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A19164 The attestation of the most excellent, and most illustrious lord, Don Carlos Coloma, embassadour extraordinary for Spayne. Of the declaration made vnto him, by the lay Catholikes of England concerning the authority challenged ouer them, by the Right Reuerend Lord Bishop of Chalcedon. With The answere of a Catholike lay gentleman, to the iudgment of a deuine, vpon the letter of the lay Catholikes, to the sayd Lord Bishop of Chalcedon. Coloma, Carlos, 1573-1637.; Baltimore, George Calvert, Baron, 1580?-1632. Answere of a Catholike lay gentleman to the judgement of a devine. aut 1631 (1631) STC 5576; ESTC S117323 60,660 174

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recede c. But the Deuine had an eye in this to his conueniēcy reseruing this poynt for the last therin to shew his Diuinity which he hath hitherto made litle shew of and so now he commeth to that which followeth 6. Their 6. point of Temerity sayth the Deuine is in their words neyther can we be persuaded that there is a necessity of conforming our selues therunto Episcopall power obserue these two words of the Deuines owne putting in by the parenthesis and by way of glosse as to a matter of fayth or yet that we can be obliged to loose our state and ruine our posterityes where the necessity of profession of Fayth doth not oblige vs. Vpon which words the Deuine descanteth asking what is this but to get vp into the Bishops chayre and teach him how far they are obliged where he sayth that as long as they taught what was common law they were to be heard but that where they come to teach the duty of a Christian they passe the duty of a Christian And then he teacheth that it is a matter of Fayth that there ought to be Episcopall power in Gods Church and that the Pastors are to be obeyed and that although particulars be not matter of fayth yet men are bound out of the vertue of Religion to hould them so where there is no cause of doubt For sayth he it sufficeth that they are obliged to obey theyr lawfull Pastour and that they haue no reasonable cause to doubt but that the Bishop of Clalcedon is such to them and so concludeth that they erre exceedingly if they thinke that they are not bound to conforme themselues to any thing but matters of fayth for that they are bound to conforme their willes to matters of religion obedience or other vertues cōmaunded by God his Church as they do their vnderstanding to matter of faith Thus the Deuine discourseth more it seemeth to shew his Diuinity then to speake to the purpose for what needed al this whereof there is no question as that it is the institution of Christ that there should be Episcopall Authority in the Church that lawfull Pastors are to be obayed that men are no lesse boūd to the practise of other vertues then the profession of fayth Who denieth all this Or what was there in the Letter that being rightly taken might enforce any such discourse The Catholickes meaning therfore is playne that the acknowleging or obaying such Authority as my Lord Bishop now pretēdeth heere in Englād as things stād is not a matter of necessity to the profession of the Catholike fayth or exercise of any other vertue necessary for a good Christian But that they may be good Catholickes without it as they haue approued themselues before God the world these 60. yeares which if it had been necessary the Sea Apostolike would neuer haue suffered them to want a Bishop so long This was the thing the Deuine should haue touched without going about the bush now what Temerity is it for any lay man in the world to say this Or wherin doth he take vpon him more thē he should How doth he teach the Bishop or by saying this how doth he passe the duty of a good Christiā What crime is it for a man now in time of heresy persecution where the profession and exercise of the Catholique fayth is dangerous to his life and fortune when he shall be vrged by my Lord Bishop to further exercise or profession therof then is necessary to make answere that he thinketh he cannot be bound vnto it Will this Deuine in good company and before learned men say he can No no hee will be better aduised whatsoeuer he writeth Nay this thing is so playne and so necessarily included in the Common practise of the Catholique fayth all this tyme of persecution as I wonder this Deuine should thinke it such a matter for a lay mā to speake so much Diuinity He need not for his will be neuer the lesse though all the world know it And on the other side Catholiques haue beene so beaten to it that there is no man can but know it For what hath made them stand out against the oath of Supremacy going to Church the oath of allegiāce c. but the necessary connexiō that these things of their owne nature haue with the profession of their faith which were it not all Catholiques in England know they could not by any humane constitution be bound not to cōforme themselues to our lawes in this behalfe the dangers being such as they are Now they see that the hauing of a Bishop at this time with such Authority as is pretended is not of such necessity on the one side as these things and on the other side of no lesse danger and therfore they thinke they cannot be bound to it Is this such a deep point of Diuinity as a Lay man may not presume to know it Or if he know not speake Or if he speake of it he must be sayd to get vp into the Bishops Chayre Who would thinke a Deuine would trifle thus But let vs see more he enlargeth himselfe in this as being in his iudgement a substantiall poynt of temerity making another Paragraph of it But before I haue done with this I cannot omit to note the Deuines Parenthesis in the beginning of this 6. Paragraph where to the words of the Letter which say Neither can we be perswaded that there is a necessity of conforming our selues heerunto which they meane playnely of an Episcopall Tribunall as things stand This Deuine with his parenthesis of Episcopall power maketh as though Catholiques deny conformity to Episcopall power in generall which is a strange slight I may say plaine corruption But to goe on with him he goeth forward thus Like to this is that other great errour of theirs where they say they cannot be obliged to loose their estates ruine their posterityes where the necessity of profession of fayth doth not oblige them For saith he they are aswel obliged to loose their estates nay liues also where the exercising of any necessary Vertue doth oblige them as where the profession of fayth doth For example he bringeth Ioseph the Patriarch who was obliged to loose his estate and liberty as well when the necessity of Chastity did bind him as necessity of professing his fayth So he sayth Christians were no lesse bound to obay the decrees of the Apostles thē belieue their doctrine And he brings the Authority of S. Thomas to proue that he suffereth as a Christian whosoeuer suffereth for doing any good or auoyding any euill saying withall of himself that to loose their liues for acknowledging their lawfull Pastor is to loose it for profession of their fayth So the Church holdeth them for Martyrs who would rather dy then subscribe to the condemnation of S. Athanasius c. To this I answere that the Deuine is very free to call this an errour which by answering what he sayth
THE ATTESTATION OF THE Most Excellent and Most Illustrious Lord DON CARLOS COLOMA Embassadour Extraordinary for Spayne OF THE DECLARATION made vnto him by the Lay Catholikes of England Concerning the Authority challenged ouer them by the Right Reuerend Lord Bishop of Chalcedon WITH THE ANSWERE OF A CAtholike Lay Gentleman to the Iudgment of a Deuine vpon the Letter of the Lay Catholikes to the sayd Lord Bishop of Chalcedon Superiorum permissu M. DC XXXI The Approbation of the famous Preacher and Deuine and most ancient amongst the Doctours of Diuinity of Sorbone now liuing SEing the ground of this whole Controuersy among the English Catholiks is therin placed that the Right Reuerend Lord Bishop of Chalcedon seemes to challeng more vnto himselfe then is graunted by the faculties giuen him by the Sea Apostolike from whence it comes that out of the diuerse opinions iudgemēts which are with heat framed by many there arise debats in this present tyme both dāgerous and hurtfull To the appeasing quieting whereof no remedy seemes more to the purpose then to make fully knowne to all the true sense and feeling of the Catholikes that his Holynes doe more clearely lay open his mind concerning the faculties graunted to the sayd Right Reuerend Lord Bishop To both which this present Declaration of the English Catholikes is most necessary therfore I iudge it worthy to be published in print that it may be perused of all Dated at Tornay the 29. of April 1631. Iohn Boucher Sorbone Doctour in Diuinity Chanon and Archdeacon in Tornay and Censor of Bookes THE DECLARATION OF THE Lay Catholikes of England concerning the Authority challenged ouer them by the Right Reuerend Lord Bishop of CHALCEDON WEE Lay Catholickes of the realme of England haue vnderstood from sundry parts of the Christian world that a foule aspersion is cast vpon our honour reputation for that we are iudged to frame a lesse reuerēd conceit of Episcopal Authothority and iurisdiction and not to render it that Obediecne which may be thought fit The only cause of this is taken from thence that we refuse to submit our selues to that power Authority which the Right Reuerend Lord Bishop of Chalcedon hath long since pretended as due vnto his place and to the which as we are assured vpon strong motiues he still layeth clayme taking it as graunted him from the Sea Apostolike This pretended Authority of his hath byn maintayned by sundry Treatises as well written as printed which warrant his Ordinariship and assure him of as much power as is granted to other Ordinaries in what Catholike Diocesse soeuer and warne vs that the same Obedience is to be performed towards him on our part Moreouer we are told that hitherto we were not a Church as long as we wanted a particular Bishop but a flocke without a Pastor an Army without a Generall a Ship without a Pilot a spirituall kingdome without a spirituall king a family without the good mā of the house in a word no true or perfect Christians And although as soone as we had returned an answere to a Letter sent vs from my Lord Bishop presently diuers scandalous wrytings which his Lordship neuer sought to suppresse nor seemed to dislike of were spread abroad and we therin traduced with no small disparagement to our reputation and preiudice to our cause especially in the opinion of the vnlearned yet we chose rather to forgoe our proper and priuate interest then by standing out with vehemency for our owne right eyther affoard vnto others a subiect of scandall or giue way to the daunger of an ensuing Schisme Wherfore in silence we left the decyding of this matter to those who by their Highest power in the Church of God were as well his Lordships as our Superiours But seeing there haue not wanted many both at home and abroad who in a matter nothing belonging to them and who could not so much as pretend any Authority ouer vs haue notwithstanding vsurped the freedome of giuing iudgment in our cause with great domage to our fame and honour which we endeare aboue our liues we haue thought good to declare and auouch entierly and faithfully before God and man these ensuing points First we sincerely belie●e professe that Episcopall Authority in the Catholick Church was ordained by God and as it beseemeth good Catholickes we honour it with all reuerence and daily beg with our best wishes that the diuyne Goodnes will once be pleased to send a tyme in which that authority which is truly giuen and which we account full necessary in the Catholick Church may safely be established amongst vs and we without increase of persecution acknowledge it and as humbly submit our selues vnto it as they do who liue in coūtries not liable to lawes enacted against Religion of which kind very many and those seuere and capitall be heere with vs in force Which fauour if we could but obteyne of his diuine Maiesty truly we should esteeme our selues thrice-happy Furthermore we declare openly that for as much as belongeth to the Right Reuerend Lord Bishop of Chalcedon we honour and reuerence him in all duty take him to be a true Catholick Bishop sent hither by the sea Apostolick to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation as we thinke to gouerne that part of the Clergy which is cōmitted to his charge but not to be our Ordinary either after an ordinary or extraordinary māner because we in no case belieue that any such thing hath bin hitherto declared by the sea Apostolicke seeing that the tymes into which we are fallen do no wayes permit vs to obey such Authority without endangering the losse of our goods such a losse as cannot be recouered Neither do we only thinke that the Sea Apostolick hath not as yet bestowed any such office power or authority vpon the Right Reuerend Lord Bishop of Chalcedon but moreouer we rest assured that it is not the intentiō of his Holines to grant it him herafter vntil those times returne which may promise that this power will rather serue to support Religion then to ouerthrow it and vntill it may be lawfull for vs to imbrace it freely without so many so great difficulties and dangers which as things now stand is altogeather impossible for sundry and weighty Reasons alledged by vs in the Letter aformētioned in the beginning of this cōtrouersy to my Lord Bishop of Chalcedon which for that the Reader should not peraduēture light on or we be inforced often to repeate the same thing we thought good to set downe in this place a Copy thereof togeather with a certayne Declaration made and presented to my Lord de Chasteau-neuf his Excellency at that tyme the most Christian Kings Embassadour Extraordinary in Englād before whome many Catholicks some of chiefe dignity esteeme amongst vs acknowledged the same for their owne So as the iudicious and vnpartiall Reader will easily perceaue the state of our cause which was the thing