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A91275 A short demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued remitter into England. Comprising an exact chronological relation of their first admission into, their ill deportment, misdemeanors, condition, sufferings, oppressions, slaughters, plunders, by popular insurrections, and regal exactions in; and their total, final banishment by judgment and edict of Parliament, out of England, never to return again: collected out of the best historians. With a brief collection of such English laws, Scriptures, as seem strongly to plead, and conclude against their readmission into England, especially at this season, and against the general calling of the Jewish nation. With an answer to the chief allegations for their introduction. / By William Prynne Esq; a bencher of Lincolnes-Inne.; Short demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued remitter into England. Part 1. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1656 (1656) Wing P4078; Thomason E483_1; ESTC R203287 90,701 118

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Wayland Chief Justice of the Common Pleas 19. E. 1 Rot. Parl. rot 12. and these Jews then banished Exilium Hugonis le Dispenser patris filii Tottles Magna Charta f. 50 51. The double banishment of Peter de Gaverston out of England assensu communi Procerum Magnatum and of the King in Parliament Walsingham Hist Angliae p. 68 71 72. The Statute of 1 Edward the 3. c. 2. 11 Richard the 2. c. 2 3 4. for the banishment of Belknap and other Judges into Ireland 21. R. 2. Rot. Pa● l. n. 16. 17. For the banishment of Thomas Arundel Arch-bishop of Canterbury The Statute of 35 Eliz. c. 1. of 39 Eliz. c. 4. For banishing dangerous Sectaries Rogues out of the Realm after conviction upon Indictment only not before which could not be done by Law before these Acts Cooks 2 Institutes f. 47. Mr. St. Iohns speech against the Shipmony Judges p. 22 My New Discovery of the Prelates Tyranny p. 166 167 168. VValsingham Hist. Angliae p. 394 and other Testimonies as also by 1 E. 3. r. 5. 4 H. 4. c. 13. The Statute for the pressing of Souldiers for Ireland 17 Caroli Exact Collect p. 435. The Petition and Protestation of the Lords and Commons in Parliament against serving the King in person or contribution to his wars in Flanders and other forain parts 25 E. 1. Walsingham Hist. p. 35 37 38 c. nor yet in Gascoigne France Notmandy Scotland or Ireland Cooks 2 Instit p. 528. 4. H. 4. n. 48. 1 H. 5. n. 17. 7 H. 5. n. 9. 18 R. 2. n. 6. So none once banished the Realm by judgement or Act of Parliament can may or ought by the fundamental and known common Laws of England to be restored and recalled again but only by a like judgement Act and Restitution in full Parliament as is adjudged declared resolved by the cases and Petitions of the two Spencers and Peirce Gaveston VValsingham Ypodig Neustriae p. 152. and Hist Angl. p. 68. 71 72. Holinshed p. 328. Speeds History p. 674. The Printed Statute of 20 R. 2. c. 6. for the restitution of Belknap and the other exiled Judges 28 E. 3. Rot. Parl. n. 8. to 14. and 29 E. 3. Rot Parl. n. 29. touching the Repeal of the Judgement in Parl. against Roger Mortimer Earl of March 17 R. 2. Rot. Parl. n. 18. for the pardon and restitution of the Justices banished into Irel. 21 R. 2. n. 55. to 71. for confirmation of the repeal of the exile of Hugh de la Spencer Father Son An. 15. E. 2. and the revocation of the repeale thereof in 1 E. 3. A notable full Record in point 3 H. 7. 10. 4 H 7. 10. 1. H. 7. 4. 10 H. 7. 22 b. 15. E. 3 Fitz Pet●t 2. 9. E. 3. 23 24. 9 E. 4. 1 b. with sundry other Records for the repeals of Iudgements and Acts of former Parliaments by the subsequent Judgments and Acts of other Parliaments in Cooks 4 Institutes c. 1. and Ashes Tables Parliament 16. and Statutes 68. Therefore the Jews being so long since by Judgement Edict and Decree both of the King and Parliament for ever banished out of England never since repealed or reversed neither may nor can by Law be readmitted reduced into England again but by common consent and Act of Parliament which I conceive they will never be able to obtain I have now presented you with a true Historical and exact Chronological Relation of the Jews first admission into England not in the time of the Emperour Constantine the great as some groundlesly would collect from his General Epistle to all Churches touching the Decrees of the Council of Nice and the Vnanimous observation of the Feast of Easter not after the Jewish computation wherein there is mention of the Churches in Britain as well as in Rome Africk Spain France and other places concurring with other Churches herein but not one syllable of any Jews therein or in Britain then nor in any other particular places but onely these general passages against Christians complying with them in their Paschal observation Ac primum quidem indigna res fuit sanctissimum eum diem imitatione atque consuetudine Iudaeorum celebrare qui manibus suis nefario flagitio contaminatis non injuria quoque animis sunt excaecato homines scelerati Quidni enim liceat gente ea rejecta rectiore verioreque ordine quem à primo passionis die hucusque servavimus ad futura quoque saecula observationis hujus ritum transmittere Item nihil nobis commune sit cum infestissima Iudaeorum turba c. Quin strictior ipsa atque exactior ratio flagitare videtur NEQUA NOBIS CUM IUDAEORUM PERJURIO COMMUNIO From whence no rational man can inferr that there were any Jews at that time observing their Jewish Passeover in Britain of which I can find no syllable in any Domestick or forreign Historians or Writers whatsoever nor yet that they inhabited here or were here in the Briton Saxon or Danish Kings reigns which if they had some of our Historians Synods Decrees and Laws in those ages would have mentioned it as well as the Gothish Spanish Histories Laws Councils and Constitutions where they resided in which there is not one syllable of them but only in the forecited Law foisled in amongst the Confessors to which doubtlesse it was puny but in Will the Conq. reign Together with their ill deportments misdemeanors suffrings massacres servile condition and manifold popular tumults against them during all the time of their residence in England final banishment out of it never yet to my knowledg collected into one intire History before The serious consideration whereof will in my weake judgement sufficiently satisfie convince the whole English Nation that they have just grounds and reasons in point of piety of policy never to re-admit them more into our Island and likewise resolve the very Jewes themselves that they have little cause or reason at all to desire to re-plant themselves in England where their ancestors in times past susteined so many miseries massacres affronts oppressions fleecings upon all occasions themselves can expect little better usage for the future To this principal part of my undertaking for fuller satisfaction I shall hereunto subjoyn a Taste of such Lawes Scriptures Reasons as seem strongly to plead yea conclude against their re-admission into England at least in that latitude and freedom as formerly they there enjoyed As 1. To erect new Synagogues Temples amongst us or turn any of our Churches Chapels into Synagogues for the free publique exercise of their Judaisme Jewish Worship Customes Religion diametrically contrary to the Gosple Person Kingdome Priesthood Offices Mediation Redemption of our Lord Jesus Christ which they thereby professedly deny renounce as false and fabulous 2ly To set up a Jewish Corporation or Fraternity amongst us in our Cities and Corporations distinct and separate from the English subject to their own immediate peculiar
of Quo Warranto and of Glocester 13 E. 1. 12 E. 2. of York 9 10 14 15 25 28 36 37. E. 3. 1. 3 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 21. R. 2. 1 2 4 6. H. 4. 1 8 10 12. 36. H. 6. 18 E. 3. c. 1 2 3. R. 2. Rot. Parl. n. 36 40. 6 H. 6. c. 5. and other Acts declare and resolve That the Kings of England by their Oath and Duty and the Lords and Commons in Parliament are all obliged by their trusts and our Laws to advance uphold maintain and defend the welfare wealth safety of the Church Realm Subjects People of England and to prevent redresse suppresse remove by wholsom Laws and Ordinances all Grievances Mischiefs Damages Inconveniences Disinherisons contrary thereunto it being a fundamental Maxime both in our Laws and Law-Books SALUS POPULI SUPREMA LEX which the Army Officers in their Declaration of 16 Nov. 1648. and Mr. Iohn Pym in his Speech against Strafford 12 April 1641. p. 3. c. printed by the Commons special Order much insist on Moreover it is another Maxime in our Law Summa ratio est quae pro religione facit Now the admission of the Jews into England as appeareth by the Statute de Judaismo and premised Histories is no way consistent with the welfare profit wealth safety of the Church Realm Subjects People or Religion of England and will be an extraordinary damage mischief grievance inconvenience and disinherison to them all Therefore prohibited enacted against by the general scope of all these Laws and Maximes and no wayes to be admitted 4ly The Jews heretofore in England an ● still in all other parts being most grievous Clippers Coyners Forgers of money Usurers Extortioners and the greatest Chea●ors Cozeners Impostors in the world in all their Merchandizes and Manufactures whatsoever upon this accompt they are and ought to be still excluded and never re-admitted amongst us by the provisions of all our Laws yet in force prohibiting clipping coyning usury extortion frauds deceipts in any Merchandizes or Manufactures whatsoever unlesse we intend to have them all now more practised by them and others among us then ever heretofore The rather because they were never admitted free Trading Habitation in England by any of our Laws touching Alten Merchants and Artificers free Traffick amongst us from the time of their forementioned banishment till this present under the Name and Notion of Jews Foraign Merchants or Artificers And therefore not to be admitted to those desired Priviledges from which all these forecited Laws in my weak Judgement with the former old Parliamentary Judgment and Edict for their per petual banishment in Law Justice Conscience still debarre them readmittance till repealed and they if ever readmitted against all these Acts and Statutes must be introduced resetled by special Acts of Parliament which no English Parliament in probability will ever indulge unto them as the peoples general present declamations in all places against their endeavoured introduction prognostick And thus much I thoughr meet to inform the Nation touching those Laws Statutes which in my poor opinion directly or by consequence oppose their re-admission and refute those Lawyers misinformation who confidently averred there is no Law of England at all against it if Mr. Nye did truly inform me 2. For Scriptures these Texts may engage us against their re-admission 1. Matth. 5. 13. Lu. 14. 34 35. Salt is good but if the salt have lost its savor wherewith shall it be seasoned It is neither fit for the land nor yet for the dunghil but to be cast out and to be trodden under foot of men This is the condition of the Jews who have lost both their Saviour their Savor too Therefore not fit for our land or dunghils but to be kept and cast out from amongst us and trodden under foot of all true Christian men 2. 1 Cor. 16. 22 If any man love not the Lord Iesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha That is separated and cast out from all Christian society and Communion until the day of Judgment the highest kind of Jewish Excommunication Now the Jews are such who do not only not love but deny defie and hate our Lord Jesus Christ in the highest degree Therefore to be excommunicated and secluded from our Christian Communion and Cohahitation amongst us to which they can pretend no right 3. 2 Cor. 6. 14 15 c. Be ye not unequally yoaked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness and what concord hath Christ with Belial and what part hath he that believeth with an Infidel and what agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols c VVherefore come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch no unclean thing and I will receive you The unconverted Jews are both Unbelievers Infidels Darknesse Belialids and the very Synagogue of Satan as the Scripture resolves them Acts 14. 1. Mar 6. 6. Rom. 11. 20. 23. 32. Heb. 4. 6. 11. Ioh. 1. 5. Mat 8. 12. Rev. 2. 9. 1 Th●ss 2. 14 15 16. Therefore we Christians ought not to be unequally yoaked or to have any fellowship communion agreement part or mixture with them much lesse to receive them into our land and bo●omes from whence they were formerly spued out but to keep our selves separated from amongst them lest God reject us as he hath done them 4. 2 John 9. 10. 11. VVhosoever transgressith and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ he hath both the Father and the Sonne If there come any unto you and bring not this Doctrine receive him not into your house neither bid him God speed for he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds The Jews abide not in the Doctrin of Christ and if they come unto us they will not bring this Doctrine to us but the quite contrary Therefore we ought not to receive them into our Dominions or Houses nor bid or wish them God speed in returning to dwell amongst us And if any do the contrary they are and shall be partakers of their evil deeds 5 Tit. 1. 10 11 13 14 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers ESPECIALLY THEY OF THE CIRCUMCISION whose mouthes must be stopped WHO SUBVERT WHOLE HOUSES teaching things which they ought not for filthy lucres sake VVherfore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith NOT GIVING HEED TO JEWISH FABLES and commandements OF MEN THAT TURNE FROM THE TRUTH If the circumcised Jews were such unruly Deceivers seducers and subverters of whole houses even in the Apostles own dayes and their Jewish fables then did turn so many from the truth With what colour of Christianity piety conscience can we call them in amongst us now in these times of fearfull and almost universal Apostacy from the truth when lesse dangerous
17. c. 6 Ambrose Epist l. 5. Epist. 29. Jerom. in cap. 4 ad Galatas in Abdiam Sozomen Hist l. 1. c. 8. Mat. Paris Historia Angl. p. 564 Aventinus Annal. Boyorum l. 5. and 7. Abbas Uspergensis Parale p. p. 346. Centur. Magd. 4. c. 14. 15. c. 3 col 85 86. Cent. 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13. ● 3. 14 15. Mr. Fox Acts and Menuments vol. 1. p. 56. with sundry others record Upon this ground certain Christians on the contrary out of an over-furious zeal have endeavoured to extirpate them all from under heaven unlesse they would turn Christians Anno. 1101 Emicho a German Earl and the Inhabitants near the Rhene pillaged plundered banished slew and destroyed all the Jews in those parts who refused to turn Christians slaying no lesse than twelve thousand of them many of the Jews killing each other with their own hands to avoid their fury but the rest receiving baptisme and turning Christians only to save their lives relapsed to their Judaisme again when the storm was over In the year 1146. one Rudolphus a Monk out of a misguided fur●ous zeal stirred up many thousands of people in France and Germany near the Rhene to take up the Crosse for the holy wars exhorting them in his preaching that they should in the first place kill and destroy all the Jews remaining every where in the Cities and Towns as being the greatestenemies of Christ. The seeds of which doctrin took such deep root in many Cities of France and Germany that in a tumultuous sedition uproar they slew most of the Jews in those parts but such who fled into fenced Cities Castles under the protection of the Emperour Fred. the 1. which bloody Doctrine proceeding was reprehended by St. Bernards Letters to these people informing them that the Jews for their excessive wickednesses were not to be slaughtered but dispersed In the year of Christ● 298. one Rindflash an Husbandman in Germany openly preached to the people That he was sent from heaven specially chosen by God to root out the Jews in all places And proclaimed whoever will have the Christian Commonwealth to be safe let him follow me Whereupon the people flocking to him in great multitudes chusing him for their Captain sought out the Jews in Wirtzburgh Nurinburgh Rorenburgh Bamberge Orenberge and all other Towns and Villages in Franconia and Bavaria and slew many of them the greatest part of them in these places both men women obstinately setting their own houses on sire burning both themselves wives children with their houses housholdstuff and goods together that they might not fall into the Christians hands In the year 1349. There being a great plague and mortality in Germany the Iews were generally accused for the chief Authors or increasers thereof by poysoning all the VVells and Fountains to destroy all the Christians and corrupting likewise some baptized Jews other Christians with money and charmes so far that they could willingly have destroyed and slain all their fellow Christians which some of them confessed upon their examinations Hereupon the Common people in great rage and fury against their Magistrates Bishops wills commands who neither could nor durst withstand their violence fell upon all the Jews in Bern Friburgh Argentine Wormes Oppenheim Francfort Mentz Spires and other places slew and brained many of them burned other of them hanged up many others upon Gibbets pillaging burning breaking and pulling down their Houses the Jews themselves in many of these places burning both themselves wives children goods to avoid the enraged peoples fury very few of them escaping who were baptized to preserve their lives The Inhabitants of Spire fearing the air would be infected with the stink of the slaughtered Jews dead corps lying in the streets although most of them were burnt put them into empty Caskes and threw them into the Rhene All such who protected any of the Jews for mony as some did were so murmured against and hated by the people that they were in great danger of their lives wh●ch some of them lost as Albertus Argentinensis records at large which sad calamity came upon them by Gods just judgement many of them being found guilty of all sorts of wickednesses poysonings the murder of many Children forging of Letters counterfeiting and corrupting of moneys thefts deceipts and other villanies whereby they offended the Divine Majesty To these I might adde many other such tumults uproars occasioned by and massacres burnings and destructions of them for their villanies recorded in Hermannus Schedel Chron. f. 243 248. 258. 271 272. and Genebrardi Chronog p. 461 627 660 618 688 824. 830. with those forementioned in England And can we then in point of Christian piety or prudence now bring in such a generation of men as these amongst us especially in these unsetled unquiet discontented times to kindle new flames of discontent and tumults amongst the people 8. The conversation of the Jews is so dangerous to Christians that the 4 Council of Toledo can 59 61 62. made this Decree The Conversations and Companies of evil men do oftentimes corrupt even the good how much more then those who are prone to vices Let therefore the Jews who are converted to the Christian faith have no further Communion henceforth with those who still continue in their old Jewish rites lest peradventure they should be subverted by their Society Therefore we decree that the Sons and Daughters of those Jewes which are baptized that they be not again involved in the errors of their parents shall be separated from their Company and placed with Christian men women fearing God where they may be well instructed and grow in faith and Christian manners and that the Jewes believing Wives shall be divorced and separated from their Husbands unlesse upon admonition they turne Christians The like was Enacted by the Wisigothes Laws lib. 12. Tit. 2. 3. Yea Pope Alex. the 3. Decretal l. 6. c. 7. prohibited all Christians under pain of Excommunication to cohabit with the Jews or keep company with them because their manners and Christians accord in nothing and they by reason of their continual conversation and daily familiarity might EASILY incline the minds of simple people TO THEIR SUPERSTITION AND INFIDELITY And should not those then who pretend themselves far greatet Zealots then the Goths Spaniards or Pope upon these very grounds much more oppose prohibit their readmission into England in this giddy Apostatizing age lest their Company and Society should easily seduce the unstable people to their Judaism and Infidelity to Christs dishonour their own damnetion and the infamy of our Church and Government The rather because if extraordinary care be not taken herein under pretext of Jews we shall have many hundreds of Jesuites Popish Priests and Friers come over freely into England from Portugal Spaine Rome Italy and other places under the title habit and disguise of Jews of purpose to
Officers and Judges as heretofore 3ly To purchase Houses Habitations Rents Lands Exercise of all sorts of Trades and Manufactures amongst us as free Denizens or Merchants upon such terms and qualifications as shall be indulged to them 1. For our Laws and Statutes these following make directly or obliquely by way of necessary consequence against their re-admission 1. For their Jewish Synagogues worship Sacraments Religion these ancient pious Laws of our Saxon and Danish Kings made in their great Parliaments and Councils before the Jews first coming into England strongly oppose their admission now As namely the Laws of King Alfred and Guthern Lex 1. 2. of King Ethelred in the Council of Aenham c. 1. 3. 27 29 30. of Habam c. 1. with the Laws of King Cnute the Dane Lex 1. 27 28 All which enact That the only true God and our Lord be loved worshipped in all ages by all the people with all their might the one Christian holy Catholick faith orthodoxly kept and the Churches of God to be diligently frequented throughout the Realm That all Paganisme and false Religions be renounced both in words and deeds That who ever wickedly resisteth the Laws of Christ shall be grievously fined and put to death and that all men should diligently seek out by all means Ut recta Christi religio maxime provehatur That the right Religion of Christ might be most of all advanced obtesting all Ecclesiiastical and secular persons again and again most earnestly to keep the sincere faith unanimously in the true God and the right Christian faith in a right manner diligently to hear the Teachers of Gods word studiously to follow their Doctrine and Precepts to maintain peace and tranquility in the Church of God and there diligently to pour forth their prayers All which particulars exclude all Jewish Synagogues and Judaisme and are of perpetual force being grounded on the very Law of God Moreover King Cnute his Ecclesiastical Laws made by the advise of his wise men to be observed throughout all England prohibited That no Christian should be sold or sent out of the Realm or banished amongst those who had not as yet embraced the faith in Christ lest per adventure those Souls should perish at anytime which our Lord Iesus Christ had redeemed with his own blood and life If Christians for this cause ought not to be sent sold or banished amongst Jews and Infidels much more then ought not Infidel Jews with their Jewish Synagogues Religion Ceremonies to be now introduced amongst us Christians to the hazard of many Christian Souls redeemed by Christs blood 2. All the Statutes concerning Uniformity of Common Servicc administration of the Sacraments as 1 Ed. 6. c. 1 2. 2 Ed. 6. c 1. 6 Ed. 6. c. 1. 1 Eliz. c. 2. 23 Eliz. c. 1. 35 Eliz. c. 1. 2. most of them still in force being never legally repealed do fully and directly oppugne the introduction of any Jewish Synagogues Service Sacraments Worship Ceremonies with the use of them in any place within our Realm 3. The Statutes of 3 E. 6. c. 10. 13 Eliz. c. 2. 23 El. c. 1. 28 Eliz. c. 2. 6. 35 Eliz. c. 1. 3 Iac. c. 4. against Popish Recusants Seminary Priests Iesuites Friers Masse-Books Agnus Dei's Popish Books Superstitions for preventing the withdrawing of the Subjects of this Realm from the publique Ordinances Sacraments and Religion here established and for speedy banishing all Seminary Priests and Jesuites and keeping them perpetually out of the Realm upon this account amongst others though professing Christ Christian Religion and agreeing with us in all Articles of the Creed and most fundamental points of Christianity Must in Substance Law Reason in this regard much more perpetually exclude abolish all Jews Jewish Priests Rabbies Synagogues worship Ceremonies Superstitions out of our Dominions being farre more dishonourable to Christ opposite to our Christian Religion and destructive to the peoples souls if once admitted then any Jesuits Seminary Priests Friers Popish Recusants or any Romish Masses Superstitions whatsoever And if the Jewish Priests Judaism and Jewish Ceremonies may be now set up and practised publiquely amongst us notwithstanding all these Statutes then much more Masse-Priests Masses Popery and Prelacy by the self same reason justice equity To these I might annex all the late Ordinances for the Directory The solemn League and Covenant and for Suppressing punishing of Heresy and Blasphemy therefore of Iudaism which is both Heresy and Blasphemy and Jewish assemblies the very Synagogues of Satan and Iews great blasphemers by Christs own resolution Rev. 2. 9. c. 3. 9. Acts 18. 6. Rom. 2. 21. With the late printed Instrument of Government which though it allows not only toleration but protection to all Sects and Religions professing faith in God through Iesus Christ though differing from the Doctrine and Discipline publtkely held forth in the Nation except only to Popery and Prelacy yet certainly it can no ways extend to the toleration or protection of Jews and their Antichristian blasphemies against Christ himself and the Gospel seeing they are so far from professing faith in Jesus Christ that they utterly renounce and professedly decry him to be the true Saviour and Messiah of the world rejecting the whole New Testament and Doctrin of the Gospel and so by consequence are necessarily secluded by this Instrument and Oath for its observation from practising their Jewish worship Ceremonies or erecting any Synagogues in our Nation for that purpose 2ly Though the Kings of England by the Law and their Prerogative may in sundry cases erect New Corporations of their Subjects by their Charters only yet notwithstanding no Corporation or Fraternity of Iews being meer Aliens may can or ought to be erected in England by the Fundamental Lawes and Constitutions of the Realm but only by full consent of the Nation in Parliament by special Acts of Parliament it being one of the greatest Intrenchments that can be upon the English Nations Rights Liberties Customs Priviledges Profit and a violation of all the ancient Charters Priviledges Rights Franchises confirmed to them by the Great Charter of England forty times since ratified by new Acts of Parliament This is evident by the Statutes of Magna Charta c. 9. 37. 34 E. 1. c. 4. 1. E. 3. c. 9. 14. E. 3. c. 1. 1. H. 4. c. 1. 2. H. 4. c. 1. 7. H. 4. c. 1. 9. H. 4. c. 1. 13. H. 4. c. 1. 3. H. 5. c. 1. 2. H. 6. c. 1. compared with 2 E. 3. c. 9. 27. E. 3. c. 1. to 29. 28 E. 3. 13. 15 36. E. 3. c. 7 19 H. 7. c. 12 and all other Acts for the Staple and Styliard and with 3. E. 4. c. 6. 1. R. 3. c. 9. 14 H. 8. c. 2. 21 H. 8. c. 16. 22 H. 8. c. 8. 32 H. 8. c. 16. touching Artificers Merchants and Aliens 3ly The preambles of the Statute of Merton 20 H. 3. 3 E. 1. with c. 17. 48. 6 E. 1.
necessarie subsistance now in their Native country and must neither teach nor preach Christ Jesus to any in publique or private though Gods word and their function condition enjoyn necessitate them to do both when as these admitted Jews may both teach and preach against him too in publique private Which restraints on these English Royalists on the one hand indulged liberty to the alien Jew Antichrists on the other if now put in execution I humbly referre it to the saddest considerations conscientious meditations of all in power to resolv themselvs how scandalous odious it will prove both to God and all good men how much it will resemble the proceedings not only of the malicious Jews themselves against the Apostles and Ministers of Christ recorded Acts 4. 1. to 24. c. 5. 24. to 32. 1 Thes 2. 14 15 16. of beheaded Canterbury against Mr. Workman of Glocester But likewise of that detestable Apostate Emperour Iulian who out of his desperate malice to Christ to undermine and extirpate Christian Religion without shedding the blood of Christians first shewed himself a most zealous Christian professor reducing the Orthodox Bishops Ministers christians whom the persecuting Arian Emperor Constantius had exiled restoring them to their confiscated Bishopricks to ingratiate himself with the people but not long after turning Apostat he took away all the Privileges honours revenues of the Clergy setled on them by Constantine with the Laws for their establishment shut up the Churches Schools of the Christians prohibiting them to teach in publike or private or set their children to School unless they would renounce their former Religion and turn Pagans impoverished oppressed the Christians with extraordinary doubled Taxes from which the Pagans were exempted and castmany of them into prison But on the contrary at the same time he shewed extraordinary favour and affection towards the Jews sent for the chiefest of them to his court where he discoursed with them writing a special Letter to them wherein he desired their prayers for him granted them free exercise of their Jewish ceremonies and sacrifices long discontinued encouraged and assisted them with monies out of his publike Treasury to re-edifie the Temple at Jerusalem to receive set up all their Jewish Sacrifices and customes there formerly used whereupon they began to build it till-miraculously interrupted therein● and all to vex and undermine the Christians By which indulged Liberty the Jews then grew so insolent against the Christians that they greivously persecuted divers of them destroyed and burnt down some of their Churches and threatned to persecute them worse than the Pagan Romans had done as the Marginall Historians record more at large The imitation of whose proceedings now in any degree in these particulars what harsh constructions and sad events they may produce I refer to all wise Christian States-men seriously to ponder for their own and our Religions honor and Security My 4. argument is this The Orders for securing the peace of the Nation which the Declaration relates to contrary to all the Statutes Acts Resolutions of our Parliaments and Law-books forecited upon another occasion authorize the Major Generals and Commissioners named in them To banish and send into Foraign parts and Plantations all persons of the royal party formerly in arms of no estate and living loosly and all persons whatsoever that shall appear by their words or actions to adhere to the party of the late King or his Son to be dangerous Enemies to the peace of the Commonwealth even without and before any Legal indictment tryal conviction of any particular crime for which a Sentence of Banishment is prescribed by our Laws or any Judgement or Act of Parliament inflicting this heavy Punishment upon them far worse to many than death it self Now I shall earnestly intreat in the name and fear of God all those whom it most concernes to consider in their own retired thoughts how unjust unrighteous unreasonable unchristian it will seem to all Free-born English men and conscientious Christians both at home and abroad and what great scandals it may bring both upon our Nation Government and Religion it self in this manner and on this old account alone to banish these Christian English freemen one of their Native Country both from their Wives Children Kinred and Gods own publike Ordinances and at the self-same time to call in foraign Infidel Jews greatest Enemies to Christ himself and Christians and in that respect more dangerous to the peace and welfare of the Nation than tho●e thus to be banished to supply their places even against an express old Judgement and Edict of the whole Kingdom in Parliament for their perpetual exile What a sad p●rnicious president it may prove in future ages upon every new revolution to banish all English freemen of a contrary party and call in Forraigners in their rooms Whether it will not revive that ancient complaint of Petrus Cluntacensis Lex nam vetusta sed verè diabolica ab ipsis Christianis Principibus processit c. Manet inultum scelus detestabile in Judaeo quod exilio vel horrenda morte suspendi● punitur in Christiano Pingrescit inde deliciis affluit Iudaeus unde laqueo suspenditur Christianus And whether upon consideration of this and the precedent reasons deduced from these Declarations and all the premises they ought not peremptorily to conclude against the Jews present and future re-admission into England most seriously to determine I shall close up all with an Answer to the two principal Allegations for their reception into our Realm 1. The main and only consciencious Argument for their introduction is this That it may be a very probable hopefull means of the general calling and conversion of the Iewish Nation to the Christian Faith which hath been so long prayed for and expected by Christians and seems now approaching which their seclusion from us may much obstruct Not to enter into any large debate of this conversion of the Iews wherein learned Orthodox Divines and Writers are much divided I say 1. That I could never yet be satisfied that there shall be such a general call and conversion of the whole or major part of the Nation of the Jews as some expect but only of an elect remnant of them The foreciced Texts with I say 30. 8 9 10 11. Now go write it before them in a Table and note it in a book that it may be for the time to come FOR EVER and EVER That this is a rebellious people children that will not hear the Law of the Lord which say to the Seers see not and to the Prophets prophesie not unto us right things c. cause the holy one of Israel to depart from before us Luk. 20. 16 17 18. Mat. 21. 41 42 43 44 45 John 1. 11. 12. Rom. 9. 27. 26. 33. c. 11. 2 5 7 8. contradicting such a general conversion of them that of
sundry late eminent Professors have caused many English Christians to turn Antiscripturists Seekers Atheists and like the Iews to repute Christ and Christianity meer Fables 7ly Most of the Iews who since their dispersion have been baptized and turned Christians in any age or place have done it either out of fear to save their lives or estates when endangered by popular tumults or judgments of death denounced against them for their Crimes or for fear of banishment or by coercion of penal Laws not cordial●y and sincerely they still playing the Jews in private upon every occasion and renouncing their baptism and christianity at last either before or at their deaths as our own forecited Historians the 4th Council of ●oledo cap. 58 59 62. 63. Leges Wesigothorum lib. 12. Tit. 2 3 Vincensius Beluacensis spec Hist. l. 29. c. 25. Rodericus Toletanus de rebus Hisp l. 2. c. 17. Aventinus Annal. Boiorum l. 5. p. 468. Abbas Uspergensis Chrou p. 227 228. and other authors at test Of which we have this late memorable History recorded by Munster in his Cosmography l. 2. c. 19. f. 72 73. There being no lesse than one hundred twenty four thousand Jews banished out of Spain Anno 1492. leaving all their gold jewels houses behind them and paying two duckets a pole to the King for their transportation into Portugal some of them there seemingly turned Christians and were baptized but yet secretly practised their Judaival rites being Christians only in shew but not in heart observing the Passeover and eating flesh with the Iewes Upon the discovery hereof there arose a great tumult of the people against them in Lisbon the people complaining thereof to the King Anno 1506. Whereupon the King commanded 16 of them to be imprisoned and at last dismissed them without other punishment Upon this the Citizens conspiring againg the King and Governour raised a commotion against these Iews and false Christians slaying all those false converted new Iews they could find throughout the City to the number of six hundred whom they likewise burnt which example spreading into the Country there were slain in the City and Country of these Iewish false converts to the number of 1630 which the King hearing of being then absent he was so incensed against the Iews that he imprisoned very many of them whereof some were burned others beheaded others hanged on Gibbets and all the rest spoiled of their goods then expelled and banished the Kingdom A sad judgement on them for their Hypocritical conversion and such converts mostly we are like to find them and none other 7ly If any private Iews out of meer conscience or sincere desires of being converted to the Christian faith shall upon that account alone desire admission into England to be instructed by our English Divines I suppose no English Christians will oppose but further their desires herein and contribute both their prayers and best endeavors for their conversion and if there be cause admit them into our Churches Communion upon real testimonies of the truth of conversion in and work of grace upon them which is as much as they can desire at our hands But to admit whole multitudes and Colonies of infidel Iews at once into our Nation who neither desire nor pretend conversion to Christianity together with the free use of their Iewish Synagogues Rites Ceremonies which they strongly insist upon is such an Impious Unchristian Antichtistian dangerous president glossed over only with a possibility of their future conversion as no sincere English Christians can approve of nor the Iews themselves desire For as the Iews by Gods own Laws and their own Iewish Rabbies precepts neither might nor yet would permit any Heathen Gentiles heretofore to set up any Altars Images Idols Groves or exercise any Idolatrous worship amongst them or to blaspheme reproach their God or Religion under pain of death if they transgressed therein There being the self sume Law of God in these things both to Gentiles Iews And like as they afterwards would not permit the Apostles and Christians in Ierusalem or any other Cities for to preach the Gospel and exercise the Christian Religion freely but raised up present tumults against and persecuted and cast them out as 1 Thes 2. 14 15 17 the whole History of the Acts and premises abundantly testifie So by the very self same justice and equity they can neither now demand nor expect that we or any Christian Realm or State should tollerate or connive at much lesse openly countenance and protect them in the publick or private exercise of their Iudaisme or Iewish Rit and Blaspemies against our crucified Saviour and his Gospel All then that English Christians can do for them is to desire and pray for the conversion of all Gods elect amongst them in his due time by such means as he shall think meetest and to instruct them in the faith by learned Ministers sent to them if they desire it but not to admit them and perchance many disguised Iesuits Papists and Friars with them promiscuously into our Nation to undermine our Church and Religion and undo many thousand Souls it being our duty as to give no just offence to the Iew so neither to the Gentiles nor to the Church of God whom their admission amongst us will offend Lastly those Popes and Popish Princes who have heretofore admitted any Iews to inhabit amongst them have done it under these several cautions and limitations prescribed to them by their Laws Councile Canons Decrees Divines and Canonist's 1. That they should build no new Synagogues nor repair any old ones quite demolished 2. That where there were old Synagogues formerly used by them they should only repair but not enlarge or build them higher than before nor extraordinarily ad●rn them 3. That they should not stir out of their doors on good Friday nor open their doors windows shops or do any servile work on the Lords days or other solemn Christian Festivals 4. That they shall utter no blasphemons words speeches against God Christ Christians or Christian Religion nor manifest their open contempt of them by gestures or actions under pain of peouniary corporal and capital punishments according to the quality of the offence 5. That they shall be admitted to no degrees of learning honour dignity office or preferment whatsoever in state or Church because it is most absurd and unjust that any blasphemer of Christ should exercise any power or authority over Christians in any Christian State 6. That they should neither eat nor drink nor have any dayly familiarity or communion with Christians nor entertain any Christian man or woman in or out of their houses either as a Servant Nu●se to th●ir Children or otherwise nor yet administer physick to any Christian in his sicknesse lest any simple Christians should be seduced by them to Judaisme by th●se means 7. That all Iews both males and females should always wear a specicial badge or sign in
undermine our Religion Church and State and sow the seeds of Heresie Blasphemy Popery Superstition Schisms and Divisions amongst us they having formerly sent over some of late years amongst us under the notion and vizard of converted Jews as Ramsey the Scot and Eleazer and Joseph Ben-Isaiah all Jesuitical wicked cheating Impostors the two last whereof have cheated the honest people of the Nation of many thousand pounds being notorious Villains one of them formerly a Trooper and Plunderer in Prince Ruperts army as he confessed to his Hostesse at Dursly in Glocestershire in his drink where he would have ravished the Maid-servant of the house locking the door upon her whiles she was warming his bed in the night and upon her crying out for help fled away presently in the night to avoid apprehension And yet wanders about cheating the people in other places instead of being brought to Tyburne for his Villanies And if they abuse and cheat us thus already much more will they doe it upon and after the Jewes admission 9. To pretermit their banishment out of Rome by the Emperor Claudius recorded Acts 18. 2. and that as Ecclesiastical Historians report for their cheating and tumults there raised I shall only in brief relate how they have from time to time been banished expelled many Christian Cities Countries Kingdoms and their Synagogues burnt and destroyed especially for their Infidelity and other forementioned Misdemeanors Crimes Villanies About the year of Chri●● 430. at the instigation of St. Cyril Bishop of Alexandri● and the Christians there they were expelled and banished that famous City where they had long inhabited for their insolencies seditious conspiracies against the Christians About the year of Christ 615. they were banished out of Jerusulem it self by Heraclius the Emperour as Zonaras Tom. 3. in his life Paulus Diaconus rerum Rom. l. 18. Cent. Magd. 7. c. 14. storie About Anno 616. King Sisebutus banished them all out of Spaine unlesse they would turn Christians which the most of them refusing to doe departed thereupon into France as the marginal Authors unanimously attest About the year 618. they were all banished out of France by King Dagobert unlesse they would renounce their Judaism and turn Christians upon the command and instigation of Her a●lius the Emperour as Regino Chron. l. 1. Cent. Magdeb. 7. c. 14. relate King Wamba about the year 710. banished them out of the Province of Narbon as Rodericus Toletanus de Rebus Hisp. l. 3. c. 11. informs us The Emperor Phocas about the year 60● banished them out of the City of Antioch for the tumults they had there raised against the Christians and Government About the year 1196. they were banished out of the City of Mentz and near the same time out of the City of Triers and the Bishoprick thereof by Bishop Everhard Philip Augustus King of France banished them all out of France by several Edicts Anno 1152 1162. 1182. for these reasons because they had divers times crucified children of Christians in Paris and elswhere in contempt of Christ and his Passion entertained Christian men servants and maid servants in their houses who did likewise play the Jews with them contrary to the Decrees of God and the Church above measure oppressed impoverished by their Usuries the Citizens Knights Gentry and Country people both in the Cities Suburbs and Villages of France and detained some of them prisoners in their houses like captives binding them by an Oath not to depart out of them most vilely profaned the sacred Vessels pawned to them by church-men in cases of necessity causing their little children ordinarily to drink wine and eat sops out of them in contempt of the Sacrament and casting the silver Vessels Crosses and guilded Books of the Gospel pawned to them into Jakes in a sack that the Christians might not find them and because the Saracens upbraided the Christians for entertaining them amongst them being the professed Enemies of Christ Upon these grounds as also because their wealth and Number were so increased that they had almost gotten half the City of Paris into their hands King Philip caused them to be all apprehended through France in one day as they were in their Synagogues then spoiled them of all their rich gold and silver garments confiscated all their Lands Houses Possessions and banished them the Realm notwithstanding the intercessions of many Bishops and Nobles bribed with their gold and gifts on their behalf and the proffers of great summes of money to him by the Jews wherewith he would not be mollified After which he caused their Synagogues to be prophaned and then consecrated and converted to Churches that so where Christ was first blasphemed after the manner of the Jews he might in the same places be praised both by the Clergy and people as Vincentius records at large After this creeping into that Realm again by money and Bribes they were again banished out of France and their goods confiscated by King Philip the Fair in the year 1293. as some or 1307. as others compute it and driven into Germany In the year 1349. at the earnest importunity of the people they were all banished out of Alsatia and the Imperial Cities by the agreement of the Bishops and Nobles and most of them burnt and destroyed as they had been formerly in those parts by Earl Emicho An. 1102. who then banished them thence Ludovicus Duke of Bavaria about the year 1450 banished all the Iews out of his Territories as Aeneas Picolom●neus in his Europ● staius sub Frederico l. 3. c. 32. p. 79. assures us In the years 1474. 1482. and 1492. they were all banished out of Spain by King Ferdinand surnamed the Catholique from whence they were transported and received into Portugal they paying to K. Iohn 2. 8. Duckets for every poll of them at first for their admission which much augmented his Eschequer though it diminished his piety and honour Not long after Anno 1497. they were driven and banished out of Portugal by King Emanuel And in the year 1539. they were banished out of Naples and Sicily by Charles the 5th To which I might adde the destruction burning and utter extirpation of the Jews by the Rubeaquenses Anno 1309. and 1338. Munst Cosm l. 3. p. 547. out of Worms and Spires An. 1092. Munsteri Cosm l. 3. p. 580. Out of Prague by VVratislaus for hating and slaying the Christians Geor. Bartholdus Pontanus Bohemiae Piae l. 2. p. 20. Out of Berne An. 1287. Munsteri Cosm l. 3. p. 582. Having therefore been thus frequently banished by Christian Kings Princes from time to time at the earnest sollicitation of their godly Christian Ministers Bishops People and by our King and Parliament too out of England so long since never to return again what shadow colour of Piety Policy Prudence Justice Law Reason there can be for any person or persons whatsoever to re-admit them except the