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A77108 An exposition of the doctrine of the Catholic Church in matters of controversie by the Right Reverend James Benigne Bossuet ... ; done into English from the fifth edition in French.; Exposition de la doctrine de l'Eglise catholique sur les matières de controverse. English Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne, 1627-1704.; Johnston, Joseph, d. 1723. 1685 (1685) Wing B3783; ESTC R223808 74,712 98

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AN EXPOSITION OF THE DOCTRINE OF THE Catholic Church IN MATTERS OF Controversie By the Right Reverend JAMES BENIGNE BOSSUET Counsellor to the King Bishop of Meaux formerly of Condom and Preceptor to the Dauphin First Almoner to the Dauphiness Done into English from the Fifth Edition in French LONDON Printed in the Year 1685. The Approbation of the Right Reverend the Archbishops and Bishops WE have read the Treatise intituled An Exposition of the Doctrine of the Catholic Church in Matters of Controversie Composed by the Right Reverend James Benignus Bossuet Bishop and Lord of Condom Preceptor to his Royal Highness the Dauphin And we declare That after having examined it with as much application as the importance of the matter required we have found the Doctrine contained in it to be conformable to the Catholic Apostolic and Roman Faith And therefore we think our selves obliged to propose it as such to those whom God has committed to our charge We are certain the Faithful will be edified by it and we hope those of the Pretended Reform'd Religion who will read this Work with attention will receive from it so right an understanding as may conduce to put them into the way of Salvation CHARLES MAURICE LE TELLIER Archbishop and Duke of Reims CH. de ROSMADEC Bishop of Tours FELIX Bishop and Earl of Chalons De GRIGNAN Bishop of Usez D. DE LIGNY Bishop of Meaux NICHOLAS Bishop of Auxerre GABRIEL Bishop of Autun MARC Bishop of Tarbe ARMAND JOHN Bishop of Beziers STEPHEN Bishop and Prince of Grenoble JULIUS Bishop of Tule A Table of Articles contained in this Treatise I. DEsign of this Treatise Pag. 1 II. Those of the Pretended Reform'd Religion acknowledg That the Catholic Church embraces all the Fundamental Articles of the Christian Religion Pag. 2 III. Religious Worship is terminated only in God Pag. 4 IV. Invocation of Saints Pag. 6 V. Images and Reliques Pag. 9 VI. Justification Pag. 12 VII Merits of Good Works Pag. 13 VIII Satisfactions Purgatory and Indulgences Pag. 16 IX Sacraments Pag. 19 Baptism Pag. 20 Confirmation Ibid. Pennance and Sacramental Confession Ibid. Exream Vnction Pag. 21 Marriage Ibid. Holy Orders Pag. 22 X. Doctrine of the Church touching the real Presence of the Body and Blood of JESUS CHRIST in the Eucharist and how the Church understands these Words This is my Body Ibid. XI Explication of these Words Do this in remembrance of me Pag. 25 XII Explication of the Doctrine of the Calvinists concerning the real Presence Pag. 27 XIII Of Transubstantiation and Adoration and in what sense the Eucharist is a Sign Pag. 33 XIV Sacrifice of the Mass Pag. 34 XV. Epistle to the Hebrews Pag. 37 XVI Reflections upon the precedent Doctrine Pag. 39 XVII Communion under both Species Pag. 41 XVIII The Written and unwritten Word Pag. 43 XIX The Authority of the Church Pag. 44 XX. The Opinions of the Pretended Reform'd upon the Authority of of the Church Pag. 46 XXI Authority of the Holy See and of Episcopacy Pag. 50 XXII Conclusion of this Treatise Ibid. An Advertisement upon Account of this Present Edition ONE would have thought those of the pretended Reformed Religion in reading this Treatise should at least have granted that the Doctrine of the Church was faithfully Expounded in it The least they could have allowed a Bishop was to have understood his own Religion and to have spoke without disguise in a matter where to dissemble would be a crime But nevertheless it has fallen out otherwise This Treatise whilst a Manuscript was made use of to instruct several particular persons and many Copies of it were dispersed Upon which the sincerer part of the pretendedly Reform'd were almost every where heard to say That if it were approved it would in reality take away great difficulties But that the Author durst never publish it and if he should he would not escape the censure of all those of his Communion not particularly of Rome which would not frame it self to his Maxims After some time nevertheless this Book thus condemned to a perpetual obscurity appeared ushered in with the Approbation of several Bishops And the Author who knew very well he had only expressed in it the mind of the Council of Trent apprehended not those censures threatned by the Reformers It was not certainly probable that the Catholick Faith should be betrayed instead of being expounded by a Bishop who after having preached the Gospel all his life time without the least suspicion of his Doctrine had been newly called to instruct a Prince whom the greatest King in the World and the most zealous Defender of the Religion of his Ancestors causes to be Educated in such a manner that he may be one day one of its principal supports But these Gentlemen of the pretended Reformation ceased not to persevere in their first Opinion They expected every moment when Catholicks should oppose this Book and Rome it self condemn it The occasion of this their imagination was that the major part who know nothing of our Doctrine but as represented to them by their Ministers under the most hideous Ideas know it not again when shewn in its natural dress So that it was no hard task to represent to them the Author of the Exposition as one who mollified the Sentiments of his Religion and sought out proper and qualifying moderations to content all Parties There has appeared two Answers to this Treatise The Author of the first would not discover his name M. Claude de Langle Daille Alix and till he himself be pleased to declare it we will not reveal the secret It is enough to us that this work was approved by the Ministers of Charenton and sent to the Author of the Exposition by the late M. Conrart one endowed with all that Catholicks could desire in a Man An. p. 3. 112 113 124.137 c. excepting a better Religion The other Answer was written by M. Noguier a Minister who is amongst them of great repute and has the esteem of an able Divine Nog p. 63 94 95 109 110. An. p. 10. Nog p. 40. Nog p. 20 27. They both pretended the Exposition was contrary to the decisions of the Council of Trent They both affirm the very design it self of expounding the Doctrine of the Council to be prohibited by the Pope And they both take care to say that M. de Condom does only mince and extenuate the Doctrine of his Religion As they represent him one would think that he relents An. Avert p. 24. that he is coming over to them that he abandons the Sentiments of his own Church Rep. p. 3. An. p. 137. Nog p. 94. An Avert p. 25 26 27 28 29. and embraces those of the Pretended Reform'd In fine his Treatise agrees not with that Profession of Faith which the Roman Church proposes to all those who are of her Communion and they represent him at defiance with every Article If we believe the Anonymus this
difficulty from such Consequences by this short answer of M. Daille and tell them that the Catholic Church disavowing them they cannot be imputed to her without Calumny But I will go yet further and show these Gentlemen of the Pretended Reform'd Religion by the sole Exposition of our Doctrine that the Catholic Church is so far from ruining the Fundamental Articles of Faith either directly or indirectly that on the contrary she establishes them after so solid and evident a manner that no one can question her right understanding of them without great injustice SECT III. Religious Worship is terminated in God alone TO begin with that Adoration which is due to God alone the Catholic Church teaches us that it consists principally in believing he is the Creator and Lord of all things and in adhering to him with all the Powers of our Soul by Faith Hope and Charity as to him alone who can render us happy by the Communication of an infinite Good which is himself This interiour Adoration which we render to God in Spirit and in Truth has its exteriour marks of which the principal is Sacrifice which cannot be offered to any but to God because a Sacrifice is established to make a publick acknowledgment and a solemn protestation of Gods Soveraignity and our absolute dependance The same Church teaches us that all Religious worship ought to terminate in God as its necessary end and that if the honour which she renders to the Blessed Virgin and to the Saints may in some sence be called Religious it is for its necessary Relation to God But before we explicate any further in what this honour consists it will not be unuseful to take notice how those of the Pretended Reformation obliged by the strength of truth begin to acknowledge that the custom of praying to Saints and honouring their Reliques was established even in the fourth age of the Church Monsieur Daille grants thus much in that book he published against the Tradition of the Latin Church about the object of Religious worship and accuses St. Basil St. Ambrose St. Hierome St. John Chrysostom St. Augustin and many more of those famous Lights of Antiquity who lived in that Age and above all St. Gregory Nazianzen who is called the Divine by excellence of having altered in this point the Doctrine of the three foregoing ages But it will not appear very likely that M. Daille should understand the Sentiments of the Fathers of the first three Ages better then those who gathered as I may say the succession of their Doctrine after their deaths and this will be so much the less credible because the Fathers of the fourth Age were so far from perceiving that they introduced any novelty in that worship that this Minister on the contrary has quoted several express Texts by which he shows clearly that they pretended in Praying to Saints to follow the example of their Predecessors But without any further examination what might be the Sentiments of the Fathers of the three first ages I will content my self with what M. Daille is pleased to grant who allows us so many great men who taught the Church in the fourth age For tho' he has taken upon him twelve hundred years after their deaths to give them in derision the name of a kind of Sect calling them Reliquarists that is to say Relique honourers yet I hope those of his Communion will have more respect for these great men They dare not at least accuse them of falling into Idolatry by praying to Saints or of destroying that trust which Christians ought to put in JESVS CHRIST and it is to behoped henceforwards they will not reproach these things to us when they consider they cannot do it without accusing at the same time these excellent men whose sanctity and learning they profess a reverence for as well as we But seeing our design is here to expound our belief rather then to show who were the defenders of it we must continue our explication SECT IV. Invocation of Saints THe Church in teaching us that it is profitable to pray to Saints teaches us to pray to them in the same Spirit of Charity and according to the same order of fraternal society which moves us to demand assistance of our brethren living upon Earth and the Catechism of the Council of Trent concludes from this Doctrine that if the quality of Mediator Cat. Rom. part 3. tit De Cultu Invoc Sanct. which the Scripture gives to JESVS CHRIST received any prejudice from the Intercession made to the Saints who Reign with God it would receive no less from the Intercession made to the faithful who live with us This Catechism shows us clearly the extream difference betwixt our manner of imploring God's assistance and that of imploring the aid of Saints For saith it we pray to God either to give us good things Part 4. tit Quis orandus sit or to deliver us from evil but because the Saints are more acceptable to him than we are we beg of them to undertake our cause and to obtain for us those things we stand in need of From whence it comes to pass that we use two very different forms of Prayer for to God the proper manner of speaking is to say HAVE PITY ON VS HEAR OVR PRAYER whereas we only desire the Saints TO PRAY FOR VS From whence we ought to understand that in what Terms soever those prayers which we address to Saints are couched the intention of the Church and of her faithful reduces them always to this form as the Catechism presently after confirms Ibid. But it is good to consider the words of the Council it self which prescribing to Bishops how they ought to speak of the Invocation of Saints Sess 25. Dec. de Invoc c. obliges them to teach that the Saints who reign with JESUS CHRIST offer up to God their prayers for men that it is good and profitable to invocate them after an humble manner and to have recourse to their prayers aid and assistance to obtain of God his Benefits through our Lord JESUS CHRIST his Son who is our sole Saviour and Redeemer After which the Council condemns those who teach a contrary Doctrine We see then to invocate the Saints according to the sense of this Council is to have recourse to their prayers for obtaining benefits from God through JESVS CHRIST So that in reality we do not obtain those benefits which we receive by the intercession of the Saints otherwise then through JESVS CHRIST and in his name seeing these Saints themselves pray in no other manner than through JESVS CHRIST and are not heard but in his name This is the Faith of the Church which the Council of Trent has clearly explicated in few words After which we cannot imagine that any one should accuse us of forsaking JESVS CHRIST when we beseech his members who are also ours his Children who are our Brethren and his Saints who are
JESVS CHRIST as unsufficient Will they deny their Catechisms and Confessions of Faith are not grounded upon this foundation What will they now say when the Author of the Exposition tells them with the whole Church That JESVS CHRIST Expos p. 16. seq God and Man was solely capable by the infinite Dignity of his Person to offer up to God a sufficient Satisfaction for our Sins That this Satisfaction is infinite That our Saviour has payed the entire Price of our Redemption That nothing is wanting to this Price seeing it is infinite and that the Punishments reserv'd suffered in Penance come not from any defect in the Payment but from a certain Order which he has established to restrain us by just fears and by a saving Discipline These and all those other Expressions which make the Anonymus say this Author extenuates the Doctrine of Satisfaction and returns like the Dove to the Ark are the pure Doctrines of the Church and of the Council of Trent acknowledged for such by the Pope himself Why therefore will they make People believe the Church looks upon that as an aid to the Satisfactions of Jesus Christ which she proposes as a means only to apply it And with what security of Conscience could the Pretended Reform'd upon such false suppositions violate that Holy unity which JESVS CHRIST has so much recommended to his Church They look upon our Sacrifice of the Altar with Horrour as if JESVS CHRIST were again put to Death upon it Epos p. 25. What has the Author of the Exposition done to diminish this horrour so unjust but only represented the Doctrine of the Church faithfully He has told them this Sacrifice is of such a nature that it admits only a mystical and Spiritual Death of our adorable Victim who remains always impassible and immortal and is so far from diminishing the infinite Perfection of the Sacrifice of the Cross It is established only to celebrate the remembrance of it and to apply the Vertue The Anonymus assures us upon this account that M. de Condom minces the Doctrine of the Catholick Church And M. Noguier also assures us he has not exposed the Truth Nog p. 286. Exp. p. 36. An. p. 61. An. p. 24. And yet he has only followed the Doctrine of the Council whose proper Terms he has made use of and the whole Church approves his Exposition Who does not therefore perceive how this Doctrine appears to the Pretended Reform'd more moderate and agreeable only because they do not find those Monsters in it which they imagine to themselves The Anonymus himself tells us Rep. p. 24 35. The Article of Invocation of Saints is one of the most Essential in Religion It is also one of those wherein M. de Condom seems to him chiefly to soften the Doctrine of his Church for he accuses him of it no less than three times But what has M. de Condom said the same that the Catechism of the Council of Trent said the same that the Council it self and the Confession of Faith drawn from it has said and the same which all Catholicks say Epos p. 6. sequ That the Saints offer their Prayers for us This is what the Confession of Faith says that they offer them by JESVS CHRIST this is what the Council says in a word That we pray to them with the same Mind we pray to our Brethren who are upon Earth with us Expos p. ● that is to Pray with us and for us to our common Master in the name of our common Mediator who is JESVS CHRIST Behold what Mide Condom has extracted out of the Council out of the Catechism and out of all the publick acts of the Church the reason his Doctrine has been so much approved This answer is sufficient to ruin the very Grounds of that horrour which the Pretended Reform'd have conceived against our Doctrine Their Catechism accuses us of Idolatry because by that recourse we have to Saints Catech. dim 34. we place one part of our Trust in them and give to them what God has reserv'd to himself But on the contrary it appears when we pray to Saints we Pray to them only to pray for us a kind of Prayer which by its own Nature is so far from being reserved by an independent Being to himself it can never be address'd to him And if this form of Prayer Pray for us diminished the trust we have in God it would be no less Condemnable to use it to the living than to the dead 1 Thes 5.25.2 3.1 and St. Paul would not have said so often Brethren pray for us The whole Scripture is full of Prayers of this Nature Heb. 13.18 But says their Confession of Faith this is to overthrow the Mediation of J. C. Who commands us to retire our selves in private Conf. Art 24. and to pray to his Father in his Name How can any one imagine this seeing the Saints who are in Heaven no more than the Faithful upon Earth make intercessions by and through themselves or in their own Names Ep. p. 6. but in the Name of JESVS CHRIST as all Catholicks teach with the Council Thus the Catholick Church has only to declare as she does her intention never was to demand any thing of the Saints but their humble Prayers in the name of JESVS CHRIST of Nature with those the Faithful offer up for one another upon Earth these few Words will convince for ever the pretendedly Reform'd that they have born to her a hatred most unjust But M Noguier declares Let M. de Candom say what he will Nog p. 54. he will never be perswaded the Roman Church has no other Intention when she tells us it is prositable to invocate the Saints but that we should ask them the assistance of their Prayers as we do those of the Faithful who live amongst us But what will he say now he sees the Roman Church so visibly approve what M. de Condom had in effect only gathered from the universal belief of those in Communion with her But why then adds M. Noguier Nog p. 57. Do Catholicks ask not only the Prayers but the Aid Protection and Succour of the blessed Virgin and of the Saints As if that were not a kind of Aid Succour and Protection to recommend the miserable to him who alone can comfort them Such is the Protection we may receive from the blessed Virgin and from the Saints It is not a small Succour to be aided by their Prayers seeing they are at the same time so humble so pleasing and so efficatious But why should we argue about words where the thing is so evident The Exposition produces to these Ministers most certain Testimonies by which it is manifest Expos p. 7. that in what Terms soever the Prayers we offer to the Saints be Couched the Intention of the Church and of the Faithful always reduces them to this Form PRAY
means to reunite our minds We may say the same to these of the Pretended Reform'd Religion If the Merit of Good Works if Prayers addressed to Saints if the Eucharist if the humble satisfactions of Penitents who endeavour to appease the wrath of God in voluntarily revenging upon themselves by Laborious Exercises his offended Justice if the Terms we use of a Tradition which claims its Origin from the first Ages for want of being rightly understood offend you The Author of the Exposition offers himself to give you the plain and natural explication of them which the Church has always faithfully conserv'd He says nothing of his own he alledges not particular Authors and to the end he may not be suspected of changing the Tenets of the Church he uses the proper Terms of the Council of Trent where she has explicated her self upon these matters in question what can there be more rational This was the second thing he promised and he has in this only followed the Example of the Pretended Reform'd They complain as well as we their Doctrines are not rightly understood and the means they propose to come to a true knowledge of them is not different from that which M. de Condom makes use of Their Synod of Dort requires that none judge of the Faith of their Churches from Calumnies picked up here and there Conclusio Synodi Dordrac in Syntag. Confess Fidei edit Genev. p. 2. or passages of particular Authors which are often falsely cited or wrested to a sense contrary to their Intentions but from the Confessions of Faith of their Churches and from the Declaration of their Orthodox Doctrine unanimously made in this Synod The Faith then of a Church must be learnt from its publick Definitions and not from Private Authors who may be falsely quoted mis-understood and may also themselves mis-explicate the Sentiments of their Religion Upon which account it will be only necessary that to expound ours to the Pretended Reform'd we produce the Decisions of the Council of Trent I know the very name of this Council offends those of the Reformation and the Anonymus often shews his ill humour against it But what do his Invectives avail him We go not here about to justifie the Council It suffices for this Author of the Exposition that the Doctrine of this Council is universally received without Contestation through the whole Catholic Church and that she admits of no other Decisions in these matters of controversie but of this Council The Pretended Reform'd have always endeavoured to have these Decisions thought ambiguous and the Anonymus reproaches us also with their being capable of a double or triple sense Those who have not read this Council An. p. 11.12 unless it were in the Invectives of their Ministers and in the History of Fa. Paul the declared Enemy of it believe them such but one word will satisfie them It is very true there was some Points the Council would not decide and they were those concerning which there was no settled Tradition and which were disputed of in the Schools It was but reasonable they should be left undecided but for those it has decided it has spoken so precisely that amongst so many Decrees of this Council produced in the Exposition the Anonymus could not find so much as one in which there was this double or triple sence he objects against us In effect It is but reading them and one shall see they have not any ambiguity and that it is impossible for men to explicate themselves more clearly We may put the Exposition it self to the same Test and judge by that whether the Anonymus had reason to upbraid the Author of this Exposition with those rambling and general Terms in which says he he entanglingly wraps up the most difficult matters Avert p. 25. Rep. p. 12. The third thing the Author of the Exposition promised was to treat of those matters which gave occasion to the Separation This is precisely what ought to be done There is no one who knows not that in disputes there are always some certain principal points upon which mens minds are fixed It is to these a Person must apply himself who would make it his business to end or appease those contests Thus did the Author of the Exposition who immediately declared to the Pretended Reform'd that he would expound to them those points from which they took the Subject of their separation And to the end there should be no surprize Exp. p. 2. he again declares the same at the end that to keep himself fixed to what is principal Exp. p. 50. he omitted some questions which they of the Pretended Reform'd Religion did not look upon as a lawful Subject of separation He has kept his word most faithfully and the Titles alone of the Exposition will make it appear he has not omitted any one of those principal Articles So that the Anonymus should not have said that M. de Condom has some select Terms to avoid the difficulties which give him the most trouble Avert p. 22. that he leaves many questions untouched and makes hast to that of the Eucharist where he thought he could enlarge himself with less disadvantage Repl. p. 168. What an Idea would he give us of this Book of the Exposition but it destroys it self Every one sees it was M. de Condom's business to enlarge himself upon that point of the Eucharist not because he thought he could do it with less disadvantage but because this point is in reality the most difficult and full of great questions So that it will appear he has treated these matters with less or greater scope according as they appear'd less or more embroiling not to him but to those for whom he writes And if it be true that he lays aside those difficulties which give him the most trouble it must be allow'd those which give him the least are in reality those which are the most essential and those in which the Pretended Reform'd always thought themselves the most secure He has treated of the worship due to God of Prayers to Saints of the honour we render to them as also to their Images and Reliques He has spoken of justifying Grace of the Merit of Good Works of the necessity of Works of Satisfaction of Purgatory of Indulgences of Sacramental Confession and Absolution of the Real Presence of the Body and Blood of our Saviour in the Eucharist of that Adoration which is therein due to him of Transubstantiation and the Sacrifice of the Altar of Communion under one Species of the Authority of Tradition and that of the Church of the Divine Institution of the Popes Primacy where he has in one word explained what is to be believed of Episcopacy He has expounded all these difficulties and there needs only a little honesty to grant that he has been so far from avoiding difficulties as the Anonymus would have it thought that he has principally applied
was It remains at present that we beg of God to grant they may read a Work without bitterness which is published only to instruct them The Success is in his hands who can alone touch the heart He knows the limits he has fixt to the Progress of Errour and the miseries of his afflicted Church by the loss of so great a number of her Children But we cannot hinder our selves from hoping some great effects towards the reunion of Christians under a Pope who exercises so piously and with so perfect a zeal free from interest the most holy Function in the World and under a King who prefers before all the Conquests that have enlarged his Kingdom those that might gain him his own Subjects to the Church AN EXPOSITION OF THE DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH IN MATTERS of CONTROVERSIE SECT I. The Design of this Treatise AFter a Contestation for above an Age with those of the Pretended Reform'd Religion Matters from whence they took the ground of their Separation ought to be sufficiently cleared and their minds disposed to a right conception of the Sentiments of the Catholic Church So that to me nothing seems more proper then to propose her Tenets plainly and simply and to distinguish them right from those which have been falsely imputed to her In effect I have upon several occasions taken notice that the aversion which these Gentlemen have to most of our Sentiments is grounded upon some false Ideas which they have formed to themselves concerning them or else upon some certain words which are so offensive to them that they immediately stop there and never come so far as to consider the grounds of things Upon which account I thought nothing could be more beneficial than to explicate to them what the Church has defined in the Council of Trent concerning those points which keep them at farthest distant from us without medling with that which they are accustomed to object either against particular Doctors or against those Tenets which are neither necessarily nor universally received For all Parties agree and M. Daille himself is of that Opinion Apol. c. 6. that it is a very unreasonable thing to attribute the Sentiments of particular Persons to a whole body and he adds that no separation ought to be but upon the account of Articles authenticly established to the belief and observance of which all Persons are obliged I will not meddle then with any thing but the Decrees of the Council of Trent because in them the Church has given her Decision upon these matters now in agitation and what I shall say for the better understanding of those Decisions shall be what is approved of in the Church and shall manifestly appear conformable to the Doctrine of this Council This Exposition of our Doctrine will produce two good effects The first that many disputes will wholly vanish because it will appear thev are only grounded upon some erroneous explications of our belief The second that those disputes which remain will not appear according to the Principles of the Pretended Reform'd so Capital as at the first they endeavoured to represent them and that according to the same Principles they contain nothing any ways injurious to the grounds of Faith SECT II. Those of the Pretended Reform'd Religion acknowledg That the Catholic Church embraces all the Fundamental Articles of the Christian Religion ANd to begin with the fundamental and principal Articles of Faith these Gentlemen of the Pretended Reform'd Religion must of necessity acknowledge they are believed and professed in the Catholic Church If they will have them to consist in believing that we must adore one only God the Father Son and Holy Ghost and that we must put our trust in God alone through his Son who became man was Crucified and rose again for us they know in their Consciences that we profess this Doctrine and if they add those other Articles which are comprehended in the Apostles Creed they do not doubt also but that we receive them all without exception and that we have a pure and true knowledge of them M. Daille has writ a Treatise intituled Faith founded upon the Scriptures in which after having exposed all the Articles of Faith held by the Pretended Reform'd Churches he tells us they are beyond all contestation Part 3. ● 1. that the Roman Church professes to believe them that in reality they do not hold all our Opinions but that we hold all their Articles of Faith This Minister then cannot unless he destroy his own Faith deny but that we believe all the principal Articles of the Christian Religion But tho' M. Daille had not granted thus much the thing is manifest in it self and all the world knows that we believe all those Articles which Protestants call Fundamental so that sincerity it self demands they should without dispute grant that we have not really rejected any of them The Pretended Reform'd who see the advantages we may draw from this acknowledgment are desirous to deprive us of them by saying that we destroy those Articles by interposing others contrary to them This is what they endeavour to perswade by Consequences drawn from our Doctrine but the same M. Daille whose authority I alledge once more not so much to convince them by the Testimony of one of their most Learned Ministers as because what he says is in it self evident tells them what they ought to think of such kind of Consequences supposing ill ones might be drawn from our Doctrine See what he writes in his Letter to M. Monglat upon account of his Apologie Altho' the Opinion of the Lutherans as well as that of Rome does according to us infer the distruction of the Humanity of JESUS CHRIST yet this Consequence cannot be attributed to them without Calumny seeing they do formally reject it There is nothing more essential to the Christian Religion then the reality of the Human Nature in JESVS CHRIST and yet tho' the Lutherans hold a Doctrine from whence is inferred the destruction of this Capital verity by Consequences which the Pretended Reform'd judge to be evident yet they have not scrupled to offer to Communicate with them because their Opinion has no poyson in it Chap. 7. as M. Daille tells us in his Apologie And their National Synode held at Charenton 1631 admits them to the Holy Table upon this ground that they agree in the principal and Fundamental points of Religion It is then a certain Maxim established amongst them that they must not in these cases look upon the Consequences which may be drawn from a Doctrine but purely upon what he proposes and acknowledges who teaches it So that when they infer by Consequences which they pretend to draw from our Doctrine that we do not sufficiently acknowledg that Soveraign Glory which is due to God nor the quality of Saviour and Mediator in JESVS CHRIST nor the infinite value of his Sacrifice nor the superabundant Plenitude of his Merits we may defend our selves without
Doctrine of Justification Ibid. 13. and our Adversaries would be very unreasonable if they should not confess that this Doctrine suffices to teach Christians they ought to refer all the glory of their Salvation to God through JESVS CHRIST If the Ministers after this should go about to move questions about subtilties it is good to advertise them that it becomes them not now to be so scrupulous in our behalfs after having granted what they have done to the Lutherans and their own brethren concerning Predestination and Grace This their conduct towards them ought to have taught them in this matter to reduce themselves to what is absolutely necessary for the establishment of the foundations of Christian piety But if they could but once resolve to prefix these limits to themselves they would be presently satisfied and they would cease to accuse us of annulling the Grace of God by attributing all to our good works seeing we have shown them in such clear terms of the Council of Trent these 3 points so decisive as to this matter That our sins are pardoned us out of pure mercy for the sake of JESUS CHRIST That we are indebted for that Justice which is in us by the holy Ghost to a liberality gratis bestowed upon us and that all the good works we do are but so many gifts of his Grace And indeed we must acknowledge that the learned of their Party do not contend so much of late about this Subject as they did formerly and there are but few who do not now confess there ought not to have been a breach upon this point But if this important difficulty about Justification upon which their first Authors laid all their stress be not looked upon now as essential by the wisest persons amongst them we leave them to think what they ought to Judge of their separation and what hopes there would be of an union if they would but overcome their prejudice and quit the Spirit of contention SECT VIII Satisfactions Purgatory and Indulgences VVE must farther explicate after what manner we believe we can make satisfaction to God through his grace to the end we may not leave any doubt upon this matter uncleared Catholics unanimously teach that JESVS CHRIST God and Man was solely capable through the infinite dignity of his Person to offer up to God a sufficient satisfaction for our Sins But having satisfied superabundantly he could apply this infinite satisfaction after two manners either by an entire remission without reserving any punishment or else by changing a greater punishment into a less that is an eternal pain into a temporal This first manner being more compleat and more comformable to his goodness he makes use of it immediately in Baptism but we believe that he makes use of the second in the pardon he grants to those who fall after Baptism being carried in some manner to it by the ingratitude of those who have abused his first gifts so as they are to suffer some temporal pain tho the eternal be remitted It must not be hence concluded that JESVS CHRIST has not fully satisfied for us but on the contrary that having obtained an obsolute dominion over us by the infinite price which he has given for our salvation he grants us pardon upon what condition what law or with what restriction it pleases him We should be injurious and ungrateful to our Saviour should we dare to deny the infinite value of his merits under pretence that when he pardons us the sin of Adam he does not at the same time free us from all the consequences of it but leaves us still subject to death and so many other corporal and spiritual infirmities which this sin brought upon us If suffices that JESVS CHRIST has once paid the price by which we shall be one day entirely freed from the evils which overwhelme us it is our parts to embrace with humility and thanksgiving every part of his benefits by considering by what progress it pleases him to procure our deliverance according to that order which his wisdom has established for our good and for a more clear manifestation of his bounty and Justice Upon the like account we ought not to think it strange that he who has shown us so great mercy in Baptism should be more severe towards us after our having violated our holy promises It is just yes and beneficial to our salvation that God in remitting our sin together with the eternal pain which we deserved for it should exact of us some temporal pain to retain us in our duties lest if we should be too speedily freed from the Bonds of Justice we should abandon our selves to a temerarious Confidence abusing the facility of the Pardon It is then to satisfy this Obligation we are subjected to some painful works which we must accomplish in the Spirit of Humility and Penance and it was the necessity of these satisfactory works which obliged the primitive Church to impose upon Penitents those pains called Canonical When therefore she imposes upon Sinners painful and laborious works and they undergo them with humility this is called Satisfaction and when regarding the fervour of the Penitents or some other good works which she has prescribed them she pardons some part of that pain which is due to them this is called Indulgence The Council of Trent proposes nothing else to be believed concerning Indulgences Contin sest 25. Dec. d. Indulg but that the powe to grant them has been given to the Church by JESUS CHRIST and that the use of them is beneficial to salvation to which this Council adds That this power ought to be retained yet nevertheless used with moderation lest Ecclesiastical discipline should be weakned by an over great facility which shows the manner of granting Indulgences to regard discipline Those who depart this life in Grace and Charity but nevertheless indebted to the divine Justice some pains which it reserved are to suffer them in the other life This is what obliged all the Primitive Christians to offer up Prayers Alms deeds and Sacrifices for the faithful who departed in peace and communion of the Church Sess 25. de Purgator with a certain faith that they may be assisted by these means This is what the Council of Trent proposes to us to believe touching the Souls detained in Purgatory without determining in what their pains consist or many other such like things concerning which this Holy Council demands great moderation blaming those who divulge what is uncertain or suspected Such is the innocent and holy Doctrine of the Catholic Church touching Satisfactions which has been imputed to her as so great a crime If after this Explication those of the pretended Reform'd Religion accuse us of injuring the satisfactions of JESVS CHRIST they must have forgotten what we told them that our Blessed Saviour payed the full price of our Redemption that nothing is wanting in this price because it is infinite and how these remaining pains of which
Doctrine has naturally as I may say passed through all the degrees of Approbation till it came to that of the Pope himself which confirms all the rest Those of the Pretended Reformed Religion may at present see how they were imposed upon An. Avert p. 23. when they were told The Person was known and that a Catholick too who writ against this Exposition of M. de Condom It would certainly be a strange thing this good Catholick unknown to all others of that Religion should make the Enemies of the Church his only Confidents in a Work which he designed against a Bishop of his own Communion But this Imaginary Writer makes the World stay too long and the Pretended Reform'd are too credulous if they suffer themselves hereafter to be amused by such like Promises Thus one of the necessary Questions to be answered in vindication of the Exposition is entirely dispatch'd We need not now go about to refute those Ministers who held the Doctrine of the Exposition not to be that of the Church Time and Truth have so refuted their allegations that no room is left for a reply M. Nog●ier would first hear the Oracle of Rome speak before he would admit M. de Condom to have rightly explicated the Catholock Faith p. 41. I give no credit says he to those Approbations which these Bishops give in Writing Other Doctors want not the like Approbations and after all the Oracle of Rome must speak in matters of Faith The Anonymus was of the same mind and both of them supposed nothing more could be said in this matter against M. de Condom if once this Oracle had but spoken This Oracle has now spoken this Oracle I say which the whole Catholick Church hearkned to with so much respect in the very origine of Christianity and the answer it has given has shewn what this Prelate had said hath nothing new or to be suspected in it nothing in a word which is not receiv'd throughout the whole Church Nay this Question being answered all the others are in a manner insensibly dispatcht Mr. de Condom held the Catholick Doctrine was never rightly understood by the pretended Reform'd and that the Authors of their Separation had magnified the Objects to render them odious What he said appears now most certain seeing it is manifest on the one side the Exposition proposes to them the Catholick Faith in its Purity and on the other that it appeared less strange to them than they thought it was But if they find their Pretended Reformers to the end they might animate them against that Church in which their Ancestors served God and in which they themselves received Baptism were forced to fly to those Calumnies which we see now are not maintainable how can they dispence with themselves if they search not a new And why are they not afraid to persist in a Schism which is manifestly founded upon false Principles in even the most principal points They believ'd for example they had good grounds to separate from the Church under pretence that whilst she taught the merit of good Works she destroyed Free Justification Gratuite and that Confidence which a Christian ought to have in JESVS CHRIST only Their breach was principally founded upon this Article An. p. 86. The Anonymus thinks it enough to say The Article concerning Justification is one of the chief that gave occasion to the Reformation But M. Noguiers speaks more plainly Nog p. 83. Those says he who were the Authors of our Reformation had reason to propose the Article of Justification as the most principal of the rest and the most Essential Foundation of their separating At present then seeing M. de Condom tells them together with the whole Church Expos p. 14 15. That she believes we cannot have Life but in Jesus Christ in whom alone she puts all her Hope That she asks all things hopes all things and gives thanks for all things through our Lord JESVS CHRIST and in fine that she places all the hopes of Salvation on him What would they have more The Church tells us Expos p. 15. That all our Sins ars pardon'd by pure Mercy through JESVS CHRIST That we owe that Justice which is in us by the Holy Ghost to his free undeserved liberality and that all our good Works which we do are so many gifts of his Grace The Author of this Exposition who teaches this Doctrine does not teach it as his own God forbid Ibid. p. 15. He teaches it as the clear and manifest Doctrine of the Council of Trent and the Pope approves his Book After this shall it be again said That the Council of Trent and the Roman Church overthrow Free Justification and that trust which the Faithful ought to repose in Jesus Christ alone Is not this unsufferable And if we should hold our Tongues would not the Stones cry aloud and proclaim us injur'd It must be also granted as it was taken notice of in the Exposition Ex. p 15. that those Disputes which the Pretended Reform'd have raised upon so capital a Point are almost brought to nothing not to say wholly refuted No body will doubt of it if they consider what the Anonymus has writ concerning the merit of Good Works with the approbation of four Ministers of Charenton We acknowledge says he as in Justice we must M. de Condom and those of the Roman Church An. p. 104. who hold the most Orthodox Opinions concerning Grace express themselves almost in all things as we do We agree with them in the main But since he promised us so much Justice he ought to have acknowledged that M. de Condom whom he makes here to be of a particular Sect has not said one word concerning the merit of Good Works which is not taken from the Council Expos p. 13 14 15. He said Eternal Life ought to be proposed to the Children of God both as a Grace which is mercifully promised to them by the means of our Saviour Jesus Christ and as a Recompence which is faithfully rendred to their good Works and to their merits in virtue of that Promise He said That Merits are the gifts of God He said We can do nothing of our selves but that we can do all things with him who strengthens us and that our whole confidence is in JESVS CHRIST And the rest which you may see in their proper place By this means it is he has satisfied the Pretended Reform'd and made them say they agree with him in the main Seeing therefore these Propositions are taken word by word from the Council they cannot hereafter but acknowledge the Principal Subject of their complaints to be taken away by the sole proposing the Decrees and proper Terms of a Council so much hated and blamed amongst them What is it offends them most in the Satisfactions which the Church exacts from the Faithful but only that they think Catholicks looks upon those of
FOR VS No matter for that the Ministers will never believe it They must then raise out of their Catechism and their Confession of Faith these accusations of Idolatry with which they are filled they must retrench in their Sermons so many bloody Invectives which have no other Grounds and this they cannot resolve of and let us make what Declarations we can of our Minds they will neither believe the Council not its Catechism nor our Confession of Faith nor the Bishops nor the Pope himself It is not necessary to repeat here what is said in the Exposition as to other objections Exp. p. 8. and principally as to that where they accuse the Church of attributing to Saints a divine Knowledge and Power whilst she teaches they can neither know nor do any thing of themselves But the accusation of Idolatry has another Foundation which they accuse M. de Condom to have palliated as well as the others And it is the Article concerning Images An. Av. p. 24. where nevertheless he has searched no other Palliations but to expose faithfully the meaning of the Church Rep. p. 65. There needs no more than this to make the very Suspition of Idolatry to vanish according to the Principles of the Pretended Reform'd and they need only in this compare the Doctrine of their own Catechism with that of the Council of Trent represented in the Exposition Their Catechism upon this Commandment Dim 23. Thou shalt not make to thy self any Graven Image Asks whether God forbids the making of any Image And the answer is No but that God forbids only the making of any Image whereby to represent God or to adore it Behold the two things which they think forbidden in this Precept of the Decalogue It may be they will do us the Justice to believe we do not pretend to represent God and that if they see in some Pictures God the Father Painted in that form which he was pleased so often to appear in to his Prophets we pretend no more to derogate from his Invisibile and Spiritual Nature than he himself when he exhibited himself under that form The Council explicates sufficiently to them upon this account Sess 25. that we pretend not thereby to represent or express the Divinity or to give it any Colours and I think I should do them an injury in proceeding to a clearer Proof Let us pass to the second part of their Doctrine and let us learn from their Catechisms what form of Adoration is condemned To Prostrate ones self says the Answer before an Image to pray to it to how the Knee before it or shew some other sign of reverence as if God exhibited himself there to us This is in effect the Errour of the Gentiles and the proper Character of Idolatry But they who believe Expos p. 9 10 11. with the Council That Images have neither Divinity nor Vertue in them for which they ought to be reverenced and who place all the benefit in their recalling the Originals to our remembrance do not believe that God in them exhibits himself to them It is not therefore Idolatry by the consent of the Pretended Reform'd and according to the proper Definition of their Catechism The Anonymus seems to have been sensible of this Truth in that place where objecting this Commandment of the Decalogue he says P. 67. that God forbids to make Images and to worship them He is in the right The words of the Precept are express and the Images there spoken of are those which are forbidden to to be made as well as to be worshiped That is to say according to the explication of his Catechism those which are made to represent God and those which are made to show him present and which are worshipped with the same intention as full of his Divinity We neither make nor suffer any of this nature We do not worship Images God forbid but we make use of Images to put us in mind of the Originals Our Council so odious to the pretended Reform'd Church teaches us no other use of them Is this then enough to make them say as that Church doth in her own Confession of Faith that all sorts of Idolatry are in vogue in the Roman Church Art 28. Is it for this that her Discipline calls us Idolaters and our Religion Idolatry Disc art 11.13 Art 5.2 Without doubt they represent to themselves other things than our Doctrine when they give us the name of Gentiles They believe we follow their abominable Errors and that we believe as they did that God shews himself to us in those Images Had it not been for these mortal Prejudices had it not been for Ideas which they frame to themselves of the sentiments of the Church Christians could never have imagined it so detestable a crime to kiss the Cross in remembrance of him who bore our Iniquities upon the wood nor that so simple and natural a demonstration of those sentiments of tenderness which that Pious Object excites in our hearts ought to make us regarded as if we Adored Baal or the Golden Galves of Samaria During this strange preocupation of the Pretended Reform'd this Treatise of the Exposition might well appear to them which really in effect it did a Book full of Artifice which did nothing but extenuate the Sentiments of Catholicks But now when they see clearly all the Artifice of this Book is to separate the Doctrines which they have imputed to the Church from those which she professes that all the mitigations he makes in Doctrine is that he has taken off that hidious Masque which the Ministers had put upon it let them confess this Church was not worthy of so much horror as they had for her and that at least she deserves to be heard Neither the Pope nor the Sea Apostolick ought to be hereafter accused of diminshing that adoration which is due to God nor that confidence which a Christian ought to establish in his sole goodness through our Lord Jesus Christ since they see without further search this Treatise of the Exposition which is made only to explicate these two Truths has received at Rome and from the Pope himself so Authentick an Approbation After this they will certainly be ashamed of that Title which they give the Pope No one can think on it without horrour nor hear without astonishment that the Pretended Reform'd who boast to follow Scripture word for word when the Apostle St. John who has alone named Antichrist tells us three or four times that Antichrist is he who denies that JESVS CHRIST is come in flesh 2. Joh. 1.7 1 Joh. dare so much as think that he who teaches so fully the Mystery of JESVS CHRIST that is to say his Divinity his Incarnation the superbundance of his Merits the necessity of his Grace and that absolute confidence we must have in it should nevertheless be that Antichrist described by the Apostle But it is
objected against the Popes 2. Thes 2.3.4 that they are that wicked Person that man of Iniquity who has seated himself in the Temple of God and makes himself adored as God They who confess themselves not only mortal men but sinners who pray every day with the rest of the Faithful forgive us our offences and who never approach the Altar without Confessing of their sins and without saying in the most essential part of the Holy Sacrifice they hope for eternal life not by their own Merits but through the Bounty of God in the name of our Lord JESVS CHRIST T is true they maintain that Primacy which JESVS CHRIST has given them in the Person of St. Peter but it is by That they advance the Work of JESVS CHRIST himself the Work of Charity and Concord which would never have been perfectly accomplished if the Universal Church and all the Episcopal Order had not one head of Ecclesiastical Gover ment upon Earth to make the Members act in concurrence and accomplish in the whole Body the Mystery of Unity so much recommended by the Son of God It is just as much as nothing to answer that the Church has her true Head in Heaven who Unites her by animating her with his Holy Spirit who doubts of it But who does not know this Holy Spirit who disposes all things with as much sweetness as efficacy knows also how to prepare exteriour means proportionable to his designs The Holy Ghost both teaches and governs us interiourly therefore he establishes Pastors and Teachers to Act exterourly The Holy Ghost Unites the Body of the Church and the Ecclesiastical Government therefore it is he places at the head a common Father and a principal disposer who may Govern the whole Family of JESVS CHRIST We will call to witness the Consciences of those of the Pretended Reform'd Religion In this unfortunate age when so many wicked Sects endeavour by little and little to undermine the Foundations of Christianity and believe it enough only to name JESVS CHRIST to introduce indifferency in Religion and manifest impiety into the bosom of the Church Who sees not the necessity of a Pastor who may watch over his flock and authorized from above encite all others whose vigilance might slacken Let them in reality tell us if it be not the Seconians the Anabaptists the Independants those who under the name of Christian Liberty would establish indifferency in Religions and so many other pernicious Sects which they condemn as well as we who fly with the greatest impetuosity against St. Peters Chair and cry loudest that his Authority is Tyrannical I do not wonder at it those who would divide the Church or surprise her fear nothing more than to see her march against them like a well ranged Army under one head Let us not raise a quarrel with any let us only reflect whence come those Books wherein these dangerous Licenses and Antichristian Doctrines are taught at least none can deny but the See of Rome by the very Constitution of it is incompatible with these Novelties and if we could not know by the Gospel that the Primacy of this See is necessary for us Experience it self would convince us of it Moreover We must not be astonished if this Author of the Exposition who places the essential Authority of this See in those things wherein all Catholic Schools agree hath been approved without difficulty The Chair of St. Peter stands in need of no disputing what all Catholics acknowledge without contestation suffices to maintain that Power which was given to it for edification and not for destruction The Pretended Reform'd should hereafter give way no more to those vain Phantoms with which they are frighted What does it profit them to search in Histories for the Vices of Popes when if what they meet with there should be true does the Vices of men destroy the institution of JESVS CHRIST and the Priviledge of St. Peter shall the Church rise in Rebellion against a Power which maintains her Unity under pretence that some have abus'd it Christians are accustomed to reason upon higher and more true Principles and know that God is able to maintain his works in the midst of all the evils which accompany humane frailty We do then Conjure these of the Pretended Reform'd Religion by that Charity which is God himself by the name of Christian which is common to us both not to judge of the Doctrine of our Church by what they hear in their Sermons or read in their Books where many times the heat of dispute and Prevention not to mention any other make things frequently otherwise represented then they are but to hearken to this Exposition of the Catholic Doctrine It is a work in reality which consists not so much in disputing as in explicating clearly our belief In which to see how plainly the Author has proceeded we need only consider his design He promised in the very beginning 1. To propose the true Tenets of the Catholic Church Exp. p. 2. and to distinguish them from those which are falsely imputed to her 2. To the end no one should doubt but that he faithfully proposed the true Sentiments of the Church Exp. p. 2. he promised to take them from the Council of Trent where the Church has spoken decisively upon the things in question 3. He promised to propose to the Pretended Reform'd not all points in general Exp. p. 2. but those which caused the greatest separation betwixt them and us and to speak properly those which they made the occasions of their breach 4. He promised that what he said to make the decisions of the Council more intelligible Exp. p. 2. should be approved of in the Church and manifestly conformable to the Doctrine of the same Council All this is plain and just And in the first place no body can think it strange we should distinguish the Churches Tenets from those which are falsely imputed to her When Persons are animated beyond measure for want of a right understanding and when strange prejudices move great disputes there is nothing more natural nothing more charitable then to explicate matters clearly The Holy Fathers practised a way fraudless and calm like this to set men right again Whilst the Arians and Semi-Arians decryed the Symbol of Nice and the Consubstantiality of the Son by the false Ideas they fixed upon them St. Athanasius and St. Hilarius the two most illustrious defenders of the Nicene Faith represented to them the true sense of the Councils and St. Hilarius said to them S. Hil. lib. de syn Let us both together condemn false Interpretations but not destroy the certainty of Faith The Word Consubstantial may be mis-understood let us resolve how we may rightly understand it We may lay down the true state of Faith betwixt us if we do not overthrow what has been rightly established but remover mis-understanding It is Charity it self which dictates such words and suggests such
again to examine those Articles once so resolved on but are bound humbly to receive her Decisions In this we shall follow the example of St. Paul and Silas who carried this first Sentence of the Apostles to the Faithful and were so far from permitting a new Discussion of what had been decided that on the contrary They went from place to place Acts 16.4 teaching them to observe the Ordinances of the Apostles Thus it is the Children of God acquiess in the Judgment of the Church believing that from her Mouth they hear the Oracle of the Holy Ghost and upon account of this belief it is that after having said in our Creed I believe in the Holy Ghost we add immediately The Holy Catholic Church by which we oblige our selves to acknowledg an infallible and perpetual verity in the universal Church because this very Church which we believe existent in all Ages would cease to be the Church if she ceased to teach the truth revealed by God So that those who apprehend least she should abuse her Power to establish a Lye have no Faith in him by whom she is governed And if our Adversaries would but look upon these things in a more mild and candid manner they would be obliged to acknowledg the Catholic Church is so far from making her self Mistress of her Faith as they have accused her that on the contrary she has done what she could to bind and deprive herself of all the means of Innovation seeing she not only submits herself to the Holy Scriptures but to the end she might for ever banish all arbitrary Interpretations which make Mens Imaginations pass for Scripture she has obliged herself to interpret them in what relates to Faith and Manners Conc. Trid. Sess 14. according to the sence of the Holy Fathers from which she prosesseth never to depart declaring in all her Councils and in all the Professions of Faith she has published that she does not receive any Doctrine which is not conformable to the Tradition of all preceding Ages Moreover if our Adversaries consult their Consciences they will find the name of the Church has more Authority over them than they dare avouch in their disputes and I do not think there is any one Prudent Man amongst them who finding himself the only Person of a Perswasion tho it appeared to him never so Evident but would abhor that Singularity so true it is that Men have need in these matters to be supported in their Tenets by the Authority of some Society that is of the same opinion with them And for this reason God who created us and who knows what is most proper for us hath ordained for our Good that all Particulars should be subject to the Authority of his Church which of all other Authorities is without doubt the best Established In effect it is established not only by that Testimony which God himself gives of it in the Holy Scriptures but also by the marks of his divine Protection which are no less visible in the inviolable and perpetual subsistence of it than in its miraculous Establishment SECT XX. The Sentiments of those of the Pretended Reform'd Religion concerning the Authority of the Church THIS Supream Authority of the Church is so necessary to regulate the differences which arise in matters of Faith and about the Sense of Scripture that our Adversaries themselves after having decryed it as an unsupportable Tyranny have been at last obliged to establish it amongst themselves When those who are called Independents declared openly that each one of the Faithful ought to follow the light of his own Conscience without submitting his Judgment to the Authority of any Body or Ecclesiastical Assembly and upon this Ground refused to submit toany Synods That of Charenton held 1644. censured this Doctrine upon the same Reasons and for the same Inconveniencies for which we reject it This Synod observes in the first place that this Error of the Independents consists in this that they teach Every Church ought to be governed by her proper Laws without a dependance upon any Person in Ecclesiastical Matters and without any Obligation to acknowledg the Authority of Conferences and Synods for her regulation and conduct After which this Synod determines that this Sect is a prejudicial to the State as to the Church that it opens a door to all sorts of Irregularities and Extravagancies that it takes away all the means of applying any remedy to it and that if it took place there might be as many Religions framed as Parishes or particular Assemblies These last words shew it is principally in matters of Faith this Synod would establish a Dependance seeing the greatest Inconvenience into which it observes the faithful would fall by an Independence is that there might chance to be as many Religions formed as Parishes Every Church then according to the Doctrine of this Synod and much more every private Person must necessarily depend in what concerns matters of Faith upon some other superior Authority which resides in some Assembly or in some Body to which Authority all the Faithful submit their Judgments For the Independents do not refuse to submit to the Word of God according as they think it ought to be understood nor to accept the decisions of Synods when after having examined them they judg them reasonable What they refuse to do is to submit their Judgments to that of any Assembly for its sake because our Adversaries have taught them that every Assembly even that of the Universal Church is a Society of men subject to Error and to which by consequence a Christian ought not to submit his Judgment that submission being only due to God From this pretention of the Independents it is those inconveniences follow which the Synod of Charenton so well observed For let a man make what Profession he pleaseth to submit himself to the word of God if every one think he has a right to interpret it according to his own Sense and against the Tenets of the Church declared in her last Sentence this pretention will open a door to all sorts of Extravagancies it will take away all the means of applying a remedy because the decision of the Church is not a remedy to those who think themselves not obliged to submit to it in fine it gives way to the framing as many Religions not only as there are Parishes but also as there are Persons To avoid these inconveniencies from whence the ruin of Christianity would follow the Synod of Charenton finds her self obliged to establish a Dependence in Ecclesiastical matters and that even in Points of Faith but this dependence will never hinder those pernicious consequences which they desired to prevent if they do not with us establish this Maxim that every particular Church and much more every particular person amongst the faithful ought to believe themselves obliged to submit their private judgment to the Authority of the Church Thus we see in the 5th chapter of
the discipline of the pretended reform'd Religion under the title of Consistories Art 31. that going about to prescribe a means to end debates which might arise upon any point of Doctrine or Discipline c. they ordain first the Consistory shall endeavour to appease the whole without noise and with all the sweetness of the word of God and after having established a Consistory a Conference and a Provincial Synod as so many different degrees of Jurisdiction coming at last to a National Synod above which amongst them there is no Authority they speak of it in these terms There the entire and final resolution shall be given by the word of God to which if they refuse to acquiesce in every point and with an express disavowing of their errours they shall be cut off from the Church It is manifest those of the pretended Reformation do not attribute the authority of this last sentence to the word of God taken in it self and without dependence upon the authority of the Church for tho this word was made use of in their first Judgements yet notwithstanding they permitted an appeal It is then this word as interpreted by the soveragin tribunal of the Church which gives this final resolution to which whosoever refuses to submit in every point altho he boast he is authorized by the word of God is no more reputed but as a prosane person who corrupts and abuses it But the form of those Letters of deputation which were addres'd to the Synod of Vitre in the year 1617 to be observed by the Provinces when they were to send their Deputies to a National Synod has yet something more express it is in these terms We promise before God to submit our selves to all that shall be concluded and resolved of in your holy Assemblis to obey them and put them in execution to our utmost power being persuaded as we are that God will preside in it and lead you by his holy spirit into all Truth and equity by the rule of his word Here the point is not about receiving the resolution of a Synod after they have found it to speak according to Scripture they submit to it even before it is assembled and they do it because they are persuaded the Holy Ghost will preside in it If this persuasion be only founded upon a human presumption can a man in conscience promise before God to submit to all that shall be there concluded and resolved of to obey and execute them to the utmost of his power And if this Persuasion has its foundation in a certain belief of the assistance which the Holy Ghost gives to the Church in her final decisions Catholics themselves require no more So that the proceedings of our Adversaries shew them to agree with us in this supreme Authority without which it is impossible ever to put an end to any difficulty in Religion and tho whilst they were desirous to cast of the yoak of obedience they denied the Faithful to be obliged to submit their Judgments to that of the Church yet the necessity of establishing an order has since forced them to grant what their first undertakings had made them deny They have gone yet much further in the National Synod held at Saint Foy in the year 1578. There was some overture made of a Reconcilement with the Lutherans by means of a general form of a profession of Faith common to all their Churches which was proposed to be drawn up Those of this Kingdom were invited to send to an Assembly which was to be held upon this account Vertuous persons authorised by all the said Churches with an ample Procuration TO TREAT AGREE UPON AND DECIDE ALL POINTS OF DOCTRINE and other matters concerning that union Upon this Proposall see in that terms the resolution of the Synod of St. Foy was couched The National Synod of this Kingdom after having given God thanks for such an overture and commended the care diligence and good advice of the forementioned persons convocated and APPROVING THE REMLDIES WHICH THEY HAVE SUGGESTED that is to say principally that of framing a new Confession of Faith and to give power to some certain persons to compose it has ordained That if the copy of the above named Confession of Faith be sent in time it shall be examined in each Provincial Synod or otherwise according to the convenience of each Province and in the mean time has deputed four Min sters the most experienced in those affairs to whom express charge has been given to be present at the place and day appointed with the Letters and full Procurations of all the Ministers and Elders Deputies of the Provinces of this Kingdom as also of the Lord Viscount Turenne to do all things above said yea even incase that MEANS COULD NOT BE FOUND OUT TO EXAMINE IN EVERY PROVINCE THE SAID CONFESSION it should be referred to their prudence and sound judgement to agree and CONCLUDE all the points which shall be brought into deliberation as well FOR DOCTRINE as for other matters concerning the benefit union and peace of all the Churches It was to this in fine that this seeming tenderness of Conscience of these pretended Reformes tended How often have they reproched to us as a weakness that submission which we pay to the Decisions of the Church which say they is nothing else but a company of men lyable to error and yet nevertheless being assembled in a Body in a National Synod which represented all the Churches of the pretended Reformed in France they are not afraid by mutual consent to leave their faith to the arbitration of four men with so absolute an abandoning of their own sentiments that they gave them full power to change the very Confession of Faith it self which they do at this very day propose to the whole Christian world as a Confession of Faith which containeth nothing but the pure Word of God and for which as they said in presenting it to our Kings an infinite number of people were ready to shed their Blood I leave the prudent Reader to make his reflections upon the Decree of this Synod and shall in a few words finish the Explication of the Churches Tenets SECT XXI The Authority of the Holy See of Rome and of Episcopacy THE Son of God being desirous his Church should be one and and solidly built upon Unity hath established and instituted the Primacy of St. Peter to maintain and cement it Upon which account we acknowledg this Primacy in the Successors of the Prince of the Apostles to whom for this cause we owe that Obedience and Submission which the Holy Councils and Fathers have always taught the faithful As for those things which we know are disputed of in the Schools tho the Ministers continually alledg them to render this Power odious it is not necessary we speak of them here seeing they are not Articles of the Catholic Faith It is sufficient we acknowledg a Head established by God to conduct his whole
the utmost Rigour Letters could no sooner return from Rome to Paris but there came also from this Learned and Holy Cardinal whose memory will be perpetuated in the Church with eternal Benediction that honourable approbation of his which you will find in the sequel among the rest that we shall speak of The Book was Printed the first time about the end of the year 1671. And this Cardinals answer is dated the 26. January 1672. Cardinal Sigismond whose death the whole Church doth still regret writ no less favourably concerning it to M. l' Abbe de Dungeau He tells us expresly that M. de Condom has spoken very well of the Popes Authority and whereas this Abbot had written him word that some scrupulous persons here apprehended lest this Exposition should be looked upon at Rome as one of those Explications of the Council prohibited by Pope Pius IV he shews how ill grounded this scruple is He adds that he found the Master of the Sacred Palace the Secretary and the Consulters of the Congregation dell ' Indice all the Cardinals that compose it and in particular the Learned Cardinal Braneas President of it of the same opinion and that they did all of them highly applaud this Treatise of the Exposition This Letter bears date the 5th of April 1672. The Master of the Sacred Palace was at time the Reverend Father Hyacinth Libelli a famous Divine whose merits and great Learning raised him shortly after to the Dignity of Archbishop of Avignon His Letter of the 26th of April 1672 written to his E. the Cardinal Sigismond shews what esteem he had of this Book for he tells him there is not so much as the shadow of a fault in it and that if the Author desire it should be Printed at Rome he will give all the necessary permissions without altering the least tittle in it In effect M. l' Abbe Nazari famous for the Journal des Scavans which he writes with so much elegance and exactness was at that time about an Italian Version of it which his E. the Cardinal d' Estrees caused to be reviewed and did himself peruse some of the principal parts that it might be entirely conformable to the Original The Book had been already done into English by the late Abbot Montaigue whose zeal and vertue is known to the whole World and there wanted not many Testimonies to shew that his Version was well received by all the Catholicks of England This Translation was Printed in the Year 1672 And in the Year 1675 it was put into Irish and Printed at Rome by the Printers of the Congregation de Propaganda Fide The Author of this Version the Reverend Father Porter of the Holy order of St. Francis and Superiour of the Convent of St. Isidorus had some time before ordered a book called Securis Evangelica to be Printed at Rome it self in which a great part of this Treatise of the Exposition was inserted to prove the tenets of the Church when faithfully expounded to be so far from ruining the Foundations of Faith that they do establish them In the mean time the Italian Version went on with an exactness which became a Subject of that importance where one word ill rendred would spoil the whole work and the Reverend Father Capisucchi Master of the Sacred Pallace Licensed it to be Printed in the Year 1675 as appears by his answer of the 27th of June following to M. de Condoms Letter of thanks for it This Prelate after having heard from several parts of Germany that this Treatise had been well approved of there received a more ample Testimony of it in a Letter of the 27th of April 1673 from the Bishop and Prince of Paderho●n then Coadjutor and at present Bishop of Munster in which that Prelate whose name bears with it his Elogium says that he took care that this work should be turned into Latin that it might be made Common every where and especially in Germany but the succeeding Wars or some other occupations having hindred the performance of it the Bishop of Castory Apostolical Vicar in the United Provinces was desirous that a Latin Version which the Author himself had examined might be made publick and accordingly it was Printed at Antwerp in the Year 1678. Not long after in the same year by the same Bishops order this Treatise was again Printed at Antwerp in Dutch with the Approbation of the Ordinary and the Doctors in those parts so much did this Prelate who composes such excellent things himself judge this to be profitable for the instruction of his People The Bishop of Strasbourgh who notwithstanding the miscries of War was no less careful of his Flock resolved about the same time to procure that this Book might be turned into High Dutch and published with a Pastoral Letter to all those of his Diocess and having advertised the Pope of his design his Holiness caused him to be informed that he knew the Book long before and that as he had heard from all parts it was the occasion of many Conversions so the translation of it could not but be advantagious to his People About this time the Italian Version was finished with all the exactness and elegancy possible Monsieur l' Abbe Nazari dedicated it to the Cardinals of the Congregation de propaganda side by whose order it was printed the same Year 1678. by the Printers belonging to that Congregation In the front of this Version was placed the Cardinal Bona's Letter the Coppy of which was fou●● at Rome in the Hands of his Secretary as also the Approbations of M. l' Abbe Ricci Consultor of the Holy Office of the Reverend Father M. Laurence Brancati de Laurea Religious of the Order of St. Francis Consultor and Qualificator of the Holy Office and Bibliothecarian of the Vatican and of M. L' Abbe Gradi Consultor of the Congregation Dell ' Indice and Bibliothecarian of the Vatican that is by the chief men in Rome for Piety and Learning This Book was presented to the Pope as the Latin Translation had been before And he had the goodness to order M. l' Abbe de St. Luke to write to the Author and to let him know that he was satisfied with it which he also repeated several times to the French Embassadour The Author who thought he had nothing more to wish for after such an Approbation gave with a profound respect his most humble thanks to the Pope in a Letter dated Nov. 22. 1678. In answer to which he received a Breve from his Holiness of the Fourth of Jan. 1679 which contains such an express approbation of this Book that it cannot be hereafter doubted but it maintains the pure Doctrine of the Church and of the Apostolick See After this approbation I needed not to have mentioned any others but I was willing to shew how this Book which was threatned by the Ministers with such opposition in the Church and which they imagined was so contrary to her common