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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04534 The Duke of Saxonie his iubilee with a short chronologie. Both shewing the goodnesse of God, in blessing the Gospel of Christ, since Luther first opposed the Popes pardons. Johann Georg I, Elector of Saxony, 1585-1656. aut; W. S., fl. 1618. 1618 (1618) STC 14656; ESTC S106548 14,071 29

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the Marquisate of Brandenburge the Dukedome of Sagana in Silesia and others renounce Poperie Therefore doe the gospellers Iubelize In the yeare 1540. Robert Barnes D. of Divinitie a man of great esteeme with the King of England being burnt to Ashes by the Papists taught not only the English his owne countrie-men but all Christians to esteeme lesse even of their liues than of the profession of the true faith Therefore doe the Gospellers Iubelize In the yeare 1541. The Emperour by his priuate letters granteth the Protestants the peace of religion Therefore c. In the yeare 1542. Otto Henry Count Palatine of Rhene Duke of either Bauaria imbraceth the purer doctrine Therefore doe the Gospellers Iubelize In the yeare 1543. Hermanus Earle of Weda Archbishop of Colen applyed himselfe to reforme the state of the Church Therefore c. In the yeare 1544. the Pope being not regarded the Donawerdenses giue their names to Christ Peter Alexander Preacher to Mary Queene of Hungaria and Governesse of the Lowe-Countries writteth and teacheth many things Orthodoxally Therefore doe the Gospellers Iubilize In the yeare 1545. Henry Duke of Brunswicke being a cruell enemy of the Reformed Religion came into the power of the Lantsgraue Therefore doe the Gospellers Iubilize In the yeare 1546. Fredericke Elector Palatine doth bringe the Reformed Religion into the whole Palatinate Therefore the Gospellers doe Iubilize In the yeare 1547. when all things in Germanie seemed to be in a desperate case Edward the Sonne of Henrie the Eight King of England abrogats the MASSE remoues Images out of the Temples commaunds Bibles to be printed in the Vulgar tongue ministeriall duties to be performed in the same tounge both kinds to be administred in the Eucharist Therefore doe the In the yeere 1548. and 1549. during the time of the interim there is a sifting of the Gospellers and the Hypocrites are discerned from sincere Professors Therefore c. In the yeere 1550. Maidenburg shewed a memorable example of Constancie in defending the sincerer Doctrine Therefore c. In the yeere 1551. the Protestants are not afraid to appeare in the Tridentine Councell the Papists not daring to heare the Reasons of the reformed Doctrine Therefore c. In the yeere 1552. the most constant Confessors of Christ Iohn Fredericke Elector of Saxonie and Philip Lantsgraue of Hassia beeing freed from captiuitie are sent home the Passauian peace is established Therefore c. In the yeere 1553. at Lyons in France nine Students confirmed the veritie of the reformed Doctrine by bloodie Martyrdome Therefore c. In the yeere 1554. the Cities and Nobles of Greichgoia hold a Synode wherin they renounce the Interim and bind themselues to teach and heare the purer Doctrine Therefore c. In the yeere 1555. it is decreed in the Diet at Ausburg that they should not make warre with any Prince Earle or Imperiall Citie for the doctrine of Religion Therefore c. In the yeere 1556. Charles Marquesse of Baden reformed the Churches vnder his iurisdiction according to the prescript of Gods word Therefore c. In the yeare 1557. Otto Henricus Count Palatine Elector doth the second time purge the Churches of the Palatinate from Popish Idolatrie Therefore c. In the yeere 1558. the Nobles of Scotland purge the Churches of Sterlin from all Massing stuffe and appoint Preachers of the Gospel in townes here and there Therefore c. In the yeere 1559. All England Elizabeth being queene thereof doth the second time receiue the Gospel Therefore c. In the yeere 1560. the French men present the Confession of their faith to the King the Nobles of Scotland reiect the Masse demolish Altars and abolish Images Therefore c. In the yeere 1561. the Princes and States Protestants in Germany being gathered together at Naumburg renue their consent to the Apostolicke Faith against the Antichrist of Rome the Frecnh of the Reformed Religion discourse of the chiefe Heads of the pure Faith in the Conference at Poissy before the King and the whole kingdome Therefore c. In the yere 1562. God disappointed the dangerous plots of the Guyzes tending to bring the French Churches into the hatred of the Germaine Princes Therefore c. In the yeere 1563. an Edict published the 19. of March graunteth peace of Religion to the reformed Churches in Fraunce Therefore c. In the yere 1564. the Protestant Princes and Magistrates firmely demonstrate by many Arguments that the Tridentine Councell was neither godly nor lawfull nor free and consequently not to be receiued with a safe conscience That Antichrist was President there and that errors quite contrarie to the holy Scripture were maintained therein Therefore c. In the yeere 1565. Maximilian the Emperour shewed himselfe fauourable to the Gospellers of Silesia Morauia Bohemia Austria Hungaria and graunteth the Magistrates of Gorlick that the Monasterie of the Minorites being turned into a publike Schoole they may take order that both humane Learning and also the purer Doctrine of Religion be taught there Therefore c. In the yeere 1566. in Brabant Holland Zeeland and Flanders the idolatrous Images of the Papists are cast downe the Popish Religion remooued and the Gospel receiued in many places Therefore c. In the yeere 1567. Fredericke the 3. Count Palatine Elector abolisheth popish Rites in the Palatinate of Bauarie Ioachimus Fredericus Marquis of Brandenburg Administer of the Archbishopricke of Magdeburg doth open the Cathedrall Church of Magdeburg that had bin shut vp almost 20. yeeres and commends it to the Preachers of the Gospel Therefore c. In the yeere 1568. Maximilian the 2. Emperour grants the Nobilitie of Austria the free exercise of the purer Doctrine Therefore c. In the yeere 1569. Iulius the sonne of Henry Duke of Brunswicke taketh order that the Churches which are vnder his iurisdiction be religiously reformed according to the rule of Gods word Therefore c. In the yeere 1570. In France it is graunted by the kings Edict that the Princes Barons and Nobles in their territories that others in certaine Countries and suburbes may vse the exercise of the reformed Religion without impeachment Therefore c. In the yeere 1571. Peace beeing made the third time in Fraunce a Synode of the reformed Churches of the whole Kingdome is assembled at Rochel in which the Confession of the faith of the French Churches is repeated and confirmed Therefore c. In the yeere 1572. that bloodie Massacre at Paris was a most pregnant argument to the reformed Churches that the Papists despaired of the cause of the Romish Religion seeing they deemed it could not bee maintained by holy Scripture but by incredible trecherie Therefore c. In the yeere 1573. the number of the Protestants growes exceeding great out of the blood of those of the reformed Religion that were cruelly slaine and that beyond the conceite of the King the Pope and all Papists Rochel by the wonderfull prouidence of God is deliuered from the duke of Aniou
thy godly Word hath long bin kept in darknesse Preserue vs O Lord by thy Word c. Sixtly wee ordaine that the Common prayer of Confession be not read on this Feast But wee haue giuen order to set downe a certaine forme of prayer and thanksgiuing whereby the Highest is praised for his gracious and powerfull deliuerance out of the cruel Egyptiacal bondage And againe is prayed that by his omnipotencie as hitherto so for the time to come it would please him to conserue amongst vs the pure and sauing Gospel and the right vnderstanding and vse of the holy Sacraments against all dammageable errours and heresies for vs and our heires Besides it is ordered to pray that it would please God from time to time to giue Christian Dukes and Magistrates and to grant vnto those that now are a long life and blessed welfare both temporall and eternall We will that these our Ordonances shall be duly obserued without contradiction in all our cities and villages by the Superintendents Ministers and Deacons and all the Inhabitants of our Countries and Dominions And concerning our two Vniuersities Leipsich and Wittenbergh we hold it fit and expedient that the Theologicall facultie employ the whole weeke after the 2. of Nouember in exquisite Disputations and Orations comprehending therein the description of former darknes of the ensuing gracious Euangelicall light and the great vtilitie of the present Reformation Doctorall promotions may likewise be made if the occasion be offered The other faculties are not hereby excluded for it is likewise permitted vnto any of the Professors to celebrate the great worke of the Almightie and the continuance of his mercie this last hundred yeeres in the name if their facultie Finally we are pleased in our gracious good liking that for the good imitation of others this our Ordonance by publicke intimations bee notified a moneth before that so other Countries may receiue the knowledge thereof If it please also some of our Diuines to signifie vnto other sincere Diuines this our Christian intention and to admonish them to conforme themselues vnto this Action acceptable vnto God we will in our fauour like well of it The Lord grant by his grace that wee and all the Inhabitants of our Dominions may performe this ensuing Feast of Iubilee with good health due attention and hearty ioy in God Datum Dresden the 12. of August 1617. Iohannes George Churfurst that is Prince Elector A CHRONOLOGY OF THE GOSPELS IVBILEE IN the yeare 1517. the first wound was inflicted vpon Antichrist in a disputation at Wittenberge against Indulgences T●●refore doe Gospellers Iubilize In the yeare 1518. the doctrine concerning iustification and the freewill of man was clearely explained in a disputation at Heidelberge Therefore doe c. In the yeare 1519. it was manifested in a solemne disputation at Lipswicke that there was no supremacie of the Pope of Rome Therefore c. In the yeare 1520. Germanie began to laugh at and to contemne the brutish thunderbolts or excommunications of the Pope Therefore c. In the yeare 1521. the cause of the Gospell was maintained at Wormes before the Emperour and the whole Empire Therefore c. In the yeare 1522. The Gospell was propagated farre and wide through Germanie Heluetia Liuonia or Liefe-land Therefore c. In the yeare 1523. the Popes Legate acknowledgeth in the diet of the Empire that the Church of Rome is sicke with errors and vices some places of Fraunce are illustrated with the light of the Gospell and the truth of it is sealed with the bloud of Henry of Zutphen Therefore c. In the yeare 2524. the Emperour the Princes of the Empire in an assembly in Stiria Ferdinand Henry the eight King of England Lodowick King of Hungary and Bohemia the Duke of Bauaria and Loraine the Pope the Cardinall of Loraine the Archbishops of Ments and Riga the Bishops of Denmarke Spira and Strausburge labour in vaine to oppresse the Gospell Therefore c. In the yeare 1525. amongst the Countrey-insurrections the Contentions about the Sacraments of the Anabaptists and of the Schwenkfeldians the conspiracies of the mightiest enemies against the Gospell the Gospell took place in the kingdome of Sueuia in the Dominion of the Lantsgraue of Hassia and in a great part of Rhetia Therefore c. In the yeare 1526. the Emperour and the King of France being at contention amongst themselues through the Popes instigation against their will they grant halcion dayes to the Church The Emperor abolisheth the authoritie of the Popes name through all Spaine Therefore c. In the yeere 1527. the Pope being taken the English and the French conspiring against the Emperour doe minister occasion to the Gospellers of further spreading abroad the sincere doctrine Therefore c. In the yeare 1528. the truth of the reformed doctrine triumph in the disputation of Berne vpon which followed the reformation of many famous Churches Therefore c. The yeare 1529. is renouned for the reformation of many Churches and the vnconquered constancie of many Gospellers in diuers trials chiefely for the Martirdome of Lodowicke Berquinus in Fraunce and of Clarebachius and Flidstedius in Germany Therefore c. The yeare 1530. reioyceth professors of the Gospell for the confession of their doctrine publickly made by the Princes at Ausberge before the Emperour Therefore c. The glorious and almost miraculous deliuerance of the Protestants from a mischeife hanging ouer their heads doth grace the yeare 1531. Therefore c. The peace of Religion in Germany the propagation of godly doctrine in Fraunce the Martyrdomes of the faithfull in England doe make famous the yeare 1532. Therefore c. The glory of the yeare 1533. is exceeding great because that therein the King of England shooke off the Popes yoake Therefore c In the yeare 1534. the Duke of Wirtemberge and Pomerania hauing abandoned Popery embrace the Gospell Therefore c. In the yeare 1535. the Churches of George Earle of Wirtemberge in Alsasia are purged from the Popes leauen Cromwell doth pull downe the Monasteries in England being dennes of monstrous villanies Therefore c. In the yeare 1536. the Cittizens of Berne with their associates doe make warre with the Duke of Sauoy and doe take almost the whole Countrey of the Antuatum by which victorie peace from the forreigne ennemie is obtained to the common wealth and Church of Geneua and the Gospell is spread all abroad through Savoy Therefore c. In the yeare 1537. The whole Kingdome of Denmarke hauing abandoned the Pope vnder the gouernement of Christian the third acknowledged Chist to be the onely head of the Church Therefore doe the Gospellers Iubilize In the yeare 1538. A publique Church is opened at Strasburge to those that were banished from Fraunce and Belgia It is determined in England that the Bible being translated into the English tongue be keept every where in Churches to be read by all that desire it Therefore c. In the yeare 1539. Misnia