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A53386 The opinions of certaine reverend and learned divines concerning the fundamentall points of the true Protestant religion, and the right government of reformed churches Wherein is declared the plaine path-way to a godly and religious life. Published by authoritie.; Good counsells for the peace of reformed churches. T. I.; Davenant, John, ca. 1572-1641.; Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656.; Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659.; Ussher, James, 1581-1656. 1643 (1643) Wing O356; ESTC R216583 49,936 153

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rule neither overthrowing that which they have builded by superinducing any damnable here●ies thereupon nor otherwise vitiating their holy Faith with a lewd and wicked conversation peace shall be upon them and mercy and upon the Israel of God THE OPINION OF SOME FAMOUS DIVINES OF the FRENCH Church THat which hath been the constant and earnest wish of all good men for these hundred yeares past and which by all wise men hath been esteemed worthy to be purchased at any rate and with any paines though never so great this we heare to the exceeding great joy of our hearts is at this day endeavoured by some worthy servants of Christ with singular zeale and not without good hopes of a happy successe to wit that the Protestant Churches which differ one from another about some Points of Religion laying aside or at least moderating on both sides their over-tenacious adhering to their own Opinions may now at length be united and made up into one body We being much joyed with this welcome newes first of all we render all possible praise and thankesgiving to almighty God the giver of all good things that he hath been pleased to put such good thoughts and intentions into the hearts of his servants and wee most earnestly beseech him that his blessing may goe along with this good designe crowne it with successe next we returne many thanks to those our reverend and worthy Brethren and fellow-Ministers who have put their hands to this worke and we doe highly applaud and admire their faithfulnesse zeale charity and singular magnanimity courage herein What a brave and noble spirit does it argue in them that they could once hope for an Unity and Peace of our Churches in these desperate and distracted times Or that they durst venter upon a matter of such difficulty which had so often been attempted heretofore by men of great abilities but could never be brought to passe What the event of this so great and good a designe will be is in the sole power pleasure of almightie God but surely the very endeavouring and intending of so good a worke deserve's no litle commendation for the bare purpose or having in one's heart and thoughts matters of great concernment and such as may make for the good of Christ's Church is a great and good worke never faile's of its reward from our bountifull God although there be good cause to hope that the paines which learned men take hereabout shall even with men too have its fruit effect For now that they have spent their spirits and heat of contention wearied themselves with long strife and variance it is more than probable that they will now at last entertaine those Counsells of Peace which they have hitherto out of spleene and passion rejected and set light by Besides that most sharp plowshare of God's judgement wherewith for almost these foureteene yeares he hath furrowed and plowed up the French and German Churches hath so subdued broken up men's minds on each side that never was there a more fit and seasonable opportunity for sowing and casting in the seeds of Unity and Peace than now Wee cannot chuse therefore but greatly approve commend and admire the purposes and endeavours of those worthy men who have imployed their paines in so necessary a worke but since we understand how that they are desirous to knowe more particularly what our Opinion is of this whole businesse let us proceed to set downe as breifly and plainly as we can our judgement herein Indeed it were much to be wished that they who professe themselves Christ's Disciples and followers would all think and speake alike of matters spirituall and Divine perfectly joyned together in the same minde and in the same judgement as S. Paul exhorts his Corinthians But since there is so much weaknesse in man's understanding and so great difficulty in Points of Divinity that this perfect and absolute agreement betwixt pious men is a thing not to be had or hoped for in this world in the next place it were to be wished that they would agree and be of the same beleife about the maine principall Heads of Religion and for other matters which are of lesse moment and use and such as do not any way make either for holinesse of life or comfort of men's consciences consequently doe not necessarily pertaine to Christ's kingdome which consists in those two things that they would in such wise beleive them as to beare with others who dissent frō them about such Points For as we see in civill saecular matters the best States-men are not alwaies of the same Opinion concerning the affaires of the Commonwealth so likewise in the Church so long as the summe and substance of Religion is agreed upon maintained no matter though in some other Points the judgements of the Faithfull be various and different That this is lawfull both the thing it selfe loudly proclaimes it and S. Paul confirmes it who doe's not only permit but command us more than once to beare with such as differ from us in their Opinions and 't is the common and generall Opinion of all such Divines as have been of any note and esteem in the Church ever since our Saviour Christ's times downe to this present age Yet is not this so to be understood as if all manner of Differences in Religion were to be tolerated for even the same Apostle denounceth an Anathema against such as shall preach any other Gospell than that which he had preached and the most moderate amongst the Fathers of the Christian Church have alwaies constantly held that we are to shunne and avoid the company of Hereticks For there bee some Opinions of those men who differ about Religion which overthrow the very foundation of our Salvation destroy either that Piety or that Charity which wee are commanded by God's word to practise towards God and men such are the erroneous Doctrines of Romanists who will have that religious worship given to creatures which God hath reserved peculiar to himselfe who make our Faith to rely upon the judgement and authority of men who severall waies overthrow the Preistly office of Jesus Christ in a word who have with their own inventions so stained and deformed the whole Christian Religion that they have left no one part in it sound and untainted Such likewise are the Opinions of Socinians who to let passe their other Positions deny our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus to be truely God and if once you take away his Divinity it will necessarily follow that either wee worship a creature or else that we doe not worship the sonne of God both of which are manifestly repugnant to those Trueths which are delivered to us in holy Writ as absolutely necessary to Salvation We conceive therefore that no Peace in way of Religion can be had with these men nor with any others who maintaine any Errours of this nature till they shall
renounce these their private Doctrines But for those who hold some erroneous Opinion which yet may consist with Piety Charity and all Christian duties belonging thereunto we think as S. Paul seeme's to have determined a Communion may be held with them Wee may mildly admonish such and when opportunity is offered discreetly reprove and instruct them but to cast them out of the Church and for no other cause to curse and excommunicate them as men in a desperate and damnable estate this in our opinion is neither fitting nor lawfull to be done Now to apply this to the matter in hand we conceive that to this latter sort all those Controversies doe belong which are agitated amongst Protestant Divines touching Christ's presence in the Sacramentall ●ignes touching divine Praedestination and some few other Points For they doe agree in all such Points as conduce either to Piety towards God or Charity towards men they maintain on both sides that the Scriptures are of divine inspiration that they are perfect perspicuous and authenticall they detest with one heart mouth the Tyranny and pernitious Doctrines of the Pope and they equally keep off from entertaining a Communion with him they have the same Sacraments they worship the same Christ they professe the same righteousnesse and holinesse in this life and they expect the same glory in the life to come in a word so great and so wonderfull an agreement is there betwixt them about all saving and necessary Doctrines that did not the history of their affaires and those bitter contentions which have hitherto more is the pitty been fomented amongst them witnesse the contrary there 's no man but would thinke they had a meeting at the beginning and by common counsell consent agreed upon the same Confession of Faith In such a multitude of mysteries who can chuse but admire that there should not be above one or two Points wherein they did not fully agree For even about the Eucharist which is the maine matter of this woefull Division they both of them grant that 't is a Sacrament not a Sacrifice that it is to be eaten not worshipped both the two kindes instituted by our Saviour Christ to wit bread and wine are neither transubstantiated nor divided one from the other by either side they both acknowledge the same use and end of this holy Rite to wit the commemorating of Christ's death the partaking of his body which was crucified and of his blood which was shed for us There is onely one thing about which they disagree namely the manner how Christ's body is given to us and received by us in that Sacrament the thing is the same on both sides onely the manner of it is divers This Difference though it be but small yet is it not wee confesse altogether of no moment but that it should be of so great moment as that it ought to make a breach of charity and affection amongst Brethren a duty so useful and necessary to the Christian world and so miraculously wrought amongst them by the hand of Heaven this we utterly deny Neither doe We alone deny it to say nothing of our Brethren in Poland and almost all the Germans which hold with us who as it is well knowne to all men ever did and at this day doe make the same reckoning and account of that Controversy as we but now did to say nothing likewise of those famous Divines of both sides in Saxony and Brandenburge who as we have been informed were lately of the very same opinion concerning these Points when they had fairely discussed them at Lipswich whither they were come with their Princes But one thing there is which we cannot here omit to mention a matter perhaps not so well knowne to forraine nations yet such a matter it is as we confidently beleive will be most welcome and acceptable to all good peaceable men to wit that the Reformed Churches here in France whereof there are good store have alwaies been of that same Opinion touching these Controversies they have given testimony of this their Opinion both heretofore sundry waies and likewise now very lately by an expresse Decree made in a generall Synod held here at Charenton neare Paris in the yeare 1631. For when upon occasion of a citizen of Lions unto whose daughter a certaine young German of the Augustane Confession as they call it was a suiter it was questiond how we are to account and esteeme of such as are commonly termed Lutherans all the Brethren which were there met out of all the Provinces of France and sent thither from their several Churches did unanimously vote thus That seeing the Churches of the Augustane Confession doe agree with the other Reformed Churches in all the Principles and fundamentall Points of true Religion and that in their Discipline and forme of Divine worship there is neither Idolatry nor Superstition such of the Faithfull of that Confession as shall with the spirit of Charity and in a truly peaceable way joyne themselves unto the publike Assemblies of the Churches in this Kingdome and desire to communicate with them may without the abjuration of their former Opinions which they hold contrary to the beleife of these Churches be admitted to the holy Table contract marriages with the faithfull of our Confession and present themselves in the quality of Godfathers to the children which shall be baptized upon their promise given to the Consistory that they will never solicite such children directly or indirectly against the Doctrine beleived and professed in our Churches but shall content themselves with giving them instruction onely in those Points wherein we all agree We are not ignorant how that many objections may be made against this Decree by such as have a mind to contend cavill but such objections they are most of them as have but litle strength and validity in them and such as can no way stand in comparison with those waighty reasons wherewith the Christian Faith and Charity doe furnish us It is not our purpose to insist on every particular onely in general we think it not amisse to put men in minde of two things which if they were observed with that care as it fitting both sides perhaps would henceforth judge more mildly and charitably of each other than hitherto they have done First then speciall heed would be taken by us that the assertions and Opinions of private men though Doctors though of never so great esteem and repute amongst their own men be not father'd on that whole Church wherein such men live as the common and generally received Doctrine of them all For what can be imagined more unequall than that one man's crime or commendation should be imputed to all and what by him hath been spoken well or ill should be rewarded or punished in others who were so farre from deserving any such matter as that many times such things are fastned on them as they never so much as once heard of
that this Union of the Reformed Churches we speake of is not a thing impossible is confirmed further from that agreement amongst the Polonian Churches begun of late at Sendomire ever since carefully by them kept and observed it is true they could not bury all controversies but they could banish all contentions and establish so perfect a peace as that they refused not to admit of each other into their publike Congregations to the preaching of the word and Administration of the Sacraments Which holy brotherly concord of those Churches that most wise Prince Lodowick Electour and Count Palatine did not only by his letters to them congratulate but desired of Almighty God in his prayers that the Germane Churches also might be blessed with it What therefore was long since said to that blessed peace-maker King Solomon concerning the building of the Temple at Jerusalem the same say I to all moderate and peaceable Divines concerning the uniting of the Reformed Churches arise yee Worthies and be doing and the Lord will be with you Never despaire but that may be now effected which all men will grant hath been done heretofore But least this groundlesse bugbeare of a fancied impossibility should yet slacken the endeavours either of Princes or Divines or any other pious and well affected Christians and deterre them from proceeding herein I will recount all those lets and hinderances which render the peace and union of Churches utterly impossible to be obtained from whence it will easily appeare that there 's no one of them here to hinder why the Germane Churches notwithstanding some points of difference amongst them may not setle a firme peace amongst themselves and being once setled preserve it inviolable Now the first and maine Obstacle that hinders those Churches which agree not in all points of Religion from entertaining a Communion amongst themselves is the usurping and exercising of a tyrannicall power and authority one over another For if any one Church will take upon her to domineer and lord it over the faith of other Churches so as not to acknowledge any for her brethren nor admit of any into her fellowship and Communion but such onely as will be content to beleive and speak just as shee will have them all hope is then taken away of ever obtaining or preserving any agreement in any differences or disputes whatsoever For the sacred Scriptures forbid us thus to enslave our selves to any humane authoritie and our sole Lord and Master Christ Jesus forbid's us to acknowledge any upon earth for a Lord over our Faith and Conscience and that Church which enter's into a Communion with another upon these termes doth not hereby purchase a Peace but rather resigne's up her selfe to a most unjust slavery Onely the Church of Rome is come to that height of pride madnesse that she will take upon her to exclude from the communion of Saints damne to the pit of Hell all such Churches as will not submit their necks to that Antichristian yoake of absolute and blind obedience God of his goodnes ever keep off this Popish folly and fury from setting foot in the Protestant Churches which if it should once take place that union of our Churches which we are all bound to pray for would bee no longer either to be hoped or wisht for But blessed be God for it it is well known there 's not any of the Reformed Churches but doe from their soules detest and abhorre all such Antichristian ambition and desire of Soveraignety And thus have I removed out of the way the maine Obstacle which usually occasion's a perpetuall division rent betwixt such Churches as differ in some points and thereby make's an union of those Churches to become impossible A second let or hinderance which may render the said union of different Churches for example the Saxon and Helvetian Churches impossible is the approbation and practice of Jdolatry in the one the utter detestation of it in the other That of the Prophet Hosea is well knowne though Israel play the harlot yet let not Judah offend come yee not unto Gilgal neither goe yee up to Beth-aven Likewise also that of the Apostle what agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols And a number of places more to the same purpose Neither is that saying of Tertullian touching this matter unworthy our observation Idolatry saith he is become the grand and generall sin of whole mankinde the Epidemicall disease of the whole world Since therefore God so severely chargeth us to keepe our selves from Idols all kinde of Idolatry though never so speciously colour'd over wee may well call that morally impossible which cannot be performed without some staine and tincture of Idolatry and without a high and hainous offence against the sacred Majestie of God Here then we may behold that grand let whereby the Reformed Churches to their great greife of heart are forced to shunne a Communion with the Church of Rome For so farre in love is shee with her Idolls and so rigorously doth shee impose the worshipping of them upon all her children that no man can be admitted into her Communion at least not continue in it unlesse he will become a notorious and down-right Idolater If the case so stood that the Germane Churches could not enter into and enjoy a blessed Unity and Peace one with another except they must be required and bound either to practise an Idolatrous worship or at the least to beleive and professe that such practice is not unlawfull I would not stick to affirme that a Communion which cannot be had but upon such hard conditions is indeed impossible to bee had since as Lawyers use to speake wee can doe onely so much as may lawfully be done by us And here we have just cause to blesse God that the Reformed Churches although they have not the happinesse to agree in all matters of lesser moment yet doe they all of them by his grace unanimously conspire joyne together against Idolatry so as not onely to condemne but also to beat downe and abolish it insomuch that if at this very houre they were all disposed and desirous to joyne hands and strike a league of amity and union it might be done without any the least danger of Idolatry Away then with that pretended impossibility of a Reconciliation grounded upon the perill of Idolatry nor let any such false surmises weaken the heart or hands of any religious Christian from going on with so good a worke The third last Obstacle which doth block up the way to an union render's it impossible is the differing of severall Churches about some fundamental point of Faith necessary to be knowne and beleived by every christian upon paine perill of eternall damnation so as that the one side doth solidly hold and maintaine it the other heretically denie's and oppose's it For to be at peace with Heretickes who goe about to undermine and subvert the
foundation of our Christian faith what is it else but to revolt from Christ the rocke on which the Church is founded built Of this last Obstacle because it is of speciall use and moment I shall treate somewhat more at large In the first place therefore I conceive that to be a Fundamentall point which by the ordination of God revealing such a truth is of such necessity unto salvation to be knowne and assented unto as that a bare Ignorance much more a wilfull Opposition of it carries with it a certaine perill of exclusion from the kingdome of heaven Divines now-adaies have no Commission to invent or coine any new Articles of this nature and obtrude them on Gods Church that which was not fundamentall in the Apostolicall and Primitive times all our assertions and altercations and Anathema's will never bee able to make it such These first and fundamentall Trueths collected out of the whole body of the Scriptures put together in the Apostles Creed make up that Rule of Faith which S. Austin terme's pusillis magnisque communem a common Rule for all men both great small and which is by him accounted necessary to bee beleived constantly by all Concerning the which that speech of Hilary also is much to the same effect 't is our safest and best course to hold fast that first onely-Evangelicall Faith which we made confession of at our Baptisme And to these fundamentall Trueths the Apostle I beleive had an eye when he stiled Titus his owne sonne {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} after the common Faith This common Faith laid downe in the Apostles Creed proposeth to all Christians to be beleived by them the wonderfull Production of all creatures out of nothing the unsearchable mysterie of the glorious Trinitie the fruit benefit that redound's to miserable sinners from the Incarnation Passion Resurrection and Glorification of Christ what follow's thereupon the Redemption of mankind the Sanctification of the Elect the Communion of Saints the Remission of sins the Resurrection of mens bodies and the Glorifying of the Faithfull He that beleive's all which wee have here comprised in this short Creed and endeavour's to lead his life according to the Commandements and Precepts of our Saviour Christ cannot justly be denied the title of a Christian nor expelled the fellowship and communion of any Christian Church whatsoever On the other side He that shall deny or oppose any one of the said Articles although he arrogate to himselfe the name of a Christian yet is he to be excluded and banished the society of all orthodoxe and sound Christians Besides these there are I confesse many other Trueths contained in the Scriptures and deducible from thence by good and solid consequence which are very profitable to be knowne and of singular use to further us in the knowledge of Divinity but they are then only and not otherwise necessary to be beleived under paine of forfeiture of our salvation or communion with the Church when 't is clearely evidenced unto us that they are contained in Gods word or may necessarily be inferred from it In these points therefore if any particular Church cannot make the Trueth which she her selfe beleive's so cleare and manifest to other Churches as thereby to winne them over to the same beleife shee must forsake them in their Errours but by no meanes may she because of such errours deny them her charity and Communion I adde further that if it should happen that two Churches should vary about some particular place of holy Writ the one conceiving that it confirme's a fundamentall point of Faith and the other thinking that it doth not so yet is not such a difference as this a sufficient cause why they should fall at odds and separate one from another so long as they agree both of them in the Point it selfe and acknowledge it to have cleare solid foundation in other places of God's word And last of all this may be added yet further that 't is not a thing impossible nor any way contrary to the duety of good Christians to entertaine a communion with those Churches which hold such a doctrine as seemes to us inconsistent with some fundamentall Trueth so that in the meane while they doe expresly beleive professe that fundamentall Trueth it selfe For 't is utterly against all Charity yea and Reason too that a man should be thought meerely for some consequences which he neither apprehend's nor grants to deny and reject a fundamentall point which yet he strongly beleive's , expresly affirme's yea and if need so required would not stick to seale the trueth of it with his dearest blood How much truer and more charitable is that opinion of a grave and moderate Divine We must not saith he so much consider what will follow in the thing it selfe from every assertion as what will follow from it in the apprehension and judgement of those who maintaine any such assertion as seeme's to us repugnant to some fundamentall point of Faith For as he who assent's to the trueth of some Principle cannot therefore be said properly to beleive and understand whatsoever and abler Schollar can by consequences infer from that Principle so neither can he who maintaine's a false Opinion justly bee thought to hold all those absurdities which a nimble head easily observe's to adhere unto or follow upon that erroneous Opinion of his We may indeed urge and presse these consequences upon our Brethren to see if haply wee can by this meanes beat them off their errour but malitiously to fasten them upon them as though they were their profest Opinions this we may not doe How farre this extend's and of what excellent use it is to the setling of a brotherly union amongst the Reformed Churches all wise men and such as unfainedly desire the peace of Gods Church will easily perceive For if it once be granted that a Peace and Union is not impossible that is not unlawfull save onely with such as actually disbeleive some fundamentall point of Faith or maintaine some such Heresy as strike's at the heart of Religion and cut's off the Abettors of it from having any communiō with Christ then will it follow that betwixt a sound and a diseased Church betwixt two Churches whereof one is more the other lesse pure there may be such a brotherly communion as we desire among the Germane Churches Let therefore the Orthodoxe Churches separate themselves from all such as have plaid the Apostates fallen away from fundamentall Faith but let them not separate from those which erre onely in points of lesser moment and such as doe not cut off the maintainers of them from being members of the mysticall body of Christ the sole author and fountaine of our salvation The Apostle command's us to receive not reject such as are weake in the Faith And the same Apostle tel's us how that we which are strong ought to beare the
minde and might promote and further it 2 To this may be further added what must necessarily be confes't by all men that a true and right order'd Charity is of as great necessity for the attaining of Salvation to all Churches and to every particular member in any Church as is the true and entire Profession of sound and saving Faith our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus make's this the badge and cognizance whereby to distinguish and discerne betwixt his true Disciples and such as are spurious and counterfeit by this shall all men know that yee are my Disciples if yee love one another Now I leave it to every man's conscience to judge what manner of Charity that is which see's and suffer's Christian Churches without all just cause and necessity to stand still at distance and defiance one with another and perpetually to shunne a Reconciliation and Union Is it not enough for us to separate from the hay and stubble I meane from the Errours of other Churches but must we by a voluntary separation forsake the Churches themselves which as yet have not forsaken Christ or his Truth 3 Further yet we see how that both Zuinglians and Lutherans as they are usually termed confesse that those Churches which hold with either side doe notwithstanding still remaine true Christian Churches true members of the Church Catholike whereof Christ is the head The renowned Princes in their Preface prefixt to the Forme of Agreement plainly professe that it was farre from their thoughts and intentions to condemne such persons as erred through the weaknesse of their judgement provided that they did not defame and blaspheme God's Trueth much lesse to condemne whole Churches living either under the Romane Empire or elsewhere nay they did not doubt but that there were many pious religious men living in those Churches though they agreed not with them in all Points of Religion Moreover when it was objected to Lucas Osiander how that he had sometimes termed Calvinists the Divel's Martyres hee forthwith purged himselfe from that aspersion thus They that have heard my Sermons will say that they never heard from me any reproachfull termes against the blessed Martyrs of Christ yea my owne writings publisht to the world will witnesse for me that J termed those which were massacred in France on S. Bartholomewe's day holy Martyres This then would be seriously thought upon whether or no it will stand with the Policy Piety and the duty of Christian Churches for every petty errour to deny the right hand of fellowship and brotherly love to those Churches who in the mean time notwithstanding such errours may continue Christ's blessed Martyrs and holy Brethren They who acknowledge Christ for their elder brother must of necessity whether they will or no have all Christs brethren joyned to them in a most sure and fast knot of consanguinity and communion 4 Besides I am very confident that both the Saxon and Helvetian all other Churches which joyne with either of those two will professe that they desire to have and to retaine a brotherly Communion and Peace with this our Church of England as also with the Scottish Jrish and all other forraigne Churches of the Reformation And truely we for our parts although we doe not assent to them in all points of controverted Divinity yet doe we account of them as our Brethren in Christ and doe solemnely protest that we entertaine a holy and brotherly Communion with them And if they be like affected towards us with what reason then and equitie doe the German Churches deprive themselves of that brotherly Communion one with another which yet they are not afraid to entertaine with forraigne Churches What therefore Moses said long since to the two Israelites that were striving together the same may truly be said to the Germane Churches quarrelling and contending one with another but cannot so truely be disproved Sirs yee are brethren why doe yee wrong one to another 5 Last of all that which all good men are bound to beg of Almighty God in their prayers to him questionlesse they are bound likewise to imploy their best care and endeavours for the procuring of it Now who is there that doe's not daily solicite God for the flourishing and peaceable estate of his Church Who is there that make's it not a part of his daily prayers that God would be pleased to remove out of the way whatsoever doth disquiet and disturbe her peace or any way let and hinder her spirituall growth and edification This was King David's wish it should be the wish of all good Princes and Divines and generally of all Christians Neither did David wish onely the happinesse and prosperity of Gods Church but hee carefully sought to doe it good and as much as in him lay he did procure and effect it All this was but duty in him to doe and can it be lesse then dutie in us And here I should but trifle away the time should I goe about to play the Oratour and expresse at large to the Germane Churches the blessings that accompany Peace Unitie the many miseries calamities of a long-continued Schisme and Division That speech of Prudentius is a most certaine trueth scissura domestica turbat Rem populi titubatque foris quod dissiditiktùs civill and intestine broiles alwaies prove the undoing of a people nor doe things ever goe right abroad when there is dissention at home What may make most for the good and advantage of their Churches let it be their care to consider and resolve this with themselves that what ever it be it is not onely to be sought after with their prayers but with the utmost diligence and endeavours of every one of them in particular Neither let any unexperienced men amongst them thinke or hope that they shall ingratiate themselves with Papists and so live more peaceably by them and suffer lesse harme from them by refusing to enter into freindship and fellowship with Calvinists as they terme them What is to be hoped for expected from them we may learne from Osiander Papists saith he spare neither Lutherans nor Zuinglians but condemne both of them to fire and faggot in all those places where the Pope that raging and ravenous beast of Rome beare's rule and sway They that are most in favour with them can at best but hope for that kindnesse from them which Vlysses in Homer obtained of Polyphemus {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} to be devoured last after he had lookt on and seene all his freinds and companions devoured before him They will perhaps destroy the Calvinists first but the Lutherans must look to follow after them none are like to escape in the end if once the Papists have them at their mercy What hitherto hath been said is to show that a Communion and Reconciliation of the Germane Churches is a thing not only possible but in obedience to Gods commandement a necessary
brother He that is a proficient is never ashamed Hitherto have I laid down the meanes and manner how an Union may be setled and continued betwixt severall and independent Churches But because it may and often doth happen that there are divers men both learned and unlearned living in the same Church and within the Dominions of the same Prince whose consciences whether rightly or misinformed will not suffer them to subscribe to the common and more generally received Opinion in these Controversies let us in the next place enquire what course is best to be taken concerning such men And here the Governours of each severall Church if they have any regard respect to the safety of their weak Brethren they must see that they doe not intermixe with the publike Confessions and Articles of Religion which they would have received and assented unto by all such as live under their Jurisdiction any curious and unnecessary Controversies nor any decisions of nice and subtle Questions but rather they must take care that such publike Confessions be framed and temper'd to the capacity of the common people so as they may instruct edify the ignorant and promote the salvation of all Herein they should doe well to consider the wisdome of our Fore-fathers whose ancient Confessions unlesse we corrupt stuffe them with new Opinions of our own on purpose to disturb the publike Peace no sober and discreet man will refuse to subscribe unto them Neither is there any necessity why we should burden our publike Confessions with any such additions of our own since God himselfe hath ordained to bring his people to heaven and happines not through the rough knotty paths of perplex'd intricate Disputes but by the smooth and compendious way of Faith Charity Why then such strifes and contentions about words What make Schoole-nicities amongst Church-Confessions the Salvation of Christians is wholy placed in beleiving and serving God as that great Athanasius sometimes gravely spake Adde to this that they will have much adoe to maintaine a firme peace with other Churches who cease not to persecute men and expell them their Communion as if they were Hereticks onely because they maintain that Doctrine which those other Churches hold and professe for in so doing what doe they else but tacitly charge Heresy upon other Churches whom though in word they acknowledge for their Brethren yet they hereby show that in their hearts they much disapprove and dislike them Lastly unlesse the publike Confessions of Churches be cnofined to such Points onely as are fundamentall and generally received by all the Reformed Churches this inconvenience must of necessity follow thereupon that many learned pious and peaceable Ministers shall be driven out disenabled from exercising the Ministery in those Churches wherein they live But if any man doubt whether or no such men may lawfully entertaine a holy and spirituall Communion one with another in the same Church who yet agree not amongst themselves in all Points of Divinity this as I conceive is a matter out of all doubt and question For as touching that blessed Communion which is betwixt Christians at the receiving of the Lord's Supper it consist's cheifly in these particulars that by the common bond of the blessed Spirit we are all united to that sole head of the Church Christ Jesus that by the same Spirit and by Faith and Charity we are united amongst our selves and linked together as it were into one body that lastly like men fed at the same table we are all of us nourished up unto eternall life with the same quickning food to wit the body and blood of Christ in all these particulars doe they professe a Communion whosoever approach and are admitted to that holy Table But now as we doe not by this mutuall Communion professe our selves to have attained all of us either to perfection or to an equall measure of knowledge in Divinity so neither doe we hereby professe that there is an absolute and exact agreement amongst us about all Points of Divinity or that we are all of us in one and the same Opinion about all Disputes and Controversies If no Communion could be had amongst Christians but upon such hard termes as these I beleive it would hardly be found betwixt S. Peter and S. Paul certaine I am the Church of Corinth must of necessitie have fallen in peices and in these times of ours there would not easily be found many Divines of note and eminence which could with a safe conscience communicate together at the same holy Sacrament and Supper of our Lord It is therefore the duty of all Church-Governours as being conscious to themselves of the common infirmities of all men both themselves others to take heed least while they exact of their People a too strict and punctuall Confession of more than what 's necessary they thereby wound and weaken the sweet Peace and Unity of Christendome than which nothing more necessary So much for Church-Governours Come we in the next place to such Ministers and other Christians of what state and condition soever as desire to continue in the Communion of those Churches wherein they live but yet their Consciences will not permit them to allow professe all the common and received Opinions of the said Churches Such men must see that they show themselves teachable and tractable and not persist after a proud and pertinacious manner in defence of those Opinions wherein they dissent from their Church Now such a one is to be accounted teachable and tractable who lends a willing and attentive eare to the instructions and information of the Church who doe's not dissent from her out of any perverse and peevish humour but meerely out of the weaknesse of his judgement being not able in such profound Points to discerne that Trueth which men of greater learning and more acute wits easily see and perceive And because it is the peculiar prerogative of Almighty God to search the hearts it behoves us Christians to encline alwaies to the more favourable and more charitable side and where we have not cleare and evident reasons for the contrary we ought to judge of every man that he denies his assent rather out of conscience than contumacy and perversenesse They who thus behave themselves are not to be excluded and expelled the Communion of those Churches wherein they live for petty mistakes and errours in their Opinions but yet with this caution and condition that they take not upon them to oppose the received Opinion of the Church or to publish spread their own private Opinion amongst the common people Nor can they justly dislike of this caution or take it ill whosoever have a desire to live peaceably in the Communion of the Church for admit that the private Opinion of some Divine or any other Christian be true and the publike judgement of the Church erroneous yet neverthelesse if the Errour be such as doe's not prejudice a Christian