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A16624 Twelve generall arguments proving that the ceremonies imposed upon the ministers of the gospell in England, by our prelates, are unlawfull; and therefore that the ministers of the gospell, for the bare and sole omission of them in church service, for conscience sake, are most unjustlie charged of disloyaltie to his Maiestie. Bradshaw, William, 1571-1618. 1605 (1605) STC 3531; ESTC S113554 22,354 86

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any besides God is a sinne To use these Ceremonies in manner and forme prescribed is to performe a more then civill honor even a Religious onely to a humane Power and Authoritie Ergo To use these Ceremonies is to sinne The Proposition needs no proofe For there is no midle Honor betweene Civill and Divine and therefore that which is more then Civill is Divine Now Divine Honor is to be givē only to God who will not have his Glorie given unto another The Assumption is thus proved If these Ceremonies bee Religious Ceremonies and all Religious Ceremonies bee a part of Divine worship performed to that authoritie that instituteth commaundeth them If also the authoritie that instituteth and commandeth them is but meerely humane Then the Assumption is true But the first is true Ergo The latter is true also The Proposition can not be denied of any reasonable creature The Assumption hath three partes I. That these Ceremonies are Religious Ceremonies This needes no proofe For what shall we make to be Religious Ceremonies If those Ceremonies be not That are prescribed by the Church to the Church only tied to Religion only and Religious functions offices persons To be acted and performed onely in exercises of Religion and Divine Worship and are mysticall shadowes types of Religious Doctrine II. That all Religious Ceremonies are partes of Divine Worship This neither should need any proofe If those that are adversaries unto us in this cause did not to much presume of the weaknes of our discourse and the strength of their owne wit For there being an externall Divine Worshipp which properly cōsists in the outward Rites and Ceremonies of Religion What Ceremonies can be called parts thereof if such Religious Ceremonies as these bee not For if bowing the knee c. in Divine Worship though it be used also in Civill Worship be a part of Divine Worship much more are those Ceremonies that are peculiarly appropriated to Divine Service Worship wherein part of the forme thereof is made to consist But it may for further satisfying of men be thus proved All meere and immediate Actions of Religion are partes of Divine Worship All Religious Ceremonies are meere and immediate Actions of Religion Ergo They are partes of Divine Worship Further how can a man imagine that a meere Religious and Ecclesiasticall Act done by a Servant of God in the solemne Service and Worship of God by precise Canon of the Church should be no part of Divine Worship Sith all the solemne Rites Ceremonies that are used in the solemne Services of Civil States especially such as are done in their presence have bene ever reputed partes of Civill Honor Worship Lastlie considering that God in his Divine Worship doeth require the whole heart and all the powers of the Soule during the act of his Worship It were great presumptiō for any mortall Creature to prescribe any Action to man during the same Act that is no part thereof Considering that every Action so prescribed must of necessitie pull a part of the heart from Divine Worshipp III. That authoritie that instituted them is but merely Humane This is most certaine for if they were ●nstituted by Divine authoritie They could not bee esteemed Matters indifferent and should not be in the power ●nd discretion of the Magistrate to disannull them The 4. Argument If it be lawfull for a Minister of the Gospell without sinne to use these Ceremonies in Divine Worship It is lawfull for him upon the same occasion to use any Iewish Turkish Paganish or Popish Ceremonie whatsoeuer But it is not lawfull for the Minister of the Gospell to use in Divine Worship upon the same occasion any Iewish Popish Paganish or Turkish Ceremonie Ergo Hee cannot without sinne use these The Assumption cannot for shame be denied We prove the consequent of the Proposition If any Iewish Turkish Paganish or Popish Ceremonies and Rite bee a thing in it owne Nature as indifferent as these Ceremonies are and either have or may haue by such like institution as good use then the consequent of the Proposition is true But the first is true Ergo The latter is true also The Proposition as I think cannot be denied nor the Assumption but by bringing som contrarie instance in som of their Ceremonies When any such ●hall be given this Argument shal bee ●urther prosecuted The 5. Argument Everie scismaticall action done by a Minister of the Gospell is a Sinne. To use these Ceremonies in controversie are scismaticall actions Ergo To use these Ceremonies is Sinne. The Proposition will bee graunted I must proove the Assumption All Actions of irregularitie and n●● cōformitie to the Catholike church wherin we liue are scismaticall Actions To use these Ceremonies in controversie are actions of irregularitie and non conformitie to the Catholike church wherei● we live Ergo The use of these Ceremonies in controversie are scismaticall Actions The Proposition cannot be denie● for if we be branded with the cole 〈◊〉 scisme iustly for denying cōformitie in some Ceremonies but to some of our owne particular Churches wherein we live though we be content to ioyne with them that use thē in Divine worship much more scismatiks are they that are not conformable in Rites and Ceremonies to the Catholike Church wherein they live I proove the Assumption If all the Protestants Pastors Ministers Governors living this day in Europe and all the painefull resident Pastors of our owne countrey except some Nonresidents Idoll shepheards som that depend upon the prelacie and some other that are forced and constreyned to use them against their will doe not only refuse to use these Ceremonies but esteeme them vaine foolish and superstitious Then the use of these Ceremonies are actions of irregularitie and non Conformitie to the Catholike Church But the first wil be prooved true Ergo The latter is true also The Proposition is evident by their owne principles For an irregularitie non-Conformitie to the Pastors and Governours of Churches is an irregularitie and non-Conformitie to the Churche for they are reputed the CHVRCH REPRESENTATIVE and if they be to be anathematized excōmunicated that deny The Bishops and other Ministers assembled in the Cōvocation to be the Church of England representative then surely are all the Pastors of the visible Churches in Europe the Catholike Church representative those particular Ministers in this Realme that shall use not onely different Ceremonies but such as they have renounced and forsaken are scismatikes and irregular persons The Assumption is evident in it self The 6. Argument All spirituall Communion with those Idolatours amongst whom we live in the mysteries of their Idolatrie and Superstition is sinne To use these Ceremonies in Divine worship is a spirituall Communion with the Idolatrous Papistes That doe not onely border round about us but are tollerated in infinite numbers to live amongest us in the mysteries of their Idolat and Superstition Ergo To use these
Twelve generall Arguments Proving that the Ceremonies imposed upon the Ministers of the Gospell in England by our Prelates are unlawfull And therefore that the Ministers of the Gospell for the bare and sole omission of them in Church Service for conscience sake are most unjustlie charged of disloyaltie to his Maiestie 〈…〉 Math. 18.23 If I have spoken evill beare witnesse of the evill But if I have spoken well why smitest thou mee 1605. To the Reader GOod Reader We come not as voluntaries into this field of Contention but draug'd into it by the very haires of our head If our cause bee ●ighteous and good Thou wilt easily graunt ●in so great Imputations and Extremities ●nflicted upon us for the same that we can ●oe no lesse Then give reasons for our selves ●nd it All the favour I require of thee 〈◊〉 That thou wouldest looke into our cause 〈◊〉 not by the flashing lightninges that come ●ut of the mouthes of our Adversaries the Prelates but by the light of our owne Reasons by which if thou shalt see the goodnes of our cause and innocencie of our persons the● imbrace it with vs. And in pitie pray fo● vs that without shipwrack of Faith and a good Conscience wee may endure patientli● and meekely what so ever God shall suffer to bee inflicted vpon vs for the same in these wicked and licentious times The first Argument All Wil-worship is sinne To use these Ceremonies in Church Service in manner and forme prescribed is a Wil-worship Ergo To use them is sinne The Proposition can not be denied for the Apostle Paule plainly condemneth Wil-worship The Assumption may thus be proved All partes of Divine Service and Worship imposed only by the wil and pleasure of Man upon the Ministers of Divine Service and that of necessitie to be done is Will-worship But to use these Ceremonies in manner and forme prescribed is to use such Ceremonies as are 1. partes of Divine Service and Worship 2. imposed onely by the pleasure and will of Men upon the Ministers of Divine Service 3. 9 necessitie to bee done therein Ergo To use these Ceremonies in manner an● forme prescribed is a Wil-worship The Proposition is as cleare as the Sunne at noone-day The Assumption hath three parts 1. That they are parts of Divine Worship and Service This is proved evidently by this Argument All Mysticall and Ecclesiasticall Rites and formes of Divine Service institut●d by Ecclesiasticall authoritie to be● Ministeriall actions in the solemne Worship of God and performed in that manner and having that use in Divine Service that if God should but ratifie and confirme the same use they should then be parts of his true Worship I say all such Ceremonies are used as partes of Divine Worship But these Ceremonies in controversie are either all or the greatest parte of them such Ergo ●hey are partes of Divine Worship and Service The Proposition cannot with any modest face bee denied For els how ●ould a sole Divine ratification of the present use of them make them partes of his true Worship if they were not used as partes of his Worship before The Assumption is as manifest For if Christ should by some Revelation from heaven signifie That it is his will that a Minister in Divine Service should weare a white linnen garment In Baptisme make the signe of a Crosse To these endes and purposes that are expressed in the Service booke then certainly they should be essentiall parts of his Divine Worship els the Iewish Rites and Ceremonies and our Sacraments are no partes thereof The second part of the Assumption● the 1. Syllogisme That they are imposed onely upon t● pleasure and will of man This is evident For those things th●● God leaves as indifferent to the wi● and discretion of man to doe or leav● undone being imposed by man upo● man are imposed onely upon the wi● and pleasure of man The 3. part of the Assumption is That they are of Necessitie to be don● in Divine Seruice Which is also out of all doubt For● Minister standes bound to doe them upon paine of suspension and deprivation and God must haue no solemne Worship in England except it be administred in the same Upon all this it followes That to use these Ceremonies in manner and forme proscribed is to use such Ceremonies as are partes of Divine worship imposed onely by the will of Man c. The 2. Argument It is a sinne against God for him that is by way of Excellencie a servaunt of IESVS Christ without a precise and direct warrant from him at any time especially in the Solemne Worship of God to give speciall Honour to Antichrist and his members But to use these Ceremonies is in that manner aforesaid to give speciall Honour to Antichrist and his members Ergo It is a sinne against God to use them The Proposition is manifest cleare to any that have an eye of Reason and any light of Divinitie shyning in it For what is a sinne if this be not That a Servaunt of Iesus Christ even then when hee is in the Service of Christe should performe speciall Honour and Service to Antichrist or any of his limmes The Assumption is prooved If our adversaries will graunt it that the Pope is Antichrist and that all the visible members of his Church acknowledging him their supreame head are mēbers of him by this reason Such a Conformitie to Antichrist and his Members in the Ceremonies of Religion and Forme of Divine worship as is not only besides the word of God but in a speciall manner derogatorie to all reformed Churches that have departed from the Synagogue of Rome is a speciall honor to Antichrist and his members But to use these Ceremonies in Divine Worship is such a Conformitie to Antichrist and his members Ergo To use these Ceremonies in that manner aforesaid is to give speciall honor to Antichrist and his members The Proposition is without exception For if it should bee a speciall honor to the Bishops of England their conformed Cleargie For the Churches of Scotland voluntarily to leave conformitie to the Churches of the low Countries France Germanie and to conforme them selves in Ceremonies and Forme of Divine worship to the Prelaticall Cleargie of England It must needes bee a speciall honour to Antichrist and his members for anie to doe the like to them The Assumption is thus proved For a Minister of Iesus Christ to conforme him self in such peculiar Rites Ceremonies and formes of Divine Service to Antichrist and his members as all other reformed Churches have reiected for vaine foolish and superstitious is in a speciall manner derogatorie to all other reformed Churches But to use these Ceremonies in Controversie is in that manner to Conforme him selfe Ergo It is in a speciall manner derogatorie to all other Reformed Churches Both partes of the Syllogisme are such as may easilie bee prooved if they bee denied The 3. Argument All worship more then Civill performed to
Ceremonies is to sinne The Proposition is his M. own if Master B. have made a true report of the Cōference at Hampt Court for therein his Ma. confesseth That if wee lived amongst Idolators we ought not then to communicate with them in their Rites and Ceremonies The Assumption is thus prooved If Papistes be Idolators if we be not onely in league with whole kingdomes of Papistes bordering upon us and neare unto us but have many Thousande professed ones living amongst us if these Ceremonies be speciall mysteries of their Superstition if to use the same Rites that they do in theirs in our spirituall and Divine Service he spiritually to communicate with them in the same Then is the Sentence of the Assumption true But wee shall be able to prove as sone as any shall deny that the first and every parte and parcell thereof is true Ergo The later is true also The 7. Argument To mingle Profane things with Divine is to sinne To use these Ceremonies in Divine Worship is to mingle Profane things with Divine Ergo To use these Ceremonies in Divine Worship is to sinne The Proposition shineth in the eyes of the very Heathen who have esteemed it a dishonor to their Religion worshippe that any profane persons should be Actors in it much more that any profane Actions should bee mingled with it The Assumption is thus proved All peculiar Actions done in Divine Worship that are neither Civill nor holy are profane These Ceremonies are peculiar actions done in Divine Worship that are neither civill nor holy Ergo They are Profane The Proposition cannot with any shew of reason be denied there being no meane betweene these in such actions as are prescribed to be done in Divine Service by Canon and Law For though spitting coughing hemming c. if they be used for necessitie bee neither civill holy nor profane Actions Yet if there should be an Ecclesiasticall Canon that should require the Minister to spit at every full period or the people to hem and hauke at every trāsition in a Sermon they must needs then be referred to one of these three heades as shall easily be proved if it be denyed The Assumption is as cleare For first his Ma. with words of great disgrace and contempt of those that hold the contrarie hath lately protested that they are not urged as holy Religious matters And that they are not Civill Actions hath beene proved before for there beeing an opposition in Reason betweene things Civill Ecclesiasticall though they haue some things common to both as all opposites haue yet it is ridiculous to affirme that those things are Civill that are meerely Ecclesiasticall and are Actions peculiarly appropriated and tied to Divine Worship For Civill Actions are performed in Civill affaires and though there is a common Civilitie also to be observed even in Divine matters Yet those Actions cannot be called Civill that are used onely in Divine Offices and duties no more then those can be called Ecclesiasticall and Divine that are used onely in Civill affaires For it may be affirmed by as good reason that an Ecclesiasticall Officer imployed onely in Ecclesiasticall matters is a Civill Officer only Or a Civill Officer imployed onely in Civill matters is an Ecclesiasticall Officer only as that a meere Ecclesiasticall action done in and by the Church onely should be a Civill Action The 8. Argument If it be lawfull to use these Ceremonies in Divine worship it is therefore lawfull because they are either lawfull in themselves or being things in their owne Nature indifferent are made lawfull by the commaundment of the Magistrate to bee used in Divine Service But they are neither lawfull in themselves to be used nor therefore lawfull because the Magistrate commaundes them so to be used though they bee Matters in their owne Nature indifferent Ergo They are unlawfull to be used in Divine Worship The Proposition I think can not be denied when it is I hope it may bee prooved The first part of the Assumption is cleare For if they were in themselves lawfull to be used then might a Minister of the Gospel being left to his own discretion by the Magistrate invent institute and use the like Ceremonies in the same maner without sinne For any man left to him selfe may lawfully doe that which of it selfe is lawfull and indifferent But a Minister should sinne against God if hee should of his owne head institute use the like Ceremonies to these though permitted by the Magistrate Except wee should hold that it is lawfull for a Minister to doe any indifferent thing in Gods Service for a man may of any indifferent thing make a Ceremonie like unto one of these The second part of the Assumption is thus proved If they bee therefore lawfull because beeing things in their owne Nature indifferent the Magistrate commaunds them to be done in Divine Service Then whatsoever thing being in it owne Nature indifferent is or shal be commaunded by the Magistrate is lawfull to bee done in Divine Service But all things that are in them selves matters indifferent are not lawfull to bee done in Divine Service though the Magistrate should commaund them Ergo They are not therefore lawfull to be used in Divine service because the Magistrate commandes them though they be things in their owne nature indifferent The Proposition cannot be denied For if some things indifferent in their owne Nature being commaunded by the Magistrate are unlawfull It can be no good Argumēt to say These things being indifferent are commaunded by the Magistrate Ergo They may lawfully be done Much-lesse therefore they ought to be done Or as the Doctors of Oxef affirme that they binde the conscience The Assumption is more cleare then the Proposition If it be considered either what things are indifferent indeed or goe under the name and title of indifferent things Eating drincking the avoiding the superfluities of Nature due benevolence betweene man and wife spinning and carding killing of Oxen and sheep c. which of themselves have in them neither vertue nor vice are therfore indifferent Actions and yet I thinke none except professed Atheistes but will hold it a foule sinne to doe some of these Actions in any Assembly much more in the solemne worship of God though the Magistrate should commaund the same even upon paine of death But if it be further considered That Carding and Dicing Masking and Dauncinge for Men to put on Woomens apparell and women mens Drincking to healthes Ribald Stage-playes c. are things indifferent to be done even vpō the Lords owne day May a Minister of the Gospell uppon the Magistrates commaundement doe any of these in Divine Worship And yet ther is none of these but may have applied unto them by the Witt of Man a Mysticall and Religious Sence and then by this Bish of Canterburies Rule They must needes be good and lawfull Ceremonies for his principall Argument to proove them lawfull at his last Cōvention of