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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04472 An expositio[n] vpon the two epistles of the apostle S. Paul to the Thessalonians by the reuerend Father Iohn Ievvel ... ; vvhereunto is adioined a very necessarie table of the principal matters contained in this exposition. Jewel, John, 1522-1571.; Garbrand, John, 1542-1589. 1584 (1584) STC 14604; ESTC S1254 203,148 439

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hated of them that embrace his doctrine 281 Fond tales of Antichrist 281 320 Antichrist not any one mā 282 Antichrist a Bishop 320 330 379 Antichrist an vniuersal king 329 Antichriste by what markes knowen 283 316 334 Antichrist commeth in shew of seruing Christ. 285 341 Antichrist ruleth by pretence of religion 287 349 Antichrist suttle and cunning 305 308 Antichrist taught of Satan 340 Antichrist proud and pompous 289 332 Antichrist exceeding cruel 263 283 Antichrist wherin his strength standeth 363 Antichrist his place or seate 290 326 379 Antichrist howe taken as God 291 Antichrist whom he deceiueth 207 351 381 Antichrist in what time reucaled 304 Antichrist not to be conuerted 364 Antichrist by what power ouerthrowen 361 363 381 Apostasie from the faith 94 388 Perswasions to Apostasie 97 Retentiue from Apostasie 98 Appearaunce of eu●… auoide 219 Astronomers passe boundes 182 B Babilon wherein rich 376 Babilon fallen 373 Babilons fal causeth ioy in heauen 377 Battaile betweene Christ and Antichrist 369 Bishop of Rome seruant of seruauntes 296 Bishop of Rome rich by the spoil of the Empire 328 Bishop of Rome his priuiledge 292 296 349 Bishop of Rome lawelesse 334 Bishop of Rome called God 293 Busie bodies 155 C Children how to be nurtured 62 Children how they waxe ill 69 Church of the faithful 9 Chnrch of the wicked 6 The name of the Church and fathers deceiueable 234 359 Church cōpared to weak things 279 Churches particular decaye in faith 270 Church primitiue how ordered 266 Church of Rome hath no speciall promise 236 Church of Rome may erre 275 277 Church of Rome vnlike the primitiue Church 268 274 Christ ouercommeth 372 Cities wel gouerned 32 Single communion 311 Conscience 103 Constancie in the truth 214 240 244 388 412 Couetousnesse hindereth the Gospel 56 85 Crosse of Christ of whom esteemed 218 D Dead in Christ. 176 Deceite in bargaining enricheth not 111 Decrees and decretalles forged 256 Disciples of Christ are humble 316 Departing from the faith 263 375 Doctrines contrary to the word of God 48 E Election howe knowen 384 Empire large sometimes 323 Empire decaied a signe that Antichrist is come 327 3●…4 380 Emperour hath not any one citie of the Empire 328 Encrease in holinesse 154 239 Enemies to the gospel raise nobles 41 188 214 224 339 Excommunication what it is 413 Excommunication daungerous 416 418 Excommunication why ordeined 402 413 F Faith grounded on the worde 384 Faith without the truth no faith 369 385 Faith is not idle 12 109 Faithful men examples of godlinesse 28 30 148 Faithful man hath three badges 205 False brethren 396 397 False brethren auoide 401 False miracles of two sortes 343 Fathers howe carefull for their children 60 Fathers or multitude no rule to warrant religion 359 Filthinesse cloaked vnder pretence of single life 310 405 Flesh of Christ howe eaten 261 Foolish faith hurteth 360 Fornication 109 G Gospel what it worketh 79 Gospel no cause of tumults 40 Gospel often refused 40 80 351 Gospel not quailed by crueltie 75 77 242 262 God maketh his gospel fruitful 16 30 37 391 393 God openeth his trueth to the simple 19 292 God maketh thē loue the trueth that sometimes hated it 37 God deliuereth the faithful 205 366 Godly men are persecuted 13 22 73 92 188 179 242 261 Goods not free for il vses 128 Grace what it worketh in vs. 11 238 380 H Hearers of the word 69 209 352 Hipocrisie a high point of wisedome 396 Hope of the faithful 14 157 383 I Idlenes the teacher of mischief 156 407 Idle bodies not to be relieued 410 Ignorance cause of wickednes 116 Ignoraunce cause of despaire 158 Image worship 347 Images in steede of preaching ●…46 Infidels shall rise againe 169 Interest and V●…urie differ 135 Inuocation of saintes 346 Ioye of the godly or wicked 200 Ioye in tribulations 23 91 190 Day of iudgement vnknowen 181 261 Day of iudgement comfortable 174 176 179 Day of iudgement dreadful 174 243 365 K Keyes of the Church abused 312 Kissing ofreliques 347 L Labour required in euerie vocation 156 157 Labourers in the gospel worthie maintenance 58 147 405 Later day as dayes of Noah 170 Latine service a cloake for ignorant priestes 46 Lawe necess●…ie 151 Law may be followed betweene filendes 150 151 Loue the fruits thereof 12 147 152 191 200 Loue perswadeth to godlinesse 191 M Man of sinne reuealed 337 363 Mariage in ministers 217 Masse no teacher of godlinesse 216 Minister his office 12 20 35 43 49 50 52 80 87 410 Ministers painful worthie maintenance 58 147 405 Ministers vnprofitable to be remoued 85 194 196 407 Miracles wrought by Antichrist 348 Mourning ouer the dead 160 N Naturall corruption of man 237 246 Newe birth or regeneration 259 O Oblations and enriching of abbies 347 Office of Apostle and Bishop diuers 300 P Pardons 337 Peace in the Church the gift of God 223.423 Peace wherein it consisteth 225 423 People ought to reade the sc●…ptures 82.84 228 Peter no bishop of Rome 301 Pilgrimage 347 Pleasers of men 55.57 Pope no sollower of Peter 216 Pope aboue Emperour 330 Praier continually needful 204 Praier howe to be made for the wicked 402 422 Prayer abused to couetousnesse 313 Preachers are Gods instrumēts 390 399 Preachers most needefull 194 Primacie the fountaine of vaine presumption 314 337 Primitive Church 266 Princes and Magistrates labour 410 Purgatory impropried to the bishop of Rome 3●…3 Purgatorie a shoppe of mar●… 314 337 R Reason the husbande 226 Reformatiō of Rome past hope 364 Refusers of the worde 72 195 210 352 357 Religion what it is 32 Religion by whō established 39 Religion of whom receiued 81 352 358 Religion forced or diffemoled 350 T●…th of religion howe tryed 212 250 359 Reliques 347 R●…tion of the bodie 165 Resemblaunces of resurrection 163 Resurrection of infidels 169 Rocke wherein the Church is built 258 Church of Rome may erre 275 277 Church of Rome vnlike the primitiue 268 274 Rome departed from the faith 265 Rome the seate of Antichrist 323 380 S Satans sleights against the gospel 86 254. Scriptures what they teach 34 Scriptures forged 255 Scriptures wrested 257 Sinne punished by sinne 82 Sinne which shall not be forgiuen 359 Spirit of God our guide 208 252 386 Superstition zealous 78 T Teachers examples of godlines 403. False teachers deale deceitfully 46 51 56 253 Thanks due to God in al things 205 The ssalonica once beloued now forsaken 236 Torments straunge and cruel against the godly 75 Translation of Scriptures 47 V Vsurie what it is 113 Vsurie whence it groweth 115 142 Vsurie what good it doeth 116 129 130 Vsurie defended 124 128 138 Vsurie and interest differ 135 Vsurie forbidden by scripture 121 Vsurie disproued by learned fathers 118 Vsurie condemned by lawes 138 Cases for Vsurie answered 131 Vsurer worse than a theefe 138 Vsurer excommunicate by his owne conscience 145 W Walkers inordinately to be reproued 198 Warre howe terrible 369
as we haue receiued mercie we faint not but cast from vs the cloakes of shame and walke not in craftinesse neither handle we the word of God deceitfully but in declaration of the trueth we approue our selued to euerie mans conscience in the sight of God In these spéeches he asketh credit because of his vpright handling of the word and chargeth the false prophets for marring the worde of God with vncleane and deceitful corruptions and glose●… In forraine countreis women that haue no natural beautie of their own vse to paint and colour their faces that wheras they lack beautie in déede yet they may séeme beautiful Euen so is it oftentimes in matters of religion Such as holde not the true religion as it is taught by the word of God and hath beene practised in those Churches which the Apostles planted and among those Christians which liued nighest vnto that time when the Apostles preached because they knowe their religion which they professe nowe wil not agrée with that they deale deceitfully and with guile These be false Apostles and deceitful workmen They beguile our senses and blind our eyes They cal vs to worship an Idol in stéede of the true and liuing God They lead vs out of the light into darkenesse from the truth into errour from knowledge vnto ignorance They forbid laweful matrimonie and cal it filthinesse and allow open stewes and harlots as a thing which nothing empaireth their holinesse I wil not speake al that I might nor in such sort as the matter occasioneth Yet can I not but say somewhat of their spirituall craftinesse in abusing and beguiling the people of God The Aegyptians furnished richly decked their churches beautifully and al in the honor of a ●…t Many things among these men carrie great shew of holinesse which are nothing else but cloakes of their shame and manifest proofe that they are not allowed of God but are crept in by deceit and by guile Single life carrieth a faire shewe But O merciful God what shame and vilanies haue béene couered with this cloake Pius secundus sawe somewhat when he sayde as mariage was taken away from priests vpon great considerations so now vpon other greater considerations it were to be restored to them againe Hierome saw somewhat when he wrate thus Vide as nonnullos accinctos renibus pulla tunica barba prolixa à mulieribus non posse discedere sub codem manere tecto simul inire conuiuia ancillas ●…uuenes habere in ministerio praeter vocabulum nuptiarum omnia esse matrimonij You may see some that pretend grauitie are girded go in blacke and haue long beardes who can in no wise leaue the companie of women but keepe house with them and banquet with them They take young maydens into their seruice and do al thinges as if they were married saue that they lacke the name of mariage Castitatem docent castitatem non seruant sayth Origen They teach chastitie and yet keepe not chastitie And Epiphan They refuse mariage but not lust or pleasure Images are faire and beautiful The churches are decked and beset with them but they are a cloake of shame They are set in place of teachers The Priestes are ignorant and liue in idlenesse and sende the people to learne at pictures They cal them lay mens bookes yet What profiteth the Image sayth Ab●… for the maker there of hath made it an image and a teacher of lies And Ieremie saith The stocke is a doctrine of vanitie What is their meaning to speake and pray in the Church in a straunge tongue This is a cloake of their shame Their priestes be so vnlearned they can scarce vnderstand english yet they saue their credite séeing they are able to reade latine And hereby they couer al their blasphemies and superstitions because the people can not vnderstande and therefore not reproue them I speake nothing of their reliques pilgrimages purgatorie and such other cloakes of shame which they vse to hide their couetousnesse and thereby drawe vnto themselues the riches of the whole worlde They cannot say with the Apostle our exhortation was not by deceit nor vncleannesse nor by guile I know there are some that lay it vnto our charge as the false Apostles did vnto Paule that we vse the word of God deceitfully they finde fault with our translations of the Scriptures They spare not to say there be a thousand faults in the new Testament Yet would they neuer set downe 500 or 100 or 50 or 25 or 5. If there be errors in the translation I know they were men which translated it and might erre like men May no translation be allowed that is not altogether perfect As if the gréeke translation were without fault or as if manie faultes were not in the common vulgar translation in latine or in the translation of Hierom. What then Must the gréeke translation be forbidden Must Hieromes translation or the vulgar translation be forbidden As for the old latine common translation though many learned men haue shewed the grosse errors thereof Yet haue they wel prouided for it in the counsel at Trident Ne quis veterem vulgatam editionem reijcere quouis praetextu audeat vel praesumat Let no man dare or presume say they by any maner of colour to refuse the old common translation of the Bible Yet is no translation of ours so corrupt as that which they haue thus priuiledged But if it were true which they falsely report reason would they did correct the errors and so set it abroad But thus they beare in hande that they may bring you in hatred of it and pul you from the reading of the scriptures I wil not say in what sort they abuse the word of God What speake I of abusing Nay they doe manifestly against and contrarie to the worde The worde of God teacheth vs forgiuenesse of our sinnes by the bloud of Jesus Christ once offred They teach contrarie that the same bloud is daylie offred and Christ as often newe borne as pleaseth the priest to say masse The word of God forbiddeth to make any grauen Jmage to bowe downe to it or worshippe it They teach contrarie that Images are to be worshipped and euen with such honour as is due to the paternes themselues The worde of God teacheth vs to pray in a knowen tongue they teach the contrarie and account it for heresie to pray in a knowen tongue The word of God chargeth al states of men to bee subiect to their Prince or higher power They withdrawe their obedience vnto ciuile Magistrates and teach the people to resist authoritie Erasmus sayth in his notes vppon these wordes of Christ Let these goe their way Nou quendam magni nominis theologum c. I knowe a Diuine of great fame and account for his learning which did wrest these wordes of Christ to defende the immunitie or lawelesse estate of cleargie men but this did he ridiculè
called you I coulde speake such thinges wherewith you woulde be better pleased but your case is such it requireth rather fr●… and planie and ●…arpe reprehension whereby you may be brought to consider and amend your errours than faire and smoothed spéech which might hould you stil in your follie Séeke therefore the kingdome of GOD and the glorie thereof and seeke not your selues Weigh trueth and fals●…de in an indifferent ballaunce so sh●…l the heauier weight of the one soone bewray the lightnesse of the other What thing in the worlde so Massie and so weightie as is the trueth Harden not your heartes as did your Fathers in the Wildernesse It is no sinne to yéelde vnto GOD it is no shame to lay a part al affection and to chaunge your minde to the denial of al vngodlinesse and imbracing of true holinesse The wise man sayth There is a shame that bringeth sinne and a shame that bringeth worshippe and fauour In this sort it is likely the Apostle would haue spoken if néede had so required But nowe seeing them forcibly assaulted and that yet they striued with such good courage against the perswasions of the wicked he commendeth their stedfastnesse and exhorteth them by these wordes not to yéelde vnto their persecutours nor to goe from their faith in Christ Iesus Neither by spirite that is by reuelation of the spirite The spirite of God wrought mightily and bestowed sundrie and great giftes vppon men Christ sayde to his Disciples When they deliuer you vp take yee no thought howe or what ye shal speake for it shal bee giuen you in that same houre what yee shall speake For it is not ye that speake but the spirite of your father which speaketh in you And againe saith he I wil pray the father and he shal giue you an other comforter that hee may bide with you for euer The spirite of trueth whome the worlde can not receiue because the worlde feeth him not neither knoweth him but yee knowe him for he dwelleth with you and shal bee in you The holie Ghost shal be with you to assist you to teach you al thinges to direct your counsels to leade you into al trueth and to preserue you from al errour Nowe as the spirite of God was among the faithful and distributed to euerie man seueral giftes as it séemed best to profit withal so did the spirite of Satan waite vpon the wicked and possessed their hearts and bodies and caused them to imagine and to doe those thinges which were vnséemely He vsed them as instrumentes to disquiet the Church of God and to cast into it the séede of error of vntrueth and dissention Of such spirites Saint Iohn giueth warning saying beleeue not euerie spirite but trie the spirites whether they are of God for many false Prophets are gone into the worlde At what time Achab would not beléeue the aunswere which the Prophet Micheas made him there came foorth a spirite and stoode before the Lorde and sayde I wil go out and be a false spirite in the mouth of al his prophetes This spirite euer walketh vp and downe séeking whome hee may deuour and blindeth the mindes of many that the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ may not shine vnto them Take héere that you be not deceiued by any such which shal séeke to abuse you by pretence of reuelation Though they shal take vpon them to tel you of the day or houre of the comming of our Lord beloeue them not for the false spirite is in the mouth of such prophetes Nor by worde or if anie shal report and goe about to perswade you that I haue so spoken or taught in the congregations or will boldely countenaunce out suche matter and tell you saring I was present I hearde his wordes and remember them this was the doctrine which Paule preached refuse him that is such a one for hee bringeth not the trueth vnto you but deceiueth you with lying and vaine fables Nor by letter as it were from vs. Againe it may bee they which lie in waite to destroye you for their better way wil counterfaite letters and sende them vnto you in my name This is a token in them that they bée past shame bee not you carried away by anie such pretence from that which wee haue preached vnto you Wée haue not taught you that the day of Christ is at hande Oh then be not so soone remooued away vnto an other Gospel by them which trouble you and intende to peruert the Gospel of Christ. Manie such s●…eightes and false deuises haue béene vsed by deceiuing spirites to blind the eyes of the simple There haue béene some which haue ●…etie abroade their owne fantasies vnder the names of Adam the first man that GOD created vppon the face of the earth and of Cain and Seth. Others haue called their owne dreames the Gospel of Thomas and of Bartholemewe and of Barnabee and of the Apostles of Christ. Saint August sayth of the Manichees Manichaeilegunt seripturas Apocryphas nescto à quibus sutoribus fabularum sub nomi●…e Apostolorum Scrip●…as The Manichees ●…ead secret hidden Scriptures written I know not by what coblers of fables vnder the name of the Apostles Such writings were neuer written by them whose name they brare but were wickedly and falsely counterfaited vnder their names by sundrie heretiques This is that whereof our sauiour gaue vs warning Take heede that no man deceiue you for many shal come in my name saying I am Christ and shal deceiue many Againe he sayeth If any shal say vnto you l●…e here is Christ or there belecue it not for there shal arise false Christes and false Prophetes Into what shape can not he transforme himselfe in whose name wil not hée crastilie sette foorth his errours which dareth falfelie sette him selfe in the place of the ●…onne of GOD This hath euermore béene the practise of that olde Serpent to chaunge himselfe into the likenesse of an Angel of light and vnder the credite of holie men to deceiue the worlde with vnholy and vnwholesome thinges Since the time that the Church of God hath departed from hir first faith and would no longer be guided by the voyce of the Gospel what and howe great forgeries haue there béene wrought What Epistles and Canons and decretals haue béene deuised to maintaine seueral partes of false religion and published vnder the name of Clemens Cletus Anacletus and of others whereof these holie fathers neuer thought Thus haue they cioked themselues vnder the couert of the Apostles of the fathers of the primitiue church and haue thought to winne credite in the worlde by false shewe of antiquitie It is certaine that the sonne of man shal come with his holie Angels and shal rewarde euerie man according to that he hath doone in this life Then will he giue sentence against the wicked and wil place the faithful at his right hande In that day the heauens shal passe
his mother the mother may commaunde the childe must obey Againe they turne al that is spoken in y e whole booke of the Psalmes of the prophet Dauid either of God or of Christ and apply it to the Virgin Marie cal that Psalter Psalterium beatae Mariae the Psalter of blessed Marie Who wil take the paines to peruse it shal find that comfortable spéech of our sauiour Come vnto me al yeo that are wearie and laden and I wil ease you thus blasphernously abused in y e second psalme Venite ad eam omnes qui laboratis tribulati estis refrigerium solatium dabit animabus vestris Come vnto her al yee that trauell and be heauily loaden she wil giue rest comforte to your soules An other saith the kingdome of god is of two parts of iustice and of mercy He reseructh iustice to himselfe the other part that is mercy he hath yelded vnto his mother Therfore one of them plaieth the Proctour taketh vpon him to shew the differēce of those two courtes saying A foro iustitiae dei appellandum est ad forum misericordiae matris eius You must appeale from the court of Gods iustice to the court of his mothers mercie And is there not good cause he should giue vs this counsell if it be true that he hath written Nulla gratia venit de coelo ad terram nisi transeat per manu●… Mariae Est enim meàiatrix saluationis iustificationis recōciliationis communicationis No mercie commeth from heauen to the earth but it must passe by the handes of Marie For shee is the mediatour of our saluation of our iustification of our reconciliation and of our participation What is blasphemie if this be not blasphemie They which wil séeme somewhat to blush at these things wil perhappes excuse this and call it spirituall daliance Vnhappie are they and heauy iudgement shall abide thē that in such sort dallie and scorne the price of our redemption O let vs open our eies we are the sonnes of God God hath giuen vs eies to sée and eares to heare and hearts to vnderstand Let vs iudge vprightly It is gods cause Whosoeuer considereth these and such other great errors must néeds confesse that y e church of Rome hath wrought that departing whereof the Apostle speaketh In the late councell of Trident Cornelius the Bishop of Bitonto did something plainly acknowledge the great Apostasie and departing of the church of Rome both in matters of faith and in conuersation and life These be his words Vtinam à religione ad superstitionem c. Woulde God they were not gone wholie with generall consent from religion to superstition frō faith ro infidelitie from Christ to Antichrist frō God to Epicure saying with wicked heart and filthie mouth there is no God Neither hath there bene this great while anie pastor or Pope that regarded these things For they al both Pope and Cardinals and other sought their owne and not so much as one of them sought for the things that pertaine to Iesus Christ. Yet say they there can be no departing from faith in the Church of Rome the faith thereof cannot faile for Christ hath said I haue praied for thee that thy faith faile not And againe The gates of hell shall not preuaile against it Therefore in that place there can be no decay This is the saying of some who humble not themselues to knowe their errour who loue the praise of men more than the praise of God whose glorie is their shame which mind earthly things The Apostle saith there shall be a departing that it shal be not among the Jewes and Jnfidels but among those which were reckoned to be of the housholde of faith and the children of God What is it frō which they shal depart or wherein the decay shall be doth he meane their riches their gold and siluer bread c. No but the doctrine of the gospell and faith in Christ. The pure words which as siluer from the earth are tried and purified seauen times in the fire the wel of water which springeth vp into euerlasting life shal decay in the house of God The people shall shut their eares that they may not heare the truth and shall giue héede vnto spirites of errour and doctrines of diuels which speake lies through hipocrisie And let them not say the church of Rome can not erre For where did Christ euer giue or where haue the Apostles euer m●…de mention of any such priuiledge granted to that Church S. Peter saith There were false Prophets also among the people euen as there shall be false teachers among you which priuily shall bring in damnable heresies euen denying the Lord that hath bought them and bring vpon themselues swift damnation and many shall folow their damnable waies by whome the waie of truth shall be euil spoken of Paul warned the Church of God at Ephesus not onelie that after his departing gréeuous woolues should enter in among them but also that of themselues should men arise speaking peruerse things to draw Disciples after them When Christ said When the sonne of man shall come shall hee finde faith vpon the earth And when he told his Disciples that the abhomination of desolation shall stand in the holy place when he warned them in this sorte Then if anie shall saie vnto you Loe here is Christ or there beleeue it not For there shall arise false Christs false Prophets and shall shew great signes and wonders so that if it were possible the verie elect should be deceiued It is most euident he spake of that departing which should come should appeare in the church of God which departing our forefathers did behold and marke in their times and which hath of late yeares appeared so manifestly that no man who is not wilfully blind can doubt thereof S. Paule knew not anie such state of the Church of Rome or anie especiall grant made vnto it in such forte that it should neuer erre for vnto the church of Rome he writeth Boast not thy selfe Be not high minded but feare For if God spared not the naturall braunches take heede least he also spare not thee Thorow vnbeliefe they are broken off thou standest by faith Behold therefore the bountifulnes and seueritie of God Towards them which haue fallen seueritie but towards thee bountifulnesse if thou continue in his bountifulnes or els thou shalt also be cut off That is if he spared not the Iewes his owne people how wil he spare thée that art but a stranger If thou continue not thou shalt be cut off It may be thou shalt also depart from the faith as the Iewes haue done then shalt thou be as a withered branch shalt not draw any moisture from the roote then wil God also forsake thée and thy end shal be worse than the beginning I trow in saying thus he said not Thou shalt not
Wil and power to doe wel is of God 202 226 239 Wil likened to the wife 226 Wisedome of man no rule in religion 211 358 Wise men not alwayes best enclined 358 Worde of God nowe taught is the same which the Apostle did teach 72 195 FINIS The first Epistle of S. Paule to the Thessalonians CHAP. I. PAVLE and SYLVANVS and Timotheus vnto the Church of the Thessalonians which is in GOD the father and in the Lord Iesus Christ Grace be with you and peace from GOD our father and from the Lord Iesus Christ. THe Apostle Paule preached the Gospell of our Sauiour Iesus Christ vnto the Thessalonians as hée did also in other places from Ierusalem rounde about to Illyricum But his trauaile had not like successe in al places For in Damascus the gouernor of the people vnder King Aretas laide watch in the citie of the Damascenes and woulde haue caught him At Lystra they stoned Paul and drew him out of the citie supposing he had béene dead At Philippi he and Sylas were drawne into the market place vnto the magistrates and accused that they troubled their Citie they were beaten with roddes and cast into prison The Corinthians receiued the doctrine of the gospel and made much of the professors thereof But they fel soone from their good beginning They walked like men in enuying in strife in diuisions Some called themselues after Paul some after Apollo some after Cephas and some after Ghrist They stirred contention about meates they abused the Lordes supper and they were doubtfull of the resurrection of the dead In like maner the Church of God which was gathered at Rome grew proude and high minded boasted themselues ouer the Iewes The Galathians forsooke the good waie of the gospel whereunto they were called and wherin they did walke They gaue eare to false prophets Therefore the Apostle telleth them I am in feare of you least I haue bestowed on you my labour in vaine But the Thessalonians after they had heard the glad tydings of the Gospell they receiued it gréedily and laid it vp close and safe in their harts Albeit the Iews withstood them and beted them fore albeit false brethren vsed diuers secret meanes to drawe them from the loue of the truth yet they kept still their stedfastnesse and could not be driuen from their faith neither by crueltie of persecution nor by subtiltie of craftie persuasion Paul being at Athens a place far distant from thence sendeth Timothie to knowe in what case they stoode So carefull was he for that house which he had built for the fire which he had kindled for the graffes which he had planted and for the children which he begot among them When Timothie made report of their constancie that they continued stedfast in those things which they had learned he writeth this Epistle to commend them and to exhort them to abide stedfast in their faith that they become not like the foolish Israelites which longed after the flesh pottes of Aegypt and were vnmindfull of their deliuerance from bondage vnder Pharao that they returne not like filthy dogges to their vomite and like vncleane swine to their puddles of-mire that they looke not backe againe after they haue put their hāds to the Lords plough and so make themselues vnworthie the kingdome of God He giueth many lessons and instructions to godlinesse that they would walke worthie of God and bring foorth the fruits of the gospell There were among them that liued idlely and did trouble the church without a cause whom he reprooueth willing them to be quiet and to meddle with their owne matters and works with their handes Others mourned ouer the dead without measure euen as if they had no hope whom he instructeth in the resurrection and comforteth with the spéech of the blessed comming of our Lord when we which liue shall be caught vp to méete him and so we shall euer be with the Lord. Others reasoned fondly of the later daie when it should be when the sonne of God shoulde appeare and when the worlde should haue an ende as if man might reach to the knowledge hereof But them also he reprooueth and warneth that they take care rather to watch and looke for the Lordes comming that they may be founde readie hauing their loines girded and their lampes burning Manie are desirous to sée the countenance of Saint Paule to sée his sword or the reliques of his bloud which was shed at his death or of his vpper garment or of his coate or of the haire of his head and for purpose to sée such things manie take painefull pilgrimage to farre places where they are dereiued Howe much better maie they be satisfied by reading the storie of his life set do●…ne in the Scriptures In these his Epistles written to the Churches of God he is to be séene in more excellent shewe than when he was yet in bodie For here is to be séene his heart filled with the holie Ghost and the care which he had for all Saints howe he did trauell in birth of them againe that Christ might be formed in them and howe he did wish himselfe separate from Christ for their sake The matter of this Epistle is plaine and treateth not of déepe and profound mysteries The maner of vtterance which the Apostle vseth is open and cuident So that the whole Epistle is ful of swéete and wholsome doctrine wherein the simplest may find great comfort Paul and Syluanus and Timotheus These two were companions vnto Paul in his iournets and in the work of his ministerie Whom here he ioineth in his letter to the congregation at Thessalonica to witnesse their consent and agréement with him that they al with one mouth and with one hand and heart set foorth the glorious Gospell of our Sauiour Christ. And that therefore they also which are called to the felowshippe of the Gospel should be like minded being one bodie and one spirite in Christ Iesus and the children of one father in whome there is no dissention but al peace and consent and vnitie Vnto the Church of the Thessalonians which is in God the father and in the Lorde Iesus Christ. There are sundrie sorts of Churches There is a Church of the wicked wherof the Prophet saith I haue hated the assemblie of the euil and haue not companied with the wicked Two hundred and fiftie Captaines men of renowme and famous in the congregation ioined themselues to Korah Dathan and Abiram But Moses said vnto Korah thou and al thy companie are gathered togither against the Lord. The builders of the great tower of Babel were manie in number and consented to that they had imagined to do thereby to get them a name but the Lord did confound their language and scattered them vpon the face of the earth The Scribes and Pharisées and high Priests held a c●…uncel and conferred among themselues But against the Lord and against his Christ. Iohn is
that taketh vsurie killeth without a sword These be holy Fathers and worthie of credite they shewe vs that Vsurie is as badde as to kill and murther a man wilfully Chrysostome likewise In his sensibilibus pecunys prohibuit ne quis vsuram acciperet c. God hath forbidden that no man shall take Vsurie in this sensible or common monie Why because either of them is much hindered Hee that oweth money is made poorer and he that lendeth it by this kinde of enriching himselfe encreaseth the number of his sinnes Againe he saith Sicut fermentum modicum quod mittitur in multam farinam totam consper sionem corrumpit c. Euen as a little leauen leaueneth the whole lump of dowe euen so Vsurie when it commeth into anie mans house draweth all his substance and chaungeth it into debt He that is an Vsurer wisheth that al others may lacke and come to him and borow of him that al others may lose so that he may haue gaine Therefore our olde forefathers so much abhorred this trade that they thought an Vsurer vnworthie to liue in the companie of Christian men they did excommunicate him They suffered not an Vsurer to be a witnes in matters of Lawe They suffered him not to make a testament and to bestow his goods by wil. When an vsurer died they would not suffer him to be buried in places appointed for y e burial of christians So highly did they mislike this vnmerciful spoyling and deceiuing our brethren But what speake I of the auntient fathers of the Church there was neuer any religion nor sect nor state nor degrée nor profession of mē but they haue disliked it Philosophers Gréekes Latins Lawiers Diuines Catholiques Heretiques al tongues and nations haue euer thought an Vsurer as daungerous as a theefe The verie sense of nature proueth it to be so If the stones coulde speake they would say as much Therefore our sauiour saith Doe good and lende looking for nothing againe Hée sayeth not lende and looke not for your principal againe But looke for no gaine thereby looke not to receiue more than thine owne for the vse and occupying of it Defraud not another thou wouldest not an other shoulde defraude thée Dppresse him not haue pitie on his wife and children thou wouldest not haue thy wife and children vndoone In Leuiticus God sayth If thy brother be impouerished and fallen in decay thou shalt take no Vsurie of him nor vantage but thou shalt feare thy GOD that thy brother may liue with thee GOD saith thou shalt take no Vsurie And hee hath power and authoritie to commaunde And in Exodus If thou lende money to my people to the poore with thee thou shalt not bee as an Vsurer vnto him yee shal not oppresse him with Vsurie Shewe them mercie for my sake they are my people I can enrich him I can impouerish thée I set vp and throwe downe whome I will When thy neighbour néedeth thy helpe and séeketh comfort at thy handes afflict him not as an enemie oppresse him not like a tyrant Ezechiel the Prophet setteth downe the wrath of God against Vsurers He that hath giuen foorth his money vpon Vsurie or hath taken increase shal he liue he shal not liue saith the Lorde He shal perish in his owne sinne his bloud shal be vppon his heade Therefore when he reckoneth the offences of Ierufalem and declareth the heauie plagues that are prepared against that wicked Citie he saith Thou hast taken Vsurie and encrease and thou hast defrauded thy neighbours by extortion and hast forgotten me sayeth the Lorde God Beholde therefore I haue smitten mine handes vpon the couetousnesse that thou hast vsed Thou hast doone iniurie to my people that thou mightest make thine owne gaine Thy wrongs and oppressions doone by Vsurie rise vp into heauen therefore I wil gather thée and blow the fire of my wrath vpon thée sayth the Lorde Thus hath GOD spoken euen the Lorde of heauen and earth which can scatter thy gold in the winde and blowe it to nothing Thus hee speaketh to thée that hearest and readest his worde which knowest that his wil is thou shouldest not lende thy money to Vsurie Thou doest oppresse saith he Whō thy brother for whome Christ vouchsafed to shed his bloude And what brother him that was poore which came to thée for néede to séeke thy helpe Howe wickedly closely falsely craftily deceitefully like an hippocrite vnder colour to doe him good Wherewith with thy money thy gold and siluer which God hath giuen thée to relieue the poore and néedie withal God hath saide thou shalt not take Vsurie and what art thou that despisest the voyce of the Lorde whose words wilt thou heare that wilt not heare the words of God remember the wordes you can not forget them Thou shalt not take Vsurie of thy brother he is poore and fallen in decay thou shalt not be an vsurer vnto him thou shalt not oppresse him with vsurie For it is crueltie and abhomination in the sight of God therefore wil God powre ●…ut his wrath and consume the Vsurer hee shal not enter into the Tabernarie of the highest he shal haue no part in the kingdome of Christ and of God but shal be cast into the vtward darkenesse But some wil say al kindes of Vsurie are not forbidden There may bee cases where Vsurie may stande with reason and equitie And herein they say so much as by witte may bee deuised to paint out a foule and vglie Idol and to shadowe themselues in manifest and open wickednesse What so euer God saieth yet this or this kinde of Vsurie say they which is doone in this or this sort is not forbidden It profiteth the common wealth it relieueth great numbers The poore should otherwise perish no man woulde lende them By like good reason there are some that defende theft and murther they say there may be some case where it is laweful to kil or to steale for God willed the Hebrewes to rob the Aegyptians and Abraham to kil his owne sonne Isaac In these cases their robberie and the killing of his sonne were laweful So say they Euen so by like reason doe some of our Countreymen maintaine Concubines Curtizans and Brothel houses and stand in defence of open Stewes They are say they for the benefite of the Countrey they kéepe men from more daungerous inconuenience take them away it wil be worse Although God say There shal be no whore of the daughters of Israel neither shall there be a whore keeper of the sonnes of Israel yet these men say al maner of whoredome is not forbidden In these and these cases it is not amisse to allowe it God sayde to Saul Goe and strike Amalek and destroy ye al that pertaineth to them and haue no compassion on them but slaie both man and woman both infant suckling both oxe and sheepe both camel and asse So strait and precise was Gods commaundement Foorth marcheth
their faces This was done vnto them that so they might be rooted out and their name quite put out from the ●…arth It was high time for the Lord to put to his hand They called vpon him in their troubles and he heard them Then sent he Moses and Aaron and deliuered them he opened the redde sea and gaue them passage When the Phili●…ines oppressed them GOD sent them Gedeon Barac Iehu Debora and Sampson whom he endued with wisedome and courage and p●…wer to ouercome their enimies and to sette them at libertie What should I speake of Nabuchodonosor An●…ochus Nero Iulian and other tyrants They oppr●…ssed the seruants of GOD and kept them in great miserie But God looked downe from heauen and was their helper in the time of néede he brake the ●…ords asunder and delinered them The more ●…ie was extended or practised against them the more glorious did GOD shei●… himselfe in the 〈…〉 of Antichrist By him the Church of God shall suffer great tribulation such as was not from the beginning of the world And then shal his surie encrease and his tyranic be the greater when his kingdome shall decay and the daies of his desolation shall be at hande Primasius saith Tunc cadet Babylon quando nouis sime potesta●…em persequendi sanctos acceperit Then shall Babylon come to the ground when she shall last of al take power to persecute the Saints of God For then wil God arise and will iudge his owne cause he wil deliuer the af●…icted and will slaie Antichrist with the breath of his mouth Hereof S. Gregorie saith thus The Church after these daies of her affliction shall afterwarde notwithstanding be ●…rengihned with great power and might of preaching Except there come a departing first There must first be a departing from faith in the Church of God and then shall be the comming of the Lorde There was one general departing in the daies of Noah Al flesh had corrupt their waies there was not ani●… that did seeke after righteousnesse Then came the daie of the Lorde vpon them he powred out the water●… and they preuailed vpon the earth so that both man and cattel and worme the soule of the heauen were destroied There was a general departing of the Iewes people of God at Hierusalem They made the house of God a denne of théeues they saued a théefe and crucified the Lord of glorie God had no delight in them neither regarded their sacrifices Christ said vnto them O Ierusalem Ierusalem thou that killest the Prophets and stonest them which haue beene sent vnto thee howe often woulde I haue gathered thy children togither euen as a henne gathereth her chickens vnder her wings and yee woulde not Beholde your house is left vnto you desolate They shall not leaue in thee one stone vpon another because thou knowest not the time of thy visitation Such a departing it shall be whereof the Apostle speaketh and so general that the sonne of man when he commeth shall hardly finde faith vpon the earth But this departing is diuersly taken Some vnderstād it of the empire that the kingdom●… and countries which were before in subiection to that estate shal depart from it and that then Antichrist shal spring vp Others thinke that this is spoken of that departing wherein the godlie haue carried themselues from the obedience of the church of Rome But others more truly say it is the departure from the doctrine and religion and loue and obedience of the gospel of Christ wherof in another place he saith In the latter times some shall depart from the faith and shal giue heede to spirites of errour and doctrines of Diuels forbidding to marrie and commaunding to abstaine from meates which God hath created to be receiued with giuing thankes of them which beleeue and know the truth These men shall haue a forme of godlinesse but shall denie the power thereof They shall turne their eares awaie from the truth and wil encline their hearts to heare fables The wordes of the Apostle are plaine to shew that there shal be a departing But as we sée it is not agréed vppon what maner of departing this shal be nor by whome it shall be wrought Our aduersaries lay it vnto vs saying you haue wrought this departing you haue departed from the Church of Rome you are they of whome S. Paule hath spoken you are the founders of Antichrist so say they But would to God they and their fathers and the Church of Rome had not wrought this departure Bernard behelde the state and pride and disorders of the Church of Rome in his time therefore saide Superest vt reueletur homo pe●…cati filius perditionis non modo demonium di●… sed meridianum quod non solum transfiguratur in angelum lucis sed extollitur supra umne quod dicitur Deus aut quod colitur It remaineth that the man of sinne that is the sonne of perdition be reueiled euen the diuel which flieth not onely in the day but destroyeth in the noone day which is not only changed into an angel of light but is exalted aboue all that is called God or that is worshipped And Gregorie did sée who they were that should worke this departing and make way for Antichrist therefore sayde Ego fidenter deco c. I speake it boldly Whosoeuer calleth himselfe the vniuersal priest or des●…reth so to be called as doth the Pope in the pride of his heart he is the forerunner of Antichrist Now that we may yet better know what maner of departure that shal be let vs consider what Saint Paule speaketh of the Church of God which was in his tune Vnto the Cori●…thinans he sayeth If al prophecie and there come in onē that beleeueth not or one vnlearned he is rebuked of al men he is iudged of al men and so are the secrets of his h●…art made manifest and so wil he fal downe on his face and worship God and say plainly that God is in you in deede How is it then brethern When you come together euerie one of you hath a psalme hath a doctrine hath a tongue hath a reuelation hath an interpretation let al things be done vnto edifying c. For God is not the author of confusion but of peace as we see in al the churches Blessed were they of God Al thinges among them were done to edifying The holy scriptures were read openly in the presence of the people the people rcuerently kept silence and gaue eare and vnderstood the wil of God and submitted themselues vnto it The prayers were in a knowne tongue to that ●…e vnlearned might vnderstand them and say Amen The holis misteries were duly ministred The people receiued the sacrament of the Lordes supper vnder both kindes as Christ had instituted and did al communitate together Chrisostoine writing vppon that chapter sayth Vere tum Ecclesia coelum fuit c. Verely the church then was a
soule be subiect to mee Which shal say it is plaine that the church is one because in the vniuersal church there is one supreme heade that is the Pope Sybilla sayeth this king shal be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is shal haue a white heade and shal bée called by a name much like to Pontus In which two markes of his heade and name whom can we finde but a Bishoppe Who weareth solemnely a white myter of siluer and adourned with precious stones and in Latine is named pontifex Againe Ioachimus Abbas saieth he shal exalt himselfe aboue al that is called God for he onely shal bée called holy Lorde and most holy Pope So that for our direction we heare not only of a King of pride and his garde of priestes but we are learned that this king shal haue a white head and a name much like pontus that is shal be pontifex a Bishoppe Gregorie morcouer hath saide he shal cal himselfe or desire to be called an vniuersal priest and Ioachimus an Abbot hath tolde vs Antichrist shal be called ●…ly Lord and most holy Pope But where shal Antichrist bée resident In what place shal we séeke him for if we looke for him in one place and he be in an other we shal not finde him Where then is he stalled in what Citie in what Church Some saie in Babylon some in Syria some in Chaldea some in Hierusalem vpon mount Sion some in one place some in an other These are but gesses and beare no waight Paule telleth vs hée shall créepe into the Empire of Rome So saith the Apostle and so the fathers The Empire shall be made waste and then Antichrist shall come and inuade the Church But the Empire was great and wide it reached thed ouer a great part of the world It did containe England Fraunce Spaine Germanie Poland Denmarke Italie Illyricum Macedonia Thracia Graecia Asia Armenia Aegypt Mauritania and the rest of Affrica Al these were partes of the Empire of Rome In what part or in what Citie or in what Church of al these shall he sit Saint Iohn saieth The seauen heades are seauen mountaines on which the woman sitteth Antichrist shall sit in a Citie built vppon seauen hilles Where shall we find such a Citie in the whole worlde is it Hierusalem or Athens or Constantinople or Antioch Where wée finde a Citie so built that Citie is the place of Antichrist There is none but one The spirit of God cannot lie But which is that one Al writers as wel olde as new call that Citie Rome Rome is built vppon seauen hilles They be yet standing The names of the hilles are knowne to be these Palatinus Quirinalis Auentinus Caelius Viminalis Exquilius Ianicularis The Poet speaking of this Citie saith Septemque vna sibi muro circundedit arces And this one citie hath compassed in to it self with a wal seauen high places Therefore Plutarch calleth it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of seauen hilles They haue vsed in Rome in their generall processions in gang wéeke to goe to these seauen hilles and to do some solemne péece of seruice at euery of them Rome is the Citie of seauen heades Rome is the Citie built vppon seauen hilles therefore the Citie which Iohn describeth and therefore it is the tabernacle and stal in which Antichrist shall sit Sybilla wrote two thousand yeares sithence That the greatest terrour and furie of his empire and the greatest woe that hee shall worke shall be by the bankes of Tyber And who is there that hath heard anie thing of the situation of Rome that doth not knowe it is built on the bankes of Tyber Irenaeus who liued welneare fiftéene hundred yeares agoe saith the name of Antichrist expressed by that number shall be Latinus that is he shall sit in a citie called Latium that is Rome Ioa. chimus Abbas saith Antichristus iam pridem natus est Romae altius extolletur in sede Apostolica Antichrist is long since borne in Rome and yet shal be aduanced higher in the Apostolike see Bernard saith Bestia illa de Apocalipsi cui datum est os loquens blasphemias bellum gerere cum sanctis Petri cathedram occupat tanquam leo paratus ad praedam The beast that is spoken of in the booke of Reuelations vnto which beast is giuen a mouth to speake blasphemies and to keepe warre against the Saintes of God is now gotten into Peters chaire as a Lion prepared to his praie These wordes are cleare as the sunne beames Saint Iohn saieth Antichrist shall sit in a Citie built vpon seauen hilles That Citie is the Citie of Rome Dame Sybilla saieth his greatest worke shal be by the bankes of Tyber That Citie so built is the Citie of Rome Ireneus saieth the name of Antichrist shall be Latinus this name belongeth to the Bishop of Rome Bernard saith the beast that is spoken of in the Reuelation is gotten into Peters chaire Iohn liued 1560. yeares since Sybilla 2000 Irenaeus about 1500 Ioachimus Abbas 300 Bernard liued about foure hundred yeares sithence and by the testimonie of all these Antichrist shall be a Bishop and placed at Rome You maruel at this howe it should be possible that Antichrist shoulde sit in Peters chaire you heare who hath said it and no wonder at al for he shal sit in the place of God in the holy place in the Church of Christ. So doth Augustine gather vpon the Apostles wordes Non enim templum alicuius idoli aut daemonis templum dei Apostolus diceret For the temple of an idol or of a diuel the Apostle would neuer call the temple of God And Hierome saith Antichristus sedebit in templo dei vel Hierosolymis vt quidam putant vel in Ecclesia vt verius arbitramur ostendens setanquam ipse sit Christus filius dei Antichrist shall sit in the temple of God either at Ierusalem as some imagine or in the church as we more truely thinke shewing himselfe as if he were Christ and the sonne of God Againe he saith of him Antichrist shall tread vnder his feete al approoued and true religion And Saint Hilarie saith Anne ambiguum est Antichristum in ijs esse sessurum Is there anie doubt but Antichrist shal sit in the same houses He shal sit in those houses and buildings with which you are in loue and which you honour And againe he saith Sub specie euangelicae pradicationis Christo contrarius erit vt dominus noster Iesus Christus denegetur quum praedicari creditur Hee shall be contrarie to Christ vnder the colour of preaching the gospel so that our Lord Iesus Christ shall then be denied when a man would thinke hee is preached Thus we wée haue séene who shall be Antichrist and in what Church hée shall be that he shall be a Bishoppe and shall be stalled or placed in Rome Now to returne againe to the wordes of the Apostle
they wil be protestants in company of others they are quite become contrarie They come to the church and receiue the holy communion they resort secretely to corners where they heare masse They like the one and like the other They like the light and they loue darkenesse and make no difference betwéene them These are readie to serue Christ and also readie to serue Antichrist faithful neither to God nor to Baal And this is among many counted the highest point of wisedome to be able so to colour and hide himselfe that you shal not know what profession he is of to what church he ioyneth himselfe what religion he holdeth whose worde or Gospel he followeth in what GOD he beléeueth Such there are And they onelie bée the singuler men reckoned the sine wittes and cunning fellowes of the worlde This is to be lamented that in a christian estate there should be any such That they at whose handes God shal require a straiter accoumpt than of others because he hath giuen them the vse of greater talents either of wit or of learni●…g or of preferment or of riches should so mispende the good giftes of God or vse his talents to such euil purpose that they more than al other shoulde deuise meanes how to deny Christ among men and as much as in them lieth to seeke to cr●…e againe the Lorde of glorie The lewes deale not so wickedly the Turks deale not so traiterously The Je●…e although his case bee miserable and his heresies most dangerous yet hee is earnest in his folly he wil not dissemble his profession The Turke is faithful vnto Mahomet and wil not denie or forsake him These false brethren and dissembling christians are worse than Iewes and Turkes They are voyde of conscience voyde of sayth voyde of feare of shame and of the grace of GOD. They are filthie swine shamelesse dogges and the enemies of the crosse of Christ. These hinder the passage of the Gospel and blaspheme the holie worde of their saluation and do al that in them lyeth to abolish the light of Gods truth S. Paule telleth vs al men haue not faith many hearts lie naked and voide of faith many séeme to liue and yet are dead Howsoeuer these men carie out their doings in this life they cannot mock God He knoweth who are his Christ shall say vnto these running witted dissemblers depart from mée ye hipocrites I knowe you not You shal receiue your portion with the diuel and his Angels Pray that we may be deliuered from such vnreasonable and euil men that they stoppe not the frée passage of the Gospel that they may haue no power against the glorie of God Then shal it appeare that God is faithful in al his wordes and holy in al his workes that his truth and mercie shal last for euer He wil establish vs in al goodnesse and defende vs from al euil he wil kéepe vs from al the power of Satan he wil kéepe vs from al temptation that the wicked shal not preuaile against vs. And we are perswaded of you through the Lorde that ye both doe and wil doe the things which wee warne you of You knowe what commaundements we gaue you by the Lord. I spake vnto you the wil of GOD and not mine owne I was vnto you but a messenger to deliuer vnto you such an errand as GOD sent vnto you I hope ye haue receiued it in such dutie as becommeth and that you both doe and wil hereafter obey it I am your phisitian The receipt which I haue giuen you is soueraigne and shall worke your health I trust it tarieth with you you brooke it wel I haue spoken vnto you in the name of God His name is holy He wil cause that my labor shal not be in vaine but wil make it fruitful in you Although al men haue not saith yet al men are not voide of faith Although there be many the children of this world yet there be some the children of light he that is of God heareth the worde of God They that be the sonnes of God are obedient to the wisedome of god their father God guide your harts that you may loue him that you may knowe what good God hath wrought vnto your soules that you may sée the depth of his mercie that in al your tribulation and aduersitie vnder the crosse and in your death you may looke for the day of Christ when the trumpet shal be sounded the graues shal be opened the dead bodies shal come foorth and we shal bée taken vp into the cloudes then shal he chaunge our vile b●…die that it may be like his glorious bodie then shal we be like the Angels of God wée shal sée God face to face and rest with him for euer V. 6. We warne you brethren in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ that yee withdrawe your selues from euerie brother that walketh inordinately not after the instruction which he receiued of vs. The kingdome of God is like to a draw net ●…ast into the Sea that gathereth of al kinde of thinges it is like a fielde wherein groweth both corne and wéedes Sundrie Uirgines went out to wa●…e vppon the Spouse some were wise some were foolish some had oyle in their Lampes some had none Many came to the mariage some had their wedding garment some lacked it Manie are called but fewe are chosen Some beare the name of christians yet liue in Vsurie to the spoyle and vndoing of their brethren Some beare the name of Christians yet liue in adulterie and fornication as the heathen which knowe not God These be they through whom the name of God is euil spoken of Therefore sayeth Paule I warne you that you withdrawe your selues from euerie brother that walketh inordinately Forsake him refuse his companie eate not with him dru●…ke not with him that so he may be ashamed of his filthinesse Keceiue him not to your house nor bid him God spéede For he that biddeth him God spéede is partaker of his euil béedes Haue you no fellowship with the vnfruitful workes of darkenesse but euen reprone them rather A little leauen doth leauen the whole l●…mpe The wrath of god shal come not onelie vpon those which commit wickednesse but also vpon al those which consent to the working thereof Among the Corinthians one had committed incest taken his fathers wife Saint Paule sayeth Let such one be deliuered vnto Satan for the destruction of the fleshe that the spirite may be saued in the day of the Lorde Iesus Deliuer him vp to Satan Marke his ●…rdes and in what case he speaketh them For they that delite in wickednesse are sold ouer vnto sinne which are filthie and increáse in filthines They are not of God they haue no part in the Church of God The Diuel and Satan hath power ouer them therefore deliuer th●…m vp vnto Satan The rewarde of sinue is death the soule which hath sinned shal die For this cause hath the