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A00011 Englands complaint to Iesus Christ, against the bishops canons of the late sinfull synod, a seditious conuenticle, a packe of hypocrites, a sworne confederacy, a traiterous conspiracy ... In this complaint are specified those impieties and insolencies, which are most notorious, scattered through the canons and constitutions of the said sinfull synod. And confuted by arguments annexed hereunto. 1640 (1640) STC 10008; ESTC S101178 37,368 54

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Sacred Ordinance who hath given a power and charge to Kings to suppresse all such Ecclesiasticall Tyranny over the soules of his people And whereas they say the Royall Office is the Sacred Ordinance of God we all acknowledge it and that this Ordinance of God comprehends in it not onely the institution of the Superiority of Kings over their people but their Speciall office of Government as it is limited and establish●d upon those Laws and Covenants and Conditions agreed upon between the Prince and People These are a Speciall part of thy Divine Ordinance that Kings should governe by a Law as Deut 17. 18 19 20. Pro. 31. 5. and that they should inviolably keep those Oathes and Covenants that they have solemnly made with their people And therefore they which perswade Kings that they are no way boun● but have liberty to rule as they list by an independent Prerogative these are they that are traytors both to God and to the King and to the Realme and to the peace and prosperity thereof For the Fourth For Subjects not to beare Armes against their King offensive or defensive upon any pretence whatsoever as being a resi●●ing of the Powers Ordained of God First we hold that no private person ought to take up armes against his Prince but Secondly if a King maintaine a Faction about him which goe about to oppresse ●s whole Kingdome and People in their Law● and Liberti●s and most of all in the true Religion so as he will not rule them by the good Laws of the Kindome but seeks to make all his Subjects Slav●s by bringing their soules Bodies estates 〈◊〉 a miserable bondage is it not now high time for the whole State either to labour to heale the breach or if necessity when there is no other remedy to stand up is one man to defend themselves and their Countrey untill the Faction shal be 〈◊〉 cashe●ed and so the King reforme himselfe and renew 〈◊〉 Covenant and 〈◊〉 of the Kingdome to the good and just 〈◊〉 of the People And wheras ●i is point trencheth upon the Scots at this time what doe they stand upon but in the first place to free their Religion from Antichristan usurpa●on 〈…〉 * 〈…〉 which otherwise by 〈◊〉 and Tyranny would be brought to 〈◊〉 And for the F●st and last that all Ministers doe declare this Consatution of the power of Kings to the people yearely Ought not Ministers to consider that they are also members of the Common-wealth and live under the Law thereof And being Subjects ought they not to teach the people that they love and h●nour the King and chearefully pay all such taxes as by Law are due unto him forasmuch as we all live under a Law And 〈◊〉 the other side ought not all Court-preachers to tell the 〈…〉 christian and Lawlesse Government And this ô Lord we conceive of this first Constitution so farre as we are able to apprehend committing the whole judgement thereof to thy uner●ing wisdome The Second is For the better keeping holy the day of his Majesties most happy Inauguration Ah Lord can this be to the honour of our King when the annuall memory of his Inauguration is saine to be forced What Canon or Constitution is for the continuation of the joyfull memory of Queen Elizabeth of ever blessed memory which yet to this day ceaseth not But o that our King would consider that word of thine * Those that honour me I will honour and they 〈…〉 and then they might have spared this Canon for the King●s day No no if these things be not reformed a ‡ blacke day is hastening on a pace as thou ô Lord hast threatned in thy word for such Sinnes And with thee there is no respect of persons ‡ King Ieh●jachim lived without being desired and had the 〈◊〉 of an Asse and it was written upon him write this man childlesse A man that ●h●ll not presper in the Earth nor should be lamented being dead nor should any of i● Seed prosper after him O how terrible art thou ô Lord to proud and obstinate Sinners when not Kings Crowns and Scepters can secure of defend them from thy just hand And how fearefull a judgement is that when thou § powrest contempt upon Princes and weakenes● the power of the mighty The Third Canon is For suppressing of the growth of Popery O Lord dost thou not see in this whole long Canon the naked hypocrisie of this Synod clothing it selfe with many same figleaves of pious pretences forsooth for the suppressing of Popery Yea Lord their ●ypocrisie is so palp●ble herein that all the world sees that this Constitution was purposely made to blind the eyes of the simple in these stirring times wherin they see their Popish practises to grow into such hatred and detestation with all the Kings good Subjects What other but these practises have been the co●les that have kindled the fire in our neighbour to make the greater report but without shot in so hotly assaulting the Tower of Babel because in so doing it may make the world beleeve that contrary to the Doctrine of Canterbury there is no Salv●tion for Papists out of the Church of England and then let all Court Papists looke to it and withall the President must 〈◊〉 a great part of his Relation which he hath written in favour of Papists especially 〈◊〉 silly and ignorant to whom he grants Salvation in their R●●igion he must also retract his Saying that the Church of England and of Rome are one and the same Church and hold one Faith and Religion undifferent he must also 〈◊〉 that wherein he assemeth with his Iesuite * that none ●●ght to come to the English Church then and there in that manner to worship God that is resolved of the truth of the Roman Church or to the like effect and the Relator himself holds the truth of the Roman Church for he affirmeth it to be a true Church With many other new leaves which he must turne over upon this suddaine motion of suppressing the growth of Popery which if cordiall they should first have rid all Churches from Images Crucifixes 〈◊〉 Altars and the like least in bringing Papists to Church they should but change their Latine Popery into English Popery And now ô Lord we beseech thee to judge of the hypocrisie of this selfe-styled Sacred Synod which under a pretence of suppressing the growth of Popery doe indeed supplant the true Faith and Religion amongst us that so instead thereof they may at length as fast as they can set Idolatry up in her throne and full 〈◊〉 For besides all this that is said have they not set out many notorious Popish Books as that called the Femall Glory which makes the blessed Virgin to be a Goddesse to be adored and called upon or prayed unto the whole Booke being a very packe of Idolatry throughout and set out in English and allowed by one of the Prime Prelates Chapleins So
also a Booke of one Shelford Priest whose 5 Treatises are notorious grosse popery with many other of the same branne or meale which have been published by Authority and never any of them yet called in And some that have been called in as Cozens Orisons and Salis his Devotions and others yet go currant up and down and are in every Papists pocket Now if these holy men of this Sacred Synod had intended indeed to suppresse the growth of Popery they should have caused heaps of bonefires to be made of the Bookes in Smithfield But in all things touching this point how ridiculously and palpably they have discovered their hypocrisie especially the President and Father of the Synod doe thou ô Lord judge The Fourth Canon is Against Socinianisme Behold here Lord another devise to set simples a wondering what this Monster Soci●●isine should be which most men in England never so much as once heard named before and which England I hope● is free enough from unlesse a certaine neighbour to it which they call ●rminianis●ne doe not hale it in as it hath done many other Heresi●s For as for the Remonsirants or A●minians they professe society and communion with the Socimans rather then with the Orthodox Protestants whom they call Ca●vinists Yea and in sundry of their Heresies they border neare upon them as maintaining Iustification by works and that we are not bound to beleeve that we shall rise againe with these our bodies glorified and the like So as doth not the Synod mistake the name Should they not have said against Arminianisme Or perhaps they name the Damnable and Cursed Heresie of Socinianisme both because they would make the people beleeve it is that which hath so much been cryed downe by Preachers under the Name of Arminianisme and yet they will save Arminianisme harmelesse to which they have been so much beholden and also because Arminianisme doth in many things Symbolize with Sccinianisme under which it may the more easily lye hid But for Arminianisine sake the President hath in a Declaration in the Kings Name before the 39 Articles made the Articles touching Grace Election Predestination c. to speake aswell in favour of it as of the truth it selfe Or would they prevent the contagion of Socinianisme as also of Arminianisme Call in those Orders which restraine young students in the Vniversitie for reading our Protestant Authors The Fifth Canon Against Sectaries In this Canon they name Seperatists whom especially they meane as indeavouring as they say the subversion of the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England on these they lay load in good earnest indeed and on all those that shall print or publish Bookes especially against the Discipline and Government of the Church of England This is indeed their faire Goddesse Diana of which these Craftsmen who get their great Incomes by her are so jealous and doe so furiously thunder against the opposites And surely ô Lord if thou dost not at this time helpe they poore people who cannot with a good Conscience if but rightly informed hold communion with these men in their Discipline and under their Government must needs goe to wracke and be utterly spoyled they and theirs The Sixt Canon An Oath injoyn'd for the preventing of all Innovations in Doctrine and Government Ah Lord here is the filling up of the measure of all iniquity 〈…〉 ol all cruelty and tyranny When they have brought their plots to passe when established and setled their Innovations both in Doctrine and Government then these hypocrites come with 〈…〉 for the preventing of all Innovations in Doctrine and Government This for the Title of the Canon And that they may exalt their hypocrisie to the height that it may appeare to all men they further say This Present Synod being desirous to declare their sincerity and Constanc● in the profession of the Doctrine and 〈…〉 in the Church of England and to secure all then against any suspicion of ●●volt to Popery or any other Superstition Decr●es c. Now Lord can the hypocrisie of Rome it selfe in that Mystery of Iniquity packed up in the Councel of Trent surpasse this notorious hypocrisie of our English Prelates in this their Synod The vaile of their soule hypocriste is the pretence of Sincerity and Constancie in the profession of the Doctrine and Dis●●●ine already established they have now already established a new Doctrine and Discipline in the Church of England and so they are desirous to declare their Sincerity and Constancie in the profession of the same O holy Lord who is able to deale with these impious hypocrites but thy selfe alone And now that they have ●●tained their ends in a good measure for they do not meane to stay here till they have finished the Tower of Babel to its full height by degrees after a while they doe this to secure all men against any Suspicion of revolt to Popery or any other Superstition For when the Revolt to Popery and the Superstitions thereof is now in a good measure already made then would they have all men to be secure against any revolt to Popery But what need men to feare when the danger is already past and without remedie They have set up their Altars they gently intreat adoration thereunto and that by the same arguments that Papists use to colour over such Idolatry till they have learne● in fuller termes to expresse themselves with a We will and Command they have set up their Images and Crucifixes in Chappels and Cathedralls and that over the Altar for all other Churches to conforme thereunto they have published Bookes in English full of most grosse Romish Idolatry and Supers●tion they have cryed down the due Sanctification of the Christian Sabbath-day and have layd open the s●●dg●tes to all pro●anesse to breake in by publike ●●●spensation of profane Sports and Pastimes that so they make the Lords day the 〈◊〉 day and to make way for such profane Sports they have universally forbid all preaching in the ●●●ernoones upon thy Holy Day they have made thy holy Commandment for the keeping and Sanctifying of thy Day of none effect and that not onely by their profane practises but professedly by their Book 's published by Authority they have by Edicts made the Articles of R●●●●gion of the Church of England concerning Grace to be of none authority they have set forth * Books wherein they professe that the Church of England and of Rome the whore of Babylon are one and the Same Church professing one and the same Faith and Religion and goe about to Father the Antichristian Iurisdict●●●n and Government of Prelates upon the Divin ●●●ution and upon the practise of thy holy Apostles and doe cry down the Authority of thy Sacred word as an insufficient witnesse to prove it selfe the word of ●od and as a dead and dumbe judge and insufficient to determine doubt and Controversies in points of Faith and so doe set up 〈◊〉 Authority above the Scripture they have
the Doctrines of thy Grace and Gospel with the preaching thereof all preaching on thy Dayes in the afternoons and all true Catechising mainly cryed down and that all thy painfull and godly Ministers are persecuted suspended deprived cast out of all and can have no remedy either by course of Law which is stopped or by the King himselfe to w●om they complaine and that the Prelates of late more especially usurped a false Title to their false Government Ecclesiasticall by claiming their Prelaticall Jurisdiction from thine own divine Authority So as we cannot be any longer ignoran● except we will be wilfully blind that the Doctrine of the Church of England established in Queene Elizabeths dayes hath now suffered not onely an Innovation but an utter eversion and extirpation of the very foundations thereof And this Innovation this eversion being now finally concluded on in a Synod confirmed by the King and injoyned to be Sworne unto by all those aforesaid and besides all this the King himselfe professing that he hath diligently with great contentment and comfort read and considered of all the said Canons Orders Ordinances and Constitutions of the late Synod aforesaid and that he finds the same such as he is perswaded wil be very profitable to the whole Church and Kingdome And thereupon doth propound publish and straightly injoyne by his Authority and Letters Patents the same to be diligently observed executed and equally kept of all his Subjects within this Realme Now ô Lord all these things weighed and layd together Solemne and Sacred Protestations against Innovations on the one side and a mighty flood of Innovations on the other side which by Royall Authority have made a terrible universall invasion and irruption both into thy Spirituall Kingdome and this Temporal threatning speedily to sweep all away at once what shall we thinke Or what shall we say Wouldst thou have us still to dreame or imagine that here are no Innovations at all brought in either of Doctrine or Ecclesiasticall Government and all because the King hath so frequently so solemnly before G●d and Angels and Men protested to the contrary Or that the Innovations concluded in this Synod are therfore no Innovations because ratified and confirmed by the Kings Letters Patents and by all the strength of Royall Authority and because commended by the King to be such as he is perswaded wil be very profitable to the whole Church and Kingdome Or may we not rather thinke or rather most certainly beleeve that for the iniquities of the Land oppression in the State persecutions of thy Ministers effusion of innocent blood of thy Servants open Profanation of thy Sabbaths and that by publicke dispensation yea in a word a contemptuous trampling of all Laws divine and humane underfeet nay yet more● more especially as the orginall source and cause of all the rest a damnable Apostacie from the Gospel joyned with a desperate League with Rome too palpable to be seen so as Antichrists Religion is imbraced instead of thy True word and Gospell for this for these crying sins is it not lawfull for us to thinke at least yea to beleeve that thou in thy just judgement restrained and withheld from us the benigne influence of the Kings heart and hast so farre for a time at least for our humiliation given him up to be Seduced by the Prelates and their Romish faction and to be guided and led by their Councels as refusing to hearken to any true Information of his most loving and loyall Subjects whereof we have had of late lamentable experience he will rather hazard all his Kingdomes then either displease them or disobey their Councels But yet ô Lord seeing thy judgements are unsearchable and thy wayes past finding out we will not take upon us to judge in so deep a matter onely thou hast sayd you shall know them by their fruits But Lord the King saith He doth these things by his Prerogative Royall and Supreme Authority in Causes Ecclesiasticall Holy and Righteous Lord hast thou given to any mortall Creature to any Kings on Earth any such Prerogative Royall any such Supreme Authority over thy Church as to alter Religion at his pleasure or to confirme the alteration of the true Religion for others pleasure to make voyd by Edicts or Declarations the Saving Doctrines of thy word thy holy Commandements thine eternall Law or to sit in thy Throne over the Soules and Consciences of thy People captivating and oppressing them under the burthens of humane inventions and Superstitious Ceremonies Nay hast thou not expresly * forbidden thy People to subject their necks under any such yoake as being a denyall of thee our King and of our Redemption by thy precious blood Such usurpations therfore of man we doe ô onely Soveraigne of our soules even before Angels and men utterly renounce ‡ O Lord our God other Lords besides thee have had dominion over us but by thee onely will we make mention of thy Name And Lord be thou our Judge between us and our oppressors in this thing and give thy People holy courage and zeale to use all lawfull meanes for the upholding of this thy Sole Royall Soveraignty over our poor Soules and Consciences against all Antichristian usurpations to the contrary And last of all whereas our King saith that he hath called and given free leave to this Synod to treat and agree upon certaine other Canons necessary for the advancement of Gods Glory the edifying of his holy Church and the due reverence of his blessed Mysteries and Sacraments which words are taken out of the Act for Conformity in Queen Elizabeths Raigne If it shall clearly appeare by this our Complaint following that the things concluded in the said Synod be neither for the advancement of Gods glory nor the edifying of his Church nor the due reverence of Christs holy Mysteries and S●●raments but quite contrary then how the Kings Authority extends to the confirmation of those things therein so concluded do thou ô Lord Judge In the next place we present our Complaint before thee ô Lord touching the most materiall Canons concluded by the ●●id Synod and confirmed by the King The first is Concerning the Regall power 〈…〉 〈…〉 or absolute as all Tyrannicall States as that of the Turke seeing the Kingdome of England is ●empered seasoned and conditioned with good Laws which are the ordinary rules of good and just Government of the Subject the due execution whereof in the administration of the Kingdome is an essentiall part of the Kingly ●ffice which cannot be seperated one from the other To this purpose King Iames in 〈…〉 * Speec●es in Parliament expresly distinguisheth between an absolute Monarchie not bounded with Laws but depending onely on the will of the Prince and the King of England who saith he doth by 〈…〉 that by Oath ●nter upon the Kingdome to of their Estates let him but call a Parliament and yeeld to the redressing of their heavy grievances and he shall find us
's the Synod● vain hope or rather hypocriticall dissimulation For they know it to be most true and the Papists have reason so to hope as some of their own Authors in their late English pamphlets have jea●●ngly writ of Englands back●●tiding to Popery as of a thing whereof England is grown now adayes very ambitious And for the feare and jealousie which they say the weake have hereof have not the wisest men in the King●●●●e the like feare and jealousie and that upon just causes and grounds And suppose the weake onely were offended with such things why did not the wise and Sacred 〈◊〉 rather remove the Scandall then slappe them in the mouth with the Fox tayle of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Canon or smoke out their cryes with the charge 〈…〉 † The strong as saith the Apostle ought to beare with the 〈◊〉 of the weake and not to please themselves But the Synod tells us That the standing of the Communion-Table 〈◊〉 way under the East window of every Chancel or Chappell i● 〈◊〉 its 〈◊〉 nature indifferent neither commanded nor condemned by the word of God either expresly or by immediate deduction and therfore that no Religion is to be placed therein or s●ruple to be made thereon First if it be a thing indifferent why doe they trouble me Consciences of their weak● brethren with it who hold it to be a thing Scandalous This is against the Apostles Rule even the rule of Charity tending to the destruction of mens soules Secondly if a thing indifferent why are they so eagre for it when it may as well be forborne and especially at this time when both the Kingdomes and the wisest men therein are so troubled with it the ●eace disturbed the State distracted and the Kingdomes hazarded Thirdly if it be indifferent why doe they not so leave it Why doe they alter the nature of it turning the indifferencie into a necessity as they doe with all their other Ceremonies which they professe to be in their own nature indifferent yet turne them out of their nature and make them necessary and so intolerable burthens to mens Consciences Yea why doe they force all Ministers to take a Solemne Oath that they approve these things as necessary to be observed But neither is this they so urge a thing in its own nature indifferent namely whether the Communion-Table stand Sideway under the East window of every Chancel For first it is a Communion Table and therefore to stand in the midst where all may sit about it as about a Table and thus it is rightly and properly a Communion-Table it is not a Communion-Cubbord or a Communion dresser to stand Side-way to the wall That 's no Communion Table And consequently such a standing Sideway to the wall of every Chancel is by immediate deduction condemned in the word of God For the word of God calls and commends and commands this by the name of the Lords Table and so it commands withall the proper use of it as of the Table of the Lord but the standing of this Table Sideway to the wall takes away not onely the nature and indeed the name of a Table but also the proper use of the Lords Table where every one of his family is to sit about it As David saith † Thy Children like olive plants round about thy table● For such is the right and proper use of a Table And therefore as the Scripture commands and commends unto us the Lords Table with the right use thereof as is sutable to the nature of it So by necessary consequence and immediate deduction the Scripture condemnes any such posture or placing therof as altee● both the nature and use of the Lords Table So as it is not a thi●g indifferent whether the Table stand sideway to the wall for it ought not so to stand seeing it is a perverting of the nature and use of the Table of the Lord and so a perverting of the Lords Ordinance Againe not indifferent for all Chancels alike for in many vast Churches the People cannot heare when their Priest sayes or sings his Second Service at his new Altar as he is injoyned unlesse the Ordinary be more mercifull to the Congregation were it a mercy to communicate with Superstitious worship and Service Againe the word of God * expresly condemnes in his people the ●mitation of the heathen in their Idolatry or Superstition or to doe after their manner So as such guises are not things indifferent Now for the standing of the Communion Table sideway to the East wall is to place it like to Popish Altars which are Altars of Idolatry like to those of the heathen and so is a faire inducement by degrees of their Idolatrous Sacrifice too for all the faire pretences the Synod makes to the contrary And doth not the Synod confesse that at the time of Reformation of this Church from that grosse Superstition of Popery it was carefully provided that all meanes should be used to root out of the minds of the people both the inclination thereunto and memory thereof especially of the Idolatry committed in the Masse for which cause all Popish Altars were demolished Then we aske thy Synod why they are here so zealous in seting up the Communion Table sideway to the East wall after the manner of Popish Altars Seeing before they pretend such care and zeale for the suppressing of the growth of Popery and for the bringing of Papists to the English Church Where when they come and presently see a thing set up sideway at the East end of the Chancel just like their high-Altar and seeing withall the people or Priest lowly lowting unto it or devoutly bowing before it or toward it are they not hereby straight put in mind of their old Romish Idolatry enough to make them presently to turne Papists againe Where is then the carefull provision of this Synod that all meanes be used to root out of the minds of such both the inclination and memory of the Idolatry of the Masse for which cause our ancient Reformers caused all Romish Altars to be demolished times in the place where the Altars formerly stood but in time of of 〈◊〉 in the midst of the Church or Chancel And yet the ●●u●ction did not necessarily tye the Table to stand at all other times saving at the Communion at the end of the Chancel but for most conveniencie according to the discretion of the Minister and Gardians And certainly the good Queens intent never was are could be that that standing so at other times should be a precedent for aftertimes to introduce Altars againe there to have a fixed station and so to become a stumbling blocke to Protestants and a laughing stock to Papists causing the one to feare Innovations and the other to hope our backesliding into Popish Superstation And that the Table hath stood so ever since unremoved in the Royall Chappels there is not the same reason of a Chappel and of a Church a Chappel wanting conver●ent
Churches Canons Decrees and Commands which is an Antichristian Tyranny and more now then ever before for this Synod sake Againe omitting the 14th and 15th Canon the 16th is concerning Licenses to Marry So as this Canon is to maintaine a Doctrine of Devils mentioned by the Apostle as namely forbidding to Marry be it either to some sort of men as Romish Priests or to all sorts of men at certaine times in the yeare ●● as at such times which altogether containe almost halfe of the yeare without the Bishops Speciall Licence no Man or Woman may Marry Thus it is cleare that herein these Hypo●rites the Sell Gods free Ordinance for money and so maintaine a Doctrine of Devils And thus farre of the Canons of this Synod The Conclusion of all which is the Kings avowing approving confirming and injoyning these Canons to be observed of all respectively according to the tenure thereof in all and every part Hereof we will say no more then we have sayd in the begining of our Complaint committing all Judgement unto thee ●righ●●● Iudge of all and 〈◊〉 beseeching thee withall that 〈◊〉 wilt judge the Cause of thy People when now thou seest 〈◊〉 their strength is gone and to take them and their and thy Cause into thy holy Protection to vindicate both them and it 〈◊〉 thy own glorious Name from the cruelty and reproch o● Men Amen Here now follow some Predictions of and some Contradidictions unto this late Synod observed and collected out of the Relation of a Conference by William of Canterbury Prediction 1. F●●●● in his Epi●●● Dedicatory to the King he saith The King and the Priest more then any other are bound to look to the Integrity of the Church in Doctrine and Manners and that in the first place For that 's by farre the best Hone in the Hive This we see now fullfilled whereby we come to know who is that Priest and what that Integity of the Church in Doctrine and Manners concluded in this late synod but whether as in a Hive of Bees or in a 〈◊〉 or Hornets nest as wherewith whole Kingdomes 〈…〉 the world judge Prediction 2. And againe ibid. To deale clearely with your Majesty these thoughts of the externall worship of God are they and no other which 〈◊〉 make me labour so much as I have done for D●cen●y and an 〈…〉 of the externall worship of God in the Church Thus we see that the whole plot and project of the Primates Booke was thus to alter and thus to settle the Doctrine and Discipline and external worship in the Church as we have seen effected in the late Synod So as it appeares both this Synod and the things concluded therein have been a good w●ile a hammering is 〈◊〉 Forge Prediction 3. And in the Relation it selfe pag 155. To the 〈◊〉 to wit the Prince and the Clergie principally the power and direction for Reformation belongs Princes have their parts by their Calling together of the Bishops and others of the Clergie to consider of that which might seem worthy Reformation And the Clergie did their part in the Nationall Synod of 62. And the Articles there agreed on were afterwards ●●●firmed by Acts of State and the Royall Assent Here is another Patterne of this late Nationall Synod but that this wants the right legge to make it goe upright and passe currant for a Nationall Synod namely the confirmation by the Act of State to wit the Act of Parliament as before is noted So as here is also one Contradiction overthrowing this Nationall Synod consisting of the two Provinciall Canterbury and Yorke Both together want the Act of Parliament to confirme it a Nationall Synod to bind the whole Nation which the Synod presumes to doe both in Ministers and People Contradiction 2. Relat 205. Emperours and Kings are Custodes utriusque Tabalae they to whom the 〈◊〉 and preservation of both Tables of the Law for worship to God and duty to man are committed A Booke of the Law was by Gods owne command in Moses his time was to be given to the King Deut. 17. The Kings under the Law but still according to it did proceed to necessary Reformations in Church Businesses and theirin commanded the very Priests themselves c. This being so that the Kings under the Law had the care of the preservation of Gods Law and Religion committed unto them to preserve them safe and sound and where any corruption had crept in to reform Religion but still according to Gods Law and that not one jot to vary from it how comes this Synod of Priests being assembled by Royall authority and commanded by a King under the Gospel to treat and agree upon some Canons necessary for the advancement of Gods Glory the edifying of his holy Church and the due reverence of his blessed Mysteries and Sacraments to be so bold as to agree and conclude and enact such Canons and Constitutions as are directly against the Law and word of God to the great dishonour of God the ruinating of his holy Church and the great abuse and profanation of his blessed Mysteries and Sacraments And herein we call heaven and earth to witnesse and the Lord Iesus Christ to be Judge whether this Synod hath dealt faithfully or no with the King or between him and his people and that also in these perillous times The Lord open the Kings eyes to see how both himselfe and his people are abused and his Kingdomes embroyled and indangered by these his Prelates and Priests That Synods may erre and foulely too this of 1640. proves with a 〈◊〉 If any Canons of it be sound the Sixth hath poyson enough to infect them all It 's such a Cockatrice egge as was ne●●● layd in England before 〈◊〉 that eateth of a dyeth I will here a little ●●bowell this Oath and shew you the mischief in it THis Oath is contrary to the Title of it which is An 〈◊〉 injoynd for the preventing of all Innovations in Doctrine and Government being a grand Innovation such as neither we nor our Forefathers ever heard of Besides it hath in the body of it an et ●●●era an expression yet unknown to the Christian 〈◊〉 Pagan world Archbishop Arundell Judge 1930. provided better for the Clergy in his dayes in that ancient Constitution 〈◊〉 sub obtestatione divini judi●j inhibemus sp●cial●●●● 〈…〉 Cu●uscunque gradus status aut condition● existat 〈◊〉 ●●usiones aut proposi●●●● de ●ide Catholica aut ben●s 〈…〉 sonantes praeter necessarium Doctrina●● facultatis suae in Scholis 〈◊〉 extra disputando aut communicando protestat●●●e per●●ss● 〈◊〉 permissa asperat 〈…〉 quodam verborum vel ●er●●●rum 〈…〉 teste B. Hugone de Sacrum Saepiu● quod bene dicitur non bene intelligit●●r If harsh and novel expressions may not be used in familiar discourse much lesse may they be crowded into an Oath The Israelites said of the Levites Concubine there was no such deed done nor seen from the day