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A02448 The enimie of securitie or A dailie exercise of godly meditations drawne out of the pure fountaines of the holie Scriptures, and published for the profite of al persons of any state or calling, in the German and Latine tonges, by the right reuerende Maister Iohn Auenar, publike professor of the Hebrue tonge, in the famous Vniuersitie of VViteberge; In Englishe by Thomas Rogers Maister of Artes and student in Diuinitie.; Christliche Gebet. English Habermann, Johann, 1516-1590.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1579 (1579) STC 12582.3; ESTC S120167 142,030 389

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attained by the onelie industrie and power of man. Thou giuest and we gather thou openest thine hande and al liuing creatures are filled with thy blessing For without thee al our endeuors be in vaine and if thou blesse not our labors we do but beate the winde and receiue no profite Great is thy mercie O Lorde which disdainest not to prouide for sinful flesh O Lord our God great are thy wonderous works which thou hast done for vs the which we can not so much as in thought comprehend much lesse in words expresse When we would report and vtter them we founde them moe than we coulde recite But notwithstanding thine infinite benefits cannot be comprehended of man yet wil we not surcesse to set forth thy praise nor hide thy goodnes from the sonnes of men but wil declare it and speake of thy truth from one generation to another Blessed art thou O our God for euer and euer al that is either aboue in the heauens or in earth beneath is thine Al things come from thee and from thine hands we receiue whatsoeuer we possesse And al those things of thy meere mercie without our merits or worthines Therefore we wil magnifie the Lord which doth mightie things in al the corners of the earth which doth nourish vs from our mothers wombes and giueth vs al good things Grant vs likewise quietnes of minde and peace in our time that thy grace may abound towarde vs continue and defende vs while we liue O Almightie and merciful Father by thy breath we toke life the which through thy blessing doth abide in vs In thee we liue moue and haue our being For man liueth not by bread onelie or by his owne wisedome and forecast neither art thou bounde with a fatal chaine of second causes but by thy decree and wil we enioie life al things created at thy beck doe continue while thou thinkest good Giue vs not onelie store of al things to the necessitie of our life but grant also to our meate drink virtue and power to relieue and strengthen our bodies For thou alone vpholdest al thinges by thy worde of power Vnles thou dailie didst feede vs with thy hidden grace which thou dost enspire into the bread to feede vs al the heapes of our yeerelie encrese were to smal purpose For be it that there be abundance of wheat wine and of al other things yet vnles they be watred by thy blessing quicklie would al come to naught and we shoulde perish for lacke of foode in al that abundance For al the substance which we possesse what is it without thou prosper and fructifie the same with thy blessing And albeit we feede on bread yet we ascribe not our life to the virtue of the bread neither is thy power tied to the bread nor mans life included within the same but altogether it dependeth vpon thy wil and good pleasure We besech thee for thy most large and bountiful liberalitie cast vs not of in the time of our old age and when our strength faileth vs forsake vs not Likewise confirme our faith that we distrust not thy promises neither be we driuen from thee by any meanes seeme they neuer so contrarie to natural causes but giue grace that we may withdrawe our eies from al wordlie consultations and as touching our foode and other necessaries for this life may wholie depend vpon thee and at no time go beyond the limits which thou hast prescribed through our Lord Iesu Christ which liueth and raigneth with thee for euermore Amen 3. A praier for vni tie in Religion O Eternal God which hast called vs to the vnitie of the true catholike faith and gathered vs by thy word into the lap of the Christian congregation that we may be al of vs one bodie and one spirit euen as we are called in one hope of our calling One Lord one faith one baptisme one God and Father of al which is aboue al and through al and in vs al. For euen as thou Father art in thy Sonne and he in thee so should we also be one in thee our God. And therefore we crie vnto thee O almightie Father and eternal God teach vs thy waies that we may walke in thy truth O knit our harts vnto thee that we may feare thy Name Grant that al thy faithful may be like affected and of one minde as thou art thinking the same thing after the ensample of Christ our Sauior and that as wel in minds as with mouth we may agree among our selues both in true doctrine and in outwarde behauior of conuersation For the scope of the Churches felicitie consisteth in the vnitie of true faith and religion Keepe vs in the true vnderstanding and right knowledge of thy sacred scriptures that without strife and contention we may speake one thing Let there be no dissentions nor schismes among vs let nothing be done through contention or of vaine glorie but let vs be one bodie endued with one minde and iudgement according to thy worde reuealed vntil we attaine to the vnitie of faith and knowledge of thy Sonne into a perfect man according to the measure of the age of the fulnes of Christ which is the head by whom the whole bodie being copled and knit together by euerie ioint for the furniture therof according to the effectual power which is in the measure of euerie part receiueth encrease of the bodie vnto the edifieng of it selfe in loue O most holie Father keepe vs by thy Name that we may be one in thee and that among vs which are beleeuers there may be one hart and one minde O Christ our onelie Sauior and Mediator which before thy passion didst praie that we might be one in thee euen as thou art in thy Father grant that thy Church may be at concorde and agree in one true faith and confession Let there continue among vs a godlie consent let there be one agreement in faith one mind in praier that we may grow vp in thee and that al our harts may be copled together by the bond of the Spirit vsing thy gifts as they should be to the aduancement of thy glorie and to the common profit both of thy Church and Common-weale and walking worthie our calling whervnto we are called with al humilitie gentlenes with al lenitie forbearing one another through charitie being careful to keepe the vnitie of the Spirit in the bonde of peace Represse the furiousnes of Satan which soweth discention among thy flock to weaken our faith and to hinder our praiers whereby thy glorie is defaced Grant therefore that we proue not desirous of vaine glorie prouoking one another and enuieng one another that we bite not one another to our destruction For of emulation spring contentions which being once enflamed boile out into mortal diuisions And as many as maintaine emulations
holie Name nor suffer thy kingdome to be brought vnto vs. Comfort and keepe vs stronglie in thy word and faith euen til our liues ende that so both thy good and gratious wil may be done in our harts and they which as yet beleeue not thy worde by our good conuersation may be wonne to thy Gospel and glorifie thee our God to the encrease of thy celestial kingdome Make vs meete to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light Thou which hast deliuered vs from the power of darknes translated vs into the kingdome of thy beloued sonne in whom we haue redemption through his blood that is the remission of sinnes that we may be grounded and stablished in faith and not mooued awaie from the hope of the Gospel but may walke vnblameable and without fault in thy sight as it becommeth the children of light in al godlines and honestie And forasmuch as thy kingdome is not meate nor drinke neither consisteth in ceremonies and traditions which are inuented by man neither commeth it with obseruations neither is it in word but in righteousnes and peace and ioie in the holie Ghost and in power Grant O eternal God that we being borne anew by thy word and holie Spirit may attaine the inheritance of eternal life and lifting vp our harts on hie where Christ sitteth at thy right hande may set our affections on things which are aboue and not on things on the earth Therefore be thou present with vs in these latter daies of the world and begin thy kingdome in vs prosper the same with thy diuine assistance that we may be conformable vnto thy godlie pleasure purchasing thy fauor in this world and afterward in thy newe kingdome in the kingdome of glorie where thou God art al in al may ioiefullie remaine with thee for euermore Grant therefore that we may be poore in spirit in hart humble sorowful in minde for our offences and may with al our harts hunger and thirst after righteousnes Make vs lowlie and courteous liberal and pittiful pure in hart and peace-makers likewise in persecutions and trobles patient that we neither take nor giue offence vnto any but may exercise our selues in the workes of charitie and of mercie feeding the hungrie giuing drinke to the thirstie clothing the naked lodging strangers comforting the weake and visiting the imprisoned Finallie of thine abundant mercie grant that in thy last iudgement we may heare that ioieful and most cōfortable voice of thy welbeloued Sonne saieng Come ye blessed of my Father inherite the kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the worlde Amen 5. A praier for Magistrates OMost mightie GOD King of al the world which by thine holie Spirit hast commanded that supplications praiers intercessions and giuing of thanks be made for al men for Kings and for al that are in auctoritie which thou hast placed to be rulers of the earth according to thy good wisedome and set in gouernement at thy good pleasure For thou exaltest some vnto the top of honor and protectest their dignitie thou castest not downe the mighty which art mighty thy selfe and placest Kings in their throne For al power is from thee We beseech thee therefore euen with deepe sighs of hart O Lord of Lordes that forgiuing our sinnes thou woldest giue good Rulers and also maintaine their auctoritie For among men there is no place for Lawe and iustice where the rulers and princes whom thou hast appointed are not feared Vphold al the states and gouernors of this realme and protect them from destruction in these greuous calamities and miserable disorder of these latter daies Especiallie preserue our Noble Queene and hir godlie Counsaile grant them a long healthful good life that they may deuoutlie serue thee and iustlie doe their office Lighten their minds with the knowledge of thy sacred word that they may deale wisely and be learned which iudge the earth seruing thee in feare and reioicing in trembling Let them embrace discipline and kisse the Sonne the Sauior of the world least happilie he be angrie and they perish in the waie Blesse them O God that they may alwaies hope in thee nourish thy ministers giue reliefe vnto thy Gospel and open their gates that the King of glorie may come in the Lord of power which is mightie in battel Giue them a care of godlines that they may giue their goods to the erecting cherishing of the church and shew themselues Patrones and defenders of the same Make them diligent in rooting out superstition and in promoting thy Kingdome in maintaining the puritie of doctrine in remoouing al offences and finallie in wyping awaie al filthines which both defile thy religion and deface thy glory that the commers after vs haue none occasion of transgressing Blesse them with sober counsaile wisedome industrie and courage of minde Giue them good successe in al their enterprises prosper their doings Let them consider that they are placed to defend the good and innocent and with seuere punishment to correct the wicked and rebellious so shal wickednes be taken from among vs and the publike state remaine in safetie to the preseruation of mankind and continuance both of common Christian peace to the glorie of thy sacred Maiestie and the commoditie of their subiects to the rooting out of ignorance and error and to the furtherance of good artes honest trades and liberal studies And forasmuch as the harts of Kings Queenes and of al men are in thine handes so that thou canst turne them at thy pleasure we beseech thee almightie and merciful God that it would please thee to turne from crueltie to clemencie the minds of al Tyrans and vnmerciful Princes that they mooue not war against thee rashlie wherby the course of thy diuine worde may be hindered worldlie substance wickedlie consumed and their subiects polled vnreasonably deuoured But giue vnto al in auctoritie quiet harts desirous of christian concord that they may remember they are the ministers of God to maintaine his glorie to keepe their people from iniurie and oppression and beare the sword to take vengance on them which doe euil on the behalfe of god For they rule not for their owne cause but for the publike welfare neither may they doe what they list but are bound to seeke the profit of their subiectes and to set forth the glorie of God. Let them not therefore abuse their auctoritie power but grant them grace to remember continuallie that they are mortal men whose Lord is in heauen which respecteth no person and afore whose iudgment seat they must al appeare and giue an account vnto thee the true and righteous God iudge both of the quicke and dead which raignest and rulest for euermore Amen 6. A praier for Subiects O Most merciful God at
contentions and factions are carnal and walke as men Wherefore take from vs the zeale of the flesh which is foolish And let al enuie wrath pride and arrogancie be far from vs. Likewise let vs auoide foolish and vnlearned questions knowing that they engender strife and contention and serue for nothing but to the subuerting of the hearers and engrafting of errors Where a desire of strife is there certainlie God dwelleth not and they which raise tumults of nothing and disquiet thy flock those wilt thou O Sonne of God destroie Come holie Spirit replenish the harts of the faithful and inflame in them the fire of thy loue which once didst gather the nations into the vnitie of the faith through the diuersitie of tongues Ioine our harts together that we may nourish christian concorde among vs and that we al glued as it were together in louing harts may be of one minde in thee so shal thy pure doctrine zelouslie be maintained and no false interpretation of the Scripture obstinatelie be defended Bring home to thy fold al such as are turned from the vnitie of true religion that there may be one pastor and one folde To such as are gone out from vs grant constancie that they may continue with vs teaching the Gospel to the saluation of the hearers And if it fortune that any contrarie to the doctrine which we haue learned raise dissention and offences grant that we may auoide them least the harts of the simple through their sweete perswasions and flatterie be deceaued O God autor of peace and concorde giue grace that euerie of vs may thinke the same thing according to our Sauiour Christ Amen 4. A praier for peace O Most Hie God and holie Father which art not the Autor of dissention but of peace not of confusion nor of inordinate life but the keeper of discipline and quietnes from thee come holie cogitations and good counsailes and righteous deedes Giue vnto vs thy seruants that peace which the world cannot giue that both our harts and works may be applied to thy commandements and that our daies through thy protection be alwaies quiet from troble Gouerne thou the whole state both of the Chuch and Common weale and rule our life that in our daies iustice may take place and peace continue as long as the moone shal haue hir course Speake thou peace vnto the common people and ouer thy Saints and likewise to them which are conuerted and turned to a better minde Let thy saluation be nigh them that feare thee that glorie may dwel within our lande Let mercie and truth meete together yea let iustice and peace embrace ech other Let truth arise out of the earth righteousnes looke downe from heauen Let the mountaines and the hils bring peace to thy people by iustice Blesse Lord al Countries Cities Townes and places where thy word doth abide and is purelie preached Let them haue much peace that loue thy Lawe and doctrine and let them be without stones to stumble at and offences let there be peace within their wals and prosperitie within their palaces O Lord strengthen the locks of our ports and blesse thy children within them put peace for our endes and bounds and fil vs with the fat of the corne that thou King of glorie and Lord of hostes maist enter by our gates and the pure worde may abide not onelie in our wals but also in our wils to the glorie of thy Name and comfort of our soules and that honest discipline together with integritie of virtue maners and humane literature may be maintained O eternal God which hast called vs in peace grant that with al men as much as in vs lies we may haue peace and let vs account of holines without which none shal see the Lord. Asswage our harts that we may cleane forget al iniuries and forgiue ech other in many things least by reuenging our selues we take awaie the publike tranquilitie Represse the Diuel the breaker of godlie concord and christian peace which ranging throughout al regions soweth euerie where the seede of strife and debate O God of peace which makest an ende of war in al the worlde and breakest the bowe and knappest the speares asunder and burnest the chariots with fire protect vs from war and slaughter scatter the nations that wish for war. Breake thou and hinder al euil counsailes and the purpose of such as mind and thirst after nothing els but the shedding of innocent blood Confound them in their imaginations that they take none effect let them be turned back and put to shame Let them come to shame and perish through their owne imaginations that Churches and schooles wel ordained be not ouerthrowne nor Idolatrie get the dominion ouer vs. Ingraffe therefore into al men of what calling soeuer a desire of peace contented minds in their vocations and a carefulnes to aduance the welfare of that place where they doe abide so shal they neither through a desire of others wealth nor by ambition or vaine glorie raise any tumults to our disquietnes And where strife contention discord is among men there doe thou O most mightie God reconcile their harts and minds that those flames and fires may speedilie be put out For thou canst conclude a truce for vs with the stones of the grounde and compel the beasts of the fielde to seeke those things as belong to our peace and the wolfe to dwel with the Lambe and the Leopard to lie downe with the Kid. Therefore make our tabernacles safe quiet that about them there may be a rich tranquilitie which may abound like the streame running ouer his bank and our righteousnes as the waues of the sea which is neuer without water In the Lorde shal we haue our wished peace and the worke of righteousnes shal be peace hir frute rest and quietnes for euer And thy people shal dwel in the Innes of peace and in sure dwellings in safe places of comfort In ioie shal we go forth and returne in peace the mountaines and hils shal sing with vs for ioie and al the trees of the field shal clap their hands Heare vs O Lord of peace and grant that thy peace which passeth al vnderstanding may keepe our harts and minds in our Lorde Iesu Christ which liueth and raigneth with thee in the vnitie of the holie Spirit a God now and for euermore Amen 5. A praier for vnbeleeuers VNto thee doe we crie O Lord Father and maker of al men which art rich vnto al that cal vpō thee and which commandest the light to shine out of darknes For thou wilt that al men should be saued and come to the knowledge of the truth And therefore of thy great loue thou diddest cal vs to the participation of the lot of the Saints in light which are by
our Lord Iesu Christ maker and preseruer both of heauen and earth together with thy coeternal Sonne and the holie Ghost We haue sinned O Lord with our fathers we haue committed iniquitie and done wickedlie Therefore we openlie confesse that by thy righteous iudgement we are iustlie punished and rightlie deserue that barbarous and vngodlie nations shoulde spoile vs of our goods ouerthrowe our schooles Churches and Commonweales make vnmerciful hauocke of the promiscuous multitude and carie miserable men from the sweete bosomes of thy deere friendes into a slauerie more greeuous than death O God it is thou which repellest vs yea thou dost confounde vs before the nations for our sinnes and goest not forth with our armies to the battel Thou makest vs to turne our backs vpō our enimies so that they which hate vs spoile our goods Thou sufferest vs to be eaten vp like sheepe and hast scattered vs among the Heathen Thou sellest thy people for naught and takest no monie for them Therefore be the Heathen come into thine inheritance thy holie Temple haue they defiled they haue destroied our townes and houses and brought them into an heape of stones The dead bodies of thy seruants haue they giuen to be meate for foules of the aire and the flesh of thy Saints vnto the beastes of the lande Their blood haue they shed like waters on euerie side and there was no man to burie them We are become an open shame to our enimies a verie scorne and byword vnto them that are rounde about vs. Wherefore in these mischieuous wars and in the middes of our fatal punishments we flie vnto thee saieng Helpe vs O God of our saluation for the glorie of thy Name O deliuer vs and be merciful vnto our sinnes for thy Name sake O deale not with vs after our sinnes neither reward vs after our iniquities Remember not our former sins but let thy tender mercie preuent vs For we are in great miserie Looke vpon our affliction and trauel and forgiue al our sinnes Behold our enimies for they are manie and they hate vs with cruel hatred Thou which hast forgiuen the iniquitie of thy people and couered al their sinnes and hast withdrawen al thine anger and turned back frō the fiercenes of thy wrath turne vs we humblie beseech thee O God our Sauior remoue awaie thy displeasure that in true repentance we may please thee for thy Sonne his sake Wilt thou be displeased with vs for euer or wilt thou prolong thy wrath from one generation to another O let the sorowful sighing of thy prisoners come before thee according to the greatnes of thy power preserue those which are appointed to die Poure out thine indignation vpon the heathen that knowe thee not and vpon the kingdomes which cal not vpon thy Name that al nations may knowe the vengeance of the blood of thy seruantes that is shed Consider the mortal threatnings of our enimies that they may be hindered from exercising their tyrannie vpon vs saieng triumphinglie Where is now their God Keepe from our necks the greeuous yoake of Antechristian bondage and represse the furiousnes of al Tyrans which labor to spoile and make hauock of thy Church to abolish true doctrine praiers pure religion and to bring in idolatrie errors blasphemous ceremonies Defende our Churches Polities and dwelling places Suffer not our townes to be reduced into dennes for Tyrans and other bloodie nations which hate both thee and vs extreemelie Arme the right arme of our Gratious Queene and hir Nobles that they may fight for our Lawes liues and libertie Teach their hands to fight and their fingers to battel encrease in thē an inuincible courage of minde that enflamed through the zeale of thy religion they may valiantlie withstande their euen thine enimies Guide thou the hands of such as fight in the cause of religion ▪ and grant them happie successe ouer al their enimies For a King is not saued by the multitude of an host neither is the mightie man deliuered by great strength but the victorie commeth from heauen At thy rebuke O Lord both the charret and horse fal downe Thou wilt take awaie the courage of Princes and art terrible to the Kings of the earth O be thou our helpe in troble for vaine is the helpe of man Through thee we shal do valiantlie for thou wilt tread our enimies vnder our feete and make them come to naught through our Lord Iesus Christ Amen A praier to be saide in the time of the plague sicknes and mortalitie O Lorde our God great feareful art thou keeping couenant mercie with thē that loue thee and keepe thy commandements We haue sinned O Lord and haue committed iniquitie we haue done wickedlie yea we haue rebelled and haue departed from thy precepts and from thy iudgements we haue not obeied thy seruants the Prophets which spake in thy Name to our Kings and Princes to our forefathers and to al the people of the lande O Lord righteousnes belongeth vnto thee but vnto vs open shame and confusion as it is come to passe this daie by the plague and sicknes raigning among vs and among al the dwellers of this lande because of the sinnes which we haue done against thee Vnto thee our Lord and God pertaineth compassion and forgiuenes though we haue rebelled against thee We haue not obeied thy voice to walke in the lawes which thou hast laide before vs. We haue hitherto despised thy diuine worde yea we haue loathed preaching and haue loa●ed the bridle to al beastlines of desires Therefore the curse and oth which is written in the lawe of Moses thy seruant is poured vpon vs and we through the plague and corrupt aiers with burning feauers and grieuous sicknes are lamentablie consumed euerie daie Yea in our knees and legs are we smitten with most lothsome botches those incurable frō the sole of the foote vnto the top of the hed Because we repent not neither obserue al the words written in thy lawe nor feare thy glorious and dreadful name thou dost according to thy threatnings aforetolde encrease our plagues and the plagues of our seede thou sendest great plagues and of long continuance euil sicknes and of long durance thou bringest vpon vs vncureable diseases al maner of sicknes and al kinds of plagues besides those written in the booke of the lawe Al these plagues according to thy worde are come vpon vs yet haue we not praied vnto thee our Lorde that we might euerie man turne from his vngodlie waies Therefore hast thou bin watchful in punishing vs and in bringing these euils vpon vs Thou art righteous O Lord and true is thy iudgment O God Father of our Lord Iesu Christ thou hast got thee a glorious Name as may appeere this