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A11588 A briefe exposition vvith notes, vpon the second epistle to the Thessalonians. By VVilliam Sclater Doctor of Diuinitie, and minister of Pitmister in Summerset. Sclater, William, 1575-1626. 1627 (1627) STC 21830; ESTC S116803 223,255 316

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deniall of the maine Article that mille Artifex foresees his issue Let it once be entertained as taught in Scripture or by diuine Reuelation or by Apostolicall tradition that Christ shall come in a time prefixed the euent not answering how is all faith of all Truths taught shaken and ouerthrowne Saint Augustine to Heschius a man inclining to some such opinion out of an honest desire remembers this text of the Apostle prohibiting to giue credence to them who taught the day of the Lord was so instantly to come vpon this Reason is the prohibition Ne fortè cum transisset tempus August ep 80. quo eum credebant esse venturum venisse non cernerent etiam caetera fallaciter sibi promitti arbitrantes d● ipsa mercede fidci desperarent We are not at least ought not be ignorant of Satans wiles 2 Cor. 2.11 See how cunningly he contriues errors intended to be conueied into the Church in this particular view his comming 1 Approach it hath as neare as an errour may haue to the truth taught by the Apostles 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith Peter appropinquat 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Instat say these false teachers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 possedit me in the text of the Septuagint change but a letter pronunciation will hide that too read 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 yea haue the full heresie of Arius that Christ is a meere Creature 2 Seemingly it tends as much as any thing to mortification and deuotion what more then the thought of Christs night approaching to iudgement be but a little erroneous about that Article he will be the first shal broach it how excellent is the regular vse of fasting meanes of mortification quickner of deuotion fast with opinion of satisfaction and merit he prefers fasting before Epicurisme like thinke of Prayer Contemplation c. Vse Learne hence to keepe strictly to the word of God admit not corruption of a word a syllable a letter be pretenses or likely-hoods of profitable auaile neuer so holy Saint Ambrose obserues that the little addition to the prohibition of the tree of knowledge made whither by Adam or Eue gaue hint to the Diuell to entangle the woman in opinion of Gods enuying them their good yee shall not q Gen. 2.17 eat thereof is all the Lord said nor r Gen. 3.3 touch it is the cautionate addition how is the Diuell aduantaged to fasten the opinion that for some speciall good in that fruit the Lord is so strict in interdicting it It s reported of Ioab that when his Teacher taught him to corrupt the text but in the vowelling he slue him without ransome the charge was to destroy zecher the memoriall of Amalech he read it zachar the males of Amalech for this he slue him The violent expressions were irregular else his zeale commendable The charge is strict not to adde nor alter nor diminish not to turn aside no not to the right hand VERS 3. Let no man deceiue you by any meanes for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sinne be reuealed the sonne of perdition THe iteration of the Caueat where least he had not spoken home enough in the particulars mentioned he enlargeth to all men or meanes whatsoeuer tending to seducement The tearme expressing the euill cautioned against is changed before let them not shake or wauer you and so disquiet you heere not deceiue or mislead you from the tract of truth There is a diuellish method an ordinary progresse in misleading Gods people I am deceiued if Paul ment not here to expresse it 1 The iudgement is vnsetled and brought into wauering by plausible oppugning the truths receiued 2 Then followes naturally anxietie and restlesse disturbance of the Conscience through feares and doubtings no maruell when the minde affoords it no certainty whereout to frame the discourse for comfort 3 In this case worke the poore soule you may like waxe fitted it is to fasten on any thing true or false that may but seeme to promise comfort Sirs ſ Acts 16 30. what shall I doe to be saued q d. prescribe what you will I am ready to entertaine to execute it so be I may purchase tranquilitie of minde happy is he to whom in that case God sends his t Iob 33.23 Interpreter that one of a thousand to declare his Righteousnesse And a thousand to one but if he meet with an Heretique but palliating the cure he lies downe in his graue with that Heresie or superstition which he then first dranke in The Children of this world are wiser in their generation Luc. 16 8. then the Children of light Those Locusts of the bottomelesse pit haue ad vnguem this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Entertaine their discourse the first bout is about Religion in generall whither theirs or ours be the true next whither the Church must be iudged of by religion and doctrine or not rather Faith and Religion by the Church plausibly they plead the Church must guide vs to Faith not Faith to the Church That gained as it s easely from the vnlearned into a wilde wilderensse they send you to seeke your Faith which is the true Church where was yours before Luther and thunderclaps of swelling words then follow their Vniuersalitie Antiquitie Succession glory of Miracles with the like amazing the mindes of the heedelesse and simple Thus hauing set them in a mammering these Locusts turne to Scorpions vrging the necessitie of ioyning themselues to the Church wherein they may be informed of the true faith and right manner of worship shew miserie of them that are out of the Church their miserie in so long withholding themselues from Communion of the Romane Synagogue till at last Conscience apprehending the teriour is filled with anxietie and anguish knowing naturally the necessitie of Religion In that case let superstition or heresie prescribe it pilgrimage abdication of goods forsaking Countrie building of Monasteries c any thing is entertained that may seeme satisfactorie for former aberrations By this Act haue they robbed Parents of Children Husbands of Wiues Cloystered Kings and Emperours wrought wonders of the Almightie u 1 Sam. 28. cast contempt vpon Princes raised their Beggarselues from the dunghill till they now sit with Princes and inherit the throne of glorie I say as Paul * Ephes 4.14 15 Be not henceforth Children tossed to and fro and carried about with euery winde of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftinesse whereby they lye in waite to deceiue But following the truth in loue let vs grow vp into him in all things which is the head As Peter x 2 Pet. 3.17 18. Knowing these things aforehand take heede we be not led away with the impostures of the wicked and fall from our owne stedfastnesse But grow in Grace and while meanes continue in the knowledge of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ To him for our hither stablishment in
it needs denote a singular indiuiduum and why not a Kingdome a kinde a whole made vp of successiue parts as our opinion is Forsooth the Article forceth to a particular person 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It s Epiphanius his rule Articles contract the signification to one certaine thing so that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies man at large but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 alwaies a singular or indiuiduum of man Resp Yet Procius thus vbi Plato dicit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 scribit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Examples are frequent Christ committed not himselfe vnto them for he knew them all and needed not that any man should testifie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is I trow not in this or that particular onely but in euery man Compare Luke 4.4 Mar. 2.27 Apoc. 22.11 Rom. 1.17 c. The Lyon the Beare c. in Daniel denote they particular Kings Or not rather Kingdomes Kings many lineally succeeding each other And that such a line and succession of men is intended by the Apostle appeares by these Reasons 1. Conceiued he was and after a sort animated in Apostles daies The spirit of that Antichrist of which you haue heard that it is comming and m 1 Ioh 4.3 now is it in the world already 2. But a part of his Reigne is of a n Apoc. 20. thousand yeeres continuance 3. The greatnesse of things to be wrought by him whither wee number them the same that Papists or whither as Scripture requires much more then the age of a man Reade our diuines they giue you full satisfaction 1. What is his Reuealing 2. Is he yet discouered 3. When reuealed 4. Where may we finde him Resp To the first Popish Interpreters conceiue a discouery of him so euident and cleere as of Christ at his comming as if euery eye should see him and be able to discerne him as he is But say sadly Suppose you all shall be able to discerne him to be that Antichrist 1. How then are Kings and Nations made o Apoc. 17.2 18.3 drunke with the wine of his fornications 2. How then a mystery of iniquity which title the Whoore discouered p Apoc. 17.5 carries in her fore-head 3. Thus conceiue discouered he meanes in such sort that who haue eyes may see and discerne him The blinde see not the Sunne shining in his brightnesse not through defect of light but for want of Eye-sight 2. Is hee yet Reuealed Resp Nor borne say Papists Gods Spirit in Scripture hath giuen vs q Bellarmine de part Rom. lib. 3. cap. 4. six certaine signes of Antichrists comming two preceding 1. The Preaching of the Gospell in all the world 2. The desolation of the Romane Empire two concomitant 1. The preaching of Enoch and Elias 2. Persecution by Antichrist so great and notorious that all publique seruice of God shall cease Two subsequent 1. The destruction of Antichrist after three yeeres and a halfe of his Reigne 2. The end of the world these none of them yet in being proue pregnantly that Antichrist yet vnborne Large answer to these trifles of Argument learned may better fetch from our diuines then expect from me In fauour of the people to whose vse I intend these labours this breniac I propound To the first Mat. 24.15 Resp 1. The vniuersal preaching of the Gospel is nor there nor any where else made a signe or antecedent of Antichrist 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 then is the end saith our Sauiour therefore then Antichrist basely they beg the question that make the end of the world contigious to antichrists rising or fall 2. How full of homonimy is euery peece of the argument The end is there of the Temple and Citie not of the world if Chrysostome or Saint Luke may bee credited Luke 21.20 Antichrist belike was to be before the destruction of Ierusalem indeed so you might better haue coloured your conceits of his Nation and Temple and remoued him farther from your Rome 3. But hath not the Gospel bin preached vniuersally in the sense of our Sauiour I doubt not but while the Citie and Temple stood from Ierusalem to r Rom. 15.19 Illyricum one Paul had filled all with the Gospel of Christ suppose you the rest of the Apostles idle See Rom. 1.8 10.18 Col. 1.6.23 besides what your owne Stapleton reports of Thomas from Syluester and Chrysologus as if in preaching he had reached to the very Indians the lowest Antipodes 4. But suppose you our Sauiours preaching is meant in such measure as to bee preualent to found Churches in euery Nation ſ Rom 10.18 The sound and Rumour of him went out into all Lands sufficiently to depriue them of excuse 5. Nor need wee wonder if in the lands by our men lately discouered there be found no monuments of Christian Faith and Religion when in as few centuries of yeeres after the floud we finde except in Abrahams family extinct all the Religion taught by Noah to his posterity To the second The desolation of the Romane Empire 2 Thes 2.6.7 Resp Full answer falls fittest in explicating the sixt and seuenth verse where expect it To the third The preaching of Henoch Elias who are supposed yet to liue vpon the earth and to liue for this to oppose themselues to Antichrist to preserue the Elect from his seducement and to c●nuert the Iewes Mal 4.5 6. Ecclus. 48. 44. Mat. 17.11 Apoc. 11.3 Resp 1. In none of these Scriptures that are of vndoubted Authority is any mention of Enoch 2. Nor at all of Antichrist or their opposing him 3. What Malachi speake of Elias and his comming our Sauiour interprets of t Mat. 11.14 17.11 12. Luke 1.17 Iohn Baptist who came in the Spirit and power of Elias And when the Cardiuall hath tired himselfe in wresting yet must he be forced to yeeld the Prophet spake of Elias mysticall or symbolicall not proper or personall except hee will mannerly as he doth oppose to our Sauiours interpretation and the u Mat. 17.13 Apostles true apprehension them if we follow we shall finde Malachi to meane Elias * Compare Luke 1.17 Mat. 11.14 mysticall a Harbinger to Christs first comming in the flesh not personall to attend or oppose Antichrist at the end of the world 4. Or suppose it meant of Christs second comming and the conuersion of Iewes yet 1. Where is Henoch And why not this Elias mysticall as Iohn Baptist the foreunner of Christs comming in the flesh Deuoting those Ministers more or fewer whom God shall raise vp his instruments for calling of Iewes 5. But what is all this to Antichrist whose fall precedes the calling of Iewes wherein the Elias mentioned hath his imployment To that of the two witnesses Apoc. 11.3 What necessity to interpret of Henoch and Elias Why not as x Homil. in Apoc. 8● Augustine of the two Testaments In this Reuelation wherein there are verba tot sacramenta allegoricall expositions may not
be Authors of such ciuile defection 4 The sinne specified as cause of Antichrists raigne and cursed efficacie in delusion is not r 2 Thes 2.10 receiuing loue of the truth c. 5 I am deceiued if Scripture any where vse the tearme to signifie any other then a spirituall or Ecclesiasticall defection from God Heb. 3.12 Isai 1.5 From Faith 1 Tim. 4.1 From Religion Acts 21.21 We haue consent of best expositors amongst Romanists of Saint Austin better aduised Estius ad locum de Ciuitate dei l●b 20. cap. 19. Refugam vtique a Domino Deo The defection then is spirituall Concerning it see these particulars 1 What it is To Thomas it sounds retrocessionem a Deo a going backe or departure from God with whom we haue had some reall appearing or graduall coniunction to whom we haue performed or professed subiection Three things especially there are that knit vs vnto God and whereby we testifie subiection vnto him 1 Faith 2 Religion 3 Obedience 1. Persidia 2. Ab ordine 3 Inobedientiae Accordingly they make three sorts of Apostasie 1 From Faith 2 From Religion 3 From Obedience The tearmes I keepe willingly varying in explication 1 From Faith as when a man forsakes the true doctrine of Faith whereof hee hath bin informed and which he hath entertained into his iudgement and profession and fals to Paganisme Iudaisme Heresie See 1 Tim. 4.1 2 From Religion as when hee forsakes the worship of the true God and fals to worship Idols as Achaz or from the true manner of worshipping the true God as the tenne Tribes vnder Ieroboam 3 From Obedience as when a man fals from morall practise to viciousnesse of life whereof see Mat. 12.45 2 Pet. 2.21 of whether or whether of all the Apostle must be vnderstood if any inquire thus let him thinke they vsually goe together in what order some other occasion may fitlier manifest Though commonly Interpreters limit to Apostasie from Faith and puritie of Religion 3 Meanes the Apostle of some particular persons Churches Prouinces Resp Rather of an vniuersall Apostasie of the multitude and maior part of the Christian world for otherwise reuolt of particular persons and Churches was not strange in ſ 1 Iohn 2 19. Apostles times when that here spoken of is intended to be t 1 Tim. 4.1 notorious and something u 2 Tim. 3.1 2. remote from the notice and sight of the generation then liuing more nearly coasting * Luc. 18.8 vpon the time of Christs second comming And hitherto is Consent 4 But what 's this Faith and Religion from which the reuolt shall be Popish Expositors many interpret of the Romish Faith and Religion and of the Obedience supposed due to the Bishop of that See as to the Vicar of Christ Saint Peters successor Worshipt might he be Resp But shew vs I pray what Scripture hath tyed vs to the Faith and Religion of Rome as it is Romana Must we absurdly thinke the Church in Scripture to sound nothing but the Church of Rome Faith and Religion denote the Faith and Religion of Rome Apagite 2 What when the Romish Church proues Apostaticall are we then tied to the Faith and Religion of Rome will you say its impossible for the x Mat. 16.18 promise and y prayer of Christ Resp The Church to which the promise is made is the Church Catholique of the Elect the Faith of Peter praied for is not fides quae Creditur but qua Creditur the gift of Faith in Peter and all Gods Children And that the Romish Church may proue Apostaticall doth not the Apostle more then intimate Rom. 11.20 Be not high minded but feare was no empty scarcrow an intimation rather of possibilitie and likelihood of their abiection z Luc. 22.32 if Papists themselues may be beleeued in the question of perseuerance Such Caueats to other of Gods people more then intimate their possible Apostasie at least as they generally apprehend them 3 What when the great Antichrist hath erected his Episcopall See vpon that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and hath begun to the Kings of the earth in the cup of damnable errours and doctrines of Diuels Are we then bound to adhaere to the Faith and Religion of Rome or shall it not be our wisedome to come out of that Babylon Apoc. 18.4 4 Their Apostasie de facto I spare to insist on Be pleased to compare the Doctrine of the Tridentine Counsell touching faith and worship with that extant in Pauls Epistle to the Romans thou wilt be ready to sweare the Citie that once was faithfull is now become an harlot that Bethel is become Beth-Auen As to the testimonies of fathers produced to euidence the prerogatiue of that Church read what that thrice reuerend Doctor Whitaker of blessed memorie hath fully answered this onely added 1 set apart you must the testimonies which Popes giue of themselues for what Court alloweth a mans owne Testimonie in his owne Cause 2 Beleeue not the Epistles Decretall to be theirs on whom they are fathered Bishops of those times were not so vnlettered so vntutored as in euerie page to doe Priscian violence Not so besotted as to send letters to the dead nor you must thinke so Propheticall as to alledge for testimonie the sayings of men yet vnborne As to other Fathers of Greeke and Latine Church they must be confessed to speake many things encomiastically of the Roman Church in their times cause they had then sufficient it being yet mostly orthodoxe Yet what seemes in their writings to sound as they would now haue the Bels to ring thinke and you shall not erre they spake rather from voluntarie reuerence then from opinion of necessary obligation Apostasie vnderstand from the Faith Catholique taught in Scriptures that is verbum fidei Religion what is in the written word prescribed All other thinke z Mat 15.9 vaine taught by the precepts of men When Paul said they should depart from the faith ment he from the faith of Rome or rather ment hee Rome as other Churches yea more then many should depart from faith Catholick See 1 Tim. 4.1.3 thou wilt think he pointed finger specially to Rome so sutable are their doctrines to those of Diuels there mentioned Ly●onus in 2 Thess 2. And thus doth Lyra expound this Text. Nisi venerit discessio primum Exponunt aliqui de discessione a Romano Imperio alij de discessu a Romana Ecclesià a quaiam diu est quòd recessit Graecia mihi videtur melius intelligendum de recessu a fide Catholicà 5. Is it past Resp Why doubt we haue we read Scriptures obserued the doctrine of Faith there taught the rule Matter Manner of worship there prescribed The whole world once groaned to see it selfe become Arian It might much more to haue seene it self become wholly Antichristian 6. When began it Where was it Who Authors of it Resp 1. Fond men must circumstances needs bee punctually showne else is it
not Reade what to this point that learned Doctor Field hath noted 2. The declinings from pure doctrine and Religion Lib. 3. cap. 14. and how in euery Age of the Church they were increased see in the Centurie Writers 3. Antichristianisme Paul stiles a mystery of iniquity secretly it insinuates it selfe into the Church they a 1 Tim. 4.2 speake lies in Hypocrisie 4. Can any man tell me when Iustification by workes doctrine of merit satisfaction supererogation free keeping the Law to iustification free will c. were generally entertained in the Church Can you tell me when worshipping God in an Image Adoration of the Eucharist veneration of Reliques Prayer for the dead inuocation of Saints c. or if there bee any other point of Faith or worship wherein we dissent from the Tridentine Faith and Religion can any tell me when or where these were generally entertained amongst the teachers people of the christian world Then there was this apostasie When were these dogmatized decretalls stablished for catholique doctrine Then was this apostasie set in the vigour No Papist but seemes learned in this Chronologie had he will or wit to exact them according to the antient Faith taught by Prophets and Apostles hee would see it more needfull to reforme his long errour then curiously to enquire after impertinent circumstances But that there is or shall be such an vniuersall Apostasie of the Christian world from Christ to Antichrist Papists themselues confesse Of whom I would for my learning how in that time Vse 1 vniuersality shal be a note of the true Church When all the world shall runne after Antichrist and the Nations bee made drunke with the wine of the Whoores Fornications must I then ioyne to the more part the preuailing side If you will by notes guide vs to the Church let them yet be inseparable so is not vniuersality as your selues must confesse But Lord mee thinkes meditating Gods Iudgment vpon the world in permitting them to such reuolt what terrour should it strike into particular Churches and teach them not b Rom. 11.20 to bee high-minded but feare How cautionate humble should it make vs all euen c 1 Cor. 10.12 him that thinkes he standeth firmest Vaine Iewes in their profanenesse secured themselues by the d Ier. 7.4 9 12. Temple forgetting what the Lord had done to Shilo And we who iustifie Iewes in our profane vnthankfulnesse and disobedience yet promise our selues continuance of his word yet haue seene what is befalne the Churches of Asia what was the state of the Christian world those many Ages wherein Antichrist stood in his strength I must needes say I feare not greatly farther reuolt to Antichrist Now are the daies of his consumption he now lyeth in his bed of languishing but take heede we fall not to Atheisme or Paganisme Certainely thither bends the whole world Euen they that professe to know God yet in their workes deny him and where is the greatest forme of Godlinesse yet may be obserued denyall of the power thereof What greater passage of Apostasie either to vnbeliefe or misbeliefe If you obserue In departure from God the order seemes retrograde to that of comming to him In comming to God we beginne at e Heb. 11.6 Faith proceede to f Act. 9.11 Deuotion are perfitted in obedience In departure from God the beginnings are at disobediences proceedings to indeuotion end in vnbeliefe or misbeliefe Hymenaeus and Alexander first put away good g 1 Tim. 1.19 conscience then made shipwracke of Faith Salomon first h See 1 Reg. 11. tot luxurious thereby slakes deuotion tolerating the Idolatry of his strange wiues it s not long ere he ioynes in the worship of their Idols The method of impostors is noted by Saint Peter they promise i 2 Pet. 2.18 19. liberty and through lusts and much wantonnesse so they beguile the simple I say as Paul k Heb. 12.13.15 make streight steps to your feete least that which is halting bee turned out of the way least your selues fall from the Grace of GOD. Reade 2 Peter 1.4 to 10.11 First Intends the Apostle this firstnes or precedence of Apostasie to the day of Christ Or not also to the Reuelation of Antichrist Resp That it shall foregoe the comming of Christ and is so intended by the Apostle is euident it being a partie Argument proouing Christs comming not to be instant because this Apostasie was not yet complete In likely-hood also it s meant an antecedent to Antichrists discouery and highest aduancement into his Throne or chaire of Pestilence because that loosing the raines to Antichrist is to punish mens not l 2 Thes 2.10 receiuing the loue of the Truth And the fault is presupposed to punishment If any shall say Antichrist is the Author and procurer of this Apostasie therefore must needs precede or bee coniunct with it Resp Antichrist veiled is worker of this Apostasie and so is in being with or before it yet doth it precede Antichrist reuealed this Apostasie is before the Reuelation of the man of sin Howbeit confirmation and increase of apostasie shal be wrought by him when he is aduanced into his Throne Aduantaged hee shall then bee to procure it 1. By errours already entertained wherein prescription shall steed him 2. By authority such as at which monarchies shall tremble And that man of sinne bee reuealed The second necessarie antecedent to Christs comming is the reuealing or discouery of that man of sin which not yet accomplished in Pauls time prooued there was then no such instant nighnesse of the day of the Lord. As touching the man of sin Agreement is on all sides that he is intended by Paul the great Antichrist various opinions touching him we reade in Fathers ad Nauseam vsq 1. Papists thus propound him a singular or indiuiduall person 2. Professed aduersary to Christ 3. By Nation a Iewe of the Tribe of Dan. 4. Erecting his Kingdome in Ierusalem 5. Seducer of Iewes not Christians his rising reigne and fall they limit to three yeeres and halfe immediatly connexed with the end of the world Large confutation of these dreames I purpose not extant you haue it in the writings of many reuerend Diuines Doctor Whitaker Doctor Dounham Master Brightman and others to whom I referre you Onely what this Scripture occasions to be spoken for or against expect from me according to my measure of him fiue things yee may note from the Apostle 1. His description 2. Reuelation 3. Rising to his raigne 4. Consumption 5. Abolishment 1. His description by properties or adiuncts many intended by the Apostle to this end that in whom we see concurrence of them all in that height they are here propounded we might not doubt to point the finger at him say Ecce Anti christus ille Wee follow the words his first propriety or part of his style 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Take the Article 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 must
Regular●y performed issue from Faith Therefore say Schoolemen Faith is not onely it selfe a vertue but mater radix Auriga omnium virtutum yet meethinkes I see not in all these what Paul may bee thought to call the worke of Faith with such 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that eximious and Heroicall worke of Faith to the complement whereof Paul requires manifestation of more then ordinary diuine power There is leaue and pardon also I hope to bee giuen to coniectures when they are founded on probability and are made with humble submission to Church Iudgement Mistake I Or doth Paul meane that exterior act of Faith Confession of the Faith and Name of Christ in daies of violent persecution Certainely it is an heroicall worke of Faith a worke of no lesse then Heroicall Faith in such times to hold fast the confession of our hope without wauering To you its giuen not onely to beleeue but y Phil. 1.29 to suffer for the Name sake of Christ Mee seemes he makes it something more excellent then Faith it selfe to suffer for Christs Name more eximious I meane not onely in genere boni but in genere magni Suffer affliction according to the z 2 Tim. 1.8 power of God Certainely its a diuine power that must support in so great a fight of afflictions But is this opus fidei Aske the Apostle Through a Heb. Faith they had Tryals by cruell mockings were stoned sawne asunder flaine with the sword But b 1 Iob. 5.4 Faith nothing could get such victory ouer the world But for Confession of Faith they had endured none of these hardships This then seemes that which Paul prayes for That as they had hitherto with constancie and courage borne vp in constant Confession of Christ and his Gospel notwithstanding the many Tribulations and persecutions they had endured So God would please still by his power to support and enable with like constancie to hold fast their Confession till they came to the complement of Christian patience and fortitude Martyrdome it selfe and resisting against sinne to the shedding of Bloud in case the Lord should thither call them The niceties of inquiry vsuall amongst Schoolmen I willingly pretermit Such as that is whether confession of the doctrine of Faith be properly an act of Faith or not rather of fortitude And how an act of Faith whither Physice or moraliter Therein who lusts to busie himselfe may see what c Thomas his Commenters say 2. ● 2. ae q. 3 Art 10. I take for granted that its a worke and office of Faith to confesse the knowne Truth in times of extreme persecutions Testimonies are frequent See Romanes 10.10 2 Corinthians 4 1● Matth. 10. How farre wee stand bound to the office and performance thereof is matter of profitable inquirie And in these times though peaceable yet seeming to portend our triall s●mething necessary Thus is the Resolution for the generall That being a precept affirmatiue though it binde semper yet it bindes not ad semper nor is absolutely necessary to Saluation to be actuall performed saue onely pro loco tempore Suppose when omission of the duty drawes with it neglect of honour due to God or of edification and furtherance in Faith to Brethren 2● 2 ae q 3. Art 2. Scholast in 3um distinct 23. See d Thomas and his Followers Or thus the precept touching confession may two waies be conceiued Negatiuely binding not to denie Affirmatiuely binding to confesse Not to deny the Faith at any time we are bound in all times vpon paine of damnation Whither this denyall be by words or deedes or signes they are all coincident 1. Christ thunders speakes not to such Hee that e Luc 9.26 denies mee before men or is ashamed of mee and my Gospell him will I deny before my Father which is in heauen 2. The teares were f Mat. 26.75 bitter wherewith Peter washt away this sin 3. Church Censures were in all times seuere against such admitting none therein faulty to Reconcilement but after longsome and heauy penance 4. No maruell it being simplicita ex se malum and drawing after it so dangerous consequents Now when or in what case wee are bound to actuall and open Confession of Faith vpon paine of damnation I suppose still the times of violent persecution is matter of more curious inquirie Measures and Rules heerein some thus assigne Such Confession is sometimes an act of Religion sometimes of Charity sometimes of Iustice When it falles to be an act of Religion as where without it the honour due to God and his Truth should fall to the ground then it is duety to confesse When an act of Charity either by courage to winne an Alien or to confirme a weakeling or to preuent Apostasie of the wauering then a necessary duty to confesse When an act of Iustice in respect of the person a man susteines or office he beares suppose of a Teacher or Pastour in the Church then also absolutely necessary Howbeit for our guidance to discerne when Religion Charity or Iustice requires it they leaue vs to the dictate of Prudence We maze our selues sometimes in following Schoolemen They are oft more wittie in raising doubts then iudicious in assoyling them These generals of direction are doubtlesse sound But when we are referred to dictamen prudentiae for Application how are the simple still left vnsatisfied Wee haue a more sure word of Prophets and Apostles wee shall doe well to attend thereto That one Text of Peter as to my apprehension it sounds speakes more fully to guide vs then all the voluminous writings of their Angelicall and Seraphicall Doctors Thus you reade it 1. g 1 Pet. 3.15 Be ready alwaies to giue answer or 2. Apologie to euery one that 3. Askes you a Reason of the hope that is in you The Rules are three 1. That secundum Animi praeparationem the precept of Confession alwaies bindes all as that of Martyrdome so that we must be ready and resolued at all times to make confession of Faith when God shall call vs thereto yea though death stand present to deuoure vs. This is that our Sauiour calls h taking vp our Crosse dayly this as some interpret Pauls i 1 Cor 13.31 dying daily his carrying his soule in his hand ready to offer it vnto God wh●nsoeuer he should require it And this is in confesso 2. But when is the actuall performance necessarie Resp When k Luke 9 23. our Confession puts on the nature of an Apologie or necessary defense and iustification of the Truth exagita●ed by oppositions and calumnies of the Aduersary or endangered to suppression by violence of persecution then say the Lord calls thee to confesse the Faith Then thinke a woe belonging I say not onely to the denyer but euen to the betrayer of the Faith 3. Especially if there be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one 1. That of Authority interrogates or 2. Of necessity beggs of thee
Beza renders it illegality The terme is the same c●osen by Gods Spirit to expresse the generall Nature of sinne 1 Ioh. 5. signifying priuation or want of that rectitude which the Law requires in our Nature and actions But is it all iniquitie or sinne that is carried in that mystery Resp Take view of their doctrined practises in deuotion to God Carriage to men to our selues Mentior if thou finde them not all in matter manner or natiue issues meerely and out of measure sinfull praying to Saints is it not Idolatrous worshipping God in an Image is it not superstitious Adoration of Hostes is it lesse then abomination What seemes most holy amongst them is their practise of pretended Mortification as they prescribe and practise it the soarce of all sinne sinne as thou wilt as oft as thou wilt keepe thy Tall●e of prayers fast pilgrim as the Priest enioynes satisfaction is made sufficient to Gods iustice quid ni peccemus and as Mountebankes drinke of deadly poyson hauing the Antidote so at hand n Apoc. 17.5 Infronte mysterium meretrix magna mater omnium fornica●ionum abominationum Terrae Mysterium iniquitatis Doth already worke Whither you render agit or agitur or operatur or peragitur the issue is one The meaning is it was then in brewing If you wil say as Papists thēselues expound in Antecessoribus Haereticis I repugne not Let them boast of such progenitors I confesse we cannot tracke them in euery point of their Faith and Religion in Apostles writings Rome was not all built on a day by degrees it had proceedings to that height whereto it s now growne Howbeit that Antichristianisme is antient as Apostles in the maine foundations of it this Scripture is pregnant Saint Iohn accordeth the o 1 Ioh. 4 3. spirit of that Antichrist is now in the world Idle trow you The busiest of all infernall Spirits that man is not iustified by Faith onely but by workes of the Law was taught 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that faith is the beginning of Iustification workes the consummation there were then that taught and Galatians belieued Paul indeede p Gal. 3.1 befooles them for it yet so ancient is that Article of Poperie That by q Col. 2.18 Angels we must commend our suits to God as mediators of Impetration in Pauls time was broached in the Church of Colosse they should abase the Majestie of the Sonne of God to make him master of Requests to preferre petitions of sinfull men vnto his Father It sauours of more Humilitie to employ Angels in that Mediation Indeed Paul tells the Colossians giuing way to such Religion and Humility may without reuocation of such wicked errour depriue them of their reward Idem Howbeit so ancient is that point of Poperie In Pauls time were these Ordinances deliuered to obserue r Col. 2.21 Touch not Taste not Handle not Touch not a woman 1 Cor. 7.1 Taste not meate Handle not money meddle not with Secular contracts Indeed Paul in a refractarie spirit of singularity I warrant you blames Colossians as halfe Traytours to their Christian libertie in submitting to such Ordinances tells them they are ſ Col. 2.22.23 vaine obseruances no better then Will-worship shewes only of Wisedome yet so ancient are those points of Poperie But was affectation of Primacie in Church-men so ancient then haue we the heart of Poperie Saint Iohn mentions Diotrephes perhaps with some iniury to Peters chaire to haue t 3. Ioh. 9. affected preeminence primacie in such sort that St. Iohn himselfe must crouch and be contented to haue his letters slighted Indeed he threatens him somewhat shrewdly and calls him Prat●r Yet so ancient is that pillar of the Papacie Ver. 10. Vse That 's true of Tertullian Quod primum verum falsum quod posterius Ieremie accords it the old way is the good way Ier. 6.16 For my part I should put all questions of Faith and Religion to that issue what is found truly most ancient should bee acknowledged most true So be it as our Sauiour we count that eldest which was from the beginning and may thinke that nouellous of which may be sayd Non fuit sic ab initio Yet its true there is an ancientie of Errour within a day it s as old as Truth Reuealed to man For the diuell was a lyar a man-slayer from the beginning thinke not as the Manichees and Archontici of his owne being but of mans existence intentionaliter of his being sinfull actually And Papists much disaduantaged themselues when they made fathers errours th'hi●h●st originall of their Prescription They are but yesterdaies men in comparison to Simon Magus and such like coaetanei of Apostles Bel●eue vs no more if wee suite them not with Patriarches such as Tertullian calls Philosophers whose heads were Gray long ere their fauoring fathers were borne but branded I confesse for hereticall prauitie I wish our people so wise as to make Scriptures the Rule of their faith to thinke of errours strengthened by custome neuer so ancient as Cyprian Consuetudo sine veritate vetustas erroris est Onely he which lets will let vntill hee be taken out of the way Will let is not found in th' originall but the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is frequent as Mr. Beza noteth and without strayning supplyed see 2. Cor. 1.6 2.10 5.13 Th' other straines of Master Beza and other Neotericks about the varied signification of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as impertinent I omit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is till he be remoued and taken away compare 1. Cor. 5.2 and Col. 2.14 Whither remoued hath been alreadie treated And then shall that wicked be reuealed then immediatly vt supra His Epithite deserues our notice and will leade vs by the hand where to finde him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is that lawlesse one whom no lawes of God or man may keepe within bounds of duetie Gratian in his Decrees sorts vs with varietie of lawes of God and man Publique priuate positiue of Nature and Nations Customarie written vnwritten Ciuill Canonicall Of them all the conclusion after some debate is they are subiect to Popes Interpretation dispensation many to abrogation Hee is the u 1 Cor. 2.15 spirituall man who iudgeth all things all men himselfe is iudged of none and though he send plures animarum Currus ad Tartara no man may dare say Why doest thou so See supra citata ex Innocentio 30. Tibi soli peccani is their Motto Some fauouring flattering rather the eminence of Princes haue made it questionable whither they be bound by their owne lawes and lawes of their countrie neuer did any question whither highest Monarch were subiect to the lawes of God Deut. 17.19 Kings must learne to feare the Lord to kisse the Sonne Psal 2.10 11 12. he is Rex Regum and Dominus Dominantium Heere is a good fellow as the * Luke 18.2 vnrighteous Iudge nor reuerencing man nor fearing God at
the time of his ouerthrow Resp Both. When he comes in his brightnesse and not till then shall this abolishment be by it also as the meane of atchieuement the phrase of speech is the same and of the same generall signification with the former which apertly denotes the meane of his consumption But meanes he thereby the day of Christs second appearing Resp So runs the whole streame of Diuines Protestant and Popish Which yet with hartiest reuerence to the learning and sanctitie of our Sages Let me craue leaue to question Is this abolishment of Antichrist mentioned by Paul the same thing with the downefall of Babylon Apoc. 18. then vnder correction this brightnesse of Christs comming cannot be the precise day of Iudgement for after it must follow calling of Iewes destruction of Gog and Magog and some Halcyon dayes of the Church on earth how many who knowes The quere was occasioned me by a learned Iesuite Estius ad locū commenting vpon the place whose inclinable resolution vpon like reason is this that this comming of the Lord is not to be taken in atomo but extensely and with some latitude so as vnder it may be comprised the anteriour and foregoing signes like as in his comming in the flesh is comprehended also the comming and preaching of Iohn Baptist his forerunner to this purpose the professour and Chancellor of Doway A criticke Scholiast vpon the Reuelation we haue whose learning and industrie who so vnderualues knowes not what belongs to either pardon him his curious applications he hath confessedly done the office of a solid Interpreter Thus he There is a spirituall and there is a corporall or personall comming of Christ This place is not to be vnderstood of his comming in person to the generall iudgement But of his manifestation of his presence in the Church by effects of power iustice grace and mercy at the appearance whereof Poperie shall vanish and melt as dew before the Sunne and his very Throne quake when time of his Iudgement comes as Mountaines tossed to and fro with the violence of an Earthquake planè itasentio And say as the Spirit and Bride Come Lord Iesus come quickly Their sins mee seemes are at the height Lord why ●a●riest thou But that Popery should be of long standing in the Church the Apostle thus intimates followes it Therefore the true Religion Resp Some hundreds of yeeres continued Arianisme in the Church and greatly preuailed so that the whole world saith Hierom groaned to see it selfe become Arian Was it therefore the Truth Those Heretiques were they the Church Except for that Liberius sometime subscribed thereto no Papist will affirme it t Mat. 13.30 Tares must grow with the wheate till the haruest that perpetuity will neuer Transubstantiate Tares into wheate These Reasons are of Gods dispensation in that kinde 1. There shall still be some to be deluded 2. Euer such occasion to exercise his children and u 1 Cor. 11.17 to make their sinceritie knowne Vse My aduise to Gods people is that henceforth they suffer not themselues to be deluded with the glittering shews of antiquity vniuersality perpetuity Error in iudgement and manners is within a day as old as Truth reuealed to man And so farre as tempora saecularia may carry it likely to be of so long continuance I am sure more Catholique that is vniuersally entertained then Truth of doctrin or life As our Sauiour * Iohn 5.39 Search Scriptures as Esay so I say To the x Isai 8.20 law and Testimony if they speake not according to this word it is because there is no light in them And of the destruction also of Antichrist thus farre VERS 9 10. Euen him whose comming is after the working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders And with all deceaueablenesse of vnrighteousnesse in them that perish because they receiued not the loue of the Truth that they might be saued WHat connexion this section hath with the former text and what scope is somewhat doubtfull perhaps the Apostle anticipates what Gods childrens infirmitie or Antichristians securitie might obiect against what is foretold of his destruction Ob. Antichrist so fortified and supported to be destroyed Sub. Yes euen Antichrist notwithstanding all the supplies he hath from hell and the strong man armed there when a stronger then hee commeth And y Apoc. 18.8 strong is the Lord that iudgeth him 2 Else which I rather thinke the Apostle desires to discouer him to Gods people in his very rising by the manner and meanes of his aduancement that so hee might preuent their seducement and make them more cautionate Howeuer The summe of the text is this A discouery of the aduancement of Antichrist into his throne set out by 1 the manner 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Meanes power signes wonders 3 Persons or subiects in which he preuailes them that perish Whose comming that is aduancement and first raising into his kingdome 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whither that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 denote proportion onely or generally the meanes which is after specified I leaue to the Reader farther to be examined if proportion this seemes the sense after the working of Sathan that is according to the rate and course which Satan holds when he aduanceth if the means the generall onely is first set downe particulars are after specified But hence we haue it fluent that Poperie hath euer had a great friend of the Diuell he is the first raiser maine supporter of that state thereto bends 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the best of ficacie most actuous liuelyhood of his operation To the z Apoc. 9.11 Starre of that Church Satan deliuers the key of the bottomelesse pit makes him the great Steward of his house Ioseph in Egypt neuer had more command then in Hell this Antichrist fumes presently are exhaled so thicke that they darken the Sunne it selfe and in those fumes locusts sans number and monstrous to vexe and torment the earth withall that if the God of this world could not a 2 Cor. 4.4 blinde the eyes of their minde yet he might vex their Conscience and so traduce them to the side of Antichrist Worthily did Rome forfeit her priuiledge to Latheran Churches because they vnderstood it not to the full b Mat. 16.18 The Gates of Hell shall not preuaile against the Church that once belonged to Rome while she was faithfull now is translated to other Churches who better know to prize the prerogatiue Shall not preuaile ah fooles and blinde vnworthy of such fauour yours if any is greater shall not shake nor moue against you quietly you may passe to Hell as Israel into Canaan no Dogge not Cerberus himselfe wagging tongue against you More then that the Gates of Hell that is all the power and policie of the Diuell are sworne yours to aduance and support you happy Rome miserable Protestants but that the Lord on high is mightier If that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 denote
of doctrine That chiefly is remarkeable in storie that about the time of Gregorie the great what time Antichrist grew towards clearest Reuelation and was now to be installed and entituled Oecumenicall Bishop Miracles of all sorts began to be multiplied Read Gregories Dialogues and what Paulus Diaconus and other following fables report of all sorts of wonders for confirmation of all sorts of Popish errour and superstition I will not denie but the things reported were many of them true in genere Rerum I dare halfe sweare they were all false in genere Miraculorum that were pretended wrought for confirmation of Poperie Whither and when the gift of Miracles ceased in the Church might here not impertinently be enquired but the volume growes biggish Vse 1 But sure me thinkes they longed to haue their Bishop knowne Antichrist their Church Antichristian when this came into the number of Notes of the Church Gloria Miraculorum so was Antichrist to be aduanced into his Throne so the people to be besotted who receiued his Character Not but that Miracles truely so called are testimonies of Truth vt supra But that the maruels they brag of are mira onely if true not miracula And many of them false lying reports meere fables and no better Such that of Syluesters curing Constantines Leprosie in his ministring Baptisme to him at Rome when it s well known his Baptisme was not at Rome but by a little superstition deferred till the end of his life fables a thousand I could fill you withall of Miracles and little lesse then miraculous apparitions of Saints and Angels for confirmation of purgatorie prayer to Saints for dead and such like Popish trash Thomas of Aquine is supposed to be gratulated by the blessed Virgin for his paines taken to cleare her birth from originall sinne with her owne voice from heauen Bene de me scripsisti Thoma Saint Bernard deuout in superstition in veneration of her was once saluted by her Image miraculously giuing him the time of the day Good morrow Bernard But well considering what Dauid speakes of Idoles they haue mouthes and speake not he is bold to minde her That her Ladiship had forgotten her selfe for it was not permitted to women to speake in the Church sexcenta sunt huinsmodi Vse 2 2 Contra istos mirabilarios against these miracle-mongers Christ his Prophets haue made vs cautionate while they minde vs they may teach truth l Iohn 10.41 that doe no miracles Iohn did no miracle yet all hee spake of Christ was true and they may be m See Deut. 13. Mat. 24.24 Impostors who giue signes and wonders The Diuell himselfe cannot worke a miracle his power though great yet is not infinite yet suppose him to giue a signe and wonder which I am not able ito discriminate from a true miracle In weaknesse perhaps might say as Pharaoes Magitians Digitus Dei est hic yet if he misled me from veritie of doctrine or life taught me in Scripture whither Diuell of Hell or n Gal 1 8. Angell of Heauen I should hold him accursed Spero obsecro vos qui credente mundo ipse non credit magnum est ipse prodigium To doctrine taught in our Churches belong o Heb. 2 4. miracles of Christ and his Apostles And with all deceiueablenesse of vnrighteousnesse The second meanes of his aduancement deceitfulnesse all kinds of falshood and cousenage 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 take here to denote iniustitiam vniuersalem whither it be qualitas efficientis or finis is doubtfull if efficientis This the meaning with all tricks of cousenage imposture and legerdemaine that wickednesse it selfe can deuise or exercise faigning apparitions of Angels and Spirits forging decrees of Councils corrupting Fathers sembling dissembling pietie swearing forswearing dummodo ob Rem fawning flattering bribing threatning forcing vsing pro re nata ca Time would faile mee to reckon vp all their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their methods and Arts of cousenage and imposture whereby they haue raised and still support their state Achitoph●l Machiauil cursed Moamed himselfe may seeme honest in policie in comparison of Romish Clergie Be wise as Serpents pleaseth be it as the old Serpent the Diuell Innocent as Doues as their practise showes deserues the obiliske the veru of their Index expurgatorius by such wicked policie hath Poperie aduanced it selfe If it denote the end or issue of their deceitfulnesse this is the meaning deceit leading to vnrighteousnesse via vitae the way tending to life via Iusti●iae the way tending to righteousnesse so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the outpath leading to wickednesse making the people as themselues iniurious to God vniust to men cruell to themselues Their doctrines dissenting from our Churches all such 1 either in the matter 2 or in their annexa and natiue sequeles as to any iudicious man seriously viewing them will appeare Concording are the liues of their deluded sectaries Vse Lord that it might worke in vs so much pietie as to detest it so much wisedome as to discerne and flye from their impious their wicked Religion were not vicious nature too too sensuall and licentious it could with no patience endure thought of Poperie Is this the sanctitie of doctrine that encloseth the Church to Rome Robbing God of his honour Christ of his Mediation Princes of Soueraigntie of life Parents of Children for Religion that teacheth violation of faith though with oath plighted to Heretiques tolerates halfe ligitimates fornication in some case Incestuous marriage c. The wisedome from aboue is p Iac. 3.17 pure full of mercy and good fruits The doctrine of Gods Grace teacheth to q Tit. 2.11 12. deny vngodlinesse and worldly lusts instructs to pietie iustice temperance a Religion yee haue here as a circle whose circumference is fraud whose center nothing but vnrighteousnesse what may if this will not worke our abhorrence from it If that may not preuaile attend yet seriously what is subioyned In them that perish The subiect or persons on whom it fastens such as perish vnderstand it exclusiuely onely such as perish Periphrasis Reproborum not infrequent in Scriptures See 2 Cor. 2.15 2 Cor. 4.3 alibi So stiled because their perishing is certaine and ineuitable r Iude v. 4. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And that doctrine is now entering execution they being as I may say in the Act of perishing It should seeme then they are onely castawayes men destined to damnation who are seduced by this Antichrist see Apoc. 13.8 14.9 10 Reasons are euident 1 Their Errours of Iudgement are in the fundamentals of Faith they hold not the head Col. 2.19 1 Cor. 3.10 11. 2 In Religion against the heart and life of pure worship abominable Idolatric 3 The seduced mostly vnreclaimable so strong is the delusion sent vpon them Apoc. 14.9 10. May we dare to say so of Papists Resp Had we the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that becomes Gods Ministers wee should dare seeing therein
against a graue Minister Dispoream if vpon examination they be found other that quarrell at Clasicall Preachers Lord that the Sages of our Church would seriously thinke of it our steeresmen pittie their poore brethren who climbe the Masts and draw the poope beare burthen and heat of the day how should they doe their duetie with ioy and the people be framed to conforme in Religion Might reason preuaile with lewdnesse and absurdity I would adde my aduise to these opposites And yet the most hare-braind amongst these absurd fooles would be thought wise The lewdest miscreant is affected with repute of honesty If Paul if Gods Spirit can iudge you are but absurd fooles lewd miscreants whosoeuer maliciously oppose to your Ministers or seeke to entangle them in the snare For all men haue not faith The Reason of prescribing this petition on behalfe of their persons q.d. And maruell not we desire your prayer for deliuerance for all haue not faith to restraine them from maligning the Doctrine and Teachers of faith Faith meanes he the morall vertue fidelitie That n Mat. 23.23 acception of the word is not infrequent in Scripture and thither bends the Antithesis But God is faithfull Rather sith the streame runs that way the vertue Theologicall yet withall suppose the other implied q. d. All are not faithfully or indeed that which they pretend and show for in faith For that he would be vnderstood of men in the Church professing faith I make no question 1 Idle had it bin in the Apostle to minde this people of Pagans and such like that they wanted faith selfely they knew it 2 Nor could their feare and discomfort which in the Anti●hesis he anticipates arise from any other then children of the Church professing to belieue Infidelitie is not all amongst Pagans faithlesnesse is as much in the children of the Church in many professing to beleeue many o Iohn 2.23.24 25. beleeued in the name of Christ when they saw his Miracles yet did not our Sauiour commit himselfe vnto them Durst not our Sauiour betrust himselfe with beleeuers A thousand liues he might haue put into their hands had they indeede beleeued in him But he who saw what was in them discouered infidelity lurking vnder the vizar of professed faith Want of imperate Acts of faith euidence it thus number them 1 p Act. 15.9 puritie of heart and life 2 q Gal 5.6 loue of God his ordinances and children 3 Deuotion 4 r 2 Cor. 4.13 Confession 5 ſ Iam. 2.14 15 c. Workes of Charitie and Mercie c. where these are not be bold to say there is no truth of faith be vaunts neuer so confident of Abrahams 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Saint Augustine wrote comfortably de perseuerantia sanctorum Vse 1 there is a Script bearing title de Apostasia sanctorum Stuffed with Examples of many supposed to haue reuolted from faith But it would be enquired whither these who t 1 Iohn 2.29 went out from vs were euer truely of vs. whither these who reuolted from faith had euer any more then the show of faith in Scripture men beare names of what they show and are not Quest Then what loose they Resp That which they seemed to haue the show of faith pietie u Luke 8.18 sanctity they carried in the Church I say not all Scriptures or instances may thus bee explaned yet doubtlesse many But the more ought we to blesse God for specialty of his grace to whom he hath giuen truely to beleeue in him For * Acts 17.28 being liuing mouing for sense and reason for x 14.17 food and raiment for raine and fruitfull seasons I cannot but blesse God and admire his goodnesse Lord y Psal 8.4 what is man that thou art so mindfull of him yet these are common to me with heathen many with Bruits For meanes of saluation and z 1 Iohn 5.20 minde to know him my heart is more enlarged to praise his mercy yet these are common to me with hypocrites in the Church But that he hath blessed the meanes to my soule to worke true faith and repentance vnfained now thankes be to God for his vnspeakable gift who can expresse the noble acts of the Lord or shew forth all his doings once I know 1 my merits no more then others my demerits haply as great as others 2 The same meanes of faith vouchsafed to the faithfull but blessed vnto me to make me faithfull 3 Impediments in me and opposites to faith as strong as in another 1 blessednesse of minde to conceiue the mysteries of his kingdome 2 pride of reason scorning to subscribe to anies Ipse dixit to rest on naked authority bare testimony of God himselfe expecting argument and demonstration to euidence conclusions Theologicall yea articles of faith But blessed be God who hath subdued these high thoughts to the obedience of Christ when thousands of others are shut vp vnder vnbeliefe For all men haue not faith Perhaps Paul meant to point them to the fountaine of this lewdnesse and absurdity in procuring the vniust vexation of himselfe and his Associates that is want of faith The source as of most sinnes so chiefely of persecuting the Ministerie had they faith but as the graine of Mustard-seed they could neuer grow so lewd or absurd to molest the instruments of their belieuing Had they knowne they would not haue crucified the Lord of glorie Did men belieue had they euer a 1 Pet. 2.3 tasted how gracious the Lord is they would neuer vexe the Ministers of God b 1 Cor. 3.5 by whom they belieue Rather c Rom. 6.4 lay downe their owne necks for their safety and preseruation Faithlesse Infidels and no better they shall euer be to me whom I see maliciously bent against the persons of their faithfull Pastors VERS 3. But the Lord is faithfull who shall stablish you and keepe you from euill THE words seeme intended to preuent the feare might arise in this people from meditating their owne danger in the Apostles as also the intermingling of false brethren faithlesse beleeuers with the Churches of God Though that be true you as I may iustly expect vexations and perils from such yet be not dismaied God is faithfull who will stablish you and keepe you from euill In which comfortable speech of the Apostle two things to be obserued 1 The Blessings as arguments of comfort propounded 2 Next the ground of the blessings Gods fidelity The blessings two both acts of the Lord towards his children 1 Stablishment that vnderstand their firme setling in gracious goodnesse so as vnmoueably to persist therein without defection compare 1 Cor. 1.8 Act. 11.23 Eph. 3.16 17. and that excellent parabolicall expression of it Mat. 7.25 2 Cautelously vnderstand it 1 Shakings and wauerings in the very purpose may befall vs by violent blasts of temptations Psal 73.2 13. 2 Intermissions of the exercise of grace may betide vs yet semen manet 1 Iohn