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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20304 XXVII. lectures, or readings, vpon part of the Epistle written to the Hebrues. Made by Maister Edward Deering, Bachelour of Diuinitie Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576.; T. N., fl. 1577. 1577 (1577) STC 6727; ESTC S114746 295,005 510

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the Lord Iesu Christes and all that is in it I may haue from man my warrant here in earth that my house is mine and my lande is mine and he is a theefe and a robber that taketh it from mee But all the men in the worlde cannot giue me my possession before the liuing God but onely his Sonne Christ who is Heire of all And I am a theefe and a robber if before God I claime any other right in it Then that our hands may be our owne our goods our own our seruants our wiues our childrē ours Let vs be Christes that in him we may haue the good assurance of all our substance Take not thy meate but as the gift of Christ who hath sanctified it vnto thee nor any thing thou hast but with thankesgiuing to Christ that hathe sanctified it for thee if thou doest thou art an intrudour into the right not of a mortal man but of the fonne of God and thou shalt be sure the recompence of the iniuries that thou hast done will fall vppon thee and thou shalt know what it is so to dishonor thy god But contrariwise if I know my self by faith made a member of Christe and his right is mine in the creatures of the worlde and in his name and to his glorie I vse them whatsoeuer God hath giuen mee in the dayes of my pilgrimage the profite of it is mine I may vse it to my necessitie and the pleasure of it is mine I may vse it to my delight If my garments be silke I may put them on If my table be furnished with sortes of meate I may eate what my stomach craueth If I haue fieldes pleasant and delectable I may walkein them If I haue orchards of great delight I may eate the fruit of them Nay I will say more that their condemnation may be iust which loue not the Lord Iesus If thy dogges will hunt the beastes of the fielde or thy hauke will kill the birdes of the aire thou mayst vse the delight of Gods creatures I meane so farr as the state of Gods people in common wealthes which he hath ordeyned doth permit to euerie one for his holy recreation and pleasure who walketh faithfully in his calling to the glorie of God and profite of his people I do not iustifie the shamefull abuse of the worlde which hath carried away the christian libertie into carnall wantonnesse I allowe them not which wil needs weare silke and are not able to buy cloth or those whiche so giue ouer themselues to vanitie that the day is to short to make thē pastime except they watche the night at cardes and dice and riotous dauncing with suche men I meddle not but in their sinne in which I find them in it I leaue them I speake onely of the goodnesse of God vnto his Saincts what recreation God hath giuen in their wearie life And where it is further saide All things were made by Christ we may boldly conclude that no man hath power ouer his creatures but they must serue their creator What haue I to doe with another mannes worke God hath appointed his creatures a vse in it they are holie If thou wilt set them another law thou prophanest thy selfe in them When S. Paule had saide that to forbid meates was the doctrine of deuils he proueth it by this reason because God created them to be receiued with thankesgiuing If God created them who will exalt him selfe to be Lord ouer them If God appointed them to be receiued who shall say vnto me they are vncleane to vse Surely dearly beloued and before the Lord who hath made all will iudge all that proude and arrogant man of sinne who hath left all the ordinances of God to fill the world with his decrees and decretalles he hath taught vs the doctrine of diuels and let vs cast it frō vs We are Christes he hath made all in his holy appointments let vs euer liue For other lawes of meates drinks dayes apparel c. as then they may stand when they are profitable to any countrie and made onely for policie so they are to be despised when they are thrust vpō the church made matters of faith and religion Further in that that it is saide in the third verse That Christ is the brightnes of glorie ingrauen fourme of the substance of his father Let vs marke well why the Apostle thus magnifieth the person of Christe For no other cause but to warrant vnto vs the trueth of his worde that he is our Prophet we must beleue him And so S. Peter in the Acts teaching Christ to be the onely warrant of faith saluation he sayth God approued him thervnto by many signes and miracles mightie workes And in deed the father himself with a voice of excellent glorie approued him out of the clowd his voice was heard This is my beloued sonne heare him And all this was that Christe alone might be before vs the onely warrant of trueth Nowe he that shall take vpon him this honour bid y world beleeue because he hathe spoken what doeth he but boast himselfe as if he were the brightnesse of Gods glorie or that God had approued him by signes and miracles and who would do this that feared either to be or to be called the verie Antichrist that should come Againe it is said he beareth vp al things with his mightie word Where we must marke it is attributed to Gods mightie power the gouernance of all things in our sight either great or small that wee should learne not to measure the power of God by our weake senses It is his mightie power y vpholdeth the earth that stretcheth out y heauens that sēdeth forth the windes that raiseth on high the great waues of the sea these things we cōfesse are great mightie but as it is here so euery where the mightie power of God maketh the fether to moue his strong arme leadeth the flie in her way the same force which now shaketh a lease if he had sent it against a monteine it would haue turned it vp from the foundations and the same strength that bloweth vp the dust if it came against the earth it would shake the bottoms of it And this should make vs feare before him y what soeuer he hath done whether it seeme great or little wee should confesse his handie work according to his greatnesse so wee should honour him that whatsoeuer he hath commaunded whether it seme weightie or light al our obedience should be streight vnto it It foloweth by him self he hath purged our sinnes I do not doubt but you knowe how Christ hath purged our sinnes and the more you know it I am sure you are the more glad to heare it for this cōfort that we haue all in it I thought euē my duty to make some rehearsall of it Thus therefore we are taught and thus we doe beleeue
holden by traditiōs but writtē by Moses not in doubtful testimonie but in manifest shew of the glorie of god And this their opinion they did not think was any coniectural exposition but the manifest word as it was oft repeated that this should be an ordinaunce to them for ouer For this cause the Apostle hauing compassion vpon his weake brethren who beleued in Christ but were also thus addicted to the law he writeth vnto them this Epistle by all meanes persuading them neuer to ioyne together our sauiour Christ with the Ceremonies of the lawe whose glorie is perfect in him self alone and all height must be abased before him He created alone and he will redeeme alone He made alone and he wil saue alone and to be set in cōparison with him all the gold siluer precious stones all the ornaments of the temple they are but Beggerlie Elements Nothing else in earth nothing vikler earth nothing in heauen nor in the heauen of heauēs no vertue no power no strength no name else that is named in which or by which we can be saued but only the name of Iesus christ And for this cause this epistle was written Wherin it shal be good for vs to marke how from the beginning sathan hath striuen to obscure and darken the glorie of Christe and howe hee hath holden stil the same purpose vnchaungeably euen to our dayes First he chaūged him selfe into an Angel of light with glorious names of Moses Moses vnder pretence of holinesse striuing against trueth a marueylous practise in those dayes inough to haue subuerted the faith of many For who would haue thought that such men so great louers of the lawe of the Temple of Moses should bee enimies of the true Mellias or be ignoraunt of the saluation and spirituall worship which he should teach them But here we learne not to ground our faith neither vpon the glorious wordes nor vppon the glorious hames of mortall men For this deceiued from the beginning but the worde it selfe must bee graffed in vs if we will not erre So now in these our last times in which the diuel striueth as at the firste wee see how many say vnto vs The church the church The pope the pope The fathers the fathers many thousandes are led with this sound of wordes yet in these wordes is no wisedome onely they renewe the olde deceipt in which the diuel first troubled the church of God For what is the Churche they speake of who is the pope who are their fathers are they greater then the Temple then the lawe then Moses if not then their names may be vsed for a cloke of falshood as y others were Then we must trie them and examine them whether it be a true churche or true fathers they speake of To follow a church you know not what is to trust to the Temple you knowe not how And knowe it well such wordes are but mockeries and such spirites are of error and darknesse The effect is proofe inough For the end of their religion is that ignorance is the mother of deuotion Now touching the author of this Epistle who it was it skilleth not For if the name had ben here what had it shewed but that God vsed the ministerie of such a man And now the time is not knowen it teacheth expressely the doctrine is of god And for this cause to the bookes of holie scripture names are sometime added sometime not that the doctrine of the Lorde might be vnto vs without respect of person And for my parte who wrote this Epistle I can not tell nor I see no cause why I should seeke it For when the spirite of God hath lest it out can I think it the better if I should adde it I remember Athanasius sayeth that since the Gospell was first preached this Epistle was euer thought to be Paules But Eusebius as boldly on the other side saith that he dareth constantly affirm as the sense is the Apostles so the phrase pēning is some other mans but whose God knoweth and thus much of the authour whome we will leaue as we finde him a faithfull wittnesse of Iesus Christ euen to the ends of the world but whose name we knowe not Now for the time in which it was written it is certein it was in y apostles dayes For if it had bene after the destruction of Ierusalem threatning so oft the anger of God to those who would despise his sonne no doubt he would haue mentioned so singular an example Besides this he maketh mention of Timothie as his companion and fellowe who was famous among the Apostles And it is like that this Epistle was written about the later end of the Apostles age because he saith that this doctrine first preached by the Lord hath now bene confirmed vnto vs by them that heard it And noting the time how long the Gospell had bene preached afore he sayth that time required that nowe they should be able to be teachers of it Againe in the x. chapter he putteth them in remembraunce that in times past they had suffered great and manifolde afflictions for the Gospels sake So that we easily see this Epistle as it is holie and Apostolicall in the trueth of doctrine so it hath also the honour of their time And thus farre of the occasion authour and time of this Epistle Now as briefly as I can I will shewe you the argument of the whole Epistle and that is this that onely in Iesus Christ is the forgiuenesse of our sinnes Which argument he handleth thus Firste setting out our sauiour Christ who he is in the ten firste chapiters Then howe saluation is thorough him in the residue of the Epistle In setting foorth our sauiour Christe who he is he sheweth first the nature of his person in the two first chapters then what is his office in the next eight Touching his person he teacheth first that he is perfect God in the first chapter then that he is perfect man in the second Chap. of which we wil speake more particularly in expoūding of the text Of his office whereof we said he intreateth in the viii next chapters he teacheth this firste that he is our Prophet from the beginning of the iii. chapter to the xiiii verse of the fourth then that he is our priest from thence to the xix verse of the x. chapter And though the Apostle of purpose and with great care do plainely teach that Christ is our king yet because this necessarily followeth of the other there was no doubt but that Messias their priest and prophet should be also their prince and king therefore he seemeth not to make any particular intreatie of this as of the other offices but as he was a kingly prophet a kingly priest and the sonne of God so in proofe of all these he maketh with them manifest proofes of his kingdome at in the text more plainely God willing I will
ceasse and bynde vp these promises for another people that should beleeue and then the Prophet aunswering againe to God in acknowledging all his trueth goodnesse saith thu s Beholde I and the children that God hath giuen me This is the sense of the Scripture a●…cording to that time But in all deliuerances of the people of God theē the benefite came vpon them only in respect of Christ and it was euer a figure of the greate deliueraunce through him which at last should be openly giuen from death and from the diuel For this cause in all extreme perils of that people whēthey would conceiue any hope they would make mention of their Messias and of the promises of God in him which should neuer be frustrate euen so in this place whē the Prophet would speake certeinly of saluation in the middest of daunger he said of all those troubles they shall happen in thy lande ò Emanuel at the mention of whose name he hath so sure hope that he defieth the world sayth Gather together on heapes ô ye people and ye shal be broken in pieces gyrde your selues and you shal be broken in pieces take counsel and it shal be brought to nought pronounce a decree and it shall not stande for God is with vs so cōtinuing his prophesie all according to the similitude of the happie dayes of Christe he sayth presently in his own person and figuratiuely in the person of Christe Though bothe the houses of Israel stumble and the inhabitants of Ierusalem fall down yet beholde I and the children that God hath giuen me will endure the reproches of men wil beleeue the promises Which wordes in Christ haue this meaning That how soeuer the wicked of the worlde doe fall and are snared and taken yet Christe wil keepe his and not one of them shall perish Now heere we must learne as the Apostle teacheth Was the Prophet Esaic a man like vnto his children that is like vnto those whiche obeyed his worde Then was our Sauiour Christ perfect man like vnto vs whome he hath deliuered from sinne and death and if he haue saued vs he hathe saued those whom God hath giuen him flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone For this is his intercession vnto his Father Beholde me and my children One other thing we must learne in this There was an apostasie of all men so that they which beleeued were made as signes wonders yet how so euer the world was the prophet saith Beholde me and my childrē Such shal be the days of Christ many shall fall away religion faith shal be persecuted iniquitie shall abound What then Our Sauiour Christe saith Lo I and my children if the whole world fall away we would not regarde their multitude to followe them to doe euill but we would alone stande with the Lord our god Such a faith constancie was in Iosua when he saide vnto all the people of Israel If it seeme euil to you to serue the Lord or if you will serue the Gods which your fathers serued beyonde the riuer or the Gods of the Amorites in whose lande you dwell yet I and my house will serue the lord Such a faith was in Elias whē he cōstātly folowed God although he thought there was not one man beside in Israel whiche had not worshipped Baal Such a faith was in Peter when hee sawe all decline euen the disciples and kinsfolke of our Sauiour Christ to fall from him vtterly forsake him yet Peter vowed it vnto Christ that he the apostles would not forsake him shewing a good cause of al their constancie Thou hast the words of eternall life whether should we go Suche a faith was in Paule who cared neither for man nor Angel in this respect but grounded his faith vppon Iesu Christe And if an Angel would teache otherwise let him saith S. Paule be accursed Thus dearely beloued our faith must be sealed in our owne hearts hauing the witnesse of the worde of God on whiche we must so surely rest that thoughe we sawe the whole worlde to fall away yet we would stande alone in the midds of skorners and presumptuous sinners we would speake as the prophet speaketh of our Sauiour Christ Beholde I and my children whiche God hath giuen me If other will needes by vnbeleeuing seale vp the promises that they may neuer see them and binde vp the testimonies that they may neuer heare them let them fall and be snared and be taken yet I and my children will serue the Lorde This boldnesse is the witnesse of a true faith this triall shal be made of men while the Gospel is preached For thus Christ cōmeth vnto his Father when all the worlde forsaketh him Beholde me and my children Here I would faine know of any learned man nay of any wise man or rather of any reasonable man whose heart is prepared to heare the word of God to obey it let him tel me why do they crie The Church the Church Or why do they thinke the Church is alwayes in a visible gouernment Or why do they carrie vs away to Rome and tel vs the Pope cānot erre his faith is catholique beleeue as he beleueth y shalt be safe how cā this prerogatiue of place and person stand with this tryall where vnto Christe calleth so manie Beholde me and my children that is to holde the assurance of their fayth in their owne heart when all the worlde shall be against it The Prophet would then haue said if such priuiledged places had bene Behold Ierusalē I my children wil dwel in it And our Sauiour Christ would haue said Beholde Rome the Citie whiche thou hast chosen I and my children will abide in it but neither Ierusalem nor yet Rome haue any exception the prophet Esaie our sauiour Christe regardeth neither of thē but if Rome or if Ierusalem or if the Pope or if the high priest teache an other fayth then out of the woord of God Beholde I and my children we wil beleeue the Lord beare recorde against Popes prelates they be all lyers All places and all people are brought in order if they teach things that the word of God knoweth not let them beleue it them selues Behold I and my children beleeue an other And is it not trowe you straūge or haue not those mē lost their vnderstāding who yet runne after the cry of the church the church and beleeue a man they know not a place they neuer saw a people they neuer heard a religion they knowe not what But with such froward persons the Lord hath dealt frowardly when they ran headlong they knew not whether and inquired after a say the they knewe not what God in his iustice did bring thē to Rome the sinck in y world of all sinne iniquitie gaue thē their scholmaister to be the Pope a man made of all abhominations and whordomes This
so many make the crowne and garland of their life this also is dullnesse in a little while and this garlande is as withered hay an other thinge must come to take this vp or rather then this should be still we would neuer play while we liued Thus as the night doeth ouertake the day and the day doth driue away the night so our worldly pleasures runne one after an other and the best of them all do not endure long Euen as Solomō sayth The eye is not satisfied with seeing nor the eare with hearing but be the tune neuer so sweete at last wee desire another This flesh and fleshly minde if wee shall bring to our religion can we think you perseuere in the profession of it We cannot no more then the Cat of the mounteine can change her spots or the black Moore can change his colour If therefore we will holde this excellent vertue of perseuerance vnto the ende let vs make a good beginning euen that God who chaungeth not with his holie spirite which neuer forsaketh vs may kindle our heartes with the loue of his trueth which shall nor be quenched for euermore This it is I say let this be our comming vnto the Gospel in this preparation of our heart that our heauenlie Father the God of all grace may giue vs his spirite that we may loue his trueth vnto eternall life This beginning shall haue stil increase and haue at the last a perfect worke but if this bee not it if the loue of God be not all wee looke for if ambition authoritie riches prayse of men if any fleshly affection be with vs when we haue our purpose our woorke is at an ende Or if by occasion the Gospel shall hinder this purpose our religion is at an ende fare well the Gospel Booke and all wee beginne to sing a new maister a newe But ô man blind and folish What is thy glorie but in shame and what is thy song but lamentations and mourning and woe Thou hast gotten in deede a newe maister for thou haste forsaken God who is from the beginning and seruest the croked serpent who was an Apostata afore thee and yet thou haste no newe maister but whome before tho●… seruedst in hypocrisie him now thou seruest in vanitie and he holdeth thee bound euen as he will him selfe Let vs take heede dearely beloued and neuer be ouertaken of such a shame Let vs feele our hope reioyce in it loue the glorie that is set before vs inlarge our heartes to comprehend immortalitie and with all our soule serue the God of glorie Let vs delight in his statutes iudgementes and make them our songes in the night season so we shall knowe we be the house of God we shall haue this perseueraunce whereof I haue spoken and we shall not be confounded for euer Now let vs pray c. The fifteenth Lecture vpon the 7 8 9 10. 11. verses 7 Wherfore as the holie Ghost saith To day ▪ if y●… shal 〈◊〉 his voice 8 Harden not your hearts as in the prouocation according to the day of the t●…tion in the wildernesse 9 Where your fathers tempted me proued me and saw my workes fourtie yeares long 10 Wherefore I was grieued with that generation saide They err●…●…uer in their heart ▪ neither haue they 〈◊〉 my wayes 11 Therefore I snare in my wrath if they shal enter into my rest WE haue hearde hitherto in this thirde chapiter howe the Apostle hath taught that our Sauiour Christe is our onelie Prophet faithfull in his worke euen as Moses was faithfull 〈◊〉 muche more honourable then Moses as the workeman is aboue the house or the sonne aboue the seruant this house which Christ hath built and in whiche he reigneth are euen we our selues if we hold fast what he hath taught reioyce in the hope of it vnto the end Now he addeth another reason take●… of y Prophet Dauid who in spi●… 〈◊〉 this of Christ To day ▪ if you heare his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…y ●…ll circumstances of y time words doth manifestly apeare therfore let vs open our eares heare this excellent prophet and neuer suffer his doctrine to fall vnto the ground to this purpose he alledgeth this long sentence of the prophet Dauid and beginneth thus Wherefore as the holie Ghost doth say he had before exhorted in his owne wordes he addeth now more weight by the authoritie of the Prophet Dauid to pricke them the more that were dull to learne for howsoeuer they woulde otherwise haue made light account of the Apostles words yet to haue despised the admonition of so high a Prophet it had bene intollerable euen among them selues And to the end he might feare them yet more with their sinne if they would not heare he nameth not the prophet Dauid whose words they knew well enoughe but he nameth the holie Ghost who spake in the Prophet that they might know to refuse it were not to refuse a man but God who spake by man vnto them for this purpose he begineth thus Wherfore the holy Ghost doth say and let vs here learne euen as the Hebrues ought to haue learned with reuerence to heare and to obey the worde for it is not the w●…orde of man but of God no●… spoken by man but by the holie Ghost So saint Paule speaking of the scripture he giueth it this title of speciall honour aboue all writinges that it is inspired from God and Saint Peter sayth that prophesie is not of man or mans wisedome but the holie men of God spake as they were carried of the holy ghost This must breed in vs a singular regard of the worde of the Prophets except we bee exceeding blinde for if I do beleue in my heart as I confesse in my tongue that God onely is wise God onely is holie God onely is our Lord then I must needes acknowledge that his worde onely is my wisedome and my vnderstandinge before all people his word is my warrant of all pure hollie and blamelesse religion If I doe confesse that God onely hath immortalitie and is in light that shineth for euermore then must I needs also saye as Peter sayth All flesh is grasse the glorie of man is as the floure of the feelde the grasse withereth and the floure vadeth but the woorde of the Lorde indureth for euer To be short if this be a commaundement vnto me Thou shalt haue none other Gods but me let me holde this as a commaundement from him that I haue no worde of life but his yea whatsoeuer I owe vnto him in the thoughts of my minde in the woordes of my mouth in the workes of my handes in all my life If this be his worde this must be my teacher and in obedience of it I must doe all that I doe make this accompt of the word of God or you make no accompt of it at all and make not this accompt of any other thing or else thou
is plaine plainely taught that if we wil be saued by Iesu Christe his worde must be mingled to vs with fayth if wee be of the newe testament belong vnto this couenāt which is made in Christ to the forgiuenesse of our sinnes then we beleeue the word that is preached and the lawes of God are written in our heartes And this S. Paule setteth out so cleare vnto vs that it is impossible impossible I say for any to knowe the Gospel and to be ignorant of it for this is the gospel as Paul saith The power of God to saue all that do beleue do you heare this and do you vnderstand it tell me then what think you of that religion where this preaching of the gospel is holden back nay where they haue bene so enuious vnto it that they haue not suffered the woorde to be in such a language as the people might once reade and vnderstand it The Priestes them selues vpon whome they laied the worke to sacrifice for their sinnes and to whome they confessed their sinnes to haue forgiuenesse of them And what I say will you think of suche a people or what religion haue they doeth not the Apostle say true there is no saluation but by beleuing the worde as it is preached vnto vs and doe they say true that the Masse purgeth our sinnes ▪ the prieste forgiueth them the masse is in latine the priestes ignorāt the people are led with vaine imaginations no faith no worde is in all their doeing but it is no maruel though some men be robbed of their harts and beleeue all the illusions of Sathan for how can a man beleeue the trueth except the spirit of God be in him Pharaoh was not taught by all the woonders y Moses wrought in Aegypt The Iewes were not the wiser for all the miracles whiche Christe wrought before them If such thinges haue happened in the daies before vs though now the Apostles and prophets do all cry Without faith in the Gospel preached you can neuer be saued Ignoraunce is abhomination before God and yet the Pope who taketh the word from vs teacheth vs no faithe couereth vs with blindnes prayseth ignorance in our hearing if we embrace him follow him loue him honour him as Pharaoh did Iannes and Iambres or as the Iewes did Annas and Caiphas let vs not maruel no new thing hath happened in our dayes The Lord hath not lightened their mindes what wisdome can be in them but we will leaue them to him who is iust and mercifull and let vs pray that his woorde may be alwayes mingled vnto vs with fayth that in this greate darknesse of the worlde we may see light One thing else wee may heere marke that it is said the word did not proofit thē because it was not ●…ngled with faith wherby we know it is only faith that com mendeth vs vnto God without which the woorde is in vaine the presence of Christ is in vaine to be his brother sister mother al is in vaine nothing but faith carrieth vs with boldnes into his presence Manie singular proofes of this our Sauiour Christ sheweth in many places when a woman crieth vnto him Blessed is the wombe that bare thee the pappes that gaue thee suck Our sauiour Christ answereth nay rather blessed are they that heare the word of God kepe it When some saide vnto him Beholde thy mother and thy brethren would speake vnto thee he answered again He that doth the wil of my heauēly father he is my brother my mother In another place when cōtrouersie was how we should haue life saluation through him he saith to his disciples The fleshe profiteth nothing it is the spirit that quickeneth noting in al this that not his bodily presence not his kinred not y trauell of his mother nor any thing is imputed vnto vs for right ousnesse but only faith in which we beleeue according to his gospel preached vnto vs y in his death al our sinnes are purged in his resurrection wee are iustified This maketh vs acceptable without this it is vnpossible to please him this the Apostle teacheth vs here when he saith For this cause the word profited them not because it was not mingled vnto them with faith for only faith doth all apprehendeth all ouercommeth all and the gates of hell shall not in the ende preuaile against it and the Lorde increase this faith in vs And let vs pray c. The nineteenth Lecture vppon the 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. verses 3 For we whiche haue beleeued do enter into rest as he said to the other As I haue sworne in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world 4 For he spake in a certein place of the seuenth day on this wise And God did rest the seuenth day frō all his works 5 And in this place againe ▪ if they shall enter into my rest 6 Seeing therfore it remaineth that some must enter therinto and they to whom it was first preached entered not therein for vnbeleefes sake 7 Againe he appointed in Dauid a certein day by To day after so long a time ▪ saying as it is said this day if ye heare his voice harden not your heartes 8 For if Iesus had giuen them rest then woulde he not after this haue spoken of another day 9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. 10 For he that is entred into his rest hath also c●…assed from his owne workes as God did from his THIS Scripture whiche nowe I haue read vnto you I must needes confesse to mee it seemeth yet somewhat obscure neither hathe God so reuealed it vnto mee that I dare boldly pronounce this it is but submitting my selfe to any better interpretation which shal be shewed of other according to that whiche God hath giuen me so I will shewe you what I think moste likely and so muche the more boldely I will shew you mine opinion because by the grace of God I wil speake nothing but agreeable to all which the Apostle before hath most plainly taught vs You knowe howe earnestly hee hath exhorted vs to harken vnto Christ what fault especially shal make vs neglect it and that is infidelstie what great peril we haue in this sinne that it We shall not enter into his rest Nowe he teacheth and addeth sure arguments to his doctrine howe wee shall auoide so great punishment and so great sinne and how we shal be obedient vnto Christ and that is by faith an humble acknowledgement of him to be our Prophet and a constant beleeuing of all his trueth This doctrine firste hee setteth downe in these woordes For we enter into his rest that doe beleeue This he proueth first by the manifest text afore alledged for it was said To whom I sware in mine anger that they should not enter into my rest meaning the
be come in flesh while thus hee denyeth him to bee our onely mediatour Nowe let vs returne further to heare what the Apostle teacheth The fourth propertie here mentioned requisite in a priest is that he haue cōpassion on his brethren according to that feeling which is in his owne flesh of his owne infirmities ▪ this compassion is to reioyce with his brethren in all well doing and to be greued for them in their sinnes errours whiche propertie the Apostle saith was in the priest of the lawe in a certeine measure as hee was helpe by experience of him selfe and so muche as God accepted in him who was for a time the priest of his people This ought to bee nowe a speciall instruction vnto vs all because wee are all made a spirituall Priesthood vnto GOD to offer vp our spirituall sacrifices that we should haue this compassion one toward another to delight in the well doing of our brethren as hauing receiued the same spirit of faith and to be greeued with their offences euen as men subiect to the same infirmities This reioycing was in Paule when he writeth to the Philippians that if he might procure their faith constancie of godlinesse though it were with the losse of his life yet he would reioyce with them for the greate blessing and this holie sorrowe for our brothers fallings the same Paule expressely cōmaundeth vnto vs all writing to the Galathians brethren if a mā be fallen by occasion into any fault ye whiche are spirituall restore such a one with the spirit of meekenesse considering thy selfe leaste thou also be tempted if this thē be in vs our brotherly loue be measured with this line wee are all this day Priestes vnto our God offering vp a moste sweete smelling sacrifice euerie one his brother to be a seruaunt of righteousnesse vnto god And as this is the duetie in euery one of vs so especiallie the minister ought to bee full of this compassion to declare still vnto his people all the counsell of God that they might bee confirmed who are called and conuerted who goe yet astray that with one hart and voice at last they might glorifie god together this it is y ought to be but O Lorde how farre is this from beeing done where may we finde a man that reioyceth in his brothers godlinesse or pitieth him in his sinne who can boaste of his friendes of all his acquaintance of all his kinred that him he hath brought vnto the Lord how many are the ministers in number that are able to teach and haue their dwelling with their parishioners to teach thē to know god surely these things are so farre out of order iniquitie hath so preuailed gotten y vpper hand that we may take vp againe the prophets cōplaint Like priest like people the people are so dulled with carnall concupiscence that all their companie is for cardes or dice or daūsing or banquetting or some riot of life the name of the Lord is not remembred but when it is blasphemed this is the fellowship of the world the ministerie hath not so altogether cast off shame but yet the faults of it are somwhat too great and grieuous for many of them are hirelings non residēts dumb dogges going a whoringe not after many women which the worlde would detest but after manie benefices which the Lord God of Israel doeth as much abhorre would to God this cōplaint were false and it shal be false when god shal giue his feare into our harts and giue vs eares to heare that good promise of Christ blessed are those seruaūts whom the Lorde when he commeth shall finde wakinge In the meane while if admonitions may stirre vs vp to be wise in time let vs heare what the Apostle saith more in this place It followeth because that he is compassed about with infirmitie this is the cause why the high priest had such compassion on his brethren because himselfe fealt all their infirmities thus the Apostle testified of Christ before that because he was tempted he was made able to helpe those that were tempted and Saint Paule saith for this cause be we comforted in our tribulation that we might be able to comfort other in their afflictions so our owne sense and feeling must needes be a prouocation vnto vs to pitie other and in deede it is a thing vtterly impossible that whatsoeuer I suffer my selfe I shoulde not haue a compassion of it in another If I be hungrie I pitie all whom I heare crie for meate If I be in pain I pitie all which crie out in their griefe euen so it is also with vs and muche more in the afflictions of spirite I beare the burthen of mine owne sinnes if I see their loathsome appearance and feele their heauy iudgement that I mourne vnder them it is vtterly impossible but I should hate them in my selfe and in all men and I will seeke diligently howe to keepe men free from suche a deadly sicknesse Thus we see what is the cause why we be not careful one to edify another that is because we haue no true feelinge of our own ignorances nor perceiue any weightie burthen of our owne sinnes whē we pray thus the remē brance of them is grieuous vnto vs the burthen of them is intollerable we speake with feigned and deceitefull lippes the sighes of our hearts they goe not with our woords or if they doe I appeale to your owne harts how careful you are for your brethren for I am sure the words of the Apostle must needes be true if I say you feele your owne sinnes you bee carefull for your brethren wishing and procuring as any occasion serueth that they also may finde grace to turne from their sinnes come out as Paule saieth out of the snares of the diuel who hath entrapped them after his owne will and if this great miserie of thy brother moue thee not thoufeelest not the miserie that is in thine owne ioyntes and bowels which astonishment of sense is barbarous brutish dishonoring both the hart coūtenance of a man. Another thing here to be marked is that the Apostle calleth al sinnes by the name of errours ignorances teaching vs first that al errour and innorance before God is condemned as sin whatsoeuer man doth with all his good intentes if he be ignoraunt in his work he oflereth but the sacrifice of a foole neither doth God regarde it Wherin we may se what their church is whose whole religion is blindenesse and whose deuotiō as them selues confesse is bred and nourished by ignorance another cause why our sinnes are named ignoraunces is because the sinners knowe not their owne way they thinke they haue peace reioycing When danger and woe is neerest vnto them they think their sinne is sweete and ful of pleasure when indede it is nothing els but anguish affliction of spirit for they see only with their eyes haue regarde after
in whō the God of this world hath blinded their vnbeleuing mindes that the light of the glorious Gospell of Christ should not shine vpon them for otherwise the secret of the Lord is reuealed to those that feare him and his woorde is a lanthorne vnto their feete and a light vnto their steps it is not harde but as Salomon saith It is easie to him that wil vnderstand he is a scorner that seeketh it and can not finde it Moses sayth This commaundement which I command thee this day it is not hid from thee nor sarre of it is very nere vnto thee euen in thy mouth and in thy hart to do it The prophet Ose saith of the iudgementes of God vnto his people that they were as the morning light And the Lorde saith by the prophet Esay I haue not s●…okē in secret nor in a place of dark nesse in the earth I said not in vaine to the house of Iacob Seeke ye me And if thus the doctrine of saluation were preached while yet the people were taught by signes figures how clere is it now since the sonne of righteousnes hath shined in perfect light what wrong is it to say still the scriptures are hard and to make them to be Sphynx his ridles or the winding oracles of Apollo whiche are the cleare wordes of the liuing God I appeale to your owne consciences all that haue experience whether haue you found such hardnesse in scripture or whether do you easily see how we are saued in Iesus Christ what obediēce we owe againe vnto god I am sure there is none of you that with a single heart haue come to read the scripture that were euer driuen back with any hardnesse of it How is it then why do the papists stil cry out of the hardnesse of the worde why see they not this easinesse as wel as we sure I will tel you the Lorde is witnesse howe I tell you true Those men they haue come neere vnto God with their mouth honored them with their lips but their harts haue been farre from him ▪ they haue worshipped God in vaine teaching doctrines which were precepts of men and for this cause God hath couered them with a spirit of slumber hath shut vp their eyes the gospell is vnto them as the words of a booke that is sealed so that whether they be learned or vnlearned they can read nothing This is the great hiddē cause their sinns haue found them out gods iudgemēts haue blinded them Another cause that I tolde you before is because they would leade vs blindfolde after the church of Rome this cause I make not of mine owne head thē selues as I said wil confesse it For this is a solemne decree in their late generall counsel of Trident the 4. session the 2. canon that it belongeth to their holy motherchurch to iudge of the sence interpretation of the scripture nether must we presume to leaue those interpretations although they were such as were neuer meete to bee openly taught published And their greate doctour Hossius saith thus if we haue the interpretation of the church of Rome although wee see not howe it can agree with the wordes of the texte yet we must beleeue it But are not these think you vnreasonable wordes if they be not examine mo of their witnesses at last you shall finde it confesse it that they are not onely vnreasonable but exceeding shameles men while they hold this that the scripture is hard and to be vnderstood after the church of Rome for thus they haue termed the scripture dead y●…ke a thing without life a dumbe iudge a nose of waxe a black gospell ynken diuinitie these such other words are witnesses against them to all the world their owne bookes are extant and with what spirite then haue these men spoken surely not with the spirit of the father Dauid or of his sonne Salomon who say The lawe of the Lord is perfect and conuerteth soules it giueth to the simple sharpnesse of witt and to the children knowledge and discretion nor with the spirite of Paule that sayeth All scripture is inspired of God and is profitable to reproue correct instruct and to make a godly man perfect to euery good worke this is not to call the scripture a waxen nose or ynken diuinitie but these speeches are much more agreeable to the spirit of the olde heretiques which said the prophecies were dremes But to let their vncomely speeches go to come againe to our purpose They cry out still that the interpretations of the churche of Rome are the sense of the scripture And would you not now thinke that these interpretations of the Romaine church were merueilous wise graue mysticall seing they would haue all the worlde thus to reuerence them See therfore what they are and iudge I wil alledge vnto you some of them in the weightiest matters of faith You are wise iudge what I say these are their most learned expositions of all other in which they boast not a litile Christ saith Thou art Peter and vpon this rocke will I build my church ergo the Pope is head of the church how groweth this conclusion forsooth thus if vpon this rocke Christ will build his church then vppon Peter for Peter signifieth that rocke If vpon Peter then vpon Peters successour for the trueth doth cleaue vnto the chaire and Peter maketh his success our inheritour of all his goodnes If to Peters success our then to the Pope for Peter was bishop of Rome And if the church be built vpon Peter then Peter was chiefe of all other and so the Pope is head of the church if these collectiōs be not theirs let me be reproued as a slaunderer if they bee theirs then bee you wise to vnderstand what their religion is for all these collectiōs are vtterly vntrue It is vntrue that Peter is that rocke vpon which the church is built for our Sauiour Christ himselfe saith he that heareth my wordes and perfourmeth them he buildeth vpon the rocke It is vntrue that what faith Peter had the same must be left to Peters successours for Scribes Phariseis buyers and sellers succeeded Moses Aaron It is vntrue that Peter was Bishop of Rome for he was the Apostle of circumcision therefore it was vtterly vnlawfull for him to bee a Bishop among the Gentiles Againe they reason thus The Apostles say to Christ Lord behold here are two swordes therefore the pope hath both ciuil ecclesiasticall gouernement might they not better haue reasoned when Peter would haue vsed one sworde Christe cōmaunded him to put it vp therefore no such swoord at all belongeth to him Again they say Christ promiseth to his Apostles the comforter which shall teach thē all trueth therfore the church of Rome cannot erre howe bring they all the Apostles to the Pope of Rome howe doe they
word of truth we do see where the sixe tribes of Israel do curse such presumption In the xxvi of Deuter. vppon Mouut Eball Ruben Gad Asher Zebulon Dan and Nepthtalim they pronounce a decree Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this booke and all the people shal say A men If to confirme and ratifie be not to repeale or giue contrarie dispensation then all the Israel of the Lord must accurse his blasphemie that wildispense against the word of god We see the Pope vseth a triple crowne and challengeth honour aboue Emperours and kings but if we haue learned the commaundement of Christe and are lightened by it to iudge betweene good and euill when Christ saith Kings of the nations reigne ouer them and their rulers are called gratious Lords but it shall not be so among you we muste needes knowe the Popes pride is intollerable which taketh such honour vnto him selfe We see how they cry against vs The Church the church make vs beleeue that they are the church and they cannot erre but if we be exercised in the scripture to discerne betweene trueth and salshod we knowe that Christ hath built his church vppon the rocke which rocke is not Peter and his successours in Rome as the Pope expoundeth it but our Sauiour Christe sayth He that heareth his woorde and obeyeth it he is the wise man that buildeth vpon the rocke and neither stormes nor tempestes nor the gates of Hell shall preuaile against that buyldinge and Sainct Paule saith The foundation or rocke vppon which we be buylte is the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets And who so euer commeth vnto vs and bringeth vs that doctrine though they say they bee Apostles yet they belyers and though they say they be the church yet they are an assembly of theeues and murtherers Let vs then bee wise at the laste it is not ignoraunce it is perfect knowledge it is not infancie it is ripe vnderstanding that must commend vs vnto God. And mark it wel that you may knowe what God requireth of vs That which is here translated long custome the Apostle calleth it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is a knoweledge with long studie and practise learned as lawe in the Iudge or counseller as physick in the learned expert Physician so must diuinitie be in vs. Againe he sayth we must haue our senses exercised it is not enough to know nor to know much but wee muste bring the practise of it in our life neither concealing our knowledge nor withholding our obedience but with minde and bodie testifying our faith til experience teach vs that Gods spirit hath the victorie in vs Lastly he sayth wee must be able to iudge betweene good and euill or as S. Paule termeth it able to trie the difference of things one from other that is that we may know how to discerne between●… Gods wisedome and mans vaine inuentions betweene trueth and falsehoode betweene vertue and vice not as the manner of some is that stil be babes and worse then babes with whom if you wil reason of their religion to persuade them by the worde of trueth they will say I am not booke learned I can not dispute with you let me alone with my faith other men haue bene as well learned as they be now I am sure they beleeued otherwise are not these miserable people and are not they more miserable whiche thus haue seduced them and shall not wee thanke God this day who hath saued vs from suche vnspeakable madnesse both of the cursed teacher and of the wretched disciple yes dearly beloued let vs thanke God and let vs leaue the blinde leaders of the blinde and let vs pray that God would giue vnto vs according to his glorious riches the strength of his spirite in the inner man that by faith Christ may dwel in our heartes and wee may apprehende with all the saints the heigth the breadth the length the depth and knowe the loue of Christ whiche i●… aboue all knowledge and be filled with the fulnesse of God. Nowe it followeth in the sixte Chapter Therefore leuing the doctrine of the beginning of Christ let vs be led forward vnto perfection not laying again the foūdatiō of repentāce from dead works of faith towards God c. In these words the Apostle first maketh the conclu sion of his exhortation therfore let vs leaue the beginnings and go foreward vnto perfection In the wordes following he sheweth by particular pointes what is this beginning beyond which we must go that we may be perfecte and hee numbereth foure points repentance from dead works faith towardes God the resurrection of the bodie eternall iudgment whiche principles were learned and confessed of Christian mens children in the day of their confirmation of Gentiles that came to the faith of Christ in the day of their baptisme in this meaning some thinke he calleth these forenamed points the doctrine of baptismes and laying on of hands meaning thereby that seeing this confession and knowledge is in vs then when first we are receiued into the felowship of the church to be partakers of their mysteries howe ought wee of all duetie to growe vnto greater knowledge and wisedome when now many yeares we haue bene of the Church daily taught all the counsels of God or it may bee that the Apostle here reciteth the manner of catechising vsed them in Churches for instruction of children in which they were taught especially these sixe principles of religion what they are and howe they should learne them that is Repentance Faith Baptisme Laying on of handes the Resurrection and eternall iudgement whiche things being first learned of them and giuen vnto them in bookes such as our Catechismes are the Apostle may seme to speake thus Let vs not alwayes be beginners when we were yet children we learned this since so long time hearing the word preached and religion more perfectly taught vs howe shal we be blamelesse if we learne no more By which wordes the meaning of the apostle is to giue vs no time of rest when we should thinke we were wise enough wee neede learne no more but as long as God continueth our life so long we should continue our studie still to knowe more of his vnsearcheable wisedome and goodnesse Touching the learning of these thinges to bee milke and meate of children I tolde you before by some examples howe we might vnderstand it it is milke to know these things in the simplicitie of the wordes it is strong meate to bee able to distribute them into euerie part and applie it to our selues in our life Repentance whereof he first speaketh hath here a sorrowe and purpose of amendment as these affections can be in children which is to be grieued or wepe for a thing done and to beware afterward for feare of the like but the wise and graue man that hath profited in the schole of Christe his sorrowe sinketh much deeper he