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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A74029 Anno tricesimo primo Henrici octavi Henry the VIII. by the grace of God kynge of England and of France, defender of the fayth, Lorde of Irelande, and in earth supreme hed immediatly vnder Christ of the churche of Englande, to the honour of almyghty God, conseruation of the true doctrine of Christes religion, and for the concorde quiet and vvelth of this his realme and subiectes of the same helde his moste hyghe court of Parliament begonne at VVestm[inster] the. xxviii. daye of Aprill, and there continued tyll the. xxviii. daye of Iune, the. xxxi. yere of his most noble and victorious reigne, vvherin in vvere establysshed these actes folovvinge.; Public General Acts. 1539. 31 Hen.VIII England and Wales. Sovereign (1509-1547 : Henry VIII); Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547. 1539 (1539) STC 9397.5; ESTC S124831 58,283 58

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❧ ANNO TRICESIMO PRIMO HENRICI OCTAVI HENRY THE VIII BY THE GRACE OF GOD KYNGE OF ENGLAND AND OF FRANCE DEFENDER of the fayth Lorde of Irelande and in earth supreme hed immediatly vnder Christ of the churche of Englande to the honour of almyghty God conseruation of the true doctrine of Christes religion and for the concorde quiet and vvelth of this his Realme and subiectes of the same helde his moste hyghe court of Parliament begonne at VVestm̄ the XXVIII daye of Aprill and there continued tyll the XXVIII daye of Iune the XXXI yere of his most noble and victorious reigne vvherin vvere establysshed these actes folovvinge ❧ LONDINI ❧ ANNO VERBI INCARNATI M. D. XXXIX ❧ THE TABLE AN acte concernynge ioynt tenauntes and tenauntes in cōmon Capit. i. ¶ An acte that fysshynge in any seuerall ponde stewe or mote with an intente to steale fyshe oute of the same is felony Cap. ii ¶ An acte changinge the custome of Gauelkynd Ca. iii. ¶ An acte concernyng the amendinge of the ryuer port of Exeter Cap. iiii ¶ An act wherby the kynges maner of Hampton court is made an honour and a new chase therto belonginge Cap. v ¶ An act that suche as were religious persones maye purchase pursue be sued in all maner of actions Cap. vi ¶ An act concerninge the continuance of the statute for punyshment of beggars and vacabundes and of certayne other statutes Ca. vii ¶ An act that proclamations made by the kynges hyghnes with thaduise of his honorable councel shal be obeyed kept as though they were made by act of parliament Cap. viii ¶ An act authorisinge the kynges hyghnse to make byshops by his letters patentes Cap. ix ¶ An act concernyng placinge of the lordes in the parliament chaumber and other assembles and conferencis of counsayle Ca. x. ¶ An act auctorising the kynges hyghnes newly to allotte certayne towne shyps in Wales Cap. xi ¶ An act concernynge wrongful takyng of haukes egges and byrdes out of the nest fyndynge and takynge vp of the kynges Haukes huntinge in the kynges forest parke chace or other grounde enclosed and kyllynge of conyes within any lawfull waren of the kynges Cap. xii ¶ An act wherby all manours landes profytes and hereditamentes belongynge to any the monasteries or other religious houses dissolued or hereafter by any meane to be dissolued are assured to the kynges hyghnes his heyres and successours for euer And howe and in what wyse leasses and grauntes heretofore made or hereafter to be made of them or any parte of them shall take effect Cap. xiii ¶ An act for abolyshyng of diuersitie of opinions in certayne articles concernynge Christen religion Cap. xiiii ¶ FINIS TABVLAE ¶ An acte concernynge ioynt tenantes and tenantes in common Capitulo primo FOR AS MOCHE AS by the common lawes of this realme dyuers of the kynges subiectes beinge seised of maners landes tenementes and hereditamentes as ioynte tenantes or as tenantes in common with other of any estate of inheritaunce in their owne ryghtes or in the ryghte of their wyues by purchas descent or otherwise and euery of them so beinge ioynt tenantes or tenantes in common haue lyke right title interest and possession in the same maners landes tenementes and heredytamentes for their partes or portions ioyntly or in common vndeuidedly together with other and none of them by the lawe dothe or may knowe theyr seuerall partes or portions in the same or that that is his or theirs by it selfe vndeuided can not by the lawes of this realme otherwise occupy or take the profites of the same or make any seuerance diuision or partition therof without other of their mutuall assentes and consentes by reson wherof diuers and many of them being so ioyntly and vndeuidedly seised of the said maners landes tenementes and hereditamentes oftentymes of their peruers couetous and malicious myndes and wylles ayenst all right iustyce equitie and good cōscience by strength and power haue not only cutte and fallen downe all the woddes and trees growynge vppon the same but also haue extirped subuerted pulled downe and destroyed al the houses edificions and buyldynges medowes pastures commons and the holle commodities of the same and haue taken and conuerted theym to their owne vses and behofes to the open wronge and disherison and ayenst the myndes and wylles of other holdynge the same maners landes tenementes and heredytamentes ioyntly or in common with them and they haue ben always with out assured remedy for the same Be it therfore enacted by the king our most dradde souerayne lorde and by thassent of his lordes spirituall and temporall and by the cōmons in this present parliament assembled that al ioynt-tenauntes and tenauntes in common that nowe be or hereafter shall be of any estate or estates of inheritaunce in their owne rightes or in the right of their wyues of any maners landes tenementes or heredytamentes within this realme of Englande Wales or the marches of the same shal and may be coacted and compellyd by vertue of this present acte to make particion betwene them of all suche maners landes tenementes and hereditamentes as they nowe holde or hereafter shal holde as ioynt tenantes or tenantes in cōmon by writte De participatione facienda in that case to be deuysed in the king our souerayne lordes courte of Chancery in lyke maner and fourme as coperceners by the common lawes of this realme haue ben and ar compellable to do and the same writte to be pursued at the common lawe ¶ Prouided alway and be it enacted that euery of the sayde ioynt tenantes or tenauntes in common and their heires after suche partition made shall and may haue ayde of the other or of their heires to the entent to deraigne the warrantie paramount and to recouer for the rate as is vsed betwene coperceners after partition made by the order of the common lawe any thynge in this acte conteyned to the contrary not withstandynge ¶ An acte that fyshynge in any seuerall ponde stewe or mote with an intent to steale fyshe out of the same is felony Captt ii WHERE AS DIVERS and many of the lordes knyghtes esquiers gentylmen and other the kynges subiectes within this his realme at their greatte costes and charges haue caused to be made within their seueral groundis many pondes stewes and motes and stored them with dyuers kyndes of fyshes as pikes breames Carpes tenches and other fysshes wherof they haue thought to haue had great commoditie as well for the pleasure of their frendes as for their owne commoditie and profite towardes the necessary fyndynge of their houses dyuers and manye lyghte and vnreasonable persons of this realme being of no good rule nor honestie lyttell or nothynge regardyng god the feare of theyr soueraygne lorde the kynges highnes nor his lawes haue not only fyshed the sayde pondes stewes and motes as well by nyghte as by daye with nettes hookes and baytes of dyuers sortes but also with
the sayde personages appropriate tithes pencions and portions as the sayde monasteries abbathies priories nonries colleges hospitalles houses of friers and other religiouse and ecclesiasticall houses and places sites circuites procinctes manours meses landes tenementes and other hereditamentes what so euer they be and euery of them accordynge to theyr estates and titles dyscharged and acquieted of payment of tythes as freely and in as large and ample maner as the sayde late abbottes priours abbesses prioresses and other ecclesiastical gouernours and gouernesses or any of them hadde helde occupied posseded vsed reteyned or enioyed the same or any parcell therof at the days of theyr dissolution suppressyon renuncynge relynquishynge forfaytynge gyuynge vppe or comminge to the kynges highnes of such monasteries abbathies priories nunries colleges hospitals houses of friers or other religious or ecclesiasticall houses or places or at the day of the dissolution suppressyon renuncyng relinquishynge gyuyng vp or commynge to the kynges hyghnesse of any of them this acte or any thyng therin conteyned to the contrary not withstandyng ¶ Sauynge to the kynges hyghnes his heyres and successours all and all maner of rentes seruices and other dueties what soo euer they be as yf this acte had neuer ben had nor made ¶ And be it further enacted by actoritie of this present parlyament that suche of the sayd late monasteries abbathies priories nunries colledges hospytals houses of fryers and other religious and ecclesiasticall howses and places and all churches and chapels to theym or any of theym belongynge which before the dissolution suppression renouncyng relinquishing forfayting gyuyng vp or cōmyng vnto the kinges highnes were exempted from the visitation or visitatiōs and all other iurisdiction of the ordinary or ordinaries within whose diocesse they were sytuate or sette shall frome hensforth be within the iurisdiction and visitation of the ordinarie or ordinaries within whose diocesse they or any of them be situate and sette or within the iurisdiction and visytation of suche persone or persones as by the kynges highnes shall be limited or appoynted This acte or any other exemption libertie or iurisdiction to the contrary not withstandynge ¶ And where before this tyme it hath pleased the kynges maiestie atte the contemplation and humble peticion of the ryghte noble Thomas duke of Norf. to gyue his royall assent and lycence by his gracis worde without any maner of lettres patentes or other writyng to purchase and receyue to hym to his heires for euer of Wylliam Flatbery late abbot of the monasterye of Sipton in the countie of Suff. and couente of the same late monasterie nowe beynge dissolued all the same monasterie togyther with all and syngular manours lordeshyppes landes tenementes woddes waters commons courtes letes aduousons patronages personages vycarages chauntries free chapelles tithes portions of tithes pencions annuities rentes suites seruices reuersyōs remaynders and all other thynges whiche were the hereditamentes or the possessions of the sayde late monasterye where so euer they laye or were within the realme of Englande And in lykewyse oure sayde soueraygne lorde gaue lyke lycence by his gracis worde vnto the ryghte honourable George lorde Cobham to pourchase and receyue to hym to his heires for euer of the late master and bretherne of the colledge or chauntrie of Cobham in the countie of Kent nowe beynge vtterlye dyssolued the site of the same colledge or chauntrie and all and syngular theyr hereditamentes and possessions as well temporall as ecclesiastical where so euer they lay or were within the realme of England Be it therfore enacted by thauctoritie of this present parlyament that the acte aboue wrytten or any thynge therein conteyned shall not be in anye wyse preiudiciall or hurtfull to the sayde Duke and lorde Cobham or to eyther of them or to the heyres or assignes of eyther of theym but that the same duke and lord Cobham and eyther of them sondryly and the heyres assygnes of eyther of them shall and may haue holde receyue and enioy the premisses by them sondrily purchased or receyued accordyng to the purportes and effectes of such euidēces writinges and cōueiances as they or any of them sondrily haue caused to be deuised and made to theym or to theyr vses for the same Sauynge alwaye and reseruynge to all and syngular persons and bodies polityke and to their heyres successours other than the sayde late abbotte and couent and theyr successours and the sayde late maister and bretherne and theyr successours and the founders of the same monasterie or of the sayde college or chauntrie and the heires of eyther of them and all donours graunters or augmenters of them or of eyther of them and the heires and assignes of either of them all suche rightes titles possessions rentes seruices fees offices annuities corrodies lyueries leases al other their such interesses profites cōmodities as they or any of them had shulde or ought to haue of to or in any of the premisses sondrily pourchased or receyued by the sayde duke or lorde Cobham it this presente acte had neuer ben had or made any thynge in the same acte to the contrary beinge in any wyse not withstandynge AN ACTE FOR ABOLISHYNGE OF DIVERSITIE OF OPINIONS IN CERTAYNE ARTICLES CONCERNINGE CHRISTEN RELYGION CAP. XIIII WHERE THE KYNGES MOST excellent maiestie is by gods law supreme heed immediatly vnder him of this hole churche and congregacion of England intendinge the conseruation of the same churche and congregacion in a true syncere and vniforme doctrine of Christes religion callyng also to his blessed and most gracious remembraunce aswel the great and quiet assurance prosperous increace and other innumerable commodities whiche haue euer ensued come and folowed of Concord agreement and vnitie in opinions as also the manyfolde peryls dangers and inconueniences which haue heretofore in many places and regions growen spronge and ar rysen of the diuersities of myndes and opinions especially of mattiers of Christen religion And therfore desyring that suche an vnitie myght and shoulde be charitably establysshed in all thinges touchynge and concernynge the same as the same so beynge establysshed myghte chiefly be to the honoure of almyghtye God the verye authoure and fountayne of all true vnitie and syncere concorde and consequentlye redounde to the common welth of this his hyghenes moste noble realme and of all his louinge subiectes and other resiauntes and inhabitauntes of or in the same hathe therfore caused and commaunded this his mooste hyghe courte of Parlyamente for sondrye and manye vrgente causes and consyderations to be at this tyme sommoned and alsoo a Synode and conuocation of all the archebysshoppes bysshoppes and other lerned men of the clergy of this his realme to be in lyke maner assembled And for as moche as in the sayde parliament Synode and conuocation there were certayne articles matiers and questions proponed setforthe touchinge Christen religion that is to saye ¶ First whether in the moste blessed Sacrament of thaltar remayneth after the consecration the substaunce of bread and