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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A90200 A persvvasive to a mutuall compliance under the present government. Together with a plea for a free state compared with monarchy. Osborne, Francis, 1593-1659. 1652 (1652) Wing O517; Thomason E655_5; ESTC R203026 31,118 47

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sometimes united by the malice of his Holines Though armed with no more naturall weapons then what her mony puts into the hands of strangers the most unhappy Militia a State can imploy Yet because all her Senatours look one way and not a squint upon Forreign Interests as the Privadoes of our Kings have beene knowne to doe in relation to their respective Pensions Unity improves their small force to so much advantage as they have for these latter yeares not onely disputed the dominion of the Seas with the Grand Seigniour but forced him to wash away with his peoples bloud divers markes of advantage his multitudes of Souldiers had purchased him in the Levant So as if Monarchs were owners of so much Christianity as to spend but the tith of what is consum'd yearly in Masques and such unnecessary vanities this way a thing not to be hoped for till our good God have discovered to all Nations the curse of monopolized authority this enemy to Christ might be easily reduced Since all the force he can make returnes him from this single State nothing but dishonour and losse whereas the greatest German Caesar was never yet able to beare the least branch of his power without imploring and receiving aide from most of Christian Princes who are now so weltered in their own blood as they omit the opportunity Thinking themselves more charitably imployed in the ruine of their own people or Neighbours A Lunacy could never befall them were they not agitated by such ridiculous humours as Common-wealths disdaine to be affected withall where there is no roome for any disputation about such triviall things as crabbid Titles Legitimacy c. all being ejected there as spurious that conduce not to honour or safety And what advantage this State hath in the wise Conduct of affaires may be easily discerned by any eye that shall passe over the Transactions of this Senate and Paul the fift during the Interdict and compare them with the Treaties of our King James with Spaine the first redounding no lesse to the honour of that Republique then the latter to the shame and losse of this Nation Neither are these advantages peculiar to Venice onely but to all found under this Government which officiating in the double capacities of a King and a Councell both cannot choose but be wiser then the first and lesse subject to corruption then the latter it being as unnaturall for them to betray their owne power as it is usuall with the greatest Courtiers to sell the revelation of their Masters most secret Counsels Though Offenders under Free States are punished with the greatest severity it is with the least injustice and partiality Single persons being more subject to be agitated by the tempests of Fury Prejudice or Revenge then Popular Tribunals which in all reason are not capable of so totall a distemper as to utter such intoxicated Censures as ordinarily drop from single judgements who rather then confesse a mistake will with the Tyrant in Seneca make three guilty because they find one innocent Neither doth Covetousnesse the root of all evill prosper so well or spread so much in the hearts of Senaters as in those of Kings lest their Posterity should be forced to disgorge what they had devoured Too vast estates being so formidable to this Government as they cannot be pass'd by without observation and jealousie by such as know the cause of the reduction of the State of Florence under the House of Medici But Kings are such bottomlesse pits that they proclaime themselves responsible to none but God for all their rapines and injustice By which they doe not onely adjourne all reparation to the day of Doome but leave their oppressions for lawfull inheritances to their successours As the Monopoly Queene Elizabeth granted upon Glasses was improved since to very Raggs and Marrow-bones All a Senate can justly be charged with by way of disadvantage after perfectly founded is division which if pure from popular ambition may possibly occasion more good then hurt by keeping them upright One Faction remaining as a guard upon the rest Their owne safety perswading all Corporations to intend the generall welfare in which Reason gives the right hand of advantage to the Government by a Senate rather then that of a King whose best designes are retarded if not buried with his person whereas this Jurisdiction is never sick much lesse subject to drink or death but reacheth through a continuall suppliment to as immense an eternity as Providence hath afforded any humane Society not being apt to be scared out of the paths leading to their advantage consisting of too great a number to be subject to any clandestine attempt or abused by evill Counsels or corrupted by rewards whereas experience teacheth that Kings may be forced through feare or allured by flattery to resigne their reason and concede things not onely contrary to their peoples but their owne interest as appeared by that celebrated Prince Henry the Fourth of France who was not ashamed to confesse he durst not for feare of his owne life but revoke the just Ban he and all the Parliaments of France had pronounced against the bloudy Jesuits whose expulsion the Venetians make good against all their machinations threats of the Pope and mediation of Princes From whence I may observe That though experience proves by this State and the Catholique Cantons c. that the Roman profession may sute in some measure with all kinds of Government yet undeniable Reason of State renders Monarchy most acceptable to the Pope as it doth the Reformation to Free States who are too wise to admit willingly a Forraigne interest into the Common-wealth by a multiplicity of Ecclesiasticks independent on any other power but that of Rome which Kings being but single persons dare not resist for feare of the Knife it being besides a maine disadvantage in worldly policy to professe a Religion so odious to their neighbours that they are looked upon under no better notion then Heretickes and so no faith to be kept with them nor marriage contracted but by an especiall Indulgence from his Holinesse which Republickes have no use of And being already under the ill opinion of the Roman Church doe but desire a faire opportunity to free themselves from it and make booty of the Religious Houses long since looked upon by them as dens of Traiters and idle persons Therefore such as desire a through Reformation displease their ends by abetting Monarchy Kings being knowne not onely to have beene the Begetters and Nources but the onely Maintainers of Antichrist if the POPE be the man And if any in opposition to this truth object Queene Elizabeth her Brother Edward's Youth and short raigne rendring his inclinations abortive to the benefit of the Nation I answer whosoever considers how resolutely the Pope denied to reverse her Illegitimation refusing to give a decent reception to her Embassadours And with what affection the Parliament out of pure zeale hatred to the
Clergy or feare of refunding the profits made of Abby Lands did offer to cover her blemishes with the Crowne must conclude there could be no better refuge for her in prudence then to side with such as did maintaine the Church of Rome it selfe to be Basterdized And for the dangers probability might threaten to such a totall defection all being avoided by her tyrannicall Father her Councell in whom she was the happiest ever waved the English Scepter thought a dispencing with them lesse prejudiciall to her affaires then the tedious ceremonies incident to a Reconciliation with Rome Neither was the progresse the Protestants made in Germany France and Switserland a small provocation who by letters instigated her to this resolution the hopes of the Councell of Trent not being quite lost because they found a generall desire in all Princes to see the power of Rome moderated And that she was rather throwne by necessity then fell of her owne accord from the Church of Rome appeares by the Ceremonies used at her Inauguration all purely Catholique so as though she was not unwilling to give the new Profession hope she could not be brought suddenly to put the old in despair not indeavouring to bring in a greater Reformation then she found but suffered the Bishops to besprinkle her Raigne with the bloud of some and inrich her Exchequer with the livelyhoods of many more that were so zealous as to desire a review of such errours as they presumed the base ends of Henry the Eighth had let slip And these were then persecuted though of most exemplary lives whose followers God hath in our daies beene pleased to requite with the most miraculous successe that ever crowned the endeavours of an Army And for a farther confirmation that this totall separation from the Pope grew rather in the minds of the people then the Prince All the endeavours they could use were not able to abrogate the ceremonies of Crosse Ring and Surpleece though confess'd by all of no more absolute necessity then what they derived from the breath of Authority But their true end was to discover such consciences as were irreconcilable to Rome unto which they had then and doe still drive on a designe of returning Provided they could by an universall conjunction of Princes bring the Pope to renounce the power he pretends to have over Kings in that which is meerly temporall And if I am not fouly mistaken the too vigorous prosecution of this project was the cause of the murdering the two last Henryes of France Therefore such as hinder the establishing a Free State oppose the most probable way of suppressing Superstition and discovering Truth which in time will by the blessing of God worke it selfe into Vnity I doe not write this out of an humour of singularity or to cast dirt upon the Memory of Queene Elizabeth who in my opinion deserves to be celebrated above all the Princes I ever heard of but to manifest this truth That Monarchs look upon all Religions with love or disdaine as they find them sute with their worldly concernments The like may be said of most of the Princes in Germany who tooke part with Luther to have a pretence to seize upon the rich Monasteries and Lands of the Church And though humane policy may inject the same thoughts into the minds of Senatours yet purity of Religion is likelier to find friendship among many then one Neither is the small countenance the French give to those of the Reformation under a shallower policy then to balance all partiality which the Pope may be terrified out of a dread of his power to shew the King of Spaine to the French King's disadvantage being allwayes able by their assistance to make the like booty of the Gallican Church as Henry the Eighth did of the English Neither had the rich revenues of the Roman Profession which Christian Princes have long since surveyed as too great a patrimony for a few Priests beene untaken in but that the Catholique King is tied not onely by a contrary but a stronger interest to keepe up the Pope from a totall suppression because he hath nothing to shew for the possession of divers of his territories and the dispensation of so many incestuous Matches but the power his Holinesse arrogates to make any thing lawfull towards God or Man Yet if any desire farther satisfaction Why Spaine remaines so true to the bondage of Rome whilst other Nations are in labour with divisions it may be said That besides the Inquisition her naturall pride and affected gravity renders her proofe against Innovation especially in order to a Profession lesse splendid then her owne being like the Jewes more delighted with well drest Ceremonies then naked Truth Neither have they any generall propensity to the study of Controversies or the writing of any thing besides Romances to which the Roman Religion best sutes being replenished with the high Rhodomontadoes of Saints and miraculous Stories A Monarchy both in Church and State is most sutable to the English Clergy whose maintenance being raised out of the sweat of the Labourer can find none so ready the Pope excluded as Princes to protect them Commonwealths making no such roome for flattery as Kings to whom those Churchmen are dearest and readiest to be preferred by them as having the faculty to discover Virtues where none are and hide Vices where they most abound to which qualities James and Charles were the indulgentest Princes since the Reformation For Queene Elizabeth standing faire in her Subjects opinions was bold to make exchanges with them to their disadvantage The cause the sweetnesse of her Raigne is no more legible This proves it madnesse to expect a pure Reformation under Kings the Roman Religion being in all policy most necessary for them because they have his Holinesse ready at any time as an honourable Vmpire friendly to cement them together by fair means or in case they will not agree to excommunicate the contumacious party No small advantages to Kings who participating of the same vindictive humours with other private mortals fall upon most destructive wars onely to revenge personall affronts As the last quarrell we had with Spaine rose from no more serious a bottome then a misprision the Duke of Buckingham stumbled upon in his lust And the same Kings Expedition to the Isle of Reez had as noisome a source which are things below a Senate not apt to run a madding like unadvised Princes who are distempered upon the least bite of a passion Adde to what hath beene said the vast summes correspondent to the charge of a Court and wanton affections incident to Kings James of England having throwne away upon Dunbarre Carlisle Sommerset and Buckingham only according to computation two millions and you cannot but conclude a Free State the thriftiest Government for the people about whom no such summes can be found but under the hazard of a present or future question Besides consider the excessive expence the Nation would be