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A89196 The nationall covenant. Or, A discourse on the covenant. Wherein also the severall parts of the late protestation are proved to be grounded on religion and reason: with sundry motives and directions, tending to further our keeping covenant with God. Which may be of speciall use in these times. By Tho. Mocket, M. of Arts, and preacher of the word of God. Mocket, Thomas, 1602-1670? 1642 (1642) Wing M2307; Thomason E113_3; ESTC R23139 40,201 58

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See M Ley his book entituled A comparison betwixt the late Oath c. I will not set downe the principall Doctrines of the true reformed Protestant Religion and the Anti-Protestant or Popish Doctrines and Innovations which we here protest against I will only set downe some Arguments and Reasons why we should with our lives power and estates maintaine and defend the true reformed Protestant Religion in the generall and consequently every particular branch and part of it against all Popery and Popish Innobations and every part and parcell of Popery and they are these 1. Because God hath commanded it and every one ought to make conscience of the commands of God and to his uttermost power observe and keep them JVDE v. 3. It was needfull for me to write unto you and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith viz. the Doctrine of faith which was once delivered to the Saints Not only contend but contend earnestly with all vehemency and intention of spirit with all our might To this purpose also is that of the Apostle to Timothy 2 Tim. 1.13 Hold fast the forme of sound words which thou hast heard of me and 1 Cor. 16.13 Stand fast in the faith that is both in the doctrine and grace of faith And no lesse is pressed on us Levit. 18.4 5. Deut. 4.40 and 5.32 33. and 6.3 17. and in very many other places Ye shall keep my statutes my iudgements my ordinances and commandements And if we cannot without drawing guilt on our soules breake the lawfull just and good commands of superiours how much lesse may we breake the righteous lawes of God 2. Our eternall salvation is built upon this There is no other Religion no other way or meanes in the world by which we can be saved Acts 4.12 1 Cor. 15.2 By which also ye are saved if ye keep in memory or hold fast what I preached unto you If we deny renounce or forsake this never looke to goe to Heaven never hope to see the face of God with joy 3. Gods glory is greatly promoted and advanced hereby as by the denyall of the true faith or Religion he is greatly dishonoured it confirmes others in their idolatrous false or superstitious wayes and opens the mouths of the adversaries and wicked men to speake evill of and blaspheme the truth and good wayes of God 4. The true reformed Protestant Religion is the badge of the true Christian and true servants of God their Livery and Cognisance whereby they are distinguished from all Idolaters Pagans Mahumetans Papists and Jewes that still cleave to the Mosaicall Rights long since abolished by Christ Yea by the sincere embracing and profession hereof the true Christians and servants of God are distinguished from all hypocrites 5. The Gospell upon which the true reformed Protestant Religion which we professe and is established as the publick doctrine of this Church of England is undoubtedly built was confirmed by many miracles from Heaven and truly divine Look throughout the whole Book of God and see how many divine Ratifications there have been of the Gospell and consequently of the true Religion which we doe now publickly through Gods great mercy prefesse It is the same with that of the Apostles and people of God in those first primitive times and which our blessed Saviour himselfe taught professed and sealed with his bloud and this should be a great inducement to us to embrace maintain and defend it to the death 6. This hath been recommended to us by the bloud of all the Martyrs of our blessed Saviour himselfe of his Apostles and Disciples they all suffered for this they loved not their lives unto the death they willingly suffered the losse of all for and in the defence of it and sealed it with their bloud stucke to it to the death and so recommended it to us as a most precious jewell and rich treasure much better then life it selfe and surely this should much animate us to sticke close to our Religion the true Reformed Protestant Religion to the death seeing we have so many thousands yea hundred thousands that have dyed in the defence and cause of it 7. This hath hitherto and will ever preserve us As it is our Religion for which we are maligned hated and plotted against by the Papists and other Adversaries of the truth so it is that or rather God because of that that hath hitherto preserved us in spight of all the Devils in Hell and wicked men on earth and all their hell-bred desperate plots and malignant designes against it and us that we have been and still are preserved to the admiration even of the enemies themselves And this will ever preserve and protect us if we sticke close unto it we have Gods word for it Rev. 3.10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience I also will keep thee from the houre of temptation which shall come upon all the earth to try them that dwell upon the earth And if we deny or forsake this never looke to prosper the promises even of temporall blessings are made on this condition that we sticke close to it See Deutr. 5.32 33. and 6.17 and Chap. 28. Rev. 1.3 So that if either we regard the command of God or the glory of God or our owne temporall or eternall good of soule or body we must maintain the true Reformed Protestant Religion against all Popery and Popish Innovations we must sticke close to it and maintaine our Religion unlesse we will lose soule body our estates and all at least the true comfort of all And what doe we protest against is it not Popery and Antichristianisme a doctrine containing many positions blasphemous against God and Jesus Christ and destructive to all Christian Magistrates Kingdomes Common-wealths a Doctrine to use the words of learned Master Bolton in his Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse most false and accursed from Heaven and is ever attended with this inseparable curse that it will plague the Kingdome that nourisheth it and pay it home at length with a witnesse except some right round and resolute course be taken in the meane time to root it out as in conscience policy reason and Religion it ought to be which if once effected would cut the thread of the Papists hopes for ever making a party or faction here cut the throat of all plots against the Kings person crush the Popes heart for any probability or possibility of ever re-establishing or erecting his accursed tyranny in this Island again and preventing such most bloudy barbarous and unheard of usage or butchery rather as there hath been of late and still is in Ireland Secondly We promise vow and protest with our lives power and estates to maintaine and defend as we are by our Allegiance bound his Majesties Royall Person Honoor and Estate Rom. 13.1 2. And there is great reason for it Of each severally 1. His Royall Person because as the Jewes said of Josiah he is the breath
Jerusalem who were too many of them making a Captain and turning back again into misticall Egypt which Covenant gave the rise to this ensuing plaine unpollished discourse fitted and intended only for a country Auditory where it is a commendation to speake in the most plain and vulgar terms which in all humility I present unto you worthy Patriots not as Patrons Homo sum errare possum haereticus esse nolo for if it be the truth of God as I trust it is he is the Patron of it and will defend it if any errour be found in it I disclaim it and think the work it self too slenderly performed for so judicious persons as you are known to be but only as his hand full of water to a great * Artaxerxes Prince the widdows mite a little goats hair as a Testimony of my humble observance and thankfull acknowledgement of the unweatied labours continuall care and zealous endeavours of the Noble Peers and your selves for the publick good as also for the particular favour of divers worthy Members of your House towards my self And surely if it may seem good to your grave wisdomes to procure and adde these things to all the rest which are humbly desired by very many thousands To out dumb and scandalous Ministers setle able godly Pastors over every Congregation in England and Waies and comfortably provide for them who many of them especially in these evill times lye under much discouragement and distraction through a miserable incompetency And provide That Priests and Jesuits be quite banished the Land That Papists be fully disarmed and considerable persons be fully secured and all the Laws duly executed upon them That Notorious offenders in Church Common-wealth whatsoever they be the Achans that hinder the endeavour of Joshua and Israel be censured and punished according to the qualitie of their crimes That Idolatry and Superstition especially the abominable Masse be totally rooted out of this Kingdom for what peace so long as the whordomes of Jezabell remains in this Land That evill Councellors Rome Iezabel mysticall Revel 2.20 and 18.5 the raisers and fomenters of the great troubles and distempers of the Kingdom and of the absence of His Royall Majestie from His Parliament c. which all good Subjects are greatly greived to heare be removed from His Royall Person That distressed Ireland whose condition is much to be lamented be speedily relieved with an ample supply where as here the blood of many thousand soules cry to Heaven for vengeance and to you for help against the mighty That the peace of the Kingdom that the power and priviledges of Parliament the lawfull Rights and Liberties of the Subject be firmly setled That considerable places be fully secured by approved men so trading quickned to the relief of many thousands that now languish greatly under want That the blessed work of Reformation with all good speed go on be perfected Vnnecessary things and Ceremonies be removed That the Hyerarchy if it may be proved to be the root of much evil in Church State may be eradicated and a Church-government setled according to the rule of Gods word That the Sacrament by some good provision may be kept frō being polluted by unworthy persons and all Ignorant persons be compelled to learn the grounds of the true Protestant Religion That all scandalous Pictures and Images and all other Monuments and Reliques of Idolatry and Superstition and particularly Crosses by the high wayes and in such like places be according to a former order of Queen Eliz. injunction abollished Injunct 23. which occasion much Superstition especially in these parts by reason of the ignorance of very many chiefly when they carry their dead by any of them That whereas there is a great cry and grievous charge against the Liturgie of the Church and the Vsers of it that it cannot be lawfully used yea that it is Superstitious Antichristian Idolatrous and what not whereby the consciences of many good and well-affected people are much troubled if it may be proved if not yet that whatsoever shall be proved to be either Superstitions unlawfull and may give just offence to tender consciences or unnecessary your grave wisdom with the advice of the learned and godly Divines would be pleased with all convenient speed to remove it and provide that the people might have a sure rule to walke by in their worship of God that their minds may be setled and consciences quieted to a cheerfull obedience which would be a great inducement to many to joyne with us who otherwise I feare will hardly ever be perswaded That Arminianisme and Socinianisme the enemies to free grace and Romes Coy-ducks to bring in Popery be truly and thoroughly supprest That Church Papists the most dangerous enemies and underminers of Church and State may by some good provision be discovered That You would procure that scandalous and Popish Magistrates that regard not the Execution of Justice be removed and approved just men fearing God and hating covetousnes and unrighteousnesse be placed in their rooms That Contemners of your former good Orders be punished Wakes and unnecessary Alehouses and Playhouses the very nurseries of vice and randevouz for all prophane wretches be suppressed That the joynt consent and happy concurence of the Noble Peers with your House may be still continued Especially that they and you would use all possible means and speed that His Royall Majestie may have a right understanding of your just desires and proceedings and would with the Prince be graciously pleased to reside neerer to His Parliament All which I mention not to shew you what to do impute not such folly to your humble servant but in all humility to spread before your wisdoms what is by many thousands heartily desired and humbly craved according as in your pious and deepe wisdom shall seem most agreeable to the rules of piety true christian-prudence and policy which surely will compleat the blessed worke of Reformation begun make this a most flourishing Church and State amiable to our God glorious to our friends terrible to our enemies and make you and your Posterities renowned while this is a Nation And because your difficulties be very many and great therefore heare a word of encouragement from him who greatly honours you and your Assembly and whose duty it is ex officio speciali to teach instruct exhort reprove c. The cause you are about is eminently good and of great importance God and all good men are on your side and though your adversaries be many mighty and politick yet God your Master whose worke you are about is stronger and wiser then they all and one Jacob can do more with God for you then 400. Edomites can do against you And Honoured Worthies you have found God going along with you so scattering your enemies and furthering his worke even by their wicked plots and oppositions that you should now greatly dishonour God and the cause if you
layeth on the soul How much greater think you is the tye and engagement which the Covenant of God layeth on the soul 3. We must keep Covenant with God that we may be like unto God as we are exhorted to be Epbes 5.1 as in all other things so in this we must strive to imitate and follow God to be like unto him Now concerning God we reade That he is faithfull in keeping Covenant with us Deut. 7.9 The Lord thy God is the faithfull God that keepeth Covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his Commandments Psal 111.5 He is ever mindefull of his Covenant as he promises Hos 2.19 20. I will betroth thee unto me for ever c. Therefore since God is faithfull in keeping Covenant with us we must be faithfull in keeping Covenant with God that we may be as our duty is like unto our heavenly Father and thereby may approve our selves to be the children of-God 4. For this end we enter into Covenant with God at Baptism renew it at the Lords Supper and some other times that we might keep his Statues Judgements and Commandments God requires this and we use it thiefly as a help to further us in our Obedience to God we are all naturally very backward and apt to take any occasion to neglect our duty of obedience to God and therfore do promise and bind our selves thereby to help and further us in our duty as we use to binde men to bring them into bond who are apt to break promise If we be to deal with an unfaithfull person that is like to play fast and loose to deny his promise and flie from his word we use to get him into bonds and then we think all is sure enough 5. Breach of Covenant God accounts a great sinne and will severely punish it therefore we should keep Covenant with God 1. He accounts breach of Covenant a great sin though it be of covenant only betwixt man and man and reckoneth it among the great sins of the Gentiles That they were Covenant-breakers Rom. 1.31 Psal 55.20 2 Tim. 3.3 what is it then to break Covenant with God 2. And as God accounts it a great sin so be will severely punish it So he threatned Gen. 17.14 The uncarcumcised man childe whose flesh in his forehead is not circumcised that soul shall be cut off from his people mark the reason He bath broken my Covenant saith God Levis 26.15 16 17. Saith God If ye shall despise my Statutes so that ye will not do all my Commandments but that ye break my Covenant I will even appoint over you terrour consumption and the burning Ague And I will set myface against you and ye shall be slain by your enemies Ezek. 17.15 16. saith God of Zedekiab Shall he prosper Shall be escape that doth such things Or shall be break the Covenant and be delivered As I live saith the Lord God Surely in the place where the King dwelleth that made him king whose Oath be despised and whose Covenant be brake even with him in the midst of Babylon shall he die A grievous curse is threatned against this sin Jer. 11.2 3. Hear ye the words of this Covenant Thus saith the Lord God of Israel Cursed be the man that obeyeth not the words of this Covenant yea many curses Deut. 29.20 21-25 The Lord will not spare him but then the anger of the Lord and his jealousie shall smoke against that man and all the curses that are written in this book shall lie upon him and the Lord shall blot out his name from under leaven and the Lord shall separate him to evill out of all the Tribes of Israel according to all the curses of the Covenant that are written in this book of the Law Mark the grand reason of all this fierce anger of the Lord against such vers 25. Because they have forsaken the Covenant of the Lord God of their fathers For breaking of Covenant God caused Achan and all his to be stoned and burnt in the fire Iosh 7.11.15 and all Israel suffered with him they could not stand before their enemies but were routed and smitten before them For this very thing Sauls breaking the Covenant made with the Gibionites though long before his time God punished all Israel with three yeers famine and in the end with the death of seven of Sauls sons 2 Sam. 21. therefore also God rent the Kingdom from Solomon and gave ten Tribes to his servant Ieroboam 1 King 11 11. All these things give weight to this duty and the point in hand Thus we have seen it opened what a Covenant is what it is to keep it and how Also the point or duty clearly proved That a Covenant once made may not be broken but must be carefully kept Thus of a Covenant in generall Now with the good leave of the great Assembly I will here take occasion to speak something concerning our Nationall Covenant Vow or Protestation in particular And here I will first set down the Protestation prudently commended to us by the Honorable House in these words I A. B. Do in the presence of Almighty God promise vow and protest to maintain and defend as far as lawfully I may with my life power and estate the true reformed Protestant Religion expressed in the Doctrine of the Church of England against all Popery and popish Innovations within this Realm contrary to the same Doctrine And according to the duty of my Allegiance His Maiesties Royall Person Honour and Estate As also the Power and Priviledges of Parliaments the lawfull Rights and Liberties of the Snbjects and every person that maketh this Protestation in whatsoever he shall do in the lawfull pursuance of the same And to my power and as far as lawfully I may I will oppose and by all good wayes and means endeavour to bring to condigne punishment all such as shall either by force practice counsels plots conspiracies or otherwise do any thing to the contrary of any thing in this present Protestation contained And further that I shal in all just and honorable ways endeabor to preserbe the union and peace betwirt the three Kingdoms of England Scotland and Ireland And neither for hope fear nor other respect shall relinquish this Promise How and Protestation Touching this Nationall Covenant or Protestation we may here observe and consider 1. What we here promise and vow to maintaine and so what we here renounce 2. What it is to maintaine and defend the true Protestant Religion 3. Why for what ends we entred into this Protestation 4. How far this promise and Protestation doth bind us First What we here promise vow and protest viz. divers things which I conceive are in number 7. And the First is to maintaine and defend with our lives power and estate The true Reformed Protestant Religion expressed in the Doctriue of the Church of England against all Popery and Popish Innovations within this Realme contrary to the same Doctrine
complaine of him This is just and reasonable for a publicke good of such concernement ought to bee preferred before a private Seventhly we also promise In all jost and honourable wayes to indeavour to preserve the Vnion and Peace betwéene the thrée Kingdomes of England Scotland and Ireland And there is great reason for it because they being now as it were one the division of them or disturbing their peace is the way to ruine all especially in these evill times when all our forces united together will be little enough and too little without Gods more then ordinary assistance to preserve our peace yea to keepe them from sinking and ruine by the common enemy to our Religion to our King and Kingdom And this is the first thing I here promised to speake off viz. what we doe here promise vow and protest Now for The second What it is to maintaine and defend the true Protestant Religion or Doctrine and oppose the contrary viz. in our hearts to beleeve imbrace love professe and walk according to the Rules of the true Reformed Protestant Religion to justifie and defend the same as occasion requireth and calleth on us and to disavow the Popifh Doctrine and Innovations which are contrary hereuntò and set our selves against it and them or any that shall endeavour to attempt any thing contrary to the true Protestant Religion the Person Honour and Estate of the King the power and Priviledges of Parliament c. Thirdly The grounds and reasons of making and entring into this Protestation or Nationall Covenant are included in the preamble to the Protestation to which I referre you for fuller satisfaction only thus much here in a few words I conceive it may be of use 1. To binde all true Protestants more firmely to God his truth wayes and worship and to prevent the growth of Popery and Popish Innovations and in time to root out both as in conscience reason Religion and policy we should And this is a very speciall meanes to effect it for this binds us not only to embrace maintaine and defend the true Religion but also to reject Popery yea to oppose it and all such as seeke to advance or uphold it 2. To discover all Popish persons and such as stand disaffected to the true Religion and the peace and welfare of the King and Kingdome Church or State that they may be dealt with according as to justice doth appertaine 3. Thereby also the better to disappoint all the Adversaries plots and designes against true Religion the King Kingdome Church and State And 4. To continue and increase the honour peace and welfare of the same to all which purposes this bond may be of speciall use and the most effectuall meanes to accomplish such blessed ends Now Fourthly How far and how firmely this bond or Covenant bindeth us 1. How far in respect of the wayes and meanes to be used and that is only to lawfull wayes to doe all these things as far as lawfully I may and by all good wayes and meanes that is by such wayes and meanes as are warrantable by the Law of God and the wholsome and good Lawes and Statutes of this Realme As for instance when we see any Popery or Popish Ceremonies and Innovations in the Church which we have protested against we may not in a violent and tumultuous way without any lawfull call and warrant set our selves against them and remove them but by our prayers to Almighty God and petitions to his Majesty the honourable Assembly or others in Authority who are by Law inabled to remove the evils that we are bound to oppose and rectifie things amisse Beside God needs no tumultuous carriages and unwarrantable wayes and meanes to effect his worke of Reformation 2. But how firmely doth this binde us Answ It binds us to keep it to the uttermost of our Power Estate and Libes even to the death so as no law of man or power of any worldly Prince or Potentate whatsoever can absolve us from it And we promise and protest in the close that netther hope feare or any woridly respect neither favour nor frowne of men neither promises nor threats neither hope of gaine profit pleasures or preferment or feare of any worldly losse trouble or the like for all these as I humbly conceive are included shall make us relinquish this promise vow and Protestation And this solemne engagement is made in expresse termes in the preseuce of Almighty God and so implicitely calling the Almighty God of Heaven and Earth who heares what we protest and doth see our intentions and purpose and will narrowly observe our future actions how we keep our solemne promise with his Majesty to reward or take vengeance on us if we doe not really and for the future carefully endeavour by all lawfull meanes and wayes to performe our promise vow and Protestation And which yet further addeth weight to this engagement it is made in the presence of the Congregation yea and I may say of the Angels also who are witnesses Ps 91.11 12. Heb. 1.14 and will testifie against us one day if we willingly and wittingly breake this our Covenant And this also our owne hands or marke which is equivalent is subscribed and stands on record as a witnesse to God and men against that man that shall wittingly and willingly breake his Protestation so solemnely made yea and this Church and these Wals and Pewes will one day rise up to condemne that man Heare what God himselfe saith of ordinary vowes and promises which are of 〈◊〉 inferiour nature to this Deut. 23.21 23. When thou shalt vow a vow unto the Lord thy God thou shalt not slacke to pay it for the Lord thy God will surely require it of thee anait would be sinne in thee That which is gone out of thy lips thou shalt keep and performe according as thou hast vowed unto the Lord thy God which thou hast promised with thy mouth As for instance if the Jew under the Law vowed unto God to offer a lambe or bullocke or sheep or goate c. So now if any should vow or promise to God That if such a businesse succeed well if such a ship in which he hath a venture returne home well and safe if such a field of corne prosper and come well in or the like he will give so much to the poore members of Christ or the like in way of thankfulnesse to God for his goodnesse towards him Or if God doe indeed deliver him out of such a trouble sicknesse misery or affliction or the like he will give so much to such a pious use c. Keep a private day of solemne thanksgiving to God or the like he may neither omit nor delay to doe according to his promise saith Moses from God Thou shalt not slacke to pay or performe it The Lord thy God will require it of thee So againe Numb 30.1 2. This is the thing which the Lord hath commanded If a