate to mee As it hath done to him heere heere shall stand My follies period vvith a drunkards hand I 'le vvrite no more an ignominious booke VVherein the after-times my shame shall looke But vvith Heroike deedes and vveapons dinte My name on front of Athens foes I 'le print There there the vvorld vvhi'lst lasteth the worlds frame In glorious Characters shall read my name You my youths deities I bid adievv I meane no more to sacrifice to you For drunken Bacchus cups I 'le vse the speare For Venus fauours in my helme I 'le vveare Deaths grizly face I 'le goe the vvorld about But I vvill finde a nevv Marathon out Novv is conceiu'd a Salaminian fight So much mooues virtue virtues painted sight The hauty CAIVS CAeSAR cannot sleepe Nay ALEXANDERS statue makes him vveepe Quoth he and sighs at my yeares PHILIPS son Conq'uerd the vvorld and beast vvhat haue I done Shall I at home alvvaies ignobly rest And like a babe sucke milke at my Mam's breast No no as he my Monuments of fame I 'le raise or die in persuite of a name His son the Portratures of vvorthy Knights Sets in his Pallace that their very sights May moue himselfe and the succeeding Kings To the attempting of heroicke things As I behold my IESVS on the Rood VVith armes extended shed his pretious bloud Hovv am I moou'd and vvhen I knovv for me My God vvas nayled thus vpon a tree Doth he not Preach although he make no noyse His only Picture is a Preaching voice The Sermon thus beginnes behold Gods Son Hath so much suff'red and hath so much done For thy soules health that thou shouldst enter in Heau'ns gates and freed be from hell and sin That thou eternally shouldst vvith mee raigne I for thy sins am as a victime slaine This Picture represents vnto thy sight My loue to thee in Golgoth's bloudie fight VVhere although in the battaile I did die Yet made I sin vvith death and hell to flie VVeare thou the spoiles of that tryumphant daie The spoyles are grace and glories Crovvne for aye As I this vvofull spectacle doe vievv VVhat actes must follovv vvhat affects ensue Doe not I IESVS loue vvho shed his bloud To take avvaie the lets vvhich 'gainst mee stòod In my pretension to the promist land And di'de to abrogate that vvriting hand Of Gods decree and should haue had its course Had not great IESVS disannull'd his force Doe I not vveep yes yes not cruell Ievves But my transgressions IESVS did misuse I I vyld vvretch vvith vvickednesse and sin His temples crovvn'd and vvith faults tore his skin As I see IESVS oft faint in the vvaie And CYRENEVS helpe him I thus saie No vvonder that our IESVS cannot goe The vveight of my transgressions load him soe Shall I not sin detest vvhen Gods sole son Sin only to destroie so much hath done And knovv hovv hatefull sin is in Gods eyes VVhen to appease him no Host can suffice No victime make him his dravvne vveapon sheath But his Sons sacrifice and ISAACS death Iulian deface that Portraiture vvhich shee Erects vvhom IESVS from the fluxe set free That so the memorie might alvvaies stand Of benefit receiu'd by IESVS hand At foote against Iconoclasts shall preach An herbes rare virtue vvho vvhen it shall reach To IESVS garments hemme IESVS shall daine VVith virtue of it to cure eu'rie paine Cast dovvne this statue renegate and so In IESVS picture shevv thy selfe his foe And vvhen thou hast it broken in disgrace Erect thine ovvne foule Picture in its place That from heau'n comming dovvne a firie blast May burne thy Portrature and to earth cast Shall vvee haue Iulians in our vvretched age Shevv against IESVS Crucifixe their rage These Pictures vvhich in such fayre order stand Must they be vvith a sacrilegious hand Cast out our Church Shall Gentle-men no more Behold SEBASTIAN shed his manly goare For IESVS cause and vvith the Martyrs sight Be animated manfully to fight For IESVS faith shall they not ALBAN see Beheaded by sterne Emperours decree For hiding in his house 'gainst Kesars lavves Iehouas Priest and making here a pause Incourage thus themselues this is our case Vilde Pursiuants haue IESVS Priests in chase VVe vvill them intertaine and if vvee die VVith vvinges of blest eternitie vvee le flie To highest heau'n and there vvith ALBAN raigne VVho for like cause vvith ALBAN haue bene slaine Had thy great house faire ESTHER bene so good If Leopoldus had not pictur'd stood Telling his Nephevves ti 's a Princes grace To be as high in Sanctitie as place Each virtue in a Monarkes brest must dvvell He must as SAVL the multitude excell By shoulders then the rest he must be higher Carried aloft vvith a Caelestiall fier Take Pictures hence vvhere is the idiots booke Our Faith 's deepe Mysteries therein to looke In Images the vn-taught svvaine shall read That CHRIST for him is borne for him doth bleed Hee shall as he sees IESVS borne so poore Conceiue that pouertie in it hath more Then the vvorld thinkes affection shall him make Loue the svveete babe borne poorely for his sake VVhen Ianus double fac'de the nevv yeare brings Hee shall behold the off'rings of the Kings And learne those Kings vvho offer presents are First fruits of Gentiles guided by a starre If God vvould not haue holy Pictures stand To grace his Church vvhy vvas the cut off hand of Damascene restor'd by MARIES praire VVhose Pictures in his bookes defended are If vvorshipping of Images be nought I 'le taxe thee Angels Empresse vvith a fault VVhy didst thou giue him his hand backe againe VVho Images Relligion did sustaine Can such a one finde fauour in thy sight VVho for Idolatries defence doth vvrite If vvorshipping of Images be ill Heau'ns Queene let me aske thee vvhy dost thou fill The vvorld vvith miracles and no vvhere more Then vvhere thy statues Catholikes adore Had not vouchsafe to ansvveare mightie Queene Aegyptian MARIE thy faire picture seene And praid before it should not her blest soule Haue still remained as a Blacke-more foule From IESVS Mother I 'le goe to her son And humbly aske of him vvhat he hath done As he the Messenger made backe to beare His holy picture to Edessas Pere As he
more sundrie nations tell Then sects contrarie in that Babell dvvell But that no matter is Ievv Atheist Turke So he defie the Pope is of their Kirke Moreouer can rebellions cause be just VVhen thieues true Lords out of possession thrust VVhat if a D' Alua bore a heauie hand Must they forth-vvith vp in rebellion band Against their King and take from him his ovvne If so vvhat Prince can sit safe in his throne Le ts praie that Princes may doe vvhat is right And not vvith trait'tous armes against them fight But you doe not examine much their cause Their friendship you into the action dravves VVhy should you take such tyrants for your freinds VVho affect none but for their priuare ends Let Massacres in remote Indies shevv If Holland be our ENGLANDS friend or no. Oh that our Seas could speake vve soone should heare VVhat good-vvill Hollanders to ENGLAND beare Let jestes let scoffes let mockes at King and state Make knovvne their litle loue if not great hate To Prince and vs as helpes haue bene deni'de To backe their Heresie their theft their pride Ill-nurturde svvaines not taught vvhat is a King A God on earth a Consecrated thing DAVID laments that he cut his Kings coate VVhen these vvith open mouth vvith open throate Gods Vice-roies bite their royall actions blame VVith frumpes vvith quips Monarchs expose to shame Let base Typhaeus brood vvhose pride is such That they the holie ones of God dare touch VVith slandring libels expiate such vvrongues VVith losse of hands and forfeiture of tongues Yea let such Caitiues for blaspheming die VVho touch Kings touch the apple of Gods eie Let eu'ry Simei eu'ry slandring Knaue The saucy Eupolis misfortune haue And here their often mention'd Tempel fayles T' is Satans Ghost vvhich against Princes rayles VVhen the vvhole vvorld is in combustuous fire Subjects against their Kings each vvhere conspire Base-borne Abimelech his brethren kills Mis-gotten Mansfield Realmes vvith rapine fills And all these mischiefes fram'd this vvorld of harmes In Hollands Aetna vvhere Cyclops make armes For Hells black Prince 'gainst God himselfe to fling And Sions Citie to destruction bring Let none it contrarie to reason thinke That I haue temper'd some gall vvith my incke VVhen I doe heare base Eupolis so bold To rayle at Kings my splene I cannot hold Though I at vices not at persons ayme I affect Holland but rebellion blame And let the Netherlanders once be good Let them cashire this their rebellious mood And as Religion teacheth againe bring VVonted obedience to Hesperias King Reasons and thousand arguments I 'le frame To eternise industrious Hollands name Meane vvhile vvill none inspir'd vvith heau'nly fire Fore-tel hovv Spaines great King shall sacke proud Tyres VVill no Ioues seed once-more in Lerna lake The many heads from this foule Hydra take No Iohn de Austria their cities vvin No Parma take reuolting Holland in No demi-god better then other men Grapple vvith theiuish Cacus in his den Cacus vvho hath his Father Vulcans shape Cacus vvho liues by Homicide and rape No no our God vvill not haue Iury land Set free alone by valiant Barachs hand But Iabins captaine pearced in the head By Iahels vvife shall at her feete fall dead Ambitious Ammon euer looking high By Esters Prayers hanged aloft shall die Great Princesse thou art Iudith by vvhose hands Proud Holofernes leader of Hells bands Shall vanquisht be thou art Abelas Dame VVhose Nuptiall rites shall Holland Rebells tame Seditious Sebas head shall buy a peace And vvith the Tribes submission vvars shall cease Thou hast Pulcherias birth her state her face In the attempt of great things haue her grace So let thy Actions crovvne thy life vvith praise That after-times thy Monuments may raise And as thy Ancestors their Nephevv Kings Excite to enterprise of vvorthie things So be thy deeds thy royall issues booke VVherein hovv they shall liue they alvvaies looke Antiquitie doth of an Atlas count On his backe bearing vp Olympus mount Our IESVS is vvise Atlas by his hands Sion vvas built and on his backe it standes Our Atlas dies vvho shall supplie his place Hath he left heires of this supporting grace Firme-pillars of best marble compos'd all Beare Sion on their backes that it not fall VVho in Gods Church vvill haue a Pillars part Must be vvell practiz'd in the bearing art Hath not truths selfe his promise giu'n that those VVho tryumph ouer their Infernall foes Shall in his Church be Pillars vvhilst no frovvne No Hellish violence can cast them dovvne VVhen vve see thee Great CHARLES vanquish each foe VVhich doth in battaile against virtue goe VVhen vvee behold in all thy actes such grace Shall not vvee promise thee a Pillars place Of IESVS Church a Pillar thou shalt be VVhilest IESVS Church shall be borne vp by thee VVith Hercules vvhere Sol his steedes doth vvet Thou shalt thy Monuments and Columnes set And vvrite non vltra to the after-daies Forbidding all to aequalize thy praise VVhilest no great Monarke nor great Monarkes Son Shall doe so much for Church as thou hast done In first place vvrought by IESVS cunning hand Most eminent doth SIMON PETER stand To PETER next vvhilst ' he supporteth all In IESVS Church a Pillars place hath PAVLE A cruell death vvhich did tvvo vvhole daies last Could not firme ANDREVV to the Earth dovvne cast Great IAMES IOHNS brother and ZEBEDIES child By HEROD kild and Spains Apostle stil'd VVhether he vvent and vvith victorious hand To IESVS faith subu'de that noble land IOHN of vvhite Marble made though his out-side VVas gold in fyerie flames refin'd and tride VVas not vvhite marble his Parthenian brest Of Golden loue vvas not made all the rest THOMAS eternall Monuments shall haue Amongst the Indians vvhere he hath his graue SIMON THADDEVS PHILIP holy IAMES VVhose vvondrous virtue either knee proclaimes Rough BARTHOLMEVV vvithout though faire vvithin for IESVS name Tyrant pul'd off his skin For IPHIGENIA HIRTAOVS may frovvne Yea kil blest MATTHEVV but not cast him dovvne MATTHIAS vvhom the holy Ghost did chose For that place vvhich Iscariot did lose Sermons of BBRNABE vvill teach vvhat can Persvvasions vvhich proceed from a good man Of the same matter of vvhich other men Th'Apostles vveare composde yet knovv that vvhen IESVS them Columnes in his Church did place Hee so them temp'red vvith caelestiall grace That mauger anie vvinde or aduerse blast They keepe their place yea rather stand more fast The last perfection and supremest forme VVas giuen them vvhen as the vvisht-for storme Of diuine grace and clouen tongues of fire Made the roome shake vvhere Christs friends did retire Before this storme a silly vvenches frovvne Did cast the chiefest of the Pillars dovvne CEPHAS as to him a poore Damzell calls Denies his IESVS miserably falls But once confirmed by this devv of grace No threats no vvhips can make him leaue his place
Each daye each hovvre as AARONS sons thinke good VVee see the ouer-flovving of this floud Fruitfull the Trees are vvhich in ordred ranckes VVith the streames vvatred grovv along the bankes Among'st these flourisheth a vvell-spread Vine The Grape vvhereof doth make a royall VVine VVith vvhich our IESVS furnisheth his Feasts None can it's vertue tell but vvho are Guests O happie vines vvhich in Engaddy grovv VVhere vvine is made from vvhence chast virgins flow VVith this vvine to be drunke feare not this Cup Ingenders vvorthy thoughts drinke it all vp VVhen vvee faire Nymph thy Austrian house and tree Throughout our Christian vvorld dilated see All men the greatnesse of the Trunke admire Great Kings such braunches as thy selfe desire VVee doe reuolue old Oracles and saie Therefore doth Austrias Sun like the Noone daie Shine in our Hemisphëre and bright raies spred Because Great RODVLPH to this mistique bread By vs describ'de such pietie did shovv From his deuotion benedictions flovv Vppon thy house my Muse vvhich here doth treat Of this rare MANNAH and AMBROSIAN meate Offers her selfe vvhil'st shee doth Manna sing To you Great Princesse vvho from Rodolph spring And knovves though nothing else her gratious make Yet y 'oule accept her for the Mannas sake The sacrifice vvhereof our Church doth boast VVherein for Peoples sins Gods Son is hoast Astonisht vvee vvith silence vvill passe o're And humbly him vvho is in it adore VVee anger IESVS vvhen vvee doe amisse To make our peace IESVS the victime is The Priest eake IESVS is millions of times And in as many places for our crimes Doth IESVS offer victimes eu'rie daie As if he nothing else but Masse did saie The Bell vvhich makes all people to repaire To IESVS Church and telleth them that there Gods seruice shall be done is a straunge bell And vvhen it rings doth ring as strange a knell It is made of the voices of all those VVho reason vse both IESVS friends and foes Serue as a Bell vvhich Christian people tels That in our Church the true Religion dvvels In Church describ'de by me built by Gods Son True seruice of eternall God is done At such an houre at such a time of daie IESVS himselfe vvill vouchsafe Masse to saie Great God himselfe in this Bell hath a share As he doth in his testaments declare That the Church vvhose foundation I haue laid Is that vvhich he 'i th vvorlds beginning made The same vvhich in the Patriarchall daies And lavv of MOYSES he from earth did raise But vvas vnto a full perfection brought VVhen IESVS grace and truth his Christians taught Nay God is angrie and doth tell vs plaine His Church did not begin vvith impious Caine But founded in a righteous ABELS bloud Hath since supported by his right hand stood Haue I built vp my Church IEHOVA saith On Arrius Hus on Magus faithlesse faith VVho so doe build their house build on the sands No longer then the builands VVho not vvith mee on IESVS build at once Their Church shall perish vvith their rotten bones But my Church stands on an immoued rocke And shall endure each persecutions shocke No Ievv no Heretique no Pagans arme Can doe the Church vvhich I haue builded harme Nay euery blustring vvinde each aduerse blast Make the foundation of my Church more fast I built a neate an ample statelie Kirke And dare these saie their hogsties are my vvorke VVith virtues Tapestrie my Church is faire Not vvith sins vgly as their dunge cartes are Perfumes of grace in my Church svvetly smell Vice makes their Synagogues a second Hell IESVS the vvorth of vvhose braue name vvee tell Giueth a voice to'th making of our bell And speaketh thus liuing it vvas my vvill To build my Church and Cittie on a Hill I built my Tempel on a mountaine high Conspicuous and expos'd to eu'rie eye Had I made man inuisible to goe I vvould haue likevvise built my temple soe I therefore spent a thirtie-three yeares time That mine should high perfections mountaine clime A three-fould mountaine then Olympus higher As Aetna burning vvith perpetuall fier The poore the chast the virtue vvhich obeies This mount more high then common earth doth raise Good vvorkes and almes bestovved in my name Make this high hill vvith Charitie to flame The smell is likevvise vvonderfully svveete VVhilest Myrrhe and Frankinsence together meete And that these alvvaies reeke must be the care Of mortifying actes and mentall praire Hovv then dare these blasphemers of my grace Saie I haue chosen for my Church a place VVith the earth euen those vvho neuer soare VVith counsailes vvings to heau'n vvhat haue they more Then earth in vallies and lovv dales they goe VVho then commandements vvill no more knovv Good vvorkes not onely make my Cittie faire But eake behoofull for the dvvellers are And shall such appertaine vnto my mount VVho of good vvorkes make none or little count But carelesly set all at sixe and seau'n And saie bare faith enough is to get Heau'n My Church is not a Kennell for foule Dogs A nastie hogstie for all sensuall Hogs Did not Iouinian a foule Hogstie make VVhen from chaste life he did all merit take All such doe Hogsties vvith Iouinian build VVho to Virginitie no honour yeild Hovv dare these Gerasines feeders of svvine Affirme their durtie village to be mine I claime a Church vvhich on a mountaine stands Such such is that vvhich I made vvith my handes In this I giue remission of sin And in none else here people enter in This is my garden this my dvvelling house Here vvith me dvvels my Loue my Doue my Spouse This Church my sheepefold is sheepefold and sheepe VVith my ovvne mouth I did bid PETER keepe And shall I thinke my Church and sheepfold theare VVhere my chiefe Vicar PETER hath no care Those Synagogues vvhere Cephas hath no Keie Are shambles vvherein butchers the sheepe slaie I in my Church vvhat nation can so boast For peoples sins offer my selfe an Hoast I did die therefore therefore I did bleed That I my friendes might vvith my ovvne flesh feed And in my vvounded vaines a Vine might grovv From vvhence a Nectar drinke of Gods should flovv VVhere you behold such Nectar and such fare Goe in there is my feast there my guests are But be assur'de there is no feast of mine VVhere you no more haue then bare Bread and VVine Not to a meale made vp of of Foule and Beastes But to my Body I inuite my ghuests Am not I able to performe my vvord And set my sacred flesh vpon the board VVho say my diuine hand Almightie is VVhy giue they limits to my povvre in this For vvine I said my ghuests my bloud should drinke If I not giue it them they needes must thinke I either doe delude or els am vveake Not able to effect vvhat I doe speake Nor i' st enough if I should make them eate For my true body a