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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09142 The returne of the renowned caualiero Pasquill of England, from the other side the seas, and his meeting with Marforius at London vpon the Royall Exchange VVhere they encounter with a little houshold talke of Martin and Martinisme, discouering the scabbe that is bredde in England: and conferring together about the speedie dispersing of the golden legende of the liues of the saints. Pasquill, of England, Cavaliero.; Nash, Thomas, 1567-1601, attributed name. 1589 (1589) STC 19457; ESTC S114218 23,237 32

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as that PAS That is a peece of seruice not to be neglected in his time I haue there sette down all the vpstart Religions in this Land The Anabaptists the Family of Loue the seuen capital haeresies for which som haue beene executed of late yeeres in Suffolke the diuersities of Puritans and Martinists with a number more which you shall heare of when that Booke is Printed A lamentable spectacle it will be to see so many faces in one hoode But GOD knoweth before whom I stand I desire not to cast it out as a block in the waies of men for any to stumble at or to stand at defiance with all Religion but as a Sea-marke to discouer the quicksands of newe Religions I haue heard that Bernardin Ochin a man of great learning whom I knewe in Rome to be the first founder of the order of the Capuchines being once tucht with the finger of Gods spirite began to detest the superstitions of the Church of Rome and fled to Geneua The same man had a desire also to visite England and during the time of his remaining heere he found so many blind Sects and Religions within the land that he turned backe like a dogge to his owne vomit and in some sorte he fell into the biace of the Church of Rome againe Vnhappie man that beeing once lightned looked backe to that Scicilian Aetna that spues vp sinoake and sulpher into the world to put out the eyes of men Vnhappie England that by the diuersities of opinions in Religion sette so many handes to his shoulders to thrust him downe that was so ready with a turne to ouerturne Howe these newe pampred factions at this day haue shaken the harts of many of her Maiesties louing people and made them Chamaelion like capable of any faith saue the right I leaue it to them that looke into it MAR. Take heede what you say it is a common report that the faction of Martinisme hath mightie freendes PAS Thats a bragge Marforius yet if there be anie such I shall find them in the end and against the next Parliament I will picke out a time to pepper them Though they were as high as the maste as sure as the tackling as profitable as the fraught and as necessarie as the sayles when the shippe is in danger ouerboorde withall What meaning soeuer some men haue in it I am assured that it can neither stand with policie nor with Religion to nourish anie faction in ciuill matters much lesse in matters belonging to the Church Quid prodest si vos contineat vna domus et separet diuersa voluntas What auaileth it saith one for men to be shrowded vnder one rooffe if they be not of one hart One secret faction in a Realme dooth more hurte then any generall plague or open warre The pestilence and the sword are two heauie scourges in Gods hand that deuoure many thousands of men in a little time yet they reach no further then the bodie but a faction deuours more and sweepes away both bodie and soule together Though the Iewes at the siege of Ierusalem were pressed by their enemies without the walles and punished with such a mortalitie within that the carkases of the dead did dunge the ground yet they neuer went to the wall till they grewe to be factious fell to taking one another by the throate Giue me leaue a little Marforius to shift my sayles and come towardes Italie They that were wise prophecied long before of the state of Rome that it should neuer decay but by diuision Which came to passe For when the factions of Sylla and Marius Caefar and Pompey Anthonie and Lepidus brake foorth the florishing Cittie beganne to cast her lease The great Empire of great Alexander like a flame of fire in a heape of flaxe when it was at the highest did shed it selfe suddainlie in the ayre and came to nothing by the dissentiōs of those that succeeded him The proude neck of the Graecians for all their wisedom was after the like manner brought vnder the Persians and Macedonians If we rolle our eyes at one side into the bosome of our neighbour Fraunce wee shall perceiue that although it were many times inuaded in the skyrts of the Countrey by the Romans yet it remained inuincible till Caesar toke holde of the discords within the Realme My head is full of water and my cheekes be wette when I thinke vpon Constantinople whose particular iarres layde her gates open to the Turke vnder whose captiuitie she groneth to this day A faction in a Kingdome may wel be compared to a spark of fire it catcheth hold at the first in some obscure corner in a Shoppe in a Stable or in a ricke of Strawe where it lyeth couert a little time but by little and little it gathers strength till it reare it selfe vp to great houses Pallaces Princes Courts and at last it rageth and ouerruns whole Citties Countries without quenching before they be vtterly ouerthrowne In the time of Iustinian the Emperor about the credite and aduancement of two colours Blewe and Greene there grew in Constantinople two mightie factions which made such a head the one against the other that in one day it cost many thousandes of men their liues and the Emperor himselfe was brought in great hazard both of his Empire and his owne person Vpon as light an occasion in the Dukedome of Florence for the two colours of Blacke and White verie pestilent quarrels began there and the factions of the Bianchi and the Neri breaking forth like a lightning out of the Clowdes scourde wasted the Country where they went These were but litle sparks in the rushes that euery man treadeth on and very trifles at the first yet you see how foule a Cockatrice may be hatcht of so small an egge If I shoulde rip vp the stomacks of some in England when wee consider the brawles the Garboyles the tragicall exclamations for Church apparrell may wee not say that England is falne into that fantasticall faction of Florence for Black White Wher had this brable his first beginning but in some obscure corner in the tippe of the tongue of some blind Parlor-preacher in the land in shoppes in stalles in the Tynkers budget the Taylors sheares and the Sheepheardes Tarboxe I doubt not Marforius but it will wither where it sprang and ende at where it began in shame and ignoraunce Thou knowest that the surest proppe of all Princes is to promote true Religion and to keepe it inuiolable when it is established for this is the well tempered Morter that buildeth vp all estates He that honors me saith God I will honor him But this chopping changing of the Religion of the land which was acquited of accusations in the time of the famous K. Edwarde the fixt and now aduaunced by the happy raigne of the Queenes most excellent Maiesty approued by the wisedom both spiritual temporal of the whole
Realme confirmed by a generall consent in the high Court of Parliament is nothing els but to picke out the Morter by little and little that at the next pushe Martin and his companions might ouerthrow the state and make the Emperiall crowne of her Maiestie kisse the ground Where there is a diuision fostred there can be no continuaunce of the present state GOD himselfe hath taught it vs. Martins cheefe practise in the Prouinces of Englande where I haue wandred is to perswade the simple that her Maiestie layeth such a logge vppon their consciences as they ought not beare whereuppon they presume to make a shrewde scruple of their obedience and begin to bounde like a Colt that would cast his ryder Hath God powred so many blessings vpon the Church of Englande by the very often and very miraculous preseruations of her sacred Maiesties royall person and therby giuen testimonies out of Heauen to the Religion of the Lande and dares Martin attempt to make a doubt bothe of it and her Credit me Marforius this bursting the sinew of peoples obedience to their naturall Prince cannot be doone but for a mischiuous intent what visor soeuer they sette vppon it I would faine knowe what should be the reason that so manie hundreds of thousands in this Realme haue hetherto humbled themselues at the feete of one person can it be because shee is mightier then all they she beeing but one they many millions she a woman and they men Is it any terror thinke you of the big bodied Holberders that guarde her Maiestie No Marforius if there were not some wonderful matter that withhelde them also euen they might be giuen ouer to a reprobate sence to bende euery man the point of his Holberd at her If we search it till the worlds ende we shall find no other cause of this sweet harmonie of peoples harts that remaine faithful and flexible to the shaking of her princelie finger but onely this the Religion of the Lande When Martin shall be suffered to displace GOD that now dwelles in the bosome of her Maiesties louing people and buz slaunders of Religion into theyr eares whereby they may conceiue that her highnesse by the maintenaunce of the Gospell hath shutte vp their saluation in close prison and that it mooues God in his wrath to drawe the Sworde against her and the Realme as Martin himselfe auoucheth what other consequent may we looke for but that euery Pruritane transported with the heate and the ignorance of his zeale wyll be as readie as a Papist to lift vp his hande against her which mischiefe I beseech God to returne into their bowels How odious and how dangerous innouations of Religion are Secretarie Machiauell a politick not much affected to any Religion discloseth by the example of Fryer Sauanaroll He was a man like Martin sprong vp in such a time as Martin when Spayne Fraunce Rome Arragon and the Emperour entred a league to make warre altogether vppon the Venetians Sauanarola boasted of Reuelations and secret conferences held betweene the holy Ghost and him Martin brags hee is a speciall man raysed vp on a suddaine by the spirit of God for the good of England as if GOD had beene a stranger to vs all this while Sauanarola made a bragging proffer which he neuer performed that he would passe through the fire for the confirmation of his doctrine Martin hath vaunted he wil seale his opinions with his hart blood but you may see by the starting holes hee seeketh that hee neuer meant to keepe hys promise Sauanarola brought himselfe his followers to confusion at last and so will Martin I muse howe any state man can abide to heare of innouasions in Religion where the truth is preached There is but one God which cannot be deuided if he could hee were not GOD. All his graces tende to a gathering together of Gods people in a vnitie of Faith not to a scattering into diuers Faythes wherein the principall grace of a Martinist consisteth Looke vnto the Heathen the accusers of Socrates made choise of this accusation aboue all others as a matter very worthy of death in him that he was a fellow that sought to sette a newe stampe of his own vpon theyr Religion One of the first Lawes that Romulus layd as a ribbe of yron into his gouernment was Deos peregrinos ne colunfo Take a patterne if you wyll from priuate Families What a pittifull thing is it to see two Religions in one house where the Father and the Sonne the Husband the Wife the Maister and Seruaunt are of diuers faythes the ioynts of that house begin to gape and the fall of that house is to be feared The diuersitie of opinions in so high a degree as is Religion cannot choose but diminish the loue and respect that the one of them should carrie vnto the other The Sonne will be carelesse of his dutie to his Father whom hee takes to be a reprobate the Father will make but slender reckoning of the Son that beleeues not as hee beleeues The Wife will giue little reuerence to that Husbande whom she imagineth to be damned The Husband wil be rough and rigorous to such a Wife as obeyes not him The Seruaunt wyll neuer giue due honour to his Maister when hee iudgeth him to be the bondslaue of the deuill The Maister will as hardlie protect that Seruaunt whose hart he perceiues not to bee with him As then the gouernment of Common-weales was first drawne from the gouernment of priuate houses so that which is the ruine of priuate houses growes in time to be the ruine of Common-weales I haue taken a little paine to visite diuers of the Courtes Benches Sessions that are helde in this Lande in her Maiesties name by vertue of her authoritie but I neuer saw so bolde so-open so-barbarous contempt of magistracie in any other part of the whole worlde as I haue seene heere Such canuaces made such stales set such traynes layde such platformes drawne by the factious to bring theyr Superiours into contempt and yet they prooue so ridiculous in euerie steppe they tread that I am ready to stand on my nose whē I trace them out I was once in Antwerpe when great sute was made to the Masters of the English house by a Gentleman then emploied in the Queenes affaires for the entertaining a Preacher amōg them both to teach to minister the Sacraments there vnto thē The request was soone graunted Trauars a fellow that delighteth in obliquitie was the man that was brought thither when he came he had neither taken the Orders of the Ministerie nor any lycence to preach according to the gouernment of the Church of Englande but ran into a corner among the French to receiue it there At last one of the Ministers of those Churches came with him to the companie and made a sollemne protestation before thē all that he founde Mast Trauars a fitte man for the deuiding of the