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A45350 A sermon preached in the cathedral and metropolitical church of St. Peter of York, on Thursday the fourteenth of February, 1688/9 being the day appointed by the lords spiritual and temporal, assembled at Westminster, for a publick thanksgiving to Almighty God, for having made His Highness the Prince of Orange, the glorious instrument of the great deliverance of this kingdom from popery and arbitrary power / by George Halley ... Halley, George, 1655 or 6-1708. 1689 (1689) Wing H454; ESTC R6579 12,462 36

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to be Hatched GOD Crushed this Hellish Project by a timely Discovery and Delivered the Nation from the Hand of the Enemy It was in Eighty eight too that we as well as our Fore-Fathers were redeemed and delivered from the hand of the enemy from Popery and Arbitrary Power Great were the hopes that the Papists had of introducing and setling their Religion A Prince of their own Religion upon the Throne A Zealous and an Industrious Prince too for propagating the Principles of his Religion This gave them a Charming Prospect of Success this made them leave no Stone unturned this made them Jehu like drive on with all imaginable Fury and Violence this Emboldned them to put that galling and fretting Yoke upon our Necks which neither we nor our fore-fathers were able to bear Unhappy and Unfortunate Prince How is the Mighty faln I am Distressed for him Who can reflect upon his misfortunes without pity and perturbation of Mind How would his Throne a' been Establish'd in Righteousness had but the wicked been taken away from before him Had but his base Flatterers and false Prophets been removed from his Court and Councils the Hearts of his People would never a' been Alienated from him Never Prince came to the Crown with more unanimous and cheerful Acclamations he was look'd upon as a Prince of no less Heroical Vertues than Noble Extraction He then declared that the Laws of England were sufficient to make him as Great a Monarch as his Heart could wish and therefore promised his Endeavours to Preserve the Government both in Church State as by Law Established In all Probability he might have been the Greatest the most Triumphant Monarch that ever sway'd the English Scepter had not his Passion of Glory yielded to his Bigottry and Zeal for his Religion had he not put the Reins of Government into the Hands of a Fiery Jesuit who Phaeton like presently set the Nation on a flame put him upon such Illegal Practices as prov'd destructive of the Nation 's Happiness and Tranquillity and plunged him into the most calamitous and deplorable Circumstances We have now seen by woeful Experience what the Prophetick Parliaments at Westminster and Oxford in the Year 80. Prognosticated We are now I hope highly sensible that they were compos'd of Persons of greater Understanding and Integrity than the World at that time was pleas'd to represent them 't is now plain that the clear prospect they had of the Kingdoms Interest conducted all their Consultations it now appears that the Bill of Exclusion was carried on thro' a true Zeal for the Nations Safety Happiness for the Protection and Security of the Peoples Liberty and Property and for the Preservation of what ought to be dearer to us than our Lives the Protestant Religion But their weighty reasons could make no Impression their Designs were all blasted and we may attribute it to the good and secret Hand of Providence that they were so for probably if they had taken effect the Nation would have been involv'd in Blood and Confusion because of its unbelief That ever Popery could have produc'd Arbitrary Power that ever Popery could have destroyed the Protestant Religion and unhing'd the Government For though in History we have Recorded many pregnant Instances many ample Testimonies of Popish Perfidiousness and Impiety yet no Instance no Testimony so convincing and impressive as Experience Popery was never so generally understood as it is at this day we now see the truth and certainty of this Maxim. That it is impossible for the Protestant Religion to flourish under or the present Constitution of the English Government to be preserved by any Person whom Rome hath stamped her Proselyte Alas What signify all the plausible pretences all the fair promises and assurances where Popery hath got the ascendant What security can there be to the Protestant Religion and Liberty where there is a subjection to the Pope Where Jesuitical Counsels influence and command Alas There is no Faith to be kept with Hereticks This is the Decree of the Roman Councils this is the standing Rule this is the unalterable resolution of the Roman Church this is the Doctrine which she hath constantly practis'd and the sad effects of it such have sensibly felt as have justly oppos'd her usurped Sovereignty and Dominion witness the Parisian Massacre a villainy that had its Authority and Approbation from Rome never did that polluted City rejoice so much in Memory of Christ's Birth or St. Peter's as at the joyful news of that more than Herodian Butchery how did she sound the praises of the bloody Actors and Contrivers of that shameful Tragedy Not to expatiate upon the Irish-Massacre Witness too the late Persecution in France and Piedmont O Barbarous and more than Scythian or Thracian Cruelty Those our poor Brethren had Edicts Promises and Oaths sealed with the Holy Sacrament but alas as soon as ever an opportunity presented it self they found that Popery can absolve from the strictest Oaths can tear in pieces the most Religious Seal and cancel the strongest Obligation We have Instances enough at home which plainly shew that Popish Engagements and Promises are lighter than the very Breach that utters them Did not Queen Mary promise the Norfolk and Suffolk Inhabitants and call'd her God to Witness too That she would content her self with the Private exercise of her own Devotion and Preserve the then Protestant Government uninjur'd and yet as soon as ever her Sovereign Power was securely Establish'd the Masque then fell off Fire and Faggot then Illuminated the Peoples understanding nay those very men who rais'd her to the Throne felt the most signal marks of her vengeance they made Claim indeed of her former Promises but were thought insolent and accounted as criminals for so doing they found that no Merits or Service could secure any from the Cruelties of that Religion for her Princely gratitude for their Crowning her with a Diadem Crown'd them with Martyrdom We our selves too had promises of the like Nature and thought we deserved them but alas they proved as Quick-sands not the least glimpse of Safety to be repos'd in them not the least hopes to be built upon them Had we not Assurances and yet at the same time the greatest Invasion of Rights and Privileges Instead of Governing according to Law such a Dispensing Power set a foot as laid all the Laws asleep as would presently have laid in Ashes too the beautiful Fabrick of our excellent Religion and incomparable Government Promises it is the nature of the Popish Religion first to deceive and then destroy it is a Religion that Transubstantiates the very Nature of him who embraces it it is a Religion that acts in disguise and masquerade changes frequently its colours and puts out a false Flag to conceal the Pyrate no! it is better to trust in the Lord than to put any confidence in man it is better to trust in the Lord th●n to put any confidence in
no time unseasonable for the Practice of this Duty he continually revolv'd in his Thoughts and imprinted upon his Memory the Mercy and Loving Kindness of the Lord it was his pious Resolution to meditate or muse upon all his Works Psal 77.11.12 thus Psal 103.2 Praise the Lord O my Soul and forget not all his Benefits which he expresses Verse 4. Who saveth thy life from Destruction and crowneth thee with Mercy and loving Kindness But Thirdly Who can look upon God as his Creator and not at the same time think himself under an indispensable and eternal Obligation to praise and give him thanks Have we not the strongest Obligations to thank and praise him who is the Author of our Frame and Constitution Who is the Preserver of our Being Who sustains our Life by the continual Influence of his Love Upon him we have a constant and a necessary Dependance to him we owe the Common Protection of Life the Mercies of Health and Liberty and the reasonable Expectation of Happiness hereafter Can we then be so unnatural so inhumane so disingenuous as not to praise and give him thanks It is he that has made us saith the Royal Psalmist Psal 100.2 and not we our selves we are his People and the Sheep of his Pasture upon this Foundation he superstructs our Duty in the next Verse O go your Way into his Gates with thanksgiving and into his Courts with praise be thankful unto him and speak good of his Name We are his Creatures A Word of the greatest Emphasis a Word that demands and extorts from us all imaginable Thankfulness all possible Praise and Adoration being Creatures shews us God's absolute Soveraignty and Dominion over us we depend upon him as a Ray depends upon the Sun. When the Sun goes off the Horizon the Rays perish and vanish away Thus if God should withdraw his Influx from us we should instantly lapse and return into our primitive Nothing But Fourthly That we may be perswaded to offer up unto the Lord the Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving let us consider that by such Sacrifices we not only glorify the Lord but our selves we thereby pursue our own Eternal Wel-fare and Felicity for God is so infinitely happy in Himself so perfect and beautiful so transcendantly glorious that we can give no Addition no Lustre to his Divine Majesty by the greatest Praise and most Solemn Thanksgiving No! God enjoins us to this duty of praise and thanksgiving not for his but our own Interest and Advantage He would have us contemplate his Glory and Perfection bless and praise him for no other end and purpose but that thereby we may be excited to transcribe into our Nature his Adorable Perfections and thus fit and qualify our selves for Heaven and the Joys of Eternity These are Ties these are Obligations strong enough of themselves to enforce upon us the Constant Practice of the Duty of Thanksgiving But these are not all There is yet behind one Argument more an Argument of no little Weight and Importance an Argument which if any thing can must rouze and awake us to the Duty of Thanksgiving must perswade us to entertain a grateful Affection a deep Sense of the Mercy and Loving Kindness of the Lord and that is the rare Accident of Divine Providence our Miraculous Deliverance for which we are this day met to praise the Lord And which is the Second Observable in the Words of my TEXT Namely The Reason or Enforcement to the practice and observation of the Duty of Thanksgiving and that is the Consideration of a Redemption or Deliverance from the Hand of an Enemy Let them give thanks whom the Lord hath redeemed and delivered from the Hand of the Enemy And here I might Discourse of the Universal Redemption of Mankind by Christ who paid the greatest Price who purchased our Liberty and Enlargment with his dear and precious Blood who delivered us from our Spiritual Enemies from the Principalities and Rulers of the Darkness of this World from Spiritual Wickedness in High Places by recovering lapsed Man to his former Capacity of Bliss and Happiness by an Expedient as full of Wonder as Mercy of which we can never express too grateful a Resentment But I shall only speak of a Temporal Redemption or Deliverance for to such a Deliverance the Text directly points Let them give thanks whom the Lord hath redeemed and delivered from the hand of the Enemy E manu tribulantis de manu angustiae de potentia angustiatoris Out of the hand of the Oppressor out of our Distress out of the Power of such as vexed and afflicted us This is that for which we are now to celebrate the Divine Goodness to magnifie him who hath demonstrated his Providence in so wonderfully relieving us in the time of Danger and Distress Let us give thanks whom the Lord hath delivered from the hand of the Enemy that is from the detestable Superstitions and Corruptions of Popery from the intolerable Yoke of the Romish Church A Church which is our implacable Adversary a Church which is become our Enemy for telling the Truth because we worship God after the way which they call Heresy a Church which mortally hates us for recovering the Christian Religion to it's ancient Brightness and primitive Splendor for professing that Faith which was once delivered to the Saints Is not this to hate us without a Cause Because we have accurately filed Religion polished and freed it from the Rust it had contracted and set upon it its former Lustre because we have fully discovered their horrible Cheats and grand Impostures by which they get their Wealth The Romanists for these reasons industriously endeavour to take away both our Place and Nation to destroy not only our Holy and Excellent Religion but our Incomparable Government and to bring our independent Freedom into a Subjection to their Foreign and Antichristian Yoke How many Efforts have been made How many Arrows have been shot at this Glorious Nation out of their Quiver of malice and revenge but all of them missed the Mark it was God that covered this Nation with the Wings of his Providence that Defended it from the Arrows that flew by Day and from the Pestilence that walked in Darkness It was in Eighty eight when the Spanish invincible Navy came like Great and Formidable Castles floating to our Coasts with Sails swell'd with fury and puffed up with hopes of Victory but the Lord fought for us by Fire Winds by Rocks and Tempests how did the Lord then display his Wonders for us in the deep How wonderfully did he then deliver us from the hand of the Enemy Oh that men would therefore Praise the Lord for his Goodness and declare the Wonders he hath done for the Children of Men It was in the Reign of King James the first of Blessed Memory that the Execrable Gun-Powder Plot that damnable Contrivance was formed under Jesuitical Wings but when it was grown to Maturity and ready
Princes What great Reason then have we to magnify Divine Providence What an obligation do we all lie under to pay all imaginable respect all possible gratitude to the Lord who hath Redeem'd us from Popery and Slavery from a Remorseless Bloody and Treacherous Religion Let us give thanks whom the Lord hath so wonderfully delivered from the hand of the enemy We have the best Religion the best constituted Government in the whole world a Religion which meer flesh and blood never revealed a Religion that is retrench'd from all False Doctrine and Superstitious Practices a rational Religion a reasonable Service against which our Roman adversaries have no exception But that it preferrs the written Word before uncertain Traditions and the all-sufficient blood of Jesus Christ before the impure and imperfect works of Mortal Men. A Government too incomparable for its constitution the legislative Power is so lodg'd that nothing can be Enacted without the King and Parliament thus as the inferiour Orbs do by their transverse and opposite motions stay and moderate the rapid force of the primum mobile or first Sphere so Parliaments by their Fabian Counsels do temper and moderate the quick motion of Sovereign Power All our Laws and Decrees by which we are govern'd are first of our own choice and then confirm'd by the King neither the morning nor the evening Star in the Heavens is more beautiful than the frame and complexion of our Government we have Laws that are sufficiently able to make us a Nation of Righteousness if they be but actuated by men of impartial Justice and Integrity Now Was this our excellent Religion in danger of being overflown with the filthy streams of Popery and Superstition Was this our incomparable Government brought by Arbitrary Power to the very brink of Destruction And hath God preserv'd both our Religion and Government Have we now a blessed and a comfortable Hope of seeing our Religion and Government flourish Of having our Judges restor'd as at the first and our Counsellors as at the beginning Isai 1.26 How ought we then to magnify the Divine Goodness How prudently and religiously have our Senators acted in appointing this day of solemn thanksgiving to pour forth our Praises to him who hath so strangely redeemed so miraculously deliver'd us from the hand of the enemy A Redemption that bears the most legible Characters of Divine Providence That God should send us over a Deliverer at a season when sailing was dangerous at a time when the Waves of the Sea rage horribly and swell when the Winds are most tempestuous that most of our Nobility and Gentry that a standing-Army too in which the Papists seem'd to repose the greatest Confidence because Numbers of their own Religion were mix'd with it because several Regiments therein were under the command and conduct of Popish Officers should concurr to our deliverance and that there should be no effusion of Blood this was Digitus Dei the Finger of God and we cannot reflect upon it without Astonishment and Admiration A sudden and a seasonable deliverance A deliverance which argues the vigilant Eye of Providence and the powerful Hand of God the deep waters of the proud had gone even over our Soul we escaped even as a Bird out of the snare of the Fowler the snare is suddenly broken and we are delivered our enemies were stopp'd in their Career their undermining Projects and base Designs were prevented by a sudden and an unexpected change of the Scene by a most strange and astonishing revolution Thus the Lord on a sudden dash'd in pieces the black contrivances of wicked Haman when he had procur'd a Royal Decree and fixed a time for the quenching of his thirst with Torrents of Jewish Blood thus the Lord discomfited the Egyptian Host dispirited their Horses and affrighted Pharaoh with Thunder and Lightning made the Sea to swallow him and his Army when he was upon the heel's of the Children of Israel thus when Sennacherib had encamped against Jerusalem with a formidable Army and had made all necessary preparations for a storm the Lord sent an Angel who rais'd the siege by the destruction of one hundred and eighty five thousand 2. Kin. 19.35 and indeed in several other places of Holy Scripture we find this to be the frequent practice the usual method of Divine Providence It is true God can blast a project God can defeat an hellish Design upon its first formation in its very Embryo but to Illustrate his Providence he generally suffers it to come to some ripeness and maturity to the very birth and then deprives it of Strength to bring forth permits the Projecters to mount up to the top of confidence and then tumbles them down stays till his innocent People are placed upon the very precipice and then with his own right hand and his out-stretched Arm doth he catch hold of them and saves them from the design'd destruction when men are thus snatch'd as it were from the jaws of Danger when both Church and State is as it were pull'd out of the fire they cannot but see that the Lord hath done it unless they wilfully shut their Eyes against the light they cannot but perceive that it is his Work this cannot but enforce them to magnify the Lord and praise his Divine Goodness And such a sudden and an unexpected deliverance was ours the Enemy cry'd Come and let us root them out that they may be no more a People and that their name may be no more in remembrance our heart was disquieted within us and the fear of death was faln upon us and an horrible dread overwhelmed us Why Because Treason walk'd barefac'd in our Streets at broad noon-day with the greatest effrontery and impudence because unrighteousness was in the City because a false and superstitious Religion wrestled with our own and endeavour'd to lay her honour in the dust nay it was not only an open and a declar'd Enemy that struggled with her but even some who call'd themselves her Children who came to the house of God and pretended to her Doctrine and Worship and yet intolerable hypocrisie endeavour'd as much as in them lay to throw down her Walls and destroy her Fences to overthrow all her hedges and break down her strong holds to take away such necessary such good and wholsome Laws as were her greatest visible Security and Protection If such low-priz'd Souls such mercenary Creatures whose God was Mammon who studied nothing but their own advancement to honour and promotion to profitable employments to build their nests on high tho' it were upon the ruins of their Mother I say if those temporizing Persons had once broken down the hedge of our Religion her Grapes then would soon a' been pluck'd off the wild Boars would soon a' rooted her up the Romish Priests and fiery Jesuits would soon have been possess'd of our Garden of Eden and sow'd it with the seeds of Popery and Superstition Thus when our Church had Enemies without
and which is more dangerous within when no small Tempest lay upon her when all hopes of her being sav'd were taken away it pleased the Lord to visit her to arise and have mercy upon Zion to redeem her from the hand of the Enemy to still the proud and insulting Waves to make the storm to cease and to bring her to the haven where she would be Oh that we may therefore praise the Lord for his goodness Secondly Hath his Providence watch'd over us with a careful Eye Hath he in the time of trouble and imminent danger rais'd us up a Prince a Prince of the greatest Courage and Conduct the Terror as well as the Envy of France and Rome a Prince equal to His Ancestors in all Noble and Vertuous Qualities enrich'd with Wisdom and the greatest Integrity a Prince of a Martial and Noble Temper who will really venture his Life in Defence of this Nation and in the preserving of it in all its just Rights and Liberties a Prince who will be a Courageous Defender of our Faith as well as of our Laws who is resolv'd to encourage and protect us and our excellent Religion But here Behold a Miracle indeed Stand and admire the Divine Providence God hath not only Blessed us with a Prince who will be a Nursing Father but also with a Princess who will be a Nursing Mother of our Church our Church was never more Blessed before a Princess of our own Nation as well as Religion a Princess of exemplary Piety and unparallell'd Goodness Now I say hath the Lord given us such Blessings What then shall we render unto him for all his Benefits What return shall we make for this his transcendant Love and admirable kindness Nothing but thanks for his unspeakable Gifts nothing but an heart possessed with a grateful Sense and Affection nothing but the Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving O then sing unto God and sing praises unto his name praise him in his name yea and rejoice before him But this is not all We must praise the Lord our God not only with our Lips but in our Lives We must not express our Joy for our stupendious deliverance by Rioting and Drunkenness and such like extravagancies but by walking in all Holiness and Purity of Conversation let me beg of you always to remember the Holy Apostle St. Paul's humble and passionate request which is the fi●st sentence in the Form of Prayer for the day and the first verse in the second Lesson I beseech you Brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living Sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable Service This is the only way to endear us to the God of Heaven and to entitle us to his Almighty Favour and kind Protection We seem indeed to be the peculiar care of Heaven to be the only Blessed Children of the Lord yet if we live not as becometh a reformed and a redeemed People if we live not as highly sensible of God's reiterated mercies which sense we must demonstrate by a life conformable to his Divine Laws then though our Sky at the present is beautified with an Evening Redness which speaks the Clouds thin and the Air pure tho' our Firmament now looks bright and serene yet God if provok'd by our ingratitude and impiety can in the twinkling of an Eye change it from an Evening to a Morning Redness can in a moment make the Firmament lowring by condensing the Clouds and veiling the Sky with darkness will certainly bring us into worse circumstances than before and pour upon us fiercer instances of his anger and heavy displeasure But Lastly One word of Exhortation and I a' done As we are obliged to render unto God Almighty our most Solemn Thanks for the comprehensive Mercy we this Day Celebrate in the deliverance of this Nation from Popery and Arbitrary Power so let the serious consideration thereof oblige us to hold the Faith in Unity of Spirit and in the bond of Peace to be like minded to have the same love to have no divisions amongst us to be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment to live together in Brotherly love and Christian charity Charity the Essential mark of a true Church Charity which out-shines all other Christian Vertues and Theological Graces it is the Characteristick of our Holy and Incomparable Religion it is a Grace so singularly eminent and ornamental so necessary a Vertue that without it all our doings are nothing worth without it whosoever liveth is counted dead before God without it no Beatifick Vision no Joys of Immortality Charity is represented by St. Paul as a Vertue of the greatest Beauty and Comeliness he hath engraven upon it the most illustrious Character as you may read 1 Cor. 13. where we find that it is a permanent and durable Vertue all other Gifts and Graces of the Holy Ghost only display their Glory in this sublunary World but this Grace this Vertue Charity shall retain it's native splendor and dazling brightness will be useful and necessary to us after our translation from hence to the Mansions of Eternity and therefore the Holy Apostle gives it the Honor of Precedency the highest Encomium ver 13. And now abideth Faith Hope Charity these three but the greatest of these is Charity We have considerable Enemies both at home and abroad who as they envy so no Question will set all Engines at work will strenuously endeavour to disturb our Repose and ruffle our Happiness and Tranquillity Now nothing can be more pleasing or grateful to them nothing can give them a better Prospect of Success than Difference and Discord amongst our selves for where such things are there is nothing but Confusion and every evil Work nothing but Misery and Distraction Emnity and Strife is the Rock they have all along endeavour'd to run us upon and indeed nothing can more effectually split our Religion and Government A Nation divided a Kingdom without Peace and Unity in it self cannot stand This is the Voice of Truth it self If a Kingdom be divided against it self that Kingdom cannot stand Mark 3.24 It is not for nothing too that the Royal Psalmist cries out Behold how good and joyful a thing it is for Brethren to dwell together in Unity The Papists are very sensible that nothing consolidates or fortifies a Nation more than Unity and therefore it hath been their constant Practice to foment Divisions to enkindle Jealousies to set us at Variance one with another But remember Sirs we are Brethren Now as we are not ignorant of their Devices so let us strive to live together in mutual Love and Charity For if we keep Innocency and preserve Unity we shall not only disappoint our Enemies Expectation and become invincible but we shall also oblige Heaven to be our Succour and Defence GOD will then continue His Mercy and Favour towards us the Lord of Hosts will secure and protect us will alwaies deliver us from the hand of the enemy Now to God the Father to God the Son and to God the Holy Ghost be ascrib'd as is most due blessing and glory and wisdom with thanksgiving both now and for evermore Amen FINIS Books Written by the same Author DOctor Scott's Christian Life Part I. from its beginning to its consummation in Glory Together with the several means and instruments of Christianity conducing thereunto with directions for Private Devotions and Forms of Prayer fitted to the several states of Christians The Fourth Edition 's Christian Life Part II. Wherein the Fundamental Principles of Christian Duty are Assigned Explained and proved Vol. I. The Second Edition 's Christian Life Part II. Wherein that Fundamental Principle of Christian Duty the Doctrine of our Saviour's Mediation is explained and proved Vol. II. The Second Edition 's Sermon before the Lord Mayor Decem. 16. 1683. on Prov. xxiv 21. 's Sermon before the Lord Mayor July 26. 1685. on 2 Sam. xviii 28. 's Sermon at the Chelmsford Assizes Aug. 31. 1685. on Rom. xiii 1. 's Sermon before the Lord Mayor Sept. 2. 1686. on John v. 14. 's Sermon at Sir John Buckworth's Funeral Dec. 29. 1687. on Eccles xi 8.