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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11355 The baterie of the Popes Botereulx, commonly called the high altare. Compiled by W.S. in the yere of oure Lorde. 1550 Salesbury, William, 1520?-1600? 1550 (1550) STC 21613; ESTC S104718 29,852 109

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satisfye thy brother to please thy brother and to reconcile the to thy brother And whan thou hast after this sort pleased the seruaunt thā maist thou the bolder approch to the presēce of the maister s Ioh. iii and than if thou wilt neades offer vp thy gyfte he wyll rather accepte it and take it in good worthe Nowe haue you heard howe litle Christe doeth attribute vnto sacrifices and offerynges for whose vse altares are ordeined and onelye serue For ye muste speciallye note thys that Christe in thys place expounded opened vnto the Iewes moste chyeflye the true vnderstandynge and meanynge of their lawe wyth the ryghte vse of the ceremonies thereof For it fared than wyth theim as it dyd wyth me whan I was a holye Papiste at what tyme I was at thys poynte wyth god That if I had hearde masse boeth sondaye and holye day The chiefest poīts of the popes religion had sayde our Lady mattens or our ladyes psalter kissed and lycked deuoutly saintes fete for so called thei their images and besprynkeled my selfe well fauouredlye wyth coniured water had done the supersticious penaūce enioyned to me by my goostly shall I saye enemye or father Than I say was I at such poynte wyth God I thought it and assuredly beleued that I had done my full dutie vnto hym thoughe I neuer once called to remēbraūce the benefite of Christes death as wel in satisfiyng and pacifiynge for all the trespaces and synnes of my former euill life and naughty conuersation Yea besides all thys popysh and deuillishe presumption I thought farther that if I had done the saide vayne workes such other no better The wicked vnthākefulnes of a Papiste that I was no more beholden vnto god thā he was to me neither gaue I him more thankes for par donyng me of my synnes than one marchaunt man geueth to another for the optaynynge a peny worthe for a penie But thankes be vnto the Lorde who of hys mere clemency deliuered me out of thys blynde popyshe heresye and vouchsafe of hys lyke goodnes to worcke the semblable myracle in as manye as yet continue in suche damnable errour But nowe againe to come to the purpose And as I was thus tangeled and abhominablye deceyued and trayned and brought vp in tender age in the Popes holilyke Religion before Christes seconde byrthe here in Englande euen so were the Iewes before hys fyrste byrthe in Iudea wonderously deceyued and shamefully seduced and that by the fayned newe Doctryne that their Popes I meane theyr scribes and Pharises hadde brought into their churche And for to roote that doctryne oute of the Iewes lawe was the occasion of Christes Sermō in the sayde place of Mathew So lykewyse in the .xxiii. chapter of the same Euangeliste he exhorteth the Iewes for to dooe all thynges bothe greate or small that the Scribes and Phariseis preached vnto them as long as thei tūble not oute of Moses chayre nor swarue not from teachyng the sincere pure lawe of Moses There amōg other matters he doth sharply condemne theyr blynd doctours for a certaine constitucion that they had made beynge ledde wyth auarice or couetuousenes The summe and effecte of whyche constitution whych they had made be conteined in these fewe wordes Who so euer swereth bi the temple that is nothynge but who so euer swereth by the gold of the temple he is bounde by hys othe And who so euer swereth by the Altare that is nothynge but who so euer swereth by the offerynge that is vpon the altare he is bounde by hys Othe Thys cōstitution of theirs doth Christe confute wyth naturall reason callyng them foles and wonderous blynde that they woulde institute so grosse and so farre frome reason a tradition as this is But I thynke that Christe wyll neuer say to the Pope for hys fine Canons decrees and constitutiōs though they were made for the like purpose as he dyd to the scribes and phariseis But I wyll not vndertake that he wyll not as he called Herode saye vnto hym on thys wyse Thou wyly Fox why didest thou loose that whyche I bounde or why dideste thou bynde what I dyd loose Nowe I praye the gentle Reader do not blame me for this short digressiō but rather the fox whose craftye wiles caused the same And thus from Pope to Papiste Thou Papist euen thou that of late woldest defend thyne altare with this text and so thou mayste in dede if thou wilt subdue thy necke vnto the heauie yoke of Moses his lawe vnder which law al those people wer subiect to whō Christ preached as is aforesayd And if thou wylt be cōtent to lyue vnder the lawe of Moses thā hath Christe dyed in vayne for the and therefore gette the hence vnto the Iewes whyche styll loke for a worldely Christe to come But thou good Papist that art wyllynge to renounce thy Poperye and to receyue Christianitye thou muste consider that where so euer Christe doeth inculcate the lawe of Moses vnto his contrey men after the flesh I meane the Iewes that he doeth it chieflye to thys entente that they shoulde wythdrawe their necks from the vntollerable yocke and heauy burthen of the lawe and receyue the easy yocke and the lig●● burthen of his most blessed gospel For the lawe M●● 〈◊〉 Iohn i as Saynct Iohn sayeth was geuen by Moses but grace and trueth came by Iesus Christe Euerye good christian therefore muste marcke thys also That the merciful lord Iesus Christe whose nature and propertye was not to striue nor to breake a brosed rede thoughe the strength and vygoure of the law and prophetes extended no lenger but to the tyme of Iohn the Baptiste as Christe hym selfe dyd signifye the same vnto theym and declarynge that the kingdome of heauen being the Gospel succeaded and was at hande euen before hys passion yet dyd he rather permitte or somewhat derogate than vtterly abrogate the law of Moses vntyll such tyme as he thorowe his bloude and Death sealed vppe and stablyshed hys newe Testamente whych then immediatly dyd wear-out the olde Therefore euery Christian that is as prudēt as the Serpēt fyrste all the circumstancis beyng wel perpensed wyll be ware to beleue euery sentence and euery word wrytten in the newe Testament as parte therof or confirmyd by the same as where Christe declareth the Lawe c. or where Christe in the same .xxiii. cha speaketh of an altare menyng nothing lesse then to cōfirme or renewe the vse of altars emonge hys christians but all togither to vpbrayde the Iewes for succedyng theyr wicked aūcesters cruelnes in kyllyng of Prophetis Here hys owne wordes are these Beholde I sende you Prophetis Wise men and Scribes and some of thē you shal kyll and crucifie and some of them shall you scourge in your Synnagoges and persecute them frome Citie to Citie that vpon you maye come all the ryghtuouse bloude whyche hath ben shed vpō earth from the bloud of rightuouse Abell vnto