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A69171 A treatise, touching Antichrist VVherein, the place, the time, the forme, the workmen, the vpholders, the proceeding, and lastly, the ruine and ouerthrow of the kingdome of Antichrist, is plainly laid open out of the word of God: where also manie darke, and hard places both of Daniell and the Reuelation are made manifest. By Lambert Danæus.; Tractatus de Antichristo. English Daneau, Lambert, ca. 1530-1595?; Swan, John, d. 1617. 1589 (1589) STC 6229; ESTC S111048 137,818 208

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out a fewe words out of his filthie mouth I beséech ye brethren what a madnes is it and what sacrilegious blasphemie against God Therefore they haue no God at all and much lesse haue they any Christ whome they haue dishonoured mangled and torne in pieces in such wonderfull sort We are taught in the Scriptures that Christ is a man but a man he can not be if he be infinit without circum-scription or limitation of place or person such a Christ as the Papists haue dreamed vpon they make Christ both man and God of that Mathematicall superficies which they vse in their Masse which is so subtile and thin that it conteineth in it no thicknesse at all I would heere knowe of them how in that little bodie or substance they distinguish or seuer the deity of Christ from his humane nature And what a kinde of bodie is that which is of no quantitie which can be perceiued by no sence which possesseth at once an infinite number of places and those farre distant thus therefore they destroy the person of Christ and as touching his office they are there-in more foulie and dangerously deceiued For what part at all do they héere-in leaue sound and entire vnto Christ If Christ be our Priest and if there be two partes of this Priesthoode the one that he should offer him-selfe for our only and perpetuall sacrifice the other to be our intercessour and make prayers for vs. How is it that the Papists do offer vp Christ euery day and how is it that they suborne an infinite number of Mediatours If Christ be our Prophet why will they not stand content with his doctrine to what ende do they require further humane lawes and traditions If he be our King what néede we an other Bishop to be our King which should rule ouer our consciences and the whole Church of Christ wherefore if he be Antichrist that denies Iesus to be Christ the annointed as Iohn hath taught vs it is euident that the Bishop of Rome is Antichrist who hath taken away the Kingdome Priesthood and Propheticall office of Christ I can not runne ouer each place of the doctrine of the Gospell that therein I might shewe how the Bishop is contradict vnto Christ in euerie point and these haue I lightly toucht in fewe words runne ouer because I am not now to handle common places but briefely to yeeld the reason of this my defence and assertion Wherefore to let passe other points to conclude this place I affirme that the whole doctrine of the Gospell that setteth out vnto vs the causes meanes of our saluation and which prescribeth either the outward or inward worship of God is by the Popes meanes depraued spoiled cleane ouerthrowne the which being so it followeth that the Bishop is rightlie called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an opponent or Aduersarie 3. And least any man should dreame that Antichrist should be an outward enemy such as Mahumet is Paule addeth that He should sit in the Temple of God that is in the midst of the Church therefore he should proue an houshold enemy not a forraigne foe and shall withstand Christ couertly not openly although notwithstanding he shall be a deadly enemy vnto Christ yet shall he pretend great faith religiō friendship familiar conuersation with Christ whereby we may see how much more dangerous an enemy he is So the Bish of Rome although he be repugnant vnto Christ in all things yet hath he placed seated himself in the midst of the temple and people of God For he holdeth that himselfe is the Vicar of Christ that his synagogue is the true Church of Christ that all his are the true Catholicks and crieth out that all such as separate themselues from him are Hereticks Thus doth he challendge to him-selfe the title and name of the Churche and detracteth it from all others and this is it whiche Paule meaneth in saying he shall sit in the midst of Gods Church Many shall come sayth Christ in my name saying I am Christ Now what is it to come in the name of Christ but to vsurpe the place or name of Christs Vicar And this hath not only bin perfourmed openly by the Pope but also it hath fallen out that besides him no other did euer attempt it 3. And doth not the Bishop openly boast him-self to be God reade Gratian distinct 21. He acknowledgeth the name he taketh it vpon him he coumpteth it properly to belong vnto him and reposeth him-selfe in it His clients clawe and worship him as a God they salute him by the name and make more accoumpt of his authoritie and precepts then those of God Heerein I faigne nothing I speake that that is euident and well knowne vnto all The Bishop of Rome giueth it out that he is an earthly God and vaunteth that he can do what-so-euer God can Sinne only except an impudent and blasphemous mouth hitherto all points do iompe and agree But we haue not yet runne ouer the description set downe by the Apostle if these things be not sufficient marke what followes Now saith Paule ye know what with-holdeth namely that he might be reueiled in his time Heerein he sheweth what it is that did stay or keepe backe the comming of Antichrist This same 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which with-holdeth Tertullian Hierome and Chrysostome do vnderstand of the Romane Empire the which so long as it stoode in flourishing estate Antichrist could not rise to that power and preheminence and therefore that roome might be made for Antichrist it was requisite that the Emperour of Rome should giue place What this meaneth we shall easily vnderstand if we shall beare in mind that which Iohn fore-warneth in the Reuelation as we shall see anone namely that Rome was to become the head and Metropolitane Citie for the Antichristian kingdome Seeing therefore that Antichrist was to rule in Rome necessarie it was that the Emperour should leaue Rome emptie for him for it could not be possest by both of them together Now the issue euent of things hath shewed it selfe to be a most plaine and plentifull interpretour of this prophecie First Constantine translated the Empire from Italie and Rome into Greece vnto * Which is Constantinople Bizantium then the Greeke Emperours began by little and little to lose all their interest in Italie so that at last Rome the auncient seate of the Empire together with a great part of Italie began to fall into the Bishops hands But where-as some vnderstand this matter of the Preaching of the Gospell which the Apostle should signifie was first to be spread ouer the face of the whole earth I will not gaine-say but that both may be vnderstoode viz. that the Empire was to be moued out of Rome and the Gospell to be preached ouer all the world And touching the time where-in both these were perfourmed it agreeth fitte And where-as the Apostle writeth that the misterie of Iniquitie doth
A TREATISE TOVCHING ANTICHRIST VVherein the Place the Time the Forme the workmen the Vphoulders the Proceeding and lastly the ruine and ouerthrow of the Kingdome of Antichrist is plainly laid open out of the word of God where also manie darke and hard places both of Daniell and the Reuelation are made manifest By Lambert Danaeus Meete in these dayes to be considered where-in the kingdome of the Beast is by force and trecherie sought to be reuiued And published for the encouragement of those which ioyne in the intended actions against the Spaniard and otherwise for the further ouerthrow of Antichrist and enlarging of Christ his kingdome with the pure preaching and sincere gouernment of the same Reuel 18.4 Go out of her my people 1. Cor. 10.11 These thinges were written to admonish vs. Vppon whom the ends of the world are come LONDON Imprinted by Thomas Orwin for Iohn Porter and Thomas Gubbin 1589. ¶ To the Right Honorable his verie good Lord Sir Christopher Wraie Knight Lord Cheife Iustice of England a liberall benefactour and worthie founder in Magdalen Colledge in Cambridg Ihon Swan wisheth such condition as hath promise both of this life and of the life to come WHat may be thought meete to be spoken in the behalfe of this booke right Honorable I suppose may bee found sufficient in the preface ensuing made by the Author himselfe and addressed vnto his Lord the Lord Casimire But what occasions moued me vnto the translation of the worke and to offer it to your Honour it may perhaps bee looked for that my selfe should signifie VVe haue seene Antichrist euen in this our Realme as well as in many other places of Christendome to haue taken a notable both fall and foyle Jn so much as who so had liued in the daies of the famous King Henry the eyght VVhome it pleased God to vse as the chiefest instrument to dismount the monster and giue him his deadly wound to haue seene then the zeale and forwardnes that was in the Nobilitie the painefulnes of the Cleargie both by pen and in pulpit the triumphes and ioyfull acclamations of the people he would haue thought that neither Antichrist himselfe would euer haue looked back with hope to haue set foote in amongst vs againe nor that in the heart of any one true English-man especially after so long a farewell hee might finde any residence or fauourable entertainment But tantae molis erit Romanam euertere gentem it fell out otherwise For not long after it appeared that it was an easier matter to hurle out the Pope then poperie at a suddaine In so much as * Ould Docter Turner one in a prety pamphlet intituled The hunting of the Foxe by the industry of such hounds as there he set on worke and by print of the Beasts footing which in many corners he obserued he descried withal cried out that the Foxe was still in the land And as for our time late and that daungerous experience hath toulde vs both in respect of Rome and Rhemes abroade and of Jesuites and Seminarie Priests sent ouer vnto vs and of hollow harted and trayterous subiects fostered amongst vs who all haue made waie to this late cruell attempt of the Spanyards that both the Pope himselfe hath long since cast more then a glauncing eye toward England and that many amongst vs yea such as haue bin borne in time of her Maiesties most happie Raigne haue liked and longed for that vnhappie euent of that vngratious aspect But long may they looke in vaine as hetherto they haue done by Gods mercifull prouidence ouer vs and by the carefull gouernment of such as are our Magistrats VVhose labour and watchfulnes as it becommeth eache christian in loue of the Churche to support and further by al such good meanes as where-with God hath enabled him So J being not able otherwise haue endeuoured hereby to do the best I maie not for the helpe of the learned who are able themselues to consult with the Author in the originall but of such as to whome without such helpe this worke might seeme to bee a treasure hid in the ground And they be the men that be most endaungered as not being able to discearne the Beast though daily they see his footing before their face and therefore had most need of a Mithridate to withstand his infection And in my simple opinion there is no one booke among many that hath bin penned of late to this purpose which more fitly and effectually perperformeeh the same then this doth in thwarting the enterprise of the Rhemist and cracking the credit of this Romish maister which also might daunt the desperat attempts of his fauourites amongst vs considering the Beast vnder whose banner they fight This little labour of mine being finished considering with my selfe the place which your Lordship sustaines to the seruice and saftie of her Maiesties person hir country and common-weale and good of the Churche J was easely induced to presume to make offer of the same vnto your honour And in so doing withall J conceiued hope to compasse that which the Author himselfe affected in making his dedication vnto Prince Casimire namely that vnder your Lordeships name and patronage it may be the more willingly accepted and the more safely passe through the handes of men The which J beseeche your good Lordeship in such fauourable sorte to accept as you did the former The Lorde of Lords preserue your Lordship to see the happie and ioyfull returne of many a newe yere and prosper your Honorable endeauours tending to the aduauncement of his glorie and supplanting his and her Maiesties enemies to the good of the Church the safety of the Realme the furtheraunce of Religion and learning and your owne endles comfort in Christ Jesu Amen From the Colledg of Wye in Kent the first of Ianuary 1589 Your Lordships most bounden Iohn Swan To the famous and mightie Prince and Lord Iohn Casimire Countie Palantine of the RHINE Duke of BAVER c. his verie good Lord and Maister WHereas in these our daies wherein the light of the glorious Gospell begins to reuiue and spring a fresh there be many poynts called into controuersie there is not among them any one Most noble Prince more difficult or lesse agreed vpon by such as write then that question which concerneth Antichrist The knowledge whereof although it be most necessarie both for the vnderstanding of that truth which God himselfe hath reueiled exceeding profitable for the staie of the Church yet in this poynt the opinions of the auncient Fathers haue bene so variable and diuers that we are almost altogether to seeke what we are to follow and hould in this behalfe And this diuersitie of theirs came to passe by this meanes partly for that they liued in those dayes wherein all the marks and tokens of this Jniquitie the which notwithstanding the Spirit of God bewraied and poynted out beforehand were not manifest as not come to light for as yet
the aunswere there-vnto is easie and readie that God neuer permitted his Church so long to be seduced but only suffered the wicked reprobate and such as fall from him to wander and goe astray and giue credit vnto lyes and that vpon desert of theirs and as I haue sayde most iustly on his behalfe For although Papistry was neuer the true Church of God yet in the kingdome of Popery and in the very midst of the Papists them-selues God did often wonderfully preserue his Church Now out of all this that hath bin spoken I hope not only that this place of Paule may be easily vnderstood but withall that this point is as clearely laid open out of the word of God as the noone day That the Pope who is not so rightly tearmed the Bishop as the butcher of Rome and his adherents are that kingdome of Antichrist which in diuers places of the Scripture is specified the which sith it is the drift and purpose of this treatise and labour of mine heere an ende concluding with this praier vnto God that he the Father of mercies would vouchsafe to giue to such as haue thus long beene blinded eyes whereby they might see the light of the Gospell reueiled and to such as do already see will whereby they may embrace the truth of the same in their hearts and minds and constantly make profession of the same in holie conuersation through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen FINIS A Position propounded and defended at a Commencement in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge Anno Domini 1582. By a famous Scholler and worthie Writer in this our age The Bishop of Rome is that Antichrist of whose comming the Scripture hath fore-tould THE enterprise is great right Worshipfull and worthie and full of doubt and difficultie which I haue taken in hand to affirme maintaine and that in so solemne an assemblie of learned men as this is that the Bishop of Rome who professeth himself to be Christes Vicar in earth the successour of Peter the head of the Christian Church the chiefe of all Bishops the most Catholike of all Catholikes a kinde of Oracle of religion and a mortall God among men to auouch I say and hould that the same man is the very Antichrist an enemie to God a traytor to Christ an aduersarie to religion the ring-leader of heresies and a murderer of Gods Church But as ye are here present in bodies so bee present in attention and if heretofore by meanes of that commō error which generally hath preuailed ye could not peraduenture giue right censure of that wicked monster yet now at length laying aside coniectures thinke vprightly of the matter and whom the Scripture hath fore-tould time hath discouered and the Church hath many ages been burdened with acknowledge him for Antichrist spit in his face and curse him euen to the pit of hell For why should we not both iudge fréelie and speake plainlie in the case or why should wee at all doubt and stagger in a matter so manifest and of such moment If the Bishop of Rome be the Antichrist of whom we can make no other accompt except we will be wilfully deceiued why should wee either looke longer for an other or why should we not call this the very Antichrist I hope that after I haue done none of you will doubt but that that iollie Bishop which keepes such a coyle is the very and only Antichrist in such sort as who will not bee lost for euer ought vtterly to detest him and abandon his societie And herein I purpose to deale so as the right order of disputation requireth namely first in way of confirmation by authoritie of the Scriptures to warrant mine assertian and as for such arguments as may seeme to make agaynst me I will not meddle with them in mine Oration For now it is my part to make plaine and strengthen the cause and afterward to shake of the aduersaries obiections when I shall come to aunswering And first to begin withal I will take that vnto me as graunted which of necessitie must bee yeelded that Antichrist is in the Scriptures set out vnto vs by his true and infallible markes so that wee are neither to imagine of any other not spoken of in the Scriptures but that wee confidently affirme him to be Antichrist vnto whom all those things do so fitly agree which wee reade in the word of God concerning Antichrist For either it must needes bee so or else the Spirit of God hath not well described him vnto vs the which cannot be affirmed without blasphemie Therfore I wil set downe this as the ground of my iudgement and defence that the Scripture hath deliuered vnto vs whatsoeuer was meete for the Church to knowe touching Antichrist and that he without all controuersie is the true or rather the false Antichrist in whom those markes are to bee found whereby the Spirit of God would expresse Antichrist and set out as it were in his liuely and proper picture to the view of all men And as for those things which are set downe in the whole bodie of the Scriptures concerning Antichrist I vphold that euery one of them doth agree to the Bishop of Rome and that they all cannot be attributed vnto any other Now the name of Antichrist is in the Scriptures taken in two sortes generall and proper or perticular For as the name of Christ is sometime applied vnto all those who haue some resemblance of him in their being annoynted such as were the Prophets Kings and Priests in like sence whereof the Prophet speaketh Psalm 104. Touch not mine annoynted and sometime agayne is taken for the very Sonne of God made manifest in the flesh our redeemer and Sauiour Iesus Christ So also in the Scriptures the name of Antichrist is sometime taken for euery aduersarie of Christ as in the 1. Ioh. 2. There are many Antichristes come alreadie that is there begin to incroach many back-sliders which indeuour to corrupt the pure word of God and sometime agayne more properly for that chiefe Antichrist which mallapertly thwarteth Christ himselfe not only in one or two poynts but in the whole frame of religion and kingdome of Christ And euen in such sence did Iohn speak of Antichrist in that very place when he sayth Little children it is the last houre and as ye haue heard that Antichrist should come c. And of this kinde of Antichrist are those things to bee vnderstoode which Paule writeth in his 2. Epistle to the Thess cap. 2. I am not therfore to intreate of those pettie and paltrie Antichristes which are many in number and should sow the seed of the Apostacie and horrible Antichristianisme which was to insue but of that Captaine Antichrist which should in all poynts bee opposite to Christ and of whom the other were but fore-runners And whē I say that the Bishop of Rome is this great Antichrist my meaning is that he is the Captaine and head of that Apostacie which the Scripture