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A15103 An ansvveare vnto certaine crabbed questions pretending a reall presence of Christ in the Sacramente: latelie propounded by some secret papist, to the great troubling of the consciences of the simple, together with a discouerie of the Jesuiticall opinion of justification, guilefully vttered by Sherwyne at the time of his execution. Gathered and set foorth by Peter Whyte, very necessary & profitable for this dangerous time. White, Peter, Vicar of Eaton Socon. 1582 (1582) STC 25401; ESTC S114005 62,353 289

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owne felicitie and the great comfort of his Church Amen Your Honors most humble and faithfull Orator Peter White The Principall contentes in this Aunsweare 1 First the Papistes leaue the written worde flie vnto vnwritten verities 2 Secondly to cleaue onely to the written woord of God in matters of Faith Religion is the infallible marke of Christes true Church 3 Thirdly that the doctrine of the reall presence is false and vntrue against the truth of Scriptures and Fathers against the certainty of the natures of Christes person the trueth being of Sacramentes full of blasphemous absurdities renewinge againe sondrie wicked heresies it is also variable and most vnconstant 4 Fourthly of the manner of Christes presence in the sacrament of his body that it is agreable with the nature properties of hys person with his presence in Baptisme in his word and that as it is certaine and true so most effectuall and comfortable 5 Fiftly who were the firste inuentors of the reall presence and howe it was thruste vpon the Churche and confirmed with their name age 6 Sixtly that this carnall presence hath bene at al times and since the springe thereof resisted by godly learned men as other corruption● haue bene THE OBIECTION FRom the beginning of the Christian church vntill the yeere of our Lord. 1517. all that on the earth professed openlie Christes Catholike faith did beleeue as well in the Greeke as in the Latin Church the real presence of Christes bodie and blood vnder the formes of bread and vvine after consecration duelie made If this be tru● then the matte● is at an end But if you thinke i● vntrue then answere directly● to the matter folowing This faith of theirs vvas preshevved by the deliuerie from hand to hand of that doctrine euer since the beginning of the Christian Church and was maintained by the preaching and vvriting of the learned Fathers and pretested by the godly Honor vvhich the Christian people gaue to the said Sacrament in the time of Masse or otherwise THE ANSVVERE THese Obiecters good Reader at the first as it vvere the groūd of all their religiō whiche in trueth it is leaue the Scriptures knowing that by them they can not proue tharticles of their religion and flie vnto vnwritten verities and traditions deliuered from hand to hand and therevpon they laie their foundation So that and if thou vvilt giue them leaue this vvaie to proceede spoe 13. bess 2. they can easilie proue vvhat they list vnder the name of tradition Yet such is the deadlie vvounde that the sworde of Gods spirite hath giuen the beast that all their traditions and vnwritten verities are manifest and directlie contrarie vnto the vvorde of God We must therfore in all things belonging to faith followe the counsell and example of our sauiour Christ of his Apostles the belieuers at Thessalonica of all the primitiue and auncient fathers our Sauiour commaundeth vs to search the Scriptures he proueth the necessitie and truth of his office death and resurrection out of the Scripture He reproueth his Disciples because they vvere dull and slowe beleeuers of the Scriptures Iohn 5. Luk. 24. 4. Act. 17. 2. Timoth 3. 1. Timoth. 3. 1. Pet. 1 3. Pet. 1. Collos 3. The Apostles sende vs vnto the Scriptures The Thessalonians are greatlie commemded for searching the scriptures and making triall of S. Paules doctrine by the Scriptures Sermo Christi inhabitet vos largo saith S. Paule Let the doctrine of Christ dwell in you abundantlie The Scriptures vvere vvritten saith Ireneus that they might be fundamentum columna fidei l.b. 3. cap. 3. both the foundation and piller of our faith Aug. super Ioan. tract 49. When Christ our sauiour did and taught manie things electa sunt autem quae scriberentur quae saluti credentium sufficere viderentur Truelie those things that are sufficient for the saluation of the belieuers are chosen and vvritten out In this respect did the auncient fathers against all heresies laie them selues vpon the Scriptures Tertul. de resur carnis lib. 1. Ex scripturis arguuntur haeretici Heretikes are by the scriptures reproued And as Tertullian vvriteth De spiritu sanct● Ciril super Ioan. cap. 16 Aufer denique haereticis quaecunque Ethnici sapiunt vt de scripturis solis sistant quaestiones stare non poterunt Take from the heretikes the things they haue common vvith Infidels and force them to grounde their faith vppon the Scriptures onlie and their questions shal not be able to stand ●●ill super 〈◊〉 16 No man saith Chrisostome maie without the Scriptures pretend the holie ghost August ibi lem Non aliam quam Christus docuit disciplinam sequetur nec alias feret leges he shall followe no other doctrine then Christ hath taught he shal giue none other lawes And S. Ierome vpon the words of Saint Paule If an Angell come from heauen c. Non dixit si quis docuerit contra sed praeter supra He saide not if anie man shall teach contrarie but besides that alredy is taght And againe Post Apostolos quamuis sanctus sit aliquis quamuis disertus non habet authoritatem auoniam dominus narrat in scripturis After the Apostles though a man be lerned and holie yet hath he no authoritie for the Lord doth teach in the Scriptures And Tertullian ●e prescrip ad●erfus hereticos Nobis vero nihil ex nostro arbitrio inducere licet sed nec eligere quod aliquis arbitrio suo induxerit Apostolos domini habemus authores qui nec ipsi quicquā ex suo arbitrio quod inducerent eligerūt sed acceptam a Christo disciplinam fideliter nationibus assignauerunt We must not onelie bring in nothinge of our owne heades pleasure but also not receiue or choose those thinges whiche haue beene so broughte in of others We haue the Apostles of Christ authors whome wee must follow who also broughte in nothing of their owne inuētions but that doctrine which they receiued of Christ did they set downe vnto the people We therefore cōtinuallie say with Augustine and Ambrose Non audiaemus haec dico haec dicis sed audiamus haec dicit dominus August contra Petiltan Donat. cap. 9. Ambros de Virg. lib. 4. sunt certè libri dominici quorum authoritati vtrique credimus vtrique consentimus vtrique seruimus ibi quaeramus ecclesiam ibi discutiamus causam nostram We must not belieue that which this man and that man affirmeth but that which God him self teacheth vs to be true We haue the worde of God whose authoritie we belieue to vvhom vve do consent and vvhom vve obey there must we seeke our Church there muste vve sifte and examine our cause Nos noua omnia quae Christus non docuit iura damnamus quia fidelibus via est Christus We iustlie condemne all newe things that Christ taught vs not for Christ is the vvaie vnto the
gainsaie this erronious and newe doctrine And on the cōtrarie part the Bishops Cardinals Monks and Friars vvith all the rest of the clergie as the ministers of Antichrist did by tirannie general Councels false diuelishe miracles cause the Church to receiue this opinion of real presence vvhich before that time vvas strange and vnknowen THE OBIECTION ON the other side if in the first sixe hundred yeeres the Christians had belieued as the Lutherans Protestantes Swinglians now do he that had first begon to haue taughte the real presence of Christes bodie bloud under the formes of bread wine must at that time haue bin noted and reputed for an heretike he must haue bin conuinced by some general or prouincial Councell kept either in the East Church or in the West the Preachers and Doctors of that age shuld hans written against him THE ANSVVERE THe diuersitie of these names deuised by the Papists with a number mo besedes as Caluinistes Hugonites Prescisians and vvhat not bring no new articles of faith or diuersitie of opinions into the vvorld or be deuided in substaunce of Religion Martin Luther onelie excepted in one poynt but holde and teache the auncient and Catholike faith deliured by Christ and his apostles in the canonicall bookes of th' olde the new Testament wherin they continuallie heare the voice of the true shepheard and sauiour Christ Apoc. 9. 18. Es●● 16. and vvhereby they knowe the Romish church to be the sinagogue of antichrist therfore being warned by the scripture they flee from it as from the bottomles pit of darknes and denne of vncleane beasts from whence these fiue hundred yeeres there hath flowed vnmeasurable stormes of Sectaries aswel disagreing in substance of religion worship as in name and profession as appeareth by the Premonstatenses Augustinians Dunstinians Benets Bonames Monkes blacke white Barnardines Franciscanes Benedictes Augustine friars Crossed friars blackfriars white friars some beggers some lyers in steede of preachers some Mionres some obstinate with Hermites Ankors both men women with Nunnes of all sortes and last of all the secte of Iebusites and all these I saye with an infinite number besides who do differ in sect habite worship of God or dishonouring of God rather and substance of religion But if there be anie difference at anie time among vs it is onelie about suche remainders of Poperie as the misbegottē bastards of Antichrist haue left among vs. In dede as the deare children and seruantes of God Galla. 2 Peter and Paule did sharplie contende about the reliques of Iudaisme euen so at this day some contention nowe and then ariseth among the preachers of the Gospell about some remnantes of poperie which for our great vnworthines God hath yet left amōg vs as he did leaue a remnāt of Cananites Iudicum●● Hethites Iebusites to trie the children of Israel withal The myserie of iniquitie as the Apostle said did worke euen from the beginning with increase of loy tering laborers and decaie of faithfull pastors Cyprian saide in his time De delunia tontatioue dom Pinl p. 2. 2. Timi 3. Rarus hodie Phinies qui perfoderat impudicos rarus Moses qui occider at sacrilegos rarus Samuel rarus Iob rarus Noe flens cum Apostolo dico inmicos crucis Christi qui terrena sapiunt magistratus quorum deus venter est qui in hijs quae dicere nefas est elegantur gloriant At this day Phinies that may thrust through the shamelesse is seldome found Moses to slea the idolaters is rare Iob Aaron and Noe be verie thinne I saie vvith th'apostle vveeping the enimies of the crosse of Christ that sauer earthlie thinges teachers vvhose bellie is their God impudentlie reioyce glorie in those thinges vvhich once to name is vvicked venerunt periculosa tempora quae praedixit apostolus Math. 24. 2 Thess 2. Iohn 4. Apoc. 6. 9. the daungerous times vvhiche the Apostle foreshewed are come Yet before the generall Apostasie whiche our Sauiour Christ foretolde th'apostle S. Paule prophesied of and is so euidentlie described in the Reuelation did come there coulde no herisie no sooner arise but that the vvatchefull pastors did by and by note the autor therof by vvriting and afterwardes through the helpe of godlie Emperours in Councels both generall and nationall condemne such herisies vvith their authors as well apeareth by ecclesiastical histories For although the mysterie of iniquitie did euen in th'apostles time worke in the hands of Antichristes ministers yet throght the diligence of good pastors it vvas mightilie vvithstood but after the departure of these faithfull pastors through the negligence of such as afterward sought their owne ease vvith promotion and great dignities and falling fast aslepe with pleasure and securitie the enuious man found fit time oportunitie for the better sowing of his cokle darnel Apoc. 6. so that the ministery of the gospel decaied the truth was gretly darkned the church of God vvas not only vvith many corruptions superstitions defaced but became a pray vnto ra uening wolues which vtterly ouerthrewe the first beawty therof and chased banished and put to flight the true ministerie of the Gospel of Christ Matth. 7. 2. Thess 2. Whereby the man of sinne inuaded the temple of God sitting therein as though he had bin God After this I saie the noting and vvithstanding of heresie vvaxed much colder and for a time the churche or sanctuarie vvas troden vnder foote and the true members of Christes Church driuen into the vvildernes Apoc. 12. 13. vvher God did prouide a place for the same For after a thousand yeres ended Satan being for a time letten forth of the bottomlesse pit the man of sinne inuaded the Church of God as wel appeareth in the Reuelation Apoc. 6.20 whereunto agreeth manie writers of that age Arnolph in conci Lio Rauensi anno 1015. Arnolphus the Bishop of Aurelianense saide openlie of the Bishop of Rome Quid hunc in sublimi solio residentem veste purpurion aureo radiantem quid hunc inquam esse censetis Nimirum si charitate destitudtur solaque scientia inflatur extollitur Antechristus est in templo dei sedens sese ostentans quasi sit Deus What do you iudge of him that sitteth in so high a throne clothed in purple and shining vvith golde Apoc. 19. vvhat I praie you do you thinke of him truelie beeing voide of loue and puft vp vvith knowledge he is verie Antichriste sitting inthe téple of God bosting of him self as though he were God Eberchardus allo the archbishop of Salisburg said opély in the Coucel of Reginoburg Sub Pont. In concilio Reginol●●rg an 12. ●0 tempore Fr●●er ●● secuade Max. titulo pastoris pelle lupū seuerissimū nisi coeci sumus sentimus vnder the name of th chiefe or greatest Bishop except vve be blinde Math. 7. vve feele the most cruel vvolfe in the clothing or
skinne of a shepheard And againe among manie other thinges to this purpose he saith Hildebrandns ante annos centum septuaginta primus specie religionis Anti. christi imperij fundamentum iocit Hildebrande an hundred and seuentie yeres ago vnder the show cullor of religion did first lay the foundation of Antichristes Empire or kingdome And againe he saithe Pontifices Babilonis soli regnari cupiunt ferre parem non possunt credite experte non cessahunt donec imperatore in ordinem redacto Romani imperij honore soluto pastoribus veris oppressis per hune morem omnia extinguant omnia pedibut suis conculcent atque tui templo Dei sedeant extollanturque super omnia id quod colitur 2. Thess 2. Apoc. 9. The Bishops of Babilon desire to reigne alone they can abide no peere beleeue him that hath made a triall of them they vvill neuer haue done vntill they haue broughte th'Emper our vnto their bowe dissolued the honor or maiestie of th'Emper and oppressed the true pastors of Christ that in this sorte they maie extinguish all thinges and tread al things vnder their feete and that they maie sitte in the Church of God exalting the' selues aboue euerie thing that is vvorshipped To these maie be added Ioachim Abbas Franciscus Petrarcha Marsilius Patiuinus Michael Cecenus Baptista Mantuanus Laurentius Valla Hieronimus Sauonarola and before these foure hundred yeeres the Waldenses with manie other that shewe howe the Pope inuaded the church and oppresled the true ministers and pastors of the same whereby vvithout resistaunce bee might do vvhat he listed But these fewe out of manie haue I noted bicause the propounder of these questions vvould beare the vvorlde in hand that his Romish church euen from the Apostles time haue holden their faith or articles of religion vvithout contradiction or gainsaying of anie except those that he hath named that the Reader maie vvell perceiue when the resistance of errors vvaxed faint by vvhat meanes the Churche grewe vnto great decaie and also vvhat litle credite the papists deserue in their sayings and vvritings Thus also from the time of the Machabees vntill the comming of Iohn Baptist did the hipocriticall Pharisees vvithout controlement corrupte the lawes of God and yet I thinke no man vvill saie that they had the trueth bicause before the comming of Iohn Baptist and our sauiour Christ no man did controll them No more maie any saie that popishe errors be no errors because no man vvas able to vvithstand thē in these last fiue hundred yeres THE OBIECTION IT is not possible that all the vvhole Church which to that daie had bolieued the misteries to be consecrated vpon the altar to be no more but onelie bread and vvine to be onelie tokens of Christes bodilie absence in substance to be neither asacrifice propitiatorie nor the real bodie and bloud of Christ should sodenlie thoroughout all nations change their catholike and vniuersall beliefe vvithout anie trouble or tumult at all vvithout anie contradiction or disputation yea vvithout any man knowen or euer heard of vvhich should first commend vnto them the newe opinion of nine hundred yeres old Is it credible that so manie millions of Christian men as vvere in the Church at the ende of the first sixe hundred yeres belieuing the one yeere those halowed thinges vpon the altar to be stil bread and vvme should the next yere after altogether in al countries languages fal down prostrate or kneele or at the least bowe to the vorie same things as to the true bodie of their maker sauiour which before they had bin taught to be vnreasonable vnsensible creatures And did they al this without anie guide or preacher vvho mighte vvill them to do this Or did all the preachers in Christendome at one moment chaunge their mindes and bid the people do so Or did some fewe go through the partes of the vvorld and vvithout resistance of anie man preach that newe doctrine Were all the pennes of vvriters of histories so tied that none of them all was able to vvrite anie one mans name vvho after the sixe hundred yeres past taught first seconde third or at anie time that chaunge of beliefe throughout Christendome Was that Heretike so almightie that no man durst vvrite his name neither vvhilest he liued nor vvhen he was departed out of this vvorld If the man vvere vnknowen at the least vvhy had his sect no proper name Was not there one learned man in the Church of God either vvilling or able to resist the furie of nevve doctrine in the matter of Christes Supper THE ANSVVERE FIrst the true Churche of God did neuer thinke so singly of the reuerent mysteries as to saic they vvere no more but onlie bread and vvine onlie tokens of Christes body a bsent in substāce but belieueh them and receiueth them to be holie misteries vvherby the Lords death is laide before out remembrance all the righteousnes and benefites of his death passion are offered vnto vs the vvhiche things being of vs by a liuelie faith receiued bring vvith thē remission of our sinnes renuing and feeding of our inwarde man to euerlasting life And thus after the bread and vvine beeing once altered from prophane vses vnto the nature of a Sacrament are no more saide to be onelie bread and vvine onlio tokens of Christes absence in his substance but they are the sacramentes of the Lordes death the bread of the Lorde and the cuppe of thankes giuing Corinth 10. 11. Aug. ep st 26. vvherein the vvorthie receiuer is made partaker of the Lordes bodie and of the Lordes bloud to his great ioy and comfort As concerning the Lordes presence absence there is sufficiently saide before neuerthelesse the first Church neuer acknowledged anie other presence in this sacrament then they acknowledged in the sacrament of baptisine Suche a presence as agreeth with the veritie of Christes body being in heauen and with the nature of a sacramēt Both the sacraments althogh they admit no real or naturall presence yet do they admit witnes such a presēce as being spiritual and heauenlie is also most comfortable effectuall For as in baptisme Christ by the power of his spirite is present to washe away our sinnes to regenerate vs make vs members of his misticall boide I●dom Eshel 5 Coloss 2. yea bones of his bones and fleshe of his fleshe and yet is there in this worke of our regeneration no reall persence of Christ or change of anie substance imagined Super Ioan homnilic 50. Gallst 3. but al is spirituall supernaturall and heauenlle Habes Christurrs in presentiper baptismaties sacriamētim saith S. Augustine thou haste Christ present by the sacrament of Baptisme We are saith Chrisostome in baptisme made flesh of Christes flesh Super epise ad Pip. chom 20. Ephes 5. bones of his bones And againe speaking of Christes presence in the bucharist Sic in baptismo Elien so is he present
AN ANSVVEARE VNTO CERTAINE CRABBED QVESTIONS pretending a reall presence of Christ in the Sacramente Latelie propounded by some secret Papist to the great troubling of the consciences of the simple Together with a Discouerie of the Iesuiticall opinion of Iustification guilefully vttered by Sherwyne at the time of his execution Gathered setfoorth by Peter Whyte very necessary profitable for this daungerous time Seene and allowed according to the Queenes Maiesties Iniunctions ¶ VBIQVE FLORESCIT LONDON Imprinted by Iohn Wolfe and Henry Kirkham are to be sold at his shop at the little north doore of S. Paule To the Right Honourable the Lorde Ambrose Dudley Earle of Warwicke Maister of the Queenes Maiestres ordinance Knight of the honourable order of the Garter one of her Maiesties Priuy Counsell Peter White desireth from God in Christe Jesu continuall encrease of true godlinesse with much honour in this life and in the world to come the Crowne of eternall Glorie THe shortnesse of Satan his time most noble Earle in this worlde by hys extreame rage wherin in these dayes ful of all daunger hee goeth farre beyonde hymselfe may very well appere Apo●al 〈◊〉 In which short time no doubt he will so bestirre him that the very deapth of his craftes and mischiefe shal be instantly imployed to the disturbance of the Church of God the vpholdinge of hys owne kingdome now readie to fall in that he possibly can eyther in hymselfe by continuall temptation or in his instrumentes and members by seditions conspiracies treasons hypocrisies dissimulations in all thinges but especially in matters of religion Ephes 6. which S. Paule termeth spirituall craftines in heauenly things Which thing is most euidēt in these last messengers of hys the Iesuites or rather Iebusites the verye dregs of the bottomlesse pitte led by the vncleane spirite of error which do not a little disturbe the poore flock of Christ maruelously disquiet and trouble the consciences of the ignorant and occupie with noueltie the heads of the multitude by their secreate conferences where they haue accesse and by their pamflets and libelles spread abroade where they thēselues cannot come wherunto is adioined one other perilous mischiefe namelye the workinge hand of the dissembling Papist and Atheist whereof the one being dispensed withall from the Pope to conforme themselues often times outwardlye vnto the lawes that thereby they maye the safelier and without suspition further the Iesuiticall attempted enterprise is the verie mischiefe of our time These insinnuate themselues oftentimes into suche places wherein they can doe harme and by flatterie winne great credite in the world and euer as opportunitie serueth they geue the Gospell a blowe so that sometime they wounde daungerously to the greate hinderance of true doctrine and the againe renewinge of Poperie These they be right honourable Earle that are the verye poyson of our time The Pope by his Iesuites and seminaries without these is altogether lame and can do nothinge The simple papistes allthoughe obstinate and refuse for conscience to come to the churche in respecte of these are nothinge These vnder color of law dare boldly and impudently impugne Gods lavve these deface the preachers discredite the ministerie seduce deceyue the people so that where anye one of these is of credite or countenaunce in any parish within this land there the minister trauayleth in vayne hys doctrine is without credite and fruite be hee neuer so painefull There is nothinge but brawles and contention there the people haue their mindes alienated from the preacher vnprepared to receiue the Gospell and very ready for these seminarie Iesuites Thys poysoned infection righte noble Earle must either haue a speedie strong purgation or els it wil breed into an incurable leprosie It is now past recouerie by preaching trauell of the minister For thereof is made either a skoffe or els a matter of course without fruite therefore the swoorde and authoritie of the stronge magistrates ioyned with a feruent zeale of Gods trueth must cure this infection the preacher is too much in contempt and the inferior magistrate too weake to remedie this mischiefe which if it be not in time prouided for will bring this florishinge realme and churche of God therin nourished vnder our gratious Debora vnto such miseries and iuste deserued plagues 3. Reg. Paral. Ierem. 52. Thren 1.2 Cant. 2. 2. Corr. 11. Prouer. 12. as the sufferie of lyke hypocrites in the dayes of Ezechias and good Iosias did bringe the kingdome of Israell vnto For these be those foxes that Salomon would haue taken foorth of the Lordes vineyarde leaste they vtterlie spoile it These bee Operarij dolosi that canne and will dissemble their countenaunce agreable vnto the time whilest they sette forward the decay and seeke the ouerthrow of our happie time and no maruell hereof for the deuill himselfe is transfigured into an angell of light to further his owne purpose Therfore euery one of Gods children in his place and calling are to oppose thēselues to their vttermost against these and suche like enterprises of Sathan The godlye magistrates in the zeale of Phinies and Iehu with the swoord to suppresse these newe spronge Iesuites Numb 25. 2. Reg●m 10. as her gracious Maiestie with her honourable and godly counsell haue necessarily begon to doe and wythall to roote forth of this common wealth these disguised Gybeonites Iosu 9. Iudg 13. 1. Reg. 18.19 and dissembling Ephramites that can not or wil not pronounce Shiboleth rightly and as they should doe The Bishops preachers and ministers with the spirite of Elias painfully to gather the drosse and poperie againe lately scattered by these Seminaries out of the harts of the people both by preaching writing and in like sorte to enforce the true doctrine of Christ his Gospel earnestly vpon them so shall the Lordes busines be done with effect and the Lord will withdraw his curse from vs which we haue iustlie deserued for dooing his worke hitherto so negligentlie Herein I thought I could not any waie bestow my trauell better for the time and more for the profit of gods Church then to ansvvere certaine crabbed questions touching a pretended reall presence subtillie penned by some secret enemie to the troubling of the minds and consciences of the simple Wherin I haue also added a discouerie and confutation of the subtiltie of the Iesuitical opinion of iustification guilfullie vttred a late by Sherwin at his death But by Albertus Pighius and others verie daungerouslie long agoe at large put foorth to the hurt of manie which answere I haue offered vnto your Honor not as things vvorthie of such a personage but that vnder so good a protectiō they may with more fauor come into the handes of manie presuming greatly herein of your accustomed clemencie alwaies coupled vvith the feruent zeale of true religion Wherein the Lord dailie more more encrease your godlie zeale to his glorie your
no such a threefold difference of righteousnes before God as the Papistes imagine 9 The righteousnes of the lawe and the righteousnes of the Gospell with their difference 10 The Papistes make Christe no more beneficiall vnto his Church then is the lawe 11 That the father doth not only offer our Saluation vnto vs wrought in Christ but also through him doeth effectually bestowe the same vpon vs by a liuely faith in Christ 12 That this faith wherby weare iustified is not of our selues neither depēding vpō our free wil as the papistes imagine but it is the gifte of God in Christ and the worke of his spirite by the Preaching of the Gospell and dependeth vpon our election 13 That this faith onely iustifieth beefore God with out the helpe of workes 14 That this faith respecteth onely the promise of God made vnto vs in the death and passion of Christ and not legall or temporall promises as the Papistes wickedly pretend 15 That the promises of the Gospell are free and absolute and not condicional as the legall and temporall promises are 16 That a liuing and iustifiyng faith is alwaies fruitfull and neuer idle or barren and although it onely alone doth iustifie yet is it neuer alone or voide of good workes 17 The distinction of the Iesuiticall first and second iustification with their termes and woordes of arre haue the same meaning and corruption that the schoolemen had 18 That the Papistes leaue nothing vnto Christ and his Gospell in the worke of our iustification but onely this that he teacheth how a man may iustifie him selfe before God 19 That the continuall remission of sinne through Christ is our onely iustification before God 20 That sanctification and renouatiō are not our iustification before God but the fruites therof follow the same 21 That renouatiō and sanctification are not perfected at one instant or moment of time as the Papistes imagine but by cōtinuance not throughly performed vntill by death mortalitie be put off 22 The true interpretation of the place of S. Iames that the Papistes abuse to proue iustification by workes 23 That Sherwin in the forme wordes of his confession meant not as they did pretend but meere contrarie and therefore like vnto the prophecie of Cayphas 24 Why the Papistes and especially these Iesuites refuse the termes wordes of the schoolemen and conforme their wordes like vnto the Scripture THE PREFACE To the Reader THe old serpent The red Dragon Gen. 3. Iob. 1. Apoc. 9.12.13 1. Cor. 1.2.3 Mat. 15. Esay 28. Sathan the deceiuer of the whole worlde the continuall selaūderer and accuser of Gods childrē hath no way gentle reader more molested Gods people and preuailed against his Church to the great hinderance of his true worship and glorie of his blessed name then by renting the vnitie of his Church into the sectes and factions of men couering neuerthelesse these manifolde sectes and factions vnder the Cloake and shadow of the Catholike Church when in deede there most times emong these factions either remaineth no part of Gods worship and true religion at all or els verie little and that so corrupted as therein the true glorie of God may no way appeare when the true glorie of God his worship and religion is truly founded in Christe Gen. 3 17. Deut. 18 Esay Mat. 3 10.28 Rom. 1. Cor. 1. Iohn 1.6 Ephes 4. Collos 2. Epist Iohn cap 1.2 by whom the knoweledge of God the father wisedome righteousnes sanctification and redemption is denied vnto vs through operation of his holy spirit and ministerie of his worde and wee againe by the same meanes as it were by iointes and cooples inseparable conioyned vnto Christ in whom dwelleth the fulnes of the Godhead substancially and is the only head of his Church Sauiour of his bodie that in him and thorowe him we may both see and enioy the glorious presence of God essectually This craftie workeman Sathan so cunning li transsigureth himselfe as though he were an Angell of light 1. Pet. 2. 1. Tim. 2. Ebru Apoc. Cal. Phil. 1.2.3 that hee often renteth the parts and mēbers of this bodie from Christ and God conioyning them vnto himselfe through the inuentions titles and holines of men treading downe the true doctrine of Christ his precious blood death and merits by the doctrine of mens deuises merits and other such like abhominations Thus began Sathan in Paradise to worke at the very beginning Thus so soone as the lawe was giuen vnder Moyses wrought hee by Corah Dathan and Abyran and hath so continued vntill this day Num. 16. and will doe vnto the worldes end Vnder the titles names traditions of Saduceis Esseans and Phariseis he aduanced so farre his owne kingdome that hee vtterly defaced the kingdome of God blinded both Priest and people that not onely the name of a true Israelite in respect of a Saducie Esseā or Pharisy was of no regard or estimation hee thereby so much blinded them that they knewe not Christ the true Messias whē he was come among thē but vtterly refused him and to their great condemnation reiected him whom they daily had in their mouthes and bragged themselues to be his people his Church and children of Abraham Iohn 1. vnto whom as vnto his peculiar inheritance he was especially sent The sonne of God found none more obstinate malicious against him his doctrine and kingdome then these men that continually vaunted and bragged of his name promises law Church and kingdome After Christes giorious Ascention by false Apostles Sathan set forward againe his aunciēt practice which although the great paine and diligence of the Apostles Apostolicall Pastors in their time mightily suppressed But when the Apostles and the Apostolical Pastors were taken out of this life to rest with the Lorde and that the faithfull workemen and diligent Pastors wared shant and thin in the Lordes vineyard then did Sathan go forward very busily with this practice Act. 20. 2. Thes 1 Apoc. 13 2 Tim. 4. Apoc. 9. and by such as came sorth of the very bosom of the Church speaking great thinges to the drawing of Disciples and followers after thē vntil he had set his chiefe Preudēt antichrist vicar general in his sente wherin hee in these sectaries stil pretendeth religion and godlinesse but alwaies denyeth and detesteth the substance thereof this well appeareth in the sectaries of all ages but especially after the first seuen hundreth yeered when the Monkish Locustes began to rise swarme out of the bothomles pit to spreade themselues into the worlde as the Benedictes Augustines Donstinians Cistrians with an infinite number beades some blacke some white and when the admiration of these began to decay then giueth the Deuill a fresh onset againe by a newe supplie of fryers Chanons Nunnes Ancorettes and Heremites a new band of other sectaries which termed thēselues schoolemen Canonists some Sententionaries Some