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A50824 The new state of England under Their Majesties K. William and Q. Mary in three parts ... / by G.M. Miege, Guy, 1644-1718? 1691 (1691) Wing M2019A; ESTC R31230 424,335 944

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is the Fort St. George belonging to the East-India Company where they have a President of all the Factories on that Coast and of the Bay of Bengala As to the Royal African Company King Charles II was pleased by his Letters Patents to grant them a Liberty of Trading all along the Western Coasts of Africk from Cape Vert as far as the Cape of good Hope with prohibition of Trading there to all his other Subjects At Cape-Coast is the Residence of the chief Agent of the Company where they have a strong Place or Fort. I pass by the other Companies though some of them very considerable and the great Trade of the West-Indies generally managed by Merchants not Incorporated Only I shall add that every Company has the Priviledge to govern themselves by setled Acts and Orders under such Governours Deputies Assistants and Agents as they think fit to chuse among themselves And this way has been found to be so profitable and beneficial by Exporting the native Commodities thereof by setting the Poor on Work by building of many brave Ships and by Importing hither of forein Commodities both for Use and Ornament that the Benefit accruing thereby to these Nations cannot be expressed The principal Commodities exported from hence into forein Countries are Woollen Cloths of all sorts broad and narrow the English being now the best Cloth-Workers in the World To which add Sattins Tabies Velvets Plushes and infinite other Manufactures some of which make very good Returns from the foreign Plantations Abundance of Tin Lead Alum Copper Iron Fullers Earth Salt and Sea-Coal of most sorts of Grains but Wheat especially of Skins and Leather of Trane Oyl and Tallow Hops and Beer Saffron and Licorish besides great Plenty of Sea-fish is yearly transported over Sea to forein Conntries From whence the Merchants make good Returns and bring a great deal of Treasure and rich Commodities to the Inriching of themselves the unspeakable benefit of the Nation and the Credit of the English in general Who are as industrious and active as fair Dealers and great Undertakers as any Nation in the World For though the Hollanders perhaps do drive a greater Trade 't is neither for want of Stock nor for want of Industry on the side of the English The Hollanders being squeezed as they are within the narrow Bounds of their Country find little or no Land to purchase with the Returns of their Trade This puts 'em upon a kind of Necessity of improving still their Stock and of sending back those Riches a floating upon the Sea which they cannot fix on the Land Whereas our English Merchants having the Opportunity of Injoying the Fruits of their Industry in a spacious delicate fruitful Country by purchasing Estates for themselves and Families are apt to yield to the Temptation and to exchange the hurry of Trade for the pleasures of a Country-life CHAP. V. Of the English Laws and Religion THE Laws of England are of several Sorts and severally used according to the Subject First there is the Common Law that is the Common Customs of the Nation which have by length of time obtained the force of Laws This is the Summary of the Laws of the Saxons and Danes first reduced into one Body by King Edward the Elder about the Year 900. Which for some time being lost were revived by King Edward the Confessor and by Posterity named his Laws To these William the Conquerour having added some of the good Customs of Normandy he caused them all to be written in his own Norman Dialect which being no where vulgarly used varies no more than the Latine Therefore to this day all Reports Pleadings and Law-Exercises Declarations upon Original Writs and all Records are written in the old Norman But where the Common Law falls short the Statute Law makes it up Which are the Laws made from time to time by King and Parliament The Civil Law which is counted the Law of Nations is peculiarly made use of in all Ecclesiastical Courts in the Court of Admiralty in That of the Earl Marshal in Treaties with forein Princes and lastly in the Two Universities of the Land The Canon-Law otherwise called the Ecclesiastical Laws takes place in Things that meerly relate to Religion This Law comprehends the Canons of many ancient General Councils of many National and Provincial English Synods divers Decrees of the Bishops of Rome and Judgments of ancient Fathers received by the Church of England and incorporated into the Body of the Canon Law By which she did ever proceed in the Exercise of her Jurisdiction and do's still by virtue of an Act in the Reign of Henry VIII so far as the said Canons and Constitutions are not repugnant to the Holy Scripture to the Kings Prerogative or the Laws of this Realm But whereas Temporal Laws inflict Punishment upon the Body these properly concern the Soul of Man And as they differ in several Ends so they differ in several Proceedings The Martial Law reaches none but Souldiers and Mariners and is not to be used but in time of actual War But the late King who ran headlong to Arbitrary Power made nothing of violating this and most other Laws The Forest-Law concerns the Forests and in flicts Punishment on those that trespass upon them By virtue of this Law the Will is reputed for the Fact so that if a Man be taken hunting a Deer he may be Arrested as if he had taken it Lastly there are Municipal Laws commonly called Peculiar or By Laws proper to Corporations These are the Laws which the Magistrates of a Town or City by virtue of the King's Charter have a Power to make for the benefit and advantage of their Corporation Provided always that the same be not repugnant to the Laws of the Land These By-Laws properly bind none but the Inhabitants of the Place unless they be for publick Good or to avoid a publick Inconvenience In which Case they bind Strangers Thus much in general as to the Laws of England The chief Particulars will come in of course when I come to treat of the Government The Religion of England as it is established by Law is the best Reformed Religion and the most agreeable to the primitive Times of Christianity But before I come to shew the Occasion Time and Methods of its Reformation it will not be improper to give a brief historical Account how the Christian Faith came to be planted in this Island to set forth its Progress Decay and Restauration then its Corruption with Rome and at last its Reformation That Christianity was planted here in the Apostles Times long before King Lucius is plainly demonstrated by the Antiquity of the British Churches writ some Years since by Dr. Stillingfleet the present Bishop of Worcester Where he learnedly disproves the Tradition concerning Joseph of Arimathea supposed by many to have been the first Planter of the Gospel here as an Invention of the Monks of Glassenbury to serve their Interests by advancing
the Reputation of their Monastery and makes it highly probable that S. Paul rather than S. Peter as others would have it was the first Founder of a Church in this Island But by reason of Persecutions or for want of a supply of Preachers Christianity did not flourish here till the Reign of Lucius the British King and the first Christian King in Europe Of whose imbracing Christianity the learned Bishop gives this Account from the Testimony of ancient Writers that the was first inclined thereto by the Persuasion of Eluanus and Eduinus two British Christians who were probably imploy'd to convince him But being workt upon on the other side by his Druids he would not come to any Resolution till he had sent to Rome for his further Satisfaction and to know how far the British Christians and those of Rome agreed Elentherus was then Bishop of Rome and the twelfth from the Apostles To whom he sent the foresaid Eluanus and Meduinus about the Year 180 presuming as he might reasonably then that the Christian Doctrine was there truly taught at so little distance from the Apostles and in a Place whither a Resort was made from all Parts because of its being the Imperial City For there was then no Imagination of S. Peter's having appointed the Head of the Church there nor a long time after in the British Churches as appears by the Contest of the British Bishops with Augustine the Monk King Lucius being satisfied upon the Return of his Embassadors from Rome imbraced the Christian Faith and received the Baptism So that by the piety of his Example and the diligence of the first Preachers Christianity soon spread over his Dominions and sometime after over all the Island And then the Britains had Bishops of their own without any Juridical Dependency from the See of Rome the British Church continuing a distinct and independent Church from all others But when the Heathen Saxons came to be possessed of this Part of the Island and the Natives forced to take shelter amongst the Mountains of Wales the Christian Faith fled with them and this Country was again darkened with Heathenism Till about the Year 596. Austin the Monk was sent by Pope Gregory the Great to preach the Gospel here By whose Diligence and Zeal the Work prospered so well that all the Saxons were by degrees converted to the Christian Faith and Austin made the first Arcsh-bishop of Canterbury but with a subjection to the Church of Rome Thus as the Errours crept on in the Roman the British Church grew infected with them and continued subject to the Power and Errours of Rome till King Henry VIII laid the Ground for a Reformation by his resuming the Power of the Christian British Kings his ancient Predecessors and removing by virtue of it the forfeited Primacy of Rome to the See of Canterbury But 't is Observable withall that this Ejection of the Pope's Authority was not done as in other Nations tumultuously and by the Power of the People but by the Counsel and Advice of godly and learned Divines assembled in Convocation by the King's Authority and ratified by the Three States in Parliament Thus the ancient Dignity and Supremacy of the Kings of England being restored and the Subjects delivered from the Spiritual Tyranny of the Pope of Rome the King and Clergy took this Occasion to inquire into and reform the great Abuses and Errours crept into the Church Whose Method in this Work begun in Henry's Reign and brought to perfection in his next Successor's Time Dr. Heylin sets forth in these Words The Architects says he in this great Work without respect unto the Dictates of Luther or Calvin looking only on God's Word and the Primitive Patterns abolished such Things as were repugnant unto either but still retained such Ceremonies in God's publick Worship as were agreeable to both and had been countenanced by the Practice of the Primitive Times A Point wherein they did observe a greater Measure of Christian Prudence and Moderation than their Neighbour Churches Which in a meer detestation of the See of Rome allowed of nothing which had formerly been in use amongst them because defiled with Popish Errors and Abuses utterly averting thereby those of the Papal Party from joyning with them in the Work or coming over to them when the Work was done Whereas had they continued an allowable Correspondency in these Extrinsecals of Religion with the Church of Rome their Party in the World had been far greater and not so much stomached as it is And this Opinion of his he backs with the Sentiment of the Marquess de Rhosne in this point after Duke of Sully and Lord High Treasurer of France one of the chief Men of the Reformed Party there Who being sent Embassador to King James from Henry IV. King of France admired the Decency of Gods publick Service in the Church of England Three Things principally are to be considered in point of Religion viz. The Doctrine the Manner of publick Worship and the Church Government As for the Doctrine of the Church of England 't is the same in all Points with other Reformed Churches as it appears by her Confession of Faith contained in the 39 Articles The Manner of publick Worship differs in nothing from them but in the Excellency of it So many admirable Prayers the English Liturgy contains sutable to all Occasions digested in a plain Evangelical Style without Rhetorical Raptures which are fitter for a designing Orator than an humble Addresser to the Mercy-Seat of God In short there is nothing wanting in the Church of England in order to Salvation She uses the Word of God the Ten Commandments the Faith of the Apostles the Creeds of the Primitive Church the Articles of the four first General Councils an excellent Liturgy the Administration of the Sacraments and all the Precepts and Counsels of the Gospel She attributes all Glory to God worships his most holy Name and owns all his Attributes She adores the Trinity in Unity the Unity in Trinity She teaches Faith and Repentance the Necessity of good Works the strictness of a holy Life and an humble Obedience to the Supreme Power Charity which is the grand Mark of the true Church is so essential to this that she do's not ingross Heaven to her self so as to damn all others into Hell For the publick Service and Worship of God she has Places Times Persons and Revenues set apart for that purpose and an uninterrupted Succession of Bishops to ordain Priests and Deacons and do all other Duties iucumbent to that Dignity Happy were it for England if all its Subjects would live in the Communion of this Church and not separate from it which is 〈◊〉 Thing more to be wished than hoped for But such is the designing and ambitious Spirit of Popery to weaken the Church of England ever since the Reformation lookt upon as the chiefest Bulwark against Popery that it has caused all our Distractions in order to fish
the Garter 219 Knights Baronets 223 Knights of the Bath 224 Knights Batchelours Ibid. Knights Banerets 229 L. LAnd-Forces 177 Language of the English 12 English Laws 59 Lent-Preachers 171 The Lord Lieutenant's Power 179 Way of Living among the English 31 M. MAritime Power 181 Earl Marshal of England 131 Master of the Horse 161 Master of the Houshold 149 150 Master of the Wardrobe 160 Master of the Robes 162 Master of the Revels 163 Master of the Ceremonies 164 Maundy Thursday the Ceremony of that Day 173 English Measures 53 Merchants 229 Militia 178 Millenarians 70 Mint-Officers 51 N. ENglish Names 21 Nobility of England their Creation and Distinction 210 c Their Priviledges 215 Noble Women 258 O ORder of the Garter 219 Ordination of Priests and Deacons 251 Ordnance its Office and Officers 194 c. Original of the English 1 c. Oxford Regiment 168 P. PArsons 250 Patrons of Churches 252 Pledging the Original of it 43 Post-Office 47 Poverty a description thereof 230 Power of the King by Sea and Land 113 Prebendaries 248 Prerogative of the King 109 Presbyterians 68 President of the Council 129 Prince of Wales 122 Prince George 208 Princess Ann ibid. Privy Purse 162 Privy Seal 129 Proclamation of the King 98 Pursuivants 163 Q. QVakers 70 Sovereign Queen of England 121 Queen Mary's Character 143 Queen Consort 122 Queen Dowager 122 The present Queen Dowager 207 R. ENglish Recreations 39 Recusants 71 Reformation of the Church of England 63 Regency 117 Religion of England 61 Religion alters the Temper of Men 71 Revenues of the King of England 115 Revenues of the present King Queen 199 Revenues of the Clergy 253 Revenues of the Bishops 244 Rural Deans 249 S. SCotlands Union with England 85 c. Sergeants at Arms 163 Servants 266 Act of Settlement 119 Sextons 257 Ship-yards and their Officers 190 Sidesmen 257 Marks of Sovereignty 94 High Steward of England 126 Lord Steward of the King's Houshold 148 Succession to the Crown 118 T. TEmper of the English 4 Tenure in Villenage 268 Title of the King to the Crown of France 89 Tobacco the Benefits of it 38 The great Trade of England 55 Train-Bands see Militia The English way of Travelling 46 The Lord High-Treasurer 128 Treasurer of the King's House 150 V. S. VAlentines Day 45 Vestry 258 Vicars 253 The Vnreasonableness of the present disaffected Party 144 W. WAles its Union with England 84 Wardrobes of the King 160 Weights used in England 52 Women 258 Laws concerning them 260 261 Y. YAchts 186 Yeomen 228 Yeomen of the Gard 167 The Table FOR THE THIRD PART A ALdermen 73 Alienation Office 53 Apprentices Laws concerning them 112 A●●zes 80 Attachment 95 B. BAyliffs 74 Benefit of the Clergy 58 C. CHancery see Court Circu●ts 80 Clerk of the Market 72 Commission of Assize 81 Commission of Nisi-prius ib. Commission of Peace 82 Commission of Oyer Terminer ib. Commission of Gaol-delivery ib. Committees 30 c. Common Pleas see Court Constables 77 Convocation 96 Coroners 71 Privy Council 43 County Court 68 Court of Chancery 49 Court of King's Bench 55 Court of Common Pleas 59 Court of Exchequer 62 Court of Dutchy of Lancaster 66 Court of Admiralty 91 Court of Marshalsea 94 Court of Requests 94 Court Martial 91 215 Court Leet 75 Court Baron 76 Courts of Conscience 94 Prerogative Court 102 Court of Arches 100 Court of Audience 102 Court of Delegates 103 Court of Peculiars 104 Court of the Lord Mayor of London 106 Court of Aldermen at Lond. 107 Court of Common Council 108 Court of Goal-Delivery 110 Court of the London Sheriffs 111 Court of the Chamberlain ib. Court of the Orphans 114 Cursitors Office 52 H. HEadboroughs 77 House of Lords 11 House of Commons 12 Hustings 109 J. GRand Jury 70 L. A List of the Kings Houshold Officers and Servants 135 A List of the Gentlemen of the King's Bedchamber 144 A List of the Gen●l Pensioners 152 A List of the Yeomen of the Guard Officers 153 A List of the Officers of the four Troops of Horse ib. A List of the Officers of the Oxford Regim 158 A List of the Officers of the Foot-guards 159 A List of the Chappel Royal 161 A List of the Queens Houshold 163 A List of the Nobility 168 A List of the Bishops 174 A List of the House of Commons 175 A List of the Privy Council 191 A List of the Lords Commissioners and Officers of the Court of Chancery 193 A List of the Judges and Officers of the C. of Kings Bench 19● A List of the Judges and Officers of the C. of Common Pleas 200 A List of the Judges and Officers of the C. of Exchequer 203 A List of the Judges and Officers of the Dutchy of Lancast 206 A List of the Attorney a●● Solicitor General Sergeants and Council at Law ib. A List of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury 208 A List of the Officers of the Custom 209 A List of the Officers of the Excise 210 A List of the Officers of the General Post-Office 211 A List of the Officers of the Mint 212 A List of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty 213 A List of the Admirals 214 A List of the Commissioners other Officers belonging to the Navy ib. A List of the Officers of the Martial Court 215 A List of the Lords Lieutenants 216 A List of the Governours of Foregn Plantations 219 A List of the Consuls in Foreign Parts 220 A List of the Foreign Ministers residing here ibid. A List of the Knights of the Garter 221 A List of the Knights made by K. William 222 A List of the Deans in England Wales 225 A List of the Colledge of Civilians 226 A List of the Colledge of Physicians 230 A List of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London 232 A List of the Lieutenancy of London 234 A List of the Governours of the Charterhouse 236 A List of the Chancellor Vice-Chancellor Heads of Colledges and Halls Proctors Orator and Professors in Oxford University 237 A List of the Chancellor Vice-Chancellor Heads of Colledges and Halls Proctors Orator and Professors in Cambridge 239 M. MAster 's of Chancery 50 Master of the Rolls 51 Mayors 73 P. PAper-Office 47 Parliament of England 1 Pie-powder Court 96 Privy Council 43 Q. QVarter Sessions 70 S. SEcretaries of State 45 Sheriffs 67 Sheriffs Turn 68 Signet-Office 47 Speaker of the House of Lords 10 Speaker of the House of Commons 14 Stewards 75 Subpoena Office 53 Swainmote 95 T. TRial of Malefactors 83 W. WArden of the Fleet 54 ERRATA PART I. Page 4. line 12. read Wiltshire p. 7. l. 10. dele of and l. 12. r. third p. 29. l. 5. r. Lincoln p. 81. in the list 1. Burntwood p. 89. l. 11. r. be p. 116. l. 10. r. Rockingham p. 291. l. 25. r. 1209. p. 302. r. only Grocer's Hall p. 324. l. 6. r. 25. p. 329. l. 13. r. 9000. p. 331. l. 16. r. manner p. 341.
the better in troubled Waters Yet whatever have been the Effects of it hitherto God has wonderfully defeated their Designs Insomuch that this Church formerly scattered and eclipsed in the Reign of Charles I restored but afterwards undermined by Charles II and lately threatned with utter Ruin by his immediate Successor is now by the special Providence of God in a Hourishing Condition under the happy Influence of our present King William the Restorer of our Laws Religion and Liberties As for the Spirit of Persecution which the Church of England has been charged with in relation to Dissenters it cannot be justly laid to her Charge For whatever has been done in that Case was but according to Law and the Penal Laws were made as all Statute-Laws in a regular Manner by the Votes of Parliament the Representatives of the People as well Dissenters as others 'T is true the Church-Party proved the most predominant And yet in point of Execution the sober part of the Church were always very tender and none but hot Men amongst them ready for Execution Influenced thereto by the Court which far from designing the Dissenters Union with the Church used the Rigour of the Law to create an implacable Hatred betwixt the afflicting Church and the suffering Body of the Dissenters Which had a sutable Effect For these imbittered what with Fines what with Imprisonments tho according to Law failed not to clamour on all sides against the persecuting Spirit of the Church of England and against those bloudy Laws as they used to call ' em The Sense of their present state made them forget what they had done when they usurped the Regal Power and how busy they were to imprison to banish to sequester With Grief I rake up these old Sores and nothing but a just Desire of righting both Parties could have extorted this from me But now the Dissenters have got Liberty of Conscience by a late Act of Parliament with the ready Concurrence of the Church-Party in both Houses I hope there 's no Ground left for Animosities between the Church and Them And if the Presbyterians who are the nearest to the Church of England and the greatest Party among Dissenters now they have seen so much of her incomparable Learning and invincible Stedfastness to the Protestant Religion and Interest would but shake off their groundless Prejudices and prefer the happiness of a Reunion before the Danger of a Schism what a Blessing it would prove to this Nation is almost unconceivable 'T is not long since the Church was their Sanctuary when they expected no Mercy from a late King who came to the Throne full of Resentment and Indignation against them Tho afterwards to compass his own Ends he tacked about and killed them almost with Kindness And why they should now separate from a Church which was so lately their Refuge when they crowded the very Church-Men out of Church it is past my Understanding For the Church of England is the same still Were they but so well-minded as to make the least step towards a Reunion I am assured the Church of England would be very forward to meet them Rather than they should continue their Separation and be Accountable to Gods Tribunal for it I am more than confident she would readily part with such Ceremonies as give 'em most offence But it is feared they would not be satisfied with those small Condescensions They are for more substantial Things which for Peace sake I shall forbear to name and leave for the Reader to guess The main Points wherein they differ from the Church of England is the Church Government and the publick Worship They hold that the Church was governed in the beginning by Presbyters or Elders and that it should be so governed still not by Bishops upon which account they got the Name of Presbyterians They except both against the latitude of the Bishops Power and the largeness of their Revenues as if neither of them could be used by the Clergy with Christian Moderation But it is more probable the unshaken fidelity of Bishops to Monarchy which many of the Dissenters were never very fond of sticks most in their Stomack For publick Worship they use no Liturgy wherein they differ from the Protestan● Churches beyond Sea They look upon Se● Forms as dead Prayers and delight only o● Extemporal Therefore the Lord's Prayer i● in a manner exploded by the rigid Sort o● them Yet one would think when their Minister prays before the Congregation his Prayer ●s a set Form to such as pray with him The Surplice the Sign of the Cross the bowing ●t the Name of Jesus and the kneeling at the Communion are to them so many Sins They deal plainly with God at least in outward appearance and are resolved as far as 〈◊〉 see to serve him without Ceremony Great Predestinarians many of 'em are and very strict Observers of the Sabbath In short their apparent Soberness in Conversation and Zeal in their Devotion has so increased their Number that they are lookt upon as the chief Party amongst all the Dissenters Next to whom both in their Opinions and Number are the Independents or Congregationalists So called for that they will have every particular Congregation to be ruled by their own Laws without dependence upon any other in Church-Matters For they prefer their own Gathered Churches in private Places to the publick Congregations in Churches which in contempt they call by the name of ●ceeple-Houses In most Things else they ●●mp with the Presbyterians Except those particular Tenets some of 'em have intertain●d which for brevities sake I forbear to enumerate The riged sort of 'em called Brownists ●efuse to Communicate with any of the Reformed Churches The Anabaptists are so called from Rebapti●ing those who coming to their Communion ●ere baptized in their Infancy For one of their chief Tenets is against Pedobaptism or baptizing of Children They hold besides ●hat Lay-people may preach As for those blasphe●ous Opinions their Fore-fathers have been charged with I hope few of the modern And baptists in England are guilty of them The Millenarians or Fifth-Monarchy-Men are so called from their Expectation of Christ's temporal Kingdom here on Earth for a thousand Years And this they ground upon several Places of Scripture which from a Spiritual they wrest into a Carnal Sense The Quakers are a sort of Enthusiasts so called because they use to quake and groan when they wait for the Spirit Whereas the Spirit of God is a Spirit of Peace and Quietness not to be found in Fire Earth-quakes and Whirl-winds but in the soft and still Voice They reject all Ministerial Ordinances and rail against premeditated Preaching o● Praying The Holy Scripture is no Rule for 'em to go by but Inspiration and the Light they pretend to is all in all with them So that any Man or Woman in their Meetings that fancies first to be seized with the Spirit is free to stand up for a Teacher to the
Go●ernment nine and twenty of the Lords Spi●●al and Temporal such as ●●●ned to be at ●t time in and about the Cities of London ●d Westminster immediately assembled at ●ildhall Where they unanimously Re●●ved to apply themselves to His Highness 〈◊〉 Prince of Orange and to assist Him ●●th their utmost Endeavours in the ob●●ing with all speed such a free Parliament 〈◊〉 the security of our Laws Liberties and ●operties as thereby the Church of England 〈◊〉 particular with a due Liberty to Prote●●nt Dissenters and in general the Protestant ●eligion and Interest over the whole World ●ight be supported and incouraged to the ●lory of God the Happiness of these King●oms and the Advantage of all Princes and ●ates in Christendom Whereof they made publick Declaration signed by every one of 〈◊〉 Lords amongst which the Earl of Pem●ke the Lord Viscount Weymouth the Bishop 〈◊〉 Ely and the Lord Culpeper were chosen to ●tend forthwith His Highness with the said ●eclaration and at the same time acquaint 〈◊〉 with what they had further done at that ●eeting Few days after this the Lord Mayor Alder●en and Commons of the City of London in ●mmon Council Assembled made an humble ●ddress to the Prince wherein they returned 〈◊〉 Highness their Thanks for his glorious Un●rtaking to rescue these Kingdoms from Po●ry and Slavery look'd upon him as their Re●●e implored his Protection and humbly be●ght Him to repair to this City where he should be received with Universal Joy and S●tisfaction The Prince was then at Henley where he r●ceived the Addressers in the most obliging ma●ner with A●●rances of his Protection a● of his Readiness to comply with their D●fires In the mean time King James was unhappi● taken in a Disguise at Feversham in Kent as 〈◊〉 was going for France Where being soon D● covered he was at last prevailed upon to Return so that his Guards and Coach being se● for Him he came back to Whitehall Sund●● Dec. 16 and reassumed the Government Whil● King James came up to London from the South the Prince made his Way thither from t●● West in hopes that his Majesty would come 〈◊〉 an amicable and equitable Accommodation by referring all Grievances to a free Parl●●ment But the King not being able to bear the h●● of a Free Parliament after so many notori●● Violations of the Laws of the Realm grew fo● uneasy at Whitehall and his Heart beat ag● for France as his only Place of Refuge 〈◊〉 Rochester he goes from whence few Days ●●ter he privately Withdrew himself the sec●● time but with more success than the 〈◊〉 For he got clear to France where the Qu●● and the supposed Prince of Wales had so● time before taken Sanctuary Mean while the Prince of Orange was 〈◊〉 to St. James's Dec. 19th where his High●● received the Compliments of all the Nobi●● and other Persons of the chiefest quality Town and at Night the Streets were 〈◊〉 with Bonfires with Ringing of Bells and ther publick Demonstrations of Joy Then the Scene of Affairs was so very much ●ered that nothing but a new Settlement ●●uld Resettle us In order to which a great Assembly of Lords and Commons Members of ●rmer Parliaments besides the Lord Mayor ●ldermen and Common Council of the City of London was held at Westminster to consult ●hat was fit to be done Who after some De●●tes upon the present Juncture came to this resolve that his Highness the Prince of O●●nge should be humbly Intreated to Summon 〈◊〉 Convention of Lords and Commons by his Cir●ular Letters these to be chosen by the People in a Parliamentary Way to meet at Westminster on ●he 22th of January following And that His sighness in the mean time would be pleased ●o take upon Him the Administration of pub●ick Affairs both Civil and Military and the disposal of the publick Revenue Which was ●one accordingly The Convention being met at the Time ●ppointed the House of Commons broke the 〈◊〉 Voted the Abdication of the Govern●ent by King James and the Vacancy of the ●●rone that is in short a Dissolution of the whole Frame of Government The House of Lords being divided as to the Word Abdicate ●●d several Conferences about it with the Com●ons till at last their Lordships Concurred with them by Plurality of Votes Which hap●ed on the 6th of Febr the same Day upon which King James had ascended the Throne The Government being thus declared in a ●ate of Dissolution and the Throne Vacant ●he next Business was to Resettle the first by ●lling up the last It was then in their power 〈◊〉 bestow the Crown upon whom they pleased 〈◊〉 after several Debates the Two Houses at last fully agreed upon a joynt Declaration concerning the Misgovernment of King James the Offer of the Crown to the Prince and Prince of Orange the Abrogation of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and the new Oaths t● be taken instead of them All this was done by the 12th of February upon which Day Her Royal Highness the Princess of Orange arrived at Whitehall about tw● in the Afternoon the welcome News whereo● was received with universal Demonstrations o● Joy The next Day Febr. 13th both Houses being Assembled at Westminster came to th● Banqueting House where they presented t● the Prince and Princess of Orange the Instrument in Writing agreed upon for Declarin● Their Highnesses KING and QUEEN o● England France and Ireland with all the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging and received Their Consent Whereupon Their Majesties were immediately Proclaimed in tha● solemn Manner as I have already described i● the Seventh Chapter And thus was accomplished the Curse of King James J a Prince whose Learned Pen baffle● all the Conclave which he solemnly pronounced on any of his Posterity that should turn Papists I am heartily sorry that it should fall 〈◊〉 heavy upon the late King but it is better so than that three Kingdoms should perish And yet had he kept within some reasonable Bounds and his Religion to himself withou● his open Violations of the Laws as it were i● defiance 't is very likely the Nation would ha●● been upon his account very indulgent to th● Roman Catholick Party They might have g● by this means some legal Toleration which 〈◊〉 the space of few Years would have Incoura●●d and Strengthned their Party here conside●bly So quick of growth are the Roman ●atholicks where they find Incourage●ent Therefore the very Court of France did o●enly declare his Errors to the World and ●ssed this Verdict upon him That his whole ●onduct had been very little Judicious The ●mperour on the other side in his Letter to ●ing James from Vienna Apr. 9. 1689 could ●●t forbear amongst his tender condoling ●xpressions to tell him the Cause of his ●in But King James would never be advised to Moderation and no Counsellors were welcome 〈◊〉 him but such as prompted him to Vio●nce The Issue whereof proved accordingly ●ll Covet all Lose I conclude with a Character of Their
another Coast-Town ly's 2 miles North-East of Orford Pleasantly seated in a Dale between the Sea on the East a high Hill on the West where stands a large and old-built Church and a small River that runs to the Southward This is a long large and plain-built Town with mean Houses Chiefly noted for its Fishery for which they have a commodious Key at Slaughden a quarter of a mile Southwards and along the Beach towards Orford Conveniencies above other Towns for the drying of their North-Sea-Fish A little North of the Town is a Village called Thorp whence several Parts of the County are served with Lobsters and Crabs Saxmundsham lies North of Alborough and at some distance from the Sea upon a small River Dunwich on the Sea-shore was the first Bishops See of the East-Angles for the County of Suffolk Then a Town capable of that Dignity now ruinous decay'd and for the greatest part worn into the Sea However it do's still contain two Parish Churches Fishing of Sprats in Winter and of Herrings Mackerels Soles and the like in their proper Seasons is the chief Imployment of its Inhabitants as it is with those of Alborough Swold or Sowold a few miles more Northward stands also by the Sea-side Seated on a pleasant Cliff the Sea on the East the Harbour on the South the River Blithe with a Draw-bridge on the West and a small Neck of Land on the North. So that it is almost incompassed with Water especially at every floud And besides the natural Situation of the Place which renders it a Town of good strength here are planted on the Cliff several Pieces of Ordnance It s Bay called Swolds Bay so famous for Ships to ride in is chiefly made by the Shooting forth of Easton Ness a little North of it which is the most Eastern Part of all England Lestoft is the most Northern Sea-Town of this County and a good thriving Place It s chief Trade consists in fishing for Cod in the North Sea and at home for Herrings for which it lies most conveniently over against the chief Herring-Beds Beckles and Bungay are both seated on the banks of the Waveney The first has two Parish-Churches and a Grammar-School with ten Scholarships for Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge Here the Womens Imploy is to knit Worsted Stockings whilst at Diss in Norfolk on the other side of the River they imploy themselves in knitting of Silk ones Halesworth Framlingham and Eye make a kind of Triangle The first is a thriving Town for Retail Trade dealing much in Linnen Yarn and Sale Cloth Framlingham a good large Town is seated upon a Clay-hill near the head of the River Ore Defended by a spacious tall Castle of Saxon Work well walled and double ditched on one part with a large Meer on the other part This Castle had once no less than 13 high Towers and was counted so strong that Robert the rebellious Earl of Leicester against King Henry the Second took up his Quarters here Its Inworks are now much defaced there being only a large Dwelling-house a Grammar-School-House but the Outworks are more like a Castle than the Ruins of one Eye a pretty large Market-Town and an ancient Corporation is situate in a watery Place It shew's a fair Church with the Ruins of a Castle and of an ancient Benedictine Abbey called S. Peter's The Womens Imploy in this Town is making of Bone-lace This Corporation is a Peculiar of the Crown an Honour of ancient Time and has been given in Joynture with the Queens of England Buddesdale some miles West of Eye is but a little Borough-Town seated according to its Name in a Dale Here is a Grammar-School indowed with certain Scholarships assigned to Bennet or Corpus Christi Colledge in Cambridge Hadleigh and Lavenham are both seated on the River Breton and Bilston on a Rivulet that falls into it The first a Town of great account formerly for its Clothing has a fine Church which is a great Ornament to it and is a Peculiar of Canterbury Of some note for the Martyrdom of Dr. Taylor their sometime famous Minister who suffered here for his Religion But whereas Hadleigh is seated in a Bottom Lavenham on the contrary stands on an Eminence This also has a comely and spacious Church and Steeple injoy's a pretty good Trade and is something the more frequented for its famous Lecture Bilston or Bildeston is noted for its Blues and Blankets And the Women here either spin corded Wool for the Clothier or white Work for the Packer Neyland Sudbury Clare and Haverill are all four seated on the River Stower The first in a rich Bottom is a good Country Town noted for its Clothing but chiefly for its Bays and Sayes wherein the Inhabitants drive a Trade with London Sudbury is a good large Town having a fair Bridge over the River Stower which leads into Essex It contains 3 Parish Churches and drives a good Trade of Cloathing being chiefly noted for Says as Colchester in Essex for Bays Of some Note besides for giving the Title of Baron to his Grace the Duke of Grafton Clare is a Town of more antiquity than beauty having nothing to boast of but the Ruins of a Castle and Collegiate Church but that it gave both Name and Title to that noble Family surnamed De Clare who in their Times were Earls of Hartford Clare and Glocester The last of that Name was Gilbert de Clare who died Anno 1295. He had a Sister and Coheir Elizabeth by Name the Wife of William de Burg Earl of Ulster in Ireland by whom she got a Daughter their sole Heir To this great Heiress Lionel the third Son of King Edward III was married and upon his Marriage made Duke of Clarence the Termination of the Title being only changed not the Place denominating And from this Change the second King of Arms is surnamed Clarencieux as appertaining formerly to the Dukes of Clarence Besides this first Duke of Clarence I can find but two more Viz. Thomas second Son to King Henry IV Lord Admiral who was slain in France and George Brother to King Ed. ward IV Lord Constable But in the Year 1624 the first Title of Clare was revived in the person of John Holles Lord Houghton Created Earl of Clare by King James the first To whom succeeded John Holles his eldest Son then Gilbert Holles the late Earl and upon his Decease the Right Honourable John Holles the present Earl of Clare Haveril on the edge of Suffolk Essex and Cambridgeshire is a small and plain Market-Town not far from the Head of the Stower adjoyning to the Saffron Grounds The principal Trade here is Fustians As for Newmarket I refer you to Cambridgeshire Mildenhall a large and populous Market-Town is seated on the Banks of a River that runs from East to West into the Ouse almost over against Littleport in Cambridgeshire Here is a fair Church with a very tall Steeple And its Market does chiefly abound with Fish and
to speak the Terms of Art in our own Language A Thing Judged impossible till we saw it performed What matchless and incomparable Pieces have we seen in our Time and where shall one see more sense in so few Words What Poetry has more Majesty and bears a greater sense than the English when it flows from a true Poet In point of Sweetness whereas the Italian swarms with Vowels and the Dutch with Consonants the English has the Advantage of them both in a happy Mixture 'T is true the Italian is an excellent Princely and pleasant Language but it wants Sinews and passes as silent Water The French is truly delicate but something too nice and affected the Spanish Majestical but terrible and boisterous the Dutch manly but harsh Now the English is both sweet and manly 'T is true there are in it some particular sounds unknown to the French Tongue which are indeed something harsh and uncouth in the mouth of a French Learner and yet very smooth when they run in their proper and natural Channel Viz. i long as in Vice ou and ow in Cloud Vow o and i as in God Lord bird and shirt pronounced with a mixt sound of the French o and a. But those which puzzle most of all the French Learner are the found of g before e and i and which is the same Thing of j Consonant before any Vowel as in ginger jack jest jil jog and jug of ch as in Chamber but chiefly of th called a t aspirate as in thanks thief thorough thunder c. In short such is the mixture of the English that one may frame his Speech majestical pleasant delicate or manly according to the Subject Of all which Advantages inherent to the English Tongue Foreiners are at last become very sensible For whereas they used to slight it as an Insular Speech not worth their taking notice they are at present great Admirers of it What remains is to answer the usual Objections against it whereby some People pretend to degrade it from the Worth of a Language viz. its Mixture and Mutability Mixture a Thing so very natural to Languages that none but the Hebrew if that is free from it The Latine it self had a great Mixture of Greek and Gothish The French consists of Latine Dutch and old Gallick The Spanish of Latine Gothish and Morisco And the German it self as Original as it is pretended to be has a taste of the Roman Empire and the bordering Neighbours As for its Mutability 't is at least as groundless an Objection For 't is well known that Languages as States have their Infancy and Age their Wax and Wane But now the English Tongue is come to so great Perfection now 't is grown so very Copious and Significant by the accession of the quintessence and life of other Tongues 't were to be wished that a stop were put to this unbounded Way of Naturalizing forein Words and that none hereafter should be admitted but with Judgement and Authority For the Truth is there is as much in it as is needful and as much as the English Soil is well able to bear I conclude according to the Title of this Chapter with an Account of the most famous Men of this Nation either for Souldiery or Learning extracted from Dr. Heylin's Cosmography Which will serve as a further Confutation of our Hypercritick Scaliger and other French conceited Authors since his Time who valuing no Nation but their own made it their Business to decry the English But I shall do it with my Author's Caution that is without mentioning the late great Men this Nation has bred that I may give no ground for Invidiousness The most valorous Souldiers of this Country when possessed by the Britains were Cassibelane who twice repulsed the Roman Legions though conducted by Caesar himself and had not a Party here at home been formed against him 't is like he had been still too hard for the Romans Prasutagus King of the Iceni Constantine the Great the first Christian Emperour Arthur One of the Worlds Nine Worthies In the Times of the Saxons Egbert the last King of the West-Saxons and the first of England Alfred his Grandson who totally united the Saxon Heptarchy into one Estate and subjected the Danes to his Commands though he could not expel them Edmund surnamed Ironside Guy Earl of Warwick After the Normans came in Richard and Edward the First so renowned in the Wars of the Holy Land Edward III and his Son Edward the black Prince duo Fulmina Belli famous in the Wars of France Henry V and John Duke of Bedford his Brother Montacute Earl of Salisbury Sir John Falstaff and Sir John Hawkwood who shewed their Valour both in France and Italy Hawkins Willoughby Burroughs Jenkinson Drake Frobisher Cavendish and Greenvile all famous Sea-Captains Scholars of most note Alcuinus one of the Founders of the University of Paris Beda who for his Piety and Learning obtained the Attribute of Venerabilis Anselm and Bradwardin Archbishops of Canterbury Men famous for the Times they lived in Alexander of Hales Tutor to Thomas Aquinas Bonaventure Wicleff and Thomas of Walden his Antagonist the first Parson of Lutterworth in the County of Leicester who valiantly opposed the Power and Errours of the Church of Rome And since the Reformation John Jewel Bishop of Salisbury to whose learned and industrions Labours in defence of the Religion here established by Law we are still beholden Dr. John Raynolds and Mr. Richard Hooker the first a Man of infinite Reading the second of as strong a Judgement Dr. Whitaker of Cambridge the Antagonist of the famous Bellarmine Dr. Tho. Bilson and Dr. Lancelot Andrews both Bishops of Winchester the Ornaments of their several Times Bishop Montague of Norwich a great Philologer and Divine Dr. John Whitgift and Dr. William Laud Archbishops of Canterbury But I cannot pass by the remarkable Story of the foresaid Dr. John Raynolds and William his Brother William was at first a Protestant of the Church of England and John trained up beyond Sea in Popery The first out of an honest Zeal to reduce his Brother made a Journey to him and they had a Conference Where it so fell out that each was overcome with his Brothers Arguments so that William of a Zealous Protestant became a virulent Papist and John of a strong Papist a most rigid Protestant A strange Accident and a rare subject for this excellent Epigram made upon it by Dr. Alabaster who had tried both Religions Bella inter geminos plusquam Civilia Fratres Traxerat ambiguus Religionis Apex Ille Reformatae Fidei pro partibus instat Iste Reformandam denegat esse Fidem Propositis Causae Rationibus alter utrinque Concurrere pares cecidere pares Quod fuit in Votis Fratrem capit alter-uterque Quod fuit in Fatis perdit uterque Fidem Captivi gemini sine Captivante fuerunt Et Victor Victi transfuga Castra petit Quod genus hoc
King Who in such Case usually make choice of such a Person among the Nobility as is fit for that Station whose private Interest is to preserve the Kings Life and Authority and to whom least benefit can accrue by his Death or Diminution Thus in the Case of Edward VI the Duke of Somerset his Uncle by the Mothers side was made Lord Protector during the Kings Minority And when this Rule has not been observed as in the Minority of Edward V it has proved of very ill consequence But this is observable withall that when th● King comes to be 24 Years of Age he may b● his Letters Patents under the Great Seal a●cording to a Statute made in the Reign of He●ry VIII revoke and utterly null whatsoeve● has been Enacted in Parliament during his M●nority When the King was Absent upon any so reign Expedition as several of our Kings have been with good success the Custom was for merly to constitute a Vicegerent by Commission under the Great Seal with the Tit● of Lord Warden or Lord Keeper of the Kingdom and sometimes that of Protector And such was the Latitude of his Power that except wearing of the Crown he was as great a● the King But sometimes the Kingdom durin● the King's Absence has been committed to th● Care of several Noblemen During the Absence of Henry VIII in France which hapned two several times the Quee● was made Regent And so is at this time o●● Gracious Queen Mary during his Majesties so reign Expedition So in case of the Kings Incapacity to govern either through Age or Weakness or by reason of some Incurable Disease a Gardian 〈◊〉 Regent is constituted to govern the Kingdom for Him Such a one was John Duke of L●● caster in the latter Days of King Edward 〈◊〉 appointed by the King himself who then what with Age and Weakness what with Sickness and Grief for the untimely Death of 〈◊〉 dear Son the Black Prince was much decay● both in Body and Mind I come now to the Succession to the Cr●● Which is not in England as in France Tur●● and amongst Barbarians by excluding Females from the Crown For the Crown of England in its natural Course descends from Father to S●n for want of Sons to the eldest Daughter and her Heirs for want of Daughter to the Brother and his Heirs for want of Brother to the Sister and her Heirs In short upon the Death of the King or Queen upon the Throne the next of Kindred though born out of the Dominions of England or of Parents not Subjects of England is immediately King or Queen before any Proclamation or Coronation And contrary to the Descent of Estates among Subjects the Half Blood inherits as in the Case of Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth who succeeded King Edward the Sixth though they were his Sisters only by the Father's side But the Government being lately Dissolved by King James his Misgovernment as well as Abdication the Crown was settled in this manner by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons assembled at Westminster in the Month of December Anno 1689. First upon William and Mary then Prince and Princess of Orange during their Lives and the Life of the Survivor of Them but the sole and full Exercise of the Regal Power to be only in and executed by the said Prince of Orange in the Names of the said Prince and Princess during their joynt Lives And after their Deceases the said Crown and Royal Dignity to be to the ●eirs of the Body of the said Princess And for default of such Issue to the Princess Anne of Denmark and the Heirs of her Body And for default of such Issue to the Heirs of the Body of the said Prince of Orange Upon which the said Prince and Princess now King and Queen of England c. did accept th● Crown and Royal Dignity of the Kingdoms o● England France and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging And for preventing all Questions and Divisions in this Realm by reason of any pretended Titles to the Crown and for preserving a Certainty in the Succession thereof the Settlement of the Crown as aforesaid was Confirmed by an Act of the Insuing Parliament which passed the Royal Assent Dec 16. 1689. With this excellent Proviso That Whereas it hath been found by Experience that it is Inconsistent with the Safety and Welfare of this Protestant Kingdom to be Governed by a Popis● Prince or by any King or Queen Marrying Papist all and every Person and Persons tha● is are or shall be Reconciled to or shall hol● Communion with the See or Church of Rome or shall profess the Popish Religion or shal● Marry a Papist shall be Excluded and be soever Uncapable to Inherit Possess or Injoy th● Crown and Government of this Realm and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belon●ing or any Part of the same or to Have Us● or Exercise any Regal Power Authority or J●risdiction within the same And in all and 〈◊〉 very such Case or Cases the People of the● Realms shall be and are hereby Absolved 〈◊〉 their Allegiance and the said Crown and Government shall from time to time Descend 〈◊〉 and be Injoy'd by such Person or Persons ●●ing Protestants as should have Inherit●● or Injoyed the same in case the said P●●son or Persons so Reconciled holding Co●munion or Professing or Marrying as afo●●said were naturally Dead By which Act further Confirmed and Asserted by the Act of Recognition passed in the last Session of Parliament the Crown is by Law for ever Insured into Protestant Hands and all Pretence of Popish Succession Nulled and Invalidated CHAP. XI Of the Royal Family Particularly of the Queen and the Sons and Daughters of England THe Queen of England is either a Sovereign or Queen Consort or else Queen Dowager When the Queen is Sovereign as were Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth the two Daughters of Henry VIII and Sisters of Edward VI. he is invested with all the Regal Power and ●cts as Sovereign And whoever she does marry ●o far from following her Husbands Condition ●he is her Husbands Sovereign as Queen Mary ●as Philip's The Case indeed of our present Queen Mary is ●ifferent She is a Sovereign joyntly with her ●usband King William but the Administration 〈◊〉 the Government and the sole Executive Power ●●lodged only in the King during their Joynt ●●ves Except the Time of his Majesties Absence 〈◊〉 his foreign Expedition during which Her ●jesty is Vested by a late Act of Parliament with the Administration and acts as Queen Regent A Queen Consort without Sovereignty is Reputed however the Second Person in the Kingdom and Respected accordingly The Law sets so high a value upon Her as to make it High Treason to conspire her Death or to violate her Chastity She has her Royal Court and Officers apart with a large Dower to maintain her Greatness And though she be an Alien born yet without Denization or Naturalization she may purchase Lands in
manner of Ways 1. by ●oods and Chattels 2. by the Body Pledges ●●d Mainprise 3. by the Body only This ●ourt is kept every 40 Days Pie-powder Court is a Court held in Fairs to yield Justice to Buyers and Sellers and for Redress of all Disorders committed in them These Courts are so called from the French Pie a foot and poudreux dusty the Fairs being kept most usually in Summer to which the Country people use to come with dusty feet A Pie-powder Court is held de hora in horam every hour and such is the Dispatch made here that Justice ought to be summarily administred within three ebbing and three flowing of the Sea CHAP. XII Of the Ecclesiastical Courts and first of the Convocation TO consult of Church-Matters and make Ecclesiastical Laws now and then the Convocation meets and that in time of Parliament Which Convocation is a National Synod or general Assembly of the Clergy convoked after this manner Some time before the Parliament sits the King by the Advice of his Privy Council sends his Writ to the Arch-bishop of each Province for Summoning all Bishops Deans Arch-Deacons c. assigning them the Time and Place in the said Writ Upon which the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury directs his Letters authentically sealed to the Bishop of London as his Dean Provincial wherein he cites him peremptorily and willeth him to cite in like manner all the Bishops Deans Arch-Deacons Gathedral and Collegiate Churches and all the Clergy of his Province to the Place and Day prefixt in the Writ But he directeth withal that one Proctor be sent for every Cathedral or Collegiate Church and two for the Body of the Inferiour Clergy of each Diocese All which the Bishop of London takes accordingly care of willing the Parties concerned person 〈◊〉 to appear and in the mean time to cer●ify to the Arch-Bishop the Names of every one so warned in a Schedule annexed to the Letter Certificatory Upon which the other Bishops of the Province proceed the Cathedral and Collegiate Churches and the inferiour Clergy of each Diocese make choice of their Proctors Which done and certified to the Bishop of London he returneth all at the Day And the same Method is used in the Province of York The Chappel of Henry VII annexed to Westminster Abbey is the usual Place where the Convocation of the Clergy in the Province of Canterbury meets Whilst the Arch-Bishop of York holds at York a Convocation of all his Province in like manner Thus by constant Correspondence these two Provinces tho so ●r distant from each other do debate and ●onclude of the same Matters The Convocation is like the Parliament disided into two Houses the higher and the ●wer And all Members have by Statute the ●●me Priviledges for themselves and menial ●ervants as the Members of Parliament have The higher House in the Province of Canterbury which is by much the larger of the two consists of 22 Bishops whereof the Arch-Bishop is President Who sits in a Chair at the upper end of a great Table and the Bishops on each side of the same Table all in their Scarlet Robes and Hoods the Arch-Bishops Hoods furred with Ermin and the Bishops with Minever The lower House consists of all the Deans Arch-deacons one Proctor for every Chapter and two Proctors for all the Clergy of the Diocese Which make in all 166 Persons viz. 22 Deans 24 Prebendaries 54 Archdeacons and 44 Clerks representing the Diocesan Clergy The first Business of each House upon their Meeting is to chuse each a Prolocutor or Speaker The Prolocutor of the lower House being chosen he is presented to the upper House by two of the Members whereof one makes a Speech and the elect Person another both in Latine To which the Arch Bishop answers in Latine and in the Name of all the Lords approves of the Person The Matters debated by both Houses are only such as the King by Commission do'● expresly allow viz. Church and Religion Matters first proposed in the Upper and th●● communicated to the Lower House And the major Vote in each House prevails Sometimes there have been Royal Aids granted to the King by the Clergy in Convocation Anciently this Assembly might without 〈◊〉 now with the Royal Assent make Canon touching Religion binding not only them selves but all the Laity without Consent o● Ratification of the Lords and Commons i● Parliament Neither did the Parliament meddle in the making of Canons or in Doctrinal Matters till the Civil Wars in the Reign of Charles I. Only when thereto required they by their Civil Sanctions did confirm the Results and Consultations of the Clergy whereby the People might be the more easily induced to obey the Ordinances of their Spiritual Governours To conclude the Laws and Constitutions whereby the Church of England is governed are first general Canons made by general Councils with the Opinion of the orthodox Fathers and the grave Decrees of several holy Bishops of Rome which have been admitted from time to time by the Kings of England Then our own Constitutions made anciently in several Provincial Synods both by the Popes Legates Otho and Othobon and by several Arch-Bishops of Canterbury all which are of force in England so far as they are not repugnant to the Laws and Customs of England or the Kings Prerogative Next to those Constitutions this Church is also governed by Canons made in Convocations of latter times as in the first Year of the Reign of King James I and confirmed by his Authority Also by some Statutes of Parliament ●ouching Church-Affairs and by divers Imme●orial Customs But where all these fail the Civil Law takes place CHAP. XIII Of the Court of Arches the Court of Audience the Prerogative-Court the Court of Delegates the Court of Peculiars c. FROM the Church Legislative I come to the Executive Power for which there have been several Courts provided Amongst which is the Court of Arches the chief and most ancient Consistory that belongeth to the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury for the debating of Spiritual Causes So called from the arched Church and Tower of S. Mary le Bow in Cheapside London where this Court is wont to be held The Judge whereof is called Dean of the Arches or the Official of the Court of Arches because with this Officialty is commonly joyned a peculiar Jurisdiction of 13 Parishes in London termed a Deanry being exempt from the Bishop of Londons Jurisdiction and belonging to the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury All Appeals in Church-Matters within the Province of Canterbury are directed to this Court. In which the Judge sits alone without Assessors hearing and determining all Causes without any Jury The Advocates allowed to plead in this Court are all to be Doctors of the Civil Law Who upon their Petition to the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and his Fiat obtained are admitted by the Judge of this Court but must not practise the first Year Both the Judge and the Advocates always wear their Scarlet Robes with