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A86686 Manus testium movens: or, A Presbyteriall glosse upon many of those obscure prophetick texts in Canticles, Isay, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Habakkuk, Zachary, Matthew, Romans, and the Revelations: which point at the great day of the vvitnesses rising; Antichrists ruine, and the Jews conversion, neare about this time. VVherein Dr. Homes, with the rest of the independent antichristian time-servers are clearly confuted, and out of their own writings condemned: and against them proved, that the present usurpers in England are that antichristian party who have slain the witnesses, and shall reign but three yeers and an half, which time is almost at an end. To this book must be joyned Lingua testium, being its proper preface. / Written by Testis-mundus Catholicus Scotanglo-Britanicus. Hall, Edmund, 1619 or 20-1687. 1651 (1651) Wing H328; Thomason E632_23; ESTC R206463 110,211 129

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as we shall make manifest This battel shall be fought when Christs feet stand on Mount Olivet the great question is What is meant by Mount Olivet or the Mount of Olives Take it literaly it was a Mount which stood on the East side of Jerusalem which for the goodly Olives and the plenty of Olives that it yielded it was called Mount Olivet This was the place of Christs delight there he was most conversant there he preached and there he usually resorted to pray No Mountain in the world had so much of Christs presence and his Ordinances as this Mountain there Judas betrayed him and his Disciples there Christ appeared again after his resurrection his feet stood on Mount Olives before he ascended up into glory there he ascended into Heaven in the sight of those that crucified him for that Mount looked into the streets of Jerusalem and they in Jerusalem could plainly see the Mount of Olives Hence judicious-learned Interpreters conclude that by Mount Olives in the Prophets sense is meant the Church of Christ where the Ordinances of Christ are purely frequently and powerfully taught and where submission to Christ as Lord and King is yielded Upon this ground Martinus applye●s this expression of the Prophets to the Church of Rome affirming Mount Olivet to be the Church of Rome quia ad pedis Christi seipsos subjiciunt because they subject themselves to Christ For Oyl say the learned is an hierogliphick of submission and subjection Ambros in Luke 21. expounds Mount Olivet to be the Church Some of the highest and chiefest of the Independents of this age are of the same opinion and therefore do not stick to say that Mount Olivet is England which is the most delightfullest place for Ordinances in the World Since the Romanist and Independent agree and will have it so it will be treason to gain-say them wee 'll therefore comply as much as may be For my own part I do believe that by Mount Olivet is meant some eminent delightful place in Europe famou● above other places for Religion for Doctrine for Discipline and Government and for eminent Saints I do believe it is meant that place where one like Judas both a Thief and a Traytor and an Apostate and a deceitful Hypocrite riseth up with his armed men and with a kiss of pretending to exalt Christ and promote the interest of Saints betrays the cause of God and the chief Instruments of a Reformation into the hands of the High Priest of Rome who by his instruments crucifies them 2. I believe it is the place whereas Christ was betrayed so there he shall rise again for Christs feet after his resurrection were seen standing on Mount Olivet so I do believe the Witnesses that this Judas-like fellow shall betray to death shall rise again in the same kingdom or place there they shall stand on their feet and be called up to Heaven that is to high promotion far above the reach of their Enemies I conceive this Mount and that in Rev. 16. 16. are one and the same for Harmagedon saith Brightman signifies a Mountain of delight the same saith he in Dan. 11. 45. The enemy that goes against the Church shall pitch his Tents in the glorious holy Mountain or as in the Original in the Mountain of delights of Holyness These expressions of the Holy Ghost in these several places set forth one and the same thing to us if we view but the scope of all for in all three places 't is one and the same Enemy going forth to battel against the Lord Jesus in one and the same place and at one and the same time and produceth one and the same effects for in Dan. 11. the Enemy goeth to utter ruine by the coming of Christ Dan. 12. 1. Rev. 16. 16. that battel produceth the seventh Viall which finisheth all and in Zach. 14. 3. Christ shall fight in that day as when he fought in the day of battel when ever Christ fought a battel he ruined his Enemies so will he here as in Judg. 7. Esay 9. 4. Now if the Romanists and Independents will give me leave to joyn Scotland and England once united accursed be he that was the cause of their separation I will comply with them and conclude that these two Kingdoms are the Mount of Olives where Christs feet shall stand in the day of battel 't is that place where the Witnesses were betrayed and slain and that place where in the sight of their Enemies they shall ascend to Heaven that is be eminently exalted above their Enemies V. 4. And his feet shall stand in that day on the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the East and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof towards the East and towards the West a very great valley and half of the Mountain shall remove toward the North and half the Mountain toward the South in that day that is the day that the spoil is divided in Jerusalem and the Gentiles gather against Jerusalem to battel the same day that the Beast makes war with the Saints and overcomes them Rev. 11. 7. and Dan. 7. 25. and when they shall gather together to Harmageddon Rev. 16. 16. and when he pitcheth his Tents in the Mountain of delights of holinesse Dan. 11. 45. In this day shall be these great things done as followeth The Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof towards the East and the West a great valley Note This is spoken of the last years raign of the Beast of the Earth and therefore 't is called one day a prophetick day which signifies one year For this verse sets forth the great Rent that shall be made by the Beast of the Earth amongst those that were formerly united under one King and in one Faith and locked fast together in one Covenant amongst these there shall be a breach in the last year of the Beast of the Earths raign The Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof Here is the great sign fore-going the great battell wherein Christ will appear on his Churches side the half of the Mount of Olives shall remove to the North and half to the South Observe here there was a Union before the North and the South was united and now they are divided the Mount of Olives is divided but one delightful Mountain in the World and that divided this is terrible A great division in the Church of God those that were united in one covenant shall be broken and divided insomuch that Sermons shall clash against Sermons and prayers against prayers and Fast dayes against Fast-dayes it shall be a vast breach for there shall be a Valley towards the East and the West The Chaldee renders it a very great Valley and the Septuagint read it a very great Gulf so that the North cannot passe to the South nor the South to the North There shall be an irreconcileable breach made betwixt them they shall prohibit any
11. and he lived 600 years in the new world after the flood as Gen. 5. gives us a true Catalogue of the Monarchs in the Church before the Church so Gen. 11. gives us such another Catalogue of those who lived after the flood unto Abraham Shem had Elam and Asher before the flood Gen. 10. 22. but they were drowned in the flood but two years after the flood Sem begat Arphaxad who was his eldest Son who had the right of domination after him succeeded Salah his eldest Son after Salah succeeded his eldest Son Eber after Eber Peleg after Peleg Reu after Reu Serag after Serag Nahor after Nahor Terah after Terah succeeded Abraham here God only set down the Monarchs in the Church for every one of these had more Sons then one 't is probable but they are not mentioned because they were not the eldest Sons they had not the priviledge of the first-born who by Gods Law Gen. 4. 7. were to have the Dominion Thus you see Religion and Monarchy kept together in Sems Family after the flood until Abraham With Abraham God made a Covenant and promised to make him a Nation and a great Nation Gen. 12. 2. and that he would give him the Land of Canaan and his seed should possess it and multiply as the dust of the earth Gen. 13. 15 16. This was a gracious day of comfort to the poor Church to hear of a blessed seed that shall grow up to a great Nation and be a blessing to all the world this promise did God renew to Abraham after he parted with Lot this Abraham was both valiant and pious as appears by the redemption of his Kinsman Lot out of the hands of those Kings which took him captive after which Victory Melchizedeck met him unto whom Abraham as a King in homage to him and as a Priest in duty to him paid Tythes this Melchizedeck probably was Sem for Sem was then living and lived above 150. years after this fight so that it was Abrahams duty to pay Tythes to Melchizedeck for he was by right the absolute Soveraign in the Church and in that respect without Father or Mother that is without any superior and in that respect Melchizedeck was a type of Christ for Christ is absolute Monarch of the Church he is without Father or Mother in that respect he is subject to none But to the thing in hand we see it is clear that Monarchy and Religion have been continued in the Church together from Adam to Abraham now from Abraham till Christ Monarchy continued in the Church it is so visible to every one that reads the Scripture that I will put it under the third Position which I intend to treat briefly on viz. Thirdly That the greatest good that ever the Church of God received here on earth from God they received from the hands of Monarchs The Scripture tells us of four glorious dayes that have been and shall be in the world before the day of Judgement three of these dayes are past viz. The day of Gods making known himself on Mount Sinai to his Church in the dispensation of his grace and love to his Church in giving them Laws and Ordinances for standing rules of his Worship untill the time of perfect Reformation Moses the Monarch of the Church was the instrument of receiving these Laws and Ordinances from God and the instrument of divulging them to the Church Moses was not only the Instrument of the greatest deliverance of the Church from the greatest danger but the Instrument of conveying the greatest good to them That this Moses was an absolute Monarch none will deny that hath either wit or modesty for the twelve Tribes received the Law at his mouth and all matters of Judicature were determined by him beyond him there was no appeal the people or the Elders did not choose him but he ordained Elders and set over the people he was an absolute Monarch none might speak against him or resist him every Christian that reads the Bible knows this to be a plain truth he was the first Monarch that was over the twelve Tribes and their families which were many thousands in number this Moses God appointed to be the Ruler over these great people he led them like a flock of sheep no sheepheard had more absolute command over his flock then Moses over the twelve Tribes The Monarchs of Israel in their infancie whiles the Church was in Tabernacles were called Judges the removing of these Monarchs was the greatest Judgement that could befall the Church and and it was the greatest mercy of God to restore them again This Samuel in reasoning tells the people 1 Sam. 12. 8. God gave not Moses and Aaron to Israel untill Israel cried unto the Lord Ordinary prayers will not attain so great a blessing to a nation as a godly Magistracy and Ministry they must be strong cries to God that must obtain such extraordinary mercies ver 9 10. the people provoked God by their Idolatry and God threw down their Government and made them serve their enemies and then the people cried to the Lord and renewed their Covenant then God sent Gideon ver 11. he raised him up to deliver them God never took away Monarchy from Israel but in wrath for the peoples sins and God never restored it again but he gave it as a singular mercy and sign of his favour to them 4. Ob. God gave them a King in his wrath and he was angry with the people for asking a King God calls it a rejecting of him A. We answer briefly 1. God gave not the Office of a King but the Person of a King in wrath 2. He was angry at the peoples manner of asking a King for they asked not a King of Moses describing Deut. 17. 15 16 17 18 19 20. but a King like the Heathens that were Tyrants well saith God they shall have such a King that shall play the Tyrant amongst them like the heathen Kings therefore God bids Samuel shew them what manner of King God will give them this Tyrant God gave him for a scourge yet no man no not David though he were a Saint and an annointed Saint durst touch Sauls life though Saul were really a murtherer a Tyrant and a publike enemy if Davids heart smote him for cutting off Sauls skirt O how would it have smote him had he cut off his head Monarchs are responsable for their actions to God No man on earth much lesse their subjects may judg or condemn them but God only God took away this wicked King in his anger as he set him up in his wrath 3. 'T is manifest that God anointed David and set him up King over Israel of his own free will and made a promise unto him as unto Abraham that his seed should inherit the throne after him to many generations Now began the Israelites to flourish now Kingly government was established now and not till now had they perfect Conquest over all
responsionem non mereatur So that you have the time of rising the time of continuance the actions and the ruine of the Beast to be one and the same both in Daniel and the Revelation But that we may not be mistaken in this beast of the earth take a more exact view of this beast as the Holy Ghost describes him in Rev. 13. 13. And he doth great wonders for that he made fire come down from Heaven on the earth in the sight of men and deceived them that dwell on the earth by the signs which were permitted him to do in the sight of the beast saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an Image of the beast which had the wound in the head and did live And he did great wonders 't is in the original 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 great signes Upon the same occasion Christ useth the same words setting out the parties that shall do these signes Mat. 24. 24. There shall arise false Priests and false Prophets 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and shall give out great signes these signes shall be held forth to the world immediately before the ruine of the Roman Monarchy v. 29. and the calling of the Jews v. 30. 31. and making all the Nations in the world submit and come into the Gospel To this Text directly answers that in Rev. 19. 20. there the false Prophet is taken 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which wrought miracles in the presence of the other beast whereby he deceived them that received the mark of the beast this clearly demonstrates that it is the same beast in Rev. 13. 14. for there he deceiveth the people and to that the Holy Ghost alludes Rev. 19. 20. I will intreat the Reader to observe how this beast of the earth gets to his power in v. 11. of chap. 18. 't is by the horns of a Lambe and by the tongue of a Dragon What more innocent then a Lambs horns and what more fair and smooth and deceitful then a Dragons tongue Observe this that the two last enemies of the Gospel Church shall arise out of the purest Churches Rome was the purest Church in the world it had the famousest Magistracy and Ministry in the world yet in that Church starts up an Independent Government amongst the Churchmen which is called the Pope-dom and strips both the Magistracy and Ministry of its glory this is called Rev. 11. the Sack-cloth condition of the two witnesses so that out of that pure Church arose the great enemy that drove the wi●nesses into the wilderness and now when the Pope-dom is ready to fall and the witnesses have finished their testimony that is resolved to cast off Independency Prelacy which in its exorbitancy is nothing else but Independency then up-starts this beast of the earth who ariseth out of the purest Church and out of the purest part of the Church he is one that professeth piety beyond all others one that holds all the principles of Religion to be true that cries out against Antichrist more then any As the Popes by pretending the advancement of Christ and Peters chair advanced themselves to that excessive pride and tyranny over Church State so doth the beast of the earth by his pious pre●ences of setting up Christ advance his own wicked designs and slayes the witnesses As the beast of the Sea arose out of the Church where the famousest witnesses viz. Magistracy and Ministry were and drove them into Sack-cloth and into the wilderness that is into some remote Kingdom in Europe where they remain 1260. years so must the beast of the earth in this wilderness arise amongst the witnesses where they are finishing their testimony and there he must kill them therefore when John comes to see the judgement of the whore he was carried into the wilderness i.e. that remote Countrey whither the witnesses by the beast of the Sea were driven Rev. 11. 3. But this place only in the world is England for here only a lawful Magistracy and Ministry hath for 1200. years been visible in Sack-cloth so that you must expect this last enemy of the Church to be more cunning cruel and subtil to deceive then any that ever were before him for he hath all the politick tricks of Rome he doth all that the first beast could do before him did the Pope fall from his first principles so doth he did the Pope depose and murther and rebel agoinst his liege Master the Emperor so doth he against his Soveraign did the Pope persecute the Ministers that would not comply with his designs so doth this beast Did the Pope impudently and ridiculously profess to the world that all his Rebellion murthering of Emperors and Kings and deposing of them was for the promotion of the Gospel and the good of the Church even so doth this beast So that he doth all that the first beast could do before him yea and more too for he doth greater wonders he maketh fire to come down from Heaven on the earth in the sight of men this is one of his great signes whereby he deceives people Observe this his pretences and designs are on purpose to deceive the people and he deceives the people mearly to set up his new Government he sets it up by his doing wonders this is an eminent Character of a cheater and the Antichrist to prove his honesty by his signes and wonders That power is an usurped power that hath no other title then signes and wonders to maintain it 'T is an Antichristian power the Holy Ghost tells us for Antichrist comes with lying wonders 2 Thess 2. I omit to repeat the several strange opinions of both Protestants and Papists upon these words and he maketh fire come down from Heaven neither shall I shew the difference in the Copies because I possibly may do that hereafter At this time I shall only deliver the soundest and most clearest opinions Brocard comes nearest the mark of any Englishman for he conceives it alludes to 2 Kings 1. 10. where Elias proved himself to be a man of God by causing fire to come down and consume those that came against him his allusion is good had he rightly applyed it for this beast of the earth pretends to be by his good success as prevalent with God to destroy those that were against him as Elias was But Cornelius è lapide comes nearer the mark for he conceives this expression of fire coming from heaven alludes to that in the 2 Chron. 7. 1. where Solomon sacrificed in the sight of all the people after he had made his publick prayer in the sight of all the people had by fire coming down from heaven upon his sacrifice an unquestionable evidence of Gods acceptance of his prayers This allusion is also good for this beast of the earth pretends to be the only man to build Gods house and for that end makes a glorious profession and proclaims Fasts wherein as if indued with Solomons spirit he makes
three great and least enemies of the Church that are within the Church as for the Turks and Pagans and such who know not nor profess Christ they are not mentioned here the Holy Ghost lookes at those enemies that shall be in this day of the powering out of the Vials within the Church naming themselves Christians and professing Saint-ship as the Pope the Vicar of Christ and his party Catholique Saints and the beast of the Earth and his party new lighted Saints of a high strain and the Prince of the ayre who rules in the Children of disobedience cloakes his Traytors and blasphemers and despisers of Gods word and Drunkards and fornicators swearers and Anabaptists with the name of Saints and to act all these in the highest way of wickedness must go for a high point of Saint-ship These three Enemies you shall see them all at the powring out of the sixth viall laying their heads together there is the Dragon the Beast and the false Prophet spitting venemous counsell against the Church immediately before they go to ruine at the great battell In Rev 17. you have an open view of the Beast of the Sea and the highest state and pomp of Rome and the Beast of the earth and his kinde of Government and manner of proceeding immediately before their overthrow and damnation that is in the time of the Reign of the Beast of the earth who slaies the Witnesses In Revel 18. is set forth the horrible destruction of Rome and its finall ruine and the time of her ruine it shall be v 7. when she glories in her pleasure and sits as a Queen and expects no sorrow then shall her plagues come in one day i. e. year it seems to me to be about her year of Jubilee In Revel 19. you have the Saints thundring forth hallelujah for pulling down his Enemies and setting up his own Throne where from v 11. to that 3. verse of Chap 20. you have a view of Christ in majesty and his Army going forth to the great battell against the Beast the Dragon and the false Prophet who are all taken and overcome the Beast and the false Prophet cast alive into the Lake and the Devill bound a thousand years so that after this Battell the thousand years tranquility of the Church is to be expected and then Revel 20. v 7. when the thousand years is expired Satan shall be let loose again and immediately after shall follow the day of Judgement Rev 21. and 22. describe the glorious state of the Church triumphant after the dissolutions of the Heavens and the Earth that now are The 17. 18. and 19. Chap they are as it were an exegeti● or Exposition of the three Chapters immediately preceding them As also the 11. Chapter from v 11. to the end One thing I will intreat the Reader to observe from Rev 13. v 10. and 18. at the rising of the Beast of the earth the Holy-Ghost as it were Ex abrupto useth this expression here is the faith and here is the patience of the Saints To note that the rising of the Beast of the earth should certainly be the time when the Witnesses should be under sore affliction their offensive weapons should be taken from them and their faith and patience which are defensive weapons which two onely Saints have and with which they are able to beat a road through Hell through the deepest sorrows and troubles Now these graces this Beast of the Earth by his cruell persecutions will make them eminently to exercise while he reigns But in ver 18. when his reign comes to an end then saith the holy Ghost Here is wisdome Let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast Now the Beast comes to be measured 't is not Here is the faith and patience but Here is wisdome None but the Saints have wisdome and understanding for they onely fear God Now the Saints wisdome shall be as eminent in measuring this Beast with the reed of the Word of God and casting him out of the true Church for an hipocrite and enemie to true Religion as their faith and patience was eminent under his tyrannie Independencie shall be cast out of the Church by them Now follows immediately in Revel 14. the vision of the true Church coming out of affliction they are the 144000. sealed ones in Revel 7. that now stand in Mount Sion with the Lambe and now a new song begins to be sung by heavenly harps the new song was a Reformation for that 's a strange and new song to the world This song the 144000. learn that is the true Church they are the singers and their instruments are stringed instruments 1. Here 's the number 144000. In the Temple there were but 144. Musitians which divided themselves into twelve Consorts but here are 144000. to note the transcendent glory of this Gospel day in the multitude of converted souls Here are their Instruments Harps which are stringed Instruments to teach us whither to go to learn the meaning of this Text. And that is in Hab. 3. which Chapter is called a Prayer upon Segionoth that is a tearm of Musick that none knows therefore some read it ignorances and so it well agrees with this song which no one knew how to sing save Harpers This Chapter is dedicated to the chief singer on Neginoth or my stringed Instruments Now Harps are stringed Instruments so that this song of Habbacucks is tha● song which these Harpers sing ● T is a new Song in Revel 1● and this of Habbacucks is also new for none know how to sing it but the Harpers t is a Prayer of Segionoth or ignorance to all except to the singers on Neginoth or the stringed Instruments 1●th Psalmes are dedicated to Neginoth all which begin with Prayers for its deliverance of the Church out of great misery and end with Prayers for its deliverance And such is the Song of the Harpers Rev 15. 3 ● This of Habb is the self same song to be sung by these Rev 14. Now t is new because the conversion of the twelve Tribes and ruine of Antichrist and raising of the Witnesses and making all the kingdoms in the world Christs and chaining up the Devill a thousand years is a new song never sung before these that rise with the slain Witnesses sing it He that reads this Chapter wisely will see ver 2. Christs powerfull and glorious coming ver 7. 8. the vials that he le powre out and his manner of coming on horses as Rev 19. all which the Revelation in the same expression mentions of Christs coming at the 7th Trumpet Papists calls this Chapter of Habbac v 6. the joyfull and famous song preparation by an Angel is made for the Preaching of the Gospel to all the world the sum of his Doctrine is in v. 7. Fear God and give Glory to him for the houre of his Iudgment is coming this houre of judgement is that Revel 18. 10. In one houre is thy
will be the Valley of Gods Mountains ye shall flee is either Gods admonition to the people that are on the South part of the Mountain to flee into the North part of the Mountain assuring them that in that Kingdom onely safety will be found for the Saints Or else 't is spoken by way of discrimination to shew which way the true Saints of God will take They will flee in their affections to the other side they will be on the Covenant side and on their side which keeps Gods Ordinances pure and resolve to adhere to their Covenant you shall in this day know a Saint by his prayers and his fasting and his thanksgiving A true Saint will die rather die then keep a day of rejoycing for the overthrow of the Saints but the other party that slay the Witnesses 't is their duty they owe it to the Devil therefore Rev. 11. they send gifts one to another and make merry and why Because they that would have prosecuted the ends of the Covenanted-Reformation are overthrown Nothing but a sincere Reformation is a terrour to Apostates Hypocrites and carnal professors but now they being overthrown the Ingagers the Worshippers of the Beast make merry and send gifts one to another that is keep Thanksgiving days But you may know a true Saint he abhors it he mournes and covers his face with sackcloth he flies in his prayers to the other side of the Valley to the Valley of Gods Mountain his heart and affections shall be there Yea ye shall flee like as ye fled from the Earthquake in the dayes of Uzziah King of Judah 2 Chron. 26. 16. There Vzziah after his good success in the War apostatized from his former good life his good success made him self-conceited and turn Independent that is take upon him the Priests Office as well as the Kings He would be the onely Saints in the Kingdom by usurping the Priests Office the Priests being godly bold men protest against him and his proceedings as against the written Law of God against the Scriptures but that 's all one to him the impulse of his spirit was such upon his good success in his late Wars that notwithstanding the Priests protest he was resolved to carry on his Design Hereupon there grows a civil war as 't were betwixt the Covenant-keeping Priests and the Covenant-breaking King the King hereupon resolved to murther the Priests that stood in his way and crossed his Design Et mox ut Rex minatus est mortem Sacerdotibus saith Josephus lib. 9. cap. 11. Antiquit. as the King was breathing out the threatnings of death against the Priests God from Heaven smote the King with a leprosie in his face whereby it appeared that the new-created Saint was an unclean creature fit to be cast out of the Temple and to be banished the society of men This mans wickedness brought a terrible Earthquake upon the Kingdom such a one as was for its terrour never before known in Judea it cleft the Temple in twain saith Josephus and before the City in a place called E●ogie the half of a Mountain that stood to the Eastward brake and fell and removed for the space of four stadia so that the high-ways were stopped up and the Kings gardens of pleasure were wholly ruinated and disfigured this Earthquake could not choose but amaze and terrifie the people and make them flee out of their houses Such a time of tribulation and terrour it shall be when God comes to destroy the Beast of the Earth that takes upon him the Office of a Minister of the Gospel to teach and preach publickely Divinity this Usurper that goes on and persists in his wickedness and bloudy attempts against the true Church and the godly Ministery Therefore 't is said at the destruction of this Beast Rev. 11. 13. That there was a great Earthquake and the tenth part of the City fell and at Rev. 16. 18. the pouring out of the seventh Viall there was a great Earthquake This cleerly shews us at what time we must expect these things 't is at the sounding of the seventh Trumpet where are Earth-quakes and the next words make it more cleer And the Lord my God shall come and all the Saints with thee Oecolampadius thinks that when God hath ruined Antichrist then the day of judgment shall be but saith he Quidam dicunt intercessurum tempus quoddam inter regnum Christi Antichristi mille Annos so that this is no new Opinion Of this opinion am I for I believe before the Day of Judgment and after the ruine of Antichrist there shall be 1000. years as I shall make appear saith Deodat He shall come to destroy Antichrist this is the time of the seventh Trumpet when Christ shall come on his white horse and all his Saints clothed with white linnen and riding on horses shall come along with him Rev. 19. and Rev. 14. 1. After the Beast of the Earth is measured numbered weighed and found too light then follows Christ standing on Mount Sion with all his Saints with him so in Dan. 7. 9. after Daniel saw the little horn which is this Beast of the Earth immediatly follows the Lord Jesus his Throne is set up and thousands and ten thousands ministring to him and in Dan. ●1 45. When this Beast of the Earth for 't is the same pitcheth his Tents in the Mountain of delight of holiness that is that part of the Mountain to the North which is Scotland there God shall ruine him and then immediatly follows Dan. 12. 1. in the next verse Michael that is Christ shall stand up who standeth for the people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a Nation at that time the Jews shall be called out of the grave of sinne and unbelief to the lively knowledge of the Gospel These things are so cleerly spoken of one and the same time and persons that he that reads them seriously cannot but see they are all Prophecies foretelling the things that shall come to pass in this age of the world V. 6. And in that day that is say many Interpreters when Christ shall come to destroy Antichrist there shall be no clear light but dark Others read it better the light shall not be clear nor dark to a word it is the light shall not be precious nor thickness it shall neither be a time of precious light and Gospel-knowledg nor a time of thick darkness It shall be a time of the strangest uncouths condition to the Church as ever was Magistracy shall be laid aside Ministers shall be persecuted out-lawed banished and all this by the Saints the men that pull down Antichrist as they say there 's the mystery there 's the sadness men that hold the same principles of Religion that were baptized with the same baptism that have fasted with the Saints who are reall Saints that have communicated with them at the same Table they shall persecute the Ministery