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A32794 Eben-ezer, a thankful memorial of God's mercy in preserving England from the gunpowder-treason, 1605 being a sermon on 1 Sam. 7:12, prepared for Novemb. 5th to be preacht at the cathedral, but preacht for the most part of it at the parish-church of Temple, in the city of Bristol, on the 6th of Novem. being the Lord's day / by John Chetwynd ... Chetwynd, John, 1623-1692. 1682 (1682) Wing C3796; ESTC R19751 30,602 46

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profession and practice of the true Religion Reformation putting away their Idols Baalim and Ashteroth v. 4. Worshipping at Mizpeh fasting and praying v. 6. 2. Expressed In which 1. Gods grace and favour towards them Hitherto hath God helped us 2. Their sense of it Thankfulness for it and care to continue the memorial of it Thus large is this little portion of Scripture containing like Gold much value in a little compass To handle each particular as they ought would be too great a trespass to your patience and therefore I shall direct my discourse not to consider the many Doctrinal truths that they would present us with but apply my self to shew you how suitable they are to the occasion of this Solemnity and that according to the Method proposed and first 1. What 's supposed 1. The danger 2. The cause I shall joyn both together Their danger was from the Philistines because of their Reformation v. 3. and sincere profession and exercising of Religion and religious Worship at Mizpeh v 6. where they met to humble themseves before God and to consult of their affairs Then the Lords of the Philistines went up against Israel v. 7. and drew near to battel against them v. 9. and they were afraid of the Philistines v. 7. and intreated Samuel to cry unto the Lord for them that he would save them out of the hand of the Philistines v. 8. The Philistines were their neighbour Inhabitants whom the Israelites ought to have expelled but did not nor could not so that they continued amongst them as thorns in their sides many times in subjection always in opposition to Israel and sometimes having the upper hand as after the death of old Eli when they took the Ark of God kept it seven months sent it from City to City but grew weary of it and at last return it home and it was setled at Kirjath-jearim where it continued twenty years during which time the Israelites lamented their Condition under the Philistines power but took care to set up the Ark in the house of Aminidab whose Son Eleazer was consecrated to attend upon it Then Samuel whom God had raised up in Eli's place to rule and govern called them to Repentance and they obeyed that call and reformed themselves put away Baalim and Ashteroth their He-Gods and She-Gods and there solemnly humbled themselves by fasting and prayer and sacrificing a Lamb that signified their faith in Christ and obedience to God v. 9. Then the Philistines drew near to battel against them at which they being unarmed were afraid and knowing their own guilt desired Samuel to pray for them which he did and God delivered them in a miraculous way thundering a great thunder on the Philistines and discomfiting of them v. 10. This was their Case And is not ours the parallel to it Their enemies were the Philistines that always maligned Gods Israel Ours the Papist that always hate Gods true Catholick and Apostolick Protestant Church of England They had the Ark Gods true Religion and Worship Their Faith once famous throughout the World their Religion pure their Faith Orthodos Their manners holy and their Bishops holy Martyrs But this Ark they would not keep they became corrupt and unsound in their Principles and kept not the Faith once delivered to them but changed the glorious truths of God to a lie as the heathen Romans did cast away what they pleased of Gods commands quite left out of their Catechisms the second and to make Rom 1 up the number divided the tenth into two A sorry shift to support their idolatrous Worship taught for Doctrines their own unwarrantable Traditions closed up the Scriptures in an unknown tongue made it piacular to have or read and when to make some shew of owning them they make use of them they most ridiculously applied them as to instance God made a greater light and a lesser light therefore the Pope is as much greater than the Emperor as is the Sun than the Moon Christ said to Peter Kill and eat therefore the Pope may excommunicate and kill Kings Peter said Behold two Swords therefore the Pope hath both Spiritual and Temporal Jurisdiction God said to Jeremy He should plant and transplant therefore the Pope may dispose and transpose Kingdoms at his pleasure Domini sunc Cardines terrarum therefore the Cardinals are Lords of the earth Speed Hist p. 213. But generally they suppress the Scriptures and instead thereof allow their lying Legend to be read in Churches Added twelve new Articles to the Christian Faith impose Contradictions to be believed a that most monstrous Doctrine of Transubstantiation that contradicts not only Scripture that doth assure us that Christs natural Body is in Heaven but all that speaks us men our ●enses sight smell taste touch our Reason and Understanding that cannot comprehend how one body may be in a thousand places at one time and that all the dimensions of a man of full-grown stature can be hid under made and contracted into the proportion of a small Wafer have conjoyned new soul body-state destroying principles as that Dominion is founded in Grace That Religion should be promoted by the Sword A Turkish Tenet And that which is the Lerna Malorum that makes way if believed and entertained unto the establishing of all manner of Villanies in practise and falshood in opinion viz. That the Pope is infallible Thus for matters of Faith and as for their Morals how impure have been their practises not only allowing of publick Stews so that in Rome there were no less than twenty five thousand Common Women in the year 1565. under the Popes protection who received Bp. Jewel a Tribute from them but those houses of inforced and usually but pretended Charity have proved no other than unclean Brothel-houses and murderous habitations witness those 6000 Heads of Children taken out of a Pond near a Nunnery by the Command of Gregory the then Pope And as for Papal Vestals that were at greater liberty we read that Boniface an Englishman in the year 616 complained in a Letter rent to Cuthbert Archbishop of Canterbury That the English Nuns wandering in pilgrimage under shew of Devotion lived in pleasure and wanton Fornication through all the Cities of France and Lumbardy Speeds Hist p 360. How holy and chast the Roman Court was we have the Testimony of Cardinal Hugo who told them of Lyons in his farewel-Sermon when the Pope had for some time so journed amongst them That of the many benefits that the Popes abode had brought them this was a principal that when at his coming thither there were three or four houses of Common-Women in Lions now at their departure they lest but one but that indeed reached from the East-gate to the West facta est urbs tota lupana And of what temper of manners they were generally of even their devoted and religious persons in the days of King Richard the first of England we may find by that answer which
Eben-ezer A Thankful Memorial OF GOD'S MERCY In preserving ENGLAND from the GUNPOWDER-TREASON 1605. Being a SERMON on 1 Sam. 7. 12. Prepared for Novemb. 5th to be Preacht at the Cathedral but Preacht for the most part of it at the Parish-Church of Temple in the City of Bristol on the 6th of Novemb. being the Lords Day By John Chetwynd M. A. Prebend of the Cathedral and Vicar of Temple in the City of Bristol Psal 118. 24. This is the day which the Lord hath made we will rejoyce and be glad in it LONDON Printed and are to be sold by Tho. Wall Bookseller at Bristol 1682. To the VVorshipful and his ever Honoured Friend and Kinsman John Harington of Kelston Esq one of His Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Somerset SIR I Have made bold to direct these Papers to you as a Testimony of my respect and as being assured that you are a true Protestant of the Church of England established by Law As for such as falsly and with a contradiction so term and call themselves Roman Catholicks I expect no such Readers As for Protestants in Masquerade whose worldly designs make them sit loose to all Religions they may see what may reform them if not convince them But as for your self and such as are Protestants out of conscience you and they who are peaceable Sons of the most Apostolical Church of England may read what may confirm them in their true faith and Worship and what may comfort and support them under any fears dangers hardships that may attend them in and for their so being and doing God being still the same yesterday to day and for ever He that hath delivered doth deliver will deliver To his blessing I commend these Papers To his protection and guidance your self and second-self with all your Family And subscribe my self Bristol Novemb. 16. 1681. Your most Resepctful Kinsman and humble Servant John Chetwynd A Memorial of God's most gracious preservations of England from the Spanish Invasion and Gunpower Treason Of an unknown Author Found by me among my Father's Papers thus directed To my Posterity GOD's ancient Church Two solemn Feasts did keep On Two set days by his own word directed When Pharoah's Host was drowned in the deep And when proud Haman's Treason was detected Two works of equal grace but greater wonder The Lord hath done sor us past all mens Reason When Papist did attempt to bring us under By Spanish Armado and by Piercy's Treason I and my house these great things will remember And in remembrance sanctifie two days In Augustone * 3. the other in November † 5. Both made by God for us to give him praise Dear children charge the children after you Still to observe these Feasts as I do now Eben-ezer A Thankful Memorial of God's preserving England from the Gunpowder Treason 1605. 1 Sam. VII 12. Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpeh and Shen and called the name of it Eben-ezer saying Hitherto hath God helped us TO regulate my discourse I have made choice of this Scripture as being in many particulars parallel to the occasion of the day and suitable to this great and solemn Assembly whose outward lustre and grandeur and other circumstances and expressions of rejoycing testifie our apprehensions of this day to be as it deserves to be with us a High Day a Holy day even a day which the Lord our God hath made marvellous in our eyes a Day to be had in everlasting remembrance never-to-be Ps 118 23 24. forgotten a Day of Gods making Some days may be said to be made by Gods flat Let it be made as all creatures besides man were But other days in which notable and memorable occurrences fall out may be said to be made with Gods faciamus Let us make as man was And such was this which God by saving preserving and delivering our King Church and State made marvellous in our eyes and calls for our rejoycing in it Such was the Jewish Passover such the day of our Saviour's Exod 12. Resurrection to which this Scripture is applied and such is this day The Memorial of the mercies on which exhibited we now celebrate Foelix fausta dies lux flava quinta Novembris And may it be for ever celebrated by us and our Posterity as long as the Sun and Moon endureth For this was the Lords doing and let it still be marvellous in our eyes So it was in David's day Thus it was in ours In David's a deliverance from great dangers all by Gods might all by Gods mercy and that not in small things as yet in them God is to be seen but usque Ps 118 12 15. ad miracula and that not only marvellous in it self for so all Zech. 9. 11. Gods works are which seem small because usual but wonderful in our eyes because rare In which we cannot but say Digitus Dei est hic And such was this our day In a most eminent manner Gods day both for the exceeding greatness of our danger and Gods gracious and wonderful deliverance when the Devils and the Jesuits and their bigotted Proselytes had laid their heads together to destroy our King and Church and State our Religion Liberty Lives when the Balak of Spain and the Balaam of Rome Thus far was the Preface to my Sermon prepared for the Cathedral on the 5th but our Reverend Diocesan preaching upon my desire in my turn I thought fit to preach it at Temple on the 6th being the Lords day in the afternoon omitting the foregoing Preface had conspired together our utter destruction We read Esther 9. 20 21. that Mordecai and Esther sent Letters with all Authority to all the Jews nigh and far that they should keep the 14th and 15th of the month Adar yearly as the days wherein the Jews rested from their enemies and the month which was turned from sorrow to joy and from mourning to a good day that they should make them days of feasting and joy and of sending Portions one to another and of gifts to the poor because the Plot of Haman the enemy of all the Jews which he had devised against them was b● Queen Esther's mediation to the King turn'd upon his own head and the Jews had ruled over them that hated them and Haman and his Ten sons were hanged Therefore the Jews ordained and took it upon themselves and upon their seed and upon all such as joyned to them so as it should not fail as it doth not to this day among them wherever dispersed though it be two thousand years since that they would keep these two days according to their writing and according to their apppointed time every year And that these days should be remembred and kept through every Generation every Family every Province Est 9. 27 28. and every City and that these days should not fail from among the Jews nor the memorial of them perish
he made to one Fulco a French Priest who had told him that he had three very had Daughters which he wished him to bestow in marriage or else Gods wrath would attend him When the King had replied he had not any Daughter yes quoth the Priest Thou hast the●● Daughters Pride Couetousness and Letchery The King replied My Pride bequeath to the haughty Templers and Hospitallers Speed Hist p. 480. my Covetousness to the white Monks of the C●st●ary Order and my Letchery to the Priests and Prelates for therein they took their greatest felicities How profitable Guests they are and have been to those persons and states that 〈…〉 and submit to them I suppose their proslyted bego●●● the Laity find to their great cost And we are informed by Authentick History that the Popes Authority hath been very chargeable and burdensom to the Kingdom of England not only by terrifying or alluring dving persons to give their Estates from their own Children and lawful Heirs under a pretence of Devotion to the Church and Charity to Souls to free them from Purgatory a place of the Popes own mai●ing but by the owned and publick exactions many ways emptying and impoverishing the Realm which King Henry the third was very sensible of who when the Pope in person and that was a less mischief than the entertaining of his power desired to come into England he denied him it being then said and it is and would prove as true still That the Pope is as a Mouse in a Sachel or a Snake in ones bosome that did ill repay the Hosts for their entertainment Speed Hist p. 538. And their Exactions were so great in the days of that King that a Cardinal truly told the Pope That England was to the Pope as Baalams Ass which had been so often wronged spur galled and cudgelled it was no marvel that now at last she opened her mouth to complain and for themselves and the Roman Court they were like Ishmael every mans hand against them and theirs against every one How gentle and courteous kind and innocent they have been where they have had power all Histories record The destruction of the innocent Waldenses the treacherous Massacre at Paris the villanous and barbarous Murders of the Protestants in Ireland Piedmont and wherever they got power And though they may seem as mild innocent and harmless as Gregory the first when they have no strength they then do but hide their claws which are still sharp but when they have got power as fierce as Gregory the seventh that Brand of Hell Hildebrand who by poysoning seven of his Predecessors made way to the Papal Throne and when sate down in it managed it to the Ruin and Destruction of the German Emperor and Empire And what safety or security can any Prince have from them who not only teach it as lawful to kill or remove Kings but also as meritorious and have brought their accursed Doctrine into wicked practice in the murdering of two Kings of France successively one of them always of the Religion and the other turned to them viz Henry the third and fourth of France for the first of which stab'd by a treacherous Monk there was great rejoycing at Rome and a Panigerical Oration belch'd out of the Popes own mouth in the Conclave so that they not only think they may but applaud it as meritorious as appears by the writing of Mariana and others But this is not the Divinity of the old primitive Christians but of the new Jesuits who more properly may be called Jehusites driving furiously as he did to the Ruin and destruction of Kings by force and power of Arms if they can but if that fail if they want Vires they will try Virus when Sword and Gun cannot Poyson shall How often was that excellent Princess Queen Elizabeth never to be mentioned without Honour so assaulted and God preserve his most excellent Majesty that now is from it And if that fail they will try what Powder will do a Monks invention found out by the help of the Devil to the ruine and destruction of Mankind And had their wicked Plot took effect would have been the ruine of the whole Nation But blessed be God the snare was broken and we in our Progenitors were delivered and have a just occasion of rejoycing in this day which the Lord hath made Psal 118. 1. And thus you see the parallel of the Persons Philistines Papists 2. The cause of their Danger The receiving of the Ark the setting of it up reforming from Idolatry putting away Baalim and Ashteroth worshipping of God praying fasting meeting at Mizpeh Then the Lords of the Philistines set the battel in array against them v. 10. Was not our case parallel what makes the Pope and his Complices so maliciously set against the King and Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland was it not the bringing the Ark of true Religion which they despised and rejected and setting of it up and sanctifying those that should minister in it First begun by that Magnanimous and Heroick Prince King Henry the Eighth who like David being a man of Blood began Gods Temple but did not finish it but left it unto that most excellent and virtuous Prince Edward the Sixth the Josiah of his age that justly deserved the stile of Titus Delicium humani Generis who carried it forward notwithstanding the great opposition he met with from the Scottish Papists who at Muscleborough Field were worsted by a small handful of Englist Protestants notwithstanding their mighty Army which brought into the field with it their breaden-God-Altars Crucifixes and other Popish Trinkets had 24000. slain in the Encounter and of the English not above 100. And the same fate attended the Devonshire and Cornish Rebels that rose upon the same occasion And though it met with a sharp opposition and persecution by fire and faggot by the malice of those wretched Apostates from it Gardner and Bonner and the misguided zeal of Queen Mary yet then the tree of Religion though it withered in the leaf yet grew in the root being watered with the blood of many eminent Christians of all sorts learned and godly Divines and Bishops who in the former Kings reigns had helpt to introduce it and in hers confirmed the truth of it with their Deaths for it so that it quickly again flourish'd by the means of that most excellent Princess Queen Elizabeth of blessed Memory whom none except such as that foul-mouth Lyar and fugitive Jesuit Sanders will mention without Reverence much less speak ill of her By her means I say God establisht his Ark in our Israel his truth his Worship amongst us removed Baalim and Ashteroth the He-Saints and She-Saints that were set up and worshipped in Gods place Notwithstanding 1. All open opposition by force In Ireland by Stukely and Sanders in the North by No folk North●●●ela●d and Westmoreland From Spains invasion in 1508. which had it in any measure succeeded
honour me before the people The only way for Ministers to keep up their Reputation with men is to be careful of a blameless Conversation a faithful discharge of their Ministerial Function a constant Conversing in their studies with God by Meditation and Prayer and with the best Companions the holy Scriptures and the Books of learned and holy Writers no such Companions in Taverns or Coffee-houses and the keeping their Consciencies void of offence towards God and man which shall they do they will find love as Samuel from a David and Reverenee and Respect even from a Saul and Herod as Samuel and John Baptist did This by the by and I assure you spoke with no ill intent and I hope and pray it may be to some good effect To return 1. Samuel answers their desire makes testimony of his faith in the promised Messiah by his sacrifice and earnestly crys to God for them v 9. Faith and Prayer the pious mans best defence Preces Lacrymae arma Ecclesiae Prayers and Tears the Churches weapon Non vires non virus nec pulvis Sulphureus not Power nor Poyson nor Powder they are not the arms of Christs Followers but of the Jesuits and Romish Synagogue The success was God heard his Prayers thundred upon and discomfited the Philistines gave the Israelites a great victory whereby they regained the Cities they had lost so that afterward they flourished in peace Justice and Religion all the days of Samuel And what manner of people these were whom God thus helped we may learn from the Context and so we find them 1. A sinful people Idolaters 2. An assaulted people by the Philistines lording over them coming in arms against them 3. A penitent people as is evident 1. By their Obedience to Samuels summons coming to Mizpeh they were no Dissenters from the Magistrates-lawful Command 2. By their Reforming Putters away of Baalim and Ashteroth 3. By their Humiliation before God 1. Confessing their sins 2. Fasting 3. Praying to God 4. Praying to Samuel to pray for them 4. Using their own endeavours as well as depending on Gods Power They went forth Thus it was with the Israellites and hath it not been so with us in many particulars which time will not admit my speaking to Only in general Their enemies were Philistines Idolaters that worshipped Dagon and other Heathen Deities the first Inhabiters in whose room the Israelites succeeded but such whom God had justly for their sins when come to ripeness appointed to be rooted out and left Command to do it as the Land would bear left the wild Beasts should increase upon them and gave the Land unto the Israelites which did not or could not expel them so that they still continued amongst them sometimes in subjection many times in power over them but always because of a different Religion at an implacable enmity against them and still watching and taking all opportunities to destroy them And as for the Israelites though they had been Idolatrous Worshippers of Baalim and Ashteroth yet were now truly penitent had reformed themselves put away Baalim and Ashteroth and became sincere in their Worship of the true God and were now in the actual worshipping of him by Samuels Command which they obeyed congregated at Mizpeh unarmed and unprepared and not expecting of an enemy Mutato nomine Put we but Jesuited Papists in the room of Philistines and true English Protestants instead of Israelites and our excellent and learned Prince King James of happy Memory instead of Samuel Westminster instead of Mizpeh and the most solemn Assembly of Parlament brought thither by the Kings summons to establish and confirm true Religion and whence to come immediately from the actual performance of Religious Worship in the ancient structure of St. Peters And you have the true Case of the occasion of this times solemnity and therefore I shall not and I need not add any more only in general observe That quarrels that are grounded on matters of Religion are not durable most implacable most mischievous Philistines against Israelites Papists against Protestants For though it be true that many Atheistical Matchiavils that are of themselves of no Religion do make use of the name of it as a politick engine to work their own purposes and are otherwise indifferent to all And many crafty-pated or such who have small dealings do profess this or that perswasion upon a Design of gaining a Trade to advance their worldly Interest turn Dissenters of every sort to gain a Trade amongst those they turn to and are indeed crafty shavers that are of no Religion out of Conscience yet pretend to some out of their Covetousness Yet we know our Fathers have told us in their recorded Histories and we our selves have seen and known many zealous Bygots in all perswasions who have good intentions but weak Judgments that are indeed conscientious though erroneously so and will not by flattery or force be perswaded or prevailed with to forsake that perswasion or opinion they have espoused yea though their leaders who did seduce them into those seditious schismatical and phantastical Principles and Practices turn from them themselves and many times earnestly oppose them Thus it was with Brown the Father and Cognominator of our first Separatists who had seduced many to a Separation from our Church as Antichristian in her Doctrine Worship and Discipline yet himself returned and became Minister of a Church a place so named but his followers the source spring fountain and root of those many Hydra-headed Divisions in Religion which have abounded amongst us ever since still continued obstinate Now in those whose Consciences though erroneous and not their worldly Interest sway them in such the quarrel for Religion and upon that occasion becomes setled durable implacable and mischievous And such is and hath been and will be of the Bygoted Papists the old and greatest Fanaticks against the Protestant Church of England who ever since it hath had an established being they have and will oppose and set themselves against as the Philistines did against Israel Erroneous Consciences though in good men are apt to mistake their carnal passions for commendable zeal under which when their Interest lurks it drives on unto furious motions Thus the Disciples James and John being ignorant of Christs spiritual Kingdom dream'd of an earthly Kingdom And this soon made them ambitious as appears by their Mothers motion no question set on by themselves That the one might sit on the right hand and the other at the left in Christs Kingdom This Ambition makes them furiously zealous to call for fire from Heaven on the Samaritans that would not entertain their Master But herein they were not like their Master nor liked by him Christs Passions were free from Concupiscence wherewith ours are defiled Our Passions are like water that hath a muddy residence which when it is stirred every part groweth foul with it but our Savious Passions of grief and anger and sorrow were