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A41516 A plea for free-grace against free-will wherein matters about grace and providence are plainly and fully cleared and contrary opinions demonstrated to be against Scripture, the judgment of the primitive church and the doctrine of the Church of England / by J. Gailhard. Gailhard, J. (Jean) 1696 (1696) Wing G123; ESTC R25092 199,562 244

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as others do we presently are by them branded with the name of precise and morose Puritans If they do well they attribute it to themselves to the right use they make of their free-will to their own will and inclination But if in us there be any thing better than in others we wholly as 't is most due attribute it to free-grace the glory of all we return to God and not to any will of ours for no good is done in or by us but what comes from God's free-grace to which specially in matter of Salvation we can never attribute too much nor too little to our own strength So that whilst their principles lead them to looseness and licentiousness ours or rather Gods in us lead us to holiness and vertuous practices and if thorough the corruption of our nature they do not as it should we confess it ought so to be Let them shew us their faith by their works for by the fruit we judge of the Tree Now bad actions and a vitiout life do naturally and necessarily flow from their principles and whilst as I said before (a) 2 Pet. 2.19 they promise others liberty they themselves are the servants of corruption Now if there be such an universal sufficient grace imparted to all men whereby they may be saved if they will why then from the Creation till now have not the effectual means of saving grace been imparted alike which if so then all or most had been saved which not being it must proceed from a want either of will or of power I cannot believe it is for want of a will for though people out of their own corruption be willing enough to procrastinate repentance and like Sampson be lulled a sleep in their Dalilah's bosom yet when they hear or see the Philistines (b) Judg. 16.19 the approaches of death dangerous sicknesses heavy afflictions and terrors of Conscience are coming upon them surely none are so prodigal of their own Souls or so desirous of damnation but would unfeignedly desire to be saved (a) Numb 23.1 let me die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like his was the desire of that wicked false Prophet Balaam And as Sampson would have drawn up together all his forces to have overcome his Enemies he found his strength was gone The Lord was departed from him So those sinners who were lulled a sleep with those pretty fancies of a power to repent believe and be saved when it comes to the push they find there is no such thing in them as they were made to believe In Sampson his strength was gone for once he had it but that free-will and power which Arminians do brag of no man ever had Therefore at last they must be convinced how in man is no such a power whereby to be saved when he will Now to sum up all in few words Horrible absurdities follow on the Arminian opinions some whereof they acknowledge and others are bound on their back by unavoidable consequences Namely that the fruit of Christ's death doth absolutely depend upon the accidental assent of man's free-will that notwithstanding his death it was possible and very contingent that all men had perished That no soul had been free from Hell by his Blood That God should never have had any Church at all That now by vertue of his death true grace is given to all That all Pagans as well under the Law as the Gospel who never heard of Scripture are truly reconciled to God by the death of his Son That all Infants even of Heathens who die before the years of discretion are saved by Christ That in no man is any original sin but every one when he is born is put in the state of Innocency That Baptism is not necessary for no sin is therein remitted because there is none then to be remitted CHAP. XV. How Arminianism is contrary to the Doctrine of the Church of England WIth a sort of men namely those that are zealous for the Religion of their Fathers and true Sons of the Church of England I make no doubt but that this will be a weighty and prevailing Argument which for their sake and information before I have done I hope by the grace of God to make good and thereby to shew the disingenuity and design of those who to impose upon several people have the face to affirm Arminianism to be the Doctrine of the Church of England which is so contrary to truth To understand this well it must be explained what is meant by the Doctrine of the Church 't is not the opinions of some corrupt Members of the Church whom that Mother disowns as spurious because fallen from her Principles and having set up Errors of their own which she never taught them though they would father them upon her she hath fed them with pure and sincere milk which their own ill constitution hath turned into Poyson But what we call the true Doctrine of the Church is that which was received believed and taught in the very beginning of the Reformation from errors and abuses of the Church of Rome and without alteration by her self lasted for above threescore years after till a party here combined to bring in erroneous innovations of their own In few words we call that the Doctrine of the Church of England which concerning these controverted points is contained in the 39 Articles in the Common Prayer Book the Book of Homilies and the Catechism of Edward the 6th These are the general publick and authentical Records and Evidences of the Faith and Doctrine of the Church of England and we shall not want the Testimony of the most Eminent and famous Doctors thereof to prove what we say So then we shall make it appear how Arminiamsm is contrary to all this I mean in every one of these we shall find Testimonies against it First of all to begin with the Articles of Faith We have the 17th about Predestination in these Words Predestination to life is the everlasting purpose of God whereby before the Foundation of the World was laid he hath constantly decreed by his Counsel secret to us to deliver from Curse and Damnation those whom he hath chosen in Christ and to bring them unto everlasting Salvation c. Let the whole be read with Attention and what we have asserted about that Point will be found therein to be contained as the eternity of God's Decree everlasting Purpose its immutability hath constantly decreed c. But because if I should point at every Word confirming what I am about proving out of this Article it would take up too much time To do it more effectually I shall make use of another Man's Pen I mean of Mr. Thomas Rogers a Man beyond exception in the Case who was a Chaplain to Archbishop Bancroft He hath written an Analysis upon all the 39 Articles which he doth dedicate to the Archbishop and the Book is licens'd and printed by Authority
which are beginning to bud forth amongst you We must not omit giving the King the due commendation he deserveth for the pains he took to write against Worstius After all this let Arminians for shame leave off the Plea that their Errors are the Doctrine of our Church which is as true and no more than when Papists do pretend their Religion to be the true Apostolical Faith even in those Articles that are so contrary to it but farther to shew how perswaded King James was of the mischief of those unsound opinions he was very active in suppressing them to prevent those evil consequences that might happen thereby and this not only at home but also abroad upon this account he did write to the States general and ordered his Ambassador there to be instant and to follow the business close and we may say the meeting of the general Synod of Dort is in a high degree due to the King 's earnest solicitations So to encourage and countenance it he sent thither Divines from hence whereof Dr. Field Bishop of Landaff was the chief Dr. Davenant afterwards Bishop of Salisbury Dr Hall was there at first but upon account of indisposition of health he came back Dr. Ward Dr. Goad and Balcanquall instead of Dr. Hall in all they were five who signed the Acts of the Synod of Condemnation of Arminianism We have more witnesses to bring in if we would but we want them not though they be men of note but what need bringing in particular men after the whole body have declared against our and the truths Adversaries We might bring in (a) Exposition on the Creed Dr. Babington Bishop of Worcester (b) Certainty of Salvation against Dr. Bishop Dr. Abbot Bishop of Salisbury (c) Answer to the Rhemish Testam on Rom. 8. Dr. Fulke (d) Of the Church lib. 1. cap. 3. and cap. 17. and in his Digres 41 and 43. Dr. Field (e) Reply to Fisher Dr. White (f) Descript Eccles Thes ● Dr. Reynolds though some may happen to except against him yet what he saith in the quoted place is approved by the fore-named Dean of Carlisle Dr. White Nay in this case we have for us (g) Discouse of Justification Hooker with some a man without exception all whose evidence is much to our purpose but to quote all their words it were too long after so many other Quotations yet they who have a mind and leisure may peruse them as quoted in the Margin So then during K. James's time Arminianism had nothing to do here and continued so in Charles Reign till Laud came into favour and was made Archbishop and yet at first those Errors were ill lookt upon for Mr. Richard Mountague in his Appeal having written for Arminianism his Book was answered by five or six of the most considerable men in the Nation all agreeing he had departed from the Doctrine of the Church he was thrice about it before the Parliament and his Book condemned as contrary to the Articles of the Church Under his Hand and Seal he renounced his Errors in a letter of his written to the Archbishop of Canterbury he thought he stood in need of a Pardon which King Charles gave him for all his writings and at last called in his Book as the great occasion of many unnecessary troubles After him Dr. Thomas Jackson came upon the Stage but for those Arminian Books of his was censured in Parliament and excepted against by the Convocation and in the following Parliaments Complaints even by some of the best Sons of the Church were made against those Innovations and Errors in Doctrine under the name and notion of Arminianism Yet under the favour of Bishop Laud and his Faction being encouraged with Protection and Preferments got much ground and corrupted many members of the Clergy who became rotten branches of a sound and wholesome tree yet for all the violent stream some had the courage and zeal to appear in writing against it though they smarted for it they charged Arminians of being favourers and maintainers of Popery of renouncing the Doctrine of the Church of England of being pestilent Hereticks Enemies of God and of his grace for the most part licentious proud vicious and bitter Enemies to the practical power of godliness whereof some turned Papists Innovators and disturbers of the Peace of both Church and State And any impartial Reader that will take the pains to read some of those Books may find the charge well proved Indeed the serious consideration of these things doth afford matter for sad thoughts and sufficient cause of grief to those who love the glory of God and the good of his Church after so much pains taken by the first instruments of our Reformation to remove abuses in Doctrine and bring things into the true Primitive Channel who left us Articles and other Works in writing according to the true Apostolical Doctrine contained in the word of God believed and professed by the Orthodox Primitive Church which these first Reformers sealed with their own Blood for they were Martyrs not only for refusing to joyn with the Church of Rome in her Idolatry but also for the testimony of the grace of God in Christ to exclude all humane help power strength abilities from working our Salvation by means of any dispositions free-will improvement of graces and merits of our own these things they laid down their lives for and to maintain that our whole Salvation comes from the free grace of God alone and from nothing at all of our own For to believe one is and may be saved by his own merits and workings or by those of another or even in part through grace and in part through our care and endeavours in the bottom 't is all one for thereby Salvation is divided between God and Man when God alone will be owned to be the sole Author and Finisher of it Well those directions for our Faith left by those eminent instruments of Reformation were (h) Dr Abb●● 〈…〉 in his Discourse De Perseverantia Sa●ct in the Epistle dedicated to King Charles the 1st then Prince of Wales complaineth of some of our Divines that foll wing the by-paths of Arminius Dogmate etiam nunc destruunt articulos Religionis quos ●●sus propria manu confirmerunt They destroy'd those very Articles of Religion which they had subscribed before subscribed by those who in and about the time I mentioned before embraced and promoted Arminianism and by those who now own it in as much as they could wresting the Sense of those thus doing what they could or can to poison the very Springs But let them do their worst the Truth and meaning of those Rules of our Faith is still the same but they are bad Children of a good Mother from whose Counsels and Directions they are degenerated and about things in Question apostatized So that in this respect they have cruelly divided rent and torn Mother-Church which if
proceed farther I have an occasion to say something on the behalf of that faithful Servant of Christ in whose Written Life the world hath such a Character of him as becomes a Pious Laborious and learned Man and though I am not sworn to his or any Man's words yet for truths sake I shall speak some few words relating to us here in Queen Elizabeth's days a Convocation at Oxford approved the Book of Calvins Institution and appointed it by Tutors to be read to their Pupils an infallible sign of a perfect agreement of our Church with the Doctrines therein contained which was to joyn it with our Articles That Book indeed is a Master-piece and deserves well the Commendation following given it by a learned Pen. Praeter Apostolicas post Christi tempora chartas Huic peperere libro secula nulla parem Whereof the sence is Since the birth of Christ no Age hath after the writings of the Apostles produced so excellent a Book as is Calvin's Institution Johannis Stormius an Eminent Divine of Strasbourgh who with his Brother through their singular Prudence and Eminent Piety did by the grace of God prevail without any Tumult to have the true Religion at the beginning of Reformation received in that City gives the following Character of Calvin John Calvin Joannes Calvinus homo acu●issimo judicio sum maque doctrina Egregia Memoria praeditus est c. a man endowed with most acute judgement of very great learning and of an excellent memory in his Writtings are variety plenty and purity witness whereof is his Institution of the Christian Religion which having first began then enlarged and inriched and at last finished he hath published this year Neither do I know in this kind any thing better or more perfect to teach Religion to Reform Manners and remove Errors And let any man think himself to be therein very well settled and grounded who hath attained to the things contained in that Book Beza saith he read it one and twenty times and at every time out of it he learned something Our first Reformers had a great respect and value for him amongst the several opinions about the Lord's Supper they received his as the true and they sent over for three Men that had been influenced by him Martyr Bucer and Fagius to help them in the Work of Reformation Archbishop Cranmer did kindly write to him and desired his assistance in things tending to a farther settlement of the Church and acquainted him he could do nothing more profitable than to write often to the King Bucer at Cambridge where he was Professor in Divinity hearing his Letters prevailed upon the Protector Duke of Somerset desired him to write to that Noble Lord concerning some matters And Bishop Hooper valued him so much as from his Prison to write to him calling him vir praestantissime and subscribing himself pietatis tuae studiosissimus Jo. Hooperus When Calvin did write to the Duke of Somerset it was very kindly taken Mr. Thomas Rogers in his Analysis of the 39 Articles doth speak honorably of him in the 2d page of his Preface and the first Letter he did write to the King was very well received and the whole Council whom the King shewed it to was well pleased with it This sheweth at that time he was not such a monster in the eyes of great and good men as Arminians have since traduced him he was a Man of great and good fame for all the malice of his enemies and of the truths who from first to last thought they might write or say any thing against him I shall instance only one who called him a pragmatical Fellow c. who died Bishop of (a) Parket Oxford but such a Man's standers strike no blow for after he had by Mr. Malvile been reduced to a nonplus and to have nothing more to the purpose to say for himself in our strugling here against Popery made himself sufficiently known to the world before his death Such virulent Pens and Serpentine Tongues must spue out their venom against the Works and Memory of Pious Learned and Extraordinary Men whose Books they never were worthy to carry But we must not wonder that sort of people doth speak so ill of the Eminent instruments of Reformation which they were and are enemies to and to friends of Reformation (b) Heylin Histay of Reformation Preface page 4. Doth not one of their chief Men abominably say whose death Edward 6th I cannot reckon for an infelicity to the Church of England for being ill principled in himself c. None but Papists can account it an infelicity that so good a Protestant Prince should die so soon if so then it was no infelicity to England that he was so soon succeeded by such a Bloody Persecutor of Religion as Queen Mary was After that they are licensed to speak ill of any Man The most pious hopefull and knowing Prince for his Age that ever sat upon an English Throne comparable to Josiah in his Zeal for the glory of God his loss the more to be pityed that he did not go off the Stage without suspition of being poysoned which very reason should have stoped such foul-mouths for fear of being thought to approve of such abominable courses which were not only suspected at home but also reported and credited abroad as mentioned by an (a) Sleid●● Author of very good reputation who gives a worthy and deserved Character of that young King which an English Man will not afford him The Court intrigues in his Reign are well known how at first through the Division then the ruin of the two Brothers his Unkles he was laid open to the attempts of his Enemies As a violent Arminian attempted to tread upon the memory of that Excellent King (b) Iohn Goodwin another stiff that way hath in print justified the death of King Charles they spare no body Hear how the same Heylin in his quin-quarticular History speaks of that worthy Primate Vsher the Irish Articles saith he were drawn up by Doctor Vsher a professed Calvinian who not only thrust in the Lambeth Articles but also made others of his own c. But let us return to our immediate Subject about Arminians Pelagius was their Grand-father whose Errors Austin overthrew with Scripture and Reason God at that time having raised him up to be Champion for Grace who in this matter handled the word of God so powerfully and like a wise Master-builder and in so successful a way that the unsound Tenets were beaten down and the upholders thereof highly discountenanced But after Pelagius his death his Sectators appeared but under another shape not altogether so hideous for they did not positively deny Original Sin but so had however that the same Doctor took up the Cudgels against those Semipelagians Arminius in his days renewed the dispute on the behalf of the Semipelagians in a time when all the Reformed Churches both here and abroad quietly
and love of God whereby he chose us for his before he made the world after that he granted us to be called by the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ when the spirit of the Lord is poured into us by whose guidance and governance we be led to settle our trust in God ... From the same spirit also cometh our sanctification the love of God and our Neighbour justice and uprightness of life finally whatsoever is in us or may be done of us honest pure true and good that altogether springeth out of this most pleasant Rock from this most plentiful fountain the goodness love choice and unchangeable purpose of God he is the cause the rest are the fruits and effects .... It is meant thereby that faith or rather trust alone doth lay hand upon understand and perceive our righteous making to be given us of God freely That is to say by no desert of our own but by the free grace of the Almighty Father .... For not by the worthiness of our deservings were we either heretofore chosen or long ago saved but by the only mercy of God and pure grace of Christ our Lord whereby we were in him made to do these good works that God hath appointed for us to walk in ... And fol. 68. Immortality and blessed life God hath provided for his chosen before the foundation of the world was laid To what hath been said out of fol. 7 8 12. I shall add few words more The image of God in man by original sin and evil custom was so obscured that man himself could not sufficiently understand the difference between good and bad between just and unjust c. And from these and other actions of Christ two benefits do accrue unto us one that whatsoever he did he did it all for our profit so that they are as much ours if so be we cleave fast to them with a firm and lively faith as if we our selves had done them .... Out of all this I made it appear Arminian Tenets to be contrary to the Doctrine of the Church and upon occasion I shall be ready to make enlargements not only out of all the same Springs and Authentick Records but out of others too which now for brevities sake I do not mention tho' they be considerable however before I make an end of this point I must not omit taking notice of the Catechism of Predestination or some certain Questions and Answers about that matter in opposition to Arminianism and as a preservative against it when here it began to appear in the Year 1607 they were Licensed by Authority and Printed by Robert Barker which then were bound up and sold with the Bibles I shall take notice only of three or four things in it The answer to the question What is the reason why men do so much vary in matters of religion Is this Because they only believe the Gospel and Doctrine of Christ which are ordained unto eternal life And to the next question Are not all ordained to eternal life The Answer is Some are vessels of wrath ordained unto destruction as others are vessels of mercy prepared to glory And to the question How standeth it with God's justice that some are appointed to damnation The Answer is Very well because all men have in themselves sin which deserveth no less and therefore the mercy of God is wonderful in that he vouchsafed to save some of that sinful race and to bring them to the knowledge of the truth And to the following question If God's ordinance and determination must of necessity take effect then what need any man to care For he that liveth well must needs be damned if he be thereunto ordained And he that liveth ill must needs be saved if he be thereunto appointed The answer is this Not so for it is not possible that either the Elect should always be without care to do well or that the Reprobate should have any will thereunto for to have either good will or good work is a testimony of the spirit of God which is given to the Elect only whereby faith is so wrought in them that being grafted in Christ they grow in holiness to that glory whereunto they are appointed c. And as to another question Cannot such perish as at some time or other feel these spiritual motions within themselves 'T is answered It is not possible that they should for as Gods purpose is not changeable so he repenteth not of the gifts and graces of his adoption neither doth he cast off those whom he hath once received If we had had the penning of these words we could not have set them down otherwise than they are Hence appeareth the sweet and perfect harmony between these publick Records of the Faith and Religion of the Church of England let those that have a mind to look farther there into among the 39 Articles to peruse the 9th about Original Sin the 11th of the Justification of Man and the 18th of obtaining eternal Salvation only by the name of Christ With Mr. Roger's Exposition upon every one of them specially the 17th about Predestination I hope we hitherto have out of Publick and Authentick Records sufficiently demonstrated Arminianism to be contray to the Doctrine of the Church We ought to take notice how these 39 Articles Common-Prayer-Book c. were compiled before Arminius and his errors were heard of here for I make no doubt but if they had been spread before we should have had other things more directly and positive against them for certainly the spirit of the first Reformers was altogether for free-grace against free-will wherefore to prosecute my Argument I now must shew how strongly and generally Arminianism was opposed here when it first appeared Which can more and more confirm it to be against the Doctrine of the Church But this affordeth matter enough for another Chapter CHAP. XVI How Arminianism did meet with a strong and general opposition here when it began to appear HEre the sparkles of that unhappy Fire did at first except once which I shall have occasion to mention break out in Cambridge where one Doctor Baroe a Divinity Professor and one Barret in a Sermon of his having published some Arminian Tenets a speedy course was taken to suppress it for the Vice-Chancellor and Heads of the University-Colleges met together and declared those opinions to be Innovations and contrary to the Doctrine of the Church professed in that University Whereupon they sent up Doctor Whitaker and Tindal two Members of their own to Archbishop Whitgift who forthwith called to him several learned and worthy Divines amongst whom were the then Bishop of London the Elect Bishop of Bangor and others in and about the City and upon due Examination and Debate upon the matter on the 20th of November 1595 drew up unanimously the 9 Articles called the Lambeth Articles wherein they also had the concurrence of the Archbishop of York and of several Divines of that
sake so that a true believer may be certain by the assurance of Faith of the forgiveness of his sins and of his everlasting Salvation by Christ XXXVIII A true lively justifying Faith and the sanctifying spirit of God is not extinguished nor vanisheth away in the regenerate either totally or finally The members that composed the Convocation which passed these Articles were for the most part English Divines of great learning who had made their studies in our Universities true members of the Church so that 't is the same as if they had been agreed here and the Lambeth Articles were inserted withall we look upon the Church of England and Ireland to be but one and the same The famous and for Piety and Learning eminent James Vsher afterwards Primate of that Kingdom was present at the Convocation and had a hand in penning the Articles which were approved of by King James Licensed and published here by Authority Our 39 Articles agreed upon in the Reign of Edward the VI. by the Convocation in 1552 several years before Arminianism was broached and appeared abroad could not be so plain and so full against it as are those of Lambeth and of Dublin For then the evil being broken out a fit and proper remedy was applyed against it Hence it is that in both we see those Errors so clearly and fully condemned that if we had been the Pen-men thereof we could not have drawn them otherwise than they are I must now return to my more ancient proofs but not generally publick as this last the first that broke the Ice as far as I have read upon these matters was one Samuel Harsnet who upon the 27th of October 1584 having at Paul's Cross preached a Sermon concerning those points his Sermon was censured and condemned and he at last declared his sorrow for it The ground of the complaint was that he had preached contrary to Truth and to the Doctrine of the Church About this time something having appeared abroad to favour those Errors amongst others one Veron did well handle the points in a Book called A Fruitful Treatise of Predestination with the Apology for the same against those who appeared in Cambridge and he Dedicated it to the Queen and it was received with approbation and applause But why should I stand upon naming of persons Seeing all our first Reformers sufficiently expressed their judgment in the 39 Articles the Common-Prayer-Book and Homilies which they compiled So we must name Bishop Cranmer Latimer Hooper Jewel Ridley Grindal and Martyr Bucer who though Foreigners were Divinity Professors one at Oxford the other at Cambridge and were made use of in the work of Reformation Tyndal Friths Barnes c. and since that time Edwin Archbishop of York the Bishop of Chichester in 1576 John Bridges Bishop of Oxford Babington Bishop of Worcester the fore-named Whitgift Archbishop of Canterbury and Hutton of York The Bishops of London of Bangor Dr. Will. Whitaker and since that time Perkins not excepting Mr. Hooker and who not Which it were too long to number we can bring a List of 300 English Scotch or Irish yet most English or thereabouts with whom in the controverted points agreed all the Considerable and Eminent Instruments of Reformation as others beyond the Seas Zuinglius Luther Calvin Beza Bullinger Zanchius Piscator Chamierus Paraeus Vrsinus Junius Molinaeus Rivetus Gomarus Scultetus Macovius c. But we must not go abroad we have enough at home to carry on the argument which I shall reduce within the time of King James's Reign and maybe go little after Every one may know he was a learned Prince and a true England Church-man during his life the Arminian Sect durst not appear here at least publickly For a Sermon in the year 1616 having been preached at Royston before the King concerning points of Arminianism a recantation was imposed upon Mr. Sympson who had preached it and he recanted and about six years after at Oxford one Mr. Gabriel Bridges having in the University Church preached a Sermon against the absolute Decree of Predestination he was accused for preaching contrary to Truth and to the Articles of Religion established in the Kingdom and was ordered to maintain in the Schools the contrary of what he had preached in the Pulpit which he did Now we will come to a Royal Evidence and that is King James in his own writings at the conference at Hampton-Court about predestination he delared against the Arminian opinion and was approved and applauded by all present He said how Predestination and Election depend not upon any qualities actions or works of Man which are mutable but upon God's Eternal and Immutable Decree and Purpose And before we leave off we shall by the grace of God shew his judgment about Arminius and his Errors First he calls Arminius a seditious and Heretical Preacher an Enemy of God the first in our age that infected Leyden with Heresie a man whom all the Reformed Churches of Germany had with open mouth complained of An●n we shall see what he saith of his Followers But let us see something of what he writes against his and their opinions As to Predestination he expresseth thus much (a) Meditation the Lord's Prayer God hath two wills a revealed will towards us and that will is here understood he hath also a secret will in his eternal Counsel whereby all things are governed and in the end made over to turn to his glory oftentimes drawing good effects out of bad causes and light out of darkness to the fullfilling either of his mercy or his justice c. The first Article of the Apostles Creed teacheth us that God is Almighty however Vorstius and the Arminians think to rob him of his eternal Decree and secret Will making things to be done in this world whether he will or not And in his Declaration against Worstius he saith (b) Protestatio Antivorstiana We do not doubt but that their Ambassadors of Holland which were with us about two years since did inform them of a fore-warning that we wished the said Ambassadors to make unto them in our name to beware in time of Seditious and Heretical Preachers and not to suffer any such to creep into their State Our principal meaning was of Arminius who though himself were lately dead yet had he left too many of his disciples behind him which he mentioneth in what he addeth We had well hoped that the corrup seed which that Enemy of God Arminius did sow amongst you some few years since whose disciples and followers are yet too bold and frequent within your Dominions had given you a sufficient warning afterwards to take heed of such infected persons seeing your own Countrymen already divided into factions upon this occasion a matter so opposite to unity which is indeed the only prop and safety of your State next under God as of necessity it must by little and little bring you to utter ruin if wisely you do not provide
against in and that in time As to the point of free will and effectual grace he expresseth his mind thus The only way for enabling us for to do it Meditation on the Lord's Prayer namely the will of God is by our earnest prayer to God that he will enable us to do it according to that of St. Austin da domine quod jubes jube quod vis And upon the petition against temptation and lead us not into temptation the Arminians cannot but mistake the frame of this petition for I am sure they wou'd have it and suffer us not to be led into temptation c. St. Austin is the best decider of this question to whom I refer my self And indeed he quoteth in the Margin of his Books de Praedesi inatione Sanctorum and de Dono Perseverantiae contra Pelagianos passimalibi this is a proof of what I asserted in another Chapter how our doctrine about these points is the same with that Doctors of the Church In the same Book of his Meditation on the Lord's Prayer that King says It is enough for us to know that Adam by his fall lost his free-will both to himself and all his posterity so as the best of us all hath not one good thought in him except it come from God who draws by his effectual grace out of that tainted and corrupt lump whom he pleaseth for the work of his mercy And elsewhere he declareth thus (a) Protest Antivorst The nature of man through the transgression of our first parents hath lost free-will and retaineth not now any shadow thereof saving an inclination to evil those only excepted whom God of his meer grace hath sanctified and purged from this original leprosie For certainty of salvation and perseverance against the Apostasy and falling away of true Believers his mind he declareth thus (b) Protest Antivorst About the same time one Bertius a Scholar of the late Arminius who was the first in our age that infected Leyden with Heresie was so impudent as to send a letter unto the Archbishop of Canterbury with a Book intituled de Apostasia Sanctorum And not thinking it enough to own the sending of such a Book the Tittle whereof only were enough to make it worthy to be burnt he was moreover so shameless as to maintain in his Letter to the Archbishop that his Doctrine contained in his Book (c) Our Arminians are this man's Disciples agreed with the Doctrine of the Church of England Let the Church of Christ then judge whether it was not high time for us to be stir our selves when as this gangren had not only taken hold amongst our near neighbours so as non solum paries proximus jam ardebat not only the next house was on fire but it also did begin to creep into the bowels of our own Kingdom O the care care of a Prince Nursing-father to the Church never enough to be commended would to God the like was now taken to oppose Socinianism as was then to prevent the coming in of Arminianism But that Prince goes on thus It is true that it was our unhappiness not to hear of this Arminius before he was dead and that all the reformed Churches of Germany See how all Protestant Churches opposed Arminianism had with open mouth complained of him but as soon as we heard of that distraction in your State which after his death he left behind him we did not fail taking the opportunity when your last Extraordinaray Ambassadors were here with us to use some such speeches unto them concerning this matter as we thought fittest for the good of your state and which we doubt not but they have faithfully reported unto you for what need we make any question of the arrogancy of these Hereticks or rather Atheistical Sectaries amongst you when one of them at this present remaining in your Town of Leyden hath not only presumed to publish of late a blasphemous book of the Apostasie of Saints but hath besides been so impudent as to send the other day a Copy thereof as a godly present to our Archbishop of Canterbury together with a Letter wherein he is not ashamed as also in his Book to lye so grosly as to avow that his heresies contained in the same Book do agree with the Religion and Profession of the Church of England For these reasons therefore have we cause enough very heartily to request you to root out with speed those Heresies and Schisms which are beginning to bud forth amongst you which if you suffer to go on any longer you cannot expect any other issue thereof than the curse of God infamy throughout all Reformed Churches a perpetual rent and distraction in the whole Body of your State And all this was his Majesties special order backed with the earnest and frequent sollicitations of his Ambassador in Holland where they have been since so sensible of the spirit of that Party that though they have given them an indulgence yet are not admitted to have a hand in the Government Hence it clearly appeareth how earnest that Prince was to have Arminianism suppressed and what opinion that wise and learned King who had studied the points had of their Errors which he calleth Heresies and Schisms and them Hereticks and Atheistical Sectaries specially upon the occasion of Bertius his Book the title whereof he saith makes it deserves to be burnt he calls it a blasphemous book and by his Ambassador saith to the States not to suffer the followers of Arminius to make their actions an example for them to proclaim to the world that wicked doctrine of the Apostasie of Saints And as herein we see that King's opinion about Arminian Tenets so by him we are informed how false it is to say that they agree with the Doctrine of the Church of England which after him we may speak to the Arminians that to say Arminian Heresies agree with the Doctrine of our Church is a gross and impudent lye and that King knew very well what is the Doctrine of the Church of England and a third thing we learn hence is the dangers that arise from this kind of Doctrine in three particulars First The Curse of God Secondly Infamy throughout all Reformed Churches Thirdly A perpetual rent and distraction in the whole body of the State where it is tolerated for Arminius left behind him a great distraction in the state out of which considerations we see that King took a good resolution when he saith it was high time to bestir our selves when as this Gangrene had not only taken hold on our nearest neighbours but did also begin to creep into the Bowels of our own Kingdom Arminian Opinions he compareth to a Gangrene but he is not satisfied to take good Counsel himself but he also gives it to the Hollanders therefore for these respects saith he we have cause enough very heartily to request you to root out with speed these Heresies and Schisms
we should look only into that rotten part of it we might well say of it with the Prophet (i) Isa 1.21 How is the faithful City become an Harlot and apply to it what is spoken of the Church of Sardis I know thy works that thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead be watchful and strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die Thou hast the name of the Church of England but thou art not as to that thou art dead thou art such only in a Shew Soundness in Matters of Grace is one of the Vitals of true Religion and of a true Church There are some things remaining in thee thou art not altogether Pelagian thou art not a thorough-paced Papist thou mincest the Matter and ownest something of Grace but have a care Rev. 3.1 2. for those things are ready to die if they be not strengthned Though the Corruption in these points of Grace be very Epidemical and too far spread amongst those who pretend to be the Sons of the Church Yet Thanks be to God all are not infected all along there have been and still are some who receive the Mother's Counsel and follow her Directions in the same sense and meaning thereof and continue obedient Children which others do not For by what I already said it doth appear how Arminianism far from being the Doctrine of the Church as constituted in the beginning of Reformation and long after is contrary to and condemned by it One thing more I shall add to shew as I said but just now that for all the great and general Corruption crept amongst the Members in those and late Days There are and have been some eminent Members of the Church not ashamed of the Truth nor afraid to own it And for the truth of this I appeal to the Author Anonymus and nameless of the Book called Several Conferences between a Romish Priest a Fanatick Chaplain and a Divine of the Church of England His Evidence must be the more received that he is no favourer of Dissenters but declares himself an Enemy to them and to Puritans in that he most undecently traduces the Chaplain for a Fool and doth ridicule him to such a height as if he wanted common Sense and Reason and could speak nothing but Nonsence for himself Well he saith thus P. D. for he makes himself the Protestant Divine (a) Pag. 76. at the latter end Very wonderful Proofs as though many of our Church against the Puritan Party had not been inclined to Calvinism in the point of Predestination specially in that moderate way wherein R. Abbot asserted it as though it were not possible for Men to be zealous for our Liturgy and Ceremonies if they held the Doctrine of Election and Perseverance But we do not want those of the highest Order in our Church at this day who are eminent for Learning and Piety and Zeal for the Church who would take it very ill from T. G. upon the account of those Opinions to be thought Enemies of the Church of England as the Puritans were So that although that Truth of late Years was much opposed and abused God never left it without Witnesses Here besides the eminent Doctors and Prelates we named before Amongst those that have succesfully taken great pains in Latin to vindicate this Truth we must reckon Dr. Ames and Dr. Twysse and beyond Sea Peter Molienaus in his Anatome Arminianismi Wedelius's Arcana Arminianismi with the Acts of the Synod of Dort c. All which as to matter of Fact as of right do give impartial and reasonable Readers a full satisfaction In the mean time seeing Matters of Grace are Fundamental to our Salvation we are highly concerned to mind them Let this Question be put to any or to every Man Would you go into Heaven or into Hell I think there is none so desperately wicked but that if the thing depended upon a Wish without wavering he would answer Into Heaven Then if he hath the least sparkle of Reason he must grant he cannot go without a Way and a Guide to lead him thorough for the Way is thorny and full of Difficulties In the choice of a Guide let him come to this Dilemma chuse either God or Man Surely he may easily determine I had rather to trust to God than to Man About Means and Ways the Arminian saith if you have a mind you can go to Heaven you have within you a sufficient Grace and Light to carry you thither you have a free Will you can go if you please for you can repent believe make a good use of Means and persevere if you will But on the other side let us hear what God saith Thou canst not see for thou art blind thou canst not hear for thou art deaf thou canst not speak for thou art dumb thou canst not walk for thou art impotent and lame thou canst not move because thou art dead In prosecuting of this Argument I shall not do as Arminians who frame in their Heads some pretty and pleasant Notions and deliver them in as plausible a manner as they can and take us to be so credulous as to take their bare Word for it without any Scripture Proofs But first in general we say in matters of temporal Deliverance or Salvation much more as to eternal Salvation God reserveth it only to himself For (a) Psal 3.8 Salvation belongeth unto the Lord and (b) Jon. 2.9 Salvation is of the Lord and (c) Isa 26.1 Salvation will God appoint for (d) Luk. 1.69 he hath raised up an Horn of Salvation for us We know who said (e) Psal 37.39 The Salvation of the Righteous is of the Lord and (f) Rom. 6.23 the Gift of God is eternal Life which is the same with Salvaion That is a Gift of God not a Word of Man in it God is the only Physician of the Soul that is his Right and Property which no Man may invade or encroach upon without making himself liable to the Curse of God But let us come to Particulars I need not to prove a thing granted that there is Blindness Darkness and Ignorance in the Mind Hardness Stubbornness and Deadness in the Heart with Perverseness and Rebelliousness in the Affections But I am to shew how to cure these is the proper Work of God (g) Psal 119.125 God and no Man gives us understanding to know his Testimonies and when he is pleased to (h) v. 144. give us understanding we shall live Thus Christ (i) Luk. 24.45 opened the understanding of his Disciples that they might understand the Scriptures 'T is (k) Psal 146.8 the Lord and none else that openeth the Eyes of the blind and raiseth them that are bowed down Here also he upholdeth and strengthneth the weak (l) Isa 35.5 The eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped Here is a Promise and a Remedy for the deaf