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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16503 The anatomie of conscience Or a threefold reuelation of those three most secret bookes: 1. The booke of Gods prescience. 2. The booke of mans conscience. 3. The booke of life. In a sermon preached at the generall assises holden at Derby, in Lent last. 1623. By Immanuel Bourne ... Bourne, Immanuel, 1590-1672. 1623 (1623) STC 3416; ESTC S106813 35,564 48

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Iustitia praeueniens a preuenting Iustice to encourage to vertue and by timely punishments to keepe from greater mischiefes The second is Iustitia puniens punishing iustice to cut downe vice with extremity when the wound is growne incurable Psal 201.1 The first is mercy the second iudgement The first hath place in criminall the second in capitall offences Of the first many a one may say and that truly Periissem nisi periissem I had perished vnlesse I had perished if I had not beene punished for idlenesse drunkennesse or prophanenesse I had beene punished for theft or murder or worse impieties And of the second many a one hath said and that as truly Si periissem non periissem If I had beene punished by my parents or gouernours or magistrats for lesser faults I had not now been punished with this shamefull death for so foule and horrible a wickednesse this you may often heare if you bee present at the execution of such Malefactors So that as many a man doth suffer death for his owne offences so is many a man hanged for the negligence of his Parents or Masters or Gouernours who should by timely punishments haue preuented such danger Thankes bee to God we haue many worthy Iudges in this Kingdome who are carefull and zealous for the execution both of the one and other Iustice But the care of them is not sufficient without the helpe and assistance of others For though they be Gods yet are they not Omniscient they cannot see all offences nor know all offenders There bee many sinnes which cry for Vengeance and yet the cry of them is eyther stopped before it commeth to their Eares or else the sins themselues like painted Harlots are so guilded ouer with colours of deceit that their vgly countenances cannot bee seene and by this meanes they escape vnpunished I must now therefore turne my speech vnto you who are Assistants and Helpers in the Execution of Iustice And for such who are of a Higher Order appoynted as Iudges in priuate Sessions for punishment of lesser offences and to binde ouer the rest to the Examination and Tryall of this Greater Assises I may speake it with Ioy for the Honour and credit of this Countrey In which I am yet but a stranger I know some and I haue heard of many Honorable Worshipfull Learned and Religious Iustices whose care and Conscience is dayly published in their seuerall Circuits by their seuerall actions And I pray God yee may goe on in sincerity of soule and Conscience knowing for certaine yee shall not lose your reward when the Bookes shall bee opened and that day of Refreshing shall come Acts 3.19 Last of all for Inferiour Officers who are either to informe the Court by their Presentments according to Oath and Articles giuen in charge or else to prosecute and see Iustice executed when information and sentence is giuen I doubt not but amongst these also there are many honest religious and conscionable men who will doe their best both for preuenting and punishing Iustice But if all bee such what meaneth then this bleating of the Sheepe lowing of the Oxen voyce of King Agag which still sound in our eares as Samuel told Saul 1. Sam. 15.14 whence is there so many impieties that still lurke in Corners oftentimes daring to Out-face the Law and in spite of reprehension continue amongst vs Similitude This sheweth plaine that as there is Iustitia the free course of Iustice amongst such who are friends of Conscience and Equity so there is Iustitiam a stay and stoppe of the Current of Iustice amongst those who for feare or affection or corruption Wiliel 〈…〉 Linwood de purgatione Canonica spare to punish impiety There is a rule in the Canon Law that if a man bee Defamed apud bonos graues amongst good and graue men being presented to the Ordinary hee may be enioyned his purgation Cum Sexta manu honestorum virorum with six of his honest Neighbours and if hee faile in this be put to his Penance It it much to bee feared that if some inferiour Officers were put to this Tryall they would faile in purgation and for their Periury haue Penance enioyned them And happie were they if this might wash out the blots of their Consciences yea seuen yeares penance as was long since decreed in the Ancient Canons Canon Fabian for such kinde of Offenders But woe bee to that soule whose Conscience is spotted with that soule impurity The stay of Iustice is like the stay of a current or running streame it will on a sudden ouerflow the bankes and if it haue not passage spoyle a whole Countrey It were farre better that one rotten member should be cut off from the body then the whole body perish and much more profitable that one corrupt Officer should be seuerely punished then that Execution which is the Life of Law should be put to death I haue heard of a complaint in some Countryes remote that when the Churchwardens haue presented offenders they haue beene called to the Court and paying their Fees the Chancellors or Officials or their Deputies or Surrogates haue presently dismissed them and so the businesse ended no reformation no penance enioyned no satisfaction to the Congregation And the Constables and inferiour Officers haue complained as much of Temporall proceedings But I hope there is no such complaint can iustly be taken vp in these parts of the world Omnia venalia Romae Al things are vendible at Rome but for Bribery Periury let them not be heard of in our Land for both are abhominable and Periury aboue all is a crying wickednesse I haue read of an excellent law amongst the Turkes that If any man did sweare his tongue should bee shaued and washed in vineger If all false swearers amongst Christians had receiued this punishment wee should not heare a complaint of so many knaues of the post who are not ashamed to say one to another Lend my friend an oath this Assises and I will lend thy friend an oath the next A fearefull saying for while they lend an oath to their friend they forfeit their soules to the Deuill A watchword to the Iurymen Take heed of this all you who are called to giue in euidence or who are empannelled on any Iury either for tryal of rights or of life and death which is most dangerous let not feare nor fauour draw you from iustice but stand out boldly with courage in a rightfull cause Sinne not against your Conscience for though the Papists may tell you M. Parsons Reckon cap. 4. Sect. 11. Pag. 265. pag. 64. Bulla ●ii Quin. confirmed by Greg. 13 against Qu. Elizabeth that Aequiuocation is lawfull or the Iesuits preach that the Pope can absolue from an Oath yea the Oath of Alleageance that a Subiect may take armes against his Prince or by treason murther a Magistrate who is not of their Religion yet Christ Iesus taught no such doctrine nor his Apostles nor the ancient Fathers of the Church nor doth the Church of England approue it Deceiue not your selues therefore but informe your consciences aright and giue euidence thereafter Conclusion And to conclude all Zech. 5.2 3 4. Read at your leasures that fift Chapter of the Prophecy of Zechary the second third and fourth Verses And thinke on that fearefull curse which shall remaine in the house of the false swearer and consume it with the timber and stones thereof And remember this vision a part of which is my Text that as certainly as there is now a particular Assises wherein you are now to giue euidence or verdict and to assist in the iudgment of others so the time shall come when there shall bee a generall Assises wherein Christ Iesus that Prince of righteousnesse shall be the Iudge wherein you your selues shall bee the Prisoners for none are excepted wherein the Bookes shall bee opened the Booke of Gods prescience the Booke of euery mans particular Conscience and the Booke of Life And the Dead both small and great yea both dead and liuing euery man and euery woman that are or haue beene or shall be hereafter in the world they shall all stand before God and bee iudged of those things which are written in the Bookes according to their workes In the feare of God therefore labour earnestly to get and preserue a good Conscience in all your actions and pray with feruency for the assistance of Gods gracious Spirit and my prayer shall be the same for you all which S. Pauls once was for his Christian Thessalonians That the very God of peace will sanctifie you throughout 1 Thes 5.23 and I pray God that your whole spirit and soule and body may bee preserued blamelesse vnto that comming of our Lord Iesus Christ To whom with the Father and the blessed Spirit bee ascribed all honour and power and glory all might and maiesty and dominion now and for euer AMEN Blessed are all they who remember that last great and generall Assises when those Bookes shall bee opened and endeauour to get and preserue a good a pure and a peaceable Conscience in all their thoughts words and workes The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the loue of God the Father and the sweet and comfortable fellowship of God the Holy Spirit bee with vs blesse preserue and keepe vs and euery one of his Saints and Seruants both in bodies in soules in estates and good names from all dangers and from all our enemies both spirituall and temporall the rest of this day and for euermore AMEN FINIS Gloria Trin-uni Deo