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A80730 Two sermons preached at Christ-Church in the city of Dublin, before the honourable the General Convenion of Ireland. The first on Prov.11.14 at the first meeting of the said convention, March 2. 1659. The second on Jude v.19. at a publique fast appointed by the said convention, March 9. 1659. By Sem Coxe, Minister of the gospel and pastor at St. Katherines in Dublin. Coxe, Sem.; Ireland. Parliament. 1660 (1660) Wing C6726; Thomason E1026_21; ESTC R208752 50,638 72

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now in the second place to adde That your Acts of counsel must also be such as may save us from ruine and settle us in peace and safety And herein I cannot nor may undertake to direct your wisdomes as to civil affairs that is not my work Ye are persons that know the Laws of the Land and the occasions of the times and what our Israel ought to do I shall onely mind you of my Masters concernments being now sent with an Ambassage unto you from the Lord and that is this If ye desire as I doubt not but ye do to keep this great people from a fall and to effect their safety then your first and principal work must be to promote true Religion amongst us If any shall ask What Religion I mean I say the reformed Protestant Religion according to the written word of God This is that Religion that hath been sealed unto by so many famous martyrs and confessours this is that Religion which ye all profess this is that Religon which ye must seriously promote if ye intend to save this Island from destruction upon this it is that the flourishng estate of the Commonwealth especially dependeth I shall make this plain unto you in three particulars 1 There is nothing will make a Nation so honourable and full of splendor as the maintaining and vigorous propagating of Religion will do The Apostle Paul informeth us Rom 9. 4. that the glory pertained to the Israelites And why so Because they had the service of God among them The true worship and service of God whilst it was upheld among them made them the most glorious people in the world And on the otherside when the Arke of God before which God was served and worshiped was taken by the Philistines then the glory departed from Israel 1. Sam. 4. 21. 22. The loss of that did obscure their glory and renown 2 There is nothing can make a people so strong and free from trouble as the advanceing of Religion will do no policie or munition or armies can do it When the worship of God was settled at Jerusalem then God was known for a refuge there and the Kings that intended to invade the country saw it and marvailed and fear took hold upon them and pain as of a woman in travail Psal 48. 1-6 The sanctuary of God among the Israelites was the excellency of their strength Ezek. 24. 21. This is the bulwarks of a Nation 3 There is nothing can make the land so prosperous and plenteous in all sorts of outward blessings as this will do if Religion be maintained in its purity When Jehoshaphat had reformed Religion after a great apostasie and had advanced it to its former glory and lustre it is said 2. Chron. 17. 5. that all Judah brought him presents and he had riches and honour in abundance This was it that made him prosperous So likewise it is said concerning Obed edom that the Lord blessed the house of Obed edom and all that pertained to him because of the Arke of God that abode in his house for a time as you may read 2. Sam. 6. 12. Now to the intent that Religion may he advanced and propagated throughout this Land give me leave humbly to propose two things 1 Remove that which may hinder the growth and glory of our Religion 2 Do those things which may promote and advance it First If ye would have the Gospel to prosper and Religion to flourish then endeavour to your utmost strength and power to take those evils out of the way that may keep it under and obstruct its growth beauty and glory I will name some of those impediments 1 Popery together with all its appurtenances doth much hinder the progress of the glorious Gospel in this Land As the Pope is the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 so his doctrine worship and church-Church-government are opposite to that doctrine worship and discipline which Christ would have to be established in his Church Popery is destructive to the Protestant Religion Sathan the angel of the bottomless pit who is King over the Papists hath his name in the Hebrew tongue Abaddon and in the Greek tongue Apollyon i. e. A destroyer Rev. 9. 11. He doth what he can by his seminary Priests and Jesuites to destroy our Religion with all the professors of it May it therefore be the special care of you our Worthies to extirpate Popery with all that pertaineth to it out of this Land And to that end to command That those good Laws already in force against Priests and Jesuites may be put into execution That Papists and their children may be enjoyned to attend upon the publique worship of God in our Congregations and That where any defect shall be found in the Laws as to this matter it may be amended for the time to come 2 Our Religion groaneth under that Schism and Separation that hath been made from the Church of Christ in this land and by reason of those many Sects Errours and Heresies that have issued from thence the remembrances whereof remain written in tears and blood in England and Scotland It may be said of these Errours in general as the Apostle speaketh of the word of Hymeneus and Philetus 2 Tim. 2. 17. that they eat as the canker or gangren insomuch as the very heart of our religion is almost torn out by them May ye therefore be pleased to use your utmost endeavours for the suppression of them all and of that which is the fountain of them all namely the Separate Congregations in the Land Both root and branch must be taken away if ye intend to have Religion to flourish Yet would I be rightly understood herein I mean not that I would have any godly persons interrupted in their meeting together to pray or confer about the things pertaining to the kingdom of God so as care be taken that none do plot or contrive mischief against the Government under which they live by pretence of those meetings as some have too leudly done But I desire this That none be permitted to gather Churches as they call them out of our parochial Congregations or to exercise acts pertaining to Church-government in any of their private meetings 3 Prophanness of all sorts doth exceedingly hinder the flourishing estate of Religion in this Island never were greater abominations committed in a land of light than among us which may justly cause the Lord to depart from his sanctuary and to abhor us May the Lord therefore be pleased to work up your hearts to an unfeigned hatred of all prophanness and ungodliness whatsoever and to use all good means to purge it out of the land And to that end I beg That all Magistrates in their several capacities may be required to put the Laws made against gross sins into due execution especially those that relate to the punishment of that general sin the prophanation of the Lords day and That further provisions may be made against gross offences where the Laws
Priests Office and make it common because all the people had the gifts of the spirit The congregation saith he verse 3. are holy every one of them and the Lord is among them The same thing that they did hath been acting over again upon the theatre of these lands The Apostle Jude verse 11 tells you that the sin of Korah may be committed in the days of the Gospel If this have not been the time of killing the two Witnesses spoken of Revel 11. 7. I am sure it is very like to it a very few years will inform us more fully Now Gods appearance for us in such a time doth make the mercy so much the greater 3 Consider the way whereby the Lord began to work up our hopes for deliverance and restitution to our pristine condition He sets the adversaries themselves at odds they that had ingrossed all the power riches and great Offices into their hands quarrel who should be the greatest The military Anabaptists reach further than their sleeve would stretch in regard of power and command they resolve to win all or to lose all But in the thing wherein they dealt proudly God was above them Exod. 18. 11. Their divisions were the signal omen of our deliverance and their own ruine So that we may well take up that of David Psal 7. 14-16 Behold he travelleth with iniquity and hath conceived mischief and brought forth falsehood he made a pit and digged it and is fallen into the ditch which he made His mischief shall return upon his own head and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate 4 Lastly Observe what eminent instruments God hath raised up to carry on this great work after the enemies themselves had begun it even by persons unthought of hath God wrought both in England and Ireland and Scotland raising up the hearts even of multitudes of the common people to stand for the Parliament All these things conferred together do make Gods mercies in these deliverances to shine most gloriously The third and last Use of this Doctrine is for Exhortation which also will divide it self into two parts For in handling this Use I would direct my speech 1 To all here present in general 2 To you our honorable and grave Counsellors in particular Exhort 1. And first this Doctrine speaketh generally to all here present and to all others in this land who have had an hand or voice in the election of these honorable Persons to be your Representatives in this great Convention or that do expect to receive any benefit by them as instruments in Gods hand for your good You must carry it so toward them as you would do toward such from whom you expect safety and to be kept from falling This duty of yours toward them whom God hath set up to be the conservators of your peace I shall lay down and illustrate in Four particulars 1 You must honor love and respect them as those that are to be your Saviours prize them as Gods ordinance for the procuring of your safety and deliverance from destruction When the Apostle had spoken of Magistracy and the protection we recieve from it Rom. 13. 1-4 he maketh this Use of that he had taught in the 7. Verse Render therefore to all their dues Honour to whom honour is due As if he should have said the Magistrate deserveth honour for the safety you recieve by his means The Heathens used to Deify their Heroes for those noble acts they had done for them herein they exceeded their due bounds and limits But we that are called Christians usually fall too short in our esteem of Magistrates we give them not the honour due to them This is foul ingratitude to deny honour to those that are the means under God of our safety 2 You must not pass rash censures upon what they shall act in your name and for your good It is a great fault in many both Ministers and others that they pry too far into the Ark of State and when their eyes dazzle then they speak evil of the things they understand not it were better for such to keep themselves within the compass of their own callings It is too disingenuous to censure those Persons that have been chosen by us and do act according to their abilities for our good Thou shalt not revile the Gods saith the Lord Exod. 22. 28. nor curse the ruler of thy people Whisperers backbiters murmurers complainers upon every supposed occasion are the refuse of the people A Moses cannot scape the lash of such mens tongues 3 You must yeild subjection to such things as they shall agree upon for your good to such Ordinances as they shall make on your behalf They are the persons who are intrusted in this Land for ordering your publique affairs Wherefore Let every soul be subject to the higher powers Rom. 13. 1. You must submit to them even in those necessary Taxes and Impositions that must by their advice be leavyed for your defence For this cause that is because of the protection you receive from Magistracy Rom. 13. 6. Pay you tribute also Souldiers must be paid their wages and the charge of other publique businesses must be defrayed or else you will fall into unavoidable misery 4 Lastly and especially You must pray for them The Nation is heart sick these are your Physicians you can do no less then pray for a blessing from God upon those means they shall make use of for your cure and healing Mark well the advice the Apostle giveth 1. Tim. 2. 1. 2. I exhort therefore that first of all Supplications Prayers Intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men For Kings and for all that are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty You must pray for them with all kind of prayer and if you do your duty in this particular the Apostle assureth you of three benefits you shall obtain by it 1 The Church shall enjoy more peace by this means 2 Honesty that is justice and fidelity in the civil conversation of men will be the better preserved 3. Godliness true piety and Religion will prosper by this means And the rather must you pay this debt at this time upon a threefold account viz. 1 Because Our counsels have not been successful for many years by past they have not accomplished the things we hoped for either in Church or State but things have grown worse and worse And we have cause to impute this great obstruction to this That we have not prayed for a blessing upon our counsellors and their counsells or at least That we have not prayed in that manner as we ought Ye fight and war saith the Apostle Jam. 4. 2. and so may we say yet ye have not Why Because ye ask not That is our fault And though ye ask yet ye recieve not saith he Verse 3. Why because ye ask amiss It never sped well with our counsels
multitude of unstable spirits in the land who change in their principles upon every occasion of whom ye are admonished to beware Prov. 24. 21. My son fear thou the Lord and the King and meddle not with them that are given to change Hearken not unto them have nothing to do with them that are every day devising a new cut in regard of religious and civil matters And he giveth you fix Reasons against this unsetledness of spirit and against intermedling with them that are so changeable in Verse 22. For their calamity shall rise suddenly and who knoweth the ruine of them both 1 Calamity shall be the portion both of these changlings and of those that meddle with them their calamity shall rise c. neither of them shall escape danger Gideous idolatry in making an Ephod putting it in his own city became a snare to him and to his house and to all Israel Judg. 8. 27. it brought much misery upon them 2 This calamity shall rise as a bird out of the bush unthought of by such ways and means as are not by us imaginable by some extraordinary hand of God As it fell out with King Uzziah who would needs invade the Priests office to burn incense in the temple but the Lord in a miraculous manner plagued him the leprosy even rose upin his forehead saith the Text 2. Chron. 26. 19. 3 It shall rise suddenly before it can be thought of Prov. 6. 15. Tberefore his calamity come suddenly suddenly shall he be broken without remedy They shall have no time to parley with it 4. This calamity shall end in ruine in a total destruction the misery of such persons shall be capital Thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked saith Habbakkuk in his prayer Chap. 3. 13. God will utterly destroy them 5 It shall be the ruine of them both They that are given to change and they that meddle with them shall fare both alike Not onely Korah Dathan and Abiram did perish for their innovation in matters appertaining to religion and civil government but also those two hundred and fifty princes that were ensnared by them and drawn into that mutany as you find Numb 16. 31-35 6 This ruine shall be unexpressible unconceivable Who knoweth it who is able to declare how great it shall be Ye shall not doubt have many giddy phanatick spirits fawning upon you who will seek to unsettle your judgments and to turn you out of the right and old way for these croaking frogs swarm in every corner Therefore stand your ground be well resolved in your own judgments And as you must be well settled in your judgments so you must take good courage to carry on the work before you and to withstand all difficulties you shall encounter with This befitteth your place Be strong and of a good courage saith the Lord to Joshua Ch. 1. 6 7 9. And stir up one another in the words of Joab 2 Sam. 10. 12. Be of good courage and let us play the men for our people and for the Cities of our God and the Lord do that which seemeth him good V. Lastly Ye must also be unanimous of one heart and of one spirit in your counsels and consultations else ye shall never be able to save the people from falling Though Counsellors be many and prudent yet if they fall to division among themselves and side into parties and make factions the people can have no hope of safety and protection from them but must needs be in continual fears and jealousies This was it that put the Israelites into very sad thoughts in the time of their war against Jabin the King of Canaan because that the Reubenites were divided from them in that enterprize and made more account of their own security than of employing themselves any way for the assistance of their brethren in that common danger Judg. 5. 15 16. For the divisions of Reuben there were great searchings of heart Divisions and factions in counsels are sad signs to a Land or to a particular person When that Ahitophel counselled Absalom to fall upon David while he was weary and weak-handed and on the otherside Hushai advised to protract the time untill a great army could be prepared to fight a set battel 2 Sam. 17. 1-13 you know what ruine it brought at last upon Absalom and his party It is strange to observe how great miseries and calamities befell both to Abimelech the son of Jerubbaal or Gideon and likewise to the men of Shechem after that God had sent an evil spirit of division between them Judg. 9. 23. they rested not till they had contrived and effected each others destruction But unity and oneness in counsels doth usually procure safety We use to say vi● unita fortior and it is a truth Many arrows bound together are strong but being divided asunder they are weak and easily broken in pieces I know that I am speaking to such worthy Persons as are very sensible of the bitter fruits of divided couns●ls no people in any age have been more disturbed by factions and parties than we have been Wherefore I humbly beg two Petitions of you who are to be our Representatives in this great Council 1 That ye keep a full accord among your selves Fall not out by the way was the good advice of Joseph to his brethren Gen. 45. 24. Satan and his instruments will do their utmost to divide you watch therefore I beseech you against all temptations in this kind you cannot be too heedfull The Apostle Paul giveth excellent counsel which I also give unto you Rom. 16. 17. Mark them which cause divisions and offences and avoid them have nothing to do with such men 2 That ye also hold a full correspondence in your counsells with your brethren in the other nations that live under the same government with you and particularly with the Parliament of England now so mercifully restored to their freedom and with those that they shall leave in Government during the interval of Parliament From them you have received eminent assistance in your national distress O let it never be forgotten by you The Islands of great Brittain and Ireland are like two bottles swimming in the water if they clash they break or rather they are like a gallant ship and a small boat floating in the Ocean if they dash one against the other by reason of winds and tempests the boat is in great danger to be sunk or split in pieces Think not that you are able to stand alone in taking advice with England will be your honour and safety and a threefold cord is not easily broken as Solomon observeth Eccles 4. 12. Some of you have already made a Covenant and league of friendship with them with hands lifted up to the most high God you must not onely vow but pay your vows to God most high Psal 50. 14. Having thus spoken concerning the Qualifications of Counsellors that would save a Nation I am
are defective Secondly If ye would have true Religion to thrive and flourish then ye must also set upon the doing of those things which may promote and advance Religion I will instance onely in five things which if done would magnify our Religion wherein I become your most humble Petitioner in Christs stead 1 There is nothing can exalt Religion so much as a godly learned orthodox and painful Ministry It is said of good King Jehoshaphat 2 Chron. 17. 6. that his heart was lift up in the ways of God As if the Holy Ghost had said thus of him He did most zealously seek to promote and advance the true religion of God But what course took he to advance it That you shall see in the three next verses He provided carefully that all his people might be taught and instructed in Religion he sent teaching Levites and able Ministers into all parts of the land and Magistrates also with them to protect and encourage them in their Ministry And it is said of King Josiah that he encouraged the Priests and Levites to the service of the house of the Lord 2 Chron. 35. 2 3. That was the way he made use of for the settling of Religion Therefore I intreat That persons unordained to that great work and who despise that great Ordinance of Christ may not be admitted into any Ministerial employment in this Church and Nation That such Ministers ordained as are ignorant scandalous or unsound in judgment in the fundamentals of Religion may not be admitted to any pastoral charge in the Land That those who are already crept in may upon due proof be suspended from their places and in case they reform not ejected That all good endeavours be used to store every congregation with such a soul-saving Preacher as may seed them with knowledg and understanding And That timous care may be taken to encourage such Ministers least themselves and their families starve for want of outward necessaries whilst they deal forth their spirituals to others 2 The settlement and due administration of that Discipline or Cburch-Government which Christ hath appointed to be in his Church is of singular use to pluck up the weeds that the wheat may flourish This is that fence of Gods vineyard spoken of Isa 5. 2. that serveth both to keep in the godly and to keep out the ungodly The want of this holy discipline is a great ground of lamentation Herein I intreat That forasmuch as the matters of Church Government are of so great weight and importance ye would please therein to walk hand in hand with our Brethren in the other parts of these Dominions and That all such matters may be concluded of by a Synodical Assembly of the three Nations 3 The due administration of all Christs holy Ordinances and Institutions makes much to the flourishing condition of Religion in the Land especially of those that are the sealing Ordinances and the misusage or non-usage of those Ordinances is our great reproach in all the reformed Churches These are the food of our souls I therefore pray That all such Ministers as have the care of Congregations may be required to administer all Christs Ordinances even the sealing Ordinances to duly qualified persons within their precincts though as yet the Government of the Church be not setled Methinks it is sad that any of the Lords people should be deprived of their spiritual food and so famish whilst we are contending which is the best way of carving it out unto them And That none be permitted to administer any of the sealing Ordinances save in the parishes whereof they are Pastors unless it be by the consent of the Minister in whose Parish they desire to administer them 4 Catechising in the principles of Religion is also an excellent way and mean to propagate Religion and cause it to flourish This is milk for babes in Christ And it is for want of the due performance of this by Ministers Parents and Masters of Families that there is so little found knowledge and understanding in the Land My request therefore is That ye will by all due ways and means shew your approbation of the way of Catechising and That ye will as ye have opportunity stir up all sorts of persons in their several places to a consciencious performance of their duty therein 5 Lastly Schools of Learning do also contribute much to the flourishing state of Religion Those are the nurseries wherein grow up many plants for the use both of Church and Commonwealth May you therefore please to take this also into your serious thoughts and to provide That the University near this City and all such Schools as are already erected and founded may be nourished and maintained That fit Schoolmasters may be provided and well encouraged and That other Schools may also be erected as occasion shall require These things amongst many others that might have been mentioned I have been bold to mind you of from the Lord that so by your counsells ye may prove to be the blessed Physicians of this languishing Church and Nation I shall conclude with that speech of David to his sonne Solomon when he was to build the house of the Lord 1 Chron. 22. 16. Arise therefore and be doing and the Lord be with you The Second Sermon Jude verse 19. These be they who separate themselves sensual having not the Spirit THat it is a duty appertaining to the Ministers of the Gospel to preach the Word of God soundly and sincerely in doctrine shewing incorruptness is a thing that none will deny It is commanded that they use sound speech that cannot be condemned Tit. 2. 8 9. But that is not all that Ministers have to do they stand bound also to preach seasonable Truths otherwise they shall be found wanting in their duty toward the people of God We are informed that the right timing of a thing is that which setteth a lustre upon it Eccl. 3. 11. Every thing is beautiful in its time fruit is the best when it is ripe words though they may be truths yet lose their beauty if unseasonably spoken And therefore Solomon hath an excellent Proverb for this Prov. 25. 11. A word fitly spoken or upon its wheels as it is in the margine with a due concurrence and observation of all its circumstances Is like apples of gold in pictures of silver pleasant as apples profitable as gold and silver When the Apostle Peter observed the giddy humours of Sectaries Apostates from the faith which once they had professed he makes this the work of that time by all good means to confirm the Saints in the truth against those phantasies and to that end writeth an Epistle to them 1 Pet. 5. 12. Exhorting and testifying that this is the true grace of God wherein they stand So when Paul observed that the City of Athens was wholly given to idolatry he bendeth himself to this seasonable doctrine even to declare to them that God whom they did ignorantly worship
thousands Use 2. Hence there ariseth just ground of humiliation before the Lord this day in that this error of separation from the Church of Christ is so overspred these dominions and over this island particularly I told you in the begining of my discourse that this is the Achan the Pest of our lands and that I would clear that unto you which I shall now do but with much brevity that so our hearts may be the more deeply humbled in the presence of God The abomination of this sin of separating from the Church and Ordinances of Christ will appear in these four particulars 1 Separation is the most fruitfull sin of many others it is a very comprehensive evil the womb out of which issues many prodigious monsters If I should begin to shew its rise and growth it may be it would prove offensive to some here present and it would be beside my purpose Observe therefore onely its of spring hence arise many of the heresies and abominations that are how among us we are pestered with Anabaptists Seekers Quakers and the like sorts of vipers but they all began in Separation Men first run out of the Church and then they may be of any religion they please Our late experience doth abundantly confirm this And how indeed should it be otherwise when men forsake the true Church what hindreth but they may erect any Church that they shall devise The fruitfulness of it maketh it the fouler sin 2 Separation is a sin that many of Gods own people as we do conceive in the judgment of charity are smutted and tainted with And the sins of Gods children are aggravated by many more circumstances than the sins of other men are Israel hath sinned was that which God affirmeth to Joshua as a great ground of humiliation Chap. 7. 11. The children of God sin against greater outward light and means of grace than others do they sin against the inward light of the spirit of God they sin against greater mercies than others do they sin against covenants vows and strong resolutions This makes their sin of separation much the greater and more to be lamented in the presence of God it is the sin his own people 3 Separation is a greater sin by far than otherwise it would be in this respect because it is maintained countenanced and preached up as if it were no sin at all but a duty This kind withdrawing from Church and Ordinances is held forth as a great gospel truth by many Satans temptation was the more dangerous and the womans transgression the greater when the forbidden fruit was eaten of under the shew and appearance of good Gen. 3. 5 6. It is a great sin to call that good that is evil in it self God cannot abide it when men are so stupid as to call darkness light This also calleth for mourning 4 Separation is that leaven which leaveneth the whole lump it is that canker or gangren that will if God prevent it not eat out the heart of all goodness as the Apostle speaketh of the doctrine of Hymeneus and Philetus 2 Tim. 2. 17. It is indeed a dangerous sign of a carnal man though he may be cloathed in a religious habit The Apostle propoundeth this question to those that studied to make a rent at Corinth and to those that were led by them 1 Cor. 3. 3 4. Are ye not carnal As if he had said I much suspect your grace and doubt that you are persons carnal sensual having not the spirit because ye run thus into separations and divisions in the Church We have now done with the second use Use 3. If separation be such an old dangerous spreading and contaminating evil then here is exhortation in two branches I. If this be so great an evil then I beg that you flie separation and also those that would entice you to it take heed of being drawn from that Church in which you have been born and brought up for God Meddle you not with them that are given to change their Church It becometh us all to be of Davids mind who professeth Psal 119. 113. I hate vain thoughts It is in the original more emphatical ramos or summitates arborum I hate to be like the upper branches of a tree that are bowed and shaken with every wind to be a weather-cock in religion without ballast changing and turning with every turn of the times O this is an hateful thing indeed Now if you would be preserved from this evil that you may not be seduced into separation I shal prescribe unto you five helps which are all laid down by the Apostle Jude in the two verses that do succeed our Text viz. Verse 20. 21. But ye beloved building up your selves on your most holy faith praying in the holy Ghost keep your selves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life 1 He that would be kept from separation must lay a good foundation of faith in his heart This is cleerly hinted in these words Building up your selves in your most holy faith there must first be a foundation laid before we can rear a building Faith is this foundation to build upon building on your faith Faith in Christ Jesus will keep a man from seduction Vpon this rock saith our Savour Mat. 16 18. viz. upon my self whom thou hast now confessed I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it neither Satan nor seducers shall be able to lead him from the church who hath true faith fixed upon Christ faith will conquer 2 When you have digged deep and are come to the foundation you must build upon it unto perfection Building up your selves on your most holy faith He that would stand against wind and weather and not be shaken and rent from the church must be sure to build upon the foundation and upon that onely If a man build partly upon the foundation and partly beside it his building will settle and fall or if a man leave earth and rubish between the foundation and the building the fabrick will come to naught The cause why the house stood when the rain descended and the flouds came and the windes blew and beat upon it was because it was founded upon a rock Mat. 7. 24. 25. On the otherside The cause why the other house stood not but fell when the rain descended and the flouds came and the winds blew and beat upon it was because it was built upon the sand and not upon the foundation Verse 26. 27. The more that a man laboureth for perfection of faith to be made compleat in Christ the more shall he be kept from being a Separatist 3 You must pray fervently for your perfeverance in church-state and fellowship Praying in the holy Ghost that is in the strength of the spirit of God by his motion and inspiration and not with the mouth onely as hypocrites use to do it is not lip labour that