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A41414 The Christian sodality, or, Catholick hive of bees sucking the hony of the Churches prayers from the blossome of the word of God blowne out of the epistles and Gospels of the divine service throughout the yeare / collected by the puny bee of all the hive, not worthy to be named otherwise than by these elements of his name: F. P. Gage, John, priest. 1652 (1652) Wing G107 592,152 1,064

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horrour of sin or the least affection thereunto which peace of conscience the Apostle magnifies so that he sayes it surpasseth all sense and cannot be sufficiently expressed Philip. 4.7 so great a fruit this is of charity and these are the chief internal fruits Now the external are Patience whereby we bear with the provocations of others that attempt to disturb the tranquillity of our minds by which we neither loose our own nor disquiet others Benignity goes further whilest it not onely bears patiently all external attempts against our internal quiet but even endeavours to sweeten their asperity who are harsh unto us to oblige others who would disoblige us as well as to requite the courtesies we receive from them this consists chiefly in a sweetnesse of language in an evennesse of actions towards all men and is such as very good men may want unlesse they have the special gift thereof and this is the main vertue by which we gain from others the reputation of being Saints Goodnesse rests not satisfied in doing well for all men and in all we do but in declining offence to any either God or men this consists chiefly in ayming to profit our selves or others and is therefore esteemed the fountain of utility Longanimity hath a great share of patience as if it were a continuation thereof yet hath this speciall difference from it th●t this reports rather to time then persons and useth the exercise of patience properly upon all diversity or difference of time past present and future for that every minute of our lives ought by this virtue to be a patient expecting the good hour of Gods holy will to be done in us whilest we live by our sanctification when we dye by our salvation 23. Mildnesse is here understood to be diametrically opposite to anger or revenge of injuries and differs by that notion from patience as also by rendring a man tractable and flexible to all that is desired and good to be done Faith is of two considerations first as it is opposite to heresie and so assenteth to whatsoever is proposed by God or holy Church to be believed though never so much above nature and this faith is not so properly called a fruit of charity or of the holy Ghost as it is indeed the root or first principle of religion Secondly as it imports fidelity or veracity in point of promise and as it is opposite to fraud or lying and thus it is properly a fruit of the holy Ghost or of charity or as it is said here by the Apostle of the Spirit and of this Faith S. Paul sayes Charity believes all things 1 Cor. 13. so it consists in a kind of genuine simplicity by considing in the veracity of all men and believing rather then distrusting what they say Modesty imports an equal temper in all words and actions and renders a man well composed for the exteriour of him grateful and acceptable to all men being an effect of his inward rectitude or composition Continency is as it were a militant chastity and consisteth in the act of resistance to temptation so it is rather an imitation or inchoation of chastity then chastity it self which may be perfect when and where there is no opposition or temptations as a man is said to live chaste so long as he sins not carnally but continent whilest he actua●ly resists temptation to carnality though this vertue is a kind of transcendent perfection over all mens actions and thus it is as well a temperance from excesse of meats as from all other vices Hence married people may be said to be continent though not chaste when they forbear all carnal pleasure but that which is the moderate use of the marriage bed Chastity consists in an absolute forbearing all carnal pleasure whatsoever as well that of marriage as not of marriage and is highly commendable as labouring to bring the body to the simplicity or purity of a spirit by declining all corporeal commixtion or impurity And against these fruits or the producers of them there is no law that is they are not forbidden any way nor punishable by any law at all but may freely be practised Which doctrine of the Catholick Church is against that of Sectaries forbidding vowes of chastity as if they were vowes against the law of nature 24. This last verse ends the forementioned war between the flesh and the spirit telling us that those who are truly Christs have by the grace of the Spirit by the help of the holy Ghost not onely overcome the flesh but crucified it too allayed even all the desires and concupiscences thereof by works of penance and mortification which is called a spiritual crucifixion because it imitates the death of our Saviour who dyed that we might live in spirit and never dye to him There are five noted wayes of this crucifying our concupiscences by feare of hell by conformity of our will to Gods holy will by guarding of our senses by prayer and by fasting watching and almes deeds or any other mortifications either of mind or body The Application 1. IT is no marvel if after so deep a root as our Faith took last Sunday we see to day the same Faith rise with a mighty stemm a stock of Hope topt with a gallant Head of charity and become a dainty Tree laden with several fruits of all sorts of vertues whatsoeuer for the many numbred here in this Epistle are an epitome of all the rest and indeed however Charity be the best and highest of all vertues yet she must have the staffe of Hope to rest upon and the root of Faith to suck the triple breast of the single Deity the milky mystery of the B. Trinity or else she is not ripe enough to gather and be served in as fruit sit for the heavenly Table 2. But that we may know when she is ripe indeed see here how she is set against her opposite the flesh which is a love to sense but not to soules to creatures but not to the Creatour so the Apostle playes at once the husbandman the painter and the Philosopher whilest he to day gives charity to us full ●ipe and with her best life colour made by the shadow of the flesh that sets her off as foyles do beauties and as two contraries set forth one another see them both in their several effects in the Explication of the Text above 3. But because fruits do wither where the grounds are dry and have not sapp to feed the Roots therefore S. Paul doth close up his Epistle to day with the Aqueduct of life giving waters to all Christian vertues our Saviour and his sacred Passion for when he sayes Those that are of Christ have crucified their flesh with the vices and concupiscence he must needs conclude that Christ first overcame this flesh by his Spirit and that it is by the application of his Passion we are inabled also to do the like and that without the application of this
more then to undermine him and bring him within the compasse of high treason when I say we see this to be the drift of the Gospel on the Jews part and that our Saviour seeing the naughtiness of their thoughts asks them plainly why they play the hypocrites with him then I presume no man that can tell twenty will marvell to see this dayes Prayer beg fidelity and sincerity of heart in us Christians at least when we see the Pharisaick Jews are convinced of so grosse an infidelity and flattery even when they pretend forsooth a tenderness of conscience and when we hear our Saviour recommend the same fidelity which we petition for to day in commanding them faithfully to render that to Caesar which is Caesars and that to God which is Gods namely their pecuniary tribute to Caesar their religious sincerity to God and that especially when they pretend it as here the Pharisees did though they least intended it Let me therefore beloved beg it as a boon that you all say this Prayer to day with such sincerity of heart as may render it and you gratefull in God Almighties sight and hearing for then shall we pray most consonantly to what the Church doth preach to day and then shall we be sure such our petitions will be granted effectually which are made unto God faithfully and this assurance we have both from the Epistle Gospel and Prayer of this present Sunday A great content I confesse after the fear of so great a losse as we were like to be at for making good the grand design of our work which as yet comes fairly home when we might fear we had been farthest off The Epistle Phil. 1. v. 6. c. 6 We trust in God our Lord Jesus that he which hath begun in you a good work will perfect it unto the day of Christ Jesus 7 As it is reason for me this to think for you all for that I have you in heart and in my bands and in the defence and the confirmation of the Gospel all you to be partakers of my joy 8 For God is my witness how I covet you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ. 9 And this I pray that your charity may more and more abound in knowledge and in all understanding 10 That you may approve the better things that you may be sincere and without offence unto the day of Christ. 11 Replenished with the fruit of justice by Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise of God The Explication 6. THe Apostle here speaks in the plural Number because he writes this Epistle as well in his companions name as his own in Timothies though afterwards himself being onely in Prison and not Timothy he speaks to them in his own person but directs his Epistle as from both to shew them that absent or present they are both of one mind The work he confides to have continued is their conversion By the day of Christ he means the day of Judgement which is that of his second coming the first being his birth-day 7. It is reason indeed for him to conside thus because as their conversion was by means of God his special grace so he presumes the same goodnesse of God will be continued which was begun in them and because he hopes their cooperation will not be wanting to persevere in the faith of Christ as it was not first to accept thereof Hence his charity makes him hope this of them with reason and his faith makes him presume the other of God towards them Yet not so that hence the Reformers can infer as they do out of this place that it is impossible for one who is once called by God and in grace ever to lose the same grace or vocation The Apostles words import no such thing onely a religious hope or confidence he hath they will indeed persevere as they have begun to love serve and honour Almighty God as his following words testifie in this Verse because he professeth here that he prayes continually for their perseverance which argues it is not a thing to be hoped but by endeavours and pains on our parts Nay Saint Paul so plainly speaks to this sense that he seems to say least their own endeavours towards this perseverance should not suffice he hath made it even his hearts desire besides and applies his personal sufferings to this end that God moved by his prayer and persecution may supply what is wanting in them towards perseverance by their own sole endeavours And it is Saint Augustines and the Churches doctrine indeed that justifying grace alone sufficeth not toward perseverance without new favours of more and more grace do inable us to persevere In the close of this verse the Apostle alludes to the hope he hath of Martyrdom for the defence of the faith of Christ against those who oppose it and the confirmation of it in those who have imbraced it And this he means by his joy whereof he prayes they may be made partakers 8. And that he doth thus pray he calls God to witness and doth this with such earnestnesse as if he were not himself happy enough to be in the bowels of Jesus Christ which is in his bosome in Heaven unlesse he might find these Philippians there also or as if his love to them and zeal of their salvations were such that he desired Jesus Christ should have them equally in his breast or bowels of affection with himself Both these senses this text will bear very well as also that by these words Saint Paul professeth he loves them so tenderly that he cannot expresse it otherwise then by saying it is even with the affection of Jesus Christ himself following Christ's instruction Joh. 13.34 Love one another as I have loved you 9. Here he prayeth for the superadded grace which above was said to be necessary to perseverance which is for their increase of charity where that abounds there is wanting neither knowledge of what is the true doctrine of the Church of Christ nor what is the true sense and meaning thereof since by this abundant charity we see the ignorant Apostles were so illuminated that they could and did penetrate into the genuine sense of the deepest mysteries of Christian faith and religion 10. This alludes to the sense as above in the former Verse that by their increase in love and charity they might be able to distinguish between the Apostles Christian and Simon Magus his Judaical and others heretical doctrine as finding that of Christianity the more powerfull and efficacious to salvation It seems by these words the Apostle thinks the pretended charity of hereticks is not sincere love and affection to God and their Neighbour but hath a mixture of hypocrisie in it and makes use of the name of Christ to cover the doctrine of those who indeed are opposite to him by saying this or that is Christ his doctrine which indeed is not so but proves upon a strict examine the sense and doctrine of
wherewith the Son again knows the Father as my Father knows me to be his natural Son so he desires the Pastours to know souls to be their spiritual children and the souls again to know the Priests for their spiritual Fathers Note the Similitude here shews Analogy but not Equality since the Father knows not us to be other then his adopted Children as Christ hath by his Grace regenerated us and made us the adopted Sons of his heavenly Father while he says he yields his Life he means he lays it freely down not that it was or could be by his persecutors taken from him as the lives of his Sub-Pastours his Holy Priests may be for though they may dye willingly when persecuted yet they cannot be said to lay down their lives as Christ did for he came purposely to dye and Priests may not seek death though they are not bound to flye it neither when there is just cause of standing to it for others good again he is truly said to lay down life as being Author of it so is not the Priest 16. This verse alludes to the calling of the Gentiles besides the Jewes to the Faith of Christ and indeed to the plenary conversion of all the Nations in the world to that Faith before the day of latter judgement when all Nations shall be of one religion and unite themselves to the one visible head of Christ * upon earth namely the Pope Saint Peters successor not so as to say every man of every Nation shall be converted then for certainely Antichrist will have corrupted many that shall dye in their errors but so that some of all Nations shall be converted And if we say this hath been already verified in the Apostles converting all the world of whom it is said Psal 18. v. 5. Into all the earth hath the sound of them gone forth and unto the ends of the whole world the words of them perhaps we shall speake more literally to the meaning of Christ in this place for indeed in the time of Constantine the great by his conversion who was Emperor in a manner of all Nations there might be truly said to be one sold and one Pastor namely the then Pope of Rome as by the whole second Chapter of Saint Pauls Epistle to the Ephesians may appeare where three or foure times he repeateth making you both one that i● you Jewes and Gentiles both one Church of Christ built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets viz. Christ Jesus The Application 1. LAst Sunday we heard our Saviour gave his Apostles Commission to pardon and detaine sinnes now he tels them what manner of men they must be who are thus impowred namely Pastors of soules such as must feed and defend their sheep with the same fatherly love as hee the head Pastor did even with the loss of life if need be which though it be an act of the highest charity in the world yet is it rooted in the unshaken Faith of the Pastor and hath for the primary end the preservation of the like Faith in the sheep according to that of our Lord unto Saint Peter Luc. 22. v. 32. That thou once converted do confirme thy brethren in Faith 2. It is further worthy our remarke that a good Pastors care ought to be as we see in the close of this Gospel as well to gaine other soules to believe in Jesus Christ as to confirme those who are already true beleevers for it is by his sub-pastors preaching and suffering that our Saviour sayes he must have one shepheard and one fold that is to say all the world at last converted from their infidelity and made right beleevers This still maintaines the Doctrine that the end of Martyrdome is the Propagation of the Christian Faith since by the death of Martyrs even Infidels are brought to the fold of Christ 3. And since in the Epistle of this day Priests are bid to follow the example and steps of Christ in suffering in this a Pastor is most like our Saviour that his humiliation for we cannot come so farre as to exinanition to a naturall death for the good of his sheep is the raising of soules from their death of Infidelity to a supernaturall life to that of Faith in Jesus Christ When therefore our Pastors are invited to dye for their sheep it is to minde us how by our Saviours temporall death which brought him to the lowest humiliation the whole world was raised to the greatest and highest hope of an eternall life And therefore Holy Church most fitly Prayes to day as above On the third Sunday after Easter The Antiphon John 16. v. 20. AMen I say unto you that you shall waile and weepe but the world shall rejoyce and you shall be made sorrowfull but your sorrow shall be turned into joy Alleluja Vers Tarry with us O Lord Alleluja Resp For night draweth on Alleluja The Prayer O God who unto those that goe astray to the end they may returne to the way of Justice doest shew them the light of thy verity grant unto all those who by profession are esteemed Christians that they may both eschue those things which are contrary to this name and pursue those which are agreeable to the same The Illustration IT is admirable to see how many regards the Prayers of Holy Church have at once as in this besides that of the Resurrection which transcends * all the Prayers of the Church between Easter and the Ascension and besides that which is unto the Epistle and Gospel of the day as shall appear anon we see here a speciall regard unto the faint-hearted Christians who seeing Christ was dead and buryed tottered in their Faith of his Deity and went astray into a thousand Meandrous doubts in point of Faith for whose sakes that they might returne to the way of Iustice by a right beliefe Christ was pleased for forty dayes together to dwell upon earth meerly to confirme the truth of his Resurrection not onely infinitely doubted of but even held impossible and by his dwelling here so long to shew them the light of his verity which indeed was never so brightly seen as when it was made appear by his Resurrection confirming all the Truths he had taught the world before his death now that this Prayer reflects upon those tottering Christians who lived then when Christ arose as well as upon all us that succeed them see the following words point out such when the Prayer beggs that those who by profession are esteemed Christians as many were that yet doubted of the Resurrection may both eschue those things that are contrary to this name and nothing more contrary then to doubt of Christs veracity as these men did who would not beleeve he was truly risen from death to life and pursue those which are agreeable to the same that is to say may beleeve and professe their Faith in this particular or else they must disagree from all he said and taught besides if they
that interim between our Saviour Ascending and the coming of the Holy Ghost namely a strong Hope in the coming of that Holy spirit and in all the promises made by our Saviour of the Heavenly fruits he should bring with him when he comes Now since Regation weeke imports as much as Aske and Have and since we never Aske but what we Hope to obtaine therefore it was necessary to fasten this day the first linke of Hope unto the last linke of our Faith that which tels us how to perfect our beliefe in good and saving workes as above 2. The following verse of this Epistle tels us the first work of our Faith is Religion and lest the Lay men should thinke themselves Masters in point of Religion see how presently Saint James prevents that mischiefe by bridling up their tongues as who should say Religion ought to be such as Faith begets and Faith being a thing the Lay-men must heare and learne not teach consequently in point of Religion Lay people must be silent hearers and no Preachers least Heresie seducing their hearts their Religion prove vaine for want of Rectitude according to the Rule of Faith so that it is not every believer who can lay claime to the True Rel●gion but such onely as believing Right make profession of the true and right Religion which is onely that of the Catholick Church 3. The last verse of this Epistle gives us two summary markes of that which is the true Religion and consequently of those that are the right believers Such as are charitable to their Neighbor and unspotted in their own lives no way contaminated with the ordure of this sinful world not that sinne makes men therefore of a false religion but that Sainctity declares they are of the true one O happy Christianity that is accomplished in Sanctity See then how the Prayer above keepes a due regard to all these three divisions of Saint James his Epistle To Hope linck't unto operative Faith believing all the good wee pray for comes from God To Religion regulated by Faith when we begge we may not thinke erroneously much lesse profess an error but that we may have God our Sanctifying Governor in our Faith and Religion who was our caller thereunto by his Holy Inspiration The Gospel John 16. v. 23 c. 23 And in that day me shall you not aske any thing Amen Amen J say to you if you aske the Father any thing in my name he will give it you 24 Vntill now you have not asked any thing in my name Aske and you shall receive that your joy may be full 25 These things in Proverbs I have spoken to you the houre cometh when in Proverbs J will no more speake to you but plainely of the Father I wil shew you 26 In that day you shall aske in my name and I say not to you that I will aske the Father for you 27 For the Father himselfe loveth you because you have loved me and have beleeved that I came forth from God 28 I came forth from the Father and came into the world againe I leave the world and goe to the Father 29 His Disciples say to him behold now thou speakest plainly and sayest no Proverb 30 Now we know that thou knowest all things and thou needest not that any man aske thee in this wee beleeve that thou camest forth from God The Explication 23. WHat that day is may be doubted for some understand it to be the day of resurrection or of Pentecost others the day of glory those that are of the former sense take asking here for interrogating by way of doubt as those did that asked him Lord whither goest thou Io. c. 13. v. 35. or of Prayer to him as when hee said to them whatever you aske my Father in my name he will give it you but those of the latter opinion concerning the day say it shal then be needless to ask any thing when they abound in glory and in this sense Saint Augustine understands these words But in the words following it is cleere the Apostle meanes Prayer by asking and brings in Christ comforting his Apostles against the horror of his departure by telling them it shal be no loss to them that he leaves them Since whatsoever they shall aske his Father in his name shal be given unto them and elsewhere he sayes whatsoever you aske praying beleeve you shal receive it to shew it is not his meaning they shal be satisfied to all curious interrogations but to all supplicatory Prayers Saint Augustine wil have this reduplicative Amen to import as much as an oath in our Saviour as if he had not onely promised but sworne they should have whatsoever they asked his Father in his name but every word in this verse is worthy of a speciall remarke so that first his promise of this was to the Apostles persons to whom he then spake as who should say be ye of good comfort for I esteeme so deerly of you above all others that whatsoever you aske shal be given you though with this primary promise to them may stand a Secondary promise to all good Christians that they also asking so shall obtain as much Againe the word any thing or whatsoever imports first that it must be honourable for God saving to them and that it must be something for they must not aske nothing in his name who is all things and whatsoever is not honourable to God nor conducing to their salvation is as nothing in Gods sight who regards not any thing else then our asking or praying must be first humbly next reverently then confidently besides ardently and last of all constantly that is with perseverance And he bids this be done to his Father to shew us the hope we may have to speed asking his Father in his name who can deny his beloved Sonne nothing at all and so for his if not for our sake he will grant us all we aske in his Sonnes name And here indeed needs most explanation what is meant by asking the Father in Christs name first the power of his sole name in his Fathers eares as who should say what need you my person longer with you I leave you my name to supply my presence take therefore this name into your mouthes use it reverently upon all good accasions to my Father it shall availe you as much as if I were with you to intercede for you next by his name we may understand his merits his death his passion as if putting them before his Fathers eyes we need not the comfort of his presence in our own sight or wee may understand by his name he meanes his mediatorship for as he is God he joyntly gives with his Father and the Holy Ghost all that we can receive but as he is our Mediator so he joyntly askes with us whilest we aske the Father in the name of his mediating Sonne we also may be said to ask in his name while we demand any
cast an eye into their own consciences And since we are aptest still to be thus rash over enemies therefore the perfection of charity was under the notion of mercy premised before this subject of rash judgement was fallen upon by the Evangelist 42. The Evangelist neatly winds up all the bottome of doctrine this day intended to us upon the button of mercy which then lieth smoothest when it is shewed towards our enemies and then indeed we shew both mercy to them and discretion towards our selves when we spare censuring their little faults by introspection into our own much greater besides we run upon impossibilities when we pretend to see moats in other mens eyes that have beams in our own which take away all our sight from us and therefore in this verse the Evangelist askes how we can with any front or confidence go to looke moats in our neighbours eyes that have beames in our own The intent of this question is to make us absolutely forbear all rash judgement since we see the sight of our own reason is quite taken from us by our irrationall trespasses against the Law of God for upon the matter every sinne is an act against nature because it propends to the nothing out of which our nature was educed when we were created to be alwayes doing something in honour and glory of our Creatour And least we should not apprehend the Evangelist to be in earnest when he beats down this common errour of the world this correcting others in things we are our selves more faulty in then they this tyrannizing over our enemies by taking advantage of their small faults he calls it plain hypocrisie in us to go about censuring any body else untill we have purged our selves of all faults especially of all that are greater then those we hypocritically reprehend in others as if we were free from any such who yet abound in many far greater then they are which we rebuke our neighbour for To conclude by this Art the Evangelist cuts off all rash judgement for ever since he forbids it till we have lesse faults then those we find in others which no pious soul will ever judge of it self and consequently she will forbear all rash judgement which being commonly practised upon our enemies under the mask of hypocrisie to rectifie their errours then we shall hope we may begin to love them when we see we must not reprehend them rashly as for the most part men are prone to do So adding these instructions of perfect dilection which the Gospel affords to the former given us in the Epistle the doctrin proves compleat and we if perfect in it shall hope to be perfect as God is perfect who sent us his sacred Son to perfect us in such heavenly doctrine as this is The Application 1. WE have seen sufficiently the drift of the Expositours upon this present Text how they all conclude under the notion of mercy to recommend unto us the love of enemies and that no doubt because the strongest act of Faith should be accompanied with the most perfect act of charity as in the Illustration above was observed but the rather because as this day closeth up the Feast of Pentecost by making the Octave thereof sacred to the B. Trinity so we being supposed to have received newly the Holy Ghost into our Hearts should at this time especially give demonstration of it by producing the best act of charity thereby to shew how strongly his holy peace doth operate on our rebellious wills 2. And then assuredly we shall be able to work by the holy Ghost most strongly when we put all our Hope in his assistance when we acknowledge our own impotency and have recourse to his Omnipotency and when we humbly beseech his goodnesse to give us his holy grace that our first act of love after his departure from us may be such as aymes at least at the highest charity which is the love of enemies 3. It is St. Austins special counsel and that which commonly all ghostly Fathers give their Penitents that we set upon the amendment of our lives by proposing to our selves some one vertue which we will endeavour to perfect in us and by that meanes to conquer the opposite vice thereunto no way doubting if we can arrive to the perfection of any one vertue though we spend our whole life therein but that we shall dye Saints and get the victory of all sin whatsoever by being perfect masters of any one vertue If we will give holy Church leave to choose for us and surely she is best able to make the best choyce behold to day she chooseth charity for the vertue she would recommend and the best act of charity the love of enemies why should we be faint-hearted be it that beloved what if we begin imperfectly to do as we are bid even against our wills we shall in time be willing doers of God Almighties will herein If with holy Church we now begin to practise that for which we pray to day to perfect our actions by the perfection of our wills by doing good willingly for the love we bear to God and his Commandements On Sunday within the Octaves OF Corpus Christi The Antiphon Luk. 14.21 GO out quickly into the high wayes and streets of the city and compell the poor and feeble blind and lame to come in that my house may be filled Alleluja Alleluja Vers He hath fed them with the fat of wheat Alleluja Resp And hath filled them with honey out of the rock Alleluja The Prayer MAke us O Lord equally to have both a continual fear and love of thy Holy name because thou doest never leave them destitute of thy government whom thou doest instruct in the solidity of thy Law The Illustration WIth great reason this Prayer begs that we may equally fear and love the name of God since it is a Prayer as well adapted to the day of our Lord being the second Sunday after Pentecost as unto the now flowing Feast of the Blessed Sacrament in the Octaves whereof we are at present And since all Sundayes are dayes set apart for the service of God we do most properly on this day pray that we may ever sayntifie his holy name with equal fear and love unto the same which is as much as to say we should never receive the Blessed Sacrament now exposed in all Churches where Catholick Religion is freely practised but that we should as well have a regard to the fear we ought to have of Christ our Judge as to the love we ought to bear to the name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour who is most properly so called now because in the Blessed Sacrament we are in a manner actually saved by having heaven come down to us even before we are able or fit to go up to heaven And therefore this prayer beggs we may as equally at least love God under his best of names that of Jesus by which he is now exposed unto
therein Just thus it is with holy Churches preaching admit a million of people be assembled to one sole Preacher in the pulpit is his Sermon ever the worse because it dynts the soul of every hearer there and moves him so as if the Preacher knew the heart of every auditour he had whom yet he never saw in all his life nor knowes him now he sees him would any man condemn this Preacher No admire him rather and in him adore Almighty God who with one speech could touch the quick of every soul alive And so it is with holy Churches prayers the commoner they are the more peculiarly they touch each pious persons soul if rightly understood they seem to reach as far as all the preachers of the Church can scrue into a soul and farther too for who so sayes them with a zeal suitable to the Spirit whence they flow he like a river runs into the sea whence all the waters have their spring and is not lost although he be● not found but rather swells to be a sea of spirit while he falls out of his private devotions into the Ocean of the Churches prayer and sayes to himself Matt. 23.23 These things ought to be done and those things ought not to be omitted O Christians what a sovereign cure have we to day against the worst contagion in the Church the spirit of division of faction Say but this prayer devoutly read but the lessons of the other services of holy Church to day agreeable to this prayer and I shall hope to hear no more of faction in the Church of division in the house of the Holy Ghost of dissention among Roman Catholicks much lesse amongst the Priests of holy Church for in them it were a contagion worse then diabolical who as they are all Ministers of one onely God so should they all agree in one to guide the souls they are to govern in the spirit of peace and unity of love and charity which they shall never teach better then when they give example of it to their flocks The Epistle Ephes 4.1 1 I therefore prisoner in our Lord beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation in which you are called 2 With all humilitie and mildnesse with patience supporting one another in charity 3 Carefull to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace 4 One body and one spirit as you are called in one hope of your vocation 5 One Lord one Faith one Baptisme 6 One God and Father of all which is over all and by all and in us all 7 Who is blessed world without end Amen The Explication 1. THe cause why he beseecheth them is in regard they had the happinesse to be made of Gentiles Christians and so equall with the Jewes that were the chosen people of God He calls himself prisoner in our Lord because he was in prison for our Lord for teaching the faith of Christ Walking here is understood living Note the word Vocation is of speciall regard and so imports a speciall obligation they had to comply with their said vocation which was indeed their conversion from Gentilisme to Christianitie 2. This verse specifies the eminent marks of Christians from Gentiles the one proud harsh furious quarrelsome the other therefore humble milde patient loving that so it might appeare a religious change to come from one contrary to another Supporting each other imports bearing with each others infirmities In Charitie is to say by or with Charitie repending good for evil 3. By unitie of spirit is here meant unanimitie that is though in bodies divided yet in mind they should be one and make it their studie so to be thus to comply with the care thereof commended if not commanded also This verse is hugely against all schismaticall division in the Church receding from the common Doctrine to follow the fancies of private spirits By the word bond is understood removing private sense in point of religion for a bond imports a tie between parties and so abandons singularitie when it must binde many together in the peace of unanimitie 4. This verse is exhortatorie stirring up to be all as one body and one soul that as you are called to one hope of Heaven by this your vocation to Christianitie so you goe all thither as one man since the Church is properly called one civill man while all the Members of it are regulated by one Law of Christ by one holy Spirit And indeed Saint Paul useth a huge Art telling us we have all one hope namely Heaven thereby to make us tend all one way to the attaining thereof 5. One Lord Christ Jesus one Faith that which the Apostles preached one Baptisme that which is given in due matter and forme applied with due intention water accompanying these words I baptize thee in the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost according as holy Church intendeth when this Sacrament is administred 6. In this verse the Apostle summes up all he said before As we have but one God who is our common Father so we must have but one spirit lest we degenerate from being his children who will own none but those that are one in him and one to one another all others are bastards and cannot be brothers because not begotten of him that knowes no division but consists of unitie and simplicitie No God is above all men by his Majestie and Deitie he is through all things by his power and efficacie in them penetrating and passing through them all as freely as we doe through the Aire in all things by his essence and being in us Christians by his grace which makes us be his children and by his glory which makes us be his heires Others understand by this triple division the Apostle means that God the Father is above us all by creation God the Sonne by redemption runs through us with the Sea of his passion God the Holy Ghost is in us all by his sanctifying grace The Application 1. SAint Paul being by his imprisonment separated from his Converts the Ephesians and desirous in litle to send them much counsell how they might walk worthy of the vocation in which they were called summes up here those virtues that are most necessary for new converted souls Humilitie as the foundation whereupon they must build their monuments of a blessed Eternitie in imitation of Almightie God who raised all the fabricke of humane salvation upon the Basis of his own abasement Mildnesse in testimony they were no more children of wrath and indignation but of their milde Redeemer and Saviour Jesus Christ A charitable Patience that is to say for love of God supporting bearing with one another as the onely means to keep themselves in favour with Almighty God whom they hourely much more exasperate then any man can do them And Unanimitie as the badge of perfect Christianitie testifying they are onely true lovers of one another who are right believers in Jesus Christ