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A51839 XVIII sermons on the second chapter of the 2d Epistle to the Thessalonians containing the description, rise, growth, and fall of Antichrist : with divers cautions and arguments to establish Christians against the apostacy of the Church of Rome : very necessary for these times / by that late reverend and learned divine, Thomas Manton ... Manton, Thomas, 1620-1677. 1679 (1679) Wing M522; ESTC R7577 216,743 470

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it to the true love of God or an holy and heavenly mind and life And partly also because if a lively Christianity had been kept up Antichrist had never risen in the World And it is the way to keep him ' out still When the Servants slept the Enemy sowed Tares Matth. 13. A sleepy Religion and corruption of manners made way for corruption of doctrine worship and order It was with the Church according to the Spouses complaint I sleep but my heart waketh Cant. 5.2 Some care there was but much drowsiness and deadness in Religion and that produced the great Apostasie Partly too because there is such a complyance between the nature of Antichristianism and the temper of a carnal heart For superstition and profaneness grow both upon the same Root A lothness to displease the flesh the sensual nature of man is such that it is loth to be crossed and that breedeth profaneness For wherefore do men ingulf themselves in all manner of sensualities but because they are loth to deny their natural appetites and desires and row against the stream of flesh and blood but will walk in the way of their own heart and in the sight of their own eyes Eccles. 11.9 Again if nature be to be crossed it is only a little It ●hall only be in some external actions and ob●ervances and dead rudiments which neve● kill our lusts nor promote the divine life And this pleasing superstition shall make up a Religion which is a fit pillow for a carnal heart to sleep upon Popery is the easiest Religi●n for the flesh that can be found out for it never biteth nor disturbeth their lusts The duties of it are like the Pharisees fasting which our Lord compareth to old Wine Matth 9.17 Fit for old dried skin Bottles Well take heed of falling away from a lively Godliness no man entreth seriously upon Religion but with some tasting or rejoicing Heb. 6. now as this decayeth we fall off The Heavenly life is obstructed if not choaked and quite lost Now to prevent this observe two things 1. Your coldness in duties 2. Your boldness in sinning 1. Coldness in duties when the will and affections grow more remiss and the worship of God which keepeth up the remembrance of him is either omitted or performed perfunctorily and in a careless and stupid manner Jer. 2.32 My people have forgotten me days without number Job 27.10 Will he always call upon God will he delight himself in the Almighty God chargeth Israel with growing weary of him and it began in not calling upon him Isa. 43.22 Now when you seldom think or speak of God and do not keep up a delightful Communion with him there is a falling away 2. Boldness sinning when men lose their tenderness and strictness and the awe of God is lessened in their hearts and they do not only sin freely in thought but freely in act have not that hatred of sin and watchfulness that formerly but more abandon themselves to a carnal life You are falling off from God a-pace 2 Pet. 2.20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the World through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ they are again entangled therein and overcome the latter end is worse with them than the beginning At first the heart checked you for sin but you did not kindly come off were not troubled about it hoped God would pardon it and then you are bold to venture again and so by ●egrees are entangled in the sensual and worldly life Now consider the causes of it 1. Want of Faith in God Heb. 3.12 Take heed Brethren lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God You have not a sound belief of his being and presence 2. Want of love to God Rev. 2.4 5. Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou hast left thy first love Remember therefore from whence thou art f●ln and repen● and do thy first works or else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy Candlestick out of its place except thou repent Your hearts decline from that love you had to him and his ways and then your work is intermitted 3. Want of a due sense of the World to come Heb. 10.39 But we are not of them who draw back to perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the Soul 4. The love of the present World 2 Tim. 4.10 For Demas hath forsaken me having loved this present World The more that is valued the more your hearts are taken off from things to come and the care about them you have too great a liking either to the profits of the World 1 Tim. 6.10 The love of money is the root of all evil which while some have coveted after they have erred from the Faith or else the pleasures of the World 2 Tim. 3.4 Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God As the inclination of the heart groweth stronger to sensual pleasures your thoughts of God are less serious and pleasing to you Now look to these things left you grow quite weary of God and the holy life which once you had an affection unto 2. From a true Religion to a false which may be done two ways 1. Out of corruption of mind 2. Out of vile affection 1. Out of weakness of mind as those do that were never well grounded in the truth Eph. 4.14 That we henceforth be no more Children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive 2 Pet. 3.16 In which are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest as they do also the other Scriptures unto their own destruction Therefore we need to be established but the forsaking of a truth we were bred in usually cometh from some falseness of Heart Some errours are so contrary to the new nature that they discern them by the unction Joh 2.20 But ye have an unction from the holy one and ye know all things 2. Out of vile affection when they forsake the truth for the advantages of a fleshy Worldly life some places to be gotten by it c. and as the Whore of Babylon hath a Golden Cup Riches and Preferments wherewith it inviteth its Proselytes now these are worse than the former for they sell the birthright Heb. 12.16 Lest there be any fornicator or prophane person as Esau who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright Oh! Christians take beed to your selves Apostasy brought Antichrist into the Church Let it not jure postliminio bring him back again into the Land or into your hearts 2. The next step is the man of sin As the first Apostasy of Adam and Eve brought sin into the World so this great Apostasy brought in a deluge of sin into the Church and defiled the Holy Society which Christ had gathered out of the World
But the false Church is known by pomp and external splendor It is easy to discern the true Ministers of Christ from the false the true are known by being much in ●●ours much in afflictions 2 Cor. 6.4 5 6. In all things approving our selves the Ministers of God in much patience afflictions necessities distresses in labours and watchings and fastings by pureness by knowledge by long-suffering by kindness by the Holy Ghost by love unfeigned c. whereas the false Ministers are known by the life of pomp and ease the rule is plain Because self-denial is one of the great lessons of Christianity and self-seeking the bane of it therefore where men professedly seek the g●eatness of the World they serve not the Lord Jesus Christ but their own Bellies 2. Where men are turned from God to Idols though it be not the Daemons of the Gentiles but Saints as Mediators of Intercession there Godliness is destroyed and the mystery of iniquity set up For the great drift of the Christian Religion is to bring us to God through Christ so the great Whore which imports a breach of the fundamental Article of the Convenant Thou shalt have no other Gods but me it is said Rev. 17.5 Vpon her Forehead was a name written Mystery Babylon the Mother of Fornications and abominations upon Earth debaucheth Nations with her Idolatry and so seduceth from God to the worship of the Creatures that the great intent of the Gospel is lost 3. Wherever power is usurped in Christs name and carried on under the pretence of his Authority to the oppressing of Christs sincere Worshippers who hate the carnal life and would by all means keep themselves from Idols or bowing and worshipping before Images but excel in unquestionable duties there is the mystery of Iniquity for the Beast that hath a mouth like a Dragon pusheth with the Horns of a Lamb Rev. 13.11 The violence and persecution against the sincere pure worshippers of Christ is nothing else but the mystery of Iniquity the enmity of the carnal seed against the holy Seed or the Seed of the Serpent against the Seed of the Woman disguised 4. Where there is a lessening of the merits of Christ and his satisfaction as if it were not sufficient for the expiation of sin without penal satisfactions of our own there is the mystery of Iniquity for by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified Heb. 10.14 5. Where the new nature is little thought of and all Religion is made to consist in some external Rites and Adorations or indifferences there the reducing of man to God is much hindered and Christianity is adulterated and the Religion that designedly countenanceth these things is but the mystery of Iniquity To worship God as the Papists do with Images Agnus Dei's Crucifixes Crossings Spittle Oyl Candles Holy Water kissing the Pax dropping Beads praying to the Virgin Mary and other Saints repeating over the name Iesus five times in a breath repeating such and such Sentences so often praying to God in an unknown Tongue and saying to him they know not what adoring the consecrated bread as no bread but the very flesh of Christ himself fasting by feasting upon fish instead of flesh chusing a tutelary Saint whose name they will invocate offering Sacrifices for quick and dead praying for Souls in Purgatory purchasing Indulgences for their deliverance carrying the Bones and other Reliques of Saints going in Pilgrimage to Shrines or Images or offering before them with a multitude more of such trashy devotions whereby they greatly dishonour God and obstruct the motions of the Heavenly Life yea quite kill it For instead of the power and life of grace there are introduced beggarly Rudiments or ritual observances in indifferent things and vain traditions by which Christian liberty is restrained and these pressed with as much severity as unquestionable duties established by Gods known law for the renewing and reforming Mankind We are to stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and not to be entangled again with the yoke of bondage Gal. 5.1 Col. 2.16 Let no man judge you in meat or drink or in respect of an holy day or of the new Moons or of a Sabbath day These things are left to arbitrament to abstain or use them for edification That Physician may be born with who doth only burden the sick with some needless prescriptions if faithful in other things but if he should tire out the Patient with Prescriptions which are not only altogether needless but troublesome costly and nauseous and doth extinguish and choke true Religion by thousands of things indifferent making our bondage worse than the Jews this is the mystery of Iniquity to cheat us of the power of Godliness by the shew of it burdening of men with unnecessary observances 2. How did this work in the Apostles time Something there was then which did give an advantage to Antichrist and laid the foundation of his Kingdom and did dispose mens minds to an Apostasie from pure Christianity as 1. Partly the Idolizing of Pastors by an excess of Reverence such as was prejudicial to the Interests of the Gospel setting them up as heads of Factions 1 Cor. 1.12 Now this I say that every one of you saith I am of Paul and I am of Apollos and I of Cephas 1 Cor. 3.22 Glory not in men whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas c. This in time bred Tyranny and Slavery in the Church 2. The Ambition of the Pastors themselves and the spirit of contention for rule and precedency Acts 20.29 30. There shall arise among you ravening Wolves speaking perverse things to draw Disciples after them and within a little time began to affect not only a primacy of Order but of Jurisdiction and Authority so that then Antichrist did not exist in his proper person but in Spirit and Predecessors 3. The errors then set afoot corrupted the simplicity of the Gospel 1 John 2.18 Now there are many Antichrists 1 John 4.3 Every Spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is the Spirit of Antichrist whereof ye have heard it should come and even now already is it in the World The Spirit of Antichrist is even now in the World there was a Spirit then working in the Church to introduce this mystery of Iniquity only the Seat was not empty but filled by another the Seeds of this mystery were sown in ambition avarice haughtiness of teachers and their carnal and corrupt Doctrines 4. Some kept their Jewish others their Gentile Customs so that Christian Religion was secretly tainted and mingled with the Seeds of Heathenism and Judaism which afterwards produced the great Apostasie Paul in all his Epistles complaineth of the Judaizing Brethren and seeks to reduce them to the simplicity of the Gospel In the Corinthians he complaineth of their resort to Idol Temples their Communion in Idol worship 1 Cor. 10.14 Wherefore my dearly
●e is Ephes. 5.27 That he might present it to himself a glorious Church not ●aving Spot or wri●kle or any such thing but that it should be Holy and without Blemish Then it is a glorious Church Christ hath done his whole Work Holiness is the Beauty of God himself Exod. 15.11 and puts an Excellency on us if we love it and imitate it Prov. 12.26 The Righteous is more excellent than his Neigbour But the way of the Wicked seduceth them We do not only excel other Men but we are more amiable in the sight of God Prov. 11.20 The Upright is his delight In short it is a part of Salvation it self and a Means to that which remaineth Act. 26.18 Inheritance among them which are Sanctified by Faith in Christ Iesus 3. Let us reflect upon our selves Have we God's Call Have we obeyed the Gospel This will clear up your Election to you 2 Pet. 1.10 Wherefore the rather Brethren give diligence to make your Calling and Election sure For if ye do these things ye shall never fall Do you find such a belief wrought in you by the Spirit as begins in brokenness of Heart and ends in Holiness for Christ came to call Sinners to Repentance Matth. 9.14 That is Men sensible of Sin to holiness of Heart and Life to return to God that we may first live to him and then with him 4. To improve the belief of the Glory promised 1. To sweeten Obedience or a c●●se of Holiness which for the present is so tedious to the Flesh. Now here is our Labour hereafter our Recompence 1 Cor. 5.58 Every day we should grow more meet for his Glory Col. 1.12 2. To a contempt of all Worldly Things good or evil If good many are pleased with this World 's good Things but have no affection to Spiritual and Heavenly Things Like the rebell●ous Israelites who more desired the Onions and Garlick of Egypt than the Milk and Honey of the Promised Land or the Celestial Manna Numb 11.5 6. Worse than Prodigals that rest satisfied with Husks of Swine than Bread which is in their Father's House They have their good Things Now we should remember we are called off from these Things from dreggy Contentments base Injoyments to the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 3. The evils of the World Crosses Afflictions After we have suffered a while the God of all Grace who hath called us unto his Eternal Glory by Christ Iesus make you perfect stablish strengthen settle you And 2 Tim. 2.11.12 It is a faithful saying For if we be dead with him we shall also live with him If we suffer we shall also reign with him Our Afflictions are both breves leves light and momentary 2 Cor. 4.17 For our light Affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory Our sufferings are small if compared with the Reward The time short if compared with Eternity There is a two-fold Eternity that eternal Death which the Wicked must endure that eternal Life which we enter into This should sweeten all bitter Waters 4. To dispose and prepare us for Death The contemplation of Immortality hath left strong impressions on the Hearts of Heathens some Burnt themselves as impatient to tarry longer If a dark view vain hope cause this what should a sure Promise and Earnest of the Spirit do 2 Vse To the Called 1. Bless God for this Calling The woful Estate out of which we are called and the blessed E●t●te into which we are entered compared togeth●● should make us wonder 1 Pet. 2.9 Ye should shew forth the Praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous Light 2. Walk answerably Ephes. 4.1 I therefore the Prisoner of the Lord beseech you that ye walk worthy of the Vocation wherewith ye are called And 1 Thess. 2.12 That ye would walk worthy of God who hath called you unto his Kingdom and Glory SERMON XIII 2 Thess. 2.15 Therefore Brethren stand fast and hold the Traditions which ye have been taught whether by Word or our Epistle THE Apostle after he had comforted the Thessalonians he exhorteth them to constancy in the Truth what-ever temptations they had to the contrary The Comforts he propoundeth to them were taken 1. From their Election vers 13.2 From their Vocation vers 14. His Exhortation is to Perseverance Therefore Brethren c. In the words observe 1. The Illative Particle Therefore because God hath chosen you and called you and given you such advantages against Error and Seduction 2. The Duty inferred 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 stand fast It is a Military word you have the same in other places 1 Cor. 16.13 Watch ye stand ye fast c. Ephes. 6.14 Stand therefore having your Loins girt about with Truth The word intimateth Perseverance 3. The Means of Perseverance Hold the Traditions which you have bin taught whether by Word or our Epistle Where observe 1. The Act. 2. The Object 1. The Act 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hold with strong hand The word implyeth a forcible holding against Assaults whether of Error or Persecution The Thessalonians were assaulted in both kinds the Heathens persecuted them and some were gone abroad that began the Mystery of Iniquity and were ready to pervert them 2. The Object which is propounded 1. By a common and general term The Traditions which ye have bin taught 2. By a distribution Whether by Word or our Epistle I. The common and general term The Traditions which ye have bin taught There are two sorts of Traditions Humane and Divine First Humane Traditions are certain external Observances instituted by Men and delivered from hand to hand from Progenitors to their Posterity These may be either besides or contrary to the Word of God 1. Beside the Word as the Institutions of the Family of the Rechabites in the observance of which from Father to Son they were so exact and punctual that God produceth their example to shame the disobedience of his People Ier. 35.6 7. Jonadab the Son of Rechab our Father commanded us saying Ye shall drink no Wine nor build Houses nor plant Vineyards c. 2. Contrary to the Word of God such as were those of the Pharisee● Matth. 15.2 Why transgress ye the Commandment of God by your Traditions Humane Inventions in Religion are contrary to and destructive of Divine Laws Secondly Traditions Divine Are either Heavenly Doctrines revealed by God or Institutions and Ordinances appointed by him for the use of the Church These are the Rule and Ground of our Faith Worship and Obedience The whole Doctrine of the Gospel is a Tradition delivered and conveyed to us by fit Messengers such as the Apostles were 1 Cor. 11.2 Now I praise you Brethren that ye remember me in all things and keep the Ordinances Marg. Traditions as I delivered them to you So that holding the Traditions is nothing else but perseverance in Apostolical Doctrine II. The Distribution that
ask how this can be consistent with Christs care of his Church that there should be an Universal Apostasy and decay of Christian Religion who hath promised The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it Answ. That promise is made chiefly to the invisible Church or community of the Elect not to all the visible Societies of the Christians against whom the Devil can and hath prevailed and doth daily to the destruction of many Souls And we say not that the whol● visible Church did apostatize though all are faulty 2. Because some require the time when this Apostasy began to be particularly assigned and noted to them and by what persons these corruptions were first introduced or else deny that any such thing hath been But the Case is clear it began to work betimes only it wrought in a mystery but cannot we prove a man to be old unless we prove the first moment when his gray Hairs began to appear or his natural force to be abated Who can tell every step of the progress of the cor●uption of the Jewish Church and why should the like be required of the Christian This Dunghil of corruption was not raised in one Age and suppose that in tract of time Authors be forgotten matters of Faith are not to be contradicted because of the defect of Hi●tory and yet Histories are not altogether wanting in the Case only in things that came in by degrees they are not necessary In the introducing of the general Apostasy some erred in the simplicity of their hearts as the people followed Absolom 2 Sam. 15.11 But shall we deny a thing to be done because we cannot speak the particular moments of time and circumstances of them when and how it was done Shall we say the pointer in the Dial passeth not because we do not see its motion Might not the Priests judge of a Leprosy though they knew not how it was contracted Iniquity mystical did by degrees prevail 3. Because some think if we should grant such an Apostasy it would interrupt the whole course of visible Christianity and so deprive the World of a Ministry and Ordinances till Christ send some new Nuncio's from Heaven or by miracle at least authorize a new Ministry that may be owned by the World and received by his people A vain conceit for though this Apostasy is foretold that it should come to pass yet it is also foretold that Christ will be with the Apostles and their Successors to the end of the World Math. 28.20 and prayed for all them that should believe in him through their word Ioh. 17.20 and though the Church was corrupted by degrees yet all this while it ceased not to be a Church nor the Officers thereof to be Christs Ministers when the Ten Tribes fell away yet God ti●l their dissolution continued the Spirit of Prophecy amongst them and in the Christian Church a Ministry though many had their calling from such who consented to the incroachments of Antichrist God had not so wholly cast off his people but that there was a Ministry and Ordinances their Ministry was a true Ministry and the Baptism a true Baptism to be owned in foro externo for these things remain whilst any thing of Christianity remaineth In a body mangled with wounds or all over grown with sores there is a life remaining and so some Functions and Offices of Life God called Idolatrous Israel his people and was not angry with them for circumcising their Children but for offering them to Moloch Ezek. 16.20 21. But of this in the next Verse where Antichrist is said to sit in the Church of God 2. The Revelation of Antichrist And that man of sin shall be revealed the Son of perdition where two things are notable 1. His rise and appearing 2. The names and titles given to him 1. His rise and appearing expressed in the word revealed that is that great and chief Antichrist upon that Apostasy or falling away shall be extant and shew himself to the World A thing is said to be revealed two ways Either when it is in being or when it is discovered both ways are proper here He shall publickly appear exercising a Tyranny in the World or cast off his Vail and shew himself in his Colours God by his Providence permitteth him to be and by the doctrine of the Gospel discovereth his impostures to all those who have no mind to be deceived 2. The names or titles given to him they are two 1. The man of sin wherein he is compared and likened to Antiochus 2. The Son of Perdition wherein he is compared and likened to Iudas For the first The Jews called Antiochus The man of sin 1 Macch. 2.48 They gave not the power to the Sinner in the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 They gave not the Horn to the Sinner The Syriac Version hath it They suffered not the Horn of the Sinner to be lifted up and Verse 62. Fear not the words of the man of sin 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 From the words of the man the Sinner be not afraid Now why did they call Antiochus the man of sin Because he sought to alter the Religion of the People and by cruelty to introduce a change of Worship and Idolatry and such Laws as he would set up now according to this pattern Antichrist is a man of sin that is either a man given up to all sin eminently a Sinner addicted unto sin and a Ring-leader of others unto sin either by fraud and violence or as he giveth incouragements and encitements to sin or as a special kind of Sinner an Usurper and Invader of the Empire of the Son of God So was Antiochus So was Antichrist Now how much open sin is practised allowed and maintained in the Papacy I list not now to rake into their own stories speak enough The Sodomy Blasphemy Incest Adulteries Sorceries Murders Treasons Parricides which they have authorised and countenanced Histories witness that hardly hath the World yielded a more abominable sort of men than have sate in that Chair of pestilence This I am sure of that a man can sin no where at so cheap a rate as in Popery where what by dividing their sins into mortal and venial and these expiated by a little pennance accompanied with a single Attrition and bare grief and trouble because of the punishment what by Faculties Pardons Licences Dispensations Indulgences sin is distinguished out of the Conscience But because he is called the man of sin here it cometh fitly to be inquired whether Antichrist be an individual person for that man of sin would seem to be some single person No he is put for a Society and succession of men that make up the head of the Apostate State As one Lyon figured the whole Kingdom of the Babylonians and one Bear the Kingdom of the Medes and Persians and one Leopard the Kingdom of the Graecians Dan. 7. and there the fourth Beast is the fourth Kingdom So one person that succession
Idolatry is often called Adultery or Fornication spiritual uncleanness disposeth to bodily and bodily to spiritual Usually a corrupt state of Religion and corrupt manners go together otherwise the dance and the fiddle would not suit The World cannot lie quiet in a course of sin if there be not some Libertine Athe●stical Doctrine and carnal worship to coun●enance it Rev. 11.10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and make merry and shall send gifts one to another because these two Prophets tormented them that dwelt on the Earth 3. The man of sin is also the Son of Perdition 1. Actively False Religions strangely efferate the mind Jude 11. These go in the way of Cain and Hosea 5.2 Revolters are profound to make slaughters men think no cruelty nor dishonesty unlawful which serveth to promote the interests of their Sect and lose all Charity to those that are not of their way 2. Passively shall be destroyed Sometimes grievious Judgments come in this World for the corruptions of Religion but in the World to come dreadful is the end of Apostates 2 Pet. 2.20 21. For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ they are again in●angled therein and overcome The latter end is worse with them than the beginning for it had better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than after they had known it to turn from the Holy Commandement delivered unto them SERMON IV. 2 Thess. 2.4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or is worshipped So that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God IN this matter of Antichrist we have made this progress First that he arose upon and by a falling away from the ancient pure state of Christianity Secondly That the Holy Ghost points him out by his names and Titles which are two the man of Sin wherein he is resembled to Antiochus and the Son of Perdition wherein he is resembled to Iudas As Antiochus he is one that by force and power should change the Laws and Ordinances and compel men to his abominations As Iudas he should betray Christ by a Kiss for Worldly gain and be one that is in pretence an Apostle but indeed a real Adversary to Christ. Now after the Apostle had pointed at him by his names and Titles he describeth him by his practices wherein his names and titles are verified for here he proveth that he should be as Antiochus by his exalting himself above all that is called God which is said of Antiochus Dan. 11.36 And the King shall do according to his will and he shall exalt and magnify himself above every God and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods And as Iudas one sitting in the Temple of God that is he sitteth there as exercising a publick Ecclesiastical Office yea challenging the highest Seat in it He sitteth there Potestate Regiminis by the power of his Government he doth Chathedratica potestat● praesidere Estius His sitting there as chief shews him as Iudas his sitting here as God and exalting himself above all that is called God sheweth him Antiochus But to handle the words more closely Antichrist is here set forth 1. As opposite to Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one set to the contrary that is in respect of Pride chiefly Christ was the pattern of humility Antichrist is the King of Pride Christ would not so much as assume to himself an Authority to divide the Inheritance between two Brethren Luke 12.14 Man who made me a Iudge or a Divider over you but Antichrist will depose Kings and dispose of Kingdoms 2. The instances of his Pride 1. In exalting himself above all human power who exalteth himself above all that is called God or is worshipped 2. An usurpation of divine honour he as God sitteth in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God Let us open these things more particularly 1. He is represented in the term 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as one diametrically opposite to Christ and contrary to him who is the true Head and Lord of the Church Acts 10.36 He is Lord over all but Antichrist opposeth himself that is sheweth himself in a quite contrary appearance That which is most remarkable in Christ and should be in all his followers is humility He expressed a wonderful contempt of the riches and greatness of the World and all the honour which is of man taking the form of a Servant and making himself of no reputation and living a mean inferiour life He came not to be ministred unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many Matth. 20.28 He kept no state nor affected pomp of Attendants though he were Lord of all yet he became poor to make us rich 2 Cor. 8.9 But it may be this was proper to him doth he expect it from his Servants and Officers in the Church Yes this is the grace which he hath recommended to all his Followers Matth. 11.29 Learn of me for I am meek and lowly But especially to the Ministers of the Gospel our Lord foresaw what spirit would work in them and therefore he forewarned them of Pride and Lordliness Matth. 20.25 26. Ye know that the Princes of the earth do exercise dominion over them and they that are grea● exercise Authority upon them but it shall not be so among you but whosoever will be great among you let him be your Minister Among Christs Servants he that is chief must be chief in service even as a servant unto all Luke 22.26 He that is chief● as he that doth serve Domination Greatness Principality and Power is allowed in the Civil State for there it is necessary yet it is excluded the Church This affecting preheminence and chiefness is the bane of the Church It is taxed as a great sin in Diotrephes 3 Ioh. 9. Be it either over their fellow Labourers or the people of the Lord. You see how tender the Apostles were in this point ever● where they disclaim this affectation of Lordship 2 Cor. 1.24 Not that we are Lords of your Faith but helpers of you● joy And Peter recommendeth it to his Fellow Elders 1 Pet. 5.3 Neither as being Lords over Gods Heritage but being examples to the flock And if the Apostles would not assume Lordship who may It is true there is a Government in the Church and the people are to obey their Guides Heb. 13.17 And to have them highly in honour for their works sake 1 Thessa. 5.13 but yet the Pastors of the Church should govern by Light and Love not by pomp and force and not be known by such pomp and Authority as begets fear Well now let us see the opposite state If humility and meekness be in the very Essence of Christianity and woven throughout the whole frame of it then it is Antichristian to be Lordly and proud especially in
it is a matter of sad consequence for this is living in a known sin Some may be blinded for a time out of terror and compassion and their case is sad till they express solemn repentance but when there is a reluctation against clear light and an obstinacy in that reluctation this man is condemned in himself Titus 3.11 Such a man is subverted and sinneth being condemned of himself There cannot be a greater argument of a will unsubdued to God than to stand out against conviction out of secular respects This is to love darkness more than light and argueth such pravity of heart as is inconsistent with Faith and Salvation Some ignorant Souls may hold dangerous errors and which to others would be damnab●e yet they may not actually damn them because they do not rebel against the light and may be retracted by a general repentance or seeking of pardon for all their known or unknown sins Psal. 19.12 13. Who can understand his errors Cleanse thou me from secret faults Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins Let them not have dominion over me then shall I be upright and I shall be innnocent from the great transgression 2. When they are vented by some Professor of Christianity to the seducing of others and rending of the C●●●ch and drawing Disciples after them this a●deth a new guilt to their errors and maketh them the more damnable Act● 20.30 Also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away Disciples after them There are properly Hereticks and Ring-leaders of Sects therefore Heresies are reckoned among the works of the flesh Gal. 5.20 Emulation wrath strife seditions Heresies increasing their own doom and Judgment these under a Christian name seduce and lead away the Church from Christ they pervert the holy ways of God and draw his people from serving him in Spirit and Truth 3. When though they should not err fundamentally they so far debauch Christianity as that God giveth them up to believe a lie and to take pleasure in unrighteousness that is to defend and maintain apparent corruptions of Christian Doctrine and Worship Of Doctrine for it is here said they believe a lie and they believe not the truth Of worship for it is said they take pleasure in unrighteousness A party thus given up by God we should shun as we would shun a Plague or come out of Bedlam for these men have lost their spiritual wits and ●ee not that which the common light of Christianity doth disprove however they retain the name of Christians and make a cry of the Church the Church as the Jews did of the Temple of the Lord and retain some truth among them for such a party is here described 4. When there is gross negligence or not taking pains to know better It is equivalent to reluctation or standing out against light Crassa negligentia dolus est there is a deceit in laziness or affected ignorance Joh. 3.20 They will not come to the light lest their deeds should be reproved 2 Pet. 3.5 They are willingly ignorant Those that please themselves in the ignorance of any truth err not only in their minds but their hearts It is the duty of Gods people to understand what is his will Eph. 5.7 Be not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is And it is their practice Rom. 12.2 That ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God Psal. 1.2 His delight is in the law of the Lord and therein doth he meditate day and night We should be searching still But when men will not know what they have a mind to hate it argueth a secret sore and suspicion of the truth and are loth to follow it too close lest it cross their lusts and interests 3. That the way and errors of Popery are damnable and it is very unsafe living in that Society and Combination I prove it 1. Because they live in wilful disobedience to God They violate the manifest Commandments of God while they hold it lawful to worship Pictures and Images to make Pictures of the Trinity to invocate Saints and Angels to deny Lay-men the Cup in the Sacrament to adore the Sacrament to prohibit certain Orders of Men and Women to marry to Celebrate the publick service in a language which ordinarily men and women that assist understand not In all these things they offer apparent violence to Gods Precepts And that their whole worship is polluted with a gross Superstition as for instance to worship Images is expresly against Gods word Psal. 97.7 Confounded be all they that worship graven Images that boast themselves of Idols Worship him all ye Gods The Scripture you see denounceth confusion to all Worshippers of Images and they are reckoned as Enemies of Christs Kingdom for it is applied to Christ Heb. 1.6 And let all the Angels of God worship him That would set up the worship and service of them in his Church in the exercise of their Religion especially those who glory in them and boast of them and set them forth as the glory of their way and worship No he disdaineth all this relative worship at or before Images which men would give unto him and sheweth that all the Powers of this World and the other Angels and Potentates should immediately worship Christ. For the second point picturing the Trinity God hath not only forbidden it but argued against it Deut. 4.15 16. Take therefore good heed unto your selves for ye saw no similitude when the Lord spake to you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire lest ye corrupt your selves and make you a graven Image the similitude of any thing Male or Female See how cautelous God is to prevent this abuse and yet how boldly men practise it For the third instance the Invocation of Saints and Angels Our Lord hath taught us how to repel that temptation Matth. 4.10 It is written thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve That religious service and worship is due only to God no Creature can claim it without Sacriledge nor can we give it to them without Idolatry And God being so jealous of his honour every Christian should be careful that he doth not divert it from him They have many distinctions to excuse themselves to the World but I doubt how they will excuse themselves to God For the fourth particular adoring the Sacrament I shall speak to again anon that is a mean not an object of worship The Fifth prohibiting certain Orders of men and women to marry which the Apostle calleth Doctrines of Devils 1 Tim. 4.1 2. In the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and Doctrines of Devils speaking lies in hypocrisie having their Conscience seared with a hot Iron forbidding to marry c. For the Sixth Celebrating publick Service in an unknown Tongue it is contrary to the Apostles reasoning 1 Cor. 14.15 16 17. For
temporal Favours and the Comforts of this Life but a renewed Heart is most taken up with spiritual and heavenly Blessings A Man may give thanks carnally as well as pray carnally A carnal Man in Prayer giveth vent to the desires of the Flesh. Iames 4.3 So in Blessing God he may speak from the relish of the Flesh though usually carnal Men seldom give thanks to God Hosea 12.8 I am become rich I have found me out Substance c. Surely Spiritual Blessings should have the preheminence because they concern our well-being and they discriminate us from others which temporal Mercies do not Eccl. 9.1 2. For all this I considered in my Heart even to declare all this that the Righteous and the wise and their works are in the Hand of God no Man knoweth either Love or Hatred by all that is before them All things come alike to all there is one event to the righteous and to the wicked to the good to the clean and to the unclean to him that sacrificeth and to him that sacrificeth not as is the Good so is the Sinner and he that sweareth as he that feareth an Oa●h The wicked have many of these Mercies Psal. 17.14 From Men of the World which have their portion in this Life and whose Belly thou fillest with thy hid treasure they are full of Children and leave the rest of their Substance to their Babes And they may own God in them as pleased and well satisfied with the prosperity of the Flesh or a desirous to have more 3. That the best prospect we have of God's Goodness to us as to those spiritual Mercies is in Election 1. There we see all our Blessings in their rise fountain and bosom-cause which is the eternal Love and Grace of God Dulcius ex ipso Fonte Waters are sweetest and freshest in their Fountain there we see that antecedent Love which provided a Redeemer for us which should be matter of continual Love and Reverence to us Ioh. 3.16 There we see the rich preparations of Grace in the new Covenant which could never have entred into our Hearts if elective love had not provided them for us 1 Cor. 2.9 There we see what it was that disposed all those Providences that conduced to our good Bi●th Education Acquaintance Relations alas we knew not the means of all these things but elective Love was at work for us to cast all circumstances that we might be best taken in our Month. Rom. 8.28 There we see what it was that made all the means effectual to draw us unto God Jer. 5.3 He loved u● with an everlasting Love 2. It sheweth us the Lord's distinguishing Grace and who it was that made us differ from others who are left to perish in their Sins All are not called and why we Joh. 14.22 Iudas saith unto him not Iscariot Lord how is it that thou wilt manifest thy self unto us and not unto the World yea many mighty and many noble are not called 1 Cor. 1.26 God taketh not all nor any of the highest in esteem among Men not many wise and prudent Matth. 11.25 26. At that time Iesus answered and said I thank thee O Father Lord of Heaven and Earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto Babes even so Father for so i● seemed good in thy sight Yea many others ar● left to perish by their ●wn delusions The Reprobates are Specula Iudicii Divini Th● Judgments of God on the wicked do exceedingly amplify his Mercies towards us It was the meer elective love of God issuing forth by his powerful and differencing Grace that pu● the distinction between us and others Surely his peculiar Love to our selves doth most affect us 3. There we see that Grace t●at doth take off all self-boasting Eph. 2.8 9. For by Grace are ye saved through Faith and that not of your selves it is the gift of God not of works lest any Man should boast Elective Love prevented all actual or foreseen worth in us And from first to last it is carried on in a way of Grace the Means the Efficacy all is of Grace This was God's great end that Grace might be admired and esteemed by us and be matter of eternal Praise and Thanksgiving Eph. 1.6 To the praise of the Glory of his Grace wherein he hath made us accepted in the Beloved The whole Design is to shew us how we are beloved of God and that we may love him again 1. Vse If Election be the great matter of Thanksgiving to God Then surely this Doctrine should be heard in the Church for the Life and Soul of Christian Religion is Gratitude and what feedeth Gratitude is of great use unto us our Gratitude doth not rise high enough till it come to the first cause that stirred and set all the Wh●●ls awork in the business of our Salvation Surely this is a very profitable Point 1. To detect the pride of Man for here we see the true and proper cause of difference between us and others 1 Cor. 4.7 Who maketh thee to differ The dif●erencing Grace of God proceeding from his Election is the only true Grace 2. Nothing more extol●eth the Glory of God in our Salvation For if Man can assume nothing to himself the Glory alone redoundeth to God The more reason and cause why some are chosen and others past by is God's good Pleasure Matth. 11.26 Even so Father because it pleased thee Christ himself consents to it giveth Thanks for it as an act of free and undeserved Mercy 3. No greater incentive to Holiness For here we see the absolute necessity of it together with the strongest sweetest motive to enforce it 1. The absolute necessity of it because it is a necessary means to bring God's purposes to pass Eph. 1.4 He hath chosen us that we should be holy and without blame before him in love He hath chosen none to enjoy everlasting Glory after this Life but such as he hath chosen to be holy here First they must be sanctified and renewed by the Spirit and then walk in all holy Conversation and Godliness And whatever assurance of Election is pretended unto them who lead an unholy Life it is but a vain presumption or ungrounded Perswasion yea a strong Delusion Secondly Here is the sweetest and strongest Motive to enforce it and that is the singular Love of God which breedeth in us a sincere Love to God again and all serious endeavours to approve our selves to him in purity of Living There is no such constraining force in any thing as there is in Love 2 Cor. 5.14 For the Love of God constraineth us c. And no such Holiness as that which floweth from it this is thankful and Evangelical Obedience 4. It is the ground of our solid Comfort in the midst of all the Calamities and Temptations of the present Life because our final happiness is appointed to us by God's electing Love Luk. 12.32 Fear not
to Saints and Angels and turned into a theatrical Pomp and the Pageantry of empty Ceremonies which eclipse the Majesty and splendour of it and the Discipline of the Church into a temporal domination and all is carried in the World by sides and interests that Christianity looketh like another thing a design Calculated for the present World rather than a serious preparation for the World to come Then certainly there is an Apostasy and a defection from Christ however the corrupt manners of the Church be varnished over with the name of Christianity There is a degeneration questionless and that is Apostasy in a Mystery such as this is though not an open revolt from the Christ. But to make this more evident to you let us consider what the Kingdom of Christ is The Gospel Kingdom is a Kingdom of Light Life and Love Opposite to Light is ignorance and errour to Life a Religion that consists of shews dead rites and empty Ceremonies to Love uncharitableness malice and especially hatred of the power of Godliness now where these prevail eminently there is an opposite Kingdom set up to the Kingdom of Christ certainly a falling off from his Kingdom That is to say where in opposition to Light errour is taught and ignorance is counted the Mother of Devotion and people are restrained from the means of Knowledge as if the height of Christian Faith and Obedience did consist in an implicite believing what the Church believeth and where instead of Life men place their whole Religion on superficial Rites and Ceremonies and some trifling acts of seeming Devotion and exteriour Mortifications and instead of love to God and Souls all things are sacrificed to private Ambition and forcing Consciences with the highest penalties and persecutions to submit to their corruptions There is a manifest subversion of the interest of Christs Kingdom In short Gods witnesses were slain in that City which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt and our Lord was crucifyed Rev. 11.8 That City which answereth to Sodom for impurity to Egypt for Idolatry and to Ierusalem for persecution of the Saints there may you find the great Apostasy 5. This Apostasy from our Lords Authority and the interests of his Kingdom is some notable and discernable Apostasy and the Head and Patron thereof is Antichrist The defection is not of one or a few or many in divers Churches there have always been back-sliders from the Faith 1 Joh. 2.19 They went out from us but they were not of us and the Spirit of Antichrist wrought in the Apo●tles days 1 Joh. 2.18 As you have heard that Antichrist shall come even now there are many Antichrists and again 1 Ioh. 4.3 we are told of the Spirit of Antichrist and this is that spirit of Antichrist whereof you have heard that it should come and even now already is it in the World Then described to be afterwards Verse 5. a Worldly Spirit They are of the World and speak of the World and the World heareth them Though they profess Christianity Carnal Worldly Hypocrites which never Conquered the fleshly mind and interest have the Spiri● of Antichrist These obscure the light and obstruct the life and love of the Gospel They that wholly affect a life of pomp and ease in the Church Now this hath always been in all Ages The false Christians forget their hopes are built upon a Crucified Christ and are to be derived to them from a Glorified Christ in the other World Crucified in this World and Glorified in the next which indeed are the two considerations that keep Christianity pure and lively That all was purchased by a Crucified Christ and all is dispensed by a Glorified Christ and I wish you would oftner think of it But the great Apostasy is eminently found in some external visible Church where these corruptions are generally received and defended For the head of that Church is Antichrist where Doctrine is corrupted and the worship mingled with Idolatry and the Government an Usurpation and bent against the Holy Seed that desire to worship God in Spirit and in Truth there is this manifest revolt from and a Rebellion against God and Christ though they push with the Horns of the Lamb. That the Papists are a corrupt Sect of Christians is beyond dispute to any that will try their Religion by the Scriptures and that they are far more corrupt than the Protestants 〈◊〉 Reformed Churches will also soon appear by the comparison or a view of both Churches But whether they are so corrupt as to become the Seat of Antichrist is the matter under debate Therefore let any one conside● where the eminent Apostasy is to be found Who are they that invade Christs Authority by setting up an Universal Head over all C●ristians Who are they that establish the Doctrine of Daemons or revive the worship of a middle sort of Powers between God and mortal men 1 Tim. 4.1 who through Hypocrisy ●nvent so many lies to maintain it and when Christians should keep themselves from Idols 1 Ioh. 5.21 yet in defiance of this worship Angels and other Creatures Col. 2.18 Let n● man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of Angels c. and erect the Images of Saints commanding and compelling men to adore them and pray to them who are they that are not contented with the one only Mediatour 1 Tim. 2.5 For there is one God and one Mediatour between God and men the man Christ Iesus 1 Cor. 8.5 For though there be that are called Gods whether in Heaven or in Earth as there be Gods m●ny and Lords many But to us there is but one God the Father of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Iesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him but set up other Medi●tours of Intercession Who are they that plead for Indulgences and the supererogatory sa●●sfactio●● of the Saints as gathered into the Treasure of the Church and so profitable for the remission of sins and condemn them who think the contrary Who are they that keep Beli●vers from reading the Scriptures when they are so expresly injoined to do it Joh. 5.39 and Psal. 1.2 But his delight is in the Law of the Lord and in his Law doth he meditate day and night That deny one part of the Lor●s Supper to his Disciples notwithstanding his Institution to the contrary 1 Cor. 11.25 26. After the same manner also he took the Cup whe● he had supped saying This Cup is the New Testament in my blood This do ye as often as ye drink it in remembrance of me for as oft as ye eat this bread and drink this Cup ye do shew forth the Lords death till he come It were endless to instance in all I shall speak more of it in the following Verses 6. This Apostasy is not only forbidden but foretold as a thing that would certainly come to pass This consideration is necessary for divers reasons 1. Because the Papists
them who pretend to be Successors of Christ and his Apostles Now in the Pope and his Adherents you will see the ●ost odious pride set forth that ever the World was conscious unto without any Cloak and shame And all their business is to get power what designs they have for preferment in the World how studiously they have and do prosecute it they blush not to own openly before Angels or Men. This worldly Ambition to rise higher and higher is their design and Trade of Life As the Bishop of Rome at first from the chief Pastor of that City affected to be an Archbishop over the Suburbian Towns and Cities then a Patriarch over many Cities and because two opposed him in Italy a long time Ravenna and Milane he gets power over them and then he must be Oecumenial Bishop over all the World But Constantinople resisteth for a long time yea arrogate●h within the Empire the same Titles Who more earnest against it than Gregory whom they call the Great and more forward to charge the assuming of this Title as Antichristian But then when once they began by powerful means and many indirect courses to be owned as universal Bishop then inlarging their bo●nds not only over the Ecclesiastical Power but Civil and all Kings and Princes must stoop to them as well as Bishops So that here was the progress and gradation first from the Chief Presbyter a Bishop over many Presbyters in the same City then a Metropolitan over many Bishops in one Province then a Patriarch over many Provinces in one Diocess for i● the Roman Division there were seven Provinces in one Diocess then Universal Bishop in the whole World then the only Shepherd and Bishop and others but his Substitutes pretty steps of ambitious incroaching But yet exalting himself further challenging all power in Heaven and Earth And the like is practised by his followers at this day in the Church of Rome from private Priests they grow up into some Prelature as Arch-Deacons Deans then a Bishoprick then a better or richer then Archbishops Cardinals then Pope And the Devil is grown so impudent by the help of these Churchmen as that it is counted a great piece of spiritual wisdom publickly owned in the World to be able by these steps to get higher and higher and Lord it over God● Heritage as if ambitious affectation were the honour of Christianity and Gospel humility would expose the Church to scorn and pomp and grandeur were a greater Ornament to Religion than Gra●e when in the mean time they have nothing to prove them to be true Pastors of the Church but Iudas his Kiss a little owning of Christ to countenance their Ambition Secondly the particular instances wherein the pride of Antichrist is set forth are two 1. His exalting himself above all humane Powers He opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or is worshipped Here the object is set forth by two terms 1. All that is called God 2. Or worshipped They both belong to the same thing 1. That which is called God that is Magistrates Princes and Kings Psal. 81.1 He judgeth among the Gods and verse the sixth I have said ye are Gods all of you are Children of the most high and Joh 10.34 35. It is written in your Law I said ye are Gods If he call them Gods unto whom the word of God came and the Scripture cannot be broken c. God hath cloathed Magistrates with his own honour so far that he hath put his name upon them and their eminency is a part of his Image as it lyeth in Superiority Dominion and Power Though Magistrates be but like their Brethren as to their common nature yet in respect of their Office they have the glorious Title of Gods conferred upon them as being his Vicegerents and bearing his person in Government they are honoured with his name So that without impeachment of Blasphemy those that excel in the Civil power may be called Gods Now over these Antichrist exalteth himself that is above all Kings and Potentates Secondly The other notion is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 we render it or is worshipped the Greek word is whatever is held in the highest degree of reverence whatever is August or Illustrious as the Emperours of Rome were called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Acts 25.21 Paul appealed to be referred to the hearing of Augustus it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not Augustus Caesar who was then dead but his successour Well then here is the Character of Antichrist That he exalteth himself above all Civil Authority Auth●●●ed and permitted of God not only above ordinary Magistrates but Kings and Emperours Now we find in History no less than twenty Kings and Emperours trampled under foot by the Pope of Rome some of whom he had excommunicated and deposed from their Kingdoms and their people dispensed withal in denial of their subjection to them others brought to cruel shameful Deaths and their Kingdoms miserably rent and torn to the destruction of Millions of men by their means He that hath any knowledge of the Histories in Christendom cannot but know these things how he treadeth on their necks kicketh off their Crowns with his Feet and hath brought them to the vilest submissions And if Kings and Emperours have received more spirit and courage and the Popes of Rome learned more modesty now adays thanks is due to the light of the Gospel which hath shined so far and to such a degree as to the consuming of Antichrist though not to his utter destruction Secondly The next instance of his pride is his usurpation of divine honour expressed in two clauses 1. The one sheweth the usurpation it self That he as God sitteth in the Temple of God 2. The other the degree of it shewing himself as God Both must be explained and vindicated 1. For t●● usurpation it self he sitteth as God in the Temple of God By the Temple of God is meant the Church 1 Cor. 3.16 17. Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God and the spirit of God dwelleth in you if any man defile the Temple of God him shall God destroy for the Temple of God is holy which Temple ye are So 2 Cor. 6.16 What agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols for ye are the Temple of the living God The external visible Church which professeth the Faith of Christ and beareth his name So that the place wherein Antichrist shall arise is the visible Christian Church not Rome Ethnick but Christian. But is then the Church of Rome the Church of Christ Answ. It was one part of it before it was perverted it usurpeth still that name it retaineth some relique of a Church mangled as it is saith Calvin in his Epistles I think I have given some strong reasons that it yet retaineth some shew of a Church Now in this Temple of God he sitteth as an Officer and Bishop there as I before explained it And whereas other Princes are said to
little attendance to such Doctrines for a while and think at least matter more profitable should be insisted on they are perswaded enough already It is well if it be so but those that stand should take heed lest they fall and presumptuous confidence soonest giveth out and forsaketh Christ. I would but propound this Argument to them If it were profitable for them that were to go out of the body long before Antichrist was revealed to be taught these things again and again and they be charged to keep these things in remembrance certainly it is more profitable for others that live at the time when these things are in being and the temptation is at the next door ready to break in upon them surely it is profitable to discover Antichrist to reduce those that are gone astray much more to prevent a revolt that we may not return to this bondage after a deliverance from it Secondly I come to consider the time of his Appearing and there to observe three things That Antichrist was not then revealed because there was an impediment hindering his Revelation and now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time that is what keeps him back for the present until the time that God had prefixed The Apostle doth not expresly mention what this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or impeachment was either because he thought it enough to appeal to their memory and knowledge now ye know what withholdeth there was no need of repeating that which was formerly mentioned they sufficiently knew or partly because he would not give the heathen an occasion of raising a persecution against the Christians if they should come to understand that one professing himself a Christian should erect a Throne for himself at Rome and that the Empire should be taken away to make way for him The Romans were very jealous 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because they talkt of these innocent notions the Kingdom of Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven they were apt to accense them laesae Majestatis as if they would with open force and violence attack or assault the Empire therefore the Apostle had spoken that which he thought not fit to write in an Empire or lastly he leaveth it in this obscurity because all Prophecies were but darkly uttered that their accomplishment be not hindered since it is the will of God that such events shall fall out in the World and out of Indulgences to his people he is pleased to foretel this It is not meet that the Prediction should either be too clear or too dark if too clear the event would not follow nor Gods Government of the World be carried in such a way as might suit with the liberty of mankind if too dark the comfort and caution of Gods people would not be sufficiently provided for But what was this Impediment The Ancients generally determined it to be the Roman Empire for so Tertullian The Empire of Rome which was to be divided into ten Kingdoms and reason sheweth it because the Man of sin could not rise to his Greatness as long as the Roman Empire s●ood why because he that was to exalt himself above all that is called God and above all that is August could not bring his designs to pass as long as the Roman Empire retained its Majesty but when once that was eclipsed and removed then he was to be revealed is his time all things have their time and so the man of sin Well then it was the Roman Empire that stays the manifestation of Antichrist he being to build his Tyranny on the ruins and wrack thereof and therefore the Primitive Christians prayed pro morâ finis that it would please God to defer the fall of this Empire fearing worse things upon the dissolution thereof Now this impediment sheweth both the Time and Place of Antichrist and Time and Place next to the nature and state of things are the best circumstances to discover him 1. The Place Antichrists Seat and Throne was to be there where the Seat of the Roman Empire was and S t Iohn telleth us it was situated on the City that had seven Hills Rev. 17.9 The seven heads are seven Mountains on which the Woman sitteth and that is Rome which is famously taken notice of to be seated on seven Hills or Mountains Now Antichrist had not room as long as the seat was filled with the Roman Emperour for this seat could not be filled with two Imperial Powers at once especially with such a Tyrannical Power as that of Antichrist is exalting it self not only above Kings and Kingdoms but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the August State of the Emperours themselves there was no exalting this Chair till there was a removal of the Throne while the Roman Emperour possessed Rome the Seat was full and till it was void it could not be the Seat of Antichrist 2. The next circumstance is the Time when the impediment is taken away when the Roman Empire is so weakened and removed from Rome that this Power may grow up and that was when the Roman Empire was divided into ten Kingdoms as Tertullian saith and is agreeable enough with the Prophecy of S t Iohn Rev. 17.12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings which have not received their Kingdoms as yet but receive power as Kings one hour with the Beast that is near that time when the Roman Empire was broken and divided which began near 600. years after Christs Birth II. The next Observation is that though he was not revealed in the Apostles days yet the mystery of Iniquity did begin to work but secretly for it is said v. 7. beginning The mystery of iniquity doth already work This is given as a reason why it would break out sooner but it was kept back there ●as something a brewing that would make way for Antichrist some disposition of the matter some propensity thereunto something begun which would afterwards shew it self more eminently in the great Antichrist Here two things must be explained 1. What is the Mystery of Iniquity 2. How it began to work in the Apostles days 1. What is the mystery of Iniquity I answer the design of usurping Christs Kingdom and his Dignities and Prerogatives over the Church to countenance the Kingdom of Sin and Darkness under the mask of Piety and Religion surely it is something quite contrary to the Gospel which is the mystery of Godliness 1 Tim. 3.16 So that this mystery is such a course and State design as doth frustrate the true end and purpose of the Gospe● and yet carried on under a pretence of advancing and promoting it So that to state it we must consider 1. The mystery of Godliness 2. The mystery of Ungodliness or Iniquity 1. The mystery of Godliness is known by the ends of God by the Gospel and the way he took to promote those ends 1. The end of the Gospel is to recover man out of a carnal ungodly state into a state of
strifes against each other till a common danger unite us It is noted that when there was a strife between the Herdsmen of Abrahams Cattle and Lots Cattle the Canaanite and Perizzite were yet in the Land Gen. 13.7 God will unite those in common sufferings whose stubborn humours will not suffer them to meet upon other terms 4. To keep up a remembrance of his mercies Psal. 59.11 Slay them not lest my people forget scatter them by thy power and bring them down O Lord our shield ●od maketh us sensible of the care he hath over us not by the utter destruction of the Enemies of his People but by lingring Judgments on them which affect us more than if they were cut off suddenly 2. Many other reasons may be given because it serveth the beauty and harmony of his Providence to cut them off in their time and by such means as he hath appointed and in such a way as shall most conduce unto his Glory But I pass them by we must tarry his leisure and not question his truth and care over us and be content that our Faith and Patience be exercised If God should bring a sudden destruction upon a Power and Tyranny so supported by the combined interests of the World we were not able to bear it Thorns serve for a fence to a Garden of Roses God would not destroy the Canaanites at once lest the beasts of the field should increase upon them Deut. 7.22 nor all abettors of Antichristianism lest his people should lye open to such evils as they cannot bear 1. Observe this Consumption how it is accomplished if we find Antichrist risen discovered and consumed why should we be in doubt any longer The pomp and height was much about 1500. years after Christ what a Consumption hath happened since by the reviving Religion and Learning the Christian World should with thankfulness take notice of by the falling of Germany England France and Hungary in a great part together with Denmark Sweden Poland and other Countries and by what means hath this been but by the spirit of his mouth It is profitable to know Antichrist by his rise and description but it is comfortable to know him by his discovery and Consumption and Gods blessing such unlikely means at the beginning so such a wonderful effect When Luther first appeared the Bishop of Strasburgh told him Abi in coelum mi frater dic miserere nostri But God hath done great things for us too when he first turned the captivity of his Churches we were like unto those that dream 2. Caution Antichrist is consumed but he is not yet dead what strength he may recover before his last destruction God knoweth Popery after it was cast out hath re-entered Bohemia and Austria and the Emperours Hereditary Countries and what havock hath been made of the Evangelical Churches the Book of Caraffa the Bishop and Legat of the Pope called Germania sacra restaurata sheweth wherein many notable things concerning their Artifices to replant Popery are set down As to England some hope his Consumption is not desperate and many fear that Popery may recover again unless God in mercy prevent it we know not what is in the Womb of Providence or how far the Prerogative of Free Grace may interpose in our behalf whether England shall be made a Theater of mercy once more or the feat of Idolatry and superstition and Blood But though we do not know what God hath determined yet we may soon know what England hath deserved And that is enough to quicken us to watchfulness and Prayer and expectation and serious preparation for the day of evil and by these things if it cometh to pass it will do us no harm 1. When God hath laid in great store of comforts against sufferings usually there is a time of expence to lay them out again Christ warned his hearers to make use of the light because of the darkness coming upon them Iohn 12.35 36. You never knew the Gospel powerfully preached but Tryals came Heb. 10.32 34. For ye had compassion of me in my bonds and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods knowing in your selves that you have in heaven a better and an enduring substance Castles are first victualled then besieged the ministry is consolatory mostly 2. When men can neither bear our vices not their proper remedies Ezek. 24.13 In thy filthiness is lewdness because I have purged thee and thou wast not purged thou shalt not be purged from thy filthiness any more till I have caused my fury to rest upon thee Hosea 7. 1. When I would have healed Israel then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered and the wickedness of Samaria for they commit falshood c. 3. When there are great differences amongst Gods own people the end is bitter we warp in the Sunshine will not know the way of Peace Eusebius says before Dioclesians Persecution 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Church was torn with intestine broils Pastors against Pastors and People against People Ease begets Pride and Wantonness and that maketh way for Contention 4. When Prophaneness increaseth and men do not walk becoming the Gospel God taketh the Gospel from them The Apostasie from the power and purity of Religion first made way for Antichrist and is most likely to let him in again 5. When a people are prepared for such impressions there is a party formed partly by opinions that symbolize with Popery partly by doting on the pomp and outside of Religion and neglecting the life and power of it and partly when indifferent and Atheistical conceits do dispose their minds no more to one Religion than other usually then is a Nation fitted for such a change Now what shall we do 1. Watch and pray a people well awaked will not change their Religion ●he envious man sowed tares while the servants s●ept ● Mat. 13.25 Be instant with God in Prayer as all good Christians should be when the Church is in danger as David Psal. 59.13 Consume them in wrath consume them that they may not be that they may know that God rules in Iacob unto the ends of the earth Selah The Consumption is at hand Luke 21.36 Watch ye therefore and pray always that ye may be counted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass 2. Reform and repent Rev. 2.5 Repent or I will remove the Candlestick out of his place our disorders must be bewailed and redressed there are two stumbling blocks the Idolatry of the Romish Synagogue and the evil manners of the reformed Churches 3. Be fortified and established 1. By knowledge if we have not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a stedfastness of our own we shall fall 2 Pet. 3.17 in a time of long Peace Arms hang up a rusting and ●o we are not prepared to resist temptations 2. By Grace it is good the heart should be established by Grace Heb. 13.9 the new nature will caution men against many Popish errors 1 John 2.20 Ye
the great Instruments of his Kingdom and the men of this World whose portion is in this life are the proper Subjects of his Kingdom Of the Saints Christ is their Head but of the wicked ungodly ambitious World surely Sathan is the Head There are two Cities as Austin distinguisheth them Ie●usalem is the City of God and Babylon that Incorporation which belongeth to Sathan Now then whe●e shall we find him whose coming is after the working of Sathan but with him who with the loss of Christianity exalteth himself and affecteth an ambitious Tyranny and domineering over the Christian World both Princes Pastors and People and to uphold the Tyran●y careth not what havock he maketh of the Church and the whole frame of their Relig●on is calculated for secular Honour Worldly Pomp and Greatness Secondly By the visible Appearances of the Devil and where he is most conversant as in his own Kingdom Before Christs Kingdom was set up the Devil did often visibly appear but since he playeth least in sight when God openly manifested his Presence by appearing to the Fathers in sundry ways and manners as he did before hen spake to us by his Son Heb. 1.1 2. so did Sathan V●sions Apparitions and Oracles were more frequent and where Christs spiritual Kingdom prevaileth the World heareth less of the●e things but where it is obstructed more Now two instances in Popery 1. In their Chiefs how many Conjurers and Necromancers who expresly consulted and contracted with the Devil from the Year 600. to the Year 1500. the Chair of pestilence yielded the Histories tell us 2. In oreder 〈◊〉 the Devil had formerly in the times of Popery and still where it is allowed incomparably more power among men to appear to them and haunt their Houses and vex them than now he hath all that I say is haunting of Houses and Apparitions were much more common Uses 1. A detestation of Popery whatever is of the Devil should be hated by us for we are Christs Souldiers listed in his Warfare in Baptism Rom. 6.13 Yield your selves unto God as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God but yield not your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin Rom. 13.12 Let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the Armour of Light Now after our military Oath should we revolt to them that join with the Devil and his Angels to make War against Michael and his angels 2. To be more careful to be compleatly armed For we fight not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers and spiritual wickednesses in heavenly places Eph. 6.11 12. that is not only with the one but the other The Abettors of Popery ae Sathans Auxiliary Forces whom he stirreth up and employeth Now the Devils are of great cunning and strength and by Gods permission exercise great Authority in the World and the matter about which we contend with them is the Honour of God and Christ and our Eternal Salvation Therefore since the Subtilty Power and strength of the Enemy is so great we had need to be the better prepared and put on the whole Armour of God That bodily and humane Power that befriendeth the Kingdom of Sathan is formidable and that can only reach the outward man but Devils and damned Spirits are a more terrible and dangerous party who secretly blind our minds and weaken our courage and strangely and imperceptibly by our own carnal affections promote our eternal ruine 3. It sheweth us the folly of reco●ciling Babel and Sion Rome as it is and the Reformed Churches For what concord hath Christ with Belial 2 Cor. 6.15 16. What agre●ment hath the Temple of God with Idols You can never reconcile God and Sathan the Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent I speak not of holy endeavours to adjust the Controversies and reclaim Papists from their Errors that must be pursued how fruitless soever the attempt be but ●o hope for an agreement as things now stand is impossible 4. Caution that the Devil prevail not against us he once suprized Peter Mat. 16.23 Get thee behind me Sathan he hath prevailed over them that usurp the highest Chair in the Christian Church Let him not blind your Eyes in whole or in part though you be not drawn to Antichristianism do not live in a carnal Worldly course For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil 1 John 3.8 Every wicked act is Sathans Invention he stirreth it up is served by it delights in it his Kingdom goeth forward by it He gaineth by every wicked action Shew plainly that you are not of his party nor ever mean to be Give way to fleshly and worldly lusts and you are very prone to entertain the grossest Temptations and by subtle evasions will wriggle and distort your selves out of your duty as the Papists do I come now to the second means Doct. That Antichrist doth uphold his Kingdom by a false shew of Signs and Wonders and mighty Deeds To evidence this 1. We must inquire what is a Miracle Miracles are works extraordinary exceeding the ability of second causes and done to confirm the Truth Where we may observe 1. The general nature of them 2. Their author 3. Their Use. 1. Their general nature and kinds extraordinary works Some are either besides nature when the course of nature is changed as the standing still of the Sun in Ioshuah's Days the going back of the shadow on Ahaz his Di●● in Hezekiah's time Above nature as the opening of the eyes of a man born blind by Christ Iohn 9. Against nature when the operation of it is obstructed as w●en the three Children remained untouched in the Fiery Furnace Dan. 3. the fire had not lost its property to burn for those that cast them in were singed and scorched 2. The Author they are works exceeding the ability of second Causes and therefore are always done by the Power of God either immediately or mediately using some Creature in the performing of them as the Apostles of Christ. Well then the primary efficient cause is God and the manner of working is extraordinary and unusual exceeding the power and force of any Creature 3. The end and use is to confirm some Truth when they are done for Curiosity Ostentation and Delight they are but jugling tricks and have not God for their Author much less when they are pretended to confirm a false Doctrine or evil end But real Miracles do oblige by way of sign declaring Gods interest in or owning of the truth and Testimony to which they are annex●d For God being the Ruler of the World good merciful just it is not to be supposed he will cooperate to a lie or cheat or leave suc● a stumbling block before his Creatures II. That the Miracles wrought by Christ and his Apostles did sufficiently prove that they were Teachers sent from God for Christ often appealeth to
scope not to spare ●he flesh but to save the Soul and to save the Soul with the loss of other things and that will make us true to Christ. But there are many foreign reasons for which men may s●ew some love to Religion As first Policy as Ieh● took up Ionadab into the Chariot with him 2 Kings 10.15 there is his complement to him Ionadab was a good man and this honoured him before the people to see Iehu and Ionadab so well acquainted Sometimes respect to others upon whom we depe●d many seem to be good because they dare not displease others that have authority over them or an interest in them as Ioash was religious all the days of Iehoiada for he stood in awe of him 1 Chron. 24.2 Now such sorry Religion dependeth on foreign accidents The life of others or presence of others and therefore it cannot be durable whereas in presence or absence we should work out our Salvation with fear and trembling Phil. 2.12 otherwise men only keep within compass for a while but they have the root of sin within them still Or it may be novelty as our Lord telleth the Jews Iohn was a burning and shining light and ye were willing to rejoice in his light for a season Iohn was an eminent man for pureness of Doctrine and vigour of Zeal and the more corrupt sort of Jews Pharisees as well as others admired him for a while but they soon grew weary of him it was a fit of zeal for the present Lastly This love may be to the excellency of gifts bestowed upon some Minister or Instrument whom God raiseth up or some countenance of great men given to their Ministry may stir up some love and attendance on their Ministry and some respect is given for their sakes when men have no sound grace in their hearts There is a receiving of the word as the word of man and a receiving of the word as the word of God as the Apostle intimateth 1 Thess. 2.13 The receiving of the word as the word of man so it worketh only an humane passion a delight in the gifts of the Ministry used Ezech. 33.32 Thou art to them as a lovely Song of one that hath a pleasant voice Then there is a receiving it as the word of God and then we receive it with much assurance and joy in the Holy Ghost 1 Thess. 1.5 Our Gospel came to you not in word but in power ●nd much assurance and joy in the Holy Ghost Now if we do not receive the truth upon Gods recommendation and confirmation we do not love truth as truth our contest is not who hath most wit and parts but most grace 5. They do not receive the love of the truth when it doth not produce its solid effects which is a change of heart and life And they are not brought by the Gospel to a sincere repentance and conversion to God or receive the truth so as to live by it but whilst they have the names of Christians have the lives and hearts of Atheists and Infidels These were those that debauched Christianity and meritoriè and effectivè by their provocations and negligence brought this degeneracy into the Church and Judgment on the Christian World Certainly a man hateth that Religion which he doth profess when he will not live by it This perfidiousness and breach of Covenant was that which provoked God to permit these delusions in the Church The wordly sensual carnal Christians that hate that life which their Religion calleth for The Godly Christian and the Carnal Christian have the same Bible the same Creed the same Baptism yet they hate one another as if they were of different Religions and confound the distinction between the World and the Church because the World is in the Church And of sensual and godless men we must speak as Heathens as if they were without God they abhor that Religion which they do profess That is they abhor not the name but they abhor those that are faithful to it and serious in it who desire to know God in Christ and desire to love him and live to him It was that Christ taxed in the Pharisees they honoured the dead Saints and abhorred the living Matth. 23.29 30 31. Wo unto you Scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites because ye build the Tombs of the Prophets and garnish the Sepulchres of the righteous and say if we had been in the days of our Fathers we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the Prophets Wherefore ye be witnesses unto your selves that ye are the Children of them which killed the Prophets Christ hath not worse Enemies in the World than those that usurp his name and pretend to be his Officers and yet eat and drink with the drunken and beat their fellow Servants Matth. 24.49 Christ will disown such at the day of Judgment Matth. 7.22 23. Many will say unto me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out Devils and in thy name done many wonderful works and then will I profess unto them I never knew you Depart from me ye that work iniquity And such do most dishonour him in the World A righteous sober godly life is the best evidence of our love to the truth 2. How just this punishment is 1. Because God hath ever held this course on the Pagan World who kept not the natural knowledge of God he gave them up to vile affections Rom. 1.28 The Jews who rejected Christ Joh. 5.43 I am come in my Fathers name and ye receive me not another will come in his own name and him will ye receive When Christ cometh meerly for our benefit the unthankful World will not make him welcome but they will take worse in his room So towards Christians At first men would not receive the Gospel while it was pure and in its simplicity as taught by Christ and his Apostles and sealed by the blood of the Martyrs till it was backed by a Wordly Interest and co●rupted into a Wordly design and then they had it and all manner of superstitions together and with these strong delusions there came just damnation So still the pure Gospel is refused and God sendeth Popish Seducers as a just Judgment men only prize the light as it may serve their turn 2. The neglect and contempt of the truth is so hainous a sin that it deserveth the greatest punishment Heb. 2.3 How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation now it is revenged by these err●rs as a just judgment on the perverseness and unthankfulness of the World The duties of the Gospel being so unquestionable shew their perverseness The priviledges of the Gospel being so excellent their unthankfulness is more intolerable 1. Vse is to shew us what cause we have to fear a return of Popery Alas where is this love of the truth 1. Some are Gospel-glutted loath Manna a full-fed people must expect a Famine Amos 8.2
espouse the common prevailing opinions others adhere to them with much false zeal and superstition These are those who are given up to believe a lie Vses 1. Information 1. To shew us the reason why so many learned men are Captivated by Antichrist and live yet in the Popish Religion for this is a great scruple to many The answer is ready The Lord hath suffered them to be deluded by him whose coming is after the working of Sathan in all power c. Rev. 17.2 The inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the Wine of her Fornication It is an intoxication the errors of that State are plausibly defended and supported by Worldly Interests There is the Witchery of Worldly allurements and the intoxicating Wine of errors defended and owned within their bounds and places of their education and abode So that men have seemed to lose their understandings and not have that advisedness which well becomes a man possibly they may have doubts and checks of Conscience but the name of the Church charmeth them and Worldly magnificence strangely inveagleth them They may know that the Religion professed by Protestants is sincere holy and saving but being allured by Licentiousness or intangled by Covetousness or puffed up with Pride are loth to change or are vanquished and astonished with fear of death and other inconveniencies or it may be do not use that advised and serious deliberation which a matter of Salvation requireth Four causes may be given 1. Self-Confidence God will shew the folly of those that depend on the strength of their own wit Pro. 3. 5 6. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understandings In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths And therefore will bring to nought the wisdom of the wise and destroy the understanding of the prudent when it is lifted up against the Interests of Christs Kingdom 1 Cor. 1.19 2. Prejudice The Priests and Scribes could readily tell that Christ was to be born in Bethlehem when Herod sent to consult them Matth. 2.4 5 6. yet who more obstinate against him that was born there They expected a temporal Messias and therefore could not see what they saw What was apparent to Children was a riddle to the Rabbies So they expect some open Enemy of the Church to attacque it by power and force little dreaming of a Bishop c. 3. Pride many of the Jewish Church believed in Christ but they did not profess him lest they should be put out of the Synagogue Ioh. 11.42 43. They loved the praise of men more than the praise of God They loved not an hated opinion Many may fear the Pope to be Antichrist but Pride and Interest will not let them submit to a change 4. The Judgment of God is the great cause that men do not or will not know Antichrist God hath not given them eyes to see as Christ was not received in Ierusalem the things of their peace were hid from their Eyes Luk. 19.42 He beheld the City and wept over it saying If thou hadst known even thou at least in this thy day the things which belong unto thy peace but now they are hid from thine eyes 2. It sheweth us that the prevalency of this wicked one should be no blemish to providence for the permission of him is one of Gods dreadful providentia● dispensations That it should have such success it raiseth Atheistical thoughts in weak spirits yea it is an offence to the Godly as it is a prejudice to the Truth but God hereby will shew us 1. That there are deceits and errors as well as truth in the World much of choice not chance and lest we should think this an antiquated dispensation to try the professors of the Gospel who lived in the midst of Pagans it cometh nearer to us But he that condemneth all Religion on this account judgeth one ●an for anothers crime which is unjust doth as foolishly as he that thinketh there is no tr●e money because there are some counterfeit pieces 2. That God in concomitancy with the Gospel will discover his dreadful Justice as well as his wonderful mercy by it that we may tremble whilst we admire grace 3. That it is a great evil to be deceivers or active promoters of delusions and it will not wholly excuse us that we are deceived Matth. 15.14 4. What need all serious Christians have to pray to God not to be led into temptation Alas what would become of us if left to our selves in an hour of temptation 5. Let us fear to sleight the grace offered Among other threatnings God threatneth to smite his people with blindness Deut. 18.28 The Lord shall smite thee with madness and blindness and astonishment of heart 6. What a ready way to destruction it is to measure Religion by Worldly Interests This bred Antichrist kept him up in the World and blindeth hi● seduced Proselytes to this day 2. Vse Is caution to take heed of spiritual blindness and infatuation that this Judgment fall not upon us That God leave us not to our own lusts hearts and Counsels without check and restraint It may in part befal Gods people what shall we do to avoid it 1. Take heed of sinning against light either by sins of omission or commission Jam. 4.17 To him that knoweth to do good and doth it not to him it is sin They will find it to be sin in the sad effects 2. Take heed of Hypocrisie in the profession of the truth God oweth the Hypocrites an ill turn and seemeth to be ingaged to discover him before the Congregation Pro. 26.26 Whose hatred is covered by deceit his wickedness shall be shewed before the whole Congregation and usually it is by giving him up to some licentious practice or strong delusion by which he breaketh the neck of his profession 3. Take heed of Pride and carnal Self-sufficiency God may leave his people to dangerous falls when they make their bosom their Oracle and think to carry all by the strength of their own understanding 2 Chro. 32.31 God left him to try him that h● might know all that was in his heart It is good to consult with God continually 4. Take heed of following the rabble Joh. 4.20 Our father 's worshipped in this Mountain and ye say that in Ierusalem is the place where men ought to worship c. But learn to see by your own eyes That you may have sure evidence you are in Gods way Pro. 24.13 14. SERMON X. 2 Thess. 2.12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness 2. THeir punishment in the other World Where first the terribleness of it 2. The righteousness and Justice of it 1. The terribleness that they all might be damned That is filling up the measure of their obduration they may at length fall into just condemnation 2. The Justice and Equity of it which is two ways expressed 1.
the Old Testament God himself delivered the Law with great Majesty and Terrour and afterwards caused the same to be written in Tables of Stone for the constant use of his People And the Prophets first uttered their Prophecies and then wrote unto them So the Apostles first preached Evangelical Doctrine and then consigned it to writing for the Use of all Ages And though all things delivered by them were not delivered in one Sermon or one Epistle yet by degrees the Canon of the New Testament was Constituted and made perfect by the Writings of the Evangelists and Apostles V. Prop. That now when they are long since gone to God and we cannot receive from them the Doctrine of Life by word of Mouth we must stick to the Scriptures or written Word 1. Because we are taught to do so by Christ and his Apostles Christ always appealeth to the Writings of the Old Testament both against Traditions which he condemneth Matth. 15.2 and against pretended Revelations Luke 16.31 If they hear not Moses and the Prophets neither will be persuaded to repent if one should come from the Dead And the Apostles still have recourse to this Proof Acts 26.22 Witnessing no other things than the Prophets and Moses did say should come to pass And when they pleaded they were Eye and Ear-witnesses and so their Testimony was valuable yet they say ye have 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a surer Word of Prophecy whereunto ye shall do well to take heed 2 Pet. 1.19 Now how can we do better than to imitate these great Examples 2. Because those things were written for our sakes 1 John 1.4 These things write we unto you that your Ioy may be full The Apostles being to leave the World did know the slipperiness of Man's Memory and the danger of corrupting Christian Doctrine if there were not a sure authentick Record left therefore they wrote and so fully that nothing is wanting to compleat our Joy and Happiness 3. Because the Scriptures are perfect The perfection of Scripture is known by its End and intended Use which is to give us a knowledg of those things which concern our Faith Duty and Happiness 1. Our Faith in Christ. If there be enough written for that end we need not unwritten Traditions to compleat our Rule Now St. Iohn telleth us he might have written more things But these things are written that ye might believe in the Son of God and have Life through his Name John 20.30 31. Certainly nothing is wanting to beget a Faith in Christ The Object is sufficiently propounded the Warrant or Claim is laid down in the New Covenant and the encouragements to believe it are clear and strong What would Men have more So that here is a perfect Rule perfect in its kind and for its proper use 2. For our Duty That is sufficiently provided for The Apostle telleth us that the Grace of God take it objectively for the Grace of the Gospel or subjectively for Grace in our Hearts teacheth us If you mean Objective Grace it prescribeth directeth If Subjective Grace it persuadeth and exciteth what to do To live Soberly Righteously Godly in the present World Tit. 2.12 There are all the branches of Man's Duty enumerated Sobriety relateth to self-government Righteously to our carriage towards our Neighbour Godly to our Commerce and Communion with God What is there wanting that belongeth either to Worship or Justice or Personal Holiness Therefore certainly we need no other Rule for it layeth down whatsoever Men are bound to do in all Ages and places of the World and in whatsoever Circumstances God shall put them And so it is fit to be the Law of the Universal King and Law-giver yea it is so perfect that whatever other Way is set up it presently dasheth against those Notions that we have or should have of God his Service and Worship or it i●●●●ngeth or perverteth the Liberty and Nature of Man 3. For our Happiness Tha● Doctrine and Institution which is able to make us wi●e unto Salvation is enough for us but so the holy Scriptures are said to do 2. Tim. 3.15 And that from a Child thou hast known the hol● Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto Salvation through the Faith which is in Christ Iesus Nay afterwards Ver. 17. The Man of God is by them made perfect and throughly furnished to every good Work If the Scriptures do throughly direct Men to know God in Christ and save t●eir own Souls why should we look any further Now they do not only furnish every private Christian with this knowledg but the Man of God who is to Instruct others he needeth look no further but is furnished out of the Scripture with all things necessary to discharge his Office Therefore here we fix and rest we have a sufficient Rule and a full Record of all necessary Christian Doctrine Vse 1. The Use of all is Let us not seek another Rule than the Word of God Papists cry up unwritten Traditions to be received with equal respect and reverence as we receive the holy Scriptu●es But you Brethren stand fast holding the Apostolical Tradition You cannot have it by word of Mouth from them now therefore you must stick to what is Written or else you cannot preserve your selves from the Frauds and Impostures of Antichrist These Apostolical Writings have been received in all Ages and Times of the Church from the ●eginning and all Disputes among Christians have been tried by them None were allowed good or sincere Christians who doubted of the truth of them But because we have to do with a People that will sacrifice all to the honour and interest of their Church and knowing they are not able to stand before the Light of Scriptures have to the no little prejudice of the Christian Cause done all they can to weaken the Authority Sufficiency and Perspicuity of them that we migh● have no Religion without the Testimony and Recommendation of their Church therefore I shall resume the Matter and declare it afresh 1. Mankind lying in Darkness and in the shadow of Death it was necessary that one way or another God should reveal his Mind to them that we may have what belongeth to our Duty and Happiness for our chief good and last end Being altered by Sin we strangely mistake things and put Light for Darkness and Darkness for Light Good for Evil and Evil for Good weighing all things in the ballance of the Flesh which we seek to please We confound both the names and natures of Things and wander in a maze of a thousand Perplexities therefore God in pity to Mankind hath given us a sure direction in his Word which is a Lamp unto our Feet and a Light unto our Paths Psal. 119.105 Mark the words of Light and Lamps the use of a Lamp is by Night and in the Day we have the Light of the Sun whether it be Day or Night with us here we are taught how to carry our selves Mark
3. Carry it so as those to whom God hath given grounds of everlasting Consolation We are up when we have the World with us but dead in the Nest when our temporal Dependencies are broken The Covenant is the same still and there should be your Hope and your Joy 2 Cor. 1.20 All the Promises of God in him are Yea and in him Amen unto the Glory of God by us 2 Sam. 23.5 Although my House be not so with God yet he hath made with me an everlasting Covenant ordered in all things and sure for this is all my Salvation and all my desire although he ma●e it not to grow Heaven is where it was the World cannot make void your Interest in it Therefore you should rejoice in the Lord always Phil. 4.4 Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice SERMON XVI 2 Thess. 2.16 And good hope through Grace WE now come to the third ground of Audience and Acceptance he hath given us good hope through Grace This sheweth how we entertain the everlasting Consolation offered in the Gospel with good Hope and this wrought in us by God Here is 1. The Gift good Hope 2. The moving Cause through Grace Doct. That it is a great advantage when we pray for Consolation and Confirmation in Holiness to consider that God hath already given us the Hope of Eternal Life Here I shall 1. Open the Gift 2. Shew what incouragement this is in Prayer In the opening the Gift let me inquire 1. What is this good Hope mentioned and what are the Properties of it 2. That this is the free Gift of God 1. What is this good Hope Hope is sometimes put for the Object or Thing hoped for As Prov. 13.12 Hope deferred maketh the Heart sad That is the delay of the good expected is very tedious and troublesome to us So in Christian Hope Col. 1.5 For the Hope which is laid up for you in Heaven Where Hope is put for the Object of it the blessed and glorious Estate which is reserved for us hereafter The great objects of Hope which yet do not exclude intervening Blessings are these 1. The coming of Christ to o●r Comfort Tit. 2.13 Looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Iesus Christ. 1 Pet. 1.13 Gird up the loins of your Minds and be sober and hope to the end for the Grace that is to be ●rought unto you at the Revelation of Iesus Christ. Hope is there described by its singular Object the coming of Christ called there the Revelation of Christ. Christ is now under a Vail his Bodily Presence being removed and his Spiritual Glory seen but darkly as in a Glass but then he shall appear in Person and in his Glory When Christ withdrew out of sight our Comfort seemed ●o be gone with him but he will come ag●in he is not gone in anger but about Business to set all things at rights against the day of solemn Espousals and then he cometh to possess what he hath purchased and to carry the Church into the everlasting place of her Abode This is the great Hope of Christans and a blessed and good Hope it is indeed 2. The Resurrection of the Dead Acts 2.36 My flesh shall rest in Hope Acts 24.15 I have hope towards God tha● there shall be a Resurrection both of the Iust and Vnjust Acts 26.6 7 8. Now I stand judged for the hope of the Promise made unto the Fathers unto which Promise our twelve Tri●es instantly serving God day and night hope to come Why should it be thought an incredible thing with you that God should raise the Dead Death seemeth to make void all the Promises at once but there is an estate after Death the Dead shall rise and to Men bred up in the Bosom of the Church this should not seem incredible It is not incredible in it self considering the Justice and Power of God But why to you Since all Religion tendeth to it But it is a matter of undoubted certainty all Believers do look for long for and prepare for this Blessedness otherwise why should they trouble themselves about Religion which abridgeth us of present Delights and exposeth us to great Difficulties and Sufferings But there is another Life after this where all is happy and joyful and therefore we serve God instantly day and night 3. The Vision of God I Iohn 3.2 that at length we shall be admitted into his blessed Presence and see him as he is and be made like him both for Holiness and Happiness 4. Our heavenly Inheritance 1 Pet. 1.4 An inheritance incorruptible and undefiled that fadeth not away reserved in Heaven for us Called Eternal Life Tit. 1.2 In hope of eternal Life which God that cannot lie promised us The Glory of God Rom. 5.2 We rejoyce in hope of the Glory of God Well then all this is a good Hope if there be the things hoped for for the object of our Hope is the chiefest Good the eternal Vision and Fruition of God this is that we must aim at as our Happiness Psal. 17.15 As for me I shall behold thy Face in Righteousness I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy Likeness we must seek after it and make it our constant Work Heb. 11.6 God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him this is that we must take hold of as having a right and title to it Heb. 6.18 Who have fled for refuge to lay hold on the Hope set before us We challenge it by the Law of Grace as we fulfil the Conditions Our Hold is more strong Right more evident as we get greater measures of the First-fruits we gain more security and confidence in the spiritual Conflict Ver. 19. Which Hope we have as an Anchor of the Soul sure and stedfast By good Works we enter upon the possession of it in part as we get the First-fruits of the Spirit Rom. 8.23 We our selves also which have the First-fruits of the Spirit even we our selves groan within our selves waiting for the Adoption to wit the redemption of our Body 2 Cor. 5.5 Now he that hath wrought us for the self-same thing is God who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit In whole when we come to Heaven for then we enter into our Master's Joy Matth. 25.21 when we die our Souls enter into that blessed place where the Spirits of just Men are made perfect not only preserved in manu Dei but admitted in conspectum Dei 1 Pet 1.9 Receiving the end of your Faith the salvation of your Souls But after the Resurrection and general Judgment John 14.3 I will come again and receive you to my self that where I am there ye may be also Then in Body and Soul we enter into our everlasting Mansions 2. Sometimes Hope is put for the reasons and causes of Hoping and so he that giveth me solid reasons of Hoping giveth me good Hope In this sense it is