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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A30560 A vindication of the people of God, called Quakers ... being an ansvver to a book, dedicated to them, by one George Pressick of Dublin : in which book many lyes and calumnies are presented against the innocent people of God ... / by E.B. Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. 1660 (1660) Wing B6053; ESTC R2304 18,015 26

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them and it is your day of tryal what you will do ye have your hour to do good or evil and according to your works will the God of Heaven reward you 6. Consider the Innocency of this People they are Clear before the Lord and you of plotting or contriving or designing evil against You or this Government they seek not the hurt of any mans person nor do they intend evil towards the Government or Governours Who have found them agitating any such things Of all such things they are innocent and are peaceable Subjects under the Government and are perswaded in Conscience so to continue And as for their deportment in their Callings and Occasions and Tradings amongst men ask their Neighbours Do not they deal justly truly and equally in all their dealing and occasions Do not they speak the Truth to their Neighbours in all matters and are they not persons of upright and inoffensive lives and conversations Do they defraud their Neighbours or are they Drunkards or vain persons Let the very Witness of God in their Neighbours answer And if you should fall a persecuting this People and seek to destroy them concerning whom the Witness of God in mens Consciences giveth such an Evidence Wo wo will be unto you for you cannot hurt them but you act contrary to the Witness of God in your own hearts which will condemn you in the Day of Judgment So let this dwell upon your spirits and be aware what you do take good consideration lest you act out of Gods Counsel to your own overthrow 7. Consider what became of all the Persecutors of old Were not they Eminently destroyed by the hand of God who persecuted the Lords People What became of Pharoah and what became of Hammon and what became of Herod who persecuted the Lords Heritage Let this enter into your hearts to be Examples to you that you persecute not the Innocent lest God overturn you by the roots for as I have said the Cause of this People God regardeth and he will avenge himself in his season of all their Persecutors Have not your hands dipped in their unjust Afflictions that God may blesse you and spare them that you may be spared in the Day of Vengeance if you have no matter of evil against them in things between man and man nor in the affairs of your Government as contriving against it nor nothing but concerning the Worship of their God and the matters of their Conscience in Spiritual things Touch them not Persecute them not Afflict them not but be tender towards them as you will answer the same before the God of Heaven These are only Considerations of Warning to you and I commit the matter to the Lord and ye have time to do Good or Evil and accordingly will God reward you A Testimony concerning Government and Authority VVE are a People whom God hath raised up out of the Apostacy Darkness and Ignorance which all Christendom hath long been fallen into for since the dayes of the Apostles many have professed the Words of Christ and had a name of Churches and the shew of Religion and have professed the Scriptures but have wanted the same Spirit and Power of Godlinesse which the Apostles lived in the Life and Spirit of God hath been wanting amongst the false Christians and they have been persecuting one another about Religion and the Worship of God and imposing upon one anothers Consciences in Spiritual matters and Kings and Rulers have been setting up what kind of Worship and Religion and Church-Goverment as they pleased and they have imposed upon Kingdoms and made People subject to them to profess and conform to such a way of Worship and Religion some in the ignorance of their Consciences and some contrary to their Consciences and all this hath been in the Apostacy since the Apostles dayes while men have been fallen from the true Faith and many have been subject to their Rulers and Governours by force and for fear and not for Conscience-sake for Love Peace and Unity hath been wanting among Christians and Bitterness Frowardness and False-heartedness hath been amongst them but out of all this the Lord hath redeemed us into Peace and Comfort with God and one with another And as concerning our Principle about Magistracy and Government and obedience thereunto this I do declare 1. We do own and acknowledge Magistracy to be an Ordinance of God instituted of him for the punishing of evil-doers and for the praise of them that do well and we acknowledge all just subjection to Authority Magistracy and Government This is our Principle and hath ever been our Practice known through these Kingdoms that we are subject by doing or suffering to whatsoever Authority the Lord is pleased to set over us without Rebellion Sedition Plotting or making War against any Government or Governours 2. That Government and Authority which is justly according unto God in all its Statutes and Ordinances We are and do engage to be subject thereunto by full Obedience unto all the Commands and Injunctions of such Authority and Government whose Laws Ordinances and Commandments are grounded upon right Reason and Equity which leadeth to do to all men as we would be done unto and punisheth the contrary to such Government and Authority we are readily subject in all things and cases and we are for the Order and Assistance of such Government in all Righteousness 3. That Government which is contrary unto this which is in Injustice commanding requiring things contrary to the Law of God and imposing upon People in Matters and Cases contrary to right Reason and Equity whose Commands are different to the Will of God yet to such Government we acknowledge subjection by patient Suffering under all Penalties inflicted for disobedience to the Commands which we cannot perform by Obedience for Conscience sake And this is our Principle Though an Authority and Government were never so Unjust in it self and in its Exercise yet we may not Plot or Contrive or make turbulent Insurrections to redeem our selves from such Government and Authority but we must commit our Cause to the Lord in such case of suffering under any unjust Commands of men 4. As concerning Church and Ministry and the Exercise of Religion We believe and acknowledge that Christ hath a Church upon Earth and a lawful Ministry and we are not Enemies to Church and Ministry and Gospel-Ordinances as we are falsly reputed by men ignorant and slanderous but we only bear witness against the corruption and degeneration of the Church of Papists and Protestants so called wherein they are different and contrary to what the Churches of Christ were in the Apostles dayes they are different and contrary I Assert to what the Churches of Christ once were in Ministry in its call and maintenance in Ordinances and Worship in Discipline and Government in all these things there is difference to what these things were in the true Churches in the Apostles dayes And our Principle is for the Reforming of Ministry Church-Government Discipline and Worship and not to destroy them 5. As concerning Imposing of Faith and Doctrine Practices and Worship in Religion by the force of Lawes and Penalties in the ignorance of mens Consciences or contrary to their Consciences We do say This Practice never was in the Apostles dayes but is an Intrusion of Antichrist and we bear Testimony against it not to be of God but contrary to him And that outward Government and Authority in Kingdoms and Nations is to be exercised over the outward man in things between man and man and not over the inward man in things between God and Mans Conscience in Spiritual Matters and Worship and Duty to God-wards No King nor Ruler upon Earth hath Power given him of God to exercise such Authority over the Consciences of Men in the matters of Gods Kingdom And further Religion and Church-Government so set up and Established by force upon Pains and Penalties can but Reform a People into Hypocrisie and false Conformity and not into any real Performance of Religion or Duty to God And such Performance of Religion Church-Fellowship and Ordinances is not unto Eternal Life but to the making of men twofold more the Children of the Devil 6. We do believe That it is the Conviction and the Teaching of the Spirit of God that doth make men and People only truly Religious I● is ●hat only that perswades the Conscience from all Evil un●o that which is Good and true Religion and the Worship of God and Duty towards him is not truly learned by Traditions of Time Commandements of Men or Custom of Countries or the like but it is the Spirit of God and its Teachings in the Consciences of People that leadeth into all Tru●h according as Christ hath said So that the Way of forcing Religion and Duty to God upon People by force and outward Penalties this was never known among the Saints and Apostles of Christ These things are Presented to your Considerations The Lord give you a right Understanding of them and that you may walk in the Way of your own Peace with God and man Written in the 10th Month in IRELAND THE END
to be innocent from these false Accusations 2. That we did arise from the Papists or that they are our Original in Doctrine Faith or Practice this is utterly false for between us and them is perfect separation and we are of another Spirit and divided from them as appears every way even by their persecuting of us for our Testimony bearing against them and their Religion and they have written against us and we against them divers Controversies and they have imprisoned divers of our Friends in their Dominions for giving Testimony against their wayes By all which it doth appear that we are not of the Papists line nor arisen from them for if we were of them they would love us and not persecute us and that herein we are falsly accused as in other things And this is an old out-dated Accusation and is of no account for now we are otherwise known through these Kingdoms and we are manifest to the Consciences of men in the sight of God to be such as fear the Lord and walk in his wayes 3. And as for our Original It is the Lord God alone that hath raised us up and planted us a People that were not a People in times past And not from the Apostate Christians neither of Papists nor Protestants so called are we sprung but are of the Apostles line and of the stock and race of the true Christians that believed in Christ and followed him and in every part of our Religion both in Faith and Practice and in Conversation we are agreeing with the holy Apostles being witnessed unto by the Scriptures in all that we profess and practise and the Lord hath raised us up out of the Apostacy into which all Christendom hath been fallen since the Apostles dayes whilest Antichrist hath reigned over the World and we are as the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb since the falling away from the true Faith and Truth and Righteousness is our Original and Christ Iesus is our Foundation on whom we are builded and the Gates of Hell cannot prevail against us and this Testimony the Spirit of God giveth for us and in us in Contradiction of the false Accusations of all our enemies 4. And if it be an offence to be risen from the Papists and if all that be evil which they are the Original of then the Protestants so called are in the offence and their Ministry and the chief part of their Church-Government Worship and Ordinances are evil for did not the Protestants spring from the Papists and did not the Papists institute the Way by which the Protestants make Ministers at Schools and Colledges And was it not they that first instituted Sprinkling of Infants and calling it Baptism into the Faith and into the Church And was it not the Papists that first taught the Protestants to keep holy dayes as Christmasse and Candlemasse so called And many other particular things relating to the Protestants Church Ministry and Worship were originally ordained and first practised by the Church of Rome and Papists And so while this false Accuser is charging others himself and the men of his way are found guilty of the same things and the Papists may justly say to the Protestants that they are false-hearted to them in denying of them and their Church when as their fathers were the Instituters of the principal parts of the Protestants Worship and Ordinances and so they like unnatural Children have denyed their Mother that bred them up and ordained them a way of making Ministers and maintaining them and many other parts of their Religion But because she hath not been the National Interest for these many years therefore the Church of the Protestants have denied the Church of Rome though originally they rose out from her The next thing in his Book I take notice of is where he seemeth to charge us with boasting that we talk with God and God with us and have Revelations and as if God commanded them to kill all the Wicked and to make a new World A Sect in Saxony saith the Accuser arose that held this and the Quakers now are like them which is as much as charging all this upon us Answ. 1. That we do boast of talking with God or of Revelation This is another of his false Accusations for we boast not nor do we glory in any thing saving in the Lord and this is no Error but that which we must acknowledge unto or else deny the Truth to talk with God and God with us in and by his own Spirit for all the Saints have converse with God and union and fellowship with him in his own Spirit as the Scriptures do declare And as for Revelations we do acknowledge according to Christs words that we had never known the Father not the Son but by Revelation For none know the Father but the Son and he to whom the Son reveals him as it is written and all such as have not converse with God and that have not Revelation are not in the way of Eternal life but are ignorant and without God in the world and neither know him nor have fellowship with him 2. As for killing all the Wicked this is another false Charge for it is not our principle to war against the persons of any men and kill them with carnal weapons about Church and Ministry and Religion as the Papists and Protestants do one with another but it is our Principle to war against the evil spirit in men and to smite that with the Spiritual Sword of Gods Word and we would have mens Wickedness killed and their Persons saved and their Souls delivered and this is the War we make even till men be changed by the Power of God and all things made new even a new World and a new Earth we do expect according to the Lords promise so that it 's no errour to expect a New Earth and a New World for there is a New Creation which the Saints do witness created a new in Christ Iefus to bring forth good fruits unto the living God and all that do not witness this are in the transgression of the old Creation which brings the Wrath of God Again The Accuser tells a story of one that prosessed the gift of discerning Spirits and to know the Elect from Reprobates and that made Holiness to consist in speaking little and living homely and sordidly as our Quakers do saith he Answ. 1. As for discerning of spirits that is gift which the Saints of God do receive in all Ages for the Apostle said to some was given the discerning of spirits by the manifestation of the Spirit of God So to profess discerning of spirits is no errour in us though it be stated as a great errour before you by an ignorant man who knows not what he saith nor whereof he affirms And it 's possible to know the Elect from Reprobates by their fruits and works for the Children of God who are the Elect are known by their