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A08629 The sixt lampe of virginitie conteining a mirrour for maidens and matrons: or, the seuerall duties and office of all sorts of women in their vocation out of Gods word, with their due praise and dispraise by the same: togither with the names, liues, and stories of all women mentioned in holie Scriptures, either good or bad ... Newlie collected and compiled to the glorie of God, by T.B. Gentleman. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn. 1582 (1582) STC 1894; ESTC S101565 285,239 337

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there But she being of an hauty and cruell nature persisted still in her impietie impudencie and fearing Gods iudgementes nothing at all so soone as she heard of Iehues comming towardes her because shee would still retayne her Princely state dignitie paynted her face tyred her head trimmed her selfe in gorgious aray And so laying thus be paynted bedecked looking out of her chamber window as Iehue entred in at the gates she cryed out vpon him and called him traytour and reuiled him with these wordes saying Had Zimry peace that slew his maister Elah 1. Kin. 16.10 as if she should haue said can any traytour or any that riseth vp against his superior haue good successe Noe neither cāst thou Iehu prosper in this thine eger enterprise But forasmuch as this was Gods determination that Iesabel also should be dismaide Iehu then forthwith lifted his eies to the windowe and cried aloude to her guarde and men of her chamber said who is on my side who With that two of her own Eunuches of chief seruants looked out vnto Iehu and he said vnto them cast her downe they at his cōmandement straight waies tooke her in their armes with such violence cast her downe out of her window as she lay vaunting her selfe and rayling against Iehu that she was dashed all to peeces so miserably died with the fal who being thus dead Iehu also besprinkled her blood vpō the wall vpō the horses and trode her delicate corpes vnder his horses feet Which he did by the motiō of gods spirit that her blood should be shed who had so often shed the blood of innocents to be a spectacle and example of Gods iudgementes to all tyrauntes oppressors idolatrous persecutors And when Iehu was entred into her house and had well refreshed himselfe with meate and drinke he beyng willing yet that she shoulde haue had the honour of buriall sayde to some of his men Go visit you yonder cursed woman and bury her because she is a kings daughter But when they came to take her vp to be buried they found no more of her body left but the scull and the feete and the palmes of her hands for the dogges had eaten the rest wherof Iehu being aduertised he thē sayd now is y e word of God prophesy of Elias spoken of before fulfilled which sayd In the field of Iezreel shal the dogges eate the flesh of Iezabel the carcas of Iezabel shal be as doung vpon the ground in y e field of Iezreel so that none shall say This is Iezabel this was done in the yeere of the worlde 3240. And this we may see Gods iudgemēts doth shal appeare euē in this worlde agaynst them that suppresse his woorde and persecute his seruauntes 1. Kinges 16. 31. 18.4 13.19.2 21. all 2. Kinges 9. all Furthermore note that God so detested for euer and euer through all ages the Idolatry and crueltie of this woman Iezabel that the holie Ghost to her perpetuall reproche and infamie in the Reuelation ca. 2.18.20 findeth great fault with y e minister or Angel of the church of Thiatyra for that some among them imitating her strange religion and tyranny and both spirituall and corporall whoredome exhorted them to repentance saying thus I know thy works thy loue seruice faith and pacience c. Notwithstanding I haue a few thinges against thee namely this that thou sufferest the woman Iezabel which calleth her selfe a Prophetesse to teach deceiue my seruants to make them commit fornication to eate meate sacrificed to Idols And I gaue her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not behold I will cast her into a bed them that commit fornication with her into great affliction except they repent them of their works And I wil kill her children that is them that followe her wayes with death and all the Churches shall knowe that I am he which search the reines and hearts and I wil giue vnto euery of you according to your works Reuel 2. 18.20 c. Ioanna or Iohanna sig the grace or fauour of the Lord or the Lordes gifte or mercie She was the wife of one Chusa Herodes steward and a godly woman who with Susanna and many other godly women conuerted to the faith of Christ ministred liberally vnto Christ his Apostles of her substēce whilest he liued here on earth And after Christ had suffred his passion she went with Mary Magdalen Mary the mother of Iames other women to seeke Christ at his sepulchre And being told of the Angels that he was risen and not there she with the rest returned frō the sepulchre to the Apostles to bring thē tydinges of his resurrection But the newes or thing seemed vnto the Apostles to be but a feygned or made thing of the womens owne heades and therfore beleeued them not at the first report Luke Iochabed or Iocabeth sig glorious the Lordes glorie sage weightie where is gaynesse she is sage or graue She was the daughter of Leuy borne in Egypt sister to Gershon Koah Merari and after she became the wife of Amram or Amaramis after Couper her brother Koaths sonne which kind of marriage was afterward in the Leuiticall law Leui. 18.12 forbidden vnto whō she bare three notable mēbers of Gods Church to wit Aaron Moses a daughter called Miriam And when she bare Moses in Egypt and was commaunded by king Pharao to cast him in the riuer to be drowned as all the Hebrewes among the Egyptians were Iochebed seeing that Moses her sonne was a very faire and proper child with a good faith in God not fearing the kinges commaundement went and hidde him the space of three monethes but when she could no longer hide him on the land she in the same faith in God tooke an Arke or Cradell made of wicker or of reede and daubed it with lome slime and pitche and layd the child therein and put it among bulrushes by the riuers brinke committing her childe to the prouidence of God whom shee could not keepe from the rage of that blooddy tyrant So whilest Miriam her daughter his sister stoode a farre off watching what would become of the child her brother Behold it happened that the daughter of the same tyrant Pharao came to wash her selfe in the riuer whilest her maydens walked along by the riuers side and being come to the banke she saw the arke among the bulrushes and sent her maydes straight to fetch it who brought the arke vnto her and she then opened it in the presence of her maydes and his sister and finding the child in it sayd surely this is one of the Hebrues children and she hearing the babe weepe and cry for sustenance had compassion on it and was moued with pitie towards it Wherevpon his sister Miriam being come neere vnto them to see the euent said vnto Pharaos daughter shall I goe and call vnto thee a nurse of the Hebrue
euerlasting death and destruction both of body soule because they haue not only thereby done great dishonour to Christ in slaundering his Church and leauing their charge or vocation but also broken their faith and forsaken their religion professed 1. Tim. 5. all Euery vowe othe or bonde of a widowe wherewith shee hath bounde hir selfe during hir widowhood to mortifie hir selfe and humble hir soule by abstinence or other bodily exercise shall stande in effect against hir because the widowe is not vnder the authoritie of man Also euery vowe bonde or othe that shée hath made in hir husbands life time whereunto hir husbande did consent and agree too by holding his peace and not disallowe of it when hée first heard thereof shall likewise stande and bee of force agaynst hir after the death of hir husbande but if hir husbande in his life tyme did euer disanull or disagrée vnto any such vowe or bonde of his wife then after his death his wife nowe being a widowe may lawfully breake these vowes and bondes so by hir made in hir husbandes life tyme and it shall not bée any sinne for hir so to doe for the Lorde will forgiue hir As appeareth Num. 30.10 c. Of second Marriage THE woman is bounde by the lawe of Matrimonye vnto the man while hée lyueth but if hée bee deade shée is deliuered and fréed from the Lawe of the man so that though shée take an nother man to husbande shée is no adultresse Rom. 7.2 I woulde that all men were euen as I myself am but euery one hath his proper gifte of God one after this maner and another after that Therefore by permission not by commaundement I say vnto the vnmarried and vnto the widowes it is good for them if they abide euen as I doe but if they can not abstaine then to auoyde fornication let them marrie and euery womā haue hir owne husband For it is better to marrie then to burne with y e fire of concupiscence and lust 1. Cor. 7.6,7 And the wife is bounde by the lawe of Matrimonie as long as hir husbande liueth but if hir husbande bée dead shée is at libertye to marrye with whome shée will onely in the Lorde but shee is more blessed if shee so abide in my iudgement I thinke that I haue also the spirite of God 1. Cor. 7.39 Refuse the younger wydowes from taking the liberalitie of the poore for when they haue begunne to waxe wanton agaynst Christe forgetting their vocation they will marrie hauing damnation because they haue broken their first fayth Where note that the apostle meaneth suche wydowes whiche being iustly diuourced from their firste husbandes marry agayne to the sclaunder of the Churche and leaue their vocation for else he doth not reproue the widowes that haue béen oftener married thē once where he saith let not a widowe be taken into the number vnder threescore yeere olde that hath been the wife of one husbande Yea I will therefore that the younger women marrie and beare children and gouerne the house and giue none occasion to the aduersarie to speake euill For certaine are alreadie turned back● after satan 1. Tim. 5.11 c. No wydowe saue the widowe of a priest might not bee permitted to marrie with any priest in the old lawe as appeareth Leuit. 21. 14. Ezech. 44.22 Naomie being not verye olde and the wife but of one husbande yet after the death of hir husbande shée would marrie no more but saide shée was too olde to haue an husbande as appeareth Ruth 1.12 Ruth also being a widowe and a yong woman was commended by Boaz because shée followed not young men to marrie them were they poore or riche reade hir story Ruth 3.11 To conclude many men desired Iudeth when shee was a wydowe but none had hir company to hir dying day after the death of hir first husbande manasses shée gaue hir selfe to contemplation prayers and good workes to the benefiting of hir countrey and people as appeareth Iudith 8.4.16,12 Likewise Anna the prophetesse hauing been married but seuen yéeres from hir virginitie after the death of hir husbande continued a widowe fourscore and foure yéeres seruing God in the temple with fasting and prayer day and night as ye may reade in hir life Luke 2. 36. Contrarywise wydowhoodde was a burden to Thamar the wife of Er therefore shee cast awaye hir wydowes apparell and decketh hir selfe braue to play the nought with Iuda hir father in lawe as appeareth in hir story more at large Gene. 38.11 That widowehood is a plague of God vpon the vngodly therfore to the comfort of the godly widows and orphans let them reade these comfortable sentenses of the scripture following gathered to this ende that therby they seeing what care the Lorde hath ouer them in this their desolate condition and state as people least esteemed in the world may the better attende vnto their vocation in prayer and good workes of the spirite to the glory of his name and their perpetuall praise and euermore fully trust and hang vpon his prouidence whiche neuer decayeth IF my wrath be kindled saith the Lord against you for your oppression then will I kill you with the sworde and your wiues shal be widowes and your children fatherlesse Exod. 22.22 The children of the oppressour though they bee many shal be destroyed with the sworde c. and his widowes shall not wéepe nor lament for him Iob. 27.13 Let the children of the oppressour and extorcioner be fatherlesse and his wife a widowe c. let the iniquitie of his father be had in remembrance with the Lorde let not the sinne of his mother be done away c. Psal. 109.8,13 Therefore shall the Lorde haue no pleasure in their yong men neyther will he haue compassion of their fatherlesse and of their wydowes For because euery one is an hypocrite and wicked Esai 9.17 The foolishe woman saith in hir heart I shall bée a Lady for euer I am none els I shall not sit as a wydowe nor desolate againe neither shall I knowe the losse of husbande or children but shall be a lady and wise for euer but heare O thou nice an dilicate dame thou carelese and retchlesse woman that art altogether giuen to pleasure and vanitie for because thou hast not set thy minde to godlines nor remembred the latter ende thereof Therefore both these two things shal come to thee sodainly on one day namely widowhood or disolatiō and the losse of childrē euen in their perfection I say shal they mightily fal and come vpon thee for the multitude of thy sinnes and offences Esai 47.8,9 I haue wasted and destroyed my people saith the Lorde yet they woulde not returne from their sinnefull waies Their widowes are increased by me aboue the sande of the Sea because I haue slaine their husbandes I haue brought vpon them the destroyer at noone day c. Shee also that hath borne many children hath béene made weake and lost all
diuorcement iudiciall and voluntarie separation and for what cause a woman may or ought to be diuorced and for what● not by Gods worde WHen a man taketh a wife and marrieth hir if so be shée finde no fauour in his eyes because he hath espied some filthinesse in hir then let him write hir a bill of diuorcement and put it in hir hand and sēd hir out of his house whereby God approoueth not that light diuorcement but permitteth it to auoyde further incōuenience mischiefe as appeareth afterward in Math. 5. And when shée is departed out of his house and gone hir way and marrie with an other mā and if the latter husband hate her also write hir a letter of diuorcement and put it in hir hand and send hir away out of his house or if the latter man dye which tooke her to wife then hir first husband may not take hir againe to be his wife after y ● she is defiled and séeing that by dimitting hir he iudged hir to bée vncleane and polluted For that is abhomination in the sight of y e Lord and thou shalt not cause the land to sinne which God hath geuen thée to inherite Deut. 24.1 c. They say according as it is written Deut. 24.4 before If a mā put away his wife shée goe frō him and become another mās wife shall he returne againe vnto hir shall not that lande be polluted if h● take such one to wife againe but thou hast playd the harlot with manie louers yet turne againe to me saith the Lord c. Iere. 3.1 It hath béene saide Deut. 24. before whosoeuer shall put away his wife let him geue her a testimoniall of diuorcement but I saie vnto you whosoeuer shall put away his wife except it bee for fornication causeth her to committe adulterie in that hee giueth her leaue to marrie another by the testimoniall And whosoeuer shall marrie hir that is diuorced committeth adulterie Math. 5.31 The Pharasies came and asked Christ if it were lawfull for a man to put away his wife and tempted him and hee aunsweared and saide to them what did Moses Deut. 24. commaunde you And they saide Moses suffered to write a bill of diuorcement and to put hir away then Iesus replied and saide For the hardnesse of your hearte he wrote this precept vnto you but at the beginning of the creation it was not so For in the beginning GOD made them male and female saying for this cause shal man leaue his father and mother cleaue to his wife and they twayne shal be one fleshe so that they are no more twayne but one fleshe Therefore what GOD hath coupled together let not man separate Marke 10. 2 c Againe in the house his Disciples asked him of this matter of diuorce and he saide vnto them whosoeuer shall put away his wife and marriage another committeth adulterie against hir for the secōd is not his wife but his harlot And if a woman put away her husbande and bée married to another shée committeth adulterie against him Mark 10.12 For the second is not her husband The woman is in subiection to the man and bond vnto him by the law vnto him so long as he liueth So that if while the man liueth she take an other man shée shal be called an adulteresse Rom. 7.2.3 Unto the married I commaunde not I but the Lorde let not the wife depart from hir husband But and if shée depart for hatred dissention anger or anie such light occasion let hir remaine vnmarried or bée reconciled vnto hir husband and let not the husband put away his wife But to the remnaunt I speake and not the Lorde if anie brother haue a wife that beléeueth not if shée be content to dwell with him let him not forsake hir and the woman which hath an husband that beleeueth not if he be content to dwell with hir let hir not forsake him For the vnbeleeuing husband is sanctified by the beléeuing wife and the vnbeléeuing wife is sanctified by the husband else were your children vncleane but nowe are they holy But if the vnbeleeuing depart let him depart a brother or a sister is not in subiection in such things done without cause for God hath called vs in peace For what knowest thou O wife whither thou shalt saue thine husbande Or what knowest thou O man whither thou shalt saue thy wife c. But as God hath distributed to all and called euery one so let him walke for so ordaine I in all churches 1. Cor. 7.10 A woman ought to bée the wife but of one husbande at once and therefore being iustly diuorced from hir first husbande shée ought not to marrie againe for that were to the slander of the Church as appeareth in widowes 1. Tim. 5.9 Thou saith God speaking to priestes shalt not take to wife an whore or one polluted or haue an euill name or are defamed neyther shalt thou marrie a woman diuorced from hir husbande because thou art holy vnto God c. Leuit. 21.7.14 Ezech. 44.22 Euery vowe of hir that is diuorced shall stande in effect with hir because shee is not vnder the authoritie of man Numb 30.10 Sée more in the dutie of husbandes Of Widowes and seconde Marriage SHée that is left alone and to be counted in the number of true widowes in déede trusteth in God and continueth in supplication and prayers night day 1. Timo. 5.5 For so did Anna the prophetesse as ye● may reade Luke 2.36 and Iudith the wydowe of Manasses Iudith 16. Furthermore if any widowe haue children or nephewes or kinsfolkes that are able to relieue and comfort hir shee ought not to put the Churche to any charge but to seeke comfort at hir childrens or kinsfolkes handes who as nature bindeth them ought to nourishe their mother and to recompence their kindred For that is an honest thing acceptable before God for the children kinsfolke to shew godlinesse and liberalitie towards their owne house and familie 1. Tim. 5.4 Also a widowe sayth Saint Paul ought not to be taken into the number of true widowes in déede vnder threescore yeeres olde and that hath béen the wife but of one husbande and well reported of for good workes and vnlesse shee haue nourished her children and lodged strangers washed the Saintes féete ministred vnto them that are in aduersitie and except shee haue bin continually giuen to euerie good worke For such things are commanded vnto widows that they may bée blamelesse and worthy the name But the younger widowes which begin to waxe wanton against Christ and will marrie to liue in pleasure and delites or which being ydle learne to go about from house to house to prattle like busiebodies and speake things which are not comely Such wanton and ydle widowes I say saith S. Paul are dead being aliue because they are altogether vnprofitable Yea they haue all readie damnation because they haue broken their first faith that is they shall bée punished with