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A08206 The plea of the innocent wherein is auerred; that the ministers & people falslie termed puritanes, are iniuriouslie slaundered for enemies or troublers of the state. Published for the common good of the Church and common wealth of this realme of England as a countermure against all sycophantising papsts, statising priestes, neutralising atheistes, and satanising scorners of all godlinesse, trueth and honestie. Written: by Iosias Nichols, a faithfull minister of the Ghospell of Christ: and an humble seruant, of the English Church. Nichols, Josias, 1555?-1639. 1602 (1602) STC 18541; ESTC S101326 105,186 267

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a froward disquieter of the Church And such hath ben our maner of doeing patientlie suffering that which is imposed vpon vs. 5 The next ranke of obiections is concerning her Maiesties person Crowne and Dignitie The thirde great slander concerning her M. person Crowne and Dignitie which are no triflinge matters if we might be iustlie conuicted First touching her Royall person I hearde it obiected in a Sermon by a reuerend man who now is a Bishop that by refusing to subscribe we make the Queenes Maiestie to be an Atheist worse thē papistes namelie of no religion And first touching herrelion For faieth hee you refuse to subscribe to the booke of orders then doe you make that we haue no good ministrie you refuse to subscribe to the booke of common prayer then make you that we haue no good liturgie and seruice of God you refuse to subscribe to the booke of articles which containe the summe of our faith and doctrine then doe you make that wee haue no sounde doctrine But these be the bookes which her Maiestie by her authoritie doth set forth and by them sheweth what religion shee is of and what she holdeth maintaineth there fore if their bee no good liturgie no good doctrine no good ministrie then it followeth that you make the Queene to be of no religion God forbid say we that wee shoulde so much as thinke so wickedly of her sacred Maiestie Who hath endured so many daungers and so many yeares so constantly maintained Gods pure vnchangeable truth holy religion We therefore answer freelie in this behalfe First that we beleeue that neither that reuerend man so preaching nor any other man whatsoeuer that knoweth vs and our cause and the maner how we doe refuse subscription either doth or can so think in his conscience to determine of vs in his secret thoughtes before God takeing God to bee iudge of the simplicitie of his soule that we doe esteeme or make her Maiestie to be of no religion Secondly their colour so to reason against vs because we refuse to subscribe with a verie little breath may be blowne away For first touching the doctrine of the Church of Englande wee holde it stedfastly and haue willingly offered to subscribe to the same according to the statute for that cause prouided praysing God hartelie that the true faith by which men may be saued and the true doctrine of the Sacraments and of the pure worshipe of God is trulie taught and that by publike authoritie contained in the booke of articles so that we can not be blamed concerning that booke Secondly we doe not disallow the booke of common praier but doe vse it non other in our ministrie but if further then the statute layeth vpon vs for that booke wee be required to subscribe and we pray that our doubts might be first answered in some particulers we doe no thing against the law of the Realm nor against the said book especiallie seeing that they the saide law book so farre as we can learne doe not require our subscription to the same Thirdlie for the booke of orders wee enioye our ministrie by the same booke doe allow the preaching Ministrie ordained by the same but if with out law we be required to subscribe and that thereby some things be found questionable and doubtfull let all men iudge whether wee which medled not with that booke or anye of the other bookes to bewray or vtter any thing against any of the said bookes or they which by a forced subscription constraine vs there vnto be most worthie of blame Therefore seeing we are not against any of the said books but commend well of the doctrine ministrie liturgie in not subscribing haue only laboured to keepe a good conscience without any purpose to depraue any of the saide bookes I hope this obiection will returne emptie and without vse The second obiection in this rancke is That seeking to erect discipline we abridge her Maiesties authoritie Secondly touching he authoritie prerogatiue by Elders we diminish her royall prerogatiue by our Pastour and equalising Ministers we set vp a Pope in euerye Parish These things verilie haue an odious sounde but it griueth not vs to answer We doe therefore confidentlie say that in all these things we giue vnto to her Maiestie as much as she her selfe either by law or by practise so farre as I can see doth callenge Which is comprehended in two things In the Iniunctions and admonitioni to simple men 1. That she challengeth not authoritie or power of ministrie of diuine offices in the Church 2. She challengeth vnder God to haue the soueraignitie rule ouer all maner of persons borne within these her Realms Dominions Countries of what estate either Ecclesiasticall or Temporall so euer they be so as no other forraine power shall or ought to haue any superioritie ouer them And such is also the 37 article of the booke of articles All which we doe as fullie hold and beleeue preach maintaine as anye other what so euer acknowledging with all our heartes the same prerogatiue Eam tantum prerogatiuam quam in sacris Scripturis à Deo ipso c. which in the sacred Scriptures we see alwaies to haue bene giuen of God him self vnto all godly Princes So in all and euerie of these things we doe seek after as Discipline Elders and Pastour we abhorre detest that any person or persones what so euer shoulde vsurpe authoritie ouer her M. or that anye state or order committed of God to her protection whether they be ecclesiastical or ciuill should not be vnder her gouernement to bee punished by her ciuil sweard Now if wee verilie beleeue that some thing in the Ecclesiasticall discipline of our Church in the booke of common praier might bee reduced some what neerer to the Canon of holy Scriptures doe we anie whit abridge her authoritie Salomon receiued a pattern of the Temple with the thinges therein contained at the hands of his Father Dauid 1. Cron. 28.15 19. which hee saieth vvas all sent by vvriting to him by the hande of the Lord vvhich made him vnderstand al the workmanshipe of the patterne 2. Cron. 3.1 And Salomon builded it in no other place but in mount Moriah which had bene declared to Dauid his Father Did this any vvhit diminish his authoritie because he was directed by the word of the Lord. And such hath bene the gracious and Christian practise of her Maiestie in setting forth the doctrine of faith Sacraments of the vvorshipe of God c by direction of holy Scripture and in her owne person hearing the vvorde of God receauing of the Sacraments ioyning vvith the Church is prayers In vvhich most notable is that Anno 1588. she publikely came to Paules crosse and then there acknovvledged the Lords great goodnes in his protection ouer this Realme and deliuering vs out of the handes of the
THE PLEA OF THE INNOCENT Wherein is auerred That the Ministers people falslie termed Puritanes are iniuriouslie slaundered for enemies or troublers of the State Published for the common good of the Church and common wealth of this Realme of England AS A COVNTERMVRE Against all Sycophantising Papsts Statising Priestes Neutralising Atheistes and Satanising scorners of all godlinesse trueth and honestie Written By Iosias Nichols a faithfull Minister of the Ghospell of Christ and an humble seruaunt of the English Church Micah 7. vers 8.9 Reioyce not against me O mine enemie though I fall I shall rise when I shall sit in darknes the Lord shall be a light vnto mee I will beare the wrath of the Lorde because I haue sinned against him vntill he pleade my cause and execute iudgement for me he will bring me forth to the light and I shall see his righteousnes 1602. The contentes of this Booke Chapter 1. Wherein is shewed 1 They bee not Puritanes in deede who nowe in Englande are so called Pag. 1. 2 That name is verie fit and proper for all Papistes pag. 4. 3 What are the causes that some of her Maiesties moste faithfull and obedient subiectes are termed Puritanes pag. 5. c. 4 The true state of their cause pag. 12. Capit. 2. Wherein is declared 1 That the Ministers and people which haue des●●d sought reformation of some thinge in the Ecclesiasticall state of this lande are warranted in their do●ings by the principall rule and Canon of our Church namelie the holy scriptures pag. 13. 14. c. 2 Martine Marprelate the Brownistes Hacket stirred vp by Satan to hinder their good cause pag. 32. 33. 34. 3 Preaching against Non residentes and the vnpreaching ministerie and all the exercises of the people aggree to holy Scrip. Pag. 35. Cap. 3. That the Ministers and people who haue desired reformation in some church matters haue therein followed the Christian lawes and godlie proceedings of the ecclesiasticall state Pag. 38. 39. c. Chapter 4. Wherein is prooued 1 That it can not bee that the Ministers and people desiring reformation should bee enemies to the state pag. 58. 2 They can not but vnfainedlie loue the Queenes most gracious Maiestie Pag. 60. 3 They doe heartilie reuerence and thankefullie obserue the Lordes of her most honorable priuie Counsell Pag. 65. 4 They reioyce to liue vnder the cōmon lawes and ciuill cōmunitie of this Realme Pag. 69. 5 And in all their doeing maintaine the faith and promote the good proceedinge of the state of the Church Pag. 71. 72. c. Chap. 5. This teacheth that the Reuerende Bishoppes and other Prelates of the Church of Englande standing for conformitie such as indeede vnfainedlie doe fauor the present state of the Church and doe faithfully holde and beleeue the true religion and faith of Christ maintayned by publicke authoritie among vs are one and the same with the godlie Ministers and people which desire reformation of some thinges in the Ecclesiasticall state 1 Beeause they doe disagree in some things yet be faithfull brethren Pag. 83. 2 This life affoordeth not absolute and vnchaungeable vnitie Pag. 85. 3 They agree in all substantiall pointes of our Church as it aggreeth with holy Scripture Pag. 90. 4 God by persecution can make them in deed to appeare to be one Pag. 95. Cap 6. Wherein is plainely opened That there can no good reason be shewed that the godlie Ministers seekeing reformation are enemies to the present state 1 Because their consciences is cleare in Gods sight Pag. 99. 2 They defende no euill actions in them selues Pag. 100. 3 They can not bee charged with the faultes of straungers Anabaptistes foolish Martine or of frantick Hacket Pag. 102. 4 Nor with vnthankefull obscuring of Gods mercie for their fansies c. Nor with innouation or schisme Pag. 113. c. 5 They can not bee charged with anie thinge againste her Maiesties Person Crowne or Dignitie Pag. 132. 6 Or that they are againste all Superioritie in Ministers or the true power and honour of the ministerie Pag. 140 Cap. 7. Wherein is proued that the Ministers seeking reformation falsely called Puritanes are not in any sort to bee compared to Papistes in euill much lesse to bee equalized with traitors Seminarie priestes or Iesuites 1 By their contradictorie doctrine Pag. 145. 2 By their contrarie actes doeings Pag. 149. Cap. 8. The Ministers vvhich desire reformation in some thinges of our Church matters can not feare but euer loue her Maiestie and all the godlie wise Magistrates vnder her But the Papistes cleane contrarie Pag. 151.152 c. Cap. 9. Wherein is plainelie shewed 1 That it is most profitable to the present state and gouernement and greatlie for her Maiesties safetie to heare the petitions of the godlie Ministers seeking reformation and to tolerate them in their ministerie Pag. 162. c. 2 To harken to Papistes and to tolerate them is most exceeding daungerous and pernicious Pag. 170.171 c. Cap. 10. Wherein is demonstrated 1 That the vnpreaching Ministrie Non-residencie and subscription are troublers of the state Pag. 184.185 c. 2 They are breeders of Atheisme and Poperie and so ouerthrowers of the whole lande if their be no remedie in time Pag. 212. c. 3 At which the Atheistes laugh to their own confusion Pag. 208. c. Cap. 11. Wherein is discried that neither the reuerend Fathers and learned Prelates standing for conformitie neither the godlie Ministers desiring reformation are the onelie and proper causes of these troublesome dissensions and euils following the same But their are some other thinges more specially to be looked into which may and ought to induce both parties vnto peace and to ioyne louinglie in the building of Gods house and that all English people doe humble themselues by prayer vnto God and carefullie conforme them selues to the Ghospell of Christ Pag. 224.225 c. God saue our most gratious and Christian Queene ELIZABETH To all the Reverend Fathers the Bishops of this lande to all the godly learned Ministers of Iesus Christ to all the true and faithful favourers of the holie faith and religion now publikelie professed and maintayned in Englande IOSIAS NICHOLS the least of the least of all Gods Saintes wisheth all grace peace and ioye in beleeuing A Good name sayeth Salomon is to be chosen aboue greate riches Prou. 22.1 and louing fauour is aboue siluer aboue gold Which then is most excellent when it is founde in the feare of God A good report namely of a minister is a precius thing and our light shineth to the glorie and praise of God But the name of a Minister is yet of more regarde by whose standing and falling many are drawne and the reproach of such men reacheth nerest to the heauens and God is most dishonoured by their dishonour for he hath said I vvill be sanctified in thē that come neere me Leuit. 10.3 and before all the people
of diuision schisme slaughter and miserie then euer by the grace of God is likelie to be a mong vs. 3 And to deale plainely I can not see that the matter betwene vs is such that either they doe or can make a thorowe breach No matters to separate Gods children for euer betweene the children of God For what so euer is agreeing to holye scripture properlie essentially of our religion profession of the Church of England and what so euer is properlie naturallie belonging to the ministerie by the rule and description of holie Scripture maintained by the reuerend Fathers other Prelats of our Church standing for conformitie we the Ministers people who seeke reformation doe hold professe the same As namely the doctrine of faith of the Sacraments and that the booke of common prayer may bee vsed in the chiefe substance thereof and that the Minister of the word ought to preach c. Therfore in regarde of the maine grounds of religion of the ministerie seruice of God we are all one Nowe the thinges which we desire to be reformed they stande earnestlie to maintaine are but accessorie additamentes brought into the Church by humane constitution as the reading of Apocripha Priestly garmentes the crosse in Baptisme Sacramentall signification to Matrimony Confirmation Lordship ciuill iurisdiction in Bishops execution of Discipline by chauncellors cōmissaries and officialls then in other chief Prelates Deanes Prebends Archdeacons non-residence pluralities totquotts the bare reading ministerie and such like If all these or any of these be the holye plantes which God hath planted in his Church then haue we done ill to speak or write against them But if they bee such as being cleane taken away as we verely think the religion The things in controuersie taken a way the Church is whole entire and no hurt to the Church or Bishoppes to depart from them faith administration of Christ the true worship of God as it is now in the Church of England might vvould remaine vvhole entiere vvithout them then doubtles are vve all one according to Christ Iesus in those thinges vvhich in duetie conscience toward God vve ought of necessity to saluation to agree in one although the outwarde appendants make vs seeme to differ one frō another There be two brethren one vveareth a Babylonitish garment is attired in all thinges like vnto them vvhich inhabit the Easterne climate the other goeth in the good wholesome clothes that a Yeomen or citizen of England vsually doth both these being borne of one father in one countrie being of one language and house shal men say that they are not brethrē if they agree in all naturall thinges sauing that one of them hath gottē some new fashions And if the other desire his brother to goe after his owne cuntrie fashion are they straight vvaies enemies Consider I humblie beseech you most deare reuerend fathers brethren the foundatiō of these things for vvhich you stand and vveigh vvith your selues that the departing from these things will bee no hinderance to you nor to the church of God First you know that the holy Scriptures are sufficiēt to make the man of God perfect absolute vnto all good workes 2. Tim. 3. if we grant you whatsoeuer the Lord Christ hath granted in his holy written word what iniurie doe we offer to the church or to your ministerie This you knowe that necessity is laid vpon vs to preach the Ghospell 2. Cor. 9. and vvoe is vnto vs if we preach not the ghospell if we be suters that all the ministers shoulde doe this so avoide Gods curse doe we desire their hurt 2. Cor. 10. you know that Christs kingdome is spirituall if then these thinges which we desire vvere remooued bee carnall the weapons of the carnall man you shall leefe nothing to put off the earthlie carnal to keep onely that vvhich is spirituall You know the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ 2. Cor. 8.9 Philip. 2. that he being rich for your sakes became poore that ye thorow his pouertie might bee made rich yea hee made himselfe for our saluation of no reputatiō tooke on him the forme of a seruant c. Hee humbled himselfe became obedient to the death euen to the death of the crosse vvhat hurt I beseech you would it bee vnto you or to the Church if for his sake you did in some sort follow his example and hauing the same minde which hee had to let goe some of these outward things to maintaine peace to feede the flock of God for which he gaue his owne blood Math. 2. Christ by humbling himselfe became one with vs our Emmanuell And why shoulde these humaine accessories diuide vs his seruants members that we should not be one among our selues which so manifestly are one in him in faith in him in professing of his word in the worship of his name The Apostles forsooke all to follow Christ Mat. 9.27.28 and they followed him in the regeneration namely S. Paul made this choise with his own hands to minister to his necessities to make himfelf a seruant to all men Act. 20. 1. Cor. 9. thogh he were free frō al men so to leefe some parte of his right that he might make the Ghospell free I beseech you consider whether you haue done so and that if you did in some part follow him heerein as he followed Christ whether their would not be a most blessed ioyfull vnitie amongst Gods labourers and a more excellent merueilous freedome of the preaching of heauenly peace 4 If these arguments maye not yet make it manifest that wee are one or ought to striue to bee one there is yet one other argument vvhich is very demonstratiue cannot be denyed but that is not in man to frame Persecution persecution when it hath stripped vs out of all those humane deuises outward things and Gods rodde hath made vs equall and taught vs to bee spirituall then will it be knowne that we are all one I meane such as are not hypocrits nor false brethren that we are brethren and members one of another Christ onely the head Then shal we learne to say one to another Act and monuments pag. 1431. print 1576. * Now my deare brother for as much as I vnderstand that wee throughlie agree and wholy consent together in those thinges which are the groundes and substantiall points of our religion against the which the worlde so furiously rageth in these our dayes howsoeuer in times past in certaine by-matters circumstances of religion your wisedome my simplicitie I graunt hath a little iarred each of vs following the aboundance of his owne sense iudgement nowe I say be you assured that euen with my whole heart God is my witnesse in the bowelles of Christ I loue you in
the maintenance of Gods true religion Ghospell In so much as beside all other times and occasions vvhen now a little before the last Paliamēt the pert bragging of popish recusants their fauourers here and there straglinglie scattered thorowe the lande did somewhat amase and trouble the mindes of infinite her Maiesties moste godlie louing obedient faithfull subiectes we yet se by firme experience the holie constancie of her Maiesties vnchangeable faith and the honorable cariadge of their wisedomes to the confusion of such vaine persones in their vndutifull wicked hope and to the exceeding ioy and contentation of millions of godlie Christians who depend vpon her Maiesties most gracious present gouernement and whose life is not deere vnto them so as they may se her in helth ioy comfort and honour being readie to bestow the best blood in their heartes to doe her true and faithfull seruice and euerie day night hower to aduenture all they haue for her safetie and to curbe beate downe all wicked Priestes Papistes treasonable persons what so euer The vnchangeable loue of Queene Elizabeth and her godly subiectes And this I thank God I may to the honour and ioy of her Maiestie boast and glorie with an humble gratefull minde reuerence to the diuine magnificent bountie of oureternall Father that neuer Prince King nor Queene since the foundation of the world had more faithfull loue obedience and chearfull duetie of their subiectes then all the Protestantes of England haue most gladly constantlie and vnchangeablie performed and continued to their most louing and kind-mother Queene Elizabeth and that so manie yeares with so little discontentment and disturbance and her loue and holie affection and constancie in religion hath bounde them most neerlie vnto her And therefore I am verely perswaded that if euer any Prince might esteeme the loue of their subiectes a strong wall and bulwark and garde to their person then certes Queene Elizabeth both may 〈…〉 mak high account of the Protestant in England as the most faithfull and loyall people which will not suffer her Maiestie to haue the least indignity if it lye in them by spending verie many thousands of their liues to doe her good And that shall the Papists Priests Seminaries wel know if euer they goe about to put in executiō their hoped butchery bloody obediēce to the Popes cruel buls And this is not all that bindes vs to their honors The Lords of the counsell a great stay to godly Ministers for in our priuate troubles about the ceremonies and subscription wee the poore and faithfull Ministers of Christ when so euer we haue opened our cause and humbled our selues vnto them we haue found great iustice and equitie and diuers times great reliefe and ease from our troubles No doubt they seing our innocencie that of meere conscience without anye the least inclination to disloyaltie to our Soueraigne we did forbeare to doe those thinges they haue tendered our cause and louingly effected that we might not be to to much ouerburdened Yea my L. G. of Cantur himself though he seeme to be the greatest opposite to our cause by wise experience finding the same thing hath many times and vnto divers men whereof I must confesse my self to be one moderated the extremitie which by other men was hotly and vncharitablie persued God bee thanked And I humblie praye almighty God euermore to blesse them that they may be alwaies the faithful eyes eares and hands of her Maiestie to the continuall safetie of her sacred person the vnchangeable vpholding of religion and the ioy of all faithfull and dutifull subiectes the terror and keeping vnder of all wickednes superstition and idolatry to the saluation of their own soules the bright shining glory of God in this land for euer and euer The ciuil and politike state of this land verie good 4. Now if any man vnderstand by the state the constitution of the common lawes and statutes of this land now presently in force whereby vve are combined into one bodie of a ciuill politike common wealth vnder one head and Monarchicall gouernment in all priuileges duties offices and works of Prince and people and of the whole and repulse and repressing of all domesticall and priuate euill in the whole or any member and for defence against all forren power or Potentate whatsoeuer who shall claime any title iurisdictiō or interest within these her Maiesties Dominions of Englande or Irelande or ells make inuasion against our Noble countrie or Soueraigne or offer violence or anie wrong to her Maiesties person Crowne or dignitie In all these thinges wee the Ministers and people aforesaide doe professe ourselues as happie people as anie vnder the Sunne to be vnder so iust equall and free lawes gouernement and iurisdiction right ordered common wealth And we protest before God that we and all we are bounde both by the law of God and of nature to spend our goods strength life and all we haue for the maintenance preseruation and quiet proceeding execution and florishing prosperitie of the same common wealth and monarchicall gouernement and for the maintenance of her Maiesties supreame authoritie ouer all persons in these her dominions either ecclesiasticall or ciuill and in all causes what so euer next immediatelie vnder God and his holy sonne Iesus Christ the King of glorie And I haue that assurance of our vprightnes in this matter that I trust no man euer did or could neither yet at this time either will or can except it bee some popish Priest or seditious person that maligneth our happinesse in this common wealth challenge accuse charge or suspect vs or any of vs that we are not for our places as obedient faithfull glad of present state as any other English men subiectes in this land without inparagement be it spoken and with reuerence to our superiours what so euer 5 Heere vpon it seemeth to me that the question is truely and naturallie about the Ecclesiasticall state constitutions orders maner of gouernement that if it may appeare that heerein we be not enemies then are we no way to be touched of which point the 2 and 3 chapters doe in some sort intreate and doe thus farre iustifie vs that we seeming in some sorte to goe against the present gouernement for not obseruing some ceremonies and for not subscribing c. are yet verie much warranted by the same constitutions articles proceedings of the same Ecclesiasticall state But we haue many moe honest and iust reasons for the approuing of our doinges which I doubt not but that the reuerende Fathers themselues and all other Christians waying with the balance of truth and equitie will afoord to be of better acceptance then in the cōmon account of our cause many doe esteem or affirme The ecclesiasticall state What. First therfore the ecclesiasticall state is the constitution of our churches reformatiō as we are departed from the apostaticall
and supreame dignitie of the. Prince If our state in the orderinge of Ministers ordaine them to preach are we enemies if we would haue none tolerated but such as can and will preach if our state say the absence of the Pastor from his flock is a pernicious thing in it selfe are we disturbers of the peace if we desire such pernitious thinges to bee abolished altogether And if wee finde that the power to commaunde Ministers and to direct orders of the Church commeth from the statutes of the land made in her Maiesties gracious raigne namelie that they commaund a kinde of subscription giuing authoritie to the Bishoppes and Ordinaries to depriue and keepe out men from Ecclesiasticall promotions who will not so subscribe shall we bee enemies to the state if offering so subscribe according to the statute we humblie craue to be free so farre as the lawes statutes doe free vs And that the reuerend Bishops content themselues with that power which her Maiestie the lawes of the Realme doe giue vnto them If we submitte our selues to that subscription which the lawe commandeth are we disobedient and enemies If we meeklie beseech them not to bee molested for such a subscription as the law and statute doth not commaunde And if the Ecclesiasticall state call vs vnto sermons to sing Psalmes reuerentlie in the feare of God to common about the word of God alas are we Puritanes and vile Precisians conuenticlers schismatikes wicked people if we doe the same I desire therefore all the reuerend Fathers and all other good Christian subiectes to consider of our cause as it is and to take pittie vpon vs and to vse vs as the truth of our cause requireth let them not spare if in deed they find any of vs trulie schismaticall a trobler of the church and an enemie to the state 6 Lastlie let it be examined what hath bin our doings and proceedings from the first great storme that rose against vs The cariage of the Ministers people verie dutifull and peaceable which was about the 10 yeare of her Maiesties raigne when the Papistes begann to aduaunce themselues in their treacherous platformes and euer since that tyme wee haue had more or lesse at one time or another some tryales and namelie verie great was that of subscription and since that time a great while together was there euer any of vs that went about anye treacherous practise had we intelligence with anye other nation against her Maiestie or the state Was not all our doings by humble supplications honest Christian Apologeticall writing and by lowlie and earnest suing and intreating by our friends Neuer did wee iustifie any man neither yet doe if either by word or writing he pas the bonds of comely modestie and not with a meek and quiet spirit constantlie perseuer in following of this good cause And I my selfe should bee right sorie if vnwittinglie I shoulde in this treatise let fall any thing which might be an vniust and vncharitable disgrace to any mans person which vnfainedlie fauour the present state and gouernement And that I may end this chapt with words of peace I meeklie humblie desire the reuerend Fathers and all other good men to iudge whether wee haue not done as good Ministers and Christian subiectes ought to doe when we haue quietlie borne such punishments as haue bene inflicted vpon vs till by great sure and tract of tyme we haue respit or deliueraunce And diuers honest men haue changed their dwellings from vnder vnable and vnpreaching Ministers because they and their families found not that comforte which they did in other places that by this meanes with great losse they might cut a way occasion from them which desired to count them disquiet persons and troublers of the Church And if we be called Puritans for suing to the honourable house of Parliament or the Lords of her Maiesties Councill for any case of our greeuances then may all men of all sortes bee so accounted Let them yeeld vs the libertie of Christians grant vs that freedome which other subiectes haue and there will be but little matter left to make any good ground whereby we should bee called or reputed troublers or enemies to the State Cap. 5. This teacheth that the renowned Fathers and other Prelates of the Church of England standing for conformitie such as vnfainedlie doe fauour the present estate of the Church and doe faithfullie hold and beleeue the true religion and faith of Christ maintained by publike authoritie among vs are one and the same with the godlie Ministers people who desire reformation of some things in the Ecclesiasticall state 1. Because they may disagree in some things and yet be faithfull brethrē 2. This life afoordeth not absolute vnchangeable vnitie 3. They agree in all substantiall pointes of our Church as it agreeth with holie Scripture 4. God by persecution can make them indeed to appeare to be one THIS argument seemeth to bee a strange paradoxe a matter not to be beleeued or hoped for if we remember how greatlie mens affections haue bene alienated and their countenances estranged and now more then euer 1. How be it it is also a false position to say Faithfull brethren may disagree that hote discord should not light sometime betweene friends Who more neerlie ioyned in christian faith and loue then Paule and Barnabas Act. 15 37.3● and I thinke no man will aduenture to say that they were not alwaies of one faith and loue in Christ Iesus and in their ioynt laboures to further the Ghospell yet fell there out an hotte contention betweene them where neither yeelding to other they separated one from another Yet to declare their vnseparable vnitie Saint Paule doeth giue honourable testimonie of Barnabas 2. Cor. 9 6. Gal. 2.9 concerning their vnited office and laboure in the Ghospell So doe I finde that all our best learned writers doe prooue the vnion of all the reformed Churches although in some things there be happelie some difference betweene them And namelie in this presēt cause I remember Maister D. Fulk hath these words Also the contention of those whome hee calleth Puritanes in Englande is not so great nor about so great matters that anye such deuision is to bee feared which might cause disolation of the kingdom In his reten again Bristow mot 47 in 50. deman Pag. 129. Adde hereunto that Bristow said in the 40. motiue that the Protestants in England be in a maner in heart al Puritans whereby he confesseth against himselfe that there can bee no deadlie contention betweene them that in hart are all one Therefore I hope as that reuerend Father Bb. Iewell calleth Luther and Zuinglius worthie members and learned Fathers of Christs church Reply to Harding Artic. 8. of adoring deuis 17. pag. 396. who disagreeing of the maner of Christes presence in the Sacrament He affirmeth that otherwise their whole he artes were ioyned and bent
him selfe to be rather heaped vp to make a terrible shevv then indeede for any substance of trueth in them But these obiections I will make speciall choise of vvhich are of moste waight sounding out very loud against vs the alarum of schismatickes troublers of the Church enemies to the staie rebels traitors vvorse then Papists And these I find to be of two sorts either they are of thinges vvithout vs vvherein vve haue not had any intelligence or medling or else they are directlye ayming at our doings and the cause vve suffer for The first slander touching strangers 3. In the first they carry vs into Geneua Fraunce the Low countries Scotland and make vs to bee French-men Hollanders and Scottes that what so euer in the actions of the Protestantes or their vvritings may seeme to carry coulour of any disloyalty to their seuerall Princes or Magistrates all that is dravvn● vvith cartropes laid open our shoulders This stratageme you shall find in Quaerimonia eccle in the booke of Scotising and Genevatising and in these late statising counterfeit Seminarian and Iesuatising Priests which I ioyne together because the two first being vvithout their Fathers name prosecute their cause like as these latter For as the one pretending pursuite against Iesuites laboureth by the name of Puritanes to cutt the throate of all Protestantes so the other doe dravv in all Protestants vnder the name of Puritanes pretending to proue the Ministers falsly called Puritanes daungerous to the state by that wherewith they accuse other men of other countries and so bring a reproach vpon all Protestant Churches But surelie in my iudgemēt they speak as much against the state of the present gouernement as almost possible may be And therefore in this argument we haue cause to reioyce that they ioyn vs to all the Protestants godly learned Diuines of this age Our best writters defend the protestantes of other cuntries whome our reuerend Fathers writers for the maintenance of this our English Church do defend and maintaine against all maner of Popish writers and Antichristian heretikes as well men which know the bookes set forth since her Maiesties most happie raigne must needs vnderstand whereof something I will touch And first let vs heare M. Calfill who saieth Because the prouidence and mercie of our God Ans to the trear of the crosse in the preface hath frustrate their hope in their opinion to long they haue thought it best to make open warre against God and all honestie to send for their friends sommon their diet in the Low Countries Thence haue proceeded the Popish practises the smokie stirres that were blowen in Scotlande the fierie factions inflamed in Fraunce the Popish treason condemned in England the Popish conspiracie attempted in Ireland c. And the reuerend Father M. D. Bilson doth particularlie defend M. Calum Difference betweene true Christ subjection-part 3. pag. 502. 510. 511. M. Beza and the Nobles of Fraunce to haue wrought done nothinge against the ciuill Magistrates lawfull authoritie There is a speciall treatise of M. D. Fulk against the rayling declamation of Peter Frarine wherin Beza Caluin and Geneua are cleared of all wicked and disloyall actions and the Protestants of Fraunce in all their warre by the Kings edictes and many other reasons out of their true stories So for the low Countries you shall find that the States as well Papists as Protestants * In●r and 2● booke of A. E. Meteranus Hist Belgic stood for their priuiledges as well as for religion And the Guises of Fraunce the principall troublers as wel of Scotland as of Fraunce that with such pretence of religion as they did entitle their Neece the Queene of Scottes with those royall dignities and armes of England and Ireland which were are proper to our gracious Soueraign Queene Elizabeth this they did as Buchanan sayeth as soone as Queene Marie was dead Re. Scot. lib. 16. Therefore I can not tell what men should meane by wrapping within our cause al other Protestant Churches vnto whome her Maiestie vnto her immortal fame hath bene a verie great stay and as it were a nours-mother but that they haue some hidden stratageme that in the cōmon slander of Puritanes either they might make ciuill warre betweene all reformed churches or else prepare a way for the Popish superstition Queene Elizabeth a nurs to strangers to her immortall fams by the dishonour and ouerthrowe of her Maiesties sacred person primacie and gouernement and of all Protestantes Estates throughout Christendome At the least they bring her Maiesties name in question and after a sort challenge all her Princelie and Christian enterprises in regard whereof all the Christian Churches of Europe as namelie Geneua Fraunce The Low Countries and Scotlande doe and ought to acknowledge themselues debtours to her highnes and for which al ages to come shall finde them selues bound to praise God and to remember her name as a most precious thing and a most singular gifte of the Highest Lord for the comfort of his elect people And that I may speak as M. Beza is forced with great ioy to confes She hath so well and faithfully purged the true worship of God In his preface before the new Testament with his large notes from the most filthie pollutions of Antichristianisme in England She hath made such peace in Scotland and so happily succoured the afflicted both there and in Fraunce and God hath so blessed her therein by her example the noble Princes o● Germanie that we may iustly say that God hath aduanced her aboue all the Kings of this our age so that the verie Angels out of heauē doe seeme to giue their assent of her most noble Kinglye deeds for the protection of the Churches of Iesus Christ And verilye they doe her Maiestie great wrong to impute all these things vnto vs who a●as were neuer able to doe the smallest action which to her eternall praise she hath most wisely most iustly most equallie with a most constant and royal magnanimitie performed as Buchanan Meteranus other histories of our time doe most truly and deseruedly report her renowm in this respect will neuer be forgotten as long as the worlde doth stande The Priestes libellers do cunningly traduce the reuerend Fathers Seauenth Gen. quod l. Artic. 3. But there is another thing which grieueth mee not a little that these bookes seeme to insinuate that some of our reuerend Fathers should bee in some sort fauorers and abettoures of their most malitious imputations of all Protestant Churches godly writers As namely this wicked William Watson ●n his moste treacherous and childish quodlibets rehearseth the names of some of them as if they were fit persons ●o be sued vnto by Priests and Iesuites to obtaine fauor God forbid that these ●euerend Fathers should giue them the ●east shew of cause to thinke or say so wickedly of them as though
points of doctrine necessary to saluation and touching the mysterie of our redemption or the right vse of the Sacraments and true maner of worshipping of God are purely perfectly taught by publike authoritie established in the Church of Englād at this day c we are so farre from beeing thankeful for the same from desiring the continuance of it by heartie prayer that by all meanes possible wee seeke rather to obscure it and deface it because in certaine accident all pointes we haue not our fancies proper deuises So that by this we are iudged to set our selues against God frowardlie disquiet the peace of the Church for external things which is schismaticall trouble the happie peace of the common wealth hazard the whole state of religion with no small reioysing of the wicked greate offence of the weake Ghospellers merueilous griefe of the Queenes Maiestie other that haue care of gouernement If this obiection were as true as it is of greate importance as fitlie applied vnto vs as it layeth vpon vs a most heauie imputation then had wee greate cause to wish our tongues to cleaue to the roofe of our mouthes our handes for euer to forget to vvrite If we haue not both by word writing publiklie priuatlie acknowledged the great mercie of God for her M. in the banishing of al heresies superstitions and namely Popery for planting the true Ghospell of faith among vs if we haue not doe not dayly pray both at Church and at home for the continuance of the same for the ioy and comfort of her M. al our godlie Gouernours and Superiours if al men that knowe vs doe not also euerie day see behold that this is our care and studie and that we doe stirre vp others both publiklie and priuatelie to doe the same then let the Lord reward euery man according to his righteousnes and faithfulnes let the wicked feele his iudgementes We can boldlie commend our selues to the testimony of al our neighbours friends and enemies whatsoeuer whom hardned malice hath not so farre ouercome and blinded that they can not vvill not say and confesse that which in the eies eares of al men appeareth plainly euen as the shining of the Sun in the firmament and the sound of many waters to them which trauell by sea by land But the force power of this accusation is in two things first they say That by all means possible we seeke rather to obscure this mercie of God to deface it 2. The reason which is made of this our so doing Because in certaine accidental points we haue not our fansies and proper deuises If in deed these two things might be proued against vs The cheefest force of this accusation then all the other branches of this surmised slaunder vvoulde shrewdlie wring vs otherwise they fall all to peeces as loose members vvithout ioyntes and ligamentes Therefore let these bee examined Firste vvhat meanes at all haue we vsed to obscure Gods mercie We haue in the knowledge of all men that know and heare vs praysed God and prayed for her M. and the state in regarde of this mercie of God vve haue in our Sermons in all our talke as occasion is offered euer defended the doctrine of faith of the Sacraments the abolishing of al heresie superstition and poperie Wee haue writtē very much for the maintenāce therof against the papists Anabaptists familie of loue Brownists some of vs haue ben vsed in conference with other godlie learned men to dispute with the challengers and chieftaines of poperie more would haue done in that behalf if they might haue ben permitted And this to be true we referre our selues to the iudgement of all the world and we hope so well of our bretheren that write against vs that they will not denie it vnto vs what should thē be all those possible means which we haue vsed to deface or obscure Gods mercies But it may be it is meant beecause we haue not vsed som certaine ceremonies of the church nor subscribed to the bookes of orders and common prayer c. and haue made petitiō to the Parliament and after by apologetical writings defended these our doings Other things we know not and for these I hope wee neede not be ashamed First it is apparant that in all these thinges wee haue not medled against the doctrine aforsaide nor against the chiefe substance of anie the said bookes and therefore in regard of the matter it can not bee said that wee ha●●●●irectlie done anie thing tending to o●●cure or deface this mercie of God Secondlie if it be said that by these thinges which I confesse wee haue indirectly vsed meanes c. I answer that in this wee haue done no otherwise then all Christian Ministers both maye and ought to doe For in not vsing the ceremonies when wee founde our selues doubtfull and troubled What could we doe lesse or better then to repaire to the reuerend Bishoppes for counsell and comfort Which for the space of ten yeares or the most part thereof they did in some good measure afoorde vnto vs till as I take it by the relation of such as were in the same broiles the Papistes had cunninglie wrested our good Fathers from vs. that they could and woulde doe no further for vs. Then yet complayning of our case and opening our doubtes vnto them we did as the lawe affoordeth that the cause shoulde bee brought before the Ordinarie in all doubtes about ceremonies of the church established by law and finding not our selues resolued by our ordinaries alas what could we doe lesse then quietly to suffer our selues with great grief bewailing our flockes to bee suspended imprisoned depriued And this hath beene the cause of all them which haue not vsed the ceremonies so fully as some other of their bretheren Secondlie for the petition or admonition to the Parliament wherein are laide open such imperfections as are found in all these bookes and for all other writtinges which haue come forth in defence of the same if it bee ment that the same is the meanes of obscuring and defacing the mercie of God We answer as partlie the admonition doth wee haue alwayes borne with that wee coulde not amend and haue vsed the booke of common praier in our ministerie so farre forth as wee might reuerencing those times and those persons in which and by whome it was first authorized But now being compelled by subscription to allowe the same and to confesse it not to bee against the worde of God in anye point we could not but shew a reason of our refusall it was meet that we shoulde tender to the Parliament our griefes as all other subiects doe in all other cases Because that is the place which by auncient custome of this Realme serueth for the redresse of all things to be reformed and the establishing of all matters in the state of this
kingdome If in the stile and maner of doeing they or anye other writing in defence of them Curious and bitter wordes not iustifiable haue ben ouer curious bitter or sharpe by which they haue incensed thē whome they should haue wonne by milde meeke vsage I for my part doe not reioyce in it I dare not defend anie the least vnsemelie word Howsoeuer I know the hard pursuite vpon them and that being as they verilie thought further and beeyonde the lawe of this Realm did giue them great cause to bee grieued and offended that their consciences should be so straightlie pressed their labors so little regarded and being Ministers of the Ghospell they shoulde bee so smallie esteemed and that the Reuerend Fathers accounting those thinges for which they contend but meere trifles would yet preferre them before the ministery of so many worthy Preachers and prouoke their breethren more and further then they need This doubtlesse vexed their spirit and such is our weaknesse and imperfection in this life that it is an harde thing to keepe measure at all times And when men are perswaded in conscienee that their cause is good their griefe is the more and they are the more confident to speake And it were almost a wonder that in such perplexitie euerie thing should be perfect and without blemish Doe we not know that Moses beeing by the spirite of God Num. 12.3 called a verie meeke man aboue all men that euer were vpon the earth yet God punished him Because his spirite beeing vexed by the people Ps 106.72.73 hee spake vnaduisedlie with his lippes So no merueill though we poore weake soules farre inferiour to that most rare man haue felt the smart of our griefe and zeale I would to God that our brethren fathers coulde be iustified in this matter and that they had not their parte of iuste punishment with vs for that wherein they haue beene ouerseene in their dealing toward vs toward the Church of Englande in these causes And I hartly pray God that they doe not one day confesse and say Wee haue verelye sinned againste our brethren Gen. 42.41 in that wee sawe the anguish of their soules when they besought vs and wee woulde not heare them therefore is this trouble come vpon vs. The Lorde our God euen our mercifull Father bee iudge betweene vs. Touching subscription I haue sufficiently spoken before and there will be occasion after therefore I need not in this place to say any thing Now I come to the second point the cause of our doeing it is saide Because in certaine accidentall poyntes they haue not their fansies and proper deuises If it may appeare that this is an Elench No cause set for A cause and that a good iust and waightie cause founded in Gods word is iniuriously reputed and tearmed accidentall fansie and deuise then I hope godlie and vvise Christians will pittie our estate bee more fauourable iudges of our cause To reade bookes Apocryphall and chapters contayning errours and vntruthes vnder the name of holy scripture is no accidentall pointe vnlesse we will say that our conference with papistes and our apologeticall writtings prouing errours to bee in those bookes and therefore to be no Canonicall Scriptures be accidental points The desire that euerie Minister bee a Preacher of Gods word and to administer discipline is no accidental point vnlesse the chiefest pointe of the Minister office as they are ordained by the ●ooke of orders be but an accidentall ●ointe To desire that Chauncelers Officialls and Commissaries shoulde ●ot administer discipline and name●e excommunication which D. Sut●ef saith is against all reason for a laye ●an to do that the Pastour should ●ot be a non-resident which the reue●end Fathers say is a pernitious thing ●r to say that God hath consecrated natrimonie to such an excellent my●erie that in it is signified and repre●ented the spirituall mariage betwixt Christ and his Church which is not ●o to be founde in holye Scripture but 〈◊〉 a belying of his glorious Maiestie ●o saye that these and manye such like ●e accidentall pointes I hope no aduied man that looketh throughly into ●ur cause will aduenture And where 〈◊〉 is saide that wee woulde herein haue ●ur fancies and proper deuises let the ●oste reuerend Father determine for ●s where hee hath these wordes D. Whitg in the preface of the defens of the auns to the admonition The ●ontrouersie is not whether manye of the ●hinges mentioned by the platformers were ●tlie vsed in the Apostles time or may ●ee well vsed in some places yea or hee conueniently vsed in sundrie reformed Churches at this day For none of these branches at denied c. Now if as this reuerend Father saieth manye of the thinges wee desire were fitlie vsed in the Apostle● times c. How can they be our fansies proper deuises which were vsed by the Apostles some a thousand fiue hundreth years before we were borne And let it be considered whether the Apostles vsing such thinges haue deserued to be reproached with our fansies and proper deuises who are liuing so manie hundred yeares after them haue our selues learned those thinges out of their holie writings if this bee well looked into and aduisedlie iudged of by an equall and iuste line I hope the ground of this greate and terrible accusation being voide and emptie all the other greeuous inferences will fall and vanish away and that the contrarie will be euident and apparant to the conscience of all men Namelie That for so much as we faithfullie preach the doctrine of faith and sacraments and humblie and quietlie vse our ministrie according to the booke of orders and administer Prayer and Sacraments by no other forme but that of the booke of common prayer and that in our publike preaching priuate talke in all accasions wee doe praise God acknowledge his mercie pray for the continuance thereof and stirre vp others so to doe and therevpon doe humbly present to the reuerend Fathers the whole state verie good waightie points agreeing to holy Scripture needfull to bee considered for the further perfection of our Church and the glorie of God being no fansies of ours or deuises but such as the holye Apostles did vse in the first and purest Churches wee cā not be said to sett our selues against god frowardly to disquiet the church trouble the common wealth hazarde the whole state of religiō reioyce the wicked or grieue any godly person whatsoeuer but rather to promote the glorye of God further the present good encrease of our Church to the great benefit comfort and ioye of Gods people And I can not thinke so vndutifullie of her Maiestie or of any other that haue care of gouernement that they would be merueilouslie grieued to se any subiect in humble and dutifull maner sue to be eased of any grieuance according to the auncient custome and vsuall order of this Realme and
reconciled How these two may dwell together in peace let them iudge that dare put an adder into their bosomes and pull not out the stinge or that will place foxes among the tender vines or woolues among sheepe Yf you bid me cast mine eies vpon Fraunce and the low Countries Miserable experience in Fraunce I answer that miserable experience sheweth in France sufficient to terrifie vs from this counsell How many thousands haue perished by the sweard by all kind of beastly butcherie before they coulde haue any quiet it woulde make a mans hart to bleede to read or to thinke And if the verie we arines of ciuill warre spilling of mans blood and the feare of rooting out their nation and the speciall prouidence of God for the case of his Church had not wrought contrarie to reason and the nature of thinges it could not haue so fallen out And how long it will hold no man can promise But if God haue constrained the idolater to tolerate his Ghospell shall that bee a president to the worshipper of God to wincke at idolatrie contrarie to his expres commandement In the low Countries at the verie first diuers cieties for their safetie as namely Antwerpe Hist Belgic A.E. Meteran lib. 10.1581 were forced to banish the Popish Priestes and to suspend the Masse and there only to wincke at it where they could not master it And being their quarrell of their priuiledges and liberties and thereby many Papistes ioyning in the quarrell with them they could not wade so fare as otherwise they woulde till God by the preaching hath brought them to be of one religion and setled as I haue verie credible report that all places vnder the States are at this time of one professed religion But now our state in England hath continued in one religion God bee therefore highlie praised full three fortie yeares Our state hath bene long setled in one religion It would make a shrewde breach to tolerate a thing after so long time when so many thousands be growne vp to be men of yeares nourished in all their life long in one religion it will bee daintie for them to see the glorye of God dishonoured dailie before their eies Yea I verilie thinke that many rude and idle fellowes which neuer feared God or cared for religion wil be greedie to see such a new thing and finding it to bee such apretie pageant fit for reasonable men to laugh and to make a game of they will doubtlesse bee playing with them and these zealous and superstitious idolaters can abide no disgrace to their holie mishapen fooleries And what will followe euerie simple man may easily guesse But imagine it were possible for men because of quietnesse to winck at it a while Mark then what must needes bee the fruite and effect thereof Namelie that the Seminarie and secular Priestes The fruite of tolerating poperie with their fained enemies the Iesuites being quicklie reconciled attending buselie vppon their haruest will speedelie sounde out the depth of their strength augment it and combine it most surelie And when they haue fitted their longed preparation and safelie contriued their sacred coniuration they will eftsoones open the porte to their roaring bull and on a suddaine surprise boeth Prince and people and turne all vp side downe And then tell mee by the example of the Guises in Fraunce taking into their power the Queene Mother and her sonne what may be our hope or rather how many vnfpeakeable euills calamities are like to swallow vp the peace wealth ioy of our land which by with the Ghospell we haue thus manie yeares enioyed vnder her Ma. most happie and godly present gouernement But now perhappes as they say they haue learned by long experience to reurence her Maiestie and that it is not their way by treason and rebellion by murder inuasion now they will be louing peaceable faithfull if they be tolerated Surely No trust in Papistes surely who seeth not that if hauing so manie lawes against them they haue laboured so diligentlye to set vp the Popes kingdome much more vvill they doe it if they haue libertie and if vvhen all places vvatch ouer them they dare venture as they haue done much more vvill they presume when they haue opportunitie Did King Henrie the eight of noble memorie escape vvithout manifold traitors though he maintained onely Poperie vvhen he did put downe no more but the Popes primacie and did anie bridle themselues but only because they founde them selues not able to make their partye good Thinke you that they vvho haue persecuted her royall person Act. mon. pag. 1056. 1982. The Papistes enemies to her Maiestie from her cradle from her cradle seeking in her fathers time to disinherit her and in her sisters dayes not only imprisoned her and tossed her to and fro but also laboured not a little to take away her life and euer since she came to y● Crown haue neuer ceased one way or other so many waies as possible could be deuised and by all kinds and states of people haue sought to depriue her M. of her royall Crowne and righteous Scepter and haue gone about with all malicious monstrous imputations in diuers sortes to bring her to vtter hatred and contempte among all nations and countries if now they seem to offer faire words and glorious promises if now they seem to fall out and one part offer them selues as friends to the state and enemies each to other think you I say that these be not Crocodili lachryma flase alarmes and as theeues sometyme doe fight one with another till they may inclose the true man and take his purse If an enemie after hee hath followed all hostile maner he can labour by faire means to enter into friendly tearmes that he might haue more easilie accesse where before he could not doth euer anie storie shewe that they are faithfull whome meere necessitie constraineth to runne vnto flatterie By such meanes was the building of the Temple hindered in the time of Zerubbabell Esra 4. Neh. 4. and. 6 such was the friendlines of Sanballat and Geshem vnto that worthie Prince Nehemiah Such was the Popes Legates practise at Auenion when the French Kinge had fought in vaine against it Math. Paris in the life of Hen 3. pag. 447. the plague and famine consumed his hoste yea his life so that there was no hope by force to get it then they pretended a parley of peace and at length by swearing that he drew out the siege for no cause but that he might seek the saluation of their soules when the cittizens trusting his promise vpon condition The popish fidelitier that he should come in all one with his Cleargie and not giue their Towne to the French opened the gates to let him in and his Prelates he so came in that at his verie heeles the French soldiers rushed in and contemning their oath tooke