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A51995 The purity of Gospel communion, or, Grounds and reasons for separation from persons of corrupt manners, or that hold erroneous doctrine in matters of faith essential to salvation, or that are guilty of false worship, or irregular administration of Gospel ordinances briefly discussed to prevent the increase of sin and disorder by a mixed communion in church fellowship / by Isaac Marlow. Marlow, Isaac. 1694 (1694) Wing M694; ESTC R18243 42,542 83

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Manner of Conversation 1 Cor. 10.32 and to give none offence neither to the Jews nor to the Gentiles nor to the Church of God But as the Apostle saith whatsoever things are true Phil. 4.8 honest just pure lovely of good report if there be any Virtue and if there be any Praise think on these things Now from these Scriptures we may conclude that tho' our present excessive fashions are not all expresly forbidden yet if any kind of adornings are prohibited and if those Texts were written for our Instruction as I think none can doubt thereof or be so bold to deny it that have any Sence of true Religion then surely they require all the Saints both Men and Women at least to abstain from all those excesses in Apparel which are not of good report among sober Men and whoever putteth on such Attire or Ornaments of Apparel as are not of good honest and modest report they are guilty of breaking the Commandments of Christ and so are to be dealt withal by the Church as disorderly Persons who bring a scandal upon their Holy Profession Besides it is not only a grief for sober Christians to see such Pride of Spirit appearing in their Communion but it s also a stumbling to others which are well inclined to walk in the ways of the Lord with them as I have found by my own experience For when I was first awakened to seek the Lord and the good of my Soul the extravagant Dresses of some Professors among whom I heard the Gospel preached occasioned me to think there was the less Religion in them and that they looked not as if they were Christs People and for this cause alone I having then no Light in Gospel-Ordinances of Communion I departed to another Church which appeared more like sober Christians and there I have continued about five and twenty years And considering the Scripture saith the Lord hateth a proud look And God resisteth the proud Prov. 6.16 17. Jam. 4.6 1 Pet. 5.5 Math. 16.24 Rom. 6.4 but giveth Grace unto the Humble And that the Commandments of Christ require our Conformity in all things suitable to his Name and Truth and those Holy and Self-denying Principles we profess how can such excesses in Apparel which even gives their Profession the Lie consist with their sincere Obedience to him Jam. 2.18 How do they shew their Holy Faith therein by their Works but rather as it is said of her that liveth in Pleasure that she is dead while she liveth Gal. 6.7 Be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a Man soweth that shall he also reap For he that soweth to his Flesh shall of the Flesh reap Corruption but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap Life Everlasting To conclude our Baptized Churches that are for particular Election and final Perseverance in the same Faith and Order of the Gospel in full Communion together they nor many others have not any Reason to reflect on the true design of this Treatise or on the Matters contained therein as any ways tending to the Interruption of our Peace on the settled Principles of our Churches but to the purging out the leaven of unrighteousness that may be found among them nor can any Person in our Communion appear against the plain Contents of this Treatise but they must at the same time appear for and Countenance such sinful Manners Erroneous Doctrine false Worship and corrupt Administration of Gospel-Ordinances as the Word of God and the general Profession of our Churches does plainly witness against and consequently they will apparently shew themselves opposers of Reformation or such as labour to weaken and confound the Baptist Churches and our pure Religion Yea farther if corrupt Manners which is manifestly sinful by the Moral Law of God or such Erroneous Doctrine false Worship or irregular Administrations of Gospel Ordinances as are prohibited our Communion by the Holy Scriptures should be knowingly suffered therein it is a visible Mark of Degeneration and thereby the Church partakes of the Sins of particular Members Lev. 19.17 Thou shalt not hate thy Brother in thine Heart thou shalt in any wise rebuket thy Neighbour and not suffer Sin upon him Or as it is in our Margin that thou bare not Sin for him And Paul saith to Timothy Lay Hands suddenly on no Man 1 Tim. 5.22 neither be partakers of other Mens Sins keep thy self Pure Besides it is shewed before what warrant and command we have in the New Testament for withdrawing our Communion in the aforesaid Cases of Sin and from disorderly Persons And therefore when a Church persisteth in a wilful neglect of this Duty she brings her self under the guilt of Sin for breaking of Christs Commandment but in Case this were faithfully performed yet the Church should still endeavour 2 Thes 3.14 15. Tit. 3.10 by due admonishing of such Offenders to reduce them to their Obedience and if no Repentance be found Gal. 5.12 1 Cor. 5.4 5. 1 Tim. 1.20 she ought to proceed to a farther Act of Authority and cut them wholly off from her fellowship But if any plead that so strict a Discipline as hath been argued for in this Treatise cannot be duely observed without indangering their Church-state It deserves our Noting either as a Carnal Reflection on the Holy and Righteous Precepts of Christ and on his Wisdom as not prescribing such Laws which conduceth most to the Glory of God and the good of his People here on Earth or it is a sign that such a Church has been so long in the neglect of their Duty towards Christ and one another and are so far degenerated in their Spirits as that they seem to be past recovery And if this be the State of some who perhaps may have as high a Conceit of themselves as the Church of the Laodiceans had and say Rev. 3.17 18 19. I am Rich and increased with Goods and have need of nothing and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked Christ counselleth such to buy of him Gold tried in the Fire that thou mayest be rich and white Raiment that thou mayest be Cloathed and that the shame of thy Nakedness do not appear and anoint thine Eyes with Eye-Salve that thou mayest see And saith our Lord As many as I love I rebuke and chasten Be zealous therefore and repent least he come and fight against thee with the Sword of his Mouth Behold Rev. 2.16 saith he I stand at the Door and knock If any Man hear my Voice and open the Door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me Be not afraid therefore to go about this good work of Reformation do thy Duty and leave the success to God whose Blessing you may expect and whose awful presence may so far attend the Authority of Christ by which you Act as to stop the Mouth of carnal Reasonings insomuch that instead of indangering the loss of your Church-state Math. 16.18 Jam. 4.8 9 10. you may rather expect and find the Lord will strengthen establish and settle it on the Rock of Ages against which the Gates of Hell shall not prevail To close Altho' I have used the Word withdraw in the Case of a Private Members removing Communion from a Church which may not be done in so solemn a Manner as when a Church withdraws her Communion from a Member because this is done by an Act of Duty and Authority given to the Body and the other is done as an Act of Liberty and Duty pertaining to a Member and warranted by the Scriptures as hath been shewed yet the Word withdraw being it self of a harmless and indifferent Signification it cannot be excepted against unless it be for want of other Matters to Cavil at However I have also this to say that the Word with-draw was thought proper to be used in the same Case in the Congregationals twenty eighth Article of the Institution of Churches before recited FINIS ADVERTISEMENTS THere is Published by the same Author a Book Intitled Truth soberly Defended in a serious Reply to Mr. B. Keach's Book called The Breach Repaired in Gods Worship c. As also a Vindication of a Book Intitled Prelimited Forms of Praising God vocally Sung by all the Church together proved to be no Gospel-Ordinance with a Narrative wherein is detected Mr. Keach's Abuses under the Hands of several Elders and other Brethren By Isaac Marlow Price bound 1 s. There is likewise Published a Treatise of the Holy Trin unity Asserting the Deity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in the Unity of Essence with God the Father By I Marlow Price bound 9 d. Moreover there is Published A Tract on the Sabbath day wherein the keeping of the First-day of the Week a Sabbath is justified by a Divine Command and a Double Example contained in the Old and New Testament c. By Isaac Marlow Price 1 s.
THE PURITY OF Gospel Communion OR Grounds and Reasons FOR SEPARATION From Persons of Corrupt Manners c. WHen the Lord of old brought up the Children of Israel out of the Land of Egypt he separated them from other Nations to be his People in a peculiar Covenant and by his Laws he sanctified them from all Uncleanness Lev. 11.25 Lev. 5.2 3. Ch. 11.24 c. Numb 19.11 13. Deut. 23.10 to 19. insomuch that whoso bore the Carkass of any unclean Beast he was to wash his Cloaths and be unclean until the Even And whoso touched the Body of a Dead Man purified not himself he defiled the Tabernacle of the Lord that Soal was to be cut off from Israel because the Water of Separation was not sprinkled upon him Exod. 12.19 Lev. 22.3 to 8. Numb 15.30 31. And whosoever eat the Passover with unleavened Bread or went unto the Holy things having his uncleanness upon him that Soul was to be cut off from the Congregation of Israel and from the presence of the Lord. And the Soul that dispised the Word of the Lord and brake his Commandments that Soul was utterly to be cut off his Iniquity should be upon him Now those Separations and these and many other legal cleansings were shadows of Gospel things whereby the Purity of the New Testament Church was set forth And to the end it should be a Royal Priesthood 1 Pet. 2.9 an Holy Nation a peculiar People to shew forth the Praises of him who hath called us out of darkness into his marvellous Light He hath left us Holy Laws for the Government of his Church 1 Cor. 5.6 7. Gal. 5.9 and for the purging out of the old leaven of Unrighteousness for a little leaven leaveneth the whole Lump as it consequently follows that such who bear with Sin in one cannot avoid bearing it in another and by opening of this Sluce a Flood of Sin and Iniquity will quickly sweep away the beauty of a Gospel Church and turn the noble Vine that was planted wholly a right seed Jer. 2.21 into the degenerate plant of a strange Vine to the dishonour of God the reproach of true Religion the stumbling of weak Christians and the hardning of one another in their Sins and Disobedience against the most Soveraign Majesty of Heaven and Earth To prevent which evils I shall therefore Treat of the way and means appointed by Christ who loved the Church Eph. 1.4 Ch. 5.25 26 27. Tit. 2.14 and gave himself for it That he might sanctifie and cleanse it with the washing of Water by the Word That he might present it to himself a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that we should be holy and without blame before him in Love And in order thereunto I shall here Premise that forasmuch as the Church of Christ is said to be the pillar and ground of Truth And that it is Gods building 1 Tim. 3.15 1 Cor. 3.9 Heb. 8.5 1 Pet. 2.4 5. Eph. 2.20 21 22. Ch. 4.4 5. Judge 20. It cannot be so unless it be erected according to the Pattern shewed in the Holy Mount and recorded for the Example of after Ages That every stone should be a lively Stone by Regeneration built up together a spiritual house in one most Holy Faith for as there is one Body and one Spirit so there is one Faith And it is the Duty of every Christian to help build up Gods spiritual Temple according to the pure Primitive and Apostolical Pattern and to this end they should come out from among them and be separate 2 Cor. 6.16 17. and joyn themselves to such a Congregation of Believers where they may continue together in the Apostles Doctrine and Fellowship tho' not personally with them and in breaking of Bread and in Prayers For the Church of Christ should not be a mixed Building tho' on Christ the true Foundation as the Apostle warneth us saying Ye are Gods building 1 Cor. 3.9 10 11. according to the Grace of God which is given unto me as a wise Master-builder I have laid the Foundation and another buildeth thereon but let every Man take heed how he buildeth thereupon for other Foundation can no man lay then that is laid which is Jesus Christ Now if any man build upon this Foundation Gold silver precious stones wood hay stubble Every mans work shall be made manifest and the fire shall try every mans work of what sort it is If any mans work abide which he hath built thereupon he shall receive a reward If any mans work shall be burnt he shall suffer loss So that the Gospel Church is not to be formed of such mixed and combustible matter as men please Rev. 1.20 1 Pet. 1.7 Exod. 25.81 Rev. 3.18 but of pure Gold yea of such as is tryed in the Fire But to proceed First I shall prove that it is the Duty of a Church of Christ to withdraw their Communion from yea and to purge out those Persons that are without Repentance for it guilty of corrupt Manners or evil Actions 1 Cor. 5.1 to 6. 1 Tim. 1.20 and that not only for committing the grosser sort of Sins as Fornication or incestuous Marriages Blasphemy or other notorious Evil but for smaller offences And first our Lord hath commanded us saying Math. 18.15 16 17. If thy Brother shall trespass against thee go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone If he shall hear thee thou hast gained thy Brother But if he will not hear thee then take with thee one or two more that in the Mouth of two or three Witnesses every Word may be established And if he shall neglect to hear them tell it unto the Church but if he neglect to hear the Church let him be unto thee as an Heathen Man and a Publican To which I shall only here say that as this trespass mentioned in the Text must be some breach of the Moral Law Mat. 7.12 in not doing to others as we would that others should do to us because it is a trespass against a Brother So it is plain that for such a cause of doing wrong if satisfaction be not given by Repentance the offender should be unto us as an Heathen Man and a Publican with whom it was not lawful to hold any Church Communion unless they were converted 2. It is said 2 Thes 3.6 Now we command you Brethren in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ that ye withdraw your selves from every Brother that walketh disorderly and not after the Traditions which he received of us Here we have a general command to withdraw from all disorderly Persons which because I design to open it more at large in some following part of this Treatise I shall at present only note this Scripture as a positive Law to preserve the Purity of Church Communion and the Words of our Lord before recited are for the same end
The same causes as will justifie a single Persons removing his Communion to another Church will also justisie a Parties Separation to sit down by themselves in a Church-state otherwise there is no erecting of Reformed Churches to be allowed where there was none before Which if it be there lawful to reform as surely it cannot be denied there is neither Scripture nor Reason as I can find to debar a reforming party from settling themselves in the Order of a Regular Gospel-Church where there is one already if they find it expedient for them But 2. To prevent such misapprehensions of giving Church-members too great a Liberty I shall here remind the Reader that if he duely considers what I have said in this small Discourse he will not find the least allowance for Persons to remove their Communion out of Novelty or meerly for their Pleasures-sake or for Trivial Matters and Pretences for herein the Church is bound in faithfulness to Christ and the Souls that are under her special care to use the means directed to in the Scripture for preserving her mutual Peace and Welfare But for real Conscience-sake Separation should be allowed to keep themselves pure from corrupt and sinful Manners Erroneous Doctrines in essentials to Salvation and from false Worship and irregular Ordinances and unless there be a Moral Necessity or a real Expediency for it no Separation else is lawful for every Member is or should be in Covenant with the Church to walk in the ways of the Lord together with them But yet when a Church of Christ shall alter in any part of their Faith or Practice essential to a regular Church the Members thereof are free from their former Covenant Not simply because the Church has broken the Conditions of it for that were to acknowledge her Members to be under an absolute tye while she makes no Alteration of her Faith and Practice For as none of our Churches in Covenanting with their Members by giving them the right hand of fellowship does intend thereby absolutely to bind themselves from any future Alteration of their Faith or Practice if in Conscience they should be otherwise informed so the like Liberty is but equitable for the Members to have and therefore as there is the same Reason for it so it ought to be equally taken for granted in their Covenanting with the Church that each Member in Covenant hath an equal Reservation of Liberty of Conscience to the Church and neither side ought to impose on each other for that is a making themselves the perfect standard of Religion like the Church of Rome 3. 2 Pet. 5.1 2 3. The Apostle Peter exhorteth the Elders to take the oversight of the Flock Not by constraint but willingly not for filthy Lucre but of a ready Mind Neither as being Lords over Gods Heritage but being ensamples to the Flock And Paul saith That to spare you I came not as yet unto Corinth 2 Cor. 1.23 24. 1 Tim. 6.2 5. 2 Tim. 2.22 Chap. 3.5 Not for that we have Dominion over your Faith but are helpers of your Joy And Timothy was commanded as a single Person to withdraw himself from those Professors of Religion that were corrupt in Doctrine Now if the Apostles who were the infallible Pen-men of sacred Scripture disclaimed Lordship over the Saints and Dominion over their Faith Why should any hold such Principles as will naturally assume such a regal Power over the Consciences of their Brethren as tendeth to enthral them in divers troubles when they go about to remove their Communion from them for Conscience-sake considering also they themselves are but lately delivered from the Yoak of Persecution And for such who make it their frequent Practice to receive Members that remove for Conscience-sake from other Congregations that are true Churches of Christ as to their visible Matter and part of their Form to hold such Principles as will deny their own Members Liberty of Conscience without their Censures Snares or Inthralments to frighten their weak Brethren to continue in their Communion against the Light which they have received is consequently assuming such an Arbitrary Dominion over their Faith and Consciences which neither God nor Nature hath given to them and is not Consonant to the Law for doing to others as they would have others do to them in the like Case And to speak the plain Truth of such a Principle and Practice it is no better then claiming a right of Imposition on the Consciences of their Brethren and a holding fast all they have and all they can so get right or wrong And therefore seeing the Light of Scripture and Reason with common Equity is repugnant to such an Arbitrary Dominion over the Faith and Consciences of the Saints and that this Principle of denying a single Member his Liberty of Communion according to his Light is also a bar to Religious Reformation I conceive none should go about to hinder a single Persons removing from them for Conscience-sake any other ways than by Arguments from the Scriptures for the Regularity of their Communion and if herein they cannot satisfie his Mind I believe the Church should do no more then if they please to enter him in their Book departed from them for the cause for which he leaveth them for as much as his Principles are not opposite to any of their Essentials of Communion And in Case they were yet if he holdeth no Error in fundamentals to Salvation it better suits with the Grace of Love and universal Charity to one another to let him peaceably remove his Communion than by a harsh and sower Spirit to widen the Differences that are between Saints and Saints and to fright a weak and tender Conscience with the Censure of a Church which if it be not according to Christs Institutions it is neither bound in Heaven nor should it be binding on our Consciences But if a single Member should alter in his Faith or Practice from any of his Church Essentials of Communion and yet seek to continue in the same Church then to prevent the spreading of his Leaven to the Pollution of the Body or their being defiled with his Errour by Participation in full Communion with him they have ground on Non-repentance to withdraw from him and if he persisteth in such an Errour to purge him out from their Communion But to conclude the aforesaid Objection What spiritual Comfort can any have in Church-Communion where there is not an agreement in the Essentials thereof doth not the sweetest Communion depend on the greatest Union in Faith and Practice why then should any Christians be kept in Bondage and be deprived of the chiefest ends of Church-Communion which are to glorifie God in the purest worship they can attain to the Knowledge and Practice of and to enjoy the comfortable Communion of Saints in the Unity of Faith and of the Spirit which is the bond of Peace Secondly I shall present you with a particular instance of the confused