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A04400 A discouery of the errors of the English Anabaptists As also an admonition to all such as are led by the like spirit of error. Wherein is set downe all their seuerall and maine points of error, which they hold. With a full answer to euery one of them seuerally, wherein the truth is manifested. By Edmond Iessop who sometime walked in the said errors with them. Etherington, John, fl. 1641-1645.; Jessop, Edmond, attributed name. 1623 (1623) STC 14520; ESTC S107746 83,433 114

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Here we see by the plain commandement of God exhortation of Saint Paul that a separation ought to be made from all kind of Idolatry and vnrighteousnes of the heathen and from all fellowship with them in their vncleane things But here is no separation from the Church though these superstitious Christians were in it Nay it is euident there was neuer any separation admitted either by word or by example except by those that separated themselues to make sects which are reproued by the Apostles vntill such time as by the mallice and subtiltie of the Diuell and through the pride and wickednes of the Bishop and Church of Rome after they had gotten Iurisdiction ouer all that they had brought into the Church the Idolatries and abhominations of the Pagans and so cunningly compounded them with the name and religion of Christ that no man could pertake of any good among them but he must pertake of the euill also Then and not till then I say the Lord commanded saying Goe out of her my people that ye be not pertaker of her sinnes and that you receiue not of her plagues This was not because there were many offenders in the Church of Rome nor because of their personall presence in the Assemblies but because the Lord would not haue his people partake in their owne persons of their sinnes which if they continued with them could not be auoided Neither was there a separation to be made from the Church of the Iewes as bad and as cruell as it was but Christ and his Apostles did alwayes both by word and example teach the contrary onely the false doctrine and hipocrisie and wickednes of the Iewes they warned the faithfull to take heed of And as concerning the Church of England which thou so much contemnest although there be many euill workers vngodly and vnregenerate persons superstitiously minded as well of the Ministery as of the people as out of all doubt there are For if of but twelue Apostles one was a Diuell and that there were false Apostles and false teachers proud and couetous in the primitiue Churches and false brethren belly gods and such like when Christians were but few in number How should it be but there must now be many yet this is not sufficient ground for thy seperation Nay suppose as the truth is that the faithfull be but few in number and rare as the dust or oare that gold commeth of and the vngodly as common as the clay that men make pots of as the Prophet speaketh For doubtles if God said of the Israelites that though their number were as the sand of the sea yet but a remnant of them should be saued we haue no reason to thinke it should be otherwise with vs Nay Saint Paul sheweth plainly that God will finish the worke and cut it short in righteousnes because a short worke will the Lord make vpon the earth Yet what of this thou hast no ground from hence to proue a separation Nay vnlesse thou canst proue that the Church of England hath set vp and doth command the Abhominations of the heathen as doth the Church or Rome and so mix them and Christian religion together as thou couldest not partake of the good but thou must partake of the euill and so sinne against God in thine owne person thou hast no ground at all for thy separation Art thou offended because God hath beene so gracious to this kingdome aboue all other nations in causing the Princes and Kings thereof now in these latter dayes to set their helping hands to the repairing and building vp againe of the decaied walles of Ierusalem and to the restoring of the morning and euening sacrifice of praise and thanksgiuing as it was in former time and in the dayes of old Dost thou not know it was the word of truth the sword which proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord ministred by his faithfull seruants whom he raised vp in these latter times which hath beene the cause of the reuolt of the Church and Kingdome of England from the abhominations and tyranny of the Church of Rome and that God hath done it for his chosen sake according to his word art thou not bound to be thankefull vnto God for the same and with gladnesse of heart to imbrace all the good he hath vouchsafed yet so as not therewithall to iustifie any of the present euills nor yet to rest thy selfe secure in that good which is in being as if all things were already come to their full measure and so exclude thy selfe from all future grace and truth which God hath decreed in and by his word to bring to light For as the truth and dayly sacrifice which Christ and his Apostles did erect were not all wholy in a moment cast to the ground nor the abhomination of desolation set vp at full in one day but that the one increased by degrees and the other wasted accordingly so must it now be in the restauration as then iniquitie and falsehood increased and truth and loue faded and waxed cold so now on the contrary iniquitie and falsehood must consume and be expelled and truth and the loue thereof must increase and come to their place againe Iudgement was to begin at the house of God but it must end in the house of iniquitie Learne therefore now to be a wise let the confusions which the heady extreams of those carnall contentious times haue brought forth admonish thee to take better heed embrace thankfully and make right vse of the present good thou seest in place shun the euils and labour to increase in the wisdome which is from aboue doubtlesse there are great riches and treasures with God to be attained such as the carnall mind shall neuer see nor know conuerse with the wise and holy in heart such as are spirituall and heauenly minded haue speciall fellowship with them pray weepe and reioyce dayly together with them call often to minde the hope of the ioy and glory ye shall receiue in the world to come in the day when Christ your Lord shall appeare hope loue and long for his appearing and edifie your selues with these things pray vnto God and vse all good meanes according to your measure and place to redresse what is amisse in others labour thorough patience and meeknesse to winne them to the truth and loue thereof so shall ye be profitable members of the Church of God diligent and faithfull seruants of Christ You are not ignorant I suppose of the manifold mischieues that men haue fallen into by reason of the fleshly wranglings which haue been in these late times what confusion diuision and distraction there is among the people what and how many sundry opinions and seuerall sects there are yea sects vpon sects diuision vpon diuision error vpon error hath been bred and brought forth Many haue risen in these latter times speaking peruerse things to draw disciples after them to get themselues a name
worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God shewing himselfe that he is God According as the Prophet had spoken of him long before prophesying also of his destruction saying How art thou falne from heauen O Lucifer sonne of the morning how art thou cut downe to the ground thou that didst weaken the nations and saidst in thine heart I will ascend into heauen I will exalt my throne aboue the starres of God I will sit also vpon the mount euen the holy mount of the congregation of God in the sides of the North I will ascend aboue the height of the clouds I will be like the most high So that the great Antichrist was to sit and doth sit euen in the Church in the Temple of God in the place where indeed he ought not to sit If then all these things be so as these Scriptures doe declare If it be not the outward calling ordination or succession in the offices and places of the true Elders and Ministers of God in the outward state of the Church of God that can either make them true faithfull Ministers of God such as come by the doore as Christ speaketh Or the Church of which they are ouerseers and ministers the true holy Church of Christ but that these Elders and Ministers may yet neuerthelesse proue false Prophets false teachers grieuous rauening wolues in sheepes cloathing Antichrists c. And the Churches be corrupted by them robd and deuoured both outwardly and inwardly and become euen heathenish and Antichristian And that these deceiuers shall rise in the Church of God and be such as haue had their outward ordination and succession from hand to hand as it were euen from the Apostles And that the great Antichrist himselfe shall sit in the holy place in the temple of God vpon the holy mount of the congregation of God aboue and besides the starres of God What reason haue we then to thinke I say this being so that the outward calling or ordination which the Elders and Ministers of the Church of England receiued at first from the Church of Rome should make either them or the Church false and Antichristian It was not the outward ordination or succession in the offices and place of the Elders that did corrupt any of them before mentioned Nay The Bishop of Rome himselfe might haue beene Bishop of Rome long enough to this day to the day of Christs comming in the cloudes of heauen and haue done his master Christ good seruice If he had kept the first faith If he had liued the first life If he had successed the Apostles and Elders in faith in doctrine in exhortation in patience in temperance in meekenesse in mortification in loue in good workes in feeding the flock of Christ and giuing them their meate in due season as he did succeed them in outward place he had then beene a Scribe well taught in the kingdome of God A faithfull Bishop an Elder worthy of double honour and happy had that flock beene of which he had beene an ouerseer and his master at his comming would haue said Blessed be this seruant But seeing he failed in all these things and did not succeed his Elders in this way and order of succession as all their true successors to this day haue euer done seeing his heart was euill and vnfaithfull ambitious couetous and loued pleasures and voluptuousnesse more then God and said in his heart My master will deferre his coming and therefore take vpon him to smite his fellowes to eate and drinke with the drunken his Lord will come in a day which he thinketh not on and in an houre that he is not aware of and will hew him in peeces and giue him his portion with the hypocrites and vnhappie is the flock that hath him for their shepherd The Church of Rome was once a glorious Church not in regard of any such pomp and princely state as she that now is sits in which poore virgin she was neuer acquainted with but in respect of the light and brightnesse of her faith as Saint Paul testifieth which by reason of the fruite it did effect and bring forth in her shined and made her face to shine throughout the world She was a sister and daughter of that woman which Iohn saw so wonderfully and heauenly deckt and adorned and which he describeth saying And there appeared a great wonder in heauen a woman clothed with the Sunne and the Moone vnder her feete and vpon her head a crowne of twelue starres that is to say she had put on Christ he dwelt in her heart by faith she was clothed with him his righteousnesse couered her nakednesse and all her defects and made her beautifull within and without she had the earth and all earthly glorie vnder her feete as transitorie and vaine she was mortified to sinne and to the pleasures thereof and her soules delight was with her Lord in heauen where he was ascended and yet remaineth and her crowne of state which she had on her head in those days was the Lambs twelue Apostles whose doctrine and example of walking were her guide and patterne and who as they had receiued of the Lamb the word of God so they left it with her to be her light and leader in the desart when her publique guides should faile her of which word of truth not so much the letter as the spirituall true intent thereof she and her children her true successors haue been the sustainers and pillars of to this day This was once of a truth the estate of the Church of Rome as also of other Churches elsewhere but alas it lasted but a while it fared with her as with the rest for by the bloody persecution of the great red Dragon her outward beautie was defaced she was dispersed and forced to flie with them into the wildernesse and then after a while when the storme of persecution was ouer and that a calme began to be settled so as she began to conceiue some hope of recouering her first estate heresies sprang vp and were maintained with great force on the one side and carnall securitie grew on the other and that iniquitie might be increased according as the Lord had foretold the loue of many waxed cold The mystery of iniquitie which began to worke in the Apostles times they being departed took now faster footing according to their words and stroue daily to perfection and at last he that letted was taken away and the man of sinne Antichrist was reuealed and set vp in the throne of the Dragon and the Dragons religion was by him and his so commanded and commixt with the external profession of the name and religion of Christ as that no man could partake of the better but he must partake of the worse For after that the Bishop of Rome had obtained at the Dragons hāds that his Church should be the Mother of all other Churches and that all must
the diuell deluding them through pride vnder pretence of some excellent way of truth which he makes them beleeue is reuealed vnto them As first for the Church of Rome all the world seeth what confusion what fearfull delusions are therein what multitudes of sects of new deuised orders of Priests of Friers each drawing a traine after him and now since the light of the truth hath broken forth what strange contentions haue beene raised in the Church of God about things of no moment when great and weightie matters haue been neglected and what emulations diuisions and separations haue bred thereupon and then how after this people being in distraction haue runne from one sect and error to another from separation to separatiō diuiding themselues into many seuerall sects to Anabaptistry wherein a-againe are diuided into fiue or six sundry sects each hatefully condemning other holding also many dangerous errors some to expect new Apostles some to the heresie of Arius and some others who being as it were distracted with these things haue fallen to another the most blasphemous and erronious sect this day in the world commonly called by the name of the Family of loue whose author was one Henrie Nicolas or H. N. for so they will haue him called that is as they expound it Homo Nouus the new man or the holy nature or holinesse which they make to be Christ and sin they will haue to be Antichrist because it is opposite to Christ They say that when Adam sinned then Christ was killed and Antichrist came to liue They teach that the same perfection of holinesse which Adam before he fell is to be attained here in this life and affirme that all their Family of loue are as perfect and innocent as he And that the resurrection of the dead spoken of by Saint Paul in the 1. Cor. 15. and this prophesie Then shall be fulfilled the saying which is written O death where is thy sting O graue where is thy victory is fulfilled in them and denie all other resurrection of the body to be after this life They will haue this blasphemer H. N. to be the sonne of God Christ which was to come in the end of the world to iudge the world and say that the day of iudgement is already come and that H. N. iudgeth the world now by his doctrine so that whosoeuer doth not obey his Gospel shall in time be rooted out of the world and that his Family of loue shall inherite and inhabite the earth for euer world without end only they say they shall die in the bodie as now men do and their soules go to heauen but their posterities shall continue for euer This deceiuer describeth eight through breakings of the light as he termeth them to haue beene in eight seueral times from Adam to the time that now is which as he saith haue each exceeded other the seuenth he alloweth Iesus Christ to be the publisher of and his light to be the greatest of all that euer were before him and he maketh his owne to be the eighth and last and greatest and the perfection of all in and by which Christ is perfected meaning holinesse He maketh euery one of his Family of loue to be Christ yea and God and himselfe God and Christ in a more excellent maner saying that he is Godded with God and codeified with him and that God is hominified with him These horrible blasphemies with diuers others doth this H. N. and his Family teach to be the euerlasting Gospel which the Angell is said to preach in Reuelation 14. 6. and himselfe to be the Angell yea and the Archangell which is said to sound the great and last trump Reuel 11. 15. They professe greater loue to the Church of Rome and to all her idolatries and superstitions then they do to any Church else whatsoeuer except themselues They wickedly abuse these words of Christ I must walke to day and to morrow and the third day I shall be perfected and say that by to day is meant the time of Iesus Christ and his Apostles and by to morrow all the time of the religion of the Church of Rome and by the third day this their day of H. N. and his Family wherein they wil haue Christ to be perfected And they doe compare all the whole religion of the Church of Rome to the law of Moses affirming that as God did teach his people by those shadowes and types till Iesus Christ came so he hath taught the world euer since by the images sacrifices and filthy heathenisme of the Church of Rome till this wretch H. N. came and now he must be the onely chiefe teacher Gods obedient man yea his sonne as they blasphemously call him he by his Gospell must make all perfect They will outwardly submit to any kind of religion and to any idolatrous seruice whatsoeuer pretending it is not the bodie that can sinne but the soule They will be Priests in the Church of Rome and act their Seruice after their maner of deuotion and as Satan can transforme himselfe into an Angell or light so they can thrust themselues likewise ●o be publike Ministers and Preachers in the Church of England yea into the Kings Chappell and to be of his officers and messengers so bold they are euen at this present and so close and cunningly they can carry themselues being directed thereto by their Master H. N. that yee shall hardly euer find them out They will professe to agree in all points with the Church of England as also with the Church of Rome if they should be examined by them onely this they will not lightly deny their Master H. N. nor speake euill of him or his writings if they should be put to it and there is no way but this whereby to discouer them I say to put them to the deniall and abiuring of him and his writings and to pronounce him a blasphemer and his doctrine blasphemous this they will hardly doe vnlesse they be not yet his full disciples These horrible blasphemies wicked actions which I hate to describe but that I desire Christians should take notice of them and beware doth this blasphemer and his blasphemous sect teach and practise But I cease sighing and sorowing in my heart God doth know to see that the deuill should worke such mischeife now in this last time wherein I know God will haue his truth to prosper and most of all because many silly soules are taken in their snares like poore vnwary birds in time of winter when foode is scarse seeking for releife Alas what may be the cause of this Is there not some great fault in those that should giue light to the world who sit in the places of the starres of God Doth not their negligence coldnes driue the people into these extreames or are the violent courses and carnall contentions of some other the cause thereof or is it both doubtles they are both great causes
crouch and bend to her and that he became Lord and master of all then did he among the rest of his requitals entertaine and command such part of the Dragons religion and Church-seruice as might giue him the best content and most aduance his owne temporall state of glorie So that hauing once obtained the Dragons seate and that all his heads hils and hornes were his he thought he might now do what he list fell to desolating of the true worship of God and to consuming of the Saints of the most high the remnant of the true Spouse the children of the woman before described and pulled downe the daily and spirituall sacrifice which they the spirituall house of God offered vp acceptable to him by Iesus Christ cast the truth to the ground as the Prophet had foretold of him brought in and set vp the abhominable and most execrable religion of the heathen compounding it and dignifying the parts practise and practisers of it the more to delude the world with the names and titles of God Christ holy Spirit the word of God his holy Church his worship Seruice his holy Sacraments and Saints And that he might haue all in obedience made such lawes by the aduice of his priuie councell that whosoeuer would not worship the Beast and this image of the Beast the idols and abhominations of the heathen and pagans should by the executioners of his will be taken and killed And because he would be sure to know his own and to find out all that would not submit caused all both small and great rich and poore free and bond to receiue a marke in his right hand or in his forehead and that no man might buy or sell saue he that had the marke c. Now when once things were come to this passe it was no longer time for any soule that would be saued to stay and for this cause it was that Christ commandeth saying Come out of her my people that ye be not partaker of her sinnes and that ye receive not of her plagues for her sins haue reached vnto heauen and God hath remembred her iniquities And these were the very reasons why at the first the Church of England separated from her and also why so many of other nations did forsake her When Wickliffe Husse Tindal Luther Cranmer Latimer and others forsooke the Church of Rome and came out of her they stood not to make question about their outward calling or ordination they had receiued before of the Church of Rome but God hauing called them now by a more speciall heauenly calling to preach his truth they staid not for neither did they look after another Nay if they had the truth might haue lien hid we might haue sat in darknesse vntill this day but they finding the approbation of God and his people It was enough Let me aske If God should vouchsafe to call the Bishop of Rome the Pope that now is and that he should forsake all those abhominations which he now liueth in and become such a Scribe Bishop or Elder as before we haue described who would condemne him or call him Antichrist for that he was once the Pope of Rome though he had neuer other outward ordination more then the approbation of God and his people or who would call the people that should imbrace him Antichristians doubtlesse not any of the children of wisdome Agiane presuppose that the state of all Europe were now as it hath beene heretofore all vnder Antichrist and his Church and that God should call one of the Bishops of that Church out from them and in due him with the knowledge of his truth by his word Spirit and that there be a necessitie as thou saist that he must haue another outward ordination before he can Minister the word of God vnto any people so as to be a Bishop or Elder vnto them whither wouldest thou haue him to goe for it or where wilt thou finde an Eldership to ordaine him In Europe there be none all are Antichristians Wilt thou haue Apostles againe to lay a new foundation and must they ordaine new Elders before their can be a true constituted Church with her offices and ordinances as thou termest them Is this thy iudgement It may be if it be not Nay it must be if thou hold thee to thy former It hath beene the opinion of some of thy predecessors that held themselues as wise as thy selfe whatsoeuer thou art as for instance there were among others three Brethren ancient Separatists from the Church of England liuing sometimes in the Cittie of London their names were Legat these held it stifly that their must be new Apostles before their could be a true constituted Church and they drew it from this their ground the one was called Walter Legat who about twenty yeares since was drowned being with one of his brethren washing himselfe in a riuer called the Old Foord Another of them called Thomas Legat died in Newgate about sixteene yeares since being laid there for the Heresie of Arius The third called Bartholomew Legat was burnt in Smithfield about ten yeares since being condemned for the same Heresie of Arius for they all held and stood stoutly for the same also These Legats had a conceit that their name did as it were foreshew and entitle them to be the new Apostles that must doe this new worke but you see what became of them There was also one Iohn Wilkinson another ancient stout Separatist who with diuers that followed him held the same likewise drawing it from the same ground as a necessary consequence thereof who also came to naught But if there be any yet that will needs haue new Apostles as no doubt there be for their carnall contentions worke still to that point then let me aske thee whence must they come who shall send them Christ is ascended and he doth not now appeare to call and send any as he did the Apostle Paul and Apostles must be such as come from the presence of the Lord and haue seene him For which cause Saint Paul saith in the defence of his Apostleship Haue not I seene the Lord c. And he that was to be in Iudas his roome must be one that had bin conuersant with the Apostles the time of Christs being then on earth an eye witnes to publish that which he saw and beleeued So that Apostles thou canst not vpon any good ground expect If thou saist the Church may ordaine n●● Elders I aske whence came that Church who plant 〈◊〉 first can there be an Orchard of fruitfull trees and was there not a husbandman that planted it Can faith be without preaching or can there be a Church without faith If thou hast found a true Church find but out him that planted it that first preached the word of God vnto it whereby it beleeued and became his Church thou hast found an Elder feare it not thou needest not make further