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A39769 The truth and certainty of the Protestant faith with a short and plain account of the doctrine of the Romish Church in its visible opposition to Scripture and the very being of Christianity : to which is adjoined some serious considerations anent popery & the state of that controversy. Fleming, Robert, 1630-1694. 1678 (1678) Wing F1277B; ESTC R37829 39,817 62

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Ans It is sure 1. That the wages of sin is death Rom 6 23. And no difference there is shewed betwixt venial and mortal 2. If a full acquittance from the guilt and punishment of sin be by Jesus Christ and that he hath payed the whole price no Satisfaction to Justice can be of use for temporal punishment 3. It is clear the most sharp chastisements of the Saints in this life are for healing and no effect of Vindictive Justice nor can give the last ground to plead for humane Satisfaction or such a thing as Purgatory after this life SECT XII Qu. BUt is there no Scripture warrant for the Romish Mass as a real external Sacrifice propitiatory for the living and the dead and that wherein the body of Christ is really offered up Ans It is clear 1. That not the least footstep of a Sacrifice or of Christs offering his Body and Blood was in the first institution of the Eucharist nor in these Offices given to the Church of Apostles Pastors Teachers c. Rom. 12 6 7 8. 1 Cor. 12 28. is there mention of any such as a sacrificer of Christs Body 2. No external Sacrifice can be now under the New Testament these under the Law being only typical of that which was accomplished in Jesus Christ who offered himself but once Heb. 7 27. And by this one offering hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified Heb. 10 18. So as this denies the perfection of Christ's Offering and his everlasting Priesthood 3. No sacrifice can be propitiatory which is without blood since without that There is no remission Heb 9 22. 4. It is clear in a true Sacrifice the thing sacrificed must be destroyed in the act of sacrificing which none dare say of the blessed Body of Christ nor can it be conceived how a repetition of the Offering up of Christ should really be and not of his Sufferings also Qu. Can it be denyed but some Offerings are even under the New Testament unto God Ans We know in the Lords Supper there are Offerings of praise and love with a solemn commemoration of Christ death but no external Sacrifice there or the least shadow of ground from the Scripture for it Qu. Did not Mel●hizedeck offer Bread and Wine who was the Priest of the most High God Gen. 14 18. Ans His bringing it forth to Abraham is there shewed but nothing to shew his Offering of it or what could give ground for the Idolatrous service of the Mass though on this they lay its greatest weight Qu. Are there not Priests now in times of the Gospel as under the Law Ans We know One only eternal High Priest who is such as can have no successour and it is clear Heb. 7 26. that the Priest and Offerer under the New Testament should be holy undefiled and separate from sinners which I judge they dare not own But what do they mean thereby since it must either be to repeat over again Christs Sacrifice which is impossible and blasphemous or to present what was then done by him which is a Sacrament and no Sacrifice yea even in this are they manifestly divided to give an account wherein the action of sacrificing consists whether in the words of consecration This is my Body or in putting it on the altar Qu. Yet may not some be present there with a safe Conscience when no evil is intended Ans We ought not from these grounds 1. The scandal and offend●ng of our Brother which is not to be judged from our intention but from what is manifest to others in our doing such a thing 2. The hardening of Papists in their way this being a special symbol of their profession whereby they are discerned 3. It were an obvious dissimulation before God and with the adversary in that professed communicating with them in an external part of worship SECT XIII Qu. IS it not an essential of the Christian Religion that such a precise number of Sacramen●s is and neither more nor fewer than Seven as is the Doctrine of the Romish Church Ans It is indeed an essential of their Religion but such as could never shew its warrant from the Bible where two Sacraments only can be found of Christs appointment Baptism and the Lords Supper as having these requisites to a Sacrament of the New Testament 1. An external visible element 2. That it be of expresse Divine institution 3. To have a promise of Grace and Pardon annexed thereto which is not only signified but offered and sealed to all who rightly partake thereof 4. That it be perpetual unto the Worlds end Qu. Are these other five Sacraments of the Romish Church but of humane invention to wit Confirmation Pennance Extreme unction Orders and Marriage Ans Since Divine Worship must be according to the Rule given us by the Lawgiver it is clear these have not the least impress of a Divine appointment thereon Qu. Is not Confirmation an ancient practice of the Church Ans It was a custom in the Primitive times to bring Children Baptized and after they came to some years before the Church to put them in mind of their Baptism and engagements they were under which they now turn into a Sacrament and therewith use Chrism which is Oyl mixed with Balm putting it on the forehead in the form of a Cross with these words I sign and confirm thee with the Chrism of Salvation giving them a blow on the face with other foolish rites by which they say the fulnesse of the Holy Ghost is given But how this is a Sacrament or by what Institution ordained or what promise of Grace and Pardon is annexed hereto must be sought elsewhere than from the Bible Qu. But is not Penances a part of Repentance and a visible sign thereof Ans The publick profession of Repentance for publick scandalous sins is a duty but no such outward sign was ever instituted in the Word as Whipping Pilgrimage c. Yea nothing more contrary thereto than their declared meaning of this to be a Satisfaction to justice and Compensation of the wrong done unto God thereby nor can they agree among themselves about the Sacramentality thereof if the form be in the act of the Priests Absolution or not Qu. Are not Marriage and Orders unquestionably of Divine appointment Ans None will deny that Marriage and these Offices appointed by Christ in his house have their Warrant in the Scripture but not as Sacraments yea is it not amazing how the Romish Church should assert this who maintain the use of these Sacraments to be necessary to Salvation when all of their Church are by their own Doctrine excluded from one of them the whole Laity from Orders and the Clergy from Marriage Qu. Is there not yet ground for extreme Unction Jam. 4 14. In which with the Oyl of Olive they anoint divers parts of the bodies of those who are in death bed with such words I anoint such a place that wherein thou hast sinned
THE Truth and Certainty of the PROTESTANT FAITH With a short and plain account of the Doctrine of the ROMISH CHURCH In its visible Opposition to Scripture and the very being of Christianity To which is adjoined some serious Considerations anent Popery the state of that Controversy I. PET. III Ver. 15. And be ready alwayes to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you REVEL XIV Ver. 9. If any man worship the Beast or his Image and re●eive his mark in his forehead or in his hand Ver. 10. The same shal drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is powred out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb. Ver. 11. And the smoak of their torment shall ascend up for ever and ever Printed in the Year 1678. EPISTLE To the CHRISTIAN READER READER THese few sheets adjoyned here against Popery was in part formerly published but being with some further enlargement now reprinted I hope it may not be found unsuteable to set them down here in the close when so convincing necessar a rise from the foregoing subject is clear though such as desire may have it by it self also without the preceeding treatise These grounds did in some measure presse me novv to the present publishing thereof 1. That the import of this controversy betwixt the Romish and Reformed Church concernes the meanest this day no less than the more knowing and learned and that to be a Protestant in earnest must necessarily require a seeing the truth with their ovvn eyes yea such a faith as is the result of a judgment upon diligent search convinced by the Scripture 2. That it is an hour of great trial and of the power of darkness when the Popish Adversary is visibly at work almost every where to sowe tares whilst so fevv even of those who seeme serious in professing the truth can give a clear account of the grosness of Popery and solide grounds of the Protestant Doctrine when thus assaulted but ly● naked thereto as without defence though abounding and clearest light hath been held forth for that end and at a sad disavantage to hold fast their Profession by suffering if they should be called thereto as in former times 3. The visible hazard of many young ones in this generation to be made a prey of and easily poisoned vvith Popery vvho but seldome vvork out in their age and riper years vvhat they thus drink in in their youth 4. That such an essay seemed convincingly needful for these whose age vvant of time indisposition to read or loathness too be at expence in buying books is too visible a lett for their improving what hath been more largely written by others 5. That as I hope it shall be found vvhat is of greatest vveight or necessary use to be knovvn in these Controversies is ●ere comprised though in small bounds yet vvith such plainless that the meanest Reader may understand and know the Doctrine and principles of Popery and what Arguments they pretend to be most strong held forth in the Questions here proposed with a clear view of their direct opposition to the Scripture by the Answers thereto so as in a very few houres these for whom this is most designed may by reading it but some times over have it so far impressed on them as to know how to answere and give a so●ide account of the Protestant Doctrine and grosness of Popery when assaulted by any Seducers If to any such this small essay might be of use I may then say the Author hath not lost his desire and aime what ever entertainment it should otherwise meet with The time hasteneth when that only vvhich tendeth to a solide peace with Jesus Christ vvill abide and ●y near to the soul vvhen the Testimony of men will be of small value I shall but add that nothing is here charged on the Romish Adversary as their principles Which their own greatest Writers of the Doctrine of the Councel of Trent do not clearly attest The Reader vvould consider that these Sections into vvhich this is divided is vvith respect to the particular Heads of the Romish Doctrine vvhich are there handled There are several Mistakes in words from the press which I hope the judicious Reader will discerne without having the sense darkned thereby and pardon with some visible Mistakes also in the pointing SECT 1. Qu. SEing our greatest interest is to know the truth and certainty of that Religion we profess What is to be understood by the Protestant Reformed Religion as under such a designation it is now held forth Ans The Scripture unto whose trial this offereth it self clearly sheweth that it is no new Doctrine brought in on the World but the truth of Christianity by the good hand of the Lord on the Reformed Church confessed asserted and purged from the corruptions of Popery and hath the very same grounds to prove it which the Christian Religion hath Qu. Is it not of late the Name of Protestant much less as a Church was known and from visible appearances but little to evidence its being and succession in the World when Popery for many Ages had a conspicuous and flourishing State Ans We deny not the Reformation to be late and that name of Protestant which hath its rise from a solemne Protestation of several Princes and Cities against Popery But these also are demonstrably clear 1. How it is the same truth and Religion of the Apostles and Primitive Church wherein they walked though in a great measure after darkned as Antichristianisme grew up which hath been unanswerably proved to the World 2. That in the Scripture no ground can be shewed for a continual visibility of the Church as an unite body and in a flourishing outward state but the contrary is foretold how obscure low her condition should be during Antichrist's reign So as a place of hiding was then prepared for her Rev. 12 6. 3. Yet even in the darkest times there did not want some visibility of the true Church by a continued succession of witnesses to appear for the Truth and against the Romish Apostacie which as a fresh River made its way through that horride Lake without mixing with it Qu. What peculiar grounds are to prove this or enforce a conviction on others That the Protestant Religion this day is the pure and ancient Christian Religion Ans If men shut not their eyes none can deny these grounds as a test of the certainty thereof 1. It s exact conformity to the Scripture and to the genuine and perspicuous sense thereof than which nothing is more clear if we will but compare these together 2. That the Protestant Religion in all the essentials thereof is the very same and exactly agrees with the Faith of the Christian Church in the first three centuries and for
this we appeal our adversaries to produce one essential difference betwixt the one and the other from the Records of these times or any Writings of the Fathers 3. That no evidence can be given in contending for the Christian Faith against Heathens and to hold forth the certainty thereof which doth not undeniably answer to confirm the Protestant Religion 4. That in the writings of the greatest Adversaries their bitter invectives against Christianity who in the first times did oppose themselves to the same Doctrine the Protestant Church now owns and professeth such as C●●sus Tryphon Porphyrie Lucian c. There is not the least mention of Popery in any of these Articles against which the Protestant Church contends nor of the Romish Supremacy and Infallibility where they could have had so great advantage to object against the Christian Cause and call its Truth in question Nor did the Jews who objected all they could against the Christian Faith in the least once mention any such points as are now controverted betwixt them and us 5. It is clear from unquestionable Historie and confession of our Adversaries that a continued succession of Orthodox Doctors who did confesse and teach the same Doctrine for the substance that we own have in no times been wanting to the Church nor some visible partie to withstand Poperie and keep up a witnesse to the Truth even in the greatest darknesse as the Romish Writers are forced to confesse That the Protestants now are the same which the Waldenses were of old and the Berengarians before them Qu. Doth not the Popish Religion found on such grounds and Principles as can bring a sufficient certainty therewith of its Truth when it hath the Decr●es Canons and infallible Decisions of their Church to warrant the same and of the Pope as Supreme Head Ans According to their Doctrine Principles they can have no possible certaintie of their Religion nor of that they pretend to found on When 1. They are not agreed nor ever like to be who that infallible Judge is or in whom such an Infallibilitie as they claim is seated whether in a General Council or the Pope alone So as they are in greatest contradiction to other about the very foundation of their Faith nor is this a controversie amongst a few but one part of their Church with greatest heat is opposing the other therein 2. They can have no assurance if they have any Church at all and whether most of their Popes Bishops and Priests be not without Baptism and still laicks without Ordination when their Doctrine and the Council of Trent so expreslie hold the efficacie of all Sacraments of which they reckon Ordination as well as Baptism to be one to depend on the Intention of the Priest who officiates of which none possiblie can be sure 3. Such have no rational certaintie of what they professe to believe who are with their own consent shut out from all proper knowledge of the Scripture and on the testimonie of men must resolve their Faith 4. Is it not on a matter of fact and most doubtful Relation they ground their Faith and adventure their immortal soul where scarce a Shadow or School-problem is to bear up the whole Fabrick of Poperie which is an alledged Presidence of Peter amongst the Apostles while no demonstration can ever be given that Peter was at Rome or that he was Bishop there or if the same priviledges be intailed to his Successours and how these should be chosen in after-times 5. According to their Principles they have no Bible nor any such Authentick Record to prove Religion but what is a Mas●e of dead unsensed Characters that hath no articulate voice or intelligible sound until the Romish Clergie put a sense thereon So that the verie Letter of the Scripture is most evidentlie past from For my self I dare say before him who knoweth all things that I would tremble and stand in a we of any deceit or mistake in the matter of Religion and have in greatest earnest sought to be perswaded of the Truth without respect to interest party or education as that wherein I know an eternal salvation is concerned but can see no way to embrace Poperie except men turn Atheists yea quit all Religion and Reason at once Qu Is not Rome the Catholick and Apostolick Church out of which there is no Salvation Ans We know there is a Catholick Church under the Gospel that consists of all who imbrace the Christian Faith whether bond or free Jewes or Gentiles and is to no particular Nation People or language restricted as under the Law But that the Romish Church can have no possible claim here is unanswerable 〈◊〉 Because no Institution is in the Scripture of such a Church as consisteth of all Christians subjected to one humane Head and Supreme Governour under Jesus Christ on the Earth or where subjection to the Pope is made a condition to Salvation 2. It is clear that in the Apostles time and for many Ages after the Christian Catholick Church had a being when it had no dependence on the See of Rome nor was known by any such Test as to own the Pope and his Supreme Jurisdiction except it be averred that there was one Catholick Church before the setting up of Papacy and the other since essentially different from the former 3. There is no accesse to deny that they are more and of greater extent in the world who embrace the Christian Faith and have no communion with the See of Rome or their Doctrine than such who are subjected thereto 4. As there is on Faith and one Lord Jesus Christ so is there but one body which is his Church united to him as her Head Eph. 4 3. 4. Which is the prorogative of the Son of God alone and incommunicable to any to be the Head thereof but he who for this end died and rose that he might be the Lord of the dead and of the living Rom. 14 9. Qu. Yet is not still the same Christian Religion at least for substance held forth in the Popis● Doctrine which the Protestant Church owns Ans Whatever in words such pretend their Principles and the known Doctrine of the Council of Trent can too visibly resolve this that these do not retain the Christian Faith in the essentials thereof but have razed the very foudation who resolve not their Faith on the Scripture and its Divine Authority but on a humane testimony and deny religious worship to be due to the true God alone but give it unto Angels and Men also who lay another foundation to build on than Jesus Christ another Purgatorie than his blood to purifie us from all sin another Propitiatorie Sacrifice to expiate sin than his Death who was once offered to bear the sins of many Heb. 9 28 another merite than his obedience by which we are made righteous and thus make void the great intent of the Gospel laying down a way of Life and Salvation on the same
it Qu. Is it not lawful to make an Image of Christ who is truly Man for keeping up the remembrance of him in our Worship Ans We may not 1. Because it is expreslie forbidden to frame unto ourselves the likenesse of any thing in Heaven where the blessed body of Christ now is 2. Since both natures in him are inseparable this were to fix a representation in our mind of his manhood only dividing it from his Divinity and thus give a manifest advantage to Arrianism 3. Nothing from the Scripture giveth the least shew of any shape or lineament of his Body to let us see that under no visible Image we should seek to represent him 4. The true portraicture of Christ crucified we have set before our eyes in the Gospel and administration of the Sacraments as is clear Gal. 3 vers 1. Qu. Yet is there not safe ground for the worship of Angels of the Virgin Mary and of the Saints since this is not directed unto them as unto God but in a lower degree Ans God alone is and ought to be the object of Religious Worship which in no degree can be given unto any creature whatsoever as is expresse from the Command Matth. 4 10. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve 2. All worshipping of Angels is forbidden Col. 2 18. Rev. 10 10. 3. Since Religious Worship is due to God alone we may in no degree give it to the Virgin Mary or the Saints since there is but one Mediator Jesus Christ 1 Tim. 2 5. Yea this were so far to put them in the place of God to provoke his jealousie Exo. 24 14. Thou shalt worship no other God for the Lord whose Name is Jealous is a Iealous God And of this is he in a special way Jealous that none be copartners with him in his Worship Qu. Is there no warrantable use of Images Ans The use of Images is not simply condemned for we find some in the Temple by expresse Command though they were only Typical to shadow out things to be fulfilled under the New Testament there is a Political use of Images also lawful for ornament and to keep up the remembrance of friends some historical and for doctrinal use but none should be set up in Churches or in the least set apart for Religious Worship SECT XVI Qu. MAy not the Worship of God in the publick Prayers of the Church be in an unknown tongue according to the Popish Doctrine Ans You have the Apostles answer to this 1 Cor. 14 2. He that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto God for who understands him In which he shews there can be no visible communion in such an act of worship and lets us see how it contradicts one great end of publick worship that such can have no real and heart consenting therein which is indispensiby called for in that dutie of publick Prayer as we see vers 16. For how shall be that occupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks since he understands not what thou sayest Qu. Is it not enough to intrust Church-guides with this to whom the People makes their Confession Ans We know no such implicite relyance taught by the Scripture but there is no cure where men will intrust both Religion and Reason at once to the disposal of others Qu. Yet is there not a necessity of some Implicite relyance on these since according to the Romish Doctrine none can be assured of his own Salvation but what he hath on the assurance of his Priest and Confessor Ans Nothing is more clear than a Christians accesse to be assured of his being in the state of Grace and that he hath passed from death to life 1 Ioh. 3 14. Upon these grounds 1. Because a rejoycing in the hope of the glory of God is attainable here as the Apostle sheweth Rom. 5 vers 2. 2. That by the works and evidences of Sanctification a most firm and infallible assurance is in this life given to the Saints 1 Ioh 3 18 19. Let us not love in tongue neither in word but in deed and truth and hereby do we know that we are in the truth and shall assure our hearts before him 3. By the testimonie of the Spirit witnessing with our Spirits That we are the children of God Rom 8 16. 4. By that earnest of the Spirit in our hearts whereby we are sealed unto the day of Redemption Eph. 1 13 14. 4 30. Qu. Is there no ground for that Article of the Romish Doctrine that under pain of damnation there be a Confession of the most secret sins of men yea their very thoughts so far as they can remember unto the Priest according to that James 5 16. Confesse your faults one to another Ans We see as much ground from this to confesse to the people as to the Priest nor doth the Scripture warrant any such thing but this assurance have we that He who confesseth and forsaketh his sins shall find mercy Prov. 28 13. Which none will deny is there meant unto God nor did the Saints in Scripture know Auricular Confession I said I will confesse my transgressions unto the Lord and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin Psal 32 5. Though we deny not the duty of publick Confession in the case of publick and scandalous sins but if men shut not their eyes nothing but a politick interest is here to be thus on the most hid and close counsels of men by such a pretext to keep the Conscience under awe SECT XVII Qu. BUt how should that plea be answered which the Romish Church hath to prove their Religion from its unity universality and an uninterrupted succession Ans It is I confesse strange and astonishing when so clear 1. For her Unity That besides what known differences they are at amongst themselves in many Doctrines they are visibly divided about the very foundation of their Faith and Infallibility of their Church whether it resolve on the Pope alone or on the Pope and a Council or that late found-out Rule of Oral Tradition 2. For an Universality it is easie to know how much more than the one half where the Christian Faith is embraced through the World doth not at all own the See of Rome And 3. For that Succession of their Church and uninterrupted line of Popes they will not themselves debate how there have been ●hree Popes at one time yea by what horrid means some of them got up to that throne as their greatest Writers are forced to confesse Qu. But is the Apostacy of that Church such as there is no safe union with it nor hope of being saved in their Religion Ans If Rome be that spiritual Babylon Rev. 18 4. as is there most evident then is the command peremptorie to come out of her le●t being partakers of her sins th●y be partakers of her plagues yea such a threatning we may read Rev.
and humane inventions thus Fredrick the third King of Suily a religious Prince in such dark times was staggered about the Christian faith and made to question if the Gospel was not some humane device as is published at length in his conference with Arnoldus de Villanova a learned man upon these grounds 1. That the whole Clergy great and small conformed their lives no wise to the Scripture had no regard to the souls of the people and discharged sacred offices for a forme only or else in scorne and mockery which then was so noture as it could not be hid 2. That those of the more severe order of Monks did obviously evidence hypocrisy impiety wantonness rapine yea incredulity about the Gospel it self 3. That in a Doctrine so weighty and of such consequence as the Christian faith the Romish Church seemed so little concerned were intangled in worldly affaires and no course set on foot for propagation of the Gospel to satisfy whom Arnoldus shewed how expresly such defection and these corruptions were foretold under the New Testament as that conference published by him self shewes And besides it is known what advantage the visible grosness of Popery gave to Mahumidanisme and for many's falling off from the visible Profession of Christianity which caused Averroes the Philosopher to cry out Cum Christiani Deum suum manducent sit anima mea cum Philosophis Yea enforced such who gave any serious look to the Scripture to say that either the Scripture was not the Word of God or such as professed the same were not Christians And when thus Atheisme may be seene to follow Popery as its native effect and mutually concurre together Oh! what might be feared from such an obvious conjunction of both in this time if the truth and faithfulness of God were not his Churches security CONSID. V. FIfthly Sould it not seeme strange and such as no reason can truely answere why in these times Kings great men of the earth hath given their power to support the Romish interest when this so visibly is destructive to the just right and interest of all Magistrats but that we see it is of God in giving than so far up in his secret judgment until the Scripture be fulfilled as is clear Rev. 17 17. for Its sure otherwise these things can not be hid from their eyes 1. That as the grandour of the Romish Church grew up how the Kings of the earth by giving their power thereto lost their own and by their concurrace in this designe were no less evidently depressed than the other raised so as all who look in on the history of such times may clearly see the several steps of the Popes advance in coming to his height and of the Empir's declining and fall both in the Easterne and westerne parts most visibly meet in one and the same history yea thus how quickly Magistracy and the power thereof was turned to an Image and shadow that it could not further live and act but as it was enlivened with the Romish breath yea how quickly in a few ages after Phocas the greatest of the westerne Emperors were forced to bow at the Popes feet so as Henry the fourth was put to stand three dayes in the cold winter barefooted at the Pop's gates ere he could be reconciled upon some pretended quarrel he had against him yea the Popish writers accounts it their honour to tell the world how Fredrick Barbarossa the first Emperor of that name was made to lay his neck under Pope Alexanders feet until he trampled thereon blasphemously making use of that Scripture Ps 91. that thus he would tread upon the Lyon and the Dragon before he could obtain his son's liberty then in prison in Venice and at the Pop's disposing And here we may have a conspicuous Commentar on that Scripture 2 Thes 2 3. that this let which was to be taken out of the way of the man of sin's being revealed as is there foretold was not the heathen Empire of Rome only but the Roman Empire in its integrity and strength even after it was Christian 2. It is undeniable from the Romish Doctrine and Principles that power the Pope and Rulers of their Church owns to dethrone Kings and tranferre their Kingdomes to others and by there Interdiction to loose subjects from any tye or alledgeance to their Prince to bind or loose mens consciences as they find their own interest stand and by that plenitude of their Churches power to exempt Ecclesiastick Persons from the Lawes of Magistrats so as they may not be judged by these for the most horride and notorious Crimes which the Civil Power ought to punish whilst their Church immunities are a City of refuge for retreat 3. And as the Romish Religion stricks at the very roo● of Piety and Godliness when by the Popes Power yea of ordinary Priests it can dispense with the most horride Acts of wickedneis murther adultery rapts incest sodomy and hath their rates stated at what price they can purchass a full absolution for the same so doth it thus no less visibly strick at the greatest security of Government and that which foundeth the strongest Obligations to all Civil and Moral Duties which is to have the aw and regard of Religion kept up in a nation 4. It is clear also how the Romish Doctrine subverts truth and righteousness amongst men which is the greatest security of all Personal interests when it avowedly warrants equivocation both in Oaths and Words and in such doubtful tearmes to sweare as may be directly contrair to the intention of the judge requiring the same so as an Oath in judgment cannot be the end of controversy yea by their Doctrine expresly teaches also that a man is not bound to repent presently for the most hainous sins but is only necessar in the last extreame of Life 5. Are not the Principles of the Romish Religion such as are visibly destructive even to humane society in so professed owning under a pretended zeal against heresy for such is the Doctrine of Christ unto them those Prodigies of cruelty which we should think humane nature though corrupt could not but tremble at without being transformed into the very image of the Devil Such as the French and Irish Massacres the Netherland persecution under the Duke of Alva the Spanish Inquisition and those bloody years under Queene Mary's reigne in England do before all the world witness yea it s obvious how no cruelty even of the Heathens in the first times of the Church can almost be found to parallel with Popish cruelty where they can have a doore opened for this Oh! That it should be so little seen and laid to heart at this day how the common interest and concerne of all Princes and Magistrats even upon their own civil rights is to contend against this greatest adversary that ever Jesus Christ had upon the earth and if now be not believed saddest experience may yet make this clear that in those parts where the truth hath been received and embraced and by the good hand of the Lord rescued from the yoke and dominion of Antichrist that its sure the security of the Church and Commonwealth is there necessarily conjoyned so that if the Protestant interest should weare out and the truth decline the land cannot possibly be safe where once this had been received The Romish interest now seemes to gain ground yea a strange and unusual conjūction to promote that way but it s well we know a more blessed and infallible security than outward appearances to rest upon and with that assurance as we can be perswaded of an eternal salvation by Jesus Christ It is sure also 1. That the victory and decision of this warre shall be on the Lambs side and those that are with him must overcome when the living God hath past his word thereupon to his Church and though we may set no bounds as to any particular time we have solide ground to believe that a more remarkeable stroke above all that hath been hitherto hasteneth upon the Kingdome of Antichrist 2. That who soever withdraw and think it their interest now to keep a distance in any adventuring for the truth yet light and deliverance shall arise to the Church from another airth but this shall not be their escape and outgate Yea though it seeme a strange contradiction to sense and reason it is to be the matter of our faith that assuredly now the rise and advance of the reformed Church is on foot and her sharpest conflicts and wrestlings must tend thereunto 3. Though the Spirit of intercession and prayer may be too discernably found under a sad restraint as to what hath been in former times in the Church yet this sure that many prayers and groans once put up by an innumerable company who now are in heaven in behalf of the Church and for that solemne day of Babylons fall yet waits and still cryes before the throne such prayers wherein they had greatest access and liberty by the help of the Spirit for powring out their souls thus before the Lord. 4. It 's sure we are to believe that instruments shall be yet raised and called for that end with a mervelous appearance of God upon them to execute the judgment written against this Adversary and O what a blessed and honourable service shall it be 5. Should this not otherwise be made out but through a sea of blood and wounding the heads over many Countries yea in a way as we have clearest ground to judge which humane reason could never reach It is sure this cannot be wanting and when the God of truth hath said such an enemy shall be brought down his Counsel must stand though all the Kingdomes of the earth stood in the way thereof Oh! at what a rate does these now run themselves in the way of his wrath and vengeance and to be partakers of the same plagues with Antichrist who yet will not cease for giving their power to support that accursed and falling interest FINIS