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A32753 Gods mercy shewed to his people in giving them a faithful ministry and schooles of learning for the continual supplyes therof delivered in a sermon preached at Cambridg, the day after the commencement / by Charles Chauncy, B.D., President of Harvard Colledg in New-England ; published with some additions therunto at the request of diverse honoured and much respected friends ... Chauncy, Charles, 1592-1672. 1655 (1655) Wing C3738; ESTC W19762 28,505 62

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men for it and the grace and teaching of God only prepares enables men to this divine work learning is so far from f●tting men for this Gospell and the ministry therof that indeed there is nothing in greater enmity to Christ crucified nor more contrary to the WORD of the CROSS then that Yea nothing in all the world hath been such ●● introducer favourer supporter indanger of An ichrists kingdom as humane learning Philosophy This hath brought in all the hypocrisie superstition false worship sects schismes c Answ It is to be feared that Mr. D. hath been tainted with humane learning as in some other of his opinions so in writing of these things Let the reader remember what approbation hee gave to humane learning before that he would have it taught not only in Universities but in all Citties v●llages and yet he hath now so forgot himself that though for humane civill ends he did allow it yet now he saith that it is enmity to Christ crucified and contrary to the word of the cross c wherin let the ind●fferent reader observe with me a few particulars 1. If Mr. Dell had allowed the use of Logick in Divinity how should he have dared to have allowed any of these humane arts or languages for any end whatsoever Paul abhors that charge Rom 3.8 Let us do evill that good may come of it and their damnation is just that so reason But M● D. saith that for humane ends as for the Common-wealths ●ake Schools Vniversities Colledges Grammer Logick Physick Law Rhetorick Arithmetick Geometry should be set up in every Town Citty in the whole nation which yet are no better then enmity to Christ crucified and contrary to the word of the cross the greatest introdu●ers favourers suppo●●●●● and ●●●●gers of an●●christs k ngdom which have brought in all the hypocrisie superstition false doctrine false worship sects schismes is not this to do evill that good some outward good to civil society may come of it It is no matter how it fares in the mean time with Christ or Antichrist christian or antichristian religion it is no matter how much hypocrisie or false doctrine false worship c be set up therby in every Citty or village in the whole nation so that their humane ends be provided for Is not this man think you a good friend to Christ Antichrist to the Church and Common wealth doth this doctrine come from the Spirit of God or another spirit 2. Antichrist himself his adherents take in all the rabble of locusts crawling out of the smoak of the bottomless pit take in all the popish tyrants and all the devills in hell for these are all such as are in the world yet according to M● Dells Divinity were never such introducers or favourers c of antichrists kingdom were never such enemies to Christ crucified or the word of his cross never brought in so much hypocrisie superstition false doctr●ne false worship c as humane learning yet how can he in any sense allow of any humane learning or desire more Universities or Colledges would he have more Antichrists more Devills c hath not that man laid aside naturall Logick and common sense honesty and put off his forehead that writes thus 3. Wheras he saith that humane learning is rather a hinderance then an help to the ministry of the Gospel and to all christianity Let us consider a little what truth there is in this assertion to let pass what I said before 1. I will premise what Mr. Crandon M. Horn do graunt that were no friends to humane learning Mr. H. graunts some lesser use fullness some sciences may afford to Divinity as the Mathematicks to find out the bigness of the Ark the measures of the Temple c Astronomy to tell us what arcturus Orion and Pleiades are History and Chronology may seem to help to understand the passages of the Monorchyes visions in Daniel c Thus Horn but I should have thought that so strict a Divine would rather have scrupled the very name of arcturtus Orion which to find out he must find worse humane learning that is that is heathenish fables which will tell of a beare and a beares tayl in heaven where arctu●us stands and the constellation of Orion brings in Iupiter Neptune Mercury how they did ex urina illum procreare and that Diana for his valour in hunting carried him up to heaven To have these such things brought into the translatiōs of the Scripture w uld stumble a godly heart that knows the meaning therof as the rawest piece of humane learning put in for Scripture which Mr. H. swallowes Now let me add what Mr. Crandons judgment is he speaks thus in his writings against Mr. Baxter That Logicall Phylosophicall and Metaphysicall argumentations mark he puts in Metaphysicks too which many will not own for a distinct science in naturall morall oeconomicall questions and these do spread farr in Divinity as hath been said before may be usefull yea Logick in its sober and moderate use applyed as an instrument to assist 〈◊〉 the contexture retexture of Scriptures to find out the sense meaning therof and farther as by joyning of Gospel positions together it helpeth to elicite sure sound conclusions may be profitably used in Evangelicall questions Thus Mr. Cr. which crosseth Mr. Dells judgment Let me add farther 1. How shall a minister without the knowledg of the Original tongues either translate the Scriptures or when they are translated maintain them against the popish vulgar or other diverse false translations to be the infallible trueth of God how shall he comfort a poor soul that saith he is a reprobate and proves it out of 2 Cor 13.5 Because he knows not that Iesus Christ is in him if he knows not what adokimos means I might make innumerable such instances but I spare 2. For Logick let them tell me what a parologisme is Iam 1.22 without some knowledg in Logick what logicon gala means 1 Pet. 2.2 For log●con is no where used as it is transl●ted of the word but Rom 12.1 It is translated reasonable and if there be Logical reasonable milk in the Scripture take away logick reason and the milk will be turned neither will it be adolon with out deceit Yea how shall a man know when a Scripture is wrested or falsly applyed or a false use is made of it or a false consequence is drawn out of it or a true without some principles of logick especially to hold forth these things to others he must needs be a shamefull workman and many times ridiculous neither rightly apprehending not dividing the word of trueth that hath no knowledg how to interpret the Scr●pture 3. For Rhetorick I would fain have the unlearned minister or him that understands not rhetorick to give any tolerable sense of these places of Scripture and many the like farther
they two built up the house of Israel that is the Church of God by their posterity for sons to build up our own houses to be Banim Builders thus according to their name is a great blessing but farr greater that they are builders up of Gods Church house Psal 144.12 15. It is an happiness for Gods people when they are in such a case that their sonns are as plants grown up in their youth But much rather to have the Lord for their God and means to procure continue so Is it not so O ye people of God in N-England 2. Consider the state of the Country where wee live which is such that now the old stock of the country is well nigh worn out and there is no likelyhood of further supply that way now ye know how Gods people are fastned here that if there should not be some supply by schools of learning Gods people would soon be left without a teaching ministry c● as 2 Chron. 15.2 Is it not so O ye people of N-England Object But may we not be sufficiently supplyed from among our selves by the gifts and indowments of gifted brethren Answ I could wish as Moses that all Gods people were Prophets But you shall find it here as in other trades that there is a great difference between those that have been bound apprentices to a trade and others that are handy have gotten a litle skill by the observation of others this latter will serve to patch or bungle but wise men will rather choose to deal with those that have been trained up in such a course Thus from persons educated in good literature we may rather expect that they should be w●rkmen ●●at need not to be ashamed c as Paul speaks to Tim Isay 50.4 they that have had an ear to hear as the learned and the Lord hath given them the tongue of the learned are most likely a speak a word in due season to him that is weary c 3. Consider what helps diverse particular Churches have 〈◊〉 from these schools in greivous breaches that have been made in them when any of the precious servants of God have been taken away from hence others have stood up in their steads have made up the breaches comfortably as it was somet●mes said in the like case that the Sunn hath set and y●● no n● h● followed Is it not so O ye children of my people 4. Consider that this makes for the continuance of the Church propagation of religion to after ages for this was alwayes found true that where the vision failes there t●e pe●ple w●ll be made naked Pro. 29.18 they will be naked Congregations and naked souls and naked familyes and naked posterities naked of what naked of the righteousness of Christ w●ich is put on by faith and comes by hearing and the shame of this nakedness will appear to God man naked of the Christian armour to defend themselves from spirituall enemyes and where schools have been put down or ceased there churches have been unprovided and religion hath decayed and great ignorance errours have succeeded in after a●es but on the contrary this course of the instruction of youth is the meanes to provide for present future times and why do men plant orchards or preserve the breed of the best cattle but to provide for future times but is not the pure religion of more weight and the providing for the soules of posterityes to the worlds end this is an other benefit of worth is it not so beloved c 4. Let the Seperation consider this some of whom are averse to schools of learning that schools are available to rayse up Nazarites to further an holy seperation which is commanded unto christians 2 Cor 6.16 is it not so beloved c Consider how the sons of Behal papists and hereticks they compass sea and land to support and spread fortifie the Synogogues of Satan the dens of devils suburbs of hell should not the glory of God and the salvation of souls be deerer unto us then their destruction condemnation is to them all these things should forward our thankfulness to God for these mercys But now it is not a verball thankfulness that will serve our turn that would be gross hypocrisie but it must be really expressed towards the education of youth the incouragement of the ministry and the propagatiō of the Gospel The reality of your thankfulness let it be expressed in your future care 1. To do if it be in your power as Hezekiah did 2 Chron 30.22 that spake to the heart of all the Levites that taught the good knowledg of the Lord Yea do as Nehemiah did chap 13.11 See that sufficient portions be allotted contributed unto them 2. Do as Jehoshaphat did 2 Chron. 19.8 reach forth thine hand to send Levites into the blind and dark places of the country 3. Be at the cost to trayn up thy towardly children in good literature parents are commanded to trayn up their children Ephes 6.4 in putting understanding instruction into them as if children were like bruit beasts without it 4. In relieving the sons of the Pr p●ets and the Colledg as Fl●sh●h did 1 Kings 4.34 In setting up of free schools as the Lord inables you 5. If ye be poor yet pray for posterity and means of education and pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that Bethel the house of God may not be turned into Bethaven the house of iniquity that schools of learning be not poysoned or the fountains corrupted Vse 4. This point may serve for Information To teach us that Schools of learning are approved and appointed of God and of great importance for the benefit of Gods people Seeing that the Lord works with blesseth this means for the laying up of provision making of supplys for the work of the ministry and the Lord here reckons it up as the chiefest of all the blessings mentioned and this was always one way even when there were extraordinary Prophets of raising up of Prophets c And there is much more need of schools now when those extrardinary Prophets are wanting Quest What ground is there in the Scriptures for Schools of learning Answ Give me leave to shew this as a matter called by many into question in these dayes Now the Text and the explication thereof before shewes that the Lord did approve of them in the dayes of the old Testament that is the intent of the frequent mentioning of the sonns of the Prophets that is their schollers that were trained up under them besides 2 K●ngs 22.14 T●ere is mention of a Colledg where 〈◊〉 the Prophetess and no doubt many others nurtured in a way of learning lived and the Hebrews have an usuall word where by they call their schools ieshibah a company of schollers that sit together to be taught Mal. 2.12 the ●aster scholler is made mention of Now in the New