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A14772 A briefe instruction By way of dialogue, concerninge the principall poyntes of Christian religio[n], gathered out of the holy scriptures, lathers, and councels. By the Reuere[n]de M. George Doulye priest. Warford, William, 1560-1608. 1604 (1604) STC 25068; ESTC S102696 93,570 322

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vve be in any necessity especially vvhen vve rise or goe to bedde or goe forth of doores at the ētrāce in to the church and vvhen vve eate or drinke c. M. And vvhy doe you make this signe so often and to vvhat effecte D. Because it is the signe liuery recognoisaunce vvherby vve are distinguished as the true servantes and souldiers of Christ from all the enemies of holy churhe as Gentiles Ievves Turkes and He retikes Secondly because by this signe vve invocate the helpe of God in all our vvorkes And of ten times vvee are delivered by the vertue therof from many perills as vvel temporal as spiritual the Devil fearinge this signe and flyenge from it no other vv se then malefactors doe from the Kinges officers and iustice especially vvhen it is made vvith fayth and confidence in Gods mercie and the merits of Christ our lorde M. The name of Iesus And vvhy doe you put of your cappe and make curtesy vvhen you name Iesus D. Because the Apostle teacheth vs that there is no other name vvherin vve cā be saved that in this name al knees shal bovve as vvell of heavenly and earthly creatures as of al thinges vnder the earth ❧ Of the obligations and ❧ dueties of a true Christian. CHAP. II. M. FOR vvhat ende vvas Man created Christian dueties D. To love and serve God in this life and aftervvarde to see and enioye him in the next vvher in doth consiste our everlasting felicity M. You have ansvvered vvell but tell me vvhat is a Christiā bound to knovve for the attaining of the said ende after he commeth to the vse of reason D. Three things M. VVhich are they D. First to Knovve vvhat to beleeue Secondly to Knovve vvhat to pray or aske Thirdly to Knovve vvhat to vvorke or doe M. And hovv Shall vve Knovve vvhat to aske D. In Knovving vvell the Pater noster c. M. And hovv shall vve Knovve vvhat to beleeue D. By Knovving the creede or the articles of our faith M. Hovv shall vve Knovve vvhat to vvorke D. If vve Knovve vvell the comaundements of the lavv of God and those of our holy mother the Church and discerne vvhat are mortall sinnes to the end vve may flye them M. You say vvell but tell me haue vve not neede of some supernaturall helpe for the discharge of these obligations D. Yes sir for vve haue neede of three supernaturall vertues vvhich most be planted by God in our soules M. VVhich are they D. Faith to be able to beleeue vvell Theological vertues Hope to be able to aske or praye vvell and Charity to be able to vvorke vvell ❧ Of the Creede ❧ CHAP. III. M. GOE to then The Creede lette vs beginne vvith faith and tell me vvhat vvee must beleeue D. I haue already tould you that the principall is the Creed M VVhy then recite the same D I beleeue in God the father almighty c. M. Tell me vvhat is the Creede D. It is a confession of the principall art●cles of our faith M. VVho made it D. The Apostles M. To vvhat ende D. To informe vs in our faith M. Faith Ephe. 2. Heb. 11. Basil ser de fid confes Aug. co Epist funda c. 5. Ber. Ep. 190. Chryso 1. Cor. Hom 4. Greg. Homil. 26. in Evang. The Church VVhat is Faith D. Faith is a gifte of god in our soules vvith the vvhich vve do firmly catholikely beleeve all that god hath revealed vnto vs accordinge as vve are taught by our holy mother the churche M. Ys The Church then vvitnes sufficient for to knovve and distinguish all that God hath revealed D. No doubt sir for as much as she is illuminated and assisted allvvayes vvith the holy ghost and therfore cannot erre M. VVhat is the holy Catholique Church D. Gen. 6 cant 4 et 6. Esa 5. ●t 20. mr 12. In. 5. mat 5 13. 1 Petr. 3. Apoc. 22. Yt is the visible congregation of all true Christians and Catholiques vvhich are scattered ouer the vvhole vvorlde vvhose head next vnder God is the Pope M. VVho is the Pope D. The Pope is the holy father Bisshop of Rome The Pope Vide Iren. l. 3. c. 40. Te●t de praescrip Clem Alexā l. 7. Stro. Ci. prl 1. Ep. 6. l. 4. Ep. 2. Origen l. 1. periar Arnob. P. 130. Aug. in Ep. 265. c. successor of saint Peter and vicar of Christ vpon earth to vvhome all prelates and Christians vvhatsoever are boūd to obey as to Christ his true and lavvful lievetenant M. Hovv knovve you that the Pope is saint Peters successor D. By the infallible authority of the scripture the vniuersal tradition of Goddes churche the certaine succession of all Romaine Bishops ever since saint Peter vnto this day and last of all the testimony of all learned doctors fathers and Catholique vvriters since Christ came into this vvorlde M. And vvhat call you Traditiō vvher of you mētioned even novv Tradition D. Tradition of the Churhe and suche as is of autoritie to proue or disproue in matters of faithe vvee call all that doctrine vvhich vvithoute vvritinge hath bene by vvorde of mouthe lefte vnto vs either by Christe or his Apostles or they re lavvful successoures and therefore to be honoured and beleeued Vide 1. ad Thessalo 2. Chrysos Theo philact OE cumenium ibid eosdem super 1. ad Cor. 12. Basil de Spiritu Sācto cap. 29. Vincent Lirinēs Tertul. de praescript M. And hovv proue you that saint Peter vvas made Pope presidēt of Goddes church by our sauiour D. By those vvordes vvherin he bad him feed his flocke three times togeather and especially vvhen he gaue him the keyes of the Kīgdome of heauen and authority that vvhatsoeuer he should loose vpon earth it should be loosed in heauen and vvhat soever he should binde vpō earth it should be bounde in heauen vvhich vvas the greatest povver Ioan. 20. 21. Mat. 16. that could be geuen to any mortall creature M. And cannot the Pope erre in matters of faith and Religion as vvell as other tēporall Princes D. No for our Sauiour saith to saint Peter that he had prayed for him that his faith should not faile Mat. 16. versic 18. and therfore he calleth saint Peter the rocke saienge vpon this rocke I vvil builde my Church against vvhich the gates of hell shall not preuaile all vvhich vvould be other vvise if the Pope could erre vvho is the foūdaciō of this vvhole buildinge as for tēporall Prīces they haue no povvre in matters of faith and Religion seinge our Sauiour cōmandeth to giue to Caesar that vvhich belōgeth to Caesar to God that vvich belongeth to God much lesse haue vvoomen to doe in this vvho as saint Paule saith ought not to opē their mouthes nor speake in the cōgregatiō M. So that you make the Pope and saint Peter all one in this cause D. Doubtles even as the
hom 25. in Mat. 30. in Ioan. Naz. or in S. Lanacrum Cyril lib. 9. in Ioan. c. 9. lib. 6. cap. 1.3 4. Hieron in cap. 3. ad Galatas Ambros de vocation gent. libr. 1. cap. 8. August de Vita Christi 14. de fide operibus cap. 14. in Psalm 31. Gregor homil 38. in Euang. Trident. Sess 6. cap. 16. Basil lib. de Spiritu Sancto cap. 24. c. for grace and Christian justice is also inherent in the soule and this imputatiue iustice is a meere fiction in fauor of sinne puttinge vvicked men in hope to goe to heauē vvithout vertue pehance or obseruance of Christs holy lavve M. So that faith only doth not justifie vvithout Good VVorkes D. No forsooth for the Deuills do also beleeue and tremble and as the bodie is dead vvithout the soule so is faith vvithout good vvorkes and charity so that onely a liuely faith doth justifie that is faith vvith charity M. VVhat are these vvorkes vvhich you call good D. To loue God aboue all thinges and my neighbour as my selfe to fast and pray and giue almes vvith all other vvorkes of mercy and iustice as the Angell Raphael taught Tobias M. You haue ansvvered like a clerke but lett vs returne to the other signes or markes of the Catholique Church vvhat is the seconde D. The secōde signe Holie The second is Sanctam that is holy for in it only are all holies as especially the Sacraments vvhich are the conductes of Gods grace vvherin is trevv holines M. But beinge so many sinnes in it hovv is it called holy See cant 4. Ephe 5. 1. Pet. 2 Iren. l. 3. c. 40 Aug. in Ps 85. Enchiri c. 56. Greger 1 Moral cap. 6. Bern. serm 3. D. Because it notvvithstanding there are in it alvvayes the giftes of the holy ghoast and because out of it there can bee no holynes nor saluatiō and the very sinners that are in it haue the holy faith and baptisme M. And haue not the hereticks and Ievves also Sacraments D. No for first the Ievves are novv infidels as vvell as the Turkes Paganes because their Sacramentes and Ceremonies all ceased vvhen the lavve of the nevv testament vvas published Ceremonies of Baptisme See Dionys Areopag lib. de Eccles Iie rar Tertull. libr. de coronae militis Amb. de initiandis myster Orig. ho. 5. in num Leo. Papa Ep. 81. Innoc. 1. Ep. 1. ad Decent Eugen. Conc. Tol. 4. can 2. Isidor c. and they vveare bound presently vpon the promulgation therof to forsake them And hereticks haue no true Sacrament vvihch they acKnovvledge Baptisme only excepted vvhich is not theirs but ours nether is it of effecte by them but by the intention of the Catholique Church M. And is the Baptisme of an heretike then sufficient D. In substance hauinge forme and matter of a true Sacrament and the intention of the Catholique Church it is sufficient but the Ceremonies vvhich they leaue out as the insusflation Exorcisme chrisme and the lyke are in no vvise to be neglected vvhere they may be conueniently supplied because they haue also their vertue mystery and benediction and haue bene alvvayes in vse euer since the Apostles tyme in Gods Church M. You say right vvell for there is no Catholique ceremonie Ioan. 9.11.20 Luc. vl Mar. 7.8 Matt. 8.14 ydle superfluous or superstitious but rather most necessarie venerable and full of mysterye and comforte but tell me is it not sufficient for saluation to be predestinated allbeit he be no● baptized Predestination See 4. Reg. 14 Eccli 18. Sap. 11. Ezech. 18 1. ad Tim. 2. 2. Petr. 3. c. D. Alas sir vvhat haue I to doe vvith predestination vvihch is a thinge in Gods eternall minde before eyther I or the vvorlde vvas made and therfore passing mans capacity to comprehend it vvherin is to be obserued that manye deceyu● them selues by mistakinge the true signification of the vvorde 1. p. q. 23. art 5. for Praedestination as Sant Thomas teacheth is diuersly vnderstoode sometymes for the cause of predestination vvhich is Gods eternall appoyntment and disposition and sometymes for the effect of praedestination vvhich importeth our eternall saluation and the meanes vvherby vve must attayne vnto it And for that both the holy Scriptures and fathers vse the vvorde sometymes in one sence sometymes in an other the vnlearned oftentymes taKe occasion to confound them selues and theyr ovvne consciences in the speculation of this mysterye No man can tell vvho is predestinate or vvho is reprobate but this I Knovve and am certaine that excepte a man be christened and Keep Gods commaundements he ca●not be saued and God comma●deth nothinge that is ether 〈◊〉 reasonable or impossible at therfore as it behooveth vs n●● to be curious in searching Go● secrets so it importeth vs not be negligent in the execution 〈◊〉 that vvhich belongeth vnto 〈◊〉 but accordinge to S. Peters co●● sayl to make certaine our vo●●tion by our good vvorkes M. VVell then to returne to 〈◊〉 Church is there any reason ●●hy our Church is called holy 〈◊〉 not that of the Heretikes D. That ther is for in the Cath●●●que Church haue beene all 〈◊〉 saintes that euer vveare an● neuer vvanted many holy 〈◊〉 renovvned for their vertue 〈◊〉 sanctitie of lyfe testified by 〈◊〉 numerable miracles and by sh●●ding of their blood for Cath●●●que Religion and vertue vvhich sanctity of lyfe proceedeth from the holy doctrine Sacraments and other helps that Christ hath left vs in his Catholique Church no othervvise then pretious fruyts and svveet smelling flovvers take their vertue from the roote from vvhence they grovv VVher vpon it folovveth that it is impossible that any man truely beleeue and obserue that vvhich the Catholique fayth commaundeth and teacheth but that he must be endovved vvith grace vertue vvherin true holinesse cōsisteth and onely those Catholiques be not vertuous vvho break the lavves of Catholique Religiō vvher contraryvvise it is manifest that one may obserue all that the Protestants or Puritanes prescribe to be Kept and beleeued and yet be no honester a man thē ther good masters the famous apostataes Martin Luther and Iohn Caluin vvere vvhose doctrine as all other sectes and heresyes of their ovvne nature induce men to sinne For as the honour done vnto the Idols of the Panims Cupide Venus Bacchus and such others vvhō falsly they esteemed as Gods did authorise and bringe in all liberty and levvdnesse of lyfe s● the erroneous opinions of thes● late sectaries persvvading th● people that they haue no fre●vvill nor any need of good vvo●Kes Confession satisfaction 〈◊〉 penance for theyr sinnes and th● lyke but that it suffiseth for al● onely to beleeue hath opened s● broad a vvay to all dissolution 〈◊〉 it may vell seeme that vnder th● cloake of Christes name an● visard of the Gospel they inde●● adore the same filthy Idols 〈◊〉 the blinde and carnal gentilit● hovvsoeuer amongst them some rather deceyved by
it is far othervvise for Good Catholiques Knovv that all subiectes are bounde in conscience to obey theyr lavvfull Prince in all thinges belonginge to his regall iurisdiction and dignitie thoughe he vvere an heathen or infidel and therfore serue him vvith they re soules allso so longe as the Kinge doth not commaunde any thinge againste God vvhich I hope no Christian vvill doe But protestauntes and politiques vvhich turne vvith euery proclamation and parlamente euen in matter of faith allso I aske yovv vvith vvhat conscience or soule they serue they re soueraigne doe yovv not thincKe that these companions if it shoulde serue they re turne vvoulde be as flexible vvith they re bodyes as they are vvith they re soules all readye and so serue him in deed vvith neyther halfe vvhen he shoulde haue moste need of they re seruice seinge there can be no durable obedience but that vvhich is founded in true Religion as appeared in the famous example of the Emperoure Constantius Euseb libr. 1. de Vita Constantin Zozom lib. 1. c. 6 vvho by the constancye of his seruauntes in Religion tryed they re fidelitie and truste to his person all be it the triall vvere made in a Religion vvhich him selfe did not folovv M. But hovv can yovv excuse this pointe that the Kinge by submittinge hīselfe to the Pope in Church matters must needes putte a bridle in his ovvn mouth and depriue him selfe of his chiefest libertie by takinge suche a yoke on his shoulders D. If I did not see before mine eyes that the most Christian and vvithall the moste puissaunte Kinges of all Christendome thincKe this subjection no disparagemente to theire greatnes nor abridgemente to theire libertie and florishe moste gloriously vnder this estate I shoulde peraduenture thincke yovv had some reason to propose this quaestion Kinge Edgar K. Edvvarde the firste and the thirde K. Henry the fifte c. but beinge as it is yea and that in oure ovvn countrie neuer Kinges more triumphed and prospered eyther in peace or vvarres eyther by sea or lande eyther at home or in forraine countries then those vvhich vvere moste obediente to the Popes authoritie vvhat bridle or yoke call yovv that vvhich so many Kinges and Emperoures haue caryed vvith encrease of they re honoure and comforte of they re conscience especiallie seinge the obediēce vve exhibite to the Pope as Christes Vicar is referred moste directelie to the honoure and glorie of God Cui seruire regnare est Gods seruice is a Kingedome as the Prouerbe affirmeth And I pray God they vvhich rejecte this yoke rejecte not God him selfe as once he saide in the lyke case 1. Reg. cap. 8. to the people of Israel vvhen they refused the gouermente of Samuel the Prophete and asked a Kinge M. VVhy Thincke yovv it vvere not conueniente that the Pope at leaste for the Catholiques cōforte and ease shoulde dispense vvith them to th ende they mighte so contente the better they re Prince vvhen he shall exacte this spirituall obedience at they re handes D. In no case for as muche as in so doinge muste needes follovv cōfusion in all Ecclesiasticall discipline and Christian men shoulde be lefte vvithout a iudge or vmpyre to decide determine all doubtes and controuersies vvhich may grovv in Religion especially consideringe that no estate is more occasioned to gyue scandall vnto the cōmon people neyther haue any sorte of men more greeuously erred in all matters belonginge to true Religion and Gods seruice then Kinges them selues as to omitte all other examples the holy scriptures doe testifie that amonghste all and so many Kinges of God● chosen people there vvere bu● three onelye that Kepte Gods lavv Dauid Ezechias and Iosias Eccl. cap. 49. the reste euery one more or lesse fallinge them selues or permittinge manifest idolatrie Besides vvhich allbeit the Pope vvoulde he can not dispense in this pointe no more then in any article of the Crede for as much as both this and all other articles of the Catholique faith are commaunded and cōmended to Christians by Christe him selfe vvhose diuine preceptes especially be longing to faith as this doth of S. Peters primacie vvhich Christe him selfe appointed the Pope cānot chaunge M. You haue sayde arighte and by this yovv see it follovveth that no temporall Prince oughte to presse his Catholique subjectes in this case excepte he vvill allso compell them to deny God vvhom they are vndoubtedley persuaded to be the author maister and commaunder of this doctrine but lette vs returne to oure former question are there any more signes markes of this true Church D. Yea sir many in so much that the learned haue vvritten vvhole volumes of the same But these fiue are enough for me beinge founded in such substantiall reasons as are the Principalitie vnitie sanctitie antiquitie and vniuersalitie of the Romain Church hovv thinke you M. Mary I thinke passinge vvell o● it and vvishe that vve all may haue grace to perseuer in it and vvhen God shoulde so dispose to leese all our goods and landes yea and our liues also for the same M. You haue sayde enoughe of the Church and by that little you haue sayde of the communion o● the communion of saintes you haue sufficiently giuen to vnderstande hovv great a benefitte it is to bee a member of such a charitable and blessed bodie but tell me as all Catholiques liuinge enjoy this communion of eche others praiers merittes and good vvorkes doe those also participate of them vvhich are excommunicated by lavvful authority Excommunication D. No sir for therefore they are called excommunicated because they are depriued of this communion of saintes and are as braūches cutte of from the tree or membres from the bodie vvhich consequently doe not participate of that good humore vvhich is spreade amongste the rest of the braunches vvhich remaine vnited VVhere by may be gathered vvhat greate accōpte ought to bee made of excommunication seinge he can not haue God for his father vvhich hath not the Church for his mother M. And are the excommunicate out of the Church as vvell as heretickes and other infidells D. They are sir But vvith this difference that Ievves and Turkes are out of the Churche because they neuer entred in-to it by baptisme The heretickes vvhich are baptized but haue loste theyr faith are foorthe because they are fled or runne avvay of them selues like strayde or loste sheepe vvhome the shephearde doth vvith his hooke compell some tymes to returne to his flocke againe But the excommunicate because they haue baptisme and faith are not fledde of them selues but are driuen foorth by force by the pastor and lefte lyke scabbed sheepe for praye to the vvolues excepte by humility and obedience they returne againe to the folde M. VVhat is meante by Remission of sinnes Remissiō of sinnes vvhich is the tenthe article D. There are in Gods Church three principall benefittes Mat. 16. Ioā 20. Cypr. l. 1. Ep. 2. Chryso lib. 3. de
so that vvhichsoeuer of these three fayle the mariage or matrimonye vvere not validous or effectuall M. 1. Corinth 7. And vvhich is better to marye or to be a Virgen D. Sainte Paule hath allreadye resolued this quaestion sayenge that he vvhich ioyneth him selfe in mariage doth vvell but he vvhich doth not vvith intente to keepe his virginitie doth better and the reason is because allthoughe matrimonie be a Sacramente and represente the inseparable vnion of CHRISTE and his Churche vvhich is the cause that there is no povvre vppon earthe to dispense or gyue leaue for those that are once lavvfullye vnited to chaunge for an other be it man Math. 13. Ambros libr. 1. de virg be it vvoman yeat in effecte matrimonye is but a humayne thinge but virginitye is a thinge Angelicall Matrimonie is accordinge to nature but virginitye is aboue nature and not only virginitye but vvidovvhoad it selfe is better then matrimonye as diuers of the holye fathers affirme expoundinge that parable of oure Sauiour of the good seed Cypr. de babitu virg Hieron lib. 1. cōt Iouiniā Augu de seruād virg c. 44. vvhich fructified some thirtie vvhich they applye to mariage some threescore vvhich they referre to vvidovves and some a hundreth vvhich they accommodate to virginitie M. And vvhich of these Sacramentes is the principall D. The Reall presence Vide Ignat. ad Smyrnens Theodor. Dialogo 3. Areopag lib. de Eccles Hierarch c. de Euch. Iustin Apolog. 2. Irenae lib 4 c. 32. Origen hom 9. in Leuit Athan. ●rat de fide ex Theodor. Dia logo 2. Euseb Emyss hom de corpore D. Basil in regulis breu 171. Epiph in Anchorat Theophil Alex. l. 2. de pasch Ambr. l. 4. de sacram c. 5. Hieron q. 2. ad Hedibiā Aug. in ps 33 98. Bern. serm de Caenae D. Chrysost ho. 83. in Mat. Hilari l. 8. de Trini Tertul. l. 4. cōtr Marcion Damas l. 4. de fide Orthodoxa c. 14 Conc. Nicen. Ephesinū Trident cit Goinge to Haereticall Churches Sir the blessed Sacrament of Euchariste or Communion because in it vve do not onely receaue the grace of God as in other Sacramentes but allso the true body of Christe him selfe beinge really present true God and mā vnder the visible forme of bread transubstantiated into his body vvho is the fountayne of all grace and goodnes M. VVhat ought a Catholique man to doe to be deuoute vnto this blessed Sacrament D. Three thinges first to visite the same euery day once in the morninge and once at night before he goe to bed secondly to receaue it often vvith reuerence beinge first confessed and cōminge fastinge vnto it Thirdly to accompanye it allvvayes vvhen it goeth abroad M. VVhat difference is there betvvene our communion and that of the heretikes D. Very great as can be for ours beinge a Sacramente theyres is none at all nor gyueth any grace nor hath any goodnes in in it beinge a naked elemente of this vvorld and nothinge but bread and vvine onely and vvhosoeuer honoureth the same cōmitteth ydolatry and sinneth deadly to receaue it M. God forbid then that any Catholique should communicate vvith them in any such a false and fayned Sacramente and do you thinke it is lavvfull to goe to theire Churches vvith them D. In no case for Sainte Paule teacheth vs that there is no communication of light and darknes of the table of God and the table of the diuell nor of Christ and Belial For vvhat els are they re Sacramentes but the calues of Samaria and they re Churches but the altares of diuision and they re ministers but the priestes of Hieroboam meere lay and saeculare persons and by saeculare povvre erected againste the vnion trueth and honoure of true Solomons temple CHRISTES Catholique Churche and doctrine and I pray you vvhat proportion or comparison is theire betvvixte the dignitie of the honourable order and vnction of Melchisedech and the letters patentes of Queen Elzabeth to make a Bishoppe M. VVhy Haeretiques Christes enemies doe you make them to deny Christ allso D. In vvordes they confesse him but in effect they vtterly deny him and his kingdome M. Hovv so D. Because his kingdome is the Churche partly in heauen triumphante partly in earth militante partly vnder the earth patience from vvhence they take avvay Limbus Patrum Limbus Puerorum and Purgatory and so leaue him nothinge but hell vppon earth they corrupte and dismember his holy Scripture they pull dovvne his Ymages Altares and Churches they abhorre and abolish the signe of the Crosse like as diuells doe they deny his spouse the Church and mother of truth they take avvay her Sacramentes they hate Goddes chiefe Vicare and lieutenaunt generall vppon earth and call him Antichrist they despise all her Doctoures and auncient fathers they bannish all good vvorkes of penaunce and perfection all orders of Religion and Christes holy bodie and bloode in the holy sacrifice of the Masse they blaspheme and throvv out of they re Churches In heauen they blaspheme his saintes and refuse to praye vnto them or to his blessed mother they rejecte the helpe of his Aungels and as much as in them lyeth they take avvay all reliques and venerable memories of his honourable seruantes I pray you vvhat haue they lefte him or vvhat remaynes next but to deny him or his father as many of them doe daylye more and more degeneratinge into atheisme the more is the pitie M. Truly so it is and you haue reason therfore to auoyde all communication vvith them in thinges belonginge to Gods seruice euen as for bodylie health you vvoulde fly the plague for there is the chayre of spirituall pestilence But tell me vvhat els remayneth to be fayde of the Christian doctrine D. There remayne to rehearse the vvorkes of mercy corporall VVorkes of Mercy and spirituall M. VVhich be they D. The vvorkes of mercy corporall are seuen First Mat. 25. Tob 12. to feed the hungry 2. To gyue drinke to the thirsty 3. To cloath the naked 4. To visite the sicke and imprisoned 5. To lodge pilgrimes 6. To redeeme captiues 7. To burie the dead M. And vvhat are the spirituall D. First To geue good counsell in doubtfull cases 2. To teach the ignorant 3. To comfort the sorovvfull 4. To correct or directe those that erre 5. To pardon injuries 6. To haue patience vvith our neyghbours fraylty or imperfections 7. To pray for the liuinge and dead M. Haue you learned any cause vvhich may excuse a man from obligation of these vvorckes of mercye D. Three causes I haue hearde doe excuse the first for vvante of abilitie as he vvhich lacketh knovvledge can not gyue counsell and Lazarus coulde not gyue almes but take them onely God so disposinge that the riche procure to saue they re soules by the vvay of mercye and the poore by the vvay of patience the second is vvhen there is no importante or notable necessitye for vvee