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A15388 A confutation of certaine articles deliuered vnto the Familye of Loue with the exposition of Theophilus, a supposed elder in the sayd Familye vpon the same articles. By William Wilkinson Maister of Artes and student of diuinitye. Hereunto are prefixed by the right reuerend Father in God I.Y. Byshop of Rochester, certaine notes collected out of their Gospell, and aunswered by the Fam. By the author, a description of the tyme, places, authors, and manner of spreading the same: of their liues, and wrestyng of Scriptures: with notes in the end how to know an heretique. Wilkinson, William, d. 1613.; Young, John, 1534?-1605.; Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580? 1579 (1579) STC 25665; ESTC S101312 139,324 194

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vaine and endles Questions which engender strife of wordes more thē godly edifying of the which S. Paule geueth Timothy a straight charge to beware 1. Tim. 1.4 and 4. chap. Titus 1.14 2. Pe. 1.16 1. Tim. 6.4 The which watchword if our Familye had diligently taken hede vnto they had not so mightely ben deceiued with such strong illusions For this is the light vnto the which we must take héede as vnto a candle shining in a dark place so shal we not faile of the reward after lyfe nor in this lyfe make shipwrack of our owne saluation Now followeth the second part of the comparison of D. George his heresies with HN. whereby we shall see the one not to be any whit in impietye inferiour vnto the other THe Familye of Loue in their first Epistle to M. Rogers pag. 72. lin 7. c. very vehemently stomack as their maner is because M. Rogers enlinketh HN. with Iohn a Leyde and the Archheretique Dauid George to haue ben confederates in spreading the heresie of the Anabaptistes at Munster Anno 1533. And least that M. Rogers should scape vntarred with their opprobrious Eloquēce they very louingly as well becommeth their Familye brande him with his marke An egregious vntruth vttered by this new shameles wrighter Furthermore they affirme that many learned wrighters testify the matter vz. of Dauid c to be Anabaptisme and yet say they this man will haue it the Familye of Loue and here they triumph hauing taken M. R. tardye as though the Familye of Loue and the Anabaptistes were such great straungers that at no time they had bin acquainted nor euer yet talked or met together To remoue the which doubt if any shall happen to stand in doubt which I thinke he will not that knoweth throughly what both the opinions meane by laying of the schismaticall opinions of these two heretiques together the Fam. shall not neede to be so straunge with their kinne nor be so nice because their faction is more famous then the other of their Elder brethren I meane the Anabaptistes The first opinion of Dauid George as M. Rogers alledgeth and M. Bullinger in his booke agaynst the Anabaptistes auoucheth to be true was this The doctrine taught by Moses Christ the Prophetes Apostles is vnto saluation but his heresie is perfect as he sayth to saluatiō The reasons which do induce me to thinke the heresie of Dauid George and HN. is in effect all one are because they iumpe both in this They prefer their owne doctrine before the doctrine of Moses Christ the Apostles Prophetes and secondly affirme it is abler to saue those that heare their 's thē the other Now to proue they prefer their doctrine before Moses c. This shal be playne and an vndeniable reason The doctrine which in the Churche of England the Lordes most holy name be praysed for it is by Publike authorie commaunded by all that preache the same approued and by the Fam. of Loue confessed to be the doctrine of Moses c. But they say that this is not sufficient vnto saluation Therefore are they Anabaptistes and Dauid Georges Schollers For proofe of the first proposition that the doctrine by publique authoritie commaunded is the doctrine of Moses c. they will not deny it for so much as they haue in their Cōfession of their fayth published An. 1575. openly protested that they are not iustly to bee blamed accused detected or burthened as transgressors of the law agaynst any of the Queene her Maiesties proceedyng in causes Ecclesiasticall c. But all men know that it is an Ecclesiasticall cause concernyng the truth of doctrine Publiquely preached therfore they are likewise obedient to her therein If they shall here séeke to starte by affirmyng that they meane outward pollicie of the Church that is a thyng of lesse waight then the doctrine of the word of God openly professed for that the truth of the word is alwayes one and immutable it is the same vnto all nations and people of the world But the externall pollicie in gouerning the Church is mutable neither alwayes one but chaunged diuersly in diuers places accordyng to the state of the places tymes and people Therfore they shall aunswere here nakedly if they say that they agrée vnto the pollicie of gouernement not vnto the doctrine of the Churches of England they shall shewe very plainly and that they 1. deale doublely notwithstādyng they pretend in their foresayd Confession that they deale with all men vprightly faythfully and charitably Further more when as in their confession mēcionyng Religion they affirme that they obey our soueraigne Lady the Queene and the Magistrates our foregoers spirituall and temporall c. Whiche by the word of God they should not neither ought to do vnlesse the doctrine by the Prince commaunded were from God therefore secondly I conclude that they confesse the doctrine by vs professed publiquely to be the doctrine of Moses Christ and the Apostles and Prophetes and this is the proofe of my first proposition But cōcernyng the second proposition vz. that the doctrine of Moses is vnsufficiēt is apparaūt For no man in the choyse of two thyngs wherof he must néedes chuse the one will chuse that which is insufficient therefore is the particular Fam. whiche they fayne vnto them selues thought by thē more sufficiēt then the Publique doctrine assembly of our Church Christiā congregation Now least they should shift in saying that our Chruch theirs is all one as some times they do to dazell and deceiue the simple I aunswere that in the third Epistle that is Extant of theirs to M. Rogers they affirme that of such an houshold as we haue challenged to our selues they are straungers Therefore say I they thinke their Fam. to be more sufficient for to attaine saluation in then the open visible Church of Christ is England which doth impugne their Familie And to this purpose very naturally they Exhort such as be wise among vs to looke ouer the Scriptures agayne For if their Fam. of Loue haue founde the true or old way correspondent with all the doctrine of the Apostles of Iesus Christ and therfore s needfull that without it there shall no man finde mercy with God or els through Christ become saued Item read the second Article of HN. pag. 23. and there this is handled at large The places which further at large out of their bookes proue this matter are 1. Exhort cap. 12. sent 42. 20. sent 7. Dictata cap. 9. sent 3. Eu ā cap. 3. sent 3. cap. 23. sent 7. cap. 24. sent 25. in all the which they affirme as Dauid George doth in his heresie that onely their Familie is sufficient vnto saluation whereby is clearely auouched that their Fam. of Loue are guiltie in the first degrée Dauid George his second heresie was that he affirmed himselfe Christ and Messias the beloued sonne of God.
reason or knowledge For then should they right wel vnderstand it for the world can vnderstand her owne whose wisedome maketh all men in their manly wisedome meere fooles compassing the wise in their wisedome and prouyng their thoughtes to be but vayne will therfore as S. Paule and likewise the Prophet affirmeth destroy the wisedome of the wise and reiect the vnderstandyng of the prudent For it hath ben euermore an order with the holy on s of God in the bringyng forth of the holy thynges to expresse it more out of the authoritie of the spirite and with power I meane out of the efficacie of the Lord had by their essential operation in their inwardnes thē with the entising wordes of manly wisedome that our fayth might not stand or rest grounded in the wisedome of man but in the power of God by which meanes the naturall man perceiueth not any thyng of the spirite of god Yea the thynges of God and his wisedome are mere foolishnesse vnto him And therefore he shal be founde happyer that becommeth deceiued with such a godly deceit then shall those which are borne in hand to be in a right way and a good case beyng yet in the meane tyme directed with the dreames of mans fantasie in steade of cleare truth c. Rochester THe greatest part of this boke is nothyng but a brief discourse either a rehearsall of the story of the Bible as appeareth frō the .5 chapter to the .27 .28 chapters And his collectiō is none other but such as any meanly learned may gather by diligēt readyng of the Scriptures The Familie of Loue. HOw well soeuer the greatest part of the booke bee iudged by you to be nothyng but a bare brief discours or rehearsall of the histories of the Bible whiche any meanly learned as you say might do the like yet séemeth it to me to be of greater force neither haue I euer in my tyme heard or by readyng perceiued that the greatest learned among the prudent wisenesse which rest grounded more on the litterall knowledge of the Christiā verifie then on the beyng of the same haue atchiued the like or brought the match therof to light all thyngs considered For it is not onely an euident declaration of the singular good will and operations of God towardes his creatures in respectyng and tenderyng their saluation darckly figured foorth in the Bible but also and expresse manifestation of the approchyng of tyme wherein the purpose of the Lord drawen a long and begon as the tyme state and age of the worlde would permit the same touchyng the disposing of the wicked world with her ministers and adherentes the erectyng of the righteous world to florish there ouer in vigour for euermore becōmeth as he there testifieth Full accomplished through the same seruice of God or ministrations of his loue expressed or mencioned in the same booke accordyng to the promises To the which ministration God hath chosen the Authour as he there alledgeth to be a right minister and prepared him thereto in the fourme and sorte mencioned in the head of his booke vnto which like function and holy annoyntyng no conceited Scripture learned or Doctour of the letter that I can any way marke or perceiue hath in these dayes attained or reached And whether that be a pretendyng of the Ghost or no that will well appeare and be séene in his tyme by the sequele thereof to wéete in the perseueraunce and foorth goyng of the same among and with all such as shall endure to sée the triall therof c. Rochester THe Authour doth much pretend the holy Ghost and entituleth his booke An Epistle written from the holy Ghost which is to be suspect of hygh Reuelations daungerous to deceiue the simple Familie of Loue. THis is aunswered in the Section before Rochester INtreatyng of Antichrist in the 28. chapter he teacheth no certaine doctrine who he is or where to be founde that we may know him beware of his doctrine but it seemeth altogether doubtfull in so much that the Note in the margēt sayth O that this Antechrist were knowen Whereas if the Authour would haue dealt plainly and according to the scriptures he might easly haue shewed that Rome is the seate of Antechrist And that the succession of Popes and that body and kingdome is the very Antichrist mencioned and described in the .2 Thessal 2. Apocal. 13.17 c. ¶ In the Chapter 31. 32. the Authour HN. bewrayeth him selfe to be a Papist 1. FIrst he calleth the Church of Rome the communion of all Christiās whereas it is but a particular Church fallen away from the vniuersall Church of Christ 2. Although he seemeth to cōfesse that the Church of Rome hath not that perfection of Religion whiche it had in tymes past which the Papistes do and must graunt yet he seemeth to allow and speake reuerently of all Popishe orders as they be now The Pope hee calleth the chief annoynted the chief Byshop or high Priest who hath his heyng in the most holy sanctuarie of true and perfect holynes most holy Father Next vnto him he placeth the Cardinals whom he calleth most holy and famous and hee sayth that they are next the most auncientest and holy Father the Pope in most holy Religion and vnderstandyng Next vnto Cardinals he reconeth Byshops whom he calleth chief Priestes After Byshops he nameth Curates Deacons c. After those he maketh mencion of Monkes whom he commendeth as men addicted to holynesse and separated from the world and all carnall desires But most playnly the Authour sheweth him selfe a frend to the Church of Rome saying that many through contention and discorde did cast of the Church of Rome and dyd blaspheme her with her ministeries and of their own braynes pretendyng the Scriptures haue brought in other ministeries and Religion they spoke much of the word of god Who doubteth that this is the voyce and iudgement of Papistes agaynst Protestauntes and true Christians Familie of Loue. WHere as you furthermore complayne of the insufficiencie of the expressing of Antechrist as to say who he is and where to be founde because the Authour applyeth him not to the Pope and his succession in the Church of Rome it séemeth if the matter were well looked vnto that mē should finde that Antechrist euen in the very selfe same place from whence you gather your exception flatly detected although he is not so employed to mēs contētations for if men could sée what Christ accordyng to the spirite is as he is a liuyng power of God were whereas his whole scope drift of writyng stretcheth they should then right well perceiue thereout that the man of sinne and child or broode of the Deuill and cōdemnation beyng a right aduersarie or an expresse contrary beyng vnto Christ the righteousnes of God the father and raignyng in all states of men generally Beyng fleshly Popes or other from the tyme of the declinyng
that be of the Familie who soeuer is without the Familie is inueigled with wiles subtletie and falsechode For no man rightly accordyng to truth of the Scriptures nor accordyng to the spirituall vnderstandyng of the godly wisdome can deale in or vse the true Gods seruice nor the seruices of the holy worde but onely the Illuminate Elders in the godly wisedome whiche walke in the house of loue The wise men of the world and the Scripture learned haue not knowen the veritie of the heauenly truth nor yet obteined or gotten the clearenes with Christ. It is mere lyes and vntruth what the Scripture learned through the knowledge they got out of the Scriptures institute or teach c. They preach in deede the letter and Imagination of their knowledge but not the word of the liuyng God. Therefore sayth he they are mē whose knowledge doth imagine much in them ARTICLE 3. of HN. No Baptisme WIthout the Familye of Loue sayth HN there is no true Christian Baptisme This same is the schole of grace to an euerlasting remission of sinnes ouer all such as cleaue there vnder There is no true Christianitye but the Comminalty of the holy ones in the loue of Christ Iesus Ion. 17. c. Ephe. 4. a. h. All other that haue not the Christian doctrine of the seruice of the loue forgoing their Baptisme It is not meete and conuenient that men should count such vnbeleuers and vnbaptised ones for Christians neither yet also for men at whose handes one should any way suppose or trust to finde any word of Ioh. 1. a. 3. a. gods truth or yet any workes Mar. 1. a. righteousnesse or Gods seruice that God regardeth or accepteth They are without Christes body Theophilus COnsider better of the text Rather vnder the obedience of the father and his loue vnder the obedience of Christ and his beliefe and the obedience of the holy ghost and his renewing of the lyfe and minde c. to be baptised in the name of the father the sonne and the holy ghost c. William Wilkinson WHat account HN. maketh of our Church and the truth therein taught is already declared Now followeth it to be vnderstode what his opinion is of our Sacramentes And first to speake of baptisme For of the holy Sacrament of the supper of our Lord he hath written very litle what he attributeth to our Church therein is playne that vnlesse we haue our foregoing in the doctrine of the loue we are not to be counted of him and his Fam to be baptised ones To the which I will aunswere briefly if first he shall satisfy me in this demaund Whether when there was no Family of Loue there were no vpright baptisme in England If he say there was a lawfull baptisme than is there an vpright baptisme without the foregoing of his louely doctrine and without his Family a true Christian baptisme If he say there was none than doe I aunswere that these Famelers in England are not rightly baptised speake the truth worke righteousnes or an acceptable worke in the sight of god To the which if the Familye shall further aunswere though then they were not yet since they haue bin rightly baptised This it may be Vitels the Ioyner will aunswere to approue his hereticall behauiour at Cholchester ad to this I am to reply that if the Fam. acknowledge a rebaptization then are they hypocrites all the sort of them For they in their last cōfession being a rehearsall of their doctrine beliefe and religion affirme that they doe deale simply and playnely c We haue say they nor vse any other Ceremonyes lawes statutes nor Sacramentes of Baptisme and supper of the Lord then such as are ministred in the Church of England But I say that the Church of England vseth not rebaptization Therefore if they be rebaptised they be double faced dissemblers Furthermore if they shall affirme that they vse not other Sacramentes c. than is vsed in the Church of England that is in their Fam. in the Church of England because it was sayd in the first Article that we haue no Church without their Family I aunswere They pretend in their confession they deale faythfully with all men If this be their fayth what I pray you is their falshode Furthermore I let passe to repeate much lesse to confute that fond opinion of those vaine heads which thought the partyes baptised of heretiques ought to be rebaptised agayne Of this opinion the Fam. of Loue semeth to lyke very well for because they affirme before that without this Fam. there is no Christian baptisme And thus much for this Article is sufficient As for you frend Theophilus ye huddle vp so that no man can vnderstand you when you shall learne to speake out of the mouth and leaue to fumble with your c. I will tell you my minde more art large An addition of the 3. Article of HN. HN. Reproueth our doctrine with this terme and handful of water an Elementish water Whosoeuer is not baptized according to the forme and manner of Iohn who baptized the people confessing their sinnes flowing with the water of repentaunce into their hartes he is not rightly baptized neyther may he boast els that he is a Christian ARTICLE 4. HN. No forgeuenes of sinnes WIthout he Familye fayth HN. there is no forgeuenes of sinnes for this is the true Christianitye the Familye of Loue wherein God himselfe 2. Cor. 6. b. Apoc. 21. a. dwelleth liueth and walketh Theophilus FOr so it is agreable with the Scripture William Wilkinson THe truth of this exposition I must gladly graunt and willingly confesse vz. No pardon of sinnes without the Church of Christ For truely it is sayd No man must seuer or put in sunder that which God hath lincked together and so in our Créede the Communion of Saintes and forgeuenesse of sinnes are ioyned together And S. Paule sayth that Christ gaue him selfe for the Churches to satisfy it and clense it by the washyng of the water through the woorde that hee might make it a glorious Church spotlesse and without wrinckle c. And I know very well that we are naked in our selues and poore but in Christ and his Churche so many as are members of that head are clothed richly with the manifold graces of God and continaully enriched And to this purpose fitly sayth the spirite of god by Esay the Prophet God is in the Churche and the 21. of the Apocal. 3. a. is fitly alledged and the truest hetherto that HN. hath cied As for his place out of the Corinth there is no such thyng nor any steppe of such a sence as he séemeth to alledge it for All the Article if it should be geuen yet shall you not thereby proue that without your particuler conuēticles and Schismaticall assembles is no remission of sinnes For the promise of the keyes and the remission is geuen to the Church which
definition sith already euery part is confuted it shal in this place spare me a further labour In the definition as he termeth it there are cōtained diuers out-roades extrauagant varying of phrases altogether repugnyng vnto Arte which willeth that euery deffinition be as brief and playne as possible may be yet is HN. his definition so compacted together as if the one part of it stode at Collen and the other at Amsterdam but herein rather pitie we his folly then enuy his learning and dexteritie in formyng a fit definition But seyng we haue founde fault with HN. his definition of the vpright fredome let vs sée if there may a more playne and pithy definition be drawne then erst he hath set downe Christian libertie is the forgiuenesse of sinnes Psal. 32.1 a Rom. 4.8 Purchased by the death of Christ Rom. 4.25 d. Ephes 1.7 b. Preached vnto vs by the Gospell Ioh. 8.32.2 Tim. 1.10 c. sealed by the vse of the word Actes 13.26 d. Rom. 1.16 b. and Sacramentes Rom. 4.11 1. Cor. 11.26 The which definition I reale to amplifie or to prosecute the partes therof because the testimonies of the holy Scriptures shal be my sufficient warrant in that behalf The second crime that HN. burtheneth our Ministry withall is that those that preach are vnregenerate vnrenewed which that it hindreth not the truth of doctrine in that it is taught by a wicked person is apparaunt by the testimonie of our Sauiour who biddeth the Disciples and the people obey the doctrine of the Scribes and pharisies which sit in Moses chaire but do not after their lyfe which he would not haue done if the Pharisies euill lyfe had made voyde the truth of their doctrine But this is touched more in the 5. Article where it is impugned by HN. that a man lewde in lyfe can not speake the truth in doctrine The thyrd crime of preachyng out of the learnednes of the letter we shall haue a fitter place to touch it afterward in the next Article The fourth crime which HN obiecteth is coalewortes more then tenne times sodden and yet being refused by vs eftsone is in the next seruice set downe For how often doth he in his wofull exhortation still heate vpon this a ceremonie seruice that maintayneth dissention and agayne which stretcheth no further but to the breding of schisme partialitye and sedition among the people quoting Math. 24. a. 5. ve and b. 24. v. Where Christ sayth Many false Christes shall arise and deceiue many HN. expoundeth it of those which professe religion without his loathsom and schismaticall Familye and in the same place he quoteth 1. Cor. 3. a. 3. Iam. 3. b. which conteineth a discription of the intemperancie of the tongue being abused he vilanously doth aply it to those preachers which reuerētly handle the pure word of God without his hereticall secresie and frentique conuenticle and in the same 15. Chap. of HN The simple and vnlighted people Ierem. 23. c. d. Ezech. 13. b. ver 8.9.10 c. become therewith seduced and beguiled Math. 24. c. 2. Tim. 3.4 2. Pet. 2. a. Iude. 1. b. still HN. applieth those places to the preachers of Gods worde which are ment of him and such lyke bedlem heretiques as he is as also captiued with many diuises and sectes the which knowledge of the worde that the same preachers haue HN. termeth in the same blasphemous and schismaticall chap. Variaunce renting or diuision bringing forth discordable disputations about vnprofitable argumentes Rom. 1. d. Galla. 5. c. 1. Tim. 6. a. Titus 3. a. Iam. 3. b. then the which what can be vttered with more malice or set abroach with more cancred hatred and yet will HN. néedes be counted the Father of the Familye that in it hath nothing but loue and méeke mindednes The which accusation of his as it is most pestilent and full fraught with an hart wholy resolued to raile and backbite vnder the cloake of calmenes so is it a thing that continually hath ben obiected agaynst the Church to infring the trueth thereof after this sort There are in such and such particuler Churches disagreementes in some pointes of doctrine varietye of iudgemētes ergo there is no truth in those Churches This I say is an ould Argument framed first by heretiques vsed by the Papistes as an Iron flayle and now againe furbushed and being new fethered is shotte againe cleane besides the white and the butt also For the auncient Fathers hauing it often obiected to them frier Hosias and the graceles runnagate Staphilus and M. Harding himselfe hath often turned this stone which so is fastened by the Father of blessed remembraunce the Byshop of Salisburye that if all the Famblers of Loue and heretiques in the world shall set their shoulders vnto it therewith to ouerwhelme the truth they neuer shall be able so much as once to stir it and yet if they should they must take héede that in the rembling therof they crush not all their bones in sunder to their vtter confusion But that this gappe may finally be stopped that hereafter HN. neuer with his fellow hereticks breake in to disturbe the peace of Sion let it be remembred that is written Gen. 13.7 b. 27.11 Luke 22.24 c. Actes 15.39 f. 1. Cor. 1.11 b. Gal. 2.11 c. that alwayes in the Church of God there hath ben iarres aswell in maners as also in religion And thus much brieflye for this second part of HN. his doctrine of the dignitye of the word and the opinion of the truth thereof As for Theophilus who frendly geueth me counsell to blaze my selfe in the former definition of a Libertine I doe him to know that such libertye as is to be claymed by mercye and imputation of the death of Christ that libertie from sinne I loke for and none other and this is that which in my poore iudgment all the children of God doe loke for Rom. 8.20.21 both in this lyfe as also in the lyfe to come As for his Rhetoricall terme of blazing and Blazonrie I wish him to spare it tell he come in place where he may haue occasion to vse it for vnto me if he be that party whome some that wishe well to the Familye report to me that he is he should not haue needed to haue shadowed him selfe by a terme of heraultrie but if I were disposed to blase his coate perhaps if I should say that he were like to be that E. R. which ouershot himselfe in his Epistle to I. R. I might so dissipher his personage that the vizard of Theophilus should not be sufficient to saue him that he be not knowne by blushing but it is good for him to kéepe him to that which he is called and rather to learne the principles of the Catechisme and the first groundes of Gods feare then to busie bimselfe in that which he hath no skill of to the hurt of the Church the offence of the weake and endamaging of
yea bodies and liues also that by some meanes or other their wicked and schismaticall fantasies might be ouerthrowne All the which they would not haue done vnlesse by the worde of God it had ben assuredly lawfull or if the counsaile of Gamaliell had bene as a generall lawe to all estates tymes and persons that followed The which examples of Christian Emperours and godly kinges and gouernours both in the law and the kinges of Iudah in and since the state of the Primatiue Church I besech God to whome the care of his Church doth belong to put into the hartes of all Christian Magistrates to practise that they may in déede shew themselues nurses of the Church to the maintenaunce of Religion and the assuraunce of their owne thrones and estates and to the quietnesse of their subiectes that heresie may be suppressed sinne punished and that God in all may be gloryfied in and through his Christ our onely mediatour and redéemer Amen ❧ Certaine profitable notes to know an Heretique especially an Anabaptist With the Opinions and behauiour of them out of 〈◊〉 Authors ¶ Out of M. Bullingers booke agaynst the Anabaptistes ANabaptistes fly open conference and créepe from house to house craftely and priuily seducyng the simple and ignoraunt 2. Nicholas Storcke in Saxonie the chiefe ringleader of the Anabaptistes boasted of Reueilations 3. He boasted of a new world wherin iustice dwelleth Anabaptisme commeth alwayes by contentious and troublesome persons where the Gospell had bene preached before Thomas Muncer taught in word and writyng First that the Preachers of his tyme were not sent of God neither that they taught the word of God but the dead letter of the Scripture further that the scripture and outward word was not the true word of God but a testimonie of the true word and that the word is inward and heauenly and cōmeth immediatly from the mouth of God and that it ought to be taught inwardly by the spirite and not by Scriptures or Sermons He denyed Baptisme of Infantes He sayd that Christ did not fully satisfie for vs. He sayd God reueiled his will by dreames which he highly commended as inspirations from the holy Ghost His owne sect be termed the elect of God all that were not of his sect he sayd they were wicked woorthy to be slayne He sayd that goodes ought to be common Yea he sayd that Gedeons sword was geuen hym to abolish all Lordshyps agaynst all tyrauntes to restore the former libertie erect the new kyngdome of Christ vpon the earth Muncer was put to death for his heresie and repented before his death At Tygurie some contentious men though not vnlearned tooke part with the Anabaptistes The Anabaptistes would not communicate with the wicked They sayd that the Baptisme of infantes was inuented by Pope Nicholas and therfore it was naught Anabaptistes were hartned by those which desired the ouerthrow of the Gospell and the restoryng of Popery Anabaptistes were sage men they sighed often they laughed not they were vehement in reprehensions The simple were deceiued much by this Argument Let mē say of the Anabaptistes what they will I sée their sobriety I heare thē say nothing but this that we must not sweare at all but we must lyue holy and iust c. The Anabaptistes complained that all thynges were done agaynst them by force that the truth was oppressed that simple and godly men which sought nothing but that which was conteined in the word of God neither could they be hard or haue frée libertie to vtter out their myndes The Anabaptistes outwardly did lead a godly lyfe they spake earnestly agaynst couetousnes pride othes filthy talke vncomely behauiour chearyng and dronkennes they spake much of killyng the old man c. Briefly great and manifold was their hypocrisie They sayd they onely were the true Church wherein Christians delighted that their Sectaries might kéepe company with no Christian Churches of the Gospellers for that their Churche were no more the Churches of Christ then the Papistes Churches They sayd that the Ministers were not lawfully called to the Ministry nor ordinarily because they had not those qualities that S. Paule requireth 1. Tim. 3. e. They allow of Reuelations They say that the Sermons of Preach●●● are of smal accompt because in them is taught that Christ onely satisfied for our sinnes and that men were iustified before God by fayth and not by workes They affirmed the law might be kept and therefore they blamed the Preachers for saying the contrary They held Communitie of all thynges They affirmed that the old Testamēt ought not to be mingled with the new because the old was abrogated They sayd that the soules slept vntill the day of Iudgement No Christian might be a Magistrat Magistrates must not medle with Religion The last punishmēt of Christians is Excōmunicatiō No mā ought to be compelled to fayth or put to death for his Religion Warre say they is vnlawfull for Christians Their speaches must be yea and no without any oth None say they ought to be put frō the Lordes supper Cap. 9. Of diuers sectes and sortes of Anabaptistes ¶ Of Anabaptistes termed Apostoliques whose errours were 1. They approued onely the bare letter of the Scripture 2. They vsed no weapō staffe wallet shoes money c. 3. They preached on house toppes 4. They washed one an others féete 5. They forsooke wiues and children 6. They held communitie Cap. 10. ¶ Of Anabaptistes Spirituall 1. They had nothyng like the world to proue it they abused Rom. 11. 2. They had rules both for the matter and fourme of apparell And affirmed it was vnlawfull to weare silke 3. They had rules of eatyng drinkyng and sléepyng 4. They might neuer laugh 5. They sighed often might not come in opē assēblies 6. They condemne bargainyng and the vse of weapons Cap. 11. ¶ Of Sinles Anabaptistes These Anahaptistes sayd they could sinne For proofe they cited He that is of God sinneth not He that sinneth is of the Deuill Christes Church is without spot or wrinckle And therfore did they intermit the 5. petition Forgiue vs our trespasses They sayd there was no originall sinne neither were infantes by nature sinfull The hatchers of this heresie were Nouatus Catharis Auxentius Pelagius it is learnedly and at large confuted by S. Augustin Tom. 7. Agaynst Coelestius of mans perfect righteousnes in the last end of the booke Cap. 12. ¶ Of Anabaptistes that vsed to hold their peaces and pray 1. They sayd there ought to be no more any preachyng because the doore was shut Apoc. 1. 2. The world was not worthy to heare the Gospell 3. Beyng asked ought of their Religion they held their peace 2. Booke 1. Chap. Of Anabaptistes Enthusiastae They were often in a trayne and boasted much of the spirite and Reuelations Their common by word was The father sayd it They saw by Reuelation that the