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A85452 America painted to the life. A true history of the originall undertakings of the advancement of plantations into those parts, with a perfect relation of our English discoveries ... 1628. to 1658. declaring the forms of their government, policies, religions, manners, customes, military disciplines, warres with the Indians, the commodities of their countries, a description of their townes, and havens, the increase of their trading with the names of their governours and magistrates. More especially an absolute narrative of the north parts of America, and of the discoveries and plantations of our English in New-England. Written by Sir Ferdinando Gorges .... Publisht ... by his grand-child Ferdinando Gorges Esquire, who hath much enlarged it and added severall accurate descriptions of his owne. Gorges, Ferdinando, Sir, 1556?-1647.; Gorges, Ferdinando, 1629-1718. 1658 (1658) Wing G1300; Thomason E969_3 181,058 245

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all the thundering Bulls excomunicating Lordly censures and shamefull penalties of all the Lording Churches in the World and such shall be and is the efficacy of this intire love one to another that the withdrawing of any one Church of Christ according to the Rule of the word from those that walke inordinatly will be more terrible to the Church or Churches so forsaken then an Army with Banners yea and it may be added because civill Government is like to turne nurse in more places then one this royall Law of love shall become the Law of Nations and none will suffer their subjects to rebell against it but to our beloved brethren in England on the other hand the Reverend Mr. Burroughs Mr. Goodwin c. This seemeth you have apprehended our Churches and civill Government to be too strict in dealing with persons for their sinfull opinions I wish the offenders be none of your intelligencers who to be sure will make the worst of things I know you are in charity with us And therefore a few words will satisfie which I hope you want not from your good friends our Reverend Elders who could wish you as much happinesse as our selves to expell error before it grew to that height to cry downe the sound and wholesome truths casting durt on our Orthodox and godly Ministery I wish you open your mouths wide enough to be filled with this blessing the Lord hath done great and unexpected things for you and why not this one and twenty yeares experience hath taught us that Errors and Heresies are not broached and held out here by tender consciences such as are weak in the Faith but by such as think them Scholers of the upper forme such as would teach the most ablest Christian among us another Gospell and further we finde our Erronist wanting a common enemy to contend withall as you have fallen foule of our godly Magistrates and Ministers and will not suffer us quietly to injoy the Ordinance of Christ for which wee hither cam● buzzing our people in the eare with a thing they call liberty which when any have tasted a smack of they can no more indure to hear of a Synod or gathering together of able and Orthodox Christians nor yet of communion of Churches but would be independant to purpose and as for civill Government they deem Religion to be a thing beyond their Sphere CHAP. XLV Of the civill Government in N. England and their nurture of the people upon their tender knees THe vernall of the yeare 1637. being now in his prime and as the season of the yeare grew hotter so the minds of many were hot in the eager pursuite of their selfe conceited opinions and verily had not authority stept in it was much to be doubted they would have proceeded from words to blowes great hold and keepe there was about choice of Magistrates this yeare the choyce being retarded by a paper call'd a Petition but indeed a meere device to hinder the election till the erronious party were strengthened their number increasing daily but the Lord Christ gratiously providing for the peace of his people toward the end of the day the honoured John Winthrope Esquire was chosen Governour and Thomas Dudly Esq Deputy Governor the number of free-men added this year was about 1 25. Here according to promise the Reader shall have an accoumpt of the civill Government of this little Common-wealth as their whole aime in their removall from their Native Country was to injoy the liberties of the Gospell of Christ so in serving up civill Government they daily direct their choice to make use of such men as mostly indeavour to keepe the truths of Christ pure and unpsotted and assuredly they can digest any wrongs or injuries done them in their estates or trade better then the wresting of their right in the freedome of the Gospell out of their hands and this the Erronist knowing right well to save their heads whole perswade men it is not for civill Government to meddle with matters of Religion and also to helpe out with their damnable Doctrines they report it in all places where they be come that New England Government doth persecute the people and Churches of Christ which to speake truth they have hitherto beene so far from that they have indeavoured to expell all such beasts of prey who will not be reclaimed that here might be none left to hurt or destroy in all Gods holy Mountaine and therefore are ready to put the Churches of Christ in minde of their duty herein yea and sometimes going before them in their civill censures that they may not onely professe the truth but also hate every false way not that they would compell men to believe by the power of the Sword but to indeavour all may answer their profession whether in Courch Covenant or otherwise by knowing they beare not the Sword in vaine Neither doe they exercise civill power to bring all under their obedience to a uniformity in every poyne of Religion but to keepe them in the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace nor yet have they ever mixed their civill powers with the authority peculiarly given by Christ to his Churches and Officers of them but from time to time have laboured to uphold their priviledges and only communion one with another The chiefe Court or supreame power of this little Common-wealth consists of a mixt company part Aristocracy and part Democracy of Magistrates that are yearly chosen by the major Vote of the whole body of the Free-men throughout the Country and Deputies chosen by the severall Townes they have hitherto had about 12. or 13. Magistrates in the Colony of the Mattacusets the other Colonies have not above five or six they have hitherto beene Volunteers governing without pay from the people onely the Governor of the Mattacusets hath some yeares 100 l. allowed him and some years lesse many of the Magistrates are already remembred yet with some of the first came hither Mr. Simon Brodestreet in this short Meeter is he remembred NOw Simon yong step in among these worthies take thy place All day to toile in vinyard while Christ thee upholds with grace Thee wisdom grave betime he gave and tongue to utter it That thou mightst be a blessing free and for this calling fit Thy counsell well advis'd dost tell with words ordered compleat Thy memory doth amplifie meeting with matters great Broad liberty do thou deny Brodstreet Christ would thee have For 's truth contend strong reason spend it from aspersion save He furnish't thee with these gifts free to last he must them make Still adding more to thy old store till he thee to him take The Lord was pleased to furnish these his people with some able instruments in most of their Townes that were skill'd in Common-wealth work out of which they chose their Deputies whose number was ordinarily between 30. and 40. some of them there will be occasion to speake of among their Military
enterance which sure it would have been by many had not the Lord prevented by a troublesom passage At forty dayes end or thereabout they cast to sound the Seas depth and find them sixty fadom by which they deem the bankes of New sound Land are near where they being provided with Cod-line and Hooke hale up some store of fish to their no small refreshing and within some space of time after they approach the Cost of New England where they are againe provided with Mackarell and that which was their greater rejoycing they discover Land at sight thereof they blessed the Lord. But before the Author proceed any further in this Discourse take here a short survay of all the Voyages by Sea in the transportation of these Armies of the great Jehova for fifteene years space to the year 1643. about which time England began to indeavour after Reformation and the Souldiers of Christ were set at liberty to bide his battells at home for whose assistance some of the chiefe worthies of Christ returned back the number of Ships that transported passengers in this space of time as is supposed is 298. Men Women and Children passing over this wide Ocean as near as at present can be gathered is also supposed to be 21200. or thereabout CHAP. XV. An Exhortation to all People Nations and Languages to indeavour the advancing of the Kingdome of Christ in the purity of his Ordinances seeing he hath done such admirable Acts for these poore shrubs ANd now all you whose affections are taken with wonderfull matters Attend and you that thinke Christ hath forgotten his poore despised people Behold and all you that hopefully long for Christs appearing to confound Antichrist Consider and rejoyce all yee his Churches the World throughout for the Lambe is preparing his Bride and oh ● yee the antient Beloved of Christ whom he of old led by the hand from Egypt to Canaan through that great and terrible Wildernesse looke here behold him whom you have peirced preparing to peirce your hearts with his Wonder-working Providence and to provoke you by this little handfull of his people to looke on him and mourne Yet let no man think these few weake Wormes would restraine the wnoderfull Workes of Christ as onely to themselves but the quite contrary these but the Porch of his glorious building in hand and if hee have shewed such admirable acts of his providence toward these what will he doe when the whole Nation of English shall set upon like Reformation according to the direct Rule of his Word Assured confidence there is also for all Nations from the undoubted promise of Christ himselfe The Winter is past the Raine is changed and gone come out of the holes of the secret places feare not because your number is but small gather into Churches and let Christ be your King yee Presbytery Lord it not over them or any Churches but feed every one that one flock over which Christ hath made you over-seers and yee people of Christ give your Presbytery double honours that they with you may keepe the watch of the Lord over his Churches Yee Dutch come out of your hods-podge the great mingle mangle of Religion among you hath caused the Churches of Christ to increase so little with you standing at ● stay like Corne among Weeds Oh yee French feare not the great swarmes of Locusts nor the croking Frogs in your Land Christ is reaching out the hand to you look what hee hath done for these English and sure hee is no Respecter of Persons c. yee Germanes that have had such a bloudy bickering Christ is now comming to your aide then cast off your loose and carelesse kinde of Reformation gather into Churches and keepe them pure that Christ may delight to dwell among you oh Italy The Seat and Center of the Beast Christ will now pick out a People from among you for himselfe see here what wonders hee workes in little time Oh! yee Spaniards and Portugalls Christ will shew you the abominarions of that beastly Whore who hath made your Nations drunke with the Wine of her Fornication Dread not that cruell murtherous Inquisition for Christ is now making Inquisicion for them and behold here how hee hath rewarded them who deale cruelly with these his people Finally oh all yee Nations of the World behold great is the worke the glorious King of Heaven and Earth hath in hand beware of neglecting the call of Christ and you the Seed of Israel both lesse and more the ratling of your dead bones together i● at hand Sinewes Flesh and Life at the Word of Christ it comes Counsellers and Judges you shall have as at the begining to fight for you as Gidion Bareck Jeptha Samson c. then sure your deliverance shall be sudden and wonderfull if Christ have done such great things for these low Shrubs what will his most Admirable Excellent and wonderfull Worke for you be but as the Resurrection from the dead when all the miraculous acts of his wonderfull power shewed upon Pharoah for your fore-Fathers deliverance shall be swallowed up with those far greater workes that Christ shall shew for your deliverance upon the whole World by Fiers and Bloud destroying both Pope and Turke when you shall see great smoake and flames ascending up on high of that great Whore Revel 14 11. verse and the 17. 16. verse and the 18. the 8. and 18. vers Then oh you People of Israel gather together as one Man and grow together as one Tree Ezek. 37. 23. For Christ the great King of all the Earth is now going forth in his great Wrath and terrible Indignation to avenge the bloud of his Saints Ezek 38 19. vers and now for the great and bloudy Battell of Gog and Magog Rivers of bloud and up to the Horse-bridles even the bloud of those have drunke bloud so long oh I dreadfull day when the patience and long-suffering of Christ that hath lasted so many hundreds of yeares shall end what wonderous workes are now suddenly to be wrought for the accomplishment of these things Then judge all you whom the Lord Christ hath given a discerning spirit whether these poore New England People be not the fore runners of Christs Army and the marvelous providences which you shall now heare be not the very Finger of God and whether the Lord hath not sent this people to Preach in this Wildernesse and to proclaime to all Nations the neere approach of the most wonderfull workes that ever the Sonnes of men saw Will not you believe that a Nation can be borne in a day here is a worke come very neare it but if you will believe you shall see far greater things than these and that in very little time and in the meane time looke on the following Discourse CHAP. XVI Of the admirable Acts of Christs Providence in delivering this his people in their Voyages by Sea from many foule dangers YOu have heard of
have none used as being a thing two opposite to liberty My friend cast off as much of thy owne power as thou canst and beware of Lording it over Gods Heritage but I pray thee let Christ alone with his which he hath given to his Pastors and Teachers in administring the holy things of God peculiar to their Office and tremble all you Presbyterians who to please the people prostrate the authority Christ hath put upon the Eldrs of his Churches as Officers to the resolute liberty of man the people may and ought to call them to Office to the which Christ hath united double honour and authority and appointed them to be had in high esteeme for their worke-sake being Embassadors of Christ Jesus This may no man take from them nor yet they themselves cast off and yet all this makes nothing for the Papall Prelaticall Classicall or Parishionall authority of the Presb●tery for it holds onely in their ruling well while they rule for Christ they must and shall have the power hee hath put upon their Office From these foure dividing Tenents by the cunning art of these deceivers were forescore grosse errours broached secretly sliding in the darke like the Plague proving very infectious to some of the Churches of CHRIST in their Members CHAP. LXII Of sad effects of the pitifull and erronious Doctrines broached by the Sectuaries THe number of these infectious persons increasing now haveing drawn a great party on their side and some considerable persons they grow bold and dare question the sound and whole some truths delivered in publick by the Ministers of Christ Their Church-meetings are full of Disputes in points of difference and their love Feasts are not free from spots in their Courts of civill Justice some men utter their Speeches in matters of Religion very ambiguously and among all sorts of persons a great talke of new light but verily it proved but old darknesse such as sometime over-shadowed the City of Munster But blessed be the Lord Christ who now declared himselfe to be a helpe at hand for his poore New England Churches being now in their infancy whose condition at present was very dolorous and full of difficulties insomuch that the better part of this new transported people stood still many of them gazing one upon another like Sheepe let loose to feed on fresh pasture being stopped and startled in their course by a Kennell of devouring Wolves The weaker sort wavered much and such as were more growne Christians hardly durst discover the truth they held one unto another the fogs of errour increasing the bright beames of the glorious Gospell of our Lord Christ in the Mouth of his Ministers could not be discerned through this thick mist by many and that sweete refreshing warmth that was formerly felt from the spirits influence was now turned in these Erronists to a hot inflamation of their owne conceited Revelations ulcerating and bringing little lesse then frenzy or madnesse to the patient the Congregation of the people of God began to be forsaken and the weaker Sex prevailed so farre that they set up a Priest of their own Profession and Sex who was much thronged after abominably wresting the Scriptures to their own destruction this Master piece of Womens wit drew many Disciples after her and to that end boldly insinuated her selfe into the favour of none of the meanest being also backed with the Sorcery of a second who had much converse with the Devill by her own confession and did to the admiration of those that heard her utter many speeches in the Latine Tongue as it were in a trance this Woman was wonted to give drinkes to other Women to cause them to conceive how they wrought I know not but sure there were Monsters borne not long after as you shall hear in the following History Oh yee New England Men and Women who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the truth And indeed Satan to make sure worke with semblance of Preaching the Doctrine of Free-grce by his instruments makes shew of our-bidding all the Orthodox and godly Ministers in the Countrey pretending their Preaching to be but a Covenant of workes supposing by this meanes to silence them without a B●shop and lest the civill power should stand up for their aid they threaten them with the high displeasure of Christ for persecuting his people which as they said these erronious persons with their new light were the onely Men and Women that were pure Gospell Preachers Thus the poore people of Christ who kept close to his antient truths invironed with many straites having expended their Estates to voyage far through the perillous Seas that their eyes might behold their Teachers and that they might injoy the protection of a godly civill Government began to deeme themselves in a more dolorous condition then when they were in the Commissaries Court and Prelates Prisons the hideous waves in which their brittle Barques were sometimes covered as they passed hither were nothing so terrible in the apprehension of some as was this floud of errors violently beating against the bankes of Church and civill Government the wants of this Wildernesse and pinching penury in misse of Bread put them to no such paine by gnawing on their empty stomacks with feare of famishing as did the misse of the Administration of Christ in his Word and Ordinances leaving the soule in a languishing condition for want of a continuall supply of Christ in his Graces CHAP. LXIII Of the sorrowfull condition of the people of Christ when they were incountred with these erronists at their first landing BUt to end this dismall yeare of sixteene hundred thirty six take here the sorrowfull complaint of a poore Soule in misse of its expectation at landing who being incountered with some of these Erronists at his first landing when he saw that good old way of Christ rejected by them and hee could not skill in that new light which was the common theame of every mans Discourse hee berooke him to a narrow Indian path in which his serious Meditations soone led him where none but sencelesse Trees and eccohing Rocks make answer to his heart-easeing mone Oh quoth he where am I become is this the place where these Reverend Preachers are fled that Christ was pleased to make use of to rouse up his rich graces in many a drooping soule here have I met with some that tell mee I must take a naked Christ Oh woe is mee if Christ be naked to mee wherewith shall I be cloathed but me thinks I most wonder they tell me of casting of all godly sorrow for sin as unbeseeming a Soule that is united to Christ by Faith and there was a little nimbled tongued Woman among them who said she could bring me acquainted with one of her own Sex that would shew me a way if I could attaine it even Revelations full of such ravishing joy that I should never have cause to be sorry for sinne so long as I
opinions upheld by the civill government must be sure to make choise of the most Atheisticall persons they can finde to governe such as are right Gallios for N. E. hath found by experience that every man will most favour his own way of Profession and labor tooth naile to maintaine it and if any have complied with other that have been of a contrary sinfull opinion to their own it hath been because they would have their own scape scot free but assuredly the Lord Christ will allow of no such wayes for the favouring the professors of his truths nor may any Magistrate doe evill that good may come of it in favouring dangerous and deceiveable doctrines that others may favour the true servants of Christ neither is there any such need for it is their honours if the will of God be so to suffer nor can the people of N. England I meane the better part be perswaded to set up any other to governe but such as are zealous for the maintainance of the truths of Christ yet of late there is a buzzing noise as if it were injury to the Churches for civill power to medle in matters of Religion but to be sure there are many that strive for a Toleration yet the people of Christ who are the naturall Mothers of this Government resolve never to see their living child so divided looking at such a government to be no better to them a living child divided in twaine and therefore desires their loving Countrymen to beare with them in this point and if any notwithstanding shall force it to be so we shall shew our natural affection and leave all to them chusing rather to dwell on the backside of this Desert a place as yet unaccessible knowing assuredly our God will appeare for our deliverance Yet let them also know the Souldiers of Christ in N E. are not of such a pusillanimous spirit but resolve as that valiant Jeptha did to keep in possession the Towns his God had given them so we are resolved the Lord willing to keepe the government our God hath given us and for witnesse hee hath so done let this History manifest for we chose not the place for the Land but for the government that our Lord Christ might raigne over us both in Churches and Common-wealth and although the Lord have been pleased by an extraordinary blessing upon his peoples industry to make the place fruitfull as at this day indeed it is yet all may know the land in it selfe is very sterrill but the upholding of the truths of Christ is chiefe cause why many have hitherto come and further if the servants of Christ be not much mistaken the downfall of Antichrist is at hand and then the Kingdome of the Earth shall become the Kingdome of our Lord Christ in a more peculiar manner then now they are and surely godly civill government shall have a great share in that worke for they are exhorted to fill her double of the Cup shee hath given to them and also know our Magistrates being conscious of ruling for Christ dare not admit of any bastardly brood to be nurst up upon their tender knees neither will any Christian of a sound judgement vote for any but such as earnesty contend for the Faith although the increase of Trade and traffique may be a great inducement to some VVonder-working PROVIDENCE OF SIONS SAVIOVR IN NEVV ENGLAND CHAP. I. The beginning of the relation of the Pequot war and the great straites these wandering Jacobites were in THe great Jehovah minding to manifest the multitude of his Mercies to the wendering Jacobites and make an introduction to his following wonders causeth the darke clouds of calamities to gather about them pres●ging some terrible tempest to follow with eyes full of anguish they face to the right upon the damnable Doctrines as so many dreadfull Engines set by Satan to intrap their poore soules Then casting forth a left hand looke the labour and wants accompaning a Desert and terrible Wildernesse affright them their memories minding them of their former plenty It much aggravated the present misery when with thoughts of retreating they turne their backs about the experienced incumbrances and deepe distresses of a dangerous Ocean hinders their thoughts of flight besides the sterne looke of the Lordly Prelates which would give them a welcome home in a famishing prison Then purposing to put on more stronger resolution facing to the Front behold a Messenger with sorrowfull tidings from their fellow brethren that inhabited the bankes of the River Canectico who having audience informes them of the great insolency and cruell murthers committed by a barbarous and bloudy people called Peaquods upon the bodies of their indeared friends these savage Indians lying to the South-west of the Mattacusets were more warlike then their Neighbouring Nations the Narrowganzet or Niantick Indians although they exceeded them in number also Mawhiggins who were the best friends of the English and a chiefe instrumentall meanes of their sitting down there stood much in feare of these Peaquods which were big swollen with pride at this time facing the English Fort built on the mouth of the River in their large Cannowes with their Bowes and long Shafts the English being then but weake in number and provision were unable to manage the war against so numerous a company being above thirty to one yet their desires being beyond their meanes they made some shot at them forcing them to hast away faster then they willingly would These Indians trusting in their great Troopes having feasted their corps in a ravening manner and leaving their fragments for their Sqawes they sound an alarum with a sull mouth and lumbring voyce and soone gather together without presse or pay their quarrell being as antient as Adams time propagated from that old enmity betweene the Seede of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent who was the grand signor of this war in hand and would very gladly have given them a large Commission had not his owne power beene limited neither could he animate them so much as to take off the gastly looke of that King of terror yet however at his command they arme themselves casting their qu●ver at their backs with Bowes ready bent they troope up some of them being extraordinarily armed with Guns which they purchast from the Dutch who had assuredly paid deare for this their courteous humour not long since had not some English Volunteers rescued them from the Indians hands the most of them were armed also with a small Hatchet on a long handle they had a small number of Mawhawkes Hammers which are made of stone having a long pike on the one side and a hole in the handle which they tie about their wrists they neede not provisions follow their Camp because they are continually at home but for their mats to shelter them from Ruine or Snow the Woods are as wellcome to them as their Wigwams sire they can make in all places by chafing
out and for the Lords assisting them against their witchery yet have they as is supposed bewitched not a few persons among whom two of the reverend Elders children These people inhabiting this Town having gathered into a Church-body called to the office of a Pastor the reverend M. Moxon who remaineth with them at this very day of whom as followeth AS thou with strong and able parts art made Thy person stout with toyl and labour shall With help of Christ through difficulties wade Then spend for him spare not thy self at all When errors crowd close to thy self and friends Take up truths sword trifle not time for why Christ call'd his people hither for these ends To tell the world that Babels fall is nigh And that his Churches through the world shall spread Maugre the might of wicked men and devils Then Moxon thou need'st not at all to dread But be aveng'd on Satan for his evils Thy Lord Christ will under thy feet him tread This year the great troubles in our native country encreaseing and that hearing prophane Esau had mustered up all the Bands he could make to come against his brother Iacob these wandering race of Jacobites deemed it now high time to implore the Lord for his especial aid in this time of their deepest distress and the rather being incouraged hereunto from former deliverances and wonderful mercies received the which they now presented before the Lord with the several branches and inlarged bounties thereof to refresh their frozen affections and move a melting heart in their barren brests that began to dry up with a lazy lethargy and therefore thrusting themselves on to the work by the loving invitation of that godly Government the Lord in his mercy had peaceably placed among them each Church in their own proper place meeting together in daies of solemn seeking of the Lords pleasing countenance in Christ the Lord in his mercy helping them after a serious acknowledgment of their own unworthiness by reason of their sinful provocations of the Lord to anger against them aggravated in that they were committed immediately upon the receipt of a multitude of marvellous mercies they acknowledg unto the Lord in the audience of the great Congregation the manner of his wonderful providence extended toward them that as Iacob professes I came over this Jordan with my staff and now have I gotten two Bands so they came over this boysterous billow-boyling Ocean a few poor scattered stones newly raked out of the heaps of rubbish and thou Lord Christ hast now so far exalted them as to lay them sure in thy Sion a building to be the wonder of the world orderly are they placed in five and forty several Churches and that in a Wilderness where civility scarce ever took place much less any Religion and now to the Lord earnestly they cry to be delivered from the cruel hands of those that would destroy both young and old the bird and her young together and as Iacobs fear was the seed of Christs Church in the posterity of Israel should be cut off and therefore pleaded the promise of the Lord in the multiplying of his seed so these people at this very time pleaded not only the Lords promise to Israel but to his only Son Christ Jesus Lord hast thou not said Ask of me and I will give thee the Heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost ends of the earth for thy possession and now Lord are not these the Churches of Christ which thou hast planced for his possession and that as Rachel and Leah built the house of Israel so now shall these and the like Sister-churches spread the whole earth the Lord Christ raigning as King and Lord for ever over them Then why do the Heathen rage and the people imagin a vain thing seeing the rime of the Lords arising to have mercy upon Sion is come ●ea his appointed time is at hand and he who walks in the midst of his golden Candlesticks whose eys are as a flaming fire will not suffer his Churches to be trodden under feet of that Antichristian Lordly prelacy any longer nor yet defiled with any transformed Saint-seeming Angels of light with their painted doctrines Thus did this poor people plead with the Lord not only for themselves but for their dearly beloved brethren in England I and all that are Christs chosen people the world throughout and although they were not unmindful from day to day of them yet this year 1645. the Lord was pleased to stir up their affections in more then an ordinary manner what success their prayers have had let all that love and long to behold the beauty of Christ shining on and in his beloved Bride declare the loving kindness of the Lord toward his Churches and let all the Churches of Christ though never so ●● more the one from the other yet joyned together in one ●hith and one Christ be frequent in prayer one for another ●ongregate together at the Throne of the Lord be present in ●pirit though absent in body these Mew-England Churches ●●● neer one hundred miles distant one from another and yet communicate counsel care love joy grieve with and for ●ne another dismiss some and commend others as occasi●n serves to the Christian care and watchfulness from one Church to another and why may not this be practised the world throughout even from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum CHAP. III. Of the opposition the Government of the Mattachusets Colony met withal by certain persons under the name of Petitioners IN place of Governor was chosen for this year Iohn Winthrop Esquire and for Deputy Governor Thomas Dudly Esquire the number of freemen were about 72. At the Court of Election there was a Petition drawn and presented to the Court by a Doctor of Physick with seven hands to it the persons were of a Linfiwolsie disposition some for Prefacy some for Presbytery and some for Pl●bsbytery but all joyned together in the thing they would which was to stir up the people to dislike of the present Government one while envving against the constitution of the Government as not popular enough another while against the Laws or orders of this little Common-wealth as two strict and then to provoke at least the p●●●●●ous they tell them of great expence of the publike Treasury and intolerable taxations the matter they petitioned for was a bottom to build their quarrel upon under the name of a Presbyterian Government and this they supposed would suit well with their Bill of complaint which they intended for England not that they cared for a Presbyterian Church for had they so done they might have found out one in the country before they petitioned but because they supposed that the Parliament in England would establish that way only and therefore bore themselves bold upon it that although their seditious and scandalous words and practises should incur a penalty as none could deem any other unless it be such as are all for