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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06436 Of prayer, and meditation Wherein are conteined fovvertien deuoute meditations for the seuen daies of the weeke, bothe for the morninges, and eueninges. And in them is treyted of the consideration of the principall holie mysteries of our faithe. Written firste in the Spanishe tongue by the famous religious father. F. Lewis de Granada, prouinciall of the holie order of preachers in the prouince of Portugall.; Libro de la oraciĆ³n y meditaciĆ³n. English Luis, de Granada, 1504-1588.; Hopkins, Richard, d. 1594? 1582 (1582) STC 16907; ESTC S100761 342,485 696

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then vndowtedlye all the whole Christiā Religion and euen our Sauiour Christe himself and his blessed Mother and all his holie Apostles and Martirs and other of his glorious Saintes woulde consequentlie in a shorte time after be generallie contemned neglected and forgotten througheout all Christian countries And to write here freelie my minde as I thinke it woulde seeme verie meruailous vnto me if I were not fullie perswaded that the deuill is nowe more and more let lose as Saint Ihon in his reuelations hath forewarned vs he shoulde be for a shorte time towardes the ende of the worlde howe the deuill coulde preuaile so farfoorthe as to induce a whole newe late secte of heretikes that be called Puritans professinge in gaie wordes to be more pure more sincere and better professours of Christes gospell than anie other Christians either be or haue bene in anie age since the Apostles time to write of late so vnchristianlie by common consent euen in an Englishe printed booke againste obseruinge in the Churche the moste auncient yearelie solemne holie feastes of Easter In the puritans replie againste D. Vvhitgifte pag. 120. 121. 122. 163. and Pentecoste and againste all speciall meditations at anie one solemne time of the yeare more then at others of Christs Resurrection or of the Comminge of the Holie Ghoste or of the hower of our deathe because saie theie theise meditations shoulde be vsed continewallie euerie daie in the yeare and owght not to be appoynted by the gouernors of the Churche to be used at anie one speciall time more than at others Whereby euerie godlie christian reader maie easelie perceiue howe the deuill beinge no we let lose laboureth verie buselie by theise countersaite pure gospellers vnder a wylie deceitfull colour of aduauncinge continewal mediatation and memorie of the holie Misteries of the Christian Religion euerie da●e in the yeare to haue no manner of mediation or memorie of them emonge Christians anie daie at all that so by their suttle wicked doctrine a readie open waie maie be prepared in all Christiā mens Churches and mindes for Antichristes comminge But ô the wonderfull prouidence and care of our Sauiour Christe to preserue a continewal knowledge and reuerence of his holie Misteries emonge all faithfull Christians in his Catholike Churche How in all ages hathe bene preserued emonge Christians a cōtinewal knowledge and reuerence of the holie misteties of our faithe Matt. 28. Vers 20. Iohn 14.16 Iohn 16.13 1. Tim. 3.15 as hath verie manifestelie appeared in all ages since Christes Ascension vntill this our corrupte age And surelie it is a matter worthie of greate and deuoute admiration for anie good christian to consider howe the Apostles and the aunciente holie Catholike Byshops their successours beinge by our Saviour Christes owne promisse assuredlie inspired assisted and directed by the Holie Ghoste from time to time in gouernement of the Catholike Churche in all truthe haue with suche diuine wisdome disposed the whole yeare into so manie seuerall holye festiuall daies as that thereby haue bene represented and preached vnto all Christian people in all Christian Churches throughout Christendome a continewal solemne instruction memorie and reuerence of the holie Mysteries of the Christian Religion In so muche as the common Christian people by those holie festiuall daies alone albeit they wanted not also diuers other holie instructions therein in confessions and Sermons were in all ages sufficientlie instructed in the holie Mysteries of their Christian beliefe I meane they were thereby made to vnderstāde so muche of them as hauinge withall a dewe religious respecte to preserue a continewal reuerence in them to the dignitie of suche highe holie Misteries was fullie conueniente for their weake capacities and for the comfortinge and strengtheninge of their faithe and as they were bounde of necessitie to knowe As for example The principall holie festiuall daies of the yeare by the aunciente institution of the holie feastes of Aduente of oure Sauiour Christes Natiuitie and Circumcision of his Adoration by the three Kinges and of the holie solemnitie of Lente at which time the Catholike Churche teacheth all Christian people to imitate so neare as they can our Sauiours fastinge of fourtie daies in the deserte and representeth then also with sorowfull mourninge penaunce and compassion all the whole order and historie of our Sauiour Christes moste bitter Passion and deathe for the redēption of al mankinde And afterwardes the Churche solemni Zeth with greate Ioie the holie feastes of our Sauiours Resurrection from death to life of his Ascension into heauen and of the Comminge of the Holie Ghoste And then followe also the holie feastes of the blessed Trinitie and of the moste holie Sacrament commonlie called Corpus Christi daie And the holie feastes of the blessed Mother of our Sauiour And of Sainte thou Baptiste his precursor And then the holie feastes of Sainte Peter Sainte Paule and of other of our Sauiours holie Apostles and most famouse Martirs and Confessors And also the holie feastes of Sainte Michael the Archangell and of all the glorious Saintes in heauen And withall a solemne daie of deuoute memorie and generall praiers ana ●mesdedes for all faithfull Christian Sowles departed out of this transitorie life and as yet remayninge in the fier of Purgatorie to make satisfaction there for all paines dewe and prescribed for their sinnes in the mercifull iuste balance of the diuine Maiestie All which holie festiuall daies beinge so diuinelie and orderlie disposed into so manie seuerall partes of the yeare and adorned with the holie reuerē●e ceremonies appoyncted to be vsed in all Christian Churches througheout all Christendome with greate solemnitie and reuerēce vpon those holie daies haue yearelie from time to time in euerie age since the Ascension of our Sauiour Christ into heauen verie liuelie and continewallie preached represented and explaned vnto the common simple Christian people all the holie Misteries of the Christian Religion which theie had professed at their Baptisme and were taughte in the Apostles Creede to belieue And the reuerent solemnitie in euerie yeare of theise holie festiuall daies induced them vnto a continewall memorie admiration loue and reuerence of those holie Misteries and greatelie strengthened their faithe in them and caused them to haue a wonderfull feruente pietie deuotion and Zeale towardes the honor and seruice of Almightie God whereby they liued verie vertuous liues like the children of lighte as Sainte Paule termeth them Ephes 5. vers 8. and died generallie as holie faithfull Christians in the obedience loue and fauour of his diuine Maiestie But alas theise golden times be paste and ended and the deuill beinge let lose nowe more and more towardes the comminge of Antichriste and the ende of the worlde we finde by palpable experience that since the time that suche a free licentious libertie hathe been permitted vnto euerie lewde bablinge Minister to raile againste all the holie aunciente diuine ordinaunces vsed and allowed generallie so manie ages in all
OF PRAYER AND MEDITATION WHEREIN ARE CONTEINED FOVVERTIEN DEVOVTE Meditations for the seuen daies of the weeke bothe for the morninges and eueninges And in them is treyted of the consideration of the principall holie Mysteries of our faithe WRITTEN FIRSTE IN THE SPANISHE tongue by the famous Religious father F. LEWIS de GRANADA Prouinciall of the holie order of preachers in the Prouince of Portugall Si quis vult post me venire abneget semet ipsum et tollat crucem suam quotidie et sequatur me lux 9. vers 23 Qui dicit se in ipso manere debet sicut alle ambulavit et ipse ambulare ● Johan 2. verse 6. Imprinted at Paris by Thomas Brumeau at the signe of the Olyue Anno Domini M.D.LXXXII TO THE RIGHTE HONORABLE AND WORSHIPFVLL OF THE fower principall howses of Cowerte in London professinge the studie of the Common Lawes of oure Realme RICHARDE HOPKINS wishethe dewe cōsideration of the holye mysteries of the Christian Religion THE holye scriptures affirme in diuers places Dan. 9.11 12. Matt. 24. Marc. 13. Luc. 21. 2. Thess 2. 1. Tim. 4. 2. Tim. 3. 2. Pet. 2. Apoc. 11.12 13. that the nearer we approche towardes the comminge of Antichriste and the ende of the worlde the more perillous will the tymes be for all Christians And the perill hereof arisethe cheefelye of the greate enuye and malice of Satan who fearinge the ende of the worlde knowinge that then his tyrannous kingdome therein will haue an ende also therewith extendeth the vttermoste of his rage againste all faithfull Christians and assaulteth them dailie more and more with diuers wilie temptatiōs and terrible persecutions to procure them thereby to folowe his most wicked rebellious example that is to breake gods holie commaundements to contemne his diuine ordināces to neglecte his seruice and honoure and by pryde and rebellion to lose the image of god and embrace the image of Satan and so to be vtterlie vnapt to attaine vnto those euerlastinge heauenlie māsions of felicitie and glorie for which man was created Wherfore to the intent that all Christians might be more circumspecte and strēgthened to resiste faithfullye against all Satans wylye deceytefull temptatiōs in this our daungerous age approchinge so neare towardes the comminge of Antichriste and the ende of the worlde as by manye coniecturall signes it seemeth a holye Angell hath forewarned vs hereof verye preciselye in the revelacions of S. Ihon thunderinge out theise woordes with a greate voice Apoc. 12. vers 12. woe be to the lande and sea because the Deuill is descended vnto you hauinge a greate rage for that he knoweth he hath but a shorte tyme. And this greate rage of his is the more to be feared in this our corrupte age for that we reade also in Sainte Ihons revelations Apoc. 20. vers 3. that the Deuill shal be let lose towards the ende of the worlde for a smalle tyme. In other ages and tymes of our holye christian forefathers the deuills exceedinge greate malice and mightie power hath bene moche restrained and bownde throughe the greate vertue of the Crosse The deuill shal be let lose more and more the nearer that Antichriste approchethe and Passion of our Saviour Iesus Christe communicated then verie plentifullie vnto the Christian people generallye by their devoute frequentinge of the holie Sacramentes of the Catholike Churche which be holie vessells of grace whereby our Christian forefathers have bene greatelye strengthened to resiste faithfullye againste the moste horrible temptations of Schisme Heresie Infidelytie and Atheisme and to live generallie verie holie and austere Christian liues in the feare and service of almightie god and in dewe reuerente obediēce to the Catholike Churche But nowe whereas in this our vngratious age suche a number of horrible sectes and heresies and suche a generall corruption with pride dysobedience lyenge detraction gluttonie incontinencie infidelitie Atheisme and all kinde of dissolute wickednes doe abounde and raigne more and more in all partes of Christēdome woe bee therfore to the Lande and sea as the holye Angell hath forewarned vs because the Deuill is nowe discended and let lose towardes the ende of the worlde for a smale time hauinge a greate rage for that he Knoweth he hathe but a shorte tyme to continewe his tyrannous kingdome in this worlde And the verie cause of this so extraordinarie lettinge lose of the deuil nowe more and more towardes the comminge of Antichriste in the ende of the worlde 2. Thess 2. vers 10. 11. saincte Paule seemeth to explane in this sense that for so muche as the wicked will not receiue the trew doctrine of the Catholike Churche with charitie The Catholicke religion daylie decreasinge heresies daylie increasinge vnto worse and worse sectes is an euident argument that the diuell is more and more let lose towardes the comminge of Antichrist humilitie obediēce and thankfulnes to the ende they maye be saued therfore Almightie god letteth lose the devill nowe emonge them by permittinge him to sowe in their prowde inconstante wilfull myndes manye erronious opynions and heresies that thei maye believe in lyenge And certainlie if we will aduisedlye consider the wylie procedinges of the deuill in sowinge so manifolde Sectes and heresies in this vngratious age Note Satās wylie prociedinges in this corrupte age and the finall ende whereunto he directeth them we maie euidentelie perceaue that it is to cause all Christians nowe towardes the comminge of Antichriste to be first dissolute in their liues and after dowtefull in their faithe and then to contemne all the holie Sacramentes and other Mysteries of the Christian Religion and afterwardes hauinge by degrees remoued awaie out of their Churches all holie memories of our Saviour Christe and of his blessed Mother Apostles Martirs other of his glorious Saintes and also out of their myndes all feare of God and of his dreadefull iudgementes then they be easelye induced by him shortelie after to become harde harted and vnsensible to conceiue anie spirituall thinges and also at the laste to become Atheistes without anie conscience Religion or beliefe that there is a God And so Antichriste findinge his waie so open and readie prepared for him maie then come frielye when he will and cause himselfe to be receiued as a Messias and adored as God findinge the Christian people generallie without anye deuotion and Zeale to the seruice and honour of our Sauiour Iesus Christe and without anye beliefe that there is a God Nowe emonge all the wylie deceitfull deuises of Satan for ouerthrowinge of the Christian Religion and so to prepare the waie for Antichristes comminge there is none in my simple iudgemente of greater force and consequence than his so earnest endeuour to procure all Christians vtterlye to contemne and forgette all the holie misteries of the Christian faithe Which if he coulde possiblie compasse as he laboureth verie earnestlie therein by diuers craftie meanes in this our corrupte age