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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07132 The Roman martyrologe according to the reformed calendar faithfully translated out of Latin into English, by G.K. of the Society of Iesus.; Martyrology. Rome Catholic Church.; Du Tielt, Guillaume, engraver.; Keynes, George, 1553-1611.; Wilson, John, ca. 1575-ca. 1645? 1627 (1627) STC 17533; ESTC S112359 160,108 650

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is recorded At Rome of S. Bonifacius Pope the fourth of that name who dedicated the tēple of al the Gods called Pantheon to the honour of our Blessed Lady named ad Martyres At Salerno the deposition of Blessed Pope Gregory the seauenth an earnest protectour and defender of the Churches liberty At Flor●nce the birth-day of S. Zenobius Bishop of the same Citty renowned for holines of life and m●racles In England of S. Aldelmus Bishop of Sherborne In the territory of Troys of S. Leo Confessor At Assisi in Vmbria the trāslation of S. Francis Confessour in the tyme of Pope Gregory the nynth At Verulo in Campania the translation of S. Mary mother to S. Iames the yonger whose holy body is honoured with very many miracles F The six and twentith Day AT Rome of S. El●utherius Pope and Martyr who conuerted many of the Roman Nobility to the ●ayth of Christ and sent the Saints Damianus and Fugatius into Bri●●any who baptized King Luci●s with his Queene almost all his people Also at Rome of the holy Martyrs Simitrius Priest and two and twenty others who suffered vnder Antoninus Pius At Athens the birth-day of S. Quadratus Disciple of the Apostles who by his fayth and industry gathering togeather the Church dispersed through the feare of persecution vnder Adrian the Emperour offered vp vnto him a Booke in defence of Christian Religion very necessary and full of Apostolicall doctrine At Vienna of S. Zacharias Bishop and Martyr who suffered vnder Traian In Affrica of S. Quadratus also martyr vpon whose feast S. Augustine made a Se●mon At Todi of the holy Martyrs Felicissimus Heraclius Paulinus In the Territory of Auxerre the Passion of S. Priscus Martyr with a great nūber more of Christians At Canterbury in England of S. Augustine Bishop who being sent thither togeather with others by S. Gregory Pope preached the Gospell of Christ to the English Nation and there renowned for vertues miracles went to rest in our Lord. G The seauen and twentith Day THE birth-day of S. Iohn Pope and Martyr who by Theodoricus an Arian King of Italy being called to Rauenna after long staruing in pryson for the Fayth of Christ there ended his lyfe At Dorostorum in Mysia the passion of S. Iulius who hauing byn an ancient souldier and by licence giuen ouer the warres was in the tyme of Alexander the Emperour apprehended by the officers and presented before Maximus the President in whose presence detesting the Idolls and constantly professing the Name of Christ receaued the sentence of death At Sora of S. Restituta Virgin and Martyr who vnder Aurelianus Emperour and Agathi●s Proconsull in a combat for her ●ayth ouercomming the violence of the Deuill the flattery of the world and the ●ruelty of her Tormentors was at last togeather with other Christians beheaded crowned with Martyrdome In the territory of Arras of S. Ranulphus Marty At Orange in France of S. Eutropius Bishop famous for vertues and miracles The same day the deposition of Venerable Bede Priest renowned for holynes of lyfe doctrine A The eight and twentith Day IN Sardinia of the holy Martyrs Aemilius Felix Priamus Lucianus who for the fayth of Christ were crowned with Martyrdome At Chartres in France of S. Caraunus Martyr who vnder Domitian the Emperour by losse of his head obteyned a crowne of Martyrdome At Corinth of S. Helconides Martyr who being first vnder Gordianus Emperour and Perennius President afflicted many wayes and then againe tormented by Iustinus his Successor but deliuered by an Angell hauing also her breasts cut off cast vnto the beasts tryed by the fyre was at last beheaded and so accomplished her Martyrdome Also the passion of the Saints Crescens Dioscorides Paulus and Helladius At The●uis in Palestine of many holy Monkes and Martyrs who were killed by the Saracens in the dayes of Theodosius the Yonger whose sacred Reliques the Inhabitans gathering togeather kept with great veneration and reuerence At Paris in France of S. German Bishop and Confessour whose holynes of lyfe and miracles how great they were Fortunatus Bishop hath left written At Millan of S. Senator Bishop renowned for vertue and learning At Vrgella in Spayne of S. Iustus Bishop At Florence of S. Podius Bishop Confessour B The nyne and twentith Day AT Rome in the way called Aurelia the birth-day of S. Restitutus Martyr At Iconium a Citty in Isauria the passion of the Saints Conon and his Sonne of twelue yeares old who vnder Aurelianus Emperour being broyled vpon a Gridiron and oyle powred vpon them racked vpon the torture Equuleus burned with fire at last hauing their hands all bruised to peeces with a mallet gaue vp the Ghost The same day of the holy Martyrs Sisinius Martyrius and Alexander who in the dayes of Honorius the Emperour as S. Paulinus writeth through persecution of the Gentills obtaytayned the crowne of Martyrdome in the Coūtry of Anaunia At Caesarea Philippi of the holy Martyrs Theodosia mother to S. Procopius Martyr twelue other noble Matrons who in the persecution of Diocletian were beheaded In Vmbria the passion of a thousand fiue hundred twenty fiue holy Martyrs At Treuers of S. Maximus Bishop and Confessour who very honourably entertayned S. Athanasius flying the persecution of Constantius At Verona of S. Maximus Bishop At Arcano in Latium of S. Eleutherius Confessour C The thirtith Day AT Rome in the way called Aurelia the birth-day of S. Felix Pope Martyr who vnder Aurelian Emperor was crowned with Martyrdome At Torre in Sardinia of the holy Martyrs Gabinus and Crispulus At Antioch of the Saints Sycus and Palatinus who for the name of Christ endured many torments At Rauenna of S. Exuperantius Bishop and Confessour At Pauia of S. Anastasius Bishop At Caesarea in Cappadocia of the Saints Basilius and Emmelia his wyfe Father and Mother to S. Basil the Great who in the dayes of Maximinus being banished inhabited the deserts of Pontus the persecutiō afterward ceasing leauing their children heyres of their vertue rested in peace D The one and thirtith Day AT Rome of S. Petronilla Virgin daughter to S. Peter the Apostle who contemning the marriage of Flaccus a Noblemā taking three dayes do deliberate in the meane while attending to prayer and fasting the third day after she had receaued the holy Sacrament of Christs Body gaue vp the ghost At Aquileia of the holy Martyrs Cantius Cantianus brothers and Cantianilla their syster who descended of the noble family of Anicius vnder Diocletian and Maximian Emperours for constant profession of the Christian fayth togeather with their Scholemayster Protus were beheaded At Torre in Sardinia of S. Crescētianus Martyr At Comana in Pontus of S. ●ermias Souldier who vnder Antoninus Emperour being miraculously deliuered from many and most cruell torments conuerted the Hangman to Christ and made him partaker of the same crowne of Martyrdome which himself
accomplished his Martyrdome vnder Aurelianus Iudge At Brioude in Auuergne the passion of S. Iulian Martyr who being companion to S. Ferreolus Tribune and secretly seruing Christ in a souldiers habit was apprehended in the persecution of Diocletian and hauing his throat cut dyed a cruell death At Contances in France of S. Pelagius Martyr who vnder Numerianus Emperour and Euilasius Iudge receaued the crowne of Martyrdome At Salerno of the holy Martyrs Fortunatus Caius and Anthes who were beheaded vnder Diocletian Emperour and Leontius Proconsul At Constantinople of S. Alexander Bishop a renowned old man by whose prayers Arius the Hereticke condemned by the Iudgement of God burst in the middest and voyded forth his bowells At Saints of S. Viuianus Bishop Also of S. Moyses an Aethiopian who of a famous Thiefe became an Anchoret conuerting many theeues brought them to his Monastery C The nyne and twentith Day THE Decollation of Saint Iohn Baptist whome Herod about the feast of Easter beheaded though his memory be kept on this day with great solemnity when his Venerable Head was found the second tyme which being afterward translated to Rome is there kept with great deuotion of the people in the Church of S. Syluester neere vnto Campus Martius At Rome in the Mount Auentine the birth-day of S. Sabina Martyr who being beheaded vnder Hadrian Emperour obteyned the Crowne of Martyrdome Also at Rome of S. Candid● Virgin and Martyr whose holy body Pope Paschalis the first translated to the Church of S. Praxedes At Antioch in Syria the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Nicaeas and Paulus At Constantinople of the holy Martyrs Hipatius an Asian Bishop and Andrew Priest who for the worshipping of holy Images vnder Leo Isauricus hauing their beards besmeared with pitch and after set on fyre and the skin of their heads plucked of were finally killed At Perugia of S. Euthymius a Roman who flying the persecution of Diocletian togeather his wyfe Crescentius his sonne there rested in our Lord. At Metz of S. Adelphus Bishop and Confessor At Paris the deposition of S. Medericus Priest In England of S. Seb King of the East-Saxons At Smyrna the birth-day of S. Basilla In the territory of Troys of S. Sabina virgin renowned for vertue and miracles D The thirtith Day AT Rome in the way to Ostia the passion of S. Felix Priest vnder Diocletian and Maximian Emperours who hauing endured the torture of Equuleus and condemned to death as he was lead to execution being met by a certaine man who professed himself a Christian was for that cause forthwith beheaded with him This mans name the Christians not knowing called him Adauctus because he was added to S. Felix as partaker of his Crowne Also at Rome of S. Gaudentia Virgin and Martyr with three others There also of S. Pāmachius Priest greatly renowned for holines of lyfe and doctrine At Colonia Sufetulana in Affricke of threescore holy Martyrs slayne by the fury of the Gentils At Mahomet●a also in Affricke of the Saints Bonifacius Th●cl● who were the Parents of twelue Sonnes all holy Martyrs At Thessalonica of S. Fantinus Confessour who enduring many afflictions by the Saracens and dryuen out of his Monastery where he liued in great abstinence after he had brought many to the true fayth rested at last in a good old age In the territory of Meaux of S. Fiaker Confessour At Bolonia of S. Bononius Abbot E The one and thirtith Day AT Treuers the birth-day of S. Paulinus Bishop who in the tyme of the Arian troubles being banished for the Catholique fayth by Constantius the Arian Emperour euen beyond the name of Christendome wearyed out vnto death with change of bannishments at last dying in Phrygia receaued of our Lord the Crowne of his blessed passion Also of the holy Martyrs Robustianus and Marcus At Transaqua in Italy neere to the Lake of Rossiglion the birth-day of the holy Martyrs Cesidius Priest and his fellowes who in the persetion of Maximinus were crowned with Martyrdome At Caesarea in Cappadocia of the Saints Theodotus Ruffina and Ammia of whome the two first were parents to Mamas the Martyr that was borne in pryson Ammia was his nurse At Athens of S. Aristides renowned for his fayth and wisdome who gaue vp a Booke to Adrian the Emperour treating of Christian Religion conteyning reasons of our doctrine as also made an Oration in the presence of the said Emperour wherein he manifestly prooued that Christ IESVS was the onely true God At Auxerre of S. Optatus Bishop Confessour In England of S. Aidan Bishop of Lindisfarne whose soule when S. Cutbert being then a Sheepheard saw carryed vp to heauen forsaking his sheep became a Monke At Nosca of S. Amatus Bishop THE MONETH OF SEPTEMBER F The first Day IN Prouence of France of S. Giles Abbot Confessour At Beneuento of twelue holy Martyrs Brothers In Palestine of the Saints Iosue and Gedeon At Hierusalem of S. Anna Prophetesse whose Sanctimony the holy Ghospell relateth At Capua in the way called Aquaria of S. Priscus Martyr an ancient Disciple of Christ. At Rhemes in France of S. Xystus Disciple of S. Peter the Apostle who being by him ordained the first Bishop of that Citty vnder Nero receaued the crowne Martyrdome At Todi in Vmbria of S. Terentianus Bishop and Martyr who vnder Hadrian Emperour by cōmaundement of L●tianus Proconsul being racked vpon the torture Equuleus whipped with scorpions hauing at last his tongue cut out and beheaded accomplished his Martyrdome At Heraclea of S. Ammon Deacon and fourty holy Virgins whome he instructed in the fayth who vnder Licinius the Tyrant togeather with them receaued the glory of Martyrdome In Spayne of the holy Martyrs Vincentius and Laetus At Populonia in Tuscany of S. Regulus Martyr who comming thither out of Affrica vnder Totilas accomplished his Martyrdome At Sen● of S. Lupus Bishop and Confessor of whome it is recorded that on a certaine day whilst in presence of the Cleargy he sayd Masse at the Altar there fell from heauen a ●ewell into his holy Chalice Also at Capua of another Priscus Bishop who was one of those Priests that in the persecution of the Vandalls being diuersly tormented for the Catholique fayth put into an old ship came frō Africke to the shore of Campania and there being dispersed into diuers places and made Rulers of sundry Churches greatly dilated the Christian fayth and discipline His fellowes were Castrensis Tammarus Rosius Heraclius Secundinus Adiutor Marcus Augustus Elpidius Canion and Vindonius At Aquino of S. Constantius Bishop famous for the guift of Prophesy and many other Vertues At Man● of S. Victorius Bishop In the Tetritory of Constance at Aqua-dura of S. Verena Virgin G The second Day AT Rome of S. Maxima Martyr who togeather with S. Ansanus for confessing of Christ in the persecution of Diocletian being beaten with cudgels gaue vp