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A20465 Certain reasons of a private Christian against conformitie to kneeling in the very act of receiving the Lords Supper. By Tho: Dighton Gent Dighton, Thomas. 1618 (1618) STC 6876; ESTC S118440 77,664 164

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onely in some damnable poynts of Machiavelisme Mahometisme Poperie or Arianisme but continually even in all things especially much more in those that concerne the worship service of God till he have opened their vnderstandings To Conform then to any thing of Religious use without warrant from Gods word though learned and wise men yea grave and godly preachers are verily perswaded that rather thē the Churches should be untaught or Christians want and be deprived of the sacrament and other exercises of Religion wee very safely may so do is absolutely notwithstanding the sayd opinion of very worthy men to conforme to Evill Therefore it were far better for the true Churches of Christ in this case to bee driven into the wildernes so deprived of all publick visibility in the world for even there is a place prepared of God yea they shall verily be fed there then thus by conforming to Incerteinties and Novelties to bee either quite starved or most grosly infected Every thing therefore of Religious use which hath not warrant from the word of God is directly Evill and to contend and to be zealous for it is to goe a whoring after our own Inventions But here it may be sayd there is as much verrue reverence and deuotion if the affections bee rightly ordred in one gesture as in another in that of kneeling as in a table gesture and so in the other questioned Ceremonies as well as in any other whatsoeuer Sure●y matters being simply considered by them selues and so compared together these men speak to verie good sence and reason yea with verie great iudgement and vnderstanding but yet The things which God himself hath purified or set apart for Religions uses let no man pollute or seperate by mixing any humane inventions therewith And from the Contrarie let no man 〈…〉 urifie or enioyne for religious vse in the worship of God any thing which not being warranted in the word God hath polluted for they may as well defend and that with as good colour and shew of naturall reason and humane vnderstanding that there is as much divine vertue in beere ale or water as in wine in the sacrament and therefore also rather then to breake the peace of the church in which wee liue and not to haue the blessed sacrament administred ministers and people were better to cōform subscribe to the vse of them if they in like manner should be inioyned And with as good probabilitie they may avow there was as much vertue in any other rodd as in that which was in the hand of moyses and in any other salt as in that wherewith the prophet healed the waters yet at the verie best this is but a meere carnall or a prowd Syrians argument and though it seeme verie probable yea and to some the more they ponder on it the more vnanswerable it is yet is it exceedingly leaprous and infections To make which good let them be pleased to consider the argument and maner thereof which in the verie like case the lord him self framed and pressed yea and purposely no● contingently but in the most absolute perfection of his divine wisedome committed the same not to tradition but to writing for the use and direction of all posterity in the like occasions to be their president for ever For the whole Scripture and therefore also this part is given by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach and defend all truth which is to be conformed unto either concerning faith or godlinesse and to convince or disproue all errour for doctrine or ceremonie to correct all vice and to instruct in all righteousnesse and therefore why should I feare to professe that I verily beleeue that even this place which I urge and every other portion of sacred writ was even therefore written that we might beleeue that Iesus is the Christ being some way helpfull thereunto and that in beleeving wee might haue life tbrough his name as helping much therefore for the confirmation of our faith in the holy Scriptures absolute and most perfect sufficiency and for the assuring of our hearts that wee may not conforme to any thing of religious use in the publicke worship of God but what is truely grounded on them Marke I pray you reverently and religiously the true reason why Nadab and Abihu were so fearefully and miraculously consumed and devoured would not the fire thinke you which they brought in their Censors haue serued well enough to haue burnt up the incence was there not as much naturall vertue in that fire and as sufficient power in any mans reason to performe that service as in any other yea and as in that which was upon the Altar yes verily no indifferent man that heares and knowes the matter will say otherwise why then what need the Lord to haue made so exceeding much adoe about a little fire or others about a poore gesture as if the very foundations of religion had thereby been grievously shaken Fire must be absolutely had and so they use it reverently and carry themselues decently and orderly and here is no mention to the contrary what can any peaceable minded man say against them Even this is said against them by the Lord himselfe the very God of peace They put fire what which the Lord had forbidden No the Lord purposely refuses to reason in that manner to make us able to meet our adversaries in the gate and saith Tbey offered strange fire before the Lord that was a strange and remarkable presumption indeed and full worthy of a strange and remarkable punishment to teach all posteritie for ever whether Councels or Churches particular or generall to take speciall heed that they never presume to bring any strange fire strange gestures strange callings or strange ceremonies into the publick worship and divine service of our most holy and iealous God especially in the cleare sun-shine of the Gospell But was this fire made by Philosophy Alchimy or Necromancy For then it must needs be confessed that this were a very foule fault in any and most worthy of deprivation ipso facto No such matter how shall we then know which fire or callings which ceremonies or gestures are strange that we may take heed whatsoever come of it wee never conforme unto them seeing Nadab and Abihu and men of eminent place and excellent parts doe stand very confidently for the absolute lawfulnesse yea and direct fitnesse of these things of this nature questioned amongst us Lord open thou our eyes that we may see these wonderfull things in thy Law To help us in this case against all cūning questionists subtill disputers which the Lord foresaw would even pester this last age of the world he is pleased to speake in words and sillables that the simplest may understand if they will not stop their eares and most easily discerne if they will n●t winke with their eyes and saith in
are to bee esteemed vaineglorious teachers though their mouths even runne over whith all manner of art eloquence and learning And as for those that preach any thing which God hath not commaunded or perswade to conforme to any thing which is not grounded on the scriptures from these words of Saint Peter wee may safely esteeme them whether they speake elegantly or rudely but fabulous fellowes and Deceiueable doctors in taking vpon them like young masters or old Rabbies to teach defend or maintaine any thing in Gods worship which Christ the sole Doctor of all thinges whatsoeuer of Religious vse and which his Churches vpon any cause and in any respect may conform vnto neuer commanded taught or in the scriptures published or so much as once mentioned by precept or president yea obserue them wel and take heed of them these are the teachers of false Christs for they may as well teach that here is Christ or loe he is there as presse Christians to cōforme to this ceremonie or that gesture of religious use in the publicke worship of God which Christ neither here nor there nor any where ever taught or in any degree or respect commanded so that if you heare any preachers teahing things with great zeale and learning which are not the direct commandements of Christ or grounded plainly in the evidence of the spirit upon the unerring rocke of the sacred Scripture I will not deny but such may speake in the power of a Spirit but certainly not of Gods Spirit For he even the Spirit of truth teaches nothing of himselfe though he be the very fountaine of all truth but onely what he hath heard in the word of the Father not that he needs any instructer or direction but that the most glorius and blessed Trinitie as the sole and onely way to preserue all true Churches or congregations in holy and heavenly unitie hath tied himselfe as it were or covenanted that though there be many other things of most admirable excellencie yet to require conformitie to nothing but those things which are written in the scriptures seeing they are fully and perfectlie sufficient unto faith or beliefe and therefore unto all manner of godlinesse the fruits of faith and so to eternall life the end or reward of faith through his name If any man therfore undertake to teach the Churches of Christ let him speake as the words of God and not as the cannons and precepts of men do enioyne for as God is glorified by those so is hee much dishonoured by these yea though they speak the wisdom of this world which the great ones Commend the learned approue and all doe generallie admire for the kingdom of God or preaching consists not in word in phrases in elegancie of speach excellencie of uttrance or in any other endowments of Art nature but in the evidence of the spirit of power when the cosciences of the hearers by the right handling of the word shall bee wrought upō by making manifest the verie secrets of their hearts and so enforced to humble their souls and worship God and confesse not that great learning or reading is in the preacher but plainlie that God is in that ministerie indeed because it casteth down and doth not lift up as the word or doctrine of men doth because their manner of teaching is meerly carnall euen such as is approved by men but not warranted by the word strong holds or the Imaginations and Inventions of men which in a high degree do exalt themselves against the knowledge of God even against those doctrines of ceremonies callings gestures which God hath made known in the word and set mens thoughts and consciences at libertie from the obedience of Christ according to the scriptures concerning these things onelie under pretence of not being forbidden and so by their conformitie to that which Christ hath not commanded doe most strongly repaire and fortifie t●ose strong holds of humane devices concerning voluntary religions or ceremonies which the Lord by all meanes labours as being the greatest hinderers of the peace of his kingdome and fosterers of his rebellious enemies to haue utterlie ruinated yea and as Christ hath ordained to sanctifie and cleanse his Church by the obedience of faith which is the true conformitie of the doctrines of the word so these men by pressing conformitie to ceremonies callings and gestures which haue no warrant in the word do directly intimate though they pretend the cleane contrarie that their religion is but a doctrine of the tongue and not of the reformation of the life For if they subscribe and haue understanding of the heauenly doctrines and be able to retaine them in memorie and so at a trice can discourse or reason of them then are they absolutely qualified and excellent Divines though they make no conscience of that which they know and professe further then they see cause so indeed do most beastly pollute and by plain intimation both of their doctrine and life perswade their hearers to defile the Church of Christ and to take away the beautie glorie of it which is to be free frō human inventions to fill it with all horrible spots and wrinkles of worldly traditions that so it may never be holy but full of blame Are you not ashamed you deceitfull guides to cast abroad these firebrands and mortall insinuations in your lectures sermons or writings cōversations and yet protest you meane no hurt is not your fiery heat in these courses a fained madnes or doe you make any more conscience thereof then of your play or sporte Yea say they our purpose in so doing is to do much good for we teach presse that in this conformitie which we so perswade unto every one should come with a good honest heart to perform these actions gestures withal for that is it which the Lord requires yea hee will passe by much infirmitie where he findes true sinceritie So that belike if men seem to haue good affections that shall be sufficient warrāt to iustifie any strange or vncommanded gesture or ceremonie in the publicke worship of God yea though it be never so wickd at least in appearance and Idolatrous an action yet if they meane well and beleeue as the Church beleeues that these things are indifferent and lawfull or not forbidden all shall be exceeding well and what I pray you if the Iewes with good and honest hartes even sincerely purposing and verely intending to winne them vnto God do marrie wyues of Ashdod Amon and Moab dare you say these mariages are lawfull or can their Children euer possibly for all this good meaning speake the language of Canaan sincerely or trewly no verely though you charge them vpon paine of death to prepare them selues therevnto neuer so hartely yet doe you but presse them to a thing impossible be not wiser then God least it
things wherein there is any appearance or likenesse of evill ye 〈…〉 forme to nothing be it gesture action or ceremony in Gods publicke worship if it be not the commandement of Christ which hath any resemblance of Idolatry in it though the Idolatry it selfe be sent packing for verily such inventions haue in them though purified never so often an Idolatheous disposition Haue you no fellowship therefore with them and so I pray that the peace of God may be with you all that are in Christ Iesus Now unto him that is able to keepe you that you fall not in these times of triall and to present you faultlesse before the presence of of his glory with ioyes unspeakeable and glorious even to God onely wise bee glory and maiesty dominion and power both now and for evermore Amen T. D. CERTAIN REASONS OF APRIVATE Christian against Conformitie to keeling in the very act of Receiving the Lords Supper THE Eternall sonne of God our blessed Lord spake alwaies to his church euen from the beginning and directed all his seruants for their manner of worship as well outward as inward even to the fathers before the flood to the Patriarks Prophetts and holy men of God after and this he did in diuers and sundry manners but now since his comming in the flesh he hath tyed all Churches and all persons that desire to haue eternall life to the sole direction of his word which is his owne and onely personall voyce and doth testifie of him whatsoever is profitable for the Church to conforme vnto either for doctrine or gouernment or for whatsoeuer else that is any way or in any degree helpfull vnto godlinesse for this and this onely is the immortall seede or the seede of immortalitie all other doctrins for any Religious vses raised els where are meerly mortall or seeds of death and therefore vtterly vncapable of any good vse in the publicke worship of God Seing then we must wholy and onely depend vpon the scriptures for direction in all the actions of Gods publick worship which are to be conformed unto let us in these controversies about kneeling in the very act of receaving the Lords supper whatsoever else is in question being of Religious use diligently give heed to the things wee haue heard and learned therein being truely or evidently grounded thereon and by no means approove in any degree of any thing else for that will make us one time or other in one thing or other to run out and fall from our first love yea doe what possibly we can to decline scatter Harken therefore to that which the Lord Iesus himselfe did purposely speake in this his own voice concerning this very point I thanke thee ô father Lord of heauen and earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise hast opened or as Luk renders it revealed them to babes euen so father because it so pleased thee VVhence he gives all his ●ervants plainly to understand that all the wit learning discretion experience and Iudgement in the whole world is not possibly able to find out the mysteries of Religion or to determine with what ceremonies actions gestures Gods publick worship service is to be performed no though they be Rabbies Doctors or the most absolute teachers in Israel but that this is a speciall peculiar priviledge or grace treasured up in the word and reserved purposely for such persons as will dig and search for it and rather desire and labor to have dominion over all their known corruptions and so to bee glorious within then to exercise any outward glorious pompous domination in the world for those that rest them selves and depend on Gods holy own ordinances shall have their hearts or understanding thereby opened or inlightned so made able to know the hope of their calling the riches of the glorious inheritance of the saints the exceeding greatnes of Gods power towards al which beleeue but those that depend upon the wisdom and learning of men can not possibly attain hereunto because Gods own ordinances though they do enjoy them yet are not esteemed of them further then the excellēcy of the outward gifts therin give cōtent to their senses for though they heare yet they will not do or obey all such bee they never so wise and learned are in the flesh and therefore cannot possibly please God but those in whom the Spirit of God doth dwell shal be enlightned and made able to discerne all things which the other though of never so great learning most admirable parts having even the very spirit of the world in them can not do because they have but mans wisdom that perceiveth not the things of God nay they are foolishnes unto him here therefore for distinction sake and that every one might iudge his own heart whether he be of that number to whom God hath revealed these things or no our Saviour cals them Babes not in sanctification of life and power of Gods spirit but in their sence feeling being privy to their manifold weaknesses ignorances therfore in all humblenes of mind and meeknes of spirit they renounce their owne wisedom and submit themselves to the word of God as also being in the accompt esteeme of the world when they are compared with those that be contrary minded no better then very Babes even base contemptible persons not worthy so much as to carry their books after them yet these are the people and thus must they find themselves quallified men women or children whom Christ hath chosen to Reveale his holy and divine mysteries unto So that howsoever learning and wisdom are highly to bee reverenced as being very excellent gifts of God ordeyned for special helps in the ministerie of the Church both for the finding out of the truth also for the deviding of it aright therefore they that despise them cannot bee of God yet many times men of Belial doe enjoy them even false Prophets profane preachers who are many of them of most excellent parts so that from this place it is most evident that very often and not unusually learned and wise grave and understanding men yea famous and of principall note even Chiefe Rulers and principall pillars in the Churches of Christ having as much in them for all manner of learning in humanity in divinitie and in whatsoever as nature and industrie can possibly attaine unto are notwithstanding all this more then this if more can be teachers defenders maintainers of many grosse and horrible errors yea vise and damnable heresies which yet Babes do separate and fly from if any be pleased to restraine these words of Christ to the doctrines of faith and Iustificatiō though every branch haue intrest in the priviledges of the tree I wil not contend about it but onely presuming on their patience be bould
to conclude that if such worthy and reverent men euen masters in in Israel may not simply bee relied on or trusted unto in those great things of the Law VVherein they are most exercised and take greatest paines much more probable it is that they may erre in matters of ceremony which they count triviall and therefore do not halfe so carefullie look into so that undeniably it follows that it is no sufficient argumēt to bind the consciences of Christians to conform to this or that gesture in Gods worship because many grave and learned divines doe hold it indifferent and lawful yea as the cause standeth most fit and convenient seing as wise reverend and learned as they are have donne as much for most horrible errors as the doctrine of Purgatory Freewill merit yea that most damnable heresie of depriving of Princes Neither is it any disparagement to the trueth because those that professe it and will not betray it to conforme to error even mens meere devices are but Bibes some of them ministers and perhaps preachers but of no Reputation or account in the world seing these yea these onely do see and beleeve the trueth when it is hid from the wise and men of understanding Vnlesse therefore those Reverent and learned persons the patrons of conformity doe make it apparant that they ground their perswasions practise not barely though in seeming most strongly upon wit and reason antiquity wisdom or learning but soundly and evidently upon the word of God there is no force to move or bind the conscience in all their arguments or reasons whatsoever yea much rather and more safely they are at the very best to be but esteemed of that number from whom the Lord hath as yet hidden these things In this case therefore that most excellent and primcely saying of his majestie concerning his lawes may verie fitlie in my vnderstanding be vsed that speciall care is to be had to purge them from two corruptions Incerteintie and Noueltie For if our church gouernment or lawes ecclesiastical were freed from these that we might be certaine which are the true callings and which be the true ceremonies then let all peruerse and froward spirites that upon meere peevishnes or other refractarie humor will not conforme and subscribe be irreuocably adiudged vtterly vnworthie the gratious protection of so singular a souerainty But surely if in his most princely care to settle his subiects estates and to prevent the miseries of endles impouerishing suits he truly foresees the absolute necessitie of reforming these two corruptions in the Ciuill government Lett our lamentation finde fauour in his eares who are daily subiect to be most violencly traduced scornfully intreated and verie greevously fined even in the triple valew of our whole personall estates yea and to be perpetually imprisoned without baile or main prise onely because wee dare not in Gods publicke worship conforme vnto mens Inventions nor bowe downe vnto these devowring Cankers that do secretly consume the speciall and most principall ministeriall members of the Churches of Christ yea and haue hitherto fed vpon and are much strengthned or confirmed by euerie remedie which hath beene applied for their cure or remouall for if religion or the outward parte thereof consisting in Religious rites be subiect to these two Corruptions Alas how can poore Christians with any comfort or assurance of faith order their outward serving of God seing they haue no certeine rule for their actions gestures Ceremonies therein and appropriated thereunto but must either forsake the felowshippe of the Churches or conforme to the orders canons and directions which the Ecclesiasticall gouernors in euerie age successiuely shall in their wisedome and discretion thinke to be most fit for the times and meet or conuenient for the occasions Are not the outward actions and ceremonies ordained by the Lord him selfe for his publicke worship most certaine seales and assured evidences of his verie true and essentiall presence hath our holy faith any other help from the sences but by this means and do not all they that hinder the magistrate from establishing them say unto God departe from vs wee will none of these thy waies and from the contrarie are not the Inventions or traditions of men established in Gods outward worship infallible evidences and vnerring testimonies of the real presence of Sathan and do not they then that hinder the magistrate from casting them out fall down and worship him The Reverent Bishops in King Edwards dayes and all the first times of the most famous and blessed Qu. Eliz. of holy and verlasting memory held it necessarie that the Ancient and primitive discipline should bee restored and therefore these controverted ceremonies to be onely for a time retained as by the publick decree of the whole state more at large doth appeare which blessed be God is most religiously by our dread and soveraine Lord still retained and kept in force Now the most learned grave Bishops of this age professe that the King and state shall commit a greevous sin against the Lord if they do remooue any one of these things in question whatsoever and their Reason is undeniable if they can make it good viz. because they are every one of them ordeyned by God for so much directly doth their Iure divino and no Ceremony no Bishop being put together necessarily imply Now let our adversaries search all the the reporrs of the Common lawes and see if it bee possible to find any one case so full of contradiction and manifest Incertainty for suppose the next succession of these seas a thing I tell your greatly to be feared shall think it fit upon certaine good causes and considerations to bring in Images into our churches pressing only the old pretence ornamenti gratia and the crosse into the Lords supper for Reverence spittle and salte into Baptisme only for significancy and mysterie where shal Incertainty have an end unlesse of absolute necessity an unerring power be established for whose safe foundation they have in these things most wisely provided for can any doubtful matter possibly bee of Faith may any thing of religious use which is not of faith be conformed vnto in the worship of God and can any thing of this nature have certainty for the lawfulnes of it unlesse it bee evidently warranted by the word of God I conclude therefore that to conforme to any thing of religious use which is not commanded in the word of God or which is all one truely grounded thereon and so warranted thereby is to conforme to meere Incertainty Novelty even to I know not what which at the very best must needs be an ignorant worship a gesture at Random and a ceremony at all a very venture And if it be sin to vse Idle words in our ordinary talke and if those civill workes of our callings be they gestures or other actions if they be vnfruitfull not sauouring of the spirit
the first verse which he had not commanded them what could it advantage them to plead as these men do the Lord hath not forbiddē it therefore we may conform unto it seeing there is no ill meaning nor any the least purpose to bring in Idolatrie or to confirme any therein but the cleane contrary as it is well enough known why should any bee so precise to abridge us of our libertie But the Lord foreseeing that all the other eight commandements would not haue halfe so much oppsition as this of his outward worship yea knowing that all the witty obiections and the very quintescence of all the subtill distinctions that the bottomlesse pit could possibly affoord would bee set abroach in these last times under colour of unity and decency for the more easie making way to the breach thereof this being the very key to all the other following for keepe this sincerely and faithfulnesse and truth will flourish in all the rest but suffer wicked men by carnal devices to make a breach in this and to iustifie the same and there will bee nothing but carnall policie and dissimulation in all the rest Now to prevent this misery which all callings and conditions else wil feele the smart of he teaches Magistrates by his owne practise how to deale with their Nadabs Abihues for every age wil haue some such and by this his argument o● maner of reasoning teaches al private Christians how to behaue themselues in these occasions as if he had said That fire which the Lord hath not cōmanded is strange or a novelty that gesture in Gods worship that ceremony or calling in the Church which the Lord hath not ordained is strange and a meere Innovation Is it a matter of religious use yes And hath not the Lord in the word commanded it no. Then it is strange and thou mayst not in any case subscribe or conforme unto it And lest the impudent importunity of these indiffrent ones should prevaile in his Churches the Lord is pleased for our better confirmatiō to afford us this invincible reason Those that teach words in my name he doth not say which I haue forbidden but which I haue not commanded teacblying words so that whatsoever is ministerially taught and expressed in the Churches of Christ which God hath not commanded is of a lying disposition even of no other vse but to oppose the truth and to iustifie errour Those callings then which the Lord hath not commanded are lying callings Those ceremonies and gestures which the Lord hath not commanded are lying ceremonies gestures ferue for no other end but under colour to thrust out Gods holy ordinances and to bring in by degrees even any of mens Inventions But here me thinks I heare one crying out this is not to the point though they graunt all that I haue said for Nadab and Abihu were violent and vnstaied yong men and that which they did was the friute of rash and greene heads and they were neuer Inioyned by Moyses to take any other fire then that which was of Divine institution and came downe from heaven but voluntarily presumptuously without any dāger of losing their liuings or having any Ecclesiasticall ordinance or allowance for the same they very vnadvisedly yea desperatly ventred on it whereas otherwise if they had been graue and discreete persons the action not being forbidden by God the magistrate commaunding it and that otherwise they might not haue ministred at the Altar but should haue beene deprived both of their places and maintenance In such a case rather then the daily sacrifice should cease and the people be untaught it were better a thousand times to take any fire yea and to weare a fooles or a red pyde Coate in steed of the Priests garments and to conforme or subscribe to any thing whatsoever in cases of such desperate extremitie and so there appeares an exceeding great difference betwixt ther case and ours I must needs confesse this to be true and hee were worthy of a fooles Coate and cox-combe too that will not acknowledge this so great a difference in many of you But is it any other then that which was betwixt Ioabs killing of Abner in his owne private quarrell voluntarily presumptuously and of malice forethought And of Doeg that Edomite his running upon and slaying fourescore and fiue persons that did weare a linnen Ephod by the direct but most uniust commandement of Saul the annointed of the Lord Hee that voluntarily makes himselfe a Foole and a Knaue is worthy of reprose but he that is commanded to doe wickedly and damnably as to take away a mans living good name or life by some Canon-shot poyson or other damnable practise is not to be held any strange man but by this strange inference of these strange disputers to bee iustified because though to breake any of Gods least commandements even the least branch of anie of them wilfullie against knowledge and to teach others so to do or to perswade them to conforme thereto in cases of extremitie will certainlie keepe out of the kingdom of God in the iudgement or opinion of Christ yet if the magistrate will haue it so saith our learned masters sweet inference then any even the greatest commandements of Gods Law in anie branch thereof may very safely be broken without all danger conformed unto Is not this most horribly though most closely to vilify supreame authority let no sonne of Esau or cursed Amalekite gather that from hence which was never so much as Intended as if I inferred that either such an unlawfull decree may in any fashion be resisted seing all the servants of Christ though in in such cases they cannot be obedient because it is not in the Lord yet of absolute necessity they must bee subiect for the Lords sake or because David a man after Gods own heart gave forth a commandement occasionally wicked which yet being meerly civill Ioab unwillingly obeyed that therefore David is to be esteemed a Saul a persecutor an hypocrit a reprobate God forbid if it be a sin of the second table though great and filthy yet with Shem and Iaphet couer it but if directly against God confesse it if ever we looke for mercy Not but that God himselfe may dispence with any of his Commandements but for us to give this his glory or a speciall prerogative to any other is to blaspheme him that made us Moyses therefore knowing the absolute necessity in the ordinarie way to salvation of the knowledge in this principall and fundamentall poynt of faith and Religion viz. that the Lord will be sanctified both by using his own ordinances reverently and holily and especially or principally in having nothing in his publicke worship of religious use but what hee hath Commaunded in them that come neere him and can we possibly come neerer him then when we are with him and he by his speciall presence with us at his
for if once you sit downe or settle your selues with resolution to proue the lawfulnesse of the seates of these scorners or money-changers you are neere vnto cursing and farre from the blessing yea the Lord thinking upon his congregation which he hath possessed of old and on the rod of his inheritance which he hath redeemed and measured out for himselfe and on mount Syon wherein hee hath dwelt will verily lift up his strokes and destroy for ever every enemy that doth evill to the Sanctuarie Even so be it Lord Iesus If true Religion onely knits our heart unto God and all false Religions seperate our hearts from God then whatsoeuer is of Religious use and to be conformed unto in Gods publick worship must be true that is truely grounded in the word of God or else it separats us from God But true Religion doth onely knit our hearts unto God c. and the gesture of kneeling as it is urged being of Religious use and to be conformd unto in Gods publick worship is not true that is not truely grounded on the word of God Therefore to Conforme to kneeling as it is urged is to separate from God All feare or Religion towards God not taught by the Scripturs but by the precepts of men remooues the heart farre from God yea the defence and justifying hereof workes great wonders and marvels the wisedom of such wise men shall perish and the understanding of their prudent men shall bee hid Esa 29. 13 14. TO THE CHVRCH OF GREAT BRITtaine in generall or to the severall congregations or Churches therein in particular being the true visible Churches of Christ grace peace bee multiplied for ever IT is not vnknown how vtterly vnlawful yea altogether impossible it is to serue or conforme to two masters as also that by our fall in Adam we haue not onely forsaken our first master of Creation who in our innocent estate did immediatly direct teach and leade vs into all truth but haue betaken vs to a new master whose Inventions or nouelties we did most voluntarily subscribe vnto euen Satan who now doth immediately in the estate of nature guide and leade all the children of men as well in the Church as out of it into all falsitie and error in all things concerning God and his Church and yet also how euerie one naturally doth most willingly though some perhaps more wisely or learnedly and others more vilely and desperately yeeld their hartie obedience vnto him though not in their purpose and intention yet at least in error of their Iudgment and corrupted resolution For the vnderstanding being vtterly blinded we think in our reason wisdome and learning that to be certe 〈…〉 ly good which is directly euill that to be cleare light which is Egiptian darknes that to be the service of God which is the apparant worship of Deuills and so think and are verely perswaded our master to be God when in verie trueth it is Satan True it is that wisdome discretion learning and many other excellent parts and gifts yea euen in heavenly things nature may and doth still by industrie attaine vnto but the sauing or sanctfying graces of God which bring the heart vnto Christ that new or renewing master are supernaturall euen the immediate worke of the holy ghost whose schollers or seruants euerie one of necessity must be that will be saued and thus farre I take it is agrreed on all sydes in all our Churches or congregations For I speak to none but to such among vs as professe thēselues to be the schollers of Christ now being matriculated or by the blessed sacrament of holy Baptisme Initiated into the schoole or corporation or bodie of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ I humbly beseech euerie one that doth sincerely purpose euer to take the lest degree of true holines or sanctification without which no man shal see God seriously to consider what books whether historical propheticall politicall poeticall or Euangelicall or authours as they terme them must here to this purpose be learned and professed and these are all bound vp together in one volume of the canonicall sacred or inspired scriptures and for their excellencie called the Bible all other writers or authors diffring from these in any thing concerning God or his worship by teaching or pressing some things which are not truly grounded vpon these are to bee esteemed books of our second master therefore to be accursed how honest or holy soever their intention or drift pretends or seems to be yea of most absolute necessitie it followes that all who do upon any terms learne their lessons from thence and so conforme unto them do thereby conforme unto Satan who of all men in their wits is acknowledged to be the author and teacher of all lessons or doctrines concerning religious ceremonies callings or gestures in the worship of God which are not in evidence and power of the holy Ghost plainly grounded upon the word of God for there bee but two masters who are by Christ opposed the one to the other All trueth therefore is to be learned of the one and to be collected or gathered onely out of his books or sacred writings even from God to whom onely wee must giue credit in his word for oportet discente credere whatsoever then is learned elsewhere must needs bee from that other master as the proper lessons of his open and free schoole wherin yet wee confesse all the excellencies of of all arts and all the deepenesse of learning do abound who must also in those arguments and reasons we ground or practise upon bee credited and beleeved to bee the authour of that supposed truth which we make profession of by our so doing Let us therefore bring forth those bookes or authours into the open view of the world wherein this lesson of Conformitie or refusall thereunto is taught and learned that so every Scholler may be knowne by his own Master and the authours publickly taught in his schoole Now if any be ashamed to professe that hee obayes or learnes this lesson of any other then of God then must hee either shew his warrant and authoritie out of the sacred Scriptures for the things hee professeth and practiseth in this controversie or else he plainly discovers whose scholler he is for they onely are the fountaine of trueth that which comes from them is holy and sincere but if it be grounded vpon men or Churches though ancient and orthodox in many other things yet the filthines of their channell in all matters especially of religious vse will leaue some infection behinde it Let vs therfore trie all things yea though they haue beene the receaued opinions or practises of the holiest men and purest churches in the world whose iudgment yet is highly to be reuerenced though it differ from ours till the worde of God do euidently to our consciences dicide the Controuersie and keepe or conforme to that onely in the divine service