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A42475 Causa Dei: = Gods pleading his own cause set forth in two sermons preached at the Temple in November, 1659. By Dr. Gauden, Bishop of Excester. Gauden, John, 1605-1662. 1661 (1661) Wing G344A; ESTC R216426 72,042 214

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which was so zealously tender for the Cause of Christ that they loved not their lives unto death but rather chose mille mortes a thousand deaths then once to crucifie again or deny the Lord that bought them Fourthly The Cause of God may need his special pleading by reason of the great corruption of manners which like weeds grow in the garden of God or as tares in the field of the Church which was first sown with good seed Thus as Eusebius Salvian Suspitius-Severus and othes observe Christian Religion suffered more by the evil lives of Christians then by the malice of persecutors or Hereticks men that had sound heads as to doctrine and Faith yet had foul hearts their brains good but their breath lungs and liver were naught This contagion sometimes seised Pastors and Flocks by idleness pride luxury vain pomps and superfluous ceremonies by secular policies uncharitable actions and scandalous practices so far as made the Cause of God and the name Christ to be blasphemed and abhorred by many while they could not reconcile the holiness of Christians faith and doctrine with the solecisms of their sordid actions and shameful lives Hence came over the Western Churches that thick Egyptian darkness for many hundred of years in which religion was made up for the most part with Images and Pictures with beads and latin prayers with repeated Pater nosters and Ave Maries which people understood not nor the Priests many times with Purgatory Masses and Indulgencies with infinite superstitious ceremonies and empty formalities besides idle fables and vain janglings which like heaps of chaff had buried the good wheat of Gods floor and the glory of divine institutions to make way for Monastick superstitions Idolatrous adorations and Papal usurpations which were built on the flatteries of some and the fedities of others who easily dispenced with the honor of marriage when they had so cheap pardons for those extravagancies and impurities in which many lived under the vail of celibacy but far enough from pure unspotted and unviolated virginity § To this Augean stable was the Church of Christ and Cause of God brought by the depravedness of Christian manners by the rust and moss of superstition before the Reformation began to dawn in this western World An hundred grievances were at once complained of many confessed some for very shame reformed by even those of the Roman party who with infinite blood-shed in former ages fought under the Notion of holy Wars not only against Turks Jews and Sarazens but against good at least tolerable Christians who might have their errors and fayling in some things but it is sure they kept nearer to the primitive piety purity and patience both in faith administrations and manners than did their proud and merciless destroyers who eat up those poor Christians as bread and turned their cruel Croisadoes to crucifie their brethren breaking their fast sometimes with 20000. of the poor Albigenses Lugdunenses Waldenses Berengarians VVicklesites Hussites Bohemians and others proportionably were their dinners and suppers when the Popes flatterers and vassals had a mind to fall upon them 5. Yea and at this day even among the reformed Churches the purity simplicity honesty charity modesty and equanimity of Reformers is so abated and wasted by the pride animosity bitterness sacriledge rapines cruelties ambitions and covetousness among Protestants besides their endless factions under pretentions of reformation immoderations novellizings and confusions That thi● Cause of God as to the true reforming of religion and just protesting against Romish errors and enormities is brought very low as in other places and Churches so in England which was the greatest beauty honour stability refuge and safety of the reformed Religion and that cause of Christ which hath been so learned and valiantly pleaded by the Clergy and Layty the Princes and Parliaments the Martyrs and professors reverend Bishops and learned Presbyters against the Roman Usurpation Superstition Sacriledg and Idolatry which are without doubt so far Antichristian as they are clearly against the Doctrine example and institution of Christ besides the judgment and practice of his primitive Churches § Even this cause I say is now ●ick and ashamed of it self so decayed disparaged and divided that it is next degree to being destroyed and despised by all unless God arise by some extraordinary way of his providence to plead and assert this his own cause of a just and due reformation against the factious policies and Fanatick fallacies of unreasonable men whose 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 immoderations and transports have marred all by their King killing rapine and sacriledg unless God arise to judge the earth § Nor is this the first time that God hath helped this Church and the Reformed Religion at a dead lift for so it was in Queen Maries days when the reformed party made conscience not to rebel against their persecuting Soveraigne Princess when her persecution was according to her perswasion and conscience yea they pleaded and asserted her civil rights committing the cause of their Religion and Reformation to God with their loyal souls and consciences in well doing and patience There did God arise in his due time and do his own works in his own way to the great honour of the reformed Religion which had first the crowns of so many Martyrdoms on its head without the least spot of civil Tumults Wars Seditions or Rebellions on the hearts or hands of the reforming Clergy and reformed people § By which preposterous methods of latter years mightily cryed up and carryed on by some men in order to reformation of Religion not onely Religion is become retrograde many degrees if we look to the Dial of Gods word and the primitive Christians practice as it pretends to be reformed but even as it is Christian too that is the Doctrine and imitation of a crucified not a crucifying Saviour The lines which some men have drawn as the measures of their Doctrine and deeds are very excentrick and wide as to the wonted centre of Gods glory the circumference of Scripture truth and that strait rule of charity by which those two were wont to meet in the conscience and conversation of good Christians § Nor will either Christian Religion or just Reformation appear in their true beauty and honor while these are so far at distance and separated from each other that either verity and charity patience and subjection truth and peace are wanting in the ways of Christians In the close of this second general Question it is fit to answer that other branch of it also Why God so wise so potent so good s gracious so compassionate and so vigilant for his own Cause that is his Glory and great Name which is so much bound up in his Churches welfare yet suffers it many times so far to run to lapse seeming ruine and despair in the eyes of the world in the triumphs of his enemies and in the despondencies of his servants that
fighting but by sober preaching and patient suffering This Spirit of glory was a riddle indeed and a new way to advance the Evangelical cause against the powerful oppositions found on all hands yet it was Gods way and prevailed by the power of his Word and the testimony of his Spirit of patience and glory which rested on them § As the first foundation stone of the Gospel or Church of Christ was laid in John Baptists and Christs blood so it was after builded up by St. Stephens St. James and their followers Then Christians like Parthians fought flying and prevailed by not resisting and were more then conquerors when they were most conquered the blood of Martyrs being the seed of the Church and their ashes as the compost ormendment of the world Fourthly It remains that I shew how God pleads his and his Churches Cause not always by miraculous and immediate instances but by the mediate instruments of his ordinary providence whom he stirs up to protect to favour to speak comfortably to his Sion that his warfare is finished that the days of refreshing are come such were some good or tollerable Kings among the Jews Asa Uzziah Hezekiah and Iosiah such was Constantine the Great and some other following Emperors that were Christian and orthodox too So since the Reformation God hath given specally in these British Churches Kings and Queens to be Nursing Fathers and mothers to true Religion Defenders of the true Faith and the Professors of it who had long ere this been martyred and burned butchered or massacred blown up and extirpated as Hereticks if the Romish Sea had not had bounds of national Laws and soveraign power set to it which said Hitherto and no further thou shalt go here thy proud and threatning waves shall be stopped I pray God we have not sinned away our defence and glory making breaches upon the banks of our Laws Government and Religion so wide as will let in at last that over-flowing scourge again upon us under the names of Liberty Toleration and Super-reformation Again God pleads his own cause as to true Religion by furnishing his Church First of the Jews with extraordinary Prophets such as was Moses Samuel Eliah Micah Isaiah Ieremiah Ezekiel Daniel and others till the Messiah came After the Apostles who were Master-builders God gave to his Christian Church such Heroes of learning zeal and courage as in all ages undertook all those Goliahs and sons of Anak who de●ied the host of God such of old were Irenaeus Origen Tertullian Cyprian Clemens the Cyrils the Basils Chrysostom Epiphanius the Gregories the great Athanasius St. Augustine St. Jerom St. Hilary Optatus Prosper and others during the heat of heathenish and heretical or schismatical persecution And this not singly onely but socially junctis viribus in Councils or Synods which were Ecclesiastical Parliaments either greater or lesser in several Diocesses or Provinces or National or Oecumenical of all the Christian world by their Pastors and Representatives these did mightily plead the cause of Christ against heretical novelties and schismatical partialities these kept the faith and peace of the true Church intire these guided gathered and healed the erring scattered and worried of the flock these by many hands made walls against the seas and mighty floods which the devil cast out of his mouth against the Woman cloathed with the sun the Church professing Christ Thus the famous Council of Nice so pleaded the cause of Christs Divinity that they crushed the Arrian Serpent in the egg and gave that cockatrice its deadly wound which it never recovered though it made a foul strugling a long time So the Council of Constantinople pleaded the cause of the Holy Ghost against the cavils of Macedonius So the Council of Ephesus pleaded the unity of Christs Person God and Man against Nestorius And the Council of Chalcedon the distinction of his Natures against Eutyches his confoundiug of them so in other cases as the cause of God and his Church required Councils were soveraign Physitians and applied excellent cordials till they came to be servile to the private causes lusts power and interests of men and less intent to the Word and Spirit of Christ as the first Council of Jerusalem was which ought to be the pattern of all after Synods And afterwards in the eclipse decline superstition and darkness of times in the Western Churches yet there were not wanting some that did still plead the cause of God as his witnesses against the Apostacies extravagancies and luxuries of the Romish tyranny and pride So was St. Bernard Nicolaus Clemangis Alvarus-Pelaegius Wickliff John Hus and Jerom of Prague our Lincolniensis Baleus and others Yea when God arose mightily to shake this Western world and to rack us off from our Monastick and Roman lees who can sufficiently muster up the armies of Worthies both abroad and at home of reverend Bishops and other learned Divines who have either stood in the gap with their arms or at the bar with their strong arguments pleading Gods cause by Scripture and antiquity by learned writings and holy lives against all oppositions I will name none because I will not seem partially silent to the merit of any This only I may without envy say none have exceeded the worthy Bishops and others of the Reformed Church of England who were and ever will be in impartial judgements esteemed among the first therein and the headmost ranks of Martyrs Confessors Reformers Preachers Disputers Writers and Livers while we were happy to enjoy such Fathers and such Sons of this Church as were worthy to enjoy those favours and Honors which this Nation heretofore grudged not to confer upon them and abhorred to take from them and their Episcopal Order which was excellently martialled and imployed by worthy Bishops as Jewel Usher Andrews Davenant Morton Prideaux Hall White Bilson Babington and others Also by Hooker Willet Sutliff Rogers and others of the Presbyterian subordination § T is true they were all men and so might have their infirmities more or less but they were such men of might and weight and of valour and renown that with all the grains of allowance they far out-weighed all that popular stuff or pomp of either learning or vertue gifts or graces Scholarship or Saintship which hath swelled their adversaries rather then filled them with any real truth or ingenuom worth comparable to them And however now indeed the Reformed Church and Religion of England doth look like an Army that hath been so harrased and routed as it hath lost most of its gallant commanders which gave life and courage and skill to the whole Protestant party and the cause of the Reformed Religion yet we must not despair but that God will return in mercy to us if once our lives and manners be but as reformed as our doctrine was this needeth not though the other do reforming § And because there will be failers and infirmities on the best
my confidence of inviting you again to review the Cause of God which hath been now mightily pleaded beyond what we could ask or think God himself conquering the monsters of our sins and miseries by the miracles of his mercies My aim is to retain and engage as Counsellors Advocates and Servients to this righteous cause yet without any other Fee then that of a good conscience in this world not only men of my own profession as Divines and Ministers but you ●s o that are either the Sages and Iudges or the Students and Practisers in the Laws because I look upon you as Masters of great Reason and no less careful I hope of true Religion best acquainted with the constitutions of this Church and Kingdom persons generally adorned with ingenuous education and good literature yea and which is more in vulgar eies and esteem with good estates Gentlemen related by birth or alliance or clients or acquaintance to the best Families and greatest affairs of the Nation you either fill the one or attend the other house of Parliament while no Bishop or other Clergie-man never so worthy is admitted to come there unless as a Supplicant or Delinquent your counsels and examples are not onely influentiall in your country retirements but also efficacious in all the Cities and Courts of England It is your custom and no less your wisdom and honor to keep to and plead for the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Magna Charta fundamental Laws and ancient and excellent constitutions of this Church and Kingdom not therefore good because ancient but therefore ancient because they were judged and experimentally found by our wise and pious Progenitors to be very good yea best for this Church and State It becomes the freedom of your spirits and estates as Lawyers and Gentlemen however the poor Clergie are oft compelled to popular dependancie yea and some of them like leeches thrive best when they hang most upon the skins of people I say it becomes you to be the furthest of any men living from flattering or abetting any factius novelties or Fanatick Novellers in Church or State which you cannot do without greater sin and shame then other men because you have more knowledge of good and evil of Law and Iustice of Reason and Religion the guilt and burthen of other mens sins which are lead and deluded by your counsel or example must needs lie heavie upon your souls as well as ours of the Clergie when being their guides lights and oracles you or we prove their deceivers and seaucers Certainly if the poyson of some Lawyers teeth had not venomed the wounds which some Preachers tongues first gave to the life and welfare of this Church and Kingdom we had not run to such horrid ulcers such in veterate and incurable gangreens of disloyalty and irreligion of faction and confusion nor endured so various ridiculous and superfluous Tragedies which then began when Pulpits rang Aarons bels backward as to the Cause of God and Courts of judicature meanly conformed to the vilest lusts of men such as have given horror and astonishment to the modest part of mankind and which threatned except the Lord had been merciful to us to have tormented Kings and Parliaments and people of all degrees in the hell fire or Tophet of everlasting fewds factions and confusions under the specious name but most putid fallacy of Gods Cause the good cause and at last the good old cause though nothing was more vile and novel less ancient or more arrantly wicked for perjury perfidy Sacriledge and Regicide void of all fear of God or reverence of man contrary to the Word of God and Laws of that Nation A Cause the zealous Martyrs for which are only fit to be put in the Devil● Diptych or Calendar or in God Black book not in the Book of lif● Against all which presumptuo 〈…〉 imposures in Church and State You O worthy professors of the La 〈…〉 and of our reformed Religion a● well as we Preachers of the Gospel● have now all honorable and saf● encouragement to oppose ou● selves under the protection of God and the King that both you a 〈…〉 Iudges and Iustices by the civil sword and we as Bishops and Presbyters by the spiritual sword may be as valiant for the honour and order of the established Religion and Laws of England for the ancient and excellent Government Regal and Episcopall of this Church and Kingdom as others have been impudently pragmatick to broach those novel errors most illegal injuries and high indignities which they brought upon us more by our own cowardize perhaps then their courage Let us dare as much to be Loyal and religious honest and orderly as others have dared to be false and base insolent and irregular injurious and sacrilegious They wanted not many black mouths vile tongues and libellous pens to plead for the Baalims which they set up meer Idols and Teraphims in Church and State which are now blessed be God cast out to the moles and bats O let not us for I would have no difference between your learned Tribe and ours let none of us who are most versed in God or mans Laws be wanting to the true Cause of our God and Saviour of our rightful King of our reformed Religion and of our famous Church in its Doctrine devotion discipline and Government In the cause of which all your and your posterities happiness are included Since then by the goodness of God the monstrous and many-shapen Dagons of our late Philistins and oppressors are now faln to the ground and broken off head hands and feet a meer fanatick stump let us turn Israelites unanimously set our selves as we have done to the welcome reception of his Majesty so to bring home with truth and peace honor and order joy and jubilation the Ark of God the Church of England restoring it to its place and adorning it with all the beauties of holiness worthy of the wisdom and piety munificence courage and honor of our Ancestors who were famous both for their loyaltie and Religion the fruits of whose care and constancie we enjoyed heretofore as men and Christians in a wel-reformed united and setled National Church till some men lost their wits and hearts their credits and consciences their sense of duty to their God and their King yea and their first love of our reformed Church and Religion for which our famous Forefathers had so notably pleaded not only in the Pulpits at the Bars but in prison also and at stakes when they were able to say with truth and comfort as the royall Martyr of admired memory did now dying That they thanked God they had a good Cause and a gracious God Certainly t is better thus to suffer for God cause inpietie justice patience and charitie then to prosper in the Devils with sacrilegious usurpation and injury this as a fire of thorns may blaze for a time but it will soon be extinguished the other carries the lawrells and
strip her of all her pleasant things as it is and hath been for some years in England the wild Bore and the Fox shall then do their pleasure by force and fraud against her this is the variable state of the Church Militant mutable as the Moon though it be cloathed with the light of the Sun yet it may be so eclipsed and turned into blo●d that there is no help for her but in her God Perfect and perpetual felicity is a state onely expectable in heaven till there is no sin or spot in the Church and soul there can be no security against sorrow shame and sufferings which are our physick in our valetudinary constitution to which this life is subject yea Christ himself the Son of God and Saviour of the Church though without ●in yet was not without suffering while he was found in the form of sinful flesh and bare by way of susception imputation and satisfaction all our sins 6. Obser Times may be so bad and on such a desperate pin that none can either safely or effectually plead Gods cause or his Churches but himself who onely can create deliverances and mercies who alone commands the winds and seas to obey him who can restrain the fury of man and turn the remainder of wrath to his praise who can change the heart of Esa● and stir up the spirit of Princes as he did Cyrus and Darius to build his Temple and restore his captives who can either conquer Pharaoh by main force and dint of judgements or change the decree of Ahasuerosh by gentler operations who can level great mountains before Joshua and Josedeck and exalt the lower valleys the day of small things and of a despised Cause to bring forth his salvation who gives nursing Fathers and Mothers to his flock and family and such shepherds as shall seek the strayed carry in their bosom the weary feed the hungry and cure the diseased not with rigor and austerity but with love and tenderness Thus after the sharpest persecution of Dioclesian when Christian Religion as Monarchy and Episcopacy hath been by some in our days was triumphed over as extirpated God raised up Constantine the Great and other Christian Emperors after him who restored life liberty honor and support to the Church after the Church was seemingly dead as St. Paul when he was stoned yet it rose up again when Israels burthens were heaviest in Egypt then was their redemption nearest because their devotion was warmest and Gods compassions tenderest to them After the Marian bonefires and but cheries of so many carbonaded Christians in England filling all things with earthquake fire tempest and horror in what a still voyce for many years did God plead by a wonderful and unexpected providence the Cause of his Church and the Reformation of Religion here in England for an hundred years as I pray he will do again for us in mercy because he hath not forgotten to be gracious nor do his compassions fail but his mercy endureth for ever 7. Obser Gods cause must never be given for lost or desperate while God remains who is both able and willing to plead it or while any good man as Moses or Samuel or Eliah or Daniel remain who by fervent prayers can and will put God in mind of it and excite him to it As David and Jehosapha● encouraged themselves in the Lord then God so must good men in bad times when the best cause goes by the worst A man would even willingly die such a death as our late Martyr King did on condition that he could with faith and truth dye with that divine sentence in his mouth as he did I thank God I have a good Cause and a gracious God This supported the Martyrs and Confessors so of old that when they were s●ain for Gods cause all the day long yet as Sulpitius Severus says of them they then hastned more ambitiously to Martyrdoms then afterward in times of peace others did to the greatest preferments in Church or State Though figtree and olive and flock and field and all fail yet the Prophet tells us he will rejoyce in the Lord even in the God of his salvation The Lord will arise as a Giant refreshed with wine to plead the cause of Sion and to vindicate the honor of his great name which is graven on his true Church as on the signet of his right hand in the highest storms we may cast this anchor God can and will appear for his cause in the midst of the fiery furnace never so hot no less then in the cool of the day 8. Obser When all means fail yet the prayer of the faithful must not be wanting to Gods cause This is in naufragio Tabula the rafter left the Church in the greatest shipwrack when neither Sun nor Moon nor Stars appear yet if this Angel the spirit of prayer appear in our agony we may be of good chear as St. Paul was A good Christian as Moses and the Syrophenician woman must not give over its pious importunity though God seems angry and Christ averse God cannot deny the fervent prayers of the righteous they will be effectual in time even to open prison doors as they did in St. Peters case when the Church prayed incessantly for him Acts 12. 5. As the vapors that ascend from earth to heaven are after returned in sweet showers that have in them vital and celestial influences being impregnated with etherial or heavenly spirits so are prayers of the faithful Devout souls that lay to heart the cause of God cannot be more bold then welcome to him in such cases God is as well pleased with their excitation or solicitation of him even to a kind of imperious commanding of him which the Prophet expresseth as a man is with that ruder importunity by which he is awaked out of sleep to quench his house on fire or to save his son from drowning There is more efficacy in praying for the Peace of Jerusalem then in fighting The fiery chariots and horses that are in the brest of zealous and devout Orators will do more good then armed legions of Soldiers 9. Obser There is not a greater sign of a good and gracious heart then to lay to heart the Cause of God even then most passionately and earnestly when it is most deserted most deploring most despairing a good Christian must make good what St. Peter said well to Christ but performed ill Though all men forsake thee yet will not I Is God touched with our concerns and afflicted in our afflictions and zealous to plead our righteous cause to contend with those that contend with his servants Isa 49. 25. when we are molested or oppressed in any kind by sin temptation weakness darkness dejection diffidence persecution or desertion and shall we be as Gallio in Gods cause or as Nabal to Davids not caring or concerned The Cause of
an high hand and out-stretched arm confuting Pharaohs Pride and obstinacy with the Egyptian Gods in the red Sea when no other miracles in lesser drops would soften their hard hearts he soaked them in such great waters as quite drowned them After this how oft was the little flock of Gods Church as a speckled Bird in the Wilderness surrounded with Enemies as a Lilly among Thorns there was Gebal and Ammon and Ameleck the Philistines and they of Tyre the Assyrian Arabian Egyptian all were against them from not onely reason of State but of Religion where different principles make the most deadly antipathies and desperate f●wds Thus the wild Bore sometimes with power other while the subtil Foxes of Mungril Jews and half Idolaters with fly insinuations sought to pull down and waste the peace honour plenty safety and Religion of the Jews Thus the Heathens raged and their Princes set themselves against the Lord and his cause fulfilled that first prophecy of an irreconcileable enmity between the Serpent and the seed of the Woman All the gods and Demons all the Oracles and Priests all the Poets and Prophets all the Orators Historians all the great Princes and valiant Soldiers and subtil Polititians all the Wise men and Philosophers set themselves to despise to reproach to oppress and extirpate the name and Nation and Religion of the Jews which was that of the true God from under Heaven as a most pestilent people and of a most detestable superstition Afterwards when the blossoms of Judaick ceremonies fell off and in the fulness of time the ripe fruit of Messias came into the world in spirit and in truth that all Nations might worship the true God aright in every place without confinement I need not tell you who are not ignorant of Scriptural and Ecclesiastical Histories how from Herods malice and subtilty seeking to destroy Christ in his cradle and satiating his defeated malice like a worrying Wolf or raging Bear with the massacring of so many innocent children who were ever esteemed by the antient Church as Infant-Martyrs suffering in Christs stead and upon the first occasion of his cause pleaded in the world by the baptism of their own blood until Constantine the Great 's days of refreshing and rest for a season the true Church and cause of God was never out of the furnace of tribulation martyrdoms fears afflictions and dayly deaths true the bellows did not always blow up the fire and fury of men to the same flames but there wanted not those as Decius and others who envied Christians their numerous cheerful and speedy Martyrdoms of which they were so ambitious § Nothing was more wonted in the mouths of the people than what they clamored against Polycarp a primitive Bishop of Smyrna in S. Johns days Tolle Atheos away with these Atheists and Christiani ad Leones Christians were thought such beasts that they were onely fit to fight with and to feed Beast or to be baited in Beasts skins Yea nomen crimen as Tertullian observes men were so mad against them and gnashed on them as the Jews against S. Stephen that they would not examine their cause or crime thinking it accusation enough that they owned themselves Christians § Dioclesian makes such havock as Decumanus fluctus after others that he not onely cut up the harvest but raked the gleaning of Christians in all the Roman Empire even so far as here in England where S. Albanus and others were Martyred that he gloried and triumphed and set up Trophies for the extirpation of the Christian superstition At this dead lift was the Church of Christ and cause of God when the Bishops of the Churches were banished or Butchered the Presbyters starved destroyed and scattered The Oratories and Temples or Churches all demolished or put to prophane uses the Christian people condemned to the Mettals Islands Prisons Limekills Racks Gibbets and Fires Thus did the cause of God as to the Christian Church stand or rather fal for the first three hundred years under Heatheninsh Persecutors and the oppositions of Philosophy or science falsely so called which yet afterward came to naught as all power and polity will at last do which set themselves to oppose the cause the truth the Church and servants of the living God Thirdly After the Church had some rest in Constantines time by the suppression of Heathenish fury and Idolatrous folly yet was the cause of God not without its following conflicts by reason of Hypocrites Hereticks Schismaticks false Apostles Hucksters of religion deceitful workers Wolves in sheeps cloathing who delighted to divide and destroy to shake foundations and shipwrack consciences to lead Disciples after them by factions partialities and respect of persons either darkening the verity or dividing the unity or defacing the uniformity or destroying the authority or confounding that order and subordination which Christ and his Apostles left in the Church of Christ men full of lusts and pride daily spawned innovations in the doctrine or in the faith or in the customs and in the forms of Religion § Such were all those pristine Hereticks and Schismaticks whose names and deeds deserve to be buried with their damnable doctrines and uncharitable factions in eternal forgetfulness they are too many and too odious to repeat I would to God they were not digged up out of their graves in our days by some carrionly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 who searching the graves and raking the kennels of old errors seek to fill the English world with such odious noysom and unsavory spectacles both of opinions and practices § Who that is learned can be ignorant of the prevalent numbers and powers of the Novatians Arrians and Donatists what petulancy and cruelty they used against the Orthodox Cause challenging the Cause and Church of God wholly and only to themselves what despite they had against St. Cyprian Athanasius St. Cyril St. Hilary St. Augustine Optatus and others that opposed routed and confounded their contumacious impudence Thus was the Cause of Christ one whole age or century like Noahs Ark floating in a deluge of Arrian perfidy and persecution to its own grief and astonishment till God took the matter into his own hand and pleading the Cause of Jesus Christ and his eternal Godhead against both people and Bishops and Emperors that were infected with that pestilence for the inundation of the Goths and Vandals the Huns and Heruls the Gauls and Daci seemed no other but the fountains of the great deep broke up to wash away with humane blood the blasphemies with which the Christian world was then polluted against the glory and honor of the Son and Spirit of the blessed God when times were such that men would not endure sound doctrine but heaped up teachers and clucked together Councils and conventicles according to their own lusts and interests without any regard to the primitive Faith and practice of the Church of Christ
such is the disorder that attends men in their own cause and the order which they observe who intend Gods There was wont to be proclaimed before the olympian games and Athletick agonies That none who were misbegotten or slaves or vile or infamous persons should offer to enter the lists or contest in those famous and solemn yea sacred conflicts which were not for private gain but for the honour of their gods and the Victors such a proclamation may I make as to Gods cause 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 let no proud prophane covetous ambitious sacrilegious perjurious popular partial parasitick insolent disorderly and licentious persons pretend to plead it since they do more prejudice and disparage it then any way advance or forward it good and wise men are ashamed and weak men are jealous and affraid to be s●en in that good cause wherein wicked men appear not good but great sticklers as Magots do in what was a good dish of meats not to garnish or adorne it but to defile and devour it 4. Use fear to oppose Gods cause or by anyforcible or fallacious ways to plead against it for it will be as a burthensome stone a rock of offence who ever dasheth against it or on whom it falls at last with the weight of Gods vindication It will dash them to pieces who ever contended against God and his cause and prospered For it will at last be pleaded with fire and brimstone with an omni potent and unexorable justice which will consume as fire doth stubble all the opposing powers and fallacious pretensions 5. Vse of exhortation when we have done our duty in Gods cause and in his way according to our place and see that we profit nothing as to the publique but onely to our own peace and discharge of good consciences yet cease not to follow God with our prayers and holy importunities that he would take the matter into his own hand Bonae causae sufficit unus patronus bonus Gods cause is never to be despaired of though it have no patron or advocate among men yet it hath one above who is optimus maximus the greatest and best of all It may as a bladder be forced under water for a while but it will buoy up again The Church may be as the ship in which Christ was tossed and covered with waves yet Christum vebit causam Christi as Caesar said to the fearful Mariners of himself and his fortune God oft lets things run to low ebbs that he may shew his mighty power and make the extremities of his cause the opportunities of his help however let not thy faith or Prayers fast which have a kind of omnipotency in them to remove Mountains and to do miracles at a dead lift Gods arme is not shortned though mans be withered let God alone with his own cause the gates of bell shall not prevail against it 6. Vse Measure not the cause of God by outward prevailings and prosperities the gayest feathered foul are not the best meat we must condemne the generation of Gods people and the cause of the righteous if we think that the worst cause which hath the worst usage or success in this world look to the Prophets from righteous Abel to John Baptist look to the Apostles and the best of their successors look to the holy Preachers and people we shall find they had always enough to do to plead the cause of God and his truth against the many open persecutions and secret underminings of evil men and devils who many times so prevayled by Gods just judgment that the cause of God seemed wholly routed such were their powers their victories their numbers their policies their cruelties all bent against the cause of God yet even their banishment and prison and tortures and plundrings and sequestrations and loss of all even to life it self these with a good cause and a good conscience were infinitely to be preferred before all the Treasures and Triumphs and Thrones and successes and applauses of impious prosperity or prosperous impiety The just must live by faith not by sense the touch stone of Gods cause is Godsword both as to the end and the means the usual badg or mark of Christs cause is Christs cross to which we were all devoted in our baptism nor must we fly from those colours least the Lord answer us as those that plead with him at the last day have we not prophecyed in thy name and cast out Devils c. So have we not pleaded thy cause O Lord by tumults mutinies falsities sedition rebellion by plunder and rapine by sacriledge and perjury by blood and violence To whom the Lord will reply depart from me ye hypocrites and accursed I know you not you pleaded the cause of your own lusts and belly of your pride envy covetousness ambition and revenge and not of my holy name and true Religion and reformation which owns no such manner of pleading or practising 7. Vse Is by way of examination wherein I will propound two Questions to you with such answers as I conceive may suit them 1. Question is What may be that cause of God for which he thus pleads in wrath against us in England So far that his hand hath been a long time stretched forth against us and his wrath is not yet turned away from us but burnes as a consuming fire to the very foundations in a long war and the worst of all a civil war which destroys even humanity it self setting nearest relations at distances and friends at distances and neighbours at enmity and countrimen at mortal contentions Yea and this upon the worst account even religious dissentions and jealousies no less then secular if we ask why the Lord hath brought all this evil upon a people that were once called by his name and but too happy the very wonder joy or envy of all Churches and Nations and Kingdomes Why is it that the Lord hath pleaded thus severely against our Kings and Princes our Parliaments and Peers our Bishops and Clergy our Gentry and Commonalty even all sorts of people against Church and State against our peace our laws our government our liberties our estates and our plenty against the prosperity and the honour of the Nation yea against our very Religion and reformation it self as if he did abhor us So that we seem condemned to everlasting torments to contend with and devoure each other with endless diesolations and confusions turning like Ixion in the wheel or Sisyphus his stone or St. Laurence from one side to the other upon the grid●ron of dayly exactions vexations terrors and vastations while Manasseh is against Ephraim and Ephraim against Manasseh and Iudah against both That we cannot find or will not follow the way of peace With what Earthquakes and Shakings and Overturnings and bloody Battels and mutual Exhaustings and unplacable Annimosities have we been wasted many years and are still
such a people as we are whose iniquities have forfeited former blessings the sins of peace made way for war and war for domestick confusion and these for foraign invasions and this for Romish superstitions and Papal usurpations for there want not factors at home and abroad who are earnest sticklers for a Cause which they call the Catholick Cause what it means as to our civil and religious concern as to the honor of this Nation and the prosperity or peace or liberty of the Reformed Religion you cannot be such strangers in the Christian world as not to consider How long as Eliah said to the Israelites will you halt between two opinions between two Causes nay now they are multiplied to twenty if the Reformed Church and Religion which God so blessed with temporal and spiritual blessings with excellent gifts and graces to your forefathers in the last century of Englands honor and happiness if it be Gods Cause grounded on his word sealed by his Spirit and conform to the best of primitive Churches let us plead and assert this against all other for it will be our wisdom and our strength our honor our peace and our safety as it was to our forefathers for the greatest part of an hundred years while they joyned Loyalty to Religion and thought nothing further from Reformation then Rebellion against lawful Magistrates and their lawful power The Second Question you may make to me is What is this Cause of God which we are now to plead in England or what is there left for us to do I Answer as Joseph to his brethren this do and live First retain righteous principles as to civil Justice and true Religion in your own judgements and in the Court of your consciences that you be not warped in them so as by any events or successes to call evil good and good evil darkness light and light darkness Though you have not opportunity or power or courage at present to plead according to your principles yet turn not from them comply not with such as are false unjust irreligious though it be so evil a time that prudence adviseth and piety indulgeth you silence yet time may come when you may plead for Gods Cause according to your principles Mean time as by your speaking you do not strengthen the hands of an evill cause and evill doers so by your silence and reserve you do cast a just reproach and discountenance upon them there is yet hope of a good Cause if the Court and Judge be not corrupted Notwithstanding that some evil pleaders cry it down Secondly As you have power and opportunity given you dare to own and plead for Gods Cause 1. In your own brests and consciences every grace and vertue every good thought and motion is Gods plead them against thy own lusts and the Devils temptations 2. In thy Family and relations plead Gods Cause against lying swearing idleness prophaness c. Thirdly In civil affairs plead the cause of Justice against any injury and oppression the poorest mans cause if just is Gods yea and the cause of a wicked mans so far as it is just is Gods Specially in causes of publick Justice there thou must not be wanting to speak out by pleading when called to it by petitioning and praying for Justice yea and acting for it according to what is just and lawful but a just Cause must not be set as the Ark on the cart of injustice we must not so plead Gods cause as to injure Cesars nor Cesars as to injure Gods Fourthly Plead the cause of true Religion of our reformed Religion of the Church of England and its excellent constitutions against the Pseudo Catholick Church of Rome the cause of Christs merits and intercession against all mixtures humane or Angelick the cause of the Scriptures against all Apocryphal traditions and fanatick illuminations which are false illusions and not divine inspirations The cause of the Lords Supper in its compleatness against the subductions and seductions of the Mass which loseth the bread to all and steals away the wine from the Laity the cause of the worship of God in a known tongue to edification against Latin service which few understand so as to say Amen to what is prayed So the cause of chast and honorable mariage against scorched and affected coelebacy Further Plead as for the verity so for the unity of the Reformed Religion and this Church against those lice and locusts those noxious and noysom vermine of factions which have so gnawed and deface● this Church the reformed religion and which seek to deprive your children of one and your selves of both the holy Sacraments Plead for the Churches patrimony for the support and honor of an able learned authoritative and worthy Ministry in due order and government of it against those sacrilegious spirits who with Judas grudge all as wast that is by a grateful charity and devout superfluity poured on Christ for the honor of his name and the encouragement of his Ministers according to the general tenor of Gods word not only permiting but commanding us by personal or national donations to honor God with our substance Plead for our due ordination subordination as Ministers that we may not by novel projects of levelling confusion plebeian Anarchy in the Church be driven from conformity with the ancient Fathers and the order and universal government of all Christian Churches as wel as our own from our first being Christian If you think us able or worthy to take care of your souls eternal welfare and to administer to you spiritual things Do not think us worthy to be condemned to live to dye and to be buried even yet alive with the meanest of the people since by what I have now discoursed to you it may appear that we are neither ignorant of nor enemies to the true cause of God Jesus Christ as our blind and bitter enemies do maliciously pretend Of which cause I have in all my discourse not spoken my own private sense only but the sense of my Fathers Brethren of all true Bishops and Presbyters and of the whole Church of England Lastly Since I hope you are as willing as able to plead Gods cause and since I know you pray that God would plead your and your posterities cause in Church and State that he would make yours his own cause Keep I beseech you always in your souls this holy resolution not to be wanting in your place to your power to assert Gods cause corde et ore consilio exemplo prece praxi atramento sanguine In which behalf you cannot form your thoughts to a better tune and words then Luther did when he undertook that great Cause of religious reformation Aut propugnemus causam Dei aut succumbamus cum causa Dei Either let us stand by the cause of God or let us fall with
Causa Dei Gods pleading his own Cause Set forth in Two SERMONS PREACHED At the TEMPLE in November 1659. BY Dr. Gauden Bishop of Excester LONDON Printed by John Best for Andrew Crook at the Green Dragon in S. Pauls Church-yard 1661. TO THE Honourable Societies OF THE TEMPLES IN order to adorn my departure from you worthy and honored Gentlemen with a Beno decessit such grateful respects and civility as becomes me to your eminent and worthy Societies I have formerly prepared and now dedicated this following Treatise as my fare-well Present to you or a second monument of mine yea and of your Honor after that which was by me the last year of Englands captivity consecrated to the memorie of my reverend and renowned Predecessor Bishop Brownrig under the patrocinie of your Name that was as the Urn or Conservatory of his and your reciprocal kindness and mutual merits with whose mortall remains your piety hath adorned your Temple This second piece is the substance of those two Sermons which I first preached among you after I was invited 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in those dark and dangerous times to bestow my pains with you in the Term time The main subject of this is the The true Cause of God and the right pleading of it Which Theam I then chose to preach on because I observed in the whole course of our English traged●● that eve●y party still pretended to act their factious confusions upon their several stages in these three Kingdoms under the specious dress colour title and pretence of Gods Cause and the high zeal they had to plead it This this was always inscribed on the most bloody banners with this their tongues and pens were whetted who sought to build their Counter-Babels on the foundations and ruines of Zion With this Mark of the Lamb were those ravening wolves marked who drank the blood and eat the flesh of their Fathers and Mothers of Kings and Clergie of Church and Country with this Motto The Cause of God and Christ their false tongues their crazie heads their cruel hands and impudent faces were to be set off to popular reputation when nothing indeed was further from their hearts or works O the Cause of God the Cause of God the Cause of Iesus Christ cries every tatling and teeming faction when prostitute to and impregnated by the Incubus of some novel lust and new fancy as if it were now in travel and readie to be delivered of some holy birth or sacred prodigie This language or fallacy non causa pro-causa of urging the Cause where no Cause of God was the rigid Presbyterian learned in Scotland this the puny Independant brought from Arnheim or New England This of old the Anabaptists cried up at Munster when to encrease their Faction they multiplied wives This the silly Quaker now peeps and mutters in every corner This the more bloody Papists boasted of in Ireland and other Bigots of that perswasion do every where magnifie the Romish cause as the only Christian Catholick Cause Mean while all these parties joyntly and severally labour to overthrow the true Cause and excellent constitution of this Church and Monarchie of England That is the truth peace honor and order both of these Brittish Kingdoms and of our Reformed Religion as it is conform to the Word of God to our ancient good Laws and to the customs of the true Catholick Church In which the learned loyall and Religious Nobility Gentry Clergie and Commons of this nation with their Kings have ever judged that the true Cause of God as to justice and Religion holiness and peace the divine glory and welfare of mankind was and is most eminently contained I confess I was then wearie and ashamed of the counterpleas counterscufles of those bold and divided harlots who did each pretend with great zeal the Cause of God against the other in order to oppose Gods righteous cause which certainly ever was and will be but one and the same for ever as to the main of truth and peace of faith and good works of justice and holiness I evidently saw by many years sad experience that these rude rivals already had and ever would first divide then destroy the true cause of God and the publick interest of this Church and Kingdom only to advance their private and partial causes which were evidently leavened with most illegal extravagancies with sacrilegious covetousness with immoderate ambitions with inhumane revenges with implacable cruelties and with impudent exorbitancies and with most ●eigned necessities Hence it was that I adventured in so great and illustrious an Auditory even before the day of our redemption dawned or that day-star of the North appeared which afterward ushered in our Sun of Righteousness I say I then adventured truly and fully to set forth my sense of Gods Cause with such a resolution as our learned Bradwardin Arch bp of Canterbury sometime took up when he set forth his large and elaborate Volume De Causa Dei of which he thus says in his Preface De Causa Dei Scripturus sciens manum in ignem terribilem mitto c. That he well knew into what flaming fires with Scoevola he put his hand how many enemies he should contract and exasperate by his honest stating and asserting the Cause of Gods grace and glory against the Pelagian pride and presumption who sought to advance the impotent power of nature the cloudie twilight beams of Reason and the maimed liberty of mans will which is clogged corrupted and hampered with many sensual lusts above the necessity and against the only sufficiency of Gods grace in order to his glory and a sinners salvation yet that good Prelate did both proceed and speed he did his work and had his reward both in a good conscience and in great successes as to his repressing that petulancy of poor worms exalting themselves against the great God without whom they can do nothing but sin against him and damn their own souls In like manner have I lived to see in a few months after that bold essay of mine among you the wonderful revolutions of Gods providence pleading at once his own the Kings this Churches and this Kingdoms cause the Cause of our Laws Liberties Lives and Religion the cause of all honest men for their souls and bodies for themselves and their posterities in their temporal and eternal great concernments All these great and good Causes are at once pleaded by our wise just and mercifull God against those strong delusions those false pretensions those rebellious usurpations and those novel intrusions which under the lie and hypocrisie of setting up Gods Cause and the Cause of Jesus Christ made prophane men abhor the very name godly men to pitty the reality of Gods holy cause which they saw so miserably mistaken by some and by others so shamefully deformed so sordidly defiled so impudently blasphemed through the wicked policies and horrid practises of some monsters of men most unsanctified Saints who
were so diametrally contrary to the Word of God to the laws of this Land and to the example of Iesus Christ and all ●rue Saints and so no more capable to set up or promote Gods righteous cause except that of his punitive Iustice for our sins to which the Devils themselves may serve as Executioners then the sparks of hell can add to the light of heaven or the falling Stars and Meteors contribute to the lustre of the Sun or the crooked winding of the Dragons ●ail could give protection to the Woman and her childe against whom his mouth vomited those black floods and Stygian eructations which by Heretical or ●ch●●matical or Heathenish or Atheistical persecutions seek to overwhelm them The great and blessed God hath taken the matter into his own hand what you then faithfully heard and devoutly prayed for with me as to Gods pleading of his own Cause you have lived to see fulfilled as it was then by me discoursed and foretold while the poor people of England were halting between man● opinions all eagerly pretending to be for Gods Cause one for Aristocracy the other for Democracy one for Presbyter●● the other for Independency one for their Antiepiscopal Covenant another for their Anti-regal Engagement one for ab●uration of Kings the other for extirpation of Bishops a third for setting up the Kingdom of Iesus Christ in which they might rule instead of both King and Bishops and all this forsooth in order to advance the Cause of God though in ways quite contrary to the eternal rules of charity justice and religion the Laws of God and this Nation amidst this confusion the Lord from heaven hath on the sudden convicted confuted and confounded all those specious but spurious pretenders to Gods Cause which is not to be begun or carried on as I after declare by any means but such as are pure peaceable just and ●oly either by an orderly doing good in our places or by a patient and humble suffering of evil inflicted on us though it be for well doing It is most evident that as in natural so in civil and Ecclesiastical motions all things magnetically move as they are moved by their chief cause or grand concern which by a circular kind of influence studies to unite the finall to the efficient cause that the power of the one may enjoy the good of the other This Cause is the first and last mover of every knowing agent it is the weight and spring of all rational activity it is a pulse ever importuning the spirit and beating upon the heart the one thing necessary to which men seek to make all other things subservient or at least subordinate the centre from which and to which all lines are drawn The better to compass their respective designs every Agitator for Faction did cunningly entitle God to their Cause as some that are cautious of the crackt titles of their estates resign the Fee to the Crown and take from them a Lease of a thousand years ●o did the counterfeit and contrariant Causes larely so scu●●sing in England for place and power set themselves up under the name of Gods Cause while they were indeed the causeless corrupters of our Laws the Nations heavie curse the Churches moth and corrosive and confounders of all yet each of their pretended causes were impudently pleaded by ●ome men in Churches and Courts of Iustice as Gods Cause y●● by ●ome suppositi●ious Par●●aments they were voted for till they had run themselves and all of us like S. Pauls ship in the storm upon such rocks of Anarchy and confusion as were past humane hopes of recovery if God himself had not arose by a providence scarce ever paralleld in any age or instance of the world to plead by a still voyce after all our foregoing earthquakes fires tempests the Cause of his own great Name and the honor of our blessed Saviour with the sanctity of our Reformed Religion and the Loyalty of our English Nation the rights also of the Crown with the double honor of our Church and in sum the just restablishment of all our long shaken and overthrown foundations the cause of all which was pleaded more effectually in a few calm Months when the voyce of Law and Reason of Loyalty and true Religion came to be heard in our streets then they had been or ever could have been in many years by plunderings and sequestrings by killing and slaying by illegal covenanting and perjurious engaging by devouring and destroying both Church and Kingdom I am piously ambitious though my station be now removed from you made without my seeking much uneasier though somewhat higher then it was before to deposite thi● work with you O worthy and honourable Gentlemen among whom it had its first productions of whose love and favor as you know I never made any mercenary gain or pecuniary advantag● as that wretched Libeller 〈◊〉 Creticus Borborites enviously suggests my charge of attending your service being beyond any benefit I ever received so I mus● own this as the greatest rewar● and only satisfaction which I ever had or expected for my pains among you that I had thereby an happy opportunity in so noble an Assembly and in so desperate paroxysms of our distempered times to set forth with my wonted freedom the great concern of all good men which is the true Cause of God which must be pleaded against our own and others lusts and to discover those potent epidemical cheats which under that name had so long abused these British Nations and Churches I well remember that some of my more touchy and guilty hearers men of name at that time were at once scared and scandalized to hear me preach so freely and smartly of that subject they feared their practice and craft would soon fail if once the true Cause of God were rightly stated and pleaded yea some men of the long robe and of large consciences protested after the hearing of the first Sermon they durst not hear me preach again on that subject least their silence should make them guilty of High-treason by their no● complaining of me to the Traytor● then tyrannizing over us Indeed they were justly jealou● that the true Cause of God like Moses Serpent would eat up al● those of the Magicians That the Cause of Christ of the tru● heavenly Jerusalem would either batter down or undermine those bloody Babels of their Common● wealths which were indeed the common woe though it made for some mens private wealth by the prices of blood and wages of iniquity which they greedily received I thank God I never feared the frowns nor affected the smiles of such servile Sycophants who durst plead any Cause but what was truly Gods the Kings and the Churches I had then sufficient encouragement from the love and approbation of the most and best of their Society without which yet I ought and should have done my duty upon the account of conscience and inward comfort Hence is this
crowns of eternal victory for though we die for it yet we shall live by it the greatest trophies of Gods cause are in another world there our Lord Iesus Christ with the Prophets Apostles Martyrs Confessors and all the true Professors set up their victorious banners and rest in eternal Triumphs O let us all cast anchor in Gods Cause and we shall have no cause to fear the tossings of this world which was and ever wil be a restless Sea Let us keep Faith and a good conscience from shipwrack by preservation of our Laws and reformed Religion so shall we and our posteritie Kings and Subjects be most safe on earth however we shall be sure to gain our main cause and process at last in heaven tho in other things we be less advantaged as to this world for all our care pains in pleading Gods the Kings and the Churches Cause In which I hope I have not been wholly wanting to my duty in the worst of times nor shall I be now discouraged in these more Halcyon days however my sun may seem to be in its Western decline wher I find my self preferred as to much more love civility and honor from the Gentry sober Clergie ingenuous people of that Diocess then I can well deserve so I am exposed to much more business and fatigue of life sweet●ed with far less worldly comfort t●anquillity then formerly I enjoyed when I had the happiness of a more conv●nient as well as a more private and retired condition but Iow my self more to the publick cause of God and his Church of my King and Country then to my own ease or private interest for those we must be willing to do suffer and deny our selves in any thing short of heaven sin and hell faithful seruice of them is our greatest freedom highest honor and will be at last our greatest reward if we can but have patience to wait a few years till we pass to another world where the crown of eternall glory shall be set on the head of that vertue which envie here may depress That you with my self may persevere in sincerely pleading and promoting Gods blessed Cause which is our own is the earnest prayer of Your very humble Servant John Gauden Bp. of Exeter E●ueter Feb. 20. 1660. ERRATA Pag. 66. line 26. r. which l. 27. r. of l. 28 dele them p. 61 l. 16. r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 l. 18. r. Hinges or ●xes l. 19. r. polar p. 89. l. 15. r. pleaded p. 150. l. 19. r. l p. 153 ● 8. r. pursue Causa Dei Gods pleading his own Cause Set forth in two SERMONS Preached at the Temple in Novemb. 1659. Upon PSAL. 74. 22 Arise O God Plead thine own Cause Remember how the foolish man reproacheth thee daily THis Psalm is a most Pathetick Lamentation for the deplorable state of the Church of God among the Jews in the Babylonish captivity after the Justice and Wrath of God had let in the power aud malice of enemies as a mighty flood which swept away not onely the civil peace liberty plenty safety and honour with the Majesty and Government of the State but also the very face and form of the Church The publick profession order decency and solemnity of Religion the Worship and Service of God moral and ceremonial as to sacrifices and oblations Prayers and praises in the Temple § A matter of the greatest consideration to every pious and devout soul who cannot but be grieved to see Religion as the light of the sun put under a bushel confined to closets and corners driven to private and precarious Conventicles to be forced to thin and scattered Congregations or which is worse to affect separate Conventicles where the ta 〈…〉 d ra●● of verity will never be able to ●●ep charity warm or cover the 〈…〉 of Schism and Faction 〈…〉 i● the● time to cry out with old Eli Ichabod The glory is departed from Israel the beauty of holiness is turned into sackeloth ashes and publick joys sink into mourning and solemn Halelujahs into sad lamentations full of sighs and tears There is no cause to triumph or joy upon any civil and secular accounts in any Nation never so prospe●●●s when true Religion is eclipsed or the true Church and its Ministry discountenanced debased persecuted plundered destroyed reproached Then if ever as the Mariners cryed to Jonah in the storm Every man should cry mightily to his God apply his hands to the ore that is to such means as being pious and prudent are only proper to be used in Gods Cause This Psalm beare the name of Asaph that famous Master in Davids time of Church-musick both Vocal and Organical in which there is so much of humane yea divine sweetness composure and rapture that nothing but savage Barbarity and rude hypocrisie can envy or deny the Church of Christ both Christian and Judaick the blessing of holy harmony in singing to God and setting forth his high praises in the greatest perfections of melody that man can attain unto and the Churches gravity enjoy Not that it is like to have bin then penn'd by Asaph as if by the spirit of prophesie he had foreseen foretold and forewarned the captivity four hundred years before it came to pass but either some other of that name wrote it in the time of the captivity or some man of another name might then write this doleful Psalm or Threnody to the composure method or tune of Asaphs excellent melody who was one of the chief Singers leaving to after ages further monuments not only of devout compassion of the Churches affliction but also of those heavenly comforts which may in all cases be used and enjoyned in such holy forms as do set forth the exemplary passions of devout men either as to joy or sorrow complacenc 〈…〉 compassion prayer or praise in publick or private concernments so that not onely as St. James speaks If any man rejoyce he may sing Psalms of praise and thanksgiving But if he be afflicted he may read pray and weep over such divine Ditties as are most suitable to the sence and sorrow of his soul or the state of the Church yea and of any private friend This holy Pen-man whoever he were having an heart full of zeal for Gods glory no less then eyes full of tears and lips full of complaints for the Churches calamities suffers himself to boil over to all the Topicks of pathetick Oratory and devout importunity sometime deploring in general the sad state of things other while complaining to God in particular instances yea in one place he seems to complain of God himself as if he were regardless and negligent of his own interests Tanquam coecum surdum numen as if he needed a Monitor and Remembrancer to mind his own cause one while he deplores Gods fierce anger against his Church Then he tells him of the near relation he had to that suffering Cause
Idolaters Therefore the Psalmist here so earnestly urgeth it upon God who he believed ever did and would own his own Cause so as to plead it himself in his own way and time Both as to the Majesty truth justice holiness and honor of it also as to the indignities which are by evil men cast upon it Summus Deus summas patitur injurias none is more a sufferer as to the malice and insolence of wicked men then the most blessed God who yet is as impassible as the suns light is uninfectible with the filthy exhalations of dunghils Plato puts this true saying into the mouth of Socrates dying under the malice of his persecutors Anytus and Melitus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. It is impossible for evil to make any impression of affliction upon that which is good and which can as a jewel so preserve its native goodness and firmness that sufferings shall make it not onely no way diminished but as in the wheel and file more illustrious and meritorious such were the sufferings of Christ properly and of all good men in an Evangelical sense being for a good Cause and on Gods account till God ceaseth to be just and good and true and faithful vigilant and zealous for his own glory his cause cannot utterly miscarry 3. Observ The Cause of God may be as to the eye of the world and to the sense of the best men in a most sad dejected deplored despised and desperate estate so sunck and oppressed that there is no outward sign of its being ever boyed up and recovered thus it was represented to Elias as if he onely were left to plead a lost Cause So the Disciples expressed their sorrow and despondency We verily trusted this had been he who should have redeemed Israel So Mary weeping to the Angels answers their questioning of her tears They have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid him many times the foundation of Church and State of Justice and Religion are so out of course that the righteous know not what to do or say all things so unhinged by violent wicked and unreasonable men that nothing moves by any order or written Law of God or Man but by the power and impulse of mens own lusts who from Gods silence permission and patience are prone foolishly to conclude his approbation and liking of their cause and ways yea and to say God is such an one as themselves the distress of Gods Cause may be such that the whole Church may be ready to cry out as the Psalmist Help Lord for vain is the help of man It is time for thee O Lord to put to thy hand for they have made thy Law of none effect § So did the Heathenish persecution and the latter Romish superstition tyrannically triumph a long time over the slain Witnesses the Law and Gospel the Scriptures and Catholick Traditions the Preachers and Professors of that true Religion which hath been testified both as to moralities and mysteries faith and manners not onely by the two Testaments but also by the confessions and conversations of all antient and modern Christians conform to Gods Word and the best Churches customs The vapor of numbers pomp prosperity and prevalency are no demonstrations either to approve the cause of Arius or Antichrist or to prejudice the cause of Christ and of Gods true Church But as Lucan speaks of the cause of Pompey and Cesae in which the justice of the first was overborn by the successes of the second Victrix causa Diis placuit sed victa Catoni the gods abetted Cesar by victories but Cato's constancy adhered to Pompey's and the Senates conquered cause because it was most just 4. Obser The Cause of the true Church is Gods cause most signally and peculiarly in this world his interests and concernments are so linked with its that they are insep●trable as Jacobs soul was bound up in Benjamins as the Husbands honor in the Wives as a friends happiness in a friends so is the relation between God and his Church if that be black God is eclipsed as to the most visible eradiations of his glory to this world if that be bright and conspicuous as a City on a hill in truth and holiness in charity and prosperity Gods great name praise and renown are most glorious and illustrious Then his Wisdom and Truth and Justice and Power and Mercy and Patience and Goodness and Faithfulness are in their meridian strength as the Sun at noon day If the Church be hidden it is as the moon turned into blood or the Sun of Righteousness into sackcloth as Joel speaks as Joshua astonished when Israel turned its back upon its enemies said to God And what wilt thou do O Lord to thy great Name So do holy men they are prone to despond and deplore Gods own condition and Cause when they see the Church of God or any part of it as to its veracity sanctity order peace prosperity and unity decline and decay under error prophaness persecution disorder distraction division or any uncomfortable condition Tunc periclitatur coelum Dei res agitur then Gods Cause is at stake then as in the Giants assault his heaven is in hazard as if he were in danger to be numen infelix a miserable God Then is Christ tossed in the storms then do true Beleevers cry out as the Disciples Lord save us we perish Help Lord and do it for thy own name sake which is called upon by us God hath no considerable design in the world but that of his Church when this is consummated the world as the scaffold or stage or shell or chaff is to be destroyed The Church cannot be undone until God is undone and bankrupt 5. Obser No Church hath ever been so famous and flourishing in outward piety plenty peace and prosperity but it may fall under persecution and great oppression sometimes indeed as God said to Satan in the case of Jobs trials without a cause that is as to any predominant and unrepented sin at present provoking God against him but only as Christ said of the man born blind That the work of Gods grace and Spirit might be manifest in the trials and tribulations of his Church So in the first ages of the Church when Religion was purest and love warmest yet was the fire and furnace of persecution hottest Sometimes indeed as a fruitful land is made barren for the wickedness of them that dwell therein so the lukewarmness and corruptions of a Church the Apostasies and falling of Christians from their first Faith loyalty patience love and good works may cause God to hide his face to withdraw his protection to remove his candlestick as he threatens and to give over his Turtle to the will of its adversaries who shall set up their banners and roar in the Sanctuaries and break down all her carved works and
God and his Church are as I said inseparable no man is affected with one who is neglective of the other this example we have here added to others of Noah Lot Moses Phineas Samuel Eliah Micaiah Jeremiah Nehemiah Daniel Mordecai and others whose vigilancy and pertinacy was such in the cause of God and his Church that they were resolved to give God no rest till he did arise and plead his own cause Nothing is more imitable nothing more commendable nothing more practicable nothing more comfortable provided we rightly understand what the Cause of God is and apply to it as becomes God his cause and our duties then t is heroick to say with Esther If I perish I perish This is Angelick with Moses 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to put God to the blush and silence If not blo● me out of thy book and t is super Angelical to say with St. Paul I would wish to be accursed from Christ for the Churches sake and Gods cause our duty in which we shall the● best understand and perform when we have duly considered these four things 1. What the Cause of God is 2. What need we may have of his pleading it 3. How God doth plead it 1. Immediately by himself 2. Mediately by such instruments and means as he is pleased to use among men In the fourth place is to be shewed What is the true method or manner to be observed by all good men in pleading Gods cause with him and for him When these are finished and such Patheticks applied by way of use as may cast your wills in the mold of your judgements and make your affections to keep pace at least to follow your understandings I shall I hope not onely discharge in some tolerable measure my own duty and undertaking which is great but answer your favourable and Christian expectation which I see is not little for I abhor nothing more then the ostentation of so ample a text to so ample an Auditory in such exigents of times even agonies of Gods cause in Church and State in Justice and Religion and to do nothing worthy or proportionable to them which defect in me and neglect in you God forbid whose assistance as I humbly implore so I may not despair since it is in his own Cause which must needs be the best and may modestly hope for his gracious help in my pleading and preaching for it against all frivolous fallacious and impertinent pretenders to it the rather because it is not onely my particular cause as a Christian and a Minister but all yours together with your posterities as men as English-men as Christians and as Protestants We know that of the Orator In propriacausa unusquisque sibi videtur potens eloquens if in our own much more in Gods Cause which is our own too we ought to do our best on all hands First What this Cause of God is I take it for granted what I first observed That God hath his cause in this world who made all things by his wisdom and power for his glory and is as a wise Agent highly concerned as to do nothing in vain so not to fail of his main design It is no other then Atheistical blasphemy to deny that God hath any concern or causeon earth or that he regards them that doth and will ever plead for them God hath not left himself without witness in the world that he is and that he looks to the managery of all things specially of mankind and peculiarly of his own Cause It is not natura volvente vices lucis anni that all things are fatal and necessary confining God as well as man to inevitable events which is the fancy of those Qui nullo credunt mundum rectore moveri who have either no Faith in God or no thought worthy of a God Gods silence and patience are the prejudices which men have taken against his Providence and that special care of things which runs as spiritus intus agens in all permissions and events which are not as to God either contingent or by constraint but under the free and soveraign disposition which is every way worthy of a most wise disposer and almighty worker hence mockers as S. Peter observes are prone to ask Where is Gods cause where the promise of his coming Where are his prophesies what he would do for the good in mercy and against the wicked in justice even thus of old the Gnostick pride and presumption jested when vengeance was at the door and judgement overtook them to an utter desolation of the Jewish Polity They are such as live without God in the world that say he will do nor good nor evil Many are willingly ignorant that God hath any cause in this world and many are mistaken in the true Cause and in their pleadings for it without right understanding the heart cannot be good since the pregnant inventions of men in all times especially in ours have found out many Causes and every one is cryed up for Gods The first foundation-stone to be laid in this building is to know what the true Cause of God is of which every one boasts as his peculiar till another comes and finds out the fallacy This I shall shew first by giving general characters of Gods Cause such as are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 proper essential and intrinsick marks of it Secondly I shall by way of Induction shew you the particuliar parts or branches by which it spreads it self in the world First The Cause of God is known by these marks or essential properties 1 It is Causa optima not only a good cause but the very best yea the onely good one in the world the measure or standard of all others as the first and best of all Causes which are only so far good as they are conform to and concurrent with the cause of God whose internal rule is the moral will of God its end the glory of God It is good in its principles and in its practices every way vera pura justa divina 2. It is true according to Scriptural verity which is revealed in the holy Word of God fixed and infallible not depending on uncertainties which are sceptical conjectural and opinionative much less upon fantastical and enthusiastical notions according to the fancies dreams and inventions of men that are rather heady and giddy then hearty and godly § Gods Cause is never to be carried on by fictions or lyes by fables or legends which are but mans devises and the Devils stratagems as impertinent to advance Gods Cause as blackness is to augment light as with God so with his Cause no iniquity dwelleth 3. It is an holy pure and just Cause in all points as it regards 1. God in religious adoration inward reverence and outward veneration 2. Our selves in chastity and sobriety 3. Others in justice
humanity and charity in all things that are morally and evangelically commanded us as men and as Christians in civil and religious societies 4. It is Causa unica catholica as to its integrality or completion but one and the same as to its main ends and proportions confined to the love of God and our neighbor uniform in all moral spiritual and essential forms of righteousness and true holiness however it hath had some different dispensations as to outward forms and variable ministrations which are still concentred in one true God in one Lord Jesus Christ in one Spirit and in one true faith once delivered to the Saints Jude 2. 5. It is a constant Cause not any admitting variations as to the main end means and measures of it It is indeed causa antiquissima the eldest as it is the concern of the Ancient of days affecting no novelty and abhorring all inconstancy as to the main and essentials of it change of circumstances customs and ceremonies in Religion which like leaves grow up and fall with time is nothing to the body and life of the tree which is still the same as the man is the same man though he may change his cloaths circumstances of Religion fall under providence and prudence of men but the substance of it ariseth from an eternal fountain of divine Wisdom Power and goodness carrying on all things to the infinite ocean of Gods glory by the various streams or derivations of his providence to mankind and specially to the Church of God in Truth in Justice and in Mercy as men either sincerely adhere to or maliciously oppose the Cause of God 6. It is every way causa amplissima nobilissima augustissima the most noble and ample cause containing in it the greatest concernments of Men Angels and God himself yea it is accurate in the least things essentially belonging to it as having nothing indeed small in it● nature yea and aggrandising all things even circumstantial which it contains in its large circumference of piety charity and decency even to the least ceremonious actions and words yea secret desires and thoughts as every little point in a great circle hath its great relations aspects and dimensions in reference to the center sphear and circumference whereto it stands related § Although this magnificence be true of the Cause of God in its mystical and moral grandeur yet its name and honor is not to be fixed or confined to much less inscribed on every partial and covenanting pretention every small Ceremony outward circumstances and petty opinion which are mutable dubious dark and disputable of which men may be ignorant or doubt or deny or differ without danger of salvation as to any unbelief or immorality with which weak Christians must not be perplexed nor entertained In these many times prejudices and presumptions of men do much mistake and run on the fallacy of Non causa pro causa crying things up or down either for or against the cause of God just as they interpret Prophesies in Scripture according to their own presumptions and passions which like Optick glasses do multiply or magnifie them in their fancies agreeable to their factions and interests wherein once engaged they may have such a pride obstinacy and ambition as affects to do and suffer much for their cause as they truly call it which is not Gods but their own There that old Maxim of Martyrdom is true Non poena sed causa facit martyrem No sufferings can transmute an ill Cause to the honor of martyrdom Mens private and petty causes like the small by as of a bowl do too often seek to over sway the great Cause of the great God which consists 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not in meats and drinks or any minute business and observation but in Righteousness Truth Peace and Holiness Outward ceremonies of Religion are but at sring or lace or pins or cloathes to the body or being of a man ornamental not essential accidental and occasional not substantial and necessary they may be changed without detriment according to that wisdom liberty charity and order which becomes the Church of Christ and the Cause of God they must not be cumbersom and uncomly as pins that scratch or run into the skin or as garments too strait-laced heavy and uneasie there must neither be such a nakedness and deformity nor such an affected pomp and variety as exposeth the Cause of God and true Religion to laughter and contempt as a matter of pageantry or penury § It argues men have less sight of the suns greater light when they much magnifie Nebulous stars or their own farthing candles or every glo-worm under a hedge yea the circumstances and ceremonies of Religion most fall off as the mantle from mens eager disputes and concerns for or against them by how much mens spirits with Eliah ascend highest to heaven § The Cause of God as to the majesty of its verity morality and charity hath in some ages suffered much eclipse as to its true lustre and grandeure by these films or clouds these motes or mists which have risen in men eyes otherways not bad or blind They are commonly but as flies of weak and buzzing Christians who are so easily catched and so long held in the cobwebs of ceremonious controversies which reach no further than the ski●●● and suburbs that is the circumstantials of Religion yet from these sparks good God how great fires have been kindled and continued in this Church As of old in that one dispute which was so eagerly in the Church about the time of celebrating Easter whether the fourteenth day of the moneth as the Easter Churches used or on the next Lords Day after Holy Polycarp Bishop of Smyrna when he came to Rome conformed to the custom of that Church in the first Century yet afterward Pope Victors passion excommunicated all the Eastern Churches upon that point which precipitancy Ir●ne●● so justly reproved There are some innocent varieties in things indifferent which are admittable among Christians as among the Evangelists in the History of Christ who all adhere to the true cause of God serving not onely to exercise their charity and to shew the world that unity of the Spirit in the bond of Truth which they yet constantly hold but further to manifest to the world That Christian Religion is not a matter of policy and humane conspiracy but of divine verity in unity as to the main to which some variety in lesser matters is no prejudice but rather a confirmation as that resemblance which proclaims kindred in the different features of brethren who had one Father and Mother Certainly it had been happy as for all Christian Churches so for England if we had on all sides more minded the great things of Gods Cause and less troubled our selves about the nails and hairs of Religion they are commonly but small minds who make much ado about
little matters which administer much strife and little edification in truth or love Christians may and must 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 keep the truth in love Ephes 4. though they do 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 differ in things indifferent the substance of Gods Cause should have more influence to unite hearts than the ceremonies to divide them 7. Yet the cause of God is Causa ordinata 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 very regular and orderly in all its motions full of harmony and beauty abhorring any ways that are preposterous desultory violent uncomely disorderly tumultuary confused It needs none of these devillish engines to carry on the Cause of him who is the God of order decency and peace not of division confusion and contention Extravagant and excentric● spirits easily lose the Cause of God while they follow it in a preposterous wrong way as men may easily miss the centre of the circle who lay their rule in the least degree awry from the diameter the passions of men and their popular po 〈…〉 es never work out the righteousness of Gods Cause but trouble foil blemish and blaspheme it Not fire and earthquakes and whirlwinds but the still voyce and calm spiri● do best bring forth and set up by meekness of wisdom the true Cause of God and Christ and the Church especially as to the concerns of Religion Nor may that cause of civil Justice which some pretend to be promoted by any unjust and illegal ways of tumult sedition and rebellion these mar all and instead of repairing or purging the Temple with Josiah Ezra Josedeck and the blessed Jesus they set both Church and State Temple and City on fire as did Nebuzaradan and his Master Nebuchadnezzar ● These 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or genuine characters are the surest and safest tokens by which to discern Gods Cause both in its own merits or temper and in the minds of those that undertake to manage it Other novel popular and politick pretensions as to outward providences prosperities successes multitudes prevalencies of brutal and irregular power vulgar flatteries and factious adherencies or as to the respect of mens parts learning eloquence seeming zeal and cryed up devotion they are all spurious partial and fallacious 1. The Sun-shine of ordinary providence and success of prosperity and power may fall upon Causes that are evil and unjust no less then on the just and good Mahomet hath had great and long successions of successive power to assert his cause and multitudes do follow even that Beast as well as the Lamb or the Messiah Outward prosperity is the idol of fools who care not how little the Cause of God prosper and prevail in their souls if it thrive as to their purses and estates Successes are pursued by silly and easie people as gay Butterflies are by children Gods Cause is seldom seen in crouds or rabbles and throngs of people which Christ abhorred and avoided As its course is strict so its path is narrow 2. As for the decoys of personal gifts and endowments of zeal and seeming or real severities in some things King Saul had as his height so his heats above other Jews against the Gibeonites and Witches so Jehu had his zeal against the house of Ahab and Baal Paul once breathed threatnings against the way of Christ with equal ignorance imperiousness and confidence Novatus wanted not his zelotry and preciser passions nor Manes and Montanus their spiritual and seraphick pretensions with rigid fastings Origen and Tertullian had their excellent abilities which Vincentius Liri ●ensis calls Magnae tentationes magnorum ingeniorum their temptations to extravagancies they were like fair flowers and fruit which are too big for themselves and so crack or break nor did Donatus want his devotion nor Pelagius wit and learning nor Faustus Socinus of late his severity and strictness with his sophistry nor any Heretick or Schismatick ever failed to have some lure either of sensual liberty or special sanctity to take people withal So the Anabaptists in Germany as Sleiden and others tells us cryed most vehemently for Justice Mercy and Repentance other Enthusiasts had their rare visions and the very Ideot Quakers boast of their inward illuminations so the most pu●id Friars and politick Monks had their forged miracles and forced celibacies set off with great austerities to cover over their fedities Satan hath many masks and vizards of an Angel of light yet he is never further off from Gods Cause then when he most sets men awork to cry it up and carry it on in ways that are no less unjust violent and extravagant then perhaps for a time successful as was the Arrian perfidy which seemed so zealous for the unity of the Deity that they sought to overthrow the sacred Trinity and the grand foundation of the Christian Faith honor and comfort the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Word made flesh the Theanthropy and Philanthropy of God to mankind in the Incarnation of the Son of God Their disputes as St. Cyrill tells us were not more sophistical and perverse then specious and plausible insomuch that the pest infested in a few years the most part of the Christian world both in Court Cities and Countries which was as St. Jerom says amazed to see it self in a short time so be witched with the Arrian enchantments which set up a new Saviour and another Gospel then was primitively beleived in all Churches So the Novatians and Donatists or ●ntient Catharists which were the Christian Pharisees or Puritans pretended as Optatus and others tells us so to promote the Cause of the Churches purity that they destroyed its unity and charity And the Pelagians so stickled for the power and liberty of mans will that they derogated from Gods grace and glory as St. Augustine speaks 8. Causa crucisixi saepius crucisixa as Christ so his cause which is Gods is oft not onely circumcised but crucisied with him yea it may seem dead and buried too for a time to the judgement of sense we must not look for the true Church always cloathed with the sun but rather flying into the wilderness and covered with sackcloth The prosperities and crowns of Gods Cause are reserved for another world here the cross and thorns and buffettings and spittings and blood and spears and nails do not mis-become it but conform it to its head § T is certain the Cause of God was then purest as to faith and manners when it was like gold in the furnace and fiery trial under the first ten persecutions which lasted with some lucid intervals three hundred years In vain do those that seem high zealots for the Cause of God dream and speak big of houses and lands and liberties and victories and kingdoms and crowns and Judicatures and reigning with Christ after secular methods and policies of blood and fraud these are figs in this world The honor riches crowns and comforts of true
Christians are figs and grapes and olives that are not to be gathered from the bryars and thorns of the present world in which whoever will live godly must expect and patiently suffer but not deserve persecution A good Cause must not think it strange to finde bad entertainment on earth where it is a pilgrim and stranger Times are seldom so good as really to favour Gods Cause however the policies and lusts of men their pride licentiousness covetousness and ambition may seem to flatter it so far as suits with their present interests which are most what 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 self-seeking partial and inordinate ut in vitis sic in causis homines spes improbas alunt as in other things so in religion men have their impipious ambitions and perverse hopes § Whereas the Cause of God is a self denying cause as to all ungodliness and worldly lusts teaching us to live contentedly righteously soberly and godly in all things § So that these large flags and streamers which some men of the Roman or other factions of later editions hang out to the vulgar as to the potency and prosperity of their Cause argue no more Gods cause to be with them or they with it then the fine feathers in fools caps argue them to have wit or wisdom in their heads coppar may be thus stamped and guilded which will not endure the fiery trial as true gold will and such is the Cause of God ever pure and precious just and holy though it be oppressed and persecuted as a jewel it loseth not its native lustre and worth though it be ill set or cast into the dirt To conclude this general description of Gods Cause this may be its Emblem It is as the tree of life in the Pardise of God the root of it is the Truth of God in his word the sap is holiness or true sanctity the leaf is charity without dissimulation the rinde or bark is order and good discipline in the Church also Equity and civil Justice in the State the lesser and lower fruit is every grace and good work growing in us or from us the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 prime and topmost cluster is Gods glory and the salvation of sinful souls through his free grace in Jesus Christ Having shewed the general tokens or marks of Gods Cause I now proceed by way of Induction and instance to set forth the particulars in which it consists 1. The grand Cause of God is his own glory this is the first mover great conservator and last consummator of all things which the divine Wisdom contrives or his Patience permits or his Power performs or his Justice Goodness and Mercy moderates or his Word commands For this cause he hath made and manageth all things in heaven and earth that the glory of his being may appear to men and Angels who are with all humility gratitude adoration service and admiration to return the just recognition and praises due to the divine Majesty for all his essential excellencies and his gracious emanations every Attribute and Perfection of God is by them to be owned with due respect of Faith Fear Love Duty Adoration and Admiration thus his Power Wisdom Justice Mercy Immensity Eternity Veracity Immutability c. are to be considered by men and Angels with suitable affections reflecting from them to God And among Christians the unity of the Divine Nature together with the Trinity of the sacred Persons or relations distinguished by the names of Father Son and Holy Spirit must be ever owned celebrated and adored according to the wonted Doxology or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 used in the Orthodox Churches This Cause God hath in all ages pleaded as his own royal concern against Atheists Polytheists Idolaters Antitrinitarians Anthropomorphites against prophane and proud livers who live as if there were no God above them also against vain and false swearers who blaspheme the name of God and bring a curse on their souls families and countries against presumptuous wicked doers who are their own gods and worshippers both self-Idols and self-Idolaters This is the first most immediate cause or concern of the Divine Nature and Glory that God be owned and none beside him or comparable to him This will be made good against wicked men and Devils by the pleas and principles of right Reason by the sensible beauty order harmony proportion usefulness and constancy of Gods Works in the world by his signal providences in judgement or mercy by his preservation of the Scriptures and the Church with true Religion by the predictions fulfilled and lastly by the terrors convictions and presages of mens consciences which are that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the little God in our own brests as Mar. Aurelius calls it 2. The next great concern or Cause of God is that of the Lord Jesus Christ the eternal Word and coessential Son of God the blessed Messiah the brightness of the divine glory and express image of the Father It is not enough now to beleive in God as Creator and Preserver of men but we must also beleive in the Lord Jesus Christ as Redeemer of beleiving penitent and obedient sinners by the mercy love and free grace of God This is the beloved Son of God whom we must hear the onely name under heaven by which we may be saved he that doth not obediently beleive the testimony of Prophets and Apostles of Miracles and Angels of Martyrs and Confessors of the Church Catholick and an enlightned conscience in this great Cause of the Messias even the crucified Jesus is under peremptory condemnation while such § Of this great and mysterious Cause God gave the world an account of old under types figures sacrifices and many ceremonies as shadows and resemblances under the Law but now the Substance and Son of Righteousness is come and hath fully taught his Church the will of God and the work such sinners have to do which is to repent and beleive in him whom the Father hath sent who so beleiveth not makes God a lyar and is already condemned to which must be added to compleat the cause of the sacred Trinity the belief and adoration of the Holy Ghost as God one with the Father and the Son in the Divine essence and glory though a distinct person as to the emanation from and relation to both ● The Cause of God extends to the true Church of God as an holy corporation or society of such as do truely believe inwardly or outwardly and profess with Order and Charity the word worship and service of the true God with our Lord Jesus and the blessed Spirit according to the rule of the Scripture ● God owns himself in Jesus Christ as the Father friend head and Husband of the Church such as fight against that fight against God and afflict the apple of his eye God is concerned that the foundation of his Church which is
Scripture written by the Prophets and Apostles be preserved free from Apocryphal additions Fabulous traditions Humane inventions and Phanatick inspirations That the Ministers of it by Bishops Presbyters and Deacons as to its Authority Order and supports be maintained agreeable to the primitive pattern instituted by Christ in the Twelve Apostles and the Seventy Disciples with their attendants in holy offices this is the cause of God as that of Embassadors and their followers in the cause of those Princes that send them so Commissionated and instructed they that receive them receive Christ and they that reject them reject him and they that defraud or rob divide and destroy the Church and Ministry of Christ are Robbers of God Sacrilegious Felons from the blessed Son of God who is Heir of all and to whom we owe all we have as redeemer of is and all blessings we enjoy The great Seals of the Church also the two Sacraments are the Cause of God not to be prophaned or neglected For which cause God sharply punished the Corinthians with sickness and death Much less may they be changed or diminished or added to in point of duty and necessity beyond the stamp and inscription of Divine institution and that Catholick practice or use of them which was ever owned by the Church whose veracity or fidelity is not to be questioned in things of universal observance such as were those of the Lords day for the Christian Sabbath of the books of Canonical Scriptures of the Baptizing of Christians Infants whose cause is the cause of God and of his Covenant with the faithful and their seed so of the giving of the cup as well as the consecrated bread to all Communicants as well Lay as Clergy and lastly as to the constant Order and Government of the Church in its several distributions by many Presbyters subordinate and assistant to some one paternal yet authoratative Bishop as sons to a presidential Father This Government by Episcopacy is Gods Cause as the God of order and the Apostles cause as settled and sealed by their wisdome and the Churches consent's as a primitive Catholick custom the veracity and antiquity of which is asserted by the Churches testimony both as to all Histories and in its practice not to be doubted desparaged denied or abolished without great in solency and peevishness either to gratifie Presbytery or Independency both which are novel ties of yesterday and so cannot be Gods Cause which is verissi●●a antiquissima as old as it is true and good § The Cause of Gods Church as to its Honour Order Fidelity support● rule and government is so far Gods Cause as he hath made his Church the Pillar and ground of truth and as himself is the God of Order and Polity yea● and the Churches cause is Gods as to that prudential liberty and variety which his wisdome hath granted and indulged to it in the several parts or distributions of it under the Gospel as to the circumstantial or ceremonial rites of Religion incident or annexed to the outward decency of worship and profession in several ages and places so as may most conduce to the planting propagating preserving and reforming of true Religion among all Nations Lastly the unity of the Church belongs to Gods cause who is but one and his Son one and his Spouse one Such as cause Schism and divisions in the true Church by giving or taking unnecessary and so unjust scandals and thereby raising uncharitable separations these are injurious to the God of peace and the Prince of peace Nostrum laceratur in arbore corpus Christians tear God rend the body of Christ in their Schisms which divide them from the love of Christ and for his sake of one another which is the great Character of Christs Disciples Joh. 13. 35. § Therefore all the Methods of Ecclesiastical Polity which were used in primitive times by which to keep the Catholick Church in an holy unity and brotherly correspondency by Bishops Arch-Bishops Primates Metropolitans and Patriarchs yea and in latter ages when Christians were multiplied by Arch-Deacons Suffragans or Chorepiscopacy i. e. rural Deans and the like were so far from being Antichristian projects and evil policies that they were the Counsels and results of Christs spirit as helps in Government for the Order and Unity Polity and Authority meet to be observed in his Church § Nor is it of any weight which some urge odiously and enviously against these subordinations and degrees fitted for the unity of the Church which capacitated them to meet and correspond as by general and lesser Councils in several places so by Letters communicatory in all the world that hence the Papal arragancy and Pride did get footing and his prescripts became decrees For if all things of piety or prudence must be abolished with the policy or superstition if man lists to abuse them we shall leave very little to true Religion So far Popes and Bishops and Presbyters and People too have shewed themselves in many things to be but men subject to prejudices and passions yet are they no way capable to destroy or deprave the true principles or practices of Christian wisdom much less of Divine and Apostolick institution either binding and perpetual or prudential and occasional which lawfully may be used and are not rashly to be abolished 4. Next the Churches cause which is eminently contained in Gods comes that of all mankind as God is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the lover and preserver of men in the way of civil societies the Hings or Axis and popular points of which are Justice commutative and distributive private and publique the just God is concerned that justice be done to all and by all according to their place and station The rule and measure of all civil and Politique Justice for matter and manner for what is to be done and by whom for the equity of retribution and authority of dispensation is that custome and law which is prevalent by publique consent in every Nation not contrary to the Law of God what ever is done contrary to this is in Deiinjuriam and makes the actors reolaesae Majestatis divinae as well as humanae guilty of doing injury to the justice and Majesty not onely of men but of God whose are the laws and Polities the Princes Kings and lawful Magistrates of every state Kingdom and Common-wealth which are Gods Ordinances not to be resisted by tumult or armed force by sedition or Treason without an high sin which subjects men to damnation as Rebels to God as enemies to the good of their Country to the duty they ow● to parents and indeed to the good of all mankind who would soon be as miserable as beasts and Devils if they were not restrained from private extravagancie preserved in their honest enjoyments by the publique laws and that Soveraigne power which is
ariseth terribly to judge the world and to ease him of his adversaries and to plead the cause of his oppressed Church are most worthy of the divine majesty For 1. They are most just in themselves 2. They are most pregnant and convictive in mens consciences as the pleas of God 3. They are unavoidable and irrisistible and potent 4. They carry the cause at last against all opposition the highest cedars are feld by it the greatest mountains levelled Gods Cause like Moses his serpent devours all those Enchanters and Magicians 5. They are impartial without respect of persons great or strong rich or noble wise or foolish few or many God sometimes so pleads it as to pour contempt even upon Princes to pull down the mighty from their seats to confound their counsels to break the arm of their strength to lop off all their branches yea to stub up their roots as to their posterity and renown which was done against Nebuchadnezzar Haman Balshazzar and Judas Sometimes God pleads his cause even by miraculous appearings in signs and wonders full of terror and destruction so against Pharoah and the Egyptians so against Senacherib and his hoast sending a destroying Angel to confute in one night his bl●sphemous insolency by slaying the greatest part and flower of his Army sending him away with shame which was followed with the parricide of his two sons who slew him So in privater cases God pleads against Miriams murmuring by leprosie so against Nadab and Abihu by fire So against Korah and his mutinous complices God wrought a new way of burying them alive Numb 16. 33. So against the pride of Herod whose popular diety was confuted by worms Act. 12. 23. Sometimes God fills his enemies with Pannick terrors and makes them sheath their swords in their own bowels to become executioners of his vengeance yea and we read Achitophels or acular wisdom ended in a halter even so let all perfidious and impenitent Polititians perish O Lord that are enemies to thy Cause in true Religion and just Government Sometimes God stirs up unexpected and despicable enemies against them who kindle such fires of intestine or foraign wars as consume his proudest adversaries as in the Kings of Israel and Judah when they forsook and rebelled against God When God ariseth to plead his own Cause he fears the face of none he spares none not Families or Cities or Nations or a whole world as in Noahs days or the whole race and nature of mankind as in Adam and Eve who fell under the curse with their posterity when they beleived and obeyed the serpent more then God Against some he pleads vvith fire famine pestilence evil beasts War Deluges Nay he spared not the rebellious Angels but cast them out of heaven into hell fire from the light of his blessed presence to chains of eternal darkness Nay God spares not his ovvn servants People and Church he pleaded sorely against Davids sin vvhich argued his despising of God vvhen he preferred his lust and caused the enemies of God to blaspheme all religion and grace by the scandal of his extravagancy God shevvs us that as Saints may sin so he sees sin in them and vvill not let it go unpunished § So he pleads against Eli and his sons even to their untimely death and the extirpation of that family from the honor of Priesthood So against King Uzziah for his sacrilegious intruding on the Preists office So against King Saul for his rebellion which was us witchcraft So against King Solomon vvhen his wisdom left him or he left it and fell to so gross a folly and effeminacy as to countenance and tolerate Idolatry in an uxorious vanity and inconstancy So against King Hezekiah vvhen his pride made him forgetful of so great a mercy as his miraculous recovery and delivery Nay God pleaded oft against the vvhole Church of the Jews in their Apostasies the Cause of his Lavv Worship Service and Servants the Prophets whom they slew by cutting them short by pulling dovvn and abasing the crown of their glory by giving their adversaries dominion over them to destroy them to burn their Cities and Temple to desolate their Land to lead them into captivity and so to give the Land its rest and Sabboth which they had prophaned Thus did he oft plead the controversies he had with that Church and people that City and Sanctuary which was called by his own name with whom at last he reckoned for all the blood of the Prophets and that of the Messias too which filled up the cup of Gods wrath against them to an utter desolation which hath held now for near sixteen hundred years In like sort did the Spirit of God plead his Cause against the famous seven Churches in Asia and their Angels or Bishops of which we read in the second and third chapters of the Revelations reproving and threatning them sorely both Fathers and children Bishops and Presbyters Pastors and people except they did repent So against all the Greek and Eastern Christian Churches whose heresies luxuries schisms ambitions and hypocrisies have at this day put them under the Mahometan bondage and tyranny that they have scarce now a name to live as Christians or Churches § Nor was God wanting to plead his Cause by many terrible judgements against the depraved state of these Western Churches when overgrown with Image-Saints and Angels-worship with Tyranny and superstition with covetousness and ambition with sottery and debauchery even from the Popes or cheif Bishops chair to the Princes and Peers and Clergie and Gentry and people of all sorts how were they tossed too and fro in the sactions of Gnelphs and Gibelins wasted in the holy Wars as they called them terrified with excommunication and bans that there was no peace to him that came in or to him that went out Lastly God sometimes pleads his Cause and gives evident token it is his by an unexpected way even by suffering it to fall into fiery trials and many temptations not as offended with his Church but as giving the world experience of the mighty power of his grace and the eminent faith courage patience and constancy of his servants who love not their lives to the death but can set all the loss and dung of this world at stake for Christs sake So the primitive Martyrs and Confessors Apostles and others glorified God So many Bishops Presbyters Virgins young and old filled the world with admiration of that cause for which they were so resolved and undaunted that their pious perseverance as Justin Martyr and others tell us with their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 pertinacy as Mar. Aurelius calls it was a most powerful way to commend the glorious Gospel of Christ to the world Thus the blessed company and holy Hoste after Christs example did assert the cause of God and his Christ not by armed forces
mens part in pleading Gods cause in this world therefore to make amends there is a third Court wherin God will unavoidably plead his cause against every evil doer and all nakedness in the world this will be in foro poli or coeli at the last day when the books of Omniscience conscience and Scripture shall be opened and mens sins with their wilful immoral and impenitent errors shall be set in order before them Then the great Accuser within and without shall be heard and sentence given secundum allegata probata according to the merit and evidence of mens works This is the last appeal of the oppressed righteous cause where it shall be heard and have right done it For then as St. Bernard tells Judges and Juries and Lawyers Omnia judicata rejudicabuntur All judgements and causes shall be reviewed and rejudged § But the consideration of such Instruments as God is pleased to 〈◊〉 up to plead his cause in this world Leads me to the last particular which is to shew the manner and method legitimi litigandi of mans pleading as becomes him this holy cause of God when he is called to it in an ordinary which all are or extraordinary way as some may be § It is not only the work of God to plead his own cause as Joash said of Baal If he be a God he can and will plead for himself But it is the duty of every good Christian that loves God to be a worker and pleader together with him in Gods cause and way we must be all willing to be retained on Gods side to be his Advocates and Attorneys when he calls us to this work to contest for God against an evil perverse and adulterous generation either by living or dying by doing or suffering by preaching or disputing by discoursing or writing It will be demanded why I add not by fighting which is now much cryed up and used by some as a most speedy and effectual way to plead Gods Cause and set up Christ● Kingdom I answer The cause of God is sometimes to be pleaded by the way of fighting 1. In defence of any Church and State against unjust and foreign invasion or intestine rebellion and sedition 2. By way of a Princes relieving his oppressed Subjects and Confederates in other States and Dominions 3. By way of asserting the proceedings of Justice as to Law according to that power which is established in any Kingdom or Polity 4. As to the Cause of Religion it is no further to be asserted by the Sword then as it is established by the Law and under the protection of the Soveraign Power there to plead its cause by such a Sword as is the sword of God and of Gideon is lawful when it is done by lawful command and Supreme which is in England Regal Authority Otherwise no Cause of God as to Religion is to be either planted and propagated or reformed or vindicated by the sword of Subjects against any Princes or chief Magistrates will and power in whose hand the sword is True God by a special Prophet and a commission from Heaven confirmed by many miracles did once put a sword into the Jews hand to make their way against those Nations which were declared by Divine Justice worthy to be destroyed But the Evangelical spirit is not of that temper the Commission of the Gospel and Christs Spiritual Militia by which he conquers the World is not to fight and kill and slay but to preach to pray and to suffer They grosly mistake Christs Kingdom and Gods Cause now that fancy it is to be pleaded by the Arm of Flesh by popular furies and forces by tumults and violences by subverting and opposing Magistratick power and breaking over the boundaries of good Laws and Customs Civil and Ecclesiastical § Christ commanded Peters gladiatorum forwardness in his defence to put up his sword into his sheath Christ had two other swords of the Word and Spirit which were enough to do his work not by Souldiers but Ministers not by Colonels and Captains but hy Bishops and Presbyters There are other ways to exercise a Christians love zeal and courage for Gods cause which as it is most worthy of our pleading so we must take care to plead it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as becomes our Lord and Saviour It is a caution which Quintilian a great Orator gave to all Pleaders Cavendum ne bonam causam male litigando perdamus Many men are untowardly forward to plead Christs cause like hot mettal'd and heady horses neither well mouthed nor well wayed and managed They endanger more by their rashness then they advance by their capring activity The Cause then of God must in times places and points be pleaded so as becomes the Majestie Truth and Honor of the great God 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Wisely with understanding by the clear and potent demonstrations of it grounded on the Word of God not by humane fancies wilde notions and extravagant presumptions and fanatick fetches The Word of God is able to make us perfect pleaders of his Cause We must not adde to nor detract from that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 compleat armour offensive and defensive If any plead not according to that rule of Law and Gospel of Faith and Loyalty of patience and obedience it is because there is no light of truth or grace of humility in them Gods Cause needs no cavilings nor sophisms no wisdom or eloquence of mans invention which is to joyn humane fraud and force meer froth and folly to divine sufficiency As if one would muster up Frogs and Mice with their bulrushes to joyn with Angels in Gods battels to help the Lord against the mighty 2. Gods cause is to be pleaded by man 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sincerely for Gods sake not for self-ends and interests for our glory gain or advantage as to our persons or parties our secular and civil interests of power and preferment which are many times the dead Flie cast into this precious Oyntment as Jehu did whose ambition was the belows and blazoner of his zeal So they that preached the Gospel out of Envy and ill will or for filthy lucres sake to serve their bellies and not the Lord Jesus to please men and not God seeking not the salvation of souls or the good of the Church and State but their own emoluments and preferments These are in all ages the greatest deformers of Christian Religion exposing it first to popular fury and after to the shame and contempt of all 3. Gods cause must be pleaded 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Integre 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 solidly and entirely not picking and chusing what parts or points or duties of it most suit with our fancies opinions parties designs desires and private interests We must not so plead for the first table in piety as to
threatned every day besides the bitter feuds and factions the divisions and subdivisions which like fire have seised on the Temple and House of God this so famous Church and our reformed religion heretofore so blessed with piety and peace gifts and graces with the beauty and holiness and the crown of double honour against all which God hath written bitter things and powred contempt § These frowns and fightings do all testifie to our faces that God hath a controversie with the land against Church and State that he pleads as an adversary against Court and City and Country against all estates and degrees of men Among whom such an evil spirit is risen as between Abimeleck and the men of Sichem that there is no peace to him that goes out or comes in we are left as sheep without a sheepherd as a ship in a storme without a Pilot as Orphanes without a Father and as Widows without an Husband in a desolate deplorable self-destroying condition Of which abysse or ocean of troubles we see no bounds or bottom being condemned to an arbitrary subjection to a partial monopoly of power and to a meer military protection in which not Philosophers as Plato wished but Souldiers and men of blood must be our Governours and our exactors our Protectors Who keep us quiet that they may fleece us and fleece us that they may keep us in subjection of whom we shall find that true which is said of Physitians many of them are but a further disease to a Patient qui medice sic qui militariter vivit misere vivit It is but a sad life which must be maintained by dayly leeches and bloodlettings by laneings and searings and cuttings of some parts of the body which are not so unsound as those that are the executioners of them § Certainly God is too wise and too indulgent a Physitian to use so long and so great evacuations purgations and corrosives to this body politique if there were not many foul and marbose or malignant humours in it the Heathens were wont in publique and long Calamities after they had tried allways to appease their angry Gods by supplications and sacrifices and yet were never the better to send to some famous Oracle for its direction Do not presume to be your Oracle but let Gods word be it this will give you a clear and unambiguous answer why the Lord hath done all this evil against us why he thus implacably pleads against this Church and State which formerly were his cheif favorites and darlings ●● the signets or bracelets on his hand and arme as the vine which himself had planted and watered and wonderful preserved which is now become a scorn and shame to it self no less then an hissing and astonishment to all the Nations round about As the Lord pleads against his Vine of the Jewish Church and State appealing to the men of Judah and Jerusalem to judge between him and his vine so may it be said in our case What could the Lord have done more for us then he did and what could we have done less for his cause than we have done or more against it How were we planted and watered and weeded and fenced and fortified and loaded with the choisest blessings of heaven and earth What was there wanting in England to make us happy but holy humble and thankful hearts with sutable lives the good grapes which God expected instead of which Oh what sower grapes did we bring forth to God and man O how weary were we of Gods blessings as if God had cloyed and overladen us How like the nansueating Iews we lothed this Manna the reformed religion with all holy institutions and Christian Sacraments and decent devotions and orderly Government How neglected how prophaned how despised were these by many wanton Christians how many scornfully washt off their infant Baptism by a Fanatick and Schismatick novelty of Anabaptisme contrary to the Analogy of faith and practise of all Churches in all ages How have many vomited up their former Lords Suppers and as if they had surfited heretofore have fasted from them these twice seven years How impatient have they been of such Pastors and Preachers such Bishops and Presbyters as told them the truth sought to restrain those inordinate libertys which they wickedly affected how hateful have these Michajahs been to those that loved to be flattered in sin how have many gnashed their teeth against such Stephens as have sowed no pillows under their elbows Yea how over zealous have we been in pleading our own secular and civil causes to much civil War and blood pretending to preserve our liberty till we overtook our slavery and really intending on all sides to get places of profit and preferments to our selves to feather our nests and set up our selves on high above all that was called Gods among us What vast sums have been expended to make us miserable on the other side O how cold careless formal and indifferent have we been as to God's great Cause for the good of souls the true Preaching of the Gospel the due administration of Religion the preservation of our happy reformation for the order honour government support and just incouragement of able and faithful Ministers in this Church which are and ever will be wanting in many places of this Nation where there is as yet no provender for the Ox that should tread out the Corn Hence St. Austin observed Quod Christus non capit capit fiscu● what Sacriledge cetaines from Christ is wasted for no purpose § We have with great clamour pretended Gods Cause Religion and reformation on all sides but this on all sides is worsted abased deformed discountenanced diminished and by many evil eyes sought to be wholy improverished and starved God pleads against us for our hypocrisie and pretensions for our Sacrilegious invasions and confusions which rob God of his honour Christ of his right and homage the Church of its portion and patrimony Ministers of their maintenance The nation of its liberality the dead of their bequeathings or legacies true Religion of its support and all sorts of people of that piety charity and hospitality which was intended them by those holy honest and legal donations against which no man pleads that hath not a mind to purloyn them or to have a good peniworth of them at the Devils Marke● God pleads against us for our trusting too much to the arme of flesh and prophaning Gods Cause with evil means with sinister policies and practises bringing to Gods ●ltar the lame and lean and defective and deformed Sacrifices of parsimonious and sordid spirits which are not propitiations but pollutions which the Majesty of God is so far from accepting that he abhors and casts as dung in the deceivers face God is not to be mocked § God pleads against our unthankefulness as to God so to man our discontented humors and impatience that knew
not how to bless God and man for moderate blessings God pleads against the perjuries and forswearings among us The little or no conscience made of contradictory Oaths the familiar but vain and most rude swearings which are so common among not onely the dregs and beasts of the people but even those persons who pretend to some good breeding who by evil speaking corrupt good manners God pleads against us Ministers of all degrees for our insufficiencies presumptions popularities inconstancies and scandals for not better employing the great advantages and Talents they had to the glory of God and his Churches good rather then private Pomp profit or pleasure God pleads against you Lawyers for your failing in those duties which the law your callings and your consciences call you to in all righteous causes publique and private God pleads against the Gentry and Nobility for their luxury and idleness for the looseness and sottery of their lives doing so little good where they have so much means and opportunities wanting nothing but good hearts and a true sense of honour which aimes in all things at Gods glory the Churches flourishing and their countrys peace God pleads against all sorts of people in and out of Parliament for their servility and flattery their partialitie and compliances with any powerful lusts and predominant humors of men never so palpably against law reason religion oaths and conscience prostituting Parliamentary honour and priviledges fulness and freedome not onely to interne factions but to extern tumults and violent impressions after which open rapes there is no great cause for some men ever to plead their Parliamentary virginity and honor God pleads against the common people for their Phanatick giddiness and factious foolery that loves to have many Masters to heap up teachers to themselves having itching ears that will not endure sound doctrine but delight to be carryed about with every wind of doctrine according to the sleights and cheats of those that ly in weight to deceive unstable and silly souls which are ever learning and never come to the knowledge of the truth § God pleads against the Souldiery for their variableness violences insolencies and inconstancies For their carrying on private and partial interests so much and so long to the prejudice of the publique safety peace and honour making their places and payes their bellies and backs the Common-wealth putting the military interest into the scale against the whole Nations To the exasperating of so many of their countrimen and brethren who have not patience to see themselves their Parliaments and Country so oft bafled and defeated of their long looked for peace and pretended settlement Hence they that should be the bulworks and defence of the Nation are looked upon by many as the le 〈…〉 s and incubusses that suck the blood and spirits of it making themselves the onely Soveraigne Senate the necessary imployment and absolute Government § God pleads against Rich men for the uncharitableness of some in hard times the unhospitableness of others in the distresses of many even excellent Ministers who for their consciences sake and as they think for Gods cause have been reduced to a morsel of bread For their racking and oppressing poor tenants for their pusillanimity and cowardise in a good cause for being so prodigal of their souls and true Religion to save their estates or their skins § God pleads against us all and as a Nation full of men that are wantonly wicked and industriously injurious to God and man delighting to destroy its self refusing as Babylon to be healed when God and good men would have done it long ago Men that make a mock of such sins as the sober and modest heathens though Idolaters did abhor a people as sacrilegious robers of God and prophaning his house that in affliction sinned more and more contracted dross even in the very fiery furnace that hath so little fear of God or reverence of man or sense and conscience of duty to either that it hath shut its eyes as wilfully blind and is most impatient to see or seek and follow the things that belong to the publique peace turning piety into policy and reformation into faction and the true interests of Religion into those of parties and opinions that hath so oft prayed and fasted in vain because we prayed amiss to consume blessings on our lusts fasting onely for strife for debate to smite and destroy one another that might and not right should take place a Nation that is self condemned and self punished yet still dares to pursue or applaud most unjust and unwarrantable actions that is downright villanies and horrid evils pretending that good willcome thereby so that from the crown of the head if we had either Crown or Head to the soal of the feet it is full of biles and putrified sores both of sins and pains We have made necessities of sinning and God hath made necessities of our sufferings Therefore hath God suffered us to run to this great consumption and satisfied us with our own delusions therefore are we smitten once and again by the sword and rod of God which crieth aloud to us making upon us the wounds of an enemy which are not healed by any friendly hand because we are not yet turned to him that smote us therefore do our eyes fail not only with the expectation of the calamities that are coming upon us but also with looking for good things when behold saluation is far from us because our iniquities have blinded us and not only bereaved us of but still keep good things from us yet still we trust to I know not what Physicians or State Montebanks that are either 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 either many and cannot agree or unsk lful and of no value or unfaithful to others or unhealthful themselves insani insanabiles of inauspicious looks and lives yea for the most part incurable as to their sins and sores loving as vitiated appetites to feed not on wholesom food but on trifles trash not Reason and Religion Law and Gospel but the froth of seraphick fancies and unbounded raptures which the better to colour over and excuse the miseries and ruines of three flourishing Kingdoms pretend to expect a glorious kingdom of Christ on earth such as he never yet enjoyed for sixteen hundred years nor ever will after their methods of blood and violence which are the weapons of Antichrist and Belial not of Christ or good Christians This then is the answer which I may with too much truth and justice give as from the Lord to you or any that enquire of the burthen of the Lord why he pleads writes and acts such bitter things against us as if he would be no more en treated by us nor his heart could be toward
his providences Psalm 58. 1● Isai 1. 24 The nature of Godspleadings in the world Against the greatest and highest Princes Psalm 107. 4 Miraculous pleadings of Gods cause Isai 37. 39 Isai 37. 37 Iudges 7. 22 Gods pleas impartial Gen. 3 Ier 15. 3 2 Pet 2. 4 Gods pleadings against the sins of the best men as David c. 2 Sam 12. 10 ● 1 Sam. 2. 1 Kings 15. 5 1 Sam 15. 23 1 Kings ii Isai 29 5 2 Kings 20 4 Gods pleading against the ews Matth. 23 35 Gods pleading against Christian Churches 2 Chron ●5 5 5 Gods pleading his cause by persecutions Phil 1 Rev 12. 12 1 Pet 4. 14 Rom ● 37 4 General Gods immediate pleading his Cause by men By pious Princes Isai 41. 2 Acts 3. 19 By Councils and Synods Rev 12 Gods pleading in the reformed Churches Gods pleading at the day of judgement Rev. 20. 12 and 20. 13 5 The right method of mans pleading Gods Cause Iudges 6. 31 Of pleading Gods cause by fighting Iudg. ● 1● Of Religion to be asserted by the sword Luke 9. 55. Mark 16. 15. Mat. 26. 52. Gods cause to be pleaded by men 1 Vnderstandingly 2 Tim. 3. 17. Isa ● 20. 2. Sincerely 2 Kings 10. 16. Phil. 1. 15. Tit. 1. 11. Gal. 1. 10. 3. Entirely 4. Holily an● justly or lawfully Micah 6. 8. Isa 61. 8. 1 Pet. 4. 15. 2 Pet. 2. 2. Rom. 3. 8. 1 Pe● 2. 12. 2 Tim. 2. 5. 5. With moderation and discretion Phil. 4. 5. ● With Christian courage and magnanimity Exod. 30. 9. Lev. 10. 1. With respect and modesty to superiours 2 Pet. 2. 11. Iude ● Mat. 5. 44. 2 With charity and compassion to all men 1 Pet 2. 23. Acts 8. 32. Acts 7. 60. 1 Pet. 3. 16. Of rude and riotous pleadng Gods cause Iames. 3. 10. 1 Vse to direc● us to the best cause that is to be pleaded Iohn 18. 37. 2 Vse Caution to plead Gods cause in Gods way Of mistakers and mispleaders of Gods cause Psal 50. 16. Zach. 14. 20. 4. Vse of Terror to such as oppose Gods cause 1 Pet. 2. 8● 5. Vse of exhortation and comfort in the lowest ebb to plead Gods cause by our prayers Ps al. 119. 126. 6. Vse not to measure Gods cause by false rules Psal 73. 15. Heb. 2. 4. Rom. 1. 17. Mat. 7. 22. Vse of examination by putting two Questions 1 Quest what is the cause which God thus pleads against us in England Gods controversie with the Land Hos 4. 1. Ier. 25. 31. Iudges 9. 23. 2 Chron. 15. 5. Gods long and sore pleading against us Answer to the first Quaere Hag 2. 23. Isaiah 5. God pleads against our unthankfulness to God Isaiah 5. 3. Against our self seeking Against our Hypocrisie and Sacriledg Against our unthankfulness to man God pleads against Ministers Against Lawyers Against Nobility and Gentry Against the people in and out of their Parliaments 2 Tim. 4 3. Against the Souldiery God pleads against rich men Against our incorigibleness and obstinacy Iames 4. 3. God pleads against us by the voyce of his rod sore afflictions Our too greattrust in State Physicians Answer to the first Question Factors for the Romish Cause 1 King 18. ●● 2 Query what is the cause of God we now are to plead in England Ans Maintain honest and just principles with in ●sa 5. 20. 2 Plead as you have power and opportunity 1. In thy own soul 2. In thy family 3. In the publick As to justice As to true religion The verity of it The unity of it For the Churches patrimony For right ordination and subordination among Ministers Peroration or conclusion of Gods cause and the pleadings of it