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A56472 A treatise of three conversions of England from paganism to Christian religion. The first two parts I. Under the Apostles, in the first age after Christ, II. Under Pope Eleutherius and King Lucius, in the second age, III. Under Pope Gregory the Great and King Ethelbert, in the sixth age : with divers other matters thereunto appertaining : dedicated to the Catholics of England, with a new addition ... upon the news of the late Queens death, and the succession of His Majesty of Scotland to the crown of England / by N.D., author of the Ward-word. Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610. 1688 (1688) Wing P575; ESTC R36659 362,766 246

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Goodness of Almighty God who in these very first days of his Gospel procured for so remote an Island so excellent Spiritual Fathers Founders and Patrons both of contemplative and active Life in Christian Religion the first Four which I have named being all Preachers and this Fifth having come out of Jury unto Marsilia in France with St. Mary Magdalen and her Company and seen her extraordinary Austerity of Contemplative Life and Zeal of Solitude and doing Penance therein he began that kind of Life also in Britanny as our Writers do testifie and namely Cambden among others doth observe Solitariam vitam amplexi sunt c. ut severo vitae genere ad Crucem preferendam se exercerent Joseph and his Company did take upon them a solitary life that with more tranquility they might attend to holy Learning and with a severe kind of conversation exercise themselves to the bearing of Christ's Cross 26. And albeit John Fox out of whom Sir Francis hath stoln all that he saith in this matter and most of the rest that be Historical tho' suppressing his Name doth cavil upon this man's going into England making him first a Preacher and not an Eremite and then saying That he came not from Rome but out of Jury and France and consequently that the Church of Britanny is not the Daughter of the Church of Rome nor had not her first Birth or Institution from thence and yet St. Cyprian glorieth in that his Church of Carthage in Africa and all the other Churches under her in Mauritania and Numidia had received their first Institution of Christian Faith from Rome as from their Mother All the World may see that this is but a foolish and absurd Cavil of Fox for that albeit St. Joseph came not immediately from Rome nor was a Roman by Birth as none of the Apostles were yet he taught in England the Roman Faith that is to say the same Faith that St. Peter and St. Paul and Aristobulus that came immediately from Rome had taught before him or did teach jointly with him in Britanny Of which Roman Faith St. Paul had written to the Romans themselves before the going of St Joseph into Britanny Fides vestra annuntiatur in universo mundo Your Faith is preached and divulged throughout the whole World signifying That the Christian Faith planted in Rome by St. Peter was derived already for a Platform into all other parts of the World round about For which cause Tertullian writing in Africa said That the Authority of his Church came from Rome Vnde nobis quoque authorit as praesto est saith he And St. Cyprian as before hath been noted called the Roman Church Matricem caeterarum omnium the Mother and Original Church of all other Churches And St. Innocentius also whose Holiness St. Augustin so much admired doth affirm That all Churches generally of the West-parts of the World were founded by St. Peter and his Disciples And St. Angustin himself had no better way to defend his Church of Hippo and other of those Countries to be truly Catholic against the Donatists than to say that they were Daughters and Children of the Church of Rome though some of them were very near as far off in distance of place as England at this day 27. Well then by this we see that the shift invented to deliver us from all Obligation to the See of Rome for our two Conversions under Eleutherius and Gregory I. by saying that some had preached Christian Religion first in Britanny before these two public Conversions fell out is a foolish shift and diminisheth not our said Obligation but increaseth rather the same For if this first Preaching and first Faith taught in England by our first Preachers was the Roman Faith and deriv'd principally from the City and Church of Rome by the Preaching of St. Peter and St. Paul Aristobulus and others as hath been declared and if the very first Beams or Sparkles thereof before any Preachers perhaps were sent came by the access of some Roman Christians upon the Wars and other occasions which before hath been declared then all this rather multiplieth our Bonds to Rome than diminisheth the same And so instead of two Conversions from Rome whereof I spake in my Ward-word now we find three And consequently a triple Obligation is come upon us for a double 28. And this shall suffice to the first Answer of Sir Francis or rather simple shift by which he would avoid our Obligation to Rome persuading us that our first Preachers came not from thence but from Asia and the East Church Of which Argument though I have said more here than I meant to have done yet for that Sir Francis and all other Heretics of our time for hatred to Rome do seek certain Reasons or rather foolish Conjectures to prove the same I shall be forced to say somewhat more thereof in the Chapter following CHAP. II. An Answer to certain Cavillations Lies and Falsifications of Sir Francis and his Masters Fox and the Magdeburgians about the first Preaching of Christian Religion in Britanny ALbeit the fond heretical wrangling before rehearsed against Rome deserveth not so large a Confutation as I have already bestowed thereon especially in so clear a matter as are the manifold benefits which our Island hath received from the See of Rome yet for that it seems to be a general Conspiracy of all Heretics of our time as well Lutherans as Zwinglians Calvinists and Puritans to take from Rome if they could all the merit of bringing Christian Faith into our Country I am forced in this place to stand longer upon the matter than otherwise I would for that there followeth also another Consequence hereof of no small moment which St. Irenaeus Tertullian St. Cyprian St. Augustin and others are wont to urge greatly against Heretics to wit That if our Church be the Daughter and Disciple of the Church of Rome then ought it to run unto her in all doubts and difficulties of matters of Faith. Wherefore we shall briefly discuss the truth of this Affair 2. Besides the Proofs set down in the former Chapter how the chief of our first Preachers came from Rome immediately as St. Peter St. Paul and St. Aristobulus and that the other as St. Symon of Chananae and St. Joseph of Arimathea if they did not come from Rome yet preached the Roman Faith conform to the Preachings of St. Peter and St. Paul there remain two other Conjectures also very probable to the same effect to prove that St. Joseph was specially directed into Britanny by the same Apostles The first is for that King Inas above 900 years past when he laid the Foundation of Glastonbury-Abby in memory of St. Joseph and his Fellows that had lived a solitary Life there he caused these Verses to be written in the Church as Cambden and others testifie Anglia plande lubens mittit tibi Roma salutem Fulgor Apostolicus
what they say or avouch so they say somewhat against Rome and those that any way favoured the same wherein passion doth so greatly blind them as they cannot discern when they alledge matters plainly against themselves as you have seen in the former enumeration of British Teachers Pastors and Prelates whom they would have us think to have been of a different Religion from that of Rome whereas their own words testimonies condition and state of life do testifie the contrary And so I leave these men to their folly and impudency in this behalf CHAP. XI The Deduction of the aforesaid Catholic Roman Religion planted in England by St. Augustin from his time to our days And that from King Ethelbert who first received the same unto King Henry VIII there was never any public interruption of the said Religion in our Land. HAving shewed before how that the Roman Catholic Faith was first preached in our Island under the Apostles and then again in the next Age under Pope Eleutherius and thirdly four Ages after that again under Pope Gregory and that all this was but one and the self-same Religion continued renewed and revived in divers times under divers States and People of the Realm there may seem to remain only now two other points considerable in this affair The first Whether this Religion brought in by St. Augustin to England were held at that day for the only true Religion of Christendom and so accepted by all the World The other Whether that Religion then planted hath come down and been continued in England ever since by continual Succession until the first public alteration made thereof in our days For if this be so then is the demonstration easie to be made even from the Apostles Times to Ours 2. And for the first tho' we have handled the same somewhat before yet briefly we will add now That there can be no doubt at all in this matter with men of Reason and Judgment but that St. Augustin and his Fellows brought in with them the whole Body of Religion as well touching Articles of Belief as Ceremonies and Ecclesiastical Customs which were at that time in use at Rome whence they came and in other Catholic Countreys by which they passed namely Italy France and Flanders from which Countreys Pope Gregory himself exhorteth them by his Letters to take such good Ecclesiastical Uses as they should see most agreeable to Piety Edification and Devotion which is a sign that all those Countreys agreed fully in Faith and Belief with Rome at that day and were perfectly Catholic tho' in some external Ceremonies belonging to Devotion there might be difference And forasmuch as the French Bishops St. German St. Lupus and St. Severus 150 years as hath been said before the entrance of St. Augustin planted in Britanny the French Catholic Faith against the Pelagians and these men coming from Rome found no fault therewith most certain it is that all was one And finally if we do consider the Works Writings and Actions of Pope Gregory related by us before partly out of St. Isidore living at that time in Spain partly out of his own Epistles yet extant written to the chiefest Bishops of the Christian World and their Answers to him again together with their agreement in Faith and Religion If we do consider also the Heresies condemned in his days by Him and his Authority as the Eutychians Monothelites and others which our Protestants also do condemn for Heresies at this day By all this I say and by infinite other Arguments and Demonstrations that may be made it is most evident that either Christ had no Visible Church or Catholic Religion in those days which were most foolish and wicked to imagin or that the Religion of St. Gregory and his Church of Rome and others of others of the same Communion was in that Age the only true Catholic Church and consequently had in it the only true Catholic Faith and Religion of Christ whereby Christians might be saved which also is proved most evidently by infinit Miracles wrought in England and in divers other Countreys upon manifold occasions during this time of our Primitive Church as shall appear more in particular in the deduction of our second point which is the continuance of this same Religion from St. Augustin to Thomas Cranmer the first and last Archbishops of Canterbury following by Succession the one the other for the space of above 900 years the first dying a Saint the last ending in Apostacy as after shall be shewed 3. Wherefore to come to the second point about the deduction of Catholic Religion in our Nation from St. Augustin downward first of all St. Bede talking of the planting thereof and of our first Primitive Church whose progress and increase he describeth for the space of almost 140 years after the entrance of St. Augustin hath these words Gregorius Pontifex Divino admonitus instinctu servum Dei Augustinum alios plures cum eo Monachos timentes Dominum misit praedicare verbum Dei genti Anglorum c. Gregory the Pope being admonished by heavenly Instinct did send God's Servant Augustin and others Monks with him that feared God to preach his Word to the English Nation in the 14th year of Mauritius the Emperour which was of Christ 596 and the 4th after that St. Gregory was made Pope 4 These holy men landed in the Isle of Thanet belonging to the Kingdom of Kent for that the whole Dominion of the Saxons in those days which was all the Land except Scotland and the other part now called Wales whither the reliques of Britans were retir'd was divided into seven several States and Dominions which they called Kingdoms The first whereof to speak of them according as they received the Faith was the Kingdom of Kent whose King Ethelbert being the fourth in number from Hengistus that began the same about the year of Christ 450 afterward first of all other received the Christian Faith at the preaching of St. Augustin about the year of Christ 600 that is to say an hundred and fifty years after they had reigned as Pagans there 5. The second Kingdom was of the East-Saxons and contained the Shires now called Essex Middlesex and Hartfordshire The first founder of which Kingdom was Erchenwine about the year of our Lord 527 as Stow and some others do hold tho' Malmesbury doth write otherwise but both do agree that under King Seebert or as Bede calleth him Sabered those Provinces were converted to Christian Religion by the preaching of St. Mellitus Fellow to St. Augustin and first Bishop of their chief City of London whither he was sent by St. Augustin from Centerbury in the year of Christ 604. 6 The third Kingdom was of the East-Angles which contained the Shires of Norfolk Suffolk Cambridge and the Isle of Ely. Which Kingdom was begun about the year of Christ 492 by one Vffa but converted after to
of this King Canutus saying amongst other things thus Monasteria per Angliam c. He did repair all the Monasteries in England that were overthrown or defaced by the Wars of his Father Swanus or himself He did Build Churches in all the places where he had fought any Battels And appointed Priests for the said Churches who should Pray continually to the Worlds end for the Souls of them that had been slain in those places He was present at the Consecration of a goodly Church in a place called Aschendum where he had his chiefest victory causing both the Nobles of the English and Danish Nation to offer with him Rich gifts to the said Church c. 22. Over the Body of Blessed St. Edmund which the Ancient Danes had slain he Builded a Church worthy the greatness of his Kingly Heart appointing there both an Abbot and Monks and giving them many Possessions In so much as by the greatness of his gifts that Monastery at this day is above all the rest in England He took up with his own hands the Body of St. Elphegus Arch-bishop of Canterbury slain not long before by his Danes and caused the same to be be carried unto Canterbury Reverencing the same with worthy honor He gave such great Gifts and rare Jewels to the Church of Winchester that the shining of pretious Stones did dazle the Eyes of such as did behold them c. In the Fifteenth year of his Kingdom he went to Rome by Land and having stayed some days there and redeeming his sins by Alms in those Churches he returned by Sea to England c. 23. Thus and much more doth William of Malmesbury write of this notable King Canatus a terrible and fierce Warrior before his Conversion and much given to Blood and Impiety whereby may easily be seen what force Catholic Religion is of to make change in a Mans manners where it truly entreth Let Protestants shew us some such examples of Princes Converted to their Religion But to go forward in Malmesbury he setteth down after all this a large Epistle of King Canutus which he wrote from Rome or in the way homeward unto the two Arch-bishops Egetnothus and Alfricus the first of Canterbury the other of York and by them to the whole Realm giving them account of his Journy to Rome Where amongst other things he writeth thus Canutus Rex totius Angliae Denmarkiae Norvegiae partis Suecorum c. notifico vobis me noviter ivisse Romam oratum pro Redemptione peccaminum meorum c. I Canutus King of all England Denmark and Norway and part of Swecia c. do give you to understand that of late I went to Rome to pray for the Redemption of my sins and for the health of my Kingdoms and people having made a vow of this Journy long ago but could never perform it until now by reason I was hindred by the Affairs of my Kingdoms And now I do yield most hearty thanks to Almighty God that he hath granted me this Grace to come and visit in my Life time the Blessed Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the Sanctuary that is within and without this City and according to my desire to honor and worship the same in my own person c. 24. Thus he wrote And moreover adjoyned many other pious Ordinances in the same Epistle to be observed in England for Restitutions to be made Alms to be given and other good deeds to be done exhorting all to perform them willingly and threatning them that should do the contrary And William of Malmesbury saith that returning after to England he caused the same to be strictly observed And gave many new priviledges to Churches And one among other to the Church of Canterbury which Malmesbury setteth down at length and in the end hath these words Si quis verò c. If any Man shall perform this my Ordination with a prompt will Almighty God by the Intercession of the most Blessed Virgin Mary and all his Saints increase his portion in the Land of the living And this Donation of Priviledge is written and Promulgated in the Presence of me King Canutus in the Wooden Church in the year of Christ 1032. 23. Thus far writeth William of Malmesbury of this Kings Pious disposition after his coming from Rome And John Stow addeth out of Henry of Huntington as followeth After this time Canutus never bare Crown upon his Head but he set the same upon the Head of the Crucifix at Winchester c. And thus much of his Piety and other Fruits of true Christian Faith which he had received And it is no small Argument of the Divine Power thereof that it could so mollifie and change so fierce a Warriour and cruel a Persecutor as this King was before his Conversion 26. So as now we have brought down the continuance and succession of one and the self same Christian Religion in England from St. Augustin and King Ethelbert unto King Canutus for the space of 400 years And that this was no particular Religion of England alone but the Common General Faith not only of Rome but of all Christendom besides at that day and consequently the only Catholic Religion of those Ages appeareth in like manner by other words of the Kings former Letter Recorded by Malmesbury where he saith Sit autem vobis notum c. Be it known unto you that in this last solemnity of Easter there was a great Assembly of Nobility here in Rome together with Pope John and the Emperor Conrade to wit all the greatest Princes from the Hill Garganus unto this other next the Sea all which did receive me most honorably and did present me with Magnificent Gifts c. Thus wrote the King Whereby we may easily perceive that King Canutus was held in all Points for a perfect Catholic Prince seeing that both Pope John the 20th and the Emperor Conrade the 2d did esteem and honor him so highly 27. After Canutus succeeded in the Kingdom of England his two Sons Harold and Hardicanutus for two or three years And then King Edward the Confessor for Twenty-three years together After whose Death the second Harold Son of Earl Goodwin holding the Kingdom by violence against both English and Danes scarce one year William Duke of Normandy came in as all Men know and Conquered the Land towards the end of the year 1066. and held the same all days of his Life and so hath his posterity after him by Male or Female unto our time and have continued the same Religion which he found or brought into England for all was one for the space of 500 years unto King Henry the Eighth's time which may be proved beside other ways by the Succession of our Arch-bishops of Canterbury Stigand an English Man being the Twenty-third from St. Augustin holding the same when William the Conqueror got the Crown to whom succeeded Lanfranc and to him
Anselmus and so successively one after another none of them ever being noted to be contrary to his Predecessor in Religion until Thomas Cranmer in King Henry the Eighth's time Who applyed himself to the Religion which the State and Prince liked best to allow of in that time And after the Kings Death agreed to break his last Will and Testament in changing that Religion into Zuinglianism most detested by his Majesty And after again Conspired to put down and destroy all the Kings Children and to set up the Duke of Suffolks Daughter And finally was put to Death both for Heresie and Treason in Queen Maries time as after more particularly shall be shewed And this was the first change of Religion in any Arch-bishop of Canterbury from the beginning unto his days 28. So as from King Ethelbert the first Christned English King unto King Henry the Eighth being the Eighteenth from William the Conqueror and more than Eighty from the said Ethelbert one and the self same Faith endured in England and the self same Church florished under so many different both Kings and Nations as before hath been shewed And the like we have declared to have been for the first 600 years under the Britans to wit that they never were known to have changed their Religion Which being so the deduction and demonstration is so clear as any reasonable Man can either make or require for proof that one and the self same Religion endured from the beginning to the ending among them 29. Unto which kind of proof the Ancient Holy Father and Martyr St. Irenaeus giveth great Authority by a like Argument For that having made the like Enumeration of the Bishops of Rome as we do now of our Arch-bishops of Canterbury against the Heretics of his days and that from St. Peter downward to Pope Eleutherius that lived with him he inferreth this conclusion Est plenissima haec ostensio unam eandem vivificatricem fidem esse quae in Ecclesiis ab Apostolis conservata tradita in unitate c. This is a most full proof that one and the self same lively Faith hath been conserved in the Church from the Apostles days unto our time delivered from one to another in unity c. And if that were a most full proof and demonstration in St. Irenaeus judgment against the Heretics of his time The same is now much more to us having seen the Succession of so many Ages since and noted the manner of like proof and Argument in all other Fathers after him As namely of St. Augustin Numerate sacerdotes velab ipsa Petri Sede in ordine illo Patrum quis cui successit videte Number the Priests that have succeeded the one to the other even from the Seat of Peter himself And then further In hoc ordine Successionis nullus Donatista Episcopus invenitur No one Donatist Bishop is to be found in this rank of Succession And yet more 30. Et si in illum ordinem Episcoporum quisquam traditor per illa tempora subrepsisset nihil praejudicaret Ecclesiae And if any Traytor in those days should have crept into that order and rank of Roman Bishops for of them he speaketh it should not have prejudicated the Church of God. 31. Which saying of St. Austin may serve us not only to Answer whatsoever Heretics do or may object true or false against the Lives of any latter Roman Bishops but for defence also of the Rank and Succession of our Archbishops of Canterbury notwithstanding the Apostasie of Thomas Cranmer or any other his like that for these latter years may have crept in as St. Austin saith or been thrust in and by violence occupied that See and Seat unworthily either in respect of his life or Religion or both seeing that the former Succession as well of Men as of Doctrin from St. Austin to Cranmer is manifest and evident for the space of 900 years without interruption as also that they were united all this time in Faith and Doctrin with the Universal Church of Christendom as Members and Branches of their Head and Body and that the first breach and interruption made thereof in that See by Cranmer and continued after him by some of his followers was noted presently and contradicted yea censured and condemned also by Sentence of the whole Church and thereupon rejected and abhorred by the principal of his own people both Clergy and Laity at that time 32. And the same contradiction endureth to this day and will do ever in those that conserve their Ancient Faith and Religion and do adhere to the lawful Succession of his Predecessors against him and his partners until it please Almighty God to put the said order and lawful Succession in joynt again and restore that chief and head conduct of our Country to his former integrity whereby the Water of true Catholic Religion was wont to be derived to the people of our Land and will be again when Gods wrath for our sins shall be pacified and his mercy induce him to permit as often otherwise he hath done that all return to the accustomed Ancient course of Catholic Faith and Religion again seeing in very deed there is none but that for so much as Sects and new Religions are but inventions and entertainments of time whilst God punisheth some sins in his Servants and after all returneth where it was before 33. And this have we spoken by the way and by occasion of Cranmer that was the first Arch-bishop of Canterbury that ever brake from the Roman Faith but notwithstanding his Apostasie Catholic Religion was not extinguished in England by that but remained there still all King Henries time as also during the Reigns of his three Children King and Queens Edward Mary and Elizabeth unto these our days as in the next Chapter following more largly and particularly we are to demonstrate CHAP. XII How Catholic Religion hath continued and persevered in England during the times and Reigns of King Henry the Eighth and his three Children King Edward Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth notwithstanding all the troubles changes alterations and tribulations that have fallen out and that the same Religion is like to continue to the Worlds end if our sins hinder not THE deduction which we have hitherto made of Catholic Religion from our first Conversion under St. Gregory and King Ethelbert of Kent unto the Reign of King Henry the Eighth with whom concurred in the See of Rome Leo the Tenth and Clemens the Seventh and other Popes Successors of St. Gregory hath been for the most part in time of Peace and without any public discontinuance at all but now are we to prosecute the same matter from the alteration made by King Henry downward unto our days and therein to shew that albeit in the external Face and Form of Religion there have been divers Mutations as Tempestuous Winds and Storms for the present yet hath the Catholic
Religion held firm her continuance throughout all these Tempests yea shewed her self more clear eminent and notorious by the Confession of her most constant Members then she did before in peace which is the proper privilege and excellency of truth and of the Catholic Church that is the Pilar of Truth above all Sects and Heresies as St. Cyprian St. Austin and other Fathers do note to come out of Persecution as Gold out of Fire more bright illustrious and eminent than before or as an excellent Ship well Tackled and skilfully guided breaketh thorow the Waves without hurt at all 2. And this hath been proved now by the experience of 1600 years wherein this Ship of the Catholic Church hath passed thorow no fewer storms than there are years and overcome them all whereas many hundred Sects and Sectaries in the meane space have been broken in pieces perished and consumed either by division among themselves or with a little externe Persecution or Discipline of the Church whereof I shall not need to alledge many examples for that the World is full of them and all Histories do testifie and our former deduction hath made it clear and one Domestical example of our own days there is before our eyes which may serve for all the rest to wit that some severity being begun by our State against two opposite Religions in England the Catholics and Puritans tho' much more rigorous against the former than the second yet hath Catholic Religion increased thereby and Puritanism been broken and in a manner dissolved The Reason of which different success we shall touch afterwards Now to the purpose we have in hand 3. For the first Twenty years of King Henries Reign unto the year of Christ 1530 no Man can deny but that the integrity of Catholic Religion Union and Communion with the rest of Christendom and perfect subordination to the See Apostolic of Rome remained in England whole as the said King had received it from the most prudent Religious and Victorious Prince his Father King Henry the Seventh and he again from his renowned Ancestors whom yet King Henry the Eighth as he did excel in knowledge of Learning So was he nothing inferior to them in zeal of defending the purity of Catholic Faith as may appear by the multitude of Sectaries and Heretics as well Waldensians Arrians Anabaptists Lollards and Wickliffians as Lutherans Zuinglians Calvinists and the like burned by him for dissenting from the universal known Church and Roman Religion in the first said Twenty years of his Reign which Fox setteth down with great complaint and regret and we shall after declare more at large in the Second and Third parts of this Treatise 4. And when Luther afterward rose up in the Eighth year of this glorious Kings Reign which was the year of Christ 1517 King Henry caused first the Famous Learned Bishop John Fisher of Rochester to confute the Mad fellow and after he vouchsafed to do the same himself by a most excellent Book which I have Read and seen subscribed with his own hand with the Dedication thereof by his Ambassador Dr. Clark after Bishop of Bath and Wells unto Pope Leo the Tenth who in gratification thereof gave his Majesty and all his Posterity the most Honorable Style and Title of Defender of the Faith. 5. And thus continued King Henry and the Religion under him in England until the foresaid year 1530. at what time there happened a most fatal and unfortunate contention between Clement the Seventh the Pope and him about his Divorce from Queen Katherine He began first to shew his grief and displeasure against Cardinal Wolsey and secondly against the whole Clergy of England Condemning the one and the other in the Forfeiture of Premunire who in their submission and supplication for Pardon either of fear or flattery called him Supreme Head of their Church of England 6. The King also began to shew openly his disgust with the Pope for not yielding to his pretence and Petition But what Was the Kings Religion changed by this Or did he alter his judgment in Faith for this disaffection towards the Pope No truly as well appeareth by his other actions For he frequented the Mass no less than before he burned Heretics more than ever as appeareth by Fox his accompt and so you shall see in all the residue of his Life which were Sixteen years after this And albeit at this time being much troubled with this breach with the Pope he attended less to repress Heresie for some years than he had done before yet was his judgment no less against them than from the beginning and the longer he lived the more grew his aversion from them as may easily appear to him that will but look over the years that ensued after this disgust and breach with Pope Clement the Seventh For albeit in the next year after to wit 1531 he proceeded to shew his aversion from that Pope yet did not he neglect the punishment of Lutherans as may appear by the burning of David Foster Valentine Freese John Tenkesbury the old Man of Buckingham and other which Fox doth complain of 7. In the year 1532. The King proceeding in the same discontentment with the Pope did certain things rather to terrifie him than to make any change of Religion as making Sir Thomas Audley Chancellor in the place of Sir Thomas More which Audley was suspected to favor Lutheranism In using also familiarly Thomas Cromwell a Man of the same humor or worse To which end also he going over into France conferred with Francis the French King and persuaded him to Summon the Pope to a General Council but he would not whereupon King Henry returning into England not only spake open words against Pope Clement but suffered one Dr. Cutwyn Dean of Hertfort to Preach publickly against him in a Sermon before the King himself in the Church of the Franciscan Friers of Greenwich who passed so far in that vein as a grave Religious Father Named Elstow reprehended him publickly out of the Quire or Roodloft for which he was sent to Prison And this was the first open contradiction that King Henry had within his Realm about this Controversie with the Pope and yet doth Fox recount unto us divers of his Martyrs most opposite to the Pope that were burnt by the Kings Authority this year as namely James Baynam Robert Debnam Nicolas Marish Robert King and others 8. There followed the year 1533 wherein his Majesty was Married to Queen Ann Bullen and consequently this year passed most in Triumph about Coronation of the said Queen as also the Birth and Baptism of her Majesty that now is So as little was done in matters of Religion any way but a great Gate seemed to be opened to the Protestants and to Luthers favorers by this Marriage in so much that Fox doth assign the ground of his Gospel principally from this year in respect both
will shew thee my Faith by Works And that these good works did proceed of Faith contrary to the Cavil of John Fox is evident by those pious words of the King where he saith Seeing Almighty God of his Mercy and Clemency without any precedent Merit of mine hath given me my Crown I do willingly restore to him again c. 7. But Fox goeth forward in jesting at the said King Ethelwolf saying That he that had been once nuzl'd up in his Youth among Priests he was always good and devout to holy Church c. And then passeth he on to shew How after he had established matters in his own Kingdom he went to Rome and carried with him his little Son Alured or Alfred committing him to the bringing up of Pope Leo IV. as before hath been said where also he re-edified the English School founded by King Offa and destroy'd by Fire a little before under King Egbert Moreover he gave saith Fox yearly to be paid in Rome 300 Marks to be distributed in this manner 100 Marks to maintain the Lights of St. Peter 's Church and another hundred Marks to maintain the Lights of St. Paul 's Church and the third hundred to be disposed in good works at the Pope's appointment At all which Fox jesteth also merrily building his Church by these Mocks and Mews 8. And to like effect he reciteth a Miracle registred by William Malmsbury and by the Charter of King Ethelstone Son and Heir to King Edward the elder which King having escaped a great Danger at Winchester where one of his Subjects named Duke Alfred and other of his Nobles conspiring together presently after his Father's Death would have put out his eyes But he escaping that Danger took the said Alfred Prisoner and for that he denied that he had any such intention the good King thought there was no better Trial than to send him to Rome to Pope John XI to be try'd by a solemn religious Oath before him The Pope made him swear before St. Peter's Altar who forswearing the said Conspiracy fell down presently before the said Altar in the sight of all the People and was carried thence in the arms of his Servants to the aforesaid School or English-men where he died the third night after wherewith the Pope and all Rome remain'd astonished and the Pope sent presently into England to know of the King whether he would pardon him and suffer his Body to be buried in Christian Sepulcher which King Ethelston after consultation had with the rest of his Nobility and by the earnest intercession of Duke Alfred's Friends was content that he should be so buried but yet by Sentence of the whole Realm the Possessions of the said Alfred were adjudg'd to the King's use who bestow'd them all upon Churches and Monasteries to the Honor of God and St. Peter which had given this Judgment in the Controversie 9. All this is testified by the said King's Charter recorded by Will. of Malmsb. and recited by Fox and the said Charter towards the end hath these words Et sic judicata est mihi tot a possessio ejus in magnis modicis quam Deo Sancto Petro dedi nec justius novi quàm Deo Sancto Petro hanc possessionem dare qui emulum meum in conspectu omnium cadere fecerunt mihi prosperitatem Regni largiti sunt And by this means the whole Possession both great and small of Duke Alfred was adjudged unto me which I gave unto God and to St. Peter nor do I know to whom I should more justly give the same than to God and to St. Peter who made my Adversary to fall down in the sight of all men and gave unto me the Prosperity of my Kingdom Thus wrote he about the year of Christ 933 as John Fox counteth and I marvel he would relate this Story being so much against himself and his Religion and in confirmation of ours as it is for that it sheweth that God and St. Peter in those days wrought Miracles in Rome when Fox saith that the Faith and Religion of Rome was far out of order from the true Gospel But this is the misery and calamity of this poor Fellow and his Cause as often before I have noted that either he must write nothing at all of these Times and Ages or else he must write Testimonies against himself 10. I will give you one short Example more where he allegeth us a Narration of a very old Writer which he saith he had in Manuscript lent him by one named William Carre and thereupon he citeth it still by the name of Historia Cariana this Story being written as it seemeth in those Ages and of the Miseries that happened to England by the Incursions of Danes and other Infidels seeketh out the causes of God's wrath in this behalf saying thus In Anglorum quidem Ecclesia primitiva Religio clarissimè splenduit c. In the primitive Church of England Religion did most clearly shine insomuch that Kings Queens Princes Dukes Consuls Barons and Rulers of Churches incensed with the desire of the Kingdom of Heaven laboured and stirred as it were amongst themselves to enter into Monastical Life and into voluntary Exile and Solitariness forsaking all to follow their Lord where in process of time all Virtue so much decay'd among them that in Fraud and Treachery none seemed like unto them neither was to them any thing odious or hateful but Piety and Justice nor any thing in price and honor but Civil War and shedding Blood Wherefore Almighty God sent upon them Pagan And Cruel Nations like swarms of Bees 11. This relateth Fox out of his Carian Story and I know not to what end he should relate it but only to shew that while English-men lived Godly according to the fashion of their primitive Church they esteemed and honored highly Religious and Monastical Life and many leaving the World with the Pleasures and Possessions thereof entred into that Religious Course endeavoring to follow and imitate their Lord and Master therein and that so long was England happy and blessed by God To which effect if John Fox do allege the same then is it evident what a good Conclusion he doth make against himself his Religion at this day that are such professed Enemies to that kind of life so highly here commended and consequently the Relator thereof doth shew himself to be as well John Fool as John Fox not considering what maketh for him or against him 12. But to the end that we should not think that he hath made Peace or Friendship with Monks for all this or that he liketh their Life or Profession any thing the better for so many praises given them by ancient Authors he scoldeth at them every where and upon every occasion writing over the Pages and Titles of his Book these Superscriptions Monks Superstitious Monks Monks married Monks meer Lay-men in old times and the like
wrong Cause 32. How large a Treatise Fox maketh of St. Thomas Becket and his contention with King Henry II. and how shamefully he doth bely and revile him every-where hath been shewed sufficiently before in my Answer to Sir Francis Hastings as also of the Fable of the poysoning of K. John. And as for the Histories the Waldenses Albigenses whom he meaneth to lay for the first Foundations of his visible Church upon Earth he handleth matters so falsly and partially contrary to the testimony of all Antiquity as a man may easily see that the whole contexture of his Story is nothing else but a perpetual woven thread of wilful and malicious Falshoods and for that I shall have occasion to speak again of these Heretics in the next Chapter wherein we have to handle the Succession of John Fox his visible Protestant Church from Wickliff downward I shall say no more thereof here but remit me to that which ensueth CHAP. IX Of the time from John Wickliff unto the beginning of the Reign of King Henry VIII containing about 140 years And how the Roman Church and John Fox his Church passed in these days BY that which hath been said before from Age to Age of the apparent and manifest Descent Progress and Continuation of the Catholic Roman Church and of her State and Condition as well in England as in other parts of the Christian World at the rising of John Wickliff an English-man about the year of Christ 1371 it is not hard to make the like deduction of the same Church from that time unto the year of Christ 1560 when her Majesty that now is had a little before begun her Reign and established the form of Religion that now is held in England For as for the Popes and chief Ecclesiastical Governors of the Roman Church in this time they are publicly known their Names Number and Succession one to another from Innocentius VI. Vrbanus V. and Gregory XI who first condemned Wickliff's Doctrin unto Pope Pius V. that entred the Roman See at the beginning of her Majesties Reign being in number about Thirty and all of one Faith and Religion the one with the other 2. The Emperours also both of the West and East Empire so long as it lasted are known to have been of the self-same Religion excepting some Disobedience and Schismatical Opinions in some of the Greek Emperours against the Church of Rome for which it may be thought that God of his Justice gave them over at length together with their Empire into Infidels hands about the year of Christ 1450 Constantinus the Twelfth of that Name sirnamed Paleologus being the last of that Race 3. The manner also of proceeding in Ecclesiastical matters by this Church in this time was like unto the former to wit by conserving and continuing the Faith of their Ancestors and precedent times defending the same with like diligence against Innovations of Heretics partly by the Writings of Catholic Learned Men Doctors and Preachers which in these Ages were as Gregorius Ariminensis Laurentius Justinianus Thomas de Kempis Bartholomeus Vrbinas Thomas Waldensis Joannes Gerson Alphonsus Tostatus Sanctus Vincentius Sanctus Antoninus Sanctus Bernardinus Senensis Nicolaus Cusanus Jo. Tritemius Jo. Naucleras Albertus Pius Eckius Empserus Clicthoveus and many other Learned Catholic Writers By whose diligence the Heretics in these Ages were every-where refuted But especially were they repressed by the Authority of Synods and Councils as well Provincial and National as General also to which effect were their latter General Councils the first of Florence under Pope Eugenius IV. against the Heretics and Schismatics of those times about the year of Christ 1432 the second of Lateran under Julius II. and Leo X. about the year of Christ 1513 and the third of Trent against Lutherans Zwinglians Calvinists Anabaptists and other such fresher Heretics of our days under Pope Paulus IV. Pius IV. and Pius V. which Council was begun about the year 1445. 4. And albeit in this time as in former Ages there wanted not troublesom Spirits and new-fangling Heads to impugn and exercise this Church as the Wickliffians Hussites Pickards Adamites Thaborites Orebites and other such Sectaries going before Lutherans Zwinglians Calvinists Anabaptists Trinitarians and other like new Dogmatists of our days yet were they always discovered resisted vanquished and condemned by the same ordinary Process of Ecclesiastical Censures and Judgment excommunicated anathematiz'd and delivered over to Sathan by the Authority of this Church as all other Heretics were in former Ages and consequently are like to have the self-same final end howsoever they ruffle or resist for a time 5. And this being now the demonstration of our Catholic Church most clear and evident to all them that have Eyes of Understanding to see and Grace to consider the Truth let us pass over to the view of John Fox's Church which having been hitherto invisible from Christ downward and only imaginary or Mathematical as you have seen for that he hath scarce named any to have been of that Church yet now from this time forward he will begin to exhibit unto us a real visible Church on his part that is to say a Succession or rather Representation of divers Professors of his Religion or of some Points thereof at leastwise wherein they differ from the Roman For he doth not think it needful for those of his Church to agree in all Articles nor doth he bind himself to the Rule of St. Augustin Ecclesia universaliter perfecta est in nullo claudicat The true Church is universally perfect and doth halt in no one point of Belief But he thinketh it sufficient for his men to agree in some things against the Roman Church and to have some sparkles of Truth in it as before he affirmed albeit therewithal they should have some blemishes and errors also as a little after we will declare 6. The Catalogue of these Protestant Professors whereof Fox would make up his Church we shall handle in the Chapter following Now we are only to tell you that from this time of Wickliff downwards he meaneth to lay down the visible Succession of his Church and to that effect he storeth up all those that held the Articles of the foresaid Wickliff or Husse for Gospellers of his Church whatsoever they held otherwise against him or different among themselves And if any of them or others were punished for their Opinions by our Church then doth he register them for Martyrs or Confessors of the same Church which yet he never durst do before this time albeit there were divers other Sectaries in former Ages that symboliz'd with him in divers Articles as hath been shewed 7. Yea in this matter we may see John Fox also play the Fox and fetch many windings and turnings to deceive his Reader for that at the very entrance of his prolix and tedious Treatise of John Wickliff whom he proposeth as a chosen man raised
Lo here these Mens censures of the first Conversion of our English Nation to Christianity They compare Paganism to Gods blessing and our new Christian Religion to the warm Sun and all our Forefathers Faith and Religion more than 900 years together they define to be nothing but Superstition Treachery and Idolatry no less hurtful than the Paganism it self which they professed before and that they lived and died only with the bare name of Christians without the Substance c. And consequently are most certainly damned all eternally Now if the worst Devil that is found in hell had a mouth and should be let forth to preach curse or scold against us as these men do could he speak worse or more blasphemously think you against the first Christianity of our Nation or against God himself that testified the Truth and Sanctity thereof by so many rare miracles as before hath been shewed Could this Divel I say in his own shape or language speak more opprobriously of our primitive English Christian Church then these new Gospellers do especially if we add that which Friar Bale hath in these words Carnalis illa Anglorum Synagoga quae Roma venerat illam persequebatur Ecclesiam quae secundum Christi Spiritum apud Britannos erat That Carnal Synagogue of English Christians that came from Rome did persecute the Church that was in England according to the Spirit of Christ bfore Augustin came 18. Behold our first Christian English Church not only call'd a Synagogue but a carnal Synagogue and the British Church which a little before Holinshed condemned as you heard of Heresie is now called the true Church according to the Spirit of Christ But what spiritual Man think you was this that so speaketh of Spirit and condemneth our primitive English Church of Carnality You shall hear him described by his own pen and first of his Vocation how he became a Frier Duodecim annorum puer saith he in Carmelitani Monachatus Barathrum Nordovici detrudebar When I was a Boy of twelve years old at Norich I was thrust into the pit of being a white Friar So he saith and out of these words two things may be noted of his spirit which is no doubt of lying for that both of them are slanderous fictions of his own first that he was made a Friar at the Age of twelve years for that no Religious Order can admit Men to the same according to the Ecclesiastical Canons but of convenient years and fit to make their choise for so great an attempt as is to renounce the World and lead a Religious Life according to the vows they make which before the Council of Trent was at Fourteen years whereunto the said Council added two years more It might be then perhaps that this Boy was put into the White Friars Monastery at Norwich at twelve years old to sweep the Church or cleanse Candlesticks or other such Offices fit for that Age and his Person but not to be a Friar or to be admitted into the Order it self and much less which is the second lie can it be probable that he was forced thereunto as here he telleth his Readers for that it is well known that such Profession were not available for which cause every Order of Religion hath their Noviceships or times of Probations appointed wherein Men are to be proved and to prove also themselves and to have free liberty to make their Elections without force or constraint at all And so do all true Religious Men know and profess albeit this miserable Apostate having lost all spirit and sense of Religion and become wholly carnal indeed would have it thought that he was put into Religion against his will. 19. But how did he get himself out again trow you from this Servitude into Liberty of the Flesh World and Devil and of his new Gospel you shall hear it also from himself Apparente Dei verbo saith he deformitatem meam vidi c. The Word of the Lord appearing I saw mine own deformity of being to wit a Priest and a Friar Well and what followed Horribilis bestiae maledictum charecterem deinceps erasi I did presently then scrape out the cursed mark or character of the horrible Beast So he calleth his old Character of Priesthood his Vows of Poverty Chastity and Obedience and other Obligations of Religion 20. But what was the means to scrape out these Characters you shall have it from himself in like manner Non enim saith he ab homine neque per hominem sed speciali Christi verbo dono uxorem fidelissimam accepi Dorotheam For that I took unto me and you must mark the word enim that yieldeth the cause a most faithful wife Dorothy some Nun you may imagin as faithful in keeping her Vow of Chastity as himself and this not from any Man nor by any Mans help but by the special gift and word of Christ c. Lo here Christ made a wooer for this Friar to marry a Nun against both their Vows and Promises made to him before and is not this a fit Spiritual Father to call the whole Primitive Church of England a Carnal Synagogue c. 21. But yet hear him out further what he writeth of our first Christian King Ethelbert and of the Religion receiv'd by him from St. Augustin and thereby consider what manner of Men this new Gospel bringeth forth Ethelbertus Rex saith he Romanismum cum adjunctis superstitionibus tandem suscepit hac nimirum adjectâ conditione ut omnino liber non coactitius esset novus ille Deorum cultus King Ethelbert at length having heard the Preaching and considered as Fox saith the Miracles and vertuous Life of St. Augustin and his Fellows admitted the Roman Religion with all the Superstitions adjoyned thereunto but yet with this condition that this new worship of Gods which he now admitted should be altogether free and no way subject to Coaction c. In which words the Apostate if you mark him doth not only speak blasphemously of our whole first Christianity calling it a new Worship of many Gods but seemeth also to insinuate that it was so admitted by King Ethelbert at the beginning as it might be free for Men to leave it again when they would Than which contumelious slander if he mean it so nothing can be spoken or imagined more absurd or wicked Let any Man read St. Gregories letters to King Ethelbert after his Conversion and he shall see an other Lesson there taught him to wit his great and perpetual Obligation to God for so singular a Benefit confirmed from Heaven with so many Miracles and such other points 22. But by this we may see whither these Mens drifts do tend which is to discredit all Antiquity and Religion and to bring in question whether Englishmen were ever true Christians hitherto or no. And as for the space of 900 years together after St. Augustin's time unto Luther
Roman in the next Ages after when St. Gregory sent St. Augustin to convert the English or that the Roman Religion brought in by St. Augustin should be different from the British except only in certain Rites or Reliques of Pelagianism which yet were not generally received of all as before hath been declared Reason V 8. The fifth Argument standeth upon some Observations taken out of Histories and other Monuments of Antiquity whereby it may be gathered more or less what points of Religion among such as are now called in Controversie by Protestants were believed in those days by the ancient Britans For albeit the Story of that Church before the coming of St. Augustin be not so left written by any authentical Writer as were to be wished and as other Countreys have and namely ours by St. Bede and this in respect of the manifold Wars great Miseries and continual Calamities fallen upon the British Nation for 200 years together before the Conversion of the English whereby neither the orderly Succession of their Bishops neither their meeting in Synods and Councils neither the observation of Ecclesiastical Discipline neither their Communication with the Churches of other Countreys and especially the See of Rome could be so well performed or recorded yet of the small Sparkles and Reliques that do remain it is not hard to guess besides the Reasons and Considerations before-alledged what Religion the Britans were of and whether their Faith agreed more with the Protestants of our days than with the Religion of St. Augustin brought in from Rome and continu'd by Catholics unto this present 9. For first if we will hear external Authors St. Chrysostom testifieth against the Gentiles in his days that in Britanny there were Altari a Christi dedicata Altars dedicated to Christ which Altars do infer Sacrifice and Sacrifice Priesthood as in his Books de Sacerdotio he proveth So as in St. Chrysostom's Age which was the very same wherein the Saxons entred into Britanny the Britans Religion was Catholic according to St. Chrysostom agreeing as well with the Western as Eastern Church whereof himself was For if they had been different or had followed any other Religion than the Common he would not so much have bragged of them as against the Gentiles he did 10. But let us return to British Authors themselves If we read over with attention the little Treatise or Epistle of Gildas which he writeth of the Destruction and Conquest of his Countrey he being the only Author indeed of entire credit which we find extant of those ancient times we shall find signs and footsteps enough what Religion the Britans were of tho' his purpose was not to write any Ecclesiastical History He lived a good while before the coming of St. Augustin and in the second part of his said Treatise reprehendeth grievously the most horrible sins of the Britans for which these Calamities of the Picts Scots and Saxons came upon them And he beginneth his complaint first of their Kings and Judges saying Reges habet Britannia sed Tyrannos Judices habet sed impios crebro jurantes sed perjurantes voventes sed continuò propemodum mentientes Britanny hath Kings but they are become Tyrants it hath Judges but they are impious swearing often but forswearing making Vows but presently almost breaking the same c. 11. Here we see that breaking of Vows was held for no small sin in those days But he goeth further talking of the said Princes Inter Altaria jurando demorantes haec eadem ac si lutulenta paulò pòst saxa despicientes cujus tam nefandi piaculi non ignarus est Constantinus They run to the Altar and swear when they are in necessity and a little after they despise the said Altars again as if they were but dirty Stones of which wicked Sacrilege King Constantine is not ignorant c. Here you see Altars made of Stone in those days and Princes accustomed to swear by Altars and to seek their Refuge in peril or necessity by running to them and staying by them in Sanctuary or when they would do any act with religious solemnity and that it was counted a heinous sin to break promises made upon Altars in those days which yet Protestants make no scruple of 12. But now what this Oath of King Constantine was whereof Gildas speaketh and in what form it was made it appeareth in the next words after which amongst other are these Hoc anno post horribile juramenti Sacramentum quo se devinxit c. Deo primum Sanctorum demum Choris Genetrici comitantibus c. latera Regiorum tenerrima puerorum vel praecordia crudeliter inter ipsa ut dixi sacrosancta Altaria nefando ense hastaque prodentibus laceravit ita ut Sacrificii coelestis sedem purpurea pallia coagulati cruoris attingerent c. Even this year after a most dreadful Oath whereby Constantine bound himself c. first to God and then to the whole Choir of Saints and the Mother of Christ accompanying the same c. he pierced with his wicked Sword and Spear the most tender sides and hearts of two young Princely Children and this so near to the holy Altars as their Purple Cloaks all besprinkled with Blood did touch the seat of the heavenly Sacrifice c. Behold here an Oath broken which was made to God upon the holy Altars in the sight of his Mother and of all the Saints of Heaven for the preservation of the said two Princely Children committed to Constantine and most cruelly murder'd by him even at the side of the said Altars so near that their Purple Cloaks did touch the seat of the heavenly Sacrifice Which is the same phrase that other ancient Fathers did use to describe holy Altars calling them the Seat of the blessed Sacrifice or which is all one the Seat of the Body and Blood of our Saviour Quid est enim Altare saith Optatus nisi sedes Corporis Sanguinis Christi What is an Altar but the seat of the Body and Blood of Christ 13. And now I would ask our men whether these speeches of Gildas do agree better to Protestants Religion or to Ours Would any Protestant speak or write thus But let us hear how he goeth forward against another Britan Prince of that time called Aurelius Among many other Crimes he objecteth this Propriâ uxore pulsâ furciferam germanam ejus perpetuam Deo viduitatis castimoniam promittentem suscipis Thou having driven away thine own Wife takest unto thee her wicked Sister which had promised to God perpetual Chastity of Widowhood And then to another wicked Prince Maglocunus he objecteth That having made a Vow to be a Monk he returned to the World again saying Coram omnipotente Deo Angelicis vultibus humanisque perpetuò Monachum vouisti c. O quàm profusus spei coelestis fomes desperatorum cordibus te in bonis permanente inardesceret ô qualia
throughout the World for Christ's Church are wicked and rebellious unto God and Acts of the Devil's Synagogue from the time that John Fox assigneth of her Fall and Apostacy and that on the contrary side all the Writings Actions and Gests of all sorts of Heretics against this Church from that time are the Acts and Monuments of the true Church of Christ Supposing all this I say as Fox doth there cannot want matter either on the one side or the other to fill up Volumes And the lower he passeth downward the more matter he findeth for that Sects and Sectaries increasing daily whom he registreth for Saints and Pillars of his Church the Volume of his Book must needs grow greatly And so is it seen by this fourth Book wherein from the Conquest to the latter-end of King Edward III's Reign when Wickliff began containing 300 years to wit from Anno Domini 1066 to 1370 there are spent above 100 Leaves of Paper which is much more than was in the former 1066 years But in the fifth Book from John Wickliff's time to King Henry VIII which are but 140 years are contained upon the point of 200 Leaves and then again from the beginning of King Henry's Reign to the entrance of Q. Elizabeth being but fifty years he spendeth above 600 Leaves And by this you may judge both of the Subject and Substance of John Fox's huge Volume tho' we are to look into the same somewhat more particularly also as we pass it over in this and the ensuing Chapters 3. Well then this being his device and resolution for the present to have no longer patience with our Church but wholly to deny the same his greatest difficulty seemeth to be about the Time and Causes to wit where or when or how or upon what occasion she perished or vanished away for seeing she hath continued by his Confession also for so many Years and Ages and come down unto our days under the self-same Succession of Bishops Pastors and Teachers as before and consequently also with the self-same Doctrin and Religion and with the same external Power and Majesty which it was wont it seemeth a very hard thing upon the sudden either to annihilate so Great and Mighty a Kingdom or which is much more difficult to make so strange a Metamorphosis and Mutation in her as that she having been hitherto the Church of Christ his Spouse his Kingdom his dearest Beloved and beautified with his Graces directed by his Spirit enriched with his most precious Gifts and Endowments and so acknowledged also by Fox ' himself in former Ages that now she should become Christ's Enemy and Adversary upon the sudden and the Kingdom of Satan his Eternal Foe and yet to retain still the Name Place Estimation and external Dignity which she had before professing with no less shew of duty her Obedience and Love to Christ than in former times she was wont This Change and Metamorphosis I say is most wonderful and incredible to all those that believe Christ to be God and to have been able to perform his promise that Hell-gates should never prevail against this Church Wherefore we are to examin somewhat more diligently in this Chapter how this matter could fall out and when and by what occasion come to pass for that so great and rare a Mutation as this is never fell out yet in the World before Tho' Temporal States and Kingdoms have had their changes nay all temporal mutations of Empires Kingdoms States and Monarchies have been made principally to shew the contrary stability and immutable continuation of Christ's Church once planted in the World as in part we have declared before shewing how that in all times and seasons in all variety and variations of States People Countries and Dominions as well in England as elsewhere the Christian Catholic Religion remained one and the same among them all To which effect also is that notable Prophesie of Daniel when foretelling first the breaking and overthrow of all four Monarchies by him mentioned he addeth as a notorious opposition to the same the stability and immortality of Christ's Church and Kingdom once set on foot in these words In the days of these Kingdoms God of Heaven shall raise up a Kingdom that shall never be dissipated neither shall this Kingdom be given to another people This Kingdom shall consume and wear out all the other Kingdoms but it self shall stand for ever 4. Thus saith Daniel and the most of these Points we have seen verified and fulfilled already for God of Heaven hath raised this Kingdom and visible Church of Christ which then seemed a strange matter he hath increased and continued the same for a thousand years and more as Fox will confess which is a longer time than any Temporal Monarchy lightly hath continued without change he hath overthrown in this time and consumed the other Kingdoms and Monarchies mentioned by him Now remain the other two Clauses to be fulfilled in like manner to wit That it shall stand for ever or as Christ expoundeth it usque and consummationem saeculi to to the Worlds end and then quod alteri populo non tradetur that this Kingdom shall not be delivered over to another People from that which possessed it from the beginning The quite contrary whereof teacheth here John Fox affirming this Church that hath been accounted the true Church and Kingdom of Christ for a thousand years past is now no more his Church or Kingdom nor these Popes Bishops and Pastors that are found in her to have come down by continual Succession are now no more the true and lawful Guides or Governors thereof but that it appertaineth to others and consequently this Kingdom of Christ is taken from them and delivered to another People to wit to the Berengarians to the Waldenses to the Albanenses to the Wickliffians Lutherans Zuinglians and other like people of latter Ages 5. This is John Fox his mad Assertion wherein you see he should prove two Points First That our Church is lost and fallen and our Men rightly dispossessed of the Interest thereof And then That his Men to wit these new Sectaries have entred into a just possession of that Name and Title of the true Church Both which Points we deny You shall see how he beginneth to prove the first that is to say the Fall and Overthrow of the Universal visible Church sirnamed the Roman And thus hitherto saith he stood the condition of the Church of Christ meaning the next Ages before the Conquest albeit not without some repugnance and difficulty yet in some mean state of the Truth and Verity till the time of Pope Hildebrand called Gregory VII which was near about the year 1080. and of Pope Innocentius III. in the year 1215. by whom all was turned upside down all Order broken true Doctrin defaced Christian Faith extinguished c. 6. Here you see John Fox to assign two Times and two Popes when and
by whom not only the true Church was overthrown but Christian Faith also utterly extinguished to wit Gregory VII and Innocentius III. two of the most Renowned men both for Vertue and Learning that have possessed that See since the time of our Conquest or in many Ages before if we will believe all the ancient Authors that have written of them wherein I dare joyn Issue with Fox or any of his Cubs whatsoever that will defend him in this notorious slander against these two worthy Men For as for Innocentius III. he is affirmed to have been one of the most excellent Popes for good Life and rare Learning that for these thousand years held that See. Of whom Blondus amongst other Authors writeth thus Suavissimus erat in Galliis famae odor gravitatis sanctitatis ac vevum gestarum ejus Pontificis c. The fame and scent of this Pope's Gravity Holiness of Life and Greatness of his Action was most sweet throughout all France c. And for his Learning the same Author saith Libros Doctrina plenos scripsit He wrote most Learned Books In which kind divers Authors do report that he wrote more than most of the other Popes of Rome before his time put together 7. And as for Gregory VII albeit he had many Enemies stirred up against him by the Emperour Henry IV. and others whom he sought to punish and reform for their Misbehavior yet if we will believe the chief Authors of that Age and those that lived either with him or next unto him as Anselmus Archbishop of Canterbury Marianus Scotus Otho Frisingensis Aeneas Sylvius Lambertus Schafaaburgensis Vincentius Gallus Abbas Vrspergensis Aventinus Sigibertus Tritemius and many others he was not only very Learned Wise and a Man of great Courage in resisting the foresaid most dissolute Emperour that lived scandalously and oppressed the Church but also he was reputed of a most holy Life insomuch as God wrought divers Miracles by him 8. The very form of his Election recorded by Platina Sabellicus and others doth shew what he was when they say Elegimus hodie 21 Maii Anno Domini 1072 in verum Christi Vicarium Hildebrandum Archidiaconum virum multae Doctrinae magnae Pietatis Prudentiae Justitiae Constantiae Religionis c. We have chosen this day the 21st of May 1072 for true Vicar of Christ a Man of much Learning great Piety Prudence Justice Constancy and Religion c. This was the testimony of the whole Clergy of Rome that knew him better than John Fox and his Fellows Against whom Lambertus Schafnaburgensis talking of his whole Life afterwards saith Signa Prodigia quae per Grationes Gregorii Papae frequentius fiebant zelus ejus fervent issimus pro Deo Ecclesiasticis legibus satis eum contra venenatas detractorum linguas communiebant The Signs and Miracles which oftentimes were done by the Prayers of Pope Gregory VII and his most fervent Zeal for the Honor of God and defence of Ecclesiastical Laws did sufficiently defend him against the venemous Tongues of Detractors 9. Vincentius also Gallus in his History relateth out of a more ancient Historiographer than himself named Gulielmus Historicus Hildebrandum dono prophetiae praeditum fuisse That Hildebrand the Pope was endued with the gift of Prophesie which he sheweth by divers particular Examples of Events foretold by him And this of Gregory VII 10. But what do the same Authors yea Germans themselves write of their Emperour his Enemy Henry IV. Surely it is shameful to report his Adulteries Symoniacal selling of Benefices Robberies and spoiling of poor particular men thrusting in wicked men into places of Prelates and the like Principes Regni rogat saith Lambertus ut patiantur ipsum Vxorem repudiare c. He did request the Princes of the Empire that they would suffer him to put away his Wife telling them what the Pope by his Legat had opposed to the contrary Which being heard by them they were of the Pope's Opinion Principes aiebant aequè censere Rom. Pontificem ita fractus magis quàm inflexus Rex ab incepto abstinuit The Princes affirmed That the Bishop of Rome had reason to determin as he did and so the King rather forced than changed in mind abstained from his purposed Divorce 11. Lo here the first beginning of falling out betwixt the Emperour and the Pope which was increased for that two years after as the same Author saith the Pope deprived one Charles for Symony and Theft to whom the Emperor had sold for Money the Bishopric of Constance And this he did by a Council of Prelates and Princes held in Germany it self the Emperour being present Cùm etiam saith he Rex in Judicio assideret causamque Caroli quoad posset tueretur Bishop Charles was deposed notwithstanding that the King was present in that Judgment and defended him and his Cause as much as he could And this was an increase of the falling out between them But the constancy saith the same Author and invincible mind of Hildebrand against Covetousness did exclude all Arguments of Human Deceits and Subtilties 12. Vrspergensis in like manner who lived in the same time reckoneth up many particulars of the Emperour 's wicked behaviour in these words Coepit Principes despicere Nobiles opprimere He began to despise the Princes oppress the Nobles and Nobility and give himself to Incontinency Which Aventinus an Author not misliked by the Protestants uttereth more particularly in these words Henricum stupris amoribus impudicitiae adulterii flagrasse infamia nec amici quidem negant The very friends of Henry the Emperour do not deny but that he was infamous for his wicked life in Lechery Fornication and Adultery 13. And finally not to name any more Marianus Scotus that lived in those days writeth thus of the whole Controversie between them Gregory VII saith he being stirred up by the just clamors of Catholic Men and hearing the immanity of Henry the Emperour's wickedness cry'd out against by them did excommunicate him for the same but especially for the sin of Simony in buying and selling Bishoprics which fact of the Pope did like very well all good Catholic men but displeased such as would buy and sell Benefices and were favourers of the said Emperour 14. And thus much be spoken of the Learning Lives and Vertue of these two particular Popes Gregory VII and Innocentius III. whom John Fox would needs have us believe that they had overturned God's Church and extinguished Christian Religion utterly in the World. But especially he rageth every where and with greatest acerbity against Gregory VII dilating himself in many large Discourses of that Argument and telling so many and apparent Lyes of Him and his Acts and Ends as were a matter incredible to him that hath not examined them Neither may I stand to recount them all or the greater part for it would require a Volume but by one
Religion from those downward to John Wickliffe were commonly infected with some points of these two general Sects the Waldenses or Albigenses it shall not be needful to stand upon the examination of every one of them seeing that their Opinions are known to be such as they could not possibly be of one Church with Fox and his Company Yet must we note this by the way also that Fox doth commit infinite confusion falshood and cosinage in all this his enumeration accounting some for Disciples of the Albigenses that lived 100. years before them As Marsilius Patavinus who lived under Pope Paschasius II. about the year 1110. which is more than an 100 years before Pope Innocentius III. as both Alvarus and Alphonsus de Castro do testifie and never held any points of the former Heresies but only some Propositions agiainst the Degrees and living of Ecclesiastical Persons And the like falshood is to be understood of Gulielmus de Sancto Amore who living about the year 1250. was a Catholic man in all points and only had some quarrellings with Religious Orders As in like sort Armachanus Archbishop of Armach in Ireland also had For which cause only Fox maketh him of his Church though in matters of Religion he held no one Article of the Protestant Faith with him different from the Catholic And consequently Fox doth extremely abuse them by conjoining them here with divers Heretics burned for the foresaid blasphemous Opinions 32. The like may be said of William Occam and Gregorius Arminensis two Catholic Scholmen and every day alleged for such in our Schools Robert Grossead also our Learned Bishop of Lincoln is in the same predicament as in like manner Dante 's and Petrarcha Italian Poets that never held any jot of Protestant Religion in the world And yet are brought in here by John Fox as men of his Church and Belief with the greatest falshood and foolery in the world And this forsooth for that in some place of their Works they reprehend the Manners of Rome or Lives of some Popes in those days Which is as good an Argument as if a man would prove that St. Paul was not of the Faith or Religion of the Corinthians for that he reprehended them sharply for Fornication used among them 33. Wherefore to leave the Rabble that followeth of this people as namely thirty six Citizens of Moguntia burned An. Dom. 1390. and another company of like people to wit one hundred and forty put in the Fire throughout the Province of Narbone and twenty four more put to death in Paris in the Year 1210. and other particular Saints of his Church recounted and Canonized by Fox To leave these I say and to come down to our Lolhards and Wickliffians and their followers in England we have treated of their Doctrin sufficiently in the precedent Chapter shewing how far different it was from that of Fox and his Fellows But now for their Actions we are to consider that the Lolhards began from the year of Christ 1320. or thereabout and Wickliff from the year 1370. and therewith raised infinite Troubles Garboils and Tumults in our Country As may appear by the lamentable Story set down by Thomas Walsingham of the whole people put in commotion in King Richard II. his time against the Nobility and Clergy by these kind of people under their Seditious Captains Jack Straw Wat Tiler and the rest And so again under some other Kings whilst this Heresie lasted And namely against the two valiant and most Catholic Princes King Henry IV. and King Henry V. his Son. In the first year of whose Reign to wit King Henry V. John Stow writeth thus 34. The favorers of Wickliffs Doctrin did nail up Schedules upon the Church Doors of London conteining that there were an hundred thousand ready to rise against all such as could not away with their Sect c. And hereon followed the open Rebellion of Sir John Oldcastle and Sir Roger Acton and others in S. Giles Field by Holborn which before we have touched And yet was the providence of God such as this Sect could never prevail in England neither then or after so Catholic were our Princes until some Points thereof being renewed by Luther and Zwinglius the later was admitted in K. Edward's days I mean the Sect of Zwinglius as all men know Being the first Sect that ever was admitted publickly in England either by Britans or Englishmen from Christ to that day For as for King Henry VIII though in the matter of the Popes Supremacy he admitted the Opinion of Luther yet in other things as before we have shewed at large he held in all Articles the Catholic Roman Faith with singular hatred against both Lollards Wickliffians and Lutherans but much more against Zwinglians and other such Sacramentary Sectaries As by his Laws made for their punishment and repression doth sufficiently appear 35. And albeit his Majesty having yielded once in that one Point of Ecclesiastical Supremacy and subordination which held before all the rest in joint it was no marvel though Sects and Sectaries did grow upon him so fast as with all his severe Laws he could hardly repress them in his own days yet much more were the Judgments of God seen after his death in that presently all was turned upside down in the Minority of his Son notwithstanding his Laws Testament and Ordinances to the contrary And that by those whom he most trusted on that behalf and who in his days had shewed themselves most earnest against Zwinglians and their Doctrin of the Sacrament as a thing most abhorred by the old King their Master I mean Cranmer Ridley Seymor and Dudley the chief changers of all in King Edwards days 36. But this is the common event where Princes be not careful at the beginning as Walsingham doth well note about the rising of Wickliff's Heresie in in the end of King Edward III.'s time when that old King was now impotent and wholly governed by Women leaving the care of his Kingdom in the Hands of his Son the Duke of Lancaster and others that followed him who having partly emulation and jars with the Bishops of Canterbury Winchester London and some other principal men of the Clergy and partly desiring to invade Church Livings which Wickliff preached to be lawful they were content to wink at him yea and to use him and his Doctrin openly against the said Bishops and Clergy as also against Monks and Abbots in the beginning of of K. Richard II.'s time as appeareth both in the said Walsingham and Stow who relate the calling of Wickliff to London for this effect where he was publicly and scandalously born out by the said Duke and Sir Henry Piercy and others of that Faction against the said Bishops Monks and Abbots which here we shall set down in Stows own words taken by him out of Walsingham and other Writers which do contain the very sum of
Pope 6. But what did he from his breach forward Did he spare the new Gospellers any thing more for his breach with the Pope Truly it cannot be denied but that for some years he wink'd at their doings somewhat more than before considering the new difficulties wherein he had cast himself by his new disunion and breach as before we have noted in the end of the former Part. But as soon as he had put his Domestical Affairs in some quiet and security he returned again to his former course and custom of restraining these new unruly Spirits by calling them to account for their Innovations and proceeding juridically against them according to Church Canons and according to his former judgment in matters of Religion Which as I might shew by divers ways of proof as well of Acts of Parliament as Proclamations Injunctions and other Declarations of his Will and Opinion in this behalf so will we allege only two or three Examples in the first kind besides those which we have set down in the former Part. 7. In the 31st year of his Reign which was seven or eight years after his breach with the Pope there was made an Act for abolishing of diversity of Opinions about Christian Faith which beginneth thus Whereas the King 's most Excellent Majesty is by God's Law Supreme Head immediately under him of the whole Church of England c. intending the conservation of the same Church in a true sincere and uniform Doctrin of Christ's Religion c. Thus beginneth his Preface And then he determineth together with the Parliament That whosoever shall deny the Real Presence in the Sacrament of the Altar or affirm that the Communion is necessary under both Kinds or that Priests may by God's Law take Wives after Priesthood or that Vows of Chastity are not to be observed or that private Masses are not to be said or that Sacramental and Auricular Confession is not necessary c. All these he condemneth as Heretics and for such to be Apprehended Arraigned Condemned and Burned as at large is to be seen in the Statute 8. And the very next year after perceiving that notwithstanding his former Statute against Protestant Opinions the same did grow and were spread abroad in England he ordained another Statute which beginneth thus Whereas the King 's Róyal Majesty of his blessed and gracious disposition c. well weighing that out of sundry outward parts and places there have sprung been sown set forth divers heretical erroneous dangerous Opinions Doctrins in the Religion of Christ whereby his Grace's Leige-people may be induced to unfaithfulness misbelief miscreancy and contempt of God to the utter confusion and damnation of Souls c. For this cause his Majesty according to the very Gospel and Law of God meaneth to have matters determined and declared c. Thus he writeth in the Statute remitting himself to his further Declaration which is wholly against Protestants whose Faith and Religion you see here called by the King unfaithfulness misbelief miscreancy contempt of God heretical erroneous and dangerous Doctrin tending to utter confusion and damnation of Souls c. And this proved by the pure Word of God and the very Gospel it self as his Majesty affirmeth 9. And will you have more clear testimony of his settled judgment against Protestants than this But yet hear further For that the same King divers years afters after this again towards the end of his days having had good experience of the falshood of Protestants in corrupting the very Scriptures themselves by their crafty Translations Notes and Commentaries he was forc'd to forbid under grievous punishments the reading of the foresaid Scriptures in English which before he had permitted as appeareth by a peculiar Statute made for that purpose and for inhibiting Protestants Books Sermons and Preachings in the 34th and 35th years of his Reign this Statute being entituled An Act for the Advancement of true Religion saying therein as followeth Whereas the King 's most Royal Majesty Sumpreme Head of the Church of England and also of Ireland perceiveth that notwithstanding such holy Doctrins and Docucuments as his Majesty hath hitherto caused to be set forth besides the great liberty granted unto them in having the New and Old Testament among them which notwithstanding many seditious arrogant and ignorant Parsons pretending to be Learred have the perfect and true knowledg understanding and judgment of sacred Scriptures c. intending to subvert the very true and perfect Exposition thereof after their perverse fantasies have taken upon them not only to preach teach declare c. but also by printed Books Ballads Plays Rhythmes Songs and other fantasies subtilly to beguile his Majesty's Leige-subjects c. 10. Behold King Henry's description of Protestants their Wit Nature Condition and Doctrin But now followeth the Remedy Wherefore to ordain and establish a certain form of pure and sincere Teaching agreeable to God's Word and true Doctrin of the Catholic and Apostolical Church c. Be it enacted That all manner of Books of the Old and New Testament in English being of the crafty false and untrue Translation of William Tyndall and all other Books or Writings in the English Tongue teaching or composing any matter of Christian Religion contrary to that Doctrin which since the year of our Lord 1540 is hath or shall be set forth by his Majesty is clearly and utterly abolished c. Thus ordained King Henry of the Protestants Books and Doctrin and this Censure he gave of William Tyndall's Truth and Honesty in translating the Scriptures whom John Fox calleth not only the true Servant and Martyr of God but the Apostle also of England in this our latter Age. 11. Wherefore I do not see how Fox can with any reason make King Henry to be a Gospeller of his Religion or so earnest a Defender of the same or why he should paint him with the Bible in his hand holden up by Cranmer and Cromwell as before hath been said and seen in his Painting seeing he contemned ever their Doctrin and burned the Professors thereof as notorious Heretics unto his dying-day Which is evident by many Examples but most clear and notorious by that of John Lambert a famous Zuinglian with whom in solemn public Audience he disputed in presence of all his Clergy and Nobility of the Realm and caused Cranmer to do the like and in the end made Cromwell as his Vicar-General to give the Sentence of Death against him and burn him in Smithfield and this not two years before Cromwell's own Condemnation for like Heresie by the King 's own pursuit as may appear by the Act of his Condemnation yet extant And the same no doubt would he have done with Cranmer which was the other Upholder of his Arm to maintain the new Gospel according to Fox his Picture if he had known or suspected him not only for an Upholder of
of a worshipful and honorable Knight that afterwards was of Queen Mary's Privy Councel and was either present when these things were spoken by Joan of Kent or heard it from them that were present from whom also I received divers other Particularities which in this Chapter and the former are touched by me Knowing the Man to be of such Wisdom and entire Credit as I can hardly follow a better Author in things of his time 16. Well then this is the first point obtained in this first Parliament of King Edward that all Sects had impunity whereof Fox glories much in these words These meek and gentle times of King Edward under the Government of this noble Protector have this one Commendation proper to them that during the whole time of the Six years of this King 's much tranquillity and as it were a breathing-time was granted to the whole Church of England c. Neither in Smithfield nor any other Quarter of this Realm was any heard to suffer for any matter of Religion either Papist or Protestant either for one Opinion or other except only two one an Englishwoman called Joan of Kent the other a Dutchman named George Paris who died for certain Articles not much necessary here to be rehearsed Behold here Fox unwilling to rehearse the Articles of these two new Gospellers which were no other but the Denial of Christ himself And for that he saith no man suffered for Religion it self either Catholic or Protestant in all King Edwards days I would ask him what he would say to so many hundreds as were slain and put to death in Somersetshire Devonshire Cornwall Lincolnshire Norfolk Yorkshire and other places in the Third year of King Edward's Reign that were forced to take Arms for defence of their Religion violently wrested from them against all Truth Reason Law and Order Was not this Suffering also for Religion But let us hear John Fox himself confess unto us the manner of entrance of his Gospel into England 17. After softer beginnings saith he by little and little greater things followed in the reformation of the Churches and a new face of things began now to appear as it were on a Stage new Players coming in and the other thrust out For the most part the Bishops of Churches and Dioceses were changed c. Bonner Bishop of London was committed to the Marshalsea and deprived Gardener Bishop of Winchester and Tonstal Bishop of Durham were cast into the Tower c. Lo here by Fox his own Confession what Peace and Meekness there was used in these gentle times of King Edward under the Government of this noble Protector tho' they were but Six years in all And let the Reader confess that Fox hath a special Gift to contradict himself tho' it be in the self same page But now to the second point concluded in this Parliament about matters of Religion 18. The second Point was about the blessed Sacrament of the Altar and use thereof which as it was a very important and principal Point for these New Gospellers of King Edward's days to declare their Opinions whether they would be Lutherans or Sacramentaries so they being wholly divided among themselves in this point some of them coming from Wittemberg and other places of Saxony which followed Luther some other from Strasburg Basil and other Towns among the Switzers where the Doctrin of Zuinglius bare Rule others that were home-Protestants and desired to pass no further in neither of these two particular Sect and Factions but only so far as was needful for holding their Women they had taken as Cranmer and his Fellows they could in no case come to any accord or agreement in this matter but only to publish an Act or Statute like a Ship-man's Hose that determined neither the one nor the other the Title whereof was this An Act against such persons as shall unreverently speak against the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ commonly called the Sacrament of the Altar and for the receiving thereof under both kinds And then beginneth the Statute thus 19. The King 's most Excellent Majesty meaning the Governance of his most loving Subjects to be in most perfect Vnity and Concord in all things and especially in the true Faith and Religion of God and wishing the same to be brought to pass with all Clemency on his part as his most Princely Serenity and Majesty hath already declared c. This is the Preface and after coming to the matter they say In the most comfortable Sacrament of the Body and Blood of our Savior Jesus Christ commonly called the Sacrament of the Altar c. which Sacrament was instituted by no less Author than our Savior both God and Man when at his last Supper he did take the Bread into his holy Hands and did say Take you and eat This is my Body which is given and broken for you c. Which words spoken of it being of eternal infallible and undoubted Truth yet the said Sacrament all this notwithstanding hath been of late marvelously abused by such manner of men before rehearsed who of Wickedness or else of Ignorance and want of Learning for certain Abuses heretofore committed of some in misusing thereof have condemned in their hearts and speech the whole thing and contemptuously depraved despised or reviled the same most holy and blessed Sacrament and not only disputed or reasoned unreverently and ungodlily of that high Mystery but also in their Sermons Preachings Readings Talks Tunes Songs Plays or Tests do name and call it by such vile and unseemly words as Christian Ears do abhor to hear rehearsed For reformation whereof be it Enacted c. 20. This is their Narration and according thereunto they do set down remedy and punishment for them that shall speak any contemptuous words to deprave despise or revile this Sacrament But what the words or sense thereof are in particular or what they mean by this despising or depraving they do not set down as they ought to have done if they had meant plainly tho' by the words of their said Narration it may appear this Statute was made principally against Sacramentaries that deny the Real Presence of the Body and Blood of our Savior and do dispute and reason unreverently and ungodly thereof this being the highest Injury Contempt or Depravation that can be done to it But it pleased not the Makers of this Statute to be understood or to deal clearly for the present in this behalf but rather to speak obscurely and doubtfully to the end they might afterward have a starting-hole to get out at and become Zuinglians or Calvinists when they would The other Clause of administring the Sacrament under both kinds to all sorts of people they put down more clearly with this Exception only except necessity otherwise require By which words they allow also the use under one kind in time of necessity which is far from that which since
Epist ep 25. About Fasting Virginity observation of Holydays Cent. 2. p. 65. Cent. 2. p. 65. Ignat. Epist ad Phil. Against Martyrdom Sacred Virginity Page 65. Cent. 3. p. 86. St. Cyprian accused to hate Women Cyp. l. de bono Puditiae Cyp. Serm. de nativ Christi Martyrdom Page 83. Invocation of Saints Cent 4. c. 4. p. 295. Ibid. p. 304. Traditions Monastical Life Reliques Page 300. Lib. 2. ad Marcell Ephr. l. de luctamin spiritus cap. 2. Page 301. Amb Serm. 6. de marg tom 3. in orat funeb de obitu Theodosii Cent. 4. p. 293. The sum of this Chapter and shameful shifting of Heretics Cap. 5. num 2 Supra ibidem Bed. l. 1. hist Ang. c. 23. deinceps Malm. de gest Regum Ang. l. 1. de Pont. Angl. l. 1. Galf. mon. hist Ang. l. 11. c. 22. Huntingt hist l. 3. c. 1. Two new wicked devised shifts Fox Act. Mon. p. 107. coll 2. n. 84. The defence of St. Gregory against Heretics Ioannes Diac. in vita Gregor Magni Isid de viris illustris c. 27. The testimony of Isidorus concerning St. Gregory Hildef libel de viris illustr The judment of St. Hildefonse Fox Act. Mon. col 2. n. 5. p. 105. Fox praiseth St Agustin our Apostle against his Will. Fox Act. p. 107. col 1. Fox seeketh to discredit St. Augustin Bed. lib. 1. hist c. 35. Jo. Bale cent 1. scrip Brit. fol. 35. Bales scurrulity against St. Augustin Of the miracles wrought by St. Augustin Greg. l. 7. Epist 30. Ind. 1. St. Gregories Relation of English Affairs About the Doctrin brought in by St. Augustin Fox p. 107. col 2. * A wise consequence for that now also Fonts would hardly suffice to baptize 10000 in a day Fox in Protest p. 9. Whether St. Augustin taught the Saxons true Religion Holin in descript Britan. c. 27. col 1. Whether Englishmen were ever true Christians before Luther's time Holinsh ibid. Most vile blasphemy against the first Christian Englishmen Baleus descript Britan. cent 1. fol. 35. Ibid. cent 5. fol. 245. How John Bale became a Friar De Reg. juris l. 6. c. Non solum Caet in Sum. Concil Trid. sess 28. cap. 15. How Bale was unfriared and made an Apostate Bale ibid. Fox p. 105. col 2. nu 5. Bed. l. 1. hist. c. 33. The wicked intents of our Sectaries That Protestants cannot be sure that they are Christians according to Fox and Holinshed See the Acts of Parliament Anno 31. Hen. 8. c. 14. anno 32. c. 26. anno 34. c. 1. Enc. 1. c. 3 4 5. Super ibid. * Enc. 1. c. 6.10 and 12. Baleus descrip Brit. cent 1. fol. 35. Fox in his protestation to the Church of England p. 9. * Sup. cap. 3. Sup. c. 1 3 5 6. That Rome changed not her Faith from Eleutherius to St. Gregory That the British Christian Faith was the same with the Romans Sup. c. 3. Fox pag. 117. col 2. a Greg. l. 5. ep 14. b Philas l. de haeres c Greg. l. 3. ep 32. d Greg. l. 10. in Job c. 29. e Niceph. l. 18. c. 53. Bed. l. 1. c. 25. Greg. l. 2. ep 36. indict 10. l. 9. ep 61. indict 4. The presence of British Bishops in Foreign Councils * See Syn. 2. Arelatens to 1. Concil and the subscriptions Cap. 2 3. Athan. Apol. 2. cont Arrian Hilar. de Syn. advers Arrian Observations out of Histories Chrys orat cont Gentes quod unus est Deus Gild. de excidio Britan. c. 26. The Britans use of taking Sanctuary swearing upon Altars Gildas ibid. Optat. lib. 6. Against King Aurelius Gild. ibid. pag. 122. Against King Maglocunus for leaving to be a Monk. Fox Act. Mon. p. 103. Against Priests that said Mass seldom and ill Gil. ibid pag. 132. Gildas ibid. Ibid. p. 133. Buying of priesthood Act. 2. Gildas ibid. Altars and Sacrifice among the Britans * Aug. to 10. ser 237. 251. de temp in concil Milevit c. 12. Cartha 2. c. 3. Concil Carthag 4. c. 84. quibus interfuit Augustinus Epiph. haeres 50. Euseb l. 5. hist c. 23. in vita Constant l. 3. c. 17. Bed. l. 1.6 c. 27. A Church dedicated to St. Martin among the ancient Christian Britans An evident Demonstration that the British Religion agreed with that of St. Augustin St. German and St. Lupus Bed. l. 1. hist c. 17 18 19 20 21. That St. German St. Lupus and St. Severus were Roman Catholics Relics of Saints Ibid. c. 18. Ibid. c. 18. The use of Lent among the Britans St. Dubritius Primate of Britanny Anno 522. Galf. hist Brit. l. 9. c. 12. and 13. Ibid. p. 70. Procession and Organs Bal. descript Eccles fol. 30. St. David of Wales Anno Domini 540. Camb. in Catal. script Britan. Polid. l. hist Angl. in fine Fox in his Protestation to the Church of England p. 9. 19 British Bishops and Doctors pretended by Fox to have been Protestants Neither Order nor Argument good in Fox Fastidius Priscus Trit de script Eccl. Bal. fol. 23. St. Ninianus Bed. c. 4. Hector Boet. l. 7. 15. Ioan. Fordonius l. 3. c. 9. Bal. ibid. St. Patricius St. Palladius Bal. ibid. fol. 23. Marian. Scotus in Chron. eodem Anno 430. Prosper in Chron. ann 432. 434. Bed. l. 4. hist cap. 30. St. Patricius Bal. descript Frit Cent. 1. fol. 25. Ibid. Prosp cont lib. Collat. in fine Bed. hist Ang. l. 1. c. 13. in l. de sex aetat Mar. Scot. l. 2. sex aetat an 432. Bacchiarius Joan. cap. in catal SS Brit. Polid. Virg. 1. histor Harpesf §. 6. cap. 22. Congellus Bal. fol. 29. Kentegernus Bal. fol. 32. Jo. Capg in catal Sanct. Brit. St. Asaph receiv'd his Consecration from Rome Bal. ibid. f. 34. Bal. ibid. f. 135. Bed. l. 2 hist c. 2. That the Religion brought in by St. Augustin was Catholic Greg. in epist ad Aug. Bed. l. 1. hist. c. 18 19 c. Either no true Church or Religion was in St. Gregory's time or else it was the Roman The continuation of Religion from St. August downward Bed. hist Ang. l. 1. c. 22. St. Aug. his Company landed in the Isle of Thanet The 1 Kingdom of Kent converted to Christian Faith anno Dom. 600. Bed. l. 1. hist Malm. l. 2. hist 2 Kingdom of East-Saxons converted 604. Lib. 2. cap. 5. 3 Kingdom of the East-Angles converted an Dom. 609. Malm. l. 1. hist c. 6. The 4 Kingdom of Northumbers converted an 626. 5 Kingdom of West-Saxons converted 635. 6 Kingdom of Mercians converted 635. 7 Kingdom of the South-Saxons converted anno 662. Marc. 16. Greg. hom 29. de festo Ascens Domini Marc. 16. Why Miracles ceased afterward The Primitive Church of Kent Malms l. 1. de gestis Pont. Ang. pa. 112. An infalliable principle Catholic Religion planted in England with great power of Miracles Marc. ultimo One Catholic Religion under States that were
unto him as those that remained Loyal and Faithful to his good Mother the Queen who all for the most part were known to have been good Catholics it is to be hoped that he will make the same Account also of You that remained Constant and Dutiful not only to Her Majesty while she lived but to God's Divine Majesty also in standing and suffering for your Conscience in Religion which was the Mark and Badge if you remember whereby the foresaid famous Governor Constantius Father to our Constantine did try his Christian Courtiers tho' he were a Pagan himself rejecting those who upon his Commandment and Invitation had yielded and done against their own Religion and retaining and honoring others that had been Constant even against himself Which fact Eusebius recounteth with exceeding praise of the Man's Judgment Justice and Piety therein whose Example I hope our now King will imitate and you follow the Example of the better sort of those Christians whom Constantius for their Constancy so much esteemed and advanced THE PREFACE TO THE CHRISTIAN STUDIOUS READER CONCERNING THE Edition and Argument of this Treatise and of the Method held therein and principal Points to be Treated MAN to be mutable or as the Scripture speaketh uncertain in his foresight and Providence if no other Arguments were to prove it as there be infinite yet my own Experience gentle Reader of the success of this Treatise were sufficient having altered so often my first intention about the same as it being now ready to come forth it seemeth nothing less than that which at the beginning I had purposed 2. My first design was to have written only some few Leaves or Sheets of Paper in answer to Sir Francis Hastings who in his Reply to the Seventh Encounter of the Warder which Encounter concerneth principally the Bishop and See of Rome would seem to diminish that obligation of gratitude which the Warder said that England had above many other Nations to that See for Two Conversions of our People to Christian Religion receiv'd from thence The Knight I say endeavored to strike out or diminish that Obligation by calling in doubt the said Conversions or cavilling at least at some particulars thereof Whereupon I thought it needful not only to confirm that which had been written before of the Two foresaid Conversions under Pope Eleutherius and Pope Gregory I. but also to add a Third more ancient than these Two to wit under S. Peter himself and some other Apostles And albeit all this was meant so briefly as I have said in the first designment yet when I came to the Work it self it grew more long and could hardly be dispatched in so many Chapters as I had purposed Leaves or Sheets at the beginning 3. The reason of this increase was for that coming to the examination of the matter I found Sir Francis to have taken all that he had said concerning that Point out of John Fox tho' he cited him not and Fox again the most part of his Cavils out of the Magdeburgians So as of necessity I was forc'd to encounter all these Three Adversaries together to examin their Arguments discover their Frauds and refel their Follies Which to do with any sufficiency as also with the clearness and perspicuity which I desir'd drew the matter on to a bigger Bulk than well could be set forth as a Part only of that Encounter whereunto it belonged Whereupon at the persuasion of some Friends resolution was taken to have it divulg'd in a several Treatise as before hath been shewed in the end of the Second Encounter already printed 4. But now when it was taken in hand to be reviewed for the Edition divers things occurred to be added for the more fulness of the Treatise and namely that not only the Planting of Christian Faith in England should be averred by these Three several Conversions but that the Continuation also thereof I mean of One self-same Faith and Belief should be shewed and demonstrated from the First to the Second Conversion and from the Second to the Third unto our days And with this came the Discourse to occupy a dozen whole Chapters which was more than twice as much as in the first design was purposed 5. But being arriv'd hither there offered it self a new cogitation of adding a Second Part no less important than the First for searching out our Adversaries Religion in all this time according to the Advertisement both of the Philosopher and Orator That it is not sufficient only to confirm our own Cause except we infringe and refute the contrary Whereupon it seemed necessary not only to shew the first second and third Planting of our Religion in England together with the manifest and visible Continuance thereof unto our Age but also to demonstrate the contrary in the Religion of the Protestants to wit That it was never planted in England I mean in such Points of Doctrin wherein they differ from the Catholic nor ever was received nor had essence or being under the name of Christian Religion from Christ's time to ours And for that John Fox above all other English Protestant-Writers taketh upon him of purpose and by promise to prove the contrary in his huge Volume of Acts and Monuments to wit to shew the course and race of his Church for so are his words from the beginning of these latter Ages I was forc'd to joyn Issue with him in particular upon both these parts I mean in shewing the beginning and continuance of our Church and Religion and the not being or continuance of his for performance whereof I have had occasion as you see to peruse over the first Part of the said Volume from the beginning of Christian Religion to King Henry VIII containing above 500 Leaves 6. But for that the second Part of that Volume from K. Henry downward being of no less bulk than the former treateth of the principal Pillars of his Religion since that time whereof some he maketh Confessors and other Martyrs and distributeth them into a certain Ecclesiastical Calendar according to the days of every Month wherein their Festival memories are to be kept and placeth the said Calendar in the front of his Acts and Monuments it seemed convenient also to the end that nothing should remain wholly unsearch'd or unexamin'd in that Work of his to add a third Part to the former two for the discussion of this Calendar and some other necessary Points belonging thereunto 7. Lo here good Christian Reader a brief sum of all my cogitations about that matter which if they may serve thee for thy spiritual utility either for confirming or establishing thee in Catholic Religion if thou have it already or for thy reducing unto it if hitherto thou be not partaker of so high and heavenly a Blessing I shall be glad and think my Labor happily bestow'd therein well knowing of what importance this matter is for thy Eternal Salvation 8.
that where this House and Family is found there is all the Right and Interest that may be pretended to the State and Dignity aforesaid 14. But now again for proving of this Point divers ways are or may be held by different Men mine shall be at this time after the fashion of Two that strive and contend about the Mansion-house before mentioned and thereby pretend to the true Title and lawful Inheritance of the foresaid State and Lordship the one part pretending only in general terms That there is such a Noble House well and strongly built with great and excellent Qualities and Commodities and richly furnish'd whereunto belongeth the said State and Lordship and that the Owners and Inhabitants thereof have great Privileges and Preferments before all other People and that there are certain ancient Records extant also of this matter out of which Records according to their own exposition they gather these Properties of the said House and Family and apply both the one and the other to themselves 15. But the other party denying their pretence and exposition of old Records saith That all this is false and that according to the true exposition of the said Writings and the marks and tokens thereby given the said House and Mannor-place appertaineth to them only and therewith consequently the whole State and Lordship without controversie which they offer to try by coming to particulars shewing when and where and by what occasion the said House was first built what were the Stones and Timber that went thereunto how the Title of the whole State and Lordship was ty'd or annex'd to this House together with the Dignities and Privileges thereof then to what Family this House was assign'd at the beginning who were the first Inhabitants Dwellers Guiders and Governors thereof and how it hath continu'd ever since from hand to hand and from time to time always under the same Family by lawful Succession and hath defended it self from all sorts of assaults made against it as well of secret domestical Thieves as open Enemies and that at this day the same Family is in possession thereof c. 16. And as for the other Pretenders these men offer to shew further against them that they have been always contemptible vagrant persons dispersed here and there in several Cottages of their own building or patching nor ever dwelt in any House worth the naming much less in so excellent a House as this and that if any of them have at any time heretofore been of this House or Family they were either dismist and cast out for their disorders or have run away as Fugitives for guiltiness of their own Consciences 17. Now then this being so who doth not see to which party the said House and Mansion-place is like to be judged And this is the true figure or representation good Christian Reader of our present Controversie with J. Fox and his Fellows thro'out all this Treatise for that he and his pretend a certain title to the true Church and Religion of Christ from all Antiquity but produce no better proofs to challenge the same than the Pretenders before mentioned for the said House and Mannor-place if not somewhat worse as shall be declared 18. But we on the contrary side do follow the course of the other party in coming to particulars setting down first how Christ's Church and Religion began by whom and under whom who were the first beginners promoters and professors thereof what they taught what they did whom they left their successors with what promise and assurance of continuation and finally how they endured unto this day And all this is handled in the first part of this Treatise And then in the second is declared the other point before mentioned to wit that the adverse heretical part had never any house at all and much less any such as hath been spoken of that is to say they had never any Church or certain Family agreeing with it self nor ever any certain Profession of any one Faith or Religion like in all points to it self or to that of any others were it good or bad false or true Heretical or Catholic And this is observed from the beginning of the world to our time as you shall see manifestly proved afterwards in the prosecution of this work desiring thee gentle Reader to take the pains to read it over with some attention for thine own utility tho' I presume that thy contentment also in reading thereof will easily equal thy pains the argument being historical and not devoid of grateful variety both of times men and affairs 19. But now for that my end and scope in writing this Treatise and in handling this important Argument of discerning between Religion and Religion is not indeed so much if I shall confess the truth to delight as to move and profit thee good Reader I have thought convenient for the second part of this my Preface to adjoyn 3 or 4 points of principal consideration about this Subject of Faith and Belief and thereof deduce as many inferences of no less importance for thy good disposition in this behalf and therewith leave thee for the rest to thine own judgment and more mature deliberation 20. The first of which points is That Almighty God for man's greater humility and merit in believing hath placed the greater part of the object of our faith and belief that is to say the things which are to be believed above the ordinary reach of man's reason and invironed them with such difficulty and obscurity in respect of our frailty as without the light of his grace and the concurse and free motion of our own will and good endeavor they are not to be attained unto And this as I said as well for man's humiliation in respect of the heighth of God's mysteries revealed by faith as also that man may merit by his free and willing concurse to belief which he would not do if the articles or object of our faith were so clear as there were no obscurity or darkness in them for then according to the grounds of philosophy man's understanding perforce must yield thereunto and consequently our will also whereof would ensue the loss of all merit and reward according to that Saying of S. Greg. Non habet fides meritum ubi humana ratio praebet experimentum Faith hath no merit where man's reason doth make the thing evident And long before him S. Athan. Fides de re evidenti concepta Fides dici non potest Faith conceived of an evident matter cannot be called Faith. And briefly but pithily S. Aug. Laus fidei est si quod creditur non videtur The praise or merit of Faith stands in this that the thing be not seen which is believed And in another place Credo quod nescio propterea scio quia scio me nescire quod nescio I do believe that which I know not and thereby I come to know for that
Paganism to Christian Religion by the especial Diligence Labor and Industry of the same See. Once in the time of the Britans about 180 years after Christ at what time Eleutherius that holy Pope and Martyr converted King Lucius and his Subjects by the Preaching of St. Damianus and his Fellows sent from Rome to that effect And the second time 400 years after that again when our Predecessors the English Saxons were converted by St. Augustin and his Fellow-Preachers sent by St. Gregory the Great then Bishop of Rome to the same end And if it be most certain and cannot be denied that these two so great and universal benefits rightly considered are the highest under Heaven that our Land could receive from any mortal then and that the Obligation of this double Spiritual Birth of ours is so much greater than the Bond we owe to our carnal Parents by how much more weighty and important is our Eternal Salvation than our Temporal Life and Generation let all men consider the barbarous ingratitude of this man that barketh with such spite against the See of Rome the Mother of our Christianity and against her Bishops the Workers of so high a Blessing to us And with this consideration I leave the modest and discreet Readers to judge of the matter as Reason and Religion shall induce them and not as the rage of this and other such raving people would incite them 3. Thus I wrote then and to this declaration and conclusion of mine our Knight taketh upon him now to answer in these words Whereas this Roman Advocate saith That this Land ought to bear more reverence to the See of Rome than other Nations for that it hath received more singular benefits from thence namely that it was converted from Paganism to Christian Religion by the special Diligence Labor and Industry of the same See I answer First That it is apparent by sundry Testimonies that this Land was converted to the Faith long before that time by you specified and not by the Bishop of Rome Gildas testifieth that Britanny received the Gospel in the time of Tiberius the Emperor and that Joseph of Arimathea was sent by Philip the Apostle from France hither where he remained till his death And Bede our Country man likewise doth testifie That in his time this Land kept Easter after the manner of the East Church by which my be gathered that the first Preachers came hither from the East parts of the World and not from Rome More proofs might be set down but I spare them 4. Mark good Reader what manner of Answer this is to my former Speech and how directly these people do go to the matter I said before That the Isle of England wherein so many at this day do rail against Rome hath more obligation of Love towards the same for benefits received than divers other Countries for that the people of this Island have been twice converted by men sent from thence once under Pope Eleutherius almost 200 years after Christ and again under Pope Gregory the Great about the year of our Lord 600. Now to this the Kt. thinketh to have answered well by affirming two or three things First out of Gildas That Britanny received the Gospel in the time of Tiberius the Emperor before any or these two Conversions named by me Which how likely it is Tiberius living but five years after Christ's Ascension shall after be examined Secondly That Joseph of Arimathea was sent by Philip the Apostle out of France into Britanny which yet the true Gildas hath not But by these two Examples the Knight would shew That in Britanny the Faith of Christ was not first of all planted from Rome nor by the Popes thereof or by their industry And to the same effect he allegeth out of Bede the used of observing Easter after the manner of the East Church remaining amongst the Britans in his time whereof he inferreth as you see That it is most like that our first Preachers were from the East and not from the West Church 5. But suppose all these things were true do they overthrow that which I said before in my Ward-word that the Britans were converted under Pope Eleutherius or the Saxons under Pope Gregory and by several Preachers sent from Rome by them They prove only that before these two public Conversions which we owe to the Church and Popes of Rome there might be some sparkles of Christian Faith also in Britanny by other means which I never deny'd but only said that I would have English-men grateful to Rome for these two which Conversions no man can deny without apparent impudence as after more amply shall be shewed where also these Examples alleged out of Gildas and St. Bede shall be examined how far they are true or do make for the purpose here in hand 6. So that this first part of Sir Francis's Answer being nothing to the purpose as you see tho' all were granted which he allegeth Let us hear his second part Secondly saith he tho' it be granted that Eleutherius sending hither Preachers from Rome in King Lucius his time did frist convert this Land to the Christian Faith I say that there is not now the same Faith in Rome that was then There were then no Masses said no setting up of Images in Churches c. Here now if we will take Sir Francis's word we have a sure warrant by his I say that the Faith in Rome is not the same now that it was in Pope Eleutherius his time and that in particular there were neither Masses then nor Images Wherein you may note first that cunningly he holdeth his peace of the Conversion of English-men under St. Gregory which most concerneth us that be of this Nation for that he dareth not deny that both Mass and Images were in use in his time in the Roman Church and Faith and so brought into England by St. Augustin that converted us which is evident in St. Bede in every place of his Story and particularly where he relateth the first entrance of St. Augustin and his Fellows into Canterbury in Procession with a Cross and Image of our Savior in a Banner and that they said their first Masses there in an old Church of St. Martin builded as he saith by the old Christian Romans before their departure out of Britanny 7. And for the time of Eleutherius under whom the Britans were converted tho' it were not hard also to prove the same particulars yet will I not take that disputation now in hand but shall leave it to a better occasion afterward in this Treatise where without standing upon these particular two Doctrins of Mass and Images here mentioned by the Knight I shall shew more general and firm Arguments that the Faith of the Church of Rome under Eleutherius 200 years after Christ was the very same and no other than was that under St. Gregory 400 years after that again nor this
under Gregory different from that which now is in Rome under Clement VIII a thousand years after Gregory and shall endure to the worlds end 8. This I say we shall demonstrate afterward most clearly but yet to the end the Reader may see in the mean space how much credit is to be given to this Knight's I say let him but read the fourth Chapter of his good Masters and chief historical Doctors the Magdeburgians touching the second Age of Christ wherein Eleutherius lived towards the end as also the beginning of the third Age immediately ensuing and he shall find that in the second Age under their ordinary Title of Inclinatio Doctrinae complectens stipulas errores Doctorum that is to say The falling away of Christian Doctrin containing the stubble and errors of Doctors they reprehend Ignatius who was St. John Evangelist's Scholar for using the phrase Offerre Sacrificium immolare to offer and make Sacrifice as also the holy Martyr Irenaeus for saying That Christ had taught a New Oblation in the New Testament which the Church receiving from the Apostles doth offer up throughout all the world c. And in the third Age they accuse that blessed Bishop and Martyr St. Cyprian of Superstition for saying Sacerdotem vice Christi fungi Deo Patri sacrificium offerre that the Priest supplying the place of Christ doth offer Sacrifice to God the Father They reprehend also Tertullian for using the phrase Sacrificium offerre to offer Sacrifice They condemn also St. Martial Scholar of the Apostles themselves for saying Sacrificium Deo creatori offertur in ara Sacrifice is offered to God our Creator upon the Altar among Christians 9. So that if by our Mass Catholics understand no other thing but the public external Sacrifice appointed by Christ in his Church as we do not then may we see that by confession of the Magdeburgians themselves this Mass was as well in use in Eleutherius his time as in time of Gregory I. after him And the like might we shew about the use of Images but that it were over long for this place our intention being only to treat of the Conversion of our Countrey to Christian Religion and to note by the way Which is most to be credited by a discreet man either the I say of a Courtly Knight affirming that Mass was not in the time of Eleutherius or the Testimonies of so many grave and Learned Fathers to the contrary that lived in the same Age to wit Ignatius Martial Irenaeus Tertullian Cyprian and others 10. And this being sufficient for refutation of both parts of Sir Francis's idle reply I shall go forwards to discuss a little the first entrance of Christian Faith into England how and in what time and by whom it is likely that it might be done before the days of Eleutherius and whether this first Conversion or sowing the Faith in our Island may be ascribed also to Rome as well as the other more public Conversions afterward Which if it fall out to be so then hath the Knight instead of diminishing our Obligation to Rome not a little increased the same by mentioning also a third Conversion from that See which I for brevities sake and for that it was less notoriously known than the other two thought good to pretermit in my Ward-word but now being moved thereunto by Sir Francis who fighteth mightily for the most part against himself alleging matters that make for us I shall now briefly discuss more in particular this affair 11. First then no man can deny but that the Death Resurrection and Ascension of our Savior the coming of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles and their beginning of Preaching presently upon the same was in the eighteenth year of Tiberius the third Emperor of Rome who living five years after and Caius Caligula other four there entred Claudius who reigned fourteen years and Nero after him as many who in the last year of his Reign put to death St. Peter and St. Paul St. Peter having come to Rome according to Eusebius in the second year of Claudius which was eleven years after the Resurrection of Christ tho' some Authors differ in that account Eusebius his words translated out of Greek by St. Jerome are these Petrus Apostolus Natione Galilaeus Christianorum Pontifex primus c. Peter the Apostle of the Country of Galile the first chief Bishop of Christians after he had founded the Church of Antioch went to Rome and having there preached the Gospel remained Bishop of the same City for twenty five years together c. St. Paul was sent thither Prisoner by Festus Governor of Judaea in the second year of Nero's Reign that is fourteen years after St. Peter according to the same Eusebius 12. The next year after St. Peter came to Rome which was the third year of Claudius his Reign there began to be such War in Britanny as the Emperor himself resolved to go in person thither and so he did with admiration of the whole world And if there were any Christians in Rome at that time as it is likely there were the Christian Faith having been now preached in the world some dozen years after Christ's Ascension it is very probable that some went with him into Britanny and that this was the first sparkle of planting Christian Faith and Religion in those Countries but much more afterward as their number increased seeing that this War continued for forty years together that is to say to the fourth year of Domitian when as well extern Histories as our William of Malmsbury to omit other Heathen Writers doth teach That Britanny was wholly subdu'd and brought into a perfect form of Province And in this time there being continual going and coming from Rome to Britanny and Christian Religion every day increasing in Rome the same could not choose but be kindled also in Britanny especially for two or three Considerations First for that there were many Britans inhabiting in Rome at that day some for Hostages some for their own Pleasures thereby to fly the Wars and unquiet state of their own Country others taken and carried by force as Caractacus Sylurum Rex Caractacus King of the Sylures who inhabited that part of Britanny which at this day we call South-Wales who being taken was sent to Rome by Ostorius Governor of that Country for Claudius the Emperor in the 11th year of his Empire and much Nobility with him as Tacitus in his Story doth relate 13. Some also both Romans and of other Nations being Christened and flying the Persecution which was in Rome against such Men especially under Nero got themselves into Britanny as a place of more liberty and less subject to Examinations in such matters by reason of the Wars and Tumults there And this is conform to that which Gildas the ancient Britan writeth in his Complaint of the Overthrow of Britanny
perturbation of Wars as hath been said were not so well known nor distinctly observed nor deliver'd to Writing in those days as otherwise they might have been yet find I some mention tho' dispersed of three several Apostles of Christ to have Preached there to wit St. Peter St. Paul and St. Simon of Chananee sirnamed the Zealous two Apostolical Men also in these first troubled Times to have been sent thither Aristobulus a Roman whom St. Paul named in his Epistle to the Romans and Joseph of Arimathea a Nobleman of Jury that buried Christ Of all which Five we shall speak somewhat in order 20. And first of St. Peter himself to have been in England or Britanny and Preached Founded Churches and Ordained Priests and Dencons therein is recorded out of Greek Antiquities by Simeon Metaphrastes a Grecian And it seemeth to be somewhat confirmed by that which Innocentius I. Bishop of Rome hath left written above 1200 years agone saying That the first Churches of Italy France Spain Africa Sicilia and the Islands that lie betwixt them were founded by St. Peter or his Scholars or Successors For which cause Gulielmus Eysengrenius in his first Centuria or hundred years doth write also That the first Christian Churches of England were sounded by St. Peter under Nero. Whereunto it may be thought that the foresaid Gildas had relation when expostulating with the Britain Priests of his time for their Wickedness for which the Wrath of God had brought in the English Saxons upon them he objecteth among other things Quod sedem Petri Apostoli inverecundis pedibus usurpassent That they had usurped the Seat St. Peter with unshamefac'd feet meaning thereby either the whole Church of Britanny first founded by him or some particular place of Devotion or Church which he had erected And finally Alredus Rienuallus an English Abbot of the Order of Cisterce left written about 500 years agone a certain Revelation or Apparition of St. Peter to an holy man in the time of King Edward the Confessor shewing him how he had Preached himself in England and consequently the particular care he had of that Church and Nation c. 21. If any man ask What time it might be that St. Peter left Rome and went into Britanny and other Countries round about Cardinal Baronius a famous Learned Historiographer of our time thinketh that it was then when Claudius the Emperor banish'd all the Jews out of Rome as in the Acts of the Apostles it is recorded among whom it is like that St. Peter also being by Nation a Jew retired himself and took that occasion to go into divers Pagan Countries to preach the Faith of Christ that thing belonging especially to his Charge as Head of the Apostles according to his own words of himself Elegit Deus per os meum audire gentes verbum Evangelii credere God hath chosen and appointed that Gentiles shall hear and believe the Word of the Gospel by my mouth This then was the cause why he was so diligent and careful to go and preach every-where Christian Religion to the end he might fulfil and accomplish this Will and Ordination of his Master And this was one cause also to wit his absence from Rome why according to Baronius and other Learned Men St. Paul writing to the Romans did not name or salute him in his Epistle whereof our Heretics do brabble much And thus much of St. Peter 22. Of St. Paul's being in Britanny there are not so many particular Testimonies yet the foresaid Theodoretus doth affirm That from Rome he made certain Exoursions in Hispanias in Insulas quae in Mari jacent into Spain and the Islands lying in the Sea near about And in another place as the Magdeburgians do cite him he writeth expresly That St. Paul Preached to the Britains And the like hath Sophronius Bishop of Jerusalem in his Sermon of the Nativity of the Apostles Venantius also Fortunatus a most Learned and Holy. Man writing above a thousand years agone of St. Paul's Peregrination saith thus Transit Oceanum vel qua facit Insula portum Quasque Britannus habet terras atque ultima Thyle He pass'd over the Ocean-Sea to the Island that maketh a Haven on the other side even to the Lands which the Britains do possess c. For which respect Arnoldus Mirmannus in his Theatre of the Conversion of all Nations affirmeth St. Paul to have pass'd to Britanny in the fourth year of Nero Anno Domini 59 and there to have Preached and afterward to have returned again into Italy And so much of St. Paul who having twelve or thirteen years permitted him by Christ after his coming to Rome before his death for helping St. Peter and for assisting the West-parts of the World and St. Peter himself almost twice as much it is not unlike their Zeal being considered and the state of times weighed but that they made many Excursions as the former Authors do write And thus much of them 23. For the Preaching of the third Apostle Symon Chananaeus sirnamed the Zealous we have the Testimony of Nicephorus out of Greek Monuments to whom agreeth Dorotheus a very ancient Writer as also the Greek Martyrology as testifieth Baronius in his Annotations upon the Roman Martyrology And by this also we see that albeit St. Peter had undertaken to preach to the West-part of the World yet did other Apostles also help him therein as St. Paul in Italy and Spain and this Symon in Britanny and other places and St. Philip in France c. 24. Of Aristobulus also St. Peter's Scholar do testifie in like manner the foresaid Authors Mirmannus Dorotheus Baronius out of the Greek Martyrology that he was sent by St. Peter into Britanny and there made a Bishop And that Aristobulus was a principal known Christian in Rome before St. Paul's arrival there it appeareth by the Epistle of the said Apostle to the Romans where he saluteth him in these words Salute those that be of the house of Aristobulus Nor is it read that ever this Aristobulus came back from Britanny to Italy again And this of him 25. Of Joseph of Arimathea his coming into France and his sending thence into Great Britanny either by St. Philip as some say who preached then in Gaul or as Others hold by St. Peter himself as he passed that way to and from Britanny and how he obtained a place to exercise an Eremitical Life for him and his ten Companions in the Island called Avallonia where Glastonbury after was builded albeit I find no very certain or ancient Writer to affirm it yet because our later Historiographers for two hundred years past or more do hold it have come down by Tradition and namely Johannes Capgravius a Learned Man of the Order of St. Dominick and others after him I do not mean to dispute the matter here but rather to admire and praise the Heavenly Providence and
missus est Augustinus à beato Gregorio c. In the mean space was sent into Britanny Augustin by Blessed Gregory to preach to English-men the Word of God who were yet blind in Pagan Superstition c. Though among the Britans that Christianity was yet in force which being received from the time of Eleutherius the Pope had never failed until that day c. Among whom there was an Abbot of Bangor named Dinoot that had above 2000 Monks under his charge who answered to Augustin when he requir'd Subjection of the British Bishops and that they would joyn with him to convert the English Nation That the Britans owed no Subjection unto him nor would bestow the labour of Preaching upon their Enemies seeing the Britans had an Archbishop of their own and that the Saxons took from them their Country for which cause they hated them extremely nor did not esteem their Religion nor would communicate with them more than with Dogs 14. Lo here all that is to be found in Geffry of Monmouth to this purpose which is nothing else as you see but a passionate and choleric Answer of the Britans as of men afflicted and exasperated Here is no one word of their not acknowledging the Popes Supremacy as the Magdeburgians write but only that they acknowledged not the Superiority of Augustin over the Britans seeing he was only sent to the English and that the Authority of their own Archbishop was not taken away by his coming for any thing they yet knew but remained as before Which question of Jurisdiction between two Archbishops falleth out daily even where the Pope's Authority is acknowledged and so we see that it is a manifest Lie which the Magdeburgians affirm so resolutely That the Britans would not acknowledge any Primacy of the Bishop of Rome over them For they speak as you see of Augustin's Authority and not of the Bishop of Rome from whom we read not that he had yet shewed to them any Authority to place him over their Archbishop and consequently it is a vain and malicious Inference which the Magdeburgians here do make out of this Answer of the Britans if it had been true that forasmuch as they admitted not St. Augustin's Authority they acknowledged not the Primacy of Rome and that this again was a clear sign that Religion was not planted in Britanny by the Romans 15. For how clear is this I pray you or how hangeth this together might not this Error of not acknowledging the Power of the Roman See if it had been among them have crept in after the first planting of Christian Faith Will these Germans or Sir Francis or Fox their Scholars deny that Ravennae in Italy for Example was converted by St. Apollinaris sent thither from St. Peter for that afterwards the Bishops of that place for many years waxing proud and presumptuous upon the presence and Court of the Exarchs and Vice-Roys of the Emperours residing amongst them did refuse to yield to the Bishops of Rome Or for that England at this day by Error of Protestant Religion refuseth to acknowledge any Subjection in Spiritual Affairs to Rome will our men deny that the English Nation was ever converted to Christian Faith from Rome Who seeth not the impertinency of this kind of Argument And yet with such-like kind of Arguments and Inferences these absurd People do deceive the World. 16. But the last point of these Germans Assertion about Pope Innocentius I. is a most egregious Impudency to say of so holy a Father so highly commended by St. Augustin and other Fathers that lived with him and after him That he spake of Vain-glory and desire of Temporal Power when he wrote above 1200 years agone That all the West-Churches and the British amongst the rest were founded by St. Peter or his Disciples and Successors And let any indifferent or prudent Reader in the World consider of what weight these words of the Germans may be when having said That albeit Innocentius I. wrote so yet we judge that to have been spoken of Vain-glory c. A proud Censure of so great a man by three or four poor Companions that wrote Books for their Bread and begg'd the same commonly of every Prince to whom they dedicated their several Centuries That so contemptible People I say should presume to touch the Honor and Truth of so great and worthy a Saint and Father as was holy Innocentius so called commonly by St. Augustin St Hierom St. Basil Orosius and others and whom all the rest of the World together with these men admired and respected in his Life for such Sancti Innocentii saith St. Hierom to the Virgin Demetriades qui Apostolicae Cathedrae beat ae memoriae Anastasii successor filius est tene as fidem nec pergrinam quamvis prudens callidáque videaris doctrinam recipias Hold the Faith of holy Innocentius which is the Successor and Son in the Seat of St. Peter's Chair of Anastasius of blessed Memory that went before him and do not admit any new or foreign Doctrin though thou maist seem perhaps wise and subtle to thy self 17. Thus wrote St. Hierom which is another manner of Judgment of Innocentius both for his Holiness of Life and Authority of Place to direct men in Religion than the Magdeburgians give who would make him Vain-glorious But thus they use all ancient Fathers that are against them And so much for this Chapter CHAP. III. The former Controversie is more particularly handled how the Grecian Custom of celebrating Easter-day after the Fashion of the Jews came first into the British and Scottish Church and how untruly and wickedly John Fox and John Bale do behave themselves about this matter BUT now let us return if you please to speak a word or two more of the entrance of the foresaid Custom of celebrating Easter with the Jews into Britanny to wit how and about what time or upon what occasion it is probable that it entred Wherein first it seemeth most certain that it could not be brought in by the first Preachers of Christian Religion to John Fox and Sir Francis and the Magdeburgians would have men believe And this is proved as well by the Reasons and Authorities alleged before to shew that the first Preachers in Britanny either came from Rome or preached Roman Doctrin as also by the Reasons following First for that if Damianus and other Preachers sent into Britanny by Pope Reason I Eleutherius to instruct King Lucius and the rest in Christian Faith about the year 180 had found any such Custom there contrary to the Roman Use from whence they were sent they would have removed the same or at least wise have made some mention thereof forsomuch as at that time the contrary Custom of celebrating Easter upon the Sunday was public in the Use of the Roman Church and Pope Pius I. had made a Decree for confirming the same against the Asian Use about 40 years
that Easter-day must be kept upon the first Sunday after the first Full Moon in March as hath been said And furthermore forasmuch as this fourteenth day of the Moon must be that which falleth upon the very day of the Spring Equinoctial or immediately followeth the same which Equinoctium was observed by the Council of Nice to be in those days upon the 21st of March though since that time it fell back by little and little to the 11th day for correction whereof Pope Gregory XIII was forced to make his Reformation from the year 1582 by detracting ten days as all men know For this I say and for that if the fourteenth day of the Moon of March should happen to be Sunday the celebration of Easter must by the same ancient Fathers Prescription be transferred to the next Sunday For observing of these Points the Cycle also of the Sun or Circle of Dominical Letters containing the Revolution of 28 years was invented as necessary for this Observation I might add much more to this effect but this is sufficient to shew the grounds of many difficulties as also returning home to our Affair in hand to shew the beginning of the Eastern Custom among the Scots Picts and Britans not to be of that Antiquity which John Fox and his Fellows would pretend 14. But now besides this we may not omit another point of more consideration for the Reader 's Utility which is the small Piety or Religion of these Sectaries of our days who care not what they grant deny or say so they say somewhat against Rome her Bishops or Religion even in the first Ages or Primitive Church For to this end and with this good mine you shall see them here prefer in effect the foresaid Eastern Custom of celebrating Easter us'd by the Britans and Scots before the Catholic Custom of Rome albeit they well know how many Ages agone it hath been condemned not only for Error but also for Heresie yea tho' themselves do practise the contrary Custom at this day in England and Germany For that this is also a knack of these good men to speak one thing for advantage and practise another As for Example when the Question is about all those Books of the Old and New Testament which by Luther and Lutherans are rejected from the Canon of Canonical Scriptures as Ecclesiasticus Judith Hester Macchabees St. James Epistle the Apocalypse and other like When we reprehend the Lutherans for this point our Protestants of England take their parts and defend them stoutly as we see by the Writings of Fulk Chark Whitaker and others against F. Campian that objected the same to Luther and his Followers and yet on the other side they set the same Books forth in their English Bibles as Books of the Scriptures What dealing I pray you is this For either they be Scriptures and consequently of Infallible Truth or no. If the first then why do you defend the Lutherans that call them in doubt If the second why do you set them forth to the people among Scriptures 15. The like Example may be taken from Martin Luther who in his Book de Conciliis doth persuade the German Princes to observe Easter-day as an immovable Feast whensoever it falleth out without expecting Sunday as the Roman Church doth which point he saith is contrary to the Apostle forbidding us to observe Days Months and Years And yet I do not hear but that He and other Lutherans to this day do observe the Roman Use in practice of their Church concerning this point And the very same may be noted here of our English Calvinists who tho' in Practice of the English Church do observe the same Roman Custom as all men do know yet in their Writings they are content to impugn the same as a matter coming from Rome which you may see notoriously performed by John Bale a chief Gospeller in King Henry VIII and King Edward's days who treating of the former Disputation between Colman the Scottish Bishop and St. Wilfrid the English Abbot in the foresaid Council of Northumberland related by St. Bede praiseth highly the first to wit Colman together with his Learning and Piety in defending the Jewish Custom but scoffeth very contemptously and spitefully at the second that propugned the Catholic Roman Use notwithstanding that St. Bede as before you have heard calleth St. Wilfrid Virum doctissimum a most learned man and other ways also for his Holiness extolleth him exceedingly affirming among other points That for his rare Learning and great Vertue he was made Archbishop of all the Kingdom of Northumberland divided after him into two Bishoprics York and Lindisferne and when afterward as to the best men happeneth he was persecuted and driven out by violence of King Egfrid from his said Archbishopric he went and preached to the South-Saxons and converted all that Kingdom together with the Isle of Wight working many Miracles in like manner among them whereby he is truly called the Apostle of Sussex 16. Thus writeth Bede of St. Wilfrid Apostle of the South-Saxons who vanquished also in the former Disputations B. Colman and converted thereby King Oswyn from his former Rite of observing Easter with the Jews which he had learned during his Education in Scotland to follow the Roman Use But what think you saith John Bale thereof You shall hear in his own words Stulté respondit Wilfridus saith he c. Wilfrid answer'd like a Fool saying that the Apostle St. John did play the Jew in many things c. So saith Bale which words besides the Contumely contain a most false Lye and Slander also for that Wilfrid said not so as in St. Bede may be seen but only that St. John might tolerate perhaps for a time certain Rites of the Old Law as some of the other Apostles also had done and namely St. Paul in circumcising Timothy to bury the Synagogue with Honour c. 17. But hearken yet further how this new Gospeller and old Apostate-Fryer goeth forward against this holy Man Temporum saith he calculatores Evangelistis opponit Wilfrid did oppose the Roman Computists or Calculators of times against the Authority of the Evangelists This is an open Lye as the place in Bede will testifie for he saith only that perhaps one cause why the rude simplicity of the ancienter sort of Scottish Christians embraced the Jewish Custom at the beginning amongst other things might be for that no learned Calculator of the Roman Use had in those days arrived unto them He saith not one word of opposing this to the Evangelists and yet by the way do you note that this false Apostata would have his Reader think that this Jewish Heretical Custom is conform to the Evangelists than which nothing can be spoken more wickedly 18. But let us go forward and see what ensueth In fine saith he suis praevaluit Imposturis dementatis qui aderant Regibus
next Age following Pope Victor seeing the same inconveniences greatly to increase wrote a Letter to Polycrates Bishop of Ephesus to gather a Synod against it about the year of Christ 249 as Eusebius testifieth And when he perceived that both He and divers Asian Bishops did stand more stifly in defence thereof than he expected yea that they began not only to shew obstinacy therein against the former Decree of Pope Pius and the See of Rome but to draw near also to the very formality of Heresie before mentioned to wit that it was necessary to observe the Fourteenth Day nay further that it was ex Evangelii praescripto secundum Regulam Normam Fidei by the Prescription of the Gospel and according to the Rule and Norm of Faith as the said Polycrates in his Epistle to Pope Victor writeth When Victor I say saw this he resolved after Counsel taken by Conference with divers Synods both of the West and East Churches to Excommunicate those Asian Bishops that resisted if they would not agree Which Determination albeit Irenaeus and some others at that time did mislike and dehort Pope Victor from it as a thing perillous and scandalous and subject to many troubles as Eusebius reporteth yet did never any of them say that he could not do it but rather when he had done it indeed they did accommodate themselves thereunto both in West and East ratifying and confirming the same by divers particular Synods as Nicephorus recounteth to wit in Jerusalem Caesarea Tyrus Ptolomais Corinth Lions of France where St. Irenaeus himself was Bishop and other places c. 29. And finally the Council of Nice confirmed the same as the Fathers thereof do testifie by their particular Letters to the Clergy of Alexandria whose words are these as Theodoretus relateth them Scitote controversiam de Paschate susceptam prudenter sedatam esse Ita ut omnes fratres qui Orientem incolunt jam Romanos nos omnes vos sint consentientibus animis in eodem celebrando deinceps sequuturi You must understand that the Controversie about celebrating Easter taken in hand by us is prudently pacified so as all our Brethren that inhabit the East-parts will follow for the time to come the Romans or the Roman Church Us and the Authority of the Council and all You of the Aegyptian Church with full consent of mind in celebrating the same Feast Note here That the Council doth put the Authority of the Church of Rome in the first place even before Themselves and then Themselves and the Authority of the Council in the second place and those of Alexandria in the third which is another reckoning than our Heretics are wont to make of the Roman Church 30. Constantine also the Emperour writing his Letters to all Bishops of the Christian World that had not been present at the Council of Nice nor could come yieldeth account unto them with great Christian Modesty and Zeal of the chief Matters handled in that Council Where coming to speak of the Decree of celebrating Easter he saith thus Cùm de sanctissimo Festo Paschatis disceptaretur communi omnium sententia videbatur rectum esse ut omnes ubique uno eodemque die illud celebrarent When the Question was proposed about celebrating the holy Feast of Easter it seemed good by the common consent of all that were present in this Council that all Christians should celebrate the same in one and the self-same day which day he sheweth to be Sunday and refuteth at large the Custom of celebrating the same with the Jews upon the fourteenth day of the Moon tho' it were a Feria concluding thus Quae cum ita se habent c. Which things being so do you willingly embrace this Decree of the Council as a great Gift of God and a Commandment sent from Heaven forasmuch as whatsoever is decreed by holy Council of Bishops that must be ascribed to God's holy Will. Wherefore do you declare and denounce unto all our dear Brethren living among you the Decrees of this Council and namely the Decree of celebrating this holy Feast c. 31. Thus wrote our good British Emperour Constantine with a far different Spirit from those Christian Inhabitants of Britanny who afterwards defended the contrary Custom without respect of holy Decree of the Nicene Council but far more opposite and contrary is the wicked Spirit of John Bale John Fox and other such latter Brutish rather than British Sectaries that even in our days after that the Roman Catholic Use hath been received for thirteen hundred years since the said Council they are content for hatred of the Name of Rome to bring it into Controversie again and to allow rather the Jewish Use and to praise them that defend it in our Countrey as you have heard rejecting and defacing others that stood for the Catholic Party tho' never otherwise so famous and illustrious for their Learning and Vertue as Beda Agilbert Wilfrid and others the chiefest Pillars of our Primitive English Church were But this is their shameless Spirit to dishonor wherein possibly they can their Forefathers 32. And thus much of this matter about the first Conversion or Preaching of Christian Faith in Britanny under the Apostles Now will we pass to the more public Conversion of our Land under King Lucius which as in my Ward-word I called the First in respect of our two public Conversions from Paganism so do I here name it the Second in regard of the former Preaching in the Apostles Time. About which Conversion tho' in effect our Modern Heretics dare not deny the same yet shall you hear no less wrangling of them about this than the former for the great grief they receive in that it should be said or thought to come from Rome CHAP. IV. Of the Second Conversion of Britanny under King Lucius by Pope Eleutherius and Teachers sent from him about the year of Christ 180 and of the notorious absurd Cavillations of Heretics about the same also ALL that hitherto hath been spoken is about the first Preaching of Christian Religion in Britanny by particular men within the first Age or hundred years after Christ which our Roman Enemies only upon Envy and Animosity without any one Testimony of Antiquity will needs take from Rome and the Roman Church and give it to the Grecians of Asia and to the East parts as you have heard Now do follow two other more famous and public Conversions of the said Island under the two renowned Popes of Rome and by their special Industry which are acknowledged and registred by the whole Christian World and do so much press the Spleen and move the Gall of our Rome-biters as they leave no corner of their Wits unsifted to discredit or reject the same 2. The first Conversion was as the Warder saith under Pope Eleutherius towards the end of the second Age after Christ when King Lucius of Britanny hearing of the
great and horrible Persecutions of Christians in Rome and of their often Martyrings and that they remained constant notwitstanding in their Christian Faith to all mens admiration and that their number did increase daily even of the chiefest Nobility and that two worthy Senators in particular Pertinax and Tretellius had been lately converted from Paganism to profess Christ yea that the Emperour himself Marcus Aurelius then living began to be a Friend to Christians in respect of a famous Victory obtained by their Prayers all which things Baronius sheweth the Emperour's Legat in England to have told Lucius For these causes I say and for that he hated the Romans and their Old Religion to whom he understood the Christians to be contrary he resolved to be instructed in that Religion And understanding the chief Fountain thereof to be at Rome contented not himself either with Instructions he might have at home by Christians there nor yet from the Christian Bishops flourishing then in France as St. Irenaeus Photinus and others but sent men to Rome to demand Preachers of Eleutherius the Pope who directed to him two Romans named Fugatius and Damianus by whom the said King and his Countrey were converted about the year of Christ 180 as John Fox holdeth but as Baronius thinketh 183 from whom Pamelius Genebrard Nauclerus and other Chronographers do little dissent tho' Marianus Scotus doth put it in the year 177. And this Conversion of Britanny under King Lucius is testified both by the ancient Books of the Lives of the Roman Bishops attributed by some to Damasus as also by the ancient Ecclesiastical Tables and Martyrologies yet extant as Baronius proveth and by St. Bede in his History of England and after him by Ado Archbishop of Trevers and Marianus Scotus anno 177 and all Authors since 3. This then being so and John Fox the Father of Lies not ●●●ing openly to impugn the same yet granteth he the thing with such difficulty and strainings and telleth the story with so many hems and haws ifs and ands Interpretations and Restrictions as a man may see how greatly it grieveth him to confess the substance thereof I mean of this second Conversion by Pope Eleutherius and therefore he turneth himself hither and thither now granting now denying now doubting now equivocating as is both ridiculous and shameful to behold For as on the one side he would gladly deny the Truth of this Story so on the other side being press'd with the Authorities before alledged and general consent of all Writers he dareth not to utter himself plainly but endeavoureth to leave the Reader in suspence and doubtful whether it were true or no which is the effect most desired commonly of Heretical Writers to bring all things in doubt and question and there to leave the Reader And to this purpose doth the Fox tell us first That divers Authors of later Times do not agree about the certain year wherein this Conversion of King Lucius did happen some saying more and some saying less But what is this to the overthrow of the thing it self For that about the particular times wherein things were done there is often found no small variety among principal Writers and about principal Points and Mysteries of our Faith as about the coming of the Magi and Martyrdom of the Infants about the time of Christ's Baptism yea also of his Passion what Year and Day each of these things happened which yet doth not derogate from the certainty of the things themselves 4. And this is his first Cavil or rather light Skirmish whereby he would somewhat batter or weaken the credit of the Story before he cometh to lay the full Assault which ensueth immediately with seven double Cannons planted by him which he calleth seven good conjectural Reasons against the Tradition of Antiquity about this Conversion of Britanny from Pope Eleutherius Wherein notwithstanding you must note That he proposeth the Controversie as tho' his purpose were only to prove that Pope Eleutherius was not the first that converted England which thing as it might be granted in the sense before often touched if he spake or meant plainly so finding him to deal guilefully and to go about to prove in the end as appeareth by his Conclusion that Eleutherius converted not King Lucius at all but only helpt perhaps to convert him or to instruct him better in Religion being a Christian before I am constrained to examin briefly the Force or rather Fraud and Folly of these his seven Arguments to the end you may judge thereby how he behaveth himself in so main a Volume as his Acts and Monuments do contain seeing that in this one matter he beareth himself so fondly and maliciously And for brevities sake I will reduce the said seven Arguments to three general Heads or Kinds shewing first that all are Impertinent secondly that some besides Impertinency have also gross Ignorance thirdly that others besides these two commendations have Fraud and plain Imposture in them 5. To the first kind of Impertinent do appertain his fourth fifth and sixth Arguments handled by me before against the Magdeburgians to wit that St. Bede said in his time That the Britans celebrated Easter after the fashion of the East-Church that Petrus Cluniacensis testifieth the same in his days of some Scots and that Nicephorus saith that Simon Zelotes preached the Gospel in England All which three Arguments as they do serve to no purpose here but to shew that Fox stealeth all out of the Magdeburgians so no other Answer is needful to be made unto them than that which before hath been written seeing that all being granted that here is said yet proveth it nothing that the Faith of Britanny came not from Rome and consequently all is impertinent 6. Of the second sort both Impertinent and Ignorant Arguments are his second and third probations My second reason is saith he out of Tertullian who living near-about or rather somewhat before this Eleutherius testifieth in his Book contra Judaeos that the Gospel was dispersed abroad by the sound of Apostles in divers Countreys and then among other Kingdoms he reciteth also the parts of Britanny c. Thus you see how impertinent it is to the purpose we have in hand for that it concludeth not but that Pope Eleutherius after the Apostles time might convert King Lucius and his People publicly by Fugatius and Damianus as we affirm And then secondly it includeth notorious Error and Ignorance in that he saith Tertullian lived before Eleutherius for that it is prov'd out of Tertullian's own Works and Words especially in his Book de Pallio wherein he yieldeth the reason wherefore he changed his Habit from a Gown to a Cloak as Christians were wont to do in those days that he was converted to the Christian Faith in the tenth year of Pope Victor that was Successor to Eleutherius which was Anno Domini 196. And moreover he wrote
only in matters of Religion and Ecclesiastical Laws but in Temporal and Civil also and Eleutherius knowing his own Authority over him and his doubted not to appoint them what was to be done And albeit Mr. Jewell doth call it an Advice as you have heard yet the Title of the Epistle implieth more saying that it was ad correctionem Regis Procerum Regni as above we have declared And this for the first point contained in this Epistle 28. And for the second wherein Eleutherius saith that King Lucius was God's Vicar or Vicegerent as Holinshead translateth it within his own Realm what Catholic ever deny'd this or that any lawful Temporal Prince is not God's Vicar and Substitute in governing his People under him Sure we are St. Paul speaking even of a Heathen Prince or Magistrate saith Dei enim minister tibi est in bonum for he is God's Substitute to thee for thy good And in another place teaching Servants how they should obey their Heathen Lords and Masters he saith Servi obedite Dominis carnalibus cum timore tremore sicut Christo Servants obey your Carnal or Temporal Lords as to Christ himself And again in the same place Sicut Domino non Hominibus As unto our Lord Jesus and not as unto Men. And doth not here the Apostle confess expresly that Temporal Lords and Princes yea tho' they were Pagans are Christ's Vicars and Substitutes in their Government of Temporal Affairs But yet I do not think that either Fox or Holinshead will say that they were Christ's Vicars also in Spiritual Affairs or Heads of the Church within their Realms as by this Epistle of Eleutherius they would make King Lucius seem to be 29. And so finally Whether this Epistle of Eleutherius be true or feigned it maketh little for them but much rather against them And there be divers things in it which do make it probable that it is a feigned matter First for the time set down in the Title shewing it to be written after Eleutherius was dead Secondly for that neither Fox nor Holinshead would deliver it unto us in Latin as it was written Thirdly for that the Copy set down by Holinshead hath many Texts of Scriptures full little to the purpose and fondly apply'd and unworthy the great Learning of Pope Eleutherius which John Fox perceiving like a wily Fox indeed left them quite out of his Copy professing notwithstanding to put down the Epistle wholly as he found it 30. Fourthly the last point of Doctrin therein taught That Kings are no longer Kings than they rule well and do lose and utterly forgo the same when they do otherwise is a Doctrin not fit for Eleutherius but agreeing rather with that of Husse and Wickliff mentioned before in the Second Encounter as condemned by the General Council of Constance And this shall be enough about this first Heretical Cavillation concerning the Conversion of Britanny under Pope Eleutherius which our English Sectaries for hate to Rome will needs call in doubt But not being able to stand in this quarrel they flie to another of more moment which shall be handled in the ensuing Chapter CHAP. V. Of another Heretical Shift about the former Conversion of Britanny under Pope Eleutherius and King Lucius as tho' the Faith of Rome that was then did not remain now which is reproved by two evident Demonstrations the first Negative the other Affirmative WHen all the former Foxly Shifts and Devices will not serve to shake off the praise of our Britans Conversion from Rome by means of Eleutherius our Fox diggeth to himself another starting-hole whereunto when he is pressed to run and his good Cub Sir Francis followeth him diligently at the heels The Fox his words are these But grant we here that it be as they would have it and indeed the most part of our English Stories do confess it neither will I greatly stick with them therein yet what have they got thereby when they have cast all their gain In few words to conclude this matter if so be that the Christian Faith and Religion was first derived from Rome by Eleutherius let them but grant to us the same Faith and Religion that was taught in Rome and from thence derived hither by Eleutherius and we will desire no more For then was there not any Vniversal Pope neither any Name or Vse of the Mass nor any Sacrifice Propitiatory nor any Transubstantiation neither any Images of Saints departed set up in the Churches c. 2. Thus saith the Fox granting by Testimony of most Writers that which before he laboured so much to impugn Now let us hear the Cub how well he hath learned to bark after his Sire Tho' it be granted saith he that Eleutherius sending hither Preachers from Rome in King Lucius his time did first convert this Land to the Christian Faith I say there is not now the same Faith in Rome that was then There were then no Masses said no Transubstantiation known no setting up of Images in Churches no Vniversal Pope c. 3. Here you see the self-same Speech with the self-same Spirit betwixt the Cub and the Fox the Scholar and the Master but that the Scholar altereth somewhat the order to cover thereby his borrowing from the other Nay we may note another thing also which is usual in such people the Scholar is more earnest and eager than his Master of whom he took it and more over-lashing so as what the one speaketh but doubtfully the other affirmeth most resolutely what the one saith the other sweareth Let them grant us saith Fox the same Faith which was then at Rome and we desire no more This was somewhat modest tho' False and Hypocritical for he meaneth it not whatsoever you grant him or prove against him But what saith his Scholar I I say quoth he there is not now the same Faith in Rome that was then This is more resolute and peremptory as you see For who saith it I pray you I say it quoth he as tho he would challenge the field of him that will dare to deny it or prove the contrary But who are you Sir that we should yield unto you this Pythagorical Authority of ipse dixit granting all things upon your own Assertion without further proofs if you be the Man that so often before have been made a mouse and your Credit so many times shaken by shewing your false dealing then may it be now an Argument rather to the contrary to wit Sir Francis saith this or that without alledging any Proof Ergo it is probable that the matter is either feigned or falsified and this consequence you shall see much confirmed both in him and his Father Fox by this that here we are to examin 4. For first both of them do affirm as you have heard and that with great Asseveration that in the Time of Eleutherius the Pope that is to say
conform to this do speak also other ancient Fathers as well Greek as Latin and one thing is specially to be noted That both the Greek and Latin Church did agree therein in the said Council there being present two Patriarchs of the Greek Church to wit those of Constantinople and Hierusalem and others both Archbishops Bishops and Prelates So as of both Churches the Archbishops were 70 the Bishops 412 Abbots and Priors 800 and Prelates in all 1215 together with the Legats Doctors and Embassadors of both Empires West and East as also of the Kings of France Spain England Hierusalem and others So as this point of Doctrin about Transubstantiation was not hanled in corners but publicly and the Council doth not deliver the same as any New Doctrin but only as an Explication of That which ever had been held before 19. And the same is answered to the other-like Heretical Cavils about other points here objected by Fox and Sir Francis of an Vniversal Pope the use of the Mass and Propitiatory Sacrifice the setting up of dead Mens Images and the like For if they understand by the first the Primacy and Supreme Authority Ecclesiastical of the See of Rome and her Bishops and by the second the Christian external Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of our Savior instituted by himself as the Complement of all other Sacrifices that went before and by the third Sacred Memories and Images of Christ and his Saints that are not dead but living and reigning everlastingly in Heaven then are all these Doctrins howsoever disguised by Heretics with different words to make them more odious most true and Catholic Doctrins and received in the Church from the beginning and continued from the Apostles downward 20. And albeit these People to continue cavilling do alledge divers times that the first of these Articles about the Popes Supremacy did begin first under Pope Gregory the Great and Phocas the Emperor about the year of Christ 600 and that the last about the Vse of Images was decreed in the second General Council of Nice about the year 700 and that the other of the Use of Mass began by little and little they cannot tell when yet is this all most ridiculous and themselves dare not stand to any certain time by them assigned for that presently we appoint another time before that wherein these things were also acknowledged which they cannot do in the Heresies by us objected to them for that we shew indeed the very true time wherein they began and had their off-spring together with the proper Authors Places Occasions and other-like particularities recorded not by our selves but by other authentical Writers before us so as reasonably there can be no doubt thereof And herein stands the true difference between us We really and substantially shew the Beginning and Authors of their Heresies for that they are Heresies indeed but They cannot shew the Beginning or Author of any of our Articles of Belief since Christ and his Apostles for that they are no Heresies but Catholic Doctrins and have ever endured from Christ downward tho' in some Ages more than other they have been expounded or declared by Fathers and Councils according to the necessities of the time and this is one proper Office of the Holy Ghost appointed for Guider of the Church to explain matters as doubts do arise 21. Wherefore this is the first way of trial whether the foresaid Articles of the Roman Religion taught at this day about Transubstantiation Mass and the like be the same that Pope Eleutherius held and sent into Britanny or not And I do call all this kind of Argument Negative both in respect of our Adversaries that deny them to have been then in use and of Us that deny them to have been brought in afterward And they ought to prove the second seeing they cannot deny but that they were once generally in use and received over Christendom Whereof we do make the former most infallible Inference with St. Augustin That forasmuch as they were once in use and generally received and no particular beginning can be shewed of them or of their entrance Ergo They came from the Apostles themselves 22. To this Inference the Sectaries and Heretics of our time have one only shift more which is That albeit these Doctrins have for many Ages been received generally in the Church of Christendom yet that they crept into the same by little and little and finding no resistance began at last to be universally believed But this creeping Instance can have no place here by any probability For to say nothing of the Providence of God in protecting his Church from such creeping Errors nor yet of the Promises of Christ before-mentioned to the same effect Reason it self doth demonstrate also that this possibly could not be For if the Doctors and Fathers of the Church did note and discover from time to time every least Heresie or Error that did peep up in their days and this not only in Heretics but in divers principal Fathers also that held any particular Opinions as is manifest in St. Cyprian Lactantius Arnobius Cassianus and others If this diligence I say were used by them in all other occasions how could it happen that so many so manifest and so important Doctrins as are in controversie between Us and Protestants should be let pass without Note or Contradiction if they had been either New or Erroneous How should it come to pass I say that no one of these ancient Fathers should ever impugn any of these Doctrins if they were New Opinions and brought into the Church contrary to the Doctrin that was before as these men do say Yea how should it fall out that no one Record in the World should be left by our Ancestors that at such a time by such or such occasions began the Doctrin of Purgatory of Praying to Saints of the Real Presence of the Vse of Images of Mass and Sacrifice of seven Sacraments and the like that were not held in the Church before 23. And that this is impossible may be shewed by this experimental Deduction which now I will set down Let us imagin that none of these Doctrins were in the first Age under the Apostles and namely that then there were but two Sacraments no Purgatory at all or any External Sacrifice held We ask them concerning the second Age wherein Justinus Polycarpus Irenaeus Clemens Alexandrinus and Tertullian were chief Teachers whether these Doctrins were in this Age or no If they deny it tho' we might prove the contrary out of their Works yet not to pass from this first kind of Argument we ask the like of the third Age under Origen Cyprian Dionysius Alexandrinus Pamphilus Arnobius and the rest And if they deny of this Age also that these Doctrins were not held by them we go to the fourth Age under Athanasius Hilarius Optatus Basil Nazianzen Ambrose Hierom Chrysostom Epiphanius Cyrillus In whose Writings
and be merry in warm Stows saying Quid potest monstrosius dici contra meritum Christi What can be spoken more monstrously against the merit of Christ And then to a Godly Speech of St. Ambrose about the pious honoring of Martyrs Tombs they give this Censure Cogitet pius Lector quàm tetra sint ista Let the Godly Reader consider how horrible these things are uttered by Ambrose 16. And in another place upon certain words of St. Ambrose about the holy Cross found out by St. Helena they have in their injurious Speeches Multa commemor at superstitiosa quae vehementer contumeliosa sunt in meritum Christi repugnantia Fidei Ambrose doth reckon up many superstitious things which are greatly contumelious against the merit of Christ and are contrary to Faith. And thus they go forward against the rest of the Doctors and Fathers that agree not with them in their Fancies and Heresies and generally having sought to discredit about the Article of Justification and Good Works this fourth Age after Christ and the chief Doctors thereof by name as Lactantius Gregory Nyssen Hilarius Nazianzen Ambrose and Ephrem they conclude with this contumely against them all Jam cogitet pius Lector quàm procul haec aetas in hoc Articulo de Apostolorum Doctrina desciverit Let the Godly Reader now consider how far this fourth Age departed from the Doctrin of the Apostles in this Article of Good Works and Justification 17. Well then in all these points of Controversie between Us and the Protestants to wit the Primacy and Principality of the Church and Bishop of Rome the Sacrament and Sacrifice of the Altar otherwise called the Mass Freewill Justification Penance Merit of Good Works Traditions observing of Fasts Holydays Sacred Virginity Continency Monastical Life Prayer to Saints Purgatory Memory and Reliques of Martyrs and other like which in effect are the principal points wherein the Protestants do disagree from us we see by the testimony and witness of their own men that the ancient Fathers of Eleutherius's days and the next two Ages after him for I go no lower did wholly agree with us against them and this so far forth as the Magdeburgians do say more than once of all the Doctors of the second Age after Christ wherein Eleutherius lived That they erred and lived in darkness for that they held with us as now you have heard And with what face then doth John Fox say a little before Let them but leave us the Religion that was in Eleutherius 's time and we will ask no more With what forehead also doth Sir Francis his Scholar add I say there is not now the same Faith in Rome that was then there were then no Masses no Vniversal Pope c. But with such men do we deal that care not what they say or deny so they may bear out the matter for the present and seem always to have somewhat to say 18. But now will we leave this and pass to another Conversion under St. Gregory the Great which concerneth us English-men more particularly than the former whereabout you shall see no less Heretical Fraud and Malignity used than in the other before-mentioned if not more for that these people finding all Antiquity against them and having no other Authorities for proof of their Religion but only their own Inventions with some light shew of Scripture expounded by themselves are forced to use most shameful and desperate shifts when their Cause is examined by the Histories of former Ages And so much of this point CHAP. VIII Of the third Conversion of our Island and English Nation by St. Augustin and his fellows sent from Pope Gregory the first Anno 596. And of divers Heretical Shifts and Impudences to deface the said two excellent Men and the Religion brought into England with them YOu have heard the two Shifts before used about the first public Conversion of Britanny by Pope Eleutherius to wit first of all to discredit this Story so much as in them lay and then being forced to grant it their last Refuge was to say that the same Faith was not then in Rome that is now nor that the Points of Doctrin now believed and taught were known and acknowledged then Both which Shifts have been most evidently refuted and the same Religion shewed to have been in Rome under Pope Eleutherius which at this day is there taught 2. But now there remaineth the other public Conversion of the English Nation from Pope Gregory under King Ethelbert of Kent some four hundred years or more after the other in which neither of the two former Shifts can be used by our Adversaries For neither can they deny or bring in doubt the History it self recorded by all Writers of that time and since and namely and most abundantly by our Countrymen St. Bede and his Continuator William of Malmesbury and others nor can they say that the Faith of Rome then derived into England was any other than that which is now in Rome Which latter Point he that will see proved substantially and examined Article by Article and Point by Point by conferring the Doctrin Rites and Ceremonies brought into England by our said Apostle Augustin with that which at this day is taught and practised in the Roman Churh let him read the Translation of the said Story of Bede put into English by our famous learned Countryman M. Doctor Stapleton with his notes to the same and the learned Treatise which thereon and by that Occasion he made Intituled The Fortress of Faith which sheweth the same to be conform likewise to all Antiquity 3. Wherefore our wily Knight Sir Francis seeing this hath answered not one Sentence or Syllable in this his Reply or Wast-word to this Conversion of Englishmen under Pope Gregory tho I urged the same somewhat earnestly in my Ward-word And yet for that upon other Occasions he saith once or twice in his Book That Augustin brought in the Romish Religion as tho the Romish Religion had been different at that day from that of the Christian Britans and for that his Master John Fox out of whom he hath stolen all this Story runneth also to this Shift upon divers Occasions I am forced to say somewhat thereunto in this place 4. You must then understand that Fox and his Fellows being excluded from the former two Shifts as I have said and yet forced to use somewhat against this evident Deduction of our English Faith from the See of Rome they betake themselves to other Refuges as absurd or rather more than the former The first whereof is to discredit by all means they can devise the Authors of this Conversion to wit St. Gregory the Pope and St. Augustin our Apostle About this time saith Fox departed Gregory Bishop of Rome of whom it is said that of the number of all the first Bishops before him in the Primitive Church he was the basest
by violence that he attended more to get tythes and oblations for Masses than to preach the Gospel and that he was cause of the slaughter of 1200 Monks and other such like reproachful lies against whom I could propose the whole stream of the best Authors ever since his time both domestical and extern if it were worth the striving with so contemptible an Adversary and if nothing would restrain the Liberty of so reproachful a Tongue yet at leastways the respect of our Nation converted by him and so many great miracles wrought by him to that effect as both St. Bede and others do recount and Fox dareth not deny ought to have some bridle to this shameless Apostata For that not only St. Bede Malmesbury Marianus Scotus Sigebert and others do recount them but even St. Gregory himself wrote the same by his own pen to Eulogius Archbishop of Alexandria who had written unto him of some like miracles wrought in Egypt also about that time in the Conversion of new Christians St. Gregory's words are these 12. Sed quoniam c. But for that truly the good which they do there is much encreased by the joy you take in other mens good also I will requite you with the like good News as you have written to me Know then that whereas the English Nation placed in the corner of the World have remained hitherto in their Infidelity worshipping stones and blocks I did by the help of your Prayers these days past God as I hope moving me thereunto send unto that Nation a Monk of my Monastery to preach unto them who upon my License afterward being made Bishop in the Countreys near unto them arrived at last unto that end of the world And now Letters are come unto us both of his Health and his Work that he hath in Hand and surely either he or they that were sent over with him do work so many miracles in that Nation as they may seem therein to imitate the Power and Miracles of the Apostles themselves and in this very last Solemnity of Christ's Nativity past there were above ten thousand Englishmen baptized by the hands of this our Brother and fellow Bishop c. 13. Thus far St. Gregory who is another manner of Witness than Fox or Bale tho Fox doth confess as you have heard before both the vertuous Life and Miracles of St. Augustin and his fellows And if he do so indeed and do think them to have been wrought by Gods Power and not by the operation of Satan then it is great Blasphemy both in him and his fellows to think that God would concurr by Miracles to the planting of false Doctrin and Error which scornfully they call the Papistical Faith. Whereof now we shall treat more in particular having disputed these things about Saint Augustin's Person 14. About which Doctrin these good Fellows seem to quarrel much more giving simple People to believe that he brought from Rome a different Christian Religion from that which was in Britanny before as out of Sir Francis own words alledged may appear And albeit John Fox in his History treating of this matter doth not dare to affirm it plainly but rather seeketh here and there to pick out some differences between the Roman Religion that St. Augustin brought in and that which is now as for example where he saith Note by the way Christian Reader that whereas it is said that Augustin baptized ten thousand English Saxons upon a Christmas day in a River it followeth saith he that then there was no use of Fonts c. Yet in a certain Preface of his which he calleth his Protestation to the whole Church-of-England he hath these words All this while about the space of 400 years after the Conversion of King Lucius Religion remained in Britanny uncorrupt and the Word of Christ truly preached till about the coming of Augustin and his Companions from Rome many of the said Britan Preachers were slain by the Saxons And after that began the Christian Faith to enter and spring amongst the Saxons after a certain Romish sort yet notwithstanding somewhat more tollerable than in other times which after followed c. 15. Thus writeth Fox maliciously enough as you see to bring in doubt and discredit our first Christian Religion planted by St. Augustin but yet hereby it is evident that if Englishmen were ever true Christians either at their first Conversion or for more than 900 years after they were Roman Christians But whether they were ever true Christians indeed or not that Point Fox dareth not plainly to determine in this place but only as the fashion of Hereticks is to call matters in question and leave them in doubt so doth he and as one said well To lay the Eggs for another to hatch the Serpents For that Fox his Scholars Holinshed Hooker and Harrison and other like have presumed upon this foundation to determine resolutely the matter that Englishmen were never true Christians indeed before Luther began his Doctrin which appeareth in these their words following speaking of the Inhabitants of Britanny When the sheep of Gods pasture say they would receive no wholsom fodder it pleased his Majesty to let them run on headlong from one iniquity to another Insomuch that after the Doctrin of Pelagius they received that of Rome also brought in by Austin and his Monks whereby it was to be seen how they fell from the Truth into Heresie and from one Heresie still into another until at last they were drowned in the pits of Error digged up by Antichrist c. 16. Thus do write these Companions of the first Conversion of Englishmen by St. Augustin but whether they mean of the Britans or of Englishmen or of both that fell into these pits it is not so easie to judge For they name both to determin or distinguish neither People and which way soever you take it it hath not only falshood and impiety but open contradictions also in it self For it they mean the Britans then it is evidently false that they were converted by St. Augustin and his Monks And if they mean of the English it is much more false that they ever received the Doctrin of Pelagius or fell from Truth to Heresie as these phantastical Men both ignorantly and maliciously do affirm But let us hear yet further their blasphemous and desperate Speeches of our first Apostle St. Augustin This Augustin say they after his arrival converted the Saxons indeed from Paganism but as the Proverb saith bringing them out of Gods Blessing into the warm Sun he imbued them with no less hurtful Superstition than they did know before For beside the only Name of Christ and external contempt of their pristin Idolatry he taught them nothing at all but rather an exchange from gross to subtil Treachery from open to secret Idolatry and from the name of Pagans to the bare Title of Christians c. 17.
these Men deny it flatly for so much as they say that our first Faith received from Rome was not the true Faith of Christ nor of Christendom but a particular Romish Faith full of Error Superstition and Idolatry as you have heard yea worse if we will believe Holinshed Hooker and Harrison than was the Paganism which Englishmen professed before their Conversion And then followeth that for so much as they hold also that the longer Religion endured in England the worse it waxed needs must they conclude that when Luther began his Gospel our Fathers and Grandfathers were no Christians at all and much less true Christians And this for them 23. But if we will talk of our selves that now live in England we must needs also conclude the same to wit that after all Mutations made in England about Religion since Luther began the Protestants cannot be sure with any Reason that they are true Christians or have yet received the right Faith or Gospel unto this day Which I prove thus First for that the Gospel preached by Luther was never yet admitted wholly into England For at the very beginning thereof under King Henry it was contradicted by him and the State during his whole Reign yea condemned for Heretical as by many Decrees as well of Parliaments as otherwise by particular Ordinances is manifest his Majesty always holding Luther's Opinions for Heresies and according thereunto burned the Professors thereof for Heretics unto his dying day as is notorious Tho' in one Article about the Popes Supremacy he concurred with them but not as taking the same from Luther or his Doctrin So as Luthers Gospel if it were a Gospel as John Fox calleth it every where in his Acts and Monuments was never yet received in England For that in King Edwards days the Doctrin of Zuinglius and not of Luther was admitted Which Doctrin Luther always held for opposite to his and for plain Heresie as before at large hath been declared 24. And as for her Majesties time that now is clear it is that neither of both the former Doctrins or Gospels have formally or fully been admitted I mean neither the Lutherans or Zwinglians but rather the Doctrin of a third opposite in many Points to them both to wit of John Calvin And yet neither hath this Gospel been so frankly or generally received or practised as the chief Professors thereof and such as take themselves to follow the same most exactly I mean the Puritans do remain content but rather complain that their true Doctrin indeed and Gospel was never hitherto truly established in our Country as in the first Encounter against Sir Francis we have shewed abundandtly 25. So as if the first Gospel of St. Augustin brought into England from Rome wherewith our Ancestors lived and professed Christianity for 900 years together were not the true Gospel of Christ indeed nor the other Gospel of Martin Luther that appeared to the World in the year 1517 was ever admitted into England in King Henry's time that died in the year 1547. And if from thence forward under King Edward Zwinglius's Doctrin and not Luthers was established for the English Gospel of that time And if under her Majesty that now is neither of these two but Calvins Doctrin and Gospel hath been admitted tho' yet with such Restrictions and Alterations as the purest Patrons thereof say it is not their Gospel but a patched thing as before at large we have declared what followeth then I say but that we Englishmen have yet no true Gospel at all nor ever had and consequently we were never yet true Christians nor are at this day For that the Christianity of the antient English from King Ethelbert to King Henry VIII was no true Christianity as these men say and much less will they grant of the Religion established by King Henry as opposite as well to Protestants as to Catholics That also of King Edward's days was different from all and that which now is in England is contradicted as well by Lutherans Zuinglians and Puritans as by Catholics Where then and among whom shall we find the true Gospel 26. One only shift these people do pretend which is to run to the Britans Religion at that time when St. Augustin came into England for this both Fox and Bale do acknowledge to have been the right Religion and to use their words the naked unspotted Gospel and far different from the Romish Religion that Augustin brought in from Gregory wherefore that point resteth now to be examined And albeit you have heard a little before how Holinshead accuseth the Britans Religion of Pelagianism and other Heresies yet Bale writeth thus Priùs illic fuerit Christianismus c. Christian Religion was in Britanny before the coming of Augustin and his Fellows But it was not to their commodity for that it was without Masses and without distinction of Meats or Days and the Britans observed the bare naked Gospel without Jewish Ceremonies c. 27. So writeth he And Fox as before you have heard said That for 400 years after Pope Eleutherius and King Lucius Religion remained in Britanny uncorrupt and the Word of Christ truly preached till about the coming of Augustin and his Fellows from Rome c. And yet he cannot deny but that in this space both the Pelagian and other Heresies had entred also among them and that some Reliques thereof remained even when Augustin arrived And whereas they say that the British Religion before the coming of Augustin was uncorrupt and free from all Jewish Ceremonies it is ridiculous forasmuch as we have shewed before that the chiefest difference between these two Religions at that day was about a Jewish Ceremony observ'd by the Britans against the Order and Faith of the Church of Rome to wit the superstitious keeping Easter day upon the fourteenth of the first Moon of March together with the Jews 28. But as for other substantial points of Faith especially such as be at this day in controversie between Us and Protestants as Mass Sacrifice Fasting observing of Holydays and the like here named the old Britans Religion did agree with that of Rome brought in by St. Augustin and so hath continued until this day and this shall we shew in the Chapter following So as if the old British Faith was the true Faith We have it among Catholics at this day and not Protestants as shall be declared CHAP. IX That the Roman Religion brought into England by St. Augustin under Pope Gregory was the very same that was brought in before under Pope Eleutherius by Fugatius and Damianus and continued afterward among the Britans until the coming of St. Augustin to the English Nation WE have shewed before how that the Christian Faith preached in England in the Apostles time was the Roman Faith and that the increase or public Establishment thereof again under King Lucius was also from Rome and finally that the third
quantáque animum tuum Regni Christi praemia in die Judicii manerent c. Thou didst vow to be a perpetual Monk before Almighty God in the sight both of Angels and Men. O how great a flame of heavenly-hope would burn in the hearts of them that now despair of thee if thou hadst remained in that good state O how great Rewards of Christ's Kingdom would remain for thee in the day of Judgment c. 14. Thus saith he And would Protestants think you speak thus also seeing John Fox doth so greatly condemn our ancient Kings and Princes of the English Nation for that so many of them in the fervour of the Primitive Church made themselves Monks Yet Gildas you see on the contrary side commendeth highly that Fact in the Prince Maglocunus and greatly condemneth him for leaving that holy state And hereby also is refuted that foolish refuge of Fox and his Companions who say and affirm without shame that Monks had no Vows in those days but only that Monasteries were Schooles and places of Learning without any Obligation to persevere therein or to abstain from Marriage c. But let him shew that every one of those 2000 Monks that he saith lived in the Monastery of Bangor together did ever marry or pretend to have Liberty so to do after they were professed Monks and then he saith somewhat And as for vowing and public profession made to God in the sight of his Angels and the whole Church the matter is evident enough in this place what was then in use among the Britans 15. But let us pass from Princes to Priests What saith Gildas of them You shall hear his Words Sacerdotes habet Britannia sed insipientes c. Ecclesiae domus habentes sed turpis lucri gratia eas adeuntes c. rarò sacrificantes nunquam puro corde inter altaria stantes c. Sedem Petri Apostoli immundis pedibus usurpantes c. Britanny hath Priests but without Wisdom c. They possess the houses of the Church but go unto them only for filthy lucre's sake c. They do seldom sacrifice but never go to the Altar with a pure heart c. They do usurp the Seat of Peter the Apostle with unclean feet c. 16. Lo here Massing and Sacrificing Priests in those days which are so hated and persecuted at this day in England tho' God be thanked free from these Vices of impure Life which here is objected to the Priests of that time But let us hear yet Gildas further In Apostolicis sanctionibus ob inscitiam hebetes They are dull in observing Apostolical Sanctions for that they are unlearned and understand them not Lo here Priests reprehended for lack of skill in the Ecclesiastical Canons and Apostolical Decrees And yet he goeth further Desperatiùs errant quo non ab Apostolis vel Apostolorum successoribus sed à Tyrannis à patre eorum diabolo emunt sacerdotia These Men do err the more desperately for that they buy unto themselves the Office of Priesthood not of the Apostles or their Successors as Simon Magus would have done the Holy Ghost but of Tyrant Princes and of the Devil their Father 17. Here you see that Priesthood in those days was not wont to be given by the Authority of Lay Princes but by the Successors of the Apostles to wit Bishops And then further he goeth forward shewing how these naughty Priests being once possessed of that Dignity and made proud thereby presumed to say Mass unworthily Manus non tam venerabilibus aris quam flammis inferni ultricibus dignas in tale schema positi sacrosanctis Christi sacrificiis extensuri These Priests being once put in this Dignity or Ornament they presume to stretch out their hands to the most holy Sacrifices of Christ tho their hands be more worthy of the burning flames of hell than to touch the venerable Altars 18. Thus he wrote of Altars and Sacrifice among the Britans in those days and divers other Points like unto this which for brevity's sake I omit only I would ask our Men in general whether this be spoken as of Protestants or no And then would I demand of John Fox in particular how that can be true which he affirmeth That the Britans had no Mass in those days seeing Gildas talketh so much of Priests that did Sacrifice upon Altars And if he will say that Gildas useth not the word Mass it is a plain Cavil seeing nothing is signified by the Mass but only the external Sacrifice of Christians here mentioned And that the word Mass was generally used in the Latin Church for Sacrifice long before this time of Gildas appeareth by many Authors but especially by St. Augustin the Doctor in divers places of his works whereof some in the Margent we shall note 19. I would ask also of John Bale how the Religion of the Britans was the pure and naked Gospel in those days for so he saith if it had in it not only that custom of the Jews before mentioned of the Quartadecimani but all these other Points also which his Church counteth for Errors to wit of Professed Monks and Consecrated Nuns of Sacrificing upon Altars and the like how I say could this British Church be accounted by him and his so pure and unspotted But little heed is there to be given to these Mens saying or unsaying but as the present occasion of necessity urgeth them And therefore we will go forward to shew some other Observations in this kind CHAP X. The continuation of the same matter wherein is shewed by divers Proofs and Examples that the Britans before St. Gregory's time were of the same Religion that he sent into England by St. Augustin to wit of the Roman AND first of all to begin with the first Entrance of our first English Apostles St. Bede writing of the City of Canterbury at the coming of St. Augustin before King Ethelbert was converted saith thus Erat autem propè ipsam civitatem ad orientem Ecclesia in honorem St. Martini antiquitus facta dum adhuc Romani Britanniam incolerent c. In hac ergo ipsi primò convenire psallere orare Missas facere praedicare baptizare coeperunt There was a Church near to the City on the East side built in old time in the honor of St. Martin while yet the Romans did hold Brittany c. Wherefore in this Church Augustin and his company did first use to meet together to sing Psalms to Pray to say Masses to preach and to baptize the People c. 2. Note here that seeing the Romans left England presently upon the destruction of Rome by the Goths to wit about the year of Christ 400 which was some fifty years before the entrance of the Saxons then was the use of building Churches in the Honor of Saints in practise among the Britans and Roman Christians of those days living in
Calixtus the Second Whereby appeareth that the Britans were not only Papists in those days before the coming of St. Augustin but had Papist Gods and Saints also there Yet this Man might live according to Bale to have seen the times of St. Augustin's entrance for that he saith he flourished in the year 440. and lived in all 146 years tho' Gerrad Cambrensis Polydor and others do make him somewhat more ancient 10. And for that we have talked here of John Bale and that the testimonies taken from Enemies themselves are of greatest weight against themselves we shall in this place touch certain Points briefly of the chief Preachers and Pastors among the Britans in those days to wit for the next two hundred years before the coming of St. Augustin into England Which Preachers are mentioned and much praised both by Fox and Bale as true Teachers in those days whereof Fox writeth thus In this Age to wit after the Peace restored to the Church by Constantine followed here in the land of Britanny Fastidius Ninianus Patricius Bacchiarius Dubritius Congellus Kentegernus Helmotus David Daniel Sampson Elnodugus Assaphus Gildas Henlanus Elbodus Dinothus Samuel Nivius and a great sort more which governed the Britan Church by Christian Doctrin a long season albeit the civil Governours for the time were dissolute and careless as Gildas very sharply doth lay to their Charge and so at length were subdued by the Saxons And all this while about the space of 400 years to wit from the time of King Lucius Religion remained in Britanny uncorrupt and the word of Christ truly preached until about the coming of St. Augustin and his Companions from Rome c. 11. Here now you see the chief Teachers of the British Church Nineteen in number for the space of 400 years as Fox avoweth set down in order and highly praised by him but neither his Order or Argument is worth a rush For as for his Order he beginneth with Fastidius that lived not two hundred years before St. Augustin's coming tho he name four hundred And then he putteth some before that lived long after the rest and sometimes skippeth over 100 years together from one to another as you shall see by the Examen And for his Argument how many lies and errors it containeth shall easily appear by the Sequel of this Discourse For first concerning two of the chief in this Catalogue contained to wit Dubritius and David Archbishops of the Britans you have seen before that they were Roman Catholics and canonized many Ages after their Death by Roman Bishops which they would never have done if they had differed from them in any Point of Religion But now let us see of the rest for I see not what reason there is why Fox should so commend these two 12. The first four are Fastidius Ninianus Patricius and Bacchiarius all which are found to have been Catholic Men and held the common Faith of Rome in those days nor any of them ever favoured any of these new Doctrins brought in by our new Gospellers Trithemius maketh mention of Fastidius whose Sirname was Priscus Bishop of the Britans a Man of rare Life and great Learning in the Scriptures and a singular Preacher and lived in the time of Honorius and Theodosius the Emperors about the year of Christ 420. The same do write of him both Honorius Gennadius and Bergomas And John Bale concurreth with the rest adding that he was Archbishop of London and that amongst other his Works he wrote one De Viduitate servanda of keeping Widowhood without marryig again By which only work you may know that he was not of John Bale's Religion What we have written also of the Religion of St. German and his fellow Bishops that came into England may easily declare what Religion this Man was of who being then Archbishop of London must needs be presumed to have had a great part in their calling in as also to have joyned with them against the Pelagians which he would not have done if they had not been all of one Religion And thus much of him 13. Of St. Ninianus who converted the Picts to Christian Religion St. Bede maketh most honorable mention in the Third Book of his Ecclesiastical History and the Roman Martyrologe doth cite him for a Saint upon the Sixteenth day of September Which would never have been permitted if he had been in any one thing different from the Roman Faith. Nay John Bale writeth of him thus Ninianus Bernitius ex Regio Britannorum sanguine procreatus Italiam adhuc adolescens petiit Romae apud divini verbi ministros mysteria veritatis edoctus ad plenum celer in patriam remigrabat c. miraculis ac sanctitate clarissimus obiit anno 432. St. Ninian Bernitius being descended of the Blood of the King 's of Britanny went in his youth into Italy and being fully taught the Mysteries of Gods Word in Rome he returned swiftly to his Country again where he flourished exceedingly in Miracles and Sanctity of Life and after died in the year of Christ 432. Mark here that Princes Children became Priests in those days and went to Rome to learn Divinity and that this Man having done so and brought back into Britanny the Christian Doctrin of Rome wrought Miracles thereby Ergo he was no Protestant so that here Bale testifieth against himself 14. There followeth of Patricius in John Fox but indeed he should have put Palladius before Patricius For so doth Bale and he hath Reason for that he was a famous Teacher in Britanny and sent from Rome by Pope Caelestinus before Patricius as Bale doth note saying first of Palladius Hic à Caelestino Romanorum Pontifice Antistes mittebatur c. This Man was sent Bishop from Caelestinus Pope of Rome to drive out of Britanny the Pelagian Heresie which at that time had infected the greater part thereof and to reduce the Scots to true Piety c. He flourished about the year of Christ 431. c. So saith he And the same is confirmed by that which Prosper a far better Author than Bale writeth in his Chronicle where he saith that Palladius was sent by Caelestinus Pope in the year 432 into Britanny but especially to the Scots as testifieth also St. Bede in his Story So as in this time also the Popes of Rome had Supreme Care in Spiritual Affairs both among the Britans and Scots seeing he appointed them Bishops from Rome 15. And this is confirmed also by the other Example of Patricius who as John Bale saith was sirnamed Mangonius and was born in Britanny of the Family of Senators and thereby called Patricius but yet of kindred by his Mother to St. Martin Bishop of Tours study'd Divinity in Rome and thence sent by Caelestinus the Pope to preach to the Irish-men Istum saith he ad Scotos Hibernos post Palladium Graecum misit ut eos à Pelagianorum tueretur
erroribus This man did Caelestinus Bishop of Rome send to the Scots and Irish-men especially those that lived in Britanny after Palladius the Grecian to defend them from the Errors of the Pelagians 16. Behold the Care and Authority of the Bishop of Rome in those days But what followeth in Bale This man saith he did preach the Gospel unto the Irish-men with incredible fervour of spirit for forty years together and did convert them to the sincere Faith of Christ He was most excellent both in Learning and Holiness and among other Miracles that he did he continued in Praying and Fasting forty days and forty nights founded many Churches healed many sick deliver'd many possessed of Devils and raised to life sixty that were dead c. 17. Behold the effects of Preachers sent forth by the Bishops of Rome recounted by the Heretics themselves Let Fox or Bale shew us any such Example of Miracles wrought by Preachers sent by them and their Sect. And that this man also was made Bishop by Caelestinus the Pope and sent hither after Palladius is testified by St. Prosper that lived in that time and after him by St. Bede Marianus Scotus Sigibert and others who say also that he died in the year of Christ 491 being of the age of 122 years and his Memory is held in the Roman Calendar upon the 17th day of March c. And now our Fox and Bale being taken in these Examples to speak against themselves we might pass over the rest with silence assuring the Reader that all is like unto this Yet some points more we shall note 18. The fourth before named Bacchiarius tho' he be not mentioned by John Bale yet other Authors do report that he was brought up in Rome and in good credit with Pope Leo I. to whom he dedicated a Book written in defence of his Pilgrimage to Rome He had been the Scholar of St. Patricius and by this you may guess of what Religion he was 19. Congellus is the sixth Preacher of true Religion cited in Fox's Catalogue for of Dubritius which is the fifth we spoke before whom Bale saith to have flourished about the year of Christ 530 and that he was the first Abbot of the Monastery of Bangor But what more think you Ab isto Monachismus à Pelagio introductus c. From this man saith he the Religion of Monks brought in by Pelagius the Heretic was not only spread over Britanny under shew of true Religion but was dilated also into other Countreys c. Behold how Fox and Bale agree Fox saith He was a true Preacher of the Word of God and Bale saith He was a Father of Pelagian Monks And note here by the way that Fox professing to shew the continual Succession of the Britan Church leapeth from Patricius to Dubritius of whom we spake before and between whom there was above 100 years distance if we believe Bale and other Authors And then followeth Kentegernus and Helmotus before David Menevensis who should have come after him in respect of time tho' of Helmotus Bale maketh no mention but of Kentegernus he saith That he flourished in the year 560 and lived in all 185 years which if it be so he must needs be alive long after the entrance of St. Augustin He saith He was a Monk and had three hundred Scholars in one Colledge which he sent to preaching here and there c. And then he addeth further Melote utebatur c. He used a Garment made of Goats skins with a streight Hood having a white Stole about his Neck after the fashion of the Primitive Church He converted many to the Faith of Christ recall'd many Apostatas drove out Pelagians built Churches ministred to the sick and healed their sickness and lived in very great Abstinence c. Thus he describeth him and whether this description doth agree to a Protestant Minister or to a Catholic Abbot let the Reader consider 20. There do follow in Fox's Catalogue David Daniel Sampson Elnodugus Asaphus and Gildas But of St. David the first of this number we have spoken before in this Chapter And as for Gildas which is the last of this Rank Bale saith He was a Monk of Bangor And further it may easily appear by the speeches themselves which before we have alledged out of him in the former Chapter of what Religion he was Of Daniel Sampson and Elnodugus tho' John Bale speak little or nothing yet Capgrave Leland and others shew that they were of the same Religion with the rest Daniel being the first Bishop of Bangor and Sampson next after St. David was Bishop of that place 21. Of Asaph Bale saith He was Scholar to the foresaid famous Abbot Kentegern and was made Bishop of Elgoa in Wales which of his name was called Asaph ever since He flourished in the year 590 and saw the coming in of Augustin and his Fellows from Rome and was the first of the Britans saith Bale qui à Gregorii Romani Discipulis in Angliam adventantibus Auctoritatem Unctionem accepit that took his Authority and Vnction or Consecration from the Disciples of Gregory Bishop of Rome that came into England So writeth Bale and by this sheweth that St. Asaph held nothing against the Roman Religion seeing he accepted his Authority and Consecration from the Bishop of Rome Besides this this Bishop St. Asaph hath his Memory celebrated in the Roman Martyrology upon the first day of May which he should not if he had been different in any one point from the Roman Religion 22. And so being come down now to St. Augustin's time it is to no purpose to go any farther or name the rest that do ensue in Fox to wit those five Herlanus Elbodus Dinothus Samuel and Nivius for that they lived after St. Augustin's entrance whereas Fox's promise was to cite only British Teachears that were before him and different from the Roman Religion whereof he hath named hitherto none Besides that of three of these five Bale writeth not and as for Dinothus Abbot of Bangor he was the chiefest of those who opposed themselves against Augustin and set other men against him also in Synodo Wiccionum and was severely punished afterward for the same by the Providence of God as St. Bede noteth to wit by the Sword of Ethelfredus a Heathen King of Northumberland long after the Death of St. Augustin when the said Dinothus and 1200 Monks were slain at Chester by the Souldiers of the said Ethelfride Augustino jam multo ante tempore saith St. Bede ad Coelestia Regna sublato St. Augustin being taken to Heaven long before tho' Bale be not ashamed to say that it was done by his suggestion praising the foresaid Dinothus and his Confederates for that they would not preach Baptism and celebrate Easter-day according to the Custom of Rome and Universal Catholic Church 23. So as now we see that these men care not
Christian Religion under King Sigebert about the year of Christ 609 and that by the preaching principally of their first Bishop Felix born in Burgundy in France being ordain'd Bishop of a City there called Dunwich at that time which now is more than half consumed with the Sea. 7. The fourth Kingdom was of the Northumbers which contained many Shires towards the North to wit Lancashire Yorkshire Cumberland Westmorland Northumberland Durham and some part of Scotland The first Monarch of this Kingdom is accounted Ida and it received the Faith of Christian Religion under their 13th King Edwyn in the year of Christ 626 by the Preaching of St. Paulinus sent thither to preach by Justus the fourth Archbishop of Canterbury by whom the said Paulinus was translated from the See of Rochester to be Archbishop of York 8. The fifth Kingdom was of the West-Saxons which contained the Countreys of Cornwall Devonshire Dorsetshire Somersetshire Wiltshire Barkshire and Hampshire The first Founder thereof was Cerdick about the year of Christ 509 and under Kenegilsus their fifth King they received the Christian Faith by the preaching of St. Berinus their first Bishop of Dorchester in the year of Christ 635. 9. The sixth Kingdom was of the Mercians or Middle-Countrey being in that time the greatest of all the rest and containing some fifteen or sixteen Shires as Glocester Hereford Chester Stafford Worcester Shrewsbury Oxford Warwick Darby Leicester Buckingham Northampton Nottingham Huntington and Rutland The first Founder of this Monarchy is said to be one Creda about the year of Christ 586 and the Conversion thereof to Christian Faith was about the year of Christ 635 under Prince Peda Son and Heir unto the notable persecuting Pagan Peda. Their first Apostle was B. Finan who baptized King Peda against his Father's will in the Kingdom of the Northumbers at a Town by Berwick called Ad murum and this by the instance of the good Christian King Oswyn King of Northumberland who gave King Peda his Daughter in Marriage on this condition That he would become a Christian 10. The seventh Kingdom was of the South-Saxons containing the Shires of Sussex and Surrey and began about the year of Christ 478 by one Aelus a Saxon and was converted to Christianity under King Ethelwold or Ethelwach as St. Bede nameth him about the year of Christ 662 by the preaching especially of St. Wilfrid their first Bishop who erected a Monastery for the Episcopal See in a place called Seolyce or Selcey 11. Well then thus we see that within the space of forty years more or less six Kingdoms of England received the Gospel and the seventh not long after under their first Preachers and Apostles before mentioned And what great variety of Miracles God did work by these his Servants and their Helpers and Assistants in this Work of the Conversion of our Countrey is evident by all Stories of that time and after and no man but an Infidel or Miscreant can with any probable reason call them in doubt 12. And it seemeth that the promise of our Savior made to his Apostles at his last farewell in St. Mark 's Gospel for Miracles to be wrought in the Conversion of Nations especially of Gentiles as St. Gregory observeth was as abundantly fulfilled in the first Conversion of our English Nation as of any other probably in the World. The Signs and Miracles saith Christ which shall follow them that shall believe in me or receive my Faith especially in the beginning are these That they shall cast out Devils in my Name they shall speak with new Tongues they shall remove Serpents and if they should drink Poyson it shall not hurt them they shall lay their hands upon sick men and therewith heal them c. 13. All these things promised Christ our Savior and performed them most abundantly in the first Conversion of Nations while the said Miracles were necessary to plant and confirm the Faith. But when as St. Gregory in the place before alledged saith the young Plants had no more need of such daily watering by Miracles then ceased they Tho' in our Countrey and Primitive Church they endured no small time as were easie to shew if I would stand in this place to run over the Ecclesiastical Stories of the least part of the aforesaid seven Kingdoms whereof yet many things will be spoken of afterward 14. For only in the Kingdom of Kent for the first hundred years after the Conversion of King Ethelbert there possessed the See of Canterbury from St. Augustin unto Bertualdus who died in the year of Christ 730 and with whom St. Bede endeth eight Arch-bishops all most Godly and Holy Men to wit Augustin Laurence Melitus Justus Honorius Deusdedit Theodorus and Bertualdus Which Bishops were held for great Saints in our Primitive Church as appeareth by the writing both of St. Bede that lived also himself in that Age and by William of Malmesbury that lived some Ages after Who yet alledgeth a more Ancient Author than himself called Gosselinus that wrote the Lives and Miracles of all those Eight Arch-bishops of Canterbury and of some other Saints of our Country Horum saith he non minus sancti Letardi c. Of these Arch-bishops as also of St. Letard that in Ancient time came in with Q. Berta the Author before mentioned Gosselinus hath written their marvelous and admirable vertues out of Bede and others Adding also many things which he saw himself with his own Eyes shewing the great Miracles and Signs which they did c. He doth recount also the Rank of Kings with their Kindred that lay Buried in his days in the Church of St. Augustin at Canterbury Which he doth worthily call the lights of England and the Senators of the English Heavenly Court of Parliament And to this Quire of Saints and Crown or Diadem of our Eternal King Christ he addeth other pretious Stones also of Inestimable Glory to wit St. Adrian the Abbot and St. Mildred the Virgin as Conspicuous in Glory of Miracles as the rest c. 15. Thus writeth Malmesbury of these servants of God of the Church of Canterbury for the first hundred years after Christ's Faith received but he that would recount the like of all the other six Kingdoms and English Churches should have great store of matter Especially if he would enter into the particular Lives and Actions of such eminent Holy Men as that Age by the force and virtue of that Primitive Christian Religion brought forth And then if with all this he remember in like manner that most certain principle before mentioned that God would never have concurred with such abundance of Piety Holiness and Miracles to the setting up of a false Religion he will easily see how plain a demonstration this is for the truth of that Religion which was thus planted amongst us by St. Augustin and Maligned by these Sectaries of our time 16. Well then
the first an earnest Lutheran the other two Zwinglians 14. All these demonstrations I say King Henry made this year of his Catholic Opinion and Judgment in all points except in matter of Supremacy which was his own Interest And for the other six years which he lived afterwards he vary'd not from this but rather confirm'd the same as we may see by his burning of Anne Askew for denying the Real Presence in the Sacrament not many months before his death and by his own hearing of Mass in his bed and receiving the blessed Sacrament on his knees when he was not able to stand on his feet but especially by that which Bishop Gardiner testified while he lived and preached the same in a public Sermon at Paul's Cross that the said King not long before his dying day when he sent him Embassador to a Diet in Germany gave him special Commission in secret to procure by the means of some Catholic Princes and of the Pope's Legat and Nuntio there some honorable condition for his Majesty's reconciliation with the Pope and See of Rome again which tho' God of his secret Judgment permitted him not to effectuate by the shortness of his life yet appeareth it by this what his sense in matters of Religion was 15. So then now we have that Catholic Church and Religion continued in England during King Henry's Reign both in Prince and People tho' much turmoil'd by Faction Schisms and Heresie wherein notwithstanding she no more lost her possession and continuance than she did in time of the raging Arians Donatists or other Sectaries that prevailed in power for the present time either generally or in some particular Provinces as Lutherans and Zwinglians also did in King Henry's days in divers places or do at this day which yet was and is so as they are easily distinguished from the other not only by the Divisions and Differences among themselves but also for that the Union of the Catholic Religion doth ever shew it self in some Regions adjoyning yea commonly also even in those very places where these Sects do range and bear most rule some Catholics do remain to contradict them openly and to plead for their old possession and the greater the Persecution is the greater and more eminent is this Catholic contradicting part stirred up and increased by the very Power and Vertue of the Cross of Christ in Persecution as before hath been noted 16. And this was the state of Catholic Religion in King Henry's Reign to wit that it was held and defended publicly except only the Article of Ecclesiastical Supremacy denied to the Pope whereunto notwithstanding many thousands of the Realm never agreed and consequently were truly Catholics Heretics also were punished especially those three Sects that principally ranged at that time to wit Lutherans Anabaptists and Zwinglians all three taking their Origin from Luther so as of all these three Sects King Henry burned many and albeit of the fourth sort of men that opposed themselves against him to wit Catholics he put divers also to death under the name of Papists yet both this very Name as also the different manner of their Deaths but above all the nature of their Cause doth evidently distinguish them from the other and shew that their Deaths were true Martyrdoms and the others due Punishment for their Wickedness 17. For first the name of Papists that signifieth them to hold with the Pope as Supreme Head of their Church importeth no more hurt or offence than if any Sedition moved within any Realm those that hold with the King should be called Kinglings or those for example that hold part with the Mayor of London when any Apprentices would raise Rebellion against him should scornfully be called Mayorists and generally for a man to hold with his Lawful Superiour cannot be termed a Faction and much less an Heresie 18. Secondly the very difference and manner of punishment used by King Henry towards both parts the one by Fire the others by Beheading and Hanging doth evidently shew what difference he made of them the one as of Heretics and the other as of men offending against his State and Person after he had made the Supremacy Ecclesiastical to be a matter of his State and of his Royal Dignity whereby also he shewed that he was no Gospeller 19. But now for the third point which is the most important of all the rest to shew the difference in these mens Causes and that the Catholics suffered innocently for their Conscience and consequently were true Martyrs and that the other sorts of Sectaries were punished deservedly as Malefactors it is not hard to prove to him that is of any mean consideration or indifferency in matters For first who will not grant but that he that is an honest and good man when he goeth to bed for example cannot easily be made an evil man in his sleep without any motive of his affection or free will at all And again He that is a good and true Subject towards his Prince and Countrey this day how can he well to morrow be judged a Traytor the highest sin of all other if in the mean space he change not his mind nor do any act of word or deed contrary to that he did before And yet this was the Cause of the Catholics put to death under King Henry for the Supremacy 20. As for Example Sir Thomas More was Prisoner in the Tower of London upon some displeasure in the year 1534 where he attending only to his Prayers as himself testifieth and to the Writing of some Spiritual Books pertaining to the contempt of this present transitory World there passed in the mean time a Statute in the Parliament-house appointing that whomsoever did not believe the King's Majesty to be Supreme Head of the Church of England in causes Ecclesiastical should be a Traitor and suffer death for it which seeming a new and strange thing unto him and contrary to the belief of all his Forefathers he could not so soon conform himself thereunto and consequently refused when he was demanded to subscribe to the Statute and to make so great a change in his Faith upon the change of others for which soon after he was put to death not for that he had attempted altered or innovated any thing as you see but for that he would not alter and make innovation And this was the proper true cause of all Catholics that suffered for the Supremacy under King Henry VIII 20. But on the contrary side the others that were put to death by him as Sectaries did wickedly and presumptuously alter and innovate of their own heads many things about Belief and Doctrin different from that which they had received and contrary to the Belief of all their Forefathers ancient Christians for many Ages together and that with such obstinacy as no Reason Authority Discipline or Order no Witness Human or Divine could prevail with them and albeit for this obstinacy
be altered it must be done by the same Authority by which it was delivered to them to wit by the whole Church Councils and General Pastors thereof 26. This was the Defence and Pleading of Catholics under King Henry the Eighth to excuse themselves from Treason objected against them for holding the Popes Supremacy wherein you see divers notorious differences between the Defence of the Sectaries and them for that amongst the Sectaries every one held what himself thought best of things invented by themselves every one cited Scriptures and interpreted them as he listed without Authority President or Example of former Ages and consequently they are justly called Heretics that is to say choosers For that they chose to themselves what to believe in every Sect and reduced the last and final resolution of all things to their own Wills and Wits which in matters of belief is the highest Crime that against God and his Church can be committed 27. But on the other side the state and condition of the Catholics and their cause is quite opposite to this for that they stick to Authority Obedience Integrity Example of their Ancestors they bring nothing of their own they invent or innovate nothing They stand only upon that which they have found Established to them not by this or that Man or by this or that Author of any Sect or by this or that particular Congregation fellowship or Faction or by this or that Town City Province Kingdom or Country but generally by the whole universal Church and Pastors thereof and therefore properly and truly are called Catholics which is to say Vniversal and general 28. And this shall suffice to shew the difference between the Catholic Martyrs and Heretical Malefactors put to death in King Henries time whereof yet we shall Treat more largely in the third part of this Treatise where we are to handle the particular Stories of Fox his Calendar-Martyrs and to compare and paralell them with ours shewing that yet never Dogs and Cats nor yet Sampsons Foxes did ever so disagree in natures and conditions as these good Martyrs did in Faction and contrariety of opinions amongst themselves and consequently could not be Martyrs or witnesses of any one Faith whatsoever 29. And with this also will we end the Discourse of King Henries Life having sufficiently shewed as to me it seemeth that the Catholic Religion held her footing and continuance also under ther Reign of this King no less perhaps than before yea she shewed her self much more to the World by the Persecution which then she suffered than before in the time of peace for that the Famous and Illustrious Martyrdoms of such excellent Men as were Bishop Fisher Sir Thomas More Dr. Forest and many other such Worthies that suffered Martyrdom in those days did more Illustrate her and made extern Nations to talk more of the Zeal and Constancy of English Catholics than ever they would have done if that Persecution had not fallen out and the like success hath happened since both under King Edward the Sixth and her Majesty that now is as briefly we shall here declare 30. And as for King Edwards Reign as it was but short and the first passage from Catholic Religion to open Profession of Heresie So was it not so sharp for effusion of Blood as under King Henry For that the King being very young and those that Governed in his Name not thorowly settled in their States and Affairs troubled also with much Division and Emulation among themselves could not attend to prosecute matters so exactly against Catholics as some of their desires and Appetites were yet began they very well as we may see by the most unjust Persecutions and Deprivations of two principal Bishops Gardiner of Winchester and Bonner of London by such violent Calumnious manner as was proper for Heretics to use The particulars whereof John Fox doth set down at large whereby a Man may take a taste what they meant to have done if they had had time For that Cranmer and Ridley that had been Bishops in King Henries time and followed his Religion and humor while he lived being now also resolved to enjoy the Preferment and Sensuality of this time so far as any way they might attain unto getting Authority into their hands by the Protector and others that were in most Power began to lay lustily about them and to pull down all them both of the Clergy and others whom they thought to be able or likely to stand in their way or resist their inventions 31. And hereupon divers were laid hands on and Imprisoned divers fled over Seas sundry most Captious and Calumnious Questions and Demands were devised to entangle Men As Namely Whether a King of one year old were not as truly a King as at Forty or Fifty which if you did grant concerning the Title and Right of his Crown which is true then presently they inferred that King Edward being but Nine years old wanting yet discretion might also be lawful Head of the Church and determine Controversies of Religion yea change the Faith and Religion which his Father and all his Ancestors Kings and Princes of England all Parliaments Synods and Councils before his days had left unto him for the space of a Thousand years and more And albeit he had not sufficient judgment to understand what Religion meant yet was he made judge thereof by vertue of his Birth and Succession to the Crown And this Point was wonderfully urged by the Protector Seymor to all Preachers Prelats and Bishops of that time that they should inculcate the same to the people in their Sermons to the end that himself taking all the said Child Kings Authority upon him might be Head and Judge in his place Whereunto that he might seem the more fit and able for his excellent learning John Bale the Apostata Friar that lived under him was not ashamed to Publish in Print and place him for a Learned Author amongst his Illustrious British Writters for that some Proclamations perhaps passed by his hands tho' otherwise he was known to be so unlearned as he could scarce Write or Read. 32. But yet as I said this Doctrin or rather Paradox of the Child Kings supereminent ability high Authority and Supreme Ecclesiastical Power to determin alter change and dispose of matters of Religion at his pleasure tho' he were but of one year old was sounded in Pulpits every where at this time whereof Sir John Cheke the Kings School-master amongst others Wrote a several Treatise besides the large Message sent in the Kings Name but of his Writing to the Catholic people of Devonshire as after shall be shewed The same also was objected grievously against Bishop Gardiner and Bishop Bonner by Name that they had not in their Sermons appointed unto them by the Protector so sufficiently urged this Point of the Kings Ecclesiastical Power in his Nonage as was required And this especially for that the people in
divers parts of the Realm and namely those of Devonshire seeing such alterations to be made in Religion under the Minority of a Child quite contrary to the Laws and Statutes left by King Henry the Eighth and that all things went backward both at home and abroad the Towns we had in France being lost or upon the point of losing they complained first and after took Arms for defence of their Ancient Religion in the beginning of the third year of this Kings Reign the people of Sommersetshire and Lincolnshire beginning first in the Month of May and then in July the people of Essex Kent Suffolk Norfolk Cornwall and Devonshire and in August those also of Yorkshire all crying and demanding to have the Catholic Religion remain as it was left by King Henry at least-wise until King Edward came to lawful age thereby to be able to determin and judge of matters of Religion which demand did wonderfully trouble and vex the Lord Seymour Protector and other new Gospellers who being hungry after Catholics Goods could abide no delay in making this desired Innovation 33. And albeit before these Insurrections fell out they did well see by divers attempts that the heart of the people was wholly against those their Innovations in Religion as appeareth plainly by a Speech of the Lord Rich then Chancellor to the Sheriffs and Justices of Peace of all Shires gathered together in London in the year 1548 being the second of King Edward's Reign as at large you may see in Fox yet such was their importunity in this behalf as they would needs go forward which thing pleasing John Fox well he writeth thus By this you may see what zealous care was in this young King and in the Lord Protector his Uncle concerning the Reformation of Christ's Church 34. The same Fox also setteth down in another place what the young King answered to the Devonshire-men that desir'd that the state of matters in Religion might remain as King Henry had ordained and left them and in particular they required that the Statute of Six Articles against Heretics might stand in force until King Edward came to full age Whereunto let us hear his Answer and consider thereby how matters went in those days To the first about the Statute of Six Articles made by his Father and inviolably kept all days of his life the little Child answered thus Know you what you require They were Laws made but quickly repented too bloody were they to be born of Our people You know they helped Vs to extend rigor and to draw Our Sword very often yea they were as a Whetstone unto Our Sword and for your Causes We have left to use them and sith Our mercy moved Vs to write Our Laws with Milk how be you blinded to ask them in Blood c 35. And then further he saith But to leave this manner of reasoning with you We let you wit That the same Laws have been annulled by Our Parliament with great rejoyce of Our Subjects and not now to be called by Our Subjects in question Dare any of you stand against an Act of Parliament c Assure you most surely that We of no earthly thing make such account as to have Our Laws obey'd for herein resteth Our Honor and shall any of you dare to breath against Our Honor c Lo how little account this little King Child was taught to make of his old Father's Laws and how thundringly to speak for the maintenance of his own But when they came to the second point about his Nonage he is yet more resolute for thus he writeth 36. In the end of your request saith he you would have Our Fathers Laws stand in force until Our full age But to this We think if ye knew what ye spake you would never have uttered that motion nor ever have given breath to such a thought For what think you of Our Kingdom Be We of less Authority for Our Age You must first know that as a King We have no difference of years nor time but as a natural Man and Creature of God We have Youth and by his sufferance shall have Age. We are your rightful King your leige Lord your King anointed your King crowned the sovereign King of England not by Our Age but by God's Ordinance We possess Our Crown not by Years but by the Blood and Descent from Our Father King Henry VIII c. 37. All this and much more did they make the innocent young King to talk and write in defence of their Innovations who had more Interest therein than He. And as for the Catholic People albeit they deny'd not but that he was a true King in his minority of Age yet no man was so foolish as to think notwithstanding all these preachings to the contrary but that it was a different thing for matters of Religion to be altered now in his Name than afterward by Himself when he should come to Age. 38. But among all others none urged this Argument so much nor with such Authority as the King 's eldest Sister the Princess Lady Mary Heir-apparent to the Crown who being a zealous Catholic and yet wishing well also to the Protector did by sundry Letters to be seen in Fox admonish both Him and the rest of the Council That they should look well what they did during the King's minority in altering the Will Laws and Ordinances of his and her Father King Henry for that afterward they were like enough to be called to account about the same when the King her Brother should come to full years Moreover she admonished them That they had no Authority to make such alteration in so great matters as they did but ought rather to conserve things in the state left unto them by King Henry her Father according as by solemn Oath they had sworn unto him before his death that they would do but especially about matters of Religion until the King her Brother came unto lawful Age. 39. By all which is clearly seen how the Catholic Religion remained in England most substantially rooted in King Edward's days and that Heresie entred only from the teeth outward and was maintained by violence of Temporal Authority and according to that was the success For after many toils and turmoils one killing another of those that governed when they thought they had laid a sure Platform to continue the same by excluding the Lady Mary and Lady Elizabeth and thrusting in Jane the Duke of Suffolk's Daughter after King Edward's death and had so plotted and fortified that Design as they thought it sure the only Zeal of the common Catholic People for the recovering the use of Catholic Religion again overthrew all and placed Queen Mary as is notorious to the World. And afterward if we consider the end of most of them which in those days being Counsellors for Ambition or other respects were promoters of Heresie as Dudley Pembroke Winchester
make this little Boy legitimate and prove his Mother to be no Whore 44. And of this I might give infinit Examples out of John Fox what substantial grounds and motives many of his Martyrs had to run to the Fire or rather how without all ground or probable reason in the world but only wilful Pride and Obstinacy most of them thrust themselves to death no less than in old times did the Massilians Montanists Circumcellians and Martyrians most famous Heretics upon the like madness as after we are to shew more at large in the third Part where I am to treat of these matters more particularly and to give you if I be not deceived large matters of laughter or rather of compassion in this behalf Now this shall be sufficient to shew both the great number and respective quality of domestical Witnesses for the Catholic Faith and continuance thereof in our Countrey during the time of this sharp Persecution under her Majesty and that never more than in this time hath the Catholic Church been perspicuous honorable and eminent in our Realm which is altogether contrary to that which John Fox ascribeth to his Church whose Invisibility Obscurity and lurking from the eyes of men he both granteth and excuseth by the presence of Persecution against her whereas we hold on the other side that the true Church and consequently Ours is ever more visible and notoriously known in time of Affliction and Persecution than in Peace 45. And so we have shewed by Example of our English Church especially in this present Age wherein not only domestical sufferings at home have come by Fame Books and Writings to the knowledge of Foreign Nations and thereby also the notice of so many worthy constant Catholics that are within the Realm but whole Troops also both of English Men and Women in Exile for their Consciences do represent the same daily to their eyes as it were by a lively spectacle to the wonder of the Christian World. But above all the rest they must needs be greatly moved with the sight of whole Companies Families and Communities of English of both Sexes of tender Age and those for the most part of very principal good Birth and Parentage that have come forth of our Countrey for the love of Religion and lived with great Edification in other Nations partly in Colleges and Seminaries partly in Religious Convents and Monasteries yielding great admiration to strangers for their rare Vertues of Piety Patience Contentment and Devotion And as for Colledges and Seminaries those of St. Omers and Doway in Flanders of Rhemes in France of Rome in Italy of Valliadolid Sevill and St. Lucars in Spain and of Lisbon in Portugal do sufficiently testifie And as for Monasteries both of Men and Women they are not unknown as that venerable Company of English Carthusians in Mechlyn the honorable Religious Houses of English Noble and Gentlewomen in Bruxells Lovain and Lisbon whose rare Vertues do singularly edifie all those that know them and greatly illustrate the Name of our Countrey for Religious Piety with Foreign Nations All these I say do bear witness at this day to the whole World and to us also that God be thanked the fire and fervor of Catholic Religion which Christ came to plant upon Earth is not extinguished by so long and grievous Persecution in our Countrey but rather increased at least in Intention as Philosophers do speak tho' not in Extension 46. And truly when I consider the matter more seriously with my self I doubt much whether England if it had continued Catholic had ever enjoy'd such excellent Education for their Youth at home as by occasion of this Tribulation God hath given them abroad in Foreign Nations Certainly the Example is rare and never heard of in former times and at this day the like is seen in few other Nations besides Us but in none of those that have suffered for Catholic Religion is this Blessing found so abundantly as in Ours God make us grateful for it for if our Ingratitude turn not the course of his Mercies hitherto used towards us it seemeth evident that he will not suffer the Seed of Catholic Religion to be extinguished in England having conserved the same so potently and strangely unto this day which is from the first preaching of the Apostles and Apostolic-men to the Britans unto the time of Pope Gregory I. under whom our English Nation was converted as hath been declared and from thence again downward unto Us which is more than a thousand years and so I doubt not but he will to the Worlds end if our sins deserve not the contrary And this shall serve for this first Part containing the Deduction and Continuance of Catholic Religion in England without interruption for more than fifteen hundred years together Now will we pass to the second Part to examin the same Succession in Protestants Religion throughout all these Ages if it may be found making our Conclusion as after you shall see That as our Religion entred first and hath never left England unto this hour so the Religion of John Fox in the form that he would have it was never yet admitted into England publicly by any Prince or Potentate whatsoever until this present day nor ever like to be And this shall serve for the first Part of our Treatise The End of the First Part. The Second PART of this TREATISE CONTAINING The SEARCH after the Protestants Church From the beginning of Christendom to Our Days The ARGUMENT HAving declared in the former Part of this Treatise how the Faith of Christ was first preached to the Britans at two several times and then to the English Nation and all by Roman Preachers and that the same Faith hath continued from Age to Age in a visible conspicuous Church until our days there remaineth now that we examin in this second Part Where the Protestants Church was in all this time and whether they had any at all And if they had of what sort of men it consisted and whether it were the same with the Church before-described or partly the same partly different or whether they could stand together being opposite in any one point of Faith Moreover whether the one did persecute the other or might be reconciled or agreed together And finally what is the state of the one and the other at this day For examination of which points we shall have occasion to run over again with more advice all the former sixteen Ages from Christ downward and therein to see and consider What Church either flourished or prevailed throughout every Age either Ours or that of John Fox and which of them is likeliest to have come down from the Apostles As also Whether that Church which was visibly founded by the Apostles and put on foot by them and theirs could perish or vanish away to give place to another And these are the principal Points of this second Part discussed in the Chapters following
tho' first before we enter into this examination we have thought good to treat certain general Points that make way thereunto as by the next Chapter you shall perceive CHAP. I. Of how to great Importance Ecclesiastical Succession is for trial of true Religion and how Sectaries have sought to fly the force thereof by saying That the Church is invisible How fond a shift this is and how foolishly John Fox doth behave himself therein THE Sentence of the Philosopher is known to all That contraries being laid together do give light the one to the other as white and black proposed in one Table do make each colour more clear distinct and lively in it self For which respect we having laid open before in the first Part of this Discourse the known manifest Succession of Christian Religion in our Isle of England first from the Apostles times among the Britans for the first six Ages after Christ and then again among the English-men for nine Ages more since their first Conversion from Paganism we are now to examin what manner of visible Succession John Fox doth bring us forth of his Church that is to say of the Protestants of his Religion for the said 1500 years or fifteen Ages if any such be for that by this comparison of the One with the Other the Nature and Condition of both Churches will be understood But yet first I mean to note by the way certain principal points to be considered for better understanding of all that is to be handled in this Chapter or about this whole matter of Ecclesiastical Succession 2. Whereof the first may be that which I have touched in the end of the former Chapter to wit of how great importance this point is I mean the Succession and Continuation of Teachers the one conform to the other in matter of Belief and Religion for clear demonstration of Truth in matters of Controversie and for staying any discreet man's judgment from wavering hither and thither in his belief according to that which holy St. Augustin said of himself and felt in himself For that considering the great diversity of Sects that swarm'd in his time and every one pretending Truth Antiquity Purity and Authority of Scriptures and himself also having been misled by one of these Sects for many years was brought by God at length to be a true Catholic and to feel in himself the force of this visible Succession of the Catholic Church And therefore writing against one that in time past had been his Master as Head of the former Sect wherein he had lived to wit Faustus Manichaeus after divers other reasons alledged of his confidence and assurance of Truth in the Catholic Church and of his firm resolution to live and die in the same he bringeth for his last and strongest reason the perpetual Succession of Bishops in the same Church and especially in the Church of Rome Tenet me in Ecclesia saith he ab ipsa Petri sede usque ad praesentem Episcopatum successio Sacerdotum c. I am held in this Church against all you Sectaries by the Succession of Priests and Bishops that have come down even from the first seat of St. Peter the Apostle to the present Bishop of Rome Anastasius that holdeth the seat at this day c. 3. Lo here the force and estimation of Succession with St. Augustin Whereunto are conform all other ancient Fathers if we would stand to alledge them yea they stand so firmly upon this point and do make so great account of it as they do generally note Heretics and Sectaries for the contrary defect to wit that they have no Succession or orderly continuation either of Bishops or of Faith among them but did leap hither and thither as ours do at this day challenging to themselves now this and now that without either Order Interest Continuation or Succession Ordinem saith St. Augustin ab Apostolo Petro coeptum usque ad hoc tempus per traducem succedentium Episcoporum servatum perturbant ordinem sibi sine origine vendicantes Heretics do trouble and break the order of succeeding of Bishops begun by St. Peter and brought down by Off spring one Bishop succeeding another and so challenge unto themselves a certain Order without beginning 4. To which effect also Tertullian more than 200 years before St. Augustin challenging Heretics to this Combat of Succession said Edant Haeretici origines suarum Ecclesiarum evolvant ordinem Episcoporum suorum c. Let Heretics set forth the beginning of their Churches let them recount the order of their succeeding Bishops if they can And then having set down for his part and for proof of true Catholic Succession the whole rank of the Bishops of Rome from St. Peter to Pope Eleutherius that lived in his days Mark I pray you the proof he useth tho' he were of the Church of Africa He glorieth as tho' he brought forth an invincible Argument against all Heretics challenging and provoking them to do the like if they could Consingant saith he tale aliquid Haeretici Let Heretics bring forth or devise any such things for proof of their Church if they can And consider here gentle Reader how Heretics remain confounded by Tertullian's judgment for want of Succession 5. But this is not only Tertullian's Opinion for St. Irenaeus before him again objecteth the same to Heretics against whom he wrote saying Obedire oportet eis qui successionem habent ab Apostolis qui cum Episcopatus successione charismata veritatis acceperunt You ought to obey these who have their Succession from the Apostles who together with the Succession of their Bishoprics have received from time to time the gifts or privileges of Truth And in another place Apud quas est ea quae est ab Apostolis successio hi fidem nostram custodiunt scripturas sine periculo nobis exponunt With whom the Succession of Bishops from the Apostles time downwards is found to have remained these are they who conserve our Faith and do expound the Scripture unto us without danger Behold the vertue of Succession which this blessed Bishop and Martyr St. Irenaeus esteemed so highly in his days as he ascribed thereto both the infallible Conservation of Faith and true Exposition of Scriptures 6. And it is to be noted that he speaketh not only of Succession in Belief as every one of our Sectaries will seem to pretend that they have it among themselves from the Apostles which yet is ridiculous and manifestly false as before hath been declared and after shall be more in particular but he speaketh expresly also of the external Succession and Continuation of Bishops ascribing to them and proving by them the Succession of one and the self-same Faith And to that end doth he number up all the Bishops of Rome from St. Peter to his time as Tertullian before-alledged did notwithstanding the one lived in France and the other in Africa proving
for a time Brentius as appeareth in his Confession of Wittemberg and some others of that Sect. But this Opinion of Luther did not long please his Followers for that Ph. Melancthon his chief Scholar did soon after teach the contrary viz. That the Church was visible to the eyes of men also And the Magdeburgians do hold the same defining every-where the Church to be a visible Company of Men. Which going back of the principal Lutherans in this point it being done by a certain Consultation had thereof among themselves as Fredericus Staphylus the Emperor's Counsellor that had been one of them affirmeth was some Cause perhaps that Calvin coming presently after them took upon him to defend the same Doctrin again saying Nobis invisibilem c. We are forc'd to believe the Church to be invisible and to be seen only by the eyes of God. Lo Calvin putteth necessity in this point of Belief 13. The Causes that moved the chief Lutherans to go back from their first Opinion about the invisibility of the Church were principally the apparent Evidences and Demonstrations which Catholics do alledge both out or Scriptures Fathers common sense and reason for overthrow of that most fond and ridiculous Paradox And first out of holy Scriptures both of the Old and New Testament these men being not able to alledge any one place where the Name of God's Church is applied to an Invisible Congregation the Catholics on the contrary side pressed them with many most evident Texts of Scripture where it was and is used for a visible Company of Men as that in the Book of Numbers ch 20. Cur eduxisti Ecclesiam Domini in solitudinem Why hast thou brought the Church of God into the Desart And again in 3 Kings ch 8. Convertitque Rex faciem suam benedixit omni Ecclesiae Israel omnis enim Ecclesia Israel stabat c. The King turning his face about did bless all the Church of Israel for that all the Church of Israel was present c. Which places and many the like cannot possibly be understood of an Invisible but of a Visible Company 14. And much more if we consider the speeches of Christ and his Apostles in the New Testament as these words of Christ Dic Ecclesiae si Ecclesiam non audierit c. Tell the Church and if he hear not the Church let him be unto thee as an Heathen or Publican But if the Church were invisible neither could a man complain to the Church nor hear the Church Moreover St. Paul exhorteth the chief Pastors of the Ephesians to attend diligently to their charge Acts 20. In quo vos Spiritus Sanctus posuit Episcopos regere Ecclesiam Dei In which the H. Ghost hath placed you as Bishops to govern the Church of God. But how could they being visible men govern a Company that was invisible not to be seen 15. And yet further when St. Paul and St. Barnabas went up from Antioch to Jerusalem the Scripture saith Deducti sunt ab Ecclesia c. They were brought on their way by the Church of Antioch and when they came to Jerusalem suscepti sunt ab Ecclesia they were received by the Church And yet further ascendit Paulus salutavit Ecclesiam Paul went and saluted the Church c. All which places cannot agree possibly to an invisible Church and yet that this was the true Primitive Church of Christ no man can deny 16. And finally when St. Paul doth teach Timothy his Scholar 1 Tim. 3. Quomodo oporteat conversari in Domo Dei quae est Ecclesia c. How he should converse and govern the House of God which is his Church Columna Firmamentum Veritatis the Pillar and Firmament of all Truth Ibid. All this I say had been spoken to no purpose if the true Church of Christ were invisible for how can a man converse in a Congregation which he cannot see or know or how can the Church be a Pillar and sure Firmament of Truth to resolve all Doubts and Questions that may fall out about Scriptures Articles of Belief and Mysteries of Christ's Religion if it be an invisible Congregation that no man seeth discerneth or knoweth where or how to repair unto it nor who are the persons therein contained 17. And lastly not to stand longer upon this matter that is so evident in it self and plain to common sense and reason if the true Church of Christ be a Society not of Angels Spirits or Souls departed but of Men and Women in this life that must be governed or govern therein how can they be invisible And if they must have Communion together in external Sacraments and namely in Baptism and participation of the Body of Christ if they must profess the Name and Doctrin of Christ externally to the World as also to be persecuted and put to death for the same if all men must repair unto them and those that be out of the Church to enter and be received therein and those that be in her to be resolved of their doubts to lay down their complaints to be governed and directed by her and finally to obey her under pain of Damnation how can all this be performed if she be invisible to man's eyes and only seen by the eyes of God 18. To alledge Fathers and Doctors in this behalf were both endless and needless for that all of them every-where almost are occupied in setting forth not only the Visibility but the Splendor also and Greatness yea the multitude and external Majesty of Christ's Church throughout the World in their days and only St. Augustin may serve for all who dilateth himself every-where in this Argument shewing how the little Stone prophesied by Daniel was grown to be a huge Mountain and terrible to the whole World and that the Tabernacle of Christ which is his Church was placed by him in the Sun to be seen of all and that it was a City upon a Mountain which none could be ignorant of and other like Discourses founded on evident Scriptures Whereby is refuted not only the first shift of Luther and Calvin making the true Church of Christ invisible but also the second of these latter Lutherans who tho' overcome with the former proofs do grant the Church to be a visible Company yet do they deny it to be that external conspicuous Succession of Bishops and Councils which have been most eminent in the known Christian Church from the Apostles downward but rather to be some few obscure and contemptible people which they call the Elect that have lived or lurked from time to time in shadows and darkness and known to few or none 19. But this second device is more fond than the former for where shall a man seek out these hidden Fellows to treat with them or to receive Sacraments at their hands how shall they be known how may they be trusted whence have they
their Authority what Succession bring they down by imposition of hands from the Apostles time may not every Sect of Heretics make themselves Christ's Church by this device Wherefore of this second point there need to be said no more 20. There remaineth then a third point to be considered by the Reader before we come to set down the Succession of John Fox's Church who having considered with himself that both Luther and Calvin did hold it to be invisible and on the other side that divers chief Lutherans had changed their Opinions therein and held it to be visible especially Flaccus Illyricus and the rest of the Magdeburgians who were to write a whole Story of their own visible Church in their Centuries and Fox to follow them step by step therein in his English Acts and Monuments the poor man was brought to a very great perplexity forasmuch as on the one side to leave Luther but especially Calvin seemed very hard unto him and on the other side not to stick to the Magdeburgians that are his Masters in his Story seemed hard also But especially and above all was he troubled as it seemeth with the reason and necessity of the matter it self for if the Church of Christ be invisible how can Fox or the Magdeburgians write so great and large stories thereof To which effect Illyricus writing upon the Genealogy set down by St. Matthew's Gospel of the true Church from the beginning saith thus Ostendit ista series Ecclesiam Religionem veram habere certas historias suae originis progressus This Genealogy proveth that the true Church and Religion have assured Histories of their beginning and progress 21. Thus said Illyricus for that he and his Fellows were then in hand as hath been said with their Ecclesiastical Histories named Centuries which they could not well have written holding the Church to be invisible neither yet John Fox could begin so great a Volume with that Opinion Wherefore after much breaking his brains about this matter as it seemeth he cometh forth with a new Opinion never heard of perhaps before affirming that the true Church of Christ is both visible and invisible to wit visible to some and invisible to others visible to them that are in her and invisible to them that are out of her You shall hear his words 22. Altho' saith he the right Church of God be not so invisible in the World that none can see it yet neither is it so visible again that every worldly eye may perceive it for like as is the nature of Truth so is the proper condition of the true Church that commonly none seeth it but such only as be members and partakers thereof and therefore they which require that God's holy Church should be evident and visible to the whole World seem to define the great Synagogue of the World rather than the true spiritual Church of God. 23. Thus saith he wherein you see that he maketh the true Church visible but only to such as are in her and Members thereof A device I think never heard of before and fit for the Brains of John Fox which were known to be out of tune for many years before he died for if he do not trifle and equivocate meaning one-where internal Visibility by Faith and another-where external Visibility to the Eye but doth mean indeed as he should do and as the Controversie is meant of external visibility to man's eye then is it most ridiculous that none can see the true Church in this World but he that is a Member of her for she is to be seen as well to her Enemies and Adversaries as to her Friends and Children the One to impugn and fight against her the Other to acknowledge and obey her And I would for examples sake demand of John Fox Whether Herod and Nero that persecuted the true visible Church of Christ were of that Church or no For if they were not then by his sentence they could not see her and consequently not persecute her 24. His comparison also between Truth and the true Church doth not hold for that Truth is a spiritual thing to be seen only by the eye of our Understanding but the true Church consisting of visible Men and Women may be seen by man's eye tho' the truth thereof to wit whether this or that visible Congregation be the true Church of Christ is a matter of Understanding and Belief confirmed unto us by such Arguments as before we have recited and others So as albeit the aforesaid Persecutors Herod and Nero for Example did not see the Truth of that Church which they persecuted in respect of their Doctrin for then perhaps they would not have done it yet did they both see and know that this was Christ's visible Church to wit a Congregation professing his Name and Doctrin yea they might know further that it was his true Church seeing it was begun visibly and evidently by him and his Apostles in their days and so continued on without interruption and if they had further known and believed as we do that he had promised to maintain and defend this Church unto the worlds end then must they either have doubted of his Fidelity or Power to perform it or must have believed also that this Church could not fail whereof Protestants doubting must needs doubt also of the one or the other to wit of the Fidelity and of the Ability of our Savior to perform his promise And this is the force of Succession even with Enemies and Infidels 25. But now let us pass to the principal matter intended in this Chapter which is the Succession or Deduction of the Protestants Church promised by John Fox in his Acts and Monuments Wherein saith he is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church from the Primitive to these latter times of ours c. Thus he promiseth in the Title but how he doth perform it in his whole Book we shall see afterward in this Declaration Tho' in part we may perceive his drift by that he protesteth to the Church of England before his entrance into his Story in these words I have taken in hand saith he this History that as other Story-Writers heretofore have employ'd their travail to magnifie the Church of Rome so in this History might appear the Image of both Churches but especially of the poor oppressed and persecuted Church of Christ which tho' it hath been so long trodden under foot by Enemies neglected in the World not regarded in Histories and almost scarce visible and known to worldly eyes yet hath it been the true Church only of God wherein he hath mightily wrought hitherto in preserving the same in all extreme distresses continually stirring up from time to time faithful Ministers by whom always hath been kept some sparks of this true Doctrin and Religion And forsomuch as the true Church of God goeth not lightly alone but is accompanied with some
other Church or Chappel of the Devil to deface and malign the same necessary it is that the difference between them both be seen and the descent of the right Church to be described from the Apostles time c. 26. Here we see all John Fox his drift laid down First he meaneth to contradict all former Writers that have magnified the Church of Rome and the Greatness and Glory thereof which he calleth the Devil's Chappel And in this he must contradict all the ancient Fathers and Writers for divers hundred years after Christ as Irenaeus Tertullian Augustin Optatus and other Writers that bring down the descent of the true Church of Christ by the Succession of the Bishops and Church of Rome as before you have heard And secondly Fox meaneth to set out another Christian Church trodden under foot before neglected in the World not regarded in Histories and almost scarce visible or known and yet was and is forsooth the only true Church of Christ keeping some spark of his true Doctrin and Religion he doth not say that all was true which she held nor that all Christ's Doctrin was taught in her but only some sparks or scraps of true Doctrin And further he promiseth that he will describe the descent of this Church from the Apostles time 27. This is John Fox his promise and we accept thereof And tho' it be scarce worth the performance to shew us a hidden obscure and trodden down Church in every Age that keepeth some sparks of true Doctrin and Religion for that every Sect and Heresie not denying Christ and his Doctrin wholly doth so yet shall we accept and exact the same being never so miserable and beggarly as we go over the whole course of Times and Ages from Christ downward following therein the distribution it self that John Fox hath appointed to be observed in his Story to wit from Christ to Constantine 300 years from Constantine to S. Gregory as much from S. Gregory and S. Augustin our Apostles to the Conquest 400 and odd years from the Conquest to Wickliff other 300 years from Wickliff to Luther about 240 from Luther's time to ours somewhat less than a hundred In all which variety of Times we shall examin briefly Whether John Fox his Church were on foot or no What Continuance or Succession it may be said to have had Where when and by what men it was begun continued and acknowledged What Doctrin it held and whence and with what Vnion or Conformity with it self or with the Catholic Roman Church Which Catholic Church being shewed and declared in the first Part of this Book to have been founded by the Apostles and conserved visibly from that time hither by Succession of Bishops and Prelates Governors and Professors thereof will easily also bring in the Notice and Certificate of John Fox his opposite Church whereof now we begin to treat CHAP. II. The particular Examination of the Descent or Succession of John Fox his Church in England or elsewhere for the first Three Hundred years after CHRIST to wit unto the time of Constantine the Emperour And whether any such Church was extant then in the World or no and in Whom HE that will consider the proportion of John Fox his Book of Acts and Monuments in the latter Edition he shall find it the greatest perhaps in Volume that ever was put forth in our English Tongue and the falsest in substance without perhaps that ever was published in any Tongue The Volume consisteth of above a thousand Leaves of the largest Paper that lightly hath been seen and every Leaf containeth four great Columns and yet if you consider how many Leaves of those thousand he hath spent in Deduction of the whole Church either His or Ours and the whole Ecclesiastical Story thereof for the first thousand years after Christ they are by his own account but threescore and four to wit scarce the thirtieth part of that he bestoweth in the last five hundred years 2. And further if this his thousand years Story containing threescore and four leaves be sifted and examined what it containeth not four of them do appertain to that which he should handle which is the visible Deduction of his Church as we shall endeavor briefly to shew dividing the whole thousand and threescore years from Christ to William the Conqueror into four distinct Times or Stations appointed out by John Fox himself in his Book to wit the first from Christ to Constantine containing 300 years the second from Constantine to K. Ethelbert's Conversion by St. Augustin containing other 300 years the third from King Ethelbert and other six Kings of England reigning jointly with him unto King Egbert the first Monarch of the English Nation which space is somewhat more than other 200 years and the fourth from King Egbert to William the Conqueror containing the same or some few more years 3. Let us now follow I say John Fox throughout all these Ages and different stations of times and see out of what Holes or Dens he will draw his little hidden trodden down Church different from the Roman Visible Church and yet endued notwithstanding from time to time with some little sparks of Truth which he promiseth to bring down from the Apostles to our time In the first 300 years then from Christ to Constantine whereas all other Ecclesiastical Writers and St. Luke amongst the rest in his Acts of the Apostles ch 2 3 4 c. do set down the visible beginning of Christ's Church by his Apostles and Disciples their strengthening and confirmation by the coming of the Holy Ghost their preaching and converting of others their great and many Miracles and thereby the establishing and wonderful increase of the said Church throughout the World and continuance of the same downward by Succession of Bishops but namely and specially of the Bishops of Rome as before hath been declared and is to be seen in the Writings of Dionysius Areopagita Josephus Justinus Egesippus Clemens Irenaeus Tertullian Origenes Julius Africanus Cyprian Eusebius and others of these Ages John Fox followeth no such order at all nor ever so much as mentioneth any descent of Bishops of His Church or Ours but only to spend time and fill up Paper taketh upon him to translate out of Eusebius and other Authors the Martyrdoms of such as suffered for Christian Religion in the ten general Persecutions of these first 300 years setting the same forth also in painted Pictures for no other purpose as it seemeth but only to entertain his Reader with some strange and delightful Spectacle and afterward so to joyn his Protestant burned Martyrs with those of the Primitive Church as the Painting being somewhat alike the simple Reader might thereby be induced to think that there was no great difference either in their Persons or Cause of suffering 4. But I would ask John Fox To what purpose of his was the bringing in of all these Martyrs of the Primitive
Church throughout the World Were they His or Our Martyrs think you For to both of us they cannot be Martyrs that is to say Witnesses we being of a different belief for that we of our part do hold resolutely the saying of St. Athanasius in his Creed That whosoever doth not hold all and every point of the Catholic Faith entirely shall perish eternally If therefore he will say they were his Martyrs he must prove that they were in all and every point of His Religion and not of Ours And to examin this point to wit of what Religion they were whether more of Ours or of His divers considerations may be brought in As first Who of us do more honor them We keep their Days and Feasts as all men know we put them in our Ecclesiastical Calendar and Martyrology we keep their Relics we honor their Tombs we call upon them in Heaven to pray for us as reigning in most high Glory with Christ All which Protestants do mislike yea John Fox by name hath put the most of them I mean of the Martyrs of these first 300 years quite out of his Ecclesiastical Calendar to give place to John Wickliff John Husse Martin Luther and other like Companions as may be seen in the very first pages of his Book which is a sign that we esteem and honor them more than they which we would not do if we did not persuade our selves that they were of our Religion and not of Protestants in any point of Controversie between us 5. Moreover the Christian visible Church of that time to wit of those first 300 years wherein these Martyrs suffered and were put to death would never have registred them for Saints nor admitted them into the number of true Martyrs if in all points they had not been of her Faith and Communion no more than she did those of divers Sects namely of the Marcionists and Montanists who were very many and bragged of Martyrdom and of God's assistance therein no less but much more than true Catholics as Apollinaris a most ancient Bishop related by Eusebius in his fifth Book of Ecclesiastical History doth testifie at large Yea these Heretics especially the latter sort were so forward in Martyrdom as they held it was not lawful to flee in time of Persecution as may appear by Tertullian who defended the same also after he was fallen into that Heresie himself St. Cyprian doth inveigh often against the Martyrs of the Novatians and St. Epiphanius against those of the Euphemits sirnamed for the multitude of their false Martyrs Martyrians and St. Augustin no less earnestly doth detest those Martyrs of the Donatists who rather than they would lack Martyrs were ready to murder themselves All which Martyrs notwithstanding were rejected by the Catholic Church tho' in shew they died for Christ for that they agreed not with her in all points of Faith and Belief And consequently we may infer for most certain that seeing the Catholic Church of that time and of all times since hath held these Martyrs before mentioned of the first ten Persecutions for true Saints and Martyrs indeed and have continued their honorable remembrance both by Histories and celebrating their annual Feasts and Memories sure it is that they agreed fully with the said known Catholic Church of those Ages Whereof we infer again That seeing the Faith of those first 300 years was continued as before we have proved in the second 300 years and so consequently downward and delivered to us and forasmuch as the Church of Rome was held still for Head of all this Church it cannot be that these Martyrs were of John Fox's Religion and consequently are to no purpose brought in by him but only for that he had nothing else to talk of or to make a shew of handling some pious matter in his Book 6. Moreover if we would take upon us to reflect upon all that is extant of the sayings and doings of these Martyrs recorded in their Histories we might soon discern of what Religion they were and whether they were John Fox his Martyrs or Ours As for example in that Answer of St. Andrew the Apostle and holy Martyr which he made to Aegeas the Proconsul that exhorted him to sacrifice to Idols Ego saith he Omnipotenti Deo qui unus verus est immolo quotidie c. I do sacrifice daily to Almighty God that is One and True not the flesh of Bulls or blood of Goats but the immaculate Lamb upon the Altar whose flesh after that all the Faithful People have eaten the same Lamb that is sacrificed remaineth whole and alive as before This man as you see spoke not as a Protestant Martyr 7. The Speech also of St. Laurence Martyr that suffered in Rome under the Emperor Valerianus the same year that St. Cyprian did in Carthage his Speech I say to Pope Sixtus Bishop of Rome whose Deacon he was and who was carry'd to Martyrdom three days before him doth not shew that he was a Protestant but rather a plain Papist as both St. Ambrose St. Augustin and other later Authors do relate the same Cùm videret Laurentius saith St. Ambrose Sixtum Episcopum suum ad Martyrium duci flere coepit c. When Laurence the Deacon saw his Bishop Sixtus to be carried away to Martyrdom he began to weep not for the others suffering but for his own remaining behind him wherefore he cried unto him in these words Whither do you go O Father without your Son and whither do you hasten O holy Priest without your Deacon You were never wont to offer Sacrifice without a Minister what then hath displeased you in me that you leave me behind you Have you proved me perhaps to be a Coward Make trial I pray you whether you have chosen unto your self a fit Minister to whom you have committed the dispensing of our Lord's Blood And then seeing you have not denied unto me the Fellowship of administring Sacraments do not deny me the Fellowship of shedding my Blood also with you 8. Thus talked St. Laurence of his Deacon's Office in dispensing the Blood of Christ from the Altar and in ministring to his Bishop while he offered Sacrifice which is a phrase far different from Protestants manner of Speech But if we consider the Speech of the Heathen Emperour to St. Laurence set down by Aurelius Prudentius above 1200 years past objecting to Christian Priests their sacrificing in Gold and dispensing the Blood of our Savior in silver Cups and the like we shall easily see of what Religion this Martyr was Hunc esse vestris Orgiis Mor émque artem proditum est Hanc disciplinam foederis Libent ut auro Antistites Argenteis scyphis ferunt Fumare sacrum sanguinem Auróque nocturnis sacris Astare fixos caereos c. We hear saith the Persecutor this to be the fashion and device of your Feasts and
for an Error in Origen Invocandos Angelos Origenes putavit homil 1. in Ezech. Origen thought Angels to be invoked And then again Hanc formulam invocandi Angelos proponit Veni Angele suscipe conversum ab Errore pristino c. And he setteth down this form of praying to Angels Come Angel receive him that is converted from his former Errors c. 20. But I would have the Magdeburgians or any of their Partners shew me when or where this Sentence of Origen was ever noted or condemned by Antiquity for Error or Heresie as some other Doctrins of his were Certain it is they cannot which is a singular Argument against them for that those Watchmen of the Church that noted and condemned those other Errors of his would have noted also this if it had been taken for an Error in those days And further I say to the Magdeburgians Let them tell us whether other holy Fathers yea the chiefest of God's Church after Origen did not hold the very same Doctrin Sure I am that the Magdeburgians themselves in the very next Century after do condemn by Name St. Ephrem and St. Hilary for this Doctrin of Invocation of Angels in the same sense that Origen did hold it And then again in the same third Century they do reprehend by Name for Invocation of other Saints which is the same Controversie the gravest Doctors of the Church to wit St. Athanasius St. Basil St. Gregory Nazianzen St. Ambrose St. Epiphanius Ephrem and Prudentius citing their plain words and condemning their Doctrin in this behalf So as if this were an Heresie all these Fathers were Heretics which were a blasphemous cogitation to think and much more to speak or utter And thus much of the first Objection about honoring Angels and other Saints wherein Protestants do only calumniate our doings as you see 21. As for the Collyridians he that will read St. Epiphanius who writeth of that mad fond fantastical Error of certain Women in Thracia for so he termeth them that would needs make our Blessed Lady a Goddess and offer Sacrifice unto her he shall find this Father to handle two things at large First That notwithstanding our Blessed Lady for the Privilege of bearing the Savior of the World be highly to be honored yet not ultra decorum as his words be that is not more than is decent or beyond the limits of a Creature seeing she is not God tho' the Mother of God And consequently these Thracian Women did foolishly and wickedly in devising this public Sacrifice unto her 22. Secondly That albeit this their Sacrifice had been offered by them to God himself yet was it unlawfully done by Women for that neither in the Old or New Testament saith he was it appointed that Women should do the Function of Sacrifice but Men only and those Priests And this Argument St. Epiphanius prosecuteth very largely proving that in the New Testament and Christian Church the Apostles only and other Priests succeeding by Imposition of hands had Authority to sacrifice but no Woman no not the Mother of Christ her self who should have had that Privilege above all other Women if any of her Sex might have been admitted And after our Blessed Lady he addeth these that followeth Fuerunt saith he quatuor filiae Philippo Evangelistae prophetantes sed non sacrificantes c Philip the Evangelist had four Daughters that prophesied but not that sacrificed And again Et ministrarum quidem Diaconissarum appellatarum Ordo est in Ecclesia sed non ad sacrificandum c. Diaconissis indiguit Ecclesiasticus Ordo nusquam autem eas Presbyter as aut Sacrificulas constituit c. Vnde igitur hic rursus Mulierum fastus insania muliebris There is saith he in the Christian Church an Order of them that are called Diaconesses but not to sacrifice The Ecclesiastical Order had need of these Diaconesses at the beginning but yet never ordained them as Priests or Sacrificers And whence then is now come again this pride of Women or womanish madness as to take upon them to sacrifice in the Church 23. By all which Discourse you may easily see what was the true Heresie condemned in these Collyridians to wit Colere Sanctos ultra modum decorum as the words of holy Epiphanius are that is to worship Saints beyond measure and decency and above the nature and condition of Creatures which is forbidden by God's Church but not to honor Them as Servants of His and Him in Them. You will see also what Opinion and Use of Christian Sacrifice there was in Epiphanius's days and how it was deny'd to Women and practis'd by Priests only which yet the Sectaries of this Age cannot abide to hear of And here now will we make an end of these first 300 years after Christ wherein as you see John Fox hath put down no Succession of his Church at all either in Men or Doctrin For as for men to wit Bishops Pastors and Teachers succeeding one to another from the Apostles downward they were all of the Roman visible Church and so were all other that bear the name of Christians except the Heretics before named and of the said Roman and Catholic Church the chief Leaders were from St. Peter unto Silvester Thirty-three Popes as before hath been mentioned all Martyrs and Witnesses of the same Faith. And in other principal Patriarchal Seats wherein the Apostles had held the first Chairs as Antioch Hierusalem Alexandria and the like there had succeeded other holy Bishops as also in infinit other places throughout the World so as in the Emperor Constantine's time who liv'd in the end of these first 300 years and was the first Christian Emperor that publickly professed Christian Religion the said Christian Church was so glorious that in the first General Council of Nice there were 318 principal Bishops joyned together the most of them of Asia only Whereby we see how Illustrious and Eminent the said Catholic Church and Religion was at that time 24. By which we do most evidently infer That either John Fox his obscure and trodden-down Church scarce visible as he saith to the World was not at all in those days or else it lurk'd only in some of the forenamed Heretics For if he say that the great perspicuous Roman Church was his at that time then how doth he define his Church to be obscure and scarce visible to the World And moreover we have shewed before that the Bishops Doctors Teachers Martyrs and chief Members or Guiders of this great illustrious Church were opposite to Him and his Church both in Faith and Doctrin and this by the confession of his own Doctors and Writers the Magdeburgians and others that reprehend and condemn the Fathers of the second and third Ages for holding divers principal Points of Doctrin now also in controversie against Them and for Us. And we have shewed also that this great Universal and
Catholic Church had all Truth in it that was revealed by Christ and not some sparks only as Fox requireth in his Church and that it had continual Succession of multitudes of true Teachers without interruption and not one starting up in one Age and another in another wherewith Fox seemeth to be contented for the continuation of his Church 25. And finally if Fox coming at length to be asham'd of his former definition of an obscure and trodden-down Church and of the sparkled Doctrin of Truth therein taught should leave the same and offer to lay hands on the Great Illustrious and Visible Church of the first 300 years saying that this was His which yet you have seen by many Arguments demonstrated that it cannot be I shall be content to admit so ridiculous a pretence for a time with condition that he will stand to it and go forward with this Church in the sequent Ages and not to disclaim from Her to his hidden Church again Which if he yield unto then have we now a Visible and Eminent True Church on foot by confession of both Parties which we must follow to the Worlds end for that she cannot perish again as before we have declared For which cause I am to prosecute the same from Age to Age in this Treatise from this time downwards to our days in the Chapters that do ensue where we shall see who sticketh to her and who flieth from her who followeth her constantly or who giveth the slip for that she being now once so Potent Notorious and Illustrious as both Parts do confess if he will stand to it in earnest that she is his Church also it is not possible that she should be lost shrink or fade away again but that all the World must see it How Where When and by Whom so great an Accident should fall out neither can Fox and his People being now once in Her and of Her by his own pretence be found out of her afterward but only by Apostacy or Heresie and running away This then let us examin in the Ages following CHAP. III. The prosecution of the same matter to wit of the Descent of the Catholic and Protestant Church for other Three Hundred years that is from Pope Sylvester and Constantine to Pope Gregory and Mauritius the Emperour And where John Fox his Church lay hid in this time AND thus having run over the first three Ages after Christ we must now pass to the second station which is for other 300 years beginning from Constantine the Emperour downward unto the time of St. Gregory under whom St. Augustin came into England in which space of time the Catholic Christian Church spread over all the World as before you have heard did grow and confirm it self powerfully especially after Persecution did cease as by all Stories appeareth having had thirty-two Popes between Sylvester and Gregory whereof thirty were holden for great Saints and three or four were Martyrs 2. The Fathers and Doctors also of these three Ages were most excellent men both Grecians and Latins and it seemeth that what wanted in these three Ages from the former three in the Glory of Martyrdom it was supply'd by the Excellency of Learning As for Example in the fourth Age after Christ which is the first of the second three did flourish Eusebius Lactantius Rheticius Juvencus Athanasius Hilarius Optatus Climacus Basil Nazianzenus Ambrose Prudentius Hierom Chrysostom Epiphanius Cyril and divers others In rhe fifth Age St. Augustin Possidonius Sulpitius Orosius Cassianus Prosper Vincentius Lyrinensis Falgentius and many more And in the sixth Age Cassiodorus Emisenus Procopius Fortunatus Venantius Evagrius Gregorius Turonensis and Gregory the Great All which filled the World with their excellent Books both Greek and Latin besides many General National and Provincial Councils whereof five were Universal the first of Nice the second of Constantinople the third of Ephesus the fourth of Chalcedon wherein there were 630 Bishops and the fifth was of Constantinople the second time but of Provincial and National Councils there are receiv'd to the number of almost seventy to have been held in this time 3. By all which concourse of Testimonies the Force and Unity of Catholic Faith is shewed to wit that these Fathers Doctors Popes and Councils agreeing together all throughout the World in one and the self-same Faith and Religion and continuing the same from Age to Age with so great Authority of Respect and Majesty as not only all Ecclesiastical Persons of what Nations soever and other Christian People but all Temporal Princes Kings and Emperours in like manner except such as were noted with any particular Heresie as some Emperours of the East did wholly submit themselves with one consent Whereby this visible Illustrious Roman Church was made so Great and Universal notorious and known embracing all Christendom as it is wholly impossible for John Fox to find out any creeping hidden Church bearing the name of Christian in these three Ages and yet different from this visible and splendent Church of Rome which he calleth the Devil's Chappel And much more hard will it be for him to find out this in these latter three hundred years than in the former for that the external Glory of this Church was increased much more in these three Ages than in the first three before treated of which passed all in Persecution 4. The Heresies also and Sects of this time being above Fifty in number were beaten down more strongly by the foresaid Fathers Bishops and Councils than before by reason they had more time and leisure from Persecution to attend unto them than had those of the former three Ages The principal Heresies of this fourth Age were Meletians Donatists Arians Novatians Macedonians Luciferians Aërians Eunomians Apollinarians Aetians Priscillianists Jovinians Vigilantians Collyridians Helvidians Antimarians and other the like And in the fifth Age were Pelagians Nestorians Eutychians and other such Rabble And in the sixth Age Severians Monothelites Chrystolytes Agnoites Sadduces Theopaschites and the like Out of which Synagogues and Congregations of wrangling Spirits which succeeded one another in divers Times Places and Countries and opposed themselves maliciously out of their obscure corners against the shining Light of the foresaid Catholic Church if John Fox will frame his poor and beggarly Church which yet he holdeth for the only true Church of God oppressed and trodden down as he saith and almost scarce visible to worldly eyes he may do it with great probability for that these Fellows were neglected and trodden down indeed by the other opposite Roman Church and yet did they as John Fox requireth for the Succession of his Church continue and rise up from time to time tho' by no orderly Succession of Bishops or Doctrin as hath been said yea they had that other quality also proper to John Fox his Church that they always kept some sparks of true Doctrin and Religion together with their Heresies So as in this
years next before the entrance of St. Augustin was for Him and His Church and not for Ours yea different from the Roman Religion brought in by Augustin as often you have heard him protest and here had been the proper place to have proved it if it had been provable And whereas in the same Protestation of his prefixed before his whole Volume he avouched as you have heard that the chief British Preachers and Teachers of these times before St. Augustin's coming as Fastidius Ninianus Patricius Dubritius Congellus David Asaphus Gildas and others before mentioned were true Teachers and taught the Gospel rightly according to the Protestant Faith and consequently were of his Religion he ought here to have proved the same by their Writings Lives Acts and Monuments as I have shewed the contrary by all these kind of Arguments and Proofs before But the Fox knowing the difficulty and peril of this Combat would not enter into the same nor take upon him to defend or justifie any thing at all tho' never so much promised or protested in his Prefaces and Preambles at the beginning Whereof the Reasons are these that ensue 11. First For that touching the British Church during these three Ages he had in truth nothing at all to write or relate but what would be manifestly against himself if he had written or related it and descended to particulars For according to that you have heard before in divers places of this Treatise that as the first Faith of the Britans came from Rome and thereby they were made Members of the Roman Church from the beginning so remained they united with the same in all points of Faith and Religion except some few abuses crept in among part of them towards the latter-end of these three Ages until the Conversion of the English by St. Augustin to the same Roman Faith. Which point is proved so evidently by so many Signs Arguments and Demonstrations as little comfort might John Fox have to enter into this Discourse or Examination and consequently tho' he had promised in the beginning to treat this Subject of the British Church yet coming to the place and time when he should have performed his promise he thought better to withdraw himself slightly by utter silence than to put himself in Briars by making any mention at all thereof And thus much for his silence concerning the Christian Church of Britanny in these three Ages 12. But for the general Catholic Church of Christendom tho' these times yield abundant matter as hath been said yet the whole stream and current thereof running quite against him he thought best in like manner to decline craftily the medling or wrestling therewith And so much the more for that he had seen the pitiful plight wherein his Masters the Magdeburgians had cast themselves in their fourth fifth and sixth Centuries by over-large relating the Acts and Gests of these three Ages against themselves and their own Religion being forc'd to spend a great part of their Labors not so much in relating what the Fathers of those Ages writ or held as to answer and refute the same and shew that it was not true nor the said Doctors and Fathers to be believed therein Which trouble John Fox like a wily Fox indeed thought best to avoid by Art of Silence I will in this place for examples sake only and to give you a taste of the said Magdeburgians dealing throughout their whole Work from which John Fox taketh the principal parts of his let you see some points taken out of their fourth Century dedicated to her Majesty of England with a sharp Invective as before hath been shewed used by them against the Calvinists therein which Century containeth the fourth Hundred year after Christ and the first of the three which now we have in hand from Constantine downward wherein they spend above 400 Leaves in Folio and more than twice as much in the other two Centuries that ensue John Fox not having bestow'd four Leaves upon all three Ages as you have heard 13. And that you may perceive how this one Century of the Magdeburgians cometh to make so great a Volume you must note that it is divided into certain large Chapters or Heads of different matters As for example first of the propagation of Christian Religion in that Age and the State thereof throughout all Countreys Kingdoms and Nations which is a large matter as you see comprehending the Stories of all Ecclesiastical Writers Secondly of Persecutions Troubles and Jars that have passed as also of Peace and Tranquility Then of Doctrin good or bad then of Heresies then of Rites and Ceremonies then of Ecclesiastical Government then of Schisms then of Synods and Councils then of Bishops Doctors and Teachers their Lives Works and Actions at large then of Heretics their beginnings and endings then of Martyrs then of Miracles then of Pagan Commonwealths also and other such points capable as you see of long Discourses Which I thought fit once to note to the end that those which have not read the Centuries may know in general what matters they handle and what method they use therein 14. Secondly it is to be noted about the same affair That in all these Heads and Chapters there be divers things which are not in controversie among us I mean between Catholics and Protestants but are common to us both at least in some degrees Other Points there are that they affirm and we deny or we affirm and they deny There is a third kind also of Points wherein tho' We and Protestants do not agree fully either in the Doctrin or in the Practice yet one Sect of them differeth more or less from us than the other And in all these three Points you shall see some brief Examples of the Magdeburgians manner of proceeding in this fourth Age Noting to you first by the way their own Testimony of the excellent Learning of the Doctors and Teachers thereof in these words Habuit haec aet as si quae unquam alia plurimos praestantes illustres Doctores ut Arnobium Lactantium c. This Age if ever any other had very many most excellent and famous Doctors as Arnobius Lactantius Eusebius Athanasius Hilarius Victorinus Basilius Nazianzenus Ambrosius Prudentius Epiphanius Theophilus Hieronymus Faustinus Didymus Ephrem Optatus and others out of which we shall shew and declare what was the form of Christian Doctrin used in this Age. 15. Lo there the Testimony of the Magdeburgians of the famous Doctors Teachers and Leaders of Christ's Church in this Age And being such as they say so excellently Learned and endued with Christ's Spirit for Guiding of his Church is it probable think you that these four German Magdeburgians Illyricus Wigandus Judex and Faber shall come to presume afterward to condemn them all of Ignorance and lack of Spirit when they speak against them Truly they cannot do it with any shame fac'dness or modesty at all or be believed
accuse St. Ambrose for using these words Missam facere Offerre Offerre Sacrificium c. To say Mass to offer to offer up Sacrifice c. They reprehend Gregory Nyssen for teaching of Transmutation or Transubstantiation Dei verbo Sanctificatum panem in Dei verbi corpus credimus immutari We do believe that the Bread which is Sanctified by the word of God is by the same word of God changed into the Body of the Son of God. 20. It would be overlong to Treat of all the Points in Controversie for which the Magdeburgians do reprehend and Condemn the Fathers of this Age which so highly they commended a little before For about Justification by Faith only they Condemn by Name Lactantius Nilus Chromacius Ephrem and St. Hierom. And why for that he saith non sufficit murum habere fidei nisi ipsa fides bonis operibus confirmetur It is not enough to have the wall of Faith except Faith be confirmed with good works Which yet you have heard approved by the Sentence of Sir Francis Hastings before 21. They condemn the same Lactantius together with St. Gregory Nyssen St. Hillary St. Nazianzen St. Ambrose St. Ephrem and Theophilus Alexandrinus for Attributing to much to good works but especially to those that are voluntary Inter omnia opera say they Electitiis plurimum haec aetas tribuit Sic enim ait Theophilus hi qui jejunia id est Angelicam conversationem in terris imitantur per continentiam brevi parvo labore magna sibi aeterna conciliant praemia But among all other works say the Magdeburgians this Age doth Attribute most unto voluntary works or such as are chosen by a Mans self for so saith Theophilus Arch-Bishop of Alexandria those that do follow Fasting that is to say an Angelical Conversation upon Earth do gain unto themselves by this short and small labor of abstinence great and eternal rewards 22. About Satisfaction they reprehend greatly and put it for an Error in great Hilarius for that he writeth upon these words of the 118 Psalm My eyes have brought forth fountains of waters c. Haec poenitentiae vox est lachrymis orare lachrymis ingemiscere This is the voice of true Penance to pray with tears and sigh with tears And again Haec venia peccati est fontem fletus stere largo lachrymarum imbre mad fieri This is the forgiveness of sin to weep a whole fountain of tears and to wash our selves with a large shower of weeping c. This did greatly discontent our Good-fellow Germans but St. Hilarius was of another Opinion 23. What should I recite here other Controversies seeing it would but tire the Reader For about Invocation and Prayer to Saints they condemn by name St. Athanasius lib. de Incarnatione for praying to our Lady St. Basil oratione in quadraginta Martyres for praying to the said Forty Martyrs St. Gregory Nazianzen oratione in Basilium for praying to St. Basil after he was dead also for praying to St. Cyprian after he was martyred Orat. in Cyprianum they condemn also St. Ambrose lib. de viduis for praying to St. Peter and St. Andrew and our Lady they condemn Prudentius for praying to St. Laurence and in another place to St. Vincentius and Cassianus Martyrs Hym. in Laur. Vincent Cassian They condemn Epiphanius for saying that Prayers of the Living do help the Dead Haeres 75. They condemn St. Ephrem for saying that the Saints in Paradise did pray for them that are alive lib. 1. de compunctione cordis cap. 13. 24. As for unwritten Tradition they condemn all the Fathers of this Age one by one reciting their Sentences and rejecting them They condemn by name Lactantius Prudentius and Hieronymus for holding Purgatory they condemn St. Epiphanius for affirming that the Church admitteth no man to marry after he is Priest Et haec certe sancta Dei Ecclesia cum sinceritate observat And truly the holy Church of God saith Epiphanius doth observe this Custom with all sincerity And thus much be spoken only about one Chapter to wit of Doctrin having over-skipped many other things for brevity-sake in the same Chapter 25. But if I would pass to other Chapters especially that of Rites and Ceremonies which is their sixth in order there would be no end For first in the very first Paragraph about Rites or Ceremonies belonging to Churches Service and public Meeting which is but one of almost twenty Paragraphs contained in this Chapter they set down these Rites following which do easily shew that Our Religion and not Theirs was in practice in this fourth Age. As for example the Building of Churches in Honor of Saints by Constantine and others at the beginning of this Age and dedicating them to the same Saints out of Eusebius and other Authors pag. 407. nu 50. Dedications also and Consecrations of the same Temples or Churches and the Days of the said Consecration kept Holy and Festival with great solemnity out of Athanasius and others ibid. Service at midnight used in the Churches at that time out of St. Basil and others ibid. Altars builded in Churches for Christian Sacrifice by the testimony of Socrates Zozomenus Theodoretus and others ibid. The Interpretation also what an Altar meaneth set down by Optatus Quid est Altare nisi sedes Corporis Sanguinis Christi What is an Altar but the seat of the Body and Blood of Christ Images also set up and painted in Churches in this Age out of Zozomenus Eusebius Optatus and others pag. 409. Caereas Candelas Lampades Torches Wax-Candles and burning Lamps set up in the Church by Constantine himself out of Eusebius lib. 4. de vita Constant pag. 410. Of Vigils and Watches kept in Church-Feasts out of Basil Theodoret and others ibid. The use of Litanies in those days they shew out of Basil Theodoret and others ibid. 26. I leave many more Rites and Catholic Ceremonies set down by them in this first Paragraph which is of public Meetings Churches c. But if I would pass from this unto many other Heads handled by them as about the use of Baptism and administration of other Sacraments and Sacrifice about Feasts Fasts Marriage Burying Honoring Martyrs Tombs Pilgrimages consecrating of Monks and Nuns and other such points which these Magdeburgians do handle here at large out of the Fathers of this Age and practice of that Church to the number of nineteen or twenty all against themselves it were sufficient to make a several Book apart As for Example about Baptism they teach us That those who are to be baptized must first be confessed of their sins that they must say abrenuntio tibi Sathana omnibus operibus tuis that they must be prepared by Exorcisms and after Baptism be anointed with holy Chrism that they must fast a certain number of days before their Baptism that they must thrice be
dived in the water that they must have Lamps lighted at their Baptism And for the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar they shew us How it was wont to be administred and sent when occasion was offered from one place to another how often it should be received and with what reverence and with what Vigils and Prayers before and how it was wont to be carried to them that lay on their Death-bed and how they were bound to confess it openly to be the true Body and Blood of Christ before they received it and what great Miracles fell out for proof and confirmation of the truth about this Real Presence These and almost infinite other points like unto these the Magdeburgians do prove at length to have been in use throughout this fourth Age by the Testimonies and Writings of the principal Doctors thereof 27. Wherefore I will leave the Reader to consider what manner of people these Lutheran Writers are who do record so many important Testimonies against themselves and having alledged them then they refute all again presently with this bare shift that they are either Jewish or Pagan Ceremonies brought in by the Fathers upon Superstition and so not to be regarded and this they think to be sufficient to refute them all As for Example talking of the Ceremony of Fasting in those days what Meats they did eat and how rigorously they abstained and how long these good fellows do write thus Jejunia observasse religiosiùs quidem seu superstitiosiùs quàm superioribus saeculis hujus aetatis Christianos Historiae testantur Histories do testifie unto us that the Christians of this Age did observe Fasting-days more religiously or rather more superstitiously than any Age before for that Human Traditions began now to be more multiplied and Epiphanius doth say that the Fast of Wednesdays and Fridays was observed at this time as a Tradition of the Apostles but we find no such thing in their Works Thus said these Germans that never perhaps fasted a day in their life nor ever abstained for Devotion-sake from any good morsel of Meat that their Lips could reach unto And so much of these men for they are not worth the spending of time to refute them Well then by these few Examples taken out of two Chapters only of the Magdeburgians about this fourth Age we see what may be gathered if we would go over all the three Centuries for these three Ages from Constantine to St. Gregory and thereby also we see the reason why Fox wrote so little of these three Ages being wholly against them 28. But now perhaps the Reader will ask how it falleth out that John Fox having dedicated a special Book to wit his second of Acts and Monuments unto these three Ages after Constantine for so is his Title how I say he could make up a distinct Book and yet say nothing of the Ecclesiastical Affairs therein contained Whereunto I answer That this is another Foxly fetch of his to promise and not perform and to do one thing for another for that despairing to have matter to his purpose out of the former three Ages as hath been shewed he slideth away slightly to another Argument which he had not promised in his Title to wit of some things fallen out in our English Church in the next 200 years after from the time of St. Augustin and King Ethelbert unto the time of King Egbert first Monarch of the English about the year of Christ 800. But for that these two Ages to wit the seventh and eighth do contain the times of our primitive English Church I think best to treat severally thereof in the next Chapter following this being sufficient to shew that in these second 300 years John Fox had as little room for his Church as in the former CHAP. IV. How matters passed in the Christian Church both abroad and at home in England during the third station of Time from Pope Gregory and Ethelbert King of Kent unto Egbert our first Monarch containing the space of two hundred years THere followeth in order the third distinction or station of Times appointed by John Fox in the beginning of his History and promised by him to be handled distinctly in the prosecution of his Work and so indeed this station ought to have been above the rest for that it containeth the time of our English primitive Church to wit the two first hundred years thereof from St. Augustin downward But as you have heard before he finding scarce any thing in these two Ages which delighted his heretical humor no not our very Conversion it self from Paganism to Christian Religion he shuffleth the same over in the end of his foresaid second Book together with the second 300 years after Christ from Constantine to Pope Gregory as before hath been shewed So as he includeth the Acts of 500 years of the most Famous and Glorious Times that ever were in the Church of God whether we respect the General and Universal Church or the Church of England in particular in a little Book of a dozen Leaves only of which dozen Leaves the least part doth concern this time whereas when he cometh down to handle the Acts and Gests of John Wickliff John Husse Hierom of Prague and other such paltry Heretics not worth the talking of he writeth whole Volumes and many hundred Leaves together but of these 200 years of our first Conversion and primitive Church Fathers Doctors and Saints thereof he writeth both very little and most contemptuously and yet wanted he not Authors to give him matter in this behalf seeing that St. Bede that lived in the first of these 200 years hath left five whole Books of the Acts and Gests thereof besides other that have ensued as Gosselinus Malmsbury Westmonasteriensis and others 2. But the truth is that John Fox seeing these times to be wholly against him and that they lay down more clearly before us if it may be than the rest especially to English-men the Truth and Evidence of the Catholic Roman Faith he had no heart nor courage to deal much therewith but sought to shuffle over in silence so much as he might conveniently and the rest to discredit by scoffs taunts corruption and falsification as after you shall see for I have thought good to make a distinct Chapter of these two Ages and thereby somewhat to let you see and behold what passed therein tho' very briefly and how John Fox doth behave himself in relating the same 3. First then if we consider the Universal Church of Christendom in these 200 years which are the 700 and 800 years of Christ there are recounted to have sitten in the Roman See Thirty-three Popes from Gregory I. to Leo III. and in the East Empire the West being decay'd before some Nineteen or Twenty Emperors reigned one after another from Mauritius to Constantine VI. and Irene his Mother in whose time Charles the Great of France was made Emperor of the
West by the foresaid Pope Leo III. And during this Race of time the said Universal Church flourished greatly by Learned Men and Holy Bishops whereof the principal were St. Isidorus Archbishop of Sevil Sophronius Leontius Theodorus Archbishop of Canterbury Venerable Bede Johannes Damascenus Paulus Diaconus Alcuinus our Countrey-man Vsuardus and others 4. This time had many Learned Councils also whereof two were General the one being the third of Constantinople the other the second of Nice Whereby were beaten down all the Heretics of those days the principal whereof were the Jacobites the Armenians Monothelites Neophonites Lampetians Agnychites Iconomachians or Image-breakers and other the like Besides all this there was added to the Greatness of this Church the new Conversion of many Countries from Paganism to Christian Religion Amongst which may principally be recounted our English Saxons as also by their means divers Provinces afterward of High and Low Germany And this for the continuance and going forward of the Christian Catholic Church in general planted by Christ and brought down by Succession from the Apostles time 5. But if you will talk of our new English Church planted in this mean space and inserted or united to that General Catholic Church as a Branch or Member to the whole Body and as a new Daughter subordinate to her Mother we shall see her progress to be conform thereunto to wit that she multiplied mightily in these 200 years both in Number Doctrin and great Piety of Life which John Fox himself is forced to confess in that he having told us of the Conversion of seven English Saxon Kingdoms within the compass of this time he setteth down divers Tables in the end of all whereof one is of seventeen Archbishops of Canterbury from Augustin to Celnothus that lived with King Egbert and another Table of thirty Cathedral Churches Abbies and Nunneries builded and abundantly endowed by Christian English Kings Queens and Bishops of that time and a third Table of nine several Kings besides many more of chief Nobility both Men and Women who leaving the World and their Temporal States entred into a Religious Life the more strictly to serve Almighty God. All which John Fox is forc'd to recount against himself and findeth no one in all this time of 200 years and much less any company on whom he dareth lay hands to build up his hidden Church in England withal 6. And it is to be noted by the Reader and by us to be repeated again for better memories sake that which before we admonished to wit that Fox findeth these 200 years of our first English primitive Church so barren of matter for his purpose as in the whole story thereof he spendeth only eight Leaves of Paper and these rather in deriding and scoffing the same and principal Pillars thereof than writing any Ecclesiastical History For which cause you shall find these Notes and Titles commonly written over the heads of his Leaves and Pages Augustin's arrival in Kent Gregory the basest Pope but the best Proud Augustin Lying Miracles Shaven Crowns Beda his Birth and the like Of which Learned Holy Man's Story I mean St. Bede he maketh so little account as in the same place reciting a Letter out of him written by a holy Man Ceolfride Abbot of Sherwyn in Northumberland to Naitonus King of the Picts he saith thus The Copy of which Letter as it is in Bede I have annexed not for any great reason therein contained but only to delight the Reader with some pastime in seeing the fond Ignorance of that Monkish Age c. Whereby we may see the drift of this pleasant Fox in these his Acts and Monuments which is to discredit that whole Time and all our Primitive Church 7. But yet to the end that the saying of Christ may be fulfilled in him Ex ore tuo te judico Serve nequam I do judge thee out of thy own mouth thou wicked Servant I shall here set down two National Synods gathered in England in these two Ages by two famous Archbishops of Canterbury the one Theodorus in the year of Christ 680 and related by Beda and the other St. Cuthbert in the year 747 related by William of Malmsbury after Bede's death and both of them set down by Fox And by viewing the Decrees of these two Synods you will see whether those Ages were so fond in Ignorance as Fox maketh them Out of the first Synod held at Thetford Fox gathereth ten Decrees in these words 8. I. That Easter-day should be uniformly kept and observed throughout the whole Realm upon a certain day viz. prima 14 Luna Mensis primi II. That no Bishop should intermeddle within the Diocese of another III. That Monasteries consecrated unto God should be exempt and free from the Jurisdiction of Bishops IV. That the Monks should not stray from one place that is from one Monastery to another without the license of their Abbot also to keep the same Obedience which they promised at their first entring V. That no Clergy-man should forsake his own Bishop and be received in any other place without Letters Commendatory of his own Bishop VI. That Foreign Bishops and Clergy-men coming into the Realm should be content only with the benefit of such Hospitality as should be offered them neither should they intermeddle any further within the Precinct of any Bishop without his special permission VII That Synods Provincial should be kept within the Realm at least once a year VIII That no Bishop should prefer himself before another but must observe the time and order of his Consecration IX That the number of Bishops should be augmented as the number of People increased X. That no Marriage should be admitted but that which was lawful no Incest to be suffered neither any man to put away his Wife for any cause except only for Fornication after the Rule of the Gospel And these be the principal Chapters of that Synod c. 9. Out of the second Synod held at Clonisho Fox gathereth thirty-one Decrees as followeth I. That Bishops should be more diligent in seeing to their Office and in admonishing the people of their faults II. That they should live in a peaceable mind together notwithstanding they were in place dissevered asunder III. That every Bishop once a year should go about all the Parishes of his Diocese IV. That the said Bishops every one in his Diocese should admonish their Abbots and Monks to live regularly and that Prelates should not oppress their Inferiors but love them V. That they should teach the Monasteries which the secular men had invaded and could not then betaken from them to live regularly VI. That none should be admitted to Orders before his Life should be examined VII That in Monasteries the reading of Holy Scripture should be more frequented VIII That Priests should be no disposers of secular business IX That they should take no money for baptizing
And if I should number up the manifest Lies which the miserable and poor spiteful Fellow inventeth for some shew of proof you would take pity of Him and not of the Monks You shall hear one short Discourse of his about them and thereby you may judge of the rest 13. Monks saith he were nothing else in old time but Lay-men leading a more stricter Trade of Life as may sufficiently appear by Augustin lib. de moribus Ecclesiae cap. 3. Item lib. de oper Monachorum Item Ep. ad Aurelium Also by Hieron ad Heliodorum writing these words Alia Monachorum est causa alia Clericorum Clerici pascunt Oves ego pascor One thing pertaineth to Monks another thing to them of the Clergy They of the Clergy feed the Flock I am fed c. By all which is evident that Monks were no other in former Ages of the Church but only Lay-men differing from Priests c. 14. Thus writeth Fox which alone were sufficient to shew his peevish Fraud and Folly in all his Writings For albeit St. Augustin in the places by him quoted had written any such thing as he affirmeth which is quite false and so shall the Reader find that will examin the places yet the very words of St. Hierom by Fox himself adjoyned do clearly interpret both his own and St. Augustin's meaning and convince Fox for a meer malevolent Caviller for that St. Hierom doth not deny that Monks are Clergy-men or Priests for then he should deny himself to have been a Priest or of the Clergy seeing he confesseth himself to be a Monk but his meaning is to shew the different End and Office of some Clergy-men to wit Secular Priests and Bishops that have care of Souls from Monks for that the one do attend principally to Action the other to Contemplation the one to Preaching the other to Praying the one to feed others the others to be fed in which latter number St. Hierom for humility putteth also himself whom yet I think John Fox will not affirm to have been a meer Lay-man and not Priest and Clergy-man And so is this cavil of his against Monks that in old time they were Lay-men shewed to be most vain and malicious For what will he say of St. Basil St. Nazianzen St. Augustin St. Gregory were they not Monks Priests and Bishops also how then were Monks meerly Lay-men in old time 15. The like notorious Folly conjoyn'd with Falshood he useth to prove married Monks alleging St. Athanasius's words Epist ad Diacont qui ait se novisse Monachos Episcopos conjuges liberorum patres who saith that he knew both Monks and Bishops married men and Fathers of Children But what proveth this Do not we see every day even now in our Church both Bishops Priests and Religious men that have once been married and some of them also to have had Children and after the death of their Wives to have entred into Ecclesiastical and Religious Orders What fond deluding of his Reader is this He should have proved that they had married after they had been Priests or Monks and then had he said somewhat But this he could not do and so thought best to make a fond flourish of the other 16. Nay in the very Greek Church at this day where Priests are permitted that were married before tho' their Wives be living yet if their said Wives die they are not permitted to marry again And as for Monks out of which Order only Bishops are made in that Church they were never permitted to marry after their profession of Religion Nay St. Epiphanius a chief Pillar of that Church when it was perfectly Catholic about 1200 years agone saith plainly as the Magdeburgians also allege him That the holy Church of God admitted not in his days any man to Priesthood or Episcopal Dignity that either married the second time or did not abstain from conversation with his first Wife if she lived after he was admitted to Priesthood Revera saith he non suscipit sancta Dei praedicatio post Christi adventum eos qui à nuptiis mortua ipsorum uxore secundis nuptiis conjuncti sunt propter excellentem Sacerdotii Honorem Dignitatem Et haec certè Sancta Dei Ecclesia cum sinceritate observat c. In very truth the holy preaching of God after the coming of Christ doth not admit those to be Priests who after their first Marriage and their Wife dead do joyn themselves again in second Marriage And this doth the holy Church of God observe with sincerity in respect of the excellent Honor and Dignity of Priesthood c. So saith Epiphanius and addeth presently Sed adhuc viventem liberos gignentem c. But further than this the said holy Church of Christ doth not admit to Priesthood a man of one Wife if he live and get Children as before but only she admitteth Him to be a Deacon Priest Bishop or Subdeacon especially where the Clergy is sincere who is content to contain from his Wife that he used before or live in Widowhood if his Wife be dead 17. Thus writeth this holy Doctor not only of his own Judgment but of the whole Consent of the Universal Catholic Church in his days not only of Monks that make a more strict profession of Chastity but of all Clergy-men also that lived in Holy Orders to wit Subdeacons Deacons Priests and Bishopss Of whom thus much be spoken by occasion of John Fox his notorious Lye That Monks were only Lay men and married in old time And by this we may see his affection towards Them and their Profession And there were no end if I should prosecute all his peevish picking of quarrels against them upon every occasion or without occasion thereby to shew his Heretical Stomach in that behalf One only Example I will shew you more and so make an end 18. There is a Story recorded by William of Malmsbury and other ancient authentical Authors as Fox himself confesseth touching our foresaid famous English King Alfred fourth Son to the forenamed King Ethelwolf and Nephew to King Egbert brought up in Rome by Pope Leo IV. as hath been said who being driven into great Extremities by the Conquest of the Danes against him was relieved and comforted by the appearance of St. Cuthbert miraculously foretelling him what should succeed in those Wars and confirming the same with other Predictions also which afterwards were fulfilled Which Story tho' it be one of the most rare that is to be read in our English Histories and with most comfort also by him that will consider it with attention and indifferency and testified also unto us as authentically as any Story may be in this kind not only by the said Malmsbury above 500 years agone but by divers others in like manner and of like credit as Fox himself is forced to confess yet for that St. Cuthbert principal Actor therein was an unmarried Monk he cannot
to praise God after the imitation of King David hanging up by his Bed-side on a Pin upon the Wall he heard one night a voice of Angels sing in his Church this Verse Gaudent in Coelis animae Sanctorum at which time his said Harp also gave a sound of it self moved either by the said Angels or otherwise by Miracle from God. Whereat John Fox in his Heretical Vein maketh much Pastime tho' as already you have heard and shall do more in the third Part of this Book he esteemeth highly certain devised Miracles of his miserable Martyrs And so much of this 34. But now as touching the principal Point of all this Discourse which ought to have been the visible deduction of his Church from King Egbert to William the Conqueror there is not one word spoken for all that he writeth is of our Church and this in Lyes Fables Scoffs and Taunts as you see but of his own Church nothing no not so much as of any one person that in all agreed with him or his Church in these days concerning Religion Nay let him shew us any one Man Woman or Child Heretic or Catholic in all this time who was fully of the Religion now held in England and that these believed no more nor less than Fox and his Fellows do at this day and we will yield that he hath brought us forth some visible Church and Succession thereof tho' it be but of three or four persons 35. Lo with how little we are content And seeing Fox will not dare nor any man for him in my opinion to take upon him this Enterprize to wit to shew the succession of any three or four persons throughout the space of this first 1000 years after Christ who did in all things believe and profess the Faith and Religion that now is held in England whereunto also John Fox himself agreed fully while he lived as may appear by the Puritanical Points in his Story which he commendeth and defendeth in the Lives of Rogers Hooper and other their first English Parents as after shall be shewed Forsomuch I say as this is so and that never any three persons of what Condition Religion Sex or Sect soever can be shewed to have agreed fully in the Protestants Religion that now in England is professed not only for the time of these first thousand years of Christianity but neither for the other five hundred next following nor that our English Protestants of these days will bind themselves in all and every Point of Doctrin Faith and Belief to stand to any one visible Congregation Church Conventicle Society or number of men whatsoever professing the Name of Christ that have been known to live upon Earth from the Apostles time downward but that they do vary from them in one Article of Belief or other 36. If all this I say be true and most certain and made evident by this our deduction and that we offer to joyn any further Issue that shall be demanded with any Protestant living upon this point that shall have any thing to say or reply in this matter This being so then is it evident what a Succession of the Protestants Church John Fox bringeth or is able to bring down or any man for him notwithstanding his vain brag and flourish in the first Title of his Book That he would set down the whole race and course of the Church c. The Folly and Falshood of which flourish shall better also appear by that which ensueth from the Conquest downward CHAP. VII The fifth station of Time containing other Three hundred years from William the Conquerour unto the time of John Wickliff wherein is examined Whether the Catholic Roman Church did perish in this time as Fox affirmeth Here is treated also of Pope Hildebrand and of the Marriage of Priests YOU have seen good Reader by our former Treatse how brief and barren John Fox hath been hitherto in relating unto us Ecclesiastical matters for more than a thousand years For tho' he promised in the first Title of his Book as before you have heard that he would set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church from the primitive Age unto these latter Times of ours c. And again in another Title that he was to lay before us the Acts and Monuments of Christian Martyrs and matters Ecclesiastical passed in the Church of Christ from the primitive beginning to these our days as well in other Countries as namely in the Realms of England and also of Scotland discoursed at large c. yet this large Discourse for more than a thousand years is concluded by him in less than seventy Leaves of Paper whereof almost fifty are of impertinent matter to wit of certain Differences which he would pick out between the old Roman Church and that which is now and in the relation of the first Ten Persecutions under Heathen Emperours which before we have declared how little they appertain to his Argument or Subject taken in hand which was to set down the race and course of the whole Church And this being so you may consider what store of Ecclesiastical matters he findeth to his purpose in these first thousand years seeing he scarce spendeth thirty whole Leaves therein whereof also the far greater part I mean of that he writeth in these few Leaves is meer temporal or impertinent as in part you have heard And how then doth he tell us of Ecclesiastical matters discoursed at large c. and of the whole race and course of the Church set forth largely by him c. Do you see how these men do face and lye to deceive their Readers 2. But let us not complain I pray you of brevity or barrenness in John Fox nor lack of Volume seeing he hath set forth the greatest perhaps that ever was in our English Tongue And if he have been over-short for the thousand years past unto the time of William the Conqueror he will as much exceed in length now for the other five hundred years that are to ensue from the Conqueror to Queen Elizabeth upon which time he bestoweth above 900 Leaves And the reason of this so notable difference or inequality is that which we have touched before to wit that he finding the whole course of these former Times and Ages of the Christian Church to be against him nor daring openly to reject that Church nor manifestly to joyn with her Enemies adjudg'd by her for Heretics he chose to speak as little of those Times and Affairs as he could But now he hath taken another resolution much more desperate in hand which is to deny Our Church to be any longer a Church and to set up another of His in her place by which means he will come to have matter enough for that this being supposed and he presuming that all the Acts and Monuments of this Church I mean the General Roman Church receiv'd hitherto
established over the World than in any other former Ages And to come unto the particulars there sate in the See of Rome as High-Bishops of the Universal Church from Pope Alexander II. that sent a Banner blessed unto William the Conqueror at his entrance into England and was the 162 Pope from St. Peter to our time unto Pope Gregory XI under whom Wickliff began his Doctrin 45 Popes and in the Roman Empire from Henry IV. unto Charles IV. succeeded 19 Emperours and in the Crown of England 10 or 11 Kings from the Conqueror to Edward III. under which Kings there succeeded by Election in the Metropolitan See of Canterbury from Stigand and Lanfrank unto Thomas Arundel 20 Archbishops All which both Popes and Emperours of the Universal Church as also the Kings and Archbishops of our Island agree uniformly in Faith and Religion without any difference at all and so it continued in our Island For albeit towards the end of this time John Wickliff with his Followers and some other Sectaries especially the Lollards rose up in our Country and caused many troubles both in England and other places yet neither the State of England nor any of our Princes and much less any Bishops or Archbishops ever suffered themselves to be infected therewith So as for the manifest continuation both of Men and Doctrin in these Ages we have no less visible Succession both of Bishops Doctors and Faith than before we have shewed in the former Ages the Succession of Bishops being evident in every Country and Church by their particular Stories and Records as also of Teachers and Doctrin as now we shall shew 18. The principal Learned Men also and Doctors of this time from the Conquest to Wickliff are known As for Example Burchardus Petrus Damianus Lanfrank Anselmus Oecumenius Marianus Scotus Ivo Carnotensis Lambertus Schafnaburgensis Rupertus Abbas Enthymius St. Bernard Peter Lombard Gratianus Albertus Magnus St. Thomas of Aquin Nicephorus Calixtus and many other downward In which time there are accounted some ten or eleven Synods and Councils to have been held in divers Countries for suppressing of Heresies and Sects that did from time to time peep up and reforming of abuses in former times and two of them to have been General to wit that of Lateran and of Constance wherein Wickliff was condemned 19. The most notorious Sects also of this time which against these Doctors Councils and Synods did strive were the Bogomilians the Petrobusians the Arnardistes the Waldenses or poor men of Lyons the Albigenses of Tholosa the Cathari or Puritans the Flagellantes or Whippers the Begardians the Beguisnes and Fraticelli or little Brethren the Lollards and Wickliffists and the rest that ensued Against all which the Church proceeded in all this time by Censures of Councils and Bishops as in all other times before against such men and must do to the Worlds end 20. And now this being so tell me good Reader whether it be not true which St. Augustin saith That it is as easie in all Ages to see where the true visible Church goeth as to see the Sun at noon day when it shineth clearest And where will John Fox go now to seek himself a private hidden Church among Christians except he patch it up of those Heretics by me named and other like as he doth And therein dealeth as if one having shewed the Descent and Continuance of the most Noble and most Ancient House of England by their Arms and Actions would condemn them all presently to have degenerated and bring in a Company of Beggars or Brothers that have run out of that House or were beaten from thence affirming These only to be of the ancient Race of that Family Or as if a man would say of the City of London that for these thousand years and more all those Men or Women that have been punished by the same City for Malefactors were the true Citizens indeed and the others that punished them only Intruders 21. In which Examples notwithstanding tho' they be ridiculous yet is there much more reason or probability than in the other for that any temporal House or Family whatsoever may degenerate and be wholly perverted and any City whatsoever may err alter or be turned upside-down by disorder but the Catholic Church cannot except we deny both the Promise Power and Godhead of Christ himself as our Heretics in effect do tho' not in words whilst they make to themselves a new scarce-visible Church of elect people to wit of their own Election and thereby are forced to say that the great visible Church begun by Christ and continued for many Ages together did at length about the time appointed by Fox tho' they cannot agree at what time wholly forsake Christ and fall to Apostacy becoming the Synagogue of Sathan an Enemy to Christ instead of his Family Kingdom and dearly-beloved Spouse which is so foul and foolish yea ignominious and monstrous an absurdity that it doth not only contradict the whole course of Scriptures which did prophesie and foretell the visible durance and continuance of this Church until the Worlds end but that it should also be the Pillar and Firmament of Truth and so assisted by Christ and his holy Spirit that it should never err nor bring into error and much less fade away or perish 22. The most Learned Father St. Augustin doth handle this matter every-where against the Donatists who like our Protestants would needs have the Universal visible Church in their time to have erred and fallen from Christ and they only as elect Vessels make the true Church tho' scarce visible to the eyes of the World as Fox saith of his Church gathered up of lurking Heretics here and there as after you shall see declared Against which absurdity St. Augustin disputed most learnedly solving first the Arguments which they allege of some evil Men or Popes that may have been in the Church if all were true as they say Nullius hominis quamvis sceleratum immane peccatum c. That no man's sin being never so heinous can prejudicate the promises of God for the visible continuance of the Church to the Worlds end neither can any Impiety of any men whatsoever within the Church bring to pass that the Faith of God which was contained in the promises made to the ancient Fathers concerning the Church of Christ to come and to be spread over the World and now fulfilled in our days should be made void c. 23. And again Albeit this Church be sometimes obscured and shadowed by multitude of scandals yea even then doth she shine and is eminent in her most firm Members c. And yet further Sed illa Ecclesia quae fuit omnium gentium non est periit hoc dicunt qui in illa non sunt O impudentem vocem Illa non est quia in illa tu non es But perhaps you will say saith he to the Donatists that that
Church which was gathered together of all Nations from the beginning is not now it hath perished or fallen from Christ thus say they which are not in her O impudent Speech Is she no longer a Church for that thou art not in her 24. Here I trow Fox will be ashamed or his Fellows for him seeing this is their ordinary speech That this great visible Church began by Christ and his Apostles held on well for a time but at length fell to Apostacy as St. Augustin saith of his Heretics in the same place Dicunt impletae sunt Scripturae crediderunt omnes gentes sed apostatavit periit Ecclesia These Heretics say that the Scriptures were fulfilled that all Nations believed and entred into this Church but that after a time it fell to Apostacy and perished But what answereth St. Augustin to this impudent Objection He opposeth the words of Christ himself Ecce ego vobiscum sum usque ad consummationem saeculi Behold I am with you to the end of the World. As who would say By this Doctrin they make Christ a Lyar and a Deceiver that promised more than he could perform nay in very deed they deny hereby his whole Deity and do evacuate all the Mysteries of his whole Incarnation Life Passion Resurrection Ascension and sending of the Holy Ghost c. 25. For to what end was all this done but to gather together found establish and to conserve this Church unto the end of the World For what was Christ incarnate and God made Man but to be Head of this Church Why did he preach gather his Apostles and Disciples instruct them pray for them and their continuance leave Sacraments among them but that they should visibly begin this Church Why did Christ send the Holy Ghost but to direct and confirm the same not for one Age or Two but to the Worlds end How did Christ command men under pain of Damnation to enter into this Church and absolutely to hear and obey the same if it were only to endure for certain Ages and then to perish How should Pagans Infidels Jews Turks Moors or other like people if by God's Inspiration they should have a desire to be Christians know what to do or whither to go or where to be truly instructed if they came after the time appointed by Fox when the visible Roman Church had perished to wit after the time of Pope Gregory VII when Fox saith That Christian Faith was now extinguished in the Vniversal visible Church above 500 years agone And yet on the other side this new Church of Wickliffians Hussites and others of that Sect which he putteth to be the true Church was not yet born by two or three hundred years So as then he must needs confess that either there was no Christian Church at all for some Ages or that he must place it in some other obscure Heretics and Sectaries of that time named by me before yet he doth not agree at all in their Articles of Religion 26. Well then this shall be sufficient to shew the absurdity of John Fox his device for overthrow of our Church and setting up of his own patching it up of the Heretics of these latter Ages And yet you must note that for the first three hundred years next after the Conquest to this time of the rising of Wickliff which contain the whole substance of his fourth Book and therein a hundred Leaves of Paper he scarce findeth any Heretics whom he dareth to challenge for Members of his Church fully tho' some liking he sheweth to the foresaid Waldenses and Albigenses So as all the substantial building of his Church beginneth only from Wickliff downward of whom we shall talk more particularly in the Chapter following 27. But perhaps then you will ask me How doth he fill up these hundred Leaves of Paper in this his fourth Book if here also he allege so little for his visible Church I shall tell you briefly He goeth from King to King and from Archbishop to Archbishop shewing what strifes or disagreements suits or controversies fell out between our two Archbishops of Canterbury and York between our Kings Archbishops Religious Orders and Secular Priests Canons and their Bishops and other such quarrels in those times making scornful Notes upon every Point and then he putteth down a Bead-roll of all the particular Orders of Religious Men in England entituling the same The Rabblement of Religious Orders Then cometh he in with a complaint of the Nobles of England against the Exactions and Covetousness of Popes in those days and many Letters and Writings about the same but citeth commonly no Author for any thing Then bringeth he in what variance at divers times there passed between the Popes and the Citizens of Rome what strifes between some Popes and Emperours betwixt Kings of France and Kings of England and such like other matter little to the purpose he took in hand which was to set down the race and course of his Church 28. But the greatest part of this Book doth take up the particular Lying Treatise against Pope Gregory VII against Lanfrank Anselm and Thomas Becket Archbishops of Canterbury the counterfeit devised poysoning of King John by a Monk or Friar the Story or Persecution as he calleth it of the Heretics named Waldenses or poor Men of Lyons and Albigenses of Tholosa and the like We shall say a word or two to each Point 29. As for Pope Gregory called before Hildebrand he so raileth upon him as if he had been the wickedest man that ever lived and the Emperour the best and yet have you heard the grave testimonies before of the principal ancient Authors to the contrary in them both But do you hear Fox himself speak Now let us proceed saith he to the contentions between wicked Hildebrand and the godly Emperour c. Lo how he sanctifieth the Emperour for hatred to the Pope 30. Of Archbishop Lanfrank so highly commended by all Writers for his Vertue and rare Learning whereby he confuted most excellently the new risen Heresie of Berengarius Fox writeth thus I think that unless Lanfrank had brought with him less Superstition and more sincere Science into Christ's Church he might have kept him still is his Country and have confuted Berengarius at home Do you see how wise a confutation this is 31. St. Anselm followed after Lanfrank in the Archbishopric of Canterbury and was banished by William Rufus and died upon the 22 of April in the year 1109 and is held for a Saint by all Posterity and his said day kept Festival throughout Christendom And yet so writeth Fox his Story as tho' King Rufus whose manners yet all English Historiographers both Heretics and Catholics do greatly blame had had the right and Anselmus had offered the wrong insomuch as in one place Fox maketh this Marginal Note against this holy Man The proud stoutness of a Prelate in a
up by God for lightening the World and impugning the Church of Rome he leaveth to himself a starting-hole for all necessities when he shall be pressed telling us That albeit in John Wickliff 's Opinions and Assertions some blemishes perhaps may be noted yet such blemishes they be which rather declare him to be a man that might err than which directly did fight against Christ our Savior c. 8. Consider I pray you what a Defence this is Perhaps saith he some blemishes may be noted as tho' the matter were in doubt whether he had any blemishes in his Doctrin or no. Which yet after the Fox is forced to confess and to disclaim them openly And further he addeth full wisely That if he have blemishes or errors in Doctrin they are such as do rather prove that he was a man and might err than that he did directly fight against Christ Mark the manner of his Defence His errors do prove only That he was a man and might err And so I say also of the worst Heretics that their errors and blemishes in Doctrin do prove that they were men and erring men yea wicked men also in that they obstinately defended their own errors And so I say of Wickliff in like manner But mark what followeth Rather than that he did fight directly against Christ Which is as much as to say that it importeth not much tho' he impugned Christ indirectly if directly he did not fight against him And may not any Heretics that ever lived be defended in this sort No Heretics do openly and directly impugn Christ but rather pretend to honor him above others bearing ever the Names not only of Christians but also of the best and most reformed Christians and consequently they never fought directly against Christ but indirectly pretending one thing and doing another 9. After John Fox hath greatly justified Wickliff by divers Leaves of Paper together he cometh to set down 23 of his first Articles condemned by the Church of England at that day and that as Fox confesseth by special chosen Judges gathered together to wit eight Bishops fifteen Religious Learned Men of divers Orders fourteen Doctors and six Batchelors of Divinity all which Fox doth name and contemn And yet these Articles tho' in divers points they concur with Luther Zwinglius and Calvin's Doctrin in these days yet in others they do greatly disagree and Fox I think will not defend them As for Example The fourth Article is That if a Bishop or Priest should give Holy Orders or consecrate the Sacrament of the Altar or minister Baptism whiles he is in mortal sin in were nothing available 10. Will Fox yield to this Article think you For if he do we may call in doubt whether ever he were well baptiz'd and consequently whether he were a Christian seeing it may be doubted whether the Priest that baptiz'd him were in mortal sin or no when he did it And again the ninth Article is That it is against Scripture for any Ecclesiastical Ministers to have any temporal possessions at all This Article if Fox will grant yet his Fellow-Ministers and his Lords the Bishops I presume will hardly yield thereunto but will pretend Scriptures to the contrary against Wickliff Let us see the rest The tenth Article is That no Prelate ought to excommunicate any person except he know him first to be excommunicated by God. The fifteenth is That so long as a man is in deadly sin he is neither Bishop nor Prelate The sixteenth is That Temporal Lords may according to their own wills and discretion take away the Temporal Goods from any Church men whensoever they offend The seventeenth is That Tythes are meer Alms and may be detained by the Parishioners and bestowed where they will at their pleasure 11. These were some of Wickliff's first Articles condemn'd at Oxford about the year of Christ 1380 but after he published many worse And I would here know of John Fox Whether He and his Fellow-Ministers will allow of these Articles or no And if not but that they will have them accounted for his blemishes or errors as Fox calleth them then may we also with better reason account for blemishes and errors his other Propositions wherein he agreeth with the Protestants against Us as I doubt not but that John Fox will account those also wherein he agreeth with Us against Him which are many and far more than the former wherein he joyneth with Him against Us as may be gathered by these few Articles alleged here by Fox himself whereby tho' mingled with much other erroneous Doctrin as you see it is evident that Wickliff held divers Points also of Catholic Religion as Holy Orders Consecration Excommunication distinction of Venial and Mortal Sins and other like For which cause I marvel why John Fox would allege these Articles but only to confound himself and to shew that his holy Patriarch Wickliff is so full of blemishes as scarce any unspotted thing can be found in his Doctrin 12. But this is the beggery of this new Church that it cannot be made up but by such Dunghil-clouts gathered together from under the feet of their Adversaries For albeit Wickliff Husse and other like Sectaries did hold many more Articles with Us against the Protestants than with Them against us yet such is the Integrity Purity Severity yea Majesty of our Church that forasmuch as they agreed not in all and every point of Belief we according to the Creed of Athanasius reject them and as spotted and blemished Rags do cast them out to the Dunghil whom poor Fox gathereth up again with great diligence putting them into his Calendar for Saints and chief Pillers of his new Church and so consequently maketh his Church of our Shoe clouts which how honorable thing it may be esteemed let every man judge For if these Heretics did agree with him in all Points of his Doctrin tho' by joyning with them he should shew himself an Heretic yet they not agreeing but in some Points only and impugning him in the rest it sheweth a marvelous base mind and lack of common sense to make them Pillars of his Church as he doth 13. But there is yet another point worse than this which is that he doth not only allow of the Religion of these men but defendeth also and justifieth their Life and Actions in what case soever and tho' never so orderly and lawfully condemned by the Church or State of those days yea tho' they were convinced to have conspired the King's Murther and Ruin to the State or had broken forth into open War and Hostility against the same As did Sir John Oldcastle by his Wife called Lord Cobham Sir Roger Acton and many other their Followers in the first year of King Henry V. which Story you may read in John Stow truly related out of Thomas Walsingham and other ancient Writers 14. He setteth down also without blushing I mean Fox as well
That the chief Heads thereof must be Bishops Secondly They must succeed orderly one to another Thirdly They must come down from the very Apostles as before hath been shewed Fourthly Christian Nations must agree in the same Faith under them All which four Points are to be found in the Succession of the Universal Roman Church as you have seen but no one of them and much less all are to be found in this Rabble of Heresies and Sectaries scrap'd together by Fox in his former Catalogue For neither were they Bishops at all but private men as after shall be shewed tho' Fox most falsly doth affirm one of them to have been a Learned Bishop Nor did they succeed in Office Function Charge or Jurisdiction the one to the other or concurred in one Time Country or place but one in one corner and another in another One stept up in Germany another in France another in Italy and another in England the one a Priest another a Friar another a Merchant and the other a Souldier or Crafts-man of different States Professions and Conditions yea of different Faith and Religion also as presently shall be shewed Neither had they any relation one to the other more than Botley to Billingsgate or Canterbury to Constantinople And as for Antiquity and coming down by Succession from the Apostles they are far from it as Fox himself confesseth in that he beginneth his Catalogue only from Pope Innocentius 1200 years after Christ as you have heard So as if Christ had any visible Church before this time it must needs be Ours by Fox's own confession 14. And finally the last Point mentioned here and so highly esteemed by St. Augustin of the consent of People and Nations tot populorum consensione firmatur whereof he maketh such account in another place as he saith Anathema erit quisquis annunciaverit Ecclesiam praeter Communicationem omnium gentium He shall be accursed whosoever shall say the Church to be any other but the Communication of all Nations This quality I say he that shall consider and examin in these poor Fellows alleged by Fox who were but a few Outcasts of every Country where they sprung shall find it so ridiculous and contemptible a thing in respect of the main consent of Nations under the Roman Church as without laughter it cannot be spoken of 15. Finally of this ridiculous Succession of Heretics the same holy Father writeth fitly in these words Videtis certè multos praecisos à radice Christianae Societatis quae per Sedes Apostolorum Successiones Episcoporum certa per Orbem propagatione diffunditur de sola figura Originis sub Christiano nomine quasi arescentia sarmenta gloriari quas Haereses Schismata nominamus Truly you see many cut off from the root of this Christian Society the Church which Society is spread over all the World by the Seats of the Apostles and Succession of Bishops as it were by a most certain Propagation or Generation and these Fellows do brag of a certain figure or similitude of a Beginning or Succession under the name of Christians but are indeed wither'd Branches cut off from the Vine and these we call Heretics and Schismatics Thus saith St. Augustin And could any man describe better the Apish Imitation of John Fox endeavouring to bring in his Succession of a few condemned Heretics de sola figura Originis sub Christiano nomine gloriantes bragging only of a certain similitude of Beginning and Succession under the name of reformed Christians but indeed cast out and condemned by the Universal Church 16. This then is the second Point to be noted about the quality of Ecclesiastical Succession But another there is of no less moment but rather more And this is That those who succeed one another in the self-same Church be also of one Faith and Belief in all Articles of Religion For if they differ tho' it were but in any one substantial Point they cannot be of one Church nor of one Communion nor be saved together for that as there is but one God one Christ one Church and one Baptism as the Apostle testifieth so is there but one only Faith in the same Church to be saved by which all men must hold unitedly wholly and inviolably or else as in the Creed of St. Athanasius is affirmed absque dubio in aeternum peribit without doubt he shall perish eternally that disagreeth or dissenteth 17. It were a long matter to stand here upon the proof of this Point to wit how exact and severe the Catholic Church is and ever hath been in defending this strict Simplicity Union and Conformity of Faith in all those that will be her Children St. Thomas handleth the matter at large and very substantially and so do other School-men after him shewing That whosoever erreth in any one Article of Catholic Faith obstinately loseth his whole Faith in all the rest which he seemeth to believe And yieldeth most evident reasons for the same And of the same severity were the ancient Fathers in this behalf as St. Cyprian who applying to this purpose those words of Christ Qui non est mecum adversum me est He that is not with me is against me saith It was meant by Christ of all sorts of Heretics whatsoever Gregory Nazianzen also writeth Qui uno verbo tanquam veneni gutta inficiunt c. They who by any one word as with a drop of Poyson do infect the simple Faith of Christ are to be cast out of the Church as Heretics c. And St. Hierom Propter unum etiam verbum aut duo c. For one word or two contrary to the Catholic Faith many Heresies have been cast out of the Church And finally St. Augustin having reckon'd up Eighty particular Heresies in his Book to Quod-vult-deus he saith That there may chance to lurk many other petty Heresies unknown to him Quarum aliquam quisquis tenuerit Christianus Catholicus non erit Of which Heresies whosoever shall hold any one he shall not be a Catholic Christian and consequently cannot be saved 18. Mark the severity of this holy Man affirming That whosoever holdeth any the least hidden Heresie whatsoever cannot be saved A dreadful Sentence no doubt for many of our Country-men at this day if well they thought of their own case who think it lawful or at leastwise not much dangerous to hold private Opinions at their own pleasure yea many of them thinking as the old Donatists did which St. Augustin relateth and greatly condemneth Nihil interesse credentes in qua quisque parte Christianus sit believing that it is not of great importance in what part Sect or Faction soever a man be a Christian so he believe in Christ Thus thought the Donatists and are much reprehended by St. Augustin for it And this no doubt is the Opinion of many English-men at this day who being tossed hither and thither with
a Fox in all things and to deal sincerely in nothing I shall allege the words of the Authors that write of this matter Certain Heretics say they to the number of Eighty were burned in Argentina in Switzerland for that they denied Fornication to be any sin at all for that it is a natural act and that it was as lawful to eat flesh in Lent as at any other time c. 26. Behold what holy Martyrs these were and whether it be likely they were burned by Pope Innocentius seeing they were burned in Argentina Consider also that of Eighty he there maketh a Hundred by the art of Exaggeration and Multiplication Add likewise to these saith he Waldenses or Albigenses with a great number more to which number belonged Raymundus Earl of Tholose Marsilius Patavinus Gulielmus de Sancto Amore Simon Tornacensis c. Here if John Fox do take the Waldenses and Albigenses to be all one Sect as it seemeth he doth by his using the word or and adjoyning the Earl of Tholose as belonging to them both then is it both false and great ignorance also in him For that the Waldenses otherwise called the poor men of Lyons began about the year of Christ 1160 or 1180 as other men write before Innocentius III. came to be Pope Their beginning was by one Waldo a rich Citizen of the Town who giving all his Wealth to a certain Community or Brotherhood of Men whom he called the poor men of Lyons made a Society of them with certain Rules after the form of a Religious Confraternity as Aeneas Sylvius describeth pretending Holiness at the beginning and with that pretence went afterward to Rome and demanded an Approbation of that Society from Pope Lucius as testifieth also Vrspergensis who was then present in Rome and saw them But the Pope seeing certain Superstitions among them refused the same Wherewith they being offended began to cry out against the Pope and therewith to defend divers Errors and most absurd Heresies whereof as some are held at this day by the Protestants so divers are not nor will John Fox I presume defend them As for Example these that follow noted generally by all Authors that write of them 27. I. That all Carnal Concupiscence and Conjunction is lawful when Lust doth burn us II. That all Oaths are unlawful unto Christians for any cause whatsoever in this World because it is written Nolite jurare Do not swear Mat. 5. Jac. 5. III. That no Judgment of Life and Death is permitted to Christians in this life for that it is written Nolite judicare Mat. 7. Luc. 6. IV. That the Creed of the Apostles is to be contemned and no account at all to be made of it V. That no other Prayer is to be used by Christians but only the Pater Noster set down in Scripture VI. That the power of Consecrating the Body of Christ and of hearing Confessions was left by Christ not only to Priests but also to Lay-men if they be just VII That no Priests must have any Livings at all but must live on Alms and that no Bishops or other Dignitaries are to be admitted in the Clergy but that all must be equal VIII That Mass is to be said once only every year to wit upon Maundy-Thursday when the Sacrament was instituted and the Apostles made Priests For that Christ said do this in my remembrance to wit say they that which he did at that time IX Item That the words of Consecration must be no other but only the Pater Noster seven times said over the Bread c. X. By all which and other Articles to the number of thirty three Condemned by the Church which Prateolus and others do recount a man may see that as these Heretics agreed with Protestants in some Points so did they dissent in many more Yea held divers points of Catholic Religion against Protestants together with these Errors And consequently I see no reason why these men should be gathered up by John Fox as cho●en Members of that Protestant Church but for that they have no other and yet will needs seem to have some And thus much for the Wal●enses 28. The Albigenses were another Sect of Heretics rising some thirty or forty years after the Waldenses under Innocentius III. Anno Domini 1216. And their beginning was at a Town called Albigium in the Province of Tholosa Who albeit in some points they agreed with the said Waldenses yet as all Sects are wont to do they differed greatly in many other Articles and grew so fast in number as Caesarius saith that in a little time they infected a thousand Cities and great Towns round about and had an Army of 70000. fighting Men to defend their Heresie For which Cause also they called help from the Moors in Barbary but yet were overcome by the Catholic Army that was not above 8000. as Historiographers do write the Captain whereof was the most Christian Prince Simon of Momfort And after this Battel given the most part of those Heretics were Converted by St. Dominicks Preaching 29. The Points that these Men held besides the denial of the Popes Supremacy Purgatory Prayer for the Dead and some other such Articles wherein they agreed with the Protestants of our days they held also many other Articles wherein they disagreed both from the Protestants and us As for Example I. They held with the Manichees that then were two Gods one good and another evil and that as the good God created the Soul so the evil created the Body II. They denied all Resurrection of the Body And that it was in vain for Christians to use any kind of Prayer at all or to have Churches for that purpose Seeing it profiteth nothing all things being irrevocably determined by Gods Providence III. That external Baptism was an idle Ceremony and to be rejected as superfluous IV. That mens Souls did pass from one to another yea through Beasts and Serpents And that God Created no new Souls from the beginning of the World but changeth them only from Body to Body c. 30. These and many other such like Beastly absurdities of theirs are recorded by the Writers of those times and namely by those here quoted And more then this their soul wicked behaviour is related to have been so abominable as Christian modesty doth scarce permit to be repeated as for Example of doing their easement upon the Altar and making themselves clean with the ●all and Corporals thereof Their abusing the Body of a Strumpet upon a high Altar in despight of a Crucifix that stood there whose Ears Nose and Arms they cut off and then tying a Haltar about his Neck they drew him most scornfully about the Streets of Tholosa c. and other like And these are the Saints gathered up by John Fox to frame his new Church 31. And for that all the rest that do ensue in his Catalogue of particular Men of his
to this or that Man or Woman For so he cometh in presently with his Examples of Queen Anne and Cromwell So long saith he as Queen Anne lived the Gospel had indifferent success but after that she by sinister instigation of some about the King was made away the course of the Gospel began again to decline But that the Lord then stirred up the Lord Cromwell opportunely to help in that behalf who did much avail for the increase of God's true Religion and much more had brought it to perfection if the pestilent Adversaries maligning the prosperous Glory of the Gospel had not by contrary practising undermined him and supplanted his vertuous proceedings 22. Behold here a wise Discourse of John Fox Whereby if nothing else were you might perceive how justly and truly that Spirit of Majesty that spake to him in his Bed upon a Sunday in the morning if you remember called him Thou Fool For that no man but a very Fool indeed would have brought forth these Examples to have proved his purpose being both impertinent and clearly false in themselves 23. And first they are impertinent or rather against himself for that they shew that his Gospel had no other beginning in England but upon Affection of Men and Women False also are the Examples if we consider the Times themselves for that the foresaid new Book of devised Articles mentioned by Hall and Hollinshead as the first public Alteration in points of Religion discovered in King Henry was made and set forth after the death of Queen Anne Bullen to wit upon the 8th of June 1536 whereas the Queen died upon the 19th of May before And Fox himself having related the said Articles and Book as set forth after the death of Queen Anne he saith thus This Book treated especially but of three Sacraments Baptism Penance and the Supper of the Lord for which the Lincolnshire men took Arms c. And then he addeth this Note in the Margin Alteration of Religion a little beginneth And after again presently this other Note Commotion in Lincolnshire Whereby is evident out of his own words that the first beginning of any alteration in points of Religion towards his Gospel was after the death of Queen Anne Bullen and consequently it is a ridiculous foolery which he writeth before That so long as Queen Anne lived the Gospel had indifferent success c. 24. The other Example also of Cromwell is no less apparently false for that besides the particulars which you have heard before of his assisting to punish and burn Protestants and his Sentence of death given against Lambert with the Protestation he made at his own death of his being Catholic and never doubting of any one Point of Catholic Religion Besides all this I say it is notorious that when the severe Statute of Six Articles was made against all sorts of Protestants in the 31st year of King Henry's Reign which was in the Month of April 1540 as appeareth both by the Book of Statutes it self and Hall Holinshead and other Chroniclers Cromwell was then in his highest Authority and Favor with the King as is evident for that in the time of the very same Parliament besides all his other great Offices before received as of Baron Chancellor Knight of the Garter Master of the Jewels Vicar-General in Spiritual Affairs and other like Titles he was created also Earl of Essex and High-Chamberlain of England which Holinshead setteth down in these words The 18th of April at Westminster was Lord Thomas Cromwell created Earl of Essex and ordained Great Chamberlain of England which Office the Earls of Oxford were wont ever to enjoy Also Gregory his Son was made Lord Cromwell c. Thus writeth he And if in Cromwell's most flourishing time this Act of Six Articles came out for punishment of Protestants the most severe that can be imagined how fond and childish a babling was that before used by Fox when he telleth us that as long as the good Lord Cromwell was in credit or bare Rule with the King their Gospel went prosperously c 25. Well then by all this we may see how poor and troden down a state John Fox's Church and Religion held under King Henry notwithstanding all his brags and flattering of him in his Pictures Which yet that you may not think we mean only of the temporal or external condition or contemptibility of his Church for of that perhaps he would brag seeing he defines his Church by the words obscure and troden down I would have you here consider briefly but two things only for the end of this Chapter which directly do appertain to the true spiritual misery of Fox's Church and Religion in those days under King Henry if a Confusion of fantastical Opinions Errors and Heresies may be called a Religion 26. The first is That in King Henry's days at leastwise for a great part thereof the Protestants Sects were not yet fully distinguished into their Classes or Orders but were a great confused heap of new Opinions all going under the name of Gospellers or Protestants as well Lutherans Oecolampadians Zuinglians and other Sacramentaries as Waldensians Wickliffians Anabaptists Libertines and other such-like So as in this first Heap and Mass of Gospellers were contained all the several Sects that since have been distinguished as the four Elements and particular parts thereof were contained according to the Poets Fiction in that great confused Chaos of the World before it was distinguished or to speak more properly they were as the Bears Whelps when first they are born and new fallen from their Mothers Womb to wit certain disform gross confused things which by often licking of their Parents are polished at last and brought to some fashion of handsom Creatures such as you know Bears Whelps to be 27. And even so was it in those days with Protestants Religion For that every man that would hold a new Opinion of what Sect soever or would speak against the Catholic Church or Doctrin then used was admitted presently for a Brother of the new Gospel and for a sincere Servant of God and holy Gospeller as John Fox every-where calleth them without distinction whether he were a Lutheran Zuinglian Anabaptist Waldensian Wickliffist Lolhard or whatsoever else but since that time this Chaos hath been somewhat more distinguished and polished and every sort of Sectaries divided into their Classes Which Luther himself began first to do noting nine distinct Sects to have risen in few years after him out of his Doctrin and these only of Sacramentaries Whereunto his chief Scholar Melancthon a little before his death in his Judgment written to the Palsgrave or Prince Elector of Rhene added six more to be among the Lutherans themselves But others that have gathered them more exactly and distinctly as Staphilus a most Learned Man and Counsellor to the Emperour Bishop Lyndan Dr. Gabriel Prateolus and others do divide them into a far great number
one Protestant Opinion in his life as we shall shew when we come to his place in the Calendar And as for Bucer and Melancthon they were Lutherans indeed and open Enemies for many years against Zuinglius and Zuinglians that are the Flower of John Fox's Church And tho' Friar Bucer afterward to have the free use of his Woman in England dissembled egregiously in some things to please the Protector for a time and seemed to bear with the Sacramentaries yet told he the Lord Dudley then Duke of Northumberland being asked confidently his opinion of the Sacrament by the said Duke in the presence of the Lord Pagett then a Protestant who testified the same publicly afterward that for the Real Presence it could not be denied if we believe all that the Evangelists do write But whether all be to be believed or no he said merrily that was a matter of more disputation 35. And lastly concerning King Edward VI. set down also by Fox in red Letters for a solemn Confessor of his Religion If we talk of King Henry's time he was a very young Confessor for that he was scarce nine years old when his Father died And it is very probable that the Religion which he at that Age could receive was rather such as his Father had caused him to be taught during his life than such as it pleased Fox to assign unto him afterwards But if Fox mean that he was a Confessor of their Religion after his Fathers death albeit it be hard to say of what Religion the Child would have been if he had lived yet do I think him rather worthy to be accounted a Martyr of Fox's Church than a Confessor Seeing it is probable that the bringing in of that Religion and change of state left by his Father was the cause of his immature death For that if matters had remained as his Father left them and no Protector chosen as he appointed nor Wriothesley the Chancellor put out of his Office nor other Catholic Councellors most faithful to the conservation of the Kings Blood had been disgraced and displaced by that unlucky change like it is that the good young King might have lived many fair years more and his two Sisters never have fallen into those imminent dangers of present destruction which they once saw themselves in by the ambition of the new Gospelling Faction But enough of this and of all the Reign of King Henry VIII Now shall we pass briefly over the rest that remaineth CHAP. XII Whether Fox's Church hath had any Place under King Edward Queen Mary and Her Majesty that now Reigneth and how far it hath been admitted or is admitted at this day ALbeit John Fox did Paint out King Henry VIII in the first page of his Life sitting with his Feet upon the Popes back and the Gospel in his Lap with his Sword lifted up in his right-hand to defend the same as before you have heard yet did he Paint Cromwell and Cranmer staying up the said Sword least it should fall upon the Protestants themselves as we have shewed that in effect it did But now in the first page of King Edward's Reign Fox hath a much more ample and triumphant Pageant for the Child above his Father Who though he were but nine years old yet seemeth Fox to make him a fuller Head of the Church than his Father placing him in a high Throne of Majesty and his stretched out Sword in the right Hand and with the other which is the left he delivereth the Gospel unto the People and Prelates that stand round about him Where Fox writeth in the Margent this Note King Edward delivering the Bible to the Prelates c. As tho' the Bible had taken Authority from the Childs delivering Who being so tender of Age as he was and of likelihood scarce able to read the same and much less to understand it as well he might have delivered them the Poem of Chaucer or the Story of Guy of Warwick or of Bevis of Southampton if it had been put into his Hand to deliver as this was by his Uncle the Protector that knew full near as little of the Contents as the Child himself 2. But besides this Majestical representation of delivering the Gospel there be two or three other Pageants in the same page The first is of pulling down Images with great diligence every where and burning them with this Sentence written under The Temple well purged And then is there a great Ship painted with Men Women and Children carrying their Church-Stuff into that Ship to wit Bells Books Images and Candles and amongst other things also the Blessed Sacrament And over the Ship is written thus The Ship of the Romish Church And on the side this Sentence Ship over your Trinkets and be packing you Papists And thus is John Fox's pleasant Head delighted with these Fancies But who seeth not how childish this folly is Seeing scarce six years after this triumph when Queen Mary came in a Man might have said to him again and his Fellows Ship over your Trinkets and be packing you Protestants 3. But if we consider indeed the different Wares and Trinkets which this Catholic Roman Ship carried away from England at that time and those which the new Protestants Ship brought in soon after from Germany Geneva Switzerland and other Places we shall easily discover whether the loss were greater for our Nation by the departure of the one or by the coming in of the other For that in the Roman Ship was carried away not only the blessed Sacrament as Fox saith and Painteth it out which yet is the highest and most precious Treasure that Christ hath left to Christians upon Earth but with that also all kind of vertue and honesty for the most part For that all Modesty Gravity Learning Piety Devotion Peace Concord Unity and Charity was carried away And in the new Gospelling Ship came in all the contrary Vices namely of Sedition Division Pride Temerity Curiosity Novelties Sensuality Impiety and Atheism And in place of many sober honest and grave men that retired themselves upon this change there came running into England a main number of wanton Apostata Priests and Friars each one with his Mate and Dame at his side hungry and turbulent people as Friar Bale Friar Bucer Friar Coverdale Friar Martyr and other like Who joined with other of their own Sect in England in such a vein of Innovations as quickly brought all upon their own Heads And so tho' after all these foresaid three Pictures and Representations to wit the Bible distributed the Churches spoiled and the Catholic Roman Ship sent away John Fox doth make a fourth fair Pageant of the Protestants kind and comfortable meeting together at their Communion Table and their peaceable breaking of Bread. Yet if you consider what presently ensued in their actions I mean of their changing chopping pulling down and setting up in those few years that it
Contentions but had not the Gift of the old Apostolical Preachers to preach the self-same Faith and Doctrin every where but so many men so many Opinions were set abroach every man following his own fancy only they agreed in impugning the Catholic Church Rites Doctrin and Service but among themselves they could not agree 11. Which thing being signified to the Protector both before his departure and while he was in the Scottish Journey it grieved him exceedingly and wrote back to Cranmer Ridley and the rest that they should seek some means of Agreement and Conformity and that they should make hast to end the Common-Service-Book or Book of Common Prayer Doctrin and Rites which they had begun to treat of before his departure out of London But this was not so easie to do for that new Factions and Divisions were grown now among them especially upon the arrival of the foresaid new Preachers as well English as strangers from beyond the Seas For albeit the strangers could not much help in making this English Communion-Book or rather new Mass-Book yet did they hurt and hinder the same much by the variety of Opinions which they brought with them in matter of Doctrin some of them coming from Saxony and others from Switzerland where there were different new Sects and Doctrins held and taught And forasmuch as in this Book not only the Rites and Ceremonies of Service and Administration of Sacraments but the Doctrin also of their Number and Nature and other Articles of Belief were to be expressed or at leastwise insinuated hereof arose a great War for that Bucer would have one thing Peter Martyr another Ochinus a third and then stepped in John Bale and Milo Coverdale freshly come with their new Doctrin and wanton Women from beyond Seas and would have room amongst the rest 12. But above all others did trouble the Market at this time two heady married Priests come also from beyond the Seas to wit John Hooper and John Rogers the one from Wittenberg with a German Wife the other from Argentine with a Burgundian Sister as Fox testifieth who dissenting wholly from the Course begun by Cranmer and Ridley and bearing special emulation against them as accounting themselves more Learned and zealous and more reformed than they as in their Lives we shall shew when we come to their places in the Calendar they being potent in Speech and Faction and had in estimation of the people in respect of their former Banishment they made this Agreement at the first beginning much more difficult Especially for that one Hugh Latimer more turbulent than any of them all and of more regard with the common people for that he had been Bishop in King Henry's days joyned with Hooper and Rogers against Cranmer and Ridley for that they were not inclined to restore him his Bishoprick of Worcester whereof he had been deprived by King Henry VIII 13. Whereupon the Protector when he returned to London from the Scottish Voyage in the end of the Summer he was greatly troubled to see these Divisions But especially for that he found nothing ready as he had hope for the new Communion-Book but only that the old Religion was impugned and the new not yet framed and infinite strife was raised both about the one and the other Yet a Parliament being called together upon the Fourth of November Anno Domini 1547 and the First of King Edward they thought to give an attempt to see what might be done to have some Alteration established But it would hardly be notwithstanding all Art Power and Persuasion was used by the Protector and his people to obtain the same For that in this Parliament they gat only two things of moment to be determined about Religion The first was that all former penal Statutes made against any Heretic or Sectary whatsoever from King Edward the Third downward to wit for the space almost of 200 years should be revoked But namely the Statutes made against Lollards Wickliffians Hussits Anabaptists and the rest in the 1. Year of King Richard the Second and in the 2. Year of King Henry the Fifth and in the and 35. Years of King Henry the Eighth against what Heresies Heretics or Sectaries soever All these Laws and Statutes I say were recalled annulled and taken away together with their punishments prohibitions or other restraints whatsoever So as now every Man might think say preach or teach what he thought best And this judgeth Fox to be a goodly sweet Liberty of the Gospel where no Man is bound nor forced to any thing And this determined a Child of Nine years old against the Decrees of all his prudent Ancestors for 200 years upward 14. But yet in all this free liberty of Sectaries to say write and teach what they list the punishment of Death was reserved unto Catholics that should speak in defence of the Doctrin of the Pope's Supremacy or in derogation of the Supreme Ecclesiastical Headship of this young King. And this was the first and principal beginning of the Gospel in King Edward's time to give every Man liberty to do and believe what he would so he were not a Catholic Which is much like the opening of Prisons and common Jayls in the beginning of a Rebellion when all Malefactors are made free from fear of Laws so they will joyn in Faction with the Rebellious And upon the opening of this Gate no marvail tho' all Sectaries rushed in and among others divers Arians Anabaptists Trinitarians and like Heretics began to preach presently their Doctrins with such publicity as Cranmer and his Fellows for repressing thereof were enforced to sit in publick Judgment and condemn divers of them to Death albeit I do not see by what Law having now revoked and annulled all former Statutes made against Heretics for their punishment as hath been said And namely he condemned Joan of Kent alias Joan Knell that had been a Handmaid of Anne Askew burned before in the last year of King Henry VIII for denying the Real Presence And Joan had profited so much under Anne's Doctrin as now she denied Christ to have taken Flesh of the Blessed Virgin who was so resolute with her Scriptures against Cranmer and his Assistants sitting upon her and her Fellows in our Lady 's Cappel of S. Paul's Church in London upon the 27th of April when he gave Sentence of Death against her that she reproached him greatly for his inconstancy in Religion telling him that he condemned not long before Anne Askew for a piece of Bread and now condemned her for a piece of Flesh And that as he was come now to believe the first which then he had condemned so would he come in time to believe the second c. 15. And for that O. E. in his Defence of Sir Francis Hastings would not seem to think this matter to be true I do assure the Reader in all sincerity that I have it by relation and asseveration
must prepare me c. And having thus spoken he kneeled down saying to them that were about him I beseech you all to bear me witness that I die in the true Catholic Faith. And then said he the Psalms of Miserere and De Profundis his Pater Noster c. 47. This is Stow's Narration whereby you see first the dishonesty and falshood of the other Chroniclers that leave it quite out and the cozenage of John Fox that only saith it in two or three Lines and lieth most shamefully affirming That he having Promise made unto him that tho' his Head were upon the Block he should have his Pardon if he would recant he consented thereunto Which yet you see the Duke protesteth the contrary upon his Death that it was not for Flattery or hope of Life or upon any Man's Instruction but only upon Conscience first to save his own Soul and then for desire to deliver his natural Country from the Infection of Heresie and Calamities thereon ensuing 48. And thus much of those Men and their Fruits who first planted this Gosael But now as for the Means whereby these things were wrought you have heard them before that they were all commonly by pulling down thrusting out dissolving of Discipline giving immunity from punishments to all sorts of Heretics and of Marriage to loose Priests and Apostate Friers and other like licentious Liberties far different from the purity severity and strictness of Life used by the first Planters of Christ's Gospel And as for the form and fashion of this new Religion set up under this Child-King it was as you have heard both their own Men and ours testifie compounded and patched up of all diversity of Sects and Religions as it pleased the Composers many things they took and retained of ours as well in Doctrin as in Rites and Ceremonies Some things of the Lutherans some others of the Zuinglians some of the Relicks of King Henry's mutation as that of the Supreme Head of the Church a singular Point of Doctrin proper to England above all other Nations But most of this Composition was of their own Inventions which yet neither the Protestants that remained in secret under Queen Mary did wholly allow as appeareth by that which I have cited before of John Rogers's Prophecy nor the other that began again under her Majesty that now is did wholly readmit the form and fashion but made a new one of their own as by their Communion-Book is evident nor do the purer sort of Calvinists in these days any way like or approve the one or the other as before we have shewed 49. Whereupon I may conclude as well this Chapter as also this whole Second Part that neither under King Henry the VIII nor King Edward the VI. nor Queen Mary had John Fox any distinct Church extant or known to the World especially if his Church be the Puritan Congregation as he will seem to signifie in many places of his Acts and Monuments But whether he have any such Church now visible under her Majesty at this day in England and in what state and condition it standeth I will not stand to enquire or discuss but do leave it to my Lords of Lambert and London whom most it concerneth being sufficient for me to have shewed throughout all former Christian Ages that John Fox hath had no Church of any Antiquity and consequently if he he have any now it must be a very young Church and of so tender Age as he may marry her to what Sect or Sectary he listeth for her Youth and that with hope of Brood and Issue And so much of all this matter CHAP. XIII The Conclusion of both these former Parts together with a particular Discourse of the notorious different Proceeding of Catholics and Protestants in searching out the truth of Matters in Controversie BY all that hitherto hath been written and discoursed good Christian Reader about the former Subject of discerning true Christian Religion and the way whereby to know and find the same I do not doubt but that of thy prudence thou hast observed a far different course holden by us that are Catholics and our Adversaries in this behalf we seeking to make matters plain evident easie perspicuous and demonstrable so far as may be even to the Eye it self whereas our Adversaries and namely John Fox according to that which by reading this Treatise you have seen doth altogether the contrary intangling himself and his Reader with such Obscurities Difficulties and Contradictions both about Times Matter and Men as he findeth not where to begin nor where to end nor yet how to go forward or backward in that he had taken in hand which I suppose to have been abundantly shewed by that which hitherto hath been written For whereas we for our parts begin clearly with the very first Corps or Body of Religion Instituted by Christ himself and the first Professors thereof that made a Church or Christian Congregation and do never after leave the same but do deduce it visibly and without interruption from that time to this and thereby do shew the beginning and continuance of one and the same Religion from their days to ours John Fox on the other side knoweth not well either where to begin where to insist or where to end as sufficiently you have seen tried For albeit in the Tile of his Book he tells us that he will bring down his Church from the Apostles time to ours and then after in his Protestation to the Christian Reader he do●h tell us farther that his true Church is different from the great visible Roman Church yet in the prosecution of his Work he setteth forth and describeth only the Roman Church as before we have declared and doth not so much as name any distinct visible Church of his own or other except only of such Heretics as himself also condemneth for such different from the said Roman Church for the space of almost 1200 years and then falleth he into such a strange extravagant humor of building a new Church for himself and his out of all sorts and Sects of later Heretics as being not able in all Points for very shame to allow their Opinions which in many Points are most absurd and contradictory both to him and us as also among themselves he findeth himself extremely intangled nor cannot tell which way to wind tho' he be a Fox nor which way to turn his Head but is forced to double hither and thither to go forth and back say and unsay and to cast a hundred shadows of wrangling glosses upon the whole matter thereby to obscure the same to the Eyes and Ears of his Reader 2. And finally it seemeth to me that the difference between us and him and his to wit between Catholics and Protestants in this behalf is not much unlike to that of two Cloth-sellers of London the one a Royal Merchant which layeth open his Wares clearly giveth into your
hands the whole piece of Cloth at mid-day willeth you to view and behold it in the Sun removeth all veils pentices and other stoppings of light that may give obscurity or impediment to the manifest beholding handling and discerning thereof Whereas contrariwise the other being a crafty Broker or poor Pedlar having no substantial Wares indeed to sell but such as are false made and deceitfully wrought and taken up also for the most part of the others leavings seeketh by all means possible to sell in corners and to shut out the Sun that it be not well seen or to give you a sight thereof by false lights only neither will he deliver you the whole piece into your hand to be examined throughly by your self but sheweth you one end thereof only different from the rest which he suppresseth And this manner of proceeding shall you find verified on their side throughout this whose Treatise as we have done already I doubt not if you have read it over with attention yet mean I in this place to discover the same somewhat more in particular for an upshot and conclusion of these first two parts of my Treatise 3. Three special differences then I do find between our Adversaries and us concerning the Affair of this Treatise about the finding out of true Religion by the true Church and by the beginning progress and continuance thereof The first is the estimation of the thing it self The second the assigning out or description thereof The third the marks and properties whereby to know and discover the same Of every one whereof I shall speak a word or two in order 4. For estimation of the great importance and singular moment of this matter the difference is evident between us for that we affirm the finding out and holding this Church to be of such weight as that all lieth therein for certainty and security of belief and for determining of all doubts and controversies in all times and places and in all matters of Religion whatsoever even from Christ to the Worlds end For we say with S. Augustin when any difficulty falleth out Quisquis falli metuit hujus obscuritate quaestionis Ecclesiam de illa consulat Whosoever doth fear to be deceived by the obscurity of this Question in controversie let him go to the Church for his Resolution and he shall be secure We say also with Lactantius Firmianus before St. Augustin who was Master and Tutor to Crispus Son to Constantine the Great Sol● Catholica Ecclesia est quae verum Dei cultum retinet hic autem est fons veritatis hoc domicilium fidei hoc templum Dei quo si quis non intraverit vel à quo si quis exierit à spe vitae ac salutis aeternae altenus est The only Catholic Church is that which hath the true Worship of Almighty God in it and this is the Fountain of all Truth this is the House or Habitation of Faith this is the Temple of God into which whosoever doth not enter or out of which whosoever doth depart he is devoid of all hope of Life and everlasting Salvation 5. Thus wrote Lactantius 1300 years ago and addeth presently these words following whereby he well sheweth the conformity of spirit of those old Heretics with ours at this day Sed tamen singuli quique coetus haereticorum se potissimum Christianos suam esse Catholicam Ecclesiam putant But yet every Congregation of Heretics do think themselves chiefly and principally to be Christians and their Church to be the Catholic Church And do not ours so in like manner at this day But let us go forward to speak a word or two more of the different estimation we make of this matter 6. St. Cyprian that lived more than Sixty years before Lactantius maketh the very same account with him and us that all is lost if we lose or miss this Church Ardeant saith he licet flammis c. Albeit such Christians as are not in this Church should live never so well yea should be so forward and fervous in defence of Christian Religion as they should burn in Flames for the same or be devoured by Beasts yet this should be to them Non corona fidei sed poena perfidiae Not a Crown of Faith but a Punishment for their Perfidiousness Which Doctrin of St. Cyprian St. Augustin as a devout Scholar of his doth often repeat Foris ab Ecclesia constitutus saith he to a Donatist aeterno supplicio punieris etiamsi pro Christi nomine vivus incendereris Thou being out of the Catholic Church thou shalt be punished with eternal torment albeit thou wert burned alive for the Name of Christ 7. And finally not to go from the forenamed holy Man St. Cyprian in this behalf who died for the defence of Christ's Faith and the true Catholic Church and is a most blessed Martyr and Doctor to us all he after a long Discourse made touching a Christian Man that misseth in this Point of finding out and following the true Catholic Church and yet in other things endeavoureth to live well and sheweth great Zeal in God's Cause and desireth in his Mind even to die for the same of this Man he pronounceth this Sentence Nunquam perveniet ad Christi praemia c. Alienus est prophanus est host is est habere non potest Deum Patrem qui Ecclesiam non habet matrem This Man notwithstanding all his other good Works and Endeavors shall never come to enjoy the Rewards of Christ in Heaven he is an Alien he is Prophane he is an Enemy he cannot have God for his Father which hath not the Church for his Mother 8. Thus said St. Cyprian as also all ancient holy Fathers after him whereof I might alledge many Authorities if it were not over long and the same say we that are Catholics and do hold the same Faith and Church with them at this day We do hold I say that the first and principal Point of all other for a Christian Man that meaneth his own Salvation is to seek out the true Catholic Church and to consider whether he be of it or in it or no For if he be not then all other diligence and labor is void and in vain except it be to seek out this and if he be in it then is he in the right way of Salvation not for that all be saved who are within her as in the second Point shall be shewed but for that all those who are out of her shall be certainly damned as now you have heard out of the chiefest Fathers of the ancient Catholic Church And this is the first Point of singular moment for which we esteem this Church so highly for that no Salvation can be had without her 9. But Secondly we esteem also the importance of this matter by the great and excellent helps which in this Church above all other Congregations
brag of the obscurity and contemptibility of their Church And so again whereas we hold and highly esteem that our Church hath all truth of Christ's Doctrin and Religion in it Fox writeth of his Church as before we have recorded That by God's mighty Providence there hath always been kept in her some sparks of Christ's true Doctrin and Religion 15. Again whereas we glory that in our Church there is power to absolve from sins security from error and the like Fox denieth these privileges to be in his Church objecting unto us for an error against the first in a certain Treatise of his before his Acts and Monuments That we in our Church have Confession and Absolution at the Priests hands c. And against the second he bringeth in a large Conference of Ridley and Latimer agreeing together that the greater part of the Universal Catholic Church may err but yet fearfully as you shall see more largely in the Third Part of this Treatise when we shall come to treat of these Foxian Saints and their Festival Days Acts and Monuments The same Patriarchs also do censure S. Augustin's Speech before by me alleged for an excessive vehemency for so are their words where he saith That he would not believe the Gospel if the Authority of the Catholic Church did not move him thereunto signifying thereby as before hath been noted that he could not know Scriptures to be Scriptures nor the Gospel to be Gospel neither their sense and meaning to be such as they were taken for but by the Authority of the Universal Catholic Church that had conserved them from time to time and delivered them to him and to the rest of the World for such to be believed 16. Wherefore to conclude this matter seeing that John Fox doth allow so well this Doctrin of his Patriarchs Ridley and Latimer and thereby doth take from the true Church and consequently in his meaning from his own all this excellent Authority which S. Augustin and other Fathers do ascribe to the Catholic Church to wit the Sovereignty of approving or rejecting true or false Scriptures of discerning between Books and Books and judging of their true interpretations and seeing further he taketh away from his Church both Confession and Absolution of sins and all efficacy of Sacraments leaving them only to bare Signs that do signifie and not work seeing he taketh away from her all infallibility of Doctrin confessing that she may err and contenteth himself that she retain ever some sparkles only of true Doctrin and Religion as before hath been shewed out of his own words and considering moreover that he maketh her so poor a thing as now you have seen and furnisheth her with such rags to wit with such variety of Sectaries as is ridiculous to name they disagreeing among themselves and the one most opposite to the other in Doctrin and Belief she being such a Church I say so poor and miserable so obscure and ragged so doubtful and uncertain no marvail tho' they make little account of her or give small credit unto her which in very deed is no greater than is given to the worst man or most dishonest woman living which is to believe her so far as she can prove by others what she saith to be true to wit by Scriptures without which witness none of her own children or houshold will credit or believe her which is a remarkable Point for that with the same condition they will believe the Devil himself and must do if he allege Scriptures in the true sense and meaning 17. And this is the estimation which Protestants do hold of their new Church Now let us pass to speak a word only about the second Point which concerneth the assigning out or description of this Church Clear it is and cannot be denied that Catholics do assign such a Church as may be seen and known by all men begun visibly by Christ himself in Jury when he gathered his Apostles and Disciples together and continued afterward with infinite increase of Nations and People Countries and Kingdoms that in tract of time adjoyned themselves thereunto and that this most manifest notorious and known Church hath endured ever since under the name of the Christian Catholic Church for the space of sixteen hundred years as we have shewed before both largely and particularly in the former Treatise which is plain dealing clear and manifest whereas on the other side the Protestants of our days following herein the steps of old Heretics their Ancestors do seek to assign such a Church as no man can tell where to find it for that it is rather imaginary mathematical or metaphysical than sensible to man's eyes consisting as they teach of just and predestinate men only whom where or how to find you see how uncertain and difficult a thing it is in this mortal life 18. Wherefore as the ancient Fathers condemned wholly the Heretics of their times for this fond and pernicious device and wrote eagerly against the same as S. Cyprian against the Novatians S. Epiphanius and S. Augustin against the Donatists and Pelagians for that under this cover and colour they would make themselves to be the only true Church to wit every Sect their own Sectaries and Congregation saying that they only are predestinate just holy and God's chosen people and consequently also his only true Church so do we at this day stand in the very same controversie with Protestants that seek the same evasion and refuge 19. And he that hath but so much leisure as to read over the Conference of the Third day had between S. Augustin and other Catholic Bishops on the one side and the Bishops of the Donatists on the other side at Carthage by the Emperor's persmission and appointment even upon this very Question of assigning the Church he shall see the matter most clearly handled and that the Catholics of this time do urge nothing in this Point but that S. Augustin and his fellow Catholic Bishops did urge in that Conference against the Donatists and that the Protestants of our time do take no other course of shifting and defending themselves therein than the Donatists did in those days for that after infinite delays and tergiversations used before they could be brought to this Conference which S. Augustin setteth down in the collation of the first and second day when at length in the third days meeting they came to joyn upon the Controversie in hand they began first about the word Catholic it self which the Catholics urg'd against the Donatists as we do now against the Sectaries of this Age and the Donatists sought to avoid the same by the very same sleights which ours do as appeareth by S. Augustin's words 20. Donatistae saith S. August responderunt Catholicum nomen non ex universitate gentium sed ex plenitudine Sacramentorum institutum petiverunt ut pro barent Catholici c. The Donatists did
is to be Printed severally for that the bulk of these two hath grown to a sufficient bigness for one Tome or Volume only I might note to the Reader in this last Paragraph that as our Adversaries do imitate the Donatists in the Point before mentioned out of their Conference with S. Augustin and other Catholic Bishops so have they done it also hitherto in flying all equal and lawful Conference with us as the Donatists did with those old Catholics so much as lay in their power until it was imposed upon them by commandment of the Emperor at the petition of S. Augustin and the Catholic Party as the said Father doth relate in his forenamed Book written of that Conference telling us two points in particular of their dealing in that Affair which he expresseth in these words Qui causam bonam non se habere sciebant id egerunt primum ne collatio fieret aut causa ipsa ageretur sed quia hoc obtinere minimè poterant id effecerunt multiplicitate gestorum ut quod actum est non facilè legeretur The Donatists knowing they had an evil Cause endeavored first to bring to pass that the Conference should not be made nor the Cause it self be handled at all but when they could not obtain this then went they about to put down so many things in writing as they might not easily be read 33. Thus writeth St. Augustin and for this cause thought he good to set down a Sum of all that passed calling it Breviculum Collationum shewing perspicuously the infinite Cavils Frauds and Shifts of these Heretics to avoid all due trial for when after all other delays both Parties were now met together Instare caeperunt saith he ut priùs ageretur de tempore de mandato de persona de causa tunc ad negotii merita veniretur The Donatists began to make new instance after all other Cavils and Exceptions taken before that first it might be treated about the time that this Conference should endure and about the Emperor's Commandment or Edict and Clauses thereof and about the Person as well of the Judge and Assistants as the Disputers of both parts and finally of the whole cause of difference what had passed therein between them hitherto and then after all this forsooth they should come to examine the merits of the principal Business or Controversie in hand which in effect would never be for that about every one of these Points the Donatists had many Quarrels as S. Augustin sheweth and by each one thereof they sought delays and particularly whereas order had been taken that 18 Bishops of each side should suffice they would needs have all their side to be admitted and so for ostentation sake they entred saith S. Augustin with great pomp into Carthage to the number of 279 Bishops of that Sect of Donatus a pitiful sight for Catholics together with all their Train Other shifts delays and tergiversations of theirs I leave for brevities sake to be read in S. Augustin himself 34. But how well our English Adversaries have imitated this manner of proceeding of the Donatists for shifting off all publick Conference and Trial for these 44 years of her Majesties Reign being so often and earnestly demanded at their hands is sufficiently known and needeth not to be proved or repeated here But if it would please Almighty God to inspire her Majesty to force them thereunto as he did the Emperor to compel the Donatists to a publick Trial I do not doubt but the like Issue would ensue and the like Sentence be given in that Cause by any indifferent Judge as was given by Marcellinus in the former Controversie to wit as S. Augustin's words are Confutatos à Catholicis Donatistas omnium documentorum manifestatione pronunciavit Marcellinus did pronounce by his Definitive Sentence that the Catholics had confuted the Donatists with manifestation of all kind of Learning And so much for this Matter The End of the Second Part. FINIS Cause of Dedication The substance of the Book Time of Trial. 1 Cor. 11. Philip. 1. Ibidem 1 Thes 1. The honorable course of English Catholics Internal Tribulations Esai 1. 1 Cor. 7. Psal 118. Matth. 8. Marc. 4. Luc. 8. S. Paulin. ep 11. ad Severum Gallican orat in Panaegyric 1. Constantini The moral vertues of Constantine before he was a Christian Euseb l. 8. hist c. 26. The strange deliverances of His Majesty from many perils The King 's excellent Book entituled Basilicon Doron Three rare Points of His Majesty's Book No reason to be yielded why a man should be rather of one Sect than another 1 Reg. 3. Hab. 5. Euseb l. 1. de vit Constant c. 11. Sap. 9. Sir F. Hastings in his Reply pag. 192. How the first Part of this Treatise was increased Arist in topicis Cicer. 1. ad Heren de Orator Why the second part of the search of John Fox's Church was added Fox in the title of his Acts and Monuments in his Protestation to the English Church Why the third part of this Treatise was added about the examination of Fox's Calendar The diligence which men ought to use for informing themselves of the truth of Catholic Religion in time of Heresies Possidon in vit Aug. Aug. l. 4 5. confes Athan. in Symbol vers 2. Mat. 13. Aug. l. de morib Eccl. c. 17. Chry. hom 14. in c. 24. Mat. Matth. 24. Marc. 13. Joann 7. 1 Cor. 11. Chrysost opere imperfect in Matt. cap. 23. pag. 962. Chrysost ibid. A representation of such as are negligent in examining the truth of Catholic Religion Dangerous cogitations The contention about the House and Mannor place The Catholic Parties Plea for the House The application of the two former Examples Four points of consideration about matters of Faith. The first point how our articles of Faith are above man's Reason Greg. hom 36. in Evang. Athan. tract de advent 1. cont Apollin Aug. trast 79. in Joan. ser 1. de festo S. Trin. Hebr. 11. First cause of obscurity in Faith. Second cause Ambr. l. 1. de Abraham c. 3. Third cause Joan. 2. How God proceedeth in revealing his Mysteries Gen. Gen. 20.22.23 Exod. 1.2.3 Deut. 33. Act. 7. Jos 15. How Christ our Saviour proceeded in revealing his Mysteries and why he appeared not to all Act. 10. Joan. 20. Christ's Resurrection how and to whom it was made manifest Matth. 28. John 20. Act. Rom. 4.8.14 1 Cor. 15. 2 Cor. 5. 2 Tim. 2. Luc. 24. Marc. 16. 1 Cor. 10. Marc. 16. The second Point of this consideration that notwithstanding the Articles of our Faith cannot be demonstrated by Reason yet have they sufficient Arguments of credibility Rom. 12. 2 Pet. 1. Arguments of credibility used by S. Peter Matth. 17. Arguments of credibility are not so evident as are philosophical Demonstrations Arguments for proof of Christian Religion Arguments of credibility for Catholic Religion against all
from p. 887 to 912. and again from p. 949 to 957. That K. Henry after his breach with Rome was still an enemy to Protestants Religion * Cap. 12. See Stat. 31 H. 8. cap. 14. Statutes in Religion made by K. Henry against Protestants Stat. an 32 H. 8. c. 26. The very Gospel against our new Gospellers by K. Henry's judgment K. Henry forbiddeth the Protestant Translation of the Scriptures Stat. an Reg. H. 8.34 35 c. 1. The very true and perfect exposition of Scriptures prescribed by K. Henry against the Protestants Will. Tyndall's Translation of the Scriptures condemned together with the Protestants Books Fox p. 981. The solemn Judgment Condemnatian of Lambert by the King. Anno 32. H. 8. Fox p. 1026. col 1. n. 78. Fox and King Henry fallen out Fox p. 1086. The Protestation of Cromwell at his death that he was a Catholic John Fox is sore pressed about the L. Cromwell Fox p. 1084. Tyndall's judgment testimony of the first motives towards Protestancy in K. Henry Fox p. 977. Hall. in chron an Reg. H. 8.28 fol. 228. The first Book of alteration of Religion in England devised by King Henry A certain Conference between a Courtier a Lady about devising Novelties in Religion Cocl in vit Luther Sur. ann Dom. 1516 1517. The Reply of the Lady with the Courtier 's Answer * Of these Hollanders see Holinshead an 27 H. 8. mensè Maii 1535. * See Holinsh and Stow of this Polling an 1535. The growing and going forward of the new Gospel under King Henry Fox p. 1036. Fox ib. See before cap. 7. Fox p. 991. col 2. n. 30. King Henry's beginning of alteration af-the death of Q. Anne Bullen The chiefest credit of Cromwell when new Gospellers were most punished by King Henry Hol. an 1540. pag. 950. The first point of spiritual misery of the Gospellers Church under King Henry Confusion Luth. in parva Confess de coena Domini Melancthon lib. de suo Judicio ad Elect. Rhen. an Dom. 1560. Freder Staph. l. de Concord Luth. Lyndan in dubitant Praet initio lib. de vit sectis haeret The different Classes and sorts of Sectaries sprung from Luther since the year 1517. How John Fox coupleth all Sectaries in his Church The second spiritual misery of J. Fox's Church contradiction among themselves in their Belief See part 3. of Bilney die 10. Martii an 1531. Tho. Bilney Jo. Frith Will. Tyndall * Part 3. die 2 Jan. die 6 Octob. Frier Barns Gerrard Jerom Lambert Ridley Hooper Rogers Latymer Andrew Hewit * Part 1. c. 12. Peter German * See his day part 3. 13 Octob. Colyns and Coubridge made Martyrs Fox p. 1033. Fox's Confessors under King Henry Erasmus Roterodamus * die 26 Decemb Erasm l. 16. ep 11. Picus Mirandula Bucer Melancthon Friar Bucer's Answer to the Duke of Northumberland Of King Edward VI. Two fond Pageants of King Henry and K. Edward Other ridiculous Paintings of Fox What the Roman Ship carried away and what the Protestants Ship brought into England A Picture of the Protestants Agreement Promotions made by the Protector in the beginning of King Edward's days Holinshead Stow and others an Dom. 1547. The Journey into Scotland why it was devised in King Edward's time The rushing in of Apostates into England Bernard Ochinus Vid. Sander l. de visib Monarch p. 627. The causes of jars between the new Protestant Preachers Stow. Anno 1539. Statut. Anno Domini 1547. Edw. 6. An. 1. Liberty and Impunity granted to all Heretics Joan Knell condemned and burned by Cranmer Sto. in Chron. An. 1549. Sir Francis Inglefield Fox pag. 1180. col 2. n. 40. Fox his impertinent Brag of impunity under King Edward The suffering of Catholics under King Edward Fox pag. 1180. n. 14. The 2d Point handled in the first Parliament about the Blessed Sacrament Stat. an 1. Ed. 6. cap. 1. The Statute about the B. Sacrament Mat. 26. Luc. 22. 1 Cor. 11. Deceitful dealing in this Statute The first Communion Book in English rejected The allowance of Priests and Friers Marriages rejected in this Parliament The resolute proceeding of the Lord Protector Fox p. 1183. Candles Ashes Palms forbidden by the Protector Fox ib. Col. 2. Images taken away by the Protector 's Letter before the Parliament A new Communion Book thrust upon Catholics by the Protector 's only Authority Fox p. 1184. Col. 1. The Confusion that insued in England upon the first Innovation The troubles and garboils in Temporal Affairs ensuing upon Ecclesiastical Confusion Bal. de script Britan. fol. 238. The second Parliament of King Edward An. 1548. 4. Novemb. Statut. Anno 2. Edw. 6. cap. 21. Anno Domini 1548. The Statute of Impunity for Priests and Friers to Marry The second Contention about their new Communion Book The Zwinglian Faction did over-bear the Lutheran in King Edwards days Two men cast into Prison by Cranmer for speaking against the Sacrament of the Altar Fox p. 1180. 1181. The perpl ex ty of Peter Martyr in Oxford about expounding Hoc est Corpus meum Dissembling and tergiversation of Peter Martyr Stat. an 2 Ed. 6 cap. 1. The new Communion-Book made upon the frailty and weakness of Subjects The judgment and speeches of the purer sort of Protestants against the foresaid Communion-Book Fox p. 1355. Catholics excepted from pardon in the Statute The apprehension and condemnation and death of the Lord Thomas Seymor by his Brother and other new Gospellers Stat. an 2 Ed. 6. cap. 18. Anno Dom. 1548. The Revel that ensued presently upon this Parliament of 4th of Novemb. 1548. Holinsh Stow. Anno Dom. 1549. The Protector cast into the Tower Octob. 4. an 1549. Stow an 3 6. 1555 The conclusion concerning the occasions means events and fruits of the new Gospel A consideration of much importance Holinsh An. Dom. 1553. pag. 1089. Stow in Chron. An. 1553. The Duke of Northumberland's Confession of his Faith at his Death Fox pag. 120. The form and fashion of Fox's new Church and Religion Pag. 8. The sleights and shifts of John Fox in his Writings A Comparison expressing the different dealing of Catholics and Protestants about seeking the true Church and Religion Three differences 1. The different estimation of the Church and lineal descent thereof between Catholics and Protestants Aug. l. 1. cont Crescon c. 33. Lactant. lib. 4. divin Instit cap. ult Lactant. ibid. All Heretics do challenge to be the true Church Cyp. l. de simpl Praelat Aug. Ep. 204. ad Donatum Presbyt Donatist No man can be saved out of the true Church Cypr. Tract de unit Ecclesiae How much it importeth each man to consider whether he be in the true Ch. or not The benefits by being in the Church Marc. ultim Mat. 18. Joan. 20. a The contemptibility of the Protestants Church even among themselves b See Luth ep ad Alb. March. Prusiae ep ad Jacob. Brem Aurif tit haer West ph l. cont Calvin Stanch l. de Trin. Mediat Heshus in defens con Calvinum Calv. admonit contra West ph Kemnit ep ad Elector Brandiburg Confess Tigur tract 3. c. c See also the two English Books the one called Dangerous Positions the other A Survey of Disciplinary Doctrin c. August cont ep fund c. 5. Lactan. l. 4. c. ult What Church S. Cyprian and S. Augustin do call Catholic Aug. l. 3. contra Gaudent Donat. cap. 1. Cypr. l. de unit Eccl. Fox's Protest pag. 8. The baseness and obscurity of the Protestant Church by their own confession Fox in Protest ibid. See S. August of this very Point Tract 1. in ep Joan. lib. contra ep Petil. c. 14. in Psal 30. conc 2. alibi Chrysost Hom. 4. de verbis Isaiae vidit Dominum c. Fox ibid. Fox in the difference c. betwixt the old Roman Church and the new pag. 26. Acts and Monuments pag. 1560. Fox p. 1561. col 2. n. 74. August contr ep Fundam cap. 5. What John Fox taketh from his Church The Protestants believe the Devil as much as their own Church The second principal point wherein Catholics and Protestants do differ Cypr. l. 4. ep 2. Epiph. in haer Cathar Aug. l. de haer c. 69. 88. l. 3. contr Par. men c. 2. The Conference at Carthage between Catholics and Donatists Aug. in Breviculo Collat. 3. cap. 3. The first point discussed between S. Augustin and the Donatists about the Name Catholic The second point between the Doatists and Catholics August Coll. 3. cap. 8. The third point discussed between the Catholics and Donatists at Carthage C●llat 3. cap. 8. A contention about the Parables of Christ concerning the Church Matt. 13. Matt. 3. Luc. 3. Marc. 3. 13. Mat. 29. Collat. 3. c. 9.10 11. The third principal difference about the proprieties marks of the true Church A Comparison of different giving of notes to find a thing by Proprieties and Marks the true Church given by Catholics Luth. lib. de conc parte ult The marks of the Church fondly set down by Heretics Magdeb. cent 1. lib. 2. c. 4. Calv. l. 4. Instit cap. 1. Protestant Ministers do flie publick Conference as the Donatists did Aug. in Brevit Praefat. ad coll 1. diti Coll. 1. cap. 8. The tergiversation of the Donatists to flie publick Trial. Coll. 1. c. 11.12 13 14. How English Ministers have fled publick Conference hitherto Coll. 3. c. 25.
Christian Men have to procure their Salvation tho' all do not use the same to their best benefit and thereby do miscarry For to come to some particulars we say That in this Church and no where else is the truth of Faith and certainty thereof and this by the perpetual assistance of the Holy Ghost promised thereunto by the Founder God himself In this Church is the infallible Judgment both about the Books of Scripture and their Interpretation as all other Doubts and Controversies according to that you have heard before out of S. Augustin In this Church alone and no where else is there true Priesthood by lawful Succession Unction and Imposition of Hands and consequently Remission also of Sins by the Authority they have from Christ to that effect In this Church is the true number use and force of holy Sacraments and Grace given by them In this Church is Unity of Faith and Doctrin Communion of Saints and of Merits and Prayers which no where else is to be found And finally in this Church alone is there warrant and security from Error assurance from overthrow failing or fading which security is established by the promise of Christ himself as our God Creator and Redeemer and to endure unto the worlds end 10. All these utilities and most singular benefits do we believe to be in this Catholic Church above all other Congregations in the world In respect whereof we hold this Church to be our ship our rock our castle our fortress our mistress our mother our skilful pilot throughout all storms of heresies our pillar and firmament of truth against falshood our house of refuge against tribulation our protection our direction our help aid and security in all points and if any man perish in her it is by his own default but out of her none can but perish And this is our estimation of this Affair 11. But now how different an account Protestants do make both of this or their own Church is easily seen by their own words and doings For as they contemn and impugn our Church which we hold for the only true so do they seldom speak of their own For when shall you hear a Minister or Protestant Writer allege the Authority of his Church against us or against his own Fellows when they fall out as often they do or if he should how lightly is it esteemed even by themselves You may read the eager Contentions of the Protestant Churches of Saxony which are Lutherans against those of Heidelberg and other Towns of the Palsgrave's Country that are of a different Sect and of these again against other Consorts of other Provinces both of Switzerland and other parts of Germany yea between the soft and severe Lutherans themselves as between the Calvinian Churches of England and Scotland and in England it self between the Protestants Puritans and Brownists at this day who are nothing else but soft and severe Calvinists In all which sharp Contentions if any part do but name the Authority of their several Church which is very seldom the other presently falleth into laughter holding the Authority thereof so ridiculous as it is not worth the naming so as the Argument taken from the Authority of the Church which with us is of so high esteem as we say with S. Augustin That we would not believe the Gospel if the Authority of the Church did not move us thereunto with these Fellows is most base and contemptible 12. Moreover when they talk of their own Churches tho' every Sect and Sectary for Honors sake would be content to have them accounted Catholic as Lactantius before testified of the Heretics of his time yet do they speak it so coldly and do use the word Catholic so sparingly as they will shew that in their Consciences they do not believe it and a man might answer them as S. Augustin answered Gaudentius the Donatist whose Sect being a particular company of Heretics in Africa presumed by little and little first in jest and then in earnest to call themselves Catholics and their Church the Catholic Church as Protestants do at this day and being reprehended for it by S. Augustin and others would needs prove the same by the Definition of Catholic taken out of S. Cyprian S. Augustin I say after a long refutation thereof out of S. Cyprian's words to the contrary concludeth thus Quid igitur vos ipsos c. Why then do you go about both to deceive your selves and other Men with impudent Lies against S. Cyprian If your Church be the Catholic Church by the testimony of this Martyr shew us that your Church doth stretch her beams and boughs throughout the whole Christian World as ours doth for this S. Cyprian called Catholic c. So as by S. Augustin's Argument if the Protestants cannot shew that their Church hath her beams and boughs spread throughout all the Christian World and that her Faith is the general Faith received amongst all Christians and not only of particular Provinces then cannot they call her or esteem her for Catholic as indeed they do not but for fashion sake and from the teeth outward as hath been shewed 13 For when they come to set her out in her best colours they make her but a very obscure base and contemptible thing first in outward shew calling her the poor oppressed and persecuted Church as Fox's words are troden under foot neglected in the World not regarded in Histories and almost scarce visible c. So as where all the ancient Fathers do triumph and vaunt against both Heretics and Heathens as we do at this day against Protestants that the Catholic Church is more eminent and splendent than the Sun it self and more famously known than any other Temporal Kingdom or Monarchy that ever was in the World Fox of his Church confesseth that she is scarce visible neglected in the World not regarded in Histories c. 14. And then again he playeth fast and loose making her visible and invisible Altho' saith he the right Church be not so invisible in the world as none can see it yet neither is it so visible again that every worldly Eye may perceive it So saith he But how contrary to this was S. Chrysostom who would not yield that the right Catholic Church could be so much as obscured by any force or means whatsoever and thereof vaunting against Infidels saith It may be perhaps that some Heathen here will despise my arrogancy about the Majesty of our Church but let him have patience to expect until I come forth with my Proofs and then shall he learn the force of truth and how it is easier for the Sun it self to be wholly extinguished than for the Church to be so much as darkned or obscured Thus said S. Chrysostom And mark good Reader the difference of Spirits S. Chrysostom vaunteth of the outward splendor and majesty of his Church and John Fox contrariwise doth