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A50843 Samaritanism reviv'd, a sermon preached at the parish church of Great Yarmouth, upon the ninth of September being the day appointed for a solemn thanksgiving for the discovery of the late horrid plot, against His Majesty's person and government / by Luke Milbourne. Milbourne, Luke, 1649-1720. 1683 (1683) Wing M2037; ESTC R7778 45,022 57

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truth of Christs Religion She again by Act of Parliament resettled that almost lost form of Worship Calv. Cecillio Anglo and to this very work Calvin himself excites as he tells Sir W. Cecill afterwards Lord Burghly whom by an Epistle he perswades to advance the same Work with all his power and he that shall compare that Epistle of his to the Duke of Somerset when Protector with this will find him a strong approver of that very Method our English Prelates insisted in in their Reformation The maintaining of Gods Worship so settl'd has been the work of succeeding Princes wherein CHARLES the Martyr of Glorious Memory was Inferior to none More Black more Bloody and terrible yet was that gloomy Night of Confusion and Rebellion that ensued but it pleas'd God the great worker of Miracles to produce Light once again out of horrid Darkness to restore our Sovereign to his Throne and our Bishops and Curates to the Church as at first A task they had no less hard than that of Judas Maccabeus of old 1 Mace 4.36 61. to purifie those Temples once dedicated to Gods Honour but then miserably profan'd by the impure devotions of time-serving Enthusiasts and Rebels then was the Nations Gratitude to God for that never to be forgotten Mercy duly exprest by renewing the Vniformity of Common-Prayer and Service in the Church Act of Uniformity 14 Car. 2. and Administration of the Sacraments for the better securing divine Blessings to us for the future And this Order is now settled among us by so good Laws confirm'd by so irrefragable Authority secur'd by such excellent Rules and Canons Corbets and Okeys Speeches in the Account of their Deaths p 54 56. See Burnet's Hist of Ref. v. 2. Preface p. 16 17. that even by the Confession of our greatest Enemies our Church and Nation is the Envy of our Neighbours the Bulwark and glory of the Reformation And the Regular and Instituted Clergy are generally so faithful to the Interest of the true Religion as establish'd among us by Law and so well able to assert it against all Gainsayers that while any regard is had by the People to them we need not run out of our Wits for fear of Innovations In three Revolutions then our case has been paralel with that of the Jews we have been Captives to our insulting Enemies as well as they and every return from Captivity has been celebrated with the Restauration of Gods truly Ancient Worship and Service But we have had Samaritans too Persons who have by all the Methods of Subtilty and Violence oppos'd that Glorious Work That the Zealots of the Church of Rome should espouse her Interest endeavour to reenslave these Churches to Superstition and Idolatry is no wonder but that Persons who pretend the greatest Hatred to that Religion should joyn with its Favourers should promote and extend its Doctrines should imitate its worst and most Unchristian Practices was very strange But again to abate of that wonder it was impossible that those Persons who concluded every thing unlawful and execrable that had been us'd in the time of Popery and consequently to be rejected should have any real good will to the Reformation Reason tells us That the abuse of a thing though never so gross cannot alter its first or Original nature Our Saviour himself submitted to the Jewish Rites that he might fulfil all righteousness though Moses's Law had been as much adulterated among the Jews Matth. 3.15 as that of Christ among Papists And the Apostles did not reject every Ceremony or Circumstance that had been abus'd by the Heathens All which may inform us that those who use such Arguments against Constitutions lawful in themselves as their former abuse can aim at nothing by so doing but only a general Disorder and Confusion It was indeed the Master-Piece of Roman Policy to scatter the Seeds of Division and Separation among us and to bring men into conceit against all public Order and Vniformity and they began this Practice betimes some few there were that from prejudices contracted by forreign Conversation oppos'd some appointments of the Church in K. Edward the 6ths days but their Scruples were of little concern the Effects of their opposition were prevented by Qu. Maries Persecution But it was an ill Omen of what might follow that the English Exiles at Frankford should quarrel about the form of Gods Worship and Knox the Head of the Schismatical party be so early and yet justly accus'd of Treason against the German Emperor When those who had created disturbance there return'd home in the beginning of Queen Elizabeths Reign they brought so much of a pervicacious humor along with them that though they fell not themselves into direct separation from the establish'd Church of England yet they laid the cursed foundations of those fatal differences we have ever since groan'd under the Parties were but few in those days but that prudent Queen was so well convinc'd of the Influence their Novel and disorderly conceits then vented must have upon the State that no perswasions though from her greatest Favourites could reconcile her to them and yet the Dissenters their Successors in these days proclaim her no friend to Popery He that reads the Authentic story of Faithful Commin the Romish Priest the great Patron of Phanaticism in those days Foxes and Firebrands by Nalson Camdens Ann. Eliz. 1588. and of Heath the Jesuit afterwards with the Principles they acted upon and observes the practices of Hacket Coppinger Arthington and others with the boldness of Barrow Penry and other furious Factors for Puritanism in that age will be easily convinc'd that a well regulated Monarchy can never prosper where such Incendiaries are indulg'd Incendiaries I may well call them for in the Reign of CHARLES the First their seditious Opinions and Practices propagated to their Posterity prevail'd so far as to set Three flourishing Kingdoms in a flame to the ruine of Law Liberty Religion and whatsoever could be dear to Men or Christians The several Plots and Conspiracies the Pretenders to tender Consciences in former days were engag'd in receiv'd their Consummation at last in that great and tragical Rebellion and it was no wonder that Rebellion should follow upon that Doctrine That Princes were accountable for their miscarriages to their own Subjects Dangerous Positions p. 14. That their Subjects in case of their Neglect might reform Religion without and in opposition to them and that the Church of England was then so miserably corrupted both in Doctrine and Discipline that a Reformation was absolutely necessary Doctrines which the Apostles and Primitive Christians were absolutely unacquainted with and which the wisest Men saw no necessity of which Doctrines were all of them confirm'd in that cursed Covenant † The Covenant was receiv'd by Papists with infinite Joy as hoping that now the time was come in which both we and our Successors might be brought to abhor and detest
that Religion whose profest Zealots had been the Authors of such an unsufferable Covenant which could not consist with Monarchy which appear'd to us most evidently by the Advertisements sent up to us by some of our Council of Scotland that the sudden and frequent arrival of Priests and Jesuits from Doway and other Seminaries beyond the Seas was so great in hope of their welcom to us because of this Seditions Covenant c. With Protestants abroad it was receiv'd with most offensive scandal and infinite grief which appear'd to us by advertisement from some of our Public Ministers abroad who certifi'd us that both the Ministers and others of their Consistory at Charenton and of other refom'd Churches in France as also the Professors Ministers and Consistory at Geneva and of other neighbouring reform'd Churches in those Parts were so scandaliz'd with this prodigious Covenant as that they were afraid of nothing more than this That it would bring an indelible Scandal upon the reform'd Churches and alienate the Minds of all the Princes of Christendom from ever entertaining a good thought of their Religion His Majesties Narrative of Scotch Tumults 1683. scandalous to all persons of all Religions and the Effect of such Doctrines laid open to the astonished World Then it was that Indulgence indeed prevail'd and the Papists in those Days with reason enough pleaded for themselves That all Persecution for Religion was clearly repugnant to those Principles of Freedom so often and solemuly declar'd by the Parliament and Army Christ Modern par 2. p. 2.7 and Vniversally receiv'd by all the moderate and well temper'd People in the Nation and then it was propounded to the remnant of the Commons at Westminster That all such as profess Faith in God by Jesus Christ however differing in Judgment from the Doctrine Ess●●'s Watchmens Watch-word p. 8. Worship and Discipline publickly held forth should not be restrain'd from but protected in the profession of their Faith and exercise of their Religion according to their Conscience according to which Proposition all kind of Heresies were to be maintain'd and defended by Public Authority And thus Gods solemn Worship was overturn'd and the Liturgy of the Church of England laid aside about which I may use our Churches words By what undue means and for what mischievous purposes the use of that Liturgy though enjoyn'd by the Laws of the Land Preface to Common Prayer and those Laws unrepeal'd came during the late unhappy Confusions to be discontinued is too well known to the World and we are not willing to remember But when upon his Majesties happy Restauration it seem'd probable that among other things the use of the Liturgy also would return of Course the same having never been legally abolish'd unless some timely means were us'd to prevent it those Men who under the late usurp't Powers had made it a great part of their business to render the People disaffected thereunto saw themselves in point of Reputation and Interest concern'd with their utmost endeavours to hinder its restitution Hence it came that the Pamphlets of former days were seconded by Petitions for Peace Necessity of Reformation c. Our publick Forms of Worship expos'd to contempt with all the Scurrility and Satyrical Virulency imaginable their Books of Prodigies parallel to the Romish Golden Legends stuff'd with Lies prodigious as the Stories related and all printed but to make the Vulgar run mad and all other insinuating Arts were made use of that even the great Council of the Nations might be made Abettors of an Infamous and multiform Faction and those Laws whereby the true Religion is secur'd to us be repeal'd While those Devices have sail'd they have tryed another way and as if the Nation had nothing to fear but Popery they have declaim'd loudly against that and as if the Legal Clergy were too weak to cope with the Goliaths of Rome they forsooth have been very forward to lend their helping Hand where indeed they could only prove as Rabshaketh told Hezekiah the King of Egypt would do A mere staff of a bruised Reed ● Kings 1● 21 on which if a man lean'd it would go into his hand and pierce it or as the Samaritans to the Jews Betrayers not Assistants To prove which in its largest sense I shall only give you the Character of the Presbyterians one principal Party among the Adversaries of the Church of England as by Law establish'd drawn by a Prophet of the Dissenting Tribe Treason says he never walks so secure as under the Cloak of Religion hence it is that the Pope makes use of those Reverend Foxes the Jesuits to disguise and agitate his Affairs But what a misery is it that the Jesuits spued out of other Nations seem to have taken Sanctuary in ours walking up and down with the Garb and Title of Protestant Ministers For the carrying on their Traiterous Designs they have far out-stripp'd the Jesuits both in Practice and Project they have not only tamper'd with mens Consciences in private but they preach open Rebellion and Treason with a full Mouth in the Pulpit they hold Correspondence with the Enemies abroad and with Associates of their own Humour and Faction at home acting their Conspiracies in the form and authority of a Body Politick presuming to Commissionate Agents give out Instructions treat with the Publick Enemy raise Money to carry on the Confederacy to which end they have their private Consults Easts and Contributions which in case of Discovery they say were intended for the Good of the Nation and for Charitable Vses This though written 30 years since looks like the History of Separatists at this time but he adds further The manner of breeding up their Proselites is far more serpentine and subtile than that of the Jesuits for qualifying their Novices For 1. They initiate them with Fastings solemn Vows and Promises Sermons and Sacraments and so all the Ordinances of God are prostituted with the greater Reverence to enchant and bind their Confederates 2. They are instructed in the most refin'd Mysteries of Equivocating and Mental Reservation 3dly They are taught never to Confess when Examin'd or to elude their Confession which Principles being allow'd it 's impossible for any Commonwealth to be secure Mercurius Politicus June 19. 1651. or that Justice can have its Course against Conspirators and Traitors Thus far that Author a Prophet indeed He that shall compare this with Oates's Narrative and The Peaceable Design Renew'd must needs conclude these would be excellent Champions against Popery And whosoever will take the pains to read his late Majesties Narrative of the Scotch Tumults Paragr 1.35 43. and the Scotch Protestation against Marquess Hamilton his Majesties Commissioner will find that is the business of the leading Dissenters not to beat down but to confirm and aggravate the grossest Errors in Popery as I intimated before To confirm which I shall add that Monstrous Position laid down in the forenamed Protestation about
Oaths viz. That the swearer is neither bound to the meaning of him that exacts the Oath nor to his own meaning who takes the Oath but to the reality of the thing sworn as it shall be afterwards at any time explicated by the Competent Judge which Position once granted Annals of King Charles p. 726. it 's impossible for any one to know what he swears to in the most Solemn Oath he takes So unfit are these Persons to be admitted to build with us the Church of God Yet the Dissenters of all Sorts plead their Agreement with us in Religion 'T is often urged by their Agents that their Religion is the same in Substance with ours they receive our Articles own our Doctrines receive Gods Word c. And Colledge the late Protestant Martyr as he is esteem'd by some expresses himself very like the Samaritans in the Text I have been a Lover of the Church of England Tryal of Coll. p. 79. says he and of all the Fundamental Points of Doctrine believ'd in it I own the same God the same Saviour the same Faith the same Gospel But Pleas of this Nature would not serve turn Our Soveraign and the Fathers of our Church could not in prudence admit of such Petitions for Peace as were indeed the loud Alarms to War nor receive those whose hands had been so deep in the Blood of the late Wars to joyn in the Restoring Gods Holy Worship without such an Abjuration of their former Errors as might give the World some reasonable satisfaction which they knew not how to submit to They foresaw their Fanatick Design well enough and that all the World might see it too since our Soveraigns Miraculous Restauration themselves have laid it open enough They have since that Time made it their Business to instil the foremention'd Principles into the Minds of Men and have added others of the same dangerous Nature No Popery no Slavery has been the Common Cry they acting therein like those Subtile Villains who when they have kill'd a Man themselves are the most busie to find out the Murderers Numberless have the Pamphlets Invective against the establish'd Government both in Church and State been The King his Council the Clergy have been continually expos'd to the hatred and scorn of the People and some have ventur'd boldly to charge their Representatives in Parliament to turn all things Vpside-down Vox Pat●iae Addresses to the new chosen Members Colledges Tryal p. 82. Nor have Seditious Satyrs against the present Government sufficed but the late Horrid Rebellion has been justified Plots and Conspiracies for a new Rebellion form'd Presently after the Restauration of his Sacred Majesty before things were sully settled Tong Phillips Stubs Hind Sallers Gibbs all Men pretending to tender Consciences were executed at Tyburn Dec. 22. 62. for no meaner a Design than Cutting off Root and Branch Kings Queens Dukes Bishops all were to go one way That there should be no Running beyond Sea or Parle is there but a Total Destruction of Kings Lords Bishops and Gentry the Plot when effected to be Charged upon the Papists and the People to be excited to rise in Arms under pretence of a Popish Massacre See the Tryals printed 1662. Narr p. last Tryal p. 12. and that by means of a Seditious Letter design'd to be dispers'd in the Country the Copy of which was then produc'd in Court and 't is remarkable that all Interests Fifth-Monarchy-Men Fighting Quakers Anabaptists Independents were easily agreed in this Glorious Attempt and the Grime was confest by them all at the Place of Execution But the Godly Party were not so to be frighted the Year following they were plotting again in the Northern Parts to carry on the same Work their Brethren had fail'd in before of which Treasonable Plot his Majesty tells the two Houses That it was of a large Extent and very near Execution Kings Speech March 21. 1663. 4. had not He by Gods Goodness come to the Knowledge of the principal Contrivers and so secured them from doing their intended Mischief But still the Evil Spirit was not quite laid in the year 1666 the several Parties ventured once more upon a Plot to murther his Majesty Overthrow the Government surprize the Tower kill the Lord General and to Fire the City of London which Plot was to have been executed September the 3d of that year Mony was distributed to the Conspirators and a Council of the Heads settled at London for the management of Affairs for which Hellish Plot Rathbone Saunders Tucker Flint Evans Myles London Gazet Apr. 26. 1666. Wescot and Cole were Arraign'd Condemn'd and Executed And though so many suffer'd one part of the Plot was unhappily effected in that dreadful Conflagration wherein the great Metropolis of the Kingdom was laid in Ashes This disappointed the Devil of Sedition flew into Scotland where in the same Year the Old Covenanters broke out into a Rebellion at Pentland Hills Ravill red p. 3. but were soon happily disperss'd by his Majesties Forces soon after James Mitchel a Covenanting Minister attempted the Assassination of Dr. Sharp the most Reverend Archbishop of St. Andrews and in the attempt mortally wounded the Bishop of Orkney p. 33. for which Fact confest and prov'd he was deservedly Executed Jan. 18. 1677. But the poor Archbishop escap'd not so implacable Fanaticism pursued till he was effectually Murder'd by some of the Crew with the most inexpressible Barbarity May 3. 1679. The same Month a new Rebellion under the Banner of the Covenant broke out at Bothwell Bridge where their Powers were crusht once again from which blow God grant they may never more recover But all these Ill successes have not yet it seems so ram'd our numerous Sectaries and their Favourers but that Religious Treason has once more made its Entry among us The King himself the Duke the great Officers of State the Loyal Magistrates of the City of London all doom'd to Slaughter and the Government both in Church and State to Ruine I may use the Words of his MAJESTY's Declaration in the case Kings Declar. p. ● It 's hard to imagine how men of so different Interests and Opinions could joyn in any Enterprize but it is certain they readily concurr'd in the Resolution of taking Arms to destroy the Government even before they had agreed what to set up in the place of it But the Samaritans in the Text would serve for a Pattern who though Idolaters of very different kinds could all agree in the design to ruine the restor'd Jews Now if we reflect upon those desires of admittance to publick Preaching in the Church of England which being rejected produced these violent effects though they more basely than the Samaritans Courted the meanest of the of the People endeavouring to inveigle them into their Party yet if we remember that the Fathers of our Church had liv'd in a long Banishment from their Charges or under the
made it a Den of Thieves In such cases if God be angry who can wonder If God confound that People who labour to cloud his Glory and to render his Service sordid and nauseous he must then be justified when he speaks though in anger and clear when he is judged That Publick and Solemn Worship of God the Contempt of which has such dreadful effects ought first to be regarded when the Almighty sheaths his Sword again and restores Peace and Prosperity to a People So soon as the Israelites were freed from the Aegyptian Bondage and but yet on their way to the Promis'd Land they were call'd upon by God himself to build a Tabernacle and Ark with all their Furniture before which they might offer their daily Sacrifices David when he fled from Absolom Exod. 25. was careful lest this Ark should suffer by being carry'd with him in his flight Carry it back says he into the City if I shall find favour in the sight of the Lord 2 Sam. 15.25 he will bring me again and shew me both it and his habitation When he return'd indeed he presently was for raising a Temple to the God of Israel his Redeemer and since God permitted him not to build it he provided Treasure for his Son to build it with He prescrib'd the method of Divine Service 1 Chron. Chapters 22 23 24 25 26 27 c. and fixt Orders for its exact performance in that Temple As for the Temple it self where this cost was to be bestow'd and these Orders observ'd David declares The House that is to be builded for the Lord must be exceeding magnifical of fame and of glory throughout all Countries 1 Chron. 22.5 and the Reason he gives is remarkable The work is great 1 Chron. 29.1 for the Palace is not for Man but for the Lord God And this care of David's was so just and ●ffectual that in Hezekiah's time we find the Priests and Levites obeying the past Commands of David using the Instruments of David 2 Chron. 29.25 30. and praising God in the Words of David and he that shall but read profane Story Multa epulenta ibi Regum populorumque visuntur munera quaeque magnificentiâ suâ reddentium vota gratam voluntatem Decrum responsa manifestant Justinus de templo Delphico Lib. 24. c. 8. and see what large Donaria all Countries appropriated to their Sacred Temples upon Dangers escap'd or Victories obtain'd or the Sacred History and view the prodigious Liberalities of David Solomon and the Nobles of Israel to the Temple of God must needs conclude the Service of God was by that means render'd glorious and beautiful the gratitude of Men to God very commendable and that those who left us those great Examples were not all of them either Mad-men or Fools And indeed Men may pretend what they will they 'l never perswade any in their senses to believe them thankful to God for removing Common Judgements who do not repair the decays of Divine Worship and endeavour to restore its pristine exactness and splendor and an Vniform celebration of Gods Praises is the best proof of an agreeing sense of his infinite Goodness And thus the Christians of old in each Distinct respectively were United in the same Forms of Worship and the Vniversal Church Concordant in the same matter and the whole World convinced of the Beauty and Harmony of that Religion whose Professors addrest themselves to God so Vnitedly for Matter and with so little disparity in Words and Methods even that disparity confirming the truth of Christianity the greatness of the true God and the Divinity of the Man Christ Jesus whom though Crucified the Christian World with the greatest fervour and devotion ador'd and invocated 'T is easie to Object That though great thankfulness is really due to God after great Deliverances yet 't is indifferent in what place by what person in what order Gods praise in his Worship is declar'd 'T is true a Man may be heard with Job from a Dunghil with Jonah from the Oceans bottom with Jeremiah from the miry Dungeon or with Daniel from the Lions Den but scarce any wise Man would chuse those places for his Devotions if he were at Liberty And my Groom or Scullion may be heard in their Prayers as soon as I but it would shew little respect to Gods Service should I call them to officiate in the Head of my Family in a Scullery or Stable with their Horse or Kitchen Habiliments about them Days of deliverance are days of Joy and Feasting and the garments of Gladness ought then to be worn and our gratitude to put on the fairest face of Order Loveliness and Beauty those Sins for which we suffer should be forsaken our thankful Resentments of Gods Goodness should be expos'd to the Worlds view and that so that Religion for its deformity may not be made a Scar-crow nor Slovenliness the measure of Divine Worship nor Enthusiasm the Essence of Devotion From the practice of the Samaritans in the Text we may Observe Observ 2. That the Enemies of Religion always apply themselves to hinder the Restauration of Gods Solemn and Publick Worship The Charms of pure and undefil'd Religion and the Worship attending it are terrible and odious to the Prince of Darkness he renders it a Mormo or Bugbear to his wretched Slaves and cannot endure its allurements should reach the Souls of thinking persons and therefore as by his Wiles and Policies he endeavours to put a slur upon Piety to render it ugly and ridiculous in the sight of Men that so it may crouch to growing Impieties So when men formerly mad after Sin begin to return to their almost lost Wits again he tries all ways to hinder the good Effects of Repentance that so profest Penitents may return with the Dog to his Vomit and with the Sow that is wash'd to her wallowing in the mire That Sin should abound and that Vengeance should once more deluge the World is his aim and therefore he studies to obstruct whatsoever tends to Reformation in those things that are really amiss Whatsoever mischief the Devil designs his busie Agents here on Earth who think scorn to be damn'd alone carry on with the greatest vigour and labour to engage all whom possibly they can pervert into the same Service so the People of Israel of old when God had scourg'd them frequently for their Sins and by his punishments reduced them to Reason though their Vows and Resolutions were never so many of reforming themselves to the Pattern God had prescrib'd them their Resolutions all vanish'd into Air and easie Temptations drew them to dangerous relapses as we read in the Book of Judges Manasseh King of Judah was eminent in wickedness as his Father Hezekiah had been in piety He did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord like to the Abominations of the Heathen whom the Lord had cast out before the Children of Israel
nay he made Judah and all the Inhabitants of Jerusalem to erre worse than the Heathen whom the Lord had destroy'd for which God deliver'd him a Captive to the King of Babylon where when he humbled himself God was entreated of him and return'd him to his Kingdom This Mercy made him know that the Lord only was God but though he endeavour'd afterwards in Gratitude to his Deliverer to clear Gods Temple to repair his Altar and to reduce the Temple Service to its Ancient Glory it was but in vain His Son the Heir of his Crown the Witness of his Repentance and the Reasons of it was upon his Death too easily seduced and instead of perfecting the good work begun by his Father he only outstript him in Sin He sacrificed to all the Carv'd Images which Manasses in his folly had made 2. Chron. 23.2 9 13 16 22. but humbled not himself as Manasses had done but trespassed more and more If we examine the Case of these return'd Exiles we shall see that notwithstanding Gods and the Kings Favour to them the excellent Examples of Zerubbabel Jeshua Nehemiah and the other Chiefs and the Divine Excitatives of Haggai and Zechariah notwithstanding the forward Zeal they shew'd at first to repair the sacred Ruins of the Temple they were so unhappy that even some of their own Nobles for whom as well as the rest God had done such great things held Correspondence with the Enemies of their Church ●●hem 5.17 18 19. to the notorious hazard of their Religion but when all these obstacles were past over when the House of God was built the Ancient forms of Worship were reestablish'd and their compleat Joy outwardly exprest by that Care for that the Lord had made them joyful E●●● 16 〈…〉 22. and turn'd the Heart of the King of Assyria to them to strengthen their hands in the work of the House of God the God of Israel But alas Wickedness too too soon prevail'd again and the prophaness and contempt of Gods Service grew intolerable on which account God made the Kings of Syria their Scourge that Temple their Pride and Glory was defil'd by their Enemies as it had been by themselves and Judas Maccabeus once more compell'd to a Reformation but still Wicked men were busie and active And when our Saviour came into the World to rectifie the Errors of mistaken Mankind the opposition he found was so strong as seem'd and was indeed to Humane powers irremediable And Lastly Let us view those Laws and Rules prescrib'd by the Apostles themselves for the settling Vnity and Vniformity in the Church of Christ and we shall see so many Schisms and Heresies rais'd by the Devil and wicked Men to pervert and disannul them that nothing less than an Omnipotent Power could have preserv'd them to this day And yet that due and regular Veneration of the Divine Majesty is so naturally fixt in the minds of Men that the most resolv'd Enemies of Goodness are frequently balkt themselves and downright Opposition to Publick Solemn and Decent Worship oft-times disgusts both themselves and others Hell in this case drives them to the other Extream and makes them overdo what God and the Circumstances of his Publick Worship require as if there could be no Mean between the sluttery and nastiness of a Common prostitute and the garish Extravagance of a gentile Harlot And thus did Ill Men prevail formerly upon the Jewish Church and taught them by this means to preach for Doctrines the Commandments of Men and thus the Christian Worship in the Church of Rome was perverted where so many things not only unnecessary but inconvenient not only superfluous but ridiculous have been introduc'd that Paganism in its greatest Wildness could not outvy them and by this means the very Substance of true Sacred Worship has been expos'd to contempt and some have been so far bewitcht with an empty shew as to rest in that without examining the real weight of things These have been the sad Effects of that Opposition which the Enemies of Piety have made to the resettling Gods Worship in a Publick solemn Way and that they should not always study for and effect thus much there can be no reason given but from the infinite Divisions among these very Adversaries themselves from whence 't is hop'd that according to our Saviours expression the Kingdom of Satan divided against it self cannot stand Matt. 12.26 'T is true were Piety once totally banish'd the World those intestine Feuds among the Slaves of Hell would soon grow irreconcileable Sin would make them like those who sprung from the Dragons Teeth sown by Cadmus to draw their Swords in an immmediate War till they had ruin'd one another But alas the Case is nothing so happy here while God has any Servants though their Quarrels are never so great among themselves they unite but too too close in persecuting and afflicting them So these Samaritans though of so many different Countries and engag'd in such disagreeing Idolatries yet could all joyn to hinder the building the Temple of the true God for though wicked Men of all kinds are at never so great a distance among themselves yet Truth being equally an Enemy to them all it moves their Hatred so much against it self that other Di●gusts and Broyls are soon forgotten Matth. 16.1 Ch. 22.16 So the Pharisees Sadduces and Herodians labour'd at all times to undermine each other but readily combin'd together to destroy our Saviour The more vigorous and bright Truth 's Lustre is the more violent will the assaults of its Opposers be So it prov'd in the Primitive Church many and absurd Haeresies sprung up in it the Breaches between the different Hereticks were irreparable and yet they liv'd almost in a constant Conspiracy against the true Catholick Church of Christ and he that examines Church History will find that when Peace gave the greatest Ornaments to Christianity the Mushroom Heresies and Schisms grew up the fastest as on the contrary when Religion grew indifferent and the Professors of it Luke-warm Hereticks and Schismaticks seem'd to lay down their Weapons as if Hell had then no more employment for them But when those who ador'd the true God to maintain his Honour judg'd no Cost too great to adorn his Temples and the Devil found it impossible to eradicate that Principle out of Mens minds which taught them to do so he try'd another way and resolv'd himself not to be inferior to his Soveraign no Temples should be rais'd more magnificent no Vtensils more costly no Sacrifices more expensive to the Supream Deity than those he assum'd to himself and the worst of Men in this respect seem'd aemulous of their Bounty who expended most for the Ornature of a Christian Oratory a thing which observ'd but not well understood by many made them afraid of even a decent Beauty and Magnificence in the House of God as if approaching too near Paganism or Superstition as if because some Heathen
Tyrants had formerly asserted to themselves Divine Honours therefore now no Honour at all ought to be given to Christian Kings and Princes or as if because some Vsurper formerly had liv'd in a Royal Palace therefore a Lawful Prince must settle his Throne no higher than a Dunghil But he who truly loves God will reverence his Sanctuary and he who loves a neat Service and Attendance in his own House will never endure meanness or slovenliness in the House of God and he who can be content to dwell himself in cieled Palaces will not be willing the Ark of God should remain among Curtains whilst the Samaritan strives to overthrow it and when once overthrown to keep it down That the Enemies of Religion find no surer way of obstructing the grateful Restauration of Gods Service Obser 3. than an Hypocritical Pretence to joyn in the Work The Devil is never so truly Dreadful as when he puts on the Shape of an Angel of Light otherwise every one stands upon his Guard but then the Subtile Serpent insinuates himself into the Bosoms of those who least suspect his Poysonous Nature And wicked Men can never possibly do such mischief as when they put on the Visor of Piety the Servants of God avoid them when they appear like themselves but when the Sheeps Clothing has invested the Wolf even He may pass for a very Innocent Creature This therefore is the last Result of Hellish Policy That roaring Lion who walks about continually seeking whom he may devour makes use frequently of the Foxes the little Foxes to ruine Gods Church to that end the Samaritans here desire to build Gods Temple with the Jews they declare their Reverence to the same God their offering the same Sacrifices a very fair Conformity as they pretend and which undoubredly in a short time would have purchas'd for them the Title of The Church of the Jews It is not to be question'd but that the acknowledgment of the True God and the offering due Sacrifices to him as God is the main Foundation of true Religion but a bare Foundation without a Superstructure is of no worth for upon these Principles plainly and evidently depend a great Number of other things which if not observ'd prove that the Foundation was never truly own'd For if a Man believe indeed that there is a God and by offering Sacrifices acknowledges there is a Duty owing to that God nothing can be commanded by that God nothing forbidd●n but the Man if he hopes for Salvation must sincerely and to the utmost of his Power obey it in which point the Samaritans fail'd foully St. Pauls words were true of them Rom. 1.21 When they knew God they glorified him not as God but became vain in their Imaginations and their foolish Heart was darkned they fear'd God but worshipp'd their own graven Images Upon account of which though it be said that they fear'd the Lord 2 Kings 17.33 Ver. 34. yet 't is asserted again Vnto this day they do after the former manners they fear not the Lord neither do they after their Statutes or after their Ordinances or after the Law and Commandments which the Lord commanded the Children of Jacob inferring plainly the same from their Practice which I would do that though for fear they acknowledg'd God yet so long as they obey'd not the Injunctions of that God their Profession was but False and Vain And it 's to be noted That all the Commands of God must be punctually obey'd Smiths disc p 346. Men may not cull out this or another according to their own Fancies and as the Jews themselves have practised since the Rule being infallibly Authentick That whosoever shall keep the whole Law and yet offend in one point Jam. 2.10 he is guilty of All the Reason is because he breaks that very Foundation he builds upon the Confession of a God and our Duty to him The Apostle makes the Inference For he that said Do not commit Adultery said also Ver. 11. do not Kill now if thou commit no Adultery yet if thou Kill thou art become a Transgressor of the Law So then if any man pretend out of a sense of his Duty to God to do one or more things and yet minds not some other things which God has commanded as well as those his whole Obedience is nothing and his whole pretence a Lye he really with the Fool says in his Heart Psal 53.1 there is no God Nor will Cavils or Excuses be admitted here or the Obscurity of our Duty in any Part be a sufficient Plea for every Christian is bound as far as possible to enquire into the Word of God as left written for his Instruction and to do of himself what he finds exprest as his Duty there and further I 'le grant him that where there is no Law there can be no Transgression where men cannot know of any more to be done by them they shall not be condemn'd for not doing more But since God has appointed persons lawfully call'd to study the Scriptures and to instruct the People in his Church what those Persons so appointed learn and deduce truly from Scripture is to be attended to and whereas all Divine Commands have a certain Connexion one with another so that there can be no clashing or contradiction between them though such things be not in terminis commanded yet if they be found so concordant to the explicit and plain Rules such things are to be Vniversally submitted to and obey'd And hence it was that since among the Jews the Priests Lips were to preserve knowledge Mal. 2.7 Deut. 17.8 13. and the People were to address thems●lves to them for information in the more doubtful parts of their Duties These Samaritans were to have apply'd themselves to those Priests and to have conform'd in all things to their Prescriptions if they intended really to become Partners with them in one Common Church Society And 't is Folly to believe that God gave greater Power or Priviledges in these Cases to the Jewish than to the Christian Teachers for whereas among the Jews the Prince and the Priest were joyn'd together in the Maintenance of Gods True Religion so wheresoever the Prince and People profess Christianity their Work is the same the Prince defends and with the Priest declares the true Catholick Faith And upon this account it is that the Burthen that lyes upon the Teachers of the Church is the greater where the Preacher delivers apparent Falsehoods and the People are seduced by him the Fault is divided between the Instructor and the Instructed it being his work to preach the Truth sincerely and the Peoples to search the Scriptures daily to see whether these things be so but in Obscurer cases if the people be seduced 't is wholly their Teachers Fault he being more knowing than they and being bound not to teach others at random but what he knows certainly and necessarily true and for such Errors not
terrifie the builders of Gods Church thus Religion it self is by degrees destroy'd and the designs and endeavours of Gods most faithful Servants frustrated These Enemies of Truth know well that fear is a betrayer of all Counsels and makes men unfit for any work the Samaritans try'd the Experiment Nehemiah was told concerning them Nehem. 4.12 From all places whence ye shall return to us They will be upon you They set a Prophet to perswade Nehemiah to fly into the Temple for his security whose fear would have discouraged all the rest and plied him with Ill news and scandalous stories He gives the reason of their acting thus For they All made us afraid saying Nehem. 6.9 Their hands shall be weakned from the work that it be not done Were but Men so good as they should be the Artifices of Gods Enemies could not have such mischievous effects upon them they would not be afraid of any evil Tidings Psal 102.7 their hearts standing fast in the Lord. This great defect makes every Idle rumor every vain fancy terrible so that the most steady the most deliberate and rational Methods of Honouring God may by malicious Men be traduced and they by careless persons believ'd and so those come to be charged with Innovating Humors who above all oppose Innovations and those who cannot relinquish that Religion they have taken up upon infallible grounds are stil'd Apostates Fear representing every object contrary to what indeed it is and bringing us within danger of their Curse who call evil good and good evil 't is counted Madness for a man to kill himself for fear of dying such a Madness those fall into who lose their Religion for fear of losing it who are sollicitous about it till they forget what it really consists in and then engage in endless quarrels about Circumstances as if the Shadow were of any value when the Body or when the solid Substance is gone Those Men yet who are pure Politicians who aim at their own profit or grandure without respect to Religion or the Honour of God prove excellent Instruments to carry on their designs who study to disturb Gods Church If those Enemies be few and inconsiderable they may perhaps let them alone but if they be many and persons of Interest or Wealth the appearing in the head of them and whispering stories on their behalf in the Ears of Princes engages the whole Party on their side who trouble not themselves so much about Faith as about Practice and therefore believe the greatest Atheist that is but on their side to be a Child of Light though walking in Darkness And indeed the only certain means for Capital Debauchees to get any Reputation for goodness is to close with disaffected and malicious Hypocrites which if many persons are not in a very gross Error does like that true Christian Charity recommended to us by the Apostle Jam. 5.20 cover a multitude of Sins And 't is remarkable that when Princes out of Zeal for Religion make the best provision for its defence that Humane Providence can reach to some are so curiously subtile as to endeavour at least to make their Laws like Spiders Webs so tender that every daring Spirit may without danger break through them and sometimes they try to turn their edge from those they were design'd against to those in whose favour they were made and many more Devices are daily found out to the terror of Well-doers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hesiod● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 lib. 1. but to the praise of them that do evil such shall never want employment for those who when they are angry at Heaven would go to Hell it self to prosecute their Revenge will never miss any help they can find on Earth But while wicked Men enraged at their disappointments turn every way to work mischief they fall upon the Poets Truth † They draw the greatest mischiefs upon their own heads by their own contrivances and ruine themselves with their own Arts for those who move in an higher Sphere though wicked as themselves regard their Faction but as Steps to mount by which may afterwards be burnt and therefore those Leaders thrust them upon all desperate Actions till from Malice Murmuring and Sedition they rise to Riots and Rebellions trying so to wrest that by force out of the hands of their Superiors which by subtile Flatteries they cannot attain to wherein if they succeed though they make themselves perfect Slaves by the bargain yet the Church the great Object of their Spleen must be sure to suffer and while their Leaders triumph the Temples building must cease and Jerusalem continue but an heap of Stones Having laid down these Observations Applic. I shall at last for Application shew the unhappy Parallelism between the Jewish and the English Church in respect of the Practices of the Samaritans against theirs of the Dissenters of all sorts against our Peace and the Restauration of Gods ancient solemn and publick Worship among us To this end Let us look back to the first Reformation of Religion in this Kingdom when it was laid for a sure foundation That we should forsake the Church of Rome only so far as that had forsaken the Rule of Gods Word And it 's notoriously evident That whosoever out of one pretence or other should go further must instead of opposing real Popery close with it running himself upon the same Crime of bidding defiance to and superseding the Gospel of Jesus Christ When God of his infinite mercy was pleas'd after that long and dismal Night of Popish Ignorance and Superstition to give us a Prince who favour'd the pure and undisguis'd Truth those whose Hearts God had touch'd set earnestly upon that great work of Gratitude the restoring Gods sacred Temple or the settling God Worship within these Kingdoms not according to the Pattern of other Reformers but that of the truly Ancient Catholick and Apostolick Church of Christ which they had a greater advantage of doing than others for that the lawful Supream Authority of the Kingdom concur'd with and encouraged them in their endeavours And they proceeded in their work with such care that Dr. Taylor a Martyr in Queen Maries days declares of the Church Service as then reform'd that it was so fully perfected according to the Rules of our Christian Religion in every behalf Acts and Men Tom. 3. p. 131. that no Christian Conscience could be offended with any thing contain'd therein When a new Cloud of Popery rais'd by a bigot Queen was by Gods goodness dispell'd and Queen Elizabeth peaceably settled upon the Throne the Purification of Divine Worship from those foul Accretions which had fasten'd on it in her Sisters days was one of the first things they set upon and whereas K. Edward 's Act of Vniformity had been by Q. Mary repeal'd to the great decay of the true Honour of God Act of Uniformity 1 Eliz. and discomfort to the Professors of the