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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02886 A mysterye of inyquyte contayned within the heretycall genealogye of Ponce Pantolabus, is here both dysclosed & confuted by Iohan Bale. An, M.D.xlii. Marke in the capytall letters of this boke, the .A.B.C. with the name of the author Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1545 (1545) STC 1303; ESTC S100627 82,542 190

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Cardynalles with their chastyte 22 Dyuyne with his dyuynyte 49 Doctours of the popyshe churche 26. 30. 39 Dunstane with his chastyte 19 Eckius an impudent papyst 21 Epythetes of the Popes churche 2 False prophetes trulye prophecyeth 15. 80 Feastfull dayes superstycyouslye vsed 59 Fylthye examples of vnchast prestes 19 Franciscus Petrarcha a Poete 21 Garade Hierome menne lerned 65. 67 Genealogyes are to be shurned 1 Genealogye of papistes 2 Heretyques were lerned menne 3 Hoc est corpus meum 46. 50 Husdricus bysshop of Augusta 18 Iohan Wycleue a Christen doctour 9 Iohan Husse wherfore he dyed 12 Iohan Oecolampadius and zwing●ius 25 Iohan Frith not yet answered 31. 40 Iohan Lambert what he was 42 Iohan Parys bryngeth impanacyon 33 Iohan Maior disputeth of spretes 29 kateryne showarde prayed for 84 kynges yll handeled of papistes 4 Ladye Pyre what yt is 87 Limphardus Bisshop of Vercell 20 Marye ryghtlye commended 56. 87 Martyne Luther the Popes enemye 15. 16 Masse with his toyes 33. 44. 46. 60 Matrymonye accused for synne 17. 18 Names of dyuerse heretyques 13. 44. 55 Nonne had thre bastardes 20 Obedience requyred to the Pope 61. 93. 79 Oswaldus Bysshop of Worecstre 19 Pater noster Rowe described 87 Pātolabꝰ a most stynkinge herety● 81. 86 Persecuyons are blessynges 78 Petrus Riarius a Cardynall 21 Philippus Melanchton a lerned man 23 Prayer for the kynge 85 Prophe●yes of Wycleue and Husse 15. 40 Remigius Bisshop of Dorcesire 20 Robert Barnes a man lerned 58 Sacrament abused 33. 35. 37. 45. 47. Sedycyouse are Christianes named 61 Slepers and croner crepers 72 Stewes are in Wynchestres fauer 76 Thomas Becket a pylgryme 20 Toyes of the Papystes 5. 6. 33. 70. 74. Vyrgyne Marye ryghtlye cōmended 56 Vocabulystes here named 2 Watchynge deuyls bygett chyldren 20. 29 What the papistes haue sought taught 27 Finis ☜ ☜ A mysterye of inyquite opened of Iohan Bale by the manifes●acion of Ponce Pantolabus Genealogye of heresye in the year of owr lorde M.D. and. xlii A mysterye 1 The Genealogye of heresye 2 Compyled by Ponce Pantolabus ¶ The openinge O Therwyse can I not coni●cture of Pantolabus but that he hath put forth these preciouse poesyes of some sett purpose eyther to be seane a famouse poete or els to apere a mightye vpholder of the Popes holye churche But yf he thinketh herin to haue mynistered vnto hys natiue region of Englande a doctrine of christen religion he wonderfullye deceyueth himselfe What they wyl s●me to be by the towche stone of Gods worde the sequele of this boke shall declare I thinke nō other than the verye doctrine of deuyls y ● lyes of a popyshe hypocrite the errours of a cruell Antichrist the fylthye drinke of the whores cuppe of Babylon and the stinkynge frutes of the bo●tomlesse pytt Expende first of all the tyttle of his tragedye which ys the Genealogye of heresye and ye shall fynde in yt small goodnesse I suppose Saint Paule ernestlye admonished his derelye beloued disciples Tymothe and Tytus in anye wyse to shurne Genealogyes and fables as thinges most super●luouse and vayne 2 Panotlabus as one of a contrarye sprete and iudgement hath not onelye taken this for bydden office vpon him but also vsed yt here in a moche worse kynde For there is yt spoken concerninge Iudaysme or vnnecessarye doubtes in Moyses lawe Here doth he vsurpe yt in blasphemouse raylinges and vnshamefast lyes ageynst them whose lyues were moste innocent and godlye He sheweth himselfe therfor in this not onlye a spyghtfull aduersarye vnto Paules lerning but also a cruell enemye both to Christ his kynge mynistrynge vnto that people soche doctrine of deuilyshnesse of whome the one is the head the other his depute in that he is vndre him a christen gouernour Of this vnwholsom tyttle is yt easye to iudge what the frutes are thervpon folowynge Lete the Reader therfore marke them and beware of those false Apostles whiche brynge them soche messages of myschefe The Genealogye of Pantalabus now foloweth in course A mysterye 1 Blynde obstynacye 2 Begate heresye 3 By a myschaunce 4 Of dame ignoraunce Malicia eorum excecauit eos Sap. 2. ¶ The openinge A Monstruouse beginninge hath this Genealogye declarynge at the first flushe both the mōstruouse hart of the author also the monstruouse nature of that malignaunt churche of Anticrist of whom he is a professed membre Non other frute can the yll tre rendre I se wele than his owne frowarde nature permitteth hi. For nought is yt not that manye excellent writers in discribinge Anticristis kyngedome hath called yt a false fylthye fleshlye whoryshe preposterouse prostybulouse promiscuouse and abhominable generacion Here is the childe sayd to begett his father or the sonnes childe his grandefather all in y ● femynine gendre Wherfor yt is lyke to be a straūge hindred by that tyme that it be al brought forth For here is blinde obstinacie reported to beget heresye yet was heresye manye years in the world before him Non cābe obstynate in errour before he doth erre nor wilfullye resyst y ● verite before he doth hate it 2 Rather shuld heresye therfore seme to brynge forth obstinacye than obstinacye to engendre heresye For after the vocabulystes Tortellius Valla Perottꝰ Polycattus Crestonus Calepinus Guarinꝰ soche other vocabulystes heresis is not els but a choyse opiniō or secte Not moche vnlyke vnto this doth Saynt Luke vse yt in the actes and Saynt Paule also declaringe himselfe there a pharyse Be it ones cowpled withean obstinate frowardnesse or a wylfull resistaunce of the open verite no longar is it an heresye but an obstinacye rebellion or diuisyon Thus doth the scripture call the aduersaryes of Gods truthe ●on heretiques but false prophetes sewde apostles deceitful teachers and Anticristes Therfore goeth Pantolabus vnlernedlye to worke in his Generacion of heresye Rather shuld he haue begōne at the denyll which first begate darkenesse and so haue gone forth frō darkenesse to ignoraunce and from ignoraunce to errour with his bretherne in the captiuite of Babylon Or els frō Anticrist to auarice frō auarice to symonye frō symonye to heresye in that veyne And in so doynge he myght at the las● haue founde out his owne stinkynge sodomitycall generacion 3 If this course had not pleased him for y ● obseruacion of his meters because he is a poete lorrel he might haue taken this waye with him The false generacion Of the popishe nacion Begonne by the deuyll The grounder of euyll Of enuye and hate The deuyll first begate The subtyle serpēt Or worme pestilent The serpent by Cayne Gote the kyndered vayne Of bretherne vntrewe That gods seruauntes slewe And so forth with the carnall chyldren of 〈◊〉 with Cham Nem roth the Sodomites Ismael Esau Pharao Manasses Antiochus Phassur the pres●es of Baall of Bell. Herode Cayphas Iudas Symon magus Bariehu Diotrephes with their successours the Pope and his college of cardinalles with his smered