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A17339 A brefe exhortation set fourthe by the vnprofitable seruant of Iesu christ, Paule Bushe late bishop of Brystowe, to one Margarete Burges wyfe to Ihon Burges, clotheare of kyngeswode in the Countie of Wilshere. Bush, Paul, 1490-1558. 1556 (1556) STC 4184; ESTC S118871 10,516 48

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vniuersall churche of Chryste thoroughoute the whole worlde doth cōfesse and acknowlege to touch the condicion and nature of man which is mutable variable and chaungeable apte of it selfe to decline from the truth but also herein he cōprehendeth the angelicall excellencye For althoughe wee sayethe he or an angell from heauen not meaning that the holye and heauenly Angeles can preache any euil doctrine but his meaninge is this If that myght be which cannot be And therefore he enlarged his spech and sayd Whosoeuer he be that shal attempt to chaūge and alter the true catholyke fayth lette hym be sayethe he Anathema that is to say lette him be seperated segregated and excluded as one accursed leaste the dangerous infectiō of one corrupte shepe may poison and infect to whole sound flocke of Chryst with his venemous permyxtion and companye And therefore it is not laufull for you nor for anye other priuate personne to alowe and folow any other doctrine than such as the catholike churche doth vniuersallye prech teache I cannot sufficientlye wonder at you and at certain suche other vincentius whiche cannot be contented with the auncyente beleyfe taughte and receyued vniuersally in Christes church but must seke daylye for newe toyes and games euermore coueitinge to alter innouate the chrystyan relygion eyther by addynge some thing that is new or else by takyng awaye parte of that whyche was old as you doo here declarynge your fonde opinion which wil take away chrystes beinge in earth because he is in heauen as though the christian religiō of the churche were not an heuenly ordinaunce and decree but rather an earthly prouisyon and institution But wo be to thē which phantisie to practise suche rydles and dreames to shadowe the glorye of God and his truthe The blessed Apostle Sainte Paule wryting to his disciple Tymothe did earnestly counsayle hym aduertise him to forsee and beware the daunger and peryll of such innouations and alterations whan he wrote these wordes and sayd i. Timo. vi O Timothe kepe that doctrine which was lefte vnto the and auoyde all prophane nouelties of wordes and opposicions of scyence falsly so called What can be more vehementlye spoken or sayde agaynst innouations and alterations contrary to the aunciente order of the vniuersall Churche of Chryst than this vincentius Yet for al this we se the stony indurate hartes the shameles impudency the styffe and outragious pertinacye of dyuerse whom nether the gret waight of so manifest scripturs canne moue to yelde nor the waightye importans of so high aucthorities can force to retyre ne yet soo terryble threatnynges of hygh vengeaunce can perswade to repent And therfore deare Syster I would wishe you to be none of thys sorte of people but rather to be an earneste folower of the holsesome counsell of the blessed Apostle Saynte Paule where he sayth as it is before rehearsed Kepe that doctrine which was lefte vnto the and auoid all prophane nouelties of wordes and opposycyons of scyence faulselye soo called Whyche is no more to meane but that you hold assuredly ye and also saue and kepe fast the inuiolat and pure talent of the catholyke faythe receyued by the consent of the hole vniuersall Church of Christ and commytted vnto you faythfully to obserue and kepe Exchaunge it not for no newe fangeled nouelties but what you haue receyued holde that styll and no other And yf you coapte and apply your selfe to thys sound and perfect doctrine than the heauenlye prouydence of God wil not suffer you to erre from the catholyke sayth in any point For that man or woman is a true and a perfecte catholyke person which loueth the truth of God vincentius whyche preferreth no synguler persons aucthorytye wytte loue affection iudgement knowledge or eloquence before the true religion of Christ and hys vnyuersall catholyke fayth But dispysyng all those thynges dothe abyde permanent constaunt and stable in fayth and resolueth with hym selfe to receyue holde and beleue that whiche he knoweth the catholyke churche vniuersallye and continually to haue receyued holden and beleued Nowe here I entende after thys littell dyscourse to make an ende of the fyrste parte of youre phantastycall opinyon where you saye that the blessed bodye of our sauiour Iesu christ cannot be presently here in earth and also in heauen at one tyme and together which fonde opynyon of youres for the fyrst parte I truste I haue suffyciently approued the contrarye that is that he is here remayning presently in earthe amonge vs and wyth vs vnder the formes of breade and wyne moste assuredlye bothe fleshe and bloude And nowe to proue the other parte that he is also in heauen it shal not be nedefull to bryng the matter in question For I knowe well there was neuer any tru chrysten person yet of chrystes fayth and beleue that at anye time doubted thereof the thinges it selfe being so cleare soo playne and so manifest in the whole body of scrypture And therefore because I woulde not be sene prolyxe or tedyous vnto you here I purpose to fynyshe and conclude this holesome exhortation for this time And thus much haue I wryten vnto you not for any gret acquayntaunce that I haue had with you as I said at my beginninge for I was neuer in your companye more than one suppere meale But the thing that moued me to take this finale labour in hād was partly for that I am now appointed by gods prouidence to be your pore adioined neighboure and youre gentell husbonde my very louinge frend But the cheife and principall cause you shall vnderstande was for that god hath conducted and hyred me with his penye to trauell and to laboure in his vyneyarde Mat. xx not onelye to declare the mutuall bond of charitie and chrystyan loue which we chrystians ought to shewe the one vnto the other for Chrystes sake in tyme of temptation But also to preserue his faythfull flocke from the raueuynge mouthe of that monstruous beast which S. Peter settethe fourth vnto vs in his fyrst epistle and last chapyter saying in this wyse i. Petre. v Be sobere and watch for your aduersary the deuyll as a roryng lyon walkyth aboute sekyng whom he maye deuoure whō resyst stedefast in faithe And therefore according to the coūsell of thys holye Apostle lette stedefast fayth be your shylde of defense shake of the wycked armour of the Deuyll by that I mene the fylthy skorfe and the stynking froth of your daungerous opynion where you dreame and saye that the blessed body of our Sauiour Iesu Chryst cannot be present lye heare in earthe and also in heauen at one time and together And whā I shal perceiue that you do digest this holsom preparatyue well whyche I haue here addressed vnto you than hereafter I wyll not sese yf nede so requyre to send vnto you some other godly cordials to strengthen you with al So that by the same I truste in our Lorde you shall fall into thys accompte with youre selfe that your faith once tried beinge muche more precious than golde ● Petre. i. which is tryed by fyre shal be founde vnto lande glorye and honor at the appering of Iesus Christ But now on the other syde yf you be so precise and soo hardened in your harte that you will not beleue this my aucthor of truthe euen Chryste hym selfe whome I haue here preduced and alledged for my foundation but wil haue him tryed by a quest of wytnesses than I wyl endeuer my selfe here after to impanel you soo auncyente so worthye and so autētycall a quest of his most true and trusty frendes vnspotted vncorrupted vndefamed that you shal be faine I doute not to let youre matter fall to a nonsute and to beleue stedfastlye from thenceforthe that christ is presently here in earth with vs and also in heauen at one time and together Grace be with you Ephe. vi and with al them whiche loue oure Lord Iesus Chryst in purenes and truth Amen ¶ If any man erre from the truthe and another conuert him lette the same know that he which conuerted the synner from goinge astraye out of his waye shall saue a soule from death and shal hide the multitude of synnes Iames .v. Thys brefe exhortation was thus finished and directed to the aboue named Margarete Burges of kyngeswod by the said Paule Bushe late Bishop In the yere of our Lord God a thousand fyue hundred fifty and syxe The seuenth daye of August In the yeares also of the reigne of our moste drede Soueraygne Lorde and Ladye Phylyppe and Marye oure Kynge and Queene the third and fourth i. Cor. iii. ¶ Paulus plantauit sed deus incrementum dedit ¶ Paule planted but GOD gaue the increase ¶ Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyard at the sygne of the Holye Ghoste by Ihon Cawodde Printer to the King and Quenes Maiesties Cum Priuilegio ad imprimendum solum