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A74986 An antidote against heresy: or a preservative for Protestants against the poyson of Papists, Anabaptists, Arrians, Arminians, &c. and their pestilent errours. Shewing the authors of those errours, their grounds and reasons, the time when and occasion how they did arise; with general answers to their arguments taken out of holy scripture and the ancient fathers. Written to stay the wandering and stablish the weak in these dangerous times of Apostasy. / By Richard Allen, M.A. sometime Fellow of Penbrooke [sic] Colledge in Oxford. Allen, Richard, b. 1604 or 5. 1648 (1648) Wing A1045A; Thomason E1168_2; ESTC R208803 57,457 159

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is spiritual heavenly and divine The matter of the thing present the Apostle shews plainly 1 Cor. 10.16 But for the manner of presence we have no such evident demonstration To conclude the truth is present with the signs the Holy Spirit with the Sacrament feeding our souls with the truth of Christs body and blood but the invisible working of that Divine Spirit herein is unsearchable the natural man cannot perceive it because it is spiritual Let us firmly beleeve then what we cannot conceive and rest assured in this truth that we receive in the Sacrament the very body and blood of Christ by Faith though we cannot conceive it by sense or reason CHAP. XXVII Of Reformation Truth THere is no particular Church on earth and never was so priviledged but that it may and many have faln into dangerous Errours both of life and doctrine as the examples of all both former and latter times have witnessed so that there is no Church consisting of men that may err but may need Reformation even as a material building doth need often reparation And for as much as many horrible abuses and superstitions were lately brought through the deceitfulness of some into the Church of England to the great dishonor of Almighty God the decay of piety and imminent ruine of the true Protestant Religion therefore this present Reformation was extreamly necessary and is no Innovation but a Restauration only of our Church to its ancient purity of doctrine discipline and divine worship as it was established by the noble Princes K. Edward 6. and Q. Elizabeth of famous memories Although this truth be as clear as the light Errours as shall immediately be made appear and that this present Reformation hath cast out many gross abuses that contrary to the determinations of our Church have been lately put upon us yet there are divers adversaries that either out of malice or ignorance or both do still with all their might oppose it And so I shall reduce them all under three heads The first is of those that do it of pure malice as all lewd and dissolute persons who hate all reformation whatsoever that shal hedg up their extravagant ways and give a check or stop to their loose courses among these we may reckon some Papists and other Sectaries The second is of those that do it of meer ignorance as divers civil Protestants that think no Religion so ancient as that they were bred in and strangely mistaking Church-men for the Church take up most of their religion upon their credit The third sort do it of malice and ignorance both as divers fiery spirits that think there is no way to reform the Church unless they pull it to pieces as if there were no way to cure the head-ache but to knock a mans brains out There be also divers hypocrites that can drive on a reformation for their own ends and advantages and yet are as great enemies to the truth of it as any of the former Antidote I shall endeavor to satisfie the honest Protestant that is engaged against the reformation for want of better information and would soon perhaps imbrace the truth if he were not courted with so many lyes by deceivers that abound in the world The common complaint and cry is for the Religion that was in Queen Elizabeths time again And that we have not now the same Religion The Answer in brief is that we have the same Religion still not a new And that the true Protestant Religion which was then profest is now not altered but settled being restored to its pristine purity and purged from many abuses wherewith it was but lately corrupted As First Many Popish and Arminian tenents were taught and publickly maintained that are contrary to the doctrine of our Church at first established as will appear by comparing them with the 39. Articles and the book of Homilies the nine Articles of Lambeth and other learned writings of our former Bishops Secondly Many Crucifixes Images or Idols were set up in our most eminent Churches and most eminent places of them and that partly by connivence partly by command of men at that time of most eminent place and note whereby Superstition was nourished and Idolatry committed But now these Images are contrary 1. To the Word of God expresly forbidding them 2. To the judgment of the ancient Christians Fathers and Councels with great zeal condemning them And 3. of our own Church of England as in the book of Homilies and 39. Articles may be seen Thirdly The Communion Table was altered both in name and place from a Table to an Altar from the body of the Church to the head or upper end of the Chancel contrary to express order s●t down in the book of Common Prayer before the communion where it is said that the Table shall stand in the body of the Church or in the Chancel and the Priest shall stand at the north side which he cannot do if he stand close up to the wall And if it might be placed according to the discretion of the ordinary yet he must have more discretion then ordinary that will make the end of a table the side as one endeavored to do but that his Geometry failed him Fourthly The Bowing used to the Communion Table was a matter of worse consequence then was commonly imagined It is the attendant on Transubstantiation and Consubstantiation It serves to nourish those Errours still in mens minds ushers in many other Popish superstitions and is the occasion of gross Idolatry Fifthly The rails wainscot and traverse courtains before the Table as if it were the Sanctum sanctorum of the Jews or a Chappel intended for private Mass or as if none were holy enough to approach neer it but the Priest also the Tapers Copes Vestments and many other things lately used though they seemed but small matters to some yet they were not the less dangerous for being little for like little thieves they crept in at our Church windows to open doors to the great ones and if these had continued by this time they would have brought in the whole Mass of Popish Idolatry and those that plead for them are but the devils pimps that seduce the people and under the name of things indifferent would lead them a whoring after Idolls Hereunto we may add that horrible abuse of Excommunication the highest censure of the Church that in the Courts Christian was made a messenger to fetch in fees and men were cast out of the Church for not comming into the Court to say no more Lastly They err as much on the other hand and are to be condemned that scornfully or basely abuse the Church and places set apart for the use of Gods Ordinances which is seldom done but in open or secret contempt of the ordinances themselves Let them among other examples remember that of Julian unckle to the Apostate who in contempt pissed against the Communion Table his bowels rotting out he voyded
AN ANTIDOTE Against HERESY OR A Preservative for Protestants against the poyson of Papists Anabaptists Arrians Arminians c. and their pestilent Errours Shewing the Authors of those Errours their grounds and reasons the time when and occasion how they did arise with general Answers to their Arguments taken out of holy Scripture and the Ancient Fathers Written to stay the wandering and stablish the weak in these dangerous times of Apostasy By RICHARD ALLEN M. A. sometime Fellow of Penbrooke Colledge in Oxford Pro. 23.23 Buy the Truth and sell it not London Printed by John Macock and are to be sold by Nathaniel Brooks at the sign of the Angel in Cornhil TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE Lords and Commons Assembled in PARLIAMENT Grace and Peace be multiplyed Right Honorable DIfferences in the Church have always caused differences in the Commonwealth and differences in the Commonwelth do commonly widen those differences in the Church Differences in Religion did cause these unhappy and unnatural Wars and these Wars have not ended but encreased them For notwithstanding the Solemn League and Covenant to extirpate all Popery Heresie Schism c. and in pursuance thereof your late pious Ordinance to stop their farther growth besides the excellent labours of many learned men yet Heresies are encreased above number like the unruly waters the more they are stopt the more they rage and swell And indeed Heresie Prophaness Barbarism and Atheism it self have always and in all places followed war as close as famine or pestilence do times of war and confusion being as fit times for the envious man to sow his tares in as times of peace sleep or security And now for composing these differences The Italians in a proverbial speech use to say that Hard to Hard never makes good stone-wall Meaning that in any difference there must be some yeelding or else there can never be any firm uniting In matters of Religion I have v●ntured to do something my calling thereunto engaging me with extream longings to see peace and truth settled amongst us These poor labors I humbly present unto your Honors hoping your Honors will take in good part what is intended to a good end though perhaps it may come much short of it and accept the work though small seeing the smallest stone will help to repair the greatest breach Your Honors humbly devoted RICHARD ALLEN monster that neither of the Swords yet could tame or cut off But when I heard the most horrid Blasphemies and saw the monstrous Heresies that every day new-sprang up to the high dishonor and displeasure of Almighty God the reproach of his truth saddening the hearts and dejecting the minds of his people the enemy in mean space riding in triumph and treading down all before him Setting aside all doubts and fears at last I finisht and publisht this small book partly inclined thereunto to yeeld some account of my late unpleasing leisure but chiefly for discharge of my duty and a double engagement that lay upon me 1. As a Christian being all bound as the Apostle exhorts us Jude 3. To contend earnestly for the Faith which was once delivered to the Saints 2. As a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which we are bound more specially to defend and not to give place to false teachers No not for an hour that the truth of the Gospel may continue Gal. 2.5 Besides the solemn Covenant to extirpate all Heresie Schism and Prophaness and whatsoever is contrary to sound doctrine And now right worshipful I present you with it such as it is being engaged also thereunto by the many favors and kindnesses I have received of you whereof be pleased to tak this as an acknowledgment I hope it may prove some help to discover the manifold sleights and impostures of false Prophets and Deceivers that are entered into the world that privily bring in damnable Heresies even denying the Lord that bought them And many follow their pernicious ways but my prayers are always for you that yee may ever escape their snares Your Worships much obliged Nephew Richard Allen. A TABLE OF THE HEADS OR CHAPTERS Chap. I. OF the holy Scripture Page 1. Chap. II. Of the Blessed Trinity Page 14. Chap. III. Of the Creation Page 26. Chap. IV. Of Providence Page 29. Chap. V. Of the Fall of Man and Original Sin Page 35. Chap. VI. Of Freewil Page 40. Chap. VII Of the Person of Christ Page 44 Chap. VIII Of the Office of Christ Page 48 Chap. IX Of the Death of Christ Page 50 Chap. X. Of the Resurrection of Christ Page 54 Chap. XI Of Predestination Page 56 Chap. XII Of Vocation Page 64 Chap. XIII Of Justification Page 73 Chap. XIV Of Sanctification Page 78 Chap. XV. Of the Moral Law Page 84 Chap. XVI Of Good Works Page 87 Chap. XVII Of Death and Burial Page 90 Chap. XVIII Of the Resurrection of the flesh Page 94 Chap. XIX Of Glorification in Heaven Page 96 Chap. XX. Of Hell Page 98 Chap. XXI Of Purgatory Page 99 Chap. XXII Of Images Page 102 Chap. XXIII Of the Church Page 106 Chap. XXIV Of the Sacraments Page 115 Chap. XXV Of Baptism Page 119 Chap. XXVI Of the Lords Supper Page 126 Chap. XXVII Of Reformation Page 134 Chap. XXVIII Of Toleration Page 143 The Preface GOD never wrought miracle to convince Atheism because his ordinary works convince it For the Invisible things of him even his eternal power and Godhead are clearly seen and understood by the works of the Creation Rom. 1.20 And indeed never any people was heard of so barbarous but did acknowledg a God and though otherwise rude and voyd of all civility yet did profess and practise some Religion The very nature of man it self so far abhors direct Atheism that the Heathen made them Gods of wood and stone rather then have none at all and gave Divine Honours not to men only like themselves but even to base and vile creatures rather then be without a Religion The Devil then not able to root up this perswasion of a Deity so deeply and strongly fastened in the hearts of all men by nature from Atheism he turned to Heathenism from denying to multiplying the heavenly Deity and with a multitude of false Gods abused the world almost 4000. years But When the fulness of time was come God sent his Son a light to lighten the Gentiles who with the beams of his glorious truth so scattered this universal fog of Paganism that those lying vanities were shortly discovered mens consciences convinced of their former gross ignorance and turned from dead Idols to serve the living God And now this old Serpent is put to a new shift which the Father of lies was not long to seek of but driven from Heathenism betakes himself to Heresie for the worship of false Gods setting up false worships of the true God wherein he multiplied so exceedingly that now there are as many false worships as before were false Gods To trace this crooke●
Serpent through all his turnings and windings from the primitive times to this present to observe the subtile ways and methods he hath used to note by what steps and degrees he hath from time to time insinuated himself into the very bosom of the Church spreading this deadly poyson over all its Members and every point of Doctrine so that the true Religion at this day lays gasping and labouring for life is a work too great for so small a volum The first Instrument he found fit for this purpose was Simon Magus of whom we read Acts 8. how he bewitched the people of Samaria This Sorcerer is the Father of all Hereticks and his Heresie the cursed womb from whence sprang that numerous brood that now covers the face of the earth and hath raised the devil a mighty Kingdom At this day it is divided though not against it self in two main provinces the Mahumetan in the East in the West the Antichristian of the one the Turk is Viceroy of the other the Pope is Vicar Vnder these two Generalissimoes all those enemies of Christ are listed both the enemies of his Person and the enemies of his Office among whom though there be a seeming difference yet indeed there is a secret league like Sampsons Foxes their heads look contrary ways yet they are all Foxes and joyned together by the tails These are the Foxes that spoyl the Lords Vineyard and do more hurt by secret fraud then the wild Boar by open force Baalam a false Prophet did the Israelites more hurt then the Amorites with all their Armies And that Heretick Arrius did the Christian Church more hurt then the Savage Emperours did with all their Legions No marvell then we are so often warned in holy Scripture to beware of these Seducers and false teachers because they creep in unawares Jude 4. They bring in their Heresies privily and insinuate themselves with fained words 1 Pet. 2.1 3. They have a form of godliness 2 Tim. 3.5 And with their fair outsides get within us surprise and lead us captive And therefore we had need be very wary and never more need then now for Seducers wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived 2 Tim. 4. They compass Sea and Land they fill Town and Country and not only creep into houses but up into high places so bold they are grown Now as Iannes and Iambres withstood Moses so do these resist the truth men of corrupt minds of no judgment concerning the Faith 2 Tim. 3.8 But that they proceed no further here are discovered their Errours that being seen they may be shun'd and avoided And though here be not discovered all which is almost impossible yet here are if I mistake not the principal whereunto the rest are but accessory The end of this small work is to furnish the weaker sort with general answers out of Gods own Word to the Arguments of the Adversaries and with plain Reasons if not sufficient to defeat the enemy yet enough I hope to defend themselves that they may be provided for them whensoever they be encountred by them lest being unprepared at unawares they be led away with the Errour of the wicked 2 Pet. 3.17 These are the first fruits of a larger harvest if it be accepted being but a handful taken out of a heap Imprimatur James Cranford March 28. 1648. AN ANTIDOTE Against HERESIE CHAP. I. Of the holy Scriptures THe holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the very Word of God Truth written by holy men as they were moved by the Holy Ghost and contain all things that are necessary to be known or beleeved to eternal salvation being sufficient of themselves to instruct the Church or people of God thereunto By holy Scripture we understand only those books that were anciently accounted and are now received by the Church of England for Canonical Adversaries and Errours Errours that oppose this truth are many but may all be reduced to these three heads 1. Are those that enlarge the Canon of holy Scripture adding many things to it that are not of it 2. Are those that diminish the same denying some parts and taking some books from it 3. There be those that refuse and re●ect the whole debasing and despising the Authority of the holy Scriptures and esteeming no better of them then of humane writings 1. Of this latter sort were anciently Simon Magus Montanus and such deceivers and they are followed at this day by the Anabaptists who call the written Word a dead letter and ground their new doctrines upon revelations dreams and visions whereunto they give such credit that at Sangal a Town of Switzerland one of them cut of his brothers head pretending a revelation or command from heaven so to do Sleidan Comment l. 6. By this art Mahomet brought his damnable religion in credit with the world for having the falling sickness he pretended it was a trance wherein he received revelations fr●m heaven and by the same art Muncer Becold Cnipperdolling and other false Prophets of the Anabaptists in Germany seduced a world of poor miserable people to their own destruction The Papists say the Scriptures are of no more credit and authority then meer Fables without the Testimony and approbation of the Church and take them quite away from the reading of Lay-people as dangerous and hurtful and have burnt not only the books of Scripture but bodies of men too for having them in a known tongue such bitter enemies they are to the Word of God 2. There be others that deny not the whole but diminish only the Canon of holy Scripture refusing some parts and rejecting some books 1. The whole New-Testament as the Jews do Or 2. all the Old Testament as the new Libertines do who affirm it is abrogated the Socinians who say it is unnecessary and may well be spared 3. And there be others that enlarge the Canon of holy Scripture adding many things to it that are not of it so the Papists do not only traditions or unwritten verities as they call them but fabulous legends also and written lyes upon a pretence of want and defect in the Scriptures as not containing all truths necessary to salvation nor sufficient to instruct us thereunto without a supply of Apochryphal books traditions and divers humane inventions Antidote The Scriptures are the only touchstone to try and discern Truth from Error by and are called a Testament because they are testis mentis the witness of Gods most holy will against all adversaries then and their errours we affirm First that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the very Word of God of sufficient authority and credit without the Church or any humane testimony to establish any point of doctrine and decide any controversie of Religion For such as the authority of the author of any writing is such is the authority of the writing it self but God is the Author of holy Scripture therefore the Scriptures are of
it was sold was it not in thine own power The community spoken of was only of things dedicated to the Churches treasury for relief of poor brethren there remaining still something to a man that was proper to himself and a liberty to retain what part he pleased as is plain For otherwise if all things were common to what purpose are we exhorted to liberality What need Paul work with his own hands or how could he be burthensom to any one if all things were common Lastly Though the Church be but one as there is but one Faith c. yet it is distinguished into Catholick or Universal and Particular The Catholick so called because it comprehends the faithful of all times and places the particular named according to the place where that part is seated The Roman Church then is unduly called Catholick because it is a particular Heretical Church neither universal nor orthodox Those are mistaken and to blame that call the Papists Catholicks because they profess not the Catholick faith or faith of the Catholick Church neither is their Religion the old Religion but new and upstart being a fardel of late humane inventions not at all to be found in any sacred Record CHAP. XXIV Of the Sacraments THe Sacraments are holy and visible signes and seals ordained of God Truth the more fully to declare and assure unto us the promise of the Gospel The Sacraments of the New Testament are only two Baptism and the Lords Supper Adversaries are 1. Errours Those Hereticks both old and new that deny all Sacraments saying they are of no use in the Church 2. The Anabaptists think there is no other use or end of the Sacraments but only to serve as badges of our Christian Profession 3. The Papists say the Sacraments confer grace by vertue of the work done And 4. That there are seven Sacraments of the New Testament and hold them accursed that say there are fewer or that they are not all truly and properly Sacraments ordained by Christ Antidote Although the name of Sacrament be not to be found in the Scriptures yet we find Mystery there a word of the same signification and the things themselves were ordained by Christ in the Scriptures Math. 28.19 Go teach all nations baptizing them c. Luk. 22.19 20. He took bread c. and after supper took the cup c. saying Do this in remembrance of me And God hath ordained the Sacraments not to be bare signes but seals also and pledges to assure us of the promises made in his Word and so the Apostle Rom. 4.11 calls circumcision a seal of the righteousness of faith Not as if the Sacrament gives strength to the promise as weak of it self but as a seal confirms and assures it to us Secondly Although the Sacraments do not confer grace yet they are a means to convey it unto us for being sensible elements that may be seen felt and tasted every sence is a pipe or conduit as it were to draw and convey from the outward element the thing thereby signified to the inward understanding Yet this is done not by vertue of the work done or by uttering certain words but by the vertue of Gods ordinance and power of the holy Ghost working with the same If the Sacraments did contain grace essentially within them as Medicine in a box then indeed it might follow that by the outward work done grace should be conferred but we see the contrary That invisible sanctification hath been without the visible signs and again the visible signes have been given without true sanctification Aug. in Levit. qu. 84. as we see in the examples of Cornelius the Centurion and Simon Magus And therefore also though the Sacraments cannot be despised or neglected being Gods ordinances without great impiety and unthankfulness towards him who by them hath so tenderly provided for our weakness yet they are not so absolutely necessary to salvation that without them it is impossible to be saved for God is above his ordinances and can save us without them It is not the want but contempt of the Sacraments that is dangerous and damnable Bernard Lastly There are but two Sacraments only of the New Testament Baptism and the Lords Supper we read of no more ordained by Christ who only hath power to ordain Sacraments and this was done in regard of our weakness that we should not be over-burthened Some few signes for many were delivered unto us and the same in doing most easie in understanding most holy in observing most pure as are Baptism and the Lords Supper August lib. de Doct. Christ c. 9. And therefore those five other Sacraments reckoned by the Church of Rome are not Sacraments of the New Testament neither have any Warrant in Gods Word For 1. Penance and Matrimony cannot be Sacraments of the New Testament because they were in being and as necessary both before and under the Law as now they are 2. The use of Matrimony belongs to Heathens as well as Christians 3. The Papists contradict themselves for they accurse those that shall say the Sacraments are not necessary to salvation Concil Trident. Sess 7. Can. 4. and yet debar their Priests from Matrimony which they account one of those Sacraments and so highly extol single life in all as if there were no other way to heaven for any They say the Sacraments confer grace and yet deny Matrimony to their Priests and so deprive them of that grace that Matrimony might confer upon them and so keep them honest CHAP. XXV Of Baptism BAptism is the Sacrament of admission or entrance into the Church Truth wherein by the outward washing or sprinkling of the body with water the inward cleansing of the soul from sin thorough the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ and washing of the Holy Ghost is signed and sealed unto us The Baptism of Infants is in any wise to be retained in the Church as most agreeable with the institution of Christ Adversaries 1. Errours Some explode Baptism quite out of the Church as some Hereticks of old and now adays do 2. Others allow it to folk of riper years but deny it to children as the Pelagians did and Anabaptists do and both upon the same ground some of them say it is an horrible abomination 3. Some esteem of Baptism as a thing indifferent 4. The Papists say it is absolutely necessary to salvation that children dying without it are not saved 5. Lastly the same Papists also abuse and adulterate this holy ordinance adding to the element of water salt spittle oyl c. using tapers exorcisms and other silly ceremonies in number as they reckon 22. and also prophane the same in applying it to things without reason and life as bells banners swords and daggers and that to bloody ends c. Antidote That Baptism was ordained commanded by our blessed Savior is expresly mentioned Mat. 29.19 whereunto is annexed a promise of salvation Mark 16.16 And
his own excrements at his mouth Our own times have not wanted like examples of mans impiety and Gods judgment But leaving them to their nasty stables c. although we know God doth hear us in all places when we call upon him yet that decent places be set apart and beautified with comely ornaments is very fit and becoming such holy duties and services There is one main rub yet that many stumble at and that is the strict examination of communicants and suspension upon some causes from the holy communion to remove this let them understand it is no more but the duty of the Minister formerly enjoyned by the Orders of our own Church as is to be seen in the book of Common Prayer and therefore is no innovation These things and the like duly considered we may see the Errour of many who under the name of the Protestant Religion do most of all oppose it and think to establish the Church of England with those Engines that will utterly destroy it Let all true-hearted Protestants consider these things and as they love the Church of England their Mother vindicate her quarrel against those that have so basely abused her those crafty chapmen that under the name and authority of the Church of England have cheated the people with those counterfeit stuffs that the Church of England never commended but condemned If there be any other alteration in our Church then what ●●th been mentioned It is not of any sub●●●●ce but some circumstance there is no alteration in the body but in the apparrel An eminent Doctour of our own says I am sure no friend to Novelism that Clerical habits vestiments are not the body but swadling clothes of Religion and we know there is a time to leave off such things And so all other Ceremonies were judged alterable by those that first ordained them As the Philosopher said of his son Scio me genuisse Mortalem so they knew their decrees when they made them were not Median-Persian Laws but that they might and must be altered if after times should see as good reason to remove these Ceremonies as they themselves did to remove many before See the Prefaces to the book of Common-prayer But the Bishops are put down and that is a great blot to the Reformation But tell me did stately Palaces great attendance and lordly titles agree with the poverty meekness humility of our Saviour whose servants they profess themselves And for a farther trial of the lawfulness of these things a trial that will not deceive Let a form of prayer be drawn and ther● 〈◊〉 a complaint unto Almighty God fo●●●ese things and a supplication to restore them particularly and by name and let me see who dares go into the presence of God with such a prayer in his mouth Things lawful and conscionable we may with comfort pray for but those things that a mans conscience dares not pray for his own conscience condemns for unlawful But the Church is trodden down her lands and goods embeziled c. that is the Bishops Lands c. still a shrewd mistake If they are taken from them and restored to the right owners that every Church may have its proper maintenance and they enjoy the means that take the pains is this sacriledg or Justice And what was it when the Bishops c. held and enjoyed so many tithes and profits properly belonging to other poor Ministers that were Church men as well as themselves and took care of the Churches So much of their means as is not this way due to others may well be employed to settle a more useful Ministry as the present necessities of the Church every where require CHAP. XXVIII Of Toleration THough the Heathen had infinite Gods almost and as many several Religions Ceremonies and forms of worship yet we never read of any contention among them about any difference of Religion the Reason was because the Gods of the Heaven as one says were goods fellows and content to share that glory amongst them that was none of theirs but the true God is a jealous God and cannot endure a partner of that glory that is properly his own And therefore there can be no greater Argument against the Sectaries that they are not of God then their great desire of Toleration of all Religions But Joan. Vlt. a small Errour is sharply taken up it may warn us not to suffer the least Errour though not fundamental for tares if suffered to grow at last will pluck down the wheat We must follow St. Pauls example Gal. 1.5 Who would not give place to false brethren no not for an hour that the truth of the Gospel might continue So we must not give place to any Errourist But as the Apostle says Tit. 1.11 Their mouths must be stopt because their words eat like a canker 2 Tim. 2.17 And though small at first yet will eat out the very heart and life of all Religion at last FINIS