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religion_n church_n discipline_n government_n 3,314 5 6.9877 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A84524 A collection of the statutes made in the reigns of King Charles the I. and King Charles the II. with the abridgment of such as stand repealed or expired. Continued after the method of Mr. Pulton. With notes of references, one to the other, as they now stand altered, enlarged or explained. To which also are added, the titles of all the statutes and private acts of Parliament passed by their said Majesties, untill this present year, MDCLXVII. With a table directing to the principal matters of the said statutes. By Tho: Manby of Lincolns-Inn, Esq.; Public General Acts. 1625-1667 England and Wales.; Manby, Thomas, of Lincolns-Inn. 1667 (1667) Wing E898; ESTC R232104 710,676 360

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herein contained The eights and duties of Aulnage saved shall extend or be construed to extend to take away any of the Rights Duties or Customs of or belonging to the Office and Place of his Majesties Aulnager or his Deputy or Deputies within the said West-Riding But that he or they shall or may from time to time do and perform all and every matter and thing to him or them belonging according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm And also receive all Fées due and accustomed to the said Office belonging in as large and ample manner as he or they might or ought to have done before the making of this present Act Any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Provided always and it is further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That neither the said Supervisers Masters Wardens and Assistants nor any of them Proviso that Rates of wages of workmen may not be set by colour of this Act. nor any other person or persons frée of the said Corporation of Broad Woollen Clothiers shall by any Authority derived from this Act or by colour thereof set or impose any other or lesser Rates or Wages upon any inferiour Workmen Servants or Labourers to be imployed by them or any of them in the said Manufacture then such as shall be from time to time allowed and approved of by the Iustices of the Peace in their Quarter-Sessions according to the Laws and Statutes touching Labourers in that case made and provided Provided also That this Act continue to the end of the First Session of the next Parliament The Continuance of this Act. and no longer CAP. XXXIII For preventing Abuses in Printing Seditious Treasonable and Unlicensed Books and Pamphlets and for Regulating of Printing and Printing-Presses WHereas the well-government and Regulating of Printers and Printing-Presses is matter of Publick care and of great Concernment especially considering Regulating of Printing of great Concirnment that by the general Licentiousness of the late Times many evil-disposed persons have béen encouraged to Print and Sell Heretical Schismatical Blasphemous Seditious and Treasonable Books Pamphlets and Papers and still do continue such their unlawful and exorbitant practice to the high dishonour of Almighty God the endangering the peace of these Kingdoms and raising a disaffection to His most Excellent Majesty and His Government For prevention whereof no surer means can be advised then by reducing and limiting the number of Printing-Presses and by ordering and setling the said Art or Mystery of Printing by Act of Parliament in manner as herein after is expressed The Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Consent and Advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled Pamphlets and Books prohibited to be printed published or sold doth therefore Ordain and Enact and be it Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no person or persons whatsover shall presume to Print or cause to be Printed either within this Realm of England or any other His Majesties Dominions or in the parts beyond the Seas any Heretical Seditious Schismatical or offensive Books or Pamphlets wherein any Doctrine or Opinion shall be asserted or maintained which is contrary to Christian Faith or the Doctrine or Discipline of the Church of England or which shall or may tend or be to the scandal of Religion or the Church or the Government or Governors of the Church State or Common-wealth or of any Corporation or particular person or persons whatsoever nor shall Import Publish Sell or dispose any such Book or Books or Pamphlets nor shall cause or procure any such to be Published or put to Sale or to be bound Stitched or Sewed together And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no private person or persons whatsoever shall at any time hereafter Print or cause to be Printed any Book or Pamphlet whatsoever unless the same Book and Pamphlet together with all and every the Titles Epistles Prefaces Proems Preambles Introductions Tables Dedications and other matters and things thereunto annexed Entry of printed Books with the Register of the Company of Stationers London be first Entred in the Book of the Register of the Company of Stationers of London Except Acts of Parliament Proclamations and such other Books and Papers as shall be appointed to be Printed by vertue of any Warrant under the Kings Majesties Sign Manual or under the hand of one or both of His Majesties Principal Secretaries of State and unless the same Book and Pamphlet and also all and every the said Titles Epistles Prefaces Proems Preambles Introductions Tables Dedications and other matters and things whatsoever thereunto annexed or therewith to be Imprinted shall be first lawfully Licensed and Authorized to be Printed by such person and persons only as shall be constituted and appointed to License the same according to the direction and true meaning of this present Act herein after expressed Who may Licence Books concerning the Common Laws to be-Printed and by no other that is to say That all Books concerning the Common Laws of this Realm shall be Printed by the special allowance of the Lord Chancellor or Lord Kéeper of the Great Seal of England for the time being the Lords Chief Iustices and Lord Chief Baron for the time being or one or more of them or by their or one or more of their appointments And that all Books of History concerning the State of this Realm or other Books concerning any Affairs of State Books of History and Affairs of State Concerning Heraldry shall be Licensed by the Principal Secretaries of State for the time being or one of them or by their or one of their appointments And that all Books to be Imprinted concerning Heraldry Titles of Honour and Armes or otherwise concerning the Office of Earl Marshal shall be Licensed by the Earl Marshal for the time being or by his appointment or in case there shall not then be an Earl Marshal shall be Licensed by the Thrée Kings of Armes Garter Clarencieux and Norroy or any two of them whereof Garter Principal King of Armes to be one Divinity Physick Philosophy or other Science And that all other Books to be Imprinted or Reprinted whether of Divinity Physick Philosophy or whatsoever other Science or Art shall be first Licensed and allowed by the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Bishop of London for the time being or one of them or by their or one of their appointments or by either one of the Chancellors or Vice-Chancellors of either of the Vniversities of this Realm for the time being Provided always that the said Chancellors or Vice-Chancellors of either of the said Vniversities shall onely License such Books as are to be Imprinted or Reprinted within the limits of the said Vniversities respectively but not in London or elsewhere not medling either with Books of the Common Laws or matters of State or
for the Establishing the Form of Making ●4 Car. 2. 〈◊〉 4 Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops Priests and Deacons in the Church of England according to the said Act or any other subsequent Act. And whereas they or some of them and divers other person and persons not Ordained according to the Form of the Church of England and as have since the Act of Oblivion taken upon them to Preach in unlawful Assemblies Conventicles or Méetings under colour or pretence of Exercise of Religion contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom have setled themselves in divers Corporations in England sometimes Thrée or more of them in a place thereby taking an opportunity to distill the poysonous Principles of Schism and Rebellion into the hearts of His Majesties Subjects to the great danger of the Church and Kingdom Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled Persons restrained from Inhabiting in Corporations and by the Authority of the same That the said Parsons Vicars Curates Lecturers and other persons in holy Orders or pretended holy Orders or pretending to holy Orders and all Stipendaries and other persons who have béen possessed of any Ecclesiastical or Spiritual Promotion and every of them who have not declared their unfeigned assent and consent as aforesaid and subscribed the Declaration aforesaid and shall not take and subscribe the Oath following The Oath I A. B. Do Swear That it is not lawful upon any pretence whatsoever to take Arms against the King and that I do abhor that Traiterous Position of taking Arms by His Authority against His Person or against those that are Commissionated by him in pursuance of such Commissions And that I will not at any time endeavour any Alteration of Government either in Church or State And all such person and persons as shall take upon them to Preach in any unlawful Assembly Conventicle or Méeting under colour or pretence of any Exercise of Religion contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom shall not at any time from and after the Four and twentieth day of March which shall be in this present year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred sixty and five unless onely in passing upon the Road come or be within Five miles of any City or Town Corporate or Burrough that sends Burgesses to the Parliament within His Majesties Kingdom of England Principality of Wales or of the Town of Berwick upon Tweed or within Five miles of any Parish Town or place wherein he or they have since the Act of Oblivion béen Parson Vicar Curate Stipendary or Lecturer or taken upon them to Preach in any unlawful Assembly Conventicle or Méeting under colour or pretence of any Exercise of Religion contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom before he or they have taken and subscribed the Oath aforesaid before the Iustices of the Peace at their Quarter-Sessions to be holden for the County Riding or Division next unto the said Corporation City or Burrough Parish place or Town in open Court which said Oath the said Iustices are hereby Impowred there to Administer upon forfeiture for every such offence the sum of Fourty pounds of lawful English money The Penalty the one Third part thereof to His Majesty and his Successors the other Third part to the use of the poor of the Parish where the offence shall be committed and the other third part thereof to such person or persons as shall or will sue for the same by Action of Debt Plaint Bill or Information in any Court of Record at Westminster or before any Iustices of Assize Oyer and Terminer or Gaol-Delivery or before any Iustices of the Counties Palatine of Chester Lancaster or Durham or the Iustices of the great Sessions in Wales or before any Iustices of Peace in their Quarter-Sessions wherein no Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed Provided always and be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons restrained from coming to any City Town Corporate Burrough Parish Town or place as aforesaid or for any other person or persons as shall not first take and subscribe the said Oath and as shall not frequent Divine Service established by the Laws of this Kingdom and carry him or her self reverently decently and orderly there to Teach any publique or private-School or take any Boarders or Tablers that are Taught or Instructed by him or her self or any other upon pain for every such offence to forfeit the sum of Forty pounds to be recovered and distributed as aforesaid Provided also and be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall be lawful for any Two Iustices of the Peace of the respective County upon Oath to them of any offence against this Act which Oath they are hereby Impowred to Administer to Commit the Offender for Six moneths without Bail or Mainprise unless upon or before such Commitment he shall before the said Iustices of the Peace Swear and Subscribe the aforesaid Oath and Declaration Provided always That if any person intended to be Restrained by vertue of this Act shall without fraud or covin be Served with any Writ Subpoena Warrant or other Process whereby his personal appearance is required his obedience to such Writ Subpoena or Process shall not be construed an offence against this Act. CAP. III. For Uniting Churches in Cities and Towns Corporate FOrasmuch as the setled Provision for Ministers in most Cities and Towns Corporate within this Realm is not sufficient for the Maintenance of able Ministers fit for such places whereby Mean and Stipendary Preachers are entertained to serve the Cures there who wholly depending for their Maintenance upon the good will and liking of their Auditors have béen and are hereby under temptation of too much complying and suiting their Doctrine and Teaching to the humour rather then good of their Auditors which hath béen a great occasion of Faction and Schism and of the contempt of the Ministry The Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled being deeply sensible of the ill consequence thereof and piously desiring able Ministers in such places and a competent setled Maintenance for them by the Vnion of Churches which is also become necessary by reason of the great Ruine of many Churches and Parishes in the late ill times and otherwise Do therefore most humbly beséech Your most Excellent Majesty That it may be Enacted and be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty In what Cities and Towns and how Churches and Chappels may be united by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by the Authority of the same That in every City or Town Corporate and their Liberties within the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales which